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NON-TAX Revenue Directorate – Directorate General of Budget
Fuel Subsidy Policy

Ensure the availability of fuel for domestic use
Reduce the subsidy amount to lessen the
 burden for state finance by:
 Adjusting the domestic retail price for fuel per 24 May
  2008 close to administered price based on Minister of
  Energy and Mineral Resources Num.16/2008
 Reduce the type of subsidized Fuel from 5 type in 2005
  into 3 type only i.e.: diesel oil, kerosene and gasoline
  while Minyak Diesel and Minyak Bakar is adjusted with
  market price
Fuel Subsidy Policy.. continued
Limitation of subsidized user:
   Households
   Small-size Industries
   Traditional Fisheries
   Public Transportations
   Public Services
Continuing Energy conversion, from Gasoline to LPG
Distribution of subsidized fuel through closed system and
Energy Sources Diversification i.e: gas, coal, geothermal,
 water and fuel from plants
Distribution Cost Efficiency through reduction of alpha
Determine the Subsidy Cost

1.   Cost and Fee
2.   Public Service Obligation

1.       Net Revenue from Petroleum
     •      Is the positive difference from net fuel sales less fuel cost
     •      (Petrol Sales – Petrol Production Cost) > 0

2.       Fuel Subsidy
     •      Is the negative difference from net fuel sales les fuel cost
     •       (Petrol Sales – Petrol Production Cost) < 0
AND FEE …….continued
Main Component of Fuel Cost and Sales
 I. Cost of Fuel Supply and Product
     1. Crude oil Pro-rate PERTAMINA and Contractor
     2. Crude oil inkind PERTAMINA and Contractor
     3. Purchase of Crude oil and gas
     4. Purchase of Product
     5. Variation of Crude oil and product stock
     6. (Reducing Factors) - Non Fuel
 II. Operating Cost
     1. Refinery
     2. Distribution
     3. Marine Transportation
     4. Interest
     5. General:Head Office
     6. Depreciation
 III. Sales and Self usage of Fuel
 IV. Fuel Subsidy and or Fuel Net Income
                                                                             BIAYA BBM
                HASIL PENJUALAN
                 HASIL PENJUALAN         BIAYA OPERASI                                           BIAYA PENYEDIAAN MINYAK MENTAH DAN PRODUK
                 (VOL X HARGA)
                   (VOL X HARGA)
                                                          BIAYA                                MINYAK MENTAH                  KONTRAKTOR
                                                     PENGOLAHAN                                      PRORATA                   PERTAMINA

                                                                                               MINYAK MENTAH
  PREMIUM                     M. TANAH                                                               INKIND                   KONTRAKTOR

                                                                                         PEMB. M. MENTAH
  M. DIESEL                   M. SOLAR
                                                    ANGKUTAN LAUT                        •IMPOR                                                 LBM /
                                                          BIAYA                          •DALAM NEGERI
                                                                                                                                             (SUBSIDI) BBM


                                                          BIAYA                          PEMB. PRODUK

                                                     KANTOR PUSAT                        •   IMPOR
                                                                                         •   DALAM NEGERI




                                                                        STOCK VARIANCE

                                                                                                           Subsidy Calculation
                               PPN       PBBKB


                                                                      NILAI PRODUK SURPLUS
                                                                                                           Cost and Fee Scheme
Determine the Subsidy Cost, based on
Public Service Obligation Scheme
Based on the conclusion made in Budget Comitte’s High
Level Meeting with Minister of Finance and Bank Indonesia
concerning State Budget Proposal and Financial Note for
2006, it is agreed that Start from Fiscal Year 2006, subsidy
cost determined by new scheme, to replace the previous
cost + fee scheme (based on agreement between
government and parliament, Oct 2005)

The new formula, introduced since FY 2006

[(Fuel Retail Price - Tax) – Fuel Benchmark Price] x
Projection Consumption Volume
Determine the Subsidy Cost, based on Public

                         Service Obligation Scheme
Note :

•        Fuel Retail Price is Domestic Retail Price per litre

•        Tax includes VAT Motor-Vehicle Tax

•        Benchmark Price is Price calculated based on MOPS plus Distribution Cost and Margin

     •        Benchmark = MOPS + alpha

     •        Alpha = distribution cost + margin

•        MOPS = Mid Oil Platt’s Singapore, Singapore oil fuel market price
Parameters in Calculating Fuel
Subsidy Within PSO Scheme
1. ICP = Estimation of Indonesian Crude Oil Price
2. Projection of Exchange Rate
3. Projection the type and the volume certain fuel
   product to be subsidized
4. Retail Price for Certain type of Fuel Product
5. α (alpha) = Distribution Cost and Margin
6. Projection of MOPS change/delta
               Berdasarkan koordinasi
                                                                                           BPH Migas

                                                                                                                                                                             KOMISI XI
                                                                                                                                                 Bank Indonesia
                                                                                                                                                                        +      DPR-RI

                                                +                    KOMISI VII DPR-RI
                                DESDM                                                                                                            Bappenas

                 Perkiraan volume BBM yang disubsidi
                                                                                                                                               Nilai tukar (kisaran)
                 Jenis BBM yang disubsidi

                 Perkiraan Volume LPG atau setara volume minyak tanah yang disubstitusi

                  ke LPG

                                                                                                                                                                            SUBSIDI BBM
                  Harga Minyak Mentah (kisaran)
                                                                                                                                       Panitia Anggaran
                                                                                                                    Pemerintah     +

1.       Penetapan :

     a. Volume dan jenis BBM yang disubsidi serta volume minyak tanah yang disubstitusi ke LPG

     b. Harga Minyak Mentah (kisaran)

     c. Nilai tukar (kisaran)

2.       Besaran alpha BBM (biaya distribusi dan margin) dibahas dalam Panja  DESDM yang menyampaikan presentasi

3.       Berdasarkan angka 1 dan 2, Departemen ESDM dan Departemen Keuangan membuat perhitungan besarnya perhitungan subsidi BBM

                                                                                                             Harga Jual Eceran BBM   Transportasi, Pelayanan
                                                                      Harga Patokan
                                                                                                                                     Umum, Usaha Kecil dan
                                                                             Alpha   (biaya distribusi dan
                                                              MOPS                                                                   Usaha Perikanan
                                                                         +            margin)

                                                            Premium                                             Premium

                Delta MOPS                                                                                                           Rumah Tangga dan Usaha

 ICP                                                      Minyak Tanah                                       Minyak Tanah            Kecil

                                                                                                                                     Transportasi dan

                           Biaya                                                                                                     Pelayanan UmumUsaha
                                                          Minyak Solar                                        Minyak Solar
                        pengolahan                                                                                                   Kecil dan Usaha

CRUDE                    di kilang

   Antara lain : biaya tenaga kerja, depresiasi, bunga,

   asuransi, biaya pengangkutan

                                                                                     Product                                                 Konsumen

                                                        Harga Jual BBM Lama                               Harga Jual BBM Baru
              Jenis BBM                                 (Sesuai Perpres No.                           (Sesuai Permen ESDM No.
                                                       55/2005 jo Perpres No.                                  16/2008)
1. Premium *)                                                             4.500                                           6.000

2. Minyak Tanah **)                                                                     2.000                             2.500

3. Minyak Solar *)                                                                      4.300                             5.500

*) Termasuk Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) dan Pajak Bahan Bakar Kendaraan Bermotor (PBBKB) **) Termasuk PPN

                                                                 Berlaku sejak tanggal 24 Mei 2008 Pukul

                                                                                             00.00 wib.

 No.                     Keterangan                                               2008                                        2009
                                                             APBN                 APBN-P                Proyeksi            Skenario
        Parameter :
        a. Harga MM Indonesia (US$/bbl)                             60,00                  95,00             110,00                  120,00
        b. Nilai Tukar (Rp./US$1)                                9.100,00               9.100,00           9.000,00                9.100,00
        c. Volume BBM (KL)                                     35.836.525             35.537.746         35.696.631              38.854.448
           - Premium                                           16.950.000             16.976.292         16.470.000              20.444.354
           - Minyak Tanah (Kerosene)                            7.886.525              7.561.454          8.526.631               5.804.911
           - Minyak Solar                                      11.000.000             11.000.000         10.700.000              12.605.183

        d. Vol. Mitan yg disubstitusi ke LPG (kg)         286.920.188            1.600.000.000
          (setara dengan KL)                                    2.013.475              2.013.475            503.369                4.000.000
        e. Alpha BBM (%)                                    13,50%                 9,00%                 9,00%         9.00 (fixed US$100)
        (dalam Rp. Miliar)
  1.    Subsidi BBM                                            (17.478,31)           (114.646,65)       (126.539,07)            (133.942,75)
        a. Premium                                              (3.267,80)            (44.048,54)        (44.238,67)             (56.159,28)
        b. Minyak Tanah (Kerosene)                             (10.049,07)            (37.949,12)        (47.777,51)             (34.950,13)
        c. Minyak Solar                                         (4.161,44)            (32.649,00)        (34.522,89)             (42.833,34)
  2.    Subsidi LPG                                             (3.721,44)              (9.565,27)        (2.991,54)             (19.285,16)
  3.    Subsidi BBM dan LPG (1+2)                              (21.199,75)           (124.211,92)       (129.530,61)            (153.227,91)

  4.    Kekurangan TA 2007
        a. Premium                                                      -                 (689,71)          (689,71)                (689,71)
        b. Minyak Tanah (Kerosene)                                      -                 (742,44)          (742,44)                (742,43)
        c. Minyak Solar                                                 -               (1.022,15)        (1.022,15)              (1.022,15)
        d. Sub Jumlah (a+b+c)                                           -               (2.454,30)        (2.454,30)              (2.454,29)
        e. LPG                                                          -                 (149,93)          (149,93)                      -
        f. Jumlah (d+e)                                                 -               (2.604,23)        (2.604,23)              (2.454,29)
  5.    Jumlah (3+4)                                           (21.199,75)           (126.816,15)       (132.134,84)            (155.682,20)

Catatan :
1. Delta MOPS adalah periode Januari s.d Desember 2007.
2. Kekurangan subsidi BBM dan LPG TA 2007 secara keseluruhan berjumlah Rp5.058,53 miliar (unaudited).
3. H arg a jual B B M s ebag ai berikut :              1 J an-23 Mei 2008  24 Mei s .d s ekarang
   - P remium                                                     4.500,00               6.000,00
   - Minyak T anah                                                2.000,00               2.500,00
   - Minyak S olar                                                4.300,00               5.500,00

No.              Keterangan                                 2003                                      2004                                         2005
                                              APBN         APBN-P         Audit         APBN         APBN-P        Audit       APBN       APBN-P I    APBN-P II      Audit

      Perhitungan Subsidi BBM
      (dalam Rp. Miliar)
 1.   Hasil Penjualan Bersih                 76.783,69 76.719,57 76.807,08              78.121,10     78.058,40 84.149,50 79.278,93       98.986,93                139.085,44
 2.   Jumlah Biaya Pokok BBM                 89.993,74 101.231,68 107.673,40            92.648,24    141.141,30 160.923,79 98.279,35 175.501,85                    243.862,41
 3.   Jumlah (Subsidi BBM)/LBM (1-2)        (13.210,06) (24.512,11) (30.866,33)        (14.527,14)   (63.082,90) (76.774,29) (19.000,42) (76.514,92) 89,194.00 *) (104.776,97)

      Parameter :
 1.   Volume penjualan BBM (ribu KL)
      a. Premium                             13.956,86     13.916,94     14.581,54     14.470,91      15.056,00   16.452,58   15.173,45   17.207,22     17.207,22   17.515,25
      b. Kerosene                            11.841,72     11.750,48     11.800,49     11.577,02      11.594,00   11.936,20   10.503,13   10.476,88     10.476,88   11.403,84
      c. Minyak Solar                        25.612,20     24.508,90     24.118,66     25.396,40      25.274,00   27.468,06   26.296,18   26.373,36     26.373,36   27.896,44
      d. Minyak Diesel                        1.645,51      1.467,24      1.271,55      1.395,79       1.345,00    1.222,95    1.296,71      736,63        736,63    1.000,07
      e. Minyak Bakar                         7.256,02      6.936,35      6.404,57      7.300,00       6.365,00    6.036,31    6.364,87    4.840,28      4.840,28    5.202,13
      f. Jumlah                              60.312,31     58.579,90     58.176,82     60.140,12      59.634,00   63.116,10   59.634,34   59.634,37     59.634,37   63.017,73
 2.   Harga MM Indonesia/ICP (US$/bbl)           22,00           27,50      28,77          22,00         36,00       37,58       24,00        45,00        56,58        53,40
 3.   Nilai Tukar Rp per US$1                    9.000           8.500      8.551 a)       8.600         8.900       8.891       8.600        9.300        9.800        9.662
                                                                            8.424 b)
Catatan :
a) Nilai tukar untuk tanggal 1 Januari s.d 16 September 2003
b) Nilai tukar untuk tanggal 17 September s.d 31 Desember 2003
Hasil audit exclude koreksi tahun lalu.

No.           Keterangan                                         2006                                                                 2007                                                  2008
                                      APBN         APBN-P         Real. Pembyr.       Audit         APBN         APBN-P         Revisi      Real. Pembyr. s.d      Perk. Real.     APBN            APBN-P
                                                                   (Unaudited)                                                   Pagu      25 Des (unaudited)     (Unaudited)

A.    Subsidi BBM
      a. Premium                      (9.333,43)   (20.966,37)        (19.759,07)   (12.014,93)    (14.528,34)   (13.131,18)   (26.384,74)         (25.287,12)       (26.666,54)    (7.868,52)      (44.738,25)
      b. Minyak Tanah                (29.939,38)   (29.984,75)        (31.578,69)   (34.084,49)    (31.209,30)   (31.745,14)   (40.509,86)         (39.450,17)       (40.935,04)   (24.197,11)      (38.691,55)
      c. Minyak Solar                (15.002,87)   (13.260,96)        (12.874,32)   (13.403,42)    (14.278,91)   (10.163,89)   (21.179,73)         (19.055,03)       (21.099,33)   (10.020,30)      (33.671,15)
      d. Jumlah (a+b+c)              (54.275,67)   (64.212,08)        (64.212,08)   (59.502,84)    (60.016,55)   (55.040,21)   (88.074,33)         (83.792,32)       (88.700,91)   (42.085,93)     (117.100,95)

B.    Subsidi LPG                                                                                   (1.821,35)     (564,04)       (125,91)                -             (149,93)    (3.721,44)       (9.715,21)

C. Jumlah (A+B)                      (54.275,67) (64.212,08)          (64.212,08) (59.502,84)      (61.837,90)   (55.604,25)   (88.200,24)         (83.792,32)       (88.850,84)   (45.807,37)     (126.816,15)

      Parameter :
1.    Vol. penjualan BBM (ribu KL)
      a. Premium                        17.080        17.000             16.770        16.807         17.000        16.582        17.645               17.599           17.930        16.950           16.976
      b. Kerosene                       10.000         9.900             10.014         9.959          8.912         9.591         9.787                9.689            9.852         7.887            7.561
      c. Minyak Solar                   14.498        11.000             11.037        10.667         11.000         9.858        10.812               10.150           10.884        11.000           11.000
      d. Minyak Diesel
      e. Minyak Bakar
      f. Jumlah                         41.578        37.900             37.821        37.433         36.912        36.031        38.244               37.437           38.665        35.837           35.538
2.    Vol. Mitan ke LPG (kg)                                                                      567.767.000 181.274.250      20.638.836                     -     21.498.189
      setara dengan ribu KL                                                                               988         319              36                     -             38     2.013.475     2.013.475

3.    ICP (US$/bbl)                      57,00         64,00              63,80         64,26          63,00         60,00         72,59                72,31            72,31         60,00            95,00
4.    Nilai Tukar Rp per US$1            9.900         9.300              9.123         9.119          9.300         9.050         9.125                9.093            9.094         9.100            9.100

120.000                                                                                                                         70.000










      -                                                                                                                         -
          2003                     2004            2005                   2006            2007 *)                    2008 *)

                 Nilai Subsidi APBN (Rp. Miliar)   Nilai Subsidi APBN-P (Rp. Miliar)   Nilai Subsidi Hasil Audit (Rp. Miliar)
                 Volume BBM APBN (ribu KL)         Volume BBM APBN-P (ribu KL)         Volume BBM Hasil Audit (ribu KL)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (Rp. Miliar)
No. Keterangan                                                        2010                                                          2011                                                         2012

      Subsidi BBM
 1.   Premium                                 (45.724,39)    (47.448,58)      (58.245,28)    (60.105,57)    (47.574,04)    (49.367,98)      (60.601,43)    (62.536,97)    (48.525,52)    (50.355,34)     (61.813,46)    (63.787,71)
 2.   Minyak Tanah                            (22.990,93)    (23.339,18)      (25.294,62)    (25.667,92)    (13.421,82)    (13.625,13)      (14.766,69)    (14.984,62)     (4.173,05)     (4.236,26)      (4.591,19)     (4.658,95)
 3.   Minyak Solar                            (42.562,80)    (43.720,04)      (50.293,98)    (51.535,25)    (44.265,31)    (45.468,83)      (52.305,74)    (53.596,66)    (46.921,23)    (48.196,97)     (55.444,08)    (56.812,46)
 4.   Jumlah (1+2+3)                         (111.278,12)   (114.507,80)     (133.833,89)   (137.308,74)   (105.261,17)   (108.461,94)     (127.673,86)   (131.118,25)    (99.619,80)   (102.788,57)    (121.848,74)   (125.259,12)

 5. Subsidi LPG Tabung 3 Kg                   (21.710,45)    (22.021,29)      (25.055,92)    (25.403,12)    (27.917,95)    (28.317,67)      (32.219,96)    (32.666,44)    (34.125,45)    (34.614,04)     (39.384,01)    (39.929,75)

 6. Jumlah (4+5)                             (132.988,57)   (136.529,09)     (158.889,81)   (162.711,86)   (133.179,13)   (136.779,61)     (159.893,82)   (163.784,68)   (133.745,26)   (137.402,61)    (161.232,74)   (165.188,87)

 7. Kekurangan Tahun 2009                      (1.500,00)     (1.500,00)       (1.500,00)     (1.500,00)

 8. Jumlah (6+7)                             (134.488,57)   (138.029,09)     (160.389,81)   (164.211,86)   (133.179,13)   (136.779,61)     (159.893,82)   (163.784,68)   (133.745,26)   (137.402,61)    (161.232,74)   (165.188,87)

Parameter :
a. Harga MM Indonesia (US$/bbl)                   110,00        110,00           120,00         120,00         110,00         110,00           120,00         120,00         110,00         110,00          120,00         120,00
b. Nilai Tukar (Rp./US$1)                          9.200         9.300            9.200          9.300          9.200          9.300            9.200          9.300          9.200          9.300           9.200          9.300
c. Volume BBM (KL)                            38.982.255    38.982.255       38.982.255     38.982.255     38.734.972     38.734.972       38.734.972     38.734.972     38.417.395     38.417.395      38.417.395     38.417.395
   - Premium                                  21.639.372    21.639.372       21.639.372     21.639.372     22.514.733     22.514.733       22.514.733     22.514.733     22.965.028     22.965.028      22.965.028     22.965.028
   - Minyak Tanah (Kerosene)                   3.981.389     3.981.389        3.981.389      3.981.389      2.324.286      2.324.286        2.324.286      2.324.286        722.656        722.656         722.656        722.656
   - Minyak Solar                             13.361.494    13.361.494       13.361.494     13.361.494     13.895.953     13.895.953       13.895.953     13.895.953     14.729.711     14.729.711      14.729.711     14.729.711
d. Vol. Mitan yg disubstitusi ke LPG (kg)   2.240.652.000 2.240.652.000 2.240.652.000 2.240.652.000 2.881.304.000 2.881.304.000 2.881.304.000 2.881.304.000 3.521.956.000 3.521.956.000 3.521.956.000 3.521.956.000
    (setara dengan KL)                          5.601.630     5.601.630     5.601.630     5.601.630     7.203.260     7.203.260     7.203.260     7.203.260     8.804.890     8.804.890     8.804.890     8.804.890
e. Besaran alpha (%)                                 9,00          9,00          9,00          9,00          9,00          9,00          9,00          9,00          9,00          9,00          9,00          9,00
Fuel Volume Basis for 2010-2012 (MTEF)
Estimation of fuel consumption for APBN calculation = 38.982.255 KL (kilo
     liter), with details as follows:
1.   Gasoline (Premium) : 21.639.372 KL
2.   Kerosene                    : 3.981.389 KL
3.   Diesel Oil                  : 13.361.494 KL

   Growth Elasticity projected to be 0,9% (DG Oil and Gas)
   Estimated economic growth 6,5% - 6,7% (DG Oil and Gas)
   Estimated Inflation 5,5% - 6% (DG Oil and Gas)
   Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) = US$ 110 - 120/barrel (DG Oil and Gas)
   Estimated exchange rate Rp 9.200,-/US$ - Rp. 9.300,-/US$ (DG Oil and Gas)
   Conversion of Kerosene to LPG = 1.601.630 KL (PT PERTAMINA)
-   Control card from Inquiries of Subsidized Fuel Consumers in 2008 in 102 districs/cities
    approximately 277.365 with saving assumption of 19% (cencus in 2007) (BPH Migas)

Gasoline (Premium)

      • Transportation Sector growth, due to increasing automobile & motorcycle sales and economic activities growth estimated to
           be 6%

      • As an impact of non-subsidized gasoline retail price increase, there’s a consumers usage shifting to a subsidized gasoline
      • Increasing demand for gasoline due to public holidays
      • Increasing usage of portable electricity generator, and other non-motor-vehicles

      • Conversion from Kerosene to LPG for household approximately 1.601.630 families
      • Closed Distribution Monitoring System using control card in year 2010 estimated to be 83.210 families or around 30%
Diesel Oil

      • Transportation Sector growth, due to increasing automobile & motorcycle sales and economic activities, growth estimated to
           be 6%
Fuel Volume Basis for 2010-2012


Estimation of fuel consumption for APBN calculation = 38.734.972 KL (kilo liter), with details as follows:
1.      Gasoline (Premium) : 22.514.733 KL
2.      Kerosene                          : 2.324.286 KL
3.      Diesel Oil                        : 13.895.953 KL


 Growth Elasticity projected to be 0,8% (DG Oil and Gas)

 Estimated economic growth 6,7% - 6,9% (DG Oil and Gas)

 Estimated Inflation 5% - 5,5% (DG Oil and Gas)

 Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) = US$ 110 - 120/barrel (DG Oil and Gas)

Gasoline (Premium)

      • Transportation Sector growth, due to increasing automobile & motorcycle sales and economic activities growth estimated to
           be 4%

      • As an impact of non-subsidized gasoline retail price increase, there’s a consumers usage shifting to a subsidized gasoline
      • Increasing demand for gasoline due to public holidays
      • Increasing usage of portable electricity generator, and other non-motor-vehicles

      • Conversion from Kerosene to LPG for household approximately 1.601.630 families
      • Closed Distribution Monitoring System using control card in year 2011 estimated to be 55.473 families or around 20%
Diesel Oil

      • Transportation Sector growth, due to increasing automobile & motorcycle sales and economic activities, growth estimated to
Fuel Volume Basis for 2010-2012


Estimation of fuel consumption for APBN calculation = 38.417.394 KL (kilo liter), with details as follows:
1.      Gasoline (Premium)                         : 22.965.028 KL
2.      Kerosene                                   :   722.656 KL

3.      Diesel Oil                                 : 14.729.711 KL


 Growth Elasticity projected to be 0,7% (DG Oil and Gas)

 Estimated economic growth 6,9% - 7,1% (DG Oil and Gas)

 Estimated Inflation 5% - 5,5% (DG Oil and Gas)

 Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) = US$ 110 - 120/barrel (DG Oil and Gas)

Gasoline (Premium)

      • Transportation Sector growth, due to increasing automobile & motorcycle sales and economic activities growth estimated to
           be 2%

      • As an impact of non-subsidized gasoline retail price increase, there’s a consumers usage shifting to a subsidized gasoline
      • Increasing demand for gasoline due to public holidays
      • Increasing usage of portable electricity generator, and other non-motor-vehicles

      • Conversion from Kerosene to LPG for household approximately 1.601.630 families
Diesel Oil

      • Transportation Sector growth, due to increasing automobile & motorcycle sales and economic activities, growth estimated to
           be 6%


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Budget Preparation for Fuel Subsidy

  • 1. BUDGET PREPARATION FOR FUEL SUBSIDY NON-TAX Revenue Directorate – Directorate General of Budget
  • 2. Fuel Subsidy Policy Ensure the availability of fuel for domestic use Reduce the subsidy amount to lessen the burden for state finance by: Adjusting the domestic retail price for fuel per 24 May 2008 close to administered price based on Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Num.16/2008 Reduce the type of subsidized Fuel from 5 type in 2005 into 3 type only i.e.: diesel oil, kerosene and gasoline while Minyak Diesel and Minyak Bakar is adjusted with market price
  • 3. Fuel Subsidy Policy.. continued Limitation of subsidized user:  Households  Small-size Industries  Traditional Fisheries  Public Transportations  Public Services Continuing Energy conversion, from Gasoline to LPG Distribution of subsidized fuel through closed system and focus Energy Sources Diversification i.e: gas, coal, geothermal, water and fuel from plants Distribution Cost Efficiency through reduction of alpha number
  • 4. Determine the Subsidy Cost 1. Cost and Fee 2. Public Service Obligation
  • 5. FUEL SUBSIDY MODEL WITH COST AND FEE BASIS 1. Net Revenue from Petroleum • Is the positive difference from net fuel sales less fuel cost • (Petrol Sales – Petrol Production Cost) > 0 2. Fuel Subsidy • Is the negative difference from net fuel sales les fuel cost • (Petrol Sales – Petrol Production Cost) < 0
  • 6. FUEL SUBSIDY MODEL WITH COST AND FEE …….continued Main Component of Fuel Cost and Sales  I. Cost of Fuel Supply and Product 1. Crude oil Pro-rate PERTAMINA and Contractor 2. Crude oil inkind PERTAMINA and Contractor 3. Purchase of Crude oil and gas 4. Purchase of Product 5. Variation of Crude oil and product stock 6. (Reducing Factors) - Non Fuel  II. Operating Cost 1. Refinery 2. Distribution 3. Marine Transportation 4. Interest 5. General:Head Office 6. Depreciation  III. Sales and Self usage of Fuel  IV. Fuel Subsidy and or Fuel Net Income
  • 8. Determine the Subsidy Cost, based on Public Service Obligation Scheme Based on the conclusion made in Budget Comitte’s High Level Meeting with Minister of Finance and Bank Indonesia concerning State Budget Proposal and Financial Note for 2006, it is agreed that Start from Fiscal Year 2006, subsidy cost determined by new scheme, to replace the previous cost + fee scheme (based on agreement between government and parliament, Oct 2005) The new formula, introduced since FY 2006 [(Fuel Retail Price - Tax) – Fuel Benchmark Price] x Projection Consumption Volume
  • 9. Determine the Subsidy Cost, based on Public Service Obligation Scheme Note : • Fuel Retail Price is Domestic Retail Price per litre • Tax includes VAT Motor-Vehicle Tax • Benchmark Price is Price calculated based on MOPS plus Distribution Cost and Margin • Benchmark = MOPS + alpha • Alpha = distribution cost + margin • MOPS = Mid Oil Platt’s Singapore, Singapore oil fuel market price
  • 10. Parameters in Calculating Fuel Subsidy Within PSO Scheme 1. ICP = Estimation of Indonesian Crude Oil Price 2. Projection of Exchange Rate 3. Projection the type and the volume certain fuel product to be subsidized 4. Retail Price for Certain type of Fuel Product 5. α (alpha) = Distribution Cost and Margin 6. Projection of MOPS change/delta
  • 11. DIAGRAM PENETAPAN PERKIRAAN SUBSIDI JENIS BBM TERTENTU Berdasarkan koordinasi BPH Migas Depkeu bersama Depkeu KOMISI XI Bank Indonesia + DPR-RI + KOMISI VII DPR-RI DESDM Bappenas  Perkiraan volume BBM yang disubsidi  Nilai tukar (kisaran)  Jenis BBM yang disubsidi  Perkiraan Volume LPG atau setara volume minyak tanah yang disubstitusi ke LPG  SUBSIDI BBM Harga Minyak Mentah (kisaran) Panitia Anggaran Pemerintah + DPR-RI 1. Penetapan : a. Volume dan jenis BBM yang disubsidi serta volume minyak tanah yang disubstitusi ke LPG b. Harga Minyak Mentah (kisaran) c. Nilai tukar (kisaran) 2. Besaran alpha BBM (biaya distribusi dan margin) dibahas dalam Panja  DESDM yang menyampaikan presentasi 3. Berdasarkan angka 1 dan 2, Departemen ESDM dan Departemen Keuangan membuat perhitungan besarnya perhitungan subsidi BBM
  • 12. DIAGRAM OF OIL FUEL SUBSIDY CALCULATION Harga Jual Eceran BBM Transportasi, Pelayanan Harga Patokan Umum, Usaha Kecil dan Alpha (biaya distribusi dan MOPS Usaha Perikanan + margin) Premium Premium Delta MOPS Rumah Tangga dan Usaha ICP Minyak Tanah Minyak Tanah Kecil Transportasi dan Biaya Pelayanan UmumUsaha Minyak Solar Minyak Solar pengolahan Kecil dan Usaha Perikanan CRUDE di kilang Antara lain : biaya tenaga kerja, depresiasi, bunga, asuransi, biaya pengangkutan Product Konsumen
  • 13. FUEL RETAIL PRICE Harga Jual BBM Lama Harga Jual BBM Baru Jenis BBM (Sesuai Perpres No. (Sesuai Permen ESDM No. 55/2005 jo Perpres No. 16/2008) 9/2006) 1. Premium *) 4.500 6.000 2. Minyak Tanah **) 2.000 2.500 3. Minyak Solar *) 4.300 5.500 *) Termasuk Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) dan Pajak Bahan Bakar Kendaraan Bermotor (PBBKB) **) Termasuk PPN Berlaku sejak tanggal 24 Mei 2008 Pukul 00.00 wib.
  • 14. FUEL AND LNG SUBSIDY CALCULATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008 AND 2009 No. Keterangan 2008 2009 APBN APBN-P Proyeksi Skenario Parameter : a. Harga MM Indonesia (US$/bbl) 60,00 95,00 110,00 120,00 b. Nilai Tukar (Rp./US$1) 9.100,00 9.100,00 9.000,00 9.100,00 c. Volume BBM (KL) 35.836.525 35.537.746 35.696.631 38.854.448 - Premium 16.950.000 16.976.292 16.470.000 20.444.354 - Minyak Tanah (Kerosene) 7.886.525 7.561.454 8.526.631 5.804.911 - Minyak Solar 11.000.000 11.000.000 10.700.000 12.605.183 d. Vol. Mitan yg disubstitusi ke LPG (kg) 286.920.188 1.600.000.000 (setara dengan KL) 2.013.475 2.013.475 503.369 4.000.000 e. Alpha BBM (%) 13,50% 9,00% 9,00% 9.00 (fixed US$100) (dalam Rp. Miliar) 1. Subsidi BBM (17.478,31) (114.646,65) (126.539,07) (133.942,75) a. Premium (3.267,80) (44.048,54) (44.238,67) (56.159,28) b. Minyak Tanah (Kerosene) (10.049,07) (37.949,12) (47.777,51) (34.950,13) c. Minyak Solar (4.161,44) (32.649,00) (34.522,89) (42.833,34) 2. Subsidi LPG (3.721,44) (9.565,27) (2.991,54) (19.285,16) 3. Subsidi BBM dan LPG (1+2) (21.199,75) (124.211,92) (129.530,61) (153.227,91) 4. Kekurangan TA 2007 a. Premium - (689,71) (689,71) (689,71) b. Minyak Tanah (Kerosene) - (742,44) (742,44) (742,43) c. Minyak Solar - (1.022,15) (1.022,15) (1.022,15) d. Sub Jumlah (a+b+c) - (2.454,30) (2.454,30) (2.454,29) e. LPG - (149,93) (149,93) - f. Jumlah (d+e) - (2.604,23) (2.604,23) (2.454,29) 5. Jumlah (3+4) (21.199,75) (126.816,15) (132.134,84) (155.682,20) Catatan : 1. Delta MOPS adalah periode Januari s.d Desember 2007. 2. Kekurangan subsidi BBM dan LPG TA 2007 secara keseluruhan berjumlah Rp5.058,53 miliar (unaudited). 3. H arg a jual B B M s ebag ai berikut : 1 J an-23 Mei 2008 24 Mei s .d s ekarang - P remium 4.500,00 6.000,00 - Minyak T anah 2.000,00 2.500,00 - Minyak S olar 4.300,00 5.500,00
  • 15. FUEL SUBSIDY PATTERN YEAR 2003-2005 ( COST ‘N FEE SCHEME) Tahun No. Keterangan 2003 2004 2005 APBN APBN-P Audit APBN APBN-P Audit APBN APBN-P I APBN-P II Audit Perhitungan Subsidi BBM (dalam Rp. Miliar) 1. Hasil Penjualan Bersih 76.783,69 76.719,57 76.807,08 78.121,10 78.058,40 84.149,50 79.278,93 98.986,93 139.085,44 2. Jumlah Biaya Pokok BBM 89.993,74 101.231,68 107.673,40 92.648,24 141.141,30 160.923,79 98.279,35 175.501,85 243.862,41 3. Jumlah (Subsidi BBM)/LBM (1-2) (13.210,06) (24.512,11) (30.866,33) (14.527,14) (63.082,90) (76.774,29) (19.000,42) (76.514,92) 89,194.00 *) (104.776,97) Parameter : 1. Volume penjualan BBM (ribu KL) a. Premium 13.956,86 13.916,94 14.581,54 14.470,91 15.056,00 16.452,58 15.173,45 17.207,22 17.207,22 17.515,25 b. Kerosene 11.841,72 11.750,48 11.800,49 11.577,02 11.594,00 11.936,20 10.503,13 10.476,88 10.476,88 11.403,84 c. Minyak Solar 25.612,20 24.508,90 24.118,66 25.396,40 25.274,00 27.468,06 26.296,18 26.373,36 26.373,36 27.896,44 d. Minyak Diesel 1.645,51 1.467,24 1.271,55 1.395,79 1.345,00 1.222,95 1.296,71 736,63 736,63 1.000,07 e. Minyak Bakar 7.256,02 6.936,35 6.404,57 7.300,00 6.365,00 6.036,31 6.364,87 4.840,28 4.840,28 5.202,13 f. Jumlah 60.312,31 58.579,90 58.176,82 60.140,12 59.634,00 63.116,10 59.634,34 59.634,37 59.634,37 63.017,73 2. Harga MM Indonesia/ICP (US$/bbl) 22,00 27,50 28,77 22,00 36,00 37,58 24,00 45,00 56,58 53,40 3. Nilai Tukar Rp per US$1 9.000 8.500 8.551 a) 8.600 8.900 8.891 8.600 9.300 9.800 9.662 8.424 b) Catatan : a) Nilai tukar untuk tanggal 1 Januari s.d 16 September 2003 b) Nilai tukar untuk tanggal 17 September s.d 31 Desember 2003 Hasil audit exclude koreksi tahun lalu.
  • 16. FUEL SUBSIDY PATTERN YEAR 2006-2008 (PSO SCHEME) Tahun No. Keterangan 2006 2007 2008 APBN APBN-P Real. Pembyr. Audit APBN APBN-P Revisi Real. Pembyr. s.d Perk. Real. APBN APBN-P (Unaudited) Pagu 25 Des (unaudited) (Unaudited) A. Subsidi BBM a. Premium (9.333,43) (20.966,37) (19.759,07) (12.014,93) (14.528,34) (13.131,18) (26.384,74) (25.287,12) (26.666,54) (7.868,52) (44.738,25) b. Minyak Tanah (29.939,38) (29.984,75) (31.578,69) (34.084,49) (31.209,30) (31.745,14) (40.509,86) (39.450,17) (40.935,04) (24.197,11) (38.691,55) c. Minyak Solar (15.002,87) (13.260,96) (12.874,32) (13.403,42) (14.278,91) (10.163,89) (21.179,73) (19.055,03) (21.099,33) (10.020,30) (33.671,15) d. Jumlah (a+b+c) (54.275,67) (64.212,08) (64.212,08) (59.502,84) (60.016,55) (55.040,21) (88.074,33) (83.792,32) (88.700,91) (42.085,93) (117.100,95) B. Subsidi LPG (1.821,35) (564,04) (125,91) - (149,93) (3.721,44) (9.715,21) C. Jumlah (A+B) (54.275,67) (64.212,08) (64.212,08) (59.502,84) (61.837,90) (55.604,25) (88.200,24) (83.792,32) (88.850,84) (45.807,37) (126.816,15) Parameter : 1. Vol. penjualan BBM (ribu KL) a. Premium 17.080 17.000 16.770 16.807 17.000 16.582 17.645 17.599 17.930 16.950 16.976 b. Kerosene 10.000 9.900 10.014 9.959 8.912 9.591 9.787 9.689 9.852 7.887 7.561 c. Minyak Solar 14.498 11.000 11.037 10.667 11.000 9.858 10.812 10.150 10.884 11.000 11.000 d. Minyak Diesel e. Minyak Bakar f. Jumlah 41.578 37.900 37.821 37.433 36.912 36.031 38.244 37.437 38.665 35.837 35.538 2. Vol. Mitan ke LPG (kg) 567.767.000 181.274.250 20.638.836 - 21.498.189 setara dengan ribu KL 988 319 36 - 38 2.013.475 2.013.475 3. ICP (US$/bbl) 57,00 64,00 63,80 64,26 63,00 60,00 72,59 72,31 72,31 60,00 95,00 4. Nilai Tukar Rp per US$1 9.900 9.300 9.123 9.119 9.300 9.050 9.125 9.093 9.094 9.100 9.100
  • 17. CHART OF FUEL SUBSIDY AND VOLUME YEAR 2003-2008 120.000 70.000 60.000 100.000 50.000 80.000 40.000 60.000 30.000 40.000 20.000 20.000 10.000 - - 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 *) 2008 *) Nilai Subsidi APBN (Rp. Miliar) Nilai Subsidi APBN-P (Rp. Miliar) Nilai Subsidi Hasil Audit (Rp. Miliar) Volume BBM APBN (ribu KL) Volume BBM APBN-P (ribu KL) Volume BBM Hasil Audit (ribu KL)
  • 18. PROJECTION FOR OIL FUEL AND LPG SUBSIDY YEAR 2010-2012 (Rp. Miliar) (MTEF) No. Keterangan 2010 2011 2012 Subsidi BBM 1. Premium (45.724,39) (47.448,58) (58.245,28) (60.105,57) (47.574,04) (49.367,98) (60.601,43) (62.536,97) (48.525,52) (50.355,34) (61.813,46) (63.787,71) 2. Minyak Tanah (22.990,93) (23.339,18) (25.294,62) (25.667,92) (13.421,82) (13.625,13) (14.766,69) (14.984,62) (4.173,05) (4.236,26) (4.591,19) (4.658,95) 3. Minyak Solar (42.562,80) (43.720,04) (50.293,98) (51.535,25) (44.265,31) (45.468,83) (52.305,74) (53.596,66) (46.921,23) (48.196,97) (55.444,08) (56.812,46) 4. Jumlah (1+2+3) (111.278,12) (114.507,80) (133.833,89) (137.308,74) (105.261,17) (108.461,94) (127.673,86) (131.118,25) (99.619,80) (102.788,57) (121.848,74) (125.259,12) 5. Subsidi LPG Tabung 3 Kg (21.710,45) (22.021,29) (25.055,92) (25.403,12) (27.917,95) (28.317,67) (32.219,96) (32.666,44) (34.125,45) (34.614,04) (39.384,01) (39.929,75) 6. Jumlah (4+5) (132.988,57) (136.529,09) (158.889,81) (162.711,86) (133.179,13) (136.779,61) (159.893,82) (163.784,68) (133.745,26) (137.402,61) (161.232,74) (165.188,87) 7. Kekurangan Tahun 2009 (1.500,00) (1.500,00) (1.500,00) (1.500,00) 8. Jumlah (6+7) (134.488,57) (138.029,09) (160.389,81) (164.211,86) (133.179,13) (136.779,61) (159.893,82) (163.784,68) (133.745,26) (137.402,61) (161.232,74) (165.188,87) Parameter : a. Harga MM Indonesia (US$/bbl) 110,00 110,00 120,00 120,00 110,00 110,00 120,00 120,00 110,00 110,00 120,00 120,00 b. Nilai Tukar (Rp./US$1) 9.200 9.300 9.200 9.300 9.200 9.300 9.200 9.300 9.200 9.300 9.200 9.300 c. Volume BBM (KL) 38.982.255 38.982.255 38.982.255 38.982.255 38.734.972 38.734.972 38.734.972 38.734.972 38.417.395 38.417.395 38.417.395 38.417.395 - Premium 21.639.372 21.639.372 21.639.372 21.639.372 22.514.733 22.514.733 22.514.733 22.514.733 22.965.028 22.965.028 22.965.028 22.965.028 - Minyak Tanah (Kerosene) 3.981.389 3.981.389 3.981.389 3.981.389 2.324.286 2.324.286 2.324.286 2.324.286 722.656 722.656 722.656 722.656 - Minyak Solar 13.361.494 13.361.494 13.361.494 13.361.494 13.895.953 13.895.953 13.895.953 13.895.953 14.729.711 14.729.711 14.729.711 14.729.711 d. Vol. Mitan yg disubstitusi ke LPG (kg) 2.240.652.000 2.240.652.000 2.240.652.000 2.240.652.000 2.881.304.000 2.881.304.000 2.881.304.000 2.881.304.000 3.521.956.000 3.521.956.000 3.521.956.000 3.521.956.000 (setara dengan KL) 5.601.630 5.601.630 5.601.630 5.601.630 7.203.260 7.203.260 7.203.260 7.203.260 8.804.890 8.804.890 8.804.890 8.804.890 e. Besaran alpha (%) 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,00 9,00
  • 19. Fuel Volume Basis for 2010-2012 (MTEF) 2010 Estimation of fuel consumption for APBN calculation = 38.982.255 KL (kilo liter), with details as follows: 1. Gasoline (Premium) : 21.639.372 KL 2. Kerosene : 3.981.389 KL 3. Diesel Oil : 13.361.494 KL Assumptions:  Growth Elasticity projected to be 0,9% (DG Oil and Gas)  Estimated economic growth 6,5% - 6,7% (DG Oil and Gas)  Estimated Inflation 5,5% - 6% (DG Oil and Gas)  Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) = US$ 110 - 120/barrel (DG Oil and Gas)  Estimated exchange rate Rp 9.200,-/US$ - Rp. 9.300,-/US$ (DG Oil and Gas)  Conversion of Kerosene to LPG = 1.601.630 KL (PT PERTAMINA) - Control card from Inquiries of Subsidized Fuel Consumers in 2008 in 102 districs/cities approximately 277.365 with saving assumption of 19% (cencus in 2007) (BPH Migas)
  • 20. WITH ASSUMPTIONS…(continued): Gasoline (Premium) • Transportation Sector growth, due to increasing automobile & motorcycle sales and economic activities growth estimated to be 6% • As an impact of non-subsidized gasoline retail price increase, there’s a consumers usage shifting to a subsidized gasoline • Increasing demand for gasoline due to public holidays • Increasing usage of portable electricity generator, and other non-motor-vehicles Kerosene • Conversion from Kerosene to LPG for household approximately 1.601.630 families • Closed Distribution Monitoring System using control card in year 2010 estimated to be 83.210 families or around 30% Diesel Oil • Transportation Sector growth, due to increasing automobile & motorcycle sales and economic activities, growth estimated to be 6%
  • 21. Fuel Volume Basis for 2010-2012 2011 Estimation of fuel consumption for APBN calculation = 38.734.972 KL (kilo liter), with details as follows: 1. Gasoline (Premium) : 22.514.733 KL 2. Kerosene : 2.324.286 KL 3. Diesel Oil : 13.895.953 KL Assumptions: Growth Elasticity projected to be 0,8% (DG Oil and Gas) Estimated economic growth 6,7% - 6,9% (DG Oil and Gas) Estimated Inflation 5% - 5,5% (DG Oil and Gas) Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) = US$ 110 - 120/barrel (DG Oil and Gas)
  • 22. WITH ASSUMPTIONS…(continued): Gasoline (Premium) • Transportation Sector growth, due to increasing automobile & motorcycle sales and economic activities growth estimated to be 4% • As an impact of non-subsidized gasoline retail price increase, there’s a consumers usage shifting to a subsidized gasoline • Increasing demand for gasoline due to public holidays • Increasing usage of portable electricity generator, and other non-motor-vehicles Kerosene • Conversion from Kerosene to LPG for household approximately 1.601.630 families • Closed Distribution Monitoring System using control card in year 2011 estimated to be 55.473 families or around 20% Diesel Oil • Transportation Sector growth, due to increasing automobile & motorcycle sales and economic activities, growth estimated to
  • 23. Fuel Volume Basis for 2010-2012 2012 Estimation of fuel consumption for APBN calculation = 38.417.394 KL (kilo liter), with details as follows: 1. Gasoline (Premium) : 22.965.028 KL 2. Kerosene : 722.656 KL 3. Diesel Oil : 14.729.711 KL Assumptions: Growth Elasticity projected to be 0,7% (DG Oil and Gas) Estimated economic growth 6,9% - 7,1% (DG Oil and Gas) Estimated Inflation 5% - 5,5% (DG Oil and Gas) Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) = US$ 110 - 120/barrel (DG Oil and Gas)
  • 24. WITH ASSUMPTIONS…(continued): Gasoline (Premium) • Transportation Sector growth, due to increasing automobile & motorcycle sales and economic activities growth estimated to be 2% • As an impact of non-subsidized gasoline retail price increase, there’s a consumers usage shifting to a subsidized gasoline • Increasing demand for gasoline due to public holidays • Increasing usage of portable electricity generator, and other non-motor-vehicles Kerosene • Conversion from Kerosene to LPG for household approximately 1.601.630 families Diesel Oil • Transportation Sector growth, due to increasing automobile & motorcycle sales and economic activities, growth estimated to be 6% •