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D e a r In s p ire
I would like to thank you for a well planned and interesting, enjoyable day of
team building. The responses from the team have been positive. They felt
that you were in attendance at all times during the canoeing to ensure that
everyone felt safe and that you did not belittle anyone who was not quite
going in the right direction! T e a m b u ild in g d a y
“Would definitely recommend using Inspire2Adventure. The accommodation
was excellent, very clean and modern and the whole team enjoyed the day.
Thank you.” T e a m b u ild in g d a y
“Thanks for a great day, I know everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves.”
A c tiv ity d a y – o rie n te e r a n d m o u n ta in b ik in g
“As ever, excellent delivery on all activities hence our repeat business.”
A c tiv ity d a y
In s p ire Co n s u ltin g an d Co ac h in g L td is re g is te re d w ith th e AAL A
(Ad v e n tu re Ac tiv itie s L ic e n s in g Au th o rity ) as lic e n s e d to p ro v id e
s p e c ifie d ac tiv itie s .Th e s e ac tiv itie s are :k ay ak in g ,o p e n c an o e in g ,
im p ro v is e d raft b u ild in g , ro c k c lim b in g , ab s e ilin g , g o rg e
s c ram b lin g an d o ff ro ad c y c lin g . L ic e n s e d e tails c an b e
c o n firm e d b y c allin g th e lic e n s in g au th o rity o n te le p h o n e
n u m b e r 0 29 20 75 571 5.
in s p irin g te am g ro w th
w w w .in s p ir e 2a d v e n t u r e .c o m
b ro c h u re d e s ig n e d b y Do u b le tak e De s ig n L td -w w w .d o u b le tak e d e s ig n .c o .u k
L o c ate d in th e b e au tifu l W y e Valle y o n th e
M o n m o u th s h ire & H e rfo rd s h ire b o rd e rs ,
w ith g re at ro ad lin k s ,In s p ire 2Ad v e n tu re is
o n ly 50 m in u te s fro m Birm in g h am ,Bris to l
an d Card iff an d le s s th an 2.5 h o u rs fro m
L o n d o n .
In s p ir e Co n s u lt in g & Co a c h in g L t d .,
T /A In s p ir e 2Ad v e n t u r e
W y as to n e Bu s in e s s Park ,M o n m o u th
M o n m o u th s h ire ,NP25 3SR
Te l 0 1 60 0 891 51 5
in fo @in s p ire 2ad v e n tu re .c o m
w w w .in s p ir e 2a d v e n t u r e .c o m
o u td o o r ad v e n tu re ac tiv itie s
w h y c h o o s e In s p ire ?
All our events are available year round and can be designed to fit a multi activity day programme
around your timetable and budget. Our trainers are practising professional outdoor adventure
activity instructors with a training and coaching background and operate with a ‘participation by
choice’ policy. We always encourage, support, and coach delegates to allow them to make the
decision to participate in any of our adventure activities and in doing so explore their personal
comfort zones!
Events are tailormade to your specific aims and objectives. So if you want to reward your team or
excite your clients we can offer you a selection of outdoor adventure activities where colleagues can
interact in a fun and challenging environment.
If you are looking for an away day, our training venue is the perfect choice. You may want to hold
a meeting in the morning and spend the rest of the day canoeing, climbing or raft building that allows
your colleagues to relax, bond and breakdown any existing barriers by simply talking to each other!
Outdoor adventure activities and command tasks are incorporated
into our team building and challenge events. These adventure
activities have the additional benefit of providing your colleagues with
the opportunity to promote trust, team work, communication and
decision making to enhance team dynamics and develop key skills.
Working in an unfamiliar environment allows team members to
empathise and support each other both physically and emotionally.
This promotes individuals and teams to move towards the best they
can be with a ‘can do’ attitude.
In s p ire 2Ad v e n tu re are s p e c ialis ts in c re atin g
tailo rm ad e c o rp o rate e v e n ts ,in c lu d in g :
o o u td o o r ad v e n tu re ac tiv ity te am aw ay d ay s
o te am c h alle n g e e v e n ts
o te am b u ild in g
o c o rp o rate e n te rtain m e n t
w h at are c o m m an d tas k s ?
o Tas k s th at are d e s ig n e d to e x am in e s p e c ific are as
o f te am d y n am ic s
o Eac h tas k h ig h lig h ts are as s u c h as p lan n in g ,
c o m m u n ic atio n ,d e c is io n m ak in g an d p ro b le m s o lv in g
o De p e n d e n t o n te am s ab ility to w o rk to g e th e r to
ac h ie v e as u c c e s s fu l o u tc o m e
o Ph y s ic al an d c e re b ral tas k s
o Ex am p le s in c lu d e s p id e rs w e b ,traffic jam ,m in e fie ld
c ro s s in g ,tw in tu b e re c o v e ry ,aq u ad u c t to n am e b u t afe w
c a s e s t u d y o n e
w e e k e n d aw ay -m u lti ac tiv ity w e e k e n d
Client: 40 delegates from a national trade association. Objective: To host a
team building event to encourage networking opportunities, bonding and to have
fun in a challenging environment. Inspire designed a two day programme of
activities and organised accommodation.
On arrival delegates from all over the UK were split into four teams and
completed an ice breaker activity so they could meet the other group members.
Day one: Each team had to complete rock climbing, abseiling, orienteering and
problem solving. Points were awarded for successfully completing each activity
and bonus points gained for finishing within the time constraints. The points were
then carried over to day two’s activity.
Day two: Build a raft and paddle their teams out to an island to collect the hidden
treasure. Teams had to bid for equipment using their points as currency to
enable them to build their rafts. The winning team was the first team to return with
the treasure.
This client returned to Inspire in subsequent years.
c a s e s t u d y t w o
te am c h alle n g e s an d c o m m an d tas k s
Client: A group of 12 who worked as a team. Objective: For the group to learn
to work more cohesively as a team, support each other and have fun with some
personal challenges.
The day was designed in two specific halves. The morning was designed for the
group to bond and build up communication and trust. This was achieved via a
programme that consisted of a set of command tasks encouraging the group to
work together to achieve common objectives within time constraints. Some
tasks were creative, others physical, but all required effective and efficient team
work to achieve. Review sessions were built into these tasks so that the group
could measure progress, performance, strengths and weaknesses and were
able to modify strategies. This ensured that by the afternoon they were a more
effective team thereby allowing them to complete the afternoon challenge.
In the afternoon session the team completed a series of high level rope course
elements. This activity required team members to trust, to have confidence in
their colleague’s ability physically and to provide emotional support for each
other. The team completed all the elements that culminated in some team
members being 15 metres off the ground.
In s p ire v alu e s
o Q u a lit y -Pro v id in g an e n v iro n m e n t th at p ro m o te s le arn in g
o S a fe t y -En s u rin g th e e m o tio n al an d p h y s ic al s afe ty ,w h ils t
allo w in g p artic ip atio n fo r all
o Cu s t o m e r fo c u s e d -Tailo rm ad e e v e n ts
o Gr o w t h -Stim u latin g g ro u p d y n am ic s
o En jo y m e n t -L e arn in g th ro u g h fu n ac tiv itie s
In s p ire o ffe rs
o Ex p e rie n c e o f w o rk in g w ith ab ro ad c lie n t b as e
o M e m b e rs o f th e In s titu te fo r O u td o o r L e arn in g (IO L )
o O v e r tw e n ty y e ars e x p e rie n c e in th e o u td o o r ad v e n tu re
ac tiv ity in d u s try
o Re g is te re d w ith th e Ad v e n tu re Ac tiv ity L ic e n s in g Au th o rity
(AAL A)an d is lic e n s e d to p ro v id e s p e c ifie d ac tiv itie s
o M o b ile te am e v e n ts w ith v e n u e o f c h o ic e
o Train in g v e n u e w ith m e e tin g ro o m s an d c ate rin g
o As s is tan c e w ith ac c o m m o d atio n s e arc h e s
o All train e rs h av e Natio n al G o v e rn in g Bo d y Aw ard s in c lu d in g u p
to d ate firs t aid q u alific atio n s an d are all ac tiv e o u td o o r
ad v e n tu re p ro fe s s io n als
o W h e re th e re is n o re le v an t q u alific atio n fo r an ac tiv ity In s p ire
fo llo w s in d u s try b e s t p rac tic e an d g u id e lin e s
O p e n c a n o e in g -W h e th e r y o u are lo o k in g fo r an in tro d u c tio n to
th e s p o rt o r a g u id e d trip . Us in g trad itio n al o p e n c an o e s re q u ire s
g o o d c o m m u n ic atio n s k ills ,c o -o p e ratio n an d u n d e rs tan d in g o f
y o u r p artn e r to b e s u c c e s s fu l.
M o u n t a in b ik in g -Cy c le th e g e n tle fo re s t trails s to p p in g o ff at
v ie w p o in ts ;o r c h alle n g e y o u rs e lf to s o m e o ff ro ad in g w ith tig h t,
te c h n ic al trails an d d o w n h ill s e c tio n s .
H ig h le v e l r o p e s c o u r s e s -In s p ire h as ac c e s s to h ig h an d lo w le v e l
ro p e s c o u rs e e le m e n ts .Id e al fo r te am b u ild in g e v e n ts as w e ll as a
b e in g s tan d alo n e c h alle n g in g an d fu n ac tiv ity .
R a f t b u ild in g -Barre ls ,p o le s an d ro p e fo rm th e b as is o f y o u r
c o n s tru c tio n ,th e id e a b e in g to d e s ig n an d b u ild a raft to e n ab le
y o u r te am to c ro s s w ate r.
O r ie n t e e r in g -Us in g p e rm an e n tly s e t o u t c o u rs e s in th e F o re s t o f
De an o r th e Bre c o n Be ac o n s ,n av ig ate y o u r g ro u p aro u n d th e
c o u rs e u s in g c o n tro l p o in ts e ith e r c o m p e titiv e ly o r ju s t fo r fu n ,an
ac tiv ity fo r all ag e s an d ab ilitie s .
Clim b in g & a b s e ilin g -Th e c liffs o f th e W y e Valle y o ffe r av arie ty
o f v e n u e s fo r c lim b in g w ith ag o o d m ix tu re o f g rad e s s o th e re is
s o m e th in g fo r e v e ry o n e . A g o o d ac tiv ity fo r b u ild in g tru s t w ith
y o u r c o lle ag u e s an d p e rs o n ally c h alle n g in g y o u rs e lf.
Go r g e s c r a m b lin g -Clim b in g w ate rfalls ,w ad in g th ro u g h w ate r,
u s in g s te p p in g s to n e s .So m e th in g fo r e v e ry o n e .
P r o b le m s o lv in g -A ran g e o f c o m m an d tas k s an d s c e n ario s to
e n h an c e y o u r c h o s e n p ro g ram m e .All c o m m an d tas k s re q u ire g o o d
te am d y n am ic s to s u c c e e d .
Are y o u o rg an is in g an aw ay d ay ,p le as e b ro w s e th ro u g h th e fo llo w in g ac tiv itie s an d c all o r e m ail u s w ith y o u r id e as .
Inspire is a member of the IOL (Institute for Outdoor Learning), which supports,
develops and promotes excellent practice in learning through outdoor
Paul Marshall, Director, holds the APIOL (Accredited Practitioner of the Institute for
Outdoor Learning) and is also now a mentor to others working towards this award.
APIOL is a professional accreditation that demonstrates a benchmark standard in
outdoor learning, it demonstrates that practitioners are; rounded professionals, who not
only run activities safely but can also design and manage programmes; reflect on what
they have learned and continue to develop as professionals; have broad experience and
deep understanding about their work; are part of a moderated process with quality
assurance mechanisms; have a frame work for staff training and development.
Pric e s s tart fro m £ 45 p e r p e rs o n fo r a½ d ay ac tiv ity

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  • 1. D e a r In s p ire I would like to thank you for a well planned and interesting, enjoyable day of team building. The responses from the team have been positive. They felt that you were in attendance at all times during the canoeing to ensure that everyone felt safe and that you did not belittle anyone who was not quite going in the right direction! T e a m b u ild in g d a y “Would definitely recommend using Inspire2Adventure. The accommodation was excellent, very clean and modern and the whole team enjoyed the day. Thank you.” T e a m b u ild in g d a y “Thanks for a great day, I know everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves.” A c tiv ity d a y – o rie n te e r a n d m o u n ta in b ik in g “As ever, excellent delivery on all activities hence our repeat business.” A c tiv ity d a y In s p ire Co n s u ltin g an d Co ac h in g L td is re g is te re d w ith th e AAL A (Ad v e n tu re Ac tiv itie s L ic e n s in g Au th o rity ) as lic e n s e d to p ro v id e s p e c ifie d ac tiv itie s .Th e s e ac tiv itie s are :k ay ak in g ,o p e n c an o e in g , im p ro v is e d raft b u ild in g , ro c k c lim b in g , ab s e ilin g , g o rg e s c ram b lin g an d o ff ro ad c y c lin g . L ic e n s e d e tails c an b e c o n firm e d b y c allin g th e lic e n s in g au th o rity o n te le p h o n e n u m b e r 0 29 20 75 571 5. in s p irin g te am g ro w th w w w .in s p ir e 2a d v e n t u r e .c o m b ro c h u re d e s ig n e d b y Do u b le tak e De s ig n L td -w w w .d o u b le tak e d e s ig n .c o .u k L o c ate d in th e b e au tifu l W y e Valle y o n th e M o n m o u th s h ire & H e rfo rd s h ire b o rd e rs , w ith g re at ro ad lin k s ,In s p ire 2Ad v e n tu re is o n ly 50 m in u te s fro m Birm in g h am ,Bris to l an d Card iff an d le s s th an 2.5 h o u rs fro m L o n d o n . In s p ir e Co n s u lt in g & Co a c h in g L t d ., T /A In s p ir e 2Ad v e n t u r e W y as to n e Bu s in e s s Park ,M o n m o u th M o n m o u th s h ire ,NP25 3SR Te l 0 1 60 0 891 51 5 in fo @in s p ire 2ad v e n tu re .c o m w w w .in s p ir e 2a d v e n t u r e .c o m /inspire2adventure /inspire2adventu @inspire2adventu
  • 2. o u td o o r ad v e n tu re ac tiv itie s w h y c h o o s e In s p ire ? All our events are available year round and can be designed to fit a multi activity day programme around your timetable and budget. Our trainers are practising professional outdoor adventure activity instructors with a training and coaching background and operate with a ‘participation by choice’ policy. We always encourage, support, and coach delegates to allow them to make the decision to participate in any of our adventure activities and in doing so explore their personal comfort zones! Events are tailormade to your specific aims and objectives. So if you want to reward your team or excite your clients we can offer you a selection of outdoor adventure activities where colleagues can interact in a fun and challenging environment. If you are looking for an away day, our training venue is the perfect choice. You may want to hold a meeting in the morning and spend the rest of the day canoeing, climbing or raft building that allows your colleagues to relax, bond and breakdown any existing barriers by simply talking to each other! Outdoor adventure activities and command tasks are incorporated into our team building and challenge events. These adventure activities have the additional benefit of providing your colleagues with the opportunity to promote trust, team work, communication and decision making to enhance team dynamics and develop key skills. Working in an unfamiliar environment allows team members to empathise and support each other both physically and emotionally. This promotes individuals and teams to move towards the best they can be with a ‘can do’ attitude. In s p ire 2Ad v e n tu re are s p e c ialis ts in c re atin g tailo rm ad e c o rp o rate e v e n ts ,in c lu d in g : o o u td o o r ad v e n tu re ac tiv ity te am aw ay d ay s o te am c h alle n g e e v e n ts o te am b u ild in g o c o rp o rate e n te rtain m e n t w h at are c o m m an d tas k s ? o Tas k s th at are d e s ig n e d to e x am in e s p e c ific are as o f te am d y n am ic s o Eac h tas k h ig h lig h ts are as s u c h as p lan n in g , c o m m u n ic atio n ,d e c is io n m ak in g an d p ro b le m s o lv in g o De p e n d e n t o n te am s ab ility to w o rk to g e th e r to ac h ie v e as u c c e s s fu l o u tc o m e o Ph y s ic al an d c e re b ral tas k s o Ex am p le s in c lu d e s p id e rs w e b ,traffic jam ,m in e fie ld c ro s s in g ,tw in tu b e re c o v e ry ,aq u ad u c t to n am e b u t afe w c a s e s t u d y o n e w e e k e n d aw ay -m u lti ac tiv ity w e e k e n d Client: 40 delegates from a national trade association. Objective: To host a team building event to encourage networking opportunities, bonding and to have fun in a challenging environment. Inspire designed a two day programme of activities and organised accommodation. On arrival delegates from all over the UK were split into four teams and completed an ice breaker activity so they could meet the other group members. Day one: Each team had to complete rock climbing, abseiling, orienteering and problem solving. Points were awarded for successfully completing each activity and bonus points gained for finishing within the time constraints. The points were then carried over to day two’s activity. Day two: Build a raft and paddle their teams out to an island to collect the hidden treasure. Teams had to bid for equipment using their points as currency to enable them to build their rafts. The winning team was the first team to return with the treasure. This client returned to Inspire in subsequent years. c a s e s t u d y t w o te am c h alle n g e s an d c o m m an d tas k s Client: A group of 12 who worked as a team. Objective: For the group to learn to work more cohesively as a team, support each other and have fun with some personal challenges. The day was designed in two specific halves. The morning was designed for the group to bond and build up communication and trust. This was achieved via a programme that consisted of a set of command tasks encouraging the group to work together to achieve common objectives within time constraints. Some tasks were creative, others physical, but all required effective and efficient team work to achieve. Review sessions were built into these tasks so that the group could measure progress, performance, strengths and weaknesses and were able to modify strategies. This ensured that by the afternoon they were a more effective team thereby allowing them to complete the afternoon challenge. In the afternoon session the team completed a series of high level rope course elements. This activity required team members to trust, to have confidence in their colleague’s ability physically and to provide emotional support for each other. The team completed all the elements that culminated in some team members being 15 metres off the ground. In s p ire v alu e s o Q u a lit y -Pro v id in g an e n v iro n m e n t th at p ro m o te s le arn in g o S a fe t y -En s u rin g th e e m o tio n al an d p h y s ic al s afe ty ,w h ils t allo w in g p artic ip atio n fo r all o Cu s t o m e r fo c u s e d -Tailo rm ad e e v e n ts o Gr o w t h -Stim u latin g g ro u p d y n am ic s o En jo y m e n t -L e arn in g th ro u g h fu n ac tiv itie s In s p ire o ffe rs o Ex p e rie n c e o f w o rk in g w ith ab ro ad c lie n t b as e o M e m b e rs o f th e In s titu te fo r O u td o o r L e arn in g (IO L ) o O v e r tw e n ty y e ars e x p e rie n c e in th e o u td o o r ad v e n tu re ac tiv ity in d u s try o Re g is te re d w ith th e Ad v e n tu re Ac tiv ity L ic e n s in g Au th o rity (AAL A)an d is lic e n s e d to p ro v id e s p e c ifie d ac tiv itie s o M o b ile te am e v e n ts w ith v e n u e o f c h o ic e o Train in g v e n u e w ith m e e tin g ro o m s an d c ate rin g o As s is tan c e w ith ac c o m m o d atio n s e arc h e s o All train e rs h av e Natio n al G o v e rn in g Bo d y Aw ard s in c lu d in g u p to d ate firs t aid q u alific atio n s an d are all ac tiv e o u td o o r ad v e n tu re p ro fe s s io n als o W h e re th e re is n o re le v an t q u alific atio n fo r an ac tiv ity In s p ire fo llo w s in d u s try b e s t p rac tic e an d g u id e lin e s O p e n c a n o e in g -W h e th e r y o u are lo o k in g fo r an in tro d u c tio n to th e s p o rt o r a g u id e d trip . Us in g trad itio n al o p e n c an o e s re q u ire s g o o d c o m m u n ic atio n s k ills ,c o -o p e ratio n an d u n d e rs tan d in g o f y o u r p artn e r to b e s u c c e s s fu l. M o u n t a in b ik in g -Cy c le th e g e n tle fo re s t trails s to p p in g o ff at v ie w p o in ts ;o r c h alle n g e y o u rs e lf to s o m e o ff ro ad in g w ith tig h t, te c h n ic al trails an d d o w n h ill s e c tio n s . H ig h le v e l r o p e s c o u r s e s -In s p ire h as ac c e s s to h ig h an d lo w le v e l ro p e s c o u rs e e le m e n ts .Id e al fo r te am b u ild in g e v e n ts as w e ll as a b e in g s tan d alo n e c h alle n g in g an d fu n ac tiv ity . R a f t b u ild in g -Barre ls ,p o le s an d ro p e fo rm th e b as is o f y o u r c o n s tru c tio n ,th e id e a b e in g to d e s ig n an d b u ild a raft to e n ab le y o u r te am to c ro s s w ate r. O r ie n t e e r in g -Us in g p e rm an e n tly s e t o u t c o u rs e s in th e F o re s t o f De an o r th e Bre c o n Be ac o n s ,n av ig ate y o u r g ro u p aro u n d th e c o u rs e u s in g c o n tro l p o in ts e ith e r c o m p e titiv e ly o r ju s t fo r fu n ,an ac tiv ity fo r all ag e s an d ab ilitie s . Clim b in g & a b s e ilin g -Th e c liffs o f th e W y e Valle y o ffe r av arie ty o f v e n u e s fo r c lim b in g w ith ag o o d m ix tu re o f g rad e s s o th e re is s o m e th in g fo r e v e ry o n e . A g o o d ac tiv ity fo r b u ild in g tru s t w ith y o u r c o lle ag u e s an d p e rs o n ally c h alle n g in g y o u rs e lf. Go r g e s c r a m b lin g -Clim b in g w ate rfalls ,w ad in g th ro u g h w ate r, u s in g s te p p in g s to n e s .So m e th in g fo r e v e ry o n e . P r o b le m s o lv in g -A ran g e o f c o m m an d tas k s an d s c e n ario s to e n h an c e y o u r c h o s e n p ro g ram m e .All c o m m an d tas k s re q u ire g o o d te am d y n am ic s to s u c c e e d . Are y o u o rg an is in g an aw ay d ay ,p le as e b ro w s e th ro u g h th e fo llo w in g ac tiv itie s an d c all o r e m ail u s w ith y o u r id e as . Inspire is a member of the IOL (Institute for Outdoor Learning), which supports, develops and promotes excellent practice in learning through outdoor experiences Paul Marshall, Director, holds the APIOL (Accredited Practitioner of the Institute for Outdoor Learning) and is also now a mentor to others working towards this award. APIOL is a professional accreditation that demonstrates a benchmark standard in outdoor learning, it demonstrates that practitioners are; rounded professionals, who not only run activities safely but can also design and manage programmes; reflect on what they have learned and continue to develop as professionals; have broad experience and deep understanding about their work; are part of a moderated process with quality assurance mechanisms; have a frame work for staff training and development. Pric e s s tart fro m £ 45 p e r p e rs o n fo r a½ d ay ac tiv ity