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Tubercular spondylitis has been documented
in ancient mummies from Egypt and Peru
and is one of the oldest demonstrated
disease.Percival Pott presented the classic
description of spinal TB in 1779.
Spinal TB constitutes about 50% of all cases
of osteoarticular TB.
MC site: Lower thoracic and lumber region
followed by middle thoracic and cervical
1 Cervical 12%
2 Cervicodorsal 5%
3 Dorsal 42%
4 Dorsolumbar 12%
5 Lumbar 26%
6 Lumbosacral 3%
Spine Anatomy
Vertebre develops from the sclerotome on
either side of notochord
Each pair of sclerotome (common blood
supply) form Lower half of one vertebra
and upper half of one below it along with
intervening disc.
Therefore ,infections via the arteries
involve the embryological section.
• Spinal tuberculosis is usually a secondary infection from
a primary site in the lung or genitourinary system.
• Spread to the spine is hematogenous in most instances.
• Delayed hypersensitivity immune reaction.
• Initially : a pre-pus inflammatory reaction with
Langerhan’s giant cells, epithelioid cells, and
• The granulation tissue proliferates, producing thrombosis
of vessels.
• Tissue necrosis and breakdown of inflammatory cells
result in a paraspinal abscess.
• The pus may be localized, or it may track along tissue
• Progressive necrosis of bone leads to a kyphotic
• Typically, the infection begins in the anterior aspect of the
vertebral body adjacent to the disk.
• The infection then spreads to the adjacent vertebral
bodies under the longitudinal ligaments.
• Noncontiguous (skip) lesions are also seen
Pathogenesis Of Spinal
Five stages by Kumar KA (1988)
 Stage
 Stage
 Stage
early destruction
advanced destruction and
 Stage of
 Stage of
neurological involvement
residual deformity
Four patterns :
Commonest type
Spread through arterial supply
Bacteria lodge in the contiguous areas of two
adjacent vertebrae  granulomatous
inflammation leading to erosion of vertebral
margins loss of nutrition of intervertebral
disc Disc degeneration
When the intervertebral discs have been
completely destroyed,the adjacent bodies
fuse with each other.
Body of single vertebra is affected.
Starts in the centre of the vertebral body.
Infection at this site probably reaches through
Batson’s venous or branches of post.vertebral
Lytic area develops in the centre of vertebral body
leading to balooning of vertebral body
mimicking tumour
Later stages-concentric collapse resembling
Verebra Plana.
Disc space is not/minimally affected
Anterior lesions— Infection starts in the anterior
part of vertebral body and spreads under
the ant. Longitudinal ligament.
Post/Appendiceal— Pedicle,lamina,spinous
process or transverse process of
vertebra are affected.
Constitutional symptoms,such as fever, night sweats,loss of
weight and appetite may occur before symptoms related to
1. Pain-can be Localised to the site(MC early
worsen with activity and at night(night
2. Stiffness-Protective mechanism of body where paravertebral
muscle go into spasm to prevent movement at the affected
3. Cold abcess- Patient may present the first time with
swelling(cold abcess) or due to its compression
Retropharyngeal abscess --Dysphagia,dyspnea,
Hoarseness of voice
Mediastinal abscess --Dysphagia
Psoas abscess -- Flexion deformity of
-No usual signs of inflammation like heat ,redness
-Follows paths of least resistance along facial
planes,blood vassels &nerves.
Cervical spine- Exudate collects behind prevertebral
facia and may protrude as Retropharyngeal abscess, It
may track down in mediastinum to enter into
trachea,esophagus or pleural cavity.It may spread
lateraly into sterno-cleido mastoid and form abscess in
Thoracic spine- It may confined locally and may appear
on X-ray as fusiform or bulbous paravertebral abscess
.It can compress spinal cord or penetrate the
ant.longitudinal ligament to form a mediastinal
abscess or pass downward through medial arcuate
ligament to form lumber abcess.
Lumber spine- Most commonly enters the psoas
sheathPsoas abscess,also abscess in scarpa’s
triangle,medial aspect of thigh
4.Fallacious history of trauma- Trauma may draw
attention to a pre-existing lesion or may activate a
latent tubercular focus
5. Paraplegia-Rarely it is the presenting symptom.
6. Wedging :-
Dorsal spine : Line of weight bearing passes ant to
vertebrae.Ant wedging occurs.In late stages
leading to
kyphotic deformity
Cervical and lumber spine : Wedging is less due
lordotic curvature
7. Gibbus-If patient presents late
1. Gait- Patient walks with short steps to avoid
jerking the spine.In TB of cervical
spine,patient often supports his head with
both hands under the chin and twists his
whole body in order to look sideways.
2. Attitude and deformity :-
Cervical spine : Stiff,straight neck
Thoracic spine : Kyphus or gibbus,walks
Lumber spine : Loss of lumber lordosis
3. Paravertebral swelling- Superficial cold abcess may
present as fullness or swelling on the back,along
the chest wall, usually fluctuant. It is important to
look for cold abcesses in not so obvious
locations,depending upon the region of spine
4. Neurological Examination- To determine if there is
any neurological compression and to determine
level and severity of neurological compression
5. General examination- For any active or healed
lesion,for any other systemic illnesses
like,diabetes,HT,jaundice etc.
Thinking About
Clinical Presentation
spasm (88%)
 Radiological examination :-
1. Xray spine-AP,Lateral
2. CXR-for primary focus
3. Xray abd-KUB,if psoas abcess is
suspected or to find out Primary in abd.
 The classic roentgen triad in spinal tuberculosis is
primary vertebral lesion, disc space narrowing and
paravertebral abscess.
 On an avg. 2.5 to 3.8 vertebrae are involved
Clinico-Radiological Classification
Degree of
bone destruction and
Thinking About
Conventional Radiological
Paradiscal (54%)
Central (19%)
Anterior (4%)
Appendicial (4%)
Atlanto axial (1%)
Normal (2%)
Multiple (18%)
Radiographs: General Features
Features of Pott’s on radiograph include
Signs of infection with lytic lucencies in anterior portion of vertebrae
Disk space narrowing
Erosions of the endplate
Sclerosis resulting from chronic infection
Compression fracture
Continuous vertebral body collapse
Kyphosis; gibbous (severe kyphosis)
• Atypical features
Soft tissue swelling from paraspinal abscesses, +/‐ calcification
Involvement of only one vertebral body
Involvement of several vertebral bodies without intervertebral discitis
Bowing of rib cage secondary to collapse of multiple vertebral bodies
Destruction of lateral or posterior aspects of vertebral bodies
1. Paradiscal : Reduction in disc space- Initialy
there is demineralization with indistinct bony
margins-gradually disc space narrowing
occurs.The disc space may eventualy
disappear leading to wedging.
 Lateral X-ray is better for evaluation of disc
 Takes 3-5 months for bony destruction to
become visible on X-ray
 More than 30 % of mineral must be removed
from bone for a radiolucent lesion to be
Tuberculous spondylitis. Lateral radiograph demonstrates
obliteration of the disk space (straight arrow) with destruction of
the adjacent end plates (curved arrow) and anterior wedging.
There is narrowing of the disk space at L4-5,
with end plates indistinctly outlined. CT
section through the disk space clearly
shows destructive changes of the disk and
vertebral end plate characteristic of
2. Central : Lytic area in the centre of vertebral body which
enlarges and baloons out like tumour.Disc space is
3. Anterior : Shallow excavation on anterior or lateral
surface of vertebral body.
4.TB of posterior elements is usually not detected in early
stages in radiographs.
Late Stages --Kyphotic deformity,lateral shift and
scoliosis,if one side of vertebrae is completely destroyed
Signs of healing—bone density improves,sclerosis, fusion
of contiguous vertebrae.
Skip lesions as involvement of non contiguous vertebrae (7
– 10 % cases).
X-ray dorsolumbar spine showing vertebra plana of T10 vertebra.
Disc space is well maintained.
Subligamentous spread of spinal tuberculosis. Lateral radiograph
demonstrates erosion of the anterior margin of the vertebral
body (arrow) caused by an adjacent soft-tissue abscess.
Destruction of the right side of the vertebral body and the neural arch, with
the remainder of the body maintaining its shape. The lower disc space is
narrowed on the right side; the upper space is almost normal and there is a
small paravertebral abscess.
Evidence of cold abcess on X-rays
Paravertebral abcess : Paravertebral soft tissue
shadow corresponding to the site of affected
vertebrae in AP view can
Fusiform [bird nest abcess] : L>W,seen in dorsal
spine area.
Globular or tense : W>L,pus under pressure a/w
Widened mediastinum : Abscess from dorsal
spine may present as widened mediastinum
Aneurysmal phenomena : Concave erosions
along the margins of vertebral bodies
produced by long standing tense
paravertebral abcess,usually in dorsal spine
Retropharyngeal abcess : In cervical spine
TB,seen on lateral view : increase in soft
tissue thickness (>4mm) in front of C3
vertebral body.
Psoas Abcess : In dorso-lumber and lumber
TB,psoas shadow on X-ray of abd may
show a bulge.
X-rays of cervical region showing retropharyngeal
CT demonstrates abnormalities earlier than plain radiography. It is of great
value in the demonstration small paravertebral abscess,not otherwise
seen on plain X-ray or any calcification within the cold abscess or
visualizing epidural lesions containing bone fragments.
A CT scan showing destruction of the neural arch on both sides,
as well as of the vertebral body. Arrows, anterior spinal abscess
Tuberculous spondylitis. Axial
CT scan demonstrates lytic
destruction of the vertebral
body (black arrow) with an
adjoining soft-tissue abscess
(white arrow).
Calcified psoas abscess.
Axial CT scan demonstrates
bilateral tuberculous psoas
abscesses with peripheral
calcification (arrows).
Current Trends In Imaging
 CT IMAGING shows focus of
Of Lesion
Amount Of Bone Destruction
Posterior Element Lesions
CT: Features
Features on CT
• Soft tissue findings
‐ Abscess with calcification is diagnostic of spinal TB; CT is
excellent modality to visualize soft tissue calcifications
• Pattern and severity of bony destruction
‐ Pattern of vertebral body destruction‐ framentary, osteolytic,
localized and sclerotic, and subperiosteal
• Used to guide needle in percutaneous needle biopsy of
paraspinal abscess
MRIInvestigation of choice to evaluate the type and
extent of compression of cord,to know the
spread of disease under the anterior or
post.ligament, most effective to demonstrate
neural compression,helps to differentiate
between TB and pyogenic infection :-
TB – Thin and smooth enhancement of the
abcess wall
Pyogenic – Thick and irregular
MRI is more sensitive than x-ray and more specific
than CT in the diagnosis of spinal tuberculosis.
Conventional radiograph-no information
CT –inadequate assesment
MRI -gives invaluable information
Cord oedema or focal myelomalacia is seen as hyperintense signal and It can
also diagnose extraosseous extradural granuloma.
Current Trends In Imaging
Cord compression / changes
Soft tissue shadows and
intraosseus abscesses
Skip lesions
- Sub ligamentous spread of
infection and epidural extension
The Imaging Method Of Choice
MRI: Features
Highly sensitive and specific for
Provides early detection
spinal TB
Best to distinguish exact
tissue involvement
extent of spinal cord and soft
• Features
Edema of vertebrae and disk space
Signs of spinal compromise i.e. cord compression
Note: Poorly visualizes calcification in abscesses
MRI: Spinal Cord Involvement
Sagittal T2W (Images 1-3)and axial T1W (Image 4)
High intensity activity in T12 to L3 vertebrae indicative of infection (*) (*). Complete destruction of
vertebral bodies with osseous retropulsion into the spinal canal, causing cauda equina (*). On axial
view, note destruction of vertebral body with loss of circular shape(*).
Bone School @ Bangalore
‘Gibbus formation’ in the thoraco-lumbar region of a patient with spinal
tuberculosis (left). The magnetic resonance shows spinal tuberculosis at
T10–T12. Spinal tuberculosis causes the destruction, collapse of vertebrae
and angulation of vertebral column
X-ray of cervical region which shows spinal tuberculosis of cervical six
to seven vertebrae and a retropharyngeal abscess (left). T1-weighted
image of an MRI of same patient, which shows destruction of C6–C7
T2WI MRI-bilateral psoas abscess
Current Trends In Imaging
 Helps in detection of
early lesions when
radiologically normal
 Helpful in diagnosing
skip lesions/ involvement
of other bones
 95% sensitivity
Advantage of Bone Scan
ol May 2011
Jan 2011
To determine the level of obstruction
May be indicated in cases with ‘spinal tumour syndrom’
In cases of multiple vertebral lesion
When pt has not recovered after decompression
FNAC : Especially of cold abcess,ZN Stain,C/S
Biopsy : May be required in cases of doubtful
Other Investigation : To support the diag:-
Increased ESR,Decreased Hb,relative
The Sero-immunological and
Biochemical Investigations
- Simple and widely used
- Highly sensitive but less specific
- Low specificity and sensitivity
- Of low predictive value in spinal TB
extra-pulmonary diseases
and other
Congenital defects like Schmorl’s disease,
Scheurermann’s disease.
Infetious conditions like Acute pyogenic,Typhoid
spine,Brucella spondylitis,Mycotic
Tumours Conditions :-
Benign : Hemangioma,Giant cell
tumour,Aneurysmal bone cyst.
Malignant : Ewing’s sarcoma,Osteogenic
sarcoma,Multiple myeloma,secondaries
Traumatic conditions
Even though, classical clinical and
radiological features have been described
in the literature, spinal tuberculosis does
mimic other lesions
Can be
The Missed Lesions
ngalore MRI
X- Ray
The Mistaken Lesion
The Misdiagnosed Lesion
X- Ray
Before availability of ATT,mortality rate was 30
% or severe crippling deformities
Aim of treatment is to achieve healing of
disease & to prevent,detect early and
promptly any complication like paraplegia
Rest: Bed rest for pain relief and to prevent
further collapse and dislocation of diseased children body cast is used.For
cervical spineMinerva jacket&coller
Building up of patient’s resistance : High protein diet.
ATT : This remains the cornstone of management,
completed by rest,nutritional support and splinting,
as necessary.However, there is difference of opinion
reg.the duration of drug therapy.Short course
chemotherapy for nine months has shown good
results in patients with disease coused by
succeptible microorganisms.
Antibiotics : For persistently draining sinuses which
get secondary infection.
Bed soar care and to treat other comorbid conditions.
Mobilisation : Gradual as improvement begins
 sit & walk,the spine is supported with
coller(cervical),brace (dorso-lumber spine)
Cold abcesses may subside with ATT,if
present superficially may need
aspration(antigravity insertion of needle
through a zig-zag tract) or
evacuation(wound closed without a drain)
Sinuses: Mostly heal within 6-12 weeks.If no
improvement  Excision of tract
Pott Disease: Treatment
Various imaging modalities are useful in determining extent of disease.
Treatment options then depend on the degree of spinal destruction.
Oguz et al.-
Most practicing
clinicians simply
define Pott’s as
GATA Classification
Anti Tubercular Drugs
 Specific anti-tuberculous drugs have
revolutionized the outcome of spinal
tuberculosis which is now considered
to be
 It has to be realized that surgical treatment
cannot replace chemotherapy
Anti Tubercular Drugs
 One in 20 new cases of tuberculosis is
considered to be multidrug-resistant
 Therefore, in spinal tuberculosis, 3 months
of intensive chemotherapy with 4 drugs
followed by 12-15 months of maintenance
therapy with two drugs is necessary
The Role of Empirical Treatment
 Always an attempt should be made to prove the
diagnosis before therapy is initiated
 However, young patients with classical clinico-
radiological features and high ESR may be
empirically started on ATT
 If empirical therapy is initiated, meticulous
monitoring to ensure sustained improvement is
Empirical Treatment
3 weeks Post
Pre Chemo
 Febrile
 Pain
ESR 18
 ESR 84 mm/hr
Controversial Surgeries
 Is CONTRAINDICATED in spinal tuberculosis
because the disease is present anteriorly and by
doing a posterior decompression, the spine
becomes completely unstable
 It is only indicated in cases of posterior element
disease and spinal tumour syndrome
Bone School @ Bangalore
Limited Surgeries In
Tuberculosis of Spine
Limited Surgeries In
Tuberculosis of Spine
Limited Surgeries In
Tuberculosis of Spine
Excision of portion of
a rib and the
transverse process
Conventional Limited Surgeries
First described by
Capener (1933).
Only operation in which
decompression of the
cord is performed by
removing the actual
cause of compression
by Capener
Conventional Radical Surgery
 Hodgson et al.( 1960)
Developed the concept of
radical excision of the
diseased vertebral bodies
and their replacement by
bone grafts in all cases
spinal tuberculosis
1. Doubtful diagnosis where open biopsy is necessary
2. Failure to respond to ATT
3. Radiological evidence of progression of bony lesion or paraspinal
abcess shadow.
4. Imminent vertebral collapse.
5. Instability of spine and subluxation or dislocation of vertebral body.
Conventional Indications
Griffith and Seddon
Absolute Indications
Relative Indications
Rare Indications
Absolute Indications
 Paraplegia during conservative treatment
 Paraplegia worsening during treatment
 Complete motor loss for 1 month despite
conservative treatment
 Paraplegia with uncontrolled spasticity
 Severe and rapid onset paraplegia
 Severe flaccid paraplegia/ sensory loss
Relative indications Rare indications
Painful and
Posterior element
Spinal tumor
Severe cervical
lesion c paraplegia
1. 1.
in elderly
2. 2.
complications (UTI) Cauda equinopathy
Conventional Treatment: Tuli
 Anti tubercular drugs are the most
important therapeutic measure
 ATT must be continued for about 18
months( must include Isoniazide)
 Patients with early disease can achieve
full clinical healing
 Indications of surgery are mainly for
complications than for the disease control
The Middle Path Regimen of Tuli –
Surgical Indications
 No neurological recovery after 4 weeks of ATT
 Development of neurological deficit during the
course of chemotherapy
 Recurrence of neurological deficit after initial
 Worsening of neurological deficit while on
 Advanced case of neurological involvement
When appropriate facilities and expertise
are available radical surgeries have
definite advantage over non-operative
J Bone Joint Surg 60 (B), 61 (B) 64
However long term follow up of
surgeries showed considerable
(B) and 67
loss of
correction and failure of the bone graft
leading to progression of kyphosis
Parthasarathy et al, Rajashekaran et al, Sundararaj
and Moon et al
et al
Current Trends In The Surgical
Management of Spinal Tuberculosis
 Correction of kyphosis
 Early fusion
 Prevention of
 Prevention of
progression of kyphosis
late onset paraplegia
Current Trends In The Surgical
Management of Spinal Tuberculosis
Debridement, anterior instrumentation and fusion
Anterior debridement and anterior column
reconstruction with bone grafting or CAGE
Debridement, posterior instrumentation and fusion
Anterior Debridement And
 Helps in neurological recovery and
produces early fusion
 However, achieves only limited correction
of kyphosis and may not be able to
prevent progression
Anterior Debridement
Anterior Radical Debridement
And Anterior Instrumentation
Benli I T B
te a
l @
ine J 2003
can be
Role of Posterior
Instrumentation And Fusion
 Aggressive correction of
 Prevents recurrence of kyphosis
 Not beneficial without anterior
debridement and fusion
Combined Anterior Decompression And
Grafting / CAGE With Posterior
Instrumentation And Fusion
 Single stage through
two approaches-
Combined anterior
and posterior
 Single posterior
Combined Anterior Decompression And
Bone Grafting / CAGE With Posterior
Instrumentation And Fusion
Needs appropriate facilities and expertise
Intensive anaesthetic and postoperative
Secondary infection and implant failure
1. Anteriolateral decompression with
interbody bone grafting.Grafts placed
2. Costo transversectomy with dempression
3. Metallic implants& titanium cage filled with
cancellous bone when whole body is
4. Kyphotic deformity is prevented by ant
debridement,ant inerbody fusion&post
 Early diagnosis and treatment prevent
 Threat of MDR-TB
 Intensive chemotherapy and
 PCR / CT / MRI / Bone scan
 More aggressive and radical
help in early
surgeries are
correct and prevent progression of kyphosis
achieve better healing and
lessen the chance of late onset paraplegia
 Cold abscess
and sinus
 Spinal deformity
 Pott’s
Cold Abscess
 Classic local signs of
acute infection (calor
rubor) not evoked
 Pus accumulates
beneath anterior
longitudinal ligament and
extends along paths of
least resistance
Cold Abscess - cervical spine
 Retropharyngeal abscess-
dysphagia, difficult phonation
 Neck swelling- behind
sternomastoid in posterior
triangle of neck
 Mediastinum
 Axilla and cubital fossa (along
vessel and nerve)
 Spinal canal
Cold Abscess - thoracic spine
Empyema- rupture
into pleura
Track along
intercostal nerves
Cold Abscess - thoracic spine
 Extrapleural space-
Spreads laterally
 Spinal canal- cord
Bone School
Lower thoracic spine
Track down through lateral
arcuate ligament
Kidney bed
Anterior abdominal wall (via
nerve planes)
Medial arcuate ligament
Psoas sheath
Thigh swelling
Lumbar spine- Psoas Abscess
 Psoas abscess can
travel along sciatic
nerve to pelvis,
gluteal region,
posterior aspect of
thigh and
Infection And Progression Of
 Infection Granulation Tissue
Destruction Collapse
 Infection
Osteopenia Collapse
 Infection AVN Collapse Kyphosis
Mechanical Causes of
Progression of Kyphosis
Involvement of anterior
and middle column
produces progressive
Involvement of only the
middle or the posterior
column may not produce
Active continuous
growth of the posterior
column leads to
 Knuckle deformity: Wedging
adjacent vertebral bodies
of 1 or 2
 Gibbus deformity: wedge collapse of
2-3 vertebral bodies anteriorly
 Round kyphus deformity:
more than 3 vertebrae
wedging of
Pott’s Paraplegia
Paraplegia is the result of
tracts of the
with the
of the pyramidal
spinal cord and is
most often associated with
the tuberculosis of the dorsal
spine (10 – 30 %)
It can be early or late onset
Why paraplegia is common
dorsal spine?
Commonest site for tuberculosis
Thoracic kyphosis helps in squeezing
products into the canal
Cord : canal ratio is smaller
Spinal cord terminates below L1
Ant. Lon. Lig. Is loose in thoracic spine
whereas in lumbar pus enters the psoas
Pott’s Paraplegia
 Occurs when disease is active
 Usually within 2 years of onset of
 Usually prognosis is good
 Paraplegia of healed disease
 Occurs 2 years after the onset of
 Has poor prognosis
Causes of early onset paraplegia
A) Inflammatory causes:
1. Abscess/ inflammatory tissue
caseating mass
2. Spinal tumor syndrome (circumscribed
tuberculous mass)
3. Posterior spinal disease
4. Infective thrombosis
Causes of early onset
B) Mechanical causes:
Pathological subluxation/
Cord compression by sequestra/
loose fragments of bone/
granulation tissue/ debris/ disc
Causes of late onset
A) Inflammatory causes:
Continued activity or
Mechanical causes:
Cord stretched over internal
gibbus/ transverse ridge
Vascular and dural fibrosis
Causes of Paraplegia
Extrinsic causes
In active disease:
In healed disease
Transverse ridge
internal gibbus
Granulation tissue
Fibrosis of dura
and disc
subluxation /
bone b)
Causes of Paraplegia
Intrinsic causes:
Rare causes:
Infective thrombosis
of the cord
Spinal tumor
involvement of the
meninges/ 2.
Pott’s Paraplegia
Classification - Kumar & Tuli
Stage Clinical features
I Negligible Patient unaware of neural deficit, physician detects
plantar extensor and/or ankle clonus.
II Mild Patient aware of deficit but manages to walk with
support, clumsiness of gait.
III Moderate Paralysis in extension, sensory deficit less than 50%
IV Severe III + flexor spasm/ paralysis in flexion/ flaccid/ sensory
deficit more than 50%/ sphincters involved.
Bone School @ Bangalore
Bone School @ Bangalore

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POTT’S SPINE-1676656384.pptx

  • 1.
  • 2. POTT’S SPINE Tubercular spondylitis has been documented in ancient mummies from Egypt and Peru and is one of the oldest demonstrated disease.Percival Pott presented the classic description of spinal TB in 1779. Spinal TB constitutes about 50% of all cases of osteoarticular TB. MC site: Lower thoracic and lumber region followed by middle thoracic and cervical vertebrae.
  • 3. REGIONAL DISTRIBUTION 1 Cervical 12% 2 Cervicodorsal 5% 3 Dorsal 42% 4 Dorsolumbar 12% 5 Lumbar 26% 6 Lumbosacral 3%
  • 5. ANATOMY Vertebre develops from the sclerotome on either side of notochord Each pair of sclerotome (common blood supply) form Lower half of one vertebra and upper half of one below it along with intervening disc. Therefore ,infections via the arteries involve the embryological section.
  • 6. SPINAL TUBERCULOSIS Pathology • Spinal tuberculosis is usually a secondary infection from a primary site in the lung or genitourinary system. • Spread to the spine is hematogenous in most instances. • Delayed hypersensitivity immune reaction. • Initially : a pre-pus inflammatory reaction with Langerhan’s giant cells, epithelioid cells, and ymphocytes. • The granulation tissue proliferates, producing thrombosis of vessels.
  • 7. SPINAL TUBERCULOSIS • Tissue necrosis and breakdown of inflammatory cells result in a paraspinal abscess. • The pus may be localized, or it may track along tissue planes. • Progressive necrosis of bone leads to a kyphotic deformity. • Typically, the infection begins in the anterior aspect of the vertebral body adjacent to the disk.
  • 8. • The infection then spreads to the adjacent vertebral bodies under the longitudinal ligaments. • Noncontiguous (skip) lesions are also seen occasionally
  • 9. Pathogenesis Of Spinal Tuberculosis Five stages by Kumar KA (1988)  Stage  Stage  Stage of of of Implantation early destruction advanced destruction and collapse  Stage of  Stage of neurological involvement residual deformity
  • 10. PATTERNS OF VERTEBRAL INVOLVEMENT Four patterns : Paradiscal Central Anterior Appendiceal (Posterior)
  • 11. PARADISCAL Commonest type Spread through arterial supply Bacteria lodge in the contiguous areas of two adjacent vertebrae  granulomatous inflammation leading to erosion of vertebral margins loss of nutrition of intervertebral disc Disc degeneration When the intervertebral discs have been completely destroyed,the adjacent bodies fuse with each other.
  • 12.
  • 13. CENTRAL LESIONS Body of single vertebra is affected. Starts in the centre of the vertebral body. Infection at this site probably reaches through Batson’s venous or branches of post.vertebral artry. Lytic area develops in the centre of vertebral body leading to balooning of vertebral body mimicking tumour Later stages-concentric collapse resembling Verebra Plana. Disc space is not/minimally affected
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17. Anterior lesions— Infection starts in the anterior part of vertebral body and spreads under the ant. Longitudinal ligament. Post/Appendiceal— Pedicle,lamina,spinous process or transverse process of vertebra are affected.
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20. CLINICAL FEATURES Constitutional symptoms,such as fever, night sweats,loss of weight and appetite may occur before symptoms related to spine. 1. Pain-can be Localised to the site(MC early symptoms) Radicular worsen with activity and at night(night cries) 2. Stiffness-Protective mechanism of body where paravertebral muscle go into spasm to prevent movement at the affected vertebra.
  • 21. 3. Cold abcess- Patient may present the first time with swelling(cold abcess) or due to its compression effects:- Retropharyngeal abscess --Dysphagia,dyspnea, Hoarseness of voice Mediastinal abscess --Dysphagia Psoas abscess -- Flexion deformity of hip -No usual signs of inflammation like heat ,redness etc. -Follows paths of least resistance along facial planes,blood vassels &nerves.
  • 22. PRESENTATION OF COLD ABSCESSES FROM DIFFERENT REGIONS OF SPINE Cervical spine- Exudate collects behind prevertebral facia and may protrude as Retropharyngeal abscess, It may track down in mediastinum to enter into trachea,esophagus or pleural cavity.It may spread lateraly into sterno-cleido mastoid and form abscess in neck. Thoracic spine- It may confined locally and may appear on X-ray as fusiform or bulbous paravertebral abscess .It can compress spinal cord or penetrate the ant.longitudinal ligament to form a mediastinal abscess or pass downward through medial arcuate ligament to form lumber abcess. Lumber spine- Most commonly enters the psoas sheathPsoas abscess,also abscess in scarpa’s triangle,medial aspect of thigh
  • 23. 4.Fallacious history of trauma- Trauma may draw attention to a pre-existing lesion or may activate a latent tubercular focus 5. Paraplegia-Rarely it is the presenting symptom. 6. Wedging :- Dorsal spine : Line of weight bearing passes ant to vertebrae.Ant wedging occurs.In late stages leading to kyphotic deformity Cervical and lumber spine : Wedging is less due lordotic curvature 7. Gibbus-If patient presents late
  • 24. EXAMINATION 1. Gait- Patient walks with short steps to avoid jerking the spine.In TB of cervical spine,patient often supports his head with both hands under the chin and twists his whole body in order to look sideways. 2. Attitude and deformity :- Cervical spine : Stiff,straight neck Thoracic spine : Kyphus or gibbus,walks very carefully Lumber spine : Loss of lumber lordosis
  • 25. 3. Paravertebral swelling- Superficial cold abcess may present as fullness or swelling on the back,along the chest wall, usually fluctuant. It is important to look for cold abcesses in not so obvious locations,depending upon the region of spine involved. 4. Neurological Examination- To determine if there is any neurological compression and to determine level and severity of neurological compression 5. General examination- For any active or healed lesion,for any other systemic illnesses like,diabetes,HT,jaundice etc.
  • 27. INVESTIGATION  Radiological examination :- 1. Xray spine-AP,Lateral 2. CXR-for primary focus 3. Xray abd-KUB,if psoas abcess is suspected or to find out Primary in abd.  The classic roentgen triad in spinal tuberculosis is primary vertebral lesion, disc space narrowing and paravertebral abscess.  On an avg. 2.5 to 3.8 vertebrae are involved
  • 28. Clinico-Radiological Classification Kumar(1988) Degree of deformity bone destruction and STAGE STAGE STAGE STAGE STAGE I II III IV V
  • 29. Thinking About Disease Conventional Radiological Pott’s Presentation Paradiscal (54%) Central (19%) Anterior (4%) Appendicial (4%) Atlanto axial (1%) Normal (2%) Multiple (18%)       
  • 30. Radiographs: General Features Features of Pott’s on radiograph include • – – – – – – – Signs of infection with lytic lucencies in anterior portion of vertebrae Disk space narrowing Erosions of the endplate Sclerosis resulting from chronic infection Compression fracture Continuous vertebral body collapse Kyphosis; gibbous (severe kyphosis) • Atypical features – – – – – Soft tissue swelling from paraspinal abscesses, +/‐ calcification Involvement of only one vertebral body Involvement of several vertebral bodies without intervertebral discitis Bowing of rib cage secondary to collapse of multiple vertebral bodies Destruction of lateral or posterior aspects of vertebral bodies
  • 31. 1. Paradiscal : Reduction in disc space- Initialy there is demineralization with indistinct bony margins-gradually disc space narrowing occurs.The disc space may eventualy disappear leading to wedging.  Lateral X-ray is better for evaluation of disc space.  Takes 3-5 months for bony destruction to become visible on X-ray  More than 30 % of mineral must be removed from bone for a radiolucent lesion to be visible
  • 32. Tuberculous spondylitis. Lateral radiograph demonstrates obliteration of the disk space (straight arrow) with destruction of the adjacent end plates (curved arrow) and anterior wedging.
  • 33. There is narrowing of the disk space at L4-5, with end plates indistinctly outlined. CT section through the disk space clearly shows destructive changes of the disk and vertebral end plate characteristic of infection
  • 34. RADIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION 2. Central : Lytic area in the centre of vertebral body which enlarges and baloons out like tumour.Disc space is preserved. 3. Anterior : Shallow excavation on anterior or lateral surface of vertebral body. 4.TB of posterior elements is usually not detected in early stages in radiographs. Late Stages --Kyphotic deformity,lateral shift and scoliosis,if one side of vertebrae is completely destroyed Hemivertebrae Signs of healing—bone density improves,sclerosis, fusion of contiguous vertebrae. Skip lesions as involvement of non contiguous vertebrae (7 – 10 % cases).
  • 35. X-ray dorsolumbar spine showing vertebra plana of T10 vertebra. Disc space is well maintained.
  • 36. Subligamentous spread of spinal tuberculosis. Lateral radiograph demonstrates erosion of the anterior margin of the vertebral body (arrow) caused by an adjacent soft-tissue abscess.
  • 37. Destruction of the right side of the vertebral body and the neural arch, with the remainder of the body maintaining its shape. The lower disc space is narrowed on the right side; the upper space is almost normal and there is a small paravertebral abscess.
  • 38.
  • 39. Evidence of cold abcess on X-rays Paravertebral abcess : Paravertebral soft tissue shadow corresponding to the site of affected vertebrae in AP view can Fusiform [bird nest abcess] : L>W,seen in dorsal spine area. Globular or tense : W>L,pus under pressure a/w paraplegia Widened mediastinum : Abscess from dorsal spine may present as widened mediastinum
  • 40. Aneurysmal phenomena : Concave erosions along the margins of vertebral bodies produced by long standing tense paravertebral abcess,usually in dorsal spine Retropharyngeal abcess : In cervical spine TB,seen on lateral view : increase in soft tissue thickness (>4mm) in front of C3 vertebral body. Psoas Abcess : In dorso-lumber and lumber TB,psoas shadow on X-ray of abd may show a bulge.
  • 41. X-rays of cervical region showing retropharyngeal abscess.
  • 42.
  • 43. CT SCAN CT demonstrates abnormalities earlier than plain radiography. It is of great value in the demonstration small paravertebral abscess,not otherwise seen on plain X-ray or any calcification within the cold abscess or visualizing epidural lesions containing bone fragments.
  • 44. A CT scan showing destruction of the neural arch on both sides, as well as of the vertebral body. Arrows, anterior spinal abscess
  • 45.
  • 46. Tuberculous spondylitis. Axial CT scan demonstrates lytic destruction of the vertebral body (black arrow) with an adjoining soft-tissue abscess (white arrow). Calcified psoas abscess. Axial CT scan demonstrates bilateral tuberculous psoas abscesses with peripheral calcification (arrows).
  • 47. Current Trends In Imaging ROLE OF CT SCAN  CT IMAGING shows focus of - - - - - Bone Early Level Infection Erosions Of Lesion Amount Of Bone Destruction Posterior Element Lesions
  • 48. CT: Features Features on CT • Soft tissue findings ‐ Abscess with calcification is diagnostic of spinal TB; CT is excellent modality to visualize soft tissue calcifications • Pattern and severity of bony destruction ‐ Pattern of vertebral body destruction‐ framentary, osteolytic, localized and sclerotic, and subperiosteal • Used to guide needle in percutaneous needle biopsy of paraspinal abscess
  • 49. MRIInvestigation of choice to evaluate the type and extent of compression of cord,to know the spread of disease under the anterior or post.ligament, most effective to demonstrate neural compression,helps to differentiate between TB and pyogenic infection :- TB – Thin and smooth enhancement of the abcess wall Pyogenic – Thick and irregular MRI is more sensitive than x-ray and more specific than CT in the diagnosis of spinal tuberculosis.
  • 50. CORD CHANGES Conventional radiograph-no information CT –inadequate assesment MRI -gives invaluable information Cord oedema or focal myelomalacia is seen as hyperintense signal and It can also diagnose extraosseous extradural granuloma.
  • 51. Current Trends In Imaging ROLE OF MRI SCAN  MR IMAGING IDENTIFIES - - Cord compression / changes Soft tissue shadows and intraosseus abscesses Skip lesions - - Sub ligamentous spread of infection and epidural extension The Imaging Method Of Choice -
  • 52. MRI: Features • • • Highly sensitive and specific for Provides early detection spinal TB Best to distinguish exact tissue involvement extent of spinal cord and soft • Features – – – Edema of vertebrae and disk space Signs of spinal compromise i.e. cord compression Note: Poorly visualizes calcification in abscesses
  • 53. MRI: Spinal Cord Involvement PACS, BIDMC Sagittal T2W (Images 1-3)and axial T1W (Image 4) High intensity activity in T12 to L3 vertebrae indicative of infection (*) (*). Complete destruction of vertebral bodies with osseous retropulsion into the spinal canal, causing cauda equina (*). On axial view, note destruction of vertebral body with loss of circular shape(*). 4 3 2 1
  • 55. ‘Gibbus formation’ in the thoraco-lumbar region of a patient with spinal tuberculosis (left). The magnetic resonance shows spinal tuberculosis at T10–T12. Spinal tuberculosis causes the destruction, collapse of vertebrae and angulation of vertebral column
  • 56. X-ray of cervical region which shows spinal tuberculosis of cervical six to seven vertebrae and a retropharyngeal abscess (left). T1-weighted image of an MRI of same patient, which shows destruction of C6–C7 vertebrae
  • 58.
  • 59. Current Trends In Imaging ROLE OF BONE SCAN  Helps in detection of early lesions when radiologically normal  Helpful in diagnosing skip lesions/ involvement of other bones  95% sensitivity
  • 60. Advantage of Bone Scan Bone F Se cho b ol May 2011 Jan 2011
  • 61. MYELOGRAPHY To determine the level of obstruction May be indicated in cases with ‘spinal tumour syndrom’ In cases of multiple vertebral lesion When pt has not recovered after decompression
  • 62. FNAC : Especially of cold abcess,ZN Stain,C/S Biopsy : May be required in cases of doubtful diagnosis Other Investigation : To support the diag:- Increased ESR,Decreased Hb,relative lymphocytosis,Mantoux
  • 63. The Sero-immunological and Biochemical Investigations  POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION - Simple and widely used - Highly sensitive but less specific  ROLE OF IgM AND OTHERS - Low specificity and sensitivity - Of low predictive value in spinal TB extra-pulmonary diseases and other
  • 64. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Congenital defects like Schmorl’s disease, Scheurermann’s disease. Infetious conditions like Acute pyogenic,Typhoid spine,Brucella spondylitis,Mycotic Spondylitis,Syphillis Tumours Conditions :- Benign : Hemangioma,Giant cell tumour,Aneurysmal bone cyst. Malignant : Ewing’s sarcoma,Osteogenic sarcoma,Multiple myeloma,secondaries Traumatic conditions
  • 65. Even though, classical clinical and radiological features have been described in the literature, spinal tuberculosis does mimic other lesions Can be MISSED, MISTAKEN or MISDIAGNOSED
  • 69. TREATMENT Before availability of ATT,mortality rate was 30 % or severe crippling deformities Aim of treatment is to achieve healing of disease & to prevent,detect early and promptly any complication like paraplegia Rest: Bed rest for pain relief and to prevent further collapse and dislocation of diseased children body cast is used.For cervical spineMinerva jacket&coller
  • 70. Building up of patient’s resistance : High protein diet. ATT : This remains the cornstone of management, completed by rest,nutritional support and splinting, as necessary.However, there is difference of opinion reg.the duration of drug therapy.Short course chemotherapy for nine months has shown good results in patients with disease coused by succeptible microorganisms. Antibiotics : For persistently draining sinuses which get secondary infection. Bed soar care and to treat other comorbid conditions.
  • 71. Mobilisation : Gradual as improvement begins  sit & walk,the spine is supported with coller(cervical),brace (dorso-lumber spine) Cold abcesses may subside with ATT,if present superficially may need aspration(antigravity insertion of needle through a zig-zag tract) or evacuation(wound closed without a drain) Sinuses: Mostly heal within 6-12 weeks.If no improvement  Excision of tract
  • 72. Pott Disease: Treatment • • Various imaging modalities are useful in determining extent of disease. Treatment options then depend on the degree of spinal destruction. Oguz et al.- Most practicing clinicians simply define Pott’s as EARLY or LATE disease. GATA Classification
  • 73. Anti Tubercular Drugs  Specific anti-tuberculous drugs have revolutionized the outcome of spinal tuberculosis which is now considered curable to be  It has to be realized that surgical treatment cannot replace chemotherapy
  • 74. Anti Tubercular Drugs  One in 20 new cases of tuberculosis is considered to be multidrug-resistant  Therefore, in spinal tuberculosis, 3 months of intensive chemotherapy with 4 drugs followed by 12-15 months of maintenance therapy with two drugs is necessary
  • 75. The Role of Empirical Treatment  Always an attempt should be made to prove the diagnosis before therapy is initiated  However, young patients with classical clinico- radiological features and high ESR may be empirically started on ATT  If empirical therapy is initiated, meticulous monitoring to ensure sustained improvement is necessary
  • 76. Empirical Treatment 3 weeks Post Pre Chemo  Febrile  Pain Chemo Afebrile Pain ESR 18     ESR 84 mm/hr mm/hr
  • 77. Controversial Surgeries LAMINECTOMY  Is CONTRAINDICATED in spinal tuberculosis because the disease is present anteriorly and by doing a posterior decompression, the spine becomes completely unstable  It is only indicated in cases of posterior element disease and spinal tumour syndrome
  • 80. Limited Surgeries In Tuberculosis of Spine DRAINAGE OF COLD ABSCESS
  • 81. Limited Surgeries In Tuberculosis of Spine  COSTO- TRANSVERSECTOMY Excision of portion of a rib and the articulating transverse process
  • 82. Conventional Limited Surgeries  ANTERO-LATERAL DECOMPRESSION First described by Capener (1933). Only operation in which decompression of the cord is performed by removing the actual cause of compression Lateral Rachotomy by Capener
  • 83. Conventional Radical Surgery  Hodgson et al.( 1960) Developed the concept of radical excision of the diseased vertebral bodies and their replacement by bone grafts in all cases spinal tuberculosis of
  • 84. INDICATION FOR SURGERY 1. Doubtful diagnosis where open biopsy is necessary 2. Failure to respond to ATT 3. Radiological evidence of progression of bony lesion or paraspinal abcess shadow. 4. Imminent vertebral collapse. 5. Instability of spine and subluxation or dislocation of vertebral body.
  • 85. Conventional Indications Surgery Griffith and Seddon for Absolute Indications Relative Indications Rare Indications
  • 86. Absolute Indications  Paraplegia during conservative treatment  Paraplegia worsening during treatment  Complete motor loss for 1 month despite conservative treatment  Paraplegia with uncontrolled spasticity  Severe and rapid onset paraplegia  Severe flaccid paraplegia/ sensory loss
  • 87. Relative indications Rare indications Recurrent paraplegia Paraplegia Painful and paraplegia Paraplegia Posterior element disease Spinal tumor syndrome Severe cervical lesion c paraplegia 1. 1. in elderly spastic 2. 2. 3. 3. with 4. complications (UTI) Cauda equinopathy 4.
  • 88. Conventional Treatment: Tuli  Anti tubercular drugs are the most important therapeutic measure  ATT must be continued for about 18 months( must include Isoniazide)  Patients with early disease can achieve full clinical healing  Indications of surgery are mainly for complications than for the disease control
  • 89. The Middle Path Regimen of Tuli – Surgical Indications  No neurological recovery after 4 weeks of ATT  Development of neurological deficit during the course of chemotherapy  Recurrence of neurological deficit after initial improvement  Worsening of neurological deficit while on chemotherapy  Advanced case of neurological involvement
  • 90. BRITISH MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL When appropriate facilities and expertise are available radical surgeries have definite advantage over non-operative treatment J Bone Joint Surg 60 (B), 61 (B) 64 However long term follow up of surgeries showed considerable (B) and 67 radical loss of (B) correction and failure of the bone graft leading to progression of kyphosis Parthasarathy et al, Rajashekaran et al, Sundararaj and Moon et al et al
  • 91. Current Trends In The Surgical Management of Spinal Tuberculosis Aims  Correction of kyphosis  Early fusion  Prevention of  Prevention of progression of kyphosis late onset paraplegia
  • 92. Current Trends In The Surgical Management of Spinal Tuberculosis Debridement, anterior instrumentation and fusion Anterior debridement and anterior column reconstruction with bone grafting or CAGE Debridement, posterior instrumentation and fusion
  • 93. Anterior Debridement And Reconstruction  Helps in neurological recovery and produces early fusion  However, achieves only limited correction of kyphosis and may not be able to prevent progression
  • 95. Anterior Radical Debridement And Anterior Instrumentation Benli I T B e on te a Sclh.ooE l @ uBr anS galp ore ine J 2003
  • 96. can be Role of Posterior Instrumentation And Fusion  Aggressive correction of achieved kyphosis  Prevents recurrence of kyphosis  Not beneficial without anterior debridement and fusion
  • 97. Combined Anterior Decompression And Grafting / CAGE With Posterior Bone Instrumentation And Fusion  Single stage through two approaches- Combined anterior and posterior  Single posterior approach
  • 98. Combined Anterior Decompression And Bone Grafting / CAGE With Posterior Instrumentation And Fusion  LIMITATIONS - - Needs appropriate facilities and expertise Intensive anaesthetic and postoperative care Secondary infection and implant failure -
  • 99.
  • 100. PROCEDURES 1. Anteriolateral decompression with interbody bone grafting.Grafts placed anteriorly. 2. Costo transversectomy with dempression 3. Metallic implants& titanium cage filled with cancellous bone when whole body is destroyed. 4. Kyphotic deformity is prevented by ant debridement,ant inerbody fusion&post fusion.
  • 101. Conclusion  Early diagnosis and treatment prevent complications  Threat of MDR-TB  Intensive chemotherapy and  PCR / CT / MRI / Bone scan diagnosis  More aggressive and radical advocated: monitoring help in early surgeries are To To To correct and prevent progression of kyphosis achieve better healing and lessen the chance of late onset paraplegia
  • 102. Complications  Cold abscess and sinus  Spinal deformity  Pott’s paraplegia
  • 103. Cold Abscess  Classic local signs of acute infection (calor rubor) not evoked and  Pus accumulates beneath anterior longitudinal ligament and extends along paths of least resistance
  • 104. Cold Abscess - cervical spine  Retropharyngeal abscess- dysphagia, difficult phonation  Neck swelling- behind sternomastoid in posterior triangle of neck  Mediastinum  Axilla and cubital fossa (along vessel and nerve)  Spinal canal
  • 105. Cold Abscess - thoracic spine Prevertebral- posterior mediastinum  Empyema- rupture into pleura  Track along intercostal nerves 
  • 106. Cold Abscess - thoracic spine  Extrapleural space- Spreads laterally  Spinal canal- cord compression paraplegia and Bone School
  • 107. Lower thoracic spine Track down through lateral arcuate ligament  Kidney bed Anterior abdominal wall (via nerve planes) Medial arcuate ligament  Psoas sheath Thigh swelling
  • 108. Lumbar spine- Psoas Abscess  Psoas abscess can travel along sciatic nerve to pelvis, gluteal region, posterior aspect of thigh and region popliteal
  • 109. Infection And Progression Of Kyphosis  Infection Granulation Tissue Kyphosis Destruction Collapse  Infection Kyphosis Osteopenia Collapse  Infection AVN Collapse Kyphosis
  • 110. Mechanical Causes of Progression of Kyphosis Involvement of anterior and middle column produces progressive kyphosis  Involvement of only the middle or the posterior column may not produce kyphosis  Active continuous growth of the posterior column leads to progression 
  • 111.
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  • 113. Deformity  Knuckle deformity: Wedging adjacent vertebral bodies of 1 or 2  Gibbus deformity: wedge collapse of 2-3 vertebral bodies anteriorly  Round kyphus deformity: more than 3 vertebrae wedging of
  • 114. Pott’s Paraplegia Paraplegia is the result of  interference conductivity tracts of the with the of the pyramidal spinal cord and is most often associated with the tuberculosis of the dorsal spine (10 – 30 %) It can be early or late onset 
  • 115. Why paraplegia is common dorsal spine? in Commonest site for tuberculosis Thoracic kyphosis helps in squeezing products into the canal Cord : canal ratio is smaller Spinal cord terminates below L1 1. the 2. 3. 4. Ant. Lon. Lig. Is loose in thoracic spine whereas in lumbar pus enters the psoas 5.
  • 116. Pott’s Paraplegia  EARLY ONSET PARAPLEGIA  Occurs when disease is active  Usually within 2 years of onset of disease  Usually prognosis is good the  LATE ONSET PARAPLEGIA  Paraplegia of healed disease  Occurs 2 years after the onset of disease  Has poor prognosis the
  • 117. Causes of early onset paraplegia Seddon-1935 A) Inflammatory causes: 1. Abscess/ inflammatory tissue caseating mass and 2. Spinal tumor syndrome (circumscribed tuberculous mass) 3. Posterior spinal disease 4. Infective thrombosis
  • 118. Causes of early onset Seddon-1935 paraplegia B) Mechanical causes: Pathological subluxation/ dislocation 1. Cord compression by sequestra/ loose fragments of bone/ granulation tissue/ debris/ disc 2.
  • 119. Causes of late onset Seddon-1935 paraplegia A) Inflammatory causes: Continued activity or reactivation B) 1. Mechanical causes: Cord stretched over internal gibbus/ transverse ridge Vascular and dural fibrosis 2.
  • 120. Causes of Paraplegia Extrinsic causes 1) a) In active disease: Abscess 2) a) In healed disease Transverse ridge internal gibbus / Granulation tissue b) Fibrosis of dura Sequestered and disc Pathological subluxation / dislocation bone b) c) d)
  • 121. Causes of Paraplegia Intrinsic causes: Tubercular Rare causes: Infective thrombosis of the cord Spinal tumor syndrome  1.  1. involvement of the dura/ cord meninges/ 2.
  • 122. Pott’s Paraplegia Classification - Kumar & Tuli Stage Clinical features I Negligible Patient unaware of neural deficit, physician detects plantar extensor and/or ankle clonus. II Mild Patient aware of deficit but manages to walk with support, clumsiness of gait. III Moderate Paralysis in extension, sensory deficit less than 50% IV Severe III + flexor spasm/ paralysis in flexion/ flaccid/ sensory deficit more than 50%/ sphincters involved. Bone School @ Bangalore
  • 124. Thank Bone School @ Bangalore You