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                       Effective telephone                                               Online Edition
                                                                                            Note: This
                                                                                          online version
                       fundraising methods                                                 may contain
September                                                                                   material or
                                                                                         otherwise differ
1998                                                                                        from what
                       By Mark Tuniewicz
                                                                                         appeared in the
                       LP National Treasurer                                             printed edition.

                       Sometimes, funding an important campaign or ballot access drive can
                       seem daunting -- especially if you don't know where to start. "If only we
                       had the money," is an oft-heard refrain.

~                      Wouldn't it be nice for your state, county, or local party
                       organization to have all the money it needed for a specific
lil                    project? Or if your campaign for local office had more
                       money than the incumbent?

                       I'm here to tell you: You can raise all the money you need
                       for that campaign or project. Here's how:

                       First, you need a cause! Campaigns, ballot access, hiring .
                       a paid staffer, any of these will work, so long as there is a clear and
                       easily understood perceived value associated with the cause.

                       Second, you'll need a plan: Variables here include number of volunteers,
                       number of members to be contacted, and number of calls per day.
                       Assuming an all-volunteer effort with 500 statewide members and 10
                       volunteers making five calls per night, the time needed to call everyone
                       would be about ten days ... plus a few extra for follow-up calls to folks
                       missed the first time around. (Calls should be made Sunday-Thursday
                       from 7:00-9:00 pm, or during the day on Saturday).

                        Only have six volunteers? Fine! It will take a bit longer to finish, but will
                        be well worth your effort. Have more? Great! Chances are, you have
                        more members to call, too!

                        You'll want to create a quick script for the volunteers to use on the phone
                        so that your message to donors will be consistent. The script should talk
                        about the important reasons why their contribution is needed now, and
                        focus on the benefits of the project being completed. Then, the caller
                        asks for a donation which is large enough to make a difference -- say,
                        $250 or so, depending on the area you are in.

                        Here's one nice touch I've seen recently reported in Campaigns &
                        Elections magazine: Involve your dozen or more largest contributors
                        ("major donors") by approaching them first and in-person. Your State
                        Chair -- or someone with similar credibility, like a well-known candidate --
                        should explain the cause at hand, share your written plan with them, tell
                        how the money will be used, and what has been raised thus far. These
                        donors will be asked for "matching funds," and it's important to assure
                        them that their check won't be used until the telephone fundraising effort
                        matches them 100%, dollar for dollar.


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LP News September 1998 - Effective telephone fundraising methods                              Page 2 of2

                      This type of matching arrangement is a great motivator: Major donors are
                      more comfortable since they are not being asked to go it alone with only
                      their own contribution. These up-front donations of $500 or more help                /"-;,
                      motivate rank-and-file donors, since callers will tell them that each dollar
                      they give will actually be worth two because of the matching effect!

                      A certain amount of discipline is useful during the calling effort. Example:
                      Elias Israel, the Executive Director for the LP affiliate in Massachusetts,
                      ran a telephone fund raising drive based on a design by Michael Cloud in
                      June of 1998. Eli arranged for volunteers working from home to
                      telephone him each evening to report their specific results: How many
                      calls attempted, who was reached, who got messages left, and who
                      pledged money to the cause. Eli, in turn, kicked out electronic mail
                      updates to the team each day summarizing the amount of major donor
                      matching pledges remaining, total raised from each source, and
                      remaining goal amount. Over a two week period, nine volunteers called
                      about 450 members, with the State Chair calling about a dozen major

                      The result of Massachusetts' first effort at telephone fundraising: Almost
                      $14,000 raised in 15 days -- more than enough to fund the paid portion of
                      the Massachusetts statewide ballot drive. Think about what that amount
                      (or more, depending on your participation level) could do for you in this
                      important, pre-election time.

                      To be successful, you must raise money regularly and efficiently. This
                      method is far superior to direct mail in many ways: It's personal, fast,
                      project-specific, and tends to involve a good number of activists working
                      together. Not only does telephone fundraising build teamwork, a
                      successful fundraising drive reinforces the values which cause our
                      supporters to donate in the first place -- and this success breeds future

                      You can do this. It will work for you. Start now for the November
                      elections, and you'll have the biggest campaign war chest in your state's
                      history. Period.

                      * Contact Mark Tuniewicz (    or Elias Israel
                      ( for an e-mailed copy of the LPMA fundraising plan.
                      Thanks to all the LPMA volunteers and donors for the inspiration for this
                      column. E-mail Mark with your ideas for future "How-To" topics.


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How To Raise Money For The Petition Drive By
                   Phone Calling
                    A Manual For Cook Campaign Volunteers

The fundraising plan described in this manual was designed by Michael Cloud. Mr. Cloud
is arguably the best fund raiser in the history of the Libertarian Party and has held key
strategic roles in some of the top campaigns in party history, including Harry Browne
1996, Harry Browne 2000, and Carla Howell 2000.
This manual was compiled by Elias Israel. At the time of its writing, Mr. Israel was the
Libertarian candidate for Lt. Governor of Massachusetts and the Executive Director for
the Libertarian Association of Massachusetts (now the Libertarian Party of Massachu-

                                  Page 1 of 8
1.      How To Raise Money For The Petition Drive By Phone Call-
       This document is a manual for volunteers in the Cook for Governor campaign
       who are going to be calling the Libertarian Party membership in Massachu-
       setts for funds. Using the information in this manual, you should be able to
       learn how to make fundraising phone calls for the Cook campaign's petition
       drive, what to do with the pledges and other information you collect, and how
       to be an instant success at all of it.

1.1.   Background
       To get our statewide slate of candidates on the ballot, we need to submit
       17,000 signatures to the Elections Commission or Registrar of Voters in the
       351 town in Massachusetts.   Our deadline for the completion of petitioning is
       June 25, 1998. Only by targeting this date can we be assured that we'll have
       the numbers that we need in time to have the registrars certify them and re-
       turn them. Then we have to turn them in to the Secretary of the Common-
       wealth for final counting and certification.

       At present, we have approximately 6,000 signatures       in hand. In order to
       reach our goal, we'll need about 11,000 m.ore signatures     before the dead-
       line. Although there will be some volunteer petitioning going on, the bulk of
       our signatures will be collected by paid petitioners. Paid petitioners are more
       reliable and more manageable than volunteer petitioners. However, each sig-
       nature that they bring in will cost us about one dollar. Therefore,    we need
       $11,000 to complete the petitioning      and we need it within the next 10
       days in order to have sufficient cash flow available to pay our petitioners.

       In order to raise the needed funds, we will be calling the Libertarian Party
       membership here in Massachusetts     to solicit the support that we need. This
       manual will provide you with the information that you need to perform those
       fundraising phone calls consistently and easily.

       If you follow the instructions   in this manual,   you should be able to raise
       $400.00 per hour of effort.

       If we fail to get our candidates on the ballot, we have virtually zero chance of
       collecting enough ballots in the general election to return our party to major
       status. Without major party status, our presidential candidate in 2000 will
       have to petitipn to be on the ballot all over again and it will cost up to twice
       as much per signature. Also, because the nominating convention for the
       presidential candidate will be in July, we'll have a much shorter amount         of
       time than before to collect the needed signatures.

                                        Page 2   of 8
Failure to get on the ballot will also have dire consequences for the growth of
        the party here in Massachusetts. We must keep and maintain ballot status in
        order to be considered a viable party by the voters and the press.

1.2.    Phone Calling Process
       The calling process has three parts:

        1. Preparation

        2.   The Calls Themselves

       3.    Reporting Your Results

       You must do each of these things every night that you do your calling. Every
       evening, you'll start out by making sure that you have the materials, the
       knowledge, and the mindset to do your calling. Every night, you'll make ex-
       actly the number of calls scheduled for that evening. And every night you
       must follow up by phoning in your results to the fundraising coordinator.

       Each of these items is explained in detail below. Please be sure to read each
       of the following sections carefully before you start calling every evening.

1.2.1. Preparation
       To be prepared to do telephone fundraising, you must first collect the materi-
       als that you'll need. You will need:

       1. This instruction manual

       2. A list of 15 names to call, provided to you by the fundraising coordinator

       3. A telephone

       4. A comfortable chair and your favorite non-alcoholic beverage

       5. A total of 90 minutes without interruption

       Gather these things together and get comfortable. Once you have the materi-
       als that you need, sit down and read this manual. Read it over every time you
       get ready to make calls and don't skip over things. By reading these instruc-
       tions again every time, you'll reinforce the messages that we want to convey
       and you'll improve your chances of success.

1.2.2. Making the Calls
       Once you have prepared the materials, selected a comfortable place to work,
       and gone over these instructions, begin making calls. Begin by simply dialing
       the numbers. Don't agonize over them. Don't think about them. Don't play

                                      Page 3 of 8
The types of fundraising that will work for a given state party have to do with the types of
expertise you have available to you and -- most importantly -- the number of donors you
have to work with.

To a first approximation, the number of donors in a state is roughly equal to the number
of unique national LP members plus state LP members. Then add to that anyone who has
given you any kind of money in the last year or two, even things like registration fees at
conventions. This is your "house list."

After UMP, the easiest source of funds is EVENT FUNDRAISING. A good convention,
which has as its aim from start to finish to energize and enliven those who attend, and to
show them worthy projects that the state party can engage in, is a reliable fundraising
opportunity. A reasonable estimate is that a fundraising pitch made properly at the end of
a dinner banquet should bring in $80 - $100 per person sitting at the banquet (above and
beyond event registration fees). A skilled pitch delivery at the end of a very good
convention can do as much as $120 per person.

MONTHLY PLEDGES are probably the next most accessible method, and possibly even
more valuable than event fundraising because they provide recurring income. Our friends
in Indiana have practically made a science out of this. Most of it involves relentlessly
asking people to join the pledge program, often in addition to or instead of their annual
convention donations.

TELEMARKETING is surprisingly accessible for most state parties. All it really requires
is a handful of dedicated folks to call the house list, explain a current project, and ask for
To do this most effectively, you should develop a calling plan and a script that tells each
volunteer what to say, what to ask for, and how to collect the contact and payment
information you'll need to process each donation.

DIRECT MAIL -- and direct response techniques in general-- are the beginning ofthe
"mass" methods for fundraising. As such, they're much harder for small state parties to
use effectively. With a house list of approximately 1,200 people, which would be typical
for a mid-sized affiliate, direct mail is usually too hit-or-miss. What makes direct mail
work is numbers: large lists reduce your per-piece printing and mailing costs, and they
give you more chances to make a hit. What's more, once your list gets into sizeable
thousands (above 5,000, say), then you can subset your list to test your mailings before
you commit all your money. With a small list, it's nearly impossible to do that right.

DOING RIGHT NOW. This is a trick we learned from our friends in Colorado:

Right after your annual convention, total up the dollars donated by the attendees and the
money they spent on registrations, gifts, etc. (basically, any money they gave the state
party that day) and divide it by the number of attendees. This gives you your average
donation for the day.
Then write a direct mail piece talking about the convention, what happened, what your
plans and projects are for the year ahead, and tell the reader what the average donation
was. Ask them to match what their fellow Libertarians gave. Send this letter to all those
on your house list who did not attend the convention. Works like a charm, because many
people want to help but might not have been able to attend.

The last method listed above is INTERNET APPEALS, both email and web. For email
appeals, the same issue of list size as with direct mail comes up here.

For web fundraising, the ability to join on the web is definitely beneficial and will bring
in members and donations you would not otherwise have gotten. A technically astute
volunteer can set the whole thing up in a few weeks, but it is definitely worthwhile to pay
for graphics design and proper layout to make joining seem appealing and easy to

These are some basic skills and ideas that all of our affiliates can use to strengthen their

the numbers in your head. Just Dial Them! Rush in immediately and any ini-
 tial uneasiness that you feel will vanish right away.

You Just Have To Dial 15 Numbers
It's important to remember that your goal is simply to make 15 calls, not nec-
essarily to talk to 15 people. If you get an answering machine, leave a mes-
sage and move on. If you get a busy signal, put that number aside and call it
again in few minutes after you've tried some others. If you get no answer,
again put the number aside for a little while and try it again later or on an-
other night.

When To Call
The evenings to call are Sunday through Thursday nights. Most people are
out on Friday or Saturday evenings anyway. The best part of the evening to
call is between 7:00PM and 9:30PM. Never start your calling before 7:00PM
and never make any calls after 9:30PM. If you're scheduling your 90-minute
slot, either start at 7PM and go until 8:30, or start at 8PM and go until 9:30,
or some combination like that.

What To Say
See section 1.3 for a complete description of the scripts that you should use.
Don't vary them. Use them verbatim if possible. Don't embellish them. Cam-
paign donors and party members are often friends and neighbors with one
another. They talk to each other. It's vitally important that when they do talk
to each other, they'll see that we're all saying the same thing to everyone. It
will help the credibility of the campaign for all of the campaign messages -
especially fundraising messages - are consistent. Conversely, if people talk
to one another and find out that the messages are inconsistent, they will lose
faith in the campaign and they won't contribute.

What To Record
For each call that you make, record on your call sheet what date and time you
made the initial call, whether you spoke to the person directly or left a mes-
sage, whether they called back, how much they pledged, and what the check
number is (for those who pledge). See the script below for how to collect all of
this information.

When To Stop Calling
Your goal is to make 15 calls or work for 90 minutes, whichever comes first. If
you finish with your 15 calls early, stop working. Don't punish yourself for
doing your job. Reward yourself by knocking off for the evening and getting
on with your life. This is volunteer work, not a prison sentence.

                              Page 4 of 8
Give Yourself Permission To Fail
       You have to give yourself permission to faiL If some idea of a "perfect" eve-
       ning of calling keeps you from making the calls, we'll all be worse off than if
       you just make a few calls anyway and do the best that you can. It's OK if you
       aren't Dale Carnegie reincarnated   and ready to sweet-talk your way into
       people's hearts. You don't have to be. All you need to be is a dedicated volun-
       teer honestly trying to help out the Cook For Governor Campaign in getting
       candidates on the ballot.

1.2.3. Reporting Results
       After you complete your calling, you must call the fundraising coordinator to
       report your results. Report your results every night without exception. If you
       put it off, you're likely to forget some important piece of information or, worse
       yet, you may forget to report in entirely. This effort can't succeed without
       timely and complete information.

       The fundraising   coordinator   is:

               Elias Israel
               105 Lexington Street
               Burlington, MA 01803
               (781) 270-9441
       Call him every night immediately      after you finish your phone calling and tell
       him the following things:

       1. The name of every person that you called.

       2.   Whether you spoke to them or left a message,    etc.

       3. Whether    they pledged, and if so, what was the amount.

       4.   If they pledged, the check number   on their check.

1.3.   Anatomy of A Successful Call
       This section outlines the information that you need in order to make the
       phone calls, ask people for help, and answer their questions. To understand
       the success strategies for these calls, please review section 1.3.1 below, enti-
       tled "The Three Keys."

       Section 1.3.2, "The Phone Calling Script," will provide you with the exact
       wording and pacing that you should use when speaking to donors on the
       phone, and will provide you with step-by-step instructions for collecting the
       information that we need to track our progress.

                                        Page 5 of 8
1.3.1. The Three Keys
      There are three keys to a successful phone call. These are three things that
      you have to communicate to the person on the other end of the phone:

      1. We have a real deadline.     If we don't make it, the campaign is as good
         as over.

      2. They're getting   something real for their money. They're not giving
         their money for nothing. We're doing this to get our candidate on the bal-
         lot, to make our play to re-establish the Libertarian Party as a major
         party in Massachusetts, and entirely eliminate the need to do petitioning
         in 2000.

      3. They're not going it alone. We are speaking to a number oflarger do-
         nors who will provide matching funds for every dollar that they donate.
         Every dollar that they give will be worth $2 to the campaign.

      Real Deadline
     We have a real, hard deadline: June 25. That's just 21 days away. Right
     now, we have around 6,000 signatures in hand. To meet our goal of 17,000
     signatures, we'll need to collect 11,000 more in the next 21 days. Each of
     those signatures costs us $1.00 because we've gone the professional route and
     hired paid petitioners to collect them. That means we need to raise
     $11,000 in the next 10 days.

     The folks at the national LP are helping us recruit even more petitioners to
     make sure that we have enough manpower to get the job done. But we have
     to have the funds in hand to pay these petitioners or we won't get the signa-
     tures that we need.

     What They Get For Their Money
     Completing the petitioning is crucial because without it our Libertarian
     ticket will not be on the ballot in 1998. Not only would that be hugely demor-
     alizing for our party membership here in Massachusetts (and completely
     counter to our recent exciting growth and professionalism), it would mean
     that we can't regain major party status in 1998.

     If we don't regain major party status, then our presidential candidate in 2000
     will have to do the same petitioning all over again, at up to twice the cost and
     with just half of the time. By raising the money that we need now and win-
     ning the 3% we need to regain major party status, we'll save the LP and our
     presidential candidate up to $30,000 or $40,000 in 2000. If we get on the bal-
     lot, we have every expectation of being able to get the 3% of the vote that we
     need in at least one of the statewide races, but we need to get on the bal-
     lot if we even want to have a shot.

                                   Page 6 of 8
Bottom Line: Every dollar that they give now is 3 or 4 dollars that
       they won't need to give in 2000. We're saving them money. That's the

       Matching Contributions
      Our contributors are not going it alone. No one likes to think that they are
      the only ones propping up the whole party. That's why we're using a "buddy"
      system. A small number of large donors are being approached at the same
      time to raise additional money. But none of the money that we raise from the
      large donors can be used until we've raised a matching amount from smaller
      donors. Because of this, each dollar that they give is really worth $2 to the
      petitioning effort and the campaign.

      Use this to your advantage when talking to people. Say to them: I've got a
      checks for $500 each from several large donors, but I can't use them until I've
      got a matching amount from other donors, too. I've collected pledges worth
      $350 (e.g.) from other donors tonight, so if you can give just $150, we'll get to
      use one of those $500 checks right now.

1.3.2. The Phone Calling Script
       OK, you're in your comfortable chair. You've got your materials and your fa-
       vorite non-alcoholic beverage, and you've gone over the materials. You're
       ready to make the calls.

      Here's the script that you should use:

      You: Hi, My name is your name and I'm your title in the LP
      or the campaign. I'm calling to talk to you about our peti-
      tioning    effort to get on the ballot          and to ask for your

      Notice that you're going to tell them what you're calling about right up front.
      About titles: If you're a candidate, say so. If you're a board member or other
      officer, mention that. If you're "just" an campaign volunteer, say "I'm a cam-
      paign volunteer." Everybody's got a title of some kind.

      Them:   OK.

      If they fight you at this point, move on. Some people won't want to hear about
      it. Some will ask you to call at another time, and some will want to engage
      you in some other topic of conversation. End the call politely if they don't
      want to give and move on. Schedule a time to talk to them if they don't have
      time now and write down the schedule time. Then end the call and move on.
      If they want to talk about some other thing, tell them you'd be happy to have
      the Campaign Manager, or the Party Chair, or the Party Executive Director
      (whichever seems most appropriate) call them back at some other time to talk
      about it. Then go back to the topic you called for.

                                    Page 7 of 8
You: The Cook for Governor campaign is working hard to get
       all of our statewide candidates on the ballot in November.
       Right now, we have x,xxx signatures of the 17,000 that we
       need. That means we need yy,yyy more signatures before our
       deadline of June 25. Because we're using professional,  paid
       petitioners, each of those signatures will cost us $1 a
       piece. That means we have to raise $11,000 in the next 10

       It's very important that we get our candidates on the bal-
       lot this year. Because if we don't, we'll lose our very
       good chance to regain Major Party status here in Massachu-
       setts. If we don't regain major party status, then our
       presidential  candidate will have to go through this peti-
       tioning process allover   again, at around twice the cost
       and with just half the time. If we do get our major party
       status back, our presidential   candidate gets to be on the
       ballot for free in 2000. That means that every dollar that
       we collect tonight represents 3 or 4 dollars that we won't
       have to spend on petitioning in 2000. We could save the LP
       up to $30,000 or $40,000 in 2000 by raising just $11,000

       Dean Cook and his campaign staff are meeting with some very
       influential donors here in Massachusetts.  Those donors are
       going to set aside matching funds for this petitioning  cam-
       paign. That means that every dollar that we collect tonight
       is actually worth $2 to the petitioning effort and to the
       campaign, but only if we can raise the money to match it.

       By Massachusetts Law, each person    can donate   up to $500.
       Can you help us today with $500?

1.4.   Tips and Techniques

                              Page 8 of 8

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Fundraising Over the Phone

  • 1. Page 1 of2 Effective telephone Online Edition Note: This online version fundraising methods may contain additional September material or otherwise differ 1998 from what By Mark Tuniewicz appeared in the LP National Treasurer printed edition. Sometimes, funding an important campaign or ballot access drive can seem daunting -- especially if you don't know where to start. "If only we had the money," is an oft-heard refrain. ~ Wouldn't it be nice for your state, county, or local party organization to have all the money it needed for a specific lil project? Or if your campaign for local office had more money than the incumbent? I'm here to tell you: You can raise all the money you need for that campaign or project. Here's how: First, you need a cause! Campaigns, ballot access, hiring . a paid staffer, any of these will work, so long as there is a clear and easily understood perceived value associated with the cause. Second, you'll need a plan: Variables here include number of volunteers, number of members to be contacted, and number of calls per day. Assuming an all-volunteer effort with 500 statewide members and 10 volunteers making five calls per night, the time needed to call everyone would be about ten days ... plus a few extra for follow-up calls to folks missed the first time around. (Calls should be made Sunday-Thursday from 7:00-9:00 pm, or during the day on Saturday). Only have six volunteers? Fine! It will take a bit longer to finish, but will be well worth your effort. Have more? Great! Chances are, you have more members to call, too! You'll want to create a quick script for the volunteers to use on the phone so that your message to donors will be consistent. The script should talk about the important reasons why their contribution is needed now, and focus on the benefits of the project being completed. Then, the caller asks for a donation which is large enough to make a difference -- say, $250 or so, depending on the area you are in. Here's one nice touch I've seen recently reported in Campaigns & Elections magazine: Involve your dozen or more largest contributors ("major donors") by approaching them first and in-person. Your State Chair -- or someone with similar credibility, like a well-known candidate -- should explain the cause at hand, share your written plan with them, tell how the money will be used, and what has been raised thus far. These donors will be asked for "matching funds," and it's important to assure them that their check won't be used until the telephone fundraising effort matches them 100%, dollar for dollar. /""" 1:/Iv., dW fundraising.html 2/21/L ------
  • 2. LP News September 1998 - Effective telephone fundraising methods Page 2 of2 - This type of matching arrangement is a great motivator: Major donors are more comfortable since they are not being asked to go it alone with only their own contribution. These up-front donations of $500 or more help /"-;, motivate rank-and-file donors, since callers will tell them that each dollar they give will actually be worth two because of the matching effect! A certain amount of discipline is useful during the calling effort. Example: Elias Israel, the Executive Director for the LP affiliate in Massachusetts, ran a telephone fund raising drive based on a design by Michael Cloud in June of 1998. Eli arranged for volunteers working from home to telephone him each evening to report their specific results: How many calls attempted, who was reached, who got messages left, and who pledged money to the cause. Eli, in turn, kicked out electronic mail updates to the team each day summarizing the amount of major donor matching pledges remaining, total raised from each source, and remaining goal amount. Over a two week period, nine volunteers called about 450 members, with the State Chair calling about a dozen major donors. The result of Massachusetts' first effort at telephone fundraising: Almost $14,000 raised in 15 days -- more than enough to fund the paid portion of the Massachusetts statewide ballot drive. Think about what that amount (or more, depending on your participation level) could do for you in this important, pre-election time. To be successful, you must raise money regularly and efficiently. This method is far superior to direct mail in many ways: It's personal, fast, project-specific, and tends to involve a good number of activists working together. Not only does telephone fundraising build teamwork, a successful fundraising drive reinforces the values which cause our supporters to donate in the first place -- and this success breeds future successes. You can do this. It will work for you. Start now for the November elections, and you'll have the biggest campaign war chest in your state's history. Period. * Contact Mark Tuniewicz ( or Elias Israel ( for an e-mailed copy of the LPMA fundraising plan. Thanks to all the LPMA volunteers and donors for the inspiration for this column. E-mail Mark with your ideas for future "How-To" topics. LP HOME I PREVIOUS ARTICLE I NEXT ARTICLE I TABLE OF CONTENTS http; 2/2112002
  • 3. How To Raise Money For The Petition Drive By Phone Calling A Manual For Cook Campaign Volunteers The fundraising plan described in this manual was designed by Michael Cloud. Mr. Cloud is arguably the best fund raiser in the history of the Libertarian Party and has held key strategic roles in some of the top campaigns in party history, including Harry Browne 1996, Harry Browne 2000, and Carla Howell 2000. This manual was compiled by Elias Israel. At the time of its writing, Mr. Israel was the Libertarian candidate for Lt. Governor of Massachusetts and the Executive Director for the Libertarian Association of Massachusetts (now the Libertarian Party of Massachu- setts). Page 1 of 8
  • 4. 1. How To Raise Money For The Petition Drive By Phone Call- ing This document is a manual for volunteers in the Cook for Governor campaign who are going to be calling the Libertarian Party membership in Massachu- setts for funds. Using the information in this manual, you should be able to learn how to make fundraising phone calls for the Cook campaign's petition drive, what to do with the pledges and other information you collect, and how to be an instant success at all of it. 1.1. Background To get our statewide slate of candidates on the ballot, we need to submit 17,000 signatures to the Elections Commission or Registrar of Voters in the 351 town in Massachusetts. Our deadline for the completion of petitioning is June 25, 1998. Only by targeting this date can we be assured that we'll have the numbers that we need in time to have the registrars certify them and re- turn them. Then we have to turn them in to the Secretary of the Common- wealth for final counting and certification. At present, we have approximately 6,000 signatures in hand. In order to reach our goal, we'll need about 11,000 m.ore signatures before the dead- line. Although there will be some volunteer petitioning going on, the bulk of our signatures will be collected by paid petitioners. Paid petitioners are more reliable and more manageable than volunteer petitioners. However, each sig- nature that they bring in will cost us about one dollar. Therefore, we need $11,000 to complete the petitioning and we need it within the next 10 days in order to have sufficient cash flow available to pay our petitioners. In order to raise the needed funds, we will be calling the Libertarian Party membership here in Massachusetts to solicit the support that we need. This manual will provide you with the information that you need to perform those fundraising phone calls consistently and easily. If you follow the instructions in this manual, you should be able to raise $400.00 per hour of effort. If we fail to get our candidates on the ballot, we have virtually zero chance of collecting enough ballots in the general election to return our party to major status. Without major party status, our presidential candidate in 2000 will have to petitipn to be on the ballot all over again and it will cost up to twice as much per signature. Also, because the nominating convention for the presidential candidate will be in July, we'll have a much shorter amount of time than before to collect the needed signatures. Page 2 of 8
  • 5. Failure to get on the ballot will also have dire consequences for the growth of the party here in Massachusetts. We must keep and maintain ballot status in order to be considered a viable party by the voters and the press. 1.2. Phone Calling Process The calling process has three parts: 1. Preparation 2. The Calls Themselves 3. Reporting Your Results You must do each of these things every night that you do your calling. Every evening, you'll start out by making sure that you have the materials, the knowledge, and the mindset to do your calling. Every night, you'll make ex- actly the number of calls scheduled for that evening. And every night you must follow up by phoning in your results to the fundraising coordinator. Each of these items is explained in detail below. Please be sure to read each of the following sections carefully before you start calling every evening. 1.2.1. Preparation To be prepared to do telephone fundraising, you must first collect the materi- als that you'll need. You will need: 1. This instruction manual 2. A list of 15 names to call, provided to you by the fundraising coordinator 3. A telephone 4. A comfortable chair and your favorite non-alcoholic beverage 5. A total of 90 minutes without interruption Gather these things together and get comfortable. Once you have the materi- als that you need, sit down and read this manual. Read it over every time you get ready to make calls and don't skip over things. By reading these instruc- tions again every time, you'll reinforce the messages that we want to convey and you'll improve your chances of success. 1.2.2. Making the Calls Once you have prepared the materials, selected a comfortable place to work, and gone over these instructions, begin making calls. Begin by simply dialing the numbers. Don't agonize over them. Don't think about them. Don't play Page 3 of 8
  • 6. The types of fundraising that will work for a given state party have to do with the types of expertise you have available to you and -- most importantly -- the number of donors you have to work with. To a first approximation, the number of donors in a state is roughly equal to the number of unique national LP members plus state LP members. Then add to that anyone who has given you any kind of money in the last year or two, even things like registration fees at conventions. This is your "house list." After UMP, the easiest source of funds is EVENT FUNDRAISING. A good convention, which has as its aim from start to finish to energize and enliven those who attend, and to show them worthy projects that the state party can engage in, is a reliable fundraising opportunity. A reasonable estimate is that a fundraising pitch made properly at the end of a dinner banquet should bring in $80 - $100 per person sitting at the banquet (above and beyond event registration fees). A skilled pitch delivery at the end of a very good convention can do as much as $120 per person. MONTHLY PLEDGES are probably the next most accessible method, and possibly even more valuable than event fundraising because they provide recurring income. Our friends in Indiana have practically made a science out of this. Most of it involves relentlessly asking people to join the pledge program, often in addition to or instead of their annual convention donations. TELEMARKETING is surprisingly accessible for most state parties. All it really requires is a handful of dedicated folks to call the house list, explain a current project, and ask for funds. To do this most effectively, you should develop a calling plan and a script that tells each volunteer what to say, what to ask for, and how to collect the contact and payment information you'll need to process each donation. DIRECT MAIL -- and direct response techniques in general-- are the beginning ofthe "mass" methods for fundraising. As such, they're much harder for small state parties to use effectively. With a house list of approximately 1,200 people, which would be typical for a mid-sized affiliate, direct mail is usually too hit-or-miss. What makes direct mail work is numbers: large lists reduce your per-piece printing and mailing costs, and they give you more chances to make a hit. What's more, once your list gets into sizeable thousands (above 5,000, say), then you can subset your list to test your mailings before you commit all your money. With a small list, it's nearly impossible to do that right. There is ONE FUNDRAISING LETTER THAT ALL STATE PARTIES SHOULD BE DOING RIGHT NOW. This is a trick we learned from our friends in Colorado: 30f4
  • 7. Right after your annual convention, total up the dollars donated by the attendees and the money they spent on registrations, gifts, etc. (basically, any money they gave the state party that day) and divide it by the number of attendees. This gives you your average donation for the day. Then write a direct mail piece talking about the convention, what happened, what your plans and projects are for the year ahead, and tell the reader what the average donation was. Ask them to match what their fellow Libertarians gave. Send this letter to all those on your house list who did not attend the convention. Works like a charm, because many people want to help but might not have been able to attend. The last method listed above is INTERNET APPEALS, both email and web. For email appeals, the same issue of list size as with direct mail comes up here. For web fundraising, the ability to join on the web is definitely beneficial and will bring in members and donations you would not otherwise have gotten. A technically astute volunteer can set the whole thing up in a few weeks, but it is definitely worthwhile to pay for graphics design and proper layout to make joining seem appealing and easy to understand. These are some basic skills and ideas that all of our affiliates can use to strengthen their fundraising. 40f4
  • 8. the numbers in your head. Just Dial Them! Rush in immediately and any ini- tial uneasiness that you feel will vanish right away. You Just Have To Dial 15 Numbers It's important to remember that your goal is simply to make 15 calls, not nec- essarily to talk to 15 people. If you get an answering machine, leave a mes- sage and move on. If you get a busy signal, put that number aside and call it again in few minutes after you've tried some others. If you get no answer, again put the number aside for a little while and try it again later or on an- other night. When To Call The evenings to call are Sunday through Thursday nights. Most people are out on Friday or Saturday evenings anyway. The best part of the evening to call is between 7:00PM and 9:30PM. Never start your calling before 7:00PM and never make any calls after 9:30PM. If you're scheduling your 90-minute slot, either start at 7PM and go until 8:30, or start at 8PM and go until 9:30, or some combination like that. What To Say See section 1.3 for a complete description of the scripts that you should use. Don't vary them. Use them verbatim if possible. Don't embellish them. Cam- paign donors and party members are often friends and neighbors with one another. They talk to each other. It's vitally important that when they do talk to each other, they'll see that we're all saying the same thing to everyone. It will help the credibility of the campaign for all of the campaign messages - especially fundraising messages - are consistent. Conversely, if people talk to one another and find out that the messages are inconsistent, they will lose faith in the campaign and they won't contribute. What To Record For each call that you make, record on your call sheet what date and time you made the initial call, whether you spoke to the person directly or left a mes- sage, whether they called back, how much they pledged, and what the check number is (for those who pledge). See the script below for how to collect all of this information. When To Stop Calling Your goal is to make 15 calls or work for 90 minutes, whichever comes first. If you finish with your 15 calls early, stop working. Don't punish yourself for doing your job. Reward yourself by knocking off for the evening and getting on with your life. This is volunteer work, not a prison sentence. Page 4 of 8
  • 9. Give Yourself Permission To Fail You have to give yourself permission to faiL If some idea of a "perfect" eve- ning of calling keeps you from making the calls, we'll all be worse off than if you just make a few calls anyway and do the best that you can. It's OK if you aren't Dale Carnegie reincarnated and ready to sweet-talk your way into people's hearts. You don't have to be. All you need to be is a dedicated volun- teer honestly trying to help out the Cook For Governor Campaign in getting candidates on the ballot. 1.2.3. Reporting Results After you complete your calling, you must call the fundraising coordinator to report your results. Report your results every night without exception. If you put it off, you're likely to forget some important piece of information or, worse yet, you may forget to report in entirely. This effort can't succeed without timely and complete information. The fundraising coordinator is: Elias Israel 105 Lexington Street Burlington, MA 01803 (781) 270-9441 Call him every night immediately after you finish your phone calling and tell him the following things: 1. The name of every person that you called. 2. Whether you spoke to them or left a message, etc. 3. Whether they pledged, and if so, what was the amount. 4. If they pledged, the check number on their check. 1.3. Anatomy of A Successful Call This section outlines the information that you need in order to make the phone calls, ask people for help, and answer their questions. To understand the success strategies for these calls, please review section 1.3.1 below, enti- tled "The Three Keys." Section 1.3.2, "The Phone Calling Script," will provide you with the exact wording and pacing that you should use when speaking to donors on the phone, and will provide you with step-by-step instructions for collecting the information that we need to track our progress. Page 5 of 8
  • 10. 1.3.1. The Three Keys There are three keys to a successful phone call. These are three things that you have to communicate to the person on the other end of the phone: 1. We have a real deadline. If we don't make it, the campaign is as good as over. 2. They're getting something real for their money. They're not giving their money for nothing. We're doing this to get our candidate on the bal- lot, to make our play to re-establish the Libertarian Party as a major party in Massachusetts, and entirely eliminate the need to do petitioning in 2000. 3. They're not going it alone. We are speaking to a number oflarger do- nors who will provide matching funds for every dollar that they donate. Every dollar that they give will be worth $2 to the campaign. Real Deadline We have a real, hard deadline: June 25. That's just 21 days away. Right now, we have around 6,000 signatures in hand. To meet our goal of 17,000 signatures, we'll need to collect 11,000 more in the next 21 days. Each of those signatures costs us $1.00 because we've gone the professional route and hired paid petitioners to collect them. That means we need to raise $11,000 in the next 10 days. The folks at the national LP are helping us recruit even more petitioners to make sure that we have enough manpower to get the job done. But we have to have the funds in hand to pay these petitioners or we won't get the signa- tures that we need. What They Get For Their Money Completing the petitioning is crucial because without it our Libertarian ticket will not be on the ballot in 1998. Not only would that be hugely demor- alizing for our party membership here in Massachusetts (and completely counter to our recent exciting growth and professionalism), it would mean that we can't regain major party status in 1998. If we don't regain major party status, then our presidential candidate in 2000 will have to do the same petitioning all over again, at up to twice the cost and with just half of the time. By raising the money that we need now and win- ning the 3% we need to regain major party status, we'll save the LP and our presidential candidate up to $30,000 or $40,000 in 2000. If we get on the bal- lot, we have every expectation of being able to get the 3% of the vote that we need in at least one of the statewide races, but we need to get on the bal- lot if we even want to have a shot. Page 6 of 8
  • 11. Bottom Line: Every dollar that they give now is 3 or 4 dollars that they won't need to give in 2000. We're saving them money. That's the proposition. Matching Contributions Our contributors are not going it alone. No one likes to think that they are the only ones propping up the whole party. That's why we're using a "buddy" system. A small number of large donors are being approached at the same time to raise additional money. But none of the money that we raise from the large donors can be used until we've raised a matching amount from smaller donors. Because of this, each dollar that they give is really worth $2 to the petitioning effort and the campaign. Use this to your advantage when talking to people. Say to them: I've got a checks for $500 each from several large donors, but I can't use them until I've got a matching amount from other donors, too. I've collected pledges worth $350 (e.g.) from other donors tonight, so if you can give just $150, we'll get to use one of those $500 checks right now. 1.3.2. The Phone Calling Script OK, you're in your comfortable chair. You've got your materials and your fa- vorite non-alcoholic beverage, and you've gone over the materials. You're ready to make the calls. Here's the script that you should use: You: Hi, My name is your name and I'm your title in the LP or the campaign. I'm calling to talk to you about our peti- tioning effort to get on the ballot and to ask for your help. Notice that you're going to tell them what you're calling about right up front. About titles: If you're a candidate, say so. If you're a board member or other officer, mention that. If you're "just" an campaign volunteer, say "I'm a cam- paign volunteer." Everybody's got a title of some kind. Them: OK. If they fight you at this point, move on. Some people won't want to hear about it. Some will ask you to call at another time, and some will want to engage you in some other topic of conversation. End the call politely if they don't want to give and move on. Schedule a time to talk to them if they don't have time now and write down the schedule time. Then end the call and move on. If they want to talk about some other thing, tell them you'd be happy to have the Campaign Manager, or the Party Chair, or the Party Executive Director (whichever seems most appropriate) call them back at some other time to talk about it. Then go back to the topic you called for. Page 7 of 8
  • 12. You: The Cook for Governor campaign is working hard to get all of our statewide candidates on the ballot in November. Right now, we have x,xxx signatures of the 17,000 that we need. That means we need yy,yyy more signatures before our deadline of June 25. Because we're using professional, paid petitioners, each of those signatures will cost us $1 a piece. That means we have to raise $11,000 in the next 10 days. It's very important that we get our candidates on the bal- lot this year. Because if we don't, we'll lose our very good chance to regain Major Party status here in Massachu- setts. If we don't regain major party status, then our presidential candidate will have to go through this peti- tioning process allover again, at around twice the cost and with just half the time. If we do get our major party status back, our presidential candidate gets to be on the ballot for free in 2000. That means that every dollar that we collect tonight represents 3 or 4 dollars that we won't have to spend on petitioning in 2000. We could save the LP up to $30,000 or $40,000 in 2000 by raising just $11,000 today. Dean Cook and his campaign staff are meeting with some very influential donors here in Massachusetts. Those donors are going to set aside matching funds for this petitioning cam- paign. That means that every dollar that we collect tonight is actually worth $2 to the petitioning effort and to the campaign, but only if we can raise the money to match it. By Massachusetts Law, each person can donate up to $500. Can you help us today with $500? 1.4. Tips and Techniques Page 8 of 8