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Presented by Guided by
Presented by-
Dr. Maroti Wadewale
II year
Guided by-
Dr. Prajwalit Kende (HOD & Prof.)
Dr. Jayant Landge (Asso. Prof.)
1. Parotid
2. Submandibular
3. Sublingual
According to
there secretions
Parotid Von Ebner
Sublingual Labial & Buccal
Blandin nuhn
(ant lingual)
1. Sublingual
2. Post portion of
ant lingual gland
Patel VN, Hoffman MP. Salivary gland development: a template for regeneration. InSeminars in cell &developmental biology 2014 Jan 1 (Vol. 25, pp. 52-60). Academic Press.
 Other functions- Excretory functions, Water balance, Hormonal function.
Mandel ID. The functions of saliva. Journal of dental research. 1987 Feb;66(1_suppl):623-7.
Lubrication of
Moistening of
buccal mucosa
Medium for
perception of
of ecological
Soft tissue
Maintance of
- Wt- 25 gm (15-30 gms)
Irregular, lobulated, yellowish mass
Neoplasm commonly
involves superficial lobe
When both lobes
involved – classical
dumbbell shaped
McWhorter, G. L. : Relations of Superficial and Deep Lobes of Parotid Gland to Ducts and to Facial Nerve, Anat. Rec. 12:149-154 (Feb.) 1917.
• Ectodermal in origin.
• The parotid primordium grows during the 6th week of intrauterine life as a
cord of cells by proliferation of ectodermal lining of the vestibule of the mouth
near the angle of archaic oral fissure.
• It grows backwards in the direction of the ear and branches repeatedly. The
parotid bud and its branches canalize to create the duct system and acini.
Ectodermal myoepithelial origin
6th gestational week – development begins
10th gestational week – arborization and canalization begins
18th gestational week – early secretions
28th gestational week – the maturation of the acini and
Spratt JD, Abrahams PH, Boon JM, Hutchings RT (2008). McMinn's Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy (6th ed.). St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier/Mosby. p. 54. ISBN 978-0-8089-2318-3.
Conley, JJ. Surgical anatomy relative to the parotid gland. In: Conley, JJ, ed. Salivary Glands and the Facial Nerve. Stuttgart, Germany: Georg Thieme Verlag; 1975: 7–13
Donovan DT, Conley JJ. Capsular significance in parotid tumor surgery: reality and myths of lateral lobectomy. The Laryngoscope. 1984 Mar;94(3):324-9.
As parotid
fascia is
and tough,
builds up
is t/t of
Accessory part
of gland
Russel RCG, Williams NS, Bulstrode CJK. Bailey and Love's Short practice of surgery, Oxford University Press, New York. 2004;24≈
 Superior Surface - Concave
Related to –
Cartilaginous part of external acoustic
Post. Aspect of temperomandibular joint
Auriculotemporal Nerve
Superficial Temporal vessels
Apex - Overlaps posterior belly of digastric and
adjoining part of carotid triangle
3 chief structures either in part or in whole traverse the gland and branch inside it. From superficial to
deep these are:
•Facial nerve.
•Retromandibular vein.
•External carotid artery.
Medial to lateral
External carotid A., retromandibular vein & facial nerve
• The external carotid artery pierces the lower part of the posteromedial surface to
goes into the gland where it inhabits the deep zone of the gland. Inside the gland it
breaks up into superficial temporal and maxillary arteries. The transverse facial
artery, branch of superficial temporal artery issues via the anterior border of the
• The retromandibular vein takes up the intermediate zone of the
gland and is composed by the unification of the superficial
temporal and maxillary veins. It finishes below by splitting into
anterior and posterior sections. The anterior section joins the facial
vein to create the common facial vein while posterior section joins
the posterior auricular vein to create the external jugular vein.
Great Auricular Nerve
• Enters the tail of the parotid gland, it divides into
anterior and posterior branches.
• Anatomical dissection and histological examination
of the anterior branch of the great auricular nerve
revealed that in most parotid glands(57%)
• Specific care must be taken during the elevation of
the lobule not to sever the distal branches of the
nerve as they enter the lobule.
Zohar Y, Siegal A, Siegal G, Halpern M, Levy B, Gal R. The great auricular nerve; does it penetrate the parotid gland? An anatomical and microscopical study. Journal of Cranio-
Maxillofacial Surgery. 2002 Oct 1;30(5):318-21.
The facial nerve has five segments before exiting the
temporal bone:
• Intracranial (pontine) segment (23 to 24 mm long
and extends from the pons up to the internal
auditory canal)
• Internal auditory canal (meatal) segment (7 to 8
mm and is contained within the internal auditory
• Labyrinthine segment (3 to 4 mm long and extends
from the fundus of the internal auditory canal to
the geniculate ganglion)
• Tympanic segment (12 to 13 mm long and extends
from the geniculate ganglion to the pyramidal turn)
• Mastoid segment (15 to 20 mm long and extends
from the pyramidal turn to the stylomastoid
The facial nerve is most superficial.
It enters the gland via the upper part of the posteromedial surface and breaks up
into its terminal branches inside the gland.
Before the main trunk of the facial nerve enters the parotid gland, it usually gives off
branches to the posterior belly of the digastric muscle, the stylohyoid muscle, and the
auricular muscles.
As the facial nerve enters the parotid gland, it forms the pes anserinus (the
characteristic multiple branching pattern that resembles a goose foot)
Pather N, Osman M. Landmarks of the facial nerve: implications for parotidectomy. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. 2006 May 1;28(2):170-5.
Davis, RA Anson, BJ Budinger, JM Kurth, LR. Surgical anatomy of the facial nerve and parotid gland based upon a study of 350 cervicofacial halves. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1956;
102 (4): 385–412
Type I absence of anastomoses between the two
main divisions, temporo-facial and cervico-facial
of the facial nerve.
Type II anastomoses only within the temporo-
facial division of the facial nerve.
Type III displays one single anastomosis between
the main divisions.
Type IV two anastomotic loops between the
temporal and zygomatic branches, as well as
connections between the zygomatic and buccal
Type V two loops in the cervicofacial division
intervened with branches of the temporo-facial
main branch.
Type VI very extensive intermixture of facial
nerve branches.
Numerous soft tissue and bony landmarks have been
proposed to assist the surgeon in the early identification
of this nerve.
Can be identified by
Antegrade approach- Early identification of nerve
trunk where it exists from stylomastoid foramen
Retrograde approach either from mandibular br. or
peripheral branches alongside parotid duct
Supravital staining of parotid gland,
blue colour  gland
gleaming white  facial nerve
unstained  tumour
Pather N, Osman M. Landmarks of the facial nerve: implications for parotidectomy. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. 2006 May 1;28(2):170-5.
Locating the main trunk of the facial nerve
4 constatnt
Styloid process
Tragal pointerThe mean closest distances from the
tympanomastoid suture and posterior belly
of the digastric muscle to the facial nerve
are 1.8 mm (range 0–4 mm) and 12.4 mm
(range 7–17 mm), respectively.
Should the main trunk not be identifiable
at the stylomastoid foramen, alternative
means of identification can be undertaken.
One approach is to locate the distal
branches and trace them centrally toward
the main trunk.
Posterior auricular artery bleeds frequently
while looking for nerve in this region
1. Witt, R Weinstein, G Rejto, L. Tympanomastoid suture and digastric in cadaver and live parotidectomy. Laryngoscope 2005; 115 (4): 574–577
2. Pather N, Osman M. Landmarks of the facial nerve: implications for parotidectomy. Surg Radiol Anat. 2006;28(2):170–175.
Saha S, Pal S, Sengupta M, Chowdhury K, Saha VP, Mondal L. Identification of facial nerve during parotidectomy: a combined anatomical & surgical study. Indian Journal of
Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. 2014 Jan 1;66(1):63-8.
A first line was marked with the ink starting from the tip of the mastoid
process, running along the superior border of the PBD.
second line was drawn along the posterior border of the ramus. two lines
intersect with each other anteriorly, forming the apex of the triangle (angle a)
third line starting from the tip of the mastoid process, (angle b) running
anteriorly, till it joins the second drawn line along the posterior border of the
ramus (angle c).
 Retromandibular vein
Proximity of marginal mandibular branch to retromandibular vein
at its point of emergence at the tail of gland
Facial nerve lies superficial to the vein
By working backwards along the nerve , the 2 divisions, other
branches & main trunk can be found
Kopuz C, Ilgi S, Yavuz S, Onderoglu S. Morphology of the retromandibular vein in relation to the facial nerve in the parotid gland. Acta Anat (Basel). 1995;152:66–68.
Facial nerve can be located finding the buccal
branch which runs parallel to zygomatic arch 
1cm below it
It runs parallel & inferior to parotid duct.
• Farrior et al. Noted in children facial nerve is
located through triangle formed by cartilaginous
ear canal, sternocleidomastoid muscle and
posterior belly of diagastric muscle.
• In elderly or obese pts. Facial branches are
tortuous both mediolaterally & anteroposteriorly
• They shuld be constantly stretched while the
nerve being dissected, otherwise liable to
Farrior JB, Santini H, Facial nerve identification in children. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1985 Apr;93(2):173-6.
• Ductus parotideus; Stensen’s duct (named after the
Danish anatomist Niels Stensen (1638-1686)
• originates in the posteroinferior part of the gland.
• 5 cm in length; 3mm in dia., 1.2mm at isthumus
(buccinator), 0.5mm at orifice in oral cavity
1. . Clarke E. Nicolas Stensen and the Brain [Abstract]. (1965) Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine. 58 (10): 749.
2. Zenk J, Hosemann WG, Iro H. Diameters of the main excretory ducts of the adult human submandibular and parotid gland: a histologic study. (1998) Oral surgery, oral
medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology, and endodontics. 85 (5): 576-80.
Passes forward across masseter; finger breadth
downward zygomatic arch
Surface anatomy of Parotid Duct  Corresponds to
middle third of a line drawn from lower border of
tragus to a point midway b/w nasal ala and
upperlabial margin
OPPENHEIM, H., & WING, M. (1960). Sialography and Surface Anatomy of the Parotid Duct. Archives of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 71(1), 80–83.
• Crosses masseter – junction of upper & middle 1/3rd
• At anterior border of masseter, --turns medially to traverse buccal pad of fat(corpus
adiposum) & buccinator
• Then, runs obliquely forwards between buccinators & buccal mucosa to open
against upper 2nd molar
• This oblique run act as valve like mechanism, preventing inflation of duct system
during violent blowing in mouth
• While crossing masseter, receives the accessory parotid duct
Parotid duct lies inferior to
1. Acessory gland
2. Transverse facial artery
3. Upper buccal branches of facial nerve
Parotid duct lies superior to
1. Lower buccal branch of facial n.
• normal variant and represent ectopic salivary tissue separate from, but usually in close
proximity to, the main parotid glands.
• on average, within 6 mm of the main parotid gland
• Accessory parotid glands have their own blood supply and secondary duct emptying into
the main parotid duct
Dongbin Ahn, Chang Ki Yeo, Soon Yong Han, Jeong Kyu Kim. The accessory parotid gland and facial process of the parotid gland on computed tomography. (2017) PLOS ONE.
12 (9): e0184633.
Failure to identify and remove the accessory parotid during parotidectomy could be
one of the cause for tumor recurrence.
Frequency of malignancy is reported to be more in accessory parotid gland than
main parotid gland
Toh H, Kodama J, Fukuda J, Rittman B, Mackenzie I. Incidence and histology of human accessory parotid glands. The Anatomical Record. 1993 Jul;236(3):586-90.
• External carotid artery & its branches supply
the gland
• Retromandibular vein drains the gland
• Lymph vessels drain into parotid lymph nodes
& the cervical lymph nodes
Garatea-Crelgo J, Gay-Escoda C, Bermejo B, Buenechea-Imaz R. Morphological study of the parotid lymph nodes. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery. 1993 Jul 1;21(5):207-
• SYMPATHETIC- from the superior
cervical ganglion via the external
carotid plexus. Injury to the
cervical sympathetic chain leads to
anhydrosis as part of Horner’s
Auriculotemporal nerve- Frey’s
Great auricular nerve (C2 and C3).
The C2 fibres are sensory to the
parotid fascia.
Segal K, Lisnyansky I, Nageris B, Feinmesser R. Parasympathetic innervation of the salivary glands. Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 1996 Dec
The parotid gland is palpated mainly externally but also bimanually around the anterior border of the
ramus of the mandible
• Ideal incision  good exposure with best esthetic
Gutierrez  laid down guidelines for gaining
access to parotid gland in 1903
• Incision has  temporal extension
• Preauricular component
• a limb extending to neck in one of
skin crease
• Drawback – is the esthetics in case of development
of keloid
• Redon and vaillant and laudenbach suggested
modification to Gutierrez’s incision
•  they did not consider the temporal incision
line for exposure of parotid gland
• Adson and ott described  ‘Y’ shaped incision with
preauricular sector , postauricular sector and
cervical incision line
• Advantage – improved esthetics
• Disadvantage – impairs dissection
Incision is located in carotid region
Samengo (1961)  similar incision having
preauricular, a postauricular and a neck extension
• Appiani, in 1967,  technique that involves
an incision within lower portion of scalp
• Advantage– better esthetics as incision is
masked by hair
• Disadvantage – temporal extension is short
and this impairs access to anterior portion of
• Standard incision is modified Blair’s incision
• Skin incision  preauricular crease 
extends superiorly to level of root of helix 
extends inferiorly around lobule of ear over
the mastoid tip  curves down along the
sternocleidomastoid muscle
Treatment of complications of parotid gland surgery. Marchese-Ragona R, De Filippis C, Marioni G, Staffieri A Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital. 2005 Jun; 25(3):174-8.
Temporary  more common (10 – 50 % of parotidectomies)
Seen in large tumors, deep lobe involvement, malignant cases
• Lower division branches  commonly involved (marginal mandibular)
• Resolves in few weeks or months especially in elder pts.
 Permanent  0-5 %
• Due to transection of nerve / cautery injury
1. O’Brien CJ. Current management of benign parotid tumors: role of limited superficial parotidectomy. Head and neck 2003;25:946-52
2. Guntinas-Lichius O, Kick C, Klussmann JP, Jungehuelsing M, Stennert E. Pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland: a 13-year experience of consequent management by
lateral or total parotidectomy. European Archives Otorhinolaryngol. 2004 Mar;261(3):143-6. Epub 2003 Jul 22.
• Leakage of serous fluid and saliva from transected parotid
tissue is an expected complication  few days
• Drain should be placed for 2- 3 days
• After drain removal  collection present  aspirated
• Pressure dressing may be useful to speed resolution
Gustatory sweating  sweating on side of face while eating
• d/t transection of cholinergic secretomotor fibres of parotid
• Subsequently  sprout new axons  innervates to sweat
glands in skin flap, which are also responsive to
10% of parotidectomy will complain of gustatory sweating, on
While it can be demonstrated objectively in 95% of pts.
 develops within weeks or months, may be delayed for
several years
Expected outcome after parotid surgery
d/t transection of greater auricular nerve
Area of numbness diminishes over several months,
but pt. are left with persistent numbness over ear
• Irregular in shape ; about size of walnut
• Mixed ; predominantly serous
• weighing 7 to 16 g, is located in a triangle of the
neck bordered superiorly by the inferior edge of
the mandible and inferiorly by the anterior and
posterior bellies of the digastric muscle.
• Appears ovoid in shaped laterally;
but U shaped  sagitally
• 2 lobes  large superficial & small deep lobe
continuous around posterior border of
Superficial part  digastric triangle &
reaches forward  anterior belly of digastric
Posterior to it  stylomandibular ligament
which separates it from parotid gland
Superiorly, extends medial to mandible
Inferiorly, it approaches the greater cornu of
this serves a landmark when marking
incision for removing the gland
Extends forward to posterior end of
sublingual gland
Lies b/w mylohoid (infero-laterally)
& hyoglossus and styloglossus
Posterior end is continuous with
superficial lobe of gland
Partially enclosed between 2 layers
Derived from deep cervical fascia extending
from greater cornu of hyoid
Superficial Layer is attached to base of
Deep layer attached to mylohyoid line of
Unlike parotid fascia, it is loosely attached to
the gland; because of the loose texture of
interlobar & interlobular connective tissue
Inferolateral surface- covered by
Superficial fascia containing
platysma and cervical branches of
facial N
Deep Fascia  Facial Vein &
Submandibular Nodes (in contact with
gland/ some embedded in it)
facial artery loops downwards and
forwards between the bone and the
Lateral surface is in relation with
submandibular fossa & medial
pterygoid muscle.
Facial artery
Medial surface
Anterior part is related to mylohyoid muscle, nerve and
Middle part - Hyoglossus, styloglossus, lingual nerve,
submandibular ganglion, hypoglossal nerve and deep lingual
Posterior Part - Styloglossus, stylohyoid ligament, 9th nerve
and wall of pharynx
• Small in size
Deep to mylohyoid and superficial to hyoglossus and styloglossus
 Posteriorly continuous with superficial part around the posterior border of
Anteriorly  posterior end of sublingual gland
 Wharton’s duct
emerges from the sublingual portion of the
 5cm long
 Thinner than parotid duct
 Tributaries  from superficial lobe of gland
 Traverses the deep lobe
 Duct runs forwards on hyoglossus between lingual and
hypoglossal N.
 At the ant. Border of hyoglossus it is crossed by lingual
 Opens in the floor of mouth at the side of frenulum of
Long, Has a tortous uphill course
Secretions  against gravity  increased
chances of retention
Also, mineral content is high (Ca++)
Increased retention + high mineral content
High incidence of calculus & inflammatory
Topographically, it’s linked to the trigeminal nerve (lingual nerve) but functionally it’s related to the facial nerve
(via its chorda tympani branch).
• Arteries  Branches of facial and lingual arteries
• Veins  Drains to the common facial or lingual vein
• Lymphatics  Deep Cervical Nodes via submandibular nodes
Sensory fibers  lingual branch of mandibular nerve
Sympathetic fibers  preganglionic fibres originate from
T1 spinal section
Parasympathetic  secretomotor from superior salivary
nucleus of facial nerve
Preganglionic  sensory root of facial nerve  geniculate
ganglion  facial nerve chorda tympani & lingual nerve
 submandibular ganglion
Postganglionic  ganglionic to submandibular gland
• Gland is surrounded by the middle layer of the deep cervical fascia.
• Fascia is clinically relevant during surgery of this region because the marginal mandibular branch
of the facial nerve lies superficial to this fascia and facial vein.
• Facial nerve branch is deep to the fascia surrounding the platysma muscles.
• The surgeon can approximate the location of the nerve as lying superior to a line two finger
breadths below the angle of the mandible.
• In appropriate cases, the surgeon can protect the nerve without direct identification by dividing
the anterior facial vein at the inferior surface of the gland and elevating the vein with the fascia.
• Facial artery courses deep to the posterior belly of the
digastric muscle
• Continues superiorly, usually indenting the posterior
portion of the submandibular gland.
• Exiting the superior aspect of the gland, the artery then
loops around the inferior border of the mandible,
leaving a small indentation in the bone, known as the
facial notch.
• Here, the artery is in close approximation to the lower
branches of the facial nerve as it courses superiorly into
the face.
• Artery is standardly ligated in two positions, at the
inferior border of the mandible and superior to the
posterior belly of the digastric muscle
• Anterior facial vein is adjacent to the facial artery
• The anterior facial vein then coalesces with the posterior facial vein
and descends over the midportion of the gland forming the common
facial vein. Inferiorly, this vein lies lateral to the gland
Lingual Nerve
he lingual nerve is attached to the deep surface
of the submandibular gland at the
submandibular ganglion.
The Hypoglossal Nerve
travel anteroinferiorly to the lingual nerve and
is deep to the lingual nerve and submandibular
readily identified in the submandibular triangle
with gentle dissection just posterior to the
junction of the anterior belly of the digastric
muscle with the inferior attachment of the
mylohyoid muscle.
The sublingual and submandibular glands can be palpated bimanually throughout
their lengths in the floor of the mouth
• After giving incision, a surgeon must bear in mind that deep structures in this
region are ordered in 4 muscular planes.
major structures in this are (a) digastric muscle and (b)
majority of the superficial part of the submandibular
Notice that superficial part of the submandibular gland
partially overlaps both anterior and posterior bellies of
the digastric muscle
major structures in this plane are (a)
mylohyoid muscle and (b) mylohyoid
nerve and vessels
major structures in this plane are (a) lingual and
hypoglossal nerves, which convey with every
other near the anterior border of hyoglossus, (b)
deep part of thesubmandibular gland and
submandibular duct, (c) submandibular ganglion
and (d) styloglossus muscle being crossed
superficially by the lingual nerve
major structures in this plane are
genioglossus muscle, middle
constrictor of the pharynx and lingual
artery and its branches
David Beahm D, Pelaez LL, Nuss DW, Schaitkin B, Sedlmayr JC, Walvekar RR. Surgical Approaches to the Submandibular Gland: A Review of Literature. The Laryngoscope.
Lateral transcervical approach
 6cm incision in placed in lateral neck crease
approximately 2 to 3 centimeters below the lower
edge of the mandible
 Subplatysmal skin flap is developed and the
marginal mandibular nerve is identified and
 Incision line runs within skin crease in neck
atleast 3cm below lower border of mandible to
avoid  the risk of injury to mandibular branch
of facial nerve
 It should be approximately 5cm long
 Lower the incision within neck  better the post
operative cosmetic result
 But lower the incision  difficulty in operating in
dissecting upwards to reach the gland
Submental approach
midline horizontal incision just superior to the
submental-cervical crease at the level of the hyoid
bone, (4.5 ± 1.9 cm).
The dissection differs from the traditional approach
in that the anterior free edge of the gland is first
Retroauricular approach
Roh also described
main advantage is the improved cosmesis
Transoral approach
An incision is made in the floor of mouth from
the submandibular papilla to the retromolar
Downton D, Qvist G. Intra-oral excision of the submandibular gland. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine. 1960 Jul;53(7):543.
Endoscopic-assisted transoral approach
Guerrissi JO, Taborda G. Endoscopic excision of the submandibular gland by an intraoral approach. The Journal of craniofacial surgery. 2001 May;12(3):299-303.
Endoscopic approaches to the SMG can be further classified as ”endoscopy assisted” and
“completely endoscopic” approaches.
Smallest of the three glands
Mixed gland , predominately mucous
weighs nearly 3-4 gm , Almond-shaped
Lies beneath the oral mucosa in contact
with the sublingual fossa on lingual aspect
of mandible.
Mucosa of
oral floor,
raised as
Posteriorly --
Deep part of
ar gland
Laterally --
above the
anterior part
of mylohyoid
Medially --
and separated
from it by
lingual nerve
end of
Anterior segment  drains in bartholins duct floor of mouth
or in anterior segment of submandibular duct
Posterior segment  8-20 ducts or Ducts of Rivinus
Most of them open directly into the floor of mouth. Few of
them join the submandibular duct.
Secretions are thick and mucoid in nature
Excretory ducts are superficially located, hence
easily damaged
Any trauma / infection  salivary retention &
formation of mucous retention cyst (Ranula)
Branches of facial and lingual arteries supply the
sublingual gland and the corresponding veins drain
Lymph vessels into submandibular and deep cervical
Sensory fibers  lingual branch of mandibular
Sympathetic fibers  plexus on facial artery
Parasympathetic  secretomotor from superior
salivary nucleus of facial nerve
Preganglionic  sensory root of facial nerve 
geniculate ganglion  facial nerve chorda tympani
& lingual nerve  submandibular ganglion
Postganglionic  ganglionic to submandibular gland
• Simple excision of sublingual gland
linear incision in floor of mouth parallel to and lateral to submandibular duct
This incision should not extend posterior to 1st molar to avoid injury to lingual
Modified L-shaped surgical approach
• Norton NS. Netter's head and neck anatomy for dentistry e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences;
2016 Sep 13.
• Gray's anatomy: the anatomical basis of clinical practice. Elsevier Health Sciences; 2015 Aug
• Oral and maxillofacial surgery –by Rajiv Borle
• Head, neck and brain – Human anatomy – BD Chaurasia
• Stell and Maran’s – textbook of head and neck surgery and oncology
• Salivary gland pathology - Rankow
Stay home, stay safe

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Surgical anatomy of salivary glands

  • 1. Presented by Guided by SURGICAL ANATOMY OF SALIVARY GLANDS Presented by- Dr. Maroti Wadewale II year DEPARTMENT OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, GDCH, Guided by- Dr. Prajwalit Kende (HOD & Prof.) Dr. Jayant Landge (Asso. Prof.)
  • 3. According to there secretions Serous Parotid Von Ebner Mucous Sublingual Labial & Buccal Blandin nuhn (ant lingual) Mixed Predominantly serous -submandibular Predominantly mucous 1. Sublingual 2. Post portion of ant lingual gland
  • 4. EPITH OUTGROWTH CANALIZATION DEVELOPMENT Patel VN, Hoffman MP. Salivary gland development: a template for regeneration. InSeminars in cell &developmental biology 2014 Jan 1 (Vol. 25, pp. 52-60). Academic Press.
  • 5. FUNCTIONS OF SALIVA  Other functions- Excretory functions, Water balance, Hormonal function. Mandel ID. The functions of saliva. Journal of dental research. 1987 Feb;66(1_suppl):623-7. Lubrication of food Speech Moistening of buccal mucosa Medium for perception of taste Debridement!l avage. Protective function Maintenance of ecological balance. Soft tissue repair. Maintance of mucous membrane integrity Digestive enzymes
  • 8. -Largest - Wt- 25 gm (15-30 gms) Irregular, lobulated, yellowish mass Neoplasm commonly involves superficial lobe When both lobes involved – classical dumbbell shaped swelling McWhorter, G. L. : Relations of Superficial and Deep Lobes of Parotid Gland to Ducts and to Facial Nerve, Anat. Rec. 12:149-154 (Feb.) 1917.
  • 9.
  • 10. DEVELOPMENT • Ectodermal in origin. • The parotid primordium grows during the 6th week of intrauterine life as a cord of cells by proliferation of ectodermal lining of the vestibule of the mouth near the angle of archaic oral fissure. • It grows backwards in the direction of the ear and branches repeatedly. The parotid bud and its branches canalize to create the duct system and acini. Ectodermal myoepithelial origin 6th gestational week – development begins 10th gestational week – arborization and canalization begins 18th gestational week – early secretions 28th gestational week – the maturation of the acini and ducts
  • 11. EXTENT OF GLAND Superioorly Anteriorly Inferiorly Posteriorly Spratt JD, Abrahams PH, Boon JM, Hutchings RT (2008). McMinn's Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy (6th ed.). St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier/Mosby. p. 54. ISBN 978-0-8089-2318-3.
  • 12.
  • 13. PAROTID CAPSULE False capsule True Capsule Conley, JJ. Surgical anatomy relative to the parotid gland. In: Conley, JJ, ed. Salivary Glands and the Facial Nerve. Stuttgart, Germany: Georg Thieme Verlag; 1975: 7–13
  • 14. SIGNIFICANCE OF CAPSULE Donovan DT, Conley JJ. Capsular significance in parotid tumor surgery: reality and myths of lateral lobectomy. The Laryngoscope. 1984 Mar;94(3):324-9. As parotid fascia is unyielding and tough, immense pressure builds up Surgica l significa nce Early incision & drainage is t/t of choice.
  • 15. EXTENSION OF GLAND Glenoid process Facial process Pterygoid process Accessory part of gland Cervical lobe Russel RCG, Williams NS, Bulstrode CJK. Bailey and Love's Short practice of surgery, Oxford University Press, New York. 2004;24≈
  • 17. SUPERIOR RELATIONS  Superior Surface - Concave Related to – Cartilaginous part of external acoustic meatus Post. Aspect of temperomandibular joint Auriculotemporal Nerve Superficial Temporal vessels Apex - Overlaps posterior belly of digastric and adjoining part of carotid triangle
  • 21. STRUCTURES WITHIN THE GLAND 3 chief structures either in part or in whole traverse the gland and branch inside it. From superficial to deep these are: •Facial nerve. •Retromandibular vein. •External carotid artery. Medial to lateral External carotid A., retromandibular vein & facial nerve
  • 22. ARTERIAL ANATOMY • The external carotid artery pierces the lower part of the posteromedial surface to goes into the gland where it inhabits the deep zone of the gland. Inside the gland it breaks up into superficial temporal and maxillary arteries. The transverse facial artery, branch of superficial temporal artery issues via the anterior border of the gland
  • 23. VENOUS ANATOMY • The retromandibular vein takes up the intermediate zone of the gland and is composed by the unification of the superficial temporal and maxillary veins. It finishes below by splitting into anterior and posterior sections. The anterior section joins the facial vein to create the common facial vein while posterior section joins the posterior auricular vein to create the external jugular vein.
  • 24. NEURAL ANATOMY Great Auricular Nerve • Enters the tail of the parotid gland, it divides into anterior and posterior branches. • Anatomical dissection and histological examination of the anterior branch of the great auricular nerve revealed that in most parotid glands(57%) • Specific care must be taken during the elevation of the lobule not to sever the distal branches of the nerve as they enter the lobule. Zohar Y, Siegal A, Siegal G, Halpern M, Levy B, Gal R. The great auricular nerve; does it penetrate the parotid gland? An anatomical and microscopical study. Journal of Cranio- Maxillofacial Surgery. 2002 Oct 1;30(5):318-21.
  • 25. FACIAL NERVE & PAROTID The facial nerve has five segments before exiting the temporal bone: • Intracranial (pontine) segment (23 to 24 mm long and extends from the pons up to the internal auditory canal) • Internal auditory canal (meatal) segment (7 to 8 mm and is contained within the internal auditory canal) • Labyrinthine segment (3 to 4 mm long and extends from the fundus of the internal auditory canal to the geniculate ganglion) • Tympanic segment (12 to 13 mm long and extends from the geniculate ganglion to the pyramidal turn) • Mastoid segment (15 to 20 mm long and extends from the pyramidal turn to the stylomastoid foramen
  • 26. The facial nerve is most superficial. It enters the gland via the upper part of the posteromedial surface and breaks up into its terminal branches inside the gland. Before the main trunk of the facial nerve enters the parotid gland, it usually gives off branches to the posterior belly of the digastric muscle, the stylohyoid muscle, and the auricular muscles. As the facial nerve enters the parotid gland, it forms the pes anserinus (the characteristic multiple branching pattern that resembles a goose foot) Pather N, Osman M. Landmarks of the facial nerve: implications for parotidectomy. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. 2006 May 1;28(2):170-5.
  • 27. PATTERN & BRANCHING- DAVIS ET AL Davis, RA Anson, BJ Budinger, JM Kurth, LR. Surgical anatomy of the facial nerve and parotid gland based upon a study of 350 cervicofacial halves. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1956; 102 (4): 385–412 Type I absence of anastomoses between the two main divisions, temporo-facial and cervico-facial of the facial nerve. Type II anastomoses only within the temporo- facial division of the facial nerve. Type III displays one single anastomosis between the main divisions. Type IV two anastomotic loops between the temporal and zygomatic branches, as well as connections between the zygomatic and buccal rami; Type V two loops in the cervicofacial division intervened with branches of the temporo-facial main branch. Type VI very extensive intermixture of facial nerve branches.
  • 28.
  • 29. IDENTIFICATION OF FACIAL NERVE Numerous soft tissue and bony landmarks have been proposed to assist the surgeon in the early identification of this nerve. Can be identified by Antegrade approach- Early identification of nerve trunk where it exists from stylomastoid foramen Retrograde approach either from mandibular br. or peripheral branches alongside parotid duct Supravital staining of parotid gland, blue colour  gland gleaming white  facial nerve unstained  tumour Pather N, Osman M. Landmarks of the facial nerve: implications for parotidectomy. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. 2006 May 1;28(2):170-5.
  • 30. Locating the main trunk of the facial nerve 4 constatnt landmarks Styloid process Tragal pointerThe mean closest distances from the tympanomastoid suture and posterior belly of the digastric muscle to the facial nerve are 1.8 mm (range 0–4 mm) and 12.4 mm (range 7–17 mm), respectively. Should the main trunk not be identifiable at the stylomastoid foramen, alternative means of identification can be undertaken. One approach is to locate the distal branches and trace them centrally toward the main trunk. Posterior auricular artery bleeds frequently while looking for nerve in this region 1. Witt, R Weinstein, G Rejto, L. Tympanomastoid suture and digastric in cadaver and live parotidectomy. Laryngoscope 2005; 115 (4): 574–577 2. Pather N, Osman M. Landmarks of the facial nerve: implications for parotidectomy. Surg Radiol Anat. 2006;28(2):170–175.
  • 31. Saha S, Pal S, Sengupta M, Chowdhury K, Saha VP, Mondal L. Identification of facial nerve during parotidectomy: a combined anatomical & surgical study. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. 2014 Jan 1;66(1):63-8.
  • 32.
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  • 35. A first line was marked with the ink starting from the tip of the mastoid process, running along the superior border of the PBD. second line was drawn along the posterior border of the ramus. two lines intersect with each other anteriorly, forming the apex of the triangle (angle a) third line starting from the tip of the mastoid process, (angle b) running anteriorly, till it joins the second drawn line along the posterior border of the ramus (angle c).
  • 36. BY RETROGRADE  Retromandibular vein Proximity of marginal mandibular branch to retromandibular vein at its point of emergence at the tail of gland Facial nerve lies superficial to the vein By working backwards along the nerve , the 2 divisions, other branches & main trunk can be found Kopuz C, Ilgi S, Yavuz S, Onderoglu S. Morphology of the retromandibular vein in relation to the facial nerve in the parotid gland. Acta Anat (Basel). 1995;152:66–68.
  • 37. Facial nerve can be located finding the buccal branch which runs parallel to zygomatic arch  1cm below it It runs parallel & inferior to parotid duct.
  • 38.
  • 39.
  • 40. • Farrior et al. Noted in children facial nerve is located through triangle formed by cartilaginous ear canal, sternocleidomastoid muscle and posterior belly of diagastric muscle. • In elderly or obese pts. Facial branches are tortuous both mediolaterally & anteroposteriorly • They shuld be constantly stretched while the nerve being dissected, otherwise liable to damage Farrior JB, Santini H, Facial nerve identification in children. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1985 Apr;93(2):173-6.
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 43. PAROTID DUCT • Ductus parotideus; Stensen’s duct (named after the Danish anatomist Niels Stensen (1638-1686) • originates in the posteroinferior part of the gland. • 5 cm in length; 3mm in dia., 1.2mm at isthumus (buccinator), 0.5mm at orifice in oral cavity 1. . Clarke E. Nicolas Stensen and the Brain [Abstract]. (1965) Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine. 58 (10): 749. 2. Zenk J, Hosemann WG, Iro H. Diameters of the main excretory ducts of the adult human submandibular and parotid gland: a histologic study. (1998) Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology, and endodontics. 85 (5): 576-80.
  • 44. Passes forward across masseter; finger breadth downward zygomatic arch Surface anatomy of Parotid Duct  Corresponds to middle third of a line drawn from lower border of tragus to a point midway b/w nasal ala and upperlabial margin OPPENHEIM, H., & WING, M. (1960). Sialography and Surface Anatomy of the Parotid Duct. Archives of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, 71(1), 80–83.
  • 45. • Crosses masseter – junction of upper & middle 1/3rd • At anterior border of masseter, --turns medially to traverse buccal pad of fat(corpus adiposum) & buccinator • Then, runs obliquely forwards between buccinators & buccal mucosa to open against upper 2nd molar • This oblique run act as valve like mechanism, preventing inflation of duct system during violent blowing in mouth • While crossing masseter, receives the accessory parotid duct 1 3 2
  • 46. RELATIONS OF PAROTID DUCT Parotid duct lies inferior to 1. Acessory gland 2. Transverse facial artery 3. Upper buccal branches of facial nerve Parotid duct lies superior to 1. Lower buccal branch of facial n.
  • 47. ACCESSORY PAROTID GLAND • normal variant and represent ectopic salivary tissue separate from, but usually in close proximity to, the main parotid glands. • on average, within 6 mm of the main parotid gland • Accessory parotid glands have their own blood supply and secondary duct emptying into the main parotid duct Dongbin Ahn, Chang Ki Yeo, Soon Yong Han, Jeong Kyu Kim. The accessory parotid gland and facial process of the parotid gland on computed tomography. (2017) PLOS ONE. 12 (9): e0184633.
  • 48. Failure to identify and remove the accessory parotid during parotidectomy could be one of the cause for tumor recurrence. Frequency of malignancy is reported to be more in accessory parotid gland than main parotid gland Toh H, Kodama J, Fukuda J, Rittman B, Mackenzie I. Incidence and histology of human accessory parotid glands. The Anatomical Record. 1993 Jul;236(3):586-90.
  • 49. BLOOD SUPPLY AND LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE • External carotid artery & its branches supply the gland • Retromandibular vein drains the gland • Lymph vessels drain into parotid lymph nodes & the cervical lymph nodes Superficial Deep Garatea-Crelgo J, Gay-Escoda C, Bermejo B, Buenechea-Imaz R. Morphological study of the parotid lymph nodes. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery. 1993 Jul 1;21(5):207- 9.
  • 50. NERVE SUPPLY • SYMPATHETIC- from the superior cervical ganglion via the external carotid plexus. Injury to the cervical sympathetic chain leads to anhydrosis as part of Horner’s syndrome. • SENSORY- Auriculotemporal nerve- Frey’s syndrome Great auricular nerve (C2 and C3). The C2 fibres are sensory to the parotid fascia.
  • 51. PARASYMPATHETIC Segal K, Lisnyansky I, Nageris B, Feinmesser R. Parasympathetic innervation of the salivary glands. Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 1996 Dec 1;7(4):333-8.
  • 52. The parotid gland is palpated mainly externally but also bimanually around the anterior border of the ramus of the mandible CLINICAL EXAMINATION
  • 53. SURGICAL APPROACHES TO PAROTID GLAND • Ideal incision  good exposure with best esthetic results Gutierrez  laid down guidelines for gaining access to parotid gland in 1903 • Incision has  temporal extension • Preauricular component • a limb extending to neck in one of skin crease • Drawback – is the esthetics in case of development of keloid
  • 54. • Redon and vaillant and laudenbach suggested modification to Gutierrez’s incision •  they did not consider the temporal incision line for exposure of parotid gland
  • 55. • Adson and ott described  ‘Y’ shaped incision with preauricular sector , postauricular sector and cervical incision line • Advantage – improved esthetics • Disadvantage – impairs dissection Incision is located in carotid region Samengo (1961)  similar incision having preauricular, a postauricular and a neck extension
  • 56. • Appiani, in 1967,  technique that involves an incision within lower portion of scalp • Advantage– better esthetics as incision is masked by hair • Disadvantage – temporal extension is short and this impairs access to anterior portion of gland
  • 57. • Standard incision is modified Blair’s incision • Skin incision  preauricular crease  extends superiorly to level of root of helix  extends inferiorly around lobule of ear over the mastoid tip  curves down along the sternocleidomastoid muscle
  • 58. COMPLICATIONS OF PAROTID SURGERY Treatment of complications of parotid gland surgery. Marchese-Ragona R, De Filippis C, Marioni G, Staffieri A Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital. 2005 Jun; 25(3):174-8.
  • 59. Temporary  more common (10 – 50 % of parotidectomies) Seen in large tumors, deep lobe involvement, malignant cases • Lower division branches  commonly involved (marginal mandibular) • Resolves in few weeks or months especially in elder pts.  Permanent  0-5 % • Due to transection of nerve / cautery injury 1. O’Brien CJ. Current management of benign parotid tumors: role of limited superficial parotidectomy. Head and neck 2003;25:946-52 2. Guntinas-Lichius O, Kick C, Klussmann JP, Jungehuelsing M, Stennert E. Pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland: a 13-year experience of consequent management by lateral or total parotidectomy. European Archives Otorhinolaryngol. 2004 Mar;261(3):143-6. Epub 2003 Jul 22.
  • 60. SEROMA/ SALIVOMA/ SALIVARY FISTULA • Leakage of serous fluid and saliva from transected parotid tissue is an expected complication  few days • Drain should be placed for 2- 3 days • After drain removal  collection present  aspirated • Pressure dressing may be useful to speed resolution
  • 61. FREY’S SYNDROME Gustatory sweating  sweating on side of face while eating • d/t transection of cholinergic secretomotor fibres of parotid gland • Subsequently  sprout new axons  innervates to sweat glands in skin flap, which are also responsive to acetlycholine 10% of parotidectomy will complain of gustatory sweating, on questioning While it can be demonstrated objectively in 95% of pts.  develops within weeks or months, may be delayed for several years
  • 62. EAR NUMBNESS Expected outcome after parotid surgery d/t transection of greater auricular nerve Area of numbness diminishes over several months, but pt. are left with persistent numbness over ear lobe
  • 63.
  • 64. INTRODUCTION • Irregular in shape ; about size of walnut • Mixed ; predominantly serous • weighing 7 to 16 g, is located in a triangle of the neck bordered superiorly by the inferior edge of the mandible and inferiorly by the anterior and posterior bellies of the digastric muscle. • Appears ovoid in shaped laterally; but U shaped  sagitally • 2 lobes  large superficial & small deep lobe continuous around posterior border of mylohoid
  • 65. EXTENT OF GLAND Superficial part  digastric triangle & reaches forward  anterior belly of digastric Posterior to it  stylomandibular ligament which separates it from parotid gland Superiorly, extends medial to mandible Inferiorly, it approaches the greater cornu of hyoid this serves a landmark when marking incision for removing the gland
  • 66. DEEP PART OF GLAND Extends forward to posterior end of sublingual gland Lies b/w mylohoid (infero-laterally) & hyoglossus and styloglossus (medially) Posterior end is continuous with superficial lobe of gland
  • 67. CAPSULE Partially enclosed between 2 layers Derived from deep cervical fascia extending from greater cornu of hyoid Superficial Layer is attached to base of mandible Deep layer attached to mylohyoid line of mandible Unlike parotid fascia, it is loosely attached to the gland; because of the loose texture of interlobar & interlobular connective tissue
  • 68. RELATIONS Inferolateral surface- covered by Skin Superficial fascia containing platysma and cervical branches of facial N Deep Fascia  Facial Vein & Submandibular Nodes (in contact with gland/ some embedded in it) facial artery loops downwards and forwards between the bone and the gland Lateral surface is in relation with submandibular fossa & medial pterygoid muscle. Facial artery
  • 69. Medial surface Anterior part is related to mylohyoid muscle, nerve and vessels Middle part - Hyoglossus, styloglossus, lingual nerve, submandibular ganglion, hypoglossal nerve and deep lingual vein Posterior Part - Styloglossus, stylohyoid ligament, 9th nerve and wall of pharynx
  • 70. DEEP PART • Small in size Deep to mylohyoid and superficial to hyoglossus and styloglossus  Posteriorly continuous with superficial part around the posterior border of mylohyoid Anteriorly  posterior end of sublingual gland
  • 71. SUBMANDIBULAR DUCT  Wharton’s duct emerges from the sublingual portion of the gland.  5cm long  Thinner than parotid duct  Tributaries  from superficial lobe of gland  Traverses the deep lobe  Duct runs forwards on hyoglossus between lingual and hypoglossal N.  At the ant. Border of hyoglossus it is crossed by lingual nerve  Opens in the floor of mouth at the side of frenulum of tongue
  • 72. Long, Has a tortous uphill course Secretions  against gravity  increased chances of retention Also, mineral content is high (Ca++) Increased retention + high mineral content High incidence of calculus & inflammatory pathologies
  • 73. SUBMANDIBULAR GANGLION (LANGLEY’S GANGLION) Topographically, it’s linked to the trigeminal nerve (lingual nerve) but functionally it’s related to the facial nerve (via its chorda tympani branch).
  • 74. BLOOD SUPPLY AND LYMPHATICS • Arteries  Branches of facial and lingual arteries • Veins  Drains to the common facial or lingual vein • Lymphatics  Deep Cervical Nodes via submandibular nodes
  • 75. NERVE SUPPLY Sensory fibers  lingual branch of mandibular nerve Sympathetic fibers  preganglionic fibres originate from T1 spinal section Parasympathetic  secretomotor from superior salivary nucleus of facial nerve Preganglionic  sensory root of facial nerve  geniculate ganglion  facial nerve chorda tympani & lingual nerve  submandibular ganglion Postganglionic  ganglionic to submandibular gland
  • 76. FASCIAL ANATOMY • Gland is surrounded by the middle layer of the deep cervical fascia. • Fascia is clinically relevant during surgery of this region because the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve lies superficial to this fascia and facial vein. • Facial nerve branch is deep to the fascia surrounding the platysma muscles. • The surgeon can approximate the location of the nerve as lying superior to a line two finger breadths below the angle of the mandible. • In appropriate cases, the surgeon can protect the nerve without direct identification by dividing the anterior facial vein at the inferior surface of the gland and elevating the vein with the fascia.
  • 77. ARTERIAL ANATOMY • Facial artery courses deep to the posterior belly of the digastric muscle • Continues superiorly, usually indenting the posterior portion of the submandibular gland. • Exiting the superior aspect of the gland, the artery then loops around the inferior border of the mandible, leaving a small indentation in the bone, known as the facial notch. • Here, the artery is in close approximation to the lower branches of the facial nerve as it courses superiorly into the face. • Artery is standardly ligated in two positions, at the inferior border of the mandible and superior to the posterior belly of the digastric muscle
  • 78. VENOUS ANATOMY • Anterior facial vein is adjacent to the facial artery • The anterior facial vein then coalesces with the posterior facial vein and descends over the midportion of the gland forming the common facial vein. Inferiorly, this vein lies lateral to the gland
  • 79. NEURAL ANATOMY Lingual Nerve he lingual nerve is attached to the deep surface of the submandibular gland at the submandibular ganglion. The Hypoglossal Nerve travel anteroinferiorly to the lingual nerve and is deep to the lingual nerve and submandibular duct. readily identified in the submandibular triangle with gentle dissection just posterior to the junction of the anterior belly of the digastric muscle with the inferior attachment of the mylohyoid muscle.
  • 80. The sublingual and submandibular glands can be palpated bimanually throughout their lengths in the floor of the mouth CLINICAL EXAMINATION
  • 81. SURGICAL PLANES OF THE SUBMANDIBULAR REGION • After giving incision, a surgeon must bear in mind that deep structures in this region are ordered in 4 muscular planes.
  • 82. FIRST MUSCULAR PLANE major structures in this are (a) digastric muscle and (b) majority of the superficial part of the submandibular gland. Notice that superficial part of the submandibular gland partially overlaps both anterior and posterior bellies of the digastric muscle SECOND MUSCULAR PLANE major structures in this plane are (a) mylohyoid muscle and (b) mylohyoid nerve and vessels
  • 83. THIRD MUSCULAR PLANE major structures in this plane are (a) lingual and hypoglossal nerves, which convey with every other near the anterior border of hyoglossus, (b) deep part of thesubmandibular gland and submandibular duct, (c) submandibular ganglion and (d) styloglossus muscle being crossed superficially by the lingual nerve FOURTH MUSCULAR PLANE major structures in this plane are genioglossus muscle, middle constrictor of the pharynx and lingual artery and its branches
  • 85. David Beahm D, Pelaez LL, Nuss DW, Schaitkin B, Sedlmayr JC, Walvekar RR. Surgical Approaches to the Submandibular Gland: A Review of Literature. The Laryngoscope.
  • 86.
  • 87. Lateral transcervical approach  6cm incision in placed in lateral neck crease approximately 2 to 3 centimeters below the lower edge of the mandible  Subplatysmal skin flap is developed and the marginal mandibular nerve is identified and protected.  Incision line runs within skin crease in neck atleast 3cm below lower border of mandible to avoid  the risk of injury to mandibular branch of facial nerve  It should be approximately 5cm long  Lower the incision within neck  better the post operative cosmetic result  But lower the incision  difficulty in operating in dissecting upwards to reach the gland
  • 88. Submental approach midline horizontal incision just superior to the submental-cervical crease at the level of the hyoid bone, (4.5 ± 1.9 cm). The dissection differs from the traditional approach in that the anterior free edge of the gland is first encountered
  • 89. Retroauricular approach Roh also described main advantage is the improved cosmesis
  • 90. Transoral approach An incision is made in the floor of mouth from the submandibular papilla to the retromolar trigone. Downton D, Qvist G. Intra-oral excision of the submandibular gland. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine. 1960 Jul;53(7):543.
  • 91. Endoscopic-assisted transoral approach Guerrissi JO, Taborda G. Endoscopic excision of the submandibular gland by an intraoral approach. The Journal of craniofacial surgery. 2001 May;12(3):299-303. Endoscopic approaches to the SMG can be further classified as ”endoscopy assisted” and “completely endoscopic” approaches.
  • 93. INTRODUCTION Smallest of the three glands Mixed gland , predominately mucous weighs nearly 3-4 gm , Almond-shaped Lies beneath the oral mucosa in contact with the sublingual fossa on lingual aspect of mandible.
  • 94. RELATIONS SUBLINGUA L GLAND Superiorly-- Mucosa of oral floor, raised as sublingual fold Posteriorly -- Deep part of Submandibul ar gland Laterally -- Mandible above the anterior part of mylohyoid line Inferiorly-- Mylohyoid muscle Medially -- Genioglossus and separated from it by lingual nerve and submandibular duct Anteriorly-- end of opposite gland
  • 95. DUCTS OF GLAND Anterior segment  drains in bartholins duct floor of mouth or in anterior segment of submandibular duct Posterior segment  8-20 ducts or Ducts of Rivinus Most of them open directly into the floor of mouth. Few of them join the submandibular duct.
  • 96. SIGNIFICANCE Secretions are thick and mucoid in nature Excretory ducts are superficially located, hence easily damaged Any trauma / infection  salivary retention & formation of mucous retention cyst (Ranula)
  • 97. BLOOD SUPPLY AND LYMPHATICS Branches of facial and lingual arteries supply the sublingual gland and the corresponding veins drain it. Lymph vessels into submandibular and deep cervical nodes
  • 98. NERVE SUPPLY Sensory fibers  lingual branch of mandibular nerve Sympathetic fibers  plexus on facial artery Parasympathetic  secretomotor from superior salivary nucleus of facial nerve Preganglionic  sensory root of facial nerve  geniculate ganglion  facial nerve chorda tympani & lingual nerve  submandibular ganglion Postganglionic  ganglionic to submandibular gland
  • 99. APPROACHES TO SUBLINGUAL GLAND • Simple excision of sublingual gland linear incision in floor of mouth parallel to and lateral to submandibular duct This incision should not extend posterior to 1st molar to avoid injury to lingual
  • 101. REFERENCES • Norton NS. Netter's head and neck anatomy for dentistry e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences; 2016 Sep 13. • Gray's anatomy: the anatomical basis of clinical practice. Elsevier Health Sciences; 2015 Aug 7. • Oral and maxillofacial surgery –by Rajiv Borle • Head, neck and brain – Human anatomy – BD Chaurasia • Stell and Maran’s – textbook of head and neck surgery and oncology • Salivary gland pathology - Rankow

Editor's Notes

  1. The superficial lobe is defined as parotid tissue located lateral to the facial nerve. The deep lobe is the remaining gland located medial to the facial nerve.
  2. Covered  Connective tissue capsule Derived  investing layer of deep cervical fascia(which Surrounds posteriorly – sternocleidomastoid & anteriorly- masseter). Thick , closely adherent-sends fibrous septa into the gland. Deep lamina-thin- attached to styloid process, mandible and tympanic plate  Stylomandibular ligament. This ligaments separates parotid from submandibular gland
  3. Skin Superficial fascia containing facial branches of great auricular Nerve Superficial parotid lymph nodes and posterior fibers of platysma
  4. Anteromedial Surface -- Grooved by posterior border of ramus of mandible Related - masseter Lateral Surface of temporomandibular joint Medial pterygoid muscles Emerging branches of Facial N Posteromedial Surface Related -- mastoid process with sternocleidomastoid and -- posterior belly of digastric. --Styloid process with structures attached to it. -- External Carotid A. which enters the gland through the surface -- Internal Carotid A. which lies deep to styloid process
  5. Anterior border Separates superficial surface from anteromedial surface. Structures which emerge at this border Parotid Duct Terminal Branches of facial nerve Transverse facial vessels Posterior Border- Separates superficial surface from posteromedial surface Overlaps sternocleidomastoid Medial Border -Separates anteromedial surface from posteromedial surface Related to lateral wall of pharynx
  6. ECA – covered by cervical lobe in retromandibular situated at medial surface & enters posteromedial surface maxillary artery  anteromedial surface superficial temporal artery  anterior part of superior surface Postauricular a.(br. Of ECA) – in gland – posteromedial surface. Retromandibular vein (maxillary + superficial temporal vein) Runs superficial to ECA & deep to facial nerve Runs in gland from mandibular neck to cervical lobe of gland Retromandibular vein  small tributaries  pass outwards between nerve br. of facial. This may be a source of bleeding during dissecting the nerve
  7. Secretomotor Parasympathetic fibres from inferior salivary nucleus (7 th cranial nerves)  via tymphanic br. of 9th n. & lesser petrosal n.otic ganglion Post ganglionic fibres  parotid gland via auriculotemporal n. Post ganglionic sympathetic  plexus of nerves around ECA
  8. Once the segments have been fully mobilized and brought together without tension, the two ends should be sutured together. The nerves are gently grasped with a Bishop forceps. With an 8-0 nylon suture and a GS-8 needle, the epineurium is grasped at one end and then sutured to the other, avoiding deep cuts in the perineurium.