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3 Examples Of Dramatic Irony
There are three different forms of irony used in the textbook: Dramatic irony, situational irony, and verbal irony. Dramatic Irony is used a lot in plays. It
is when the reader knows something that the character doesn't. Situational irony is when something happens that isn't the expected outcome, typically
with sharp contrasts and contradictions. Verbalirony is synonymous with sarcasm. It means when a person or character says one thing but means
Dramatic irony is a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character's words or actions are clear to
the audience or reader although unknown to the character. One great example of dramatic irony can be found in Frank R. Stockton's The Lady, or
the Tiger. In this short story dramatic irony unfolds as the hero steps out into the arena, and the narrator reveals that the princess knows the secret of
the doors, and not only that, but she cannot decide whether she should let the tiger eat him or allow him to be married to her much hated rival.
Dramatic irony also occurs in The Gift of the Magi if the reader is able to figure out that Jim sold his more content...
For instance in The Gift of the Magi situational irony is used to highlight the selflessness of Della and Jim. They sell their most prized possessions so
that they can buy a Christmas gift for one another, only to find out that their gifts are consequently useless. Meanwhile, in Poison, situational irony is
what outlines the theme of the story. Harry was afraid of a venomous snake poisoning him when the only real poison in the story was the poison that
existed within him self. Another good example of situational irony can be found in The Most Dangerous Game. It's situationally ironic because
Rainsford prides himself on being one of the world's greatest hunters yet, in the story, he's the one who's being
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Story Of An Hour Dramatic Irony Essay
A tragedy has struck the home of Mrs. Mallard and has a lot of dramatic irony verbal irony and also situational irony has happened in the story.
Mrs. Mallard sister Josephine had to break her the bad news that her husband has passed away after she was already told she has a heart disease
herself. Mrs. Mallard also wasn't hearing the same story as the other women. This is the act of VerbalIrony someone saying something and not
meaning it there was plenty different stories that Mrs. Mallard was told and none seem to be the right one. After being told the news Mrs. Mallard
walked in her room and took a seat in her chair to let the news sink in. As Mrs. Mallard is sitting in the chair she thinks about the freedom she is about
to receive. more content...
Mallard wanted to feel again. Mrs. Mallard was waiting patiently for something to happen as she felt it would like something good coming out of
her husband passing away. She also feels now her bosom and rose fell tumultuously saying that means her body was feeling wonderful and she was
ready to get back out there and date again. This is situational Irony Mrs. Mallard now feels after the situation with her husband has occurred she is
now ready to get back out there and explore the world again see what is has to bring her. She also realized something was coming over her. Mrs.
Mallard could only think about the freedom she was about to receive with the passing of her husband. Mrs. Mallard had realized she could live for
herself now and nobody else. Being under a powerful will is what Mrs. Mallard felt like she was all those years. She now feels like no man or women
she impose their will on her again. She knew there would still be sad moments and that she would weep again. Also she would have to look at a
face that had never looked and save with love upon her. The situational Irony of this is Mrs. Mallard wants to date again she wants to live life free
with no for her to answer too or tell her what to
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Examples Of Dramatic Irony In Hamlet
Dramatic Irony in Hamlet: Critical Analysis
Dramatic irony is a stylistic literary technique used in many of Shakespeare's tragedies to create suspense for the audience. Dramatic irony occurs
when the audience or readers discover information that other characters in the play are not aware of. This allows the audience to make predictions as to
what's going to happen next; thus keeping them engaged in the plot. There are many incidences of dramatic irony that exist in Shakespeare's famous
tragedy, Hamlet. One example of dramatic irony within this play is in Act 1, Scene 5, when the Ghost of King Hamlet appears to his son (Prince
Hamlet) and reveals the true cause of his death. Through this incident, Shakespeare is able to manipulate audience sympathies and antipathies towards
characters; develop Hamlet's character; and introduces the main themes and conflicts that recur throughout the play.
In Act1, scene 5, Hamlet is waiting with his friends, Horatio and Marcellus, for the Ghost of his father to appear. From the previous acts, it is clear that
Hamlet is already unsettled by his father's recent death more content...
Reality". Hamlet's discovery of his father's murder leads to the person vs. Person conflict between Hamlet and Claudius. Following the ghost's
departure, Hamlet confirms that Claudius is now his enemy and promises to avenge his father's death: "My tables,โ€“meet it is I set it down, That one
may smile, and smile, and be a villain...So uncle, there you are. Now to my word; It is 'Adieu, Adieu! Remember me.' I have swornt" (I.v.114โ€“119).
Hamlet is expressing his astonishment at how his uncle could appear so happy and innocent when in reality, he is a villain and a murderer. This scene
ultimately kickโ€“starts the theme of "appearance vs. Reality" and the main conflict as Hamlet plans to seek revenge on his
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Benefits Of Dramatic Play
Benefits of Dramatic play and musical theatre training from childhood to young children
Dramatic play and Musical theatre are two powerful tools for the development and learning process in children. In this piece we, will look at the two of
them and their benefits for children.
Dramatic Play
Is your child a creative type who is always rearranging his room to form a place such as the airport or classroom? Does you little boy love being called
a name representative of a profession? What your child is doing is dramatic play.
Dramatic play refers to a form of play where children pretend to be someone or something else, and act like the entity. The role they choose might be a
familiar person such as dad, or they might select a fictional character like Superman and stat thumping about the house more content...
If your child attends a theatre arts school, his teacher can set up a scenario where the children will be assigned roles to act out. The unstructured play is
what your child does at home in a place convenient for his creativity. You might see dramatic play as mere pretensions, but experts say that it is an
essential foundation in your child's mental development and learning process, and parents should encourage their children whenever they see their
children playing in a dramatic way. Here are some of the reasons why dramatic
Language Development
Dramatic play helps to develop children's language skills because it requires children to be expressive as they need to communicate like the character
they are acting. Since they will be acting with other children, they talk freely with each other, and they become comfortable with speaking in a group.
Builds Self Control
Children of preschool age can be unruly and out of control, but dramatic play confines them to a role which they believe they need to stick to, and this
engenders coordination and the ability to control their impulses and work as a team with other
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Dramatic Play Center Observation Essay
The center I chose to observe was the dramatic play center which is a kitchen. I chose this center because because it's a great way to observe
children. The purpose of the dramatic play center is to help develop social, emotional and oral language skills. It gives children a chance to assign
roles, self regulate when having to take turns and during all of this children are developing language skills. After circle time our class transitions
into center time. Students choose which center they want by waiting for their name to be called and then taking their name tag and pasting it on the
center of their choice. This relates to what we have discussed in class because most preschools use a method similar to this. After reading I figured
out different items children could also use to post their name on a center instead of just a name tag. I think it's important to use some system of a
name tag because this will keep the classroom organized and teachers can easily see where the child is and suppose to be. In more content...
In this center we have a full kitchen with a fridge, stove, oven, microwave and utensils. We also have a table with three chairs and flowers that sit in
the middle of the table. The center also has dramatic play clothes for children to dress up in. Attached to the kitchen is a register line for children to
act like they are checking people out in the grocery store. I also love that we have a grocery cart! You can always here kids say the names of foods
that they are buying. The only issues we tend to have with this center are everyone want to be the cashier and often time we have to set a timer to
take turns. We also have kids sometimes run all around the room with the grocery cart and we have to redirect them into the kitchen because students
are not suppose to leave their centers. All around it's one of the most desirable center for children to go
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Tragedy In Drama Essay
Tragedy and Drama
In a range of dramatic works from Agamemnon to Hamlet, one sees the range of development of the tragic form, from the earliest Greek to the later
Shakespearean tragedies. There are two basic concepts of tragedy: the concept introduced by Aristotle in his Poetics, and the concept developed by
Frederick Nietzsche in his "The Birth of Tragedy." Many dramas can be reviewed to reveal the contrast between these two concepts of
tragedy, and demonstrate the development of the tragic form over time.
The idea of Greek tragedy stems from Aristotle's definition of a tragic hero. In Aristotle's definition, the tragic hero must be a person of high standing
so their fall from glory will be all the more horrible. The hero' more content...
Again, we have a person of high standing in Oedipus, who is neither entirely good nor entirely bad. However, it is Oedipus' pride that pervades as
his tragic flaw throughout the play. It is pride that causes Oedipus to believe the rumor of his questionable parentage and further, to go to the oracle.
It is again pride that causes him to leave Corinth in attempt to defy the prophecy of the oracle. And pride arguably causes Oedipus to murder the man
he quarrels with on the road, who is actually his father, thus fulfilling the very prophesy he had tried to defy. Oedipus Rex demonstrates the belief in
fate, that what is ordained shall be, regardless of man's attempt to resist his fate. Oedipus falls victim to having poor judgement and letting his pride
make his decisions for him, and this ends up becoming his demise.
Another of the Greek tragedies is Medea, which is one of the few with a female as the title hero character. Medea demonstrates the changing attitude in
Greek drama, and introduces a more human aspect to the hero's behavior. In the earlier dramas, the heroes were influenced heavily by fate, and the
tragic flaw and eventual downfall often had something to do with fate. However, in the case of Medea, we see the hero as falling outside the realm of
divine intervention. Though Medea is wronged by Jason, there is no sense of support from the gods in exacting her
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Creative Drama Examples
Creative drama is a process where kids can express their creativity with the power to create ideas with their imagination through movements and
gesture. Their techniques guide them ideas to portray into action. An example of how I would use creative drama in my classroom would be based on
the lesson for that day. I'm a huge fan of music, drama and art, mostly like kids will do arts and craft activity follow by musically performance or a
puppet show. For instance, I will read the book of "The Lion King" and have the kids create "Simba's Safari Shakers" and will do our own remix of
"Circle of
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The earliest years of life are some of the most important in a person's life. Childhood is a time of physical, mental, emotional, and social development.
There are many factors that help contribute to these developments such as a nutritious diet, nurturing, emotional support, and physical activity,
especially play. Playing is a very important part of childhood and can be beneficial to the development of the child and is the focus of my discussion.
First, I will describe the four different types of play; second, I will argue the beneficial effects of dramatic play on cognitive and creative skills by
presenting the significant findings of two correlation studies as well as their limitations.
Scientists have observed and more content...
The second kind of play is constructive play and it refers to "making something from objects;" this is typical for children between the ages of three
and six (Fromberg, 2006). Examples of constructive play include: drawing with crayons, playing with building blocks, molding something out of
clay, etc. Constructive play can be further categorized: "it will be helpful however, to distinguish between several types of products in constructive
play: the pattern, the object, the system, and the sequence" (Fromberg, 2006). For example, a child who is playing with blocks or coloring with
crayons might create patterns in their work, and for older children this is important to observe because "they translate their play with patterns into the
notations of mathematics, music and computer language" (Fromberg, 2006). Fromberg (2006) makes further observations based on Forman and Hill
(1984): a child who is engaged in constructive play just to play has a much different experience than a child creating something with a goal in mind. It
is possible to play constructively without having a finish product in mind, or to play in order to achieve the endโ€“goal. Here we can clearly see that
Smilansky's categories can be distinguished further than she originally proposed.
Dramatic play takes imagination and it is what Smilansky (1968) described as "roleโ€“playing and engaging in makeโ€“believe or pretend
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Dramatic Irony In Short Stories
The author uses dramatic irony techniques. Dramatic irony in which there is some point when the reader know, however the character doesn't know
since the reader have more information or clue than the characters have in this story. The dramatic irony thus can make the reader have more tension,
worry and interested for keep reading the story. For example, when we noticed Hal and Catherine slept together as stated "The next morning. Hal
enters, halfโ€“dressed. He walks up behind her quietly. how long have you been up? a while. Did I oversleep?" as stated in Act1 Scene 4 in this story,
at this moment, Claire would not know they hooked up. Another example, when other characters do not know Catherine wrote the proof, we can
notice that from these sentences "Right. Or 92,305 x 2^16,998+1. Hal then started." in the Act 1 Scene3 showing Catherine's enough ability on math.
There are other parts we can notice that as stated "She hesitates, making a decision. Then she takes a chain from around her neck. There is a key on
the chain. She tosses it to Hal in the page 1232, "Catherine, opens the more content...
Author often use symbolism in literature to make comprehensive statements about something implicit in its story when something concrete
represents something larger. For example, in this story, the key is used to represent trust from Catherine to Hal and Catherine is the one who
actually wrote the proof as stated "It's a key. Bottom drawer of the desk in my dad's office" She didn't even tell anyone else about the key. Hal is the
first one she told about the key. She trusts him, so she could give the key to him. The author uses symbolism technique from these sentences "It has
gotten chilly. I'm sorry. Do you want to go in? want your jacket? Claire gives it to her." in the Act2 Scene5. This jacket could represent family love
between them. In addition, Claire wants to Catherine to move to New York with her then she can take care of her
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Dramatic Monologues Essays
Dramatic Monologues
The dramatic monologue features a speaker talking to a silent listener about a dramatic event or experience. The use of this technique affords the reader
an intimate knowledge of the speaker's changing thoughts and feelings. In a sense, the poet brings the reader inside the mind of the speaker.
(Glenn Everett online)
Like a sculpturer pressing clay to form a man, a writer can create a persona with words. Every stroke of his hand becomes his or her own style, slowly
creating this stone image. A dramatic monologue is an ideal opportunity for a poet to unveil a character. A dramatic monologue is a species of lyric
poem in which the speaker is a persona created by the poet; the speaker's character is more content...
(Kennedy 48)
Through these lines the poet constructs a tone that demonstrates the characters mental state to the reader. The audience understands what the character
is enduring through the mood that is generated. By the way Yeats forms this dark emotion the character appears to feel devalued. For Pauline Johnson,
a dramatic monologue also seems like a fit means of presenting her powerfully portrayed, Ojistoh. In this lyric poem, the reader senses the character's
pride, power and strength from the undercurrent created by the author. In the opening lines of the poem, Ojistoh proclaims,I am Ojistoh, I am she, the
Of him whose name breathes bravery and life
And courage to the tribe that calls him chief. (Johnson 87)
Through this powerful proclamation, the character's brave persona is slowly unveiled to the reader. This almost egotistic mood presents the reader with
this revelation of the character's attitude. In Margaret Atwood's Death of a Young Son By Drowning, the voice of a bitter mother comes to life through
the aura of disappointment created by the author. After finding her sons body, the mother returns to shore and expresses her disappointment,After the
long trip I was tired of waves.
My foot hit rock. The dreamed sails collapsed, ragged.
I planted him in this countryโ€“ like a flag. (Atwood 69)
The strong air of disappointment released through these words assist the writer in her creation of her character. The character's
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Dramatic Irony In The Tell Tale Heart
Edgar Allen Poe uses dramatic irony in the "Tell Tale Heart" in the line "I moved it slowlyะดั‘ะ‚very, very slowly, so that I might not disturb the old
man's sleep"(Poe 1). This line is saying the narrator is moving into the old man's room and looking at him but, the old man doesn't know that the
narrator is looking at him. This creates suspense by the reader knowing that the narrator is sneaking into the bedroom and looking at the old man but,
the old man does not know. Dramatic Irony creates suspense by the readering knowing more about the situation than one of the characters does. So, in
this case we known the narrator is planning to kill the old man but he does not know. This is how the "Tell Tale Heart" uses dramatic irony.
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Romeo And Juliet Dramatic Monologue Essay
Part of her desperately wished that the door had remained shut, that the lights had been out and he had not been home. She would rather that he play
such a cruel joke, because Fate seemed to be making a crueler joke on the both of them. It was the only explanation for the anomaly that occurred
between them โ€“โ€“ what else could explain the way that she froze when her eyes met his? Or the ease with which she stepped into this Montague home?
Fate was making a cruel joke and the punchline was this one gentle Montague and this incredibly selfish Capulet. But if this Capulet was to be the
brunt of the universe's humor ( for celestial bodies were not known for having a witty sense of humor ) then she supposed that she might as well laugh
along with more content...
Too familiarly. It was for a laugh. It was for the joke.
At his concern, she simply shook her head, believing her silence and the stubborn look cast his way to be the only answers necessary. Rest was an
everโ€“evasive concept that seemed to slip further and further away with each passing day. If she had wanted to rest then she would have forsaken the
streets of Verona a long time ago and would have followed in the footsteps of the coward that she had once known as friend. Such thoughts, however,
seemed difficult to hold onto when his soft gaze lingered on her.
"A tour?" So easily disarmed. So easily ensnared. "I would love
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Dramaturge Essay
Dramaturgy is an essential and significant fragment of both stagecraft and theatre itself, it serves to analysis and explore the dramatic structure of the
play or performance that is being prepared or analysed and presented. In traditional theatrical turn of phrase, a dramaturge can be broken down as an
rational deviser, or a associate of the production team who is bothered with the way in which the concepts, subjects and the ideas of a play are reflected
on stage. The role of the dramaturge is both multifaceted and open to change, shaping and reโ€“shaping to encounter the required needs of the theatre
company, or of the specific production in question. A dramaturge may be called upon to complete a wide variety of tasks in the theatre. These
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Since then the artist as a performer has stood against many of the acknowledged order of theatre and controversially changed our thoughts of what
makes up visual art. While performance art is a comparatively recently developed region of art history, it has a base in experimental art of the late 19th
and early 20th centuries. Resonating unworldly concepts of the period's avantโ€“garde, these primary instances found impact in theatrical and music
performance, art, poetry, burlesque and other popular entertainment. Modern artists used live events to advance radical viewpoints, usually by virtue of
intended provocation and attempts to offend middleโ€“class flavour or assumptions. In Italy, the insurgent group of Futurist artists insulted and yelled
obscenity at their middleโ€“class audiences in the aim of stirring up political action. Following World War II, performance appeared as a good way for
people to look into analytical and mental questions about our own human existence. For previous generations like in the 1950's, who have observed
demolition sourced by the Holocaust and atomic bomb, the body provided a strong means of communication to transmit physical and emotional
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Dramatic Monologue
Hi, Mrs. Margaret. This is Jacqi. Malcolm gave me your number, I hope that's okay. He told me to let you know that he made it to Hungary in one
piece, and that he's going to try and get his phone situation taken of tomorrow so he can talk to y'all as soon as possible. He miss you and Laura and
sends his love. Anyway. I hope you're having a good evening, I'll talk to you later.
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Dramatic Arts Research Paper
The dramatic arts have had great influence on my life and on my perspective of the world. Through this artistic expression, I can take on any
persona, freeing both my mind and my heart. The understanding of people's actions and emotions has shaped me into the young woman I am.
Performance and the study of performing, I find, are enlightening, priceless, and eternal. So long as life persists, the timeless themes found in plays
and works will persist. I suppose my interest in the dramatic arts began when my father took me to Broadway shows when I was young. My father,
Daniel Staton, has produced many Broadway musicals and plays, including Hairspray, Jersey Boys, August Osage: County, The Producers, Little Shop
of Horrors, Smokey Joe's Cafะ“ยฉ,
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The story of Macbeth written by the infamous William Shakespeare is an excellent storyline known and taught as a great piece of literature. Even
after the creation of this tale almost 400 years ago, this wonderful written work is still admired and known all over the world. It is an adventure of a
noble and truthful hero who is overcome by the lust for power and by greed. His aroused hunger for authority and supremacy leads to him losing his
path and turning to the way of malice. The play progresses, as this character plays deeper and deeper into Satan's evil hand. Through the growth of this
malevolent character, the story grows and develops as well. Each and every move more content...
This neverโ€“ ending battle even happens today throughout the world. If you look at the crises in Serbia where different Serbs are fighting to gain
power and even in Sudan where Arabs are slaughtering the blacks to gain control. These events prove that mankind has not completely evolved to a
higher status than that at which it was at before. In the play through dramatic irony, the audience is aware that the King pronounces Macbeth thane of
Cawdor. Ross is shown in the story as a nobleman of the king who announces Macbeth "an earnest of a greater honour, he bade me, from him, call
thee thane of Cawdor," (I, iii, 109โ€“110). This dramatic irony showed that Macbeth was promised thane of Cawdor even before he knew about it and
his power grew even more. Even the witches in their first encounter with Macbeth welcome by "all hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Cawdor," (I,
iii, 51โ€“52). These pieces of dramatic irony back up the theme of ambition and control. By showing that once Macbeth has a taste of more power,
like the Serbs and Arabs, he will become obsessed with it. He will hunt for power as a vampire hunts for blood under the blanked of the night sky.
Here dramatic irony shows his increase in power and growing ambition, which leads to a complete change in his lifestyle and results in his final doom.
In this story, most characters seem very sure of themselves and their power. This makes the story very exhilarating because in almost every part
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The Dramatic Arts : The Art Of The Dramatic Arts
Okay. So, the dramatic arts are something that is called the "incarnation of words." Drama is the kind of thing that takes words and actions and
smears them on a canvas of a human to breathe life into the words and actions...escentially we are making a drawing of a teapot into a teapot that
is 3d and full of hot tea, or we are creating an 18th century, corset drawing of a woman, into an actual woman with a posh english accent. We are the
only kind of creature to create things out of nothing, we are created in the image of God, and I believe that the Church and most everybody else
ceases to see the actors in Hollywood as people. We know that as created images of God, we are unique, and yet when we use our body, we tend to
ignore the implications of the body. For example, if a writer writes a screenplay about a man who has sex with a woman when her husband is
away, that could be alright in writing, however when we start to ask actors to act out infidelity on camera, we begin to hurt our fellow man,
created in God's image. The flesh of a written character is real, but the flesh of a human being on camera is real. I am reminded of a chapel talk we
had dealing with race. The speaker said something akin to the idea that "When we cease to see each other as people, then we will always believe we
are right." I believe that is why it is so important to work in and with the people in "the business." Hollywood doesn't understand that there are other
people besides themselves and
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One experience that has had a dramatic effect on me was when my grandfather had his stroke. This had a dramatic change in my life in many ways
and my life will never be the same because of it. Not only has it taught me to take care of myself, but it has always taught me to not take anything for
granted, especially time we get to spend with our family.
I remember my mom telling me we were going to see my grandfather in the hospital. As my family packed into the car, I was excited to see him, but
also really nervous. We arrived to the hospital and I followed my mom to the elevator as she pushed the tiny up arrow. After a minute of waiting,
we all piled into the elevator. My mother again pushed the number of the floor my grandfather was on. Once we got to the floor, we got off the
elevator and headed down the hallways covered in cheap pictures showing such happy people. In that moment I remember wanting to feel their
enlightenment. I looked down at the gray, glossy floors feeling dread as we continued down the dull hallway until we stopped, reaching his room.
My mother slowly opened the door as the room became visible. My grandmother came over to us and hugged me. She brought me into the room
and there he was, my grandfather, lying in the bed. I had always seen him so strong and full of life, but as he laid there he looked so helpless and
vulnerable. I could tell he was uncomfortable. He reached over to me and smiled. I leaned down to hug him and smiled back. He was such a
different looking man. His wrinkled skin was more pale than usual and his beard was stubbly. I looked around the hospital room. The walls were as
plain as the rest of the building, cream colored and dressed in the same pictures hung in the hallways. The only color in the room were the flowers in
vases sitting beside the window. A nurse came into the room and started to tend to my grandfather. My mom shooed me out of the room as the adults
all talked to the nurse. After waiting a while in the waiting room, we left.
My grandparents stayed in the hospital for a couple weeks and after doctors ran several tests trying to figure out why my grandpa was having the
strokes, he got moved over to the rehab building beside the hospital. On Christmas
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Drama Definition Essay
Most people in the world thinks everyone has drama but themselves, when in reality everyone has drama including themselves. No not every person
goes through the same thing meaning each persons drama can be different, a lot unspoken. The definition of drama is conflict or contrast of character
and a wise woman once said " don't waste time on whats not important. Dont get sucked into the drama. get on with it: be a big person; be generous of
spirit; be the person you'd admire ." my interpretation of Hudson's words are if something is going on in your or someone else life don't tell everyone
your or their business, be an adult. If you tell someone something in confidence you don't expect them to go back and tell everyone, so do the same for
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3 Examples Of Dramatic Irony

  • 1. 3 Examples Of Dramatic Irony There are three different forms of irony used in the textbook: Dramatic irony, situational irony, and verbal irony. Dramatic Irony is used a lot in plays. It is when the reader knows something that the character doesn't. Situational irony is when something happens that isn't the expected outcome, typically with sharp contrasts and contradictions. Verbalirony is synonymous with sarcasm. It means when a person or character says one thing but means another. Dramatic irony is a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character's words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character. One great example of dramatic irony can be found in Frank R. Stockton's The Lady, or the Tiger. In this short story dramatic irony unfolds as the hero steps out into the arena, and the narrator reveals that the princess knows the secret of the doors, and not only that, but she cannot decide whether she should let the tiger eat him or allow him to be married to her much hated rival. Dramatic irony also occurs in The Gift of the Magi if the reader is able to figure out that Jim sold his more content... For instance in The Gift of the Magi situational irony is used to highlight the selflessness of Della and Jim. They sell their most prized possessions so that they can buy a Christmas gift for one another, only to find out that their gifts are consequently useless. Meanwhile, in Poison, situational irony is what outlines the theme of the story. Harry was afraid of a venomous snake poisoning him when the only real poison in the story was the poison that existed within him self. Another good example of situational irony can be found in The Most Dangerous Game. It's situationally ironic because Rainsford prides himself on being one of the world's greatest hunters yet, in the story, he's the one who's being Get more content on
  • 2. Story Of An Hour Dramatic Irony Essay A tragedy has struck the home of Mrs. Mallard and has a lot of dramatic irony verbal irony and also situational irony has happened in the story. Mrs. Mallard sister Josephine had to break her the bad news that her husband has passed away after she was already told she has a heart disease herself. Mrs. Mallard also wasn't hearing the same story as the other women. This is the act of VerbalIrony someone saying something and not meaning it there was plenty different stories that Mrs. Mallard was told and none seem to be the right one. After being told the news Mrs. Mallard walked in her room and took a seat in her chair to let the news sink in. As Mrs. Mallard is sitting in the chair she thinks about the freedom she is about to receive. more content... Mallard wanted to feel again. Mrs. Mallard was waiting patiently for something to happen as she felt it would like something good coming out of her husband passing away. She also feels now her bosom and rose fell tumultuously saying that means her body was feeling wonderful and she was ready to get back out there and date again. This is situational Irony Mrs. Mallard now feels after the situation with her husband has occurred she is now ready to get back out there and explore the world again see what is has to bring her. She also realized something was coming over her. Mrs. Mallard could only think about the freedom she was about to receive with the passing of her husband. Mrs. Mallard had realized she could live for herself now and nobody else. Being under a powerful will is what Mrs. Mallard felt like she was all those years. She now feels like no man or women she impose their will on her again. She knew there would still be sad moments and that she would weep again. Also she would have to look at a face that had never looked and save with love upon her. The situational Irony of this is Mrs. Mallard wants to date again she wants to live life free with no for her to answer too or tell her what to Get more content on
  • 3. Examples Of Dramatic Irony In Hamlet Dramatic Irony in Hamlet: Critical Analysis Dramatic irony is a stylistic literary technique used in many of Shakespeare's tragedies to create suspense for the audience. Dramatic irony occurs when the audience or readers discover information that other characters in the play are not aware of. This allows the audience to make predictions as to what's going to happen next; thus keeping them engaged in the plot. There are many incidences of dramatic irony that exist in Shakespeare's famous tragedy, Hamlet. One example of dramatic irony within this play is in Act 1, Scene 5, when the Ghost of King Hamlet appears to his son (Prince Hamlet) and reveals the true cause of his death. Through this incident, Shakespeare is able to manipulate audience sympathies and antipathies towards characters; develop Hamlet's character; and introduces the main themes and conflicts that recur throughout the play. In Act1, scene 5, Hamlet is waiting with his friends, Horatio and Marcellus, for the Ghost of his father to appear. From the previous acts, it is clear that Hamlet is already unsettled by his father's recent death more content... Reality". Hamlet's discovery of his father's murder leads to the person vs. Person conflict between Hamlet and Claudius. Following the ghost's departure, Hamlet confirms that Claudius is now his enemy and promises to avenge his father's death: "My tables,โ€“meet it is I set it down, That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain...So uncle, there you are. Now to my word; It is 'Adieu, Adieu! Remember me.' I have swornt" (I.v.114โ€“119). Hamlet is expressing his astonishment at how his uncle could appear so happy and innocent when in reality, he is a villain and a murderer. This scene ultimately kickโ€“starts the theme of "appearance vs. Reality" and the main conflict as Hamlet plans to seek revenge on his Get more content on
  • 4. Benefits Of Dramatic Play Benefits of Dramatic play and musical theatre training from childhood to young children Dramatic play and Musical theatre are two powerful tools for the development and learning process in children. In this piece we, will look at the two of them and their benefits for children. Dramatic Play Is your child a creative type who is always rearranging his room to form a place such as the airport or classroom? Does you little boy love being called a name representative of a profession? What your child is doing is dramatic play. Dramatic play refers to a form of play where children pretend to be someone or something else, and act like the entity. The role they choose might be a familiar person such as dad, or they might select a fictional character like Superman and stat thumping about the house more content... If your child attends a theatre arts school, his teacher can set up a scenario where the children will be assigned roles to act out. The unstructured play is what your child does at home in a place convenient for his creativity. You might see dramatic play as mere pretensions, but experts say that it is an essential foundation in your child's mental development and learning process, and parents should encourage their children whenever they see their children playing in a dramatic way. Here are some of the reasons why dramatic Language Development Dramatic play helps to develop children's language skills because it requires children to be expressive as they need to communicate like the character they are acting. Since they will be acting with other children, they talk freely with each other, and they become comfortable with speaking in a group. Builds Self Control Children of preschool age can be unruly and out of control, but dramatic play confines them to a role which they believe they need to stick to, and this engenders coordination and the ability to control their impulses and work as a team with other Get more content on
  • 5. Dramatic Play Center Observation Essay The center I chose to observe was the dramatic play center which is a kitchen. I chose this center because because it's a great way to observe children. The purpose of the dramatic play center is to help develop social, emotional and oral language skills. It gives children a chance to assign roles, self regulate when having to take turns and during all of this children are developing language skills. After circle time our class transitions into center time. Students choose which center they want by waiting for their name to be called and then taking their name tag and pasting it on the center of their choice. This relates to what we have discussed in class because most preschools use a method similar to this. After reading I figured out different items children could also use to post their name on a center instead of just a name tag. I think it's important to use some system of a name tag because this will keep the classroom organized and teachers can easily see where the child is and suppose to be. In more content... In this center we have a full kitchen with a fridge, stove, oven, microwave and utensils. We also have a table with three chairs and flowers that sit in the middle of the table. The center also has dramatic play clothes for children to dress up in. Attached to the kitchen is a register line for children to act like they are checking people out in the grocery store. I also love that we have a grocery cart! You can always here kids say the names of foods that they are buying. The only issues we tend to have with this center are everyone want to be the cashier and often time we have to set a timer to take turns. We also have kids sometimes run all around the room with the grocery cart and we have to redirect them into the kitchen because students are not suppose to leave their centers. All around it's one of the most desirable center for children to go Get more content on
  • 6. Tragedy In Drama Essay Tragedy and Drama In a range of dramatic works from Agamemnon to Hamlet, one sees the range of development of the tragic form, from the earliest Greek to the later Shakespearean tragedies. There are two basic concepts of tragedy: the concept introduced by Aristotle in his Poetics, and the concept developed by Frederick Nietzsche in his "The Birth of Tragedy." Many dramas can be reviewed to reveal the contrast between these two concepts of tragedy, and demonstrate the development of the tragic form over time. The idea of Greek tragedy stems from Aristotle's definition of a tragic hero. In Aristotle's definition, the tragic hero must be a person of high standing so their fall from glory will be all the more horrible. The hero' more content... Again, we have a person of high standing in Oedipus, who is neither entirely good nor entirely bad. However, it is Oedipus' pride that pervades as his tragic flaw throughout the play. It is pride that causes Oedipus to believe the rumor of his questionable parentage and further, to go to the oracle. It is again pride that causes him to leave Corinth in attempt to defy the prophecy of the oracle. And pride arguably causes Oedipus to murder the man he quarrels with on the road, who is actually his father, thus fulfilling the very prophesy he had tried to defy. Oedipus Rex demonstrates the belief in fate, that what is ordained shall be, regardless of man's attempt to resist his fate. Oedipus falls victim to having poor judgement and letting his pride make his decisions for him, and this ends up becoming his demise. Another of the Greek tragedies is Medea, which is one of the few with a female as the title hero character. Medea demonstrates the changing attitude in Greek drama, and introduces a more human aspect to the hero's behavior. In the earlier dramas, the heroes were influenced heavily by fate, and the tragic flaw and eventual downfall often had something to do with fate. However, in the case of Medea, we see the hero as falling outside the realm of divine intervention. Though Medea is wronged by Jason, there is no sense of support from the gods in exacting her Get more content on
  • 7. Creative Drama Examples Creative drama is a process where kids can express their creativity with the power to create ideas with their imagination through movements and gesture. Their techniques guide them ideas to portray into action. An example of how I would use creative drama in my classroom would be based on the lesson for that day. I'm a huge fan of music, drama and art, mostly like kids will do arts and craft activity follow by musically performance or a puppet show. For instance, I will read the book of "The Lion King" and have the kids create "Simba's Safari Shakers" and will do our own remix of "Circle of Get more content on
  • 8. The earliest years of life are some of the most important in a person's life. Childhood is a time of physical, mental, emotional, and social development. There are many factors that help contribute to these developments such as a nutritious diet, nurturing, emotional support, and physical activity, especially play. Playing is a very important part of childhood and can be beneficial to the development of the child and is the focus of my discussion. First, I will describe the four different types of play; second, I will argue the beneficial effects of dramatic play on cognitive and creative skills by presenting the significant findings of two correlation studies as well as their limitations. Scientists have observed and more content... The second kind of play is constructive play and it refers to "making something from objects;" this is typical for children between the ages of three and six (Fromberg, 2006). Examples of constructive play include: drawing with crayons, playing with building blocks, molding something out of clay, etc. Constructive play can be further categorized: "it will be helpful however, to distinguish between several types of products in constructive play: the pattern, the object, the system, and the sequence" (Fromberg, 2006). For example, a child who is playing with blocks or coloring with crayons might create patterns in their work, and for older children this is important to observe because "they translate their play with patterns into the notations of mathematics, music and computer language" (Fromberg, 2006). Fromberg (2006) makes further observations based on Forman and Hill (1984): a child who is engaged in constructive play just to play has a much different experience than a child creating something with a goal in mind. It is possible to play constructively without having a finish product in mind, or to play in order to achieve the endโ€“goal. Here we can clearly see that Smilansky's categories can be distinguished further than she originally proposed. Dramatic play takes imagination and it is what Smilansky (1968) described as "roleโ€“playing and engaging in makeโ€“believe or pretend Get more content on
  • 9. Dramatic Irony In Short Stories The author uses dramatic irony techniques. Dramatic irony in which there is some point when the reader know, however the character doesn't know since the reader have more information or clue than the characters have in this story. The dramatic irony thus can make the reader have more tension, worry and interested for keep reading the story. For example, when we noticed Hal and Catherine slept together as stated "The next morning. Hal enters, halfโ€“dressed. He walks up behind her quietly. how long have you been up? a while. Did I oversleep?" as stated in Act1 Scene 4 in this story, at this moment, Claire would not know they hooked up. Another example, when other characters do not know Catherine wrote the proof, we can notice that from these sentences "Right. Or 92,305 x 2^16,998+1. Hal then started." in the Act 1 Scene3 showing Catherine's enough ability on math. There are other parts we can notice that as stated "She hesitates, making a decision. Then she takes a chain from around her neck. There is a key on the chain. She tosses it to Hal in the page 1232, "Catherine, opens the more content... Author often use symbolism in literature to make comprehensive statements about something implicit in its story when something concrete represents something larger. For example, in this story, the key is used to represent trust from Catherine to Hal and Catherine is the one who actually wrote the proof as stated "It's a key. Bottom drawer of the desk in my dad's office" She didn't even tell anyone else about the key. Hal is the first one she told about the key. She trusts him, so she could give the key to him. The author uses symbolism technique from these sentences "It has gotten chilly. I'm sorry. Do you want to go in? want your jacket? Claire gives it to her." in the Act2 Scene5. This jacket could represent family love between them. In addition, Claire wants to Catherine to move to New York with her then she can take care of her Get more content on
  • 10. Dramatic Monologues Essays Dramatic Monologues The dramatic monologue features a speaker talking to a silent listener about a dramatic event or experience. The use of this technique affords the reader an intimate knowledge of the speaker's changing thoughts and feelings. In a sense, the poet brings the reader inside the mind of the speaker. (Glenn Everett online) Like a sculpturer pressing clay to form a man, a writer can create a persona with words. Every stroke of his hand becomes his or her own style, slowly creating this stone image. A dramatic monologue is an ideal opportunity for a poet to unveil a character. A dramatic monologue is a species of lyric poem in which the speaker is a persona created by the poet; the speaker's character is more content... (Kennedy 48) Through these lines the poet constructs a tone that demonstrates the characters mental state to the reader. The audience understands what the character is enduring through the mood that is generated. By the way Yeats forms this dark emotion the character appears to feel devalued. For Pauline Johnson, a dramatic monologue also seems like a fit means of presenting her powerfully portrayed, Ojistoh. In this lyric poem, the reader senses the character's pride, power and strength from the undercurrent created by the author. In the opening lines of the poem, Ojistoh proclaims,I am Ojistoh, I am she, the wife Of him whose name breathes bravery and life And courage to the tribe that calls him chief. (Johnson 87) Through this powerful proclamation, the character's brave persona is slowly unveiled to the reader. This almost egotistic mood presents the reader with this revelation of the character's attitude. In Margaret Atwood's Death of a Young Son By Drowning, the voice of a bitter mother comes to life through the aura of disappointment created by the author. After finding her sons body, the mother returns to shore and expresses her disappointment,After the long trip I was tired of waves. My foot hit rock. The dreamed sails collapsed, ragged. I planted him in this countryโ€“ like a flag. (Atwood 69) The strong air of disappointment released through these words assist the writer in her creation of her character. The character's
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  • 12. Dramatic Irony In The Tell Tale Heart Edgar Allen Poe uses dramatic irony in the "Tell Tale Heart" in the line "I moved it slowlyะดั‘ะ‚very, very slowly, so that I might not disturb the old man's sleep"(Poe 1). This line is saying the narrator is moving into the old man's room and looking at him but, the old man doesn't know that the narrator is looking at him. This creates suspense by the reader knowing that the narrator is sneaking into the bedroom and looking at the old man but, the old man does not know. Dramatic Irony creates suspense by the readering knowing more about the situation than one of the characters does. So, in this case we known the narrator is planning to kill the old man but he does not know. This is how the "Tell Tale Heart" uses dramatic irony. Get more content on
  • 13. Romeo And Juliet Dramatic Monologue Essay Part of her desperately wished that the door had remained shut, that the lights had been out and he had not been home. She would rather that he play such a cruel joke, because Fate seemed to be making a crueler joke on the both of them. It was the only explanation for the anomaly that occurred between them โ€“โ€“ what else could explain the way that she froze when her eyes met his? Or the ease with which she stepped into this Montague home? Fate was making a cruel joke and the punchline was this one gentle Montague and this incredibly selfish Capulet. But if this Capulet was to be the brunt of the universe's humor ( for celestial bodies were not known for having a witty sense of humor ) then she supposed that she might as well laugh along with more content... Too familiarly. It was for a laugh. It was for the joke. At his concern, she simply shook her head, believing her silence and the stubborn look cast his way to be the only answers necessary. Rest was an everโ€“evasive concept that seemed to slip further and further away with each passing day. If she had wanted to rest then she would have forsaken the streets of Verona a long time ago and would have followed in the footsteps of the coward that she had once known as friend. Such thoughts, however, seemed difficult to hold onto when his soft gaze lingered on her. "A tour?" So easily disarmed. So easily ensnared. "I would love Get more content on
  • 14. Dramaturge Essay Dramaturgy is an essential and significant fragment of both stagecraft and theatre itself, it serves to analysis and explore the dramatic structure of the play or performance that is being prepared or analysed and presented. In traditional theatrical turn of phrase, a dramaturge can be broken down as an rational deviser, or a associate of the production team who is bothered with the way in which the concepts, subjects and the ideas of a play are reflected on stage. The role of the dramaturge is both multifaceted and open to change, shaping and reโ€“shaping to encounter the required needs of the theatre company, or of the specific production in question. A dramaturge may be called upon to complete a wide variety of tasks in the theatre. These more content... Since then the artist as a performer has stood against many of the acknowledged order of theatre and controversially changed our thoughts of what makes up visual art. While performance art is a comparatively recently developed region of art history, it has a base in experimental art of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Resonating unworldly concepts of the period's avantโ€“garde, these primary instances found impact in theatrical and music performance, art, poetry, burlesque and other popular entertainment. Modern artists used live events to advance radical viewpoints, usually by virtue of intended provocation and attempts to offend middleโ€“class flavour or assumptions. In Italy, the insurgent group of Futurist artists insulted and yelled obscenity at their middleโ€“class audiences in the aim of stirring up political action. Following World War II, performance appeared as a good way for people to look into analytical and mental questions about our own human existence. For previous generations like in the 1950's, who have observed demolition sourced by the Holocaust and atomic bomb, the body provided a strong means of communication to transmit physical and emotional Get more content on
  • 15. Dramatic Monologue Hi, Mrs. Margaret. This is Jacqi. Malcolm gave me your number, I hope that's okay. He told me to let you know that he made it to Hungary in one piece, and that he's going to try and get his phone situation taken of tomorrow so he can talk to y'all as soon as possible. He miss you and Laura and sends his love. Anyway. I hope you're having a good evening, I'll talk to you later. Get more content on
  • 16. Dramatic Arts Research Paper The dramatic arts have had great influence on my life and on my perspective of the world. Through this artistic expression, I can take on any persona, freeing both my mind and my heart. The understanding of people's actions and emotions has shaped me into the young woman I am. Performance and the study of performing, I find, are enlightening, priceless, and eternal. So long as life persists, the timeless themes found in plays and works will persist. I suppose my interest in the dramatic arts began when my father took me to Broadway shows when I was young. My father, Daniel Staton, has produced many Broadway musicals and plays, including Hairspray, Jersey Boys, August Osage: County, The Producers, Little Shop of Horrors, Smokey Joe's Cafะ“ยฉ, Get more content on
  • 17. MACBETH & DRAMATIC IRONY The story of Macbeth written by the infamous William Shakespeare is an excellent storyline known and taught as a great piece of literature. Even after the creation of this tale almost 400 years ago, this wonderful written work is still admired and known all over the world. It is an adventure of a noble and truthful hero who is overcome by the lust for power and by greed. His aroused hunger for authority and supremacy leads to him losing his path and turning to the way of malice. The play progresses, as this character plays deeper and deeper into Satan's evil hand. Through the growth of this malevolent character, the story grows and develops as well. Each and every move more content... This neverโ€“ ending battle even happens today throughout the world. If you look at the crises in Serbia where different Serbs are fighting to gain power and even in Sudan where Arabs are slaughtering the blacks to gain control. These events prove that mankind has not completely evolved to a higher status than that at which it was at before. In the play through dramatic irony, the audience is aware that the King pronounces Macbeth thane of Cawdor. Ross is shown in the story as a nobleman of the king who announces Macbeth "an earnest of a greater honour, he bade me, from him, call thee thane of Cawdor," (I, iii, 109โ€“110). This dramatic irony showed that Macbeth was promised thane of Cawdor even before he knew about it and his power grew even more. Even the witches in their first encounter with Macbeth welcome by "all hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Cawdor," (I, iii, 51โ€“52). These pieces of dramatic irony back up the theme of ambition and control. By showing that once Macbeth has a taste of more power, like the Serbs and Arabs, he will become obsessed with it. He will hunt for power as a vampire hunts for blood under the blanked of the night sky. Here dramatic irony shows his increase in power and growing ambition, which leads to a complete change in his lifestyle and results in his final doom. In this story, most characters seem very sure of themselves and their power. This makes the story very exhilarating because in almost every part Get more content on
  • 18. The Dramatic Arts : The Art Of The Dramatic Arts Okay. So, the dramatic arts are something that is called the "incarnation of words." Drama is the kind of thing that takes words and actions and smears them on a canvas of a human to breathe life into the words and actions...escentially we are making a drawing of a teapot into a teapot that is 3d and full of hot tea, or we are creating an 18th century, corset drawing of a woman, into an actual woman with a posh english accent. We are the only kind of creature to create things out of nothing, we are created in the image of God, and I believe that the Church and most everybody else ceases to see the actors in Hollywood as people. We know that as created images of God, we are unique, and yet when we use our body, we tend to ignore the implications of the body. For example, if a writer writes a screenplay about a man who has sex with a woman when her husband is away, that could be alright in writing, however when we start to ask actors to act out infidelity on camera, we begin to hurt our fellow man, created in God's image. The flesh of a written character is real, but the flesh of a human being on camera is real. I am reminded of a chapel talk we had dealing with race. The speaker said something akin to the idea that "When we cease to see each other as people, then we will always believe we are right." I believe that is why it is so important to work in and with the people in "the business." Hollywood doesn't understand that there are other people besides themselves and Get more content on
  • 19. One experience that has had a dramatic effect on me was when my grandfather had his stroke. This had a dramatic change in my life in many ways and my life will never be the same because of it. Not only has it taught me to take care of myself, but it has always taught me to not take anything for granted, especially time we get to spend with our family. I remember my mom telling me we were going to see my grandfather in the hospital. As my family packed into the car, I was excited to see him, but also really nervous. We arrived to the hospital and I followed my mom to the elevator as she pushed the tiny up arrow. After a minute of waiting, we all piled into the elevator. My mother again pushed the number of the floor my grandfather was on. Once we got to the floor, we got off the elevator and headed down the hallways covered in cheap pictures showing such happy people. In that moment I remember wanting to feel their enlightenment. I looked down at the gray, glossy floors feeling dread as we continued down the dull hallway until we stopped, reaching his room. My mother slowly opened the door as the room became visible. My grandmother came over to us and hugged me. She brought me into the room and there he was, my grandfather, lying in the bed. I had always seen him so strong and full of life, but as he laid there he looked so helpless and vulnerable. I could tell he was uncomfortable. He reached over to me and smiled. I leaned down to hug him and smiled back. He was such a different looking man. His wrinkled skin was more pale than usual and his beard was stubbly. I looked around the hospital room. The walls were as plain as the rest of the building, cream colored and dressed in the same pictures hung in the hallways. The only color in the room were the flowers in vases sitting beside the window. A nurse came into the room and started to tend to my grandfather. My mom shooed me out of the room as the adults all talked to the nurse. After waiting a while in the waiting room, we left. My grandparents stayed in the hospital for a couple weeks and after doctors ran several tests trying to figure out why my grandpa was having the strokes, he got moved over to the rehab building beside the hospital. On Christmas Get more content on
  • 20. Drama Definition Essay Most people in the world thinks everyone has drama but themselves, when in reality everyone has drama including themselves. No not every person goes through the same thing meaning each persons drama can be different, a lot unspoken. The definition of drama is conflict or contrast of character and a wise woman once said " don't waste time on whats not important. Dont get sucked into the drama. get on with it: be a big person; be generous of spirit; be the person you'd admire ." my interpretation of Hudson's words are if something is going on in your or someone else life don't tell everyone your or their business, be an adult. If you tell someone something in confidence you don't expect them to go back and tell everyone, so do the same for someone Get more content on