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Department of Pharmacy
University of Rajshahi
Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh
·r ~y'1·,.:. ) ,, ' ,...•
..:: ·~ ...'i' •• •''.1.)·'
r. ..;L~·~ .r-1r· t'.t)· -. 1 •.'__ r~
~' •!.l,l ,, .
~ ,. -· ... _ l_. l c c ~·: 1 . _-':./ ~-~d ~ -~1~
" l 11"'c I 1...~ ·,
-:----- ---··-··
· I~~~ t~umbet', A ·-- 'Z + ti '( ::. Nv._!f- T~!i~n:_.
n = ·Ne?. c( ne1.AronB~·:~..,1
~·Ml''0W>Tlh<·l ~--11'"-~)l'f« . l,J,,,J1'e.,l«r .elernenl
[- beeau~(t ·)he nurn ber o·F neu·lronG cto-1 va.r7 e.·.8 .
r ~
~-!l~- Humber :
-Jn,~ ~~m ~f .IJ1<! n~1~1~~r vf(~~~~J~?~~) ~{nd1::.::p~v/~-;;s)p~e~enf ln f~~
•f "" "~~Ill_ 1~ ,alleJ the 1ua%. 1;umher Of Jh,,J a•lom. ru~_1nJ;,,..Jed ,, A '.
rf r1v~leJ!7,.,.
~c , _g- p . H 1--1, eIt: .
5urr>n-undecl b/ . pl,me./~1r7 e/e.d1.,uns..)Ju,J cle/el'int11<~
:' t~tv~ (!_t)'(l·/tt.inG iVJo .fuh,lc)':1~11·l"'1 f>'~±~e{j.
' ~.:·-·--·
i. 'f'~o·lol'15 ~ lh1 Cell~ ti. ?r~le po1l·/~v.;t eluiPae.
it Heu/rem'} -ir17 ~,·e 11eu/l'ti..l op V)1cl1c-l"_tl_e~
cr>-lled cA ·vtn!).
A·lotn ~
j'ohn p"'lfon (l'3o~ Col111Tc.~et~eJ HwJ~,, tr-i~:He.r>~ comp01ed of ~tnt1.JI r~,.,.p·e1~
1.Tll YE11k-
fit/lf~.M/lC.FL'lJC/l/.. AN/LY51~ ·- 1 I-·-----·-- -..r.'
-· ~ Ji j I"')~
:'f.•W.,.,, • ---~
11. ~· ''--
-yr,~ °'4cni c.cn4i'ril ~~f ({ ~;rnall .. l1(?,~7 nut:.lev6 ~orrtt>.ln"<J mo?/- of H112 tn~~~
il~ c/,.;mtt2Pi-r niiure. ~~ nuc:l·eut, o~ fh~
1 / 16
un.sia,_bLL. 11 ~-~-~,· ha,, ~XCL s s ;& by di >lhtl.n.g1'ng · th.Js ,
~Y ,·n -tru.. }vrun oJ p~~l4h ~rt n.di~'m, 1hlj' atluiv~ -+h.£ ~hJ,~·..
;fwc:h:1.L~ -.,... ,
Un~~"-hle. II
Vn~/~hle e~ e':S)&.hl e
~./o.b/e -~I)~-.
Un6~~bk Ct>
for e~M?ple, .fo~ c~t'b~ , i $cihrp0 ---t7
-f,. ufon.'.J Nc0h•o11..<'.7
Sl0ht}',' .
/(. G{~ble t)Udel : J+- '1/,e n~~~~P of 11eui·1011!'.> .16 ~u.J _±o or11 8':.:o.1er
·lho.n H1e tll)lflber of- ~ru/oh{, 6.e., j_ op m£>P~. l~en. /Ju_ tw£_/e; ~ ct'-/ted . ~J~e nu~le1·
- C. '] - 1ht- o} c,l.Lml.rifs Dj- (trW td-~1c. _2:!D.
~,: On~Jv.ble r1L•:del : j f- lhe hu~r "f 1-ie~·)~~n j1 1:~5 or ''Bni/}ettrdJy
W'e~~I" ~ku.n ihe 11umber of E;clm111 0.e, .2 or IHOJ?e). ll1e11 H1e. nvde.l ·Jg c~~ecl un5/'tfhie 11udei.
'ftvo -s./i?-b le --?
ii~re c cr;__
lf,nge c~re un.;)tAbt~ -+ 10 l'1 ~.,dc cc c
unG/,ible. 1f 1he j~~ are. tJns·l~ble, ih/ unJ~':.fio
r>e-1cli'ot?c·/i've. 1~o/-ope5 Of> radionucL"de6. f&1? e:x.alTlple. ',
. ----.
:'r..,,... ,
J!,~ tn;t be ::f~We . bf'
l?~J;o~dive ~c'7 o.nd ~re l(noi"n &l.S
cap bo11 htte ·ive l-6o~e.5.
'/X~t"·lic,LJ)l).I' i1uc)• ?pec1~et,;
·1z. 2.~
e·I~.( Nllc I
~.i, .
d1ar~cleritpJ · l/ ·ife, · tA·/omii._:,,
f?~lvye.1' ~re ~r..:_c.le0 o.f riuc.lic.leG ·I~~ pot",.x;e~6 '.0Ulme nurnkr oF pr>o~ns .·
(hence ·l},e t:;t'.me. cheml'l!o-.1 ebn1<,ml) bu·) et di f~~nJ number of neu·l1~onG i-.e.1 di{ferenf
mMS n~r. fer e:xarnple.,,.: H (!7r~n0,: H (l>el)l~ny "1nd: :H (_rl..i·Jturr) c-i.r>e 1he
norn ber ort d mi:w:7~ num ~ r .
~lide ~
A nL>clide i:'l t;i,
2 / 16
br~nch of ci1emfoJ,,! ~~e.h ).s ron~el'nE.<1 tA'itti ·1l1e dec;r "f 1Jnsfo.hle
o-~ ·lh<i del'.'7 l6 c~lled 1>o.d!ocl1ernisl17 er nud ear . l!J1e~nt67.
~odie1n1C.J Mefh.J;:
~ (P'O'TlJ OJ~p't.f._r;,J/)
and~inib ~,.,/tde'6 Or> ,.,acL'aHon.' '}h.e.
J ' • • •
nud~, and ·lh7 pt>o~u~.k,
wlu'eh po~!1e% ihe GcAJnJL number cf- neu·~·<mf ,· bof- differ :n o.1oink ·
.: .)·
11umberi and fYQ~ nurnher •. ~re e"'lled J:so~ones. ~r eixo..mpl€. ,, :
J'~o·loneG ~
·''ID ..(D
Ar k1i . • 1<}
1~ob~l"!i :
·-!he. ~·lotfl!i NJ,lck h"'ve ~e m~~!J numher Lu·~ difrerenf- aiomr~ num~er c-ire
- ·--
3 / 16
~ · Curie (C.i) ~ '
'The .fundc~fen/a.l u~l- of rc~cito~e:·/IViJ>' i5 C.ut•ie (Ci). Jl- t~ Jef,nec1 ~ H1-e
t11tr1<'.lunl cf p0-dtoc;1.~~iv-e tn.c;i.·fet"]C/ J11 wl11'tf1 flw t"'c>-{<?. 0{ Jr~1nfeg~_~Jron__Jer -second ls
3 ·7 x jo10. Milllcur>i·e_ and m;-cr>ocv1~i£ 01Pe J/1e Ot>nl"un/t> , of radio ac: J;ve. m~.J~~ja_{ LYJ
---- .
p., Curie (q).
b. l<oenilJen (l<iy,
c. l"-3eccyu,?11d (Pcv).
! . .' . ~ •"
1: .
t'Cil.d.loc~l'.J.'v;y :
@ i Gt. ·;:: '3.11<101~d P~ ~end.Ja.t-
'·· p~~ sU-tm~fj
1 '
3.1 x it> d p s
z: :;.J. Xlb4JP5.
(5). Uni'ls of .R~diu£Al"·livi}:
°'Thel'e.. t:<r€. 1~11,ee unjJ·6 +6
~-. -~:::,;;oai:1i:;~n::~··:~~·;h"::~~~1;~:tl~::1i~!.nudid~ i• ?pon/ane~6fc>.Y,i'' . r
·lpa~~fot>med jn·lo ~nc>U1er hu~L"de. 10H'1. fhe e1>_1~v~i~~~ '~f ~~:!?tll-Jln ·/k.·for~ -~t ·,"-·.:~eicb~.}1~~'.: ·;?~·.-~·i;::.,·~'.~
ll1'4'•~re, -;=liJe j~~ un•le"O"'" ,_. 5yun/aneov6 nuclear rw,/io~ h ;;,d ·.•to• k' ~,3t)f;:..,adio,tc·~· ...,
1)vr-ih0 ·lhe yroc~s . o{p:~q;·on~~u6 ~r>Clri6·lo1"rnciil1·cn (:le"~), ;·/he p,,.·/10 t>f nev~~on6 ·/o ·
pro0118 cht>.rifle5. Aflet- on~t op mope de~! pr~~;, Ch. s~C).Hf:! hu~fevb fr, fcpmed.
4 / 16
),.-~if.' fl'Ji1.d· ou] 111e ~7pe1> o { Pcidl'.Me/1",,i/r .
/ I
A . f~~cHl'(~('l1"vi~ )6 of ·/1110 l/r~·~.} ·-
L NA·lvN-ll Rt<dloac-}iv!'r,
:J . ArJi'·f.'";'"' ''
G~c..que.n..a.l ;7' ~ ~I uni+~ -
v ,/-:"":::.~.' --
(G~) .
ruu:Uotulivlly ru:uiHy ~~"'5
~ ,h (J /- iS J1Jiyr:tpl_ M -(h_L,
cu!1'v1'ty@tt°J) ~·~ SingU---'
n v~ f p-ea S--U-lf11d .. ·
(!) e ~ ahrn chs1nleqrud1~~
l Gt.:= ?;.y X ID r:3tV-
·. :: 7l 61 64 .
~· ?pecifit cvnce11.r~4rlin:
Jl J~ 1he t""t)..d,~o(Jl.<-J,·vHr per• vnil volume . @
.~ ~pecikc g_c:li~·k :
Spe(!i fi"c acJ;vry ir, -[> 1~c< lio 0f /lie ·Jo·l~J num h~ of r<ilclioac/1've_ :o.·J~~~
pre~enl ln a ~mple ~o 111~ ./o~AI 1iu1nbe11 of CA.1om5 fl'>e?en/-, .. · ... , . ; : ·. '
, .. . . . . ~.. "fofvJ 11u111bt¥ a{. ,-CIC/,ott~f,-;,e_~m
L>rofc, -t .;,,d.(11.J . ~r)('(xJit cic.t1vr1; ·-' . ·:· , ...
~kJ 11 um be.'{ Of · (l..fv'tOl
·-~ .
2: 7>'-10 .· c_; .
'5ymbol. ·1
. .. .
l<.c-ld;ruc /ivik ,(dpsJ,C.- ~;;,, ·>.Cul"r~e, ~wWen~::;:·,;;: '·' :.
. ~ '; ! ,, r .,'-.!'.''''. ·: ,~·~;:~~::r~ii~~~f... JO ._.. , . . ·/.2.•.'f)(JO,
· ~~hr'Y
·~'.'- '
:; ~11o, be,:,'Vo~rel
For' e;yf,l1nrle, t:l. C:Ul'Te. of cc11•b:m ~ 11 n1ca1·1.'.7 Jhtt I ·)/1'2- amcvnl of eat"lhon -14
<'.!e~~~7Jo p~ovicle 3'7x1010 dp!i. (_clc,°'c'rl po- se~) · ·
~ . ::i · 9+- i s (fll_t;J t?...{).f_~~Y,.Jort:72'~ - rzaJ-icJ·iaTJ • 9t Jn dJ w:1es -Ih.,v
U /<oenl3en ~ri) ~ I ~'7libnj p iru)LJL.. 0- tJ-. si.Nb.sf-zuia_;
-- -
~ A )'>l?enlBen (Fn) i~ c:l -srel'i!l<! cvu~~~i·~ . o+ ~. 011 . 3arn~ radl~JrDn
·Ilw:i l".iJI f"'odue" Oh eje le<'Jpo,s_kj{,_ unlt •f ded"i_,J c),." IJ" &•'O ~ X 1o-
'i.n one C-· e , o ~ .
5 / 16
-. ~
. . ... .. ·.2.1
M 9-1No.- > 0
-/ + e ..
if J2. 8 -1
-- - -- ',' ....
ivttil~l~ m~ ivhen (~~ wilh tu3~ecl r().)?N~te~
pr"du<!<2 Lm~./ahle nv~lei ·l~:/T lire r~J,·oa.~~ive. In nv~1 re~c{i~~, when t'i:J.,·"a~Nv-e...
i""'±;lo "'"e .f.rmd 1J bo~b~enl wiJhJ,jiJh "''"''8'2' • pa~/"6, fhi'& f"~"" i6
knoc~n ~ t<p·li·fictcd ro.J,~/;'.v}~. '[fie ~t?±·f~··~;~I 1.~oJore6 d;6;n/e3p~/€- ln Ii clep"nile
--· --- ...- -
fc,t~hion o.nd h~ve de·f,·n.i~e Sp?C'ifi'c l-it'..lf U[e.. lhe UuJill?Y' el<Z-me.n·~ "~ per>roclrc
1-.acl~vi~z .
-l .
·-n;e f7i:"l'e~6 In t~~1 c.01 e le~/- ;'i!1 tOhVer->/ed ±nlo ~ new rach"t,~
"'F s: ~., .d~n f ;- 0YK{;ei,J tn:;'.".!'.'•~i<> e• /leJ a,./;f.",.,tJ ,.;,,/.to•
"> ~
O<CJ1'-ve. j~o·lope
- -Cldfvit>'.
+ -1e
-~ F'-1
. 2..,...,'1 _,_
i. •,;. .,
'lhe. no.~~ly occur'] ele~ls li'ke u..,~nium, Po{onlut'rl, Ra.J.,·urn e/c c:t;~:>:::;.
~~Jf vnder_n.oin3 a ?j>DH/MecU5 '~~" 0·~'.· ~f,,~~·e 9i/1eIf) anJ a~ a pe,;yl~ •[,~,~~:
tfU6, j~ey .;,;..,; em;f/i.,q .fl, 1 ·tp ? .l r.•Y.:01..J jhu~i _:,~e •jnJo ojherJ e/erneni-. • lt <f"nJ;~ct/6:~'~1;,-- I - ---0- ~ - ;. -u- - . r ··:.·-·
cho"'ne· 1~ '" ll•d . naIw "' · ,.,,.d;oa<'/;v•Ji'- 1),, n•_-1u""'-"''Jloae/tv/~. ,oriJ' "- :f::oIe' nu ele"5 . . . . '
j~ ~hvolwd
· t:Artd ~~µne·1~/:'.i t1{ periodrc -l~lo)e s)1clv i}. For e~mr}EZ, ·.-Yi, 1, ,
u2:~t ·~-~>-
24 4
Na· + He
Jj 2
' . 2.1 . ' ··. 1
Al -I- · n
l?> .: 0
. .
'· .; {·
6 / 16
·n·_ I 'I l i o - I L J1
1 nine-e. ore.. /,>~10· av 12 ·--r 6.. C. ,
L. , C
~.i ...t ,
CharAderi~lrd ! i· ...
1. i<adi"o -I.;o/o~{J =r foe <'J,.bk O» un~4... :$/a.bk i:&~j,,f"'~ A~ )ho~
jhoJ do nol Je~'l ?JJovrl"'-11~0LJ6J L..)~1e~1ecHs lJne,l~h/€ j.;;.,/op-e undep80 ~adtoa~Jtv-e.. de~;. :;
·lo C~ri0e. jyilo ~-/Able. ccn-/:8vt->a~ L;,_t>briri has [.re. ~o./of¬ SS,
rV Tl· j~ ~n Jnclo('ecl pr~~ .
@1>rioclu(!I nuclei ar-e une,{~b/e ·
I . .
i -
~po~ut> t~anUQ. r.f p~·lut?~I~ occ~)'U (!) ·1re P"~ in tvlu"<:!t, an efernenf ·r6· ,,
rodi'otidfve. -5ub~~~n<:'e6 j:S ca:ll~.d pa ·h)r~o..l ctinv(!.ri/ecl in·lo Vl new r~~~Jtve J50/or-e:
Pct~Y· 7 a~7J~n~ ;-~ <!~tkd..-~r>·h·~·~.t"-1
r>~d,"o~ ~~1'vi·7 .
AC<JTIFICJ.AL ~Ao.ro1u.nvr TY
f~ j~ ~- 6e/r pt'O("e~ .
-r=>: nvdel- a.t"e... ~./rZ b/e..- _;,,------
Ony o. ?iryj/e. nu~lel i-5 .Jnvolvec:.I~ / '11r/- )eaeJ,. ~NO nul!ler ]nVofved,
- - ---
On} ihe. hoe~_±:!., el~men-/6 of rperlodi<! @ l1ah-~ el!'me.n.l"!:i of- pe~rodre - Jl(hl~~<'-
l~b~ ~~ n"'·/vro"'-1 r~cl/o~i47/ 1~~/;,r a11~I PadltJa.c~'vilf. _
-6. E~l£ ~. C"t~lL-
,efQ. tvha-+.._~pe. ,,a_Ji"o -i:1oJ-ore.--;__? Ho-w c.t1•e.. 1Iie-; elv).rvc.:{-e,,j~ed ~ :.
.oz~~1~n :;~'.~-:~.:~ elemen~ t~f em!~ • r~pf;,/e
·~.. . y . . '• ,. "·•· •.o,.,..,
··,t') _'; - Bro0-dl7. f"'~cL"o-iGo/vpeG cah be d~·ffned ag ·)lie elemeriJ-s:]n Z:,~;~h-,;:1h:;;_'~1.,'J:~'.Y',i~f[1~S:';''1;;:~
I ' . . . .' - : . .' ~; : ', .. : .::·, ;'/·:~··: '-~~~;~·.I/'' ·.Y~>..'. .
•f ihe .,_Jomfl c•+rn eHher n:ore or [e,•er c§}~"!J·/han· "re. r~enf;~ 11,?;~~f,:~1~..• >
o ccur-i 'Q 5j,,J,fe J~ f"'6 of Goel, <i>)e men f6 . f'o,.,. e:=nple ', ~i!, , i .,SAu . • S~'-? ''.''.'·''!'};
----------------------····-- ---- ·---------------
---------- ----------·--- --------'----------·
. Dr6 h)1gui~J1 be//ll>een l'J,J.{ IJPI,~ I (I) I ( l /1 p I;J}•'.frl f<c-kl,·o t~c../ivit)' .
'lhe dl{(erenc-e /oe/t.<le-en na(vro.l anc./ ~pJ;{r·cJ"-~ t,oJ(oa~livify j6 tt~ {oiltwJ6.
7 / 16
., ......,
./ ·:?. A t--<Jdionu~Ltcle When ~ ~0i-/J, ·Hie :j{t~ b/e · {orm of-1h~ j6oJorz ,.
~:;'~:C:;~h~u:~;:~: ~:J:~e:~nbe m~de reff'rd~ 1h< e/em~nJ~f ~;;'
,{ 3. R<>dio - iG~/cpeb t<J~en radt~ad1Ve_ Je~.J:'er3enf /A"r~'cfe~ , ~t,
)')'Al no~ ~~"~ fl-ietr ~II enei,~n~ecvueni 7, tAe.- re£Jul./~n~ hLJ'(!.l~us I remaln6 m, '~~ .. ' ;,· ~{:·
e~c;~ed ~1'd/lhe ~3J of e;u'./({Ji'~-1 t6 ~verr~~17 re~~ . .i:n fhe foram. of ~Je·~~:-'·!f:~::·' ' ' '' ·r.
triti'tine.·li'e:. ra_d1al1im eommo~~wn t111 '( op X t">')>'· l11e etru01Jsio11 of ?~ · r~dto.../t~ ·· .: ·. · ;,_: -:-
.-- ' '. ·.·.··.·'
i11wlv"" "" -etimrle r·~"""'n;rm"lr:;.F 11.e wric "' nuoleons a.nd cb€!! ~.t """"'"' a..el..a."ff'""1 in :', .r~i~:
/he nomb~r or ~"·.Ion~ ~ neu/rons, .: .i ; . : •· : ' , ; ~~j~}!}},f~I~~fWMt J6 .7<td~(;t,1ran ~ _Wh11,J- ~,,~ jhe +Jve~.r'o(~1}acLol•m1 ?0 ., ... · ·· .. ·. ·' :·. ·,. ·:, . ··.:'···~tf.•-,;.':1tl~ffi~f.·
A. t<ctdJ~~rch .p,efer>5 ·lo ~h~, TAr1/i~leG or ~ve5 ~om1,__predcminantz ·~ro~.i;th:;,;.,~~:,:'/tf;~,;~~.~~·1;~~$ ·_
The p~di~·lfon em.iH~d .fron1 ·!lie· ~~r'oadive i6~·1or~, i~ 1~ Nie ·form·. of d1a~~ed ~~·/f,e/~·:;.'._!:·:~(~:~.f'f9>
,,...-------- • ._ . • », •• '!:_:_r~-~'? ~.·=
c.f rn~lfer ].e., ()(-r~r-lfde. Dr fb-parlide... ~tne:}irne~, ihe emr~TDh of ~r·lt~fr:('~ ·..'"?:,.,
!he hutdeu5 ~+ill hob 10-0 n:ucf·1 ehe~3j1 ·HJ~ ~mer~/ t6 dt~~lr~-J~J c~~cm) in Jhe.,_,·f'r,~IYI' ·
,:;, -. . I
·~ Y- ror. 1~ le ; ~1re •IJ e/uli·o•nodneli~ 1·adi·ali11n . . · · • ; ·
. I
~ ~ J<a.dra-/ion.:i
lhre• ~/f'~ cf! ,,o.Jra.licn are e1niHad /nOS~ fr•'V"en!J {~om pa.clroM/iy"-
nuclei, ,A IpJ.. , Bef~ ': 6i"'"!"A . lheM /o ,,,J.ta/i'•n:.1· Ner e. "':t~;t~f l<vjj,ep{ord bl, 1
ptvJ?1n5 ihc:M befween livo oppo-:?5/-e7 d1cu,3ed pl~les. ·
~ ·lhe one ~nd1n3 -jowc:irJ6 ·lhe. ne3~Atve pfo.t-¬... and ~~P7in3 ~}fjye_
I '' I "
. c""'''6e tAJere c"-lleo A Ip"-~ (Pc.) r>')Y6 •
1i1 li:te r'r-3 1/tAr lv12y>e. hendin3 ·~o~rJ $ yo~fr/tY.e ·Pf A.+-t.. :nc1 ettr'7ma:·
f'e.8o..-/1te. c~.,,fle tver-e. ~Jt~ol Bet~ ((h) PJ6 .
G!J Tue -f/lir>d ·lype of r~1~di"on , beirlij unchara~d pa.~~e.d -5~t"1Jhl- 1flro~h
1he eledric J;'elal iuere n~med 6j,{mmo... (() P/!.,
8 / 16
·t Gec~(~_e "t u~~;r cl1~ria~ t-nid pe/tt../1vely / ~.it9~.. fJ1(7'·'1av<t ve7_i·u1~
pene.·lr'7-.J~ ro-wer. ·1ri; (.{re ~lorrec~ lo! ~ ~heet of PtFr, 0·01 mm ·JJ..rJek e:ilumrnium {01"1
or a {etv ce.YJ~i'meler~ "f oJ'p (5'en) .~.w,....
. Ji· ~
.;-- ~lf-i/' cOJ).~e ~~0e 1011!3~·/;;,,, ~ {tr~ ihrou~li which ~/-~·
<O. Al pho. (X'-~·l1'c/e6 __ «r-e, no~ ~ecJ j11c:PJ~~/r"t1..1
{Oe·lc.t ({>.;) 1')cul;o.-fi·on :
j. lh/ ~pe &]t>eeftnd cif- fr pt1r/~ em11fed ~ ·lh~ ~cle.u~ ·-,r,7 have th-e
!7().l'Yle.. 1na!>~ of eedron ( I.e.,.. H·1e l'nM~ of ~- rcirlicle j1 :yL<600 tl•hliU,
s. {?·- p~t~·licl£G '(rCll f1CYe' ·fl1e. r~nel1·19.li1v F°'Jep rona~ o~ DY~ 3 ~ m air
and u r-1" 1 1~ m ln ·Ii?5 tJ e .
J<,tldi Cttc·liy·(_
'2nS ~ereen
;,>r • '
Fi(J ! L~~dic11 e f s , (}, e. Y 1~t!~
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  • 1. Written By Department of Pharmacy University of Rajshahi Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh
  • 2. ·r ~y'1·,.:. ) ,, ' ,...• ..:: ·~ ...'i' •• •''.1.)·' ~· r. ..;L~·~ .r-1r· t'.t)· -. 1 •.'__ r~ ~' •!.l,l ,, . ~ ,. -· ... _ l_. l c c ~·: 1 . _-':./ ~-~d ~ -~1~ " l 11"'c I 1...~ ·, .r ('ti(] -:----- ---··-·· I · I~~~ t~umbet', A ·-- 'Z + ti '( ::. Nv._!f- T~!i~n:_. n = ·Ne?. c( ne1.AronB~·:~..,1 ~·Ml''0W>Tlh<·l ~--11'"-~)l'f« . l,J,,,J1'e.,l«r .elernenl [- beeau~(t ·)he nurn ber o·F neu·lronG cto-1 va.r7 e.·.8 . r ~ ( ~-!l~- Humber : -Jn,~ ~~m ~f .IJ1<! n~1~1~~r vf(~~~~J~?~~) ~{nd1::.::p~v/~-;;s)p~e~enf ln f~~ •f "" "~~Ill_ 1~ ,alleJ the 1ua%. 1;umher Of Jh,,J a•lom. ru~_1nJ;,,..Jed ,, A '. tf·- rf r1v~leJ!7,.,. j!; A ><::z' i ~c , _g- p . H 1--1, eIt: . ./ 5urr>n-undecl b/ . pl,me./~1r7 e/e.d1.,uns..)Ju,J cle/el'int11<~ :' t~tv~ (!_t)'(l·/tt.inG iVJo .fuh,lc)':1~11·l"'1 f>'~±~e{j. ' ~.:·-·--· i. 'f'~o·lol'15 ~ lh1 Cell~ ti. ?r~le po1l·/~v.;t eluiPae. it Heu/rem'} -ir17 ~,·e 11eu/l'ti..l op V)1cl1c-l"_tl_e~ ---· cr>-lled cA ·vtn!). A·lotn ~ j'ohn p"'lfon (l'3o~ Col111Tc.~et~eJ HwJ~,, tr-i~:He.r>~ comp01ed of ~tnt1.JI r~,.,.p·e1~ , RA'"DlO A-CTIV ITy -------· "-.~ 1.Tll YE11k- fit/lf~.M/lC.FL'lJC/l/.. AN/LY51~ ·- 1 I-·-----·-- -..r.' -· ~ Ji j I"')~ :'f.•W.,.,, • ---~ 11. ~· ''-- -yr,~ °'4cni c.cn4i'ril ~~f ({ ~;rnall .. l1(?,~7 nut:.lev6 ~orrtt>.ln"<J mo?/- of H112 tn~~~ il~ c/,.;mtt2Pi-r niiure. ~~ nuc:l·eut, o~ fh~ 1 / 16 Md. Imran Nur Manik
  • 3. un.sia,_bLL. 11 ~-~-~,· ha,, ~XCL s s ;& by di >lhtl.n.g1'ng · th.Js , ~Y ,·n -tru.. }vrun oJ p~~l4h ~rt n.di~'m, 1hlj' atluiv~ -+h.£ ~hJ,~·.. ;fwc:h:1.L~ -.,... , ,.,_,_ Un~~"-hle. II Vn~/~hle e~ e':S)&.hl e ~./o.b/e -~I)~-. Un6~~bk Ct> for e~M?ple, .fo~ c~t'b~ , i $cihrp0 ---t7 -f,. ufon.'.J Nc0h•o11..<'.7 Sl0ht}',' . /(. G{~ble t)Udel : J+- '1/,e n~~~~P of 11eui·1011!'.> .16 ~u.J _±o or11 8':.:o.1er ·lho.n H1e tll)lflber of- ~ru/oh{, 6.e., j_ op m£>P~. l~en. /Ju_ tw£_/e; ~ ct'-/ted . ~J~e nu~le1· - C. '] - 1ht- o} c,l.Lml.rifs Dj- (trW td-~1c. _2:!D. ~,: On~Jv.ble r1L•:del : j f- lhe hu~r "f 1-ie~·)~~n j1 1:~5 or ''Bni/}ettrdJy W'e~~I" ~ku.n ihe 11umber of E;clm111 0.e, .2 or IHOJ?e). ll1e11 H1e. nvde.l ·Jg c~~ecl un5/'tfhie 11udei. 1~ cc 'ftvo -s./i?-b le --? 12 l~hd ii~re c cr;__ G lf,nge c~re un.;)tAbt~ -+ 10 l'1 ~.,dc cc c unG/,ible. 1f 1he j~~ are. tJns·l~ble, ih/ unJ~':.fio r>e-1cli'ot?c·/i've. 1~o/-ope5 Of> radionucL"de6. f&1? e:x.alTlple. ', . ----. :'r..,,... , J!,~ tn;t be ::f~We . bf' l?~J;o~dive ~c'7 o.nd ~re l(noi"n &l.S cap bo11 htte ·ive l-6o~e.5. '/X~t"·lic,LJ)l).I' i1uc)• ?pec1~et,; e•tJ ·1z. 2.~ e·I~.( Nllc I H ·~~, ~.i, . d1ar~cleritpJ · l/ ·ife, · tA·/omii._:,, • '. I?o·)opeb: f?~lvye.1' ~re ~r..:_c.le0 o.f riuc.lic.leG ·I~~ pot",.x;e~6 '.0Ulme nurnkr oF pr>o~ns .· (hence ·l},e t:;t'.me. cheml'l!o-.1 ebn1<,ml) bu·) et di f~~nJ number of neu·l1~onG i-.e.1 di{ferenf mMS n~r. fer e:xarnple.,,.: H (!7r~n0,: H (l>el)l~ny "1nd: :H (_rl..i·Jturr) c-i.r>e 1he . norn ber ort d mi:w:7~ num ~ r . ~lide ~ A nL>clide i:'l t;i, 2 / 16 Md. Imran Nur Manik
  • 4. br~nch of ci1emfoJ,,! ~~e.h ).s ron~el'nE.<1 tA'itti ·1l1e dec;r "f 1Jnsfo.hle o-~ ·lh<i del'.'7 l6 c~lled 1>o.d!ocl1ernisl17 er nud ear . l!J1e~nt67. ~odie1n1C.J Mefh.J;: ~ (P'O'TlJ OJ~p't.f._r;,J/) and~inib ~,.,/tde'6 Or> ,.,acL'aHon.' '}h.e. J ' • • • nud~, and ·lh7 pt>o~u~.k, wlu'eh po~!1e% ihe GcAJnJL number cf- neu·~·<mf ,· bof- differ :n o.1oink · .: .)· 11umberi and fYQ~ nurnher •. ~re e"'lled J:so~ones. ~r eixo..mpl€. ,, : J'~o·loneG ~ luclide5 05: -.· ·''ID ..(D Ar k1i . • 1<} 1~ob~l"!i : ·-!he. ~·lotfl!i NJ,lck h"'ve ~e m~~!J numher Lu·~ difrerenf- aiomr~ num~er c-ire - ·-- Ir ~ 3 / 16 Md. Imran Nur Manik
  • 5. ~ · Curie (C.i) ~ ' 'The .fundc~fen/a.l u~l- of rc~cito~e:·/IViJ>' i5 C.ut•ie (Ci). Jl- t~ Jef,nec1 ~ H1-e t11tr1<'.lunl cf p0-dtoc;1.~~iv-e tn.c;i.·fet"]C/ J11 wl11'tf1 flw t"'c>-{<?. 0{ Jr~1nfeg~_~Jron__Jer -second ls 3 ·7 x jo10. Milllcur>i·e_ and m;-cr>ocv1~i£ 01Pe J/1e Ot>nl"un/t> , of radio ac: J;ve. m~.J~~ja_{ LYJ ---- . p., Curie (q). b. l<oenilJen (l<iy, c. l"-3eccyu,?11d (Pcv). ''L· ! . .' . ~ •" 1: . t'Cil.d.loc~l'.J.'v;y : @ i Gt. ·;:: '3.11<101~d P~ ~end.Ja.t- '·· p~~ sU-tm~fj 1 ' 3.1 x it> d p s z: :;.J. Xlb4JP5. (5). Uni'ls of .R~diu£Al"·livi}: °'Thel'e.. t:<r€. 1~11,ee unjJ·6 +6 ~-. -~:::,;;oai:1i:;~n::~··:~~·;h"::~~~1;~:tl~::1i~!.nudid~ i• ?pon/ane~6fc>.Y,i'' . r ·lpa~~fot>med jn·lo ~nc>U1er hu~L"de. 10H'1. fhe e1>_1~v~i~~~ '~f ~~:!?tll-Jln ·/k.·for~ -~t ·,"-·.:~eicb~.}1~~'.: ·;?~·.-~·i;::.,·~'.~ ll1'4'•~re, -;=liJe j~~ un•le"O"'" ,_. 5yun/aneov6 nuclear rw,/io~ h ;;,d ·.•to• k' ~,3t)f;:..,adio,tc·~· ..., 1)vr-ih0 ·lhe yroc~s . o{p:~q;·on~~u6 ~r>Clri6·lo1"rnciil1·cn (:le"~), ;·/he p,,.·/10 t>f nev~~on6 ·/o · pro0118 cht>.rifle5. Aflet- on~t op mope de~! pr~~;, Ch. s~C).Hf:! hu~fevb fr, fcpmed. 4 / 16 Md. Imran Nur Manik
  • 6. ),.-~if.' fl'Ji1.d· ou] 111e ~7pe1> o { Pcidl'.Me/1",,i/r . / I A . f~~cHl'(~('l1"vi~ )6 of ·/1110 l/r~·~.} ·- L NA·lvN-ll Rt<dloac-}iv!'r, :J . ArJi'·f.'";'"' '' G~c..que.n..a.l ;7' ~ ~I uni+~ - v ,/-:"":::.~.' -- (G~) . • ruu:Uotulivlly ru:uiHy ~~"'5 ~ ,h (J /- iS J1Jiyr:tpl_ M -(h_L, cu!1'v1'ty@tt°J) ~·~ SingU---' n v~ f p-ea S--U-lf11d .. · (!) e ~ ahrn chs1nleqrud1~~ 10 l Gt.:= ?;.y X ID r:3tV- ·. :: 7l 61 64 . ~· ?pecifit cvnce11.r~4rlin: Jl J~ 1he t""t)..d,~o(Jl.<-J,·vHr per• vnil volume . @ .~ ~pecikc g_c:li~·k : Spe(!i fi"c acJ;vry ir, -[> 1~c< lio 0f /lie ·Jo·l~J num h~ of r<ilclioac/1've_ :o.·J~~~ pre~enl ln a ~mple ~o 111~ ./o~AI 1iu1nbe11 of CA.1om5 fl'>e?en/-, .. · ... , . ; : ·. ' , .. . . . . ~.. "fofvJ 11u111bt¥ a{. ,-CIC/,ott~f,-;,e_~m L>rofc, -t .;,,d.(11.J . ~r)('(xJit cic.t1vr1; ·-' . ·:· , ... ~kJ 11 um be.'{ Of · (l..fv'tOl ·-~ . 2: 7>'-10 .· c_; . '5ymbol. ·1 . .. . l<.c-ld;ruc /ivik ,(dpsJ,C.- ~;;,, ·>.Cul"r~e, ~wWen~::;:·,;;: '·' :. . ~ '; ! ,, r .,'-.!'.''''. ·: ,~·~;:~~::r~ii~~~f... JO ._.. , . . ·/.2.•.'f)(JO, G(y kBty ~.,,~. · ~~hr'Y ·~'.'- ' ~e~fy'~'2r~1... :; ~11o, be,:,'Vo~rel For' e;yf,l1nrle, t:l. C:Ul'Te. of cc11•b:m ~ 11 n1ca1·1.'.7 Jhtt I ·)/1'2- amcvnl of eat"lhon -14 <'.!e~~~7Jo p~ovicle 3'7x1010 dp!i. (_clc,°'c'rl po- se~) · · ~ . ::i · 9+- i s (fll_t;J t?...{).f_~~Y,.Jort:72'~ - rzaJ-icJ·iaTJ • 9t Jn dJ w:1es -Ih.,v U /<oenl3en ~ri) ~ I ~'7libnj p iru)LJL.. 0- tJ-. si.Nb.sf-zuia_; -- - ~ A )'>l?enlBen (Fn) i~ c:l -srel'i!l<! cvu~~~i·~ . o+ ~. 011 . 3arn~ radl~JrDn ·Ilw:i l".iJI f"'odue" Oh eje le<'Jpo,s_kj{,_ unlt •f ded"i_,J c),." IJ" &•'O ~ X 1o- 4 cbU/om"//~ 'i.n one C-· e , o ~ . 5 / 16 Md. Imran Nur Manik
  • 7. -. ~ . . ... .. ·.2.1 M 9-1No.- > 0 -/ + e .. if J2. 8 -1 -- - -- ',' .... ivttil~l~ m~ ivhen (~~ wilh tu3~ecl r().)?N~te~ pr"du<!<2 Lm~./ahle nv~lei ·l~:/T lire r~J,·oa.~~ive. In nv~1 re~c{i~~, when t'i:J.,·"a~Nv-e... i""'±;lo "'"e .f.rmd 1J bo~b~enl wiJhJ,jiJh "''"''8'2' • pa~/"6, fhi'& f"~"" i6 knoc~n ~ t<p·li·fictcd ro.J,~/;'.v}~. '[fie ~t?±·f~··~;~I 1.~oJore6 d;6;n/e3p~/€- ln Ii clep"nile --· --- ...- - fc,t~hion o.nd h~ve de·f,·n.i~e Sp?C'ifi'c l-it'..lf U[e.. lhe UuJill?Y' el<Z-me.n·~ "~ per>roclrc 1-.acl~vi~z . -l . ·-n;e f7i:"l'e~6 In t~~1 c.01 e le~/- ;'i!1 tOhVer->/ed ±nlo ~ new rach"t,~ "'F s: ~., .d~n f ;- 0YK{;ei,J tn:;'.".!'.'•~i<> e• /leJ a,./;f.",.,tJ ,.;,,/.to• "> ~ b~ O<CJ1'-ve. j~o·lope - -Cldfvit>'. 0 + -1e 231 -~ F'-1 91 He 1 T . 2..,...,'1 _,_ i. •,;. ., 'lhe. no.~~ly occur'] ele~ls li'ke u..,~nium, Po{onlut'rl, Ra.J.,·urn e/c c:t;~:>:::;. ~~Jf vnder_n.oin3 a ?j>DH/MecU5 '~~" 0·~'.· ~f,,~~·e 9i/1eIf) anJ a~ a pe,;yl~ •[,~,~~: tfU6, j~ey .;,;..,; em;f/i.,q .fl, 1 ·tp ? .l r.•Y.:01..J jhu~i _:,~e •jnJo ojherJ e/erneni-. • lt <f"nJ;~ct/6:~'~1;,-- I - ---0- ~ - ;. -u- - . r ··:.·-· cho"'ne· 1~ '" ll•d . naIw "' · ,.,,.d;oa<'/;v•Ji'- 1),, n•_-1u""'-"''Jloae/tv/~. ,oriJ' "- :f::oIe' nu ele"5 . . . . ' j~ ~hvolwd 7 · t:Artd ~~µne·1~/:'.i t1{ periodrc -l~lo)e s)1clv i}. For e~mr}EZ, ·.-Yi, 1, , ~.w..... u2:~t ·~-~>- ~-< '-,;. '·. 24 4 Na· + He Jj 2 ' . 2.1 . ' ··. 1 Al -I- · n l?> .: 0 . . '· .; {· 6 / 16 Md. Imran Nur Manik
  • 8. ·n·_ I 'I l i o - I L J1 1 nine-e. ore.. /,>~10· av 12 ·--r 6.. C. , 6 L. , C c {3 cc ~.i ...t , CharAderi~lrd ! i· ... 1. i<adi"o -I.;o/o~{J =r foe <'J,.bk O» un~4... :$/a.bk i:&~j,,f"'~ A~ )ho~ jhoJ do nol Je~'l ?JJovrl"'-11~0LJ6J L..)~1e~1ecHs lJne,l~h/€ j.;;.,/op-e undep80 ~adtoa~Jtv-e.. de~;. :; ·lo C~ri0e. jyilo ~-/Able. ccn-/:8vt->a~ L;,_t>briri has [.re. ~o./of¬ SS, rV Tl· j~ ~n Jnclo('ecl pr~~ . @1>rioclu(!I nuclei ar-e une,{~b/e · I . . i - ~po~ut> t~anUQ. r.f p~·lut?~I~ occ~)'U (!) ·1re P"~ in tvlu"<:!t, an efernenf ·r6· ,, rodi'otidfve. -5ub~~~n<:'e6 j:S ca:ll~.d pa ·h)r~o..l ctinv(!.ri/ecl in·lo Vl new r~~~Jtve J50/or-e: Pct~Y· 7 a~7J~n~ ;-~ <!~tkd..-~r>·h·~·~.t"-1 r>~d,"o~ ~~1'vi·7 . AC<JTIFICJ.AL ~Ao.ro1u.nvr TY f~ j~ ~- 6e/r pt'O("e~ . -r=>: nvdel- a.t"e... ~./rZ b/e..- _;,,------ Ony o. ?iryj/e. nu~lel i-5 .Jnvolvec:.I~ / '11r/- )eaeJ,. ~NO nul!ler ]nVofved, - - --- On} ihe. hoe~_±:!., el~men-/6 of rperlodi<! @ l1ah-~ el!'me.n.l"!:i of- pe~rodre - Jl(hl~~<'- l~b~ ~~ n"'·/vro"'-1 r~cl/o~i47/ 1~~/;,r a11~I PadltJa.c~'vilf. _ -6. E~l£ ~. C"t~lL- ,efQ. tvha-+.._~pe. ,,a_Ji"o -i:1oJ-ore.--;__? Ho-w c.t1•e.. 1Iie-; elv).rvc.:{-e,,j~ed ~ :. .oz~~1~n :;~'.~-:~.:~ elemen~ t~f em!~ • r~pf;,/e 0P eledro~n~~~~:·~}~i'~~}11[~ ·~.. . y . . '• ,. "·•· •.o,.,.., ··,t') _'; - Bro0-dl7. f"'~cL"o-iGo/vpeG cah be d~·ffned ag ·)lie elemeriJ-s:]n Z:,~;~h-,;:1h:;;_'~1.,'J:~'.Y',i~f[1~S:';''1;;:~ I ' . . . .' - : . .' ~; : ', .. : .::·, ;'/·:~··: '-~~~;~·.I/'' ·.Y~>..'. . •f ihe .,_Jomfl c•+rn eHher n:ore or [e,•er c§}~"!J·/han· "re. r~enf;~ 11,?;~~f,:~1~..• > o ccur-i 'Q 5j,,J,fe J~ f"'6 of Goel, <i>)e men f6 . f'o,.,. e:=nple ', ~i!, , i .,SAu . • S~'-? ''.''.'·''!'}; --------·--··-·-------------------------- NATV!Z:ilL.. ~ADJOAC.T[VIT'( ----------------------····-- ---- ·--------------- -,~ ---------- ----------·--- --------'----------· . Dr6 h)1gui~J1 be//ll>een l'J,J.{ IJPI,~ I (I) I ( l /1 p I;J}•'.frl f<c-kl,·o t~c../ivit)' . 'lhe dl{(erenc-e /oe/t.<le-en na(vro.l anc./ ~pJ;{r·cJ"-~ t,oJ(oa~livify j6 tt~ {oiltwJ6. 7 / 16 Md. Imran Nur Manik
  • 9. ., ......, ./ ·:?. A t--<Jdionu~Ltcle When ~ ~0i-/J, ·Hie :j{t~ b/e · {orm of-1h~ j6oJorz ,. ~:;'~:C:;~h~u:~;:~: ~:J:~e:~nbe m~de reff'rd~ 1h< e/em~nJ~f ~;;' ,{ 3. R<>dio - iG~/cpeb t<J~en radt~ad1Ve_ Je~.J:'er3enf /A"r~'cfe~ , ~t, )')'Al no~ ~~"~ fl-ietr ~II enei,~n~ecvueni 7, tAe.- re£Jul./~n~ hLJ'(!.l~us I remaln6 m, '~~ .. ' ;,· ~{:· e~c;~ed ~1'd/lhe ~3J of e;u'./({Ji'~-1 t6 ~verr~~17 re~~ . .i:n fhe foram. of ~Je·~~:-'·!f:~::·' ' ' '' ·r. triti'tine.·li'e:. ra_d1al1im eommo~~wn t111 '( op X t">')>'· l11e etru01Jsio11 of ?~ · r~dto.../t~ ·· .: ·. · ;,_: -:- .-- ' '. ·.·.··.·' i11wlv"" "" -etimrle r·~"""'n;rm"lr:;.F 11.e wric "' nuoleons a.nd cb€!! ~.t """"'"' a..el..a."ff'""1 in :', .r~i~: /he nomb~r or ~"·.Ion~ ~ neu/rons, .: .i ; . : •· : ' , ; ~~j~}!}},f~I~~fWMt J6 .7<td~(;t,1ran ~ _Wh11,J- ~,,~ jhe +Jve~.r'o(~1}acLol•m1 ?0 ., ... · ·· .. ·. ·' :·. ·,. ·:, . ··.:'···~tf.•-,;.':1tl~ffi~f.· A. t<ctdJ~~rch .p,efer>5 ·lo ~h~, TAr1/i~leG or ~ve5 ~om1,__predcminantz ·~ro~.i;th:;,;.,~~:,:'/tf;~,;~~.~~·1;~~$ ·_ The p~di~·lfon em.iH~d .fron1 ·!lie· ~~r'oadive i6~·1or~, i~ 1~ Nie ·form·. of d1a~~ed ~~·/f,e/~·:;.'._!:·:~(~:~.f'f9> ,,...-------- • ._ . • », •• '!:_:_r~-~'? ~.·= c.f rn~lfer ].e., ()(-r~r-lfde. Dr fb-parlide... ~tne:}irne~, ihe emr~TDh of ~r·lt~fr:('~ ·..'"?:,., !he hutdeu5 ~+ill hob 10-0 n:ucf·1 ehe~3j1 ·HJ~ ~mer~/ t6 dt~~lr~-J~J c~~cm) in Jhe.,_,·f'r,~IYI' · ,:;, -. . I ·~ Y- ror. 1~ le ; ~1re •IJ e/uli·o•nodneli~ 1·adi·ali11n . . · · • ; · . I I, ~ ~ J<a.dra-/ion.:i lhre• ~/f'~ cf! ,,o.Jra.licn are e1niHad /nOS~ fr•'V"en!J {~om pa.clroM/iy"- nuclei, ,A IpJ.. , Bef~ ': 6i"'"!"A . lheM /o ,,,J.ta/i'•n:.1· Ner e. "':t~;t~f l<vjj,ep{ord bl, 1 ptvJ?1n5 ihc:M befween livo oppo-:?5/-e7 d1cu,3ed pl~les. · ~ ·lhe one ~nd1n3 -jowc:irJ6 ·lhe. ne3~Atve pfo.t-¬... and ~~P7in3 ~}fjye_ I '' I " . c""'''6e tAJere c"-lleo A Ip"-~ (Pc.) r>')Y6 • 1i1 li:te r'r-3 1/tAr lv12y>e. hendin3 ·~o~rJ $ yo~fr/tY.e ·Pf A.+-t.. :nc1 ettr'7ma:· f'e.8o..-/1te. c~.,,fle tver-e. ~Jt~ol Bet~ ((h) PJ6 . I' G!J Tue -f/lir>d ·lype of r~1~di"on , beirlij unchara~d pa.~~e.d -5~t"1Jhl- 1flro~h " 1he eledric J;'elal iuere n~med 6j,{mmo... (() P/!., 8 / 16 Md. Imran Nur Manik
  • 10. ·t Gec~(~_e "t u~~;r cl1~ria~ t-nid pe/tt../1vely / ~.it9~.. fJ1(7'·'1av<t ve7_i·u1~ pene.·lr'7-.J~ ro-wer. ·1ri; (.{re ~lorrec~ lo! ~ ~heet of PtFr, 0·01 mm ·JJ..rJek e:ilumrnium {01"1 or a {etv ce.YJ~i'meler~ "f oJ'p (5'en) .~.w,.... . Ji· ~ .;-- ~lf-i/' cOJ).~e ~~0e 1011!3~·/;;,,, ~ {tr~ ihrou~li which ~/-~· <O. Al pho. (X'-~·l1'c/e6 __ «r-e, no~ ~ecJ j11c:PJ~~/r"t1..1 {Oe·lc.t ({>.;) 1')cul;o.-fi·on : j. lh/ ~pe &]t>eeftnd cif- fr pt1r/~ em11fed ~ ·lh~ ~cle.u~ ·-,r,7 have th-e !7().l'Yle.. 1na!>~ of eedron ( I.e.,.. H·1e l'nM~ of ~- rcirlicle j1 :yL<600 tl•hliU, s. {?·- p~t~·licl£G '(rCll f1CYe' ·fl1e. r~nel1·19.li1v F°'Jep rona~ o~ DY~ 3 ~ m air and u r-1" 1 1~ m ln ·Ii?5 tJ e . J<,tldi Cttc·liy·(_ ll1'·le1•.i11rj '2nS ~ereen ,/- ;,>r • ' Fi(J ! L~~dic11 e f s , (}, e. Y 1~t!~ ~ - I '~'De~crjbe /J,e. fr>orer•Jte~;/CfHt/'~c/r.z1·r~i {rcG ..·or~: IX r/b j_ '( l,1~ .: . ,·:·. ·. ... . b.. 1J1,,;F.~·lk6 o• '"'··rMle1,io11<;;' 'of'!'( I lb s..y:.i r'"r--: a~ : {o/{.~.,;t: . : .; ·~~' . .:·.·: .,, · - ·'0,-..:· ,....:,:.::. ·,, ':>;~"!;<·, · . t - • · · ·· 'i~tr;{·,.:;.;~~ .:;},~~,;,~r·~~-,, -v,,A/p,~ -~ ·,;~u&·o·lioh ~ · :!:·~-- -.- - · - .. . · -,...i. · A1rh~. 1""11~ks --~.,;;~k :,h~ :;~!di~io~iiR~~1d..ili~;i:~it~::tl~~P"'~ and ;c;:;._pi;e r~rr~jed': ~·;··:~ or 2~. :Jlf '0~,.<I~ .~~ i~~r";f.,: ;;'1'.'.( ;iyp· 1p1z·;~ft.; 2.. -ffi/ tl<re. he~~ ~l~Jt)char~ , 3. Al p1to. p:tr-/,·"ld a,,,e ejec~al {riom 11.e. nvc.le.r wilh ~1-Wa~ - - - vecdl,r , <'-bout one ·le1·1lf, ·i~~ of L·aJ·il · w:!!2 I 9 / 16 Md. Imran Nur Manik
  • 11. ~' . 2: M e'.V~" jX?}·f11cuf~p~ l>~~ I r . Unli)(-e o O.ncl (!; riJp, ·r"1 c.lo nof com'6}- of Frli'de5 af t>-lo:/fe.t>. Y- r-a...&i~-. ·Jfon o.r.z. one ·form of deej..,omo.zy1e.·/1'c._r~·{lan ~f -Bhot7/e1-. t<Jo.v-e}entr1h '/ho.ri ){ ~ r>j6. llii' owld be )11ovohf ef . ~ah enervJ -pwl011s releaoed ly ih"- nu•leuG Jor~ IX. br> {J eoniil;ion5 .. 117 hav£ no 111aS5 w el1or8" an«J lnj loe. '67mboi3ed "'s :'(. a . lheir ion~l:.'8 f"""'r ,j; ve7. '"~I< ~<!r.son ·~ o: s: fo ~rb"c/es. 'l'l I .1 ~ 10 --.t ·3. JT-5 ve cC'17 JS '3/<J~h'2_?- · 4. l?e""""1e. •f ·ff,,e;,., hJ3M vela,,;~ "~d non m<Xled"-l~alore, 1h/ t..v~ . Ihe m001 j,.,"/;"6 F°'"~r in O!II 7f"' of ""J.,:.Ji'.,,, etniJfe_,L 7· r,,d,O ~ i~o1:0re q_,~ , . c•n l"'M ~")7 1h>:•~ rnore j/,an ~<!Jn 'f 'l,ocf :/,~~" or ~ev'er:t.J '<!etif{~~/~' ., of lead .// · ··· ' '·' : ?'. r- ptJJici.·lic11 J1~.1 cli~c1•e/(_, e1~ePDJ ~.·· '3. f.)- >0'1.c(t"C1-/il'll 11Lly b.e rc0;/i'~.:7 ()~, ''"'a~·l1'vejY c:l10.PaeJ' Po!?;/1"v~ (!har;~. ro0irtn, cu1cl, nc(<tc~ltv~ C'.kcir>qe ,l? <",~/lee/ (let:l(A~t"'on. ll1e 1)....,si·}ron is -idenliO:J ,.: !:----- (/ u L -- I r- v: 'neoa.·lron jn "'" re1JW,.., G ' ""' cep/ {oi· :1Is d'""lf H i""lead D F -l. 4. ·1117 /..,.:Avel ct~Dul 1o ~h'Yl~6 ~Ji..(?~~" ' (j..- Ft'1Jidee, , 5', lh/ 1,~VE? ·ll1e c11bili7 ·l-o cetU~e__ }011~?·/f'cn of stl~k~5 but 1hel Qr'~ fDOJ? lho.n ex - p(Ar·/i~}'2E . 10 / 16 Md. Imran Nur Manik
  • 12. CD. ~opped ly - :*.* r<a.ofioa.d11e 6ub6~a1?Ce ! 1l1e dr~itTleg1''on oe dec7· cf unfl>·/o. hi" ~lom0 ?ccom p~n.[d 'J em'H~ian tJ f- r>a.ol/o.·liem, !1 et>-lled, ')a.d1ottcjiviV· The. ~u!-?~}zHH~e ·11-wl- po-ef>e6<:i -~,-e pl,enomenon of r,~dio- &-chvl~, r.:r~ c:~)le.d. rod/~1cu.".·fr~~ sub1/an(··e: ~·v ri~~ium (F'9:.-°;ldil;iuni 09 e·k. e 4· Moclet:>ae. ~ 5. '~£· G. i l'm of /II ~- ~. ~~-~hL~:.::~~~ c.;, 1'~_I?:e~-< f>./vi-11i11ivm 1Jlw~.t. loYli§.,_·)rch pcv.1er -- -- 1>. j!tolh vel_~~.!l~L!v.~- 3. Abo~~J_, ~o 6veP i ll,e>OO rnile~/~ec · rlles/c,e c · nv e.lei , 1I-le .' - :.2. Q., Po~i}1e .:'>": s: v~~k '· Sev~r~J c.~g-t!m) 'f-~-· [~a.d ~ he-ef, froh 41!_1°' er» 1-----------+--------___J~----··· -···· ···-----'---====~--_.. ro_,~;Uve..-I ('11-/Jeol ro~;i-}ron Neao:li'-1~ , c:o..lleJ Neg_o;~"(2_r:__ 1. flet!l1'o~!1;1i~ r"-cLaI,m, , ~Y .: -- ~ ~. fo:$il1'vq / 1'1_:_aP-- z. N~· ;"'!_ " .. ' _,--,,_~-' 21· -·-·--··> ~· rv:p-. Cot(1f~F?€ c'J.inOIJB D<, ~ s. .: pt"7:S . . ~ ~. lh• ,... ,r~"i"°(' !'"'"'YJ C(! r• /., ,,,y; , 'l'c~~:~?f;~~!9'"!3 ·------ f~opE~T)' ALPHll .. l<.tAY5 · .. · · <. BETA ; ~AY5 · ~AYS ! 1--------+----·---;-- .. ···- -~------ ; _;~. :___ ·.:......~.:::.. ---- .... ·---------···----l f. N"'·vr-e 5' cin ll•ic/l. ucr:': ...------·-----'l>< 1 e1n_ J!•~:~J~. /11u"'i11 iv•>1 11 / 16 Md. Imran Nur Manik
  • 13. ·lhP.-~ 'j1'e 'r)l),;;ber_:~f-- . or, or , ln N ·- In No == · ·- ;>.l ·- ~~ ec N cH i'.)n <:!.''1 - _ .,.I ... 'd·I - /"' er>, i ~..j ::- - Ac:O- -- (!) , _{;<)here> 15 l'1e deetlf c.'On~hn/-. 1hlear·~·/fon of- e'Vlt~llcn (I) · bdt<-'ee)'1 limi/6 tA>e. 3eJ -+ I-Jr· ~N := - /jf d 1- fJ ' N() o . . : . • ·; • l ·.·.• Tf·;J;z 'D - . ' -~f>? 1-. . ·Y.'f-~ ·~f ~- ,.lh);o._;i1_~ J1'·.,rc de.c.~y ·l~llow:;; J11/- oPder ktne/,'e.;t;~h~· :,. - . y_.-, A. lf1e ?pc'•l/AneilU5 hPt:t-.kr11() clown of ur~~'1-ble P'~O~ ·fc>_, t)1. H~n .. mon-e: ~~ b!e -~n~a-;:,:;~i!}fL lion UwoiUI' o. · T"o"••s . j6 Kntt(~~~ jf,., f>adit·""/;~,.·;j~~~o,, ""dhxu·/ive. d;,;nleo~/i"'.'.,0· . ·-- . ··-- ... -· .- ~ < .,,,, . ,,_ .•. . . / ·-·_ •-... ;·'" '•'.' ,.,,, 1f1i1 dJ1l~lefit1Gl'llM:. of ~iom' 1~ ~C~Olnr?l~l~c/·;7·:, ~1:;,if11'}011:v-·~1---1~adi~·/1lr>1~~"'v~(L"~-~~-~;.;1;~''J,;~J/~:~·~ft:~ -. - . . - ', ·>.:__.::· '.; .' ': ~--~~~~;: 1~llcii:6 .fi,,or ord~r kine/itt>, ·lhctJ }6, lhq c-leca;. ro.le 1?..--:r.ror'r/taial·f0-1ite·numher~of'~1~f1J-,,)~~t ... · ·;;~ ..· ·:::w. I ;' N oP, [InNJ- -- -./i i. No 12 / 16 Md. Imran Nur Manik
  • 14. -----········ .... : ·········-----·---------···--····~- -· . - -·--- :-----·--· •.·: r: ;:- ..-- ... '' eau£9- 2.o.(?.ondarz(J a.-}':2. 6} ~hit. 8~ ~~ ~ ~o~etea SCI. tUn.oteJ - soe ions"'-'--. .... J10~ .IS · Oc:!.~UQll.d • -- I -I (~0 O-~l-s o.1:- o, GuU_a~~- ~'"k oj i k /~J~ 2o.ppL > fk9- - - -- ------ - - - Gi.e~len.- M~~n.. eol.Lfl"I~RR. 1- 11-u.. ibn t:!otl~<! l-u l<:l.etto..u ~ '_)rwd0e.A-d -~o.Je.. Su.t_Fd~rr-- ~~c'}(f- to - . ---- -. 'IL .$U<!h__ 0. ~n.AL>-t- ~ tho.t:- o, eo"l'I<.t°'-'r+ tufWftl- -- . <:Th.a.. ,,.t!~n~~~t : :,?rto"du~~rr..,;·s'. ~on-dqn_ · ~ ~io.J - :{o F dg_f~~~ it ... ~··· '' ''_., '( :· £) :- jOO ~'l'Y.U a.:n cc- . 'P(n i~k. t~cic>ridoe.s a. ou ..-hr>.t- _9- _ -pnowu.d. 'o0. J!. - .p(n+iclo.. · '• ,; (X, - f)on, t;C~ ~ oR_<!ll.OUL -ih's.but- ,,. Aclva..,,~e.s: 6'f'c.. ,, CD lk. aprono..;u5- . is. ~~ s1Y1.ple . ,® 1 h.L 'ion.iso.-:l ehCmbRrt. it. Lt~a.d -to d.t:{l_e-(§! ~~id.~~ F~··; ~/ ' .. , : / ,,. ,.,_.:.,: / 13 / 16 Md. Imran Nur Manik
  • 15. r '' ~ ~ - . ... ...._l / . / .. ,. - .. - 1'(-t) :0} .fu<~n~~s ~t<!'~ll•~ -(),i<JOC~S {.-< <l'nOdO- • ,,~~~·~,~,,~<~,O/ l;~~~f~; . t:~ln."il •· .~~~::t~;~~;o,:~~,(~~;;.'.i :x SpR '{.. o/ ioms..".'hi. ' ~ I;notJh. u ~ ;<i''; ' e,0."' b. ;,: • . '1~' '':;n.?,R;.;":;{:'! 'P""a""' ·. c, eon" ''~ous ,,cl~~h~'(j':· ;Q~~":,,J·~~Li CE)s ~~ . • ·- - -- - ~-~ ---- (~~") 'tTL - hJL ~~ /o(ow - n_c;_c2. -:-o ().. / - &~h io~~~~~_.__1u~~·~~~ (D~fl°'~~R , hCt cJ~"."~O..<?.t~vc I b~J_s-. ttp l <!_031 rOJ'r-~. 1)U~ -l· h(.r O..rtR. eonru.~ .ca :e Jis~_()e_ (i_-=-iQ "90.l l- ) 14 / 16 Md. Imran Nur Manik
  • 16. . ...,.."': { ..... ·----------- ------ ---- --· I , ,. , 'c -, {!/ (lfJ i. ru..l(l.l-ivrJ i~!Xpens~e__ , --··(· . ... ----- ~--- .Ii/ r . '.·; ~ {)! __.j..-,.--' (· , /. . L-·! ! .;_- · f _/-------.---------·- ,09 f'~~@ ~it've__ IWoi_i~'."(r d<vi"-"- ,; rw_d_oJ ~~~ j- ·f),,_ -~I._ e~,.,~,,,.,~ J/o.;:, p,,.,.Jv'"'- ;"-_::l__h.< e·~~ . ~fld%n t()q<?.S~ ,(f) 'T;h.(f ~~'.)'~ {o <Yl'"'?_"'" lfh-,,('.li:@o;nridt'~o.±~ia'f 1ta .. t~ ,@ Tl-,i ct 5impk. (1;:;~}~~~) · , .. : ''· .... ' pu.l~s. t 15 / 16 Md. Imran Nur Manik
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