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• What is Xamarin?
• Environment setup
• Project structure
• Xamarin architecture
• Elements & attributes, Naming, Data binding
• Page layouts
• StackLayout, Grid, RelativeLayout
• Lists
• Text lists, Pre-defined templates, Custom templates
• Microsoft’s cross-platform development
• Designed to enable app development for
Android, iOS, Windows Mobile, & Windows
• Xamarin performs cross-compilation rather
than being an interpreted language – it
provides performance near to native
• Leverages the power of the C# language and
the .Net Framework
1. Everything is handled through Microsoft’s
own development platform, Visual Studio.
2. Heading to will let
you down load the free Visual Studio
Community Edition, with Xamarin support
• If you already have VS, you can install Xamarin using
the dialog found at Tools  Get Tools & Features…
3. Point Xamarin to your Android SDK using
Options  search for “Android”  Android
• Xamarin allows developers to write three kinds of
• Xamarin.Android: Write fully native Android apps using
C# instead of Java
• Xamarin.iOS: Write fully native iOS apps using C#
instead of Objective-C / Swift
• Xamarin.Forms: Write cross-platform apps
• Even when using Xamarin.Android & Xamarin.iOS,
code can be shared between them using a Shared
Project. Thus, most logic can be shared cross-
platform without code duplication, while
completely separate native UIs can be developed.
• To create any of these project types:
• File  New  Project  Visual C#  (either Android,
iOS, or Cross-Platform)
1. New project  Cross-Platform  Xamarin
2. Pick a location, choose a project & solution
name (they can be the same), and select
“create directory”
3. Select “Blank App”, pick your supported
platforms, pick Xamarin Forms for the UI
technology, and “Shared Project” for code
• MyFirstXamarinApp: A shared project. Anything in here will
be shared between all platforms. Xamarin Forms code and
shared classes go here.
• *.Android, *.iOS: Resources in here will be used only on
Android, iOS, and Windows platforms, respectively.
• The native projects have C# versions of the building blocks
for those platforms (i.e. Activity for Android, AppDelegate
for iOS). By default, in a Forms project, these load an
instance of the App class – which is the class defined by the
shared App.xaml.
• The first time you create a Xamarin project, you may see
“class not found” errors in your code – these will be
resolved the first time you build (right-click a project 
Three main kinds of files to define a Xamarin.Forms
• Stands for “eXtensible Application Markup Language”
• An XML specification. Like HTML, allows developers to
define the visual structure of a particular page (screen)
of an app.
• Code-Behind
• A C# file implementing the behaviour for a particular
page (e.g. what happens when you click a button or
select an item in a list?)
• A XAML file and its associated code-behind are
compiled together into a single .Net class at runtime.
• Other classes
• Xamarin Forms is built on top of the platform-
specific libraries, Xamarin.Android and
• UI elements in Xamarin Forms are mapped to
native equivalents on the target platforms. If
Xamarin Forms is used exclusively to define
the UI, then we can achieve a 100% cross-
platform app.
• If we wish to provide platform-specific
features, we can do so by editing the
associated platform-specific project.
Xamarin Forms
• Running / debugging the app in the Live Player:
1. Choose “Live Player” when running the app
2. Download the Xamarin Live Player app on iOS or
3. Scan the provided QR code
• Live editing XAML:
1. Right-click the code window containing your XAML
2. Choose “Live Run”
3. When you save your changes, they should appear on
the device.
• As usual, how well this works depends on the
quality of the network connection between the
device and development machine.
• Connect your device via USB and select it from the
run menu
• Any defined virtual machines will also appear here
• Click the play button – or use hotkeys (F5 to run,
Ctrl + F5 to debug)
• Your app will be built for the target platform and
deployed to the target device.
• Can take some time to build the first time (but not
as long as some other tools we’ve seen!)
• Usually very quick to load on concurrent runs
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""
<Label Text="Welcome to Xamarin.Forms!"
HorizontalOptions="Center" />
• Full debugging! Set breakpoints, step into /
over / out, run to cursor, view values of
current objects in memory, etc.
1. Right-click shared project, click Add  New
2. Select Xamarin.Forms  Content Page
3. Name the file on the bottom (e.g.
4. Choose “Add”
5. Two files will be created:
1. GreetingPage.xaml – to define the visual structure
2. GreetingPage.xaml.cs – to define the behavior of the
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""
<Label Text="Welcome to Xamarin.Forms!"
HorizontalOptions="CenterAndExpand" />
This is a
ContentPage (for
diaplaying main
The actual
content goes
A StackLayout
(default) or
A Label displays
The .Net class name of this
page. Will match the class
name of the code-behind.
using …
namespace MyFirstXamarinApp
public partial class GreetingPage : ContentPage
public GreetingPage ()
InitializeComponent ();
“using” similar to Java “import”
Namespaces similar to Java packages –
except they are independent of folder
This is an
Attribute –
similar to
The class definition. “partial” means
that some of the class is defined in
this file, and some of it elsewhere
This class
In C#, there’s
no “extends”
keywords –
you just use a
colon :
Calling this method
will create and
display all on-screen
1. Remove the existing content in our page
2. Add a <Button> element as follows:
<Button HorizontalOptions="Center"
Text="Click Me!"
private void Button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
DisplayAlert("Alert Title", "Hello World", "Ok");
Define a
The button is centered
horizontally and vertically in
its parent
The button
will have the
text “Click
When the button is clicked, a
method in the code-behind with this
name will be called.
This is the event
handler method in the
code-behind. When the method is called, “sender” will be the
button itself, and “e” will contain additional info
about the event.
Display an alert to
the user. Inherited
from ContentPage
1. Open App.xaml.cs (the code-behind for
2. Change the MainPage property to point to a
new instance of GreetingPage
3. Run the app
namespace MyFirstXamarinApp
public partial class App : Application
public App ()
MainPage = new GreetingPage();
• All Xamarin platforms are built on Mono – an
open-source version of Microsoft’s .Net
framework, for non-Windows platforms.
• Xamarin.Android – formerly known as “Mono
for Android”
• Xamarin.iOS – formerly known as “MonoTouch”
Xamarin Forms
Xamarin.Android Xamarin.iOS
• Mono for a particular platform provides:
• .Net Base Class Library (BCL): a collection of widely
used classes from the framework, well-known for
traditional .Net developers
• Native APIs for that particular platform
• The Native APIs are direct equivalents of
Android / iOS classes – but wrapped in C#. The
names of these classes will be familiar to
native developers for those platforms.
Xamarin Forms
Xamarin.Android Xamarin.iOS
.Net BCL .Net BCL
Native APIs Native APIs
C# Code IL Mono Runtime
.Net Intermediate
Language (similar to
Java bytecode)
Just-in-time (JIT)
Happens at runtime.
Process similar to
standard .Net console,
desktop applications
• Different – because Apple doesn’t allow JIT
• No “Mono Runtime” on iOS devices – everything’s
already native
• No JIT compiling – everything is compiled to Apple
machine code at build time.
C# Code IL
Mono IL
Apple compiler,
• Xamarin.Forms.Core: Defines common code
and interfaces for Xamarin Forms components
• Implementation classes are provided by the
Android / iOS – specific libraries.
Xamarin Forms
ms Android
ms iOS impl
• Within XAML, we can give elements names using the x:Name
attribute. Remember the x:!
• We can now access the element with that name from the
• How? Setting the x:Name property results in the code
generation of the corresponding variable name, which will
be set at runtime when the XAML is read.
<StackLayout HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center">
<Label Text="Hello World" x:Name="myLabel" />
<Slider ValueChanged="Slider_ValueChanged" />
private void Slider_ValueChanged(object sender, ValueChangedEventArgs e)
myLabel.Text = String.Format("Value is {0:F2}", e.NewValue);
[global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Xamarin.Forms.Build.Tasks.XamlG", "")]
private global::Xamarin.Forms.Label myLabel;
Generated code in GreetingPage.xaml.g.cs
• Allows us to bind the value of a property of one
object (usually a UI element) to the value of some
other property.
• When a bound property changes, its data source will
also change, and vice versa.
• Let’s bind our label’s Text property to our slider’s
Value property:
• This works, but our Label won’t be nicely
<Label Text="{Binding Source={x:Reference mySlider}, Path=Value}" x:Name="myLabel" />
<Slider x:Name="mySlider" />
<Label Text="{Binding
Source={x:Reference mySlider},
StringFormat='Value is {0:F2}'}" x:Name="myLabel" />
• We can also set a BindingContext for an
element, rather than individually set the
<Label BindingContext="{x:Reference mySlider}"
StringFormat='Value is {0:F2}'}"
Path=Value }"
x:Name="myLabel" />
• BindingContext of a parent element is
inherited by all its descendants.
<StackLayout BindingContext="{x:Reference mySlider}"
<BoxView Color="Red" Opacity="{Binding Value}" />
<Label Text="{Binding Value, StringFormat='Value is {0:F2}'}"
Opacity="{Binding Value}"
x:Name="myLabel" />
<Slider x:Name="mySlider" />
• XAML is not compiled by default – it is included in the
built package and parsed when needed.
• This behaviour is to promote backwards compatibility,
but we can enable XAML compilation to achieve several
• Compile-time checking of XAML to detect erors
• Reduced loading time
• Reduced file size
• To do this, add the following Attribute to the
AssemblyInfo.cs file:
using Xamarin.Forms.Xaml;
[assembly: XamlCompilation (XamlCompilationOptions.Compile)]
• Layout child elements in a line – either vertical (default) or
• Set the StackLayout’s Orientation property to change this.
• By default, StackLayout will expand to fill its parent
• We can change this behaviour by setting the VerticalOptions and / or
HorizontalOptions properties.
<StackLayout BackgroundColor="Yellow">
<Label Text="Label 1"/>
<Label Text="Label 2"/>
<Label Text="Label 3"/>
<StackLayout BackgroundColor="Yellow"
<Label Text="Label 1"/>
<Label Text="Label 2"/>
<Label Text="Label 3"/>
• Can set the Spacing between child elements
• Default value is 6, meaning a small amount of
spacing between child elements.
• Can set the Padding around child elements
• Default value is 0 each side
<StackLayout BackgroundColor="Yellow"
Padding="10, 20, 30, 40">
<Label Text="Label 1" BackgroundColor="AliceBlue"/>
<Label Text="Label 2" BackgroundColor="AliceBlue"/>
<Label Text="Label 3" BackgroundColor="AliceBlue"/>
Padding left: 10
Padding top: 20
Padding bottom:
Spacing: 50
• Can easily nest StackLayouts (or any other
<StackLayout VerticalOptions="Center"
<Image Source="" />
<Label Text="Label 1"/>
<Label Text="Label 2"/>
<Label Text="Label 3"/>
• Layout components in rows & columns
• Configurable spacing between elements
• RowSpacing and ColumnSpacing attributes
• Expands to fill entire parent by default
<Grid BackgroundColor="Yellow">
<Label Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" Text="Label 1" BackgroundColor="LightGray"/>
<Label Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" Text="Label 2" BackgroundColor="LightGray"/>
<Label Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" Text="Label 3" BackgroundColor="LightGray"/>
<Label Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Text="Label 4" BackgroundColor="LightGray"/>
Since the parent is a Grid, our children
have extra attributes available, which
belong to the Grid.
• Children can span multiple rows / columns
<Grid BackgroundColor="Yellow"
<Label Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0"
Text="Label 1" BackgroundColor="LightGray"/>
<Label Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1"
Text="Label 2" BackgroundColor="LightGray"/>
<Label Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0"
Text="Label 3" BackgroundColor="LightGray"/>
<Label Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1"
Text="Label 4" BackgroundColor="LightGray"/>
<Label Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="0"
Text="Two Columns" BackgroundColor="LightGray"/>
<Label Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="2"
Text="Three Rows" BackgroundColor="LightGray"/>
• By default, all rows are the same size, and all columns
are the same size.
• Can change this using Grid.RowDefinitions and
• In the below example, the first row is 100 units tall, the
second row takes up 2/3 of the remaining space, and the last
row takes up 1/3 of the space.
<Grid BackgroundColor="Yellow"
<RowDefinition Height="100"/>
<RowDefinition Height="2*" />
<RowDefinition Height="*" />
<Label Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" …/>
<Label Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" …/>
<Label Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" …/>
<Label Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" …/>
<Label Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="0" …/>
• Allows us to specify the positions of elements
relative to parent and / or sibling elements.
• Width & Height constraints, relative to parent
• The following code means…
<BoxView Color="Red" x:Name="redBox"
Set the Width
to be 100% of
the parent’s
Set the Height
to be 30% of
the parent’s
• Can define other constraints too:
• WidthConstraint, HeightConstraint
• XConstraint, YConstraint
• BoundsConstraint
• Can define relative to the properties of
siblings, e.g:
<BoxView Color="Red" x:Name="redBox" … />
<BoxView Color="LightGray"
Set the Y value to be equal to
100% of the Height of the redBox,
plus 20.
• eBook (free) – “Creating Mobile Apps with
Xamarin.Forms”, First Edition:

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  • 1. BUILDING WITH XAMARIN 1 COMPSCI 732 / SOFTENG 750 – PART TWO, LECTURE FIVE Disclaimer: All images in this slide deck are used under the fair-use policy and remain © their respective copyright holders.
  • 2. AGENDA • What is Xamarin? • Environment setup • Project structure • Xamarin architecture • XAML • Elements & attributes, Naming, Data binding • Page layouts • StackLayout, Grid, RelativeLayout • Lists • Text lists, Pre-defined templates, Custom templates
  • 3. WHAT IS XAMARIN? • Microsoft’s cross-platform development toolkit • Designed to enable app development for Android, iOS, Windows Mobile, & Windows platforms. • Xamarin performs cross-compilation rather than being an interpreted language – it provides performance near to native applications. • Leverages the power of the C# language and the .Net Framework
  • 4. ENVIRONMENT SETUP 1. Everything is handled through Microsoft’s own development platform, Visual Studio. 2. Heading to will let you down load the free Visual Studio Community Edition, with Xamarin support pre-installed. • If you already have VS, you can install Xamarin using the dialog found at Tools  Get Tools & Features… 3. Point Xamarin to your Android SDK using Options  search for “Android”  Android Settings
  • 5. PROJECT CREATION • Xamarin allows developers to write three kinds of apps: • Xamarin.Android: Write fully native Android apps using C# instead of Java • Xamarin.iOS: Write fully native iOS apps using C# instead of Objective-C / Swift • Xamarin.Forms: Write cross-platform apps • Even when using Xamarin.Android & Xamarin.iOS, code can be shared between them using a Shared Project. Thus, most logic can be shared cross- platform without code duplication, while completely separate native UIs can be developed. • To create any of these project types: • File  New  Project  Visual C#  (either Android, iOS, or Cross-Platform)
  • 6. PROJECT CREATION 1. New project  Cross-Platform  Xamarin Forms 2. Pick a location, choose a project & solution name (they can be the same), and select “create directory” 3. Select “Blank App”, pick your supported platforms, pick Xamarin Forms for the UI technology, and “Shared Project” for code sharing.
  • 7. PROJECT STRUCTURE • MyFirstXamarinApp: A shared project. Anything in here will be shared between all platforms. Xamarin Forms code and shared classes go here. • *.Android, *.iOS: Resources in here will be used only on Android, iOS, and Windows platforms, respectively. • The native projects have C# versions of the building blocks for those platforms (i.e. Activity for Android, AppDelegate for iOS). By default, in a Forms project, these load an instance of the App class – which is the class defined by the shared App.xaml. • The first time you create a Xamarin project, you may see “class not found” errors in your code – these will be resolved the first time you build (right-click a project  build)
  • 8. PROJECT STRUCTURE Three main kinds of files to define a Xamarin.Forms app: • XAML • Stands for “eXtensible Application Markup Language” • An XML specification. Like HTML, allows developers to define the visual structure of a particular page (screen) of an app. • Code-Behind • A C# file implementing the behaviour for a particular page (e.g. what happens when you click a button or select an item in a list?) • A XAML file and its associated code-behind are compiled together into a single .Net class at runtime. • Other classes
  • 9. PROJECT STRUCTURE • Xamarin Forms is built on top of the platform- specific libraries, Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS. • UI elements in Xamarin Forms are mapped to native equivalents on the target platforms. If Xamarin Forms is used exclusively to define the UI, then we can achieve a 100% cross- platform app. • If we wish to provide platform-specific features, we can do so by editing the associated platform-specific project. Xamarin Forms Xamarin.Andr oid Xamarin.iOS
  • 11. LIVE PLAYER • Running / debugging the app in the Live Player: 1. Choose “Live Player” when running the app 2. Download the Xamarin Live Player app on iOS or Android 3. Scan the provided QR code • Live editing XAML: 1. Right-click the code window containing your XAML 2. Choose “Live Run” 3. When you save your changes, they should appear on the device. • As usual, how well this works depends on the quality of the network connection between the device and development machine.
  • 12. RUNNING ON DEVICE • Connect your device via USB and select it from the run menu • Any defined virtual machines will also appear here • Click the play button – or use hotkeys (F5 to run, Ctrl + F5 to debug) • Your app will be built for the target platform and deployed to the target device. • Can take some time to build the first time (but not as long as some other tools we’ve seen!) • Usually very quick to load on concurrent runs
  • 13. RUNNING ON DEVICE <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <ContentPage xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:MyFirstXamarinApp" x:Class="MyFirstXamarinApp.MainPage"> <Label Text="Welcome to Xamarin.Forms!" VerticalOptions="Center" HorizontalOptions="Center" /> </ContentPage>
  • 14. DEBUGGING • Full debugging! Set breakpoints, step into / over / out, run to cursor, view values of current objects in memory, etc.
  • 15. MAKING A NEW PAGE 1. Right-click shared project, click Add  New Item… 2. Select Xamarin.Forms  Content Page 3. Name the file on the bottom (e.g. GreetingPage.xaml) 4. Choose “Add” 5. Two files will be created: 1. GreetingPage.xaml – to define the visual structure 2. GreetingPage.xaml.cs – to define the behavior of the page
  • 16. THE XAML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <ContentPage xmlns="" xmlns:x="" x:Class="MyFirstXamarinApp.GreetingPage"> <ContentPage.Content> <StackLayout> <Label Text="Welcome to Xamarin.Forms!" VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand" HorizontalOptions="CenterAndExpand" /> </StackLayout> </ContentPage.Content> </ContentPage> This is a ContentPage (for diaplaying main content) The actual content goes here. A StackLayout arranges children vertically (default) or horizontally. A Label displays text. The .Net class name of this page. Will match the class name of the code-behind.
  • 17. THE CODE-BEHIND using … namespace MyFirstXamarinApp { [XamlCompilation(XamlCompilationOptions.Compile)] public partial class GreetingPage : ContentPage { public GreetingPage () { InitializeComponent (); } } } “using” similar to Java “import” statements Namespaces similar to Java packages – except they are independent of folder structure. This is an Attribute – similar to Java annotations. The class definition. “partial” means that some of the class is defined in this file, and some of it elsewhere This class extends ContentPage. In C#, there’s no “extends” or “implements” keywords – you just use a colon : Constructor Calling this method will create and display all on-screen
  • 18. FIRST XAML EDITS 1. Remove the existing content in our page 2. Add a <Button> element as follows: <Button HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center" Text="Click Me!" Clicked="Button_Clicked"></Button> private void Button_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { DisplayAlert("Alert Title", "Hello World", "Ok"); } Define a Button… The button is centered horizontally and vertically in its parent The button will have the text “Click Me!” When the button is clicked, a method in the code-behind with this name will be called. This is the event handler method in the code-behind. When the method is called, “sender” will be the button itself, and “e” will contain additional info about the event. Display an alert to the user. Inherited from ContentPage
  • 19. RUNNING OUR HELLO WORLD APP 1. Open App.xaml.cs (the code-behind for App.xaml) 2. Change the MainPage property to point to a new instance of GreetingPage 3. Run the app namespace MyFirstXamarinApp { public partial class App : Application { public App () { InitializeComponent(); MainPage = new GreetingPage(); } … } }
  • 20. XAMARIN ARCHITECTURE • All Xamarin platforms are built on Mono – an open-source version of Microsoft’s .Net framework, for non-Windows platforms. • Xamarin.Android – formerly known as “Mono for Android” • Xamarin.iOS – formerly known as “MonoTouch” Xamarin Forms Xamarin.Android Xamarin.iOS Mono
  • 21. XAMARIN ARCHITECTURE • Mono for a particular platform provides: • .Net Base Class Library (BCL): a collection of widely used classes from the framework, well-known for traditional .Net developers • Native APIs for that particular platform • The Native APIs are direct equivalents of Android / iOS classes – but wrapped in C#. The names of these classes will be familiar to native developers for those platforms. Xamarin Forms Xamarin.Android Xamarin.iOS .Net BCL .Net BCL Native APIs Native APIs
  • 22. XAMARIN.ANDROID ARCHITECTURE C# Code IL Mono Runtime Compile .Net Intermediate Language (similar to Java bytecode) Native Just-in-time (JIT) Compilation Happens at runtime. Process similar to standard .Net console, desktop applications
  • 23. XAMARIN.IOS ARCHITECTURE • Different – because Apple doesn’t allow JIT compilation! • No “Mono Runtime” on iOS devices – everything’s already native • No JIT compiling – everything is compiled to Apple machine code at build time. C# Code IL Compile Mono IL Native + Apple compiler, ahead-of-time (AOT)
  • 24. XAMARIN.FORMS ARCHITECTURE • Xamarin.Forms.Core: Defines common code and interfaces for Xamarin Forms components • Implementation classes are provided by the Android / iOS – specific libraries. Xamarin Forms Xamarin.Andr oid Xamarin.iOS Xamarin.Forms.Core Library Xamarin.For ms Android impl Xamarin.For ms iOS impl
  • 25. NAMING ELEMENTS • Within XAML, we can give elements names using the x:Name attribute. Remember the x:! • We can now access the element with that name from the code-behind! • How? Setting the x:Name property results in the code generation of the corresponding variable name, which will be set at runtime when the XAML is read. <StackLayout HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center"> <Label Text="Hello World" x:Name="myLabel" /> <Slider ValueChanged="Slider_ValueChanged" /> </StackLayout> private void Slider_ValueChanged(object sender, ValueChangedEventArgs e) { myLabel.Text = String.Format("Value is {0:F2}", e.NewValue); } [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Xamarin.Forms.Build.Tasks.XamlG", "")] private global::Xamarin.Forms.Label myLabel; Generated code in GreetingPage.xaml.g.cs
  • 26. DATA BINDING • Allows us to bind the value of a property of one object (usually a UI element) to the value of some other property. • When a bound property changes, its data source will also change, and vice versa. • Let’s bind our label’s Text property to our slider’s Value property: • This works, but our Label won’t be nicely formatted. <Label Text="{Binding Source={x:Reference mySlider}, Path=Value}" x:Name="myLabel" /> <Slider x:Name="mySlider" /> <Label Text="{Binding Source={x:Reference mySlider}, Path=Value, StringFormat='Value is {0:F2}'}" x:Name="myLabel" />
  • 27. DATA BINDING • We can also set a BindingContext for an element, rather than individually set the Source: <Label BindingContext="{x:Reference mySlider}" Text="{Binding Path=Value, StringFormat='Value is {0:F2}'}" Opacity="{Binding Path=Value }" x:Name="myLabel" />
  • 28. DATA BINDING • BindingContext of a parent element is inherited by all its descendants. <StackLayout BindingContext="{x:Reference mySlider}" HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center"> <BoxView Color="Red" Opacity="{Binding Value}" /> <Label Text="{Binding Value, StringFormat='Value is {0:F2}'}" Opacity="{Binding Value}" x:Name="myLabel" /> <Slider x:Name="mySlider" /> </StackLayout>
  • 29. XAML COMPILATION • XAML is not compiled by default – it is included in the built package and parsed when needed. • This behaviour is to promote backwards compatibility, but we can enable XAML compilation to achieve several benefits: • Compile-time checking of XAML to detect erors • Reduced loading time • Reduced file size • To do this, add the following Attribute to the AssemblyInfo.cs file: using Xamarin.Forms.Xaml; … [assembly: XamlCompilation (XamlCompilationOptions.Compile)]
  • 30. PAGE LAYOUTS - STACKLAYOUT • Layout child elements in a line – either vertical (default) or horizontal • Set the StackLayout’s Orientation property to change this. • By default, StackLayout will expand to fill its parent • We can change this behaviour by setting the VerticalOptions and / or HorizontalOptions properties. <StackLayout BackgroundColor="Yellow"> <Label Text="Label 1"/> <Label Text="Label 2"/> <Label Text="Label 3"/> </StackLayout> <StackLayout BackgroundColor="Yellow" VerticalOptions="Center"> <Label Text="Label 1"/> <Label Text="Label 2"/> <Label Text="Label 3"/> </StackLayout>
  • 31. PAGE LAYOUTS - STACKLAYOUT • Can set the Spacing between child elements • Default value is 6, meaning a small amount of spacing between child elements. • Can set the Padding around child elements • Default value is 0 each side <StackLayout BackgroundColor="Yellow" VerticalOptions="Center" HorizontalOptions="Center" Spacing="50" Padding="10, 20, 30, 40"> <Label Text="Label 1" BackgroundColor="AliceBlue"/> <Label Text="Label 2" BackgroundColor="AliceBlue"/> <Label Text="Label 3" BackgroundColor="AliceBlue"/> </StackLayout> Padding left: 10 Padding top: 20 Paddin g right: 30 Padding bottom: 40 Spacing: 50
  • 32. PAGE LAYOUTS - STACKLAYOUT • Can easily nest StackLayouts (or any other layouts): <StackLayout VerticalOptions="Center" HorizontalOptions="Center" Orientation="Horizontal" Spacing="20" Padding="40"> <StackLayout> <Image Source="" /> <Label Text="Label 1"/> </StackLayout> <Label Text="Label 2"/> <Label Text="Label 3"/> </StackLayout>
  • 33. PAGE LAYOUTS - GRID • Layout components in rows & columns • Configurable spacing between elements • RowSpacing and ColumnSpacing attributes • Expands to fill entire parent by default <Grid BackgroundColor="Yellow"> <Label Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" Text="Label 1" BackgroundColor="LightGray"/> <Label Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" Text="Label 2" BackgroundColor="LightGray"/> <Label Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" Text="Label 3" BackgroundColor="LightGray"/> <Label Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Text="Label 4" BackgroundColor="LightGray"/> </Grid> Since the parent is a Grid, our children have extra attributes available, which belong to the Grid.
  • 34. PAGE LAYOUTS - GRID • Children can span multiple rows / columns <Grid BackgroundColor="Yellow" RowSpacing="20" ColumnSpacing="20" Padding="20"> <Label Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" Text="Label 1" BackgroundColor="LightGray"/> <Label Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" Text="Label 2" BackgroundColor="LightGray"/> <Label Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" Text="Label 3" BackgroundColor="LightGray"/> <Label Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Text="Label 4" BackgroundColor="LightGray"/> <Label Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Text="Two Columns" BackgroundColor="LightGray"/> <Label Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="2" Grid.RowSpan="3" Text="Three Rows" BackgroundColor="LightGray"/> </Grid>
  • 35. PAGE LAYOUTS - GRID • By default, all rows are the same size, and all columns are the same size. • Can change this using Grid.RowDefinitions and Grid.ColumnDefinitions • In the below example, the first row is 100 units tall, the second row takes up 2/3 of the remaining space, and the last row takes up 1/3 of the space. <Grid BackgroundColor="Yellow" RowSpacing="20" ColumnSpacing="20" Padding="20"> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="100"/> <RowDefinition Height="2*" /> <RowDefinition Height="*" /> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <Label Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" …/> <Label Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" …/> <Label Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" …/> <Label Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" …/> <Label Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="0" …/> </Grid>
  • 36. PAGE LAYOUTS - RELATIVE • Allows us to specify the positions of elements relative to parent and / or sibling elements. • Width & Height constraints, relative to parent • The following code means… <RelativeLayout> <BoxView Color="Red" x:Name="redBox" RelativeLayout.WidthConstraint="{ConstraintExpression Type=RelativeToParent, Property=Width, Factor=1}" RelativeLayout.HeightConstraint="{ConstraintExpression Type=RelativeToParent, Property=Height, Factor=0.3}"/> </RelativeLayout> Set the Width to be 100% of the parent’s width Set the Height to be 30% of the parent’s height
  • 37. PAGE LAYOUTS - RELATIVE • Can define other constraints too: • WidthConstraint, HeightConstraint • XConstraint, YConstraint • BoundsConstraint • Can define relative to the properties of siblings, e.g: <RelativeLayout> <BoxView Color="Red" x:Name="redBox" … /> <BoxView Color="LightGray" RelativeLayout.YConstraint="{ConstraintExpression Type=RelativeToView, ElementName=redBox, Property=Height, Factor=1, Constant=20}"/> </RelativeLayout> Set the Y value to be equal to 100% of the Height of the redBox, plus 20.
  • 38. USEFUL RESOURCES • eBook (free) – “Creating Mobile Apps with Xamarin.Forms”, First Edition:

Editor's Notes

  1. For columns: The same, except Grid.ColumnDefinitions, and ColumnDefinition. Definition can be “Auto” – meaning, wide / high enough to fit its children.