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Hypertension is increase pressure blood systolic more big from 140 mmHg and or
diastolic more big from 90 mmHg at two time measurement with hose time 5
minute in state enough rest (calm). Hypertension defined by the Joint National
Committee on Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure as
pressure which more high from 140/90 mmHg
According to Nair & Peate (2015), reason hypertension primary not yet is known by clear, but
there is a number of factor risk which could cause hypertension which already is known
progress that is: obesity, stress, cigarette, consumption alcohol, intake sodium excessive could
cause retention fluid, history family. Whereas hypertension secondary could occur because
factor that is : disease renal, syndrome Cushing, contraception orally, coarc tation (narrowing)
On hypertension, because existence various disturbance genetics and risk environment, so occur
disturbance neuro hormonal that is system nerve center and system renin-angiotensin aldosterone, as
well as happening inflammation and resistance insulin. Resistance insulin and disturbance neuro
hormonal cause vasoconstriction systemic and enhancement resistance peripheral. Inflammation
cause disturbance kidney which accompanied disturbance system renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
(RAA) the cause retention salt and water in kidney, so that occur enhancement volume blood.
Enhancement resistance peripheral and volume blood is two reason main happening hypertension
(Asikin et al, 2016).
Mrs. RN aged 56 Year go to RS Dunda Limboto on date 20 January 2022, with
complaint painful heartburn, weak and dizzy and diagnosed painful I. Then doctor
do inspection ,obtained rate hemoglobin 14.2 g/dl, hematocrit 40.7%, erythrocytes
5.17/mm, leukocytes 10.8/mm, platelets 297/mm, MCV 78.8 fL, MCH 27.5pg,
MCHC 34.9 gr/dl, segment neutrophil 56%, Lymphocytes 38%,cellothers 6% rate
sugar blood when 85 mg/dl, cholesterol a total of 209 mg/dl, cholesterol HDL 56
mg/dl, cholesterol LDL 123 mg/dl, triglycerides 150 mg/dl. So that doctor give
therapy in the form of sucralfate syrup, and captopril 25 mg and seen from results
the examination also doctor recommend to patient for intake care stay During 4 day
and doctor give ondansentron injection, simvastatin, anstrain injection, and
Name Patient: Mrs. RN
Age : 56 Year
Complaint : Ulcer heartburn, dizzy, weak
History use drug : sucralfate syrup 3 x 1 Cth captopril 25 mg 3 x 1 tab, amlodipine 5 mg 1 x 1 tab,
injection ondansentron 3 x 1, injection omeprazole 2 x 1 and anstrain 3 x 1
Blood Routine Results Normal Value
Hemoglobin 14.2 g/dl 12-16 gr/dl
haemotocrit 40.70% 44-65
Erythrocytes 5.17 10⁶/mm 3.5 - 5.5 million
Leukocytes 10.8 10ᶟ/mm 5-10 thousand
Platelets 297 10ᶟ/mm 150 – 450 Thousand
Results Inspection Laboratory
Blood complete Results Normal Value
MCV 78.8 fL 80-100 fL
MCH 27.5 pg 26 -36 pg
MCHC 34.9 g/dL 32 - 35
Results Inspection Laboratory
Routine Blood Results Normal Value
Neutrophil 56% 50 - 70%
Lymphocytes 38.00% 20 - 40%
Other gels 6% 1-8%
Results inspection Laboratory
Chemical Results Normal Value
When blood sugar 85 mg/dL 70-150 mg/dL
Total cholesterol 209 mg/dL <200 mg/dL
HDL Cholesterol 56 mg/dL >55 mg/dL
LDL Cholesterol 123 mg/dL <150 mg/dL
Triglycerides 150 mg/dL <150 mg/dL
No Date
Name of drug used
Anstrain Amlodipine Captopril Sucralfate Omeprazole Sinvastatin Ondansentron
1. 21/01/2022
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
2. 22/01/2022
✔ ✔ ✔
3. 23/01/2022
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
4. 24/01/2022
✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Indication (Literature)
Indication on
Dose Literature Dose On Case Effect Side
Sick tooth. Sick head.
Arthralgia (painful joints).
Neuralgia (painful nerve)
For resolve painful
1 g given 4 times a day, or 2.5 g
given 2 times a day through
injection intravenous (vessels
blood) or intramuscular (through
muscle). Customize dose based on
level severity disease. Maximum : 5
g /day
given by 3 x 1 a
Inflammation of the
stomach or sicko
epigastric (gastritis) or
heartburn. Hyperhidrosis
(sweat too much)
Retention fluid and salt in
Mechanism work drug NSAID that is hinder synthesis prostaglandins with obstacle on enzyme
cyclooxygenase so that conversion sour arachidonic Becomes PGE2 disturbed (Sharif, Amir, 2009)
e 5 mg
Amlodipine used for help treat
pressure blood tall
(hypertension).With lower
pressure blood. This drug also
could used for help treat
painful chest (angina)
For lower
pressure blood
Adults: 5–10 mg a
Children 6–17
years: 2.5–5 mg a
Angina pectoris
Adults: 5–10 mg a
1 x 1 tab a day
A number of effect side which
can occur after consuming
amlodipine is:
Dizzy, appearance of floating,
drowsiness, or sick head
Swollen on feet, warm and hot
taste in face, neck, or chest
(flushing), stomachache or
Tired unusual
Mechanism work from Calcium Chanel Blocker (CCB) that is, relaxation heart and muscle plain with hinder
channel calcium which sensitive to voltage, so that reduce entry calcium extracellular to in cell (Dipiro,
indication of
ondansentron that
is for nauseous
and vomit
and radio
nauseous and
vomit post
To treat
nausea and
Dose nauseous and vomit
consequence chemotherapy which is
emetogenic 8 mg by intravenous
quick before chemotherapy, then
next with intravenous
1mg/hour During 24 hours or 2-8 mg
each 2-4 hours then next
with 8 mg orally each 12 hours
During 5 day. Chemotherapy which
not enough emetogenic 8 mg
quick before chemotherapy or 8 mg
orally each 1-2 hours before
chemotherapy, next with 8 mg
orally each 12 hours During 5 day.
Dosage given 3 x
1 a day
Effect side ondansetron
which analyzed in
study this is
sick head, constipation,
and diarrhea (Agustina,
Ondansetron including group drug antagonist serotonin 5-HT3, which work with hinder by selective
serotonin 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT3) bond on the receptor which there is at CTZM (chemoreceptors
trigger zone) on channel digest. Serotonin substance which will released if ondansetron injection.
Mechanism work from sucralfate is protect mucosa stomach with shape layer on mucosa so
that no tampered with by factors aggressive stomach especially sour stomach (Armstronget
indications of
sucralfate is that
it can reduce
inflammation and
heal ulcers
(PIONAS, 2015)
To treat heartburn
Sucralfate syrup
(suspension) normal given
with route orally, with dose
given 3 times a day 1 spoon
and 3 times 2 spoon. Dose
sucralfate in
form suspension is 500 mg/5
mL. Dose maximum gift
for mature is 8 g/day
(PIONAS, 2015)
The dose is given
3 x 1 Cth a day
effect side from
sucralfate that is occur
constipation, diarrhea,
nauseous, disturbance
digestion, disturbance
stomach, mouth dry,
rash, reaction
painful back, dizzy,
headache,, vertigo, and
sleepy, formation
bezoar (PIONAS,2015
Mechanism work ACE inhibitor like captoprilis with hinder enzyme conver terpeptidyl dipeptidase
which hydraulic angiotensin It angiotensin II and cause inactivation bradykinin, something vasodilator
strong which work with method stimulate release nitric oxide and prostacyclin. Activities hypotension
captoril occur good on obstacle system renin angiotensin or effect stimulation of the kinin-kallikrein
system. Mechanism which second proven that angiotensin receptors bradykinin, lower effect drop
pressure blood (Katzung, 2001)
25 mg
Captopril is indicated for the
treatment of moderate and
severe hypertension. Captopril
used alone or in combination
with drugs
other antihypertensives,
especially thiazides.
Unresponsive or uncontrollable
cardiac paralysis
with diuretics and digitalis
(Rahardja, 2007)
To lower
12.5 mg, 25 mg,
50 mg tab
Initial daily dose: 3x 12.5 mg
Increase daily : 3x 25mg
12.5 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg tab
Initial daily dose: 2x 12.5 mg
Maintenance Dose
A day: 2 x 25 mg
Max dose: 3 x 50mg
Dosage given
3 x 1 a day
Effect side from the
captopril often occur is
loss of sense
(sometimes smell),
cough dry, exanthem
(rashes on
skin). The effect could
removed by
indomethacin or
NSAID other (Tjay &
Rahardja, 2007
Omeprazole 20
Ulcer stomach and
ulcer duodenum,
ulcer stomach and
the duodenum
related with
NSAIDs, lesson
stomach and
duodenum, regimen
eradication H.
pylori on ulcer
peptic, reflux
syndrome Zollinger
Ellison (PIONAS,
To treat
Ulcer stomach and ulcer
duodenum (including which
complications therapy
NSAIDs), 20 mg one time a
day during 4 week on ulcer
duodenum or 8 week on
ulcer stomach; on case
which heavy or relapsed
upgrade Becomes 40 mg a
day ; maintenance for ulcer
the duodenum relapsed, 20
mg a day ; prevention
relapsed ulcer duodenum, 10
mg a day and upgrade until
20 mg a day when symptom
appear return (PIONAS,
Dosage given 2 x
1 day
Effect side which
caused is paraesthesia,
vertigo, alopecia,
impotence, stomatitis,
encephalopathy on
disease heart which
critical, hyponatremia,
confused (temporary),
agitation and
hallucination on sick
which heavy,
disturbance vision
reportedon gift
injection dose tall
(PIONAS, 2015)
Mechanism work from omeprazole is could block work from enzyme K + H + ATP ace which will
break K + H +ATP ace so that produce energy which used for Secrete sour HCl from cell parietal
tolumen stomach (Finkel et al., 2009)
Simvastatin is
used to lower bad
(LDL) and
triglycerides, and
increase the
amount of good
(HDL) in the
blood (Mayo,
Adult dose 5-40 mg, once
daily, in the evening. Adults
40 mg, once daily in the
evening (Mayo, 2021)
1 x 1 a day
Effect side from
simvastatin that is
constipation, nose
clogged, sneeze, sick
throat, nauseous, sick
stomach, and headache
(Mayo, 2021)
Mechanism work simvastatin in lower rate cholesterol and LDL with method inhibit
enzyme3- hydroxy-3methylglutaroyl- coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase by
competitive (GINA, 2020)
Drug Drug Related Problems (DRP)
No. Category Information
1. Indications without therapy Yes
2. Therapy without indication No
3. Dose too high Yes
4. Dosage too low No
5. Adverse reactions No
6. Interaction drug No
PCNE Classification scheme for Drug-Related problems V.01, 2006
GuidelinesHypertensionDipiro, 2020
GuidelinesHypertension with Compelling IndicationsDipiro, 2020
GuidelinesUlcus pepticumwith Compelling IndicationsDipiro, 2020
Destination Therapy:
1. Prevent Enhancement Pressure Blood
2. Relieve Painful Indigestion
3. Cure Ulcer peptic
4. Increase Quality Life From Patient
Target Therapy:
1. Lower Pressure Blood Until
Reach Less Than 140/90
2. Lower rate stomach acid
Therapy Non Pharmacology:
1.Modification lifestyle
2.Decrease weight
3. Diet Sodium
4. Avoid Stress
5. Avoid eat which spicy and sour, caffeine and alcohol
Therapy Pharmacology:
1. Continuing to Use Ondansetron tablet 4 mg 3x1
2. Continue Use Captopril and Amlodipine So that to achieve Pressure Normal
3. Stop Use NSAIDs (Anstrain)
4. Addition Therapy For H. Pylori that is Combination PPI with Antibiotics
(Amoxicillin and metronidazole)
5. Use Sucralfate 1 Hour After Omeprazole
1. Conducted inspection pressure blood and cholesterol check by periodically
2. Conducted inspection endoscope for see lesson on mucosa stomach
3. Conducted evaluation use PPI, after use 8 week lowered dose or if necessary
discontinued for prevent hypergastrinemia
Ayuk Lawuningtyas Hariadini, Bambang sidharta, Tamara Gusti Ebtavanny, Eka Putri Minanga. 2020. Hubungan
Tingkat pengetahuan dan ketepatan penggunaan obat simvastatin pada pasien hiperkolestrolemia di apotek kota
malang. Universitas brawijaya malang.
Chan, p. Amarra, M. S., Khor, G. L., (2016). Intake of Added Sugar in Malaysia: a Review. Asia Pacific Jounal of Clinical
DiPiro J.T., Wells B.G., Schwinghammer T.L. and DiPiro C. V. 2015. Pharmacotherapy Handbook, Ninth Edition.,
McGraw Hill Education Companies, Inggris.
DiPiro J.T., Wells B.G., Schwinghammer T.L. and DiPiro C. V. 2020. Pharmacotherapy Handbook, 11 Edition., McGraw
Hill Education Companies, Inggris.
Finkel R. Clark M. a, Cubeddu L. x Harrey R A and Champe P. 2009. Lippincott's ilustrated review pharmacology 4th ed.
Katzung, B.G. 2001. Farmakologi Dasar dan Klinik : Reseptor- reseptor Obat dan Farmakodinamik. Penerbit Buku
Kedokteran EGC.
Melyana, Afrias Sarotama.2019. Implementasi Peringatan Abnormalitas Tanda-Tanda
Vital pada Telemedicine Workstation. 1Pusat Teknologi Elektronika, Badan Pengkajian
dan Penerapan Teknologi, Tangerang Selatan, Kawasan Puspiptek Serpong,
Perhimpunan Dokter Hipertensi Indonesia. Konsensus Penatalaksanaan Hipertensi 2019.
Lukito AA, Harmeiwaty E, Hustrini NM, editors. Jakarta: ndonesian Society of
Williams & Wilkins ed. PliladelphiaKatzung B. G. 2002. Farmakologi dasar dan klinik
edisi II, salemba medika, Jakarta
Mayo Clinic (2021). Drugs and Supplements. Simvastatin (Oral Route).
Sherwood, L. 2013. Human physiology :From cells to systens. Eighth edition. Belmont
CA: Brooks/Cole, Cengagr Learning
Group 1 C S1- Pharmacy 2020

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PPT KEL 1 hipertensi (2).pptx

  • 1. Case Hypertensi on GROUP : I (ONE) C-S1 PHARMACEUTICAL 2020 Translated from Indonesian to English -
  • 2. 1. Rezkiyah A. D. M. Hulungo (821420088) 2. Devina A. P. Pakaya (821420091) 3. Sity Nur Rahayu Maloho (821420095) 4. Nur Fadillah Venny Rasyid (821420096) 5. Latifa Goni (821420104) 6. Kerin Vivian Kujiman (821420116) 7. Ninda Aulia Latama Poetri (821429121) GROUP1
  • 3. Hypertension is increase pressure blood systolic more big from 140 mmHg and or diastolic more big from 90 mmHg at two time measurement with hose time 5 minute in state enough rest (calm). Hypertension defined by the Joint National Committee on Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure as pressure which more high from 140/90 mmHg DEFINITION
  • 4. According to Nair & Peate (2015), reason hypertension primary not yet is known by clear, but there is a number of factor risk which could cause hypertension which already is known progress that is: obesity, stress, cigarette, consumption alcohol, intake sodium excessive could cause retention fluid, history family. Whereas hypertension secondary could occur because factor that is : disease renal, syndrome Cushing, contraception orally, coarc tation (narrowing) aorta. ETIOLOGY OF HYPERTENSION
  • 5. On hypertension, because existence various disturbance genetics and risk environment, so occur disturbance neuro hormonal that is system nerve center and system renin-angiotensin aldosterone, as well as happening inflammation and resistance insulin. Resistance insulin and disturbance neuro hormonal cause vasoconstriction systemic and enhancement resistance peripheral. Inflammation cause disturbance kidney which accompanied disturbance system renin-angiotensin-aldosterone (RAA) the cause retention salt and water in kidney, so that occur enhancement volume blood. Enhancement resistance peripheral and volume blood is two reason main happening hypertension (Asikin et al, 2016). PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
  • 6. Mrs. RN aged 56 Year go to RS Dunda Limboto on date 20 January 2022, with complaint painful heartburn, weak and dizzy and diagnosed painful I. Then doctor do inspection ,obtained rate hemoglobin 14.2 g/dl, hematocrit 40.7%, erythrocytes 5.17/mm, leukocytes 10.8/mm, platelets 297/mm, MCV 78.8 fL, MCH 27.5pg, MCHC 34.9 gr/dl, segment neutrophil 56%, Lymphocytes 38%,cellothers 6% rate sugar blood when 85 mg/dl, cholesterol a total of 209 mg/dl, cholesterol HDL 56 mg/dl, cholesterol LDL 123 mg/dl, triglycerides 150 mg/dl. So that doctor give therapy in the form of sucralfate syrup, and captopril 25 mg and seen from results the examination also doctor recommend to patient for intake care stay During 4 day and doctor give ondansentron injection, simvastatin, anstrain injection, and omeprazole CASE
  • 7. Name Patient: Mrs. RN Age : 56 Year Complaint : Ulcer heartburn, dizzy, weak History use drug : sucralfate syrup 3 x 1 Cth captopril 25 mg 3 x 1 tab, amlodipine 5 mg 1 x 1 tab, injection ondansentron 3 x 1, injection omeprazole 2 x 1 and anstrain 3 x 1 SUBJECTIVE
  • 8. Blood Routine Results Normal Value Hemoglobin 14.2 g/dl 12-16 gr/dl haemotocrit 40.70% 44-65 Erythrocytes 5.17 10⁶/mm 3.5 - 5.5 million Leukocytes 10.8 10ᶟ/mm 5-10 thousand Platelets 297 10ᶟ/mm 150 – 450 Thousand OBJECTIVE Information Normal Normal Abnormal Abnormal Normal
  • 9. Results Inspection Laboratory Blood complete Results Normal Value MCV 78.8 fL 80-100 fL MCH 27.5 pg 26 -36 pg MCHC 34.9 g/dL 32 - 35 Information Abnormal Normal Normal
  • 10. Results Inspection Laboratory Routine Blood Results Normal Value Neutrophil 56% 50 - 70% Lymphocytes 38.00% 20 - 40% Other gels 6% 1-8% Information Normal Normal Normal
  • 11. Results inspection Laboratory Chemical Results Normal Value When blood sugar 85 mg/dL 70-150 mg/dL Total cholesterol 209 mg/dL <200 mg/dL HDL Cholesterol 56 mg/dL >55 mg/dL LDL Cholesterol 123 mg/dL <150 mg/dL Triglycerides 150 mg/dL <150 mg/dL Information Normal Abnormal Normal Normal Normal
  • 12. HISTORY OF DRUG USE No Date Name of drug used Information Anstrain Amlodipine Captopril Sucralfate Omeprazole Sinvastatin Ondansentron 1. 21/01/2022 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 2. 22/01/2022 ✔ ✔ ✔ 3. 23/01/2022 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 4. 24/01/2022 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
  • 13. Assessment Name Drug Indication (Literature) Indication on case Dose Literature Dose On Case Effect Side Antrain Injection Sick tooth. Sick head. Arthralgia (painful joints). Neuralgia (painful nerve) For resolve painful 1 g given 4 times a day, or 2.5 g given 2 times a day through injection intravenous (vessels blood) or intramuscular (through muscle). Customize dose based on level severity disease. Maximum : 5 g /day given by 3 x 1 a day Inflammation of the stomach or sicko epigastric (gastritis) or heartburn. Hyperhidrosis (sweat too much) Retention fluid and salt in body. Mechanism work drug NSAID that is hinder synthesis prostaglandins with obstacle on enzyme cyclooxygenase so that conversion sour arachidonic Becomes PGE2 disturbed (Sharif, Amir, 2009)
  • 14. Amlodipin e 5 mg Amlodipine used for help treat pressure blood tall (hypertension).With lower pressure blood. This drug also could used for help treat painful chest (angina) pectoris). For lower pressure blood Adults: 5–10 mg a day. Children 6–17 years: 2.5–5 mg a day. Condition: Angina pectoris Adults: 5–10 mg a day. 1 x 1 tab a day A number of effect side which can occur after consuming amlodipine is: Dizzy, appearance of floating, drowsiness, or sick head Swollen on feet, warm and hot taste in face, neck, or chest (flushing), stomachache or nauseous Tired unusual Mechanism work from Calcium Chanel Blocker (CCB) that is, relaxation heart and muscle plain with hinder channel calcium which sensitive to voltage, so that reduce entry calcium extracellular to in cell (Dipiro, 2015).
  • 15. Ondansentron Injection indication of ondansentron that is for nauseous and vomit consequence chemotherapy and radio therapy, prevention nauseous and vomit post operation. To treat nausea and vomiting Dose nauseous and vomit consequence chemotherapy which is very emetogenic 8 mg by intravenous quick before chemotherapy, then next with intravenous 1mg/hour During 24 hours or 2-8 mg each 2-4 hours then next with 8 mg orally each 12 hours During 5 day. Chemotherapy which not enough emetogenic 8 mg intravenous quick before chemotherapy or 8 mg orally each 1-2 hours before chemotherapy, next with 8 mg orally each 12 hours During 5 day. Dosage given 3 x 1 a day Effect side ondansetron which analyzed in study this is sick head, constipation, and diarrhea (Agustina, 2014) Ondansetron including group drug antagonist serotonin 5-HT3, which work with hinder by selective serotonin 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT3) bond on the receptor which there is at CTZM (chemoreceptors trigger zone) on channel digest. Serotonin substance which will released if ondansetron injection.
  • 16. Mechanism work from sucralfate is protect mucosa stomach with shape layer on mucosa so that no tampered with by factors aggressive stomach especially sour stomach (Armstronget al,1999). Sucralfate indications of sucralfate is that it can reduce inflammation and heal ulcers (PIONAS, 2015) To treat heartburn Sucralfate syrup (suspension) normal given with route orally, with dose given 3 times a day 1 spoon and 3 times 2 spoon. Dose sucralfate in form suspension is 500 mg/5 mL. Dose maximum gift sucralfate for mature is 8 g/day (PIONAS, 2015) The dose is given 3 x 1 Cth a day effect side from sucralfate that is occur constipation, diarrhea, nauseous, disturbance digestion, disturbance stomach, mouth dry, rash, reaction hypersensitivity, painful back, dizzy, headache,, vertigo, and sleepy, formation bezoar (PIONAS,2015
  • 17. Mechanism work ACE inhibitor like captoprilis with hinder enzyme conver terpeptidyl dipeptidase which hydraulic angiotensin It angiotensin II and cause inactivation bradykinin, something vasodilator strong which work with method stimulate release nitric oxide and prostacyclin. Activities hypotension captoril occur good on obstacle system renin angiotensin or effect stimulation of the kinin-kallikrein system. Mechanism which second proven that angiotensin receptors bradykinin, lower effect drop pressure blood (Katzung, 2001) Captopril 25 mg Captopril is indicated for the treatment of moderate and severe hypertension. Captopril can used alone or in combination with drugs other antihypertensives, especially thiazides. Unresponsive or uncontrollable cardiac paralysis with diuretics and digitalis (Rahardja, 2007) To lower blood pressure Captopril (indofarma) 12.5 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg tab Initial daily dose: 3x 12.5 mg Increase daily : 3x 25mg Captopril (hexpharm) 12.5 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg tab Initial daily dose: 2x 12.5 mg Maintenance Dose A day: 2 x 25 mg Max dose: 3 x 50mg (Rahardja,2007) Dosage given 3 x 1 a day Effect side from the captopril often occur is loss of sense (sometimes smell), cough dry, exanthem (rashes on skin). The effect could removed by indomethacin or NSAID other (Tjay & Rahardja, 2007
  • 18. Omeprazole 20 mg Ulcer stomach and ulcer duodenum, ulcer stomach and the duodenum related with NSAIDs, lesson stomach and duodenum, regimen eradication H. pylori on ulcer peptic, reflux esophagitis, syndrome Zollinger Ellison (PIONAS, 2015) To treat heartburn Ulcer stomach and ulcer duodenum (including which complications therapy NSAIDs), 20 mg one time a day during 4 week on ulcer duodenum or 8 week on ulcer stomach; on case which heavy or relapsed upgrade Becomes 40 mg a day ; maintenance for ulcer the duodenum relapsed, 20 mg a day ; prevention relapsed ulcer duodenum, 10 mg a day and upgrade until 20 mg a day when symptom appear return (PIONAS, 2015) Dosage given 2 x 1 day Effect side which caused is paraesthesia, vertigo, alopecia, gynecomastia, impotence, stomatitis, encephalopathy on disease heart which critical, hyponatremia, confused (temporary), agitation and hallucination on sick which heavy, disturbance vision reportedon gift injection dose tall (PIONAS, 2015) Mechanism work from omeprazole is could block work from enzyme K + H + ATP ace which will break K + H +ATP ace so that produce energy which used for Secrete sour HCl from cell parietal tolumen stomach (Finkel et al., 2009)
  • 19. Simvastatin Simvastatin is used to lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides, and increase the amount of good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood (Mayo, 2021). Adult dose 5-40 mg, once daily, in the evening. Adults 40 mg, once daily in the evening (Mayo, 2021) 1 x 1 a day Effect side from simvastatin that is constipation, nose clogged, sneeze, sick throat, nauseous, sick stomach, and headache (Mayo, 2021) Mechanism work simvastatin in lower rate cholesterol and LDL with method inhibit enzyme3- hydroxy-3methylglutaroyl- coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase by competitive (GINA, 2020)
  • 20. Assessment Drug Drug Related Problems (DRP) No. Category Information 1. Indications without therapy Yes 2. Therapy without indication No 3. Dose too high Yes 4. Dosage too low No 5. Adverse reactions No 6. Interaction drug No PCNE Classification scheme for Drug-Related problems V.01, 2006
  • 22. GuidelinesHypertension with Compelling IndicationsDipiro, 2020
  • 23. GuidelinesUlcus pepticumwith Compelling IndicationsDipiro, 2020
  • 24. PLANNING Destination Therapy: 1. Prevent Enhancement Pressure Blood 2. Relieve Painful Indigestion 3. Cure Ulcer peptic 4. Increase Quality Life From Patient Target Therapy: 1. Lower Pressure Blood Until Reach Less Than 140/90 mmHg 2. Lower rate stomach acid Therapy Non Pharmacology: 1.Modification lifestyle 2.Decrease weight 3. Diet Sodium 4. Avoid Stress 5. Avoid eat which spicy and sour, caffeine and alcohol
  • 25. PLANNING Therapy Pharmacology: 1. Continuing to Use Ondansetron tablet 4 mg 3x1 2. Continue Use Captopril and Amlodipine So that to achieve Pressure Normal Blood 3. Stop Use NSAIDs (Anstrain) 4. Addition Therapy For H. Pylori that is Combination PPI with Antibiotics (Amoxicillin and metronidazole) 5. Use Sucralfate 1 Hour After Omeprazole
  • 26. PLANNING 1. Conducted inspection pressure blood and cholesterol check by periodically 2. Conducted inspection endoscope for see lesson on mucosa stomach 3. Conducted evaluation use PPI, after use 8 week lowered dose or if necessary discontinued for prevent hypergastrinemia
  • 27. REFERENCE Ayuk Lawuningtyas Hariadini, Bambang sidharta, Tamara Gusti Ebtavanny, Eka Putri Minanga. 2020. Hubungan Tingkat pengetahuan dan ketepatan penggunaan obat simvastatin pada pasien hiperkolestrolemia di apotek kota malang. Universitas brawijaya malang. Chan, p. Amarra, M. S., Khor, G. L., (2016). Intake of Added Sugar in Malaysia: a Review. Asia Pacific Jounal of Clinical Nutrition DiPiro J.T., Wells B.G., Schwinghammer T.L. and DiPiro C. V. 2015. Pharmacotherapy Handbook, Ninth Edition., McGraw Hill Education Companies, Inggris. DiPiro J.T., Wells B.G., Schwinghammer T.L. and DiPiro C. V. 2020. Pharmacotherapy Handbook, 11 Edition., McGraw Hill Education Companies, Inggris. Finkel R. Clark M. a, Cubeddu L. x Harrey R A and Champe P. 2009. Lippincott's ilustrated review pharmacology 4th ed. Katzung, B.G. 2001. Farmakologi Dasar dan Klinik : Reseptor- reseptor Obat dan Farmakodinamik. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC.
  • 28. Melyana, Afrias Sarotama.2019. Implementasi Peringatan Abnormalitas Tanda-Tanda Vital pada Telemedicine Workstation. 1Pusat Teknologi Elektronika, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi, Tangerang Selatan, Kawasan Puspiptek Serpong, Perhimpunan Dokter Hipertensi Indonesia. Konsensus Penatalaksanaan Hipertensi 2019. Lukito AA, Harmeiwaty E, Hustrini NM, editors. Jakarta: ndonesian Society of Hypertension. Williams & Wilkins ed. PliladelphiaKatzung B. G. 2002. Farmakologi dasar dan klinik edisi II, salemba medika, Jakarta Mayo Clinic (2021). Drugs and Supplements. Simvastatin (Oral Route). Sherwood, L. 2013. Human physiology :From cells to systens. Eighth edition. Belmont CA: Brooks/Cole, Cengagr Learning
  • 29. Group 1 C S1- Pharmacy 2020 THANK YOU