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Meals on Wheels
APRIL 28, 2015
Kyle Hammon & Matthew Pipes
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................2
Project Initiation.................................................................................................................................3
Project Charter...............................................................................................................................3
Termination Agreement................................................................................................................12
Project Planning...............................................................................................................................13
Communication Plan.....................................................................................................................13
Meeting Agenda Sample ...............................................................................................................14
Meeting Minutes Sample ..............................................................................................................15
Issues Log.....................................................................................................................................16
Email Sample................................................................................................................................17
Progress Report Sample ................................................................................................................18
Project Scope Statement...............................................................................................................20
Work Breakdown Structure...........................................................................................................21
Network Diagram..........................................................................................................................22
Responsibility Matrix.....................................................................................................................23
Risk Management.........................................................................................................................24
Project Execution..............................................................................................................................25
Project Team Directory .................................................................................................................25
Resource Usage Report.................................................................................................................26
Change Process.............................................................................................................................27
Project Closure.................................................................................................................................28
Lessons Learned ...........................................................................................................................28
Archive Project Documents ...........................................................................................................29
Executive Summary
In coordinationwiththe AgingandDisabilityResource Center(ADRC),the projectteamfromChippewa
ValleyTechnical College (CVTC) will designeightstoryboardsforthe celebrationof the 25th
of the passage of AmericanswithDisabilitiesAct(ADA) andthe 50th
anniversaryof the passage of the
OlderAmericansAct(OAA).Todothis,the teamwill contribute original contentthroughphotography,
interviews,andresearchtoinclude inthe storyboards.
The ADRC is holdinganeventtocelebrate theselandmarkanniversariesandrequireshelptopublicize
the event.Bycollaboratingwiththe CVTCprojectmanagement team, the ADRCcan benefitfromthe
experience andexpertiseof the projectteam;likewise,the CVTCprojectmanagementteamcan
demonstrate the skillsandabilitiestheyhave learnedthroughCVTC’sBusinessManagementProgram.
The projectmanagementteam iscomprisedof CVTCstudentsnearcompletionof theirprogram.Skills
that have beenlearnedinclude networking,communication,MicrosoftOffice mastery,andbusiness
etiquette.The teamalsohasexperience workingindiverseformsof businessandhaslearnedthe
importance of properorganizationandtime management.The teamhasmanagementandleadership
experience inretail andservice settingsthatinclude personnel management,inventorycontrol,design
experience, andsales.
Throughthe knowledge,skills,abilities,andexperience the projectmanagementteamhas,the teamwill
be able to provide the ADRCwithhighqualitystoryboards.Thesestoryboardsmaythenbe usedto
enhance andpublicize the eventthattheyare planningtocelebrate the 25th
the ADA andOAA respectively.
Project Initiation
Project Charter
Scope Overview
In coordinationwiththe AgingandDisabilityResource Center(ADRC),the projectteamfromChippewa
ValleyTechnical College (CVTC) will contribute original contentandimagesthatwill be usedinthe final
productionof informationaldisplayscelebratingthe 25th
anniversaryof the passage of the Americans
withDisabilitiesAct(ADA) andthe 50th
anniversaryof the passage of the OlderAmericansAct(OAA).
The goal isto helpthe ADRC focusattentiononthe importantlongtermeffectof those actsfor the
people inEauClaire County.The projectteamwill contributeoriginalinformational contentandimages
for upto eightstoryboardsintotal.
Business case
As the ADA and the OAA mark theiranniversaries,itisimportantforthe ADRCto informthe public
aboutthe benefitsthose actshave hadfor countlesspeople inEauClaire County.Asthe ADRC
CVTCprojectmanagementteamhasthe opportunitytocontribute toa landmarkcommemorationby
providinginformational contentthatwill showcase the legacyof positive effectsthatthe acts have had.
By utilizingthe talentsof the CVTCprojectteam, the ADRCwill be able tobetterinformandeducate the
general publicinEauClaire Countyabouthow and whythese actshave enrichedpeople’slivesinthe
communitiesthattheylive in;inaddition,thiswill alsohighlightthe talentanddedicationof the
studentsinthe BusinessManagementprogramatCVTC.
Because itis importanttorecognize the positivelong-termbenefitsthese actshave hadfor somany
people inonEau Claire County,businessesare partneringwithservice agenciestoparticipate inamajor
commemorationthroughoutEauClaire County.Thisisthe firsttime thata projectlike thishastaken
place at the ADRC, as well asthe firsttime CVTCprojectmanagement studentshave hadthe
opportunitytoshowcase the professionalskillsandethical commitmenttheyhave learnedatCVTC
while performingaservice learningprojectwithasponsoragencyinthe community.
Milestone Schedule
Kickoff meeting...........................................................................................................1/29/15
CommonMeetingTimesestablished ............................................................................2/13/15
Deadline forfirst2submissions ....................................................................................3/6/15
Storyboardsare approvedbyBoard of Directors............................................................3/9/15
Eightcomplete storyboardssubmitted..........................................................................4/28/15
Acceptance/Success Criteria
By the endof April eightstoryboardsare complete,approved,andreadyfordisplaybythe ADRCat
manylocationsthroughoutEauClaire County.
Risks, Assumptions, and Constraints
 The projectmay not getapprovedbythe ADRC board of directors.
 Illnessorotherfactorsimpedingschedule.
 Projectscope or goalsmay be requestedtochange byADRC.
 Projectcouldbe pushedbackin date.
 Political climatecouldchange the organization.
 The ADRC is coveringanypotential cost forthe storyboards.
 The ADRC will be availableforcounsel advice andguidance.
 Anyimagestakenwill be releasedtothe ADRC.
 CVTCwill be mentionedasa contributortothe project.
 Termsand conditionsagreeduponwillnotchange.
 The organizationwill continue toexist.
 Projectteamwill incurall costsof transportation.
 Projectmustbe completedbyApril 30, 2015.
 Projectiscontingentonthe approval fromthe board of directorsat ADRC.
 Small groupsize.
 Both groupmembershave crowdedschedules.
 Political issuesinvolvingthe agency.
Resource Estimates
 The ADRC will coverthe costsand setthe budgetfor the storyboards.Thisprojectisnot
expectedtoincuranyfurthercosts tothe ADRC.
 The projectteam’svolunteertime andeffortwill be the primaryresource.
Stakeholder List
 Internal Stakeholders
o AgingandDisabilityResource Center(ADRC) andEventPlanningCommittee
o Projectmanagementteam
o ChippewaValleyTechnical College(CVTC)
o ADRC Board of Directors
 External Stakeholders
o REACH Foundation
o SeniorCenter
o AbbyVans
o Eau Claire community
o Media
o Local Businesses
o ElderlyandDisabledCitizens
Unaware Resistant Neutral Supportive Leading
Project Team C
Abby Vans C D
Senior Center C
Kay Radlinger C D
Bob Wing C D
CVTC Instructor C
Board of Directors C
Community C D
Media C D
Local Businesses C D
Seniors and
Disabled Citizens
Stakeholder Project Awareness (C=Current, D=Desired)
What is important
to this
Stakeholder Project Team ADRC CVTC Instructor Board of Directors REACH Abby Vans Senior Center Kay Radlinger
Power 2 3 1 1 1 0 0 0
Interest 3 3 2 1 2 1 2 2
Influence 3 3 2 1 2 0 1 1
Impact 3 3 2 2 3 1 1 1
Urgency 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 0
Legitimacy 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
Total: 17 18 13 9 9 3 5 5
What is Important to Stakeholders
Internal External
Team Operating Principles
1. Thinkoutside the box/creatively
Thinkof unique orcreative solutionswhennecessary.
Example of misconduct:Gettingstuckina rut,and not tryingto use alternate methodstoproblemsolve
or create.
Consequence:Projectmightsufferfromlackof goodinformationandcreativity.
Mitigate:Brainstorminmeetings.Brainstorminghelpsencourage innovation.Attempt totryalternative
methodstosolve problemswhencurrentmethodsfail toproduce results.
2. Keepcommitment
Stayingcommittedtothe projectto the end.
Example of misconduct:Givinguppartwaythroughthe project.
Mitigate:Constant,opencommunication,andremindersaboutwhywe are doingthis.
3. Timelycommunication –especiallywithbadnews
Communicatingupdateswiththe projectviaphone,textmessage oremail.
Example of misconduct:Waitingaweektotell the group somethingimportant.
Consequence:Setbacksinthe project.
Mitigate:At the endof each meeting,saywhenthe nexttime we will communicate will be.We have
access to technologylike smartphonesthatallowsustocommunicate atvirtuallyanytime,asneeded,
so we will use them.
4. Respect
Keepingrespectfulof the ADRC,itstime,anditsopinions.
Example of misconduct:Missingappointments,meetings,obligations,anythingthatshowsdisrespectto
the ADRC’stime.
Consequence:Setbackthe project.
Mitigate:Committodoingwhatyou say youwill do.
5. Regularmeeting
Meetingasoftenor as little asthe sponsorand projectteamdeemsnecessaryforthe integrityof the
Example of misconduct:Notkeepingregularmeetings.
Mitigate:Keepingaregulartime thatwe bothare consistentlyavailable andcommunicatingchanges.
Alsokeepingopenchannelssuchasemail andtelephone.
6. RespectConfidentiality
Keeppersonal andsensitiveinformationwe learnprivate.
Example of misconduct:Revealingsensitive informationtooutside parties.
Consequence:Lossof trust,createsextraproblemstodeal withoutside the project.
Mitigate:Be responsibleandconscientiousof sensitive information.
Lessons Learned
Communicationisimportantbecauseitkeepseveryone onthe same page.Thiseliminatesconfusionas
to whatis expectedandhoweventsmightbe effectingprogressorgoals.Timelycommunicationis
essential tobe able toadaptto differentsituationswhen theychange.Forexample,aproblemthatwas
caught rightaway mightnotendup beinga bigproblemif itwascommunicatedanddealtwith
immediately;however,if itwasignoredorputoff,it couldbecome averylarge problem.
Time managementiscritical toprojectsuccess,asthe projectteamisworkingona stricttime-based
deadline toproduce the requiredwork.The projectmanagementteamhaslearnedfrompast
experiencesthatpoortime managementleadstopoorresults.Bysettingregularmeetingsto workand
plan,the teamhopesto manage time effectivelyandavoidthe pitfallsof poortime management.
Propermanagementof ourresourcesisessentialtothe timelyandefficientcompletionof the project.
Poormanagementof our resourcesresultsinan inefficientandlow qualityresult.Byunderstandingthe
resourcesavailableandusingthemtotheirmaximumpotential we canhave a successful,highquality,
and efficientprojectresult.
Signatures and Commitment
Kaylynn Stahlbusch
Matt Pipes
CVTC Project Management Team
Kyle Hammon
CVTC Project Management Team
By signingthis document, all parties agreeto the project charter as outlined and recognize that any changes to this
charter are contingent upon the agreement of all signers.
Termination Agreement
Thisprojectmay be terminatedforanyof the followingreasons:
1. The projectwas not approvedbythe ADRCboard of directors.
2. The ADRC ceasesto existorradicallychanges.
3. Death,illness,oranyotherextenuatinghealthreasons.
4. Mutual agreementbyall membersof the projectteamthatthe projectshouldbe terminated.
Project Planning
Communication Plan
ID Communication Vehicle Target Audience Description/Purpose Frequency Owner Distribution vehicle Internal/External?
1 Weekly Status Report Instructor - CVTC Report Weekly
Weekly Team Email I
2 Email Varies Varies Varies Varies Email I/E
3 Text messages Team
Team Phone I
4 Phone Calls Varies Important information
Varies Phone I/E
5 Project team Meetings Team Collaborate
Weekly Team Face to face I
6 ADRC Meetings Team and
Bi-Weekly Team/Sponsor Face to face I
7 Project Management
Project Team Update eachother Weekly CVTC Face to face I
8 Notes Project Team Inform, Recap, Drive
Varies Team Face to Face,
Meeting Agenda Sample
ADRC Meeting Agenda 3-13-15
I. Board Meeting
a. Thoughts,Recommendations
b. Changesto be made
II. The nextsix storyboards
a. Theme
b. Contents
III. ProjectCharter
a. Explanation
b. Signatures
Meeting Minutes Sample
ADRC Meeting Agenda 3-13-15 Minutes
In attendance: Kaylyn Stahlbusch,JessicaKrause, Kyle Hammon, Matt Pipes
I. Board Meeting
a. Thoughts,Recommendations Discussedaddingandemphasizinga more humanitarian
focus on the storyboards. Includinginformation retrievedthroughinterviewson each
storyboard. Copyright is to be checkedby Jessicaon a couple of the images that were
usedand were popular with board.
b. Changesto be made Each essential date to each of the laws’history is to be made into
its own board with the emphasisplacedon the humanitarian aspect, thiswill total 12
boards to span the 6 dates associatedwith each law. The humanitarian aspect of each
board does not necessarilyhave to coincide with the date.
II. The nextsix storyboards
a. Theme The theme is to be decidedby committee meetingonApril 2nd
b. ContentsEach board will have its own date and its own humanitarian aspect. This will
total 12 boards inthe designof the original storyboards presentedat kickoffmeeting.
Project team will opencommunicationwith Adrian Klenzwith REACH Inc. to set up
interviewsand leadsfor humanitarian information.
III. ProjectCharter
a. Explanation Groupwentthrough the project charter and made minor detail edits that
will be updatedin the official charter and sent back to Kaylyn by the project team next
week(between3-16 and 3-20).
b. Signatures Signedandapproved by all party memberspendingchanges.
Other details: Overall event has been moved to September instead of July. By Friday 3-20, the project team will
send outlines of the storyboard designs to Kaylyn to review with the committee. It was also decided that Kaylyn
would be copied on the project updates from here on out starting on Monday, 3-16.
Issues Log
Issue Date Open Originator Potential Impact Progress
Issue Date Open Originator How Resolved Date Closed
Need to contact potential sponsor Feb K&M Phone call to contact to set up meeting Feb
Schedule regular meetings with sponsor Feb K&M Face to face meeting with sponsor Feb
Set deadline for first project submission Feb Sponsor and Team Face to face meeting with sponsor Feb
Create timeline template for data 21-Feb-15 K&M Split up the work between eachother March
Need Photographs for project 21-Feb-15 K&M
Set up meetings to take photographs at
several organizations March
Keeping Photographs at a print of 300dpi March Sponsor and Team
Utilized Adobe Photoshop to increase dpi of
pictures April
Maintaining ownership of project March Matt
Communication with project team and
instructor. Decided integrity will be
maintained if pictures are of original content. April
Open Issues
Closed Issues
Issues Log
Email Sample
Dear Kaylynn;
Please find attached a scheduleof availability forboth Kyle Hammon,and myself,MattPipes.If you have
any questions,feelfree to let us know.Inoted on the schedulethatmy cell numberhaschanged from
the numberIoriginally gaveyou during ourmeeting.It is now (715) 201-9397. This will be my main
I lookforward to becoming involved in observing with Mealson Wheels next Wednesday.
On behalf of Kyleand myself,thankyou again foryourtime and attention on ourbehalf!We are both
very enthusiasticaboutbeing involved with CVTCand the ADRC,and can't waituntil we can all
collaborateto do something greatforEau Claire County!
Matt Pipes
Progress Report Sample
102-188 Project Management Project Management Team: Kyle Hammon and Matt Pipes
Real-World Projects—ProgressReport
Progress Report for Week Beginning Monday, January 26th
, 2015 Project Name: Meals on Wheels
DATE: Monday, February 2, 2015
SUBJECT: Progress Report for Week of: January 26th
to Monday, February 2, 2015
 Team created a script for approaching our target agency on Tuesday, January 20, 2015.
 Team met at on January 21, 2015 at CVTC to make the call to our target contact, using the script we
wrote together.
 Initiated contact with Meals on Wheels through the volunteer coordinator at the ADRC,Kaylynn
Stahlbusch on January 21, 2015 by telephone.
 Appointment was confirmed for team to meet with Kaylynn Stahlbusch, the volunteer coordinator
for Meals on Wheels at the ADRC offices in the Eau Claire County building on Thursday, January
29, 2015, at 3pm.
 All parties agreed to confirm our scheduled meeting by telephone before the meeting.
 Coordinated strategy for initial meeting, including brainstorming a list ofstrengths our team could
offer the organization in a project management setting.
 Team discussed contingency plans to approach second agency on our list in the eventuality we were
not a good fit for the Meals on Wheels program.
 Followup call was made to Kaylynn Stahlbusch on Wednesday, January 28, 2015,to confirm the
time ofour meeting,as was previously agreed. We decided to alter the time from 3 p.m. to 3:30 pm,
January 29, 2015.
 Attended meeting with Kaylynn Stahlbusch at the ADRC, on January 29th
, at 3:30 pm.
 Team members discussed our relevant educational and professional backgrounds and also discussed
what hard and soft skills we had to offer.
 Kaylynn suggested a pet project ofhers to consider. Team members all agreed that the idea ofdoing
research and helping to develop a storyboard project centered around the 50th
celebration ofthe Aging and Disabilities Act and the Older Americans Act was promising and agreed
we would proceed further with the idea. This may be followed up with further pieces ofthe main
project to be held in July of 2015- specific details to be approved by ADRC director.
 It was decided that Matt Pipes would have an observer role following a meals on Wheels volunteer on
Wednesday, February 4,
2015. Kaylynn will email Matt to let him knowthe location details before
 It was decided that Kyle Hammon will have an observer role with a meals on Wheels volunteer which
will be scheduled after February 11, 2015 at a location and time to be determined before that date.
 Kaylynn agreed to find us copies ofthe relevant legal acts and also a list ofpotential leads for our
 Team agreed to forward our schedule and contact information to Kaylynn Stahlbusch at the ADRC
 Instructor contact information was given to Kaylynn Stahlbusch, along with copies ofrelevant
coursework concerning the project guidelines, rubric, and timelines.Kaylynn made copies ofthis
information for her usage.
 Contact information was obtained from Kaylynn Stahlbusch, including schedule.
 The team and Kaylynn Stahlbusch both agreed work out a schedule ofregular contact meetings in
the next week or so.
 Project team documented a similar project on display at the City County building by taking photos
for reference in future work.
 Our potential project will be a project within a project, and will be able to be completed within the
time guidelines for the project; however, the final project we are contributing to will not happen until
July of2015. We will need to confer with instructor about this aspect ofour project.
 Further pieces ofthis project are to be determined upon approval ofADRC director, will hopefully
have more information in coming weeks.
 Brainstorming and regular meetings with our contact for guidance will be critical to the successof
the project and how it takes shape,as this project is very amorphous at this point. As we obtain more
information, observe the meals on Wheels program, and have more direct contact with Kaylynn
Stahlbusch, the team feels we will be able to sharpen our focus to specific areas offocus and
 Matt Pipes to act as observer with a Meals on Wheels volunteer on Wednesday, February 4, 2015
 Kyle Hammon to coordinate his observer role with a meals on Wheels volunteer before February 11,
2015, with Kaylynn Stahlbusch
 Team brainstorming and planning session
OTHER COMMENTS (successes, outstanding questions, etc.)
 The team believes that the first meeting with Kaylynn Stahlbusch was an unquantifiable success
 Because our contact person is also the gatekeeper agent for the ADRC in Eau Claire County, we are
able to become a part of a project that is County-wide in scope. This will help us in gathering
information and especially while working with connected agencies or affiliates, such as Aging and
Disability Care Centers,which is an enormous plus for our project team!
 The team is excited that all of our planning and work so far has resulted in exceeding our
expectations as far as results desired.
 Our target contact was enthusiastic,professional, and seemed to genuinely like the project team.
Project Scope Statement
Scope Description:Thisprojectwill leadtothe creationof up to eight storyboardsthatwill helpeducate
citizensof EauClaire Countyonthe 50th
Anniversaryof the OAA aboutthe importance of thisact as well
as the 25th
Anniversaryof ADA anditsimportance.
Project Plan The acceptance of the firsttwo storyboardsby
the board of directorsof the ADRC
Informationand Media Accurate and informative informationtobe
includedonthe storyboards.Mediaisusedto
enhance information
Complete Storyboard Design Layout of the storyboardsinline withthe General
Constraints: The projectmustbe complete byApril 30,2015. The projectis contingentonthe approval
fromthe board of directorsat the ADRC.Operatingwitharelativelysmallgroupsize.Groupmembers
have crowdedandbusyschedules.
Assumptions:ADRC ispayingforthe storyboards.The ADRCisavailable forcounsel advice and
guidance.Anyimagestakenwillbe released tothe ADRCforuse.CVTC will be mentionedasa
contributorto the project.
Work Breakdown Structure
Network Diagram
Responsibility Matrix
WBS Task Name Sponsor (ADRC)
Project Team Manager
Project Team Manager
1 Contact the ADRC
1.1 Create script to call
1.2 Call the ADRC RA
2 Kickoff Meeting
3 Attend Kickoff
4 Observe Meals on
Wheels Matt Pipes
5 Observe Meals on
Wheels Kyle Hammon
6 Project team and
ADRC meeting times
7 First two storyboards
7.1 Research ADA and
7.1.1 Find text of the acts
and gain an
7.1.2 Generate a
timeline of important
events leading to the
7.2 Transfer the research
into Publisher and
design storyboard
7.3 Send the storyboard
drafts to ADRC
First drafts of first two
story boards are due
9 Project is to be
approved by board of
Risk Management
Risk Category Identified Risk Possible Impact Potential Causes Probability Score (1-5) Impact Score (1-5) Total Response strategy
Technology Client may ask for
specification that is
beyond our means or
May effect work on
the whole project
Client being too vague
of what they are
expecting for
2 5 10 Request specific
information about the
expectations from the
ADRC. Research.
Illness Team members or
ADRC members may
become ill and won't
be able to work on the
Labor shortage Nature 1 3 3 When it happens
make time to be able
to work at home.
Accept and mitigate.
Approval The project could not
be approved by the
ADRC board of
The project dies. Lack of compentance,
outside changes to
2 5 10 Not do project. Avoid.
Transportation Car problems or issues Not able to make
appointments or
No money, drive car
over log
1 3 3 Helping eachother get
to appointments or
meetings. Mitigate.
Technology Computer breaks or
stops working
Will have to use
resources at CVTC and
limit ability to work on
project at home
Accident, malware 1 3 3 Use CVTC resources or
find another computer
to use. Mitigate.
Communication Lack of available
contacts or agencies
are too busy to meet
with project team
Lack of information
and limits what can be
put on storyboard
Confined schedules
(both on part of
project team and
outside agencies)
3 4 12 Attempt to clear up
personal schedule and
increase the number
of contacts. Mitigate.
Project Execution
Project Team Directory
Name Title Organization
Degrees &
KSAs Location
(% of working
(L, M, H)
Kyle Hammon Student CVTC
High School
Diploma, Certified
Food Safety
Manager, Almost
AAS: Business
Microsoft Office,
Experience, Chair
Inventory control,
Time management
Eau Claire, WI 25% H
Matt Pipes Student CVTC
High School
Diploma, Almost
AAS: Business
Public Speaking,
Microsoft Office,
Retail Experience,
Sales Experience,
Musician, Time
Lake Halie, WI 30% H
Team Directory
Resource Usage Report
Change Process
Product Scope
 Changesmustbe approvedbyADRC
and projectteambefore deadlines
become due.
 Thismay be done face to face or in
email formas longas there isa
documentedapproval byall members.
 Documentationwillbe includedin
weeklyreport.ADRCwill receive
 Changesmustbe fullycommunicated
and understoodbyall parties.Thiswill
be accomplishedbyrephrasingthe
scope to reflectthe changes.
Project Scope
 Projectteamhas to agree witheach
otherfor anychangesin the project
 Thismay be done face to face or in
email formas longas there isa
documentedapproval byall members.
 Documentationwillbe includedin
weekly report.
 In accordance to the projectcharter,
unilateral decisionsare notallowed
unlessitisdirectlydelegated.A change
to the projectscope will be rephrased
by bothmemberstoreflectchanges.
Project Closure
Lessons Learned
1. In the beginning,itwasn’tveryclearwhatexactlythe ADRChadinmindfor thisproject.Asthis
projectgrewand developedwe foundthatthe scope wasstartingtochange whichmade it more
difficulttodothe project.Aswe got furtherintothe project,towardthe endof March it became clearer
whatwas expectedof usandit made the projectseemmore achievable.The projectscope wasdefined
usingthe informationthatwasgiventous inthe past, butwithmore information.
2. Overall,the teamdynamicsin the projectworkedverywell.The onlyissuesthatseemedto
constantlyarise were schedulingconflictsdue tothe projectteamhavingtightschedulesandthe need
to accommodate forthe schedulesof organizationsthatwe were meetingwith.One thingthat should
have beenchangedwashavinga formal designationprocessof certainactions.Oftentimesthe project
teamwouldassigneachotherpiecesof the project—thisworked,butitdidn’tintentionallyplaytothe
team’sstrengthsandtherefore couldhave beenbetter.
3. The main methodof planningwasforthe projectteamto add certaindatesintotheir
schedules/calendars.Thismethodworkedtoensure thatthe projectteamwasable tokeeptrack of
everything.While therewere formal notestaken,the consistencywasoftenanissue.
4. The main factorthat causeddeviationsinthe original focusof the projectitself wasthe project
teambeingunsure of whatthe sponsorwanted,andtherefore wouldconflictideas.
5. The bestpart of thisprojectwas gainingthe real worldexperience indoingaprojectfora real,
legitimate agency.Justthe factthat we were able tohelpthe communitywhiledoingaprojectfor
school wassomethingthatI feltproudof everystepof the way.
6. The leastenjoyable partof the projectwasthe uncertainty.Some of the informationwe were
givenearlyonturnedoutto be inaccurate or irrelevantlaterinthe project.Thisuncertaintycreateda
considerable amountof workonthe projectteam’spartthat we wouldn’thave neededto doif we had a
biggerpicture beforehand.
7. I expandedmyknowledgeworkingonthisprojectinthe areasof leadershipandplanning.Ihave
alsolearnedaconsiderable deal of whatitreallytakestoorganize largerprojects,butisanarea that I
needtocontinue toimprove especiallyasthe projectdrew closertoits endwiththe exponentially
increasingnumberof stakeholders.
Archive Project Documents
L:Student102-188 ProjectManagement102-188-801 ProjectMgmtMealsOnWheelsFinals

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Promote ADA and OAA Anniversaries

  • 2. 1 Table of Contents Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................2 Project Initiation.................................................................................................................................3 Project Charter...............................................................................................................................3 Termination Agreement................................................................................................................12 Project Planning...............................................................................................................................13 Communication Plan.....................................................................................................................13 Meeting Agenda Sample ...............................................................................................................14 Meeting Minutes Sample ..............................................................................................................15 Issues Log.....................................................................................................................................16 Email Sample................................................................................................................................17 Progress Report Sample ................................................................................................................18 Project Scope Statement...............................................................................................................20 Work Breakdown Structure...........................................................................................................21 Network Diagram..........................................................................................................................22 Responsibility Matrix.....................................................................................................................23 Risk Management.........................................................................................................................24 Project Execution..............................................................................................................................25 Project Team Directory .................................................................................................................25 Resource Usage Report.................................................................................................................26 Change Process.............................................................................................................................27 Project Closure.................................................................................................................................28 Lessons Learned ...........................................................................................................................28 Archive Project Documents ...........................................................................................................29
  • 3. 2 Executive Summary In coordinationwiththe AgingandDisabilityResource Center(ADRC),the projectteamfromChippewa ValleyTechnical College (CVTC) will designeightstoryboardsforthe celebrationof the 25th anniversary of the passage of AmericanswithDisabilitiesAct(ADA) andthe 50th anniversaryof the passage of the OlderAmericansAct(OAA).Todothis,the teamwill contribute original contentthroughphotography, interviews,andresearchtoinclude inthe storyboards. The ADRC is holdinganeventtocelebrate theselandmarkanniversariesandrequireshelptopublicize the event.Bycollaboratingwiththe CVTCprojectmanagement team, the ADRCcan benefitfromthe experience andexpertiseof the projectteam;likewise,the CVTCprojectmanagementteamcan demonstrate the skillsandabilitiestheyhave learnedthroughCVTC’sBusinessManagementProgram. The projectmanagementteam iscomprisedof CVTCstudentsnearcompletionof theirprogram.Skills that have beenlearnedinclude networking,communication,MicrosoftOffice mastery,andbusiness etiquette.The teamalsohasexperience workingindiverseformsof businessandhaslearnedthe importance of properorganizationandtime management.The teamhasmanagementandleadership experience inretail andservice settingsthatinclude personnel management,inventorycontrol,design experience, andsales. Throughthe knowledge,skills,abilities,andexperience the projectmanagementteamhas,the teamwill be able to provide the ADRCwithhighqualitystoryboards.Thesestoryboardsmaythenbe usedto enhance andpublicize the eventthattheyare planningtocelebrate the 25th and50th anniversariesof the ADA andOAA respectively.
  • 4. 3 Project Initiation Project Charter Scope Overview In coordinationwiththe AgingandDisabilityResource Center(ADRC),the projectteamfromChippewa ValleyTechnical College (CVTC) will contribute original contentandimagesthatwill be usedinthe final productionof informationaldisplayscelebratingthe 25th anniversaryof the passage of the Americans withDisabilitiesAct(ADA) andthe 50th anniversaryof the passage of the OlderAmericansAct(OAA). The goal isto helpthe ADRC focusattentiononthe importantlongtermeffectof those actsfor the people inEauClaire County.The projectteamwill contributeoriginalinformational contentandimages for upto eightstoryboardsintotal. Business case As the ADA and the OAA mark theiranniversaries,itisimportantforthe ADRCto informthe public aboutthe benefitsthose actshave hadfor countlesspeople inEauClaire County.Asthe ADRC participatesincelebrationsinconjunctionandpartnershipwithmanyareaorganizationsthisyear,the CVTCprojectmanagementteamhasthe opportunitytocontribute toa landmarkcommemorationby providinginformational contentthatwill showcase the legacyof positive effectsthatthe acts have had. By utilizingthe talentsof the CVTCprojectteam, the ADRCwill be able tobetterinformandeducate the general publicinEauClaire Countyabouthow and whythese actshave enrichedpeople’slivesinthe
  • 5. 4 communitiesthattheylive in;inaddition,thiswill alsohighlightthe talentanddedicationof the studentsinthe BusinessManagementprogramatCVTC. Background Because itis importanttorecognize the positivelong-termbenefitsthese actshave hadfor somany people inonEau Claire County,businessesare partneringwithservice agenciestoparticipate inamajor commemorationthroughoutEauClaire County.Thisisthe firsttime thata projectlike thishastaken place at the ADRC, as well asthe firsttime CVTCprojectmanagement studentshave hadthe opportunitytoshowcase the professionalskillsandethical commitmenttheyhave learnedatCVTC while performingaservice learningprojectwithasponsoragencyinthe community. Milestone Schedule Kickoff meeting...........................................................................................................1/29/15 CommonMeetingTimesestablished ............................................................................2/13/15 Deadline forfirst2submissions ....................................................................................3/6/15 Storyboardsare approvedbyBoard of Directors............................................................3/9/15 Eightcomplete storyboardssubmitted..........................................................................4/28/15
  • 6. 5 Acceptance/Success Criteria By the endof April eightstoryboardsare complete,approved,andreadyfordisplaybythe ADRCat manylocationsthroughoutEauClaire County. Risks, Assumptions, and Constraints Risks:  The projectmay not getapprovedbythe ADRC board of directors.  Illnessorotherfactorsimpedingschedule.  Projectscope or goalsmay be requestedtochange byADRC.  Projectcouldbe pushedbackin date.  Political climatecouldchange the organization. Assumptions:  The ADRC is coveringanypotential cost forthe storyboards.  The ADRC will be availableforcounsel advice andguidance.  Anyimagestakenwill be releasedtothe ADRC.  CVTCwill be mentionedasa contributortothe project.  Termsand conditionsagreeduponwillnotchange.  The organizationwill continue toexist.  Projectteamwill incurall costsof transportation.
  • 7. 6 Constraints:  Projectmustbe completedbyApril 30, 2015.  Projectiscontingentonthe approval fromthe board of directorsat ADRC.  Small groupsize.  Both groupmembershave crowdedschedules.  Political issuesinvolvingthe agency. Resource Estimates  The ADRC will coverthe costsand setthe budgetfor the storyboards.Thisprojectisnot expectedtoincuranyfurthercosts tothe ADRC.  The projectteam’svolunteertime andeffortwill be the primaryresource. Stakeholder List  Internal Stakeholders o AgingandDisabilityResource Center(ADRC) andEventPlanningCommittee o Projectmanagementteam o ChippewaValleyTechnical College(CVTC) o ADRC Board of Directors  External Stakeholders o REACH Foundation o CET o SeniorCenter
  • 8. 7 o AbbyVans o Eau Claire community o Media o Local Businesses o ElderlyandDisabledCitizens Unaware Resistant Neutral Supportive Leading Project Team C ADRC C REACH C Abby Vans C D Senior Center C Kay Radlinger C D Bob Wing C D CVTC Instructor C Board of Directors C Community C D Media C D Local Businesses C D Seniors and Disabled Citizens C D Stakeholder Project Awareness (C=Current, D=Desired) What is important to this stakeholder? Stakeholder Project Team ADRC CVTC Instructor Board of Directors REACH Abby Vans Senior Center Kay Radlinger Power 2 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 Interest 3 3 2 1 2 1 2 2 Influence 3 3 2 1 2 0 1 1 Impact 3 3 2 2 3 1 1 1 Urgency 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 Legitimacy 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 Total: 17 18 13 9 9 3 5 5 What is Important to Stakeholders Internal External
  • 9. 8 Team Operating Principles 1. Thinkoutside the box/creatively Thinkof unique orcreative solutionswhennecessary. Example of misconduct:Gettingstuckina rut,and not tryingto use alternate methodstoproblemsolve or create. Consequence:Projectmightsufferfromlackof goodinformationandcreativity. Mitigate:Brainstorminmeetings.Brainstorminghelpsencourage innovation.Attempt totryalternative methodstosolve problemswhencurrentmethodsfail toproduce results. 2. Keepcommitment Stayingcommittedtothe projectto the end. Example of misconduct:Givinguppartwaythroughthe project. Consequence:Projectfailsorisincomplete. Mitigate:Constant,opencommunication,andremindersaboutwhywe are doingthis. 3. Timelycommunication –especiallywithbadnews Communicatingupdateswiththe projectviaphone,textmessage oremail. Example of misconduct:Waitingaweektotell the group somethingimportant. Consequence:Setbacksinthe project. Mitigate:At the endof each meeting,saywhenthe nexttime we will communicate will be.We have access to technologylike smartphonesthatallowsustocommunicate atvirtuallyanytime,asneeded, so we will use them. 4. Respect Keepingrespectfulof the ADRC,itstime,anditsopinions. Example of misconduct:Missingappointments,meetings,obligations,anythingthatshowsdisrespectto the ADRC’stime. Consequence:Setbackthe project. Mitigate:Committodoingwhatyou say youwill do.
  • 10. 9 5. Regularmeeting Meetingasoftenor as little asthe sponsorand projectteamdeemsnecessaryforthe integrityof the project. Example of misconduct:Notkeepingregularmeetings. Consequence:Badorganization. Mitigate:Keepingaregulartime thatwe bothare consistentlyavailable andcommunicatingchanges. Alsokeepingopenchannelssuchasemail andtelephone. 6. RespectConfidentiality Keeppersonal andsensitiveinformationwe learnprivate. Example of misconduct:Revealingsensitive informationtooutside parties. Consequence:Lossof trust,createsextraproblemstodeal withoutside the project. Mitigate:Be responsibleandconscientiousof sensitive information.
  • 11. 10 Lessons Learned Communicationisimportantbecauseitkeepseveryone onthe same page.Thiseliminatesconfusionas to whatis expectedandhoweventsmightbe effectingprogressorgoals.Timelycommunicationis essential tobe able toadaptto differentsituationswhen theychange.Forexample,aproblemthatwas caught rightaway mightnotendup beinga bigproblemif itwascommunicatedanddealtwith immediately;however,if itwasignoredorputoff,it couldbecome averylarge problem. Time managementiscritical toprojectsuccess,asthe projectteamisworkingona stricttime-based deadline toproduce the requiredwork.The projectmanagementteamhaslearnedfrompast experiencesthatpoortime managementleadstopoorresults.Bysettingregularmeetingsto workand plan,the teamhopesto manage time effectivelyandavoidthe pitfallsof poortime management. Propermanagementof ourresourcesisessentialtothe timelyandefficientcompletionof the project. Poormanagementof our resourcesresultsinan inefficientandlow qualityresult.Byunderstandingthe resourcesavailableandusingthemtotheirmaximumpotential we canhave a successful,highquality, and efficientprojectresult.
  • 12. 11 Signatures and Commitment X Kaylynn Stahlbusch Sponsor X Matt Pipes CVTC Project Management Team X Kyle Hammon CVTC Project Management Team By signingthis document, all parties agreeto the project charter as outlined and recognize that any changes to this charter are contingent upon the agreement of all signers.
  • 13. 12 Termination Agreement Thisprojectmay be terminatedforanyof the followingreasons: 1. The projectwas not approvedbythe ADRCboard of directors. 2. The ADRC ceasesto existorradicallychanges. 3. Death,illness,oranyotherextenuatinghealthreasons. 4. Mutual agreementbyall membersof the projectteamthatthe projectshouldbe terminated.
  • 14. 13 Project Planning Communication Plan ID Communication Vehicle Target Audience Description/Purpose Frequency Owner Distribution vehicle Internal/External? 1 Weekly Status Report Instructor - CVTC Report Weekly progress Weekly Team Email I 2 Email Varies Varies Varies Varies Email I/E 3 Text messages Team Communication Instant communication When opportune Team Phone I 4 Phone Calls Varies Important information exchange When opportune Varies Phone I/E 5 Project team Meetings Team Collaborate information Weekly Team Face to face I 6 ADRC Meetings Team and Sponsor Collaborate information Bi-Weekly Team/Sponsor Face to face I 7 Project Management Class Project Team Update eachother Weekly CVTC Face to face I 8 Notes Project Team Inform, Recap, Drive action Varies Team Face to Face, Electronic I
  • 15. 14 Meeting Agenda Sample ADRC Meeting Agenda 3-13-15 I. Board Meeting a. Thoughts,Recommendations b. Changesto be made II. The nextsix storyboards a. Theme b. Contents III. ProjectCharter a. Explanation b. Signatures
  • 16. 15 Meeting Minutes Sample ADRC Meeting Agenda 3-13-15 Minutes In attendance: Kaylyn Stahlbusch,JessicaKrause, Kyle Hammon, Matt Pipes I. Board Meeting a. Thoughts,Recommendations Discussedaddingandemphasizinga more humanitarian focus on the storyboards. Includinginformation retrievedthroughinterviewson each storyboard. Copyright is to be checkedby Jessicaon a couple of the images that were usedand were popular with board. b. Changesto be made Each essential date to each of the laws’history is to be made into its own board with the emphasisplacedon the humanitarian aspect, thiswill total 12 boards to span the 6 dates associatedwith each law. The humanitarian aspect of each board does not necessarilyhave to coincide with the date. II. The nextsix storyboards a. Theme The theme is to be decidedby committee meetingonApril 2nd . b. ContentsEach board will have its own date and its own humanitarian aspect. This will total 12 boards inthe designof the original storyboards presentedat kickoffmeeting. Project team will opencommunicationwith Adrian Klenzwith REACH Inc. to set up interviewsand leadsfor humanitarian information. III. ProjectCharter a. Explanation Groupwentthrough the project charter and made minor detail edits that will be updatedin the official charter and sent back to Kaylyn by the project team next week(between3-16 and 3-20). b. Signatures Signedandapproved by all party memberspendingchanges. Other details: Overall event has been moved to September instead of July. By Friday 3-20, the project team will send outlines of the storyboard designs to Kaylyn to review with the committee. It was also decided that Kaylyn would be copied on the project updates from here on out starting on Monday, 3-16.
  • 17. 16 Issues Log Issue Date Open Originator Potential Impact Progress Issue Date Open Originator How Resolved Date Closed Need to contact potential sponsor Feb K&M Phone call to contact to set up meeting Feb Schedule regular meetings with sponsor Feb K&M Face to face meeting with sponsor Feb Set deadline for first project submission Feb Sponsor and Team Face to face meeting with sponsor Feb Create timeline template for data 21-Feb-15 K&M Split up the work between eachother March Need Photographs for project 21-Feb-15 K&M Set up meetings to take photographs at several organizations March Keeping Photographs at a print of 300dpi March Sponsor and Team Utilized Adobe Photoshop to increase dpi of pictures April Maintaining ownership of project March Matt Communication with project team and instructor. Decided integrity will be maintained if pictures are of original content. April Open Issues Closed Issues Issues Log
  • 18. 17 Email Sample Dear Kaylynn; Please find attached a scheduleof availability forboth Kyle Hammon,and myself,MattPipes.If you have any questions,feelfree to let us know.Inoted on the schedulethatmy cell numberhaschanged from the numberIoriginally gaveyou during ourmeeting.It is now (715) 201-9397. This will be my main contactnumberfromnowon. I lookforward to becoming involved in observing with Mealson Wheels next Wednesday. On behalf of Kyleand myself,thankyou again foryourtime and attention on ourbehalf!We are both very enthusiasticaboutbeing involved with CVTCand the ADRC,and can't waituntil we can all collaborateto do something greatforEau Claire County! Sincerely, Matt Pipes
  • 19. 18 Progress Report Sample 102-188 Project Management Project Management Team: Kyle Hammon and Matt Pipes Real-World Projects—ProgressReport Progress Report for Week Beginning Monday, January 26th , 2015 Project Name: Meals on Wheels DATE: Monday, February 2, 2015 TO: CC:,, SUBJECT: Progress Report for Week of: January 26th to Monday, February 2, 2015 TASKS ACCOMPLISHED/DECISIONS MADE  Team created a script for approaching our target agency on Tuesday, January 20, 2015.  Team met at on January 21, 2015 at CVTC to make the call to our target contact, using the script we wrote together.  Initiated contact with Meals on Wheels through the volunteer coordinator at the ADRC,Kaylynn Stahlbusch on January 21, 2015 by telephone.  Appointment was confirmed for team to meet with Kaylynn Stahlbusch, the volunteer coordinator for Meals on Wheels at the ADRC offices in the Eau Claire County building on Thursday, January 29, 2015, at 3pm.  All parties agreed to confirm our scheduled meeting by telephone before the meeting.  Coordinated strategy for initial meeting, including brainstorming a list ofstrengths our team could offer the organization in a project management setting.  Team discussed contingency plans to approach second agency on our list in the eventuality we were not a good fit for the Meals on Wheels program.  Followup call was made to Kaylynn Stahlbusch on Wednesday, January 28, 2015,to confirm the time ofour meeting,as was previously agreed. We decided to alter the time from 3 p.m. to 3:30 pm, January 29, 2015.  Attended meeting with Kaylynn Stahlbusch at the ADRC, on January 29th , at 3:30 pm.  Team members discussed our relevant educational and professional backgrounds and also discussed what hard and soft skills we had to offer.  Kaylynn suggested a pet project ofhers to consider. Team members all agreed that the idea ofdoing research and helping to develop a storyboard project centered around the 50th anniversary celebration ofthe Aging and Disabilities Act and the Older Americans Act was promising and agreed we would proceed further with the idea. This may be followed up with further pieces ofthe main project to be held in July of 2015- specific details to be approved by ADRC director.  It was decided that Matt Pipes would have an observer role following a meals on Wheels volunteer on Wednesday, February 4, 2015. Kaylynn will email Matt to let him knowthe location details before Wednesday.  It was decided that Kyle Hammon will have an observer role with a meals on Wheels volunteer which will be scheduled after February 11, 2015 at a location and time to be determined before that date.  Kaylynn agreed to find us copies ofthe relevant legal acts and also a list ofpotential leads for our work.  Team agreed to forward our schedule and contact information to Kaylynn Stahlbusch at the ADRC ASAP.
  • 20. 19  Instructor contact information was given to Kaylynn Stahlbusch, along with copies ofrelevant coursework concerning the project guidelines, rubric, and timelines.Kaylynn made copies ofthis information for her usage.  Contact information was obtained from Kaylynn Stahlbusch, including schedule.  The team and Kaylynn Stahlbusch both agreed work out a schedule ofregular contact meetings in the next week or so.  Project team documented a similar project on display at the City County building by taking photos for reference in future work. ISSUES & SOLUTIONS  Our potential project will be a project within a project, and will be able to be completed within the time guidelines for the project; however, the final project we are contributing to will not happen until July of2015. We will need to confer with instructor about this aspect ofour project.  Further pieces ofthis project are to be determined upon approval ofADRC director, will hopefully have more information in coming weeks.  Brainstorming and regular meetings with our contact for guidance will be critical to the successof the project and how it takes shape,as this project is very amorphous at this point. As we obtain more information, observe the meals on Wheels program, and have more direct contact with Kaylynn Stahlbusch, the team feels we will be able to sharpen our focus to specific areas offocus and concentration. NEXT WEEK ACTION PLAN  Matt Pipes to act as observer with a Meals on Wheels volunteer on Wednesday, February 4, 2015  Kyle Hammon to coordinate his observer role with a meals on Wheels volunteer before February 11, 2015, with Kaylynn Stahlbusch  Team brainstorming and planning session OTHER COMMENTS (successes, outstanding questions, etc.)  The team believes that the first meeting with Kaylynn Stahlbusch was an unquantifiable success  Because our contact person is also the gatekeeper agent for the ADRC in Eau Claire County, we are able to become a part of a project that is County-wide in scope. This will help us in gathering information and especially while working with connected agencies or affiliates, such as Aging and Disability Care Centers,which is an enormous plus for our project team!  The team is excited that all of our planning and work so far has resulted in exceeding our expectations as far as results desired.  Our target contact was enthusiastic,professional, and seemed to genuinely like the project team.
  • 21. 20 Project Scope Statement Scope Description:Thisprojectwill leadtothe creationof up to eight storyboardsthatwill helpeducate citizensof EauClaire Countyonthe 50th Anniversaryof the OAA aboutthe importance of thisact as well as the 25th Anniversaryof ADA anditsimportance. KEY DELIVERABLES ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Project Plan The acceptance of the firsttwo storyboardsby the board of directorsof the ADRC Informationand Media Accurate and informative informationtobe includedonthe storyboards.Mediaisusedto enhance information Complete Storyboard Design Layout of the storyboardsinline withthe General Theme. Constraints: The projectmustbe complete byApril 30,2015. The projectis contingentonthe approval fromthe board of directorsat the ADRC.Operatingwitharelativelysmallgroupsize.Groupmembers have crowdedandbusyschedules. Assumptions:ADRC ispayingforthe storyboards.The ADRCisavailable forcounsel advice and guidance.Anyimagestakenwillbe released tothe ADRCforuse.CVTC will be mentionedasa contributorto the project.
  • 24. 23 Responsibility Matrix WBS Task Name Sponsor (ADRC) Project Team Manager (Kyle) Project Team Manager (Matt) 1 Contact the ADRC 1.1 Create script to call ADRC RA RA 1.2 Call the ADRC RA 2 Kickoff Meeting 3 Attend Kickoff Meeting I RA RA 4 Observe Meals on Wheels Matt Pipes I I RA 5 Observe Meals on Wheels Kyle Hammon I RA I 6 Project team and ADRC meeting times established 7 First two storyboards 7.1 Research ADA and OAA 7.1.1 Find text of the acts and gain an understanding RA RA 7.1.2 Generate a timeline of important events leading to the acts RA RA 7.2 Transfer the research into Publisher and design storyboard RA RA 7.3 Send the storyboard drafts to ADRC RA 8 First drafts of first two story boards are due 9 Project is to be approved by board of directors
  • 25. 24 Risk Management Risk Category Identified Risk Possible Impact Potential Causes Probability Score (1-5) Impact Score (1-5) Total Response strategy Technology Client may ask for specification that is beyond our means or ability May effect work on the whole project Client being too vague of what they are expecting for specifications 2 5 10 Request specific information about the expectations from the ADRC. Research. Illness Team members or ADRC members may become ill and won't be able to work on the project Labor shortage Nature 1 3 3 When it happens make time to be able to work at home. Accept and mitigate. Approval The project could not be approved by the ADRC board of directors The project dies. Lack of compentance, outside changes to agency 2 5 10 Not do project. Avoid. Transportation Car problems or issues Not able to make appointments or meetings No money, drive car over log 1 3 3 Helping eachother get to appointments or meetings. Mitigate. Technology Computer breaks or stops working Will have to use resources at CVTC and limit ability to work on project at home Accident, malware 1 3 3 Use CVTC resources or find another computer to use. Mitigate. Communication Lack of available contacts or agencies are too busy to meet with project team Lack of information and limits what can be put on storyboard Confined schedules (both on part of project team and outside agencies) 3 4 12 Attempt to clear up personal schedule and increase the number of contacts. Mitigate.
  • 26. 25 Project Execution Project Team Directory Name Title Organization Degrees & Certifications KSAs Location Availability (% of working hours) Commitment (L, M, H) Kyle Hammon Student CVTC High School Diploma, Certified Food Safety Manager, Almost AAS: Business Management Microsoft Office, Leadership Experience, Chair Experience, Personnel Management Experience, Inventory control, Time management Eau Claire, WI 25% H Matt Pipes Student CVTC High School Diploma, Almost AAS: Business Management Public Speaking, Photography, Microsoft Office, Retail Experience, Sales Experience, Musician, Time management Lake Halie, WI 30% H Team Directory
  • 28. 27 Change Process Product Scope  Changesmustbe approvedbyADRC and projectteambefore deadlines become due.  Thismay be done face to face or in email formas longas there isa documentedapproval byall members.  Documentationwillbe includedin weeklyreport.ADRCwill receive documentationbybeingcopiedon relevantweeklyreports.  Changesmustbe fullycommunicated and understoodbyall parties.Thiswill be accomplishedbyrephrasingthe scope to reflectthe changes. Project Scope  Projectteamhas to agree witheach otherfor anychangesin the project scope.  Thismay be done face to face or in email formas longas there isa documentedapproval byall members.  Documentationwillbe includedin weekly report.  In accordance to the projectcharter, unilateral decisionsare notallowed unlessitisdirectlydelegated.A change to the projectscope will be rephrased by bothmemberstoreflectchanges.
  • 29. 28 Project Closure Lessons Learned 1. In the beginning,itwasn’tveryclearwhatexactlythe ADRChadinmindfor thisproject.Asthis projectgrewand developedwe foundthatthe scope wasstartingtochange whichmade it more difficulttodothe project.Aswe got furtherintothe project,towardthe endof March it became clearer whatwas expectedof usandit made the projectseemmore achievable.The projectscope wasdefined usingthe informationthatwasgiventous inthe past, butwithmore information. 2. Overall,the teamdynamicsin the projectworkedverywell.The onlyissuesthatseemedto constantlyarise were schedulingconflictsdue tothe projectteamhavingtightschedulesandthe need to accommodate forthe schedulesof organizationsthatwe were meetingwith.One thingthat should have beenchangedwashavinga formal designationprocessof certainactions.Oftentimesthe project teamwouldassigneachotherpiecesof the project—thisworked,butitdidn’tintentionallyplaytothe team’sstrengthsandtherefore couldhave beenbetter. 3. The main methodof planningwasforthe projectteamto add certaindatesintotheir schedules/calendars.Thismethodworkedtoensure thatthe projectteamwasable tokeeptrack of everything.While therewere formal notestaken,the consistencywasoftenanissue. 4. The main factorthat causeddeviationsinthe original focusof the projectitself wasthe project teambeingunsure of whatthe sponsorwanted,andtherefore wouldconflictideas. 5. The bestpart of thisprojectwas gainingthe real worldexperience indoingaprojectfora real, legitimate agency.Justthe factthat we were able tohelpthe communitywhiledoingaprojectfor school wassomethingthatI feltproudof everystepof the way. 6. The leastenjoyable partof the projectwasthe uncertainty.Some of the informationwe were givenearlyonturnedoutto be inaccurate or irrelevantlaterinthe project.Thisuncertaintycreateda considerable amountof workonthe projectteam’spartthat we wouldn’thave neededto doif we had a biggerpicture beforehand. 7. I expandedmyknowledgeworkingonthisprojectinthe areasof leadershipandplanning.Ihave alsolearnedaconsiderable deal of whatitreallytakestoorganize largerprojects,butisanarea that I needtocontinue toimprove especiallyasthe projectdrew closertoits endwiththe exponentially increasingnumberof stakeholders.
  • 30. 29 Archive Project Documents L:Student102-188 ProjectManagement102-188-801 ProjectMgmtMealsOnWheelsFinals