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Week5 Journal Entry
After you have completed all of the assignments in this unit,
write a 100- to 300-word reflection journal on what you have
learned and what questions you may still have.
Write 300 words about my event
Details in the description
For the short time I was at this event I learned a lot about
Chinese culture and the
amazing food which they provide for the Dongzhi Celebration.
celebration is a winter festival which has its origin from the
Han dynasty, a festival
for Chinese people to gather and chat normally takes place
between Dec 21st and
23rd. I meet some people who are like-minded such as myself.
We shared similar
goals and ambitions like giving back to the community in which
we grew up. what
was even more shocking to me was when we didn't even know
each other and
they made me feel very comfortable. The event was pretty small
but, I saw the
bigger picture. It was to promote the Chinese culture at TCU so
that real
international students have a place to feel welcomed just like
VSA. I had a lot of
fun we played games like checkers and head up.
Write 300 words about my eventDetails in the descriptionFor
the short time I was at this event I learned a lot about Chinese
culture and the amazing food which they provide for the
Dongzhi Celebration. Dongzhi celebration is a winter festival
which has its origin from the Han dynasty, a festival for
Unit5 Assignment
Crisis Intervention Strategy Case Study
In a 5- to 7-page paper (not counting references and abstract
pages), describe the seven crisis intervention strategies for a
crisis. Find one or more scenarios online that have examples of
these strategies and use them as references in your paper.
Your paper should include:
· A listing and description of the seven crisis intervention
strategies associated with trauma.
· Explanations of how the seven crisis intervention strategies
can be applied in a crisis.
· Examples and/or recommendations of how the seven crisis
intervention strategies have been and/or should be used within a
scenario situation.
· Starts on Page 332 of the article
Unit5 DQ’s
TOPIC #1 Crisis Intervention Strategies for Leaders
As you contemplate the strategic use of crisis intervention
strategies, what lessons have you learned that would help you if
you were the local emergency manager for your community?
What about if you were a federal coordinating official (FCO) in
charge of a major response effort?
Respond Kindly to Student #1
Ryan Davidson
Crisis Intervention Strategies for Leaders
As a local emergency manager, understanding previous
disaster response failures and successes is necessary, as the
lesson learned from previous events can give insights to the
needs of the community or areas that can be improved.
Preventative care in the preparation of phase of a disaster
should be one of the primary focus points to ensure that
resources can support a major disaster; furthermore, ensuring
that first responders have access to these strategies and
resources should be one of the priorities of an emergency
manager. Pending the size of the disaster, preventing burnout in
first responders should also be a priority. Burnout is a state of
physical, emotional, and psychological exhaustion and typically
occurs in stages (James & Gilliland, 2017). Keeping first
responders and crisis workers effectively engaged in the
response effort is vital to the overall success of the response
A federal coordinating official is a person, appointed by
the president at the declaration of emergency, to assist in the
coordination of federal resources in support of the response
effort, and assess the disaster response needs, establishes field
office and recovery centers, and the delivery of disaster relief
resources (National Wildfire Coordinating Group, n.d.; FEMA,
n.d.). The coordinating official comes in when an emergency is
called by the president, and when necessary the official will
begin to allocate resources to the response effort and set up
additional centers to assist in the management of resources and
recovery centers. As coordinating official, it is important to
respond to needs and requests of the incident commands and
support their efforts to preparation, response, and recovery
FEMA. (n.d.). Unit 1 disaster management roles and
James, R. K., & Gilliland, B. E. (2017). Crisis intervention
strategies (8th ed.). Cengage Learning.
National Wildfire Coordinating Group. (n.d.). Federal
coordinating officer (FCO).
Respond Kindly to Student #2
Travis Reed
Hello Y’all
I have learned that as an emergency manager, one needs to build
resources that support crisis intervention strategies. To pool
necessary crisis intervention, I have learned that it is essential
to create a crisis management plan that defines the nature and
quantity of resources that facilitate any crisis intervention
measures (Public Health Emergency, n.d.). Additionally, I have
learned the importance of customizing crisis intervention
strategies to match with the disaster recovery psychological
phases. Also, I have learned the importance of establishing an
effective communication culture that ensures efficiency in crisis
intervention. On the other hand, as a federal coordinating
official, I have learned that it is crucial to declare a vulnerable
crisis area, thus enhancing people to have psychological
preparedness to the crisis. I have also learned that as a leader, I
need to consider transparency, proportionality, fairness, and
professionalism while executing any crisis intervention duty
(Ansell & Boin, 2019). Additionally, I have learned on how to
plan for resources, including appropriate allocation of federal
resources to major crisis regions.
Ansell, C., & Boin, A. (2019). Taming deep uncertainty: The
potential of pragmatist principles for understanding and
improving strategic crisis management. Administration &
Society, 51(7), 1079-1112.
Public Health Emergency.
No part of this posting is intended to offend anyone in this
class. If my posting does offend anyone, I sincerely apologize.
TOPIC #2 Current Events
Please research some current events related to traumatic events
and human service workers and post at least two of these events
to the Discussion Board. Within your posting, describe how
your chosen items tie to this week’s overview and outcomes.
You may use the University Library or any other outside
resource for your research. Be sure to use proper citation.
Please remember to review your fellow students’ posti ngs and
respond to at least three events, posting throughout the week.
Kindly Respond to Student #1
Kevin Fennell
In the current climate of today the most traumatic thing still
occurring is the pandemic of Covid-19. This virus has changed
the way that so many have lived. People feel very uneasy and
unsafe is the new world we are living in today (Lamar et al.,
2021). Parents were trapped in their homes without work for
nearly a year. There have been major changes to everyday life
and messing with routine can cause severe mental anguish. Not
to mention living in constant fear that a new virus that no one
knew anything about could kill you can definitely induce stress.
This has led millions to seek counselling and help for their
mental needs. The crisis workers such as hospitals and
therapists have had a large increase in patients seeking mental
health help. Now we are approaching year 2 of the pandemic
and people are presenting the same issues which are very taxing
on the crisis workers.
In another recent event there was another shooting in a high
school in Michigan. There were kids that witnessed 4 of their
classmates murder in the middle fo the day when one of their
own walked into school and opened fire. This would take a toll
on anyone let alone kids who were having their average day and
then their lives were turned upside down. This can turn into
hatred for school buildings or large populated groups. Can also
lead to several trust issues with institutions that are meant to
protect and teach students (Camera, 2021). The first responders
at these scenes are in a chaotic and traumatic event much like
the students and staff and will potentially require mental health
assistance later on in life. It is never easy to see someone
murder but it always much ahrder when children are involved.
Lamar, M. R., Speciale, M., Forbes, L. K., & Donovan, C.
(2021). The Mental Health of U.S. Parents During the COVID-
19 Pandemic. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 43(4), 319–
335. https://doi-
Camera, L. (2021). Gun Safety Advocates, Educators Call on
Congress — Again — to Take Up Gun Legislation. U.S. News &
World Report - The Report, C9–C11.
Kindly Respond to Student #2
Rama Mustafa
The Pandemic
Aside from the disaster, the Covid-19 pandemic can be included
as one of the traumatic events that happen nowadays because
more innocent people are affected by these viruses, and most of
their loved ones died because of this virus. It causes a traumatic
event in their life. There were many human service workers
when the pandemic hit; they did not know how to respond, or
some were in denial about the effect such an event has had. To
respond, the person will need support and time to recover from
the traumatic event and regain emotional and mental stability.
Shock and denial shortly after the event are normal reactions,
and shock and denial are often used to protect yourself from the
event's emotional impact. You may feel numb or detached, and
you may not feel the event's full intensity right away.
Additionally, the pandemic affected human service workers
because they will never know whether they will still work in
their company, or their company will be closed and bankrupt.
This may cause a traumatic to them, affecting their mental
health thinking of this kind of event.
Healthcare staff will likely be exposed to many potentially
traumatic events and events leading to significant distress and
moral suffering. As frontline workers, they are highly exposed
to the virus itself. The risk of getting sick and needing to be
quarantined or hospitalized, or even dying are ever-present.
Many healthcare workers have already lost numerous patients
and even colleagues to COVID-19. The dramatic increase in
cases has overwhelmed healthcare systems (Sanchez-Gomez et
al., 2021).
As a result, staff may be forced to make impossible triage
decisions about how to allocate limited resources to the patients
they are caring for. All of these potentially traumatic
experiences are occurring in the context of under extreme
pressures, including fear of spreading the virus to loved ones,
possible separation from family, mental and physical
exhaustion, and limited access to personal protective equipment
and needed medical supplies.
The California Wildfires
Given the worsening wildfire seasons in California, we must
increase our understanding of both the scope of the health and
social issues that survivors navigate following a disaster and the
effectiveness and sustainability of recovery resources available
to survivors. We must also understand the "ripple effect" those
wildfires have on surrounding communalities, impacting
housing access, social services, and health care access. More
research and support, especially during the current COVID-19
pandemic, is urgently needed to improve our ability to support
wildfire survivors' health and social needs in the future. The
early psychological preparation helps reduce the impact of the
occurrence of trauma in the future (Rosenthal et al., 2021).
Rosenthal A, Stover E, Haar RJ (2021) Health and social
impacts of California wildfires and the deficiencies in current
recovery resources: An exploratory qualitative study of
systems-level issues. PLoS ONE 16(3):
Sanchez-Gomez, M., Giorgi, G., Finstad, G. L., Urbini, F., Foti,
G., Mucci, N., ... & León-Perez, J. M. (2021). COVID-19
Pandemic as a Traumatic Event and Its Associations with Fear
and Mental Health: A Cognitive-Activation
Approach. International Journal of Environme ntal Research and
Public Health, 18(14), 7422.
Unit5 Assignment
Response on 9/11
It is important to understand the difference in response when
confronted with different types of attacks. Write a 3–4 page
paper that:
· Compares and contrasts the emergency responses to the 9/11
Pentagon and World Trade Center attacks.
· Critically analyzes the security concerns that responders
confronted and the importance of the inner and outer
NOTE: This assignment will require outside research. Include at
least two credible sources beyond the text material and discuss
how you evaluated the credibility of the resources used You
may consult the Library, the internet, the textbook, other course
material, and any other outside resources in supporting your
task, using proper citations and references in APA style.
Discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the resources used.
In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the assignment, a
successful paper must also meet the following criteria:
· Include a cover page and references page in 10–12 point font
(Arial, Courier, and Times New Roman are acceptable)
· Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and
· Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard
American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)
· Writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well
as original and insightful
· Your work should display superior content, organization,
style, and mechanics
· Appropriate citation style should be followed. You should also
make sure to:
· Include a title page with full name, class name, section
number, and date
· Include an introductory and concluding paragraph and
demonstrate college-level communication through the
composition of original materials in Standard American Engl ish
· Use examples to support your discussion
· Cite all sources on a separate reference page at the end of your
paper and cited within the body of your paper using APA format
Download Unit 5 Assignment Checklist
Directions for Submitting Your Assignment
Compose your paper in Microsoft Word and save it in the
following format: Last name First name Assignment. (Example:
SmithJohn_Unit5_Assignment). Submit your assignment to the
Unit 5: Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 5.
Unit 5 DQ’s
Discussion topics support this unit’s objective and should be
completed after reading all materials. Your responses ought to
include original evaluation, synthesis, or analysis of the topic,
and contribute to the weekly discussion in a meaningful way.
You must complete all discussion topics and reply to your peers'
posts. Refer to the Discussion Board Rubric under Course
Resources for additional requirements.
Topic 1: Federal Government Responsibilities
Should the federal government be responsible for damages to
structures that received funds in previous floods? If the federal
government reimburses farmers for the losses of their crops in
floods, should owners of businesses in other sectors expect the
same recovery measures for their losses? Why, or why not?
Respond Kindly to Student #1
Antonio Custodio
I do believe the federal government should have some
responsibility with fund distribution and reimbursement into the
community that can be damaged by flood waters or other natural
disasters. As one of the goals in recovery is to build back the
community better than it was and more resilient towards
disasters as well as assisting in rebuilding the economy from the
negative effects a disaster such as a flood can have on a
community. As when a state of emergency can be called for a
community who has fallen victim to flooding often these
communities themselves as well as the state cannot financially
provide for the recovery efforts and may have to heavily rely on
federal assistance. Such as when Hurricane Sandy struck and the
massive flooding that followed the federal assistance included
assistance to businesses and building owners with low interest
loans and federal grants. (Carter, N. 2012) Although the federal
government does not necessarily have to offer aid to busines ses
or farmers and is ultimately the federal government’s decision
as well as the governor’s decision to declare a state of
emergency and request federal aid. Even with programs that
help farmers who are victims of flooding and other natural
disasters such as The U.S. Department of Agriculture having
recovery programs for farmers there still should be some level
of responsibility on the federal government in assisting farmers,
local business owners, and the overall damaged community as I
can understand the Federal government does not want
communities to rely heavily on them for assistance yet
depending on the community or state not all communities have
the benefits of a solid rainy day fund or a large budget for
recovery. (The Pew Charitable Trusts, 2017)
Carter, N. (2012). Congressional Research Service, Federal
Involvement in Flood Response and Flood Infrastructure Repair:
Storm Sandy Recovery. Retrieved from:
The Pew Charitable Trusts, (N/D) “When to Use State Rainy
Day Funds” (2017), 23-
Respond Kindly to Student #2
Jon Gagne
I was really torn on answering this question. I think the
question really depends on each situation and the length of
time. There is a difference between sending funds to a house
every year that is flooded versus a house that happened to be
caught in a flood 15 years apart. Individuals who live in flood
prone areas should retain flood insurance themselves and those
who do not should only be able to receive partial assistance.
Private flood insurance is often quicker and can provide more
money than relying on the government (Klein & Weston, 2019).
If a building receives funds from flooding the building should
have a set amount of years before they can request additional
funding. That would work as an incentive to have individuals
invest in the insurance or move to areas that are less prone to
flooding while also saving the government a lot of money that
could be reinvested in mitigation and preparedness efforts.
With natural disasters there is always a chance for a once in a
lifetime event that could cause flooding in an area that is very
unlikely to ever flood. Those areas are not likely to buy flood
insurance so I do think there should be joint support from the
State and the Federal government in those circumstances
(Haddow et al., 2021).
Other sectors of business should not expect the same recovery
measures as farms. Farms provide necessary sustenance for the
nation so they have to grow the crops to feed everyone. Farms
cannot just pack everything up and move like other businesses
can. Farms require so much land to grow crops or livestock
which is only available in certain places. Land is not always
created equal so a farm cannot just move from a fertile delta
region to an arid desert environment and expect the same crops
to grow (Sheldon, 2013).
Haddow, G. D., Bullock, J. A., & Coppola, D. P.
(2021). Introduction to emergency management. Butterworth-
Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier.
Klein, R., & Weston, H. (2019). No debt and underwater: The
need for flood insurance especially as home equity
rises. Journal of Financial Service Professionals, 73(4), 83–96.
Sheldon, T. (2013). No farms, no food: Local taxation and the
preservation of Connecticut's farmland. Connecticut Law
Review, 45(3), 1045–1082.
Topic 2: Cost of Recovery
Is it realistic to expect state and local organizations to be able
to contribute to the cost of recovery, or should the federal
government assume 100% of the cost. If the federal government
points out needed protective measures for the private sector,
does it also bear a responsibility to at least partially fund those
Kindly Respond to Student #1
Blake Carter
In my view, local and state organizations should contribute to
the cost of recovery, and it is unrealistic to expect the federal
government to contribute for all of it. For instance, according to
an article published by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Foundation, “…the states are primarily responsible for guiding
and facilitating recovery efforts in disasters that spill across
local boundaries and for helping local governments when the
disaster overwhelms their capacity to mount an effective
recovery effort” (USCC Foundation, 2021, p. 2). This is
important because the states are primarily responsible for their
own needs while the federal government should only intervene
if help is requested. This idea goes back to the concept of state
rights and the federal government not intervening unless it is
absolutely necessary or if assistance is requested.
Another important aspect of recovery is mitigation. The article
highlights this by stating, “The best way to ensure recovery is
to prevent initial losses” (USCC Foundation, 2021, p. 10). Local
and state organizations are primarily responsible for mitigation
because they understand the needs of their local communities
and what is needed. The federal government does not. Sure, the
federal government could provide the resources if needed, but
the local and state have a much better understanding of where
those resources should be used.
In closing, local and state organizations should contribute to the
cost of recovery because of their own identity and also for their
understanding on what the communities need. The federal
government should only intervene if necessary or if the
assistance is requested.
USCC Foundation. (2021). State governments and community
disaster recovery: A critical role. Retrieved from USCC
Respond Kindly to Student #2
Gertrude Maima Ware
The recovery process in emergency management is a joint
process. The federal government is to work along with the state
and local and prepare to respond and to respond after an
incident. However, it is the state and local organization's full
responsibility to handle the recovery cost. According to
Edwards (2017) it states, as for disaster response, federal
involvement is appropriate when agencies have unique
capabilities to offer, such as the Coast Guard’s search and
rescue capabilities. But it is mainly the state, local, and private
entities that own the needed resources and are on the scene to
assist in emergencies. Every state has a budget inside the
general budget and if their demand has been met by the general
budget, it is their full responsibility to manage and respond to
every cost that needed to be handled. The federal government
could come to handle but it is because the state needs to be
independent in responding to disasters and to plan in ways that
are more convenient and comfortable for them. Federal
intervention can impede disaster response and rebuilding
because of the extra paperwork involved and the added
complexity of decision-making. A growing federal role may
also induce states to neglect their disaster preparedness because
officials assume Uncle Sam will bail them out when disaster
hits (Federal, 2017).
The federal government must point out needed protective
measures for private sectors because it has to do with public
safety and the wellbeing of its citizens. Even though the private
sectors are running the business on their own, it still does not
exclude them from the law and whatever benefit, or funds are
allocated for their project. Milano (2019) informs, some states
also fund research and development projects and work with
private investors and the federal government to raise funds.
This shows that there is always an extra fund set aside to
partially help the private sectors meet up with their budget in
complying with what the federal government requires. The roles
of a government, in a mixed economy, are grouped into two
categories, namely, regulatory roles and promotional or
development roles. The regulatory role of the government
involves formulating and implementing various direct and
indirect measures to monitor and regulate the economic
activities of the private sector Nitisha, n.d). The government
comes in because the task to produce a protective measure
might be too huge for the business and might bring a challenge
to their financial standing as a private sector, so the
developmental fund is also partially given to them by the
government to assist with the process. It is also a partnership to
keep the nation safe because what the government points out for
protective measures is also in the interest of the nation and if
should be handled wisely and carefully, the government should
also be willing to help in funding the process for protective
measure. The government provides a specific amount of money
for a specific purpose (e.g., to a project), usually free of charge
(interest-free), with no expectation of repayment (Flynn. M,
Edwards C. (2017) The Proper Federal Role in Natural
Disasters. Downsizing the Federal Government.
Flynn. M, (2018) Private sector participation in public sector
financing. Deloitte
Milano. S (2019) Small Business government Grant. Role of
Government in Promoting Small Business
Nitisha (n.d) Role of Government in Private
Businesses. Economic Discussion Net
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HM540Week5 Journal EntryReflectionAfter you have completed

  • 1. HM540 Week5 Journal Entry Reflection After you have completed all of the assignments in this unit, write a 100- to 300-word reflection journal on what you have learned and what questions you may still have. Write 300 words about my event Details in the description For the short time I was at this event I learned a lot about Chinese culture and the amazing food which they provide for the Dongzhi Celebration. Dongzhi celebration is a winter festival which has its origin from the Han dynasty, a festival for Chinese people to gather and chat normally takes place between Dec 21st and 23rd. I meet some people who are like-minded such as myself. We shared similar goals and ambitions like giving back to the community in which
  • 2. we grew up. what was even more shocking to me was when we didn't even know each other and they made me feel very comfortable. The event was pretty small but, I saw the bigger picture. It was to promote the Chinese culture at TCU so that real international students have a place to feel welcomed just like VSA. I had a lot of fun we played games like checkers and head up. Write 300 words about my eventDetails in the descriptionFor the short time I was at this event I learned a lot about Chinese culture and the amazing food which they provide for the Dongzhi Celebration. Dongzhi celebration is a winter festival which has its origin from the Han dynasty, a festival for Chines... HM540 Unit5 Assignment Crisis Intervention Strategy Case Study In a 5- to 7-page paper (not counting references and abstract pages), describe the seven crisis intervention strategies for a crisis. Find one or more scenarios online that have examples of these strategies and use them as references in your paper. Your paper should include: · A listing and description of the seven crisis intervention strategies associated with trauma. · Explanations of how the seven crisis intervention strategies
  • 3. can be applied in a crisis. · Examples and/or recommendations of how the seven crisis intervention strategies have been and/or should be used within a scenario situation. · Starts on Page 332 of the article PLEASE USE THESE SEVEN CRISIS ONLY: HM540 Unit5 DQ’s TOPIC #1 Crisis Intervention Strategies for Leaders As you contemplate the strategic use of crisis intervention strategies, what lessons have you learned that would help you if you were the local emergency manager for your community? What about if you were a federal coordinating official (FCO) in charge of a major response effort? Respond Kindly to Student #1 Ryan Davidson Crisis Intervention Strategies for Leaders As a local emergency manager, understanding previous disaster response failures and successes is necessary, as the lesson learned from previous events can give insights to the needs of the community or areas that can be improved. Preventative care in the preparation of phase of a disaster should be one of the primary focus points to ensure that resources can support a major disaster; furthermore, ensuring that first responders have access to these strategies and resources should be one of the priorities of an emergency manager. Pending the size of the disaster, preventing burnout in
  • 4. first responders should also be a priority. Burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and psychological exhaustion and typically occurs in stages (James & Gilliland, 2017). Keeping first responders and crisis workers effectively engaged in the response effort is vital to the overall success of the response effort. A federal coordinating official is a person, appointed by the president at the declaration of emergency, to assist in the coordination of federal resources in support of the response effort, and assess the disaster response needs, establishes field office and recovery centers, and the delivery of disaster relief resources (National Wildfire Coordinating Group, n.d.; FEMA, n.d.). The coordinating official comes in when an emergency is called by the president, and when necessary the official will begin to allocate resources to the response effort and set up additional centers to assist in the management of resources and recovery centers. As coordinating official, it is important to respond to needs and requests of the incident commands and support their efforts to preparation, response, and recovery activities. References: FEMA. (n.d.). Unit 1 disaster management roles and responsibilities. James, R. K., & Gilliland, B. E. (2017). Crisis intervention strategies (8th ed.). Cengage Learning. National Wildfire Coordinating Group. (n.d.). Federal coordinating officer (FCO). officer-fco Respond Kindly to Student #2 Travis Reed Hello Y’all I have learned that as an emergency manager, one needs to build
  • 5. resources that support crisis intervention strategies. To pool necessary crisis intervention, I have learned that it is essential to create a crisis management plan that defines the nature and quantity of resources that facilitate any crisis intervention measures (Public Health Emergency, n.d.). Additionally, I have learned the importance of customizing crisis intervention strategies to match with the disaster recovery psychological phases. Also, I have learned the importance of establishing an effective communication culture that ensures efficiency in crisis intervention. On the other hand, as a federal coordinating official, I have learned that it is crucial to declare a vulnerable crisis area, thus enhancing people to have psychological preparedness to the crisis. I have also learned that as a leader, I need to consider transparency, proportionality, fairness, and professionalism while executing any crisis intervention duty (Ansell & Boin, 2019). Additionally, I have learned on how to plan for resources, including appropriate allocation of federal resources to major crisis regions. References Ansell, C., & Boin, A. (2019). Taming deep uncertainty: The potential of pragmatist principles for understanding and improving strategic crisis management. Administration & Society, 51(7), 1079-1112. Public Health Emergency. (n.d.). mmunity-resilience.aspx No part of this posting is intended to offend anyone in this class. If my posting does offend anyone, I sincerely apologize. v/r Reed TOPIC #2 Current Events Please research some current events related to traumatic events and human service workers and post at least two of these events
  • 6. to the Discussion Board. Within your posting, describe how your chosen items tie to this week’s overview and outcomes. You may use the University Library or any other outside resource for your research. Be sure to use proper citation. Please remember to review your fellow students’ posti ngs and respond to at least three events, posting throughout the week. Kindly Respond to Student #1 Kevin Fennell In the current climate of today the most traumatic thing still occurring is the pandemic of Covid-19. This virus has changed the way that so many have lived. People feel very uneasy and unsafe is the new world we are living in today (Lamar et al., 2021). Parents were trapped in their homes without work for nearly a year. There have been major changes to everyday life and messing with routine can cause severe mental anguish. Not to mention living in constant fear that a new virus that no one knew anything about could kill you can definitely induce stress. This has led millions to seek counselling and help for their mental needs. The crisis workers such as hospitals and therapists have had a large increase in patients seeking mental health help. Now we are approaching year 2 of the pandemic and people are presenting the same issues which are very taxing on the crisis workers. In another recent event there was another shooting in a high school in Michigan. There were kids that witnessed 4 of their classmates murder in the middle fo the day when one of their own walked into school and opened fire. This would take a toll on anyone let alone kids who were having their average day and then their lives were turned upside down. This can turn into hatred for school buildings or large populated groups. Can also lead to several trust issues with institutions that are meant to protect and teach students (Camera, 2021). The first responders at these scenes are in a chaotic and traumatic event much like the students and staff and will potentially require mental health assistance later on in life. It is never easy to see someone murder but it always much ahrder when children are involved.
  • 7. Lamar, M. R., Speciale, M., Forbes, L. K., & Donovan, C. (2021). The Mental Health of U.S. Parents During the COVID- 19 Pandemic. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 43(4), 319– 335. https://doi- Camera, L. (2021). Gun Safety Advocates, Educators Call on Congress — Again — to Take Up Gun Legislation. U.S. News & World Report - The Report, C9–C11. Kindly Respond to Student #2 Rama Mustafa The Pandemic Aside from the disaster, the Covid-19 pandemic can be included as one of the traumatic events that happen nowadays because more innocent people are affected by these viruses, and most of their loved ones died because of this virus. It causes a traumatic event in their life. There were many human service workers when the pandemic hit; they did not know how to respond, or some were in denial about the effect such an event has had. To respond, the person will need support and time to recover from the traumatic event and regain emotional and mental stability. Shock and denial shortly after the event are normal reactions, and shock and denial are often used to protect yourself from the event's emotional impact. You may feel numb or detached, and you may not feel the event's full intensity right away. Additionally, the pandemic affected human service workers because they will never know whether they will still work in their company, or their company will be closed and bankrupt. This may cause a traumatic to them, affecting their mental health thinking of this kind of event. Healthcare staff will likely be exposed to many potentially traumatic events and events leading to significant distress and moral suffering. As frontline workers, they are highly exposed to the virus itself. The risk of getting sick and needing to be
  • 8. quarantined or hospitalized, or even dying are ever-present. Many healthcare workers have already lost numerous patients and even colleagues to COVID-19. The dramatic increase in cases has overwhelmed healthcare systems (Sanchez-Gomez et al., 2021). As a result, staff may be forced to make impossible triage decisions about how to allocate limited resources to the patients they are caring for. All of these potentially traumatic experiences are occurring in the context of under extreme pressures, including fear of spreading the virus to loved ones, possible separation from family, mental and physical exhaustion, and limited access to personal protective equipment and needed medical supplies. The California Wildfires Given the worsening wildfire seasons in California, we must increase our understanding of both the scope of the health and social issues that survivors navigate following a disaster and the effectiveness and sustainability of recovery resources available to survivors. We must also understand the "ripple effect" those wildfires have on surrounding communalities, impacting housing access, social services, and health care access. More research and support, especially during the current COVID-19 pandemic, is urgently needed to improve our ability to support wildfire survivors' health and social needs in the future. The early psychological preparation helps reduce the impact of the occurrence of trauma in the future (Rosenthal et al., 2021). References Rosenthal A, Stover E, Haar RJ (2021) Health and social impacts of California wildfires and the deficiencies in current recovery resources: An exploratory qualitative study of systems-level issues. PLoS ONE 16(3): e0248617. Sanchez-Gomez, M., Giorgi, G., Finstad, G. L., Urbini, F., Foti, G., Mucci, N., ... & León-Perez, J. M. (2021). COVID-19 Pandemic as a Traumatic Event and Its Associations with Fear
  • 9. and Mental Health: A Cognitive-Activation Approach. International Journal of Environme ntal Research and Public Health, 18(14), 7422. HM503 Unit5 Assignment Response on 9/11 It is important to understand the difference in response when confronted with different types of attacks. Write a 3–4 page paper that: · Compares and contrasts the emergency responses to the 9/11 Pentagon and World Trade Center attacks. · Critically analyzes the security concerns that responders confronted and the importance of the inner and outer perimeters. NOTE: This assignment will require outside research. Include at least two credible sources beyond the text material and discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the resources used You may consult the Library, the internet, the textbook, other course material, and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper citations and references in APA style. Discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the resources used. In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the assignment, a successful paper must also meet the following criteria: · Include a cover page and references page in 10–12 point font (Arial, Courier, and Times New Roman are acceptable) · Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained · Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.) · Writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful · Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics
  • 10. · Appropriate citation style should be followed. You should also make sure to: · Include a title page with full name, class name, section number, and date · Include an introductory and concluding paragraph and demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American Engl ish · Use examples to support your discussion · Cite all sources on a separate reference page at the end of your paper and cited within the body of your paper using APA format Download Unit 5 Assignment Checklist Directions for Submitting Your Assignment Compose your paper in Microsoft Word and save it in the following format: Last name First name Assignment. (Example: SmithJohn_Unit5_Assignment). Submit your assignment to the Unit 5: Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 5. HM503 Unit 5 DQ’s Discussion topics support this unit’s objective and should be completed after reading all materials. Your responses ought to include original evaluation, synthesis, or analysis of the topic, and contribute to the weekly discussion in a meaningful way. You must complete all discussion topics and reply to your peers' posts. Refer to the Discussion Board Rubric under Course Resources for additional requirements. Topic 1: Federal Government Responsibilities Should the federal government be responsible for damages to structures that received funds in previous floods? If the federal government reimburses farmers for the losses of their crops in floods, should owners of businesses in other sectors expect the same recovery measures for their losses? Why, or why not?
  • 11. Respond Kindly to Student #1 Antonio Custodio I do believe the federal government should have some responsibility with fund distribution and reimbursement into the community that can be damaged by flood waters or other natural disasters. As one of the goals in recovery is to build back the community better than it was and more resilient towards disasters as well as assisting in rebuilding the economy from the negative effects a disaster such as a flood can have on a community. As when a state of emergency can be called for a community who has fallen victim to flooding often these communities themselves as well as the state cannot financially provide for the recovery efforts and may have to heavily rely on federal assistance. Such as when Hurricane Sandy struck and the massive flooding that followed the federal assistance included assistance to businesses and building owners with low interest loans and federal grants. (Carter, N. 2012) Although the federal government does not necessarily have to offer aid to busines ses or farmers and is ultimately the federal government’s decision as well as the governor’s decision to declare a state of emergency and request federal aid. Even with programs that help farmers who are victims of flooding and other natural disasters such as The U.S. Department of Agriculture having recovery programs for farmers there still should be some level of responsibility on the federal government in assisting farmers, local business owners, and the overall damaged community as I can understand the Federal government does not want communities to rely heavily on them for assistance yet depending on the community or state not all communities have the benefits of a solid rainy day fund or a large budget for recovery. (The Pew Charitable Trusts, 2017) References:
  • 12. Carter, N. (2012). Congressional Research Service, Federal Involvement in Flood Response and Flood Infrastructure Repair: Storm Sandy Recovery. Retrieved from: The Pew Charitable Trusts, (N/D) “When to Use State Rainy Day Funds” (2017), 23- 25, analysis/reports/2017/04/when-to-use-state-rainy-day-funds. Respond Kindly to Student #2 Jon Gagne I was really torn on answering this question. I think the question really depends on each situation and the length of time. There is a difference between sending funds to a house every year that is flooded versus a house that happened to be caught in a flood 15 years apart. Individuals who live in flood prone areas should retain flood insurance themselves and those who do not should only be able to receive partial assistance. Private flood insurance is often quicker and can provide more money than relying on the government (Klein & Weston, 2019). If a building receives funds from flooding the building should have a set amount of years before they can request additional funding. That would work as an incentive to have individuals invest in the insurance or move to areas that are less prone to flooding while also saving the government a lot of money that could be reinvested in mitigation and preparedness efforts. With natural disasters there is always a chance for a once in a lifetime event that could cause flooding in an area that is very unlikely to ever flood. Those areas are not likely to buy flood insurance so I do think there should be joint support from the State and the Federal government in those circumstances (Haddow et al., 2021). Other sectors of business should not expect the same recovery measures as farms. Farms provide necessary sustenance for the nation so they have to grow the crops to feed everyone. Farms
  • 13. cannot just pack everything up and move like other businesses can. Farms require so much land to grow crops or livestock which is only available in certain places. Land is not always created equal so a farm cannot just move from a fertile delta region to an arid desert environment and expect the same crops to grow (Sheldon, 2013). Haddow, G. D., Bullock, J. A., & Coppola, D. P. (2021). Introduction to emergency management. Butterworth- Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier. Klein, R., & Weston, H. (2019). No debt and underwater: The need for flood insurance especially as home equity rises. Journal of Financial Service Professionals, 73(4), 83–96. Sheldon, T. (2013). No farms, no food: Local taxation and the preservation of Connecticut's farmland. Connecticut Law Review, 45(3), 1045–1082. Topic 2: Cost of Recovery Is it realistic to expect state and local organizations to be able to contribute to the cost of recovery, or should the federal government assume 100% of the cost. If the federal government points out needed protective measures for the private sector, does it also bear a responsibility to at least partially fund those improvements? Kindly Respond to Student #1 Blake Carter In my view, local and state organizations should contribute to the cost of recovery, and it is unrealistic to expect the federal government to contribute for all of it. For instance, according to an article published by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, “…the states are primarily responsible for guiding and facilitating recovery efforts in disasters that spill across local boundaries and for helping local governments when the disaster overwhelms their capacity to mount an effective recovery effort” (USCC Foundation, 2021, p. 2). This is
  • 14. important because the states are primarily responsible for their own needs while the federal government should only intervene if help is requested. This idea goes back to the concept of state rights and the federal government not intervening unless it is absolutely necessary or if assistance is requested. Another important aspect of recovery is mitigation. The article highlights this by stating, “The best way to ensure recovery is to prevent initial losses” (USCC Foundation, 2021, p. 10). Local and state organizations are primarily responsible for mitigation because they understand the needs of their local communities and what is needed. The federal government does not. Sure, the federal government could provide the resources if needed, but the local and state have a much better understanding of where those resources should be used. In closing, local and state organizations should contribute to the cost of recovery because of their own identity and also for their understanding on what the communities need. The federal government should only intervene if necessary or if the assistance is requested. Reference USCC Foundation. (2021). State governments and community disaster recovery: A critical role. Retrieved from USCC Foundation: tion/ccc/A%20Critical%20Role%20- %20Ten%20Policies%20Needed%20for%20Community%20Disa ster%20Recovery.pdf Respond Kindly to Student #2 Gertrude Maima Ware The recovery process in emergency management is a joint process. The federal government is to work along with the state and local and prepare to respond and to respond after an incident. However, it is the state and local organization's full responsibility to handle the recovery cost. According to Edwards (2017) it states, as for disaster response, federal
  • 15. involvement is appropriate when agencies have unique capabilities to offer, such as the Coast Guard’s search and rescue capabilities. But it is mainly the state, local, and private entities that own the needed resources and are on the scene to assist in emergencies. Every state has a budget inside the general budget and if their demand has been met by the general budget, it is their full responsibility to manage and respond to every cost that needed to be handled. The federal government could come to handle but it is because the state needs to be independent in responding to disasters and to plan in ways that are more convenient and comfortable for them. Federal intervention can impede disaster response and rebuilding because of the extra paperwork involved and the added complexity of decision-making. A growing federal role may also induce states to neglect their disaster preparedness because officials assume Uncle Sam will bail them out when disaster hits (Federal, 2017). The federal government must point out needed protective measures for private sectors because it has to do with public safety and the wellbeing of its citizens. Even though the private sectors are running the business on their own, it still does not exclude them from the law and whatever benefit, or funds are allocated for their project. Milano (2019) informs, some states also fund research and development projects and work with private investors and the federal government to raise funds. This shows that there is always an extra fund set aside to partially help the private sectors meet up with their budget in complying with what the federal government requires. The roles of a government, in a mixed economy, are grouped into two categories, namely, regulatory roles and promotional or development roles. The regulatory role of the government involves formulating and implementing various direct and indirect measures to monitor and regulate the economic activities of the private sector Nitisha, n.d). The government comes in because the task to produce a protective measure might be too huge for the business and might bring a challenge
  • 16. to their financial standing as a private sector, so the developmental fund is also partially given to them by the government to assist with the process. It is also a partnership to keep the nation safe because what the government points out for protective measures is also in the interest of the nation and if should be handled wisely and carefully, the government should also be willing to help in funding the process for protective measure. The government provides a specific amount of money for a specific purpose (e.g., to a project), usually free of charge (interest-free), with no expectation of repayment (Flynn. M, 2018). References Edwards C. (2017) The Proper Federal Role in Natural Disasters. Downsizing the Federal Government. natural- Flynn. M, (2018) Private sector participation in public sector financing. Deloitte nts/Public-Sector/gx-ps-funding- Milano. S (2019) Small Business government Grant. Role of Government in Promoting Small Business small-business-60657.html Nitisha (n.d) Role of Government in Private Businesses. Economic Discussion Net government-in-private-