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Creating A Solid Foundation Within Your Organization
Before Personal Development After Personal Development
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Cell Phone (sample copy of Making IT Happen downloaded)
In this level of the MAC D training, we will discover
the 5 system process of human thought that
produces the results we see in our business, career,
and life. You’ll learn how to build a solid foundation
for your business and take full control of the
Make sure you downloaded the sample copy of “Making IT Happen” to continue
with this level. If you don’t have it yet, go to
In this level, you will learn the different types of
activity that either you and your team will fall into
if you don’t pay attention. Also, you will learn what
activities you and your team must DO in order to
succeed in building a healthy and solid business
here in Kyani Breakthrough.
In this level, you will learn what to do to get ahead
of your weeks and the actions you need to take to
scale up your business daily.
In this final level, we’ll give you the flow you’ll need
to use everyday to explode your business. This flow
is easily duplicable and simple to remember.
Open up your downloaded copy of
There are 5 systems that determine what type of
results we get in life:
1. Habit System
2. Experience System
3. Attitude System
4. Value System
5. Belief System
From this point on, the only way to really get this life changing “program”
underway is to do things that will show an instant IMPACT right away! As I
mentioned before, there are 5 systems that ultimately control the type of results
you get in life. It’s the Five System Process that governs your life results. They are
your habit, experience, attitude, value, and belief system. Each system connect to
each other as one influences the next. We’ll start off with the habit system as it will
show you instant results.
As we go deeper, you’ll begin to see the importance of each system grow. So, the
deeper we go, the more impact and importance that system has.
The outer most level to the human mind. We need to change the routine that your
habits have created first so you can see change immediately. Which means that we
need to first alter your habits. Your habits determine the type of results you get. By
continuing with your current habits, you’ll see more of the same. If you keep on
doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re currently getting. If you
give more, you’ll receive more. If you do less, then you’ll receive less.
We all fall victim to the routine as we live our lives every day. Especially when we
have demanding jobs that require us to do the same ole routine every day. It starts
off new enough when you are at the beginning, but after a while of doing the same
thing over and over again, it becomes a habit which creates a routine which then
creates the results you see. Depending what you want out of life, you must ask
yourself the question:
“Is this way of life beneficial for me and my happiness?”
Many people believe that they can live one way to get a result that requires a
different way of living. For example, there are some people who want to be
financially free who has a habit of spending more than they earn on a daily basis
and accumulating bad debt. Or someone who wants time freedom to spend more
time with family and friends who has a daily routine of picking up more shifts at
one or two jobs.
Example: Pushing when you want the results of pulling and pulling when you want
the results of pushing.
If you keep finding yourself in bad situations, there is habit that you have created
that is keeping you there. Breaking out of your daily routines can be a powerful
way to unlock great and new life changing experiences. So the question is: HOW
Remember these three words when you want to create a new set of habits: Notice,
Create, and Discover. You must first notice that your current actions aren’t
producing the results you want to create a new set of habits and then discover what
results your new routine produces. Let’s check out some ways to avoid stagnation
by shaking up your personal and work routines.
Give Up Control
If you deviate from your routine, it’s hard not to feel like you’ve lost control of the
day. Yet, when it’s done with intention and self-awareness, breaking from regular
routines can be a powerful way to stimulate new thinking, break bad habits, adapt
better to change, and be more collaborative in a team environment. By giving up
control of how you always do things, you can create space for new ideas and a more
receptive outlook
Make More Mistakes
Embracing failure has become the zeitgeist of startup culture. If you aren’t taking
risks, chances are you’re not doing anything exciting. As Miles Davis famously said,
“If you’re not making a mistake, it’s a mistake.” That means reframing your
thinking so that deviating from routine isn’t considered falling off the wagon so
much as taking the wagon down a different path. You need to be experimenting,
exploring, and trying new things all the time.
Success time after time is a sign of a red flag. There’s a certain point at which, in
the life of a team, or the life of a person, there’s not much that can be learned by
more success. There’s a point at which your real learning and your real
transformation to living BIG, as a person or as a team, happens after an
unexpected mistake.
Seek Out The Unfamiliar
Our brains tend to take shortcuts by gravitating toward what’s familiar. Most of the
time, our routines are so ingrained that we don’t even think before acting. Nearly
half of our daily habits typically happen in the same time and place, according to
research from the University of Southern California’s department of psychology.
Researchers suggest that the best way to break from routine and seek out new
ideas is to literally put yourself in unfamiliar places and situations.
Such novel experiences help unleash your imagination by forcing the mind out of
its tendency to rely on categories and shortcuts, according to neuroscientist Gregory
Berns. “Only when you consciously confront your brain’s reliance on categories will
you be able to imagine outside of its boundaries,” he writes in his book, Iconociast.
Break Routines to Break Bad Habits
Even if we don’t plan for them, bad habits can be just as engrained in our routines
as good ones. You might never hold those in home business meetings when you
come home from work because part of your daily routine involves opening the mail
on the couch, which leads to putting your feet up, which then leads to watching two
hours of television instead of setting your house up for invited guests to come over
and watch a product presentation with you and your team.
This isn’t an endorsement to toss your schedule altogether, but rather a call to
notice if and how your regular routine might be reinforcing negative habits.
Charles Duhigg writes in The Power of Habit, “Unless you deliberately fight a
habit—unless you find new routines—the pattern will unfold automatically.”
Give Yourself a Fresh Start
According to research from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, taking a
fresh start can have a powerful psychological effect that leads to positive habitual
change. This “fresh start effect” suggests that creating shifts in your routine can lead
to a sense of starting anew, which helps to reinforce positive habit changes.
For example, the researchers found that people who wanted to lose weight were more
motivated to shift their habits and routines when they perceived to be making a fresh
start—at the beginning of the year, season, month, or even week—according to Google
search data that revealed an uptick in how often the word “diet” was searched and
gym attendance typically increased.
Embrace an Improvisational Mindset
Improv comedians, like jazz musicians, are often masters at this idea of breaking
from routine and taking a novel approach. They embrace the “yes, and” rule, rolling
with what comes at them rather than refuting it. The key here, of course, is a
willingness to go out on a limb, make yourself feel uncomfortable, and fall flat on
your face. This is the improvisational mindset.
Although problem solving is necessary, it’s just not sufficient alone. If you’re just in
a problem solving mindset, your imagination is going to be shrunk. The interpretive
possibilities of action will be smaller. You have to create a mindset that says yes to
the possibility that something new, interesting, and creative can emerge.
Certainly routine has its benefits when used properly to add progress to your
business and/or career. It keeps us on task, eliminates distractions, and gives
rhythm to a hectic life. But take time to drop your routine and embrace the
unfamiliar by doing new things. The mistakes along the way just may lead you to
your best work yet. This isn’t just for those who wish to grow their network
marketing business. This is key to beginning a change that could create a new
reality for you.
Here are two sets of questions in two different areas in your life that you can ask
yourself to give you a clear idea of what direction you want to take in each of these
areas. This is just to give you an idea of how you can create a new set of habits that
will produce almost immediate results. Despite popular belief, you do have control
of the flow of your life and the outcome of it. Once you answer these questions or
questions that you created in areas that mean more to you, apply the plan and stick
to it for 2 months. This would mean that every day you should be implementing
your new set of habits.
Area of Life: Income
l.) Am I happy with my current career/business and is it giving me more time to spend
with my family and friends?
2.) What can I do to raise the level of income I am currently getting that will increase
my discretionary time (free time)?
3.) How soon can I implement my ideas?
4.) What are five daily steps I can take from my ideas that will get me closer to my goal?
Area of Life: Relationship
1.) Are me and my significant other happy with the current course of our relationship?
2.) What can I do to add more excitement or fun back into the relationship?
3.) When is a good time to implement these new ideas?
4.) What are five daily steps I can take from my ideas that will keep me committed to
improving our relationship?
Now that we know how and why you should break your current habits to
experience new results, we need to go over what influences and determines your
habits. Throughout history, we as human beings have accomplished and failed at
many things. One after another, we have built planes, created the light bulb,
introduced the world to the internet, created a horseless carriage, and so on. But
the one thing you can count on are those lessons learned not from our
accomplishments, but from our failures. Here is the one thing that explains why
your habits are greatly influenced by this particular system of the human mind:
“Your habits are established once you have a clear vision on what you must do to
get to your goals.”
Ultimately, it is your “know how” that leads to the creation of your habits. You can
only operate up to the level of experience that you have. Many people will tell you
that “formal education is the key to unlocking your potential. The more you learn,
the more you earn, and the more you’ll have.” I won’t argue that education in
general is important. However, is it the most important aspect that will lead you to
the results you want?
It’s this thought that leads people on. How many people have you seen learn a
bunch of stuff (not necessarily anything they can use), and don’t actively use that
knowledge? Because we “skip” over the importance of experience, we put ourselves
into compromising positions by not acting on what we know. THIS WILL WORK
You can either become an MLM professor or you can become the top earner of your
company! Keep in mind, professors don’t make nearly as much money as a top
PRODUCING rep. The best way to take full advantage of this system of the human
mind is to have a general sense of what direction you want to go into. In other
“What is your end game or when it’s all said and done, how will your life look at the
end of it?”
You can change that question in a number of ways by asking, “How will your
business, career, or job look by the time you reach the end of your life?” This is a
very important step. Life can only provide to you once you know what direction
you’re going. Knowing this, you’ll have an easier time figuring out what needs to be
done. In the end, to fully utilize the experience system of the human mind you must
make a conscious decision to lead your own life. It’s only then you can move forward
and learn of what’s required to reach your goal. This is necessary to expand your
knowledge and awareness. I going to show you ways you can see whether or not if
you are a sheep (distracted) or a sheep herder (focused). To change an area that
could be holding you back, you must first be aware of it.
Principles of the “Sheep”
-You wait patiently on a miracle to solve all your problems.
-You have no goals set and no plan of your own to follow
-You live out other people’s plan
-You tend to blame others for your mistakes and why you aren’t where you want to be.
-You refuse to take responsibility
-You waste time watching countless hours of television.
-You know more about celebrities’ lives than you should.
-You start many projects but finish none
-You rather be told what to do
-You fear being different and standing out
-You take small steps and look for security
-You think luck has everything to do with success.
Although this list may be small, the principles in it determine a large portion of
what you will experience in life. This will determine what you choose to learn,
apply, and expand. This will block you from growing anything beneficial to you. I
provided this list to show you, in writing, what we do and don’t realize the impact
that these actions have. When on this journey to making your business a success,
you will find it difficult to be happy by moving with the herd (society), because your
experience will be determined by everyone else. You will only receive results typical
of the “sheep”.
Principles of the “Sheep Herder”
-You see problems as challenges that you will overcome by creating solutions.
-You have plans based off of the goals you set for yourself and follow through with them.
-You respect the plans of others but don’t allow them to determine your own.
-You refuse to blame others for your lack of progress and take responsibility for your
actions and your life.
-You dedicate most of your “off” time learning new things by reading and experiencing life.
-You consciously attempt to stand out and be different from the crowd.
-You finish what you start before you begin on something else
-You take big steps and look for freedom
-You think action has everything to do with success
-You create direction in your own life
-You execute more than you plan
The experience system requires you to act on the knowledge that you acquire. This
will change every bad habit that you have. Remember that the experience system
influences your habit system. Change your experience, you change your habits.
Your attitude is one of the most important, most powerful systems of the human
mind. In fact, just about everything you achieve or don’t achieve can be traced back
to the attitude you used going into it. To put it quite plainly, good attitudes bring
good results, and bad attitudes bring bad results.
“It’s your attitude, more than your aptitude that will determine your altitude.”
Motivational authors knew that years ago. James Allen wrote, “Man’s rise and fall,
success or failure, happiness or unhappiness depends on his attitude.” And Dr.
Norman Vincent Peale said, “Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude
toward it, for that determines our success or failure.” What is attitude anyway? It is
the mental state or position you take regarding your life and affairs.
This means it’s not what you think but how you think it. Your attitude forms every
event in your life, whether you realize it or not. Out of your attitude comes your
enjoyment of life and gratitude for all your blessings. Out of your attitude comes
your disappointment and anger at how things have turned out. Out of your attitude
also comes the feeling that no accomplishment will ever be good enough or that
you’re not good enough.
Every day, your attitude is challenged by other people and by external factors.
For better or for worse, your attitude affects your performance. Your attitude has a
profound impact on the way you lead people as well. It affects the way you sell and
the way you serve customers. Your attitude has a direct impact on how you
communicate and collaborate with others, how you contribute to the culture of your
work environment, and how you perform your daily tasks and responsibilities.
Ultimately, your attitude shapes your success and your happiness.
Many people cling to the beliefs and attitudes that restrict rather than empower
their performance. The special thing about this system of the human mind is that
it’s one of the few things in life over which you have total control. Harvard
psychologist William James said, “The greatest discovery of my generation is that a
human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind.”
If you want to perform at your best, and if you want to maximize your happiness
and live BIG, then you must take control of this life shaping power of your attitude
Attitudes are more important than facts! Any fact facing us, however difficult, even
seemingly hopeless, is not as important as our attitude toward that fact. If you or I
or anybody thinks constantly about the forces that seem to be against us, we will
build them up into a force far greater than that which is justified. But, if on the
other hand, you mentally visualize and affirm and reaffirm your assets and keep
your thoughts on them, emphasizing them to the fullest extent, you will rise out of
any difficulty regardless of what it may be. Lou Holtz, a famous football coach, once
“Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do.
Attitude determines how well you do it.”
If you learn to expect rather than doubt, you bring everything into the realm of
possibilities. A positive attitude will not allow you to do anything, but it will help
you do everything better. SO WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A
Positive Attitude
A positive attitude is the result of a disciplined and deliberate way of seeing,
thinking, and responding to life. It’s a mental discipline. It is intentional. It is
mental toughness. A positive attitude is not naïve, and it doesn’t sugarcoat
problems. Rather, it sees and acknowledges problems and then focuses on finding
solutions and opportunities. It looks for the opportunity within the problem. This
type of attitude is habit forming, and it has an impact on you and the people
around you. A positive attitude affects you physically. A person with a positive
attitude system will almost always outperform a person with a negative attitude.
Negative Attitude
A negative attitude is the result of negative thinking. It’s a lack of mental
discipline. It focuses on the problem and stops looking for solutions or
opportunities. A negative attitude can only survive on a steady diet of
negative thinking and negative self –talk. A negative attitude is also habit
forming, and it has an impact on you and the people around you. A negative
attitude affects you physically as well. A person with a negative attitude
system will almost always lose to a person with a positive attitude system.
Sadly, many people with a negative attitude are stuck in, what I like to call,
a doom loop because they have a negative attitude about improving their
attitude. This is not a good place to be at all!
Now if you’re currently stuck in the negative attitude system, we must switch your
pain/pleasure factor. If you associate enough pain with a negative attitude and find
pleasure with having a positive attitude, you can make the switch. Believe or not, a
lot of people associate pleasure with negative thinking than they do positive.
Simply because they find it easier to do. However, this will have an impact on the
other systems we have discussed earlier. Yes, it will determine what you choose to
experience. That, in turn, will determine your habits which will determine the
results you get. So is there a simple way to remember who powerful your attitude
system is?
E + R = O
Event + Response = Outcome
Performance begins within you. Your mind has enormous power. Indeed, your mind
is your most important performance resource. How you see and respond to the
events of life and work is shaped by your mindset and patterns of thinking.
Therefore, an essential key to success is to train your mind and use it wisely. A
distinguishing characteristic of consistently successful people is their ability to
maintain a positive and proactive attitude.
Successful people think differently than average people. They produce better
outcomes because their R Factor is guided by a positive and proactive mindset.
Their mind is not cluttered or distracted by pessimism, negativity, or cynicism; as a
result, they are able to focus all of their mental energy on exploring solutions,
taking effective action, and learning how to get better.
There is nothing more exhilarating than being around people who exude the energy
of endless possibilities. These kinds of people are needed in our lives if we wish to
see what is attainable. When we surround our environment with people who
believe in the harshness of life, we are drained of energy and vitality. Check the
people around you and observe their attitude system barometer, be it negative or
positive, and if the results are negative then you may need to look at your own
attitude and make certain adjustments. Usually people mirror our own unconscious
feelings and attitudes about life that we perhaps are not acknowledging head on.
A positive attitude is not about displaying a phony smile, a happy face and a perky
disposition. It is simply a way of responding to life in a manner that allow us to
accept the duality, the contradictions, and the contrasts of our experiences. A
positive attitude enables you to make a difference in the world around you because
when you are able to see things in a positive light, you help to influence and shape
other people’s attitude as well. If your business is in the realm of network
marketing, this is very important in building a healthy organization. With the right
attitude, you’re almost certain to achieve your goals. And the good news is, the way
your attitude system is set up, you choose how it operates with your values.
The winner is always a part of the answer
The loser is always a part of the problem
The winner always has a program
The loser always has an excuse
The winner says, “Let me help you.”
The loser says, “That’s not my job.”
The winner sees an answer for every problem
The loser sees a problem in every answer
The winner sees a green near every sand trap
The loser sees a sand trap near every green.
The winner says, “It may be difficult, but it’s possible.”
The loser says, “It may be possible, but it’s too difficult.”
There is no activity that will impact the direction and progress in our lives more
than that of setting priorities. We can have all the determination, discipline,
motivation and inspiration that we want, but if our efforts are scattered or
misdirected, they will have little impact. If I wholeheartedly work toward a goal
now, then wholeheartedly work toward a different goal a few hours from now, I’m
not likely to achieve either goal. There are so many possible directions that we can
take our lives, and without making conscious, and often difficult, decisions about
what direction we will take, we can find ourselves on the default path,
overwhelmed and underachieving. But, once we closely examine our priorities and
choose where we will use the majority of our efforts, we will most certainly achieve
those things that are most important to us.
If we find ourselves falling short of our goals, it’s because we have made something
else more important. That something else might be a job, a TV series, a game, home
maintenance, social life, family, etc. Perhaps that is not a bad thing, but what is
important is that we consciously examine our priorities and decide what is
important. If your family is more important to you than your career, then choose to
put more effort into your family life and understand that your career may not be as
successful as it might have otherwise been.
Setting priorities is the process of determining what our value system consist of,
where do we ultimately want to be and what sacrifices we are willing to make.
It’s impossible to set priorities if we don’t know what really matters to us. Values
can be imposed on us by our bosses, family members, friends, community groups,
advertising, etc. But, unless we determine for ourselves what is really important,
we will have difficulty maintaining the focus and discipline necessary to accomplish
meaningful goals.
Remember that your value system will determine your priorities and the measures
you use to tell if your life is turning out the way you want it to. When the things
that you do and the way you behave syncs up with your values in your value
system, life is usually good. But when these don’t align, that’s when things
feel….wrong. This can be a real source of unhappiness.
Your belief system is the core of all your results that you get out of life. This system
can help you reach your goals faster or move you away from your goals completely.
Your belief system is filled with beliefs that control your thoughts about, well,
everything. It controls your actions and the typical results you get. What is a belief?
A belief is something YOU consider to be true.
And to change your entire life, you must first learn how to change and recalibrate
your belief system. People believe all sorts of things for all sorts of reasons. Some
beliefs are trivial and others are very important, but two things are certain. Our
underlying beliefs operate at a deep, subconscious level, and these underlying
beliefs affect what we experience further in our life, including our level of success
or failure in any endeavor.
Where do our original beliefs come from? We learn our world view from our
parents, and if our parents think that life is a struggle and that money and success
don’t come easily, then this will be what I like to call our “default mode”, too. We
spend many years being fed these beliefs and they get embedded deep in our
subconscious. We have picked up many limiting beliefs from parents, teachers,
friends, religion, and society in general. Some of these beliefs are holding us back,
so doesn’t it make sense that we should want to change our ways?
We need to look at our beliefs and examine what kind of results we are getting from
them that causes us not to want to let these harmful beliefs go.
This brings us to the good news. You can change your beliefs! I suggest my 3 step
Belief System Recalibration Plan for doing this:
1.) Identify a limiting belief (e.g. Things just happen. I’m not in control of my life)
2.) Cast the belief in a different way (I am in control and I consciously orchestrate
and design my experience)
3.) Look around for evidence of this new belief. You WILL find it! After a while, this
will sink in and you will start to think the new belief is “true.”
Here is the final lesson of the Mindset Level: What we believe in will determine
what we value. What we value will determine the type of attitude we carry. Our
attitudes will determine what we experience which will create the habits we use.
That, my friends, will determine your OVERALL RESULTS.
How does this effect your business?: If you start your business, but don’t believe
that the system will work, what are the chances that you will value it? If you don’t
value it, chances are great that you won’t have a positive attitude toward it. If you
have a negative attitude toward it, are the odds great that you won’t do anything
with the opportunity, therefore never experiencing progress? If you don’t experience
the rush of a growing business, you’ll keep your old habits. Therefore, you’ll keep
the same old results you been receiving before you launched with Kyani.
Download the Activity Presentation to continue Day 2 of MAC D Training

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4 Levels Of Success

  • 1. 4 LEVELS OF SUCCESS Creating A Solid Foundation Within Your Organization DAY 1
  • 2. Before Personal Development After Personal Development
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. Pen and Paper Cell Phone (sample copy of Making IT Happen downloaded)
  • 9. M In this level of the MAC D training, we will discover the 5 system process of human thought that produces the results we see in our business, career, and life. You’ll learn how to build a solid foundation for your business and take full control of the outcome. Make sure you downloaded the sample copy of “Making IT Happen” to continue with this level. If you don’t have it yet, go to
  • 10. A In this level, you will learn the different types of activity that either you and your team will fall into if you don’t pay attention. Also, you will learn what activities you and your team must DO in order to succeed in building a healthy and solid business here in Kyani Breakthrough.
  • 11. C In this level, you will learn what to do to get ahead of your weeks and the actions you need to take to scale up your business daily.
  • 12. D In this final level, we’ll give you the flow you’ll need to use everyday to explode your business. This flow is easily duplicable and simple to remember.
  • 13. Open up your downloaded copy of
  • 14. M There are 5 systems that determine what type of results we get in life: 1. Habit System 2. Experience System 3. Attitude System 4. Value System 5. Belief System
  • 15. M From this point on, the only way to really get this life changing “program” underway is to do things that will show an instant IMPACT right away! As I mentioned before, there are 5 systems that ultimately control the type of results you get in life. It’s the Five System Process that governs your life results. They are your habit, experience, attitude, value, and belief system. Each system connect to each other as one influences the next. We’ll start off with the habit system as it will show you instant results. As we go deeper, you’ll begin to see the importance of each system grow. So, the deeper we go, the more impact and importance that system has.
  • 16. M HABIT SYSTEM: The outer most level to the human mind. We need to change the routine that your habits have created first so you can see change immediately. Which means that we need to first alter your habits. Your habits determine the type of results you get. By continuing with your current habits, you’ll see more of the same. If you keep on doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re currently getting. If you give more, you’ll receive more. If you do less, then you’ll receive less.
  • 17. M HABIT SYSTEM: We all fall victim to the routine as we live our lives every day. Especially when we have demanding jobs that require us to do the same ole routine every day. It starts off new enough when you are at the beginning, but after a while of doing the same thing over and over again, it becomes a habit which creates a routine which then creates the results you see. Depending what you want out of life, you must ask yourself the question: “Is this way of life beneficial for me and my happiness?”
  • 18. M HABIT SYSTEM: Many people believe that they can live one way to get a result that requires a different way of living. For example, there are some people who want to be financially free who has a habit of spending more than they earn on a daily basis and accumulating bad debt. Or someone who wants time freedom to spend more time with family and friends who has a daily routine of picking up more shifts at one or two jobs. Example: Pushing when you want the results of pulling and pulling when you want the results of pushing.
  • 19. M HABIT SYSTEM: If you keep finding yourself in bad situations, there is habit that you have created that is keeping you there. Breaking out of your daily routines can be a powerful way to unlock great and new life changing experiences. So the question is: HOW DO YOU DO THAT?!?
  • 20. M HABIT SYSTEM: Remember these three words when you want to create a new set of habits: Notice, Create, and Discover. You must first notice that your current actions aren’t producing the results you want to create a new set of habits and then discover what results your new routine produces. Let’s check out some ways to avoid stagnation by shaking up your personal and work routines.
  • 21. M HABIT SYSTEM: Give Up Control If you deviate from your routine, it’s hard not to feel like you’ve lost control of the day. Yet, when it’s done with intention and self-awareness, breaking from regular routines can be a powerful way to stimulate new thinking, break bad habits, adapt better to change, and be more collaborative in a team environment. By giving up control of how you always do things, you can create space for new ideas and a more receptive outlook
  • 22. M HABIT SYSTEM: Make More Mistakes Embracing failure has become the zeitgeist of startup culture. If you aren’t taking risks, chances are you’re not doing anything exciting. As Miles Davis famously said, “If you’re not making a mistake, it’s a mistake.” That means reframing your thinking so that deviating from routine isn’t considered falling off the wagon so much as taking the wagon down a different path. You need to be experimenting, exploring, and trying new things all the time. Success time after time is a sign of a red flag. There’s a certain point at which, in the life of a team, or the life of a person, there’s not much that can be learned by more success. There’s a point at which your real learning and your real transformation to living BIG, as a person or as a team, happens after an unexpected mistake.
  • 23. M HABIT SYSTEM: Seek Out The Unfamiliar Our brains tend to take shortcuts by gravitating toward what’s familiar. Most of the time, our routines are so ingrained that we don’t even think before acting. Nearly half of our daily habits typically happen in the same time and place, according to research from the University of Southern California’s department of psychology. Researchers suggest that the best way to break from routine and seek out new ideas is to literally put yourself in unfamiliar places and situations. Such novel experiences help unleash your imagination by forcing the mind out of its tendency to rely on categories and shortcuts, according to neuroscientist Gregory Berns. “Only when you consciously confront your brain’s reliance on categories will you be able to imagine outside of its boundaries,” he writes in his book, Iconociast.
  • 24. M HABIT SYSTEM: Break Routines to Break Bad Habits Even if we don’t plan for them, bad habits can be just as engrained in our routines as good ones. You might never hold those in home business meetings when you come home from work because part of your daily routine involves opening the mail on the couch, which leads to putting your feet up, which then leads to watching two hours of television instead of setting your house up for invited guests to come over and watch a product presentation with you and your team. This isn’t an endorsement to toss your schedule altogether, but rather a call to notice if and how your regular routine might be reinforcing negative habits. Charles Duhigg writes in The Power of Habit, “Unless you deliberately fight a habit—unless you find new routines—the pattern will unfold automatically.”
  • 25. M HABIT SYSTEM: Give Yourself a Fresh Start According to research from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, taking a fresh start can have a powerful psychological effect that leads to positive habitual change. This “fresh start effect” suggests that creating shifts in your routine can lead to a sense of starting anew, which helps to reinforce positive habit changes. For example, the researchers found that people who wanted to lose weight were more motivated to shift their habits and routines when they perceived to be making a fresh start—at the beginning of the year, season, month, or even week—according to Google search data that revealed an uptick in how often the word “diet” was searched and gym attendance typically increased.
  • 26. M HABIT SYSTEM: Embrace an Improvisational Mindset Improv comedians, like jazz musicians, are often masters at this idea of breaking from routine and taking a novel approach. They embrace the “yes, and” rule, rolling with what comes at them rather than refuting it. The key here, of course, is a willingness to go out on a limb, make yourself feel uncomfortable, and fall flat on your face. This is the improvisational mindset. Although problem solving is necessary, it’s just not sufficient alone. If you’re just in a problem solving mindset, your imagination is going to be shrunk. The interpretive possibilities of action will be smaller. You have to create a mindset that says yes to the possibility that something new, interesting, and creative can emerge.
  • 27. M HABIT SYSTEM: Certainly routine has its benefits when used properly to add progress to your business and/or career. It keeps us on task, eliminates distractions, and gives rhythm to a hectic life. But take time to drop your routine and embrace the unfamiliar by doing new things. The mistakes along the way just may lead you to your best work yet. This isn’t just for those who wish to grow their network marketing business. This is key to beginning a change that could create a new reality for you.
  • 28. M HABIT SYSTEM: Here are two sets of questions in two different areas in your life that you can ask yourself to give you a clear idea of what direction you want to take in each of these areas. This is just to give you an idea of how you can create a new set of habits that will produce almost immediate results. Despite popular belief, you do have control of the flow of your life and the outcome of it. Once you answer these questions or questions that you created in areas that mean more to you, apply the plan and stick to it for 2 months. This would mean that every day you should be implementing your new set of habits.
  • 29. M Area of Life: Income l.) Am I happy with my current career/business and is it giving me more time to spend with my family and friends? 2.) What can I do to raise the level of income I am currently getting that will increase my discretionary time (free time)? 3.) How soon can I implement my ideas? 4.) What are five daily steps I can take from my ideas that will get me closer to my goal?
  • 30. M Area of Life: Relationship 1.) Are me and my significant other happy with the current course of our relationship? 2.) What can I do to add more excitement or fun back into the relationship? 3.) When is a good time to implement these new ideas? 4.) What are five daily steps I can take from my ideas that will keep me committed to improving our relationship?
  • 31. M Now that we know how and why you should break your current habits to experience new results, we need to go over what influences and determines your habits. Throughout history, we as human beings have accomplished and failed at many things. One after another, we have built planes, created the light bulb, introduced the world to the internet, created a horseless carriage, and so on. But the one thing you can count on are those lessons learned not from our accomplishments, but from our failures. Here is the one thing that explains why your habits are greatly influenced by this particular system of the human mind: “Your habits are established once you have a clear vision on what you must do to get to your goals.”
  • 32. M EXPERIENCE SYSTEM: Ultimately, it is your “know how” that leads to the creation of your habits. You can only operate up to the level of experience that you have. Many people will tell you that “formal education is the key to unlocking your potential. The more you learn, the more you earn, and the more you’ll have.” I won’t argue that education in general is important. However, is it the most important aspect that will lead you to the results you want? It’s this thought that leads people on. How many people have you seen learn a bunch of stuff (not necessarily anything they can use), and don’t actively use that knowledge? Because we “skip” over the importance of experience, we put ourselves into compromising positions by not acting on what we know. THIS WILL WORK AGAINST YOU IN NETWORK MARKETING!!!
  • 33. M EXPERIENCE SYSTEM: You can either become an MLM professor or you can become the top earner of your company! Keep in mind, professors don’t make nearly as much money as a top PRODUCING rep. The best way to take full advantage of this system of the human mind is to have a general sense of what direction you want to go into. In other words: “What is your end game or when it’s all said and done, how will your life look at the end of it?”
  • 34. M EXPERIENCE SYSTEM: You can change that question in a number of ways by asking, “How will your business, career, or job look by the time you reach the end of your life?” This is a very important step. Life can only provide to you once you know what direction you’re going. Knowing this, you’ll have an easier time figuring out what needs to be done. In the end, to fully utilize the experience system of the human mind you must make a conscious decision to lead your own life. It’s only then you can move forward and learn of what’s required to reach your goal. This is necessary to expand your knowledge and awareness. I going to show you ways you can see whether or not if you are a sheep (distracted) or a sheep herder (focused). To change an area that could be holding you back, you must first be aware of it.
  • 35. M EXPERIENCE SYSTEM: Principles of the “Sheep” -You wait patiently on a miracle to solve all your problems. -You have no goals set and no plan of your own to follow -You live out other people’s plan -You tend to blame others for your mistakes and why you aren’t where you want to be. -You refuse to take responsibility
  • 36. M -You waste time watching countless hours of television. -You know more about celebrities’ lives than you should. -You start many projects but finish none -You rather be told what to do -You fear being different and standing out -You take small steps and look for security -You think luck has everything to do with success.
  • 37. M EXPERIENCE SYSTEM: Although this list may be small, the principles in it determine a large portion of what you will experience in life. This will determine what you choose to learn, apply, and expand. This will block you from growing anything beneficial to you. I provided this list to show you, in writing, what we do and don’t realize the impact that these actions have. When on this journey to making your business a success, you will find it difficult to be happy by moving with the herd (society), because your experience will be determined by everyone else. You will only receive results typical of the “sheep”.
  • 38. M EXPERIENCE SYSTEM: Principles of the “Sheep Herder” -You see problems as challenges that you will overcome by creating solutions. -You have plans based off of the goals you set for yourself and follow through with them. -You respect the plans of others but don’t allow them to determine your own. -You refuse to blame others for your lack of progress and take responsibility for your actions and your life. -You dedicate most of your “off” time learning new things by reading and experiencing life.
  • 39. M -You consciously attempt to stand out and be different from the crowd. -You finish what you start before you begin on something else -You take big steps and look for freedom -You think action has everything to do with success -You create direction in your own life -You execute more than you plan 
  • 40. M EXPERIENCE SYSTEM: The experience system requires you to act on the knowledge that you acquire. This will change every bad habit that you have. Remember that the experience system influences your habit system. Change your experience, you change your habits.
  • 41. M ATTITUDE SYSTEM: Your attitude is one of the most important, most powerful systems of the human mind. In fact, just about everything you achieve or don’t achieve can be traced back to the attitude you used going into it. To put it quite plainly, good attitudes bring good results, and bad attitudes bring bad results. “It’s your attitude, more than your aptitude that will determine your altitude.”
  • 42. M ATTITUDE SYSTEM: Motivational authors knew that years ago. James Allen wrote, “Man’s rise and fall, success or failure, happiness or unhappiness depends on his attitude.” And Dr. Norman Vincent Peale said, “Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure.” What is attitude anyway? It is the mental state or position you take regarding your life and affairs.
  • 43. M ATTITUDE SYSTEM: This means it’s not what you think but how you think it. Your attitude forms every event in your life, whether you realize it or not. Out of your attitude comes your enjoyment of life and gratitude for all your blessings. Out of your attitude comes your disappointment and anger at how things have turned out. Out of your attitude also comes the feeling that no accomplishment will ever be good enough or that you’re not good enough. Every day, your attitude is challenged by other people and by external factors.
  • 44. M ATTITUDE SYSTEM: For better or for worse, your attitude affects your performance. Your attitude has a profound impact on the way you lead people as well. It affects the way you sell and the way you serve customers. Your attitude has a direct impact on how you communicate and collaborate with others, how you contribute to the culture of your work environment, and how you perform your daily tasks and responsibilities. Ultimately, your attitude shapes your success and your happiness.
  • 45. M ATTITUDE SYSTEM: Many people cling to the beliefs and attitudes that restrict rather than empower their performance. The special thing about this system of the human mind is that it’s one of the few things in life over which you have total control. Harvard psychologist William James said, “The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind.” If you want to perform at your best, and if you want to maximize your happiness and live BIG, then you must take control of this life shaping power of your attitude system.
  • 46. M ATTITUDE SYSTEM: Attitudes are more important than facts! Any fact facing us, however difficult, even seemingly hopeless, is not as important as our attitude toward that fact. If you or I or anybody thinks constantly about the forces that seem to be against us, we will build them up into a force far greater than that which is justified. But, if on the other hand, you mentally visualize and affirm and reaffirm your assets and keep your thoughts on them, emphasizing them to the fullest extent, you will rise out of any difficulty regardless of what it may be. Lou Holtz, a famous football coach, once said, “Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.”
  • 47. M ATTITUDE SYSTEM: If you learn to expect rather than doubt, you bring everything into the realm of possibilities. A positive attitude will not allow you to do anything, but it will help you do everything better. SO WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A POSITIVE ATTITUDE AND A NEGATIVE ATTITUDE?
  • 48. M ATTITUDE SYSTEM: Positive Attitude A positive attitude is the result of a disciplined and deliberate way of seeing, thinking, and responding to life. It’s a mental discipline. It is intentional. It is mental toughness. A positive attitude is not naïve, and it doesn’t sugarcoat problems. Rather, it sees and acknowledges problems and then focuses on finding solutions and opportunities. It looks for the opportunity within the problem. This type of attitude is habit forming, and it has an impact on you and the people around you. A positive attitude affects you physically. A person with a positive attitude system will almost always outperform a person with a negative attitude.
  • 49. M ATTITUDE SYSTEM: Negative Attitude A negative attitude is the result of negative thinking. It’s a lack of mental discipline. It focuses on the problem and stops looking for solutions or opportunities. A negative attitude can only survive on a steady diet of negative thinking and negative self –talk. A negative attitude is also habit forming, and it has an impact on you and the people around you. A negative attitude affects you physically as well. A person with a negative attitude system will almost always lose to a person with a positive attitude system. Sadly, many people with a negative attitude are stuck in, what I like to call, a doom loop because they have a negative attitude about improving their attitude. This is not a good place to be at all!
  • 50. M ATTITUDE SYSTEM: Now if you’re currently stuck in the negative attitude system, we must switch your pain/pleasure factor. If you associate enough pain with a negative attitude and find pleasure with having a positive attitude, you can make the switch. Believe or not, a lot of people associate pleasure with negative thinking than they do positive. Simply because they find it easier to do. However, this will have an impact on the other systems we have discussed earlier. Yes, it will determine what you choose to experience. That, in turn, will determine your habits which will determine the results you get. So is there a simple way to remember who powerful your attitude system is?
  • 51. M ATTITUDE SYSTEM: E + R = O Event + Response = Outcome
  • 52. M Performance begins within you. Your mind has enormous power. Indeed, your mind is your most important performance resource. How you see and respond to the events of life and work is shaped by your mindset and patterns of thinking. Therefore, an essential key to success is to train your mind and use it wisely. A distinguishing characteristic of consistently successful people is their ability to maintain a positive and proactive attitude. Successful people think differently than average people. They produce better outcomes because their R Factor is guided by a positive and proactive mindset. Their mind is not cluttered or distracted by pessimism, negativity, or cynicism; as a result, they are able to focus all of their mental energy on exploring solutions, taking effective action, and learning how to get better.
  • 53. M ATTITUDE SYSTEM: There is nothing more exhilarating than being around people who exude the energy of endless possibilities. These kinds of people are needed in our lives if we wish to see what is attainable. When we surround our environment with people who believe in the harshness of life, we are drained of energy and vitality. Check the people around you and observe their attitude system barometer, be it negative or positive, and if the results are negative then you may need to look at your own attitude and make certain adjustments. Usually people mirror our own unconscious feelings and attitudes about life that we perhaps are not acknowledging head on.
  • 54. M ATTITUDE SYSTEM: A positive attitude is not about displaying a phony smile, a happy face and a perky disposition. It is simply a way of responding to life in a manner that allow us to accept the duality, the contradictions, and the contrasts of our experiences. A positive attitude enables you to make a difference in the world around you because when you are able to see things in a positive light, you help to influence and shape other people’s attitude as well. If your business is in the realm of network marketing, this is very important in building a healthy organization. With the right attitude, you’re almost certain to achieve your goals. And the good news is, the way your attitude system is set up, you choose how it operates with your values.
  • 55. M ATTITUDE SYSTEM: The winner is always a part of the answer The loser is always a part of the problem The winner always has a program The loser always has an excuse The winner says, “Let me help you.” The loser says, “That’s not my job.”
  • 56. M The winner sees an answer for every problem The loser sees a problem in every answer The winner sees a green near every sand trap The loser sees a sand trap near every green. The winner says, “It may be difficult, but it’s possible.” The loser says, “It may be possible, but it’s too difficult.”
  • 57. M VALUE SYSTEM: There is no activity that will impact the direction and progress in our lives more than that of setting priorities. We can have all the determination, discipline, motivation and inspiration that we want, but if our efforts are scattered or misdirected, they will have little impact. If I wholeheartedly work toward a goal now, then wholeheartedly work toward a different goal a few hours from now, I’m not likely to achieve either goal. There are so many possible directions that we can take our lives, and without making conscious, and often difficult, decisions about what direction we will take, we can find ourselves on the default path, overwhelmed and underachieving. But, once we closely examine our priorities and choose where we will use the majority of our efforts, we will most certainly achieve those things that are most important to us.
  • 58. M VALUE SYSTEM: If we find ourselves falling short of our goals, it’s because we have made something else more important. That something else might be a job, a TV series, a game, home maintenance, social life, family, etc. Perhaps that is not a bad thing, but what is important is that we consciously examine our priorities and decide what is important. If your family is more important to you than your career, then choose to put more effort into your family life and understand that your career may not be as successful as it might have otherwise been.
  • 59. M VALUE SYSTEM: Setting priorities is the process of determining what our value system consist of, where do we ultimately want to be and what sacrifices we are willing to make. It’s impossible to set priorities if we don’t know what really matters to us. Values can be imposed on us by our bosses, family members, friends, community groups, advertising, etc. But, unless we determine for ourselves what is really important, we will have difficulty maintaining the focus and discipline necessary to accomplish meaningful goals.
  • 60. M VALUE SYSTEM: Remember that your value system will determine your priorities and the measures you use to tell if your life is turning out the way you want it to. When the things that you do and the way you behave syncs up with your values in your value system, life is usually good. But when these don’t align, that’s when things feel….wrong. This can be a real source of unhappiness.
  • 61. M BELIEF SYSTEM: Your belief system is the core of all your results that you get out of life. This system can help you reach your goals faster or move you away from your goals completely. Your belief system is filled with beliefs that control your thoughts about, well, everything. It controls your actions and the typical results you get. What is a belief? A belief is something YOU consider to be true.
  • 62. M BELIEF SYSTEM: And to change your entire life, you must first learn how to change and recalibrate your belief system. People believe all sorts of things for all sorts of reasons. Some beliefs are trivial and others are very important, but two things are certain. Our underlying beliefs operate at a deep, subconscious level, and these underlying beliefs affect what we experience further in our life, including our level of success or failure in any endeavor.
  • 63. M BELIEF SYSTEM: Where do our original beliefs come from? We learn our world view from our parents, and if our parents think that life is a struggle and that money and success don’t come easily, then this will be what I like to call our “default mode”, too. We spend many years being fed these beliefs and they get embedded deep in our subconscious. We have picked up many limiting beliefs from parents, teachers, friends, religion, and society in general. Some of these beliefs are holding us back, so doesn’t it make sense that we should want to change our ways?
  • 64. M BELIEF SYSTEM: We need to look at our beliefs and examine what kind of results we are getting from them that causes us not to want to let these harmful beliefs go.
  • 65. M BELIEF SYSTEM: This brings us to the good news. You can change your beliefs! I suggest my 3 step Belief System Recalibration Plan for doing this: 1.) Identify a limiting belief (e.g. Things just happen. I’m not in control of my life)
  • 66. M BELIEF SYSTEM: 2.) Cast the belief in a different way (I am in control and I consciously orchestrate and design my experience)
  • 67. M BELIEF SYSTEM: 3.) Look around for evidence of this new belief. You WILL find it! After a while, this will sink in and you will start to think the new belief is “true.”
  • 68. M Here is the final lesson of the Mindset Level: What we believe in will determine what we value. What we value will determine the type of attitude we carry. Our attitudes will determine what we experience which will create the habits we use. That, my friends, will determine your OVERALL RESULTS. How does this effect your business?: If you start your business, but don’t believe that the system will work, what are the chances that you will value it? If you don’t value it, chances are great that you won’t have a positive attitude toward it. If you have a negative attitude toward it, are the odds great that you won’t do anything with the opportunity, therefore never experiencing progress? If you don’t experience the rush of a growing business, you’ll keep your old habits. Therefore, you’ll keep the same old results you been receiving before you launched with Kyani.
  • 69. Download the Activity Presentation to continue Day 2 of MAC D Training