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Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang
Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang
1.0 Abstract:............................................................................................................................. 3
2.0 Introduction:....................................................................................................................... 4
3.0 Hypothesis:......................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Temperature vs. dissolved oxygen........................................................................................ 6
3.2 Turbidity vs. pH................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Salinity vs. pH...................................................................................................................... 6
4.0 Aim:....................................................................................................................................7
5.0 Materials:........................................................................................................................... 8
5.1 Dissolved oxygen:................................................................................................................ 8
5.2 Turbidity:............................................................................................................................ 8
5.3 pH: .....................................................................................................................................8
5.4 Temperature:...................................................................................................................... 8
5.5 Salinity:............................................................................................................................... 8
6.0 Method: ............................................................................................................................. 9
7.0 Risk Assessment:............................................................................................................... 10
8.0 Results:............................................................................................................................. 12
8.10 Saltwater lake longitudinal results:................................................................................... 12
8.11 Longitudinal pH data for saltwater lake............................................................................. 12
8.20 Fresh water pond longitudinal results:.............................................................................. 13
8.21 Longitudinal temperature data for freshwater pond.......................................................... 13
8.22 Longitudinal DO data for freshwater pond ........................................................................ 14
9.0 Discussion:........................................................................................................................ 15
10.0 Conclusion:..................................................................................................................... 17
11.0 Bibliography.................................................................................................................... 18
12.0 Appendices:.................................................................................................................... 19
12.1 Water collection sites:..................................................................................................... 19
12.20 Dissolved oxygen colorimeter instructions: ..................................................................... 19
12.21 Dissolved oxygen colorimeter instructions: ..................................................................... 20
12.31 Turbidity colorimeterinstructions:.................................................................................. 20
12.32 Turbidity colorimeterinstructions:.................................................................................. 21
12.33 Turbidity colorimeterinstructions:.................................................................................. 21
12.4 Dissolved oxygen saturation graph: .................................................................................. 22
13.0 Acknowledgements:........................................................................................................ 23
Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang
1.0 Abstract:
The sitesthat were experimentedonwere the saltwaterlake andthe freshwaterpond waterinthe
EmeraldLakessystem,inwhichthe resultswere comparedand contrastedtooutline anydifferences
infindings anditwas determinedthere wasnochemical corruption.The variablestestedwere
temperature,pH,turbidity,salinityanddissolvedoxygen. A Multiparametermeterwaschosento
testfor temperature,pHand salinity inwhich2Ljugs were filledwiththe watersamplesandthe
meterinserted.Althoughaturbiditytube andadissolvedoxygentestkitwere usedtofindthe
turbidityandDO content,colorimeterswere alsoused.The turbiditywastestedinacolorimeter
back at the laboratoryand a dissolvedoxygencolorimeterwasusedonsite andthe resultsfrom
bothcolorimeterswillbe used forthisinvestigation. Itwasexpectedthatthe saltwaterlake would
be healthierthanthe pondwaterbecause itisused more so itwouldhave more circulationand
therefore higherDOcontentandit alsoappearedlessturbid.Thiswasshowntobe correct as the
saltwaterDOcontentwas 9.5mg/L and the pondwaterhad only7.3mg/L and for turbidity, the salt
waterhad 0.01NTU whereasthe pondwaterhad 0.03NTU. It wasexpectedthatthe higherthe
temperature,the lowerthe DOcontentbutthis wasincorrectas the saltwaterhada higher
temperature andDOcontentthan the pondwater,being18.15°C with9.5mg/L of DO and17.45°C
with7.3mg/L of DO inthe pond. It was expectedthatthe higherthe turbiditylevel,the lessneutral
the waterwill be,whichwasincorrectas the pondwaterwas more turbidand wascloserto havinga
pH of 7 than the saltwater.The saltwater’s turbiditywas0.01 NTU witha pH of 7.38 (0.38 away
fromneutral) andthe pondwater hada higherturbidityof 0.03NTU witha pH of 7.22 (only0.22
away fromneutral).Itwasexpectedthatthe higherthe salinity,the more acidicthe waterwouldbe,
makingthe pH lessthan7 but thiswasincorrectalsoas the saltlake’ssalinitywas827ppmwitha pH
of 7.38 and the pondwater’ssalinitywas114ppmwitha pH of 7.22.
Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang
2.0 Introduction:
This Extended Experimental Investigation is based on the health of different water sources
in Emerald Lakes. The two sites chosen to test water from were the freshwater pond and
the saltwater lake (see appendices 11.1). Both of these sites contain fish life and are not
considered as drinking water. The different variables that can be tested for water quality are
as follows: temperature, turbidity, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide and
nitrate content. For different types of water sources, different results are suitable, which
will be analysed in depth later on.
Temperature is an important variable to test as it influences the amount of dissolved oxygen
contained in the water (Monteath, 2008). A water sample should not be tested for health
through only the analysis of temperature, but also with a combination of other tests
(Monteath, 2008). These may include tests regarding; temperature, turbidity, salinity, pH,
dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide and nitrate content. This is because the temperature
naturally changes depending on the season, weather or day (Monteath, 2008). Not only is
dissolved oxygen a linking factor, but if water temperature is too high or low the organisms
may begin to die (University of Wisconsin, 2007). Fish are cold-blooded but they have
different body temperatures depending on the temperature of the water they naturally
occur in (Guderley, 2007). Temperature can be tested using a thermometer or data logger
(Monteath, 2008). A data logger, also known as a Multiparameter Meter, was used for this
investigation as it was easier to read and could be used to test other variables at the same
Turbidity is the measure of water transparency due to the amount of sediments withheld
(HarperCollins Publishers, 2009). Turbidity is significant to the overall health of water as it
determines the water’s purity or pollution. It is measured in nephelometric turbidity units
(NTU), which can be measured with a Colorimeter or a turbidity tube (University of
Wisconsin, 2009). Freshwater should be 5 or less NTU and a water system is considered
‘polluted’ if the NTU is >20 (Monteath, 2008). This long, thin, clear tube is filled with the
water sample until the mark on the bottom is no longer visible (University of Wisconsin,
2009). A sample of the water is inserted into the Colorimeter to determine the amount of
penetrable light. The best method is using the Colorimeter as it is more accurate because an
exact number is given for the result rather than relying on one’s eye sight for the turbidity
Dissolved oxygen is vital for the health of water as organisms rely on oxygen for survival.
Dissolved oxygen is used by both underwater plants and animals for respiration at night
(Gould, 2008). This can be tested using Dissolved Oxygen monitoring test kits or a Dissolved
Oxygen Colorimeter. Dissolved Oxygen monitoring test kits contain reagents that must be
added to determine the results (University of Wisconsin, 2009). It is measured in milligrams
per litre (mg/L) but can also be expressed using percentage saturation (Gould, 2008).
Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang
Freshwater should contain between 80-90% saturation but for fish life there needs to be at
least 5-6mg/L (Gould, 2008). Saturation should not reach over 110% as such a high level of
oxygen indicates a high level of algae growth. Both of these methods were undertaken but
the colorimeter results will be used as they are more likely to be accurate. This is because it
gives an exact reading rather than relying on eye sight to determine when the solution has
turned clear as is done with the Dissolved Oxygen Test Kits.
Salinity is the amount of salt that is dissolved in water. This must be monitored as high
salinity can makes it harder for plants to absorb water so they may become wilted, growth
stunted or die and is also unpalatable for animals and humans to drink. It can be measured
using a Multiparameter Meter or through titration, in which the water is reacted with silver
nitrate to determine the concentration of chloride ions (measured in mg/L) using the
formula: Clˉ(aq) + Ag⁺(aq)  AgCl(s) (Gould, 2008). Alternatively, a calibration graph can be
used if the concentration of the salt solution is known to determine the amount of current
flowing through, measured in ųS/cm (Gould, 2008). Freshwater can contain 100-1000mg/L
and salt water between 1000-35 000mg/L (from slightly saline to ocean water) (Gould,
2008). The results from the Multiparameter Meter will be used in this investigation as it
seems a more accurate method than manually testing the sample, as with the titration.
Another very important factor in the health of water is pH as organisms require a specific
range to survive, usually between 6.5 and 8, where 7 is neutral (Smith, 2008). It can be
measured using a pH meter or universal indicator or paper (Smith, 2008). A pH meter will be
used for this investigation as determining the colour from a universal indicator/paper could
be inaccurate compared to a reading on the meter.
A Multiparameter Meter was used to measure pH, temperature, conductivity, salinity and
dissolved solids because it did all the calculations together, which was helpful with the
limited time frame on the excursion day. Also on the day of collection, the turbidity was
tested with a turbidity tube and the dissolved oxygen was tested with a colorimeter and a
Dissolved Oxygen Test Kit. These were all quantitative tests that were carried out on site.
The qualitative tests were carried out in the science laboratory using the 2L samples
collected from each site (tests can be found under method). These include finding the
presence of the following: chloride, iron, calcium, lead, copper, sulphate and phosphate ions.
These qualitative tests were done because, in every case, the ions are healthy for marine life,
but only in moderation. If the quantities of these ions dramatically increase or decrease, the
health of marine life will deteriorate and organisms won’t survive, therefore starting a chain
link of event, resulting in the whole ecosystem collapsing.
Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang
3.0 Hypothesis:
It isexpectedthatthe saltwaterlake willbe healthierthanthe freshwaterpond because itisamuch
larger,openareawhichis used forrecreational activities more,therefore there ismore circulation to
increase DO, and itappearslessturbid.
3.1 Temperature vs. dissolved oxygen- It isexpectedthatthe higherthe temperature is,
the lowerthe level of dissolvedoxygenwill be and the lowerthe temperatureis,the higherthe level
of dissolvedoxygenwill be.
3.2 Turbidity vs. pH- It was expectedthatthe higherthe turbiditylevel,the lessneutral the
waterwill be,eitherturningmore acidicormore basicdependingonthe solidscontainedwithin.
3.3 Salinity vs. pH- It was expectedthatthe higherthe salinity,the more acidicthe water
wouldbe,makingthe pHlessthan 7, because saltisan acid.
Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang
4.0 Aim:
To compare and contrast the qualityof watercontainedinthe freshwaterpondandthe saltwater
lake fromEmeraldLakes by testingfortemperature,pH,turbidity,salinityanddissolvedoxygenand
determine anypossiblereasonsforanysubstantial chemical corruptionif detectedanddifferences
Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang
5.0 Materials:
 2X 2L bottles
 Long-handledwaterscoop
 Gloves
5.1 Dissolved oxygen:
 Dissolvedoxygentestkit
 Colorimeter
 2X 250mL beakers
5.2 Turbidity:
 Turbiditytube
 Colorimeter
5.3 pH:
 MultiparameterMeter
 Jug
5.4 Temperature:
 MultiparameterMeter
 Jug
 Thermometer
5.5 Salinity:
 MultiparameterMeter
 Jug
 SalinityTestKit
 25mL pipette
 250mL conical flask
 1mL chromate indicator
 2.902g/L silvernitrate
Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang
6.0 Method:
NOTE: Use instructionsfromtestkits
A long-handledwaterscoopwasusedtoscoopwaterrepeatedly fromthe freshwaterpond (fromat
leastone meterin) intoa 2L bottle foranalysisbackat the laboratory.Anotherscoopwastakenand
usedimmediatelyinthe DissolvedOxygenTestKit#HI3810 and the resultsrecorded.The scoopwas
usedto pourwater intoa turbiditytube where itwasfilleduntilthe crossat the bottomcouldno
longerbe seenfromlookingdownthroughthe tube.The markingwhere the tube wasfilledtowas
recordedin centimetres.Usingthe long-handledwaterscoop,a2L jugwas filledanda
MultiparameterMeterwasinsertedtogive the pH,temperature andsalinity readings.
A long-handledwaterscoopwasusedtoscoopwaterrepeatedlyfromthe saltwaterlake (fromat
leastone meterin) intoa 2L bottle foranalysisbackat the laboratory.Anotherscoopwastakenand
usedimmediatelyinthe DissolvedOxygenTestKit#HI3810 and the resultsrecorded.The turbidity
tube was againfilleduntil the crossat the bottomcouldno longerbe seenfromlookingdown
throughthe tube and the markingwas recordedincentimetres.Usingthe long-handledwaterscoop,
a 2L jug wasfilledandaMultiparameterMeterwasinsertedtogive the pH,temperature andsalinity
Also,a sample wastakenfromeachsite ina beaker thenadissolvedoxygencolorimeter(see
appendices12.2) wasusedconsecutively with‘AccuVac® Ampules’andthe resultsrecorded. Inthe
laboratory, a colorimeter (see appendices 12.3) was used to find the turbidity of both water samples.
The salinitywastestedwiththe SalinityTestKit#HI3835 and a titrationwasdone to testfor chloride
presence.Inthe titration,a25mL pipette wasusedtotransferthe sample intoaclean250mL conical
flask(the saltwaterwasfirstdiluted1:10 but adding250mL of distilledwaterto25mL of the salt
water).1mL of chromate indicatorwasadded andtitratedwith2.902g/L silvernitrate solutiontothe
firstpermanentred-orangecolour.1mLwas subtractedfromthe resulttoallow forthe solubility
productof the indicatorwhichwill notchange colouruntil the volume isadded.A directcomparison
was made forthisconcentrationof silvernitrate;the numberof mLs=ppm.
Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang
7.0 Risk Assessment:
Substance Risk Control measure
0.1M Ethanoic acid (CH3COOH)  Seriouseye damage
 Corrosive;cancause
 Alwayswearsafety
 Do not make contact
0.1M SilverNitrate (AgNO3)  Poisonousif swallowed
or inhaled
 Stainsskin
 Alwayswearsafety
 Do not make contact
0.1M SodiumThiocyanate
 Harmful if swallowed
 Poisonousif swallowed
or inhaled
 Alwayswearsafety
 Ensure adequate
0.1M Ammoniumoxalate
 May be fatal if
 Corrosive;cancause
 Harmful if swallowedor
 Alwayswearsafety
 Do not make contact
 Ensure adequate
1.0M Potassiumchromate
 Can cause cancer or
reproductive defects
 May be fatal if
 Harmful if there isskin
contact or inhaled
 Alwayswearsafety
 Do not make contact
 Ensure adequate
0.1M Sodiumhydroxide
 Seriouseye damage
 Corrosive;cancause
 Alwayswearsafety
 Do not make contact
0.1M Barium chloride (BaCl2)  Seriouseye damage
 May be fatal if
 Harmful if there isskin
contact or inhaled
 Alwayswearsafety
 Do not make contact
 Ensure adequate
Nitric acid (HNO3)  Seriouseye damage
 Corrosive;cancause
 Fumesare harmful if
 Alwayswearsafety
 Do not make contact
withskin- evenif
 Ensure adequate
0.1M Ammoniummolybdate
 Irritatingtoeyes,lungs
and,if there ispronged
contact, skin
 Alwayswearsafety
0.1M Lead chloride (FeCl2)  Harmful if swallowed,
inhaledandif there is
 Alwayswearsafety
 Do not make contact
Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang
 Ensure adequate
0.1M Calciumchloride (CaCl2)  Harmful if swallowed
 Irritatingtoeyes
 Alwayswearsafety
0.1M Iron (III) chloride (FeCl3)  Seriouseye damage
 Corrosive;cancause
 Alwayswearsafety
 Do not make contact
 Ensure adequate
0.1M Copper(II) sulfate
 Seriouseye damage
 Corrosive;cancause
 Alwayswearsafety
 Do not make contact
 Ensure adequate
0.1M Magnesiumsulfate
(MgSO4 7H2O)
 Irritantto eyes
 Harmful if swallowed
 Alwayswearsafety
0.1M Sodiumphosphate
 Irritantto eyesandskin
 Harmful if swallowed
 Alwayswearsafety
 Do not make contact
Phenolphthalein(C3H6O)  Harmful if swallowed
 Can cause cancer or
reproductive defects
 Harmful if there isskin
contact or inhaled
 Alwayswearsafety
 Do not make contact
0.1M Sodiumhydroxide
 Seriouseye damage
 Corrosive;cancause
 Harmful if swallowed
 Alwayswearsafety
 Do not make contact
 Ensure adequate
Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang
2009 2010 2011 2012
Longitudinal pH data
8.0 Results:
Pond and lake test results
Variable Test Saltwaterresults Pondwaterresults
Salinity Multiparametermeter 827ppm (826.1 mg/L) 114ppm (113.8 mg/L)
Temperature Multiparametermeter Surface:18.4°C
pH Multiparametermeter 7.38 7.22
Dissolvedoxygen Colorimeter 9.5 mg/L 7.3 mg/L
Turbidity Colorimeter 0.01 NTU 0.03 NTU
8.10 Saltwater lake longitudinal results:
Variable 2009 2010 2011 2012
Temp– surface
16 21 19 18.5
Temp – bottom
17 20 19 18
Temp – average
16.5 20.5 19 18.25
Turbidity (cm) 73.5 62 >80 >100
7.5 6.2 7.5 9.0
7400 11400 10200 9700
pH 7.2 7.5 7.8 7.9
8.11 Longitudinal pH data for saltwater lake
Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang
2009 2010 2011 2012
Longitudinal pond temperatures
8.20 Fresh water pond longitudinal results:
8.21 Longitudinal temperature data for freshwater pond
Variable 2009 2010 2011 2012
Temp– surface
17 22 21 19
Temp – bottom
16 19 17 17.5
Temp – average
16.5 20.5 19 18.25
Turbidity (cm) 25 72 25 35
Dissolved Oxygen
7.3 5.0 6.7 6.1
600 180 200 110
pH 7.3 6.7 7.2 6.8
Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang
2009 2010 2011 2012
Longitudinal DO Content
8.22 Longitudinal DO data for freshwater pond
Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang
9.0 Discussion:
A fewissueswere apparentinthisinvestigation.Whentestingtemperature forthe freshwaterpond,
a thermometerwasusedbutthe mercurydidn’tseemtobe movingcorrectlyandothergroups
specifiedthattheyalsohadtroubleswiththe thermometer.Instead, aMultiparameterMeterwas
used.Onfirstattempt,a sample of waterwascollectedina small containertogetthe readingsfrom
a MultiparameterMeter. The pH readingwaschangingveryslowlybutcontinuouslysoinsteadwe
useda 2L jugto holda largersample of waterandthe readingsettledsoonafter.Whenusingthe
large jug,it washeldat the rim so bodytemperature wouldn’taffectthe watertemperature. When
usingthe colorimetertofindthe dissolvedoxygencontentinthe saltwater, an‘AccuVac® Ampule’
was usedtosuck up a sample of the water.It wasaccidentallyliftedoutof the sample before itwas
filledsoitsuckedupsome air.Thisone was discardedandanotherone used because itgave a much
higherdissolvedoxygenreadingof 13.0mg/L, whichwas incorrect.
A long-handledwaterscoopwasusedtogetwatersamplesfromfurtherintothe pond/lake sothey
are a more accurate representationof the whole bodyof water.If the waterwascollectedfromthe
edge there maybe more dirt, causing higherturbidityormore warmthfromthe soil,causinga
temperature change andsoon. 2L sampleswere retrievedtobe testedonbackat the laboratory so
qualitative testscouldbe done thatwouldn’tbe effectedbythe amountof time afteritwas
removed fromthe pond/lake.Othertests,suchasdissolvedoxygenandtemperature hadtobe done
on site asthe resultswoulddifferif theywere doneawhile aftercollection. Testingtemperatureis
importantas itdirectlyaffectsthe amountof dissolvedoxygen inthe waterandaquaticlife need
dissolvedoxygenforsurvival.If the temperature isincreased,the amountof dissolvedoxygen
decreases,therefore temperature isanimportantfactorinwater health.The levelof dissolved
oxygenisalsoimportanttotestto ensure there isa sufficientamountformarine life andwiththe
amountof dissolvedoxygen(inmg/L) andthe temperature of the water,the saturationcanbe
calculated.SalinityandpHare importantfactorsto keepcontrolledasthe healthylevelmayvary
dependingonthe watersource andthe organismsthatlive there sothe delicate balance ineach
ecosystemmustbe preserved. Anerrorthatoccurred wasthat when temperature was being
measuredinthe small containeritsettledonareadingthe firsttime thenitwasre-testedandithad
raised0.7°C due to hand temperature.Thissecondresultwasthendiscardedasitwasinaccurate
and the restof the variablesthatwere measured withthe MultiparameterMeterwere testedinthe
2L jug.Thiswouldhave slightlychangedthe saturationreadingasthe temperature wouldseem
higherforthe same dissolvedoxygenlevel.
Longitudinal datahasbeenrecordedoverthe past4 years to monitorhow the watersystemsare
changing(see results8.1and 8.2). It can be seeningraph 8.11 that the pH forthe saltwaterlake is
steadilyincreasingeachyearsoif that trendcontinues,the lake willcontinuetobecome lessneutral
and therefore more unhealthy.Itcan be seenbycomparinggraphs8.21 and8.22 that DO content
has changedinverselyasa resultof the changingtemperature- sowhenthe temperature isatit’s
highest;the DOis at itslowestandso on.
The firsthypothesiswasshowntobe correct as the saltwaterlake hada higherDO contentand
lowerturbiditythanthe pondwater.The DO forthe saltwaterwas9.5mg/L where itwasonly
7.3mg/L for the pondwater andthe turbiditywas0.01NTU for the lake and 0.03NTU for the pond.
The secondhypothesiswasincorrectasitwas expectedthatthe higherthe temperatureis,the
Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang
lowerthe level of dissolvedoxygenwill be andvice versabutinstead,the saltwaterhada
temperature andDOcontenthigherthanthe pond water’s.The saltwaterwas,onaverage,18.15°C
with9.5mg/L of DO and the pondwaterwas 17.45°C withonly7.3mg/L of DO.This maybe because
the salt lake hasa much largersurface area than the pondso itcan absorbmore heat,thus
explainingthe highertemperatureandthe DOmay be as a resultof more watercirculationinthe
lake due to humanactivitywhere there isnone inthe pond.Therefore,the DOcontentwouldn’t
have beenrelyingonthe temperature alone sothe temperaturebeinghigherdidn’tresultinthe DO
beinglower.The thirdhypothesiswasalsowrongasit wasexpectedthatthe higherthe turbidity
level,the lessneutral the waterwillbe,eitherturningmore acidicormore basicdependingonthe
solidscontainedwithinbutthe pondwaterwasmore turbid andwas closerto havinga pH of 7 than
the saltwater. The saltwater’sturbiditywas0.01 NTU witha pH of 7.38 (0.38 awayfromneutral)
and the pondwaterhad a higherturbidityof 0.03NTU witha pH of 7.22 (only0.22 away from
neutral). Thismayhave beenthe resultof aninaccurate methodas the turbiditywastestedinthe
colorimeterinthe laboratoryona differentdaytothe testingof the pH, whichwouldallow the
sedimentsinthe watertime tosettle,causingalowerturbidity.Itisa possibilitythatif the tests
were done onthe same day, the saltwater’sturbiditymaybe higherthanthe pondwater,thus
givinga reasonforthe pH to be furtherawayfromneutral. The fourthhypothesiswasincorrectasit
was expectedthatthe higherthe salinity,the more acidic the waterwouldbe,makingthe pHless
than 7, because saltisan acid but actually the salinityandpHforthe saltlake were bothhigherthan
the pondwater’s.The salt lake’ssalinitywas827ppmwitha pH of 7.38 andthe pondwater’ssalinity
was 114ppm witha pH of 7.22. This mayhave beena resultof othersedimentsfloatinginthe water,
whichcouldhave beenmore alkaline inthe saltlake,therefore neutralizingthe highamount of salt
and causingthe pH to be evenmore basicthan the pondwater,whichhas lesssalt.
The salinityforthe freshwaterpondwas withinthe guidelinesas itcan have from100-1000mg/L of
salt and it contained 113.8 mg/L.The saltwaterlake was slightlyunderthe normal range fora salt
watersystemas the range is usually between1000-35000 mg/L but itonlycontained826.1 mg/L.
The pH forboth siteswaswithinthe guidelines;saltwaterhavingapH of 7.38 and the pondwater
being7.22, where itcouldrange from6-8. Both watersystemscontainedenoughdissolvedoxygen
to sustainfishlife (atleast5-6mg/L);the lake contained9.5mg/Land the pond 7.3mg/L. The
saturationlevelswere measured(seeappendices12.4) and the saltwaterlake’ssaturationlevelwas
too high,being136% where itshouldbe nomore than 110%. The pondwater wasat exactly110%
saturation,whichisrighton the limitforthe guidelines,butthe highamountof saturationinthe
lake mustbe due to large amountsof algae growth.The turbidityforfreshwatermustbe below
5NTU and anythingabove 20NTU is‘polluted’sobothsitesfitintothose guidelinesasthe freshwater
pondwas only0.03NTU and the saltwaterlake was0.01NTU. The bodytemperature forfishdepends
on the environmenttheynaturally occurin,buttheyare cold-blooded(bloodisbelow 30°C) sothe
watershouldbe below30°C to sustainfishlife.Highdissolvedoxygensaturationoccurswhenboth
the temperature andDO are high.The DO saturationwasquite highforbothsites butthe DO results
were innormal range so that meansthat the temperaturesmusthave causedthe highsaturation.
The salt lake temperatureswere:surface- 18.4°C,bottom- 17.9°C and average- 18.15°C and the
pond’swere:Surface- 17.7°C, bottom:17.2°C and average- 17.45°C so althoughthere are no
guidelinesstatingexactideal temperatures(asitchangesbasedon season,weatherorday) they
mustbe slightlytoohightogive sucha highsaturation.
Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang
10.0 Conclusion:
The qualityof watercontainedinthe freshwaterpondandthe saltwaterlake fromEmeraldLakes
were comparedandcontrastedby testingfortemperature,pH,turbidity,salinityanddissolved
oxygenandanypossible reasonsforanysubstantial chemical corruptionanddifferencesinresults
were determined.The firsthypothesiswasshowntobe correctas the saltwaterlake hada higher
DO contentand lowerturbiditythanthe pondwaterasexpected.The secondhypothesiswas
incorrectas it wasexpectedthatthe higherthe temperature is,the lowerthe level of dissolved
oxygenwill be andvice versabutinstead,the saltwaterhada temperature andDOcontenthigher
than the pondwater’s.The thirdhypothesiswasalsowrongasit wasexpectedthatthe higherthe
turbiditylevel,the lessneutral the waterwillbe,eitherturningmore acidicormore basicdepending
on the solidscontainedwithinbutthe pondwaterwasmore turbidandwas closerto havinga pH of
7 thanthe saltwater.The fourthhypothesiswasincorrectasitwas expectedthatthe higherthe
salinity,the more acidicthe waterwouldbe,makingthe pHlessthan7, because saltisan acid but
actuallythe salinityandpHfor the saltlake were bothhigherthanthe pond water’s.
Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang
11.0 Bibliography
Gould,M. (2008). Chemistry in Use,book1. NorthRyde:McGraw-Hill AustraliaPtyLtd.
Guderley,H.(2007, March 15). Metabolicresponsesto low temperaturein fish muscle.Retrieved
August26, 2012, from WileyOnlineLibrary:
HarperCollinsPublishers.(2009). Turbidity . RetrievedJuly24,2012, from
Monteath,S. (2008). Chemistry in Use,book1. North Ryde:McGraw-Hill AustraliaPtyLtd.
Smith,R.(2008). Chemistry in Use,book1. NorthRyde:McGraw-Hill AustraliaPtyLtd.
Universityof Wisconsin.(2009). Dissolved Oxygen.RetrievedJuly24,2012, from watermonitoring:
Universityof Wisconsin.(2007). Temperature.RetrievedJuly24,2012, fromWatermonitoring:
Universityof Wisconsin.(2009). Transparency.RetrievedJuly24 , 2012, from Watermonitoring:
Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang
12.0 Appendices:
12.1 Water collection sites:
12.20 Dissolved oxygen colorimeter instructions:
Emmanuel College
Saltwater lake
Freshwater pond
Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang
12.21 Dissolved oxygen colorimeter instructions:
12.31 Turbidity colorimeter instructions:
Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang
12.32 Turbidity colorimeter instructions:
12.33 Turbidity colorimeter instructions:
Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang
12.4 Dissolved oxygen saturation graph:
Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang
13.0 Acknowledgements:
My groupmembers,Kate MorrisandAlex Butlerhelpedme tocollectand analyse watersamples.
Miss Wang taughtus the basic informationneededtoknow aboutwaterqualityandhelpedus
complete andunderstandthe testsandtheirresults. JamesMcVicar,Kyle Jackson,OliviaTregoning
and Alex Philipswhere partof an online chemistrygroupinwhichtheyhelpedtoanswersome
questionsIwasunsure about.

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Chemistry Water EEI

  • 1. Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang
  • 2. Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang Contents 1.0 Abstract:............................................................................................................................. 3 2.0 Introduction:....................................................................................................................... 4 3.0 Hypothesis:......................................................................................................................... 6 3.1 Temperature vs. dissolved oxygen........................................................................................ 6 3.2 Turbidity vs. pH................................................................................................................... 6 3.3 Salinity vs. pH...................................................................................................................... 6 4.0 Aim:....................................................................................................................................7 5.0 Materials:........................................................................................................................... 8 5.1 Dissolved oxygen:................................................................................................................ 8 5.2 Turbidity:............................................................................................................................ 8 5.3 pH: .....................................................................................................................................8 5.4 Temperature:...................................................................................................................... 8 5.5 Salinity:............................................................................................................................... 8 6.0 Method: ............................................................................................................................. 9 7.0 Risk Assessment:............................................................................................................... 10 8.0 Results:............................................................................................................................. 12 8.10 Saltwater lake longitudinal results:................................................................................... 12 8.11 Longitudinal pH data for saltwater lake............................................................................. 12 8.20 Fresh water pond longitudinal results:.............................................................................. 13 8.21 Longitudinal temperature data for freshwater pond.......................................................... 13 8.22 Longitudinal DO data for freshwater pond ........................................................................ 14 9.0 Discussion:........................................................................................................................ 15 10.0 Conclusion:..................................................................................................................... 17 11.0 Bibliography.................................................................................................................... 18 12.0 Appendices:.................................................................................................................... 19 12.1 Water collection sites:..................................................................................................... 19 12.20 Dissolved oxygen colorimeter instructions: ..................................................................... 19 12.21 Dissolved oxygen colorimeter instructions: ..................................................................... 20 12.31 Turbidity colorimeterinstructions:.................................................................................. 20 12.32 Turbidity colorimeterinstructions:.................................................................................. 21 12.33 Turbidity colorimeterinstructions:.................................................................................. 21 12.4 Dissolved oxygen saturation graph: .................................................................................. 22 13.0 Acknowledgements:........................................................................................................ 23
  • 3. Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang 1.0 Abstract: The sitesthat were experimentedonwere the saltwaterlake andthe freshwaterpond waterinthe EmeraldLakessystem,inwhichthe resultswere comparedand contrastedtooutline anydifferences infindings anditwas determinedthere wasnochemical corruption.The variablestestedwere temperature,pH,turbidity,salinityanddissolvedoxygen. A Multiparametermeterwaschosento testfor temperature,pHand salinity inwhich2Ljugs were filledwiththe watersamplesandthe meterinserted.Althoughaturbiditytube andadissolvedoxygentestkitwere usedtofindthe turbidityandDO content,colorimeterswere alsoused.The turbiditywastestedinacolorimeter back at the laboratoryand a dissolvedoxygencolorimeterwasusedonsite andthe resultsfrom bothcolorimeterswillbe used forthisinvestigation. Itwasexpectedthatthe saltwaterlake would be healthierthanthe pondwaterbecause itisused more so itwouldhave more circulationand therefore higherDOcontentandit alsoappearedlessturbid.Thiswasshowntobe correct as the saltwaterDOcontentwas 9.5mg/L and the pondwaterhad only7.3mg/L and for turbidity, the salt waterhad 0.01NTU whereasthe pondwaterhad 0.03NTU. It wasexpectedthatthe higherthe temperature,the lowerthe DOcontentbutthis wasincorrectas the saltwaterhada higher temperature andDOcontentthan the pondwater,being18.15°C with9.5mg/L of DO and17.45°C with7.3mg/L of DO inthe pond. It was expectedthatthe higherthe turbiditylevel,the lessneutral the waterwill be,whichwasincorrectas the pondwaterwas more turbidand wascloserto havinga pH of 7 than the saltwater.The saltwater’s turbiditywas0.01 NTU witha pH of 7.38 (0.38 away fromneutral) andthe pondwater hada higherturbidityof 0.03NTU witha pH of 7.22 (only0.22 away fromneutral).Itwasexpectedthatthe higherthe salinity,the more acidicthe waterwouldbe, makingthe pH lessthan7 but thiswasincorrectalsoas the saltlake’ssalinitywas827ppmwitha pH of 7.38 and the pondwater’ssalinitywas114ppmwitha pH of 7.22.
  • 4. Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang 2.0 Introduction: This Extended Experimental Investigation is based on the health of different water sources in Emerald Lakes. The two sites chosen to test water from were the freshwater pond and the saltwater lake (see appendices 11.1). Both of these sites contain fish life and are not considered as drinking water. The different variables that can be tested for water quality are as follows: temperature, turbidity, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrate content. For different types of water sources, different results are suitable, which will be analysed in depth later on. Temperature is an important variable to test as it influences the amount of dissolved oxygen contained in the water (Monteath, 2008). A water sample should not be tested for health through only the analysis of temperature, but also with a combination of other tests (Monteath, 2008). These may include tests regarding; temperature, turbidity, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide and nitrate content. This is because the temperature naturally changes depending on the season, weather or day (Monteath, 2008). Not only is dissolved oxygen a linking factor, but if water temperature is too high or low the organisms may begin to die (University of Wisconsin, 2007). Fish are cold-blooded but they have different body temperatures depending on the temperature of the water they naturally occur in (Guderley, 2007). Temperature can be tested using a thermometer or data logger (Monteath, 2008). A data logger, also known as a Multiparameter Meter, was used for this investigation as it was easier to read and could be used to test other variables at the same time. Turbidity is the measure of water transparency due to the amount of sediments withheld (HarperCollins Publishers, 2009). Turbidity is significant to the overall health of water as it determines the water’s purity or pollution. It is measured in nephelometric turbidity units (NTU), which can be measured with a Colorimeter or a turbidity tube (University of Wisconsin, 2009). Freshwater should be 5 or less NTU and a water system is considered ‘polluted’ if the NTU is >20 (Monteath, 2008). This long, thin, clear tube is filled with the water sample until the mark on the bottom is no longer visible (University of Wisconsin, 2009). A sample of the water is inserted into the Colorimeter to determine the amount of penetrable light. The best method is using the Colorimeter as it is more accurate because an exact number is given for the result rather than relying on one’s eye sight for the turbidity tube. Dissolved oxygen is vital for the health of water as organisms rely on oxygen for survival. Dissolved oxygen is used by both underwater plants and animals for respiration at night (Gould, 2008). This can be tested using Dissolved Oxygen monitoring test kits or a Dissolved Oxygen Colorimeter. Dissolved Oxygen monitoring test kits contain reagents that must be added to determine the results (University of Wisconsin, 2009). It is measured in milligrams per litre (mg/L) but can also be expressed using percentage saturation (Gould, 2008).
  • 5. Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang Freshwater should contain between 80-90% saturation but for fish life there needs to be at least 5-6mg/L (Gould, 2008). Saturation should not reach over 110% as such a high level of oxygen indicates a high level of algae growth. Both of these methods were undertaken but the colorimeter results will be used as they are more likely to be accurate. This is because it gives an exact reading rather than relying on eye sight to determine when the solution has turned clear as is done with the Dissolved Oxygen Test Kits. Salinity is the amount of salt that is dissolved in water. This must be monitored as high salinity can makes it harder for plants to absorb water so they may become wilted, growth stunted or die and is also unpalatable for animals and humans to drink. It can be measured using a Multiparameter Meter or through titration, in which the water is reacted with silver nitrate to determine the concentration of chloride ions (measured in mg/L) using the formula: Clˉ(aq) + Ag⁺(aq)  AgCl(s) (Gould, 2008). Alternatively, a calibration graph can be used if the concentration of the salt solution is known to determine the amount of current flowing through, measured in ųS/cm (Gould, 2008). Freshwater can contain 100-1000mg/L and salt water between 1000-35 000mg/L (from slightly saline to ocean water) (Gould, 2008). The results from the Multiparameter Meter will be used in this investigation as it seems a more accurate method than manually testing the sample, as with the titration. Another very important factor in the health of water is pH as organisms require a specific range to survive, usually between 6.5 and 8, where 7 is neutral (Smith, 2008). It can be measured using a pH meter or universal indicator or paper (Smith, 2008). A pH meter will be used for this investigation as determining the colour from a universal indicator/paper could be inaccurate compared to a reading on the meter. A Multiparameter Meter was used to measure pH, temperature, conductivity, salinity and dissolved solids because it did all the calculations together, which was helpful with the limited time frame on the excursion day. Also on the day of collection, the turbidity was tested with a turbidity tube and the dissolved oxygen was tested with a colorimeter and a Dissolved Oxygen Test Kit. These were all quantitative tests that were carried out on site. The qualitative tests were carried out in the science laboratory using the 2L samples collected from each site (tests can be found under method). These include finding the presence of the following: chloride, iron, calcium, lead, copper, sulphate and phosphate ions. These qualitative tests were done because, in every case, the ions are healthy for marine life, but only in moderation. If the quantities of these ions dramatically increase or decrease, the health of marine life will deteriorate and organisms won’t survive, therefore starting a chain link of event, resulting in the whole ecosystem collapsing.
  • 6. Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang 3.0 Hypothesis: It isexpectedthatthe saltwaterlake willbe healthierthanthe freshwaterpond because itisamuch larger,openareawhichis used forrecreational activities more,therefore there ismore circulation to increase DO, and itappearslessturbid. 3.1 Temperature vs. dissolved oxygen- It isexpectedthatthe higherthe temperature is, the lowerthe level of dissolvedoxygenwill be and the lowerthe temperatureis,the higherthe level of dissolvedoxygenwill be. 3.2 Turbidity vs. pH- It was expectedthatthe higherthe turbiditylevel,the lessneutral the waterwill be,eitherturningmore acidicormore basicdependingonthe solidscontainedwithin. 3.3 Salinity vs. pH- It was expectedthatthe higherthe salinity,the more acidicthe water wouldbe,makingthe pHlessthan 7, because saltisan acid.
  • 7. Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang 4.0 Aim: To compare and contrast the qualityof watercontainedinthe freshwaterpondandthe saltwater lake fromEmeraldLakes by testingfortemperature,pH,turbidity,salinityanddissolvedoxygenand determine anypossiblereasonsforanysubstantial chemical corruptionif detectedanddifferences inresults.
  • 8. Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang 5.0 Materials:  2X 2L bottles  Long-handledwaterscoop  Gloves 5.1 Dissolved oxygen:  Dissolvedoxygentestkit  Colorimeter  2X 250mL beakers 5.2 Turbidity:  Turbiditytube  Colorimeter 5.3 pH:  MultiparameterMeter  Jug 5.4 Temperature:  MultiparameterMeter  Jug  Thermometer 5.5 Salinity:  MultiparameterMeter  Jug  SalinityTestKit  25mL pipette  250mL conical flask  1mL chromate indicator  2.902g/L silvernitrate
  • 9. Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang 6.0 Method: NOTE: Use instructionsfromtestkits A long-handledwaterscoopwasusedtoscoopwaterrepeatedly fromthe freshwaterpond (fromat leastone meterin) intoa 2L bottle foranalysisbackat the laboratory.Anotherscoopwastakenand usedimmediatelyinthe DissolvedOxygenTestKit#HI3810 and the resultsrecorded.The scoopwas usedto pourwater intoa turbiditytube where itwasfilleduntilthe crossat the bottomcouldno longerbe seenfromlookingdownthroughthe tube.The markingwhere the tube wasfilledtowas recordedin centimetres.Usingthe long-handledwaterscoop,a2L jugwas filledanda MultiparameterMeterwasinsertedtogive the pH,temperature andsalinity readings. A long-handledwaterscoopwasusedtoscoopwaterrepeatedlyfromthe saltwaterlake (fromat leastone meterin) intoa 2L bottle foranalysisbackat the laboratory.Anotherscoopwastakenand usedimmediatelyinthe DissolvedOxygenTestKit#HI3810 and the resultsrecorded.The turbidity tube was againfilleduntil the crossat the bottomcouldno longerbe seenfromlookingdown throughthe tube and the markingwas recordedincentimetres.Usingthe long-handledwaterscoop, a 2L jug wasfilledandaMultiparameterMeterwasinsertedtogive the pH,temperature andsalinity readings. Also,a sample wastakenfromeachsite ina beaker thenadissolvedoxygencolorimeter(see appendices12.2) wasusedconsecutively with‘AccuVac® Ampules’andthe resultsrecorded. Inthe laboratory, a colorimeter (see appendices 12.3) was used to find the turbidity of both water samples. The salinitywastestedwiththe SalinityTestKit#HI3835 and a titrationwasdone to testfor chloride presence.Inthe titration,a25mL pipette wasusedtotransferthe sample intoaclean250mL conical flask(the saltwaterwasfirstdiluted1:10 but adding250mL of distilledwaterto25mL of the salt water).1mL of chromate indicatorwasadded andtitratedwith2.902g/L silvernitrate solutiontothe firstpermanentred-orangecolour.1mLwas subtractedfromthe resulttoallow forthe solubility productof the indicatorwhichwill notchange colouruntil the volume isadded.A directcomparison was made forthisconcentrationof silvernitrate;the numberof mLs=ppm.
  • 10. Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang 7.0 Risk Assessment: Substance Risk Control measure 0.1M Ethanoic acid (CH3COOH)  Seriouseye damage  Corrosive;cancause burns  Alwayswearsafety glasses  Do not make contact withskin 0.1M SilverNitrate (AgNO3)  Poisonousif swallowed or inhaled  Stainsskin  Alwayswearsafety glasses  Do not make contact withskin 0.1M SodiumThiocyanate (CNNaS)  Harmful if swallowed  Poisonousif swallowed or inhaled  Alwayswearsafety glasses  Ensure adequate ventilation 0.1M Ammoniumoxalate monohydrate (NH4OCOCOONH4 H2O)  May be fatal if swallowed  Corrosive;cancause burns  Harmful if swallowedor inhaled  Alwayswearsafety glasses  Do not make contact withskin  Ensure adequate ventilation 1.0M Potassiumchromate (K2CrO4)  Can cause cancer or reproductive defects  May be fatal if swallowed  Harmful if there isskin contact or inhaled  Alwayswearsafety glassesandgloves  Do not make contact withskin  Ensure adequate ventilation 0.1M Sodiumhydroxide (NaOH)  Seriouseye damage  Corrosive;cancause burns  Alwayswearsafety glasses  Do not make contact withskin 0.1M Barium chloride (BaCl2)  Seriouseye damage  May be fatal if swallowed  Harmful if there isskin contact or inhaled  Alwayswearsafety glasses  Do not make contact withskin  Ensure adequate ventilation Nitric acid (HNO3)  Seriouseye damage  Corrosive;cancause burns  Fumesare harmful if inhaled  Alwayswearsafety glasses  Do not make contact withskin- evenif diluted  Ensure adequate ventilation 0.1M Ammoniummolybdate (H24Mo7N6O24)  Irritatingtoeyes,lungs and,if there ispronged contact, skin  Alwayswearsafety glasses 0.1M Lead chloride (FeCl2)  Harmful if swallowed, inhaledandif there is skincontact  Alwayswearsafety glassesandgloves  Do not make contact
  • 11. Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang withskin  Ensure adequate ventilation 0.1M Calciumchloride (CaCl2)  Harmful if swallowed  Irritatingtoeyes  Alwayswearsafety glassesandgloves 0.1M Iron (III) chloride (FeCl3)  Seriouseye damage  Corrosive;cancause burns  Alwayswearsafety glassesandgloves  Do not make contact withskin  Ensure adequate ventilation 0.1M Copper(II) sulfate (CuSO4)  Seriouseye damage  Corrosive;cancause burns  Alwayswearsafety glassesandgloves  Do not make contact withskin  Ensure adequate ventilation 0.1M Magnesiumsulfate (MgSO4 7H2O)  Irritantto eyes  Harmful if swallowed  Alwayswearsafety glassesandgloves 0.1M Sodiumphosphate (Na3PO4)  Irritantto eyesandskin  Harmful if swallowed  Alwayswearsafety glassesandgloves  Do not make contact withskin Phenolphthalein(C3H6O)  Harmful if swallowed  Can cause cancer or reproductive defects  Harmful if there isskin contact or inhaled  Alwayswearsafety glassesandgloves  Do not make contact withskin 0.1M Sodiumhydroxide (NaOH)  Seriouseye damage  Corrosive;cancause burns  Harmful if swallowed  Alwayswearsafety glassesandgloves  Do not make contact withskin  Ensure adequate ventilation
  • 12. Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang 6.8 7 7.2 7.4 7.6 7.8 8 2009 2010 2011 2012 Longitudinal pH data pH 8.0 Results: Pond and lake test results Variable Test Saltwaterresults Pondwaterresults Salinity Multiparametermeter 827ppm (826.1 mg/L) 114ppm (113.8 mg/L) Temperature Multiparametermeter Surface:18.4°C Bottom:17.9°C Average:18.15°C Surface:17.7°C Bottom:17.2°C Average:17.45°C pH Multiparametermeter 7.38 7.22 Dissolvedoxygen Colorimeter 9.5 mg/L 7.3 mg/L Turbidity Colorimeter 0.01 NTU 0.03 NTU 8.10 Saltwater lake longitudinal results: Variable 2009 2010 2011 2012 Temp– surface (0 C) 16 21 19 18.5 Temp – bottom (0 C) 17 20 19 18 Temp – average (0 C) 16.5 20.5 19 18.25 Turbidity (cm) 73.5 62 >80 >100 DissolvedOxygen (mg/L) 7.5 6.2 7.5 9.0 Salinity-probe (mg/L) 7400 11400 10200 9700 pH 7.2 7.5 7.8 7.9 8.11 Longitudinal pH data for saltwater lake
  • 13. Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang 0 5 10 15 20 25 2009 2010 2011 2012 Temperature(°C) Year Longitudinal pond temperatures Surface Bottom Average 8.20 Fresh water pond longitudinal results: 8.21 Longitudinal temperature data for freshwater pond Variable 2009 2010 2011 2012 Temp– surface (0 C) 17 22 21 19 Temp – bottom (0 C) 16 19 17 17.5 Temp – average (0 C) 16.5 20.5 19 18.25 Turbidity (cm) 25 72 25 35 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) 7.3 5.0 6.7 6.1 Salinity-probe (mg/L) 600 180 200 110 pH 7.3 6.7 7.2 6.8
  • 14. Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2009 2010 2011 2012 DO(mg/L) Year Longitudinal DO Content DO 8.22 Longitudinal DO data for freshwater pond
  • 15. Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang 9.0 Discussion: A fewissueswere apparentinthisinvestigation.Whentestingtemperature forthe freshwaterpond, a thermometerwasusedbutthe mercurydidn’tseemtobe movingcorrectlyandothergroups specifiedthattheyalsohadtroubleswiththe thermometer.Instead, aMultiparameterMeterwas used.Onfirstattempt,a sample of waterwascollectedina small containertogetthe readingsfrom a MultiparameterMeter. The pH readingwaschangingveryslowlybutcontinuouslysoinsteadwe useda 2L jugto holda largersample of waterandthe readingsettledsoonafter.Whenusingthe large jug,it washeldat the rim so bodytemperature wouldn’taffectthe watertemperature. When usingthe colorimetertofindthe dissolvedoxygencontentinthe saltwater, an‘AccuVac® Ampule’ was usedtosuck up a sample of the water.It wasaccidentallyliftedoutof the sample before itwas filledsoitsuckedupsome air.Thisone was discardedandanotherone used because itgave a much higherdissolvedoxygenreadingof 13.0mg/L, whichwas incorrect. A long-handledwaterscoopwasusedtogetwatersamplesfromfurtherintothe pond/lake sothey are a more accurate representationof the whole bodyof water.If the waterwascollectedfromthe edge there maybe more dirt, causing higherturbidityormore warmthfromthe soil,causinga temperature change andsoon. 2L sampleswere retrievedtobe testedonbackat the laboratory so qualitative testscouldbe done thatwouldn’tbe effectedbythe amountof time afteritwas removed fromthe pond/lake.Othertests,suchasdissolvedoxygenandtemperature hadtobe done on site asthe resultswoulddifferif theywere doneawhile aftercollection. Testingtemperatureis importantas itdirectlyaffectsthe amountof dissolvedoxygen inthe waterandaquaticlife need dissolvedoxygenforsurvival.If the temperature isincreased,the amountof dissolvedoxygen decreases,therefore temperature isanimportantfactorinwater health.The levelof dissolved oxygenisalsoimportanttotestto ensure there isa sufficientamountformarine life andwiththe amountof dissolvedoxygen(inmg/L) andthe temperature of the water,the saturationcanbe calculated.SalinityandpHare importantfactorsto keepcontrolledasthe healthylevelmayvary dependingonthe watersource andthe organismsthatlive there sothe delicate balance ineach ecosystemmustbe preserved. Anerrorthatoccurred wasthat when temperature was being measuredinthe small containeritsettledonareadingthe firsttime thenitwasre-testedandithad raised0.7°C due to hand temperature.Thissecondresultwasthendiscardedasitwasinaccurate and the restof the variablesthatwere measured withthe MultiparameterMeterwere testedinthe 2L jug.Thiswouldhave slightlychangedthe saturationreadingasthe temperature wouldseem higherforthe same dissolvedoxygenlevel. Longitudinal datahasbeenrecordedoverthe past4 years to monitorhow the watersystemsare changing(see results8.1and 8.2). It can be seeningraph 8.11 that the pH forthe saltwaterlake is steadilyincreasingeachyearsoif that trendcontinues,the lake willcontinuetobecome lessneutral and therefore more unhealthy.Itcan be seenbycomparinggraphs8.21 and8.22 that DO content has changedinverselyasa resultof the changingtemperature- sowhenthe temperature isatit’s highest;the DOis at itslowestandso on. The firsthypothesiswasshowntobe correct as the saltwaterlake hada higherDO contentand lowerturbiditythanthe pondwater.The DO forthe saltwaterwas9.5mg/L where itwasonly 7.3mg/L for the pondwater andthe turbiditywas0.01NTU for the lake and 0.03NTU for the pond. The secondhypothesiswasincorrectasitwas expectedthatthe higherthe temperatureis,the
  • 16. Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang lowerthe level of dissolvedoxygenwill be andvice versabutinstead,the saltwaterhada temperature andDOcontenthigherthanthe pond water’s.The saltwaterwas,onaverage,18.15°C with9.5mg/L of DO and the pondwaterwas 17.45°C withonly7.3mg/L of DO.This maybe because the salt lake hasa much largersurface area than the pondso itcan absorbmore heat,thus explainingthe highertemperatureandthe DOmay be as a resultof more watercirculationinthe lake due to humanactivitywhere there isnone inthe pond.Therefore,the DOcontentwouldn’t have beenrelyingonthe temperature alone sothe temperaturebeinghigherdidn’tresultinthe DO beinglower.The thirdhypothesiswasalsowrongasit wasexpectedthatthe higherthe turbidity level,the lessneutral the waterwillbe,eitherturningmore acidicormore basicdependingonthe solidscontainedwithinbutthe pondwaterwasmore turbid andwas closerto havinga pH of 7 than the saltwater. The saltwater’sturbiditywas0.01 NTU witha pH of 7.38 (0.38 awayfromneutral) and the pondwaterhad a higherturbidityof 0.03NTU witha pH of 7.22 (only0.22 away from neutral). Thismayhave beenthe resultof aninaccurate methodas the turbiditywastestedinthe colorimeterinthe laboratoryona differentdaytothe testingof the pH, whichwouldallow the sedimentsinthe watertime tosettle,causingalowerturbidity.Itisa possibilitythatif the tests were done onthe same day, the saltwater’sturbiditymaybe higherthanthe pondwater,thus givinga reasonforthe pH to be furtherawayfromneutral. The fourthhypothesiswasincorrectasit was expectedthatthe higherthe salinity,the more acidic the waterwouldbe,makingthe pHless than 7, because saltisan acid but actually the salinityandpHforthe saltlake were bothhigherthan the pondwater’s.The salt lake’ssalinitywas827ppmwitha pH of 7.38 andthe pondwater’ssalinity was 114ppm witha pH of 7.22. This mayhave beena resultof othersedimentsfloatinginthe water, whichcouldhave beenmore alkaline inthe saltlake,therefore neutralizingthe highamount of salt and causingthe pH to be evenmore basicthan the pondwater,whichhas lesssalt. The salinityforthe freshwaterpondwas withinthe guidelinesas itcan have from100-1000mg/L of salt and it contained 113.8 mg/L.The saltwaterlake was slightlyunderthe normal range fora salt watersystemas the range is usually between1000-35000 mg/L but itonlycontained826.1 mg/L. The pH forboth siteswaswithinthe guidelines;saltwaterhavingapH of 7.38 and the pondwater being7.22, where itcouldrange from6-8. Both watersystemscontainedenoughdissolvedoxygen to sustainfishlife (atleast5-6mg/L);the lake contained9.5mg/Land the pond 7.3mg/L. The saturationlevelswere measured(seeappendices12.4) and the saltwaterlake’ssaturationlevelwas too high,being136% where itshouldbe nomore than 110%. The pondwater wasat exactly110% saturation,whichisrighton the limitforthe guidelines,butthe highamountof saturationinthe lake mustbe due to large amountsof algae growth.The turbidityforfreshwatermustbe below 5NTU and anythingabove 20NTU is‘polluted’sobothsitesfitintothose guidelinesasthe freshwater pondwas only0.03NTU and the saltwaterlake was0.01NTU. The bodytemperature forfishdepends on the environmenttheynaturally occurin,buttheyare cold-blooded(bloodisbelow 30°C) sothe watershouldbe below30°C to sustainfishlife.Highdissolvedoxygensaturationoccurswhenboth the temperature andDO are high.The DO saturationwasquite highforbothsites butthe DO results were innormal range so that meansthat the temperaturesmusthave causedthe highsaturation. The salt lake temperatureswere:surface- 18.4°C,bottom- 17.9°C and average- 18.15°C and the pond’swere:Surface- 17.7°C, bottom:17.2°C and average- 17.45°C so althoughthere are no guidelinesstatingexactideal temperatures(asitchangesbasedon season,weatherorday) they mustbe slightlytoohightogive sucha highsaturation.
  • 17. Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang 10.0 Conclusion: The qualityof watercontainedinthe freshwaterpondandthe saltwaterlake fromEmeraldLakes were comparedandcontrastedby testingfortemperature,pH,turbidity,salinityanddissolved oxygenandanypossible reasonsforanysubstantial chemical corruptionanddifferencesinresults were determined.The firsthypothesiswasshowntobe correctas the saltwaterlake hada higher DO contentand lowerturbiditythanthe pondwaterasexpected.The secondhypothesiswas incorrectas it wasexpectedthatthe higherthe temperature is,the lowerthe level of dissolved oxygenwill be andvice versabutinstead,the saltwaterhada temperature andDOcontenthigher than the pondwater’s.The thirdhypothesiswasalsowrongasit wasexpectedthatthe higherthe turbiditylevel,the lessneutral the waterwillbe,eitherturningmore acidicormore basicdepending on the solidscontainedwithinbutthe pondwaterwasmore turbidandwas closerto havinga pH of 7 thanthe saltwater.The fourthhypothesiswasincorrectasitwas expectedthatthe higherthe salinity,the more acidicthe waterwouldbe,makingthe pHlessthan7, because saltisan acid but actuallythe salinityandpHfor the saltlake were bothhigherthanthe pond water’s.
  • 18. Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang 11.0 Bibliography Gould,M. (2008). Chemistry in Use,book1. NorthRyde:McGraw-Hill AustraliaPtyLtd. Guderley,H.(2007, March 15). Metabolicresponsesto low temperaturein fish muscle.Retrieved August26, 2012, from WileyOnlineLibrary: HarperCollinsPublishers.(2009). Turbidity . RetrievedJuly24,2012, from Monteath,S. (2008). Chemistry in Use,book1. North Ryde:McGraw-Hill AustraliaPtyLtd. Smith,R.(2008). Chemistry in Use,book1. NorthRyde:McGraw-Hill AustraliaPtyLtd. Universityof Wisconsin.(2009). Dissolved Oxygen.RetrievedJuly24,2012, from watermonitoring: Universityof Wisconsin.(2007). Temperature.RetrievedJuly24,2012, fromWatermonitoring: Universityof Wisconsin.(2009). Transparency.RetrievedJuly24 , 2012, from Watermonitoring:
  • 19. Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang 12.0 Appendices: 12.1 Water collection sites: 12.20 Dissolved oxygen colorimeter instructions: Emmanuel College Saltwater lake Freshwater pond
  • 20. Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang 12.21 Dissolved oxygen colorimeter instructions: 12.31 Turbidity colorimeter instructions:
  • 21. Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang 12.32 Turbidity colorimeter instructions: 12.33 Turbidity colorimeter instructions:
  • 22. Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang 12.4 Dissolved oxygen saturation graph:
  • 23. Josie Ochsner Chemistry 2012 Miss Wang 13.0 Acknowledgements: My groupmembers,Kate MorrisandAlex Butlerhelpedme tocollectand analyse watersamples. Miss Wang taughtus the basic informationneededtoknow aboutwaterqualityandhelpedus complete andunderstandthe testsandtheirresults. JamesMcVicar,Kyle Jackson,OliviaTregoning and Alex Philipswhere partof an online chemistrygroupinwhichtheyhelpedtoanswersome questionsIwasunsure about.