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Joyce Meyer Ministries
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Teaching Notes by Joyce Meyer
July 25-28, 1996
Modesto, California
I. Passing Through Or Taking Up Residence?
A. Deuteronomy 1:2 – It took forty years to make an eleven-day trip
1. Deuteronomy 1:6 – . . . You have dwelt long enough
on this mountain.
B. Proverbs 23:7 – As a man thinks, so is he or so does he become.
1. Mindsets are very important (Colossians 3:1-2).
2. Ephesians 4:22-24 – Change of behavior is directly
related to change of mind.
3. Romans 12:2 – Be transformed by the entire renewal
of your mind.
C. Hebrews 11:15 – Looking back gives constant opportunity to return.
1. Get your mind on the Promised Land and off of
Egypt and the wilderness.
2. Isaiah 43:18-19 – Do not seriously remember nor
consider the things of old. I am doing a new thing.
He makes a way in the wilderness for the new thing.
Learn to cooperate.
II. The Wilderness Types And Shadows
A. A literal place, or it can be the wilderness in the inner man.
B. Is your inner life a wilderness or a fruitful field – a desert or a river
flowing forth?
1. John 7:37-38 – Now on the final and most important day
of the Feast, Jesus stood, and He cried in a loud voice, If
any man is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink!
He who believes in Me [who cleaves to and trusts in and
relies on Me] as the Scripture has said, From his inner-
most being shall flow [continuously] springs and rivers
of living water.
2. Unbelief creates disobedience and keeps you in the wilderness.
C. What are you full of? God’s will or yours?
D. Is your land flowing with milk and honey, which is righteousness, peace,
and joy?
E. Have you crossed over the Jordan (made the transition from wilderness
living to Promised Land living)?
III. Wilderness Mentality #1 – “My future is based on my past and my
A. The Israelites had no positive vision for their lives – no dreams.
1. Ephesians 5:17 – Therefore do not be vague and
thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and
firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is.
2. Be people of purpose.
B. Everything was based on what they had seen and could see.
1. They did not know how to see with “the eyes of faith.”
2. Isaiah 11:3 – He did not judge by sight.
C. Numbers 14:2-4; 20:3-4; 21:4-5 – They never saw beyond their
1. Genesis 13:14-17 – Abraham had to start over – and
God said, “All you can see, I will give you.”
D. Is your attitude “WAIT and SEE OR SEE and WAIT?”
1. Take a positive look at the possibilities of the future
and begin to call those things that be not as if they are.
IV. Wilderness Mentality #2 – “Someone do it for me; I don’t want to take
the responsibility.”
A. Responsibility – Respond to the ability God has placed in you, or
respond to the opportunity God has put in front of you.
1. Genesis 11:31; 12:1-2 – Abram’s father offered an
opportunity to go to Canaan, BUT he settled in Haran.
Abram took responsibility.
B. Proverbs 6:6-11 – The ant takes responsibility without oversight.
1. Matthew 20:16b – For many are called, but few chosen.
C. Joshua: Chapter 1 – They were on the border of the Promised Land.
1. Moses is dead – This meant a lot of new responsibility.
D. From twigs to trees
1. God removes props (people and things we lean
on that make it easy for us).
E. Joshua 1:2 – Arise
Get up; or a spiritual awakening from lethargy
1. Lethargy – Sluggish indifference, apathy, forgetfulness,
passive, procrastinating, lazy and lukewarm.
2. Haggai 1:2-9 – They procrastinated eighteen years
doing what they felt like doing.
3. Ecclesiastes 11:4 – Don’t wait until all conditions are
favorable to sow.
4. Will you be mediocre or excellent?
F. People with a wilderness mentality want to have everything and
do nothing.
1. Plenty of wishbone, but not much backbone
G. John 5:1-8 – Man crippled thirty-eight years had a wilderness mentality.
V. Wilderness Mentality #3 – “Please make everything easy. I can’t take it if
things are too hard.”
A. How you behave in the wilderness determines whether or not you are
ready for the Promised Land.
1. “This is too hard” is one of the biggest excuses I hear.
B. Numbers 21:4 – They always get discouraged and depressed during
C. They lived by feelings and not “the Word of God.”
1. Deuteronomy 30:11 – My commands are not too hard.
2. Psalm 143 and Psalm 42 are good psalms on depression
and what our response should be.
D. Exodus 13:17 – God led them the hard way on purpose.
1. Hard – Demanding great effort, endurance; difficult,
harsh, severe; resistant to pressure; troublesome.
2. They were not ready for war. They wanted to possess
but did not realize that meant dispossess.
E. Deuteronomy: Chapter 8 – God led them in hard times to test them
and to see if they would keep His commandments or not.
1. I Peter 4:12 – Fiery ordeal that tests our quality
2. You never know what you really know until you take the test.
F. John: Chapter 6 – They loved miracles but turned back when Jesus said
hard things to them (Verses 6:1-2, 9-11, 18-21, 48-66).
G. Exodus 14:10-15 – With the Red Sea in front and the Egyptian army at
their rear, they wanted to turn back.
1. They got emotional and had a fit; they were “whiners.”
2. God said, “Tell them to go forward.”
3. Proverbs 24:10 – If you faint in the day of adversity,
your strength is small.
H. Press on – Press through.
1. You do not get translated into the Promised Land; you
go through the wilderness to get there.
a. Mark 5:24-34 – The woman with the issue
of blood had to press through the crowd.
b. Genesis 32:24-26 – Jacob refused to let God
alone until He conferred a blessing on him.
c. Philippians 3:14 – Paul pressed on toward the goal.
I. Go all the way through (Hebrews 10:38-39) – Don’t draw back to
eternal misery.
1. Hebrews 6:11 – Go all the way through.
2. Mark 4:35-38 – Crossing over to the other side
does not mean there will be no storms. It actually
means just the opposite.
J. Matthew 20:20-22 – They wanted promotion. Jesus replied that
they did not know what they were asking for.
VI. Wilderness Mentality #4 – “Grumbling, faultfinding, and complaining”
A. Until our attitude can glorify God during suffering, we will not get
1. I Peter 2:19-21 – It is not suffering that glorifies God,
but a godly attitude in suffering that glorifies Him.
Glory = Excellence.
B. Jesus suffered gloriously.
1. Without complaint
2. With trust – no matter how it looked
3. Silently – Isaiah 53:7 and John 14:30
4. He remained the same (I Peter 4:19) – Those who are ill-
treated must do right and deposit themselves with God.
C. We often (or usually) suffer grotesquely.
1. Murmuring, grumbling, deploring our situation,
faultfinding (we find fault with God), or complaining
(Philippians 4:6; 2:14-15, and I Corinthians 10:9-11)
a. I Peter 5:9-10 – Everybody suffers; you
will be delivered soon.
b. I Peter 5:8-9 – Resist the devil means
resist the wrong attitude.
2. Reporting to all who will listen to every little
detail of our trials, often over and over
3. Fearful, worried, and negative
D. Complaining can be considered praising the devil. We should give
thanks and, therefore, praise God.
1. The Israelites “complained and remained” in
the wilderness.
2. Jesus “praised and was raised” from the dead.
E. Romans 12:12 – Be steadfast and patient in suffering.
VII. Wilderness Mentality #5 – “Don’t make me wait for anything; I deserve
everything immediately.”
A. This attitude is the fruit of pride.
1. James 1:2-4 – Rejoice in trials; they are bringing out patience.
This will bring you to an area where you lack nothing.
2. Deuteronomy 8:7-9 – God leading them through the
wilderness to a land where they would lack nothing
B. James 5:7 – Patience is HOW YOU ACT while you’re waiting – not just
1. It is a Fruit of the Spirit that grows only under trial.
C. Hebrews 10:36 – You need steadfast patience and endurance so
you can inherit the promises (the Promised Land).
D. Pride (I Peter 5:6) – Therefore humble yourselves [demote, lower
yourselves in your own estimation] under the mighty hand of God,
that in due time He may exalt you.
1. Learn to enjoy where you are while you are
getting to where you are going to be.
2. Pride says, “I am ready now.”
Humility says, “God knows best.”
3. Romans 12:3 – Do not have an exaggerated opinion of your
own importance.
4. Proverbs 16:2 – All our ways are right in our own eyes,
but God knows us much better than we know ourselves.
5. Proverbs 16:9 – We plan our way, but God directs our
steps – and THANK GOD HE DOES.
6. Proverbs 16:25 – The way that seems right to us would
end in death. (My way could have killed the ministry.)
VIII. Wilderness Mentality #6 – “My behavior may be wrong, but it’s not my
fault.” (Evading the real issues in life)
A. Genesis 3:12-13 – Adam and Eve blamed each other, God, and the
devil; therefore, evading personal responsibility for their actions.
B. Genesis 16:1-6 – Abram and Sarai blamed each other.
C. Numbers 21:5 – All the Israelites’ problems were God’s and Moses’
fault. They successfully evaded their errors.
D. I acted terrible, but it was always:
1. Because I was abused
2. Because Dave was not doing something
or was doing something
3. Because of my kids
4. Because, because – but freedom did not
come until I faced the truth about me.
E. Psalm 51:6 – I desire truth in the inner being.
1. David had been in sin one year – without
repentance. He needed to face the real issue.
F. John 16:13 – The truth-giving Spirit comes to guide you into all Truth.
1. John 16:12 – He has much to say to all of us,
as we are ready to face it.
G. Something in your past, a person, or circumstance in your life may
be a reason for wrong behavior; BUT do not allow it to become an
excuse to stay that way.
IX. Wilderness Mentality #7 – “Self-pity”
A. Idolatry – Turning in on yourself, concentrating on you, and your
feelings. Perverting the gift of compassion, which was intended
to go out to others and not to be turned in on ourselves.
B. Martyrs (defined/Webster’s) – One who makes a great show of
suffering in order to arouse sympathy.
1. A woman who works hard in her home but considers
herself everyone’s slave
2. People who live sacrificially but not for the right motives
C. We exhaust ourselves trying to gain sympathy.
1. The way I acted years ago when Dave went to play golf
or watched football on Sundays
2. I would:
a. Work hard over big meals and then feel sorry
for myself
b. Clean house and then feel sorry for myself
c. Turn down an opportunity to have fun and
then feel sorry for myself
3. Self-pity is a major trap and one of Satan’s favorite
tools to keep you in the wilderness.
X. Wilderness Mentality #8 – “I don’t deserve God’s blessings because I am
not worthy.”
A. Numbers 13:33 – Are you looking at yourself and the giants or at God?
B. He is worthy, and we are joint heirs. Are you a laborer or an inheritor?
1. Heir – One who receives something other than by
merit. Property passed on to another.
2. Laborer – One weary from trying to follow the law.
Denotes laborious toil and trouble.
C. John 16:13-15 – All the Father has belongs to Jesus. The Holy Spirit
transmits it to you.
1. A transmitter must have a receiver for the transaction
to be complete.
a. Receive – Act as a receptacle.
b. Get – Obtain by struggle and effort.
D. Hebrews 11:6 – God rewards those who diligently seek Him – not those
with a perfect record.
E. Hebrews 4:15-16 – He understands our nature; therefore, come boldly
and receive.
F. Joshua 5:9 – The reproach had to be rolled away before they possessed
their first town in the Promised Land.
1. Reproach – Shame, blame, and generally feeling
bad about oneself.
XI. Wilderness Mentality #9 – “Jealousy, envy, and comparison”
A. Must realize God has a unique, individual plan for each person.
1. Proverbs 14:30 – Envy is the rottenness of the bones.
2. Acts 7:9 – Envy caused Joseph’s brothers to sell him
into slavery.
3. Envy (defined/Vine’s) – The feeling of displeasure
produced by witnessing the prosperity of others.
4. Jealousy (defined/Webster’s) – Fearful of losing what
you have to another, resentful of another’s success,
arising from feelings of envy.
B. John 21:21 – Peter, upon being told of upcoming suffering, immediately
wanted to know about John and what would happen to him.
1. Jesus politely told him to mind his own business.
C. Minding (having on your mind) other people’s business will keep you in
the wilderness. It is a wilderness mentality.
D. Do not compare your trials, your blessings, or yourself with others.
1. Comparing trials brings depression or pride.
2. Comparing blessings brings depression or pride.
3. Comparing yourself brings works of the flesh,
depression, or pride.
XII. Wilderness Mentality #10 – “I’m going to do it my way or not at all.”
A. Stubbornness and rebellion
1. Learn to give up your own way and be pliable
and moldable in the hand of God.
2. Stubborn (defined/Webster’s) – Obstinate;
difficult to handle or work with.
3. Rebellious (defined/Webster’s) – Resisting control, resisting
correction, unruly. Refusing to follow ordinary guidelines.
B. Saul’s example:
1. I Samuel 10:6-8
2. I Samuel 13:8-12
3. I Samuel 13:13-14
A little leaven leavens the whole lump.
4. I Samuel 15:1-23 – Selected portions
Saul’s own way was so strong that he deceived himself into
thinking he had obeyed God, when he had actually disobeyed.
C. Ecclesiastes 12:13 – All has been heard; the end of the matter is:
Fear God [revere and worship Him, knowing that He is] and keep
His commandments, for this is the whole of man [the full, original
purpose of his creation, the object of God’s providence, the root of
character, the foundation of all happiness, the adjustment to all
inharmonious circumstances and conditions under the sun] and the
whole [duty] for every man.
1. Fear God.
2. Know that He is.
3. Obey Him – It is the whole duty of man, the purpose
he was created for, and the object of God’s providence.
4. It is the root of all character.
5. It is the foundation of all happiness.
6. It is the adjustment of all inharmonious circumstances.
7. It is the whole duty of man.
D. Romans 5:19 – The disobedience of one can keep many in the

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89169385 wilderness-mentality-joyce-meyer

  • 1. Joyce Meyer Ministries Nanakramguda Hyderabad - 500 008 Andhra Pradesh INDIA 91-40-2300 6777 Teaching Notes by Joyce Meyer TN32
  • 2.
  • 3. July 25-28, 1996 Modesto, California WILDERNESS MENTALITY I. Passing Through Or Taking Up Residence? A. Deuteronomy 1:2 – It took forty years to make an eleven-day trip 1. Deuteronomy 1:6 – . . . You have dwelt long enough on this mountain. B. Proverbs 23:7 – As a man thinks, so is he or so does he become. 1. Mindsets are very important (Colossians 3:1-2). 2. Ephesians 4:22-24 – Change of behavior is directly related to change of mind. 3. Romans 12:2 – Be transformed by the entire renewal of your mind. C. Hebrews 11:15 – Looking back gives constant opportunity to return. 1. Get your mind on the Promised Land and off of Egypt and the wilderness. 2. Isaiah 43:18-19 – Do not seriously remember nor consider the things of old. I am doing a new thing. He makes a way in the wilderness for the new thing. Learn to cooperate. II. The Wilderness Types And Shadows A. A literal place, or it can be the wilderness in the inner man. WILDERNESS MENTALITY 1
  • 4. B. Is your inner life a wilderness or a fruitful field – a desert or a river flowing forth? 1. John 7:37-38 – Now on the final and most important day of the Feast, Jesus stood, and He cried in a loud voice, If any man is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink! He who believes in Me [who cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me] as the Scripture has said, From his inner- most being shall flow [continuously] springs and rivers of living water. 2. Unbelief creates disobedience and keeps you in the wilderness. C. What are you full of? God’s will or yours? D. Is your land flowing with milk and honey, which is righteousness, peace, and joy? E. Have you crossed over the Jordan (made the transition from wilderness living to Promised Land living)? III. Wilderness Mentality #1 – “My future is based on my past and my present.” A. The Israelites had no positive vision for their lives – no dreams. 1. Ephesians 5:17 – Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is. 2. Be people of purpose. B. Everything was based on what they had seen and could see. 1. They did not know how to see with “the eyes of faith.” 2. Isaiah 11:3 – He did not judge by sight. C. Numbers 14:2-4; 20:3-4; 21:4-5 – They never saw beyond their circumstances. WILDERNESS MENTALITY 2
  • 5. 1. Genesis 13:14-17 – Abraham had to start over – and God said, “All you can see, I will give you.” D. Is your attitude “WAIT and SEE OR SEE and WAIT?” 1. Take a positive look at the possibilities of the future and begin to call those things that be not as if they are. IV. Wilderness Mentality #2 – “Someone do it for me; I don’t want to take the responsibility.” A. Responsibility – Respond to the ability God has placed in you, or respond to the opportunity God has put in front of you. 1. Genesis 11:31; 12:1-2 – Abram’s father offered an opportunity to go to Canaan, BUT he settled in Haran. Abram took responsibility. B. Proverbs 6:6-11 – The ant takes responsibility without oversight. 1. Matthew 20:16b – For many are called, but few chosen. C. Joshua: Chapter 1 – They were on the border of the Promised Land. 1. Moses is dead – This meant a lot of new responsibility. D. From twigs to trees 1. God removes props (people and things we lean on that make it easy for us). E. Joshua 1:2 – Arise Get up; or a spiritual awakening from lethargy 1. Lethargy – Sluggish indifference, apathy, forgetfulness, passive, procrastinating, lazy and lukewarm. 2. Haggai 1:2-9 – They procrastinated eighteen years doing what they felt like doing. WILDERNESS MENTALITY 3
  • 6. 3. Ecclesiastes 11:4 – Don’t wait until all conditions are favorable to sow. 4. Will you be mediocre or excellent? F. People with a wilderness mentality want to have everything and do nothing. 1. Plenty of wishbone, but not much backbone G. John 5:1-8 – Man crippled thirty-eight years had a wilderness mentality. V. Wilderness Mentality #3 – “Please make everything easy. I can’t take it if things are too hard.” A. How you behave in the wilderness determines whether or not you are ready for the Promised Land. 1. “This is too hard” is one of the biggest excuses I hear. B. Numbers 21:4 – They always get discouraged and depressed during trials. C. They lived by feelings and not “the Word of God.” 1. Deuteronomy 30:11 – My commands are not too hard. 2. Psalm 143 and Psalm 42 are good psalms on depression and what our response should be. D. Exodus 13:17 – God led them the hard way on purpose. 1. Hard – Demanding great effort, endurance; difficult, harsh, severe; resistant to pressure; troublesome. 2. They were not ready for war. They wanted to possess but did not realize that meant dispossess. E. Deuteronomy: Chapter 8 – God led them in hard times to test them and to see if they would keep His commandments or not. WILDERNESS MENTALITY 4
  • 7. 1. I Peter 4:12 – Fiery ordeal that tests our quality 2. You never know what you really know until you take the test. F. John: Chapter 6 – They loved miracles but turned back when Jesus said hard things to them (Verses 6:1-2, 9-11, 18-21, 48-66). G. Exodus 14:10-15 – With the Red Sea in front and the Egyptian army at their rear, they wanted to turn back. 1. They got emotional and had a fit; they were “whiners.” 2. God said, “Tell them to go forward.” 3. Proverbs 24:10 – If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small. H. Press on – Press through. 1. You do not get translated into the Promised Land; you go through the wilderness to get there. a. Mark 5:24-34 – The woman with the issue of blood had to press through the crowd. b. Genesis 32:24-26 – Jacob refused to let God alone until He conferred a blessing on him. c. Philippians 3:14 – Paul pressed on toward the goal. I. Go all the way through (Hebrews 10:38-39) – Don’t draw back to eternal misery. 1. Hebrews 6:11 – Go all the way through. 2. Mark 4:35-38 – Crossing over to the other side does not mean there will be no storms. It actually means just the opposite. J. Matthew 20:20-22 – They wanted promotion. Jesus replied that they did not know what they were asking for. WILDERNESS MENTALITY 5
  • 8. VI. Wilderness Mentality #4 – “Grumbling, faultfinding, and complaining” A. Until our attitude can glorify God during suffering, we will not get delivered. 1. I Peter 2:19-21 – It is not suffering that glorifies God, but a godly attitude in suffering that glorifies Him. Glory = Excellence. B. Jesus suffered gloriously. 1. Without complaint 2. With trust – no matter how it looked 3. Silently – Isaiah 53:7 and John 14:30 4. He remained the same (I Peter 4:19) – Those who are ill- treated must do right and deposit themselves with God. C. We often (or usually) suffer grotesquely. 1. Murmuring, grumbling, deploring our situation, faultfinding (we find fault with God), or complaining (Philippians 4:6; 2:14-15, and I Corinthians 10:9-11) a. I Peter 5:9-10 – Everybody suffers; you will be delivered soon. b. I Peter 5:8-9 – Resist the devil means resist the wrong attitude. 2. Reporting to all who will listen to every little detail of our trials, often over and over 3. Fearful, worried, and negative D. Complaining can be considered praising the devil. We should give thanks and, therefore, praise God. WILDERNESS MENTALITY 6
  • 9. 1. The Israelites “complained and remained” in the wilderness. 2. Jesus “praised and was raised” from the dead. E. Romans 12:12 – Be steadfast and patient in suffering. VII. Wilderness Mentality #5 – “Don’t make me wait for anything; I deserve everything immediately.” A. This attitude is the fruit of pride. 1. James 1:2-4 – Rejoice in trials; they are bringing out patience. This will bring you to an area where you lack nothing. 2. Deuteronomy 8:7-9 – God leading them through the wilderness to a land where they would lack nothing B. James 5:7 – Patience is HOW YOU ACT while you’re waiting – not just waiting. 1. It is a Fruit of the Spirit that grows only under trial. C. Hebrews 10:36 – You need steadfast patience and endurance so you can inherit the promises (the Promised Land). D. Pride (I Peter 5:6) – Therefore humble yourselves [demote, lower yourselves in your own estimation] under the mighty hand of God, that in due time He may exalt you. 1. Learn to enjoy where you are while you are getting to where you are going to be. 2. Pride says, “I am ready now.” Humility says, “God knows best.” 3. Romans 12:3 – Do not have an exaggerated opinion of your own importance. WILDERNESS MENTALITY 7
  • 10. 4. Proverbs 16:2 – All our ways are right in our own eyes, but God knows us much better than we know ourselves. 5. Proverbs 16:9 – We plan our way, but God directs our steps – and THANK GOD HE DOES. 6. Proverbs 16:25 – The way that seems right to us would end in death. (My way could have killed the ministry.) VIII. Wilderness Mentality #6 – “My behavior may be wrong, but it’s not my fault.” (Evading the real issues in life) A. Genesis 3:12-13 – Adam and Eve blamed each other, God, and the devil; therefore, evading personal responsibility for their actions. B. Genesis 16:1-6 – Abram and Sarai blamed each other. C. Numbers 21:5 – All the Israelites’ problems were God’s and Moses’ fault. They successfully evaded their errors. D. I acted terrible, but it was always: 1. Because I was abused 2. Because Dave was not doing something or was doing something 3. Because of my kids 4. Because, because – but freedom did not come until I faced the truth about me. E. Psalm 51:6 – I desire truth in the inner being. 1. David had been in sin one year – without repentance. He needed to face the real issue. F. John 16:13 – The truth-giving Spirit comes to guide you into all Truth. 1. John 16:12 – He has much to say to all of us, as we are ready to face it. WILDERNESS MENTALITY 8
  • 11. G. Something in your past, a person, or circumstance in your life may be a reason for wrong behavior; BUT do not allow it to become an excuse to stay that way. IX. Wilderness Mentality #7 – “Self-pity” A. Idolatry – Turning in on yourself, concentrating on you, and your feelings. Perverting the gift of compassion, which was intended to go out to others and not to be turned in on ourselves. B. Martyrs (defined/Webster’s) – One who makes a great show of suffering in order to arouse sympathy. 1. A woman who works hard in her home but considers herself everyone’s slave 2. People who live sacrificially but not for the right motives C. We exhaust ourselves trying to gain sympathy. 1. The way I acted years ago when Dave went to play golf or watched football on Sundays 2. I would: a. Work hard over big meals and then feel sorry for myself b. Clean house and then feel sorry for myself c. Turn down an opportunity to have fun and then feel sorry for myself 3. Self-pity is a major trap and one of Satan’s favorite tools to keep you in the wilderness. X. Wilderness Mentality #8 – “I don’t deserve God’s blessings because I am not worthy.” A. Numbers 13:33 – Are you looking at yourself and the giants or at God? WILDERNESS MENTALITY 9
  • 12. B. He is worthy, and we are joint heirs. Are you a laborer or an inheritor? 1. Heir – One who receives something other than by merit. Property passed on to another. 2. Laborer – One weary from trying to follow the law. Denotes laborious toil and trouble. C. John 16:13-15 – All the Father has belongs to Jesus. The Holy Spirit transmits it to you. 1. A transmitter must have a receiver for the transaction to be complete. a. Receive – Act as a receptacle. b. Get – Obtain by struggle and effort. D. Hebrews 11:6 – God rewards those who diligently seek Him – not those with a perfect record. E. Hebrews 4:15-16 – He understands our nature; therefore, come boldly and receive. F. Joshua 5:9 – The reproach had to be rolled away before they possessed their first town in the Promised Land. 1. Reproach – Shame, blame, and generally feeling bad about oneself. XI. Wilderness Mentality #9 – “Jealousy, envy, and comparison” A. Must realize God has a unique, individual plan for each person. 1. Proverbs 14:30 – Envy is the rottenness of the bones. 2. Acts 7:9 – Envy caused Joseph’s brothers to sell him into slavery. 3. Envy (defined/Vine’s) – The feeling of displeasure produced by witnessing the prosperity of others. WILDERNESS MENTALITY 10
  • 13. 4. Jealousy (defined/Webster’s) – Fearful of losing what you have to another, resentful of another’s success, arising from feelings of envy. B. John 21:21 – Peter, upon being told of upcoming suffering, immediately wanted to know about John and what would happen to him. 1. Jesus politely told him to mind his own business. C. Minding (having on your mind) other people’s business will keep you in the wilderness. It is a wilderness mentality. D. Do not compare your trials, your blessings, or yourself with others. 1. Comparing trials brings depression or pride. 2. Comparing blessings brings depression or pride. 3. Comparing yourself brings works of the flesh, depression, or pride. XII. Wilderness Mentality #10 – “I’m going to do it my way or not at all.” A. Stubbornness and rebellion 1. Learn to give up your own way and be pliable and moldable in the hand of God. 2. Stubborn (defined/Webster’s) – Obstinate; difficult to handle or work with. 3. Rebellious (defined/Webster’s) – Resisting control, resisting correction, unruly. Refusing to follow ordinary guidelines. B. Saul’s example: 1. I Samuel 10:6-8 2. I Samuel 13:8-12 WILDERNESS MENTALITY 11
  • 14. 3. I Samuel 13:13-14 A little leaven leavens the whole lump. 4. I Samuel 15:1-23 – Selected portions Saul’s own way was so strong that he deceived himself into thinking he had obeyed God, when he had actually disobeyed. C. Ecclesiastes 12:13 – All has been heard; the end of the matter is: Fear God [revere and worship Him, knowing that He is] and keep His commandments, for this is the whole of man [the full, original purpose of his creation, the object of God’s providence, the root of character, the foundation of all happiness, the adjustment to all inharmonious circumstances and conditions under the sun] and the whole [duty] for every man. 1. Fear God. 2. Know that He is. 3. Obey Him – It is the whole duty of man, the purpose he was created for, and the object of God’s providence. 4. It is the root of all character. 5. It is the foundation of all happiness. 6. It is the adjustment of all inharmonious circumstances. 7. It is the whole duty of man. D. Romans 5:19 – The disobedience of one can keep many in the wilderness. WILDERNESS MENTALITY 12
  • 15. PERSONAL NOTES __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ WILDERNESS MENTALITY 13
  • 16. PERSONAL NOTES ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ WILDERNESS MENTALITY 14