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Dr. Maxprince - MD, Resident
1. Introduction.
2. Embryology of the Nose and Paranasal sinuses.
3. Growth Anatomy of the Nose and Paranasal sinuses.
4. Functions of the Nose and Paranasal sinuses.
5. Anatomic variations.
6. Clinical application.
7. References
1. Introduction.
The human nose is the most protruding part
of the face.
It bears the nostrils and is the first organ of
the respiratory.
It is also the principal organ in the olfactory
The shape of the nose is determined by
the nasal bones and the nasal cartilages,
including the nasal septum which separates
the nostrils and divides the nasal cavity into
Introduction con’t...
On average the nose of a male is
larger than that of a female.
The nose and paranasal sinuses
are regarded as functional unit.
Many rhinological disorders are
transmitted from the nasal cavity
into paranasal sinuses system.
So it is of clinical importance to
know anatomical details of this
2. Embryology of the Nose
The nasal development is
intimately associated with the
development of palate and mid
Development of these structures
is a complex process involving
interaction of the nasal
placode, frontonasal
prominence and branchial
arch tissue.
Embryology of the Nose con’t…
At the end of the fourth week of
foetal development, the human
embryo is approximately 5mm in
length, mesenchymal cells of neural
crest origin start to aggregate to form
the facial prominences in the
And the early face consists of
primitive opening called;-
i. Stomodeum
ii. Frontonasal prominence
iii. Paired nasal placodes
iv. Maxillary and mandibular
Embryology of the Nose con’t…
The nasal placodes arise as
thickenings of embryonic ectoderm
(overlying the frontonasal process and
situated above the stomatodaeum).
The nasal placodes invaginate to
form nasal pits which will give rise to
medial and lateral process
The nasal pits now deepen to form the
nasal sacs which expand both
dorsally and caudally to form the
nasal cavity.
As the nasal sac invaginates, an
oronasal membrane forms and
transiently separate the nasal
Embryology of the Nose con’t…
The dorsal part of this sac is, at
first, separated from the
stomatodaeum by a thin membrane
called the bucconasal membrane.
The nasal sac now has a ventral
orifice that opens on the face -
anterior or external nares.
And a dorsal orifice that opens into
the stomatodaeum - primitive
posterior nasal aperture.
Embryology of the Nose con’t…
The frontonasal process become
narrow and enlargement of the nasal
cavities bring the the tissues together
to form the nasal septum.
 The lateral wall of the nose is
derived, on each side, from the lateral
nasal process.
The nasal concha appear as
elevations on the lateral wall of each
nasal cavity.
Embryology of the Nose con’t…
Further development of frontonasal
and maxillary prominences will
Primary and Secondary palate
Superior, middle and inferior
conchae on the lateral nasal walls.
Below each conchae is where the
meatus lie.
3. Growth Anatomy of the Nose
The nose consists of the;-
a. External nose, and
b. Nasal cavity.
Both are divided by a septum
into right and left halves.
a. External nose
It is a pyramidal projection in the
mid face. Presenting with:-
1. Tip (or apex), the lower free end.
2. Root or bridge
3. Dorsum, a round border between tip
and root where sides of the nose
4. Nostrils or nares, the two piriform
apertures at the broad lower end,
separated by the nasal septum.
5. Ala, the lower flared part on the side
of nose.
3. Growth Anatomy of the Nose
The upper one-third is a bony
framework formed by:-
1. Two nasal bones
2. Frontal processes of the maxillae
3. Nasal part of the frontal bone.
The lower two-third is a
cartilaginous framework
1. Two lateral cartilages.
2. A single median septal cartilage.
3. Two major alar cartilages.
4. Lesser ala cartilages
i. Blood Supply of the External
The skin of the external nose is supplied
by branches of :-
1. Ophthalmic artery (ICA).
- Dorsal nasal branch (nasal dorsum and
nasal side
- External nasal branch of the anterior
artery (nasal dorsum and nasal side wall).
2. Maxillary artery (ECA)
- Infra-orbital artery branch Supplies
the dorsum
and nasal side wall.
Blood Supply con’t…
3. Facial artery (ECA)
- Angular artery and its lateral
nasal branch supply the nasal
side wall and ala.
- The superior labial artery
i. Columellar branch (
supplies the nasal sill and
ii. Septal branch (supplies
the anterior nasal septum).
Venous drainage
Corresponds to arterio-venous
Fronto-median area drains
into facial vein (Originates as
the angular vein which forms as
the confluence of the
supratrochlear and supraorbital
Orbito-palpabral area –
ophthalmic vein (cavernous
sinus communication)
The upper lip and external nose are
considered the DANGER
infections in this region may be
transmitted in a retrograde fashion
intracranially to the cavernous
(because the facial vein communicates
through a valveless venous system
with the cavernous sinus via the
ophthalmic vein).
Lymphatic drainage
The lymphatic drainage of the
external nose is directed towards the
submandibular nodes,
submental nodes and facial
Drainage of the external nose is
often bilateral and drainage to
the parotid region may be
1. External Nasal
2. Branch Of
Anterior Ethmoidal
1. Infratrochlear
2. Branch of
b. Nasal cavity.
Extends from the external
(anterior) nares to the posterior
nares (choanae).
Divided into right & left halves
by the nasal septum.
Each half is divided into:
i. Floor
ii. Roof
iii. Medial wall (septum)
iv. Lateral wall
Nasal cavity con’t...
The Lateral Nasal cavity has three
segments, namely:-
1. Vestibule
- It is lined with keratinized stratified
squamous epithelium.
- Has sweat and sebaceous glands, hair
follicles and the hair (vibrissae).
2. Respiratory region.
- It is lined with pseudostratified
columnar ciliated epithelium with goblet
- Lamina propria contains seromucous
Nasal cavity con’t...
3. Olfactory area
-It is lined with olfactory mucosa which is
very thick pseudostratified columnar
epithelium with olfactory cells that
contains receptors for the sense of smell.
- Bowman’s gland/ olfactory gland- in the
lamina propria of olfactory membrane,
contains fibroblasts, blood vessels,
bundles of fine axon from olfactory
i. Floor of Nasal Cavity
The anterior three quarters are
comprised of the palatine
process of the maxilla.
The posterior one quarter by
the horizontal process of the
palatine bone.
ii. Roof of Nasal Cavity
It is formed by:-
a. The nasal and frontal bones-
anteriorly beneath the bridge of the
b. The cribriform plate of the
bone-in the middle part, located
beneath the anterior cranial fossa.
c. The downward sloping body of
sphenoid bone-posteriorly.
iii. Medial Wall of Nasal Cavity
It is called the Nasal Septum
It divides the nasal cavity into right
and left halves
It has osseous and cartilaginous
Nasal septum consists of:-
a. The perpendicular plate of the
bone (superior),
b. Vomer (inferior)
c. Septal cartilage (anterior)
ar Plate
e Vome
iv. Lateral Walls of Nasal Cavity.
Marked by 3 projections:
1. Superior
2. Middle
3. Inferior
- The nasal turbinates
continuously dilate and
constrict every 0.5–3 hours in
a normal physiological
phenomenon known as the
‘nasal cycle’.
Lateral wall con’t…
1. Inferior meatus: Nasolacrimal duct
(nasolacrimal duct opening is called
Hasner’s valve.)
2. Middle meatus:
a. Maxillary sinus
b. Frontal sinus
c. Anterior ethmoid sinuses
3. Superior meatus: Posterior ethmoid
4. Sphenoethmoidal recess: Sphenoid
Ostiomeatal unit/Ostiomeatal complex
The area on the lateral nasal wall
(middle meatus) that receives
drainage from;-
- The anterior and medial ethmoid
- Frontal sinus
- Maxillary sinus.
It is an anatomically constricted area
that is prone to blockage, especially in
the presence of structural anomalies,
mucosal swelling or tumors.
In addition, ostia themselves are
An impairment in the ventilation of
Blood Supply to the Nasal Cavity
1. External Carotid Artery
-Sphenopalatine artery
(maxillary artery)
-Greater palatine artery
(maxillary artery)
-Posterior nasal artery
-Superior Labial artery (facial
2. Internal Carotid Artery
-Anterior Ethmoid artery
(opthalmic artery)
-Posterior Ethmoid artery
(opthalmic artery)
Blood Supply con’t… (Medial)
From branches of the maxillary
artery, one of the terminal
branches of the External
carotid artery.
The most important branch is
the sphenopalatine artery
which anastomoses with the
septal branch of the superior
labial branch of the facial artery
in the region of the vestibule.
The submucous venous plexus
is drained by veins that
accompany the arteries.
Blood Supply con’t…
a. Kesselbach’s Plexus/Little’s
-Anterior Ethmoid (Opth)
-Superior Labial A (Facial)
-Sphenopalatine A (MAX)
-Greater Palatine (MAX)
b. Woodruff’s Plexus:
-Sphenopalatine A (MAX) &
Pharyngeal A (MAX)
Nerve Supply of the Nasal Cavity
The olfactory nerves from the olfactory mucous membrane
ascend through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone to the
olfactory bulbs .
 Olfactory nerves carry meningeal sheaths of dura, arachnoid
and pia mater and because of this injury to these nerves can
result in CSF rhinorrhea and meningitis.
The nerves of ordinary sensation are branches of the
ophthalmic division (V1) and the maxillary division (V2) of
the trigeminal nerve.
Nerve Supply con’t…
CN I – Olfactory Nerves (SVA)
Anterior ethmoidal
branch of V1
Posterior nasal
branches of V2
Cut nasopalatine
branch of V2 to
Lymph Drainage of the Nasal Cavity
The lymph vessels draining the
vestibule end in the
submandibular nodes.
The remainder of the nasal
cavity is drained by vessels that
pass to the upper deep cervical
4. Functions of the Nose.
1. Air conditioning: warming, cleaning and humidifying
the inhaled air
2. Add resonance to the voice
3. Vocal sounds are also produced in the nasal cavity
thus aiding in vocalization
4. Involved in the special sense of smell
5. Cosmetic role in facial appearance
5. Anatomic variations.
1. Concha Bullosa
2. Uncinate Process
3. Deviated Nasal
6. Clinical Application
a. Congenital
1. Choano atresia
2. Dorsal nasal fistula
3. Kallmans syndrome (Congenital anosmia)
4. Cleft lip and palate
5. Arhinia (absence of the nose)
6. Frontonasal dysplasia (primary defect in the nasofrontal process that
prevents appropriate migration to the midline)
7. Nasal dermoid sinuses and cysts
8. Nasal encephaloceles (herniations of brain, meninges)
Dorsal nasal fistula
Cleft lift and Palate
(A) Two-year-old child with arhinia and left-sided iris coloboma.
(B) Ten-year-old child with arhinia and left-sided microphthalmia and
bilateral nasolacrimal duct stenosis.
(C) Newborn with arhinia and normal eye anatomy and vision.
(D) Sixteen-year-old with arhinia and right-sided microphthalmia.
(E) One-year-old child with arhinia, bilateral colobomatous microphthalmia,
cataracts, and nasolacrimal duct atresia.
b. Acquired
1. Trauma to the Nose
2. Infection of the Nasal
3. Foreign Bodies in the
4. Nose Bleeding
(Epistaxis) Epistaxis:
(Little’s area)
1. Introduction.
The paranasal sinuses are paired and symmetrical,
air-filled cavities situated around the nasal cavity.
Paranasal sinuses are found in three bones of
the neurocranium (braincase), the frontal
bone, ethmoid bone, and sphenoid bone.
The maxilla is the only facial bone
(viscerocranium) that contains its own sinuses.
The four pairs of sinuses are named by their
corresponding bones and include:
a. The maxillary sinuses
b. The frontal sinuses
c. The sphenoidal sinuses
d. The ethmoidal cells (sinuses)
Introduction con’t...
The mucosa of the paranasal sinuses contains pseudostratified ciliated
columnar to cuboidal cell epithelium, is thin, and contains a few glands.
The basement membrane is thin.
 Cilia, somewhat more abundant near the sinus ostia, propel the overlying
blanket of mucus through the ostium, where it joins that in the nose.
Clinically divided into 2 groups;-
1. Anterior group:
- It includes those sinuses, which drain into the middle meatus, viz. frontal,
anterior and middle ethmoidal, and maxillary sinuses.
2. Posterior group:
- It includes those sinuses, which do not drain into the middle meatus, viz.
posterior ethmoidal and sphenoidal air sinuses
2. Embryology of Paranasal sinuses
Paranasal sinuses' development is heralded by the
appearance of a series of folds on the lateral nasal wall at
approximately the eighth week of gestation, known as
the ethmoturbinals.
Six to seven folds emerge initially, but eventually, only
three to four persist through regression and fusion.
a. First ethmoturbinal: they are rudimentary and
incomplete in humans. The ascending portion forms
the agger nasi descending portion forms the uncinate
b. Second ethmoturbinal: it forms the middle
c. Third ethmoturbinal: it forms the superior
d. Fourth and fifth ethmoturbinals: they fuse to form
the supreme turbinate.
Embryology con’t…
As development progresses, furrows form
between these ethmoturbinals, which
establishes rudimentary meati and
The frontal sinus originates from the
anterior pneumatization of the frontal
recess into the frontal bone.
The frontal sinus does not appear until
the age of 5 to 6 years old.
The sphenoid sinus develops during the
third month of gestation.
During this time, the nasal mucosa
invaginates into the posterior portion of
the cartilaginous nasal capsule to form a
pouch-like cavity.
The wall surrounding this cartilage is
ossified in the later months of fetal
Embryology con’t…
Then, during the second and third years of life, the cartilage is
resorbed, and the cavity becomes attached to the body of the
By the sixth or seventh year of life, pneumatization of the
sphenoid sinus progresses.
By twelve years of age, the pneumatization is complete with
pneumatization of the anterior clinoids and pterygoid process.
The maxillary sinus starts developing during the 10th week of
intrauterine life.
Embryology con’t…
 The ethmoid infundibulum invaginations towards the
mesenchyme fuse during the 11th week of development, forming
one oval cavity with smooth walls – the primordium of the
maxillary sinus.
The sinus ossification starts during the 16th week.
 The maxillary sinus shows a biphasic growth pattern at 3 and 7 to
18 years of age.
The ethmoid sinuses are comprised of three to four air cells at
birth. By the time an individual reaches adulthood, they consist of
3. Growth Anatomy of Paranasal sinuses
a. The maxillary sinuses
Pyramidal in shape
Paired & symmetric
 Located within the body of the
maxilla behind the skin of the
The maxillary sinus opens into the
middle meatus of the nose
Maxillary Sinus con’t...
a. Anterior wall: The anterior facial surface of
maxilla (canine fossa) is related to cheek.
b. Posterior wall: It is in relation with the
infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossa.
c. Medial wall: It is thin and membranous at
places and faces middle and inferior meatuses
d. Floor: It is formed by alveolar process of the
maxilla. The roots of all the molars, second
premolar and sometimes first premolar
(depending on the extent of pneumatization and
age of the person), are situated in the floor of
maxillary sinuses..
e. Roof: The roof of the maxillary sinus is the
floor of the orbit and is traversed by infraorbital
b. The frontal sinuses
Rarely symmetrical
Contained within the frontal bone .
Separated from each other by a bony
Each sinus is roughly triangular
Extending upward above the medial
end of the eyebrow and backward
into the medial part of the roof of
the orbit.
Opens into the middle meatus
Frontal sinuses con’t…
a. Anterior wall of the sinus is related
to the forehead skin.
b. Floor is in relation with orbit.
c. Posterior wall relations are
meninges and frontal lobe of brain.
Ostium of frontal sinus is situated
in its floor and opens into the
frontal recess, which depending
upon the attachment of uncinate
process opens either in the
infundibulum or medial to the
uncinate process into the middle
c. The sphenoidal sinuses
The sphenoid sinuses are paired spaces
formed within the body of the sphenoid
bone, communicating with the roof of the
nasal cavity via the sphenoethmoidal
recess in its anterior wall.
The two hemisinuses are separated by a
septum which may or may not be in the
It usually lies anteroinferior to the sella.
A large sinus can show a number of ridges
and depressions related to closely adjacent
structures. These can include
the pituitary gland, optic nerve,
and internal carotid artery.
Sphenoidal sinuses con’t…
a. Superiorly: cavernous
sinus, sella
turcica, and its contents
b. Inferiorly: nasal cavities
c. Anteriorly: nasal cavities,
posterior ethmoid air cells
d. Posteriorly: contents of
the middle
cranial fossa
e. Laterally: cavernous sinus,
cranial cavity
Sphenoid sinus pneumatization
d. The ethmoidal cells (sinuses)
They are contained within the ethmoid
bone, between the nose and the orbit.
They are anterior, middle, and posterior
Anterior & middle
- Drains into middle nasal meatus
- Drain into superior nasal meatus
Separated from the orbit by a thin plate
of bone (Lamina papyracea) so that
infection can readily spread from the
sinuses into the orbit
Ethmoidal sinuses con’t…
a. Roof: It is closed by the frontal bone,
which forms the floor of anterior cranial
b. Lateral wall: Lamina papyracea
separates it laterally from the orbit.
Lamina papyracea is paper thin and can
be easily damaged during intranasal
surgery and destroyed by ethmoidal
Optic nerve, which is at risk during
posterior ethmoid surgery, is in close
relationship with posterior group of
ethmoidal air cells.
Blood and nerve supply of the Paranasal
Summary of development, vascular supply and innervation of the
paranasal sinuses.
4. Functions of Paranasal sinuses
1. Resonators of the voice
2. Reduce the skull weight
3. Help warm and moistening inhaled air
4. Act as shock absorber in trauma
5. Anatomic variations.
The significance of anatomic variations are determined by their
relationship between the ostiomeatal channels and nasal air
Knowledge of these anatomical variations is of clinical
importance in every patient.
Help to avoid damage to the surrounding vital structure during
Anatomic variations con’t...
Deviated Nasal Septum
Concha bullosa (Enlarged, pneumatized middle turbinate)
Intralamellar cell (Air cell witihin vertical portion of middle turbinate)
Paradoxical middle concha (Convexity of turbinate directed towards
lateral nasal wall)
Haller cells (Infraorbital ethmoid air cells)
Agger Nasi cells (Extension of anterior ethmoid air cells into lacrimal
Uncinate process bulla
Deviation of uncinate process
 Fronto-ethmoid/kunh cells/bulla frontalis (Are the anterior ethmoid
cells which invade the frontal bone, bulging its floor)
Accessory Maxillary ostia
6. References
1. Ogle OE, Weinstock RJ, Friedman E. Surgical anatomy of the nasal
cavity and paranasal sinuses. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am.
2. Iwanaga J, Wilson C, Lachkar S, Tomaszewski KA, Walocha JA,
Tubbs RS. Clinical anatomy of the maxillary sinus: application to
sinus floor augmentation.
3. Ballenger’s ORL, Head and Neck Surgery.
4. Gray’s Anatomy for students, 2004.
5. Atlas of human Anatomy,Frank H. Netter

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9. Anatomy of the Nose and Paranasal sinuses, Dr. Maxprince.pptx

  • 1. ANATOMY OF THE NOSE AND PARANASAL SINUSES Presenter Dr. Maxprince - MD, Resident
  • 2. Outline 1. Introduction. 2. Embryology of the Nose and Paranasal sinuses. 3. Growth Anatomy of the Nose and Paranasal sinuses. 4. Functions of the Nose and Paranasal sinuses. 5. Anatomic variations. 6. Clinical application. 7. References
  • 4. 1. Introduction. The human nose is the most protruding part of the face. It bears the nostrils and is the first organ of the respiratory. It is also the principal organ in the olfactory system. The shape of the nose is determined by the nasal bones and the nasal cartilages, including the nasal septum which separates the nostrils and divides the nasal cavity into two.
  • 5. Introduction con’t... On average the nose of a male is larger than that of a female. The nose and paranasal sinuses are regarded as functional unit. Many rhinological disorders are transmitted from the nasal cavity into paranasal sinuses system. So it is of clinical importance to know anatomical details of this region.
  • 6. 2. Embryology of the Nose The nasal development is intimately associated with the development of palate and mid face Development of these structures is a complex process involving interaction of the nasal placode, frontonasal prominence and branchial arch tissue.
  • 7. Embryology of the Nose con’t… At the end of the fourth week of foetal development, the human embryo is approximately 5mm in length, mesenchymal cells of neural crest origin start to aggregate to form the facial prominences in the midface. And the early face consists of primitive opening called;- i. Stomodeum ii. Frontonasal prominence iii. Paired nasal placodes iv. Maxillary and mandibular
  • 8. Embryology of the Nose con’t… The nasal placodes arise as thickenings of embryonic ectoderm (overlying the frontonasal process and situated above the stomatodaeum). The nasal placodes invaginate to form nasal pits which will give rise to medial and lateral process The nasal pits now deepen to form the nasal sacs which expand both dorsally and caudally to form the nasal cavity. As the nasal sac invaginates, an oronasal membrane forms and transiently separate the nasal
  • 9. Embryology of the Nose con’t… The dorsal part of this sac is, at first, separated from the stomatodaeum by a thin membrane called the bucconasal membrane. The nasal sac now has a ventral orifice that opens on the face - anterior or external nares. And a dorsal orifice that opens into the stomatodaeum - primitive posterior nasal aperture.
  • 10. Embryology of the Nose con’t… The frontonasal process become narrow and enlargement of the nasal cavities bring the the tissues together to form the nasal septum.  The lateral wall of the nose is derived, on each side, from the lateral nasal process. The nasal concha appear as elevations on the lateral wall of each nasal cavity.
  • 11. Embryology of the Nose con’t… Further development of frontonasal and maxillary prominences will form. Primary and Secondary palate Superior, middle and inferior conchae on the lateral nasal walls. Below each conchae is where the meatus lie.
  • 12.
  • 13. 3. Growth Anatomy of the Nose The nose consists of the;- a. External nose, and b. Nasal cavity. Both are divided by a septum into right and left halves.
  • 14. a. External nose It is a pyramidal projection in the mid face. Presenting with:- 1. Tip (or apex), the lower free end. 2. Root or bridge 3. Dorsum, a round border between tip and root where sides of the nose meet. 4. Nostrils or nares, the two piriform apertures at the broad lower end, separated by the nasal septum. 5. Ala, the lower flared part on the side of nose.
  • 15. 3. Growth Anatomy of the Nose The upper one-third is a bony framework formed by:- 1. Two nasal bones 2. Frontal processes of the maxillae bone 3. Nasal part of the frontal bone. The lower two-third is a cartilaginous framework 1. Two lateral cartilages. 2. A single median septal cartilage. 3. Two major alar cartilages. 4. Lesser ala cartilages
  • 16. i. Blood Supply of the External Nose The skin of the external nose is supplied by branches of :- 1. Ophthalmic artery (ICA). - Dorsal nasal branch (nasal dorsum and nasal side wall). - External nasal branch of the anterior ethmoid artery (nasal dorsum and nasal side wall). 2. Maxillary artery (ECA) - Infra-orbital artery branch Supplies the dorsum and nasal side wall.
  • 17. Blood Supply con’t… 3. Facial artery (ECA) - Angular artery and its lateral nasal branch supply the nasal side wall and ala. - The superior labial artery i. Columellar branch ( supplies the nasal sill and columella) ii. Septal branch (supplies the anterior nasal septum).
  • 18. Venous drainage Corresponds to arterio-venous units. Fronto-median area drains into facial vein (Originates as the angular vein which forms as the confluence of the supratrochlear and supraorbital veins) Orbito-palpabral area – ophthalmic vein (cavernous sinus communication)
  • 19. The upper lip and external nose are considered the DANGER AREA/TRIANGE OF THE FACE infections in this region may be transmitted in a retrograde fashion intracranially to the cavernous (because the facial vein communicates through a valveless venous system with the cavernous sinus via the ophthalmic vein).
  • 20. Lymphatic drainage The lymphatic drainage of the external nose is directed towards the submandibular nodes, submental nodes and facial nodes. Drainage of the external nose is often bilateral and drainage to the parotid region may be possible.
  • 21. 1. External Nasal 2. Branch Of Anterior Ethmoidal Nerve 1. Infratrochlear 2. Branch of Nasociliary nerve
  • 22. b. Nasal cavity. Extends from the external (anterior) nares to the posterior nares (choanae). Divided into right & left halves by the nasal septum. Each half is divided into: i. Floor ii. Roof iii. Medial wall (septum) iv. Lateral wall
  • 23. Nasal cavity con’t... The Lateral Nasal cavity has three segments, namely:- 1. Vestibule - It is lined with keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. - Has sweat and sebaceous glands, hair follicles and the hair (vibrissae). 2. Respiratory region. - It is lined with pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium with goblet cells. - Lamina propria contains seromucous
  • 24. Nasal cavity con’t... 3. Olfactory area -It is lined with olfactory mucosa which is very thick pseudostratified columnar epithelium with olfactory cells that contains receptors for the sense of smell. - Bowman’s gland/ olfactory gland- in the lamina propria of olfactory membrane, contains fibroblasts, blood vessels, bundles of fine axon from olfactory neurons.
  • 25. i. Floor of Nasal Cavity The anterior three quarters are comprised of the palatine process of the maxilla. The posterior one quarter by the horizontal process of the palatine bone.
  • 26. ii. Roof of Nasal Cavity It is formed by:- a. The nasal and frontal bones- anteriorly beneath the bridge of the nose. b. The cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone-in the middle part, located beneath the anterior cranial fossa. c. The downward sloping body of sphenoid bone-posteriorly.
  • 27. iii. Medial Wall of Nasal Cavity It is called the Nasal Septum It divides the nasal cavity into right and left halves It has osseous and cartilaginous parts. Nasal septum consists of:- a. The perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone (superior), b. Vomer (inferior) c. Septal cartilage (anterior) Perpendicul ar Plate (ethmoid) Septal Cartilag e Vome r
  • 28. iv. Lateral Walls of Nasal Cavity. Marked by 3 projections: 1. Superior concha/turbinate 2. Middle concha/turbinate 3. Inferior concha/turbinate - The nasal turbinates continuously dilate and constrict every 0.5–3 hours in a normal physiological phenomenon known as the ‘nasal cycle’.
  • 29.
  • 30. Lateral wall con’t… 1. Inferior meatus: Nasolacrimal duct (nasolacrimal duct opening is called Hasner’s valve.) 2. Middle meatus: a. Maxillary sinus b. Frontal sinus c. Anterior ethmoid sinuses 3. Superior meatus: Posterior ethmoid sinuses 4. Sphenoethmoidal recess: Sphenoid sinus
  • 31. Ostiomeatal unit/Ostiomeatal complex (OMC) The area on the lateral nasal wall (middle meatus) that receives drainage from;- - The anterior and medial ethmoid cells - Frontal sinus - Maxillary sinus. It is an anatomically constricted area that is prone to blockage, especially in the presence of structural anomalies, mucosal swelling or tumors. In addition, ostia themselves are small. An impairment in the ventilation of
  • 32. Blood Supply to the Nasal Cavity (Lateral) 1. External Carotid Artery -Sphenopalatine artery (maxillary artery) -Greater palatine artery (maxillary artery) -Posterior nasal artery -Superior Labial artery (facial artery) 2. Internal Carotid Artery -Anterior Ethmoid artery (opthalmic artery) -Posterior Ethmoid artery (opthalmic artery)
  • 33. Blood Supply con’t… (Medial) From branches of the maxillary artery, one of the terminal branches of the External carotid artery. The most important branch is the sphenopalatine artery which anastomoses with the septal branch of the superior labial branch of the facial artery in the region of the vestibule. The submucous venous plexus is drained by veins that accompany the arteries.
  • 34. Blood Supply con’t… a. Kesselbach’s Plexus/Little’s Area; -Anterior Ethmoid (Opth) -Superior Labial A (Facial) -Sphenopalatine A (MAX) -Greater Palatine (MAX) b. Woodruff’s Plexus: -Sphenopalatine A (MAX) & Pharyngeal A (MAX)
  • 35. Nerve Supply of the Nasal Cavity The olfactory nerves from the olfactory mucous membrane ascend through the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone to the olfactory bulbs .  Olfactory nerves carry meningeal sheaths of dura, arachnoid and pia mater and because of this injury to these nerves can result in CSF rhinorrhea and meningitis. The nerves of ordinary sensation are branches of the ophthalmic division (V1) and the maxillary division (V2) of the trigeminal nerve.
  • 36. Nerve Supply con’t… CN I – Olfactory Nerves (SVA) Anterior ethmoidal branch of V1 Posterior nasal branches of V2 Cut nasopalatine branch of V2 to septum
  • 37. Lymph Drainage of the Nasal Cavity The lymph vessels draining the vestibule end in the submandibular nodes. The remainder of the nasal cavity is drained by vessels that pass to the upper deep cervical nodes.
  • 38. 4. Functions of the Nose. 1. Air conditioning: warming, cleaning and humidifying the inhaled air 2. Add resonance to the voice 3. Vocal sounds are also produced in the nasal cavity thus aiding in vocalization 4. Involved in the special sense of smell 5. Cosmetic role in facial appearance
  • 39. 5. Anatomic variations. 1. Concha Bullosa 2. Uncinate Process 3. Deviated Nasal Septum
  • 40. 6. Clinical Application a. Congenital 1. Choano atresia 2. Dorsal nasal fistula 3. Kallmans syndrome (Congenital anosmia) 4. Cleft lip and palate 5. Arhinia (absence of the nose) 6. Frontonasal dysplasia (primary defect in the nasofrontal process that prevents appropriate migration to the midline) 7. Nasal dermoid sinuses and cysts 8. Nasal encephaloceles (herniations of brain, meninges)
  • 42. Cleft lift and Palate
  • 43. Arhinia (A) Two-year-old child with arhinia and left-sided iris coloboma. (B) Ten-year-old child with arhinia and left-sided microphthalmia and bilateral nasolacrimal duct stenosis. (C) Newborn with arhinia and normal eye anatomy and vision. (D) Sixteen-year-old with arhinia and right-sided microphthalmia. (E) One-year-old child with arhinia, bilateral colobomatous microphthalmia, cataracts, and nasolacrimal duct atresia.
  • 44. b. Acquired 1. Trauma to the Nose 2. Infection of the Nasal Cavity 3. Foreign Bodies in the Nose 4. Nose Bleeding (Epistaxis) Epistaxis: (Little’s area)
  • 46. 1. Introduction. The paranasal sinuses are paired and symmetrical, air-filled cavities situated around the nasal cavity. Paranasal sinuses are found in three bones of the neurocranium (braincase), the frontal bone, ethmoid bone, and sphenoid bone. The maxilla is the only facial bone (viscerocranium) that contains its own sinuses. The four pairs of sinuses are named by their corresponding bones and include: a. The maxillary sinuses b. The frontal sinuses c. The sphenoidal sinuses d. The ethmoidal cells (sinuses)
  • 47. Introduction con’t... The mucosa of the paranasal sinuses contains pseudostratified ciliated columnar to cuboidal cell epithelium, is thin, and contains a few glands. The basement membrane is thin.  Cilia, somewhat more abundant near the sinus ostia, propel the overlying blanket of mucus through the ostium, where it joins that in the nose. Clinically divided into 2 groups;- 1. Anterior group: - It includes those sinuses, which drain into the middle meatus, viz. frontal, anterior and middle ethmoidal, and maxillary sinuses. 2. Posterior group: - It includes those sinuses, which do not drain into the middle meatus, viz. posterior ethmoidal and sphenoidal air sinuses
  • 48.
  • 49. 2. Embryology of Paranasal sinuses Paranasal sinuses' development is heralded by the appearance of a series of folds on the lateral nasal wall at approximately the eighth week of gestation, known as the ethmoturbinals. Six to seven folds emerge initially, but eventually, only three to four persist through regression and fusion. a. First ethmoturbinal: they are rudimentary and incomplete in humans. The ascending portion forms the agger nasi descending portion forms the uncinate process. b. Second ethmoturbinal: it forms the middle turbinate. c. Third ethmoturbinal: it forms the superior turbinate. d. Fourth and fifth ethmoturbinals: they fuse to form the supreme turbinate.
  • 50. Embryology con’t… As development progresses, furrows form between these ethmoturbinals, which establishes rudimentary meati and recesses. The frontal sinus originates from the anterior pneumatization of the frontal recess into the frontal bone. The frontal sinus does not appear until the age of 5 to 6 years old. The sphenoid sinus develops during the third month of gestation. During this time, the nasal mucosa invaginates into the posterior portion of the cartilaginous nasal capsule to form a pouch-like cavity. The wall surrounding this cartilage is ossified in the later months of fetal
  • 51. Embryology con’t… Then, during the second and third years of life, the cartilage is resorbed, and the cavity becomes attached to the body of the sphenoid. By the sixth or seventh year of life, pneumatization of the sphenoid sinus progresses. By twelve years of age, the pneumatization is complete with pneumatization of the anterior clinoids and pterygoid process. The maxillary sinus starts developing during the 10th week of intrauterine life.
  • 52. Embryology con’t…  The ethmoid infundibulum invaginations towards the mesenchyme fuse during the 11th week of development, forming one oval cavity with smooth walls – the primordium of the maxillary sinus. The sinus ossification starts during the 16th week.  The maxillary sinus shows a biphasic growth pattern at 3 and 7 to 18 years of age. The ethmoid sinuses are comprised of three to four air cells at birth. By the time an individual reaches adulthood, they consist of
  • 53.
  • 54. 3. Growth Anatomy of Paranasal sinuses a. The maxillary sinuses Pyramidal in shape Paired & symmetric  Located within the body of the maxilla behind the skin of the cheek. The maxillary sinus opens into the middle meatus of the nose
  • 55. Maxillary Sinus con’t... Boundaries a. Anterior wall: The anterior facial surface of maxilla (canine fossa) is related to cheek. b. Posterior wall: It is in relation with the infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossa. c. Medial wall: It is thin and membranous at places and faces middle and inferior meatuses d. Floor: It is formed by alveolar process of the maxilla. The roots of all the molars, second premolar and sometimes first premolar (depending on the extent of pneumatization and age of the person), are situated in the floor of maxillary sinuses.. e. Roof: The roof of the maxillary sinus is the floor of the orbit and is traversed by infraorbital
  • 56. b. The frontal sinuses Rarely symmetrical Contained within the frontal bone . Separated from each other by a bony septum. Each sinus is roughly triangular Extending upward above the medial end of the eyebrow and backward into the medial part of the roof of the orbit. Opens into the middle meatus
  • 57. Frontal sinuses con’t… Boundaries a. Anterior wall of the sinus is related to the forehead skin. b. Floor is in relation with orbit. c. Posterior wall relations are meninges and frontal lobe of brain. Ostium of frontal sinus is situated in its floor and opens into the frontal recess, which depending upon the attachment of uncinate process opens either in the infundibulum or medial to the uncinate process into the middle meatus.
  • 58. c. The sphenoidal sinuses The sphenoid sinuses are paired spaces formed within the body of the sphenoid bone, communicating with the roof of the nasal cavity via the sphenoethmoidal recess in its anterior wall. The two hemisinuses are separated by a septum which may or may not be in the midline. It usually lies anteroinferior to the sella. A large sinus can show a number of ridges and depressions related to closely adjacent structures. These can include the pituitary gland, optic nerve, and internal carotid artery.
  • 59. Sphenoidal sinuses con’t… Relations a. Superiorly: cavernous sinus, sella turcica, and its contents b. Inferiorly: nasal cavities c. Anteriorly: nasal cavities, posterior ethmoid air cells d. Posteriorly: contents of the middle cranial fossa e. Laterally: cavernous sinus, cranial cavity
  • 61. d. The ethmoidal cells (sinuses) They are contained within the ethmoid bone, between the nose and the orbit. They are anterior, middle, and posterior Anterior & middle - Drains into middle nasal meatus Posterior - Drain into superior nasal meatus Separated from the orbit by a thin plate of bone (Lamina papyracea) so that infection can readily spread from the sinuses into the orbit
  • 62. Ethmoidal sinuses con’t… Boundaries a. Roof: It is closed by the frontal bone, which forms the floor of anterior cranial fossa. b. Lateral wall: Lamina papyracea separates it laterally from the orbit. Lamina papyracea is paper thin and can be easily damaged during intranasal surgery and destroyed by ethmoidal infections. Optic nerve, which is at risk during posterior ethmoid surgery, is in close relationship with posterior group of ethmoidal air cells.
  • 63. Blood and nerve supply of the Paranasal sinuses
  • 64. Summary of development, vascular supply and innervation of the paranasal sinuses.
  • 65. 4. Functions of Paranasal sinuses 1. Resonators of the voice 2. Reduce the skull weight 3. Help warm and moistening inhaled air 4. Act as shock absorber in trauma
  • 66. 5. Anatomic variations. The significance of anatomic variations are determined by their relationship between the ostiomeatal channels and nasal air passages. Knowledge of these anatomical variations is of clinical importance in every patient. Help to avoid damage to the surrounding vital structure during surgery
  • 67. Anatomic variations con’t... Deviated Nasal Septum Concha bullosa (Enlarged, pneumatized middle turbinate) Intralamellar cell (Air cell witihin vertical portion of middle turbinate) Paradoxical middle concha (Convexity of turbinate directed towards lateral nasal wall) Haller cells (Infraorbital ethmoid air cells) Agger Nasi cells (Extension of anterior ethmoid air cells into lacrimal bone) Uncinate process bulla Deviation of uncinate process  Fronto-ethmoid/kunh cells/bulla frontalis (Are the anterior ethmoid cells which invade the frontal bone, bulging its floor) Accessory Maxillary ostia
  • 68. 6. References 1. Ogle OE, Weinstock RJ, Friedman E. Surgical anatomy of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. 2. Iwanaga J, Wilson C, Lachkar S, Tomaszewski KA, Walocha JA, Tubbs RS. Clinical anatomy of the maxillary sinus: application to sinus floor augmentation. 3. Ballenger’s ORL, Head and Neck Surgery. 4. Gray’s Anatomy for students, 2004. 5. Atlas of human Anatomy,Frank H. Netter

Editor's Notes

  1. Thomas Wadhouse was an English circus performer who lived in the 18th century. He is most famously known for having the world's longest nose, which measured 7.5 inches (19 cm) long – Picture 1 Mehmet Özyürek (Turkey) holds the record for the longest nose on a living person (male) with a length of 8.8 cm (3.46 in), November, 2021 – Picture 2
  2. Men's noses are about 10 percent larger than female noses, on average, because males have more lean muscle mass, which requires more oxygen for muscle tissue growth and maintenance. It also explains why we have smaller noses than our ancestors.
  3. Congenital cleft lip deformity occurs due to the failure of the fusion of medial frontonasal process and lateral maxillary process. The medial nasal process grow medially and merge with each other in a midline to form intermaxillary segment. Intermaxillary segment will give rise to: Root of the nose Apex of the nose Tubercle of the upper lip philtrum Septum lateral nasal process will give rise to : Alae of the nose Lateral wall of the nose
  4. Hypertrophy of sebaceous glands of external nose skin results in a lobulated tumor called rhinophyma.
  5. Injudicious resection of lateral nasal cartilage during rhinoplasty can produce collapse (obstruction) of nose during inspiration. The extension of the facial SMAS (subcutaneous musculoaponeurotic system) layer continues over the nose as numerous muscles of the external nose which function to compress, dilate, depress or elevate the nostrils and nasal tip.
  6. The ophthalmic artery (ICA) dorsal nasal branch which anastomoses with the lateral nasal branch of the angular artery to supply the dorsum and nasal side wall.
  7. Dangerous Area of Face (Danger Triangle Area) This triangular area, venous drainage of which goes intracranially, extends from nasion to angles of mouth and includes external nose and upper lip. The inferior ophthalmic vein, which receives angular vein, drains into cavernous sinus. The infection of this area has the potential to cause cavernous sinus thrombosis
  8. The external nose is innervated by two branches of the Trigeminal nerve: Ophthalmic nerve (CN V) Infratrochlear branch External nasal branch Maxillary nerve (CN V) Infraorbital branch of the
  9. The structures of the external and internal nasal valve are critical to nasal airflow with the internal nasal valve representing the narrowest portion of the nasal cavity. The internal nasal valve is bounded by the septum medially, caudal edge of the upper lateral cartilage and head of the inferior turbinate laterally and nasal floor inferiorly.
  10. Approximately 12 mm behind the anterioraspect of the nasal floor is a slight depression which corresponds to the incisive canal. The incisive canal contains terminal branches of the nasopalatine nerve and greater palatine artery.
  11. It is narrow. The roof of the nasal cavity is formed by the skull base and slopes downward anteroposteriorly. This is important to recognize during endoscopic sinus surgery as dissection progresses posteriorly towards the sphenoid sinus.
  12. Septal cartilage also provides support to the tip and dorsum of cartilaginous part of external nose. Septal cartilage destruction, which can be caused due to septal abscess, injuries, tuberculosis or excessive removal during septal surgery, results in depression of lower part of dorsum of nose and drooping of the nasal tip
  13. This region is formed by the anastomosis of these arteries which terminate as a rich vascular bed of long capillary loops. It’s the most common location of epistaxis due to its rich vascular supply and susceptibility to injury from turbulent airflow and digital trauma. Little’s area or Kiesselbach’s plexus most common site for epistaxis and bleeding polyp (fibroangioma) of septum. Woodruff's plexus Published online by Cambridge University Press:  21 February 2008 Results:Microdissection revealed a superficial plexus of thin walled vessels in the inferior meatus, which were also seen in cleared, injected specimens. Histological sections showed these vessels to be large, thin walled veins with very little muscle or fibrous tissue, within a thin mucosa relatively devoid of other structures. Conclusion:Woodruff's plexus is a venous plexus in the posterior part of the inferior meatus.
  14. The parasympathetic nerve regulates nasal secretions, sympathetic nerve regulates vascular tone and turbinate congestion, and the trigeminal nerve controls nasal cavity sensation.
  15. The parasympathetic nerve regulates nasal secretions, sympathetic nerve regulates vascular tone and turbinate congestion, and the trigeminal nerve controls nasal cavity sensation. Nasal secretion is regulated by the parasympathetic nervous system. Presynaptic parasympathetic fibers travel along the vidian nerve (contribution from the greater superficial petrosal (parasympathetic) and deep petrosal (sympathetic) nerves) and synapse within the sphenopalatine ganglion to innervate the nasal mucosa via postsynaptic fibers. Vascular tone and turbinate congestion is regulated by the sympathetic nervous system. Post-synaptic sympathetic fibers pass through the sphenopalatine ganglion and terminate in the nasal mucosa.
  16. Concha bullosa is a variation originated from pneumatization of the bone plate by extension of ethmoid sinus cells. The uncinate process is a superior extension of the lateral nasal wall that is anatomically relevant for draining the frontal recess. This is the shift of the midline associated with derfomity or asymmetry of the adjacent turbinates or the nasal structure.
  17. Choanal atresia -Failure of rupture of aronasal area. Partial/complete Unilateral/bilateral If bilateral (emergency), surgery is with the first weeks/months of life TRX: Surgically perforating the atresia plate Choanal atresia often is associated with bony abnormalities of the pterygoid plates and midfacial growth abnormalities. May occur as an isolated anomaly or as part of a multiple congenital anomaly syndrome (eg, Treacher-Collins, CHARGE [coloboma of the iris or choroid, heart defect, atresia of the choanae, retarded growth and development, genitourinary abnormalities, and ear defects with associated deafness], Kallmann, VACTERL/VATER Genes Associated with GnRH Cell Migration (Kallmann Syndrome) Kallmann syndrome is hypogondotropic hypogonadism with abnormal olfactory function (anosmia or hyposmia) in humans, which is caused by failed migration of GnRH neurons from the nasal placode into the brain. The underlying cause is a failure in the correct production or activity of gonadotropin-releasing hormone by the hypothalamus. This results in low levels of the sex hormones testosterone in males or oestrogen and progesterone in females. Frontonasal dysplasia (median cleft face syndrome, number 14 cleft) is characterized by hypertelorism, widow's peak (ie, V-shaped frontal hairline), cranium bifidum occultum ("cleft skull"), and a median cleft of the upper lip and palate (figure 2) [12]. The frontonasal dysplasia sequence is thought to be caused by a primary defect in the nasofrontal process that prevents appropriate migration to the midline. Frontonasal dysplasia (median cleft face syndrome) is characterized by hypertelorism, widow's peak (ie, V-shaped frontal hairline), cleft skull, and a median cleft of the upper lip and palate. Associated ophthalmologic abnormalities are common. Evaluation by an ophthalmologist should be part of the initial management. Associated congenital anomalies, such as cleft defects, aural atresia, or hydrocephalus, have been reported in up to 41 percent of cases Supernumerary nostril (accessory, eccentric nasal opening) Nasal encephaloceles are herniations of brain, meninges, and/or cerebrospinal fluid through a defect in the skull. Those containing brain tissue are termed encephaloceles. They may communicate with the subarachnoid space and, occasionally the ventricular system.
  18. Use dyes to view the fistula
  19. Arhinia, or absence of the nose, is a rare anomaly that is variably associated with absent paranasal sinuses, hypertelorism, microphthalmia, colobomas, nasolacrimal duct abnormalities, midface hypoplasia, high-arched palate, absent olfactory bulbs, and defects of the reproductive axis in males. Arhinia may cause neonatal respiratory distress at birth due to upper airway obstruction.
  20. The paranasal sinuses are cavities found in the interior of the maxilla, frontal, sphenoid, and ethmoid bones . They are lined with mucoperiosteum and filled with air. They communicate with the nasal cavity through relatively small apertures.
  21. The mucus produced by the mucous membrane is moved into the nose by ciliary action of the columnar cells. Drainage of the mucus is also achieved by the siphon action created during the blowing of the nose.
  22. Silent sinus syndrome is a disease characterized by enophthalmos or hypoglobus secondary to the collapse of the orbital floor in the presence of asymptomatic chronic maxillary sinusitis Maxillary sinus atelectasis due to chronic occlusion of maxillary sinus ostia. Resulting in inward bowing of all 4 walls of the sinus including the orbital floor and increased orbital volume. This leads to enophthalmos and hypoglobus (downward displacement of eye in orbit)   Acquired sinonasal tumour, affects teeth and orbit
  23. Floor: It is situated about 1 cm below the level of floor of nose in adults. Until 3 years of age, sinus floor is 4–5 mm above the nasal floor. It is formed by alveolar process of the maxilla. The roots of all the molars, second premolar and sometimes first premolar (depending on the extent of pneumatization and age of the person), are situated in the floor of maxillary sinuses. These teeth roots are separated from the sinus mucosa by a thin lamina of bone, which may be dehiscent. The chances of oroantral fistulae are high after the extraction of these teeth, the infection of which can result in maxillary sinusitis.
  24. Anterior cells opens in the hiatus semilunaris and middle on the surface of bull ethmoidalis) Ethmoidal sinusitis: It is often associated with infection of other sinuses. The pain is localized over the bridge of nose medial to the eye.
  25. Anatomic variations: Deviated Nasal Septum Concha bullosa (Enlarged, pneumatized middle turbinate Intralamellar cell (Air cell witihin vertical portion of middle turbinate) Paradoxical middle concha (Convexity of turbinate directed towards lateral nasal wall) Haller cells (Infraorbital ethmoid air cells) Agger Nasi cells (Extension of anterior ethmoid air cells into lacrimal bone) Uncinate process bulla Deviation of uncinate process