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 作者簡介: Frank Toney, Ph.D., PMP
 Frank Toney博士幾乎是專案管理領域中全能專家,精通專案管理各層面的專業知識與經驗。他對於如何成為卓越
 的專案組織與專案領導等議題有精湛的研究,並有一系列這方面的著作和文章。他曾是Executive Initiative Institute
 的高階主管,他曾主持全球500大企業專案管理標竿學習高峰論壇(Top 500 Project Management Benchmarking
 是PMI活動積極參與者,是PMI標準和學術委員會(standards as well as the academic committee)的主要委員之一,也
 曾是研究委員會(research committee)的主席。Frank Toney博士在20幾個不同國家主持或管理過專案,他曾擔任過
 若干中型企業的CEO及董事,目前並擔任鳳凰城大學(University of Phoenix)的博士領導水準評審委員會主席、也

There is one major reason why companies engage in project               能使公司賺大錢是為何企業要採用專案管理的標竿
management benchmarking; it makes massive amounts of money. The
companies that participate in project management benchmarking
immediately improve project management competence by duplicating 習可藉複製其他已被認定最優典範公司之『最佳實務』
the quot;best practicesquot; that have been validated by other best performing 的方式而改善其專案管理的能力。這所謂的最佳實務,
project organizations. These quot;best practicesquot; are implemented to
immediately improve project efficiency and effectiveness.

It's an Ancient Decision Making Approach.                                這是一個古老決策方式

The quest to observe and duplicate best practices is an ancient and well    回顧歷史,探索、觀察與複製別人的最佳實務,自
proven concept. In approximately 400 BC, the Chinese military scholar 古以來就被認定是最好的策略。在大約公元前四百年,
and leader Sun Tzu in his book The Art of War, was the first to say       中國有一位軍事領導者與戰略專家-孫子,在他的『孫子
quot;Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will          兵法』中就曾最早說出〝知己知彼,百戰百勝〞的至理
never be in peril. About a 1,000 years later, in 1520, Machiavelli's book 名言。另在大約一千年之後的1520年Machiavelli 在其名
The Prince, presaged the concept of benchmarking with the statement, 著『王子』中,也提出有關標竿學習的先知卓見,他說
quot;A prudent man should always enter upon the paths beaten by great         〝一個見賢思齊的人必需時時的學習一些偉人們所開創
men, and imitate those who have been most excellentquot;.                     出邁向成功的路徑,並摸防那些已成為最卓越人的行為

One of the greatest benchmarkers of contemporary times was the             孫逸仙博士是近代最善於運用標竿學習者之一的偉
Chinese leader Dr. Sun Yat-sen. In the biography written by Lyon         大中國領導者,在Lyon Sharmon有關孫逸仙生平的著作
Sharmon, Dr. Sun was quoted, quot;More than a thousand times, the            中,就曾引述孫逸仙所說〝在經過超過一千次以上的思
question has been put to me, when and how I got my revolutionary         索,我才能就應何時及如何革命的這個問題得到具體的
ideas.quot; His responses to the question could have come from a             想法〞而他的革命理論可能就是經過標竿學習過程。他
benchmarking text. He would talk about ideas taken from the British 的一些思維,有些來自於香港的英國政府,他更從美國
government of Hong Kong, how he had built upon American president 林肯總統的〝民有、民治、民享〞名言中獲得啟發;同
Abraham Lincoln's remark quot;government of the people, by the people 時他也學習部份基督教信仰的自由思潮,及部份來自於
and for the peoplequot;, how he admired and implemented the liberating       日本民治維新改革方式,並結合他從周遊列國,觀察學
elements of Christianity, how he patterned a portion of his revolutionary習美、英、法的社會政經之發展現象而成為自己的思想
plans around a prior Japanese revolution; and then combined with all 與信仰。
this, how he had learned from traveling and observing in the United
States, England and France.

Benchmarking results in the Best Decisions.                              標竿學習導致最佳決策

The value of benchmarking as the superior decision making                 標竿學習對於最佳決策方法的價值,同時也被近代
methodology is also well validated by current research. Professor Nutt 的研究所証實,Nutt教授近年來針對將近350個決策模式
analyzed approximately 350 major decisions and their effect on the     及在多年後其對組織造成影響進行分析。他發現將近一
organization over a multi-year period. He concluded that approximately 半的決策,在二年之後所產生的影響經過檢驗是錯誤
one-half were incorrect as determined by whether the action remained 的;其中其最知名是,他發現不靠來自於別人經驗的決
in effect after two years. The most popular method observed by Nutt's 策下達所獲得成功的機率僅有最低的百分之44。若只要
analysis was to make decisions by dictate with minimal input from      設定簡單而來自他人的經驗的目標,及達成目標的方法
others. The method was also the least successful with only 44% of      與成功決策的模式,其成功機率會提昇到百分之七十。
decisions made in this fashion being considered successful. Simply by Nutt教授調查發現雖然標竿學習不被經常使用,但它是
setting objectives and gathering input from others about methods to    最好的方法。採用標竿學習的決策,在經過二年後驗證
achieve the objectives, decision-making success was increased to 70    其成功機率,可提升到百分九十六。
percent. Professor Nutt's investigation of decision making found that
although the least used, the bench marking approach was the most
successful. Two years after benchmarking based decisions were made,
they were successful in 96 percent of the cases analyzed!

Benchmarking Benefits all Stakeholders.                                  標竿學習使所有利害關人獲利

The benefits of benchmarking and the resultant competency standards        標竿學習及能力標準提昇及最佳實務所創造出的價
and best practices apply to all project stakeholders. For professional   值,能廣泛運用於所有利害關係人。對於專業的專案經
project managers improvements can be expected in earnings, the image     理們能力改善而言,他們的薪資所得、專業的形像的增
of professionalism, and job performance. For companies and large         加及工作成效的提昇是可以期盼的。對於企業及政府部
governmental agencies, competencies enhance project manager              門而言,它能提昇對於專案經理選擇的能力,專案成效
selection, performance evaluation, and personnel development.            評量,及人力資源的發展。

Benefits for Project Management Professionals.                           提昇專案管理專業能力
Benchmarking tends to raise the level of professionalism and                 標竿學習傾向增加現在及未來專案經理專業能力的
predictability of job performance for existing and future professional     層級及其工作成效評量的預判。在一個科層式的組織
project managers. The successful negotiation of the more rigorous          中,成功的談判與主導的能力可增加其所預期的薪資所
hurdles can be expected to translate into higher income, elevated job      得、得到職位晉升,改善生涯的動力並增進同僚的肯定
position in the organizational hierarchy, improved career mobility and     及尊敬。
enhanced peer recognition and respect.

Benefits for Employers of Project Managers.                                提昇專案團隊成員的能力

■For Project Manager Selection.                                           ■專案經理選拔
Organizations use benchmarking to improve ability to predict project 當組織面臨(a)缺乏過去評量未來成效的經驗,及(b)經驗
leader performance when there is (a) insufficient historical experience 是根據不同的工作考量(c)經驗是無法被確認的,(d)個人
to evaluate future performance, (b) the experience base is different from 是在進行能力發展的過程,或(e)侯選者正被考慮做職務
the job being considered, (c) experience can not be verified, (e) the     調整,而無該工作實務經驗時,可運用標竿學習以改善
individual is in a personal development process, or (f) candidates are 專案領導者對成效預判的能力。
being evaluated for promotion to a job they have not performed before.

■For Personal Development: Guiding, Measuring, & Rewarding.                ■個人發展:指導、評量及獎勵
 Validated competencies resulting from benchmarking can be used to         標竿學習所創造出能力的提昇,可用在(a)辨認個人能力
(a) identify areas of strengths and weaknesses and to tailor training      的優缺點以作為訓練的依據,(b)辦認各別員工在工作執
accordingly, (b) identify the range of pay for an individual's             行上表現的不同能力所應支付的報酬,及(c)決定何種工
competency in performing the job, and (c) determine how much each          作類別,應給予那些合理的待遇。
job category should pay.

■For Project Customers & Stakeholders.                                     ■專案客戶及利害關係人答案
Application of validated competencies assures project customers and        採用已被認定可行的能力提昇模式,對於專案的客戶及
stakeholders that the probability of project success is improved. It       利害關係人而言,可增加專案成功的機率。它同時對於
signals to customers and stakeholders that the project management          客戶及利害關係人釋放出一種訊號,就是平均而言,有
professional will, on the average, outperform the non-professional. It     專案管理專業能力的人絕對比缺乏該專業性的人,更具
provides assurance that the approach taken by the project leader will be   有確保專案成功的信心;他同時能確保專案領導者對每
predictable and consistent, from project to project, between varied        一項專案在不同的時間點、不同的專案環境中、及不同
project leaders, and in differing time periods and project environments.   的專案管理者,均可維持其對專案未來的可預測性及執

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Windows 7兼容性系列课程(2):Windows 7用户权限控制 (UAC)Windows 7兼容性系列课程(2):Windows 7用户权限控制 (UAC)
Windows 7兼容性系列课程(2):Windows 7用户权限控制 (UAC)
learning science via movies, Fall, 2009
learning science via movies, Fall, 2009learning science via movies, Fall, 2009
learning science via movies, Fall, 2009
Activity Theory And Context Based Design
Activity Theory And Context Based DesignActivity Theory And Context Based Design
Activity Theory And Context Based Design


  • 1. 專案管理專欄 作者簡介: Frank Toney, Ph.D., PMP Frank Toney博士幾乎是專案管理領域中全能專家,精通專案管理各層面的專業知識與經驗。他對於如何成為卓越 的專案組織與專案領導等議題有精湛的研究,並有一系列這方面的著作和文章。他曾是Executive Initiative Institute 的高階主管,他曾主持全球500大企業專案管理標竿學習高峰論壇(Top 500 Project Management Benchmarking Forum),該論壇包含130家以上的大型企業,共同就如何提升組織專案管理能力之議題進行交流與討論。他一直 是PMI活動積極參與者,是PMI標準和學術委員會(standards as well as the academic committee)的主要委員之一,也 曾是研究委員會(research committee)的主席。Frank Toney博士在20幾個不同國家主持或管理過專案,他曾擔任過 若干中型企業的CEO及董事,目前並擔任鳳凰城大學(University of Phoenix)的博士領導水準評審委員會主席、也 是美國喬治華盛頓大學、管理科技大學的兼任教授。 There is one major reason why companies engage in project 能使公司賺大錢是為何企業要採用專案管理的標竿 management benchmarking; it makes massive amounts of money. The 學習的最主要的原因。任何公司當採用專案管理標竿學 companies that participate in project management benchmarking immediately improve project management competence by duplicating 習可藉複製其他已被認定最優典範公司之『最佳實務』 the quot;best practicesquot; that have been validated by other best performing 的方式而改善其專案管理的能力。這所謂的最佳實務, 可立即提昇他們在專案管理執行上的效益及效能。
  • 2. project organizations. These quot;best practicesquot; are implemented to immediately improve project efficiency and effectiveness. It's an Ancient Decision Making Approach. 這是一個古老決策方式 The quest to observe and duplicate best practices is an ancient and well 回顧歷史,探索、觀察與複製別人的最佳實務,自 proven concept. In approximately 400 BC, the Chinese military scholar 古以來就被認定是最好的策略。在大約公元前四百年, and leader Sun Tzu in his book The Art of War, was the first to say 中國有一位軍事領導者與戰略專家-孫子,在他的『孫子 quot;Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will 兵法』中就曾最早說出〝知己知彼,百戰百勝〞的至理 never be in peril. About a 1,000 years later, in 1520, Machiavelli's book 名言。另在大約一千年之後的1520年Machiavelli 在其名 The Prince, presaged the concept of benchmarking with the statement, 著『王子』中,也提出有關標竿學習的先知卓見,他說 quot;A prudent man should always enter upon the paths beaten by great 〝一個見賢思齊的人必需時時的學習一些偉人們所開創 men, and imitate those who have been most excellentquot;. 出邁向成功的路徑,並摸防那些已成為最卓越人的行為 舉止。〞 One of the greatest benchmarkers of contemporary times was the 孫逸仙博士是近代最善於運用標竿學習者之一的偉 Chinese leader Dr. Sun Yat-sen. In the biography written by Lyon 大中國領導者,在Lyon Sharmon有關孫逸仙生平的著作 Sharmon, Dr. Sun was quoted, quot;More than a thousand times, the 中,就曾引述孫逸仙所說〝在經過超過一千次以上的思 question has been put to me, when and how I got my revolutionary 索,我才能就應何時及如何革命的這個問題得到具體的 ideas.quot; His responses to the question could have come from a 想法〞而他的革命理論可能就是經過標竿學習過程。他 benchmarking text. He would talk about ideas taken from the British 的一些思維,有些來自於香港的英國政府,他更從美國 government of Hong Kong, how he had built upon American president 林肯總統的〝民有、民治、民享〞名言中獲得啟發;同 Abraham Lincoln's remark quot;government of the people, by the people 時他也學習部份基督教信仰的自由思潮,及部份來自於 and for the peoplequot;, how he admired and implemented the liberating 日本民治維新改革方式,並結合他從周遊列國,觀察學 elements of Christianity, how he patterned a portion of his revolutionary習美、英、法的社會政經之發展現象而成為自己的思想 plans around a prior Japanese revolution; and then combined with all 與信仰。 this, how he had learned from traveling and observing in the United States, England and France. Benchmarking results in the Best Decisions. 標竿學習導致最佳決策 The value of benchmarking as the superior decision making 標竿學習對於最佳決策方法的價值,同時也被近代 methodology is also well validated by current research. Professor Nutt 的研究所証實,Nutt教授近年來針對將近350個決策模式 analyzed approximately 350 major decisions and their effect on the 及在多年後其對組織造成影響進行分析。他發現將近一 organization over a multi-year period. He concluded that approximately 半的決策,在二年之後所產生的影響經過檢驗是錯誤 one-half were incorrect as determined by whether the action remained 的;其中其最知名是,他發現不靠來自於別人經驗的決 in effect after two years. The most popular method observed by Nutt's 策下達所獲得成功的機率僅有最低的百分之44。若只要 analysis was to make decisions by dictate with minimal input from 設定簡單而來自他人的經驗的目標,及達成目標的方法 others. The method was also the least successful with only 44% of 與成功決策的模式,其成功機率會提昇到百分之七十。 decisions made in this fashion being considered successful. Simply by Nutt教授調查發現雖然標竿學習不被經常使用,但它是 setting objectives and gathering input from others about methods to 最好的方法。採用標竿學習的決策,在經過二年後驗證 achieve the objectives, decision-making success was increased to 70 其成功機率,可提升到百分九十六。 percent. Professor Nutt's investigation of decision making found that although the least used, the bench marking approach was the most successful. Two years after benchmarking based decisions were made, they were successful in 96 percent of the cases analyzed! Benchmarking Benefits all Stakeholders. 標竿學習使所有利害關人獲利 The benefits of benchmarking and the resultant competency standards 標竿學習及能力標準提昇及最佳實務所創造出的價 and best practices apply to all project stakeholders. For professional 值,能廣泛運用於所有利害關係人。對於專業的專案經 project managers improvements can be expected in earnings, the image 理們能力改善而言,他們的薪資所得、專業的形像的增 of professionalism, and job performance. For companies and large 加及工作成效的提昇是可以期盼的。對於企業及政府部 governmental agencies, competencies enhance project manager 門而言,它能提昇對於專案經理選擇的能力,專案成效 selection, performance evaluation, and personnel development. 評量,及人力資源的發展。 Benefits for Project Management Professionals. 提昇專案管理專業能力
  • 3. Benchmarking tends to raise the level of professionalism and 標竿學習傾向增加現在及未來專案經理專業能力的 predictability of job performance for existing and future professional 層級及其工作成效評量的預判。在一個科層式的組織 project managers. The successful negotiation of the more rigorous 中,成功的談判與主導的能力可增加其所預期的薪資所 hurdles can be expected to translate into higher income, elevated job 得、得到職位晉升,改善生涯的動力並增進同僚的肯定 position in the organizational hierarchy, improved career mobility and 及尊敬。 enhanced peer recognition and respect. Benefits for Employers of Project Managers. 提昇專案團隊成員的能力 ■For Project Manager Selection. ■專案經理選拔 Organizations use benchmarking to improve ability to predict project 當組織面臨(a)缺乏過去評量未來成效的經驗,及(b)經驗 leader performance when there is (a) insufficient historical experience 是根據不同的工作考量(c)經驗是無法被確認的,(d)個人 to evaluate future performance, (b) the experience base is different from 是在進行能力發展的過程,或(e)侯選者正被考慮做職務 the job being considered, (c) experience can not be verified, (e) the 調整,而無該工作實務經驗時,可運用標竿學習以改善 individual is in a personal development process, or (f) candidates are 專案領導者對成效預判的能力。 being evaluated for promotion to a job they have not performed before. ■For Personal Development: Guiding, Measuring, & Rewarding. ■個人發展:指導、評量及獎勵 Validated competencies resulting from benchmarking can be used to 標竿學習所創造出能力的提昇,可用在(a)辨認個人能力 (a) identify areas of strengths and weaknesses and to tailor training 的優缺點以作為訓練的依據,(b)辦認各別員工在工作執 accordingly, (b) identify the range of pay for an individual's 行上表現的不同能力所應支付的報酬,及(c)決定何種工 competency in performing the job, and (c) determine how much each 作類別,應給予那些合理的待遇。 job category should pay. ■For Project Customers & Stakeholders. ■專案客戶及利害關係人答案 Application of validated competencies assures project customers and 採用已被認定可行的能力提昇模式,對於專案的客戶及 stakeholders that the probability of project success is improved. It 利害關係人而言,可增加專案成功的機率。它同時對於 signals to customers and stakeholders that the project management 客戶及利害關係人釋放出一種訊號,就是平均而言,有 professional will, on the average, outperform the non-professional. It 專案管理專業能力的人絕對比缺乏該專業性的人,更具 provides assurance that the approach taken by the project leader will be 有確保專案成功的信心;他同時能確保專案領導者對每 predictable and consistent, from project to project, between varied 一項專案在不同的時間點、不同的專案環境中、及不同 project leaders, and in differing time periods and project environments. 的專案管理者,均可維持其對專案未來的可預測性及執 行的一致性。