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PINGYAO DESIGNPHASE 001—BRAINSTORM-001February 2012 document by Jan Hauters |
concept & narrative
Mr. Zhang
China Pingyao International Photography Festival
The "design" [*1] of two exhibition spaces within the larger industrial setting used by the festival
organization within the context of the historic city of Pingyao.
[*1] "design" still needs to be defined.
cover picture:
photographic matierial showing PiP festival :
sand image:
I n t h i s f i r s t
phase the design
f o c u s s e s o n 2
e x h i b i t i o n
spaces (i.e. the
museum building "A"
and the Exhibition hall
"B") within their larger
industrial context.
The factory's park hints
o f B a u h a u s
mixed with Russian
and Chinese
a r c h i t e c t u r a l
The infrastructures are
from the mid-20th
century and are located
inside the north-west
walls of the historic
banking city of Pingyao.
Within its facilities
w o r ke r s u s e d t o
a s s e m b l e d i e s e l
engines and a
kind of pick up truck in
the style of old military
Jeeps up till about
2005. Some if not most
o f t h e 1 9 7 0
machinery is still
there and functional.
The design of the two
s p a c e s s i n g u l a r l y
t a r g e t s t h e 2 0 1 2
C h i n a P i n g y a o
I n t e r n a t i o n a l
P h o t o g r a p h y
Festival. The
d u r a t i o n o f t h e
festival is 10 days.
Although on a micro-
c o s m i c l e v e l t h e
infrastructural design
m u s t b e
sustainable and
d u ra b l e/
resilient for
the duration of this
one-time period only,
i t c a n r e f l e c t a
c o n c e p t u a l
i n t e n t i o n f o r
f u t u r e
design phases
on the macro-cosmic
level of the industrial
p a r k— t h a t m i g h t
become a designated
cultural park
— or perhaps even
reflect the spirit
of/within the entire
Part of the design
has been said to
f o c u s o n t h e
refurbishing of
these 2 spaces (i.e.
broken glass, dirt
removal, solve leaks,
solve floor issues,
On a macro-level the
a r c h i t e c t u r a l
(interior) design has
been suggested to
reflect a "way of
life," it should offer a
"human feel."
In the process of
r e f u r b i s h i n g a n d
designing the spaces
we shall need to
who shall exhibit
at these locations
a n d w h a t t h e i r
e x h i b i t i o n
requirements are. It
shall be important to
integrate controlling
elements that show
an understanding of
the foot flow and
In this first phase it is the
intention to create a wow-
feeling within a pre-defined
budget (the information on
this still needs to be shared).
Overall it is the idea to "make
the exhibition work and make
it work better." What this
implies still needs to be made
macro-contexts might not be loudly mentioned within the
conceptualization processes. Though, they can be pillars or
cornerstones or foundations for fine-tuned ideas that are
more befitting the larger cultural, social or political
characteristics surrounding the micro-cosmos of a design.
As such it is pragmatic to pinpoint attributes distilled and
handpicked from the facts that the two buildings are
located within the Engine Factory in the Ancient City Of
Pinguao and that this historic Han designed banking center
is clasified as a Unesco World Heritage Site within Shanxi,
a province of the People's Republic of China.
The main question however becomes: What are the
attributes and which of the implied attributes should be
handpicked and applied to add value to the design?
37°12!N 112°9!E
factory design implies
labor, control,
o r d e r ,
r e p e t i t i v e n e s s ,
efficiency, assembly,
i v i t y ,
production of goods,
profit, solidity.
Its materials used
h a v e s c i e n t i f i c
f o u n d a t i o n s ,
engineered execution
a n d p r a g m a t i c
The industrial complex
within the historic
banking city
of pingyao stands in
stark contrast with
t h e
H A Nd e s i g n o f t h e
s u r r o u n d i n g
the HAN design as well
as designs related to the
c i t y ' s f u n c t i o n a l i t y o f
banking obviously
a l s o i m p l y
o r d e r, r e p e t i t i v e n e s s ,
efficiency, and solidity.
It was stated that within the
ancient urban design of
Pingyao there might be
applied attributes of several
s y s t e m s o r
such as those from K!ng
Z"'s socio-political
philosophies or of Feng Shui.
Evident artifacts, designs,
memes, engineering and
building technologies of their
respective time make the
factory and the city at odds
with each other.
although their contrasts
stand tall one can not deny
h a r m o n y
between the two created by
similar conceptual,
o r g a n i z a t i o n a l , s o c i a l ,
p o l i t i c a l o r s y m b o l i c
intentions: Each express
their understanding of order
and control. Also, they both
f i n d
in an essential attribute
of time: entropy.
entropy is
an attribute of time in that
the differentiation between
past, present and future can
be established by observing
the increase entropic degree
that over time shifts a
structural soundness towards
a lack of such solidness.
B o t h s t r u c t u r a l
systems (the factory and the
ancient city) show signs of
a truism however is: no
entropy, no life.
A n o t h e r i s : l i f e m i n u s
entropy=absolute human
control at an inhumane god-
like level. A harmonic way of
life is a balance between the
two: a control of entropy and
an embracing of it. While
control allows sustainability
and resilience, entropy allows
t e x t u r e ,
c h a r a c t e r ,
Hence the obvious need for
restoration, and
world heritage status
o r r e f u r b i s h i n g
m e c h a n i s m s . T h e s e
mechanisms and dynamics in
addition to those such as
entropy across time influence
ways of life and
can be used as conceptual
corner stones for design.
Wood, sand and stone are
symbolic materials and media
within this first brainstorm
towards conceptualization.
sand is a collection of
microscopic particles of stone
(quartz, silica, minerals, etc).
sandstone is sedimentary
rock composed of sand-sized
grains of rocks and minerals.
E r o s i o n ( o r e n t r o p y ) ,
pressure (or an attribute to
impose order) are the relating
a t t r i b u t e s b e t w e e n
stone (or rock) and
sand but also between sand
and wood.
sandstone reserves and
trees reserve and filter.
i.e. a tree prevents erosion. it
blocks desertification or
poetically: "Trees block the
congregation of sand." its
architectural derivative is
a tree (or wood) under
extreme high pressure and in
harmony with sand petrifies
into stone.
I suggest the exploration of a
design combining these 3
elements on a larger scale.
Following are some initial
There shall be several
degrees of influencing
t o a n y d e s i g n
The main contexts
t h a t c o u l d b e
brainstormed are:
—1—The directly
r e l a t e d d e s i g n
attributes within the
whole set of all the
a p p l i e d d e s i g n
—2—The design
within its structural
context of the factory
—3—The design
w i t h i n t h e l a r g e r
context of Pingyao (as
it was, as it is and as
it could be)
In combination, the
material, its quality,
t e x t u r e , c o l o r
scheme, dimensions,
form, organization and
location shall define
the narrative being
The wooden path design
i n
t o
/ r u s s i a n / c h i n e s e
industrial design from
the last century and on
i t s p a t h t o w a r d s
in contrast to lack of
trees in the banking
city of pingyao
i n c o n t r a s t t o
(i.e. steel, concrete,
The wooden path design
in harmony
with the trees in the
factory park as a link
between the natural
(i.e. a tree) and the
concept of the processed
(i.e. the wooden plank)
in fluid connection
w i t h t h e m e s i n
p h o t o g r a p h y a s
windows to the
world; from the tree to be
seen, to the path offering
gazing while walking ,
to the view captured in the
f o c u s o f t h e
image .
i n f l u i d i t y w i t h t h e
organic from
the world outside the
industrial park: human,
nature. The path is always
lead by and always leads
sources of life
T h e w o o d e n p a t h h a r m o n i z e s — 1 — t h e
(unfavorable) conditions and —2— (less controlled)
multi-directionality of the original roads within the
factory's compound with that of —3— accessibility
and —4— comfort of passage.
The roads are allowed to remain in whichever state
they are in, depending on weather conditions or
other contexts.
The wooden path transcends the dominating polarity
of order|disorder. It slightly shifts the participatory
visitors to an objective observer perspective as an
audience in a museum or archeological site.The idea
is to create a struggle between alienation and
participation as much as a 1960s factory creates
such tension with its historic surrounding.
The wooden path creates pedestrian canals. It
controls foot flow and circulation. It can create
frequency (speed up the flâneurs, invite roaming,
support pause and contemplation, for instance, by
means of larger wooden islands, plateaus at
strategic nexuses or secluded corners and nooks.
B y m e a n s o f t h e
wooden path the visitor
is taken on a guided
tour to see first-hand
h o w e n t r o p y i s
with nature and applied
as an aesthetic. This
n a r r a t i v e i s
constructed while also
t h e m e a n s o f
and innovation are
i n t r o d u c e d a s
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s i n
refined dialog
with the preexisting
a r c h i t e c t u r a l
sandThe sand surface design
i n
contrastto industrial design promoting
solidity, concrete functionality,
linearity, geometry and the
p o s t p o n e m e n t o f
The factory is the ultimate
example of control. Sand is the
ultimate example of entropy
(the maximized decay of rock.
the maximization of chaos.
However, large planes of sand
offer order again. This is the
sublime beauty harmonizing
order/solid form with chaos/fluid
in contrast to lack of
f l u i d i t y i n f a c t o r y
structures. while sand is not
water as a collective it can be
shaped, reshapes, displaced and
assimilated infinitely.
i n c o n t r a s t t o a n
i n d u s t r i a l
(i.e. access street, hall, offices
and assembly lines). Sand
organizes by different logic and
The sand surface design
i n
harmonywith the trees in the factory
park as a link between soil
as a foundation (i.e. for a tree
to root and trees ) and the
factory's concrete foundation
based on a ratio of sand with
cement and other compounds.
Simultaneously we realize that
sand wins its struggle against
trees if deforestation for wood
p r o d u c t i o n l e a d s t o
in fluid connection with
p i x e l s o r g r a i n i n e s s i n
photography. Visitors can
gaze onto the sand surfaces
and see infinite shapes from its
grainy textures and collective
organization; they become the
driving force in the shaping of
meaning. in similarity, the
photographer captured and
organized pixels or grains of
color to end up focused as an
image 's meaning.
i n f l u i d i t y w i t h t h e
from the world outside the
industrial park: human
innovation. The sand
surface is as a source leading
t o s i g n s o f
lifeready to be excavated.
B y m e a n s o f t h e
wooden pat h t he
visitor is taken on a
guided tour to see
f i r s t - h a n d h o w
e n t r o p y i s
n e g o t i a t e d
w i t h n a t u r e a n d
a p p l i e d a s a n
a e s t h e t i c . T h i s
n a r r a t i v e i s
constructed while
also the means of
and innovation are
i n t r o d u c e d a s
characteristics in
refined dialog
with the preexisting
a r c h i t e c t u r a l
By means of the sand
surface(s) the visitor is
invited on a guided
plane to see first-hand
h o w e n t r o p y i s
negotiated with nature
a n d a p p l i e d a s a n
aesthetic (thus shifting
sand's state again but
now from chaos to
order). This narrative is
constructed while also
form and 'decay of
form' are introduced as
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s i n
refined dialog with the
attributes of sand over
large surfaces and the
p r e e x i s t i n g
a r c h i t e c t u r a l
does sand suffer from
If sand decays can we
assume it does not
decay but turns into
finer grains?
Sand is the catalyst for
d e c ay ( i . e e r o s i o n .
abrasion, scouring, etc)
sand is not a finished
nor polished result it is
used to polish.
however its texture can
create a mental and
emotional "polished"
state open to meditation
(i.e. sand-based garden
design). sand seems
homogeneous yet can
contain very different
B y m e a n s o f t h e
wooden pat h t he
visitor is taken on a
guided tour to see
f i r s t - h a n d h o w
e n t r o p y i s
n e g o t i a t e d
w i t h n a t u r e a n d
a p p l i e d a s a n
a e s t h e t i c . T h i s
n a r r a t i v e i s
constructed while
also the means of
and innovation are
i n t r o d u c e d a s
characteristics in
refined dialog
with the preexisting
a r c h i t e c t u r a l
i n d u s t r i a l a n d
banking settings
h a v e
homogenization as
an artifact to their
p r o c e s s e s a n d
But these systems
can only do so to a
certain extent and
sustain it for a finite
period in spacetime.
sand as a symbol
plays with these
s t r u g g l e s ,
p a r a d o x e s a n d
contradictions in a
h a r m o n i z i n g
stoneThe stone feature design
i n
contrastw i t h i n d u s t r i a l d e s i g n
p r o m o t i n g l a r g e s c a l e ,
functionality, linearity, order,
concrete, steel and bricks.
The stone features are
rounded and complex forms
compared to the factory
i n
w i t h t h e r e m i n i s c e s o f
productivity, pressures and
h e a t r e l a t e d t o e i t h e r
geological forces creating
rock or with factory forces
creating engines.
i n f l u i d
with a broadened concept of
ornamentations as some
artifacts are found across
the historic banking city of
stoneThe stone feature design
i n
harmonyw i t h t h e m a c r o - c o n t e x t o f
While such stone features as space
ornamentation might perhaps be
contrasting with the biases one has
towards factories, the current
complex offers at least two
of ornaments. One is the category
of old machinery the other
i s t h e w i n d o w- t o - t h e - w o r l d
atmosphere radiating from each
the factory promotes pragmatism.
it is a linear and materialist
approach to functionality. it uses
a n d t a r g e t s t a n g i b l e s .
c o n t e m p l a t i o n i s a n
intangible process
resulting in the intangibles of
mental focus or peace or the more
practically intangibles of concept
and idea. these lead to tangible
innovation. Therefor ornamentation
b y t h e
of naturally occurring objects
such as stone (rocks) has a
practical, albeit less linear, attribute
or result.
"The use of rocks has had a huge
impact on the cultural and
technological development of the
human race. Rocks have been
used by humans and other
hominids for more than 2 million
years" [*1]
Although various classifications
could be applied, Sedimentary
rocks best symbolize the concept
suggested here. these are "types
of rock that are formed by the
deposition of material at the
Earth's surface and within bodies
of water. Sedimentation is the
collective name for processes
that cause mineral and/or
organic particles (detritus) to
s e t t l e a n d a c c u m u l a t e o r
minerals to precipitate from a
solution. " [*2]
Stone compositions are as
poems; depositions of words and
meaning sedimented in the mind
of its creator. here the stones
poetically hint of geological
productivity as factories hint of
productive forces.
Simultaneously, at their current
stage both factory and stone
formations find harmony in their
spirit of melancholic peace while
e m b r a c i n g s p a c e f o r
The stones are ripped from their
n a t u r a l f u n c t i o n a l i t y a n d
composed in a design-conscious
m a n n e r t o a m p l i f y a n y
metaphysical potentials a factory
complex might have to offer.
So too is the factory reborn and
revitalized with new meaning.
through innovative meaning
innovative function is offered.
trans media
m u l t i s e n s o r i a l l y
immersively perceived
i n t e r a c t i v e l y
telepresently visited
d y n a m i c a l l y
s o u n d s c a p e s -
smart cities-minded
i n t e r a c t i v e
a r c h i t e c t u r a l l y
Transmediation refers to "the process through
which individuals select and translate data to
represent it in other media forms. It may
utilize more than one media form. All the
components of a transmediated work are
interlinked with each other to form the whole
network. Therefore, transmediated works are
closely linked to semiotics and technology in
the context of digital media."
Transmedia narrative is the "technique of
telling stories across multiple platforms and
formats using current digital technologies."
I agree to a large extent with the above
citation however, transmedia narrative taken
literally does not have to be limited to the
digital and can use any source material from
any medium, focus on any attribute from
within the source story line and source
medium, transcode these, extrapolate and
elaborate on these into another medium for
further fine-tuned narration. The storytelling
technique can be old and contrary to some can
still work nicely within the present-day needs.
Old and new do not mitigate one another.
They are simply two directions on one and the
same playing fields of time & space.
The aim is to maximize (new) media
applications for traditional architecture, design
& art forms implemented within publicly
accessible settings (i.e. the factory's exhibition
spaces; or, at a later stage hand-picked and
interlinked pingyao urban design: in-store, in-
office, outdoors, public, exclusive or private
fora, cultural facilities, etc). As such the goal is
to apply (new) media technology in order to
increase story telling as a communication/
urban functionality. The intention of such open
story telling is to create a service that offers
interactive and communication-fertile
architectural designs. The story telling can be
static (never changing) or it can be dynamic.
Its dynamism is defined by environmental
attributes influencing the compositional
outcome of that moment in timespace
(concerete examples shall be given and
transmediated (dynamic) narratives also hint of
the concept of "smart cities." Metaphorically it
means dwellers do not simply dwell but
interact, form and transform the architectural
systems. the visitors/inhabitants are not
alienated by the architectural systems but
rather are forming an intricate part towards a
cosmopolitan organism. they are not lived by
its system they form the system in a
participatory manner.
Note, the implementation of technologies
does not negate the pre-existing historic
nor functional values. On the contrary,
they preserve these, augment these and
maximize their functionality across
spacetime; across reality and perhaps
even into virtual architecture.
Wikipedia defines 'smart city' rather
clearly: "Urban performance currently
depends not only on the city's endowment
of hard infrastructure ('physical capital'),
but also, and increasingly so, on the
availability and quality of knowledge
communication and social infrastructure
('intellectual and social capital'). The latter
form of capital is decisive for urban
competitiveness. It is against this
background that the concept of the "smart
city" has been introduced as a strategic
device to encompass modern urban
production factors in a common framework
and to highlight the growing importance of
I n f o r m a t i o n a n d C o m m u n i c a t i o n
Te c h n o l o g i e s ( I C Ts ) , s o c i a l a n d
environmental capital in profiling the
competitiveness of cities."
The concepts of the multisensorial,
of transmedia narrative and of the
smart city can be transcoded into
p i n g y a o t a k i n g b u d g e t a r y
definitions, phase strategies,
needs and vision towards
future competitiveness within the
world of ancient heritage across
the globe into account. While
integrating cultural platforms
crossing, transforming, going in-
between and beyond the initial
intention of the architectural
s t r u c t u r e s a t h a n d ( i . e .
manufacturing engine, showcasing
photography, banking, preserving
heritage, etc) this design approach
i s s i m u l t a n i o u s l y
conserving as well as it is
position recording devices along the wooden
path and playback the sound (with or
without manipulation) at a different locale;
i.e. somewhere within the city area,
somewhere further or earlier down the
wooden path, within one of the exhibition
spaces, etc. Variations on, convolutions of,
iterations of these scenario can be fine-
tuned and implemented
use real-time interactive audio software to
c r e a t e d y n a m i c s o u n d s c a p e s ; i . e .
soundscapes that might find their base
elements in real-time or pre-recorded
sound-bites from within the factory
compound or from within pingyao or from
photography-related sources (ad infinitum).
variations on, convolutions of, iterations of these
(sub-)scenarios can be fine-tuned and implemented over time
or depending on location.
life performances/improvisations based
on the activities or themes at hand.
sub-scenario i/ improvisations based on
photographs or on festival themes.
sub-scenario ii/ teleperformances:
artists perform and link with one
another across spacetime over the
internet to perform in real-time (note:
internet speeds in China might be
problematic). the performance can be
data (mapping) rather than actual
sub-scenario iii/ teleperformance:
artists can be spread across the
compound (or city) and connected by
means of an audio-video link performing
a b s t ra c t i o n s o f t h e f e s t i va l i n
sub-scenario iv/ ...
variations on, convolutions of, iterations of these
(sub-)scenarios can be fine-tuned and
implemented over time or depending on location.
telepresence: tourists can physically visit the
festival but tourists can virtually visit the
festival by means of strategically placed
audio-video gear uploading/streaming the
event in realtime.
sub-scenario i/ the video capturing can be
streamed back onto a video wall within a
very different location (i.e. imbedded into
the wooden path or within the sand surfaces,
or amongst the stone features)
sub-scenario ii/ the video material can be
digitally manipulated into video art. from this
snapshots can be made and projected
elsewhere as a liquid/dynamic surface
sub-scenario iii/ people can upload pictures
onto a designated webpage. a selection of
the pictures (after censorial, aesthetic or
theme-based filtering) can be projected
onto a designated canvas
sub-scenario iv/ ...
variations on, convolutions of, iterations of these
(sub-)scenarios can be fine-tuned and implemented
over time or depending on location.
digital canvases. photos can be digitized (or
digital photos) and shown on digital screens
across the exhibition space(s).
sub-scenario i/ the photos can be simply
sliding with hard cuts from one to the other or
the photographs can become the raw material
for animation artists (perhaps a contest) to
create fluid transitions from one photograph
into the next.
sub-scenario ii/ the photographs used can be a
selection of this years festivals or high-points
of previous years.
sub-scenario iii/ instead of LCD or LED screens,
projectors can be used to create lay-overs on
handpicked surfaces (i.e. the sand surfaces)
sub-scenario iv/ one and the same picture can
be used as source material to be partially
shown on a LCD screen and to have the larger
context within that picture projected around
the LCD screen
variations on, convolutions of, iterations of these (sub-)scenarios
can be fine-tuned and implemented over time or depending on
with larger budgets new media art can be
implemented to ameliorate the experience of the
photography festival or of pingyao as a whole. these
scenarios shall not be mentioned yet but are
available at request.
sub-scenario i/ of course low-budget immersive
systems can be constructed. for instance a
handpicked photograph can be reconstructed/
reenacted/look-alike/subverted within the
architectural surrounding. one can for instance
imagine a (silly) still-life photograph of a bowl of
fruit. The basket of fruit can be physically there next
to the picture. If the reenactment is strong the
audience will be invited to question concepts of
originality, authenticity, source and reference. The
fruit in the picture could be decayed whereas the
fruit "in real life" could be fresh (or plastic). By doing
so the audience will be pulled (at least intellectually,
emotionally and creatively) more into the
photographic art. it is a limited form (as they are not
physically pulled) of immersion.
sub-scenario ii/ ...
sub-scenario iii/ ...
sub-scenario iv/ ...
variations on, convolutions of, iterations of these (sub-)scenarios can be fine-
tuned and implemented over time or depending on location.
In this first brainstorm it is
the intention to hint of
opportunity and potential
without a pre-defined budget
o r o t h e r d e m a r c a t i o n s
available. Overall these
scenarios are open to be
fine-tuned, overthrown or
substituted for better ones.
Meaning is
b r o u g h t
t o g e t h e r
through the
p a r t s
t e d b y
design and
o n l y b y
r e f e r e n c e
t o t h e
whole on a
micro- and
o n a
m a c r o -
c o s m i c
level: from
function to
form; from
building to
park to city
to country
to nature;
f r o m
h i s t o r i c a l
to present
a c t i o n t o
Recontextualization is
"the dynamic transfer-
and-transformation of
something from one
discourse/te xt-in-
context ... to another"
(Per Linell, 1998:154)
In this first brainstorm
several questions are still
unanswered: what is the
2012 photography theme?
a r e t h e r e a n y o t h e r
i n f r a s t r u c t u r a l
constraints within which
w e h a v e t o d e v e l o p
designs? what is the budget
for which attribute of the
design? Other questions
will be generated later.
v.1.0 — this document is
n o t h i n g m o r e b u t a
c o l l e c t i o n o f i n i t i a l
thoughts; an individual's
brainstorm put to paper.
Obviously these do not
a r ro ga n t ly c l a i m a n y
dominance nor priority.
they have been collected
with the intention to share
and to show capacities
besides potentials; and this
only if these are evaluated
as such by you, the reader.
in the meantime I remain
available for comments
and further exploration at

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  • 1. PINGYAO DESIGNPHASE 001—BRAINSTORM-001February 2012 document by Jan Hauters |
  • 4. 0a
  • 5. CLIENT: XiaoW.Ma,MARCA,BAHons Director,PrincipalArchitect !"#,主持建筑$,英国皇家%&'()*+, 13911316150, -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASAA(MAStudioArchitecture&ArtLtd), 1602Tower2,ModernMOMANorthSection,No.1XiangHeYuanRd,Beijing100028,P.R.China 英国!-./)*01(北京)事23,北京市456789:1号,当代MOMA北区,T2座16-02,100028 Tel:+86(0)1064787055,Fax:+86(0)1064787056,Mobile:+8613911316150 PROJECT: Mr. Zhang 中国平遥国!"#$% China Pingyao International Photography Festival The "design" [*1] of two exhibition spaces within the larger industrial setting used by the festival organization within the context of the historic city of Pingyao. [*1] "design" still needs to be defined. sources cover picture: photographic matierial showing PiP festival : sand image:
  • 6.
  • 7. I n t h i s f i r s t phase the design f o c u s s e s o n 2 e x h i b i t i o n spaces (i.e. the museum building "A" and the Exhibition hall "B") within their larger industrial context. The factory's park hints o f B a u h a u s mixed with Russian and Chinese a r c h i t e c t u r a l characteristics. The infrastructures are from the mid-20th century and are located inside the north-west walls of the historic banking city of Pingyao. Within its facilities w o r ke r s u s e d t o a s s e m b l e d i e s e l engines and a kind of pick up truck in the style of old military Jeeps up till about 2005. Some if not most o f t h e 1 9 7 0 machinery is still there and functional.
  • 8. The design of the two s p a c e s s i n g u l a r l y t a r g e t s t h e 2 0 1 2 C h i n a P i n g y a o I n t e r n a t i o n a l P h o t o g r a p h y Festival. The d u r a t i o n o f t h e festival is 10 days. Although on a micro- c o s m i c l e v e l t h e infrastructural design m u s t b e sustainable and d u ra b l e/ resilient for the duration of this one-time period only, i t c a n r e f l e c t a c o n c e p t u a l i n t e n t i o n f o r f u t u r e design phases on the macro-cosmic level of the industrial p a r k— t h a t m i g h t become a designated cultural park — or perhaps even reflect the spirit of/within the entire city.
  • 9. Part of the design has been said to f o c u s o n t h e refurbishing of these 2 spaces (i.e. broken glass, dirt removal, solve leaks, solve floor issues, redecoration). On a macro-level the a r c h i t e c t u r a l (interior) design has been suggested to reflect a "way of life," it should offer a "human feel." In the process of r e f u r b i s h i n g a n d designing the spaces we shall need to understand who shall exhibit at these locations a n d w h a t t h e i r e x h i b i t i o n requirements are. It shall be important to integrate controlling elements that show an understanding of the foot flow and circulation
  • 10. In this first phase it is the intention to create a wow- feeling within a pre-defined budget (the information on this still needs to be shared). Overall it is the idea to "make the exhibition work and make it work better." What this implies still needs to be made concrete.
  • 11. 0b
  • 12. macro-contexts might not be loudly mentioned within the conceptualization processes. Though, they can be pillars or cornerstones or foundations for fine-tuned ideas that are more befitting the larger cultural, social or political characteristics surrounding the micro-cosmos of a design. As such it is pragmatic to pinpoint attributes distilled and handpicked from the facts that the two buildings are located within the Engine Factory in the Ancient City Of Pinguao and that this historic Han designed banking center is clasified as a Unesco World Heritage Site within Shanxi, a province of the People's Republic of China. The main question however becomes: What are the attributes and which of the implied attributes should be handpicked and applied to add value to the design?
  • 13.
  • 15.
  • 18. factory design implies labor, control, o r d e r , r e p e t i t i v e n e s s , efficiency, assembly, product i v i t y , production of goods, profit, solidity. Its materials used h a v e s c i e n t i f i c f o u n d a t i o n s , engineered execution a n d p r a g m a t i c application. The industrial complex within the historic banking city of pingyao stands in stark contrast with t h e H A Nd e s i g n o f t h e s u r r o u n d i n g architectural infrastructures
  • 19. the HAN design as well as designs related to the c i t y ' s f u n c t i o n a l i t y o f banking obviously a l s o i m p l y control, o r d e r, r e p e t i t i v e n e s s , efficiency, and solidity. It was stated that within the ancient urban design of Pingyao there might be applied attributes of several s y s t e m s o r matrices such as those from K!ng Z"'s socio-political philosophies or of Feng Shui. Evident artifacts, designs, memes, engineering and building technologies of their respective time make the factory and the city at odds with each other. although their contrasts stand tall one can not deny h a r m o n y between the two created by similar conceptual, o r g a n i z a t i o n a l , s o c i a l , p o l i t i c a l o r s y m b o l i c intentions: Each express their understanding of order and control. Also, they both f i n d synchronization in an essential attribute of time: entropy.
  • 20. entropy is an attribute of time in that the differentiation between past, present and future can be established by observing the increase entropic degree that over time shifts a structural soundness towards a lack of such solidness. B o t h s t r u c t u r a l systems (the factory and the ancient city) show signs of entropy. a truism however is: no entropy, no life. A n o t h e r i s : l i f e m i n u s entropy=absolute human control at an inhumane god- like level. A harmonic way of life is a balance between the two: a control of entropy and an embracing of it. While control allows sustainability and resilience, entropy allows t e x t u r e , c h a r a c t e r , uniqueness. Hence the obvious need for restoration, and world heritage status o r r e f u r b i s h i n g m e c h a n i s m s . T h e s e mechanisms and dynamics in addition to those such as entropy across time influence ways of life and can be used as conceptual corner stones for design.
  • 21. Wood, sand and stone are symbolic materials and media within this first brainstorm towards conceptualization. sand is a collection of microscopic particles of stone (quartz, silica, minerals, etc). sandstone is sedimentary rock composed of sand-sized grains of rocks and minerals. E r o s i o n ( o r e n t r o p y ) , pressure (or an attribute to impose order) are the relating a t t r i b u t e s b e t w e e n stone (or rock) and sand but also between sand and wood. sandstone reserves and filters. trees reserve and filter. i.e. a tree prevents erosion. it blocks desertification or poetically: "Trees block the congregation of sand." its architectural derivative is wood. a tree (or wood) under extreme high pressure and in harmony with sand petrifies into stone. I suggest the exploration of a design combining these 3 elements on a larger scale. Following are some initial thoughts.
  • 22. There shall be several degrees of influencing contexts t o a n y d e s i g n attribute. The main contexts t h a t c o u l d b e brainstormed are: —1—The directly r e l a t e d d e s i g n attributes within the whole set of all the a p p l i e d d e s i g n attributes —2—The design within its structural context of the factory space —3—The design w i t h i n t h e l a r g e r context of Pingyao (as it was, as it is and as it could be) In combination, the material, its quality, t e x t u r e , c o l o r scheme, dimensions, form, organization and location shall define the narrative being told.
  • 24. 1
  • 25. WOOD The wooden path design is... i n contrast t o bauhaus / r u s s i a n / c h i n e s e industrial design from the last century and on i t s p a t h t o w a r d s entropy in contrast to lack of trees in the banking city of pingyao i n c o n t r a s t t o materials (i.e. steel, concrete, glass)
  • 26. The wooden path design is... in harmony with the trees in the factory park as a link between the natural (i.e. a tree) and the factory/industrial concept of the processed (i.e. the wooden plank) in fluid connection w i t h t h e m e s i n p h o t o g r a p h y a s windows to the world; from the tree to be seen, to the path offering gazing while walking , to the view captured in the f o c u s o f t h e image . i n f l u i d i t y w i t h t h e organic from the world outside the industrial park: human, nature. The path is always lead by and always leads to sources of life
  • 27. T h e w o o d e n p a t h h a r m o n i z e s — 1 — t h e (unfavorable) conditions and —2— (less controlled) multi-directionality of the original roads within the factory's compound with that of —3— accessibility and —4— comfort of passage. The roads are allowed to remain in whichever state they are in, depending on weather conditions or other contexts. The wooden path transcends the dominating polarity of order|disorder. It slightly shifts the participatory visitors to an objective observer perspective as an audience in a museum or archeological site.The idea is to create a struggle between alienation and participation as much as a 1960s factory creates such tension with its historic surrounding. The wooden path creates pedestrian canals. It controls foot flow and circulation. It can create frequency (speed up the flâneurs, invite roaming, support pause and contemplation, for instance, by means of larger wooden islands, plateaus at strategic nexuses or secluded corners and nooks.
  • 28. 1
  • 29. B y m e a n s o f t h e wooden path the visitor is taken on a guided tour to see first-hand h o w e n t r o p y i s negotiated with nature and applied as an aesthetic. This n a r r a t i v e i s constructed while also t h e m e a n s o f reconstruction and innovation are i n t r o d u c e d a s c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s i n refined dialog with the preexisting a r c h i t e c t u r a l infrastructures.
  • 30. 2
  • 31. sandThe sand surface design is... i n contrastto industrial design promoting solidity, concrete functionality, linearity, geometry and the p o s t p o n e m e n t o f entropy The factory is the ultimate example of control. Sand is the ultimate example of entropy (the maximized decay of rock. the maximization of chaos. However, large planes of sand offer order again. This is the sublime beauty harmonizing order/solid form with chaos/fluid form. in contrast to lack of f l u i d i t y i n f a c t o r y structures. while sand is not water as a collective it can be shaped, reshapes, displaced and assimilated infinitely. i n c o n t r a s t t o a n i n d u s t r i a l compound (i.e. access street, hall, offices and assembly lines). Sand organizes by different logic and means.
  • 32. The sand surface design is... i n harmonywith the trees in the factory park as a link between soil as a foundation (i.e. for a tree to root and trees ) and the factory's concrete foundation based on a ratio of sand with cement and other compounds. Simultaneously we realize that sand wins its struggle against trees if deforestation for wood p r o d u c t i o n l e a d s t o desertification. in fluid connection with p i x e l s o r g r a i n i n e s s i n photography. Visitors can gaze onto the sand surfaces and see infinite shapes from its grainy textures and collective organization; they become the driving force in the shaping of meaning. in similarity, the photographer captured and organized pixels or grains of color to end up focused as an image 's meaning. i n f l u i d i t y w i t h t h e inorganic from the world outside the industrial park: human innovation. The sand surface is as a source leading t o s i g n s o f lifeready to be excavated.
  • 33. 2
  • 34. B y m e a n s o f t h e wooden pat h t he visitor is taken on a guided tour to see f i r s t - h a n d h o w e n t r o p y i s n e g o t i a t e d w i t h n a t u r e a n d a p p l i e d a s a n a e s t h e t i c . T h i s n a r r a t i v e i s constructed while also the means of reconstruction and innovation are i n t r o d u c e d a s characteristics in refined dialog with the preexisting a r c h i t e c t u r a l infrastructures. By means of the sand surface(s) the visitor is invited on a guided plane to see first-hand h o w e n t r o p y i s negotiated with nature a n d a p p l i e d a s a n aesthetic (thus shifting sand's state again but now from chaos to order). This narrative is constructed while also form and 'decay of form' are introduced as c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s i n refined dialog with the attributes of sand over large surfaces and the p r e e x i s t i n g a r c h i t e c t u r a l infrastructures.
  • 35. does sand suffer from entropy? If sand decays can we assume it does not decay but turns into finer grains? Sand is the catalyst for d e c ay ( i . e e r o s i o n . abrasion, scouring, etc) sand is not a finished nor polished result it is used to polish. however its texture can create a mental and emotional "polished" state open to meditation (i.e. sand-based garden design). sand seems homogeneous yet can contain very different particles.
  • 36. B y m e a n s o f t h e wooden pat h t he visitor is taken on a guided tour to see f i r s t - h a n d h o w e n t r o p y i s n e g o t i a t e d w i t h n a t u r e a n d a p p l i e d a s a n a e s t h e t i c . T h i s n a r r a t i v e i s constructed while also the means of reconstruction and innovation are i n t r o d u c e d a s characteristics in refined dialog with the preexisting a r c h i t e c t u r a l infrastructures. i n d u s t r i a l a n d banking settings h a v e homogenization as an artifact to their p r o c e s s e s a n d targets. But these systems can only do so to a certain extent and sustain it for a finite period in spacetime. sand as a symbol plays with these s t r u g g l e s , p a r a d o x e s a n d contradictions in a h a r m o n i z i n g manner.
  • 37. 3
  • 38. stoneThe stone feature design is... i n contrastw i t h i n d u s t r i a l d e s i g n p r o m o t i n g l a r g e s c a l e , functionality, linearity, order, concrete, steel and bricks. The stone features are rounded and complex forms compared to the factory design. i n harmony w i t h t h e r e m i n i s c e s o f productivity, pressures and h e a t r e l a t e d t o e i t h e r geological forces creating rock or with factory forces creating engines. i n f l u i d continuation with a broadened concept of ornamentations as some artifacts are found across the historic banking city of pingyao.
  • 39. stoneThe stone feature design is... i n harmonyw i t h t h e m a c r o - c o n t e x t o f ornamentation. While such stone features as space ornamentation might perhaps be contrasting with the biases one has towards factories, the current complex offers at least two categories of ornaments. One is the category of old machinery the other i s t h e w i n d o w- t o - t h e - w o r l d atmosphere radiating from each photography. the factory promotes pragmatism. it is a linear and materialist approach to functionality. it uses a n d t a r g e t s t a n g i b l e s . c o n t e m p l a t i o n i s a n intangible process resulting in the intangibles of mental focus or peace or the more practically intangibles of concept and idea. these lead to tangible innovation. Therefor ornamentation b y t h e Recontextualization of naturally occurring objects such as stone (rocks) has a practical, albeit less linear, attribute or result.
  • 40. 3
  • 41. "The use of rocks has had a huge impact on the cultural and technological development of the human race. Rocks have been used by humans and other hominids for more than 2 million years" [*1] Although various classifications could be applied, Sedimentary rocks best symbolize the concept suggested here. these are "types of rock that are formed by the deposition of material at the Earth's surface and within bodies of water. Sedimentation is the collective name for processes that cause mineral and/or organic particles (detritus) to s e t t l e a n d a c c u m u l a t e o r minerals to precipitate from a solution. " [*2] [*1] [*2]
  • 42. Stone compositions are as poems; depositions of words and meaning sedimented in the mind of its creator. here the stones poetically hint of geological productivity as factories hint of productive forces. Simultaneously, at their current stage both factory and stone formations find harmony in their spirit of melancholic peace while e m b r a c i n g s p a c e f o r contemplation. The stones are ripped from their n a t u r a l f u n c t i o n a l i t y a n d composed in a design-conscious m a n n e r t o a m p l i f y a n y metaphysical potentials a factory complex might have to offer. So too is the factory reborn and revitalized with new meaning. through innovative meaning innovative function is offered. STONENARRATIVE
  • 43. 4
  • 44. trans media narrated m u l t i s e n s o r i a l l y experienced immersively perceived i n t e r a c t i v e l y participated telepresently visited d y n a m i c a l l y composed organically-driven s o u n d s c a p e s - surrounded teleperformed smart cities-minded i n t e r a c t i v e a r c h i t e c t u r a l l y designed augmented
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  • 46. Transmediation refers to "the process through which individuals select and translate data to represent it in other media forms. It may utilize more than one media form. All the components of a transmediated work are interlinked with each other to form the whole network. Therefore, transmediated works are closely linked to semiotics and technology in the context of digital media." Transmedia narrative is the "technique of telling stories across multiple platforms and formats using current digital technologies." I agree to a large extent with the above citation however, transmedia narrative taken literally does not have to be limited to the digital and can use any source material from any medium, focus on any attribute from within the source story line and source medium, transcode these, extrapolate and elaborate on these into another medium for further fine-tuned narration. The storytelling technique can be old and contrary to some can still work nicely within the present-day needs. Old and new do not mitigate one another. They are simply two directions on one and the same playing fields of time & space. sources: TRANSMEDIANARRATIVE
  • 47. The aim is to maximize (new) media applications for traditional architecture, design & art forms implemented within publicly accessible settings (i.e. the factory's exhibition spaces; or, at a later stage hand-picked and interlinked pingyao urban design: in-store, in- office, outdoors, public, exclusive or private fora, cultural facilities, etc). As such the goal is to apply (new) media technology in order to increase story telling as a communication/ urban functionality. The intention of such open story telling is to create a service that offers interactive and communication-fertile architectural designs. The story telling can be static (never changing) or it can be dynamic. Its dynamism is defined by environmental attributes influencing the compositional outcome of that moment in timespace (concerete examples shall be given and brainstormed). transmediated (dynamic) narratives also hint of the concept of "smart cities." Metaphorically it means dwellers do not simply dwell but interact, form and transform the architectural systems. the visitors/inhabitants are not alienated by the architectural systems but rather are forming an intricate part towards a cosmopolitan organism. they are not lived by its system they form the system in a participatory manner. TRANSMEDIANARRATIVE
  • 48. Note, the implementation of technologies does not negate the pre-existing historic nor functional values. On the contrary, they preserve these, augment these and maximize their functionality across spacetime; across reality and perhaps even into virtual architecture. Wikipedia defines 'smart city' rather clearly: "Urban performance currently depends not only on the city's endowment of hard infrastructure ('physical capital'), but also, and increasingly so, on the availability and quality of knowledge communication and social infrastructure ('intellectual and social capital'). The latter form of capital is decisive for urban competitiveness. It is against this background that the concept of the "smart city" has been introduced as a strategic device to encompass modern urban production factors in a common framework and to highlight the growing importance of I n f o r m a t i o n a n d C o m m u n i c a t i o n Te c h n o l o g i e s ( I C Ts ) , s o c i a l a n d environmental capital in profiling the competitiveness of cities."
  • 49. The concepts of the multisensorial, of transmedia narrative and of the smart city can be transcoded into p i n g y a o t a k i n g b u d g e t a r y definitions, phase strategies, needs and vision towards future competitiveness within the world of ancient heritage across the globe into account. While integrating cultural platforms crossing, transforming, going in- between and beyond the initial intention of the architectural s t r u c t u r e s a t h a n d ( i . e . manufacturing engine, showcasing photography, banking, preserving heritage, etc) this design approach i s s i m u l t a n i o u s l y conserving as well as it is progressive.
  • 50. —001— position recording devices along the wooden path and playback the sound (with or without manipulation) at a different locale; i.e. somewhere within the city area, somewhere further or earlier down the wooden path, within one of the exhibition spaces, etc. Variations on, convolutions of, iterations of these scenario can be fine- tuned and implemented use real-time interactive audio software to c r e a t e d y n a m i c s o u n d s c a p e s ; i . e . soundscapes that might find their base elements in real-time or pre-recorded sound-bites from within the factory compound or from within pingyao or from photography-related sources (ad infinitum). variations on, convolutions of, iterations of these (sub-)scenarios can be fine-tuned and implemented over time or depending on location. transmedia|multisensorialscenario#001
  • 51. —002— life performances/improvisations based on the activities or themes at hand. sub-scenario i/ improvisations based on photographs or on festival themes. sub-scenario ii/ teleperformances: artists perform and link with one another across spacetime over the internet to perform in real-time (note: internet speeds in China might be problematic). the performance can be data (mapping) rather than actual audio/video. sub-scenario iii/ teleperformance: artists can be spread across the compound (or city) and connected by means of an audio-video link performing a b s t ra c t i o n s o f t h e f e s t i va l i n orchestration. sub-scenario iv/ ... variations on, convolutions of, iterations of these (sub-)scenarios can be fine-tuned and implemented over time or depending on location. transmedia|multisensorialscenario#002
  • 52. —003— telepresence: tourists can physically visit the festival but tourists can virtually visit the festival by means of strategically placed audio-video gear uploading/streaming the event in realtime. sub-scenario i/ the video capturing can be streamed back onto a video wall within a very different location (i.e. imbedded into the wooden path or within the sand surfaces, or amongst the stone features) sub-scenario ii/ the video material can be digitally manipulated into video art. from this snapshots can be made and projected elsewhere as a liquid/dynamic surface texture. sub-scenario iii/ people can upload pictures onto a designated webpage. a selection of the pictures (after censorial, aesthetic or theme-based filtering) can be projected onto a designated canvas sub-scenario iv/ ... variations on, convolutions of, iterations of these (sub-)scenarios can be fine-tuned and implemented over time or depending on location. transmedia|multisensorialscenario#003
  • 53. —004— digital canvases. photos can be digitized (or digital photos) and shown on digital screens across the exhibition space(s). sub-scenario i/ the photos can be simply sliding with hard cuts from one to the other or the photographs can become the raw material for animation artists (perhaps a contest) to create fluid transitions from one photograph into the next. sub-scenario ii/ the photographs used can be a selection of this years festivals or high-points of previous years. sub-scenario iii/ instead of LCD or LED screens, projectors can be used to create lay-overs on handpicked surfaces (i.e. the sand surfaces) sub-scenario iv/ one and the same picture can be used as source material to be partially shown on a LCD screen and to have the larger context within that picture projected around the LCD screen variations on, convolutions of, iterations of these (sub-)scenarios can be fine-tuned and implemented over time or depending on location. transmedia|multisensorialscenario#004
  • 54. —005— immersive. with larger budgets new media art can be implemented to ameliorate the experience of the photography festival or of pingyao as a whole. these scenarios shall not be mentioned yet but are available at request. sub-scenario i/ of course low-budget immersive systems can be constructed. for instance a handpicked photograph can be reconstructed/ reenacted/look-alike/subverted within the architectural surrounding. one can for instance imagine a (silly) still-life photograph of a bowl of fruit. The basket of fruit can be physically there next to the picture. If the reenactment is strong the audience will be invited to question concepts of originality, authenticity, source and reference. The fruit in the picture could be decayed whereas the fruit "in real life" could be fresh (or plastic). By doing so the audience will be pulled (at least intellectually, emotionally and creatively) more into the photographic art. it is a limited form (as they are not physically pulled) of immersion. sub-scenario ii/ ... sub-scenario iii/ ... sub-scenario iv/ ... variations on, convolutions of, iterations of these (sub-)scenarios can be fine- tuned and implemented over time or depending on location. transmedia|multisensorialscenario#005
  • 55. In this first brainstorm it is the intention to hint of opportunity and potential without a pre-defined budget o r o t h e r d e m a r c a t i o n s available. Overall these scenarios are open to be fine-tuned, overthrown or substituted for better ones.
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  • 57. Meaning is b r o u g h t t o g e t h e r through the p a r t s intimately interconnec t e d b y design and explicable o n l y b y r e f e r e n c e t o t h e whole on a micro- and o n a m a c r o - c o s m i c level: from function to form; from building to park to city to country to nature; f r o m h i s t o r i c a l storytelling to present a c t i o n t o forecasted scenario. media Recontextualization is "the dynamic transfer- and-transformation of something from one discourse/te xt-in- context ... to another" (Per Linell, 1998:154) factory images culture wood sand stone
  • 58. In this first brainstorm several questions are still unanswered: what is the 2012 photography theme? a r e t h e r e a n y o t h e r i n f r a s t r u c t u r a l constraints within which w e h a v e t o d e v e l o p designs? what is the budget for which attribute of the design? Other questions will be generated later.
  • 59. v.1.0 — this document is n o t h i n g m o r e b u t a c o l l e c t i o n o f i n i t i a l thoughts; an individual's brainstorm put to paper. Obviously these do not a r ro ga n t ly c l a i m a n y dominance nor priority. they have been collected with the intention to share and to show capacities besides potentials; and this only if these are evaluated as such by you, the reader. in the meantime I remain available for comments and further exploration at