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IE2 - WEEK 4
IE2 – Extension Lesson: Week 4, Session 7
Health and Fitness – Introduction to Reading
The Obesity Epidemic
Watch again and fill in the gaps.
• ………….. say obesity is a huge threat.
• Obesity rate for kids have ………..
• Children need ……… to make the right choices.
• It seems like the politicians are …………..the
• The fast food industry makes a lot of.............
• Between 1995 and 2010 over……… dollars
were spent on subsidizing foods that are
making Americans fat.
• …… Americans are overweight. This is
expected to rise to ………..%
• The risks for health with fast food are ……….?
• Bigger …………….. are needed because people
are getting bigger.
• Nutritionists say obesity is a huge threat.
• Obesity rate for kids have tripled.
• Children need (good) education to make the right choices.
• It seems like the politicians are feeding the problem.
• The fast-food industry makes a lot of money.
• Between 1995 and 2010 over 250 billion dollars were spent on subsidizing foods that are making
Americans fat.
• 2 out of 3 Americans are overweight. This is expected to rise to 75% (3 out of 4)
• The risks for health with fast food are heart disease, strokes, certain types of cancers and diabetes.
• Bigger caskets are needed because people are getting bigger.
• Exercise: walking in the morning & evening, running, swimming, cycling, playing
outdoor games, and going to the gymnasium, doing yoga etc.
• visiting different places on your vacation as travelling to open spaces gives you
mental refreshment as well as help keeping good health.
• Having a good food habit is something positive we can have to maintain good
health. You can talk about your habit of eating vegetable instead of eating fish
and meat. Your habit of drinking fruit juice daily is also something health you do.
have a healthy eating habit
• limit refined sugars and saturated /ˈsætʃəreɪtɪd/ fats:
• drink water instead of sugary beverages:
• cut out just one sugar-sweetened soda → can save 100
or more calories a day:
• try grabbing some almonds, peanuts instead of chips
or cookies when you need a snack:
• eat fish or other types of seafood instead of red meat
at least once a week(good for the heart/brain/waist
• eat one extra fruit or vegetable a day:
exercise regularly/be more active
• a brisk walk for half an hour a day →
dramatically reduce the risk of heart disease,
diabetes, and several forms of cancer
• improve brain function
• 10 minutes of exercise → make a difference
• sign up for dancing lessons/walk to the park
with your kids/jump rope/go for a hike/…
How to improve your diet
• Make sure you eat a variety of foods. It's important to eat
from all five food groups.
• Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. These contain vital
• Try to maintain a healthy weight. Being too thin can cause as
many health problems as being overweight.
• Eat moderate portions and don't be tempted to order a
larger size when eating out. Skipping meals can lead to
overeating as you will be much hungrier later.
• Be sure to eat regularly if you want to curb (limit) your
• Reduce your intake of foods that are high in fats, sugar and
people do nowadays
• Most people nowadays lead a sedentary lifestyle
• We tend to walk less and do desk jobs
• Most adults relax by watching television
• Children play video games rather than doing outdoor
• Many people nowadays rely on fast food or pre-
prepared meals
• These foods often contain too much fat, salt and sugar
• They are cheap to buy and very easy to prepare
• Obesity, diabetes and heart disease are on the increase
1) maintain a healthy weight: duy trì cân nặng khoẻ mạnh
2) go on a diet: ăn kiêng
3) keep the weight off: giữ không cho tăng cân
4) eating habits: những thói quen ăn uống
5) weight loss: việc giảm cân
6) boost sb's confidence/self-esteem: tăng sự tự tin
7) a crash/fad diet: chế độ ăn kiêng để xuống cân nhanh chóng thường là nhịn ăn
và tập thể dục ở cường độ cao (có hại cho sức khoẻ)
8) increase health risks: tăng nguy cơ bị bệnh
9) fatigue: sự mệt mỏi
10) gallstones: bệnh sỏi mật
11) malnutrition: thiếu chất dinh dưỡng
12) reduce chances of having diabetes: giảm nguy cơ mắc bệnh tiểu đường
13) high blood pressure: huyết áp cao
14) metabolism: quá trình trao đổi chất --> metabolic system: hệ trao đổi chất
15) heart disease: bệnh tim mạch
16) a balanced diet: ăn uống đầy đủ chất
aches and pains: minor pains that continue over a period of time
to be a bit off colour: to feel a little ill
to be at death’s door: (informal) to be very ill indeed
to be on the mend: to be recovering after an illness
to be over the worst: to have got through the most serious or
uncomfortable stage of an illness
to be under the weather: (informal) to not feel well
a blocked nose: when the nose has excess fluid due to a cold
to catch a cold: to get a cold
a check-up: a physical examination by a doctor
a chesty cough: a cough caused by congestion around the lungs
cuts and bruises: minor injuries
to feel poorly: to feel ill
as fit as a fiddle: to be very healthy
to go down with a cold: to become ill
to go private: to choose to be treated by commercial healthcare
rather than by services offered by the state
GP: General Practitioner (family doctor)
to have a filling: to have a tooth repaired
to have a tooth out: to have a tooth removed
a heavy cold: a bad cold
to make an appointment: to arrange a time to see the doctor
to make a speedy recovery: to recover quickly from an illness
to phone in sick: to call work to explain you won’t be attending
work due to illness
prescription charges: money the patient pays for
medicine authorised by a doctor
to pull a muscle: to strain a muscle
a runny nose: a nose that has liquid coming out of it
a sore throat: inflammation that causes pain when swallowing
idiom& collocation
night owl = a person who enjoys staying up late at night
-> I was a night owl when I was younger, but these days I’d rather go to bed
Crawl back in bed
Wake up to an alarm
Get up at the crack of dawn
suffer from insomnia
• to have/​suffer from a(n)
• to catch/​contract/​get/​pick up a(n)
• catch a cold/ the flu/ a chill
• contract a disease/ malaria/ typhoid
• develop (lung) cancer/ diabetes/ AIDS/
Alzheimer's disease /ˈæltshaɪməz dɪziːz/
• suffer from asthma /ˈæzmə// backache
• have an attack of asthma/ diarrhoea
• be dianogsed with cancer/ AIDS/ autism
• sustain/ suffer minor/major/serious/head
* AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
• Allergist: bác sĩ chuyên khoa dị ứng
• Andrologist: bác sĩ nam khoa
• Anesthesiologist: bác sĩ gây mê
• Cardiologist: bác sĩ tim mạch
• Dermatologist: bác sĩ da liễu
• Epidemiologist: bác sĩ dịch tễ học
• Endocrinologist: bác sĩ nội tiết
• Nephrologist: bác sĩ chuyên khoa thận
• Gynecologist: bác sĩ phụ khoa
• Hematologist: bác sĩ huyết học
• Hepatologist: bác sĩ chuyên khoa gan
• Immunologist: bác sĩ chuyên khoa miễn
• Neurologist: bác sĩ chuyên khoa thần kinh
• Oncologist: bác sĩ chuyên khoa ung thư
• Ophthalmologist: bác sĩ mắt
• Orthopedist: bác sĩ ngoại chỉnh hình
• ENT Doctor: bác sĩ tai mũi họng
• Proctologist: bác sĩ chuyên khoa hậu môn
• Psychiatrist: bác sĩ chuyên khoa tâm thần
• Pathologist: bác sĩ bệnh lý học
• Radiologist: bác sĩ X-quang
• Rheumatologist: bác sĩ khoa bệnh thấp
• Traumatologist: bác sĩ khoa chấn thương
• Obstetrician: bác sĩ sản khoa
• Paediatrician: bác sĩ nhi khoa
• General practitioner: bác sĩ đa khoa
• Surgeon: bác sĩ phẫu thuật
• Gastroenterologist: bác sĩ chuyên khoa tiêu hóa
• Antibiotics: kháng sinh
• Prescription: kê đơn thuốc
• Pill: thuốc con nhộng
• Tablet: thuốc viên
• Operating theatre: phòng
• Operation: phẫu thuật
• Surgery: ca phẫu thuật
• Ward: phòng bệnh riêng
• Medical insurance: bảo
hiểm y tế
• Blood pressure: huyết áp
• Blood sample: mẫu máu
• Pulse: nhịp tim
• Temperature: nhiệt độ
• Urine sample: mẫu nước tiểu
• Injection: tiêm
• Vaccination: tiêm chủng vắc-xin
• Contraception: biện pháp tránh thai
• Infected: bị lây nhiễm
• Pain: cơn đau
• Painful: đau đớn
We buy medicine in a ….
Chemist (GB)
Pharmacy (US)
Drug store (US)
Different types of medicine
Antibiotics (to tackle infections)
Vaccines (to treat viruses)
Vaccines give us immunity (n.)
Vaccines build our immunity (n.)
A strong / weak immune (adj.) system
The doctor looked at my symptoms, diagnosed me, and then
prescribed some medicine
She put me on a course of antibiotics
I need to take some medicine
COVID Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking
• I hate wearing a face mask
• This vaccine can boost your immunity
• Social distancing is really important
• I don’t like taking pills, especially capsules
• Lockdown or confinement have meant we have had to spend a lot of time at
home, without going out to socialise.
• Quarantine is needed for anyone coming into the country with a fever.
• Some older people choose self-isolation to keep themselves safe.
• The Covid pandemic has changed our lives significantly
5 ways of talking about good health
• be as fit as a fiddle
• be as right as rain
• be fighting fit
• can't complain
• be the picture of health
and if you've been ill
• be back on my feet
• get a new lease of life
• be given a clean bill of health
• be well on the way to recovery
on the way to recover
lease of life
fit as fiddle
right as rain
a clean bill of health.
the picture of health.
complain on my feet.
fighting fit.
What do you think is more important,
eating healthily or doing exercise?
• Eating the Right Foods for Exercise
• Nutrition is important for fitness:
 Eating a well-balanced diet can help you get the calories
and nutrients you need to fuel your daily activities,
including regular exercise.
 When it comes to eating foods to fuel your exercise
performance, it’s not as simple as choosing vegetables
over doughnuts. You need to eat the right types of food at
the right times of the day.
 Learn about the importance of healthy breakfasts,
workout snacks, and meal plans.
Why diet is more important than exercise
for weight loss?
• Exercising increases your appetite
• Exercising alone can’t help you with weight
• An increase in physical activity has not
countered rising obesity levels
• Diet can give you more protein
• Food is the fuel source that drives exercise
• Short-term weight loss is also driven by diet
• The mechanics of weight loss restrict the
effectiveness of exercise
Intensive English 2
Unit 5: Health and Fitness
Speaking Part 1
1. Do you have any unhealthy habits?
Sadly, a big yes. To be honest, I considered myself as an night owl.
I’m quite obsessed by social media and sometimes nothing beats a
night of binge watching on Netflix.
2. In what ways do you try to stay healthy?
I love working out at the gym. I do a lot of squats, plank as well as
weightlifting. In addition, I try to have a balanced diet, limit sugar
intake and often have checkups . Therefore, I’m always as fit as a
I love working out at the gym. I do a lot of squat, plank as well as
weightlifting. In addition, I try to have a balanced diet and often have
check- ups with our GP. Therefore, I’m always as fit as a fiddle.
3. Have you ever had any habits which you consider to be unhealthy?
Sadly, a big yes. Because I work until 9 pm and won’t be back until 10 pm, I often
stay up late, very late. Besides, I’m also quite busy so I don’t usually cook. I eat
ready meals instead.
Sadly, a big yes. My work demands are as such that for most days coming back
home is around 10 pm. By then, I don’t have much time for food and sometimes
go to bed either an empty stomach or on ready meals. Coming back at 10 also
means it takes around 2 till I sleep which also means I have no time for breakfast
because I need to reach office as well. But, with time I am trying to make
changes to my routine.
Looking back, there have been many habits I would discard straight away. One
of them would be having alcohol; the other being smoking. Apart from these
extremes, I had a habit of waking up late and skipping meals. Although, they
don’t sound as major as the former, skipping meals surely has a psychological
effect on our lives.
4. What do you think is more important: eating healthy or doing exercise?
In my opinion, doing exercise is more important than eating healthy. One cannot
always eat healthily or eat the best food. But exercising ensures that even if there is
an up or down in the kind of food, a person stays healthy.
Exercise and diet are both important for long-term weight loss and your overall
health. Find ways to include daily activity and healthier food choices in your life. For
the best success, start slow and increase gradually; squeeze in one 10-minute walk
and have an apple with lunch.
5. What are the health benefits of playing a sport?
I think playing sports benefit us both physically and mentally. When you play sports,
you are giving your body time to build muscles, and burn fat. Therefore, you will be
fitter and stronger. Also, you are giving your body time to relax. That’s why I enjoy
working out so much.
A sport not only helps in the improvement of the health of an individual, it also
ensures mental fitness amongst individuals. Learning a sport increases the
learnability in an individual because there are different tricks and traps to be
learned. The one who is able to master it can grasp lot many things in life faster. This
ensures well being in the life of the person.
What do you think is more important,
eating healthily or doing exercise?
• Eating the Right Foods for Exercise
• Nutrition is important for fitness:
 Eating a well-balanced diet can help you get the calories
and nutrients you need to fuel your daily activities,
including regular exercise.
 When it comes to eating foods to fuel your exercise
performance, it’s not as simple as choosing vegetables
over doughnuts. You need to eat the right types of food
at the right times of the day.
 Learn about the importance of healthy breakfasts,
workout snacks, and meal plans.
Why diet is more important than exercise
for weight loss?
• Exercising increases your appetite /ˈæpɪtaɪt/
• Exercising alone can’t help you with weight
• An increase in physical activity has not
countered rising obesity levels
• Diet can give you more protein
• Food is the fuel source that drives exercise
• Short-term weight loss is also driven by diet
• The mechanics of weight loss restrict the
effectiveness of exercise
6. Is it easy to keep fit where you live?
Presently, I am living in Bhubaneswar, the capital of
an Eastern state Orissa in my country. It is a pleasant
city with a beautiful environment. With less of traffic
and more of parks and greenery, even a walk or a
jog in the near by park helps me to be more fit.
To be honest, no, it is not. Fast foods are always
tempting. People around me can be bad influence
when it comes to being fit especially when choosing
healthy foods and doing some exercises.
Many great health benefits to be gained from taking part
in sports activities.
- stay physically fit and healthy, and to lose weight if
that’s a problem.
- good for your mental health: relieve stress and
improve work-life balance.
- an excellent way of making new friends as you meet
like-minded people who share your interest. -> If you
play a team sport, training with your teammates pushes
you to get fitter, so that’s an added advantage, and it’s
fun to work out together.
let’s move on to talk about swimming
Is swimming a good way to stay healthy?
 reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, type 2
diabetes and stroke.
 one of the most effective ways to burn calories -> keep your weight
under control.
 help to keep your muscles healthy and improve bone strength
 provide a cardiovascular workout => an effective and accessible way
to improve your overall fitness and boost heart health and lung
function.+ beneficial for asthma sufferers
 a key factor in the relief of existing joint pain : allows you to tone up
the supporting muscles and maintain the structure of the joints
 boost your mood and can lower stress levels, reduce anxiety and
depression and improve your sleep patterns.
 Regular swimmers also report improvements in their self-esteem and
Let’s move on to talk about swimming
Have you ever taken swimming lessons?
Yes, I have but not a lot. I started learning to
swim when I was at high school. In fact, I’ve
joined many swimming competitions but
unfortunately, I have never won.
let’s move on to talk about swimming
• Is it better to swim in a pool or in the sea?
a way of immersing us in ecologies and in a
watery world.and bringing us into contact with
animals, plants, weather, waves and rocks in a
way that we cannot control. For instance, We
may encounter fish, birds, rays, turtles,
cephalopods and other animals.
there are numerous health claims about salt
water improving skin and hair. It is always fun to
jump over waves, or swim underneath them.
Being part of an ecology means we have
responsibilities too. Ocean plastics, sewage
and the antibiotics in agricultural run-off are a
potential problem for our health as we swim in
polluted oceans.
Pools are a lot safer than the sea. There are no
dangerous animals around. Some animals, like
jellyfish, are nearly invisible in the sea and can
be difficult to avoid.
You can relax, as there are no waves coming
towards you. It is the best place for a family with
small children.
Swimming pools are kept clean, there is a lot of
trash and pollution in the ocean.
You can have a much quieter, and much more
peaceful experience at your home swimming
Your pool water’s temperature can be changed
to meet changing seasons or your own
Let’s move on to talk about swimming
• Is swimming a popular activity in your country?
Yes, as far as I'm concerned, swimming is the only and most
prevalent water sport in Vietnam.You know, Vietnam has a
very long coastline, so Vietnamese people often learn how
to swim when they are small. Besides, they are trained
professionally at school in recent times. In the past, they
just learned from mimicking their father or siblings. Last but
not least, there are few public swimming pools in our city.
There is also a big indoor sports complex in our city,
wherein there are two or more swimming pools. Also, some
outdoor swimming pools are available. At the weekend,
many parents take their kids to the pool for swimming.
Let’s talk about a time you were ill
• Do you remember a time when you were unwell?
• How long were you sick for?
• What did you do to get better?
• How long were you absent from school/work?
=> I can remember a few months ago I was under the weather. At first I had
the usual symptoms like a blocked nose and sore throat. Sometimes, I got a
headache and chesty cough. So I knew I caught sever flu.
It lasted quite a while, about a week I think though I didn’t have that much
time off, just for a few days I remember feeling poorly.I had no choice but to
stay home. Fortunately, I felt better after 3 days and went back to school.
I still remember I took some aspirin to reduce the fever and try to get back to
sleep. My mom took care of me too. She prepare some nutrious foods like
noodle with beef or porridge with onion and asked me to try some tradition
treatments such as steam inhalation and herbal bath. I tried to take a lot of
rest and drink plenty of water.
Intensive English 3
Unit 3: Medicine
Speaking Part 2
Example Cue Card
Describe an activity that you like to do in your free time
after work or study. You should say:
What you do
Where you do it
Who you do it with
And explain why you like to do this activity
Here are some ideas/questions to answer, that you could
include when making notes and planning your answer for this
cue card
• Introduce the activity (what it is) extend your answer and
• The location (where) - explain
• Have you always done it? (When) have you just started
doing it recently?
• Describe - give a good description of the activity (include
here who you do it with)
• Give your opinion (why you like to do it).
• Will you continue to do it in the future?
Model Answer
I'd like to talk about walking my dog, we recently rescued a dog who was found by our
neighbour by the side of the road. At the time he was only around 4 weeks old and
quite ill, he was covered in fleas, had a belly full of worms and various skin conditions.
He soon became healthy after many vet visits and now has grown into a large healthy
dog, who has a routine of walks at certain times every day to burn off his energy. We
started his walking routine slowly when he was little, as he was scared of the park at
first. He soon loved to go there and looks really happy.
I normally walk him around my village in the morning before work for around 45
minutes. Then in the afternoons after work at around 7 pm we will visit the park, so he
can run free. He loves to be able to run around and explore the park, meeting up with
other dogs and playing. He enjoys running after people jogging and cycling, showing
them that he can go faster than them. He also likes to have his photograph taken with
tourists when they are posing next to monuments in the park.
In my opinion, walking with my dog is great exercise, as we walk together (or run) daily
for at least 2 hours. This is good for both of us, as he can burn off his energy and I can
also keep fit. I also think that getting away from my desk and breathing in the fresh air
is beneficial for my health and to clear my mind. It helps to keep my mental health in
check, by taking these walks and having the time to think about things. I will continue to
walk my dog every day, taking him with me to various locations on the island, as he
also enjoys the beach and the town park.
Speaking Skills: Medicine
Speaking Part 2: Task Card
Describe something you do to keep healthy. You should say:
• What this activity is
• When you do it
• How often you do it
And explain why you think it’s a good way to look after your health
I would like to share with you something that I am keen on doing in my leisure time
to stay healthy, which is jogging.
I took up this habit about 2 years ago. At that time, I was up to my ears with study to
prepare for my graduation examination so I was a little bit stressed out. Then I
thought that I needed to do something energetic to release some stress, so I decided
to have a crack at jogging.
At first, doing this was quite challenging for me because I led a sedentary lifestyle. I
just sat in front of my computer every day to complete my assignments. But after a
few days of suffering from muscle aches, I got used to jogging and kept doing it in
the evenings.
Well, I have to say that this sport has helped me a lot in strengthening my physical
health as well as my mental health. Thanks to jogging, I was able to lose my fat belly
and get lean. Now, to be honest, I’m quite satisfied with my youthful appearance
and trying to maintain it. Also, jogging allows me to unwind and enjoy fresh air, and
whenever I go jogging I feel like my mind is being refreshed.
In the future, I am going to keep doing this to stay healthy and maybe I will try some
other sports too. That’s all!
Staying in good shape is everyone’s concern and I am no exception. To be honest, I have been
so caught up in my work since I have a problem in organizing my daily routine. I have to stay up
late to finish all my work and then, watch some movies while eating midnight snack to be
relaxed, which is my leisure habits. Gradually, my health has been degraded because of sleep
deprivation and my eating habits. Therefore, I decided to take up swimming as my new hobby
in order to get healthier.
Unlike going to gym or running, this activity benefits both physical and mental health. You might
look at swimming and think that it is light and easy but it is more demanding than it appears.
Swimming allows me to work on all the parts of my body. It can burn a lot of calories in just one
hour of training. Also, it provides an all-over body workout, as nearly all of your muscles are
used during swimming. Swimming is considered as an all-round activity because it builds
endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. But what I enjoy the most about
swimming is alleviating stress. It is all about regulating your breathing and a smooth
combination between foot and hand movements, which helps me take things off my mind
easily while under cool water. Another thing is that it is supposed to be good for improving
balance, posture and flexibility.
By maintaining a schedule of taking part in swimming twice a day associated with a balanced
diet, not only do I feel extremely relaxed and full of energy after hectic working hours but I also
lose some weight and get more in shape. So of course, I don’t see myself stopping practising
this activity any time soon.
Describe a time when you had some medicine
You should say:
• When it happened
• Who gave it you
• Why you had it
How you felt about it
• There is no denying this conviction that
health is wealth.
• Being a fitness freak, I usually remain fit.
• In case of an illness, I mostly try to take the
help of home remedies rather than taking
When it was?
But last month, I had to go through a situation where I had to take medicine.
Due to the corona pandemic, our country was in a state of lockdown.
During that time, all of my family members used to stay at home.
Only I would go out to purchase groceries and vegetables.
In the middle of April month, suddenly, I had a fever coupled with body pains.
Immediately I quarantined myself in a separate room.
Initially, I tried to improve myself by taking the help of home remedies like turmeric
milk, lukewarm water gargles etc.
But my situation was not improving.
That time I called my cousin Dr Rimple Sharma, a renowned doctor.
She immediately advised me to take medicine.
Did you recover out of it?
I followed her advice sincerely.
She told me to take a course of antibiotics.
My treatment lasted for seven days.
After 14 days, I managed to come out of the trouble.
My energy was back, and I didn’t have a fever.
Moreover, I didn’t have body pain and headache.
Finally, I had a sigh of relief when I came to know that none of my family members had got the
The lesson I have learned from this experience is that in case of any issue, there is no harm in
taking the advice of an expert.
And in case of a medical issue, the best expert is the doctor.
Do consult your doctor as and when you have any medical problem.
This way, you can protect yourself, and others too.
When was it?
Well, I normally maintain excellent health and do not become ill frequently, but I will never
forget the moment when I was seriously ill. Actually, what happened was that one day I
returned home from school and I had a slight fever, which worsened and my parents took me
to the doctor's clinic, where they discovered the problem through a laboratory test or through
my blood test.
What exactly happened?
After testing positive for Pneumonia, it was determined that I would need to be on bed rest for
at least the next two weeks to recuperate. The fact that I had to take a lot of medicine and
couldn't go to school because I had a high temperature made it a very difficult period for me.
Fortunately, my mother was present, and she provided excellent care for me. She was nursing
me throughout this time, and she also looked after my nutrition and medications. She made
certain that I took the medication on time, as I had to take it at least three times a day.Seeing
other people die in the hospital had exacerbated the psychological damage. The only way I
could get out of it was to remain calm and upbeat. For me, it was a life-or-death scenario.
Did I recover from it?
My older sister also sent me a medication box, in which I could store the medicine according to
the day and the hour of the day. Unfortunately, one of the medications began to have side
effects, and as a result, I began to get severe headaches, which necessitated another visit to the
doctor, who prescribed me a different medication that was more suitable for me, and I was able
to recover from this after 2 weeks. My parents and sister, who practice medicine and nursing,
need to be credited with this achievement. I had a really difficult time during that period of
time, but I was able to recover from the condition thanks to the support of my family and
I avoid taking medicine for minor headaches and colds. But two months
back, I had an attack of fever.
I thought I would recover in a day or two, and so did not take any medicine. I
felt awful and couldn’t sleep well, but still avoided taking medicine.
Actually my aunt is a doctor and she told me once that fever means that our
body is trying to fight the infectious bacteria or viruses.So, it is a sign that
our body is fighting the disease and if our immune system is effective we will
not need medicines.
However, by the third day, my fever worsened and I had so much shivering
that my father had to take me to our family doctor. He advised some tests
and gave me crocin tablets. The test reports were available next day. The
doctor said that there was some infection because of which my TLC was
TLC is the white blood cell count, which increases during infections.
He could not pinpoint the infection, but he gave me some mild antibiotic.
I took the medicine diligently for 5 days.
I remember I started feeling better in one day, but followed the advice of
Describe a time when you were ill. You should
• when this was
• what your symptoms were
• how long the illness lasted
and say how it affected your life at the time.
Describe your (or your friend's) illness or injury
experience. You should say:
• What was it
• When did it happen
• How did you (or your friend) handled it
and say how do you feel about it now.
Let’s talk about a time you were ill
• Do you remember a time when you were unwell?
• How long were you sick for?
• What did you do to get better?
• How long were you absent from school/work?
=> I can remember a few months ago I was under the weather. At first I had
the usual symptoms like a blocked nose and sore throat. Sometimes, I got a
headache and chesty cough. So I knew I caught sever flu.
It lasted quite a while, about a week I think though I didn’t have that much
time off, just for a few days I remember feeling poorly.I had no choice but to
stay home. Fortunately, I felt better after 3 days and went back to school.
I still remember I took some aspirin to reduce the fever and try to get back to
sleep. My mom took care of me too. She prepare some nutrious foods like
noodle with beef or porridge with onion and asked me to try some tradition
treatments such as steam inhalation and herbal bath. I tried to take a lot of
rest and drink plenty of water.
I would like to talk about a car accident that happened to me a few years ago
and resulted in serious injuries... It was a horrible experience that I would not
want to relive ... my family was driving home, when a big truck crashed into our
passenger car. After the accident I blacked out and was transported to the
hospital. When I regained consciousness, I discovered that I had five broked
bones, several ruptures and many cuts and bruises. To restore the collarbone
and leg bone, I had to go through operations, during which metal rods were put
onto these bones to fix them... Not surprisingly, I was in a severe pain, so
physicians prescribed me to take painkillers and other medicines for a couple of
weeks. During my recovery, I wasn't able to walk properly and my life then was
very difficult. But after several months of proper treatment and physical therapy
I fully recovered ... I even took up karate soon after! Although the illness was
definitely not a pleasant experience, I am very happy and grateful that now I am
healthy... Probably, I leaned to value health and became stronger.
Speaking Skills: Health and Fitness
Speaking Part 2: Task Card
Describe a change you have made to
benefit your own healthy lifestyle
You should say:
• What it is
• Why you decided to do it
• How you have benefitted from it
and explain why you would recommend it
to others
Speaking Skills: Health and Fitness - Model
I have always been interested in Health, Diet and Nutrition as I am aware that keeping
healthy is extremely important to function successfully, sleep well and to prevent
illness. I have been tempted by diets over the years, but my determination for
achieving healthy eating habits usually fluctuates quite a lot and they can be pretty
boring, as well as rigorous. A healthy diet and health conscious attitude can help
me maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid bad health habits. However, recently one
of my flatmates adopted a vegan diet and, because we share a kitchen, I decided to
be as broad-minded as possible and learn from her!
There's been a lot of stuff in the media about how people worry about how unhealthy it is
to eat too much meat, especially red meat and how people continue bad habits. I
was already fairly healthy and ate a balanced diet without too many bad habits, but
when I started to read about veganism and the potential benefits of not eating
meat, I was hooked and determined to make some healthy lifestyle changes
In fact, I recently watched a documentary on Netflix about a professional, health conscious
sportsman who was even more successful after becoming vegan, and this was
revealing and surprising, as I had imagined that he would have needed vast
quantities of meat to be strong. (note – grammar third conditional which is quite
At first, the cooking was both time consuming and challenging, involving a vast range of
new ingredients, techniques and recipe books, but it was fun at the same time, and
our kitchen soon became a hub of not just friends but delicious odours!
After a few months, I decided to make this change and, whilst I do occasionally miss not
enjoying a large steak, I feel healthier, have lost weight, feel energised and am
much more alert at work. I know too that I have cut down my risk of serious
disease such as a stroke or heart attack and this is reassuring.
I would definitely recommend cutting down on red meat and processed food to all my
friends who want to stay healthy, even those who are rather sceptical about
vegans and argue that this diet is too complicated and limited. We all know that
the over production of meat is damaging to the environment and as an added
bonus, being partly vegan has definitely saved me money as the price of meat has
risen steadily in price over the past few years.
Describe a time when you were ill. You should
When this was
What your symptoms were
How long the illness lasted and say how it
affected your life at the time
My body started to feel weak; I started to have slight fever and colds. I knew it was
going to be bad because I was having headaches, and severe muscle and body aches.
I also started to have dry cough and my throat hurts.I will talk about a terrible
experience when I got ill. It happened a few months ago when I had flu coupled with
sore throat. A week before it happened, I was so stressed with work. I had stayed
late nights in the office to meet several deadlines. I lack sleep and I couldn’t also eat
on time.
It lasted for about a week. I went to see a doctor so I can get the right prescription. I
was advised to have bed rest for a few days.
I was not able to report for work for a week. Luckily, I have already finished all my
deadlines before it happened. But, it had still affected my life because I failed to do
my daily routine. I also asked my mom to take care of me since I lived alone. When I
came back to work, there’s a huge pile of paperwork waiting on my desk.
• 1. What do you think of buying medicine online?
I think it is OK to buy medicines online. Most of the sites ask you
to upload the prescription when you want to buy the medicine
online. Moreover it increases the competition, that is, we find
competitive prices and cheaper rates online. On the contrary
when you buy the same from the neighbourhood chemist the
medicines are mostly very expensive and overpriced.
• 2. In your opinion, why some people dislike taking medicine?
Some people dislike medicines because they have many side
effects. Most of the people of the older generation mostly have a
good immunity and they don’t want to pop up the pill at every
headache for stomach ache. Children often do not want to take
the medicines because they do not like the taste.
• 3. Some people say medicine is harmful. Do you think so?
Too much of medication is harmful but if the pill can save you
from pain I believe it’s better to have the pill.These days there
are various studies about many medicines and their side
effects. So medicine should only be taken with doctor’s advice
and not off the shelf. I don’t think any doctor would prescribe
medicine before weighing all the pros and cons for the person
to whom it is been prescribed.
4. What do you think of fake medicine?
I think fake medicines are the one where the portions are not
measured all the Chemicals are not right. certainly I have heard
about the placebos, which are medicines prescribed the
psychological benefit to the patient rather than for any
physiological effect.
What things do people do to stay healthy in your
 I would say the most popular form of exercise is going to the gym. I’m in
two minds about the gym as a way to keep fit. On the one hand , it is
convenient. But on the other hand, a gym is a very controlled
environment, somewhat lacking in imagination and spontaneity.
 Most people in Germany try to remain fit by exercising at local gyms,
walking in parks and swimming in the pool. Besides, it’s the very lifestyles
of most people in Germany which help them to remain fit. In fact,
walking and cycling in my country to get around are very common, with
footpaths and cycle routes (more than 46,000 miles of cycle routes) all
over the country, making it really easy to travel between the towns
without a car. On top of that, most people in Germany are health-
conscious, and as a result, they are very particular about their food and
diets they choose to eat on a regular basis.
Let’s talk about staying healthy
Let’s talk about staying healthy
Do you think people are more fit now than in the past?
 Sure, undoubtedly, ...
 No, definitely. I would argue that the invention of TV has led to
people being much too sedentary /ˈsednteri/. I know some
people who refuse to have a television because they think that
without one they are much more likely to keep active – it’s all
too easy to become a couch potato. Also, most people work in
offices so they just sit in a chair all day long and only move to go
to the photocopier. That’s very unhealthy. People used to work
the land and so be on the go from dawn till dusk. As a result,
they might suffer from Obesity.
3.Do you think people start worrying more
about their health as they become older?
Yes, without a doubt! When you're young, you
can affort to drink alcohol and stay awake all
night long without damaging your health very
much... But as you get older, your body
demands more attention and
care, therefore you need to worry about your
health more and have frequent check-ups...
4.Why do some people continue bad
habits when they know the danger?
• in denial over the long-term damage to
their health (DUE TO laziness)
• short-term care
• difficult to change their dietary habits
• find no motivation to exercise
4.Why do some people continue bad
habits when they know the danger?
As someone who tries hard to live healthily, I find it hard to understand why many
people chose unhealthy lifestyles. Personally, I think they are in denial over the long-
term damage to their health of eating and drinking too much and not taking enough
exercise. In many cases, it’s just laziness.
However, I do believe that there are some people who really do want to lose weight and
get fit but find it very difficult to change their dietary habits or find the motivation to
exercise. I have a work colleague who was so overweight and unfit that he couldn’t play
football with his children. He was so upset by this that he went on a diet and started to
take regular exercise. He lost over 40kg and is in really good shape now. More
importantly, he can now run around with his kids and play football, which they really
Sometimes it takes a situation like this or a health scare for someone to make
better health decisions.
5. How can children be encouraged to adopt
healthy eating habits?
• don’t ban junk food outright (clearly and completely)
• encourage them to eat smart at school
• Avoid Buying Unhealthy Foods in Bulk
• Warn Kids About Drinking Calories
• Promote Fruits and Veggies at Dinner
• Set a Good Example
• Start with Small Portions
• Help Them Recognize When They've Eaten Enough
• Stick to a Strict Meal and Snack Schedule
• Nutritious New Foods: Try, Try Again
6. Do you think people have become more
health-conscious in recent years?
In my opinion, many people are more concerned about living
a healthy lifestyle than, say, ten years ago and understand how to
stay fit and healthy. Lots of adults of all ages go to the gym, cycle to
work, jog in their spare time or have taken up a sport. The shops
seem to offer more healthy eating options every week so the
demand is obviously there.
On the other hand, I heard on the news that over 70% of the
population of my country is overweight so most people aren’t taking
good care of their health. There are lots of programmes on TV
about health problems related to obesity and how to change your life
and get healthier, so I have to conclude that people are more
conscious of health issues these days but that many choose to do
nothing to improve them.
7.Could governments do more to promote
healthier lifestyle options?
- have more initiatives
- implement strict policies (banning of smoking in public places)
- raise taxes on junk food
- People must also be educated about the advantages of having
a healthy lifestyle.
- reduce the working hours of employees
- putting up more establishments for people to engage in sports
or exercises must be encouraged.
8.How can people be encouraged to stay
It's an interesting question... In my opinion,
government could:
- encourage people to go in for sports by
+ making it more affordable and popular...
+ Promoting healthy food rationing on the television
might be a good idea as well...
- improve the health sector to make it more accessible
for the people.
9. Do women pay more attention to their
health than men?
Julie: I think so yes … women are more likely to
see their GP for a check-up if they’re concerned
about something … men tend to avoid facing up
to any health problems they have … my dad
always seems to have a very chesty cough but
refuses to go to make an appointment to see
the doctor …
10.Does modern technology have a positive or
a negative influence on people?
• Technology can add
limitless value to our
lives—especially if we take
care to use it mindfully.
• electronic health records
• internet and online
• Telemedicine
• Use of smartphone
• mental health (overusing of social
media => place higher pressure on
young people + cyber bullying =>
depression, suicidal ideation, disorder)
• physical inactivity
- digital eye strain
- sleep disorders (key smartphones,
computers next to their bed)
• inaccurate information ( the sheer
amount of information available,
people who do not have the proper
knowledge and expertise of the medical
line can experience hindrance in sifting
out the necessary can
accurately and carefully indulge in the
correct consultation )
10.Does modern technology have a positive or
a negative influence on people?
• Technology can add
limitless value to our
lives—especially if we take
care to use it mindfully.
• electronic health records
• internet and online
• Telemedicine
• Use of smartphone
• mental health (overusing of social
media => place higher pressure on
young people + cyber bullying =>
depression, suicidal ideation, disorder)
• physical inactivity
- digital eye strain
- sleep disorders (key smartphones,
computers next to their bed)
• inaccurate information ( the sheer
amount of information available,
people who do not have the proper
knowledge and expertise of the medical
line can experience hindrance in sifting
out the necessary can
accurately and carefully indulge in the
correct consultation )
DEADLINE: before Sunday, 27/03/2022
In some countries, the average weight of
people is increasing, and their level of health
and fitness is decreasing. What do you think
are the causes of these problems and what
measures could be taken to solve them?
Give reasons for your answer and include
any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.
• pdf
• google form

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  • 2. IE2 – Extension Lesson: Week 4, Session 7 Health and Fitness – Introduction to Reading “Obesity”
  • 4. Watch again and fill in the gaps. • ………….. say obesity is a huge threat. • Obesity rate for kids have ……….. • Children need ……… to make the right choices. • It seems like the politicians are …………..the problem. • The fast food industry makes a lot of............. • Between 1995 and 2010 over……… dollars were spent on subsidizing foods that are making Americans fat. • …… Americans are overweight. This is expected to rise to ………..% • The risks for health with fast food are ……….? • Bigger …………….. are needed because people are getting bigger.
  • 5. • Nutritionists say obesity is a huge threat. • Obesity rate for kids have tripled. • Children need (good) education to make the right choices. • It seems like the politicians are feeding the problem. • The fast-food industry makes a lot of money. • Between 1995 and 2010 over 250 billion dollars were spent on subsidizing foods that are making Americans fat. • 2 out of 3 Americans are overweight. This is expected to rise to 75% (3 out of 4) • The risks for health with fast food are heart disease, strokes, certain types of cancers and diabetes. • Bigger caskets are needed because people are getting bigger.
  • 8.
  • 9. HABITS TO STAY HEALTHY • Exercise: walking in the morning & evening, running, swimming, cycling, playing outdoor games, and going to the gymnasium, doing yoga etc. • visiting different places on your vacation as travelling to open spaces gives you mental refreshment as well as help keeping good health. • Having a good food habit is something positive we can have to maintain good health. You can talk about your habit of eating vegetable instead of eating fish and meat. Your habit of drinking fruit juice daily is also something health you do.
  • 10. have a healthy eating habit • limit refined sugars and saturated /ˈsætʃəreɪtɪd/ fats: • drink water instead of sugary beverages: • cut out just one sugar-sweetened soda → can save 100 or more calories a day: • try grabbing some almonds, peanuts instead of chips or cookies when you need a snack: • eat fish or other types of seafood instead of red meat at least once a week(good for the heart/brain/waist line): • eat one extra fruit or vegetable a day:
  • 11. exercise regularly/be more active • a brisk walk for half an hour a day → dramatically reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and several forms of cancer • improve brain function • 10 minutes of exercise → make a difference • sign up for dancing lessons/walk to the park with your kids/jump rope/go for a hike/…
  • 12. How to improve your diet • Make sure you eat a variety of foods. It's important to eat from all five food groups. • Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. These contain vital nutrients. • Try to maintain a healthy weight. Being too thin can cause as many health problems as being overweight. • Eat moderate portions and don't be tempted to order a larger size when eating out. Skipping meals can lead to overeating as you will be much hungrier later. • Be sure to eat regularly if you want to curb (limit) your appetite. • Reduce your intake of foods that are high in fats, sugar and salt.
  • 13. people do nowadays • Most people nowadays lead a sedentary lifestyle • We tend to walk less and do desk jobs • Most adults relax by watching television • Children play video games rather than doing outdoor sports • Many people nowadays rely on fast food or pre- prepared meals • These foods often contain too much fat, salt and sugar • They are cheap to buy and very easy to prepare • Obesity, diabetes and heart disease are on the increase
  • 14.
  • 16. VOCABULARY 1) maintain a healthy weight: duy trì cân nặng khoẻ mạnh 2) go on a diet: ăn kiêng 3) keep the weight off: giữ không cho tăng cân 4) eating habits: những thói quen ăn uống 5) weight loss: việc giảm cân 6) boost sb's confidence/self-esteem: tăng sự tự tin 7) a crash/fad diet: chế độ ăn kiêng để xuống cân nhanh chóng thường là nhịn ăn và tập thể dục ở cường độ cao (có hại cho sức khoẻ) 8) increase health risks: tăng nguy cơ bị bệnh 9) fatigue: sự mệt mỏi 10) gallstones: bệnh sỏi mật 11) malnutrition: thiếu chất dinh dưỡng 12) reduce chances of having diabetes: giảm nguy cơ mắc bệnh tiểu đường 13) high blood pressure: huyết áp cao 14) metabolism: quá trình trao đổi chất --> metabolic system: hệ trao đổi chất 15) heart disease: bệnh tim mạch 16) a balanced diet: ăn uống đầy đủ chất
  • 17. aches and pains: minor pains that continue over a period of time to be a bit off colour: to feel a little ill to be at death’s door: (informal) to be very ill indeed to be on the mend: to be recovering after an illness to be over the worst: to have got through the most serious or uncomfortable stage of an illness to be under the weather: (informal) to not feel well a blocked nose: when the nose has excess fluid due to a cold to catch a cold: to get a cold a check-up: a physical examination by a doctor a chesty cough: a cough caused by congestion around the lungs cuts and bruises: minor injuries to feel poorly: to feel ill as fit as a fiddle: to be very healthy
  • 18. to go down with a cold: to become ill to go private: to choose to be treated by commercial healthcare rather than by services offered by the state GP: General Practitioner (family doctor) to have a filling: to have a tooth repaired to have a tooth out: to have a tooth removed a heavy cold: a bad cold to make an appointment: to arrange a time to see the doctor to make a speedy recovery: to recover quickly from an illness to phone in sick: to call work to explain you won’t be attending work due to illness prescription charges: money the patient pays for medicine authorised by a doctor to pull a muscle: to strain a muscle a runny nose: a nose that has liquid coming out of it a sore throat: inflammation that causes pain when swallowing
  • 20. /ɡraɪnd/ night owl = a person who enjoys staying up late at night -> I was a night owl when I was younger, but these days I’d rather go to bed early. Crawl back in bed Wake up to an alarm Get up at the crack of dawn suffer from insomnia
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23. • to have/​suffer from a(n) disease/​illness/​disorder/​infection/​condition/​ ailment • to catch/​contract/​get/​pick up a(n) disease/​illness/​infection
  • 24. • catch a cold/ the flu/ a chill • contract a disease/ malaria/ typhoid /ˈtaɪfɔɪd/ • develop (lung) cancer/ diabetes/ AIDS/ Alzheimer's disease /ˈæltshaɪməz dɪziːz/ • suffer from asthma /ˈæzmə// backache • have an attack of asthma/ diarrhoea • be dianogsed with cancer/ AIDS/ autism • sustain/ suffer minor/major/serious/head injuries * AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
  • 25. • Allergist: bác sĩ chuyên khoa dị ứng • Andrologist: bác sĩ nam khoa • Anesthesiologist: bác sĩ gây mê • Cardiologist: bác sĩ tim mạch • Dermatologist: bác sĩ da liễu • Epidemiologist: bác sĩ dịch tễ học • Endocrinologist: bác sĩ nội tiết • Nephrologist: bác sĩ chuyên khoa thận • Gynecologist: bác sĩ phụ khoa • Hematologist: bác sĩ huyết học • Hepatologist: bác sĩ chuyên khoa gan • Immunologist: bác sĩ chuyên khoa miễn dịch • Neurologist: bác sĩ chuyên khoa thần kinh • Oncologist: bác sĩ chuyên khoa ung thư • Ophthalmologist: bác sĩ mắt • Orthopedist: bác sĩ ngoại chỉnh hình • ENT Doctor: bác sĩ tai mũi họng • Proctologist: bác sĩ chuyên khoa hậu môn • Psychiatrist: bác sĩ chuyên khoa tâm thần • Pathologist: bác sĩ bệnh lý học • Radiologist: bác sĩ X-quang • Rheumatologist: bác sĩ khoa bệnh thấp • Traumatologist: bác sĩ khoa chấn thương • Obstetrician: bác sĩ sản khoa • Paediatrician: bác sĩ nhi khoa • General practitioner: bác sĩ đa khoa • Surgeon: bác sĩ phẫu thuật • Gastroenterologist: bác sĩ chuyên khoa tiêu hóa
  • 26. • Antibiotics: kháng sinh • Prescription: kê đơn thuốc • Pill: thuốc con nhộng • Tablet: thuốc viên • Operating theatre: phòng mổ • Operation: phẫu thuật • Surgery: ca phẫu thuật • Ward: phòng bệnh riêng • Medical insurance: bảo hiểm y tế • Blood pressure: huyết áp • Blood sample: mẫu máu • Pulse: nhịp tim • Temperature: nhiệt độ • Urine sample: mẫu nước tiểu • Injection: tiêm • Vaccination: tiêm chủng vắc-xin • Contraception: biện pháp tránh thai • Infected: bị lây nhiễm • Pain: cơn đau • Painful: đau đớn
  • 27.
  • 28. We buy medicine in a …. Chemist (GB) Pharmacy (US) Drug store (US) Different types of medicine Pills Syrups Creams Antibiotics (to tackle infections) Vaccines (to treat viruses) Vaccines give us immunity (n.) Vaccines build our immunity (n.) A strong / weak immune (adj.) system The doctor looked at my symptoms, diagnosed me, and then prescribed some medicine She put me on a course of antibiotics I need to take some medicine
  • 29. COVID Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking • I hate wearing a face mask • This vaccine can boost your immunity • Social distancing is really important • I don’t like taking pills, especially capsules • Lockdown or confinement have meant we have had to spend a lot of time at home, without going out to socialise. • Quarantine is needed for anyone coming into the country with a fever. • Some older people choose self-isolation to keep themselves safe. • The Covid pandemic has changed our lives significantly
  • 30. 5 ways of talking about good health • be as fit as a fiddle • be as right as rain • be fighting fit • can't complain • be the picture of health
  • 31. and if you've been ill • be back on my feet • get a new lease of life • be given a clean bill of health • be well on the way to recovery
  • 32. PRACTICE on the way to recover lease of life fit as fiddle right as rain a clean bill of health. the picture of health. complain on my feet. fighting fit.
  • 35. What do you think is more important, eating healthily or doing exercise? • Eating the Right Foods for Exercise • Nutrition is important for fitness:  Eating a well-balanced diet can help you get the calories and nutrients you need to fuel your daily activities, including regular exercise.  When it comes to eating foods to fuel your exercise performance, it’s not as simple as choosing vegetables over doughnuts. You need to eat the right types of food at the right times of the day.  Learn about the importance of healthy breakfasts, workout snacks, and meal plans.
  • 36. Why diet is more important than exercise for weight loss? • Exercising increases your appetite • Exercising alone can’t help you with weight loss • An increase in physical activity has not countered rising obesity levels • Diet can give you more protein • Food is the fuel source that drives exercise • Short-term weight loss is also driven by diet • The mechanics of weight loss restrict the effectiveness of exercise
  • 37.
  • 39.
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  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 46. Intensive English 2 Unit 5: Health and Fitness Speaking Part 1
  • 47. SUGGESTED ANSWER 1. Do you have any unhealthy habits? Sadly, a big yes. To be honest, I considered myself as an night owl. I’m quite obsessed by social media and sometimes nothing beats a night of binge watching on Netflix. 2. In what ways do you try to stay healthy? I love working out at the gym. I do a lot of squats, plank as well as weightlifting. In addition, I try to have a balanced diet, limit sugar intake and often have checkups . Therefore, I’m always as fit as a fiddle. I love working out at the gym. I do a lot of squat, plank as well as weightlifting. In addition, I try to have a balanced diet and often have check- ups with our GP. Therefore, I’m always as fit as a fiddle.
  • 48. 3. Have you ever had any habits which you consider to be unhealthy? Sadly, a big yes. Because I work until 9 pm and won’t be back until 10 pm, I often stay up late, very late. Besides, I’m also quite busy so I don’t usually cook. I eat ready meals instead. Sadly, a big yes. My work demands are as such that for most days coming back home is around 10 pm. By then, I don’t have much time for food and sometimes go to bed either an empty stomach or on ready meals. Coming back at 10 also means it takes around 2 till I sleep which also means I have no time for breakfast because I need to reach office as well. But, with time I am trying to make changes to my routine. Looking back, there have been many habits I would discard straight away. One of them would be having alcohol; the other being smoking. Apart from these extremes, I had a habit of waking up late and skipping meals. Although, they don’t sound as major as the former, skipping meals surely has a psychological effect on our lives.
  • 49. 4. What do you think is more important: eating healthy or doing exercise? In my opinion, doing exercise is more important than eating healthy. One cannot always eat healthily or eat the best food. But exercising ensures that even if there is an up or down in the kind of food, a person stays healthy. Exercise and diet are both important for long-term weight loss and your overall health. Find ways to include daily activity and healthier food choices in your life. For the best success, start slow and increase gradually; squeeze in one 10-minute walk and have an apple with lunch. 5. What are the health benefits of playing a sport? I think playing sports benefit us both physically and mentally. When you play sports, you are giving your body time to build muscles, and burn fat. Therefore, you will be fitter and stronger. Also, you are giving your body time to relax. That’s why I enjoy working out so much. A sport not only helps in the improvement of the health of an individual, it also ensures mental fitness amongst individuals. Learning a sport increases the learnability in an individual because there are different tricks and traps to be learned. The one who is able to master it can grasp lot many things in life faster. This ensures well being in the life of the person.
  • 50. What do you think is more important, eating healthily or doing exercise? • Eating the Right Foods for Exercise • Nutrition is important for fitness:  Eating a well-balanced diet can help you get the calories and nutrients you need to fuel your daily activities, including regular exercise.  When it comes to eating foods to fuel your exercise performance, it’s not as simple as choosing vegetables over doughnuts. You need to eat the right types of food at the right times of the day.  Learn about the importance of healthy breakfasts, workout snacks, and meal plans.
  • 51. Why diet is more important than exercise for weight loss? • Exercising increases your appetite /ˈæpɪtaɪt/ • Exercising alone can’t help you with weight loss • An increase in physical activity has not countered rising obesity levels • Diet can give you more protein • Food is the fuel source that drives exercise • Short-term weight loss is also driven by diet • The mechanics of weight loss restrict the effectiveness of exercise
  • 52. 6. Is it easy to keep fit where you live? Presently, I am living in Bhubaneswar, the capital of an Eastern state Orissa in my country. It is a pleasant city with a beautiful environment. With less of traffic and more of parks and greenery, even a walk or a jog in the near by park helps me to be more fit. To be honest, no, it is not. Fast foods are always tempting. People around me can be bad influence when it comes to being fit especially when choosing healthy foods and doing some exercises.
  • 53. BENEFITS OF PLAYING SPORTS Many great health benefits to be gained from taking part in sports activities. - stay physically fit and healthy, and to lose weight if that’s a problem. - good for your mental health: relieve stress and improve work-life balance. - an excellent way of making new friends as you meet like-minded people who share your interest. -> If you play a team sport, training with your teammates pushes you to get fitter, so that’s an added advantage, and it’s fun to work out together.
  • 54. let’s move on to talk about swimming Is swimming a good way to stay healthy?  reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke.  one of the most effective ways to burn calories -> keep your weight under control.  help to keep your muscles healthy and improve bone strength  provide a cardiovascular workout => an effective and accessible way to improve your overall fitness and boost heart health and lung function.+ beneficial for asthma sufferers  a key factor in the relief of existing joint pain : allows you to tone up the supporting muscles and maintain the structure of the joints  boost your mood and can lower stress levels, reduce anxiety and depression and improve your sleep patterns.  Regular swimmers also report improvements in their self-esteem and confidence
  • 55. Let’s move on to talk about swimming Have you ever taken swimming lessons? Yes, I have but not a lot. I started learning to swim when I was at high school. In fact, I’ve joined many swimming competitions but unfortunately, I have never won.
  • 56. let’s move on to talk about swimming • Is it better to swim in a pool or in the sea? IN THE SEA IN THE POOL a way of immersing us in ecologies and in a watery world.and bringing us into contact with animals, plants, weather, waves and rocks in a way that we cannot control. For instance, We may encounter fish, birds, rays, turtles, cephalopods and other animals. there are numerous health claims about salt water improving skin and hair. It is always fun to jump over waves, or swim underneath them. Being part of an ecology means we have responsibilities too. Ocean plastics, sewage and the antibiotics in agricultural run-off are a potential problem for our health as we swim in polluted oceans. Pools are a lot safer than the sea. There are no dangerous animals around. Some animals, like jellyfish, are nearly invisible in the sea and can be difficult to avoid. You can relax, as there are no waves coming towards you. It is the best place for a family with small children. Swimming pools are kept clean, there is a lot of trash and pollution in the ocean. You can have a much quieter, and much more peaceful experience at your home swimming pool. Your pool water’s temperature can be changed to meet changing seasons or your own preferences.
  • 57. Let’s move on to talk about swimming • Is swimming a popular activity in your country? Yes, as far as I'm concerned, swimming is the only and most prevalent water sport in Vietnam.You know, Vietnam has a very long coastline, so Vietnamese people often learn how to swim when they are small. Besides, they are trained professionally at school in recent times. In the past, they just learned from mimicking their father or siblings. Last but not least, there are few public swimming pools in our city. There is also a big indoor sports complex in our city, wherein there are two or more swimming pools. Also, some outdoor swimming pools are available. At the weekend, many parents take their kids to the pool for swimming.
  • 58. Let’s talk about a time you were ill • Do you remember a time when you were unwell? • How long were you sick for? • What did you do to get better? • How long were you absent from school/work? => I can remember a few months ago I was under the weather. At first I had the usual symptoms like a blocked nose and sore throat. Sometimes, I got a headache and chesty cough. So I knew I caught sever flu. It lasted quite a while, about a week I think though I didn’t have that much time off, just for a few days I remember feeling poorly.I had no choice but to stay home. Fortunately, I felt better after 3 days and went back to school. I still remember I took some aspirin to reduce the fever and try to get back to sleep. My mom took care of me too. She prepare some nutrious foods like noodle with beef or porridge with onion and asked me to try some tradition treatments such as steam inhalation and herbal bath. I tried to take a lot of rest and drink plenty of water.
  • 59. Intensive English 3 Unit 3: Medicine Speaking Part 2
  • 61. Example Cue Card Describe an activity that you like to do in your free time after work or study. You should say: What you do Where you do it Who you do it with And explain why you like to do this activity Here are some ideas/questions to answer, that you could include when making notes and planning your answer for this cue card • Introduce the activity (what it is) extend your answer and explain. • The location (where) - explain • Have you always done it? (When) have you just started doing it recently? • Describe - give a good description of the activity (include here who you do it with) • Give your opinion (why you like to do it). • Will you continue to do it in the future?
  • 62. Model Answer I'd like to talk about walking my dog, we recently rescued a dog who was found by our neighbour by the side of the road. At the time he was only around 4 weeks old and quite ill, he was covered in fleas, had a belly full of worms and various skin conditions. He soon became healthy after many vet visits and now has grown into a large healthy dog, who has a routine of walks at certain times every day to burn off his energy. We started his walking routine slowly when he was little, as he was scared of the park at first. He soon loved to go there and looks really happy. I normally walk him around my village in the morning before work for around 45 minutes. Then in the afternoons after work at around 7 pm we will visit the park, so he can run free. He loves to be able to run around and explore the park, meeting up with other dogs and playing. He enjoys running after people jogging and cycling, showing them that he can go faster than them. He also likes to have his photograph taken with tourists when they are posing next to monuments in the park. In my opinion, walking with my dog is great exercise, as we walk together (or run) daily for at least 2 hours. This is good for both of us, as he can burn off his energy and I can also keep fit. I also think that getting away from my desk and breathing in the fresh air is beneficial for my health and to clear my mind. It helps to keep my mental health in check, by taking these walks and having the time to think about things. I will continue to walk my dog every day, taking him with me to various locations on the island, as he also enjoys the beach and the town park.
  • 63. Speaking Skills: Medicine Speaking Part 2: Task Card Describe something you do to keep healthy. You should say: • What this activity is • When you do it • How often you do it And explain why you think it’s a good way to look after your health
  • 64. MODEL ANSWER I would like to share with you something that I am keen on doing in my leisure time to stay healthy, which is jogging. I took up this habit about 2 years ago. At that time, I was up to my ears with study to prepare for my graduation examination so I was a little bit stressed out. Then I thought that I needed to do something energetic to release some stress, so I decided to have a crack at jogging. At first, doing this was quite challenging for me because I led a sedentary lifestyle. I just sat in front of my computer every day to complete my assignments. But after a few days of suffering from muscle aches, I got used to jogging and kept doing it in the evenings. Well, I have to say that this sport has helped me a lot in strengthening my physical health as well as my mental health. Thanks to jogging, I was able to lose my fat belly and get lean. Now, to be honest, I’m quite satisfied with my youthful appearance and trying to maintain it. Also, jogging allows me to unwind and enjoy fresh air, and whenever I go jogging I feel like my mind is being refreshed. In the future, I am going to keep doing this to stay healthy and maybe I will try some other sports too. That’s all!
  • 65. MODEL ANSWER Staying in good shape is everyone’s concern and I am no exception. To be honest, I have been so caught up in my work since I have a problem in organizing my daily routine. I have to stay up late to finish all my work and then, watch some movies while eating midnight snack to be relaxed, which is my leisure habits. Gradually, my health has been degraded because of sleep deprivation and my eating habits. Therefore, I decided to take up swimming as my new hobby in order to get healthier. Unlike going to gym or running, this activity benefits both physical and mental health. You might look at swimming and think that it is light and easy but it is more demanding than it appears. Swimming allows me to work on all the parts of my body. It can burn a lot of calories in just one hour of training. Also, it provides an all-over body workout, as nearly all of your muscles are used during swimming. Swimming is considered as an all-round activity because it builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. But what I enjoy the most about swimming is alleviating stress. It is all about regulating your breathing and a smooth combination between foot and hand movements, which helps me take things off my mind easily while under cool water. Another thing is that it is supposed to be good for improving balance, posture and flexibility. By maintaining a schedule of taking part in swimming twice a day associated with a balanced diet, not only do I feel extremely relaxed and full of energy after hectic working hours but I also lose some weight and get more in shape. So of course, I don’t see myself stopping practising this activity any time soon.
  • 66. CUE CARD 2 Describe a time when you had some medicine You should say: • When it happened • Who gave it you • Why you had it How you felt about it
  • 67. Introduction • There is no denying this conviction that health is wealth. • Being a fitness freak, I usually remain fit. • In case of an illness, I mostly try to take the help of home remedies rather than taking medicines.
  • 68. When it was? But last month, I had to go through a situation where I had to take medicine. Due to the corona pandemic, our country was in a state of lockdown. During that time, all of my family members used to stay at home. Only I would go out to purchase groceries and vegetables. In the middle of April month, suddenly, I had a fever coupled with body pains. Immediately I quarantined myself in a separate room. Initially, I tried to improve myself by taking the help of home remedies like turmeric milk, lukewarm water gargles etc. But my situation was not improving. That time I called my cousin Dr Rimple Sharma, a renowned doctor. She immediately advised me to take medicine.
  • 69. Did you recover out of it? I followed her advice sincerely. She told me to take a course of antibiotics. My treatment lasted for seven days. After 14 days, I managed to come out of the trouble. My energy was back, and I didn’t have a fever. Moreover, I didn’t have body pain and headache. Finally, I had a sigh of relief when I came to know that none of my family members had got the infection. The lesson I have learned from this experience is that in case of any issue, there is no harm in taking the advice of an expert. And in case of a medical issue, the best expert is the doctor. Do consult your doctor as and when you have any medical problem. This way, you can protect yourself, and others too.
  • 70. When was it? Well, I normally maintain excellent health and do not become ill frequently, but I will never forget the moment when I was seriously ill. Actually, what happened was that one day I returned home from school and I had a slight fever, which worsened and my parents took me to the doctor's clinic, where they discovered the problem through a laboratory test or through my blood test. What exactly happened? After testing positive for Pneumonia, it was determined that I would need to be on bed rest for at least the next two weeks to recuperate. The fact that I had to take a lot of medicine and couldn't go to school because I had a high temperature made it a very difficult period for me. Fortunately, my mother was present, and she provided excellent care for me. She was nursing me throughout this time, and she also looked after my nutrition and medications. She made certain that I took the medication on time, as I had to take it at least three times a day.Seeing other people die in the hospital had exacerbated the psychological damage. The only way I could get out of it was to remain calm and upbeat. For me, it was a life-or-death scenario. Did I recover from it? My older sister also sent me a medication box, in which I could store the medicine according to the day and the hour of the day. Unfortunately, one of the medications began to have side effects, and as a result, I began to get severe headaches, which necessitated another visit to the doctor, who prescribed me a different medication that was more suitable for me, and I was able to recover from this after 2 weeks. My parents and sister, who practice medicine and nursing, need to be credited with this achievement. I had a really difficult time during that period of time, but I was able to recover from the condition thanks to the support of my family and friends.
  • 71. I avoid taking medicine for minor headaches and colds. But two months back, I had an attack of fever. I thought I would recover in a day or two, and so did not take any medicine. I felt awful and couldn’t sleep well, but still avoided taking medicine. Actually my aunt is a doctor and she told me once that fever means that our body is trying to fight the infectious bacteria or viruses.So, it is a sign that our body is fighting the disease and if our immune system is effective we will not need medicines. However, by the third day, my fever worsened and I had so much shivering that my father had to take me to our family doctor. He advised some tests and gave me crocin tablets. The test reports were available next day. The doctor said that there was some infection because of which my TLC was high. TLC is the white blood cell count, which increases during infections. He could not pinpoint the infection, but he gave me some mild antibiotic. I took the medicine diligently for 5 days. I remember I started feeling better in one day, but followed the advice of
  • 72. OTHER CUE CARDS Describe a time when you were ill. You should say: • when this was • what your symptoms were • how long the illness lasted and say how it affected your life at the time.
  • 73. OTHER CUE CARDS Describe your (or your friend's) illness or injury experience. You should say: • What was it • When did it happen • How did you (or your friend) handled it and say how do you feel about it now.
  • 74. Let’s talk about a time you were ill • Do you remember a time when you were unwell? • How long were you sick for? • What did you do to get better? • How long were you absent from school/work? => I can remember a few months ago I was under the weather. At first I had the usual symptoms like a blocked nose and sore throat. Sometimes, I got a headache and chesty cough. So I knew I caught sever flu. It lasted quite a while, about a week I think though I didn’t have that much time off, just for a few days I remember feeling poorly.I had no choice but to stay home. Fortunately, I felt better after 3 days and went back to school. I still remember I took some aspirin to reduce the fever and try to get back to sleep. My mom took care of me too. She prepare some nutrious foods like noodle with beef or porridge with onion and asked me to try some tradition treatments such as steam inhalation and herbal bath. I tried to take a lot of rest and drink plenty of water.
  • 75.
  • 76. I would like to talk about a car accident that happened to me a few years ago and resulted in serious injuries... It was a horrible experience that I would not want to relive ... my family was driving home, when a big truck crashed into our passenger car. After the accident I blacked out and was transported to the hospital. When I regained consciousness, I discovered that I had five broked bones, several ruptures and many cuts and bruises. To restore the collarbone and leg bone, I had to go through operations, during which metal rods were put onto these bones to fix them... Not surprisingly, I was in a severe pain, so physicians prescribed me to take painkillers and other medicines for a couple of weeks. During my recovery, I wasn't able to walk properly and my life then was very difficult. But after several months of proper treatment and physical therapy I fully recovered ... I even took up karate soon after! Although the illness was definitely not a pleasant experience, I am very happy and grateful that now I am healthy... Probably, I leaned to value health and became stronger.
  • 77. Speaking Skills: Health and Fitness Speaking Part 2: Task Card Describe a change you have made to benefit your own healthy lifestyle You should say: • What it is • Why you decided to do it • How you have benefitted from it and explain why you would recommend it to others
  • 78. Speaking Skills: Health and Fitness - Model Answer I have always been interested in Health, Diet and Nutrition as I am aware that keeping healthy is extremely important to function successfully, sleep well and to prevent illness. I have been tempted by diets over the years, but my determination for achieving healthy eating habits usually fluctuates quite a lot and they can be pretty boring, as well as rigorous. A healthy diet and health conscious attitude can help me maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid bad health habits. However, recently one of my flatmates adopted a vegan diet and, because we share a kitchen, I decided to be as broad-minded as possible and learn from her! There's been a lot of stuff in the media about how people worry about how unhealthy it is to eat too much meat, especially red meat and how people continue bad habits. I was already fairly healthy and ate a balanced diet without too many bad habits, but when I started to read about veganism and the potential benefits of not eating meat, I was hooked and determined to make some healthy lifestyle changes myself. In fact, I recently watched a documentary on Netflix about a professional, health conscious sportsman who was even more successful after becoming vegan, and this was revealing and surprising, as I had imagined that he would have needed vast quantities of meat to be strong. (note – grammar third conditional which is quite unusual!) At first, the cooking was both time consuming and challenging, involving a vast range of new ingredients, techniques and recipe books, but it was fun at the same time, and our kitchen soon became a hub of not just friends but delicious odours! After a few months, I decided to make this change and, whilst I do occasionally miss not enjoying a large steak, I feel healthier, have lost weight, feel energised and am much more alert at work. I know too that I have cut down my risk of serious disease such as a stroke or heart attack and this is reassuring. I would definitely recommend cutting down on red meat and processed food to all my friends who want to stay healthy, even those who are rather sceptical about vegans and argue that this diet is too complicated and limited. We all know that the over production of meat is damaging to the environment and as an added bonus, being partly vegan has definitely saved me money as the price of meat has risen steadily in price over the past few years.
  • 79. Describe a time when you were ill. You should say: When this was What your symptoms were How long the illness lasted and say how it affected your life at the time
  • 80. My body started to feel weak; I started to have slight fever and colds. I knew it was going to be bad because I was having headaches, and severe muscle and body aches. I also started to have dry cough and my throat hurts.I will talk about a terrible experience when I got ill. It happened a few months ago when I had flu coupled with sore throat. A week before it happened, I was so stressed with work. I had stayed late nights in the office to meet several deadlines. I lack sleep and I couldn’t also eat on time. It lasted for about a week. I went to see a doctor so I can get the right prescription. I was advised to have bed rest for a few days. I was not able to report for work for a week. Luckily, I have already finished all my deadlines before it happened. But, it had still affected my life because I failed to do my daily routine. I also asked my mom to take care of me since I lived alone. When I came back to work, there’s a huge pile of paperwork waiting on my desk.
  • 81. PART 3 • 1. What do you think of buying medicine online? I think it is OK to buy medicines online. Most of the sites ask you to upload the prescription when you want to buy the medicine online. Moreover it increases the competition, that is, we find competitive prices and cheaper rates online. On the contrary when you buy the same from the neighbourhood chemist the medicines are mostly very expensive and overpriced. • 2. In your opinion, why some people dislike taking medicine? Some people dislike medicines because they have many side effects. Most of the people of the older generation mostly have a good immunity and they don’t want to pop up the pill at every headache for stomach ache. Children often do not want to take the medicines because they do not like the taste.
  • 82. • 3. Some people say medicine is harmful. Do you think so? Too much of medication is harmful but if the pill can save you from pain I believe it’s better to have the pill.These days there are various studies about many medicines and their side effects. So medicine should only be taken with doctor’s advice and not off the shelf. I don’t think any doctor would prescribe medicine before weighing all the pros and cons for the person to whom it is been prescribed. 4. What do you think of fake medicine? I think fake medicines are the one where the portions are not measured all the Chemicals are not right. certainly I have heard about the placebos, which are medicines prescribed the psychological benefit to the patient rather than for any physiological effect.
  • 83. What things do people do to stay healthy in your country?  I would say the most popular form of exercise is going to the gym. I’m in two minds about the gym as a way to keep fit. On the one hand , it is convenient. But on the other hand, a gym is a very controlled environment, somewhat lacking in imagination and spontaneity.  Most people in Germany try to remain fit by exercising at local gyms, walking in parks and swimming in the pool. Besides, it’s the very lifestyles of most people in Germany which help them to remain fit. In fact, walking and cycling in my country to get around are very common, with footpaths and cycle routes (more than 46,000 miles of cycle routes) all over the country, making it really easy to travel between the towns without a car. On top of that, most people in Germany are health- conscious, and as a result, they are very particular about their food and diets they choose to eat on a regular basis. Let’s talk about staying healthy
  • 84. Let’s talk about staying healthy Do you think people are more fit now than in the past?  Sure, undoubtedly, ...  No, definitely. I would argue that the invention of TV has led to people being much too sedentary /ˈsednteri/. I know some people who refuse to have a television because they think that without one they are much more likely to keep active – it’s all too easy to become a couch potato. Also, most people work in offices so they just sit in a chair all day long and only move to go to the photocopier. That’s very unhealthy. People used to work the land and so be on the go from dawn till dusk. As a result, they might suffer from Obesity.
  • 85. 3.Do you think people start worrying more about their health as they become older? Yes, without a doubt! When you're young, you can affort to drink alcohol and stay awake all night long without damaging your health very much... But as you get older, your body demands more attention and care, therefore you need to worry about your health more and have frequent check-ups...
  • 86. 4.Why do some people continue bad habits when they know the danger? • in denial over the long-term damage to their health (DUE TO laziness) • short-term care • difficult to change their dietary habits • find no motivation to exercise
  • 87. 4.Why do some people continue bad habits when they know the danger? As someone who tries hard to live healthily, I find it hard to understand why many people chose unhealthy lifestyles. Personally, I think they are in denial over the long- term damage to their health of eating and drinking too much and not taking enough exercise. In many cases, it’s just laziness. However, I do believe that there are some people who really do want to lose weight and get fit but find it very difficult to change their dietary habits or find the motivation to exercise. I have a work colleague who was so overweight and unfit that he couldn’t play football with his children. He was so upset by this that he went on a diet and started to take regular exercise. He lost over 40kg and is in really good shape now. More importantly, he can now run around with his kids and play football, which they really love. Sometimes it takes a situation like this or a health scare for someone to make better health decisions.
  • 88. 5. How can children be encouraged to adopt healthy eating habits? • don’t ban junk food outright (clearly and completely) • encourage them to eat smart at school • Avoid Buying Unhealthy Foods in Bulk • Warn Kids About Drinking Calories • Promote Fruits and Veggies at Dinner • Set a Good Example • Start with Small Portions • Help Them Recognize When They've Eaten Enough • Stick to a Strict Meal and Snack Schedule • Nutritious New Foods: Try, Try Again
  • 89. 6. Do you think people have become more health-conscious in recent years? In my opinion, many people are more concerned about living a healthy lifestyle than, say, ten years ago and understand how to stay fit and healthy. Lots of adults of all ages go to the gym, cycle to work, jog in their spare time or have taken up a sport. The shops seem to offer more healthy eating options every week so the demand is obviously there. On the other hand, I heard on the news that over 70% of the population of my country is overweight so most people aren’t taking good care of their health. There are lots of programmes on TV about health problems related to obesity and how to change your life and get healthier, so I have to conclude that people are more conscious of health issues these days but that many choose to do nothing to improve them.
  • 90. 7.Could governments do more to promote healthier lifestyle options? - have more initiatives - implement strict policies (banning of smoking in public places) - raise taxes on junk food - People must also be educated about the advantages of having a healthy lifestyle. - reduce the working hours of employees - putting up more establishments for people to engage in sports or exercises must be encouraged.
  • 91. 8.How can people be encouraged to stay healthy? It's an interesting question... In my opinion, government could: - encourage people to go in for sports by + making it more affordable and popular... + Promoting healthy food rationing on the television might be a good idea as well... - improve the health sector to make it more accessible for the people.
  • 92. 9. Do women pay more attention to their health than men? Julie: I think so yes … women are more likely to see their GP for a check-up if they’re concerned about something … men tend to avoid facing up to any health problems they have … my dad always seems to have a very chesty cough but refuses to go to make an appointment to see the doctor …
  • 93. 10.Does modern technology have a positive or a negative influence on people? Positives • Technology can add limitless value to our lives—especially if we take care to use it mindfully. • electronic health records • internet and online mediums • Telemedicine • Use of smartphone Negatives • mental health (overusing of social media => place higher pressure on young people + cyber bullying => depression, suicidal ideation, disorder) • physical inactivity - digital eye strain - sleep disorders (key smartphones, computers next to their bed) • inaccurate information ( the sheer amount of information available, people who do not have the proper knowledge and expertise of the medical line can experience hindrance in sifting out the necessary can accurately and carefully indulge in the correct consultation )
  • 95. YES
  • 96. 10.Does modern technology have a positive or a negative influence on people? Positives • Technology can add limitless value to our lives—especially if we take care to use it mindfully. • electronic health records • internet and online mediums • Telemedicine • Use of smartphone Negatives • mental health (overusing of social media => place higher pressure on young people + cyber bullying => depression, suicidal ideation, disorder) • physical inactivity - digital eye strain - sleep disorders (key smartphones, computers next to their bed) • inaccurate information ( the sheer amount of information available, people who do not have the proper knowledge and expertise of the medical line can experience hindrance in sifting out the necessary can accurately and carefully indulge in the correct consultation )
  • 98. YES
  • 100. GROUP WORK CHOOSE 1 OF THE FOLLOWING TOPICS DEADLINE: before Sunday, 27/03/2022
  • 101. TOPIC 1 In some countries, the average weight of people is increasing, and their level of health and fitness is decreasing. What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
  • 104. • pdf xUq6OFwd440acy2DJ7Gi/view?usp=sharing • google form 0mPjoGolB8eAc_YH5CETbtkcWzIqskPcNiXSdPn5 _K1gZQ/viewform?usp=sf_link