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Amendments in the 'Himachal Pradesh Industrial Investment Policy-2019'
Clause Provision
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Eligible Enterprises for availing incentives under this Policy:
All "New I ndustrial Enterprises" e xcept I ndustria l Enterprises e ngaged in
ma nufacturing activities s pecified in the " Neg at ive Lis t" annexe d with th is
New Enterprises engaged 1
1 '"Specified Category of Service Activities' '
a nne xed with this polic y;
All Existing Industrial Enter prises und ertaking S ubstantia l
Expansio n except Industrial activities as specified in the NegativeList;
All Existing Service Enterprises engaged in Specified Category of Service
Activities unde11aking Substantial Expansio n:
will be eligiblefor incentives, concessions and facilities announced under
this Polic y subject to:-
Fulfillment of the eligibility criteria & conditions as defined under the
' Rules regarding Grant of Ince ntives, Co ncess ions & Facilities to
►Indu strial &ServiceEnterprises in Himachal Pradesh-2019'.
Emp lo yment of minimum 80% Bonafide H i
. achalies, at all le vels,
direc tly on regula r, contractual, da il y basis e tc. or throug h co ntr acto r or
o utsour c ing agenc ies at the time of comm e nce ment of comm ercial
produc tio n/o pe ratio n as well as for the tim e perio d it remain s in
co mme rcial produc tio n/o peratio n in the S ta te by the New Ente rprise se t
up und e r this Poli cy. In case of Exis tin g Enterpr ises und e rtaking
sub sta nti a l expans io n, o ut of addi tio nal emp loyme nt ge ne rated du e to
Substantial Expansion employment to atleast 80% of Bonafide
+---- H
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ac-ha -lies
. _- - - - - - - - - - ------
Duration:- Incentive provided und er th isPolicy willremain in force for new
enterprises whic h commence commercial production/ operatio n on or before
31.12.2025. Incentive provided under this Policy will remain in force for
existing enterprises undertaking substantialexpansio n whic h start commercial
production/ operation after expansion on or before 31.12.2025.
Government of Himachal Pradesh
Department of Industries
No. IND-A-F00 l/ 4/2021-IND-A-GoH P Da ted: Shim la-2,the 29th
April, 2022.
In co ntinu atio n to th is Departm e nt· s No ti fica tio ns No. I nd-A(F)2-2/20 19-1
dated 16 th
Aug us t, 201 9 and O
Octo be r. 2020, the Gove rno r, H ima c hal Prades h isple ased to
amend/insert the following provis ions in 'The Himachal Pradesh Industrial Investment
Policy, 2019' and ' R ules Regarding Grant of Incentives, Concessions and Facilities for
Investment Promotion in Himachal Pradesh-2019':-
Note: Provisions amended have been highlighted as Italic and Underlined. Page 1 of 11
7 Incentives for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME):
MSME enter prises (as defined under this Polic y) incase of manufacturing
enterprises or speci fied category of service enterprise (Annexure-Jl) would be
entitled to avail following incentives. concessions and facilities:
I Subsidy towards the cost of preparatio n of Deta iled Project
Report & obtaining certification
Eligi ble Enterprises would be reimbur sed 50% of expenditure
incurr ed towards the cost paid to the consultant for preparati on of
DPR; certi fi cation / valuation of value of Technical C iv i l Work s or
in vestment 111 Plant and Machiner), subj ec t to maxi mum of
Rs.20.000 for Micro: R .50.000 for Small and Rs. 1.0,0 000 for
M edium Sector Enterpri ses.
- - - - - - -
II Incentives related or incidental to allotment of land and
Industrial Sheds
i) Allotment of Land and Industrial S heds
Co ncession to the tune of 50%, 60% & 70% of rate/premium fi xed
for land or industri al shed s in category A, B and C respecti vely wiII
be given to enterpr ises provided it comm ences commerc ial
production/operation within 2 years of handing over o f possession of
land or within a period of I year o f handing over possession of
Industr ial Shed, as the case may be. This concession will be adj usted
in future instalments.
ii ) Easy Payment schedule of land/shed premium:-
12% of the premium of land/ shed shall be realized before handing
ove r of possession and balance in 8 equa l annual intere st free
instalments. In case all oll ee after commencement o f production or
any sub sequent stage o ff ers to c lear balance payment o f premium in
lump sum, rebate of I 0% on balance premium of land/shed will be
gi ven.
iii) Provisions of extension in provisional allotment period
The land/ plot will be provi sionall y allotted for a period of two years
from the date of handing over of the possession. Ho wever period of
the provisional allotment can be extended upto 5 years from the date
of handing over possession by charging nominal extension fee. T he
Indu strial shed will be prov isionall y allotted for a period of one year
from the date of handing over of the possession, howev er period of
the provisional all otm ent can be extended upto 2 years from the date
of handing over possession by charging nominal extension fee.
iv) Provisionto rent out surplus built up area for industrial use
Indu strial Enterpr ise in producti on may be allowed to rent out upto
49% of built up area for setting up of Industri al Enterprise(s) to
manufacturing the new item(s) by charging nominal processing fee.
III Incentives related with matters related with land
i) Concessional rate of Stamp Duty and registration fee
Stamp Duty and registration fee @ 50%, 30% & I 0% of applicable
rates would be charged in Category •A ', 'B' & 'C areas on
instrument of conveyance deedor leasedeed.
Note: Provisions amended hove been highlighted as Italic and Underlined. Page 2 of 11
ii) Exemption from payment of Change in Land Use charges
Enter prise se t up in Category B & C areas would be exe mpt ed from
payment of the chan ge in land use charges levied under
the provisions of H.P. Town and Country Planning Act - 1977.
IV Interest Subvention
I nterest Subve nti o n @ 3% on term loan subje ct to a maximum of
Rs. 2 la khs, Rs.4 la khs and Rs.6 lakh s per annum for a perio d of 03
years in Category A, B &C areas respective ly.
V Assistance for transportation of Plant & Machinery
Reimbursement of 50% of cost incurred on inla nd carriage
and inland trans it insurance of Plant and Machiner y subjec t to ma
ximum of Rs.2 lakhs per enterprise in Category 'A
·area and Rs.3
lakhs in Category ' B' & 'C' areas.
VI Transport Subsidy
El igi bleIndustrial Ente rprises set up in cate gory B & C Areas would
be incentivized to compensate high cost of transportation within the
State, irrespective of fact that source of purchase or destination of
sale iswithin or outside the State that:
(a) Enterprises located in Category B areas would be reimbur sed
actua lexpenditure inc urred on tran sportat ionof raw materials&fin
ished product s within the State or 3% of annual turnove r. whic he
ver islower. subject to maximum of Rs. IO lakhs per annum for a
period of 03 years.
(b) Enterpr iseslocated in Catego ry C areas would be reimbursed
act ual e xpendi tur e incu rred on transport atio n o f raw mat erials &
fin is hed products within the State or 5% of annu al turnover,
whic hever is lo wer, subject to maximum of Rs . IO la kh s per
annum for a period of 05 years.
VII Assistance for access to Technology, Competitiveness ,
Innovation and Quality Certification:-
Reimbursement of 50% of expenses incurred for the setting up in
house testing fac ili ties a nd equi pments required for obta ini ng
ce rtificat io n of Bureau of I ndia n Standards / Wor ld Health
Organization - GMP / ISO / Organic Certificat io n / any Internat io nal
Certification excl udin g Plant and Mach in e ry / equ ipments
use d directly in manufacturing proce ss or render ingof services s ubject
to maximum of Rs.5 Lakhs per enterprise.
VIII Assistance to encourage water conservation, compliances of
Environment, Health and Safety Standa rds:
Eligible enterprises would be reimbursed:-
a) 25% of expend iture in c urred for the purchase of Pla nt &
Mac hin e ry / eq ui pments for se tting up of Effluen t Treat ment
Plant (ETP ), rain water harvest ing system exc lu d ing expenditure
incurr ed on construction, subje ct to max im um of Rs.2 lakh s
per enterprise .
b) 50% of Power Tariff paid for running of ETP for a perio d of 03
years, subject to maximum of Rs. I la kh per annum. T
incentive would be d is burse d subjec t to installation of separate
elec tric ity mete r/sub-meter exclusively for running of ETP.
Note: Provisions amended have been highlighted as Italic and Underlined. Page 3 of 11
IX Net SGST Reimbursement
Reim bursement of Net SGST paid to the State Government under
H.P. GST Act 2017 @ 50%, 80% and 90% for a per iod of 07 years,
up to a maximum of 80% of the Fixed Capital Investment in
Category A, B and C areasrespec ti vely.
X Purchase Preference
The State Government would give Purchase Preference to local
Micro and Smal l-Scale En terpri ses by plac ing at least 25% of the
total orders w ith them on IO  est approved rates.  herever
appl icable provided such product s meet the required qualit y
standard s and HOD is of the opinion that item required is not of
sophisticated nature, high technology and preci sion standards.
XI Access to Finance for MSMEs
Ex isting and New eligible enterpri ses will be reimbursed 50% of
expenses incurred on floating Public Issue for raisin g funds through
N ational Stock Exchange (NSE) dedicated platform for SMEs'
including cost of registration with National Stock Exchange in case
funds so raised are uti Iized for the setting up or expansion of eligible
enterprise(s) within the State, subj ect to maximum of Rs.IO lakhs
per enterprise.
XII Self-Certifieation
Enterpr ises after obtainin g the title of land may start physical
imp lementati on of proj ect w ithout waitin g for those appro vals/
N O Cs/perm issions which are identified and notified as such by the
concerned departm ent/organization, provided the enterpri se has dul y
applied fOr requisite approvals/clearances to the respecti ve
authori tie s as regards these approva ls/N OC s/perm issions. The
concerned departments / organi zations wi ll be required to give
immediate Acknowledgement Cer ti fi cate for 02 years on declaration
by Enterpri ses that they wi ll adhere to appl icab le conditions and
requ irements of aforesaid appro vals/NOC s/perm issions. The
enterprise will be required to obtain all requisi te approvals from the
compe tent authorit y within a peri od of two years or till it
commences operations, whichever is earli er.
8 Incentives for Large Enterprises:
Enterprises having investment above Rs.50 crore and annual turnover more
than R·.250 crore in case of manu fac turin g enterprises and specified categorv
of service emerprises (Annex11re-/l ) would he entitled to avail [ollowing
incentives concessions and facilities:-
I. Incentives related or incidental to allotment of Government land
i) Concessional Rate of Allotment of Land
Concession to the tune of 25%, 45% & 65% of rate/premium fixed
for land in category A, B and C respecti vely will be given to
enterpr ises provided it commences commercial production/operation
wi thin 3 years of handing over of possession of land.
ii) Easy Payment schedule of land premium
Payment of 1 5% of the cost/prem ium of land before handing over
ion and balance in 5 equal annual interest free instalments. In
Note: Provisions amended have been highlighted as Italic and Underlined. Page 4 of 11
case allottee after commencement of production offers to clear
balance payment of premium in lump sum, rebate of I0% on
balance premium of land will be given.
iii) Provisions of extension in provisional allotment period
The land/ plot willbe provisionally allotted for a period of three
years from the date of hand ing over of the possession. However
period of the provisional allotment canbe extended upto 05 years by
charging nominal extension fee.
iv) Provision to rent out surplus built up area for industrial use
a) Large I ndustr ial Enterpr ise may be a l lo wed to re nt out upto
60% of built up area for setting up of I ndustr ial Enterprise(s)
ancillary to such Large I ndu str ia l Enterp ris e(s) by charg ing
nominal processing foe.
b) For cases other than (a) above, provisions made for MSM E
under this Polic y will be applica ble.
II Incentives related with matters related with land
i) Concessional rate of Stamp Duty & Registration fee
Stamp Duty & Registratio n fee @ 50%, 30% & 20% of applicable
rates would be charged 111 Category ' A' , ' B' & 'C areas
respectively on instr ument of conveyance deed or leasedeed.
ii) Exemption from payment of Change in Land Use charges
Enterpri se set up in Category B & C areas would be exempted
from payment of the change in land use c harges le vied
under the
provis ions of H.P. Town and Country Planning Act - 1977.
III Interest Subvention
For large enterpr ises, interest subvention @ 3%, on term loan
subject to a maximum of Rs. IO la khs, Rs. 15 lakhs and Rs.20
per annum for a period of 03 years in Category A, B & C areas
respective ly.
IV Net SGST Reimbursement
Reimbursement of Net SGST paid to the State Government under
H.P. GST Act 2017 @ 50%, 70% and 80% to Large Enterprisesin
Category A,B and C respective ly, for a period of 05 years, up to a
max imum of 80% of the Fixed Capital Investmen t.
V Transport Subs1dy
Eli gi ble I ndu s tri al Ente rpr isesset up in category B & C Areas would
be incentivized to co mpen sate high cos t of transpor tation within the
State, irrespective of fact that so urce of purchase or dest ination of
sale is within or outside the State.
(a) Enterprises located in Category B areas would be reimbursed
actual expenditur e incur red on transportation of raw materials &
finished products within the State or 3% of annual tu rnove r,
whic he ve r is lo we r, subject to ma xi mum of Rs.20 la kh s per
annum for a period of 03 years.
(b) Enterprise s located in Catego ry C areas would be reimbursed
actual expenditure incurr ed on transportat io n of raw materia ls
& finished products within the State or 5% of annual turnove
Note: Provisions amended have been highlighted as Italic and Underlined. Page 5 of 11
. . . ..
whichever is lower, subject to maximum of Rs.30 lakhs per
annum for a period of 05 years.
10 Incentive for Anchor Enterprises:
Anchor Entererise means [lrst Industrial Entererise established in a noti[led
Industrial Area[ 2or [lrst unit established outside Industrial Area in a
earticular Develoement Block o[.a district, with the minimum FLred Caeital
Investment as under:-
I. Categor't!. A :-Rs.200 Crore and emelo't!.ing minimum 200 Bona
11. Categor't!. B:- Rs.150 Crore and e11112.lo)lingminimum 150 Bona[lde
111. Categor't!. C:- Rs.J
OOCrore and emelo )'ing 1
11100 Bona[Jde
Such A nchor enterprises would be entitl ed to avai l follow ing incenti ves,
concessions and faciIities:-
I Concession to the tune of 50%, 60% & 75% of rate/premium fi xed for
land in category A, B and C respecti vely wi ll be given to enterprises
pro vided it commences commercial production /operation within 3
years of handin g over of possession of land. Such enterprises would
be enti tled for easy payment of land premium as being provided to M
SM Es' under this Policy.
II Reimbur sement of Net SGST paid to the State Governm ent under H.P.
GST Act. 201 7 for a peri od of 07 years up to a m axi mum of 80% of
the Fi xed Capi tal Investm ent.
Ill Stamp Duty & Registration lee (@ 50%. 30% & 20% or appl icable rate
In Category ·A·. ·o· & ·c areas respect ively on instrument of
conveyancedeed or lease deed.
IV Such Enterpri ses wou ld be incenti vized to compensate high cost of
transportati on wi thin the State, irrespec tive of fact that source of
purchase or destination of sale is wi thin or outside the State. Actual
expenditure incurred on transporta tion of raw materi als & fi nished
products within the State or 5% of annual turn over, whichever is
lowe r, subj ect to maximum of Rs.30 lakhs per annum would be
reimbur sed for a period of 05 years.
Co ncess io nal Rate of Elec tr ici ty Cha rges (exc ludin g any surcharge, peak
load exempti on charge, wint er charge, fuel adj ustment charge, service charge,
T orany other charge under any name in the Tari ff Schedule):
a) New enterprises would be charged energy charges 15% lower than the
appro ved energy charges for the respecti ve category for a peri od of 03 years.
b) Exi stin g indu str ial consumers undert aki ng sub stantial expansion as per these
Rule s would be eli gible for a rebate of 1
5% on energy charges for addit ional
powe r consumption beyond the level of preceding financial year.for a period
In c enti ves of concessional rate of electrici ty charges wo uld be noti fi ed
in the Schedul e of Tariff forHimachal Pradesh on year to year basis by the H .P.
State Electrici ty Board and it would not be bi nding upon the State Government
during the applicabili ty of Pol icy.
Note: Provisionsamended have been highlighted as Italic and Underlined. Page 6 of 11
Amendments in the ' Rules Regarding Grant of Incentives , Concessions and
Facilities for Investment Promotion in Himachal Pradesh-20 19'
Rule Provision
2(11) Anchor Entererise means 0..rst Industrial EnterJ2_rise established in a noliO..ed
Industrial AreaC
2or! unit established outside Industrial Area in a
12.articular Deve/012.mentBlock o{_a district, with the minimum Fixed Cat2.ital
lnvest111e n1as under:-
I. Catego!J!_ A:- Rs·.200 Crore and emplo'/!_in g minimum 200 Bona flde
ii. Catego_ry B:- Rs-./50 Crore and emelo'!!.ing minimum 150 Bonaflde
iii.Catego!J!_ C
- Rs.JOO Crore and emt2.lo'!!.ingminimum JO
OBona flde
Such project proposal for setting up an "Anchor Enterprise" and after
setting up of such enterprise would be acknowle dged/ taken of record by the
Director or any other officer authori zed by him.
2(VII) "Consultant" means any consultancy organizatio n registered/empanelled with
the State or Central Governme nt organizatio n(s) and engaged in providing
consul tancy / profess io nal/expe rt se rvice s or a Chartered/ Cost Accoun tant or a
Cha rtered Enginee r (Civil or Mechan ical).
2(VIJI) "Comm ence ment of comm e rcia l produc tio n/ operatio n.. mean s the date on
whic h the I ndus tria l o r S peci fie d Category of Service Ente rprise actuall y
co mm ences commercial produc tio n or ope rat ions, as the case ma y be and take n
o n record by the Directo r/ Jo in t / Dep uty Director of I ndu st rie s / General
Manage r, Dis tric t In dus tries Centre/ Memb er Secre tary, Sing le Win dow
Clearance Agency or any other officer authorized by the Director to do so.
The date o[_commencement o[_commercial 12.roduction would be
determined afler fiilfllment and on the basis o[[gllowing12.arameters:-
1. Clear title o[.land (date o[_registration2OR date o[_rental 12.ermissionl
lease deed.
2. Consent to 012.erateo[_J-/PState Pollution Control Board, i{at2.12.licable.
3. Power release certiflcate b'i. HP State Electricit'!!. Board/ 12.ermission to
run the unit on DG set.
4. Pro[ect seeciflc mandatorv reguirements, as a12.12.lic
able, such as drug
license, [pctory_li c
s e, environment clearance etc.
5. First sale bill.
4(A) Eligibili ty:
All "New Industrial Enterprise (s)'' (except Industria l activities specified in the
"Negat ive List") and new Service Enterpriseswill be eligible for in ce
concess ions and facilitiesunde r these Rules subject to:
►fulfilment of such requirements as specified under these Rules
►adherence to procedures as specified by the concerned department from
time to time.
►e mplo yment of minimum 80% Bonafide Himachalies, at aII le
directly on regular, contractual, daily basis etc. or through contractor or
outsourc ing agenc iesat the time of Comme nce me nt of Com mercial
Production / Operation as well as for the time period it remains in
Note: Provisions amended have been highlighted as Italic and Underlined. Page 7 of 11
Commercial Production / Operation in the State. In case of violatio n of
thi s condi tion at any point of time, incenti ves, concessions and facil i ties
under these Rules w i ll be stopped and incenti ves already avai led by such
Indu stries or Service Enterpr ise w ill be recovered by the concerned
department(s) on recommendation of the Department of Labour &
Employment as an arrear of land revenue or any legal remedy deemed fit
►for recovery of incentive(s).
n centive prov ided under these Rules wi ll be admi ssibl e from the date of
Co mm encement of Co mmer cial Production / Operation or from the date
on which respecti ve adm ini stra tiv e department issues enabl in g notifi cati on
under the relevant stat ute/la -, t o o p erati onali ze incent i ves noti fi ed under
these Rul es. whichever is later. In case ew Enterpri se undert akes
subsequent substantial expansion. same wou ld be taken on record for the
purpose o f incenti ves, concession & faci l ities provided under these Rul es
for additi onal in vestment.
►payment of any outstanding dues of the Department.
►conditi on that Udyog Aadhaar M emorandum/Entrepreneur Memorandum
Part-II/ Com m encement of Commercial Producti on Certi fic ate stand s
acknowledged / taken on record by the concerned D epartm ent as the case
may be.
e ntiv
e provided under this Policy wi ll remain in force for new
enterpr ises w hic h commence commercial producti on/operation on or
be fore 31.12.2025 and for existing enterpri ses undert aking substantial
expansion which start commercial produ c tion/ operati on after expansion
on or before J /. / 2.2025.
6.7(c) In case, any land / plot is avai lable for all otment consequent upon i ts havin g
been resumed after execution of lease deed or has been surrendered by the
all ottee him sel f, it shall be re-all oued through open auction / in viti ng bid s fr om
general public. In such cases the minimum reserve pri ce or land,, ill be the rate
of premium as fixed by the Co mmitt ee constituted under Rule 6.2 and of built
up stru cture and/o r plant and machinery, if any, as assessed by the o ffi cer of
HPSID C Ltd. not belo w the rank of Assistant Engineer. The bids wi thout
requi site documents, as per auction notice and earnest money of Rs. I 0,000 will
not be accepted. Earnest money would be adjustable in case of successful
bidd er and returned back to unsuccessful bidders. Any amount outstanding
from previous allottee on account of lease pr emium, shed rent, or other dues
tow ard department sha ll be set off/ adjusted toward the bid amount so col lected
from the successful bidder. The auction would be conducted by the concerned
field offi cer. The 1
5% amount of the hi ghest bid for such p lot/ land shall be
deposi ted by the hi ghest bidd er within 15 days of issuance o f acceptance letter
fail ing whi ch earnest money will be for feited. The second highest bidde r may
then be considered for allotment of such plot /land as per procedure laid down
under these Rules. Th e balance amount of the highc t bid shall be payable in 5
equal annual installments. o interest ,, ill be charged on balance installments.
H ow ever interest @ 9% would be charged on delayed payment. In case the
bidder after commencement o f production or at any subsequent stage within
time period scheduled for payment, o ffers to clear the outstanding paym ent of
bid amount in lump sum, rebate of 10%
ofbalance bid amount wi ll be given:
Prov ided such resumed/surr endered plot can be all otted with the prior
permission of D ir ector of Industries or Secretary (Indu strie s), as the case ma y
be in case no bid (s) is r eceived for the all otm ent of such plot(s) /land in response
ofirst auction notice. In such cases of all otment(s) premium fixed by the
Note: Provisions amended have been highlighted as Italic and Underlined. Page 8 of 11
Category of enterpr ise Area wise SGST rei111b u r
A d111i ssible
M SM E 50% 80% 90% 7 years
L arge 50% 70% 80% 5 years
A nchor 100% 10 0 % 100% 7 years
Committ ee constitut ed under Rule 6.2 would be charged. The provisions made
under Rule 6.7(b) would also be applicable for such allotment(s):
Provided fi1rther that such vacant 12.lots Cwhere no built U{2.structure
exists2 resumed a[jer execution o{_lease deed or has been surrendered b'J!.the
allottee himsel[_ the same shall be a/lo lled as t2.ert2.rovision o{_Rules at2.t2.licab/e
{gr [jesh allotment under this Poq/i .
Net SGST Reimbursement:
A l l el igibl e enterpr ise(s) would be prov id ed reimbursement of Net SGST
subj ect to maxim u111 limit of 80% of Fixed Cap ital Investm ent (FCI) duri ng
admi ssibl e peri od of thi s incentive as per following detail:-
A bove menti oned incenti ve would be admi ssible subj ect to ful fil ment of
followi ng conditions:-
I . Quantum of incentive would be available only on net SGST paid and
deposi ted wi th State per annu111 by t he eligi ble unit. The admissi bi li ty of
in centive shall cease ei ther on exhaustion of the applicable li111i t or on the
co111pletion of the eligibili ty period, whichever is earlier.
2. In case of any fal se declaration, misrepresentati on/ sup press ion of facts.
the amount of incenti ve so avai led shall be li able to be recovered alo ng
wi th 12% compound interest per annum or penal ty as decided by the State
Gove rnm ent as per applicable laws.
3. The eli gible unit has to obtain veri fied Udyog Aadhar M emorandum
(U AM )/ comm encement of commercial production certi ficate from the
authori zed offi cers of the Depart ment of Industr ies, Gove rnment of
H ima chal Pradesh. The eli gible unit wi ll obtai n cert i fi cate from the
D epartment of State Exc ise & T axation clearly 111enti oning the amount of
net SGST paid to the State of Hi111achal Pradesh.
4. N et SGST rei1
1bur seme nt would be avai lable onl y after the date of
Commencement of Commercial Production (Co P)/operation for new unit
and fro111 t h e date of Co111m ercia l pro duct ion/operation after undertak
ing substantial expansion for existing enterprise(s).
5. T he elig ible enterpri se(s) w i ll subm it reim burse111ent claim of the fi nancial
year to the Depart111ent of Industri es on annual basis in the succeeding
financial year before 3s
ugust or within 3 months o{_ussessment o[ n fti
SGST b'J!.the Excise & Taxation Det2.artmen1 H.P., whichever is later Ca/so
a{2.{2.licable{gr units as fgund eligible under this PoliC'J!.2-
One time relaxation U{2.IOJJ51
December, 2022 is also given to those
units which were unable to [lie the claim on time due to non fjnalizationQ[
net SGST b'J!. Excise & Taxation De12.artment.
16(i) Concess io nal Rate of Elec trici ty Charges (excluding any surcha rge, peak
load exe111ptioncharge, wint er charge, fuel adjustment charge, ser vice charge,
GST or any other charge under any name in the Tari ff Schedule):
a) New enterprises would be charged energy charges 15% lower than the
Note: Provisions amended have been highlighted as Italic and Underlined. Page 9 of 11
approved energy charges for the respective category for a period of 03
b) Existing industrial consumers undertaking substantial expansion as per
these Rules would be eligib le for a rebate of 15% on energy charges for
additional power consumption beyond the level of preceding financial year
{gr a eeriod o[0J ')!_ear s .
I ncentives o f concessional rate of elec tri city charges would be noti fied
in the Scheduleof Ta ri ff for Himachal Pradesh on year to year basis by the H.P.
State Electricity Board and i t would not be bind ing upon the State Gove rnment
during the applicabilit y of Policy.
- - -- - -- --- - - -
18(e) 5% reservation o{l andl p/otsh-heds·shall be done where such land is to be used
{gr the 12.zir12.oseo[setting Uf2. o[ enter12.riseb'!!.Person[s2·with Disabili!J!.. either
individual/')!_ or collective/'!!. in new noti fle
. d Ind ustrial Areas.
18(f) Existing as well as new Entererises 12.roviding 5% em12.lo'!!.mentto the 12.ersons
with benchmark disability_ in total work fgrce will be eligible {gr additional
incentives o[ Rs·.J0001-12.ermonth 12.ersuch em12.lo'
e {gr a eeriod o[0J '
S r. No. District Name of Development Block to be Included in Category-B
I. 13i laspur Shri Naina Devi Ji
2. Mandi Bali Chmvki , Dhanotu. Nihri, Churag
3. Shiml a Tatu Kuovi Kotkhai
4. Sirmaur Tilordhar
5. Una 'Dhund/a' Block ma'!!_ b e read as 'Bangana' Block
2. The Governor, H ima chal Pradesh is further pleased to include foll owin g new
Development Blocks in Categ ory-B of Annexure- t- · Categorization of the State for
Disbursement of Incentives of Industrial Poli cy 2019':-
3. The Governor, Himachal Pradesh is also pleased to include foll owing new
Servicesin Annexure-11 'Li st of SpecifiedCategory of ServicesActi vities" of the Policy:-
Services to be Included
22 Distribution o[ universally_ designed consumer
ducts and accessories {gr general
use for Persons with Disabilities.
23 Skill Develooment Centres
24 Health ln/j:astructurel Hoseita/
n . i I
25 Com111o E[fluent Treatment PlantCCETP2, ST P and other Ke'!! utilities recu1is te
{gr i
n dustria/i::::ation.
4. Theseamended provisions shall come into force with immediate effect.
By order
R. D. Dhiman
Addi. Chief Secretary (Industries) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh.
Note: Provisions amended have been highlighted as Italic and Underlined. Page 10 of 11
Endst. No.lND-A-F00l/4/2021-IND-A-GoHP Dated Shimla-2, the 29th
April, 2022.
Copy forwarded to the following for information and necess ary action:-
1. The Chief Sec retary, Governme nt of Himachal Pradesh, Shiml a-2.
2. The Pr. Secretary to ChiefMinister, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla- 2.
3. The Secretary to the Governor, Himachal Pradesh, Shiml a- 2.
4. All Adm inistrative Secretaries, Govt. of Himacha lPrades h. Shimla-2.
5. All Divis ional Commissioners, Himachal Pradesh.
6. All Deputy Comm iss ioners, Himachal Pradesh.
7. All Head of Depart ments, Himachal Pradesh.
8. The Director of Industries, Himacha lPradesh, Udyog Bhawan, Shiml a-1.
9. The Sr. Private Secretary/P.S. to all Ministers, HimachalPradesh, Shimla-2.
10. The Under Secretary (GAD) to the Govt. of Himachal Prade sh, Shimla- 2, w.r.t. Item
No. 69 of the Cabinet Meeting held on 07.04.2022.
(C. P. Verma)
S pecia l Sec reta ry (Industries) to the
Gove rnment of Himachal Pradesh
Phone No. 0177-2620887.
Note: Provisions amended have been highlighted as Italic and Underlined. Page 11 of 11

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Himachal Industrial-Policy-Amendment.pptx

  • 1. Amendments in the 'Himachal Pradesh Industrial Investment Policy-2019' Clause Provision S(A) >---- -- S(C) Eligible Enterprises for availing incentives under this Policy: All "New I ndustrial Enterprises" e xcept I ndustria l Enterprises e ngaged in ma nufacturing activities s pecified in the " Neg at ive Lis t" annexe d with th is policy; OR New Enterprises engaged 1 1 1 '"Specified Category of Service Activities' ' a nne xed with this polic y; OR All Existing Industrial Enter prises und ertaking S ubstantia l Expansio n except Industrial activities as specified in the NegativeList; OR All Existing Service Enterprises engaged in Specified Category of Service Activities unde11aking Substantial Expansio n: will be eligiblefor incentives, concessions and facilities announced under ► this Polic y subject to:- Fulfillment of the eligibility criteria & conditions as defined under the ' Rules regarding Grant of Ince ntives, Co ncess ions & Facilities to ►Indu strial &ServiceEnterprises in Himachal Pradesh-2019'. Emp lo yment of minimum 80% Bonafide H i m . achalies, at all le vels, direc tly on regula r, contractual, da il y basis e tc. or throug h co ntr acto r or o utsour c ing agenc ies at the time of comm e nce ment of comm ercial produc tio n/o pe ratio n as well as for the tim e perio d it remain s in co mme rcial produc tio n/o peratio n in the S ta te by the New Ente rprise se t up und e r this Poli cy. In case of Exis tin g Enterpr ises und e rtaking sub sta nti a l expans io n, o ut of addi tio nal emp loyme nt ge ne rated du e to Substantial Expansion employment to atleast 80% of Bonafide +---- H - im - ac-ha -lies . _- - - - - - - - - - ------ -< Duration:- Incentive provided und er th isPolicy willremain in force for new enterprises whic h commence commercial production/ operatio n on or before 31.12.2025. Incentive provided under this Policy will remain in force for existing enterprises undertaking substantialexpansio n whic h start commercial production/ operation after expansion on or before 31.12.2025. Government of Himachal Pradesh Department of Industries No. IND-A-F00 l/ 4/2021-IND-A-GoH P Da ted: Shim la-2,the 29th April, 2022. NOTIFICATION In co ntinu atio n to th is Departm e nt· s No ti fica tio ns No. I nd-A(F)2-2/20 19-1 dated 16 th Aug us t, 201 9 and O t11 Octo be r. 2020, the Gove rno r, H ima c hal Prades h isple ased to amend/insert the following provis ions in 'The Himachal Pradesh Industrial Investment Policy, 2019' and ' R ules Regarding Grant of Incentives, Concessions and Facilities for Investment Promotion in Himachal Pradesh-2019':- » Note: Provisions amended have been highlighted as Italic and Underlined. Page 1 of 11
  • 2. 7 Incentives for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME): MSME enter prises (as defined under this Polic y) incase of manufacturing enterprises or speci fied category of service enterprise (Annexure-Jl) would be entitled to avail following incentives. concessions and facilities: I Subsidy towards the cost of preparatio n of Deta iled Project Report & obtaining certification Eligi ble Enterprises would be reimbur sed 50% of expenditure incurr ed towards the cost paid to the consultant for preparati on of DPR; certi fi cation / valuation of value of Technical C iv i l Work s or in vestment 111 Plant and Machiner), subj ec t to maxi mum of Rs.20.000 for Micro: R .50.000 for Small and Rs. 1.0,0 000 for M edium Sector Enterpri ses. - - - - - - - II Incentives related or incidental to allotment of land and Industrial Sheds i) Allotment of Land and Industrial S heds Co ncession to the tune of 50%, 60% & 70% of rate/premium fi xed for land or industri al shed s in category A, B and C respecti vely wiII be given to enterpr ises provided it comm ences commerc ial production/operation within 2 years of handing over o f possession of land or within a period of I year o f handing over possession of Industr ial Shed, as the case may be. This concession will be adj usted in future instalments. ii ) Easy Payment schedule of land/shed premium:- 12% of the premium of land/ shed shall be realized before handing ove r of possession and balance in 8 equa l annual intere st free instalments. In case all oll ee after commencement o f production or any sub sequent stage o ff ers to c lear balance payment o f premium in lump sum, rebate of I 0% on balance premium of land/shed will be gi ven. iii) Provisions of extension in provisional allotment period The land/ plot will be provi sionall y allotted for a period of two years from the date of handing over of the possession. Ho wever period of the provisional allotment can be extended upto 5 years from the date of handing over possession by charging nominal extension fee. T he Indu strial shed will be prov isionall y allotted for a period of one year from the date of handing over of the possession, howev er period of the provisional all otm ent can be extended upto 2 years from the date of handing over possession by charging nominal extension fee. iv) Provisionto rent out surplus built up area for industrial use Indu strial Enterpr ise in producti on may be allowed to rent out upto 49% of built up area for setting up of Industri al Enterprise(s) to manufacturing the new item(s) by charging nominal processing fee. III Incentives related with matters related with land i) Concessional rate of Stamp Duty and registration fee Stamp Duty and registration fee @ 50%, 30% & I 0% of applicable rates would be charged in Category •A ', 'B' & 'C areas on instrument of conveyance deedor leasedeed. Note: Provisions amended hove been highlighted as Italic and Underlined. Page 2 of 11
  • 3. ii) Exemption from payment of Change in Land Use charges Enter prise se t up in Category B & C areas would be exe mpt ed from payment of the chan ge in land use charges levied under the provisions of H.P. Town and Country Planning Act - 1977. IV Interest Subvention I nterest Subve nti o n @ 3% on term loan subje ct to a maximum of Rs. 2 la khs, Rs.4 la khs and Rs.6 lakh s per annum for a perio d of 03 years in Category A, B &C areas respective ly. V Assistance for transportation of Plant & Machinery Reimbursement of 50% of cost incurred on inla nd carriage and inland trans it insurance of Plant and Machiner y subjec t to ma ximum of Rs.2 lakhs per enterprise in Category 'A ·area and Rs.3 lakhs in Category ' B' & 'C' areas. VI Transport Subsidy El igi bleIndustrial Ente rprises set up in cate gory B & C Areas would be incentivized to compensate high cost of transportation within the State, irrespective of fact that source of purchase or destination of sale iswithin or outside the State that: (a) Enterprises located in Category B areas would be reimbur sed actua lexpenditure inc urred on tran sportat ionof raw materials&fin ished product s within the State or 3% of annual turnove r. whic he ver islower. subject to maximum of Rs. IO lakhs per annum for a period of 03 years. (b) Enterpr iseslocated in Catego ry C areas would be reimbursed act ual e xpendi tur e incu rred on transport atio n o f raw mat erials & fin is hed products within the State or 5% of annu al turnover, whic hever is lo wer, subject to maximum of Rs . IO la kh s per annum for a period of 05 years. VII Assistance for access to Technology, Competitiveness , Innovation and Quality Certification:- Reimbursement of 50% of expenses incurred for the setting up in house testing fac ili ties a nd equi pments required for obta ini ng ce rtificat io n of Bureau of I ndia n Standards / Wor ld Health Organization - GMP / ISO / Organic Certificat io n / any Internat io nal Certification excl udin g Plant and Mach in e ry / equ ipments use d directly in manufacturing proce ss or render ingof services s ubject to maximum of Rs.5 Lakhs per enterprise. VIII Assistance to encourage water conservation, compliances of Environment, Health and Safety Standa rds: Eligible enterprises would be reimbursed:- a) 25% of expend iture in c urred for the purchase of Pla nt & Mac hin e ry / eq ui pments for se tting up of Effluen t Treat ment Plant (ETP ), rain water harvest ing system exc lu d ing expenditure incurr ed on construction, subje ct to max im um of Rs.2 lakh s per enterprise . b) 50% of Power Tariff paid for running of ETP for a perio d of 03 years, subject to maximum of Rs. I la kh per annum. T his incentive would be d is burse d subjec t to installation of separate elec tric ity mete r/sub-meter exclusively for running of ETP. Note: Provisions amended have been highlighted as Italic and Underlined. Page 3 of 11
  • 4. IX Net SGST Reimbursement Reim bursement of Net SGST paid to the State Government under H.P. GST Act 2017 @ 50%, 80% and 90% for a per iod of 07 years, up to a maximum of 80% of the Fixed Capital Investment in Category A, B and C areasrespec ti vely. X Purchase Preference The State Government would give Purchase Preference to local Micro and Smal l-Scale En terpri ses by plac ing at least 25% of the total orders w ith them on IO est approved rates. herever appl icable provided such product s meet the required qualit y standard s and HOD is of the opinion that item required is not of sophisticated nature, high technology and preci sion standards. XI Access to Finance for MSMEs Ex isting and New eligible enterpri ses will be reimbursed 50% of expenses incurred on floating Public Issue for raisin g funds through N ational Stock Exchange (NSE) dedicated platform for SMEs' including cost of registration with National Stock Exchange in case funds so raised are uti Iized for the setting up or expansion of eligible enterprise(s) within the State, subj ect to maximum of Rs.IO lakhs per enterprise. XII Self-Certifieation Enterpr ises after obtainin g the title of land may start physical imp lementati on of proj ect w ithout waitin g for those appro vals/ N O Cs/perm issions which are identified and notified as such by the concerned departm ent/organization, provided the enterpri se has dul y applied fOr requisite approvals/clearances to the respecti ve authori tie s as regards these approva ls/N OC s/perm issions. The concerned departments / organi zations wi ll be required to give immediate Acknowledgement Cer ti fi cate for 02 years on declaration by Enterpri ses that they wi ll adhere to appl icab le conditions and requ irements of aforesaid appro vals/NOC s/perm issions. The enterprise will be required to obtain all requisi te approvals from the compe tent authorit y within a peri od of two years or till it commences operations, whichever is earli er. 8 Incentives for Large Enterprises: Enterprises having investment above Rs.50 crore and annual turnover more than R·.250 crore in case of manu fac turin g enterprises and specified categorv of service emerprises (Annex11re-/l ) would he entitled to avail [ollowing incentives concessions and facilities:- I. Incentives related or incidental to allotment of Government land i) Concessional Rate of Allotment of Land Concession to the tune of 25%, 45% & 65% of rate/premium fixed for land in category A, B and C respecti vely will be given to enterpr ises provided it commences commercial production/operation wi thin 3 years of handing over of possession of land. ii) Easy Payment schedule of land premium Payment of 1 5% of the cost/prem ium of land before handing over possess ion and balance in 5 equal annual interest free instalments. In Note: Provisions amended have been highlighted as Italic and Underlined. Page 4 of 11
  • 5. case allottee after commencement of production offers to clear balance payment of premium in lump sum, rebate of I0% on balance premium of land will be given. iii) Provisions of extension in provisional allotment period The land/ plot willbe provisionally allotted for a period of three years from the date of hand ing over of the possession. However period of the provisional allotment canbe extended upto 05 years by charging nominal extension fee. iv) Provision to rent out surplus built up area for industrial use a) Large I ndustr ial Enterpr ise may be a l lo wed to re nt out upto 60% of built up area for setting up of I ndustr ial Enterprise(s) ancillary to such Large I ndu str ia l Enterp ris e(s) by charg ing nominal processing foe. b) For cases other than (a) above, provisions made for MSM E under this Polic y will be applica ble. II Incentives related with matters related with land i) Concessional rate of Stamp Duty & Registration fee Stamp Duty & Registratio n fee @ 50%, 30% & 20% of applicable rates would be charged 111 Category ' A' , ' B' & 'C areas respectively on instr ument of conveyance deed or leasedeed. ii) Exemption from payment of Change in Land Use charges Enterpri se set up in Category B & C areas would be exempted from payment of the change in land use c harges le vied under the provis ions of H.P. Town and Country Planning Act - 1977. III Interest Subvention For large enterpr ises, interest subvention @ 3%, on term loan subject to a maximum of Rs. IO la khs, Rs. 15 lakhs and Rs.20 lakhs per annum for a period of 03 years in Category A, B & C areas respective ly. IV Net SGST Reimbursement Reimbursement of Net SGST paid to the State Government under H.P. GST Act 2017 @ 50%, 70% and 80% to Large Enterprisesin Category A,B and C respective ly, for a period of 05 years, up to a max imum of 80% of the Fixed Capital Investmen t. V Transport Subs1dy Eli gi ble I ndu s tri al Ente rpr isesset up in category B & C Areas would be incentivized to co mpen sate high cos t of transpor tation within the State, irrespective of fact that so urce of purchase or dest ination of sale is within or outside the State. (a) Enterprises located in Category B areas would be reimbursed actual expenditur e incur red on transportation of raw materials & finished products within the State or 3% of annual tu rnove r, whic he ve r is lo we r, subject to ma xi mum of Rs.20 la kh s per annum for a period of 03 years. (b) Enterprise s located in Catego ry C areas would be reimbursed actual expenditure incurr ed on transportat io n of raw materia ls & finished products within the State or 5% of annual turnove r, Note: Provisions amended have been highlighted as Italic and Underlined. Page 5 of 11
  • 6. . . . .. -0 ' whichever is lower, subject to maximum of Rs.30 lakhs per annum for a period of 05 years. 10 Incentive for Anchor Enterprises: Anchor Entererise means [lrst Industrial Entererise established in a noti[led Industrial Area[ 2or [lrst unit established outside Industrial Area in a earticular Develoement Block o[.a district, with the minimum FLred Caeital Investment as under:- I. Categor't!. A :-Rs.200 Crore and emelo't!.ing minimum 200 Bona [Jde Hi111achalies. 11. Categor't!. B:- Rs.150 Crore and e11112.lo)lingminimum 150 Bona[lde ... Himacha/ies. 111. Categor't!. C:- Rs.J OOCrore and emelo )'ing 1 1 1 ini1111 11 11100 Bona[Jde Himacha/ies. Such A nchor enterprises would be entitl ed to avai l follow ing incenti ves, concessions and faciIities:- I Concession to the tune of 50%, 60% & 75% of rate/premium fi xed for land in category A, B and C respecti vely wi ll be given to enterprises pro vided it commences commercial production /operation within 3 years of handin g over of possession of land. Such enterprises would be enti tled for easy payment of land premium as being provided to M SM Es' under this Policy. II Reimbur sement of Net SGST paid to the State Governm ent under H.P. GST Act. 201 7 for a peri od of 07 years up to a m axi mum of 80% of the Fi xed Capi tal Investm ent. Ill Stamp Duty & Registration lee (@ 50%. 30% & 20% or appl icable rate In Category ·A·. ·o· & ·c areas respect ively on instrument of conveyancedeed or lease deed. IV Such Enterpri ses wou ld be incenti vized to compensate high cost of transportati on wi thin the State, irrespec tive of fact that source of purchase or destination of sale is wi thin or outside the State. Actual expenditure incurred on transporta tion of raw materi als & fi nished products within the State or 5% of annual turn over, whichever is lowe r, subj ect to maximum of Rs.30 lakhs per annum would be reimbur sed for a period of 05 years. 16 i, Co ncess io nal Rate of Elec tr ici ty Cha rges (exc ludin g any surcharge, peak load exempti on charge, wint er charge, fuel adj ustment charge, service charge, G S T orany other charge under any name in the Tari ff Schedule): a) New enterprises would be charged energy charges 15% lower than the appro ved energy charges for the respecti ve category for a peri od of 03 years. b) Exi stin g indu str ial consumers undert aki ng sub stantial expansion as per these Rule s would be eli gible for a rebate of 1 5% on energy charges for addit ional powe r consumption beyond the level of preceding financial year.for a period o[.03't!_ears. In c enti ves of concessional rate of electrici ty charges wo uld be noti fi ed in the Schedul e of Tariff forHimachal Pradesh on year to year basis by the H .P. State Electrici ty Board and it would not be bi nding upon the State Government during the applicabili ty of Pol icy. Note: Provisionsamended have been highlighted as Italic and Underlined. Page 6 of 11
  • 7. Amendments in the ' Rules Regarding Grant of Incentives , Concessions and Facilities for Investment Promotion in Himachal Pradesh-20 19' Rule Provision 2(11) Anchor Entererise means 0..rst Industrial EnterJ2_rise established in a noliO..ed Industrial AreaC s - 2or! unit established outside Industrial Area in a 12.articular Deve/012.mentBlock o{_a district, with the minimum Fixed Cat2.ital lnvest111e n1as under:- I. Catego!J!_ A:- Rs·.200 Crore and emplo'/!_in g minimum 200 Bona flde Himachalies. ii. Catego_ry B:- Rs-./50 Crore and emelo'!!.ing minimum 150 Bonaflde Himachalies. iii.Catego!J!_ C : - Rs.JOO Crore and emt2.lo'!!.ingminimum JO OBona flde Himachalies. Such project proposal for setting up an "Anchor Enterprise" and after setting up of such enterprise would be acknowle dged/ taken of record by the Director or any other officer authori zed by him. 2(VII) "Consultant" means any consultancy organizatio n registered/empanelled with the State or Central Governme nt organizatio n(s) and engaged in providing consul tancy / profess io nal/expe rt se rvice s or a Chartered/ Cost Accoun tant or a Cha rtered Enginee r (Civil or Mechan ical). 2(VIJI) "Comm ence ment of comm e rcia l produc tio n/ operatio n.. mean s the date on whic h the I ndus tria l o r S peci fie d Category of Service Ente rprise actuall y co mm ences commercial produc tio n or ope rat ions, as the case ma y be and take n o n record by the Directo r/ Jo in t / Dep uty Director of I ndu st rie s / General Manage r, Dis tric t In dus tries Centre/ Memb er Secre tary, Sing le Win dow Clearance Agency or any other officer authorized by the Director to do so. The date o[_commencement o[_commercial 12.roduction would be determined afler fiilfllment and on the basis o[[gllowing12.arameters:- 1. Clear title o[.land (date o[_registration2OR date o[_rental 12.ermissionl lease deed. 2. Consent to 012.erateo[_J-/PState Pollution Control Board, i{at2.12.licable. 3. Power release certiflcate b'i. HP State Electricit'!!. Board/ 12.ermission to run the unit on DG set. 4. Pro[ect seeciflc mandatorv reguirements, as a12.12.lic able, such as drug license, [pctory_li c e n s e, environment clearance etc. 5. First sale bill. 4(A) Eligibili ty: All "New Industrial Enterprise (s)'' (except Industria l activities specified in the "Negat ive List") and new Service Enterpriseswill be eligible for in ce ntives, concess ions and facilitiesunde r these Rules subject to: ►fulfilment of such requirements as specified under these Rules ►adherence to procedures as specified by the concerned department from time to time. ►e mplo yment of minimum 80% Bonafide Himachalies, at aII le vels, directly on regular, contractual, daily basis etc. or through contractor or outsourc ing agenc iesat the time of Comme nce me nt of Com mercial Production / Operation as well as for the time period it remains in Note: Provisions amended have been highlighted as Italic and Underlined. Page 7 of 11
  • 8. Commercial Production / Operation in the State. In case of violatio n of thi s condi tion at any point of time, incenti ves, concessions and facil i ties under these Rules w i ll be stopped and incenti ves already avai led by such Indu stries or Service Enterpr ise w ill be recovered by the concerned department(s) on recommendation of the Department of Labour & Employment as an arrear of land revenue or any legal remedy deemed fit ►for recovery of incentive(s). i n centive prov ided under these Rules wi ll be admi ssibl e from the date of Co mm encement of Co mmer cial Production / Operation or from the date on which respecti ve adm ini stra tiv e department issues enabl in g notifi cati on under the relevant stat ute/la -, t o o p erati onali ze incent i ves noti fi ed under these Rul es. whichever is later. In case ew Enterpri se undert akes subsequent substantial expansion. same wou ld be taken on record for the purpose o f incenti ves, concession & faci l ities provided under these Rul es for additi onal in vestment. ►payment of any outstanding dues of the Department. ►conditi on that Udyog Aadhaar M emorandum/Entrepreneur Memorandum Part-II/ Com m encement of Commercial Producti on Certi fic ate stand s acknowledged / taken on record by the concerned D epartm ent as the case may be. ►I nc e ntiv e provided under this Policy wi ll remain in force for new enterpr ises w hic h commence commercial producti on/operation on or be fore 31.12.2025 and for existing enterpri ses undert aking substantial expansion which start commercial produ c tion/ operati on after expansion on or before J /. / 2.2025. 6.7(c) In case, any land / plot is avai lable for all otment consequent upon i ts havin g been resumed after execution of lease deed or has been surrendered by the all ottee him sel f, it shall be re-all oued through open auction / in viti ng bid s fr om general public. In such cases the minimum reserve pri ce or land,, ill be the rate of premium as fixed by the Co mmitt ee constituted under Rule 6.2 and of built up stru cture and/o r plant and machinery, if any, as assessed by the o ffi cer of HPSID C Ltd. not belo w the rank of Assistant Engineer. The bids wi thout requi site documents, as per auction notice and earnest money of Rs. I 0,000 will not be accepted. Earnest money would be adjustable in case of successful bidd er and returned back to unsuccessful bidders. Any amount outstanding from previous allottee on account of lease pr emium, shed rent, or other dues tow ard department sha ll be set off/ adjusted toward the bid amount so col lected from the successful bidder. The auction would be conducted by the concerned field offi cer. The 1 5% amount of the hi ghest bid for such p lot/ land shall be deposi ted by the hi ghest bidd er within 15 days of issuance o f acceptance letter fail ing whi ch earnest money will be for feited. The second highest bidde r may then be considered for allotment of such plot /land as per procedure laid down under these Rules. Th e balance amount of the highc t bid shall be payable in 5 equal annual installments. o interest ,, ill be charged on balance installments. H ow ever interest @ 9% would be charged on delayed payment. In case the bidder after commencement o f production or at any subsequent stage within time period scheduled for payment, o ffers to clear the outstanding paym ent of bid amount in lump sum, rebate of 10% ofbalance bid amount wi ll be given: Prov ided such resumed/surr endered plot can be all otted with the prior permission of D ir ector of Industries or Secretary (Indu strie s), as the case ma y be in case no bid (s) is r eceived for the all otm ent of such plot(s) /land in response L ofirst auction notice. In such cases of all otment(s) premium fixed by the Note: Provisions amended have been highlighted as Italic and Underlined. Page 8 of 11
  • 9. Category of enterpr ise Area wise SGST rei111b u r se111ent A d111i ssible Period A B C M SM E 50% 80% 90% 7 years L arge 50% 70% 80% 5 years A nchor 100% 10 0 % 100% 7 years Committ ee constitut ed under Rule 6.2 would be charged. The provisions made under Rule 6.7(b) would also be applicable for such allotment(s): Provided fi1rther that such vacant 12.lots Cwhere no built U{2.structure exists2 resumed a[jer execution o{_lease deed or has been surrendered b'J!.the allottee himsel[_ the same shall be a/lo lled as t2.ert2.rovision o{_Rules at2.t2.licab/e {gr [jesh allotment under this Poq/i . 15 I/ Net SGST Reimbursement: A l l el igibl e enterpr ise(s) would be prov id ed reimbursement of Net SGST subj ect to maxim u111 limit of 80% of Fixed Cap ital Investm ent (FCI) duri ng admi ssibl e peri od of thi s incentive as per following detail:- A bove menti oned incenti ve would be admi ssible subj ect to ful fil ment of followi ng conditions:- I . Quantum of incentive would be available only on net SGST paid and deposi ted wi th State per annu111 by t he eligi ble unit. The admissi bi li ty of in centive shall cease ei ther on exhaustion of the applicable li111i t or on the co111pletion of the eligibili ty period, whichever is earlier. 2. In case of any fal se declaration, misrepresentati on/ sup press ion of facts. the amount of incenti ve so avai led shall be li able to be recovered alo ng wi th 12% compound interest per annum or penal ty as decided by the State Gove rnm ent as per applicable laws. 3. The eli gible unit has to obtain veri fied Udyog Aadhar M emorandum (U AM )/ comm encement of commercial production certi ficate from the authori zed offi cers of the Depart ment of Industr ies, Gove rnment of H ima chal Pradesh. The eli gible unit wi ll obtai n cert i fi cate from the D epartment of State Exc ise & T axation clearly 111enti oning the amount of net SGST paid to the State of Hi111achal Pradesh. 4. N et SGST rei1 1 1bur seme nt would be avai lable onl y after the date of Commencement of Commercial Production (Co P)/operation for new unit and fro111 t h e date of Co111m ercia l pro duct ion/operation after undertak ing substantial expansion for existing enterprise(s). 5. T he elig ible enterpri se(s) w i ll subm it reim burse111ent claim of the fi nancial year to the Depart111ent of Industri es on annual basis in the succeeding financial year before 3s 11 A ugust or within 3 months o{_ussessment o[ n fti SGST b'J!.the Excise & Taxation Det2.artmen1 H.P., whichever is later Ca/so a{2.{2.licable{gr units as fgund eligible under this PoliC'J!.2- One time relaxation U{2.IOJJ51 December, 2022 is also given to those units which were unable to [lie the claim on time due to non fjnalizationQ[ net SGST b'J!. Excise & Taxation De12.artment. 16(i) Concess io nal Rate of Elec trici ty Charges (excluding any surcha rge, peak load exe111ptioncharge, wint er charge, fuel adjustment charge, ser vice charge, GST or any other charge under any name in the Tari ff Schedule): a) New enterprises would be charged energy charges 15% lower than the Note: Provisions amended have been highlighted as Italic and Underlined. Page 9 of 11
  • 10. approved energy charges for the respective category for a period of 03 years. b) Existing industrial consumers undertaking substantial expansion as per these Rules would be eligib le for a rebate of 15% on energy charges for additional power consumption beyond the level of preceding financial year {gr a eeriod o[0J ')!_ear s . I ncentives o f concessional rate of elec tri city charges would be noti fied in the Scheduleof Ta ri ff for Himachal Pradesh on year to year basis by the H.P. State Electricity Board and i t would not be bind ing upon the State Gove rnment during the applicabilit y of Policy. - - -- - -- --- - - - 18(e) 5% reservation o{l andl p/otsh-heds·shall be done where such land is to be used {gr the 12.zir12.oseo[setting Uf2. o[ enter12.riseb'!!.Person[s2·with Disabili!J!.. either individual/')!_ or collective/'!!. in new noti fle . d Ind ustrial Areas. 18(f) Existing as well as new Entererises 12.roviding 5% em12.lo'!!.mentto the 12.ersons with benchmark disability_ in total work fgrce will be eligible {gr additional incentives o[ Rs·.J0001-12.ermonth 12.ersuch em12.lo' ! ! _ e e {gr a eeriod o[0J ' ! ! _ e ars. S r. No. District Name of Development Block to be Included in Category-B I. 13i laspur Shri Naina Devi Ji 2. Mandi Bali Chmvki , Dhanotu. Nihri, Churag 3. Shiml a Tatu Kuovi Kotkhai 4. Sirmaur Tilordhar 5. Una 'Dhund/a' Block ma'!!_ b e read as 'Bangana' Block 2. The Governor, H ima chal Pradesh is further pleased to include foll owin g new Development Blocks in Categ ory-B of Annexure- t- · Categorization of the State for Disbursement of Incentives of Industrial Poli cy 2019':- 3. The Governor, Himachal Pradesh is also pleased to include foll owing new Servicesin Annexure-11 'Li st of SpecifiedCategory of ServicesActi vities" of the Policy:- ?,· Sr. No. Services to be Included 22 Distribution o[ universally_ designed consumer ducts and accessories {gr general use for Persons with Disabilities. 23 Skill Develooment Centres 24 Health ln/j:astructurel Hoseita/ n . i I 25 Com111o E[fluent Treatment PlantCCETP2, ST P and other Ke'!! utilities recu1is te {gr i n dustria/i::::ation. 4. Theseamended provisions shall come into force with immediate effect. By order R. D. Dhiman Addi. Chief Secretary (Industries) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh. Note: Provisions amended have been highlighted as Italic and Underlined. Page 10 of 11
  • 11. Endst. No.lND-A-F00l/4/2021-IND-A-GoHP Dated Shimla-2, the 29th April, 2022. Copy forwarded to the following for information and necess ary action:- 1. The Chief Sec retary, Governme nt of Himachal Pradesh, Shiml a-2. 2. The Pr. Secretary to ChiefMinister, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla- 2. 3. The Secretary to the Governor, Himachal Pradesh, Shiml a- 2. 4. All Adm inistrative Secretaries, Govt. of Himacha lPrades h. Shimla-2. 5. All Divis ional Commissioners, Himachal Pradesh. 6. All Deputy Comm iss ioners, Himachal Pradesh. 7. All Head of Depart ments, Himachal Pradesh. 8. The Director of Industries, Himacha lPradesh, Udyog Bhawan, Shiml a-1. 9. The Sr. Private Secretary/P.S. to all Ministers, HimachalPradesh, Shimla-2. 10. The Under Secretary (GAD) to the Govt. of Himachal Prade sh, Shimla- 2, w.r.t. Item No. 69 of the Cabinet Meeting held on 07.04.2022. (C. P. Verma) S pecia l Sec reta ry (Industries) to the Gove rnment of Himachal Pradesh Phone No. 0177-2620887. Note: Provisions amended have been highlighted as Italic and Underlined. Page 11 of 11