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28 Days to Alpha
A Course in Building Confidence & Crushing Life
David De Las Morenas
Copyright © 2016 Beast Industries, LLC
All Rights Reserved.
This program is brought to you by… is a website for men. We focus on 2 things:
 Building confidence and achieving rock-solid mental toughness
 Building muscle, getting stronger, and achieving a beastly physique
NOTE: If you’re new to HTB, go to for free, instant access to my most
popular articles on these subjects.
This program is a general education health-related information product and is only intended for healthy
adults, ages 18 and over.
This program is solely for information and education purposes and is not medical advice. Please consult
a medical or health professional before you begin any exercise, nutrition, or supplementation program
or if you have any questions about your health.
There may be risks and dangers associated with engaging in activities or using products mentioned in
this program for people with poor health or with pre-existing physical or mental health conditions.
Because these risks exist, you will not use such products or engage in such activities if you are in poor
health or have a pre-existing mental or physical health condition. If you choose to participate in these
activities, you do so of your own free will and accord knowingly and voluntarily, assuming all risks
associated with such activities.
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................1
What Motivates You? ...................................................................................................................................2
Your 28 Day Challenge..................................................................................................................................3
How to Track Your Progress..........................................................................................................................4
MODULE I: Ritual..........................................................................................................................................5
Habit 1: Abundance Mentality......................................................................................................................6
Habit 2: Shock the System ............................................................................................................................7
Habit 3: Mindful Like a Monk........................................................................................................................8
Habit 4: Laser-Like Focus...............................................................................................................................9
MODULE II: Mission....................................................................................................................................10
Habit 5: Man on a Mission..........................................................................................................................11
Mission Building Workshop ........................................................................................................................12
MODULE III: Body.......................................................................................................................................13
Habit 6: Body Like a Beast...........................................................................................................................14
Bodyweight Strength Training Routine.......................................................................................................15
MODULE IV: Fear........................................................................................................................................20
Habit 7: The Power of Rejection .................................................................................................................21
The Fearless Approach................................................................................................................................22
MODULE V: Discipline ................................................................................................................................23
Habit 8: The End of Masturbation...............................................................................................................24
Frequently Asked Questions......................................................................................................................25
“Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.”
- Marcus Aurelius
What Motivates You?
Why did you purchase this course – what do you want to get out of it?
Seriously, take a second and answer that question…
We rarely take the time to question our own motivations for doing things. And this can undermine
everything we do.
 Maybe you want to be a “better man". But what does “a better man” even mean to you?
 Maybe you want to be “more confident”. But why?
 Maybe you want to build “good habits”. But, again, why do you want this?
I don’t have a good answer for – I could list a bunch of possibilities – but only you can decide why you
want to take this course. Only you can decide why you want to grow stronger as a man. Only you can
decide what “growing stronger” even means…
When you take the time to understand what’s motivating you to take this course, or do anything for that
matter, you get to know yourself on a deeper level. You uncover the real reason you want to do
something. You put a purpose behind your actions. And this is invaluable…
Because when you have a deeper purpose guiding your actions, they start to become meaningful to you.
They start to inspire you and excite you, rather than becoming just another thing you need to get done.
And this creates a deep emotional connection inside of you.
When you understand your motivation for doing something, it becomes more enjoyable to do AND
you also fully immerse yourself in it, and perform better in the process.
I originally wrote a long introduction for this course about how the modern man is declining, how now is
the time for YOU to step up and differentiate yourself from the hordes of average men, and how the
alpha male is a rare and declining breed…
And while I do believe this to be true, the whole point of that introduction was to get you motivated and
excited to start the course.
Then I realized that would be a cheap trick. Your motivation for doing this course, and completing all 28
days of it, needs to come from within. You need to motivate yourself. You need to ask yourself why
you’re doing it, and what completing it will mean to you…
Only then will you have true motivation.
That all being said, if you give it 100%, by the end of the 28 days you can expect to have:
 Set goals, taken action, made measurable progress, and given your life a sense of purpose
 Built an empowering morning habit routine that fills you with a sense of confidence and
happiness every single day
 Gotten on a consistent workout routine and already built noticeable muscle and burnt body fat
 Desensitized yourself to the fear of rejection and failure that holds so many men back from
getting what they want out of life.
Your 28 Day Challenge
Hello Friend,
Welcome to 28 Days to Alpha.
Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to take life by the balls for the next 28 days…
…and use this as a launch pad to supercharge your growth as a man for the foreseeable future.
Will you man up and rise to the challenge? Or will you fade into the background and stay complacent?
Below are the guidelines – the rules – you will follow for the next 28 days…
In short, you will complete the 8 habits detailed in the remainder of this guide each and every day (with
the exception of resting and recovering on the final day of each week).
Here is a quick overview of the habits:
 Perform the Morning Ritual every single day immediately upon waking (Habits 1-4)
 Take Action on at least 1 of your primary goals* every single day (Habit 5)
 Work out using the Bodyweight Routine every other day (Habit 6)
 Approach 1 girl every single day using the Fearless Approach guidelines (Habit 7)
 Abstain from Masturbation every single day (Habit 8)
*The Mission Building Workshop will take you through a quick process to generate new goals (page 12)
The course is meant to be completed over the course of 28 consecutive days. However, if you miss a
day, don’t sweat it, just get back on track the next day.
Good luck - it’s time to get beastly,
David de las Morenas
P.S. Before starting, access your progress tracking workbook using the guidelines on the next page.
How to Track Your Progress
You will use a Google Workbook to track your progress. Follow the steps below to get started.
Step 1: Access Your Workbook by clicking here
Just click “Make a copy” to create your copy of
the 28 Days to Alpha Progress Tracker.
You can always access this later on your
Google Drive at
NOTE: After you click “Make a copy” – wait – it
can take some time to load your workbook
Step 2: Enter your start date
Here’s a screenshot of the first sheet of the
workbook. Enter your start date at the top
This sheet will be automatically updated as you
complete each day of the 28-day course.
Step 3: Get familiar with the workbook
Browse through the different sheets of your workbook by clicking the tabs at the bottom (shown above).
The Mission Builder tabs will be used as part of Habit 5.
You will use every tab after that (Day 1, Day 2, etc) to track your progress for every day of the course.
Step 4: Get started
The rest of this PDF contains step-by-step instructions on how to complete each of the 8 habits. So read
up on each habit now, and then get going.
Remember, you will update this workbook every day to track your progress and stay accountable
throughout the next 28 days.
MODULE I: Ritual
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
- Aristotle
Habit 1: Abundance Mentality
Primary Benefits: Happiness, Freedom, Confidence
In the western world, more is better…
More money, more sex, a more expensive car, a bigger home, a more shredded body…
The benefits of wanting more is that it can motivate you. But the costs are colossal:
 Unhappiness that stems from a feeling of lacking the things that you want
 Insecurity that stems from this same feeling of lacking
 Ironically, it can even cause a scarcity mindset where you feel unable to get the things you want
These costs can ruin you. They can make you sad and depressed…
You can trick yourself into feeling miserable because you DON’T have a girlfriend, you AREN’T making
enough money, or you DON’T look like a fitness model.
The solution to these problems is simple: be grateful for what you already have.
When you remind yourself about – and you’re grateful for – the material possessions, relationships, and
qualities that you already possess, you stop focusing on the things you DON’T have. You train yourself to
appreciate the things you DO have. And you’ll feel that much more happy and confident for doing so.
The amazing thing is that being grateful for what you already have actually puts you in the best position
to progress and get the things that you want.
Because of this newfound sense of happiness and confidence, you tend to adopt an abundance
mentality and proceed from a far more secure place, emotionally and mentally, and this gives you a
better chance of achieving your goals and getting what you want.
How to Do It
Note: This is part 1 of your morning ritual. Complete it first thing in the morning, right after waking up.
Every day for the next 28 days, you will list 3 things that you already have that you’re grateful for as part
of your new morning ritual. Record each of them in your Google Workbook.
(Note: Once created, you can always find this on your Google Drive at
For each item that you think of, close your eyes and take a moment to imagine what your life would be
like if you didn’t have it. This is called negative visualization and it will help you truly appreciate
everything you already have.
Common things I list include:
 Possessions: my car, my apartment, my laptop
 Relationships: my roommate, my brother, my parents, my training clients
 Things about me: my health, my good looks, my sense of humor, my determination
It’s okay to occasionally repeat things on different days, but strive to think of new things each day.
Habit 2: Shock the System
Primary Benefits: Energy, Courage, Discipline
We tend to be lazy when we wake up.
We want an extra 10 minutes in bed. We want to stand in the shower for 10 minutes. We want to get
back in bed again…
We don’t want to get up. We don’t want to go to work. We don’t want to get shit done.
But there is a cure for this weakness…
It’s called the cold shower.
Nothing will shock your system and get you going in the morning like a cold shower. And cold showers
have many other proven benefits that all men should take advantage of:
 Increased energy from the pure shock of immersing yourself in cold water
 Improved physiological function as a result of the deep breathing caused by the cold water
 Enhanced courage from repeatedly forcing yourself to do something that’s uncomfortable
 Anti-depressive benefits from the hormones and neurotransmitters released in the process
The cold shower is like a rite of passage. The balls it takes to repeatedly subject yourself to stepping into
ice cold water builds courage, mental toughness, and discipline.
Join the cold water crew and find out why it’s one of the best kept secrets from the majority of modern
How to Do It
Note: This is part 2 of your morning ritual. Complete it right after your gratitude practice.
Every day for the next 28 days, you will take a cold shower as part of your new morning ritual.
Simply turn on the cold water, step in, and stay in there for about 2 minutes. Focus on breathing full,
deep breathes and staying calm while you’re inside.
Note: If 100% cold water is too much for you to handle, start as cold as you can handle, then gradually
make it colder once you’re inside.
Habit 3: Mindful Like a Monk
Primary Benefits: Happiness, Tranquility, Mental Clarity
Meditation gets written off by most guys.
The benefits of meditation aren’t like lifting weights or approaching women. It’s not going to get you
ripped or get hot women into your bed…
The benefits simply don’t seem tangible.
The thing is that we live in a society where over-stimulation is the norm. We’re constantly bombarded
by advertisements, movies, video games, TV shows, sports games, breaking news, and when we’re not,
we tend to dive our heads into out smartphones.
So – I get it – sitting still and breathing for a prolonged period can seem like “a waste of time”.
But realize this: the matrix is real my friend. And we’re all fucking plugged into it.
Meditation is the red pill that allows us to unplug ourselves from the matrix of modern day society, if
only for a couple of minutes. It allows us gain a better perspective on the things that really matter.
After a solid meditation, you’ll feel amazing. I guarantee it.
 You won’t worry about all the things you have to do later
 You’ll be able to focus entirely on what you’re doing – and enjoy it that much more
 You won’t get tied down in depressive thoughts or heart wrenching anxiety
 You’ll feel a calm, focused energy emanating from within
In short, you’ll be happier, more confident, and you’ll crush the rest of your day because of it.
If that wasn’t enough, there’s conclusive scientific data showing that meditation boosts your immune
system, lowers your blood pressure, and relieves symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, among other
One study out of Harvard even found that short daily doses of mediation can physically grow the grey
matter in the area of your brain associated with self-awareness and compassion, and shrink the grey
matter in the area of your brain associated with stress – it literally improves the composition of your
All of this is why more and more people are adopting the practice, from US Marines all the way to
professional and Olympic athletes.
How to Do It
Note: This is part 3 of your morning ritual. Complete it right after your cold shower.
Every day for the next 28 days, you will meditate for 5 minutes as part of your new morning ritual.
Click this link to download and listen to my 5 minute guided mediation audio MP3 file:
Habit 4: Laser-Like Focus
Primary Benefits: Productivity, Motivation, Focus
“What gets measured, gets managed”
I don’t know who said that originally, but’s it’s completely fucking true.
Things that don’t get written down and measured usually never get managed or completed.
This is why most men go through their day without any sense of focus or purpose. They have things that
they want to get done and things that they need to get done, yet they consistently fail to do.
They get sidetracked with little bullshit tasks. They procrastinate. They get distracted and browse the
internet. They get frustrated and decide to just watch TV or play video games instead.
They don’t get shit done. And they stagnate as a result.
What sets men who achieve their goals apart is that they know how to focus on the smaller steps
necessary for completing the big picture. They chip away at their goals and their projects, one step at a
time, and before you know it, they have successfully achieved them.
There are many systems for managing your to-do items for the day, but the simplest is to take a minute
in the morning to review the main things you need to get done on that day.
This will prevent you from falling victim to the ebbs and flows of daily life that hold so many men back.
This will prevent you from running around all day like a chicken with its head cut off.
It will bring that invaluable sense of focus and purpose into your daily life, and allow you to quickly make
progress on the things that are important to you.
How to Do It
Note: This is part 4 of your morning ritual. Complete it right after you meditate.
Every day for the next 28 days, you will list your 3 biggest tasks you need to get done that day as a part
of your new morning ritual.
Record these tasks in your Google Workbook.
(Note: Once created, you can always find this on your Google Drive at
You want to list the big ticket items that are a priority for you to complete. Oftentimes these will relate
to your primary missions that you will generate for yourself as a part of the next habit.
MODULE II: Mission
“The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive,
but in finding something to live for.”
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Habit 5: Man on a Mission
Primary Benefits: Purpose, Motivation, Success
What’s your primary goal?
Having a goal – or a mission – that you’re consciously working towards achieving is extremely important.
 It’s the easiest way to “advance” in life and get the things that you want
 It fills you with a sense of drive and determination
 It fulfills your basic masculine desire to “create” something – some end result
 It keeps you in the habit of working towards a goal and supercharges your long-term growth
These are just a few of the major benefits of always working towards a particular goal.
It doesn’t matter if you want a new job, a better body, a more fulfilling love life, or more money – having
clearly defined goals is the fastest way to get these things.
And when you don’t have a primary goal or higher purpose to direct all of your energy towards? You end
up wandering aimlessly through life. You have no purpose.
When this happens, it’s all too easy to drown in depression and anxiety. You feel like you have no control
over your own life.
The obvious way to avoid these symptoms and reap the aforementioned benefits is simply to give your
life a primary purpose. And, to clarify, we’re not talking about determining your “life’s calling”, just a
goal to guide you and give you purpose for the next few months.
I find that setting goals that take years to complete is inefficient. First of all, it makes deciding on
something in particular very hard, because it seems like such a big deal. Second, it’s hard to maintain
motivation for that length of time. And third: we fucking change. A goal that you set for yourself today is
unlikely to be important to you in a few years.
Again, the importance of having a goal, mission, or purpose is far more important than the goal itself. So
don’t stress out about exactly what your goal will be.
How to Do It
You will being by creating 3 goals for yourself to bring a sense of purpose into your life (use the Mission
Building Workshop guidelines on the next page to quickly generate your goals).
NOTE: If you already have defined goals that you’re working towards, then these steps should be easy –
all they will do is formalize your goals and help hold you accountable to actually achieving them.
After you complete the workshop, you will take action on at least one of these goals, every day for the
remainder of the 28 days... No matter how small this action is, you will work towards completing your
goals each and every day.
Record what action steps you take each day in your Google Workbook.
Mission Building Workshop
Step 1: Brainstorm Potential Missions
Open up your Google Workbook and go to the second sheet (“Mission Builder I”).
(Note: Once created, you can always find this on your Google Drive at
 List 5 potential things you’d like to HAVE in the next 1-6 months
 List 5 potential things you’d like to BECOME in the next 1-6 months
 List 5 potential things you’d like to DO in the next 1-6 months
 Refer to my examples for inspiration
Step 2: Choose 3 and Refine Them
Open up your Google Workbook and go to the third sheet (“Mission Builder II”).
 Pick 3 goals to focus on from the list you brainstormed in step 1
 For each goal write a detailed description
 Describe exactly WHAT achieving each goal will look and feel like
 Describe WHY you want to achieve each goal and what achieving it will mean to you
 Refer to my example for inspiration
Step 3: Create a Game-Plan
Open up your Google Workbook and go to the fourth sheet (“Mission Builder III”).
 Create a list of next action steps for each goal
 Make each action as small and detailed as possible
 The smaller the individual steps, the more likely you are to get them done
This is the most important step…
The book Getting Things Done by David Allen is an international bestseller, and widely considered a
quintessential book for improving your productivity. Inside he breaks productivity down to 1 basic fact:
"You don't actually do a project; you can only do action steps related to it."
Basically, the number one thing keeping us from completing our missions is inaction. And the reason
most people don’t act is because they don’t know what to do – they think about the end result but they
haven’t taken the time to break down their goal into small steps that they can actually do.
“The resistance that you fight physically in the gym and the resistance that
you fight in life can only build a strong character.”
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
Habit 6: Body Like a Beast
Primary Benefits: Strength, Fat Loss/Muscle Gain, Posture
Exercise is universally hailed as the most important thing us humans can do to
increase the quality and length of our lives.
 It builds muscle mass and physical strength
 It assists in burning fat and losing weight
 It reduces the risk of many chronic diseases
 It promotes better sleep
 It enhances your sex drive
 It boosts your overall energy
And these are just SOME of the benefits… It’s simply IGNORANT not to exercise regularly.
If you’re a man, strength training should be your primary form of exercise. Yes, cardio has its benefits,
but resistance training cultivates physical strength and powerful posture. And these two things are at
the root of what it means to be a man.
Without physical strength, men aren’t all that different from women. And your posture and physical
stature are so important, because they’re two of the first things people notice about you.
While they’re many other virtues of masculinity, like decisiveness and mental fortitude, most of them
stem from the physical embodiment of strength. So – let’s get fit, bro…
How to Do It
Every other day for the next 28 days, you will work out using the routine detailed on the next few pages.
Record your performance for the day in your Google Workbook.
(Note: Once created, you can always find this on your Google Drive at
If you don’t lift weights regularly, the next 28 days will change you. If you already follow your own
weight lifting routine, put it aside and use this one – it uses only your bodyweight and can be completed
at home or in the gym.
NOTE: If you’re doing this routine at home, a pull up bar is required to do some of the movements. If
you don’t have one, I suggest buying this one on Amazon – it’s only $29 and easily hangs on most
Bodyweight Strength Training Routine
Which Exercises to Use
The routine consists of a squat, push-up, pull-up, and abdominal movement.
You will select one exercise for each type of movement from the table below, depending on your
current strength level. See the following pages for detailed descriptions of each exercise.
Start with an exercise that you can perform at least 8 repetitions of with good form.
Always aim to get stronger and do more repetitions each workout. When you can do 15 or more
repetitions of any exercise then you should advance and begin using the next hardest variation of that
movement type.
Movement Type Difficulty Exercise
Squat Beginner Bodyweight Squat
Advanced Jump Squat
Push-Up Beginner Push-Up
Advanced Plyometric Push-Up
Pull-Up Beginner Table Pull-Up
Advanced Pull-Up
Core/Abs Beginner Sit-Up
Advanced Hanging Leg Raises
How to Do It
You will perform three sets of each exercise in a circuit:
 Execute one set of your squat exercise until failure*
 Rest 60 seconds
 Execute one set of your push-up exercise until failure*
 Rest 60 seconds
 Execute one set of your pull-up exercise until failure*
 Rest 60 seconds
 Execute one set of your core exercise until failure*
 Rest 60 seconds
 Repeat from the top 2 more times (3 times total)
*Failure is when you can’t perform another rep with good form… this does NOT mean when you
absolutely cannot go any further. For example, if you have to swing your body to perform a pull-up or
drop your ass to the floor to perform a push up THEN YOU HAVE ALREADY REACHED FAILURE.
Exercise 1: The Squat
Beginner: Bodyweight Squat
Standing with your feet about shoulder length
apart, inhale into your nose and lower your body,
keeping your arms straight ahead, chest up, abs
tight, and feet flat on the floor. When you get as
low as you can go, exhale out of your mouth and
push through your heels to stand back up.
Advanced: Jump Squat
Standing with your feet about shoulder length
apart, inhale into your nose and lower your
body, keeping your arms straight ahead, chest
up, abs tight, and feet flat on the floor. When
you get as low as you can go, exhale out of
your mouth and push through your heels to
jump up as high as you can.
Exercise 2: The Push-Up
Beginner: Regular Push Up
Get into a regular push up position. Keeping your elbows tight against your ribcage and your abs tight,
inhale and lower your upper body until your chest is about two inches from the floor and then exhale
and push through your palms to return to the starting position.
Advanced: Plyometric Push Up
Get into a regular push up position. Keeping your elbows tight against your ribcage and your abs tight,
inhale and lower your upper body until your chest is about two inches from the floor and then exhale
and push through your palms, explode up, and push your body off the ground as high as you can. Land
with your elbows slightly bent. Return to the starting position before starting your next rep.
Exercise 3: The Pull-Up
Beginner: Table Pull-Up
Positioned underneath a table, hanging from
the edges, with your legs straight, exhale and
pull yourself up until your chest touches the
table. Then inhale and lower yourself back
Note: If this is too hard, bend your knees and
use your legs to help pull your weight up.
Note 2: If you’re working out in the gym,
hang from a barbell in the squat rack instead
of using a table (google inverted row to see
this in action).
Advanced: Regular Pull-Up
Hanging with straight arms from
a pull up bar (shoulder width,
with an over or underhand grip),
exhale and pull yourself up,
driving your elbows downward,
until your chin is over the bar.
Inhale and lower yourself back
Exercise 4: Core/Abs
Beginner: Crunch
Lay on the floor with your hands behind your head and your legs raised into the air, with your knees at a
90 degree angle. Keeping your elbows wide, your chin raised, and your abs tight – exhale and lift your
upper back off of the ground. Then inhale and return to the starting position.
Advanced: Hanging Leg Raise
Hanging from a pull up bar,
exhale and drive your legs up
as high as you can, keeping
your knees straight. Then
inhale and slowly lower them
back down.
“We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark;
the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”
- Plato
Habit 7: The Power of Rejection
Primary Benefits: Courage, Confidence, Quality Dates
There’s no such thing as a man without fear, only those who’ve trained
themselves to be comfortable confronting their fears.
The quickest way to train yourself to do this is by exposing yourself to a lot fearful situations where
failure or rejection is probable. When you do this, you slowly rewire your brain to be comfortable in the
presence of fear.
You’re actually able to desensitize yourself to the fear of failure and turn your default “fight or flight”
response into something different – an enlightened, adventurous approach to life where you’re more
likely to try new things and take bold action, despite the fear of rejection or embarrassment.
Approaching women is a universal fear of men, and so it serves as a perfect tool for the job. If you can
repeatedly approach women in public places, you’re fear of failure will gradually diminish.
For me, had it not been for my exposure to approaching lots of random women, I’m not so sure that I
would’ve had the balls to quit my 9-5 software job and pursue my passions for fitness and
Also, approaching women that you find attractive is the quickest way to line up lots of dates and
supercharge your love life. I honestly believe the best way to get better with women is to simply
approach – and date – more and more of them... Dating advice is overrated.
Repeatedly trying, failing – and sometimes succeeding – will quickly make you comfortable approaching
women, confident in nearly every social situation, and all the more attractive because of it.
How to Do It
Every day for the next 28 days, you will approach at least one woman and attempt to start a
conversation with her.
It doesn’t matter if you get her number, a date, or nothing at all – but you DO need to get out there and
do an approach.
Refer to the following page for a step-by-step method for approaching women in common daytime
The Fearless Approach
Here’s my basic system for meeting women in common daytime scenarios. You can see
a video demonstration of me doing this whole thing at
This approach will work in any public place where you encounter attractive women:
at the grocery store, in the mall, on the street, at the park, or anywhere else where
there’s a lot of foot traffic.
Be aware throughout your day – there are plenty of opportunities right under your nose.
Step 1: The Approach
You can’t start talking to a beautiful girl you notice walking down the street if you cannot stop her and
initiate an interaction.
 Smile and make eye contact as you walk towards your intended target.
 Say “hey” in a voice that’s loud enough to get her attention.
 Ask an innocent question – “Do you know where the closest Starbucks is?” is my favorite,
because women love that shit, but any question will work.
Step 2: The Transition
You need to act quickly at this point. If you don’t change the subject or give her a reason to stay,
chances are that she will promptly walk away after answering your question.
 Declare interest – “Honestly I just asked you that because I thought you were cute” is my
favorite line here, but “Honestly I just wanted to talk to you” works too and is a little less ballsy.
 Make an introduction – “By the way, I’m David” and extend your hand for a handshake.
Step 3: Small Talk
At this point you’ll probably need to carry the conversational burden. Some women may help, but most
will be taken off guard by your approach, and be a little bit timid because of it.
 Make an observation – “You’re not from around here, are you?” is an easy one that always
works wonders for me, but feel free to make a comment about something she’s wearing, too.
 Ask a question – “So what are you up to today?” is my go-to question here, but you could ask for
a restaurant recommendation or how she likes the city you’re in.
Step 4: The Close
One or two minutes will have passed at this point. If you’re having a good time and you don’t have
anywhere to be, then feel free to keep on chatting. However, I prefer to keep it short and sweet.
 Ask her out – “I got to run but you seem cool, do you want to hang out later this week?” is pretty
much how I phrase this every time
 If she says yes, hand her your phone with the dial screen open and ask for her number
 If she says no, politely say “Well you can take that as a compliment, it was nice to meet you.”
Note: You don’t have to do all 4 steps for your approach to “count” – just make sure you do an approach
MODULE V: Discipline
“To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to
all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind.”
- Buddha
Habit 8: The End of Masturbation
Primary Benefits: Motivation, Confidence, Discipline
Internet pornography is possibly the biggest confidence-killer when it comes to men.
 It creates unrealistic expectations for sex (e.g. most women don’t look like pornstars,
women generally don’t initiate sex like they do in porn, etc.)
 It can lead to unhealthy obsessions with body parts (e.g. boobs)
 Erectile dysfunction is a normal side effect of regular porn use (i.e. you get used to being turned
on by watching pixels on a computer screen, rather than from being with a real woman)
 Social anxiety has been widely reported as another negative side effect
 It raises men’s standards and subsequently keeps them from having sex
 It over-stimulates your serotonin and dopamine levels and can lower your baseline happiness
levels the same way hard drugs do
These are more than enough reasons to stop watching porn. It simply isn’t healthy for our confidence,
happiness, or motivation.
The only real benefit of watching porn is learning how to be good at sex. But, even then, not all porn is a
good example... and I’m sure you’ve already seen enough to get an idea of what “good” sex looks like.
Side note: Being dominant – verbally and physically – is about all men need to know to be “good” at sex.
How to Do It
Every day for the next 28 days, you will abstain from watching internet porn.
Masturbating once a week without watching of porn is acceptable to release pent-up sexual energy if
you’re not getting laid.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I use my own strength training routine?
Yes, you can… However, I strongly suggest you use the included bodyweight training routine.
It will be very challenging for 99% of guys and it only takes 20 or so minutes to complete. This will give
you more time to focus on the other habits than a long training routine.
2. I have a girlfriend/wife, should I do something else instead of
approaching women?
This is a tough one.
There’s no other activity I know of that’s as effective and accessible as approaching women in terms of
desensitizing you to the fear of failure.
Realize that approach women and telling them that they’re cute is not cheating if you have no intentions
of taking the interaction any further.
However, if this seems completely morally wrong to you, then feel free to skip this habit… Just don’t use
it as an excuse for being afraid.
3. Eight habits seems like a lot… What if I only partially complete the
habits some days?
This is inevitable... Doing 8 habits for 28 consecutive days (minus rest days) would be very impressive.
Don’t worry about it if you missed 1 or 2 habits every few days. If you miss most of them, however, you
should repeat that entire day.
That being said, when you break down the time commitment, it should be quite manageable:
 Habit 1: Gratitude – 3 minutes
 Habit 2: Cold shower – 5 minutes (including drying off)
 Habit 3: Meditation – 5 minutes
 Habit 4: List 3 tasks – 2 minutes
 Habit 5: Take action – Depends on what you put it
 Habit 6: Workout Routine – 20 minutes
 Habit 7: Approach a girl – 5 minutes (just do it as you go about your normal daily routine)
 Habit 8: No masturbation – 0 minutes (maybe even extra time)
That’s a total of 40 minutes per day (plus whatever you put towards working on your goals)… Definitely
not a terribly large time commitment if you’re serious about getting the most out of this course.
More questions? Just email me at

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28 to Alpha

  • 2. 28 Days to Alpha A Course in Building Confidence & Crushing Life David De Las Morenas Copyright © 2016 Beast Industries, LLC All Rights Reserved.
  • 3. This program is brought to you by… is a website for men. We focus on 2 things:  Building confidence and achieving rock-solid mental toughness  Building muscle, getting stronger, and achieving a beastly physique NOTE: If you’re new to HTB, go to for free, instant access to my most popular articles on these subjects.
  • 4. Disclaimer This program is a general education health-related information product and is only intended for healthy adults, ages 18 and over. This program is solely for information and education purposes and is not medical advice. Please consult a medical or health professional before you begin any exercise, nutrition, or supplementation program or if you have any questions about your health. There may be risks and dangers associated with engaging in activities or using products mentioned in this program for people with poor health or with pre-existing physical or mental health conditions. Because these risks exist, you will not use such products or engage in such activities if you are in poor health or have a pre-existing mental or physical health condition. If you choose to participate in these activities, you do so of your own free will and accord knowingly and voluntarily, assuming all risks associated with such activities.
  • 5. Contents INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................1 What Motivates You? ...................................................................................................................................2 Your 28 Day Challenge..................................................................................................................................3 How to Track Your Progress..........................................................................................................................4 MODULE I: Ritual..........................................................................................................................................5 Habit 1: Abundance Mentality......................................................................................................................6 Habit 2: Shock the System ............................................................................................................................7 Habit 3: Mindful Like a Monk........................................................................................................................8 Habit 4: Laser-Like Focus...............................................................................................................................9 MODULE II: Mission....................................................................................................................................10 Habit 5: Man on a Mission..........................................................................................................................11 Mission Building Workshop ........................................................................................................................12 MODULE III: Body.......................................................................................................................................13 Habit 6: Body Like a Beast...........................................................................................................................14 Bodyweight Strength Training Routine.......................................................................................................15 MODULE IV: Fear........................................................................................................................................20 Habit 7: The Power of Rejection .................................................................................................................21 The Fearless Approach................................................................................................................................22 MODULE V: Discipline ................................................................................................................................23 Habit 8: The End of Masturbation...............................................................................................................24 Frequently Asked Questions......................................................................................................................25
  • 6. 1 INTRODUCTION “Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.” - Marcus Aurelius
  • 7. 2 What Motivates You? Why did you purchase this course – what do you want to get out of it? Seriously, take a second and answer that question… We rarely take the time to question our own motivations for doing things. And this can undermine everything we do.  Maybe you want to be a “better man". But what does “a better man” even mean to you?  Maybe you want to be “more confident”. But why?  Maybe you want to build “good habits”. But, again, why do you want this? I don’t have a good answer for – I could list a bunch of possibilities – but only you can decide why you want to take this course. Only you can decide why you want to grow stronger as a man. Only you can decide what “growing stronger” even means… When you take the time to understand what’s motivating you to take this course, or do anything for that matter, you get to know yourself on a deeper level. You uncover the real reason you want to do something. You put a purpose behind your actions. And this is invaluable… Because when you have a deeper purpose guiding your actions, they start to become meaningful to you. They start to inspire you and excite you, rather than becoming just another thing you need to get done. And this creates a deep emotional connection inside of you. When you understand your motivation for doing something, it becomes more enjoyable to do AND you also fully immerse yourself in it, and perform better in the process. I originally wrote a long introduction for this course about how the modern man is declining, how now is the time for YOU to step up and differentiate yourself from the hordes of average men, and how the alpha male is a rare and declining breed… And while I do believe this to be true, the whole point of that introduction was to get you motivated and excited to start the course. Then I realized that would be a cheap trick. Your motivation for doing this course, and completing all 28 days of it, needs to come from within. You need to motivate yourself. You need to ask yourself why you’re doing it, and what completing it will mean to you… Only then will you have true motivation. That all being said, if you give it 100%, by the end of the 28 days you can expect to have:  Set goals, taken action, made measurable progress, and given your life a sense of purpose  Built an empowering morning habit routine that fills you with a sense of confidence and happiness every single day  Gotten on a consistent workout routine and already built noticeable muscle and burnt body fat  Desensitized yourself to the fear of rejection and failure that holds so many men back from getting what they want out of life.
  • 8. 3 Your 28 Day Challenge Hello Friend, Welcome to 28 Days to Alpha. Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to take life by the balls for the next 28 days… …and use this as a launch pad to supercharge your growth as a man for the foreseeable future. Will you man up and rise to the challenge? Or will you fade into the background and stay complacent? Below are the guidelines – the rules – you will follow for the next 28 days… In short, you will complete the 8 habits detailed in the remainder of this guide each and every day (with the exception of resting and recovering on the final day of each week). Here is a quick overview of the habits:  Perform the Morning Ritual every single day immediately upon waking (Habits 1-4)  Take Action on at least 1 of your primary goals* every single day (Habit 5)  Work out using the Bodyweight Routine every other day (Habit 6)  Approach 1 girl every single day using the Fearless Approach guidelines (Habit 7)  Abstain from Masturbation every single day (Habit 8) *The Mission Building Workshop will take you through a quick process to generate new goals (page 12) The course is meant to be completed over the course of 28 consecutive days. However, if you miss a day, don’t sweat it, just get back on track the next day. Good luck - it’s time to get beastly, David de las Morenas P.S. Before starting, access your progress tracking workbook using the guidelines on the next page.
  • 9. 4 How to Track Your Progress You will use a Google Workbook to track your progress. Follow the steps below to get started. Step 1: Access Your Workbook by clicking here Just click “Make a copy” to create your copy of the 28 Days to Alpha Progress Tracker. You can always access this later on your Google Drive at NOTE: After you click “Make a copy” – wait – it can take some time to load your workbook Step 2: Enter your start date Here’s a screenshot of the first sheet of the workbook. Enter your start date at the top right. This sheet will be automatically updated as you complete each day of the 28-day course. Step 3: Get familiar with the workbook Browse through the different sheets of your workbook by clicking the tabs at the bottom (shown above). The Mission Builder tabs will be used as part of Habit 5. You will use every tab after that (Day 1, Day 2, etc) to track your progress for every day of the course. Step 4: Get started The rest of this PDF contains step-by-step instructions on how to complete each of the 8 habits. So read up on each habit now, and then get going. Remember, you will update this workbook every day to track your progress and stay accountable throughout the next 28 days.
  • 10. 5 MODULE I: Ritual “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” - Aristotle
  • 11. 6 Habit 1: Abundance Mentality Primary Benefits: Happiness, Freedom, Confidence In the western world, more is better… More money, more sex, a more expensive car, a bigger home, a more shredded body… The benefits of wanting more is that it can motivate you. But the costs are colossal:  Unhappiness that stems from a feeling of lacking the things that you want  Insecurity that stems from this same feeling of lacking  Ironically, it can even cause a scarcity mindset where you feel unable to get the things you want These costs can ruin you. They can make you sad and depressed… You can trick yourself into feeling miserable because you DON’T have a girlfriend, you AREN’T making enough money, or you DON’T look like a fitness model. The solution to these problems is simple: be grateful for what you already have. When you remind yourself about – and you’re grateful for – the material possessions, relationships, and qualities that you already possess, you stop focusing on the things you DON’T have. You train yourself to appreciate the things you DO have. And you’ll feel that much more happy and confident for doing so. The amazing thing is that being grateful for what you already have actually puts you in the best position to progress and get the things that you want. Because of this newfound sense of happiness and confidence, you tend to adopt an abundance mentality and proceed from a far more secure place, emotionally and mentally, and this gives you a better chance of achieving your goals and getting what you want. How to Do It Note: This is part 1 of your morning ritual. Complete it first thing in the morning, right after waking up. Every day for the next 28 days, you will list 3 things that you already have that you’re grateful for as part of your new morning ritual. Record each of them in your Google Workbook. (Note: Once created, you can always find this on your Google Drive at For each item that you think of, close your eyes and take a moment to imagine what your life would be like if you didn’t have it. This is called negative visualization and it will help you truly appreciate everything you already have. Common things I list include:  Possessions: my car, my apartment, my laptop  Relationships: my roommate, my brother, my parents, my training clients  Things about me: my health, my good looks, my sense of humor, my determination It’s okay to occasionally repeat things on different days, but strive to think of new things each day.
  • 12. 7 Habit 2: Shock the System Primary Benefits: Energy, Courage, Discipline We tend to be lazy when we wake up. We want an extra 10 minutes in bed. We want to stand in the shower for 10 minutes. We want to get back in bed again… We don’t want to get up. We don’t want to go to work. We don’t want to get shit done. But there is a cure for this weakness… It’s called the cold shower. Nothing will shock your system and get you going in the morning like a cold shower. And cold showers have many other proven benefits that all men should take advantage of:  Increased energy from the pure shock of immersing yourself in cold water  Improved physiological function as a result of the deep breathing caused by the cold water  Enhanced courage from repeatedly forcing yourself to do something that’s uncomfortable  Anti-depressive benefits from the hormones and neurotransmitters released in the process The cold shower is like a rite of passage. The balls it takes to repeatedly subject yourself to stepping into ice cold water builds courage, mental toughness, and discipline. Join the cold water crew and find out why it’s one of the best kept secrets from the majority of modern men. How to Do It Note: This is part 2 of your morning ritual. Complete it right after your gratitude practice. Every day for the next 28 days, you will take a cold shower as part of your new morning ritual. Simply turn on the cold water, step in, and stay in there for about 2 minutes. Focus on breathing full, deep breathes and staying calm while you’re inside. Note: If 100% cold water is too much for you to handle, start as cold as you can handle, then gradually make it colder once you’re inside.
  • 13. 8 Habit 3: Mindful Like a Monk Primary Benefits: Happiness, Tranquility, Mental Clarity Meditation gets written off by most guys. The benefits of meditation aren’t like lifting weights or approaching women. It’s not going to get you ripped or get hot women into your bed… The benefits simply don’t seem tangible. The thing is that we live in a society where over-stimulation is the norm. We’re constantly bombarded by advertisements, movies, video games, TV shows, sports games, breaking news, and when we’re not, we tend to dive our heads into out smartphones. So – I get it – sitting still and breathing for a prolonged period can seem like “a waste of time”. But realize this: the matrix is real my friend. And we’re all fucking plugged into it. Meditation is the red pill that allows us to unplug ourselves from the matrix of modern day society, if only for a couple of minutes. It allows us gain a better perspective on the things that really matter. After a solid meditation, you’ll feel amazing. I guarantee it.  You won’t worry about all the things you have to do later  You’ll be able to focus entirely on what you’re doing – and enjoy it that much more  You won’t get tied down in depressive thoughts or heart wrenching anxiety  You’ll feel a calm, focused energy emanating from within In short, you’ll be happier, more confident, and you’ll crush the rest of your day because of it. If that wasn’t enough, there’s conclusive scientific data showing that meditation boosts your immune system, lowers your blood pressure, and relieves symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, among other things. One study out of Harvard even found that short daily doses of mediation can physically grow the grey matter in the area of your brain associated with self-awareness and compassion, and shrink the grey matter in the area of your brain associated with stress – it literally improves the composition of your brain. All of this is why more and more people are adopting the practice, from US Marines all the way to professional and Olympic athletes. How to Do It Note: This is part 3 of your morning ritual. Complete it right after your cold shower. Every day for the next 28 days, you will meditate for 5 minutes as part of your new morning ritual. Click this link to download and listen to my 5 minute guided mediation audio MP3 file:
  • 14. 9 Habit 4: Laser-Like Focus Primary Benefits: Productivity, Motivation, Focus “What gets measured, gets managed” I don’t know who said that originally, but’s it’s completely fucking true. Things that don’t get written down and measured usually never get managed or completed. This is why most men go through their day without any sense of focus or purpose. They have things that they want to get done and things that they need to get done, yet they consistently fail to do. They get sidetracked with little bullshit tasks. They procrastinate. They get distracted and browse the internet. They get frustrated and decide to just watch TV or play video games instead. They don’t get shit done. And they stagnate as a result. What sets men who achieve their goals apart is that they know how to focus on the smaller steps necessary for completing the big picture. They chip away at their goals and their projects, one step at a time, and before you know it, they have successfully achieved them. There are many systems for managing your to-do items for the day, but the simplest is to take a minute in the morning to review the main things you need to get done on that day. This will prevent you from falling victim to the ebbs and flows of daily life that hold so many men back. This will prevent you from running around all day like a chicken with its head cut off. It will bring that invaluable sense of focus and purpose into your daily life, and allow you to quickly make progress on the things that are important to you. How to Do It Note: This is part 4 of your morning ritual. Complete it right after you meditate. Every day for the next 28 days, you will list your 3 biggest tasks you need to get done that day as a part of your new morning ritual. Record these tasks in your Google Workbook. (Note: Once created, you can always find this on your Google Drive at You want to list the big ticket items that are a priority for you to complete. Oftentimes these will relate to your primary missions that you will generate for yourself as a part of the next habit.
  • 15. 10 MODULE II: Mission “The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.” - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  • 16. 11 Habit 5: Man on a Mission Primary Benefits: Purpose, Motivation, Success What’s your primary goal? Having a goal – or a mission – that you’re consciously working towards achieving is extremely important.  It’s the easiest way to “advance” in life and get the things that you want  It fills you with a sense of drive and determination  It fulfills your basic masculine desire to “create” something – some end result  It keeps you in the habit of working towards a goal and supercharges your long-term growth These are just a few of the major benefits of always working towards a particular goal. It doesn’t matter if you want a new job, a better body, a more fulfilling love life, or more money – having clearly defined goals is the fastest way to get these things. And when you don’t have a primary goal or higher purpose to direct all of your energy towards? You end up wandering aimlessly through life. You have no purpose. When this happens, it’s all too easy to drown in depression and anxiety. You feel like you have no control over your own life. The obvious way to avoid these symptoms and reap the aforementioned benefits is simply to give your life a primary purpose. And, to clarify, we’re not talking about determining your “life’s calling”, just a goal to guide you and give you purpose for the next few months. I find that setting goals that take years to complete is inefficient. First of all, it makes deciding on something in particular very hard, because it seems like such a big deal. Second, it’s hard to maintain motivation for that length of time. And third: we fucking change. A goal that you set for yourself today is unlikely to be important to you in a few years. Again, the importance of having a goal, mission, or purpose is far more important than the goal itself. So don’t stress out about exactly what your goal will be. How to Do It You will being by creating 3 goals for yourself to bring a sense of purpose into your life (use the Mission Building Workshop guidelines on the next page to quickly generate your goals). NOTE: If you already have defined goals that you’re working towards, then these steps should be easy – all they will do is formalize your goals and help hold you accountable to actually achieving them. After you complete the workshop, you will take action on at least one of these goals, every day for the remainder of the 28 days... No matter how small this action is, you will work towards completing your goals each and every day. Record what action steps you take each day in your Google Workbook.
  • 17. 12 Mission Building Workshop Step 1: Brainstorm Potential Missions Open up your Google Workbook and go to the second sheet (“Mission Builder I”). (Note: Once created, you can always find this on your Google Drive at  List 5 potential things you’d like to HAVE in the next 1-6 months  List 5 potential things you’d like to BECOME in the next 1-6 months  List 5 potential things you’d like to DO in the next 1-6 months  Refer to my examples for inspiration Step 2: Choose 3 and Refine Them Open up your Google Workbook and go to the third sheet (“Mission Builder II”).  Pick 3 goals to focus on from the list you brainstormed in step 1  For each goal write a detailed description  Describe exactly WHAT achieving each goal will look and feel like  Describe WHY you want to achieve each goal and what achieving it will mean to you  Refer to my example for inspiration Step 3: Create a Game-Plan Open up your Google Workbook and go to the fourth sheet (“Mission Builder III”).  Create a list of next action steps for each goal  Make each action as small and detailed as possible  The smaller the individual steps, the more likely you are to get them done This is the most important step… The book Getting Things Done by David Allen is an international bestseller, and widely considered a quintessential book for improving your productivity. Inside he breaks productivity down to 1 basic fact: "You don't actually do a project; you can only do action steps related to it." Basically, the number one thing keeping us from completing our missions is inaction. And the reason most people don’t act is because they don’t know what to do – they think about the end result but they haven’t taken the time to break down their goal into small steps that they can actually do.
  • 18. 13 MODULE III: Body “The resistance that you fight physically in the gym and the resistance that you fight in life can only build a strong character.” - Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • 19. 14 Habit 6: Body Like a Beast Primary Benefits: Strength, Fat Loss/Muscle Gain, Posture Exercise is universally hailed as the most important thing us humans can do to increase the quality and length of our lives.  It builds muscle mass and physical strength  It assists in burning fat and losing weight  It reduces the risk of many chronic diseases  It promotes better sleep  It enhances your sex drive  It boosts your overall energy And these are just SOME of the benefits… It’s simply IGNORANT not to exercise regularly. If you’re a man, strength training should be your primary form of exercise. Yes, cardio has its benefits, but resistance training cultivates physical strength and powerful posture. And these two things are at the root of what it means to be a man. Without physical strength, men aren’t all that different from women. And your posture and physical stature are so important, because they’re two of the first things people notice about you. While they’re many other virtues of masculinity, like decisiveness and mental fortitude, most of them stem from the physical embodiment of strength. So – let’s get fit, bro… How to Do It Every other day for the next 28 days, you will work out using the routine detailed on the next few pages. Record your performance for the day in your Google Workbook. (Note: Once created, you can always find this on your Google Drive at If you don’t lift weights regularly, the next 28 days will change you. If you already follow your own weight lifting routine, put it aside and use this one – it uses only your bodyweight and can be completed at home or in the gym. NOTE: If you’re doing this routine at home, a pull up bar is required to do some of the movements. If you don’t have one, I suggest buying this one on Amazon – it’s only $29 and easily hangs on most doorframes.
  • 20. 15 Bodyweight Strength Training Routine Which Exercises to Use The routine consists of a squat, push-up, pull-up, and abdominal movement. You will select one exercise for each type of movement from the table below, depending on your current strength level. See the following pages for detailed descriptions of each exercise. Start with an exercise that you can perform at least 8 repetitions of with good form. Always aim to get stronger and do more repetitions each workout. When you can do 15 or more repetitions of any exercise then you should advance and begin using the next hardest variation of that movement type. Movement Type Difficulty Exercise Squat Beginner Bodyweight Squat Advanced Jump Squat Push-Up Beginner Push-Up Advanced Plyometric Push-Up Pull-Up Beginner Table Pull-Up Advanced Pull-Up Core/Abs Beginner Sit-Up Advanced Hanging Leg Raises How to Do It You will perform three sets of each exercise in a circuit:  Execute one set of your squat exercise until failure*  Rest 60 seconds  Execute one set of your push-up exercise until failure*  Rest 60 seconds  Execute one set of your pull-up exercise until failure*  Rest 60 seconds  Execute one set of your core exercise until failure*  Rest 60 seconds  Repeat from the top 2 more times (3 times total) *Failure is when you can’t perform another rep with good form… this does NOT mean when you absolutely cannot go any further. For example, if you have to swing your body to perform a pull-up or drop your ass to the floor to perform a push up THEN YOU HAVE ALREADY REACHED FAILURE.
  • 21. 16 Exercise 1: The Squat Beginner: Bodyweight Squat Standing with your feet about shoulder length apart, inhale into your nose and lower your body, keeping your arms straight ahead, chest up, abs tight, and feet flat on the floor. When you get as low as you can go, exhale out of your mouth and push through your heels to stand back up. Advanced: Jump Squat Standing with your feet about shoulder length apart, inhale into your nose and lower your body, keeping your arms straight ahead, chest up, abs tight, and feet flat on the floor. When you get as low as you can go, exhale out of your mouth and push through your heels to jump up as high as you can.
  • 22. 17 Exercise 2: The Push-Up Beginner: Regular Push Up Get into a regular push up position. Keeping your elbows tight against your ribcage and your abs tight, inhale and lower your upper body until your chest is about two inches from the floor and then exhale and push through your palms to return to the starting position. Advanced: Plyometric Push Up Get into a regular push up position. Keeping your elbows tight against your ribcage and your abs tight, inhale and lower your upper body until your chest is about two inches from the floor and then exhale and push through your palms, explode up, and push your body off the ground as high as you can. Land with your elbows slightly bent. Return to the starting position before starting your next rep.
  • 23. 18 Exercise 3: The Pull-Up Beginner: Table Pull-Up Positioned underneath a table, hanging from the edges, with your legs straight, exhale and pull yourself up until your chest touches the table. Then inhale and lower yourself back down. Note: If this is too hard, bend your knees and use your legs to help pull your weight up. Note 2: If you’re working out in the gym, hang from a barbell in the squat rack instead of using a table (google inverted row to see this in action). Advanced: Regular Pull-Up Hanging with straight arms from a pull up bar (shoulder width, with an over or underhand grip), exhale and pull yourself up, driving your elbows downward, until your chin is over the bar. Inhale and lower yourself back down.
  • 24. 19 Exercise 4: Core/Abs Beginner: Crunch Lay on the floor with your hands behind your head and your legs raised into the air, with your knees at a 90 degree angle. Keeping your elbows wide, your chin raised, and your abs tight – exhale and lift your upper back off of the ground. Then inhale and return to the starting position. Advanced: Hanging Leg Raise Hanging from a pull up bar, exhale and drive your legs up as high as you can, keeping your knees straight. Then inhale and slowly lower them back down.
  • 25. 20 MODULE IV: Fear “We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” - Plato
  • 26. 21 Habit 7: The Power of Rejection Primary Benefits: Courage, Confidence, Quality Dates There’s no such thing as a man without fear, only those who’ve trained themselves to be comfortable confronting their fears. The quickest way to train yourself to do this is by exposing yourself to a lot fearful situations where failure or rejection is probable. When you do this, you slowly rewire your brain to be comfortable in the presence of fear. You’re actually able to desensitize yourself to the fear of failure and turn your default “fight or flight” response into something different – an enlightened, adventurous approach to life where you’re more likely to try new things and take bold action, despite the fear of rejection or embarrassment. Approaching women is a universal fear of men, and so it serves as a perfect tool for the job. If you can repeatedly approach women in public places, you’re fear of failure will gradually diminish. For me, had it not been for my exposure to approaching lots of random women, I’m not so sure that I would’ve had the balls to quit my 9-5 software job and pursue my passions for fitness and entrepreneurship. Also, approaching women that you find attractive is the quickest way to line up lots of dates and supercharge your love life. I honestly believe the best way to get better with women is to simply approach – and date – more and more of them... Dating advice is overrated. Repeatedly trying, failing – and sometimes succeeding – will quickly make you comfortable approaching women, confident in nearly every social situation, and all the more attractive because of it. How to Do It Every day for the next 28 days, you will approach at least one woman and attempt to start a conversation with her. It doesn’t matter if you get her number, a date, or nothing at all – but you DO need to get out there and do an approach. Refer to the following page for a step-by-step method for approaching women in common daytime scenarios.
  • 27. 22 The Fearless Approach Here’s my basic system for meeting women in common daytime scenarios. You can see a video demonstration of me doing this whole thing at This approach will work in any public place where you encounter attractive women: at the grocery store, in the mall, on the street, at the park, or anywhere else where there’s a lot of foot traffic. Be aware throughout your day – there are plenty of opportunities right under your nose. Step 1: The Approach You can’t start talking to a beautiful girl you notice walking down the street if you cannot stop her and initiate an interaction.  Smile and make eye contact as you walk towards your intended target.  Say “hey” in a voice that’s loud enough to get her attention.  Ask an innocent question – “Do you know where the closest Starbucks is?” is my favorite, because women love that shit, but any question will work. Step 2: The Transition You need to act quickly at this point. If you don’t change the subject or give her a reason to stay, chances are that she will promptly walk away after answering your question.  Declare interest – “Honestly I just asked you that because I thought you were cute” is my favorite line here, but “Honestly I just wanted to talk to you” works too and is a little less ballsy.  Make an introduction – “By the way, I’m David” and extend your hand for a handshake. Step 3: Small Talk At this point you’ll probably need to carry the conversational burden. Some women may help, but most will be taken off guard by your approach, and be a little bit timid because of it.  Make an observation – “You’re not from around here, are you?” is an easy one that always works wonders for me, but feel free to make a comment about something she’s wearing, too.  Ask a question – “So what are you up to today?” is my go-to question here, but you could ask for a restaurant recommendation or how she likes the city you’re in. Step 4: The Close One or two minutes will have passed at this point. If you’re having a good time and you don’t have anywhere to be, then feel free to keep on chatting. However, I prefer to keep it short and sweet.  Ask her out – “I got to run but you seem cool, do you want to hang out later this week?” is pretty much how I phrase this every time  If she says yes, hand her your phone with the dial screen open and ask for her number  If she says no, politely say “Well you can take that as a compliment, it was nice to meet you.” Note: You don’t have to do all 4 steps for your approach to “count” – just make sure you do an approach
  • 28. 23 MODULE V: Discipline “To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind.” - Buddha
  • 29. 24 Habit 8: The End of Masturbation Primary Benefits: Motivation, Confidence, Discipline Internet pornography is possibly the biggest confidence-killer when it comes to men.  It creates unrealistic expectations for sex (e.g. most women don’t look like pornstars, women generally don’t initiate sex like they do in porn, etc.)  It can lead to unhealthy obsessions with body parts (e.g. boobs)  Erectile dysfunction is a normal side effect of regular porn use (i.e. you get used to being turned on by watching pixels on a computer screen, rather than from being with a real woman)  Social anxiety has been widely reported as another negative side effect  It raises men’s standards and subsequently keeps them from having sex  It over-stimulates your serotonin and dopamine levels and can lower your baseline happiness levels the same way hard drugs do These are more than enough reasons to stop watching porn. It simply isn’t healthy for our confidence, happiness, or motivation. The only real benefit of watching porn is learning how to be good at sex. But, even then, not all porn is a good example... and I’m sure you’ve already seen enough to get an idea of what “good” sex looks like. Side note: Being dominant – verbally and physically – is about all men need to know to be “good” at sex. How to Do It Every day for the next 28 days, you will abstain from watching internet porn. Masturbating once a week without watching of porn is acceptable to release pent-up sexual energy if you’re not getting laid.
  • 30. 25 Frequently Asked Questions 1. Can I use my own strength training routine? Yes, you can… However, I strongly suggest you use the included bodyweight training routine. It will be very challenging for 99% of guys and it only takes 20 or so minutes to complete. This will give you more time to focus on the other habits than a long training routine. 2. I have a girlfriend/wife, should I do something else instead of approaching women? This is a tough one. There’s no other activity I know of that’s as effective and accessible as approaching women in terms of desensitizing you to the fear of failure. Realize that approach women and telling them that they’re cute is not cheating if you have no intentions of taking the interaction any further. However, if this seems completely morally wrong to you, then feel free to skip this habit… Just don’t use it as an excuse for being afraid. 3. Eight habits seems like a lot… What if I only partially complete the habits some days? This is inevitable... Doing 8 habits for 28 consecutive days (minus rest days) would be very impressive. Don’t worry about it if you missed 1 or 2 habits every few days. If you miss most of them, however, you should repeat that entire day. That being said, when you break down the time commitment, it should be quite manageable:  Habit 1: Gratitude – 3 minutes  Habit 2: Cold shower – 5 minutes (including drying off)  Habit 3: Meditation – 5 minutes  Habit 4: List 3 tasks – 2 minutes  Habit 5: Take action – Depends on what you put it  Habit 6: Workout Routine – 20 minutes  Habit 7: Approach a girl – 5 minutes (just do it as you go about your normal daily routine)  Habit 8: No masturbation – 0 minutes (maybe even extra time) That’s a total of 40 minutes per day (plus whatever you put towards working on your goals)… Definitely not a terribly large time commitment if you’re serious about getting the most out of this course. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More questions? Just email me at -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------