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10th Grade Vocabulary List Including Synonyms                  1

Accentuate, Emphasize, Stress                 Cancellation, Annulment, Abrogation
Adept, Skilled, Able, Expert                  Canine, Dog, Cur, Hound, Pooch
Affront, Insult, Offend, Encounter            Capillary, Blood vessel, Vein, Tube
Allay, Ease, Alleviate, Reduce, Quell         Carnivorous, Predatory, Rapacious
Allure, Attraction, Charm, Charisma           Cater, Supply, Furnish, Procure
Amphitheater, Pit, Coliseum                   Chagrin, Trauma, Mishap, Calamity
Animation, Ebullience, Vitality               Chronic, Habitual, Inveterate, Perpetual
Annihilate, Destroy, Exterminate              Clientele, Customers, Constituency
Annul, Rescind, Invalidate, Revoke            Colleague, Coworker, Peer, Associate
Anonymous, Unnamed, Unknown                   Collegiate, Scholastic, Erudite
Apex, Peak, Summit, Apogee, Point             Communicable, Contagious, Infectious
Appalling, Frightful, Repulsive               Comparative, Similar, Parallel,
Appropriation, Allotment, Seizure             Analogous, Near, Matching
Ardor, Fervor, Zeal, Lust, Passion            Compile, Collect, Amass, Cull
Artisan, Creator, Virtuoso, Artist            Complement, Supplement, Aggregate,
Assess, Appraise, Value, Judge, Weigh         Full measure, Troupe, Complete
Atrocious, Horrible, Cruel, Savage            Component, Composing, Intrinsic, Part
Auditory, Heard, Aural, Audible               Compulsion Urgency, Obsession
Automation, Computerization,                  Concept, Theory, Notion, Belief
Mechanization, Cybernetics                    Conclusive, Definitive, Decisive,
Axiom, Self-evident truth, Maxim,             Absolute, Irrefutable, Ultimate
Adage, Platitude                              Confound, Confuse, Perplex, Baffle
                                              Consolidate, Combine, Blend, Fortify
Bane, Curse, Plague, Scourge, Evil,           Consultant, Guide, Advisor, Guru
Banter, Banter, Banter, Banter,               Contemptible, Ignoble, Base, Vile
Bauble, Trinket, Ornament, Toy                Contraband, Illicit, Smuggling
Bedlam, Madhouse, Clamor, Chaos               Convalescent, Recuperating, Healing
Befall, Happen, Occur, Come to pass           Conveyance, Transport, Vehicle
Belated, Late, Overdue, Remiss                Convulsion, Paroxysm, Commotion
Belie, Mislead, Deceive, Repudiate,           Cosmic, Vast, Universal, Empyrean
Gainsay, Disagree                             Courier, Herald, Messenger, Runner
Benefactor, Helper, Patron, Protector         Credentials, Documents, Papers,
Benevolent, Altruistic, Philanthropic,        Vouchers
Bereaved, Dispossessed, Bereft                Creditor, Collector, Consignee
Betroth, Engage, Espouse, Affiance            Crucial, Acute, Intense, Fierce
Bevel, Angle, Cant, Tool, Miter               Crypt, Tomb, Sepulcher, Vault
Bevy, Flock, Gaggle, Pride, Swarm             Cryptic, Ambiguous, Enigmatic
Bland, Insipid, Balmy, Amiable, Suave         Cull, Collect, Amass, Compile
Bogus, Forged, Spurious, Phony, False         Cumulative, Increasing, Intensifying
Boisterous, Noisy, Clamorous, Rowdy           Curtail, Reduce, Abridge, Blunt
Bolster, Reinforce, Support, Sustain          Curvature, Bend, Arch, Camber
Brandish, Wave, Flourish, Threaten            Cynical, Misanthropic, Alienated
Buttress, Prop, Support, Bolster, Brace
                                              Daily, Frequently, Once a day
Callous, Hard, Obdurate, Apathetic,           Debit, Debt, Charge, Liability
Obtuse, Indifferent, Torpid                   Debutante, Belle, Coquette
10th Grade Vocabulary List Including Synonyms                 2

Default, Failure, Error, Lack                 Dominant, Ascendant, Commanding,
Deficient, Inadequate, Insufficient           Assertive, Imperious, Authoritative
Defile, Corrupt, Debase, Violate, Hurt        Dormant, Fallow, Latent, Inert
Deflation, Depreciation, Devaluation          Dote, Love, Adore, Coddle, Indulge
Deft, Skilled, Adroit, Apt, Dexterous         Dregs, Residue,Sediment, Scum, Rabble
Deity, God, Supreme Being, Source             Droll, Jocose, Ludicrous, Buffoon,Jester
Delve, Investigate, Probe, Search             Duct, Conduit, Channel, Cylinder, Canal
Demented, Deranged, Fanatic, Lunatic          Dupe, Victim, Fool, Hoax, Con
Demolition, Razing, Annihilation              Dynamic, Vigorous, Charismatic, Potent
Demoralize, Pervert, Deprave, Weaken,
Daunt, Enfeeble, Dishearten                   Eccentric, Quaint, Queer, Original
Demure, Prim, Modest, Coy, Staid              Elongate, Stretch, Extend, Protract
Dependent, Contingent, Inferior,              Eloquent, Fluent, Articulate, Persuasive
Helpless, Ward                                Emancipate, Liberate, Deliver
Depreciate, Devaluate, Belittle,              Embellish, Adorn, Flourish, Amplify
Denigrate, Disparage, Vilify                  Emboss, Engrave, Stamp, Imprint
Designate, Appoint, Allocate, Delegate        Embryo, Zygote, Fetus, Germ
Despondent, Depressed, Forlorn                Emit, Beam, Circulate, Utter
Deteriorate, Decline, Regress                 Encampment, Tents, Campsite, Camp
Devastate, Desolate, Despoil                  Enhance, Heighten, Intensify, Embellish
Dialect, Idiom, Vernacular, Subgroup,         Enlighten, Edify, Acquaint, Illumine
Language, Tongue, Jargon                      Enrapture, Enchant, Enthrall, Allure
Diaphragm, Contraceptive,                     Ensemble, Aggregate, Garb, Troupe
Prophylactic, Chest                           Enthrall, Fascinate, Enchant, Enslave
Dignitary, Notable, Luminary,                 Enumerate, Count, Cite, Recapitulate
Personage, Celebrity, Star                    Enunciate, Proclaim, Articulate
Dilate, Expand, Distend, Amplify              Equilibrium, Balance, Stability
Dilemma, Impasse, Mire, Quandary              Eradicate, Obliterate, Annihilate
Diligent, Assiduous, Indefatigable            Esteem, Deference, Valuation, Revere,
Dirge, Chant, Lament, Requiem, Cry            Deem
Disconcert, Bewilder, Unnerve, Abash          Ethical, Conscientious, Scrupulous
Discretion, Choice, Option, Alternative       Evaluate, Judge, Appraise, Rank
Disillusion, Deceive, Frustrate,              Evasion, Avoidance, Subterfuge,
Disgruntle, Disappoint, Dissatisfy            Equivocation, Sophistry
Disintegrate,Dilapidate,Decay, Crumble        Exasperate, Rile, Exacerbate
Dispel, Disperse, Dissipate, Deploy,          Exotic, Foreign, Extrinsic, Romantic
Scatter                                       Exploit, Achievement, Feat, Escapade
Dispensary, Hospital, Infirmary, Clinic,      Expressly, Categorically, Specifically
Dispense, Apportion, Allot, Dole, Direct      Exuberant, Ardent, Abundant
Displacement, Discharge, Removal
Disreputable, Infamous, Ignominious           Fallacy, Sophism, Deceit, Quibble
Dissect, Dismember, Divide, Scrutinize        Feasible, Achievable, Suitable, Probable
Disuse, Abolition, Neglect, Abandon           Feign, Concoct, Counterfeit, Imagine
Diverse, Disparate, Divergent, Distinct       Ferret, Hunt, Search, Seek, Unearth
Dogged, Tenacious, Resolute, Obstinate        Fictitious, Chimerical, Mock, Sham
                                              Finale, End, Denouement, Close, Finish
10th Grade Vocabulary List Including Synonyms                 3

Flail, Hit, Batter, Strike, Beat, Whip        Humility, Docility, Modesty, Meekness
Flange, Projection, Bulge, Tab, Ear           Hybrid, Mixture, Mutt, Cross, Mongrel
Flaunt, Display, Brandish, Exhibit            Hypocrite, Fraud, Knave, Dissimulator
Focal, Middle, Median, Equidistant            Hysteria, Paroxysm, Frenzy, Delirium
Foible, Defect, Frailty, Peculiarity
Folio, Collection, Horde, Abundance           Idiom, Jargon, Dialect, Vernacular
Foreshorten, Shorten                          Illegitimate, Lawless, Illicit, Illegal
Formulate, Form, Draft, Conceive              Illogical, Absurd, Untenable, Specious
Forum, Patio, Quadrangle, Court               Illustrious, Distinguished, Eminent
Fraught, Industrious, Assiduous, Busy         Immature, Youthful, Unreasoning
Frivolous, Trivial, Paltry, Foolish           Immeasurable, Vast, Infinite
Frontage, Facade, Anterior, Bow               Impartial, Equitable, Unbiased
Froth, Ferment, Effervescence, Bubbles        Impeach, Arraign, Accuse, Indict
Frugal, Spartan, Parsimonious, Chary          Imperative, Crucial, Critical, Urgent
Frustrate, Baffle, Bilk, Defeat, Buffalo      Imperial, Noble, Sovereign, August
Furtive, Stealthy, Clandestine, Covert,       Impersonal, Aloof, Indifferent
Surreptitious, Elusive, Sly                   Impertinent, Insolent, Incongruous,
Futile, Vain, Barren, Unimportant             Inane
                                              Impoverish, Bankrupt, Squander
Gala, Festive, Splendid, Affair, Carnival     Impregnate, Procreate, Permeate,
Gaseous, Volatile, Vaporous                   Imbue
Genteel, Polite, Cultured, Aristocratic       Inaccessible, Unattainable, Unreachable
Germinate, Sprout, Gestate, Hatch             Incandescent, Intense, Radiant
Girth, Circumference, Perimeter, Size         Incision, Slit, Gash, Laceration
Glaze, Finish, Vitrify, Varnish, Encrust      Inclination, Propensity, Proclivity
Glean, Gather, Garner, Cull, Extract          Inclusive, Encompassing, Comprising
Glib, Fluent, Loquacious, Artful, Facile      Incorporate, Merge, Embody, Fuse
Glutton, Gourmand, Epicure, Hog, Pig          Incriminate, Accuse, Implicate, Ensnare
Gore, Carnage, Slaughter, Massacre            Indisposed, Ailing, Averse, Loath
Granulate, Shred, Pulverize, Crystallize      Induce, Persuade, Impel, Engender
Gratify, Enchant, Indulge, Delight            Inducement, Incentive, Stimulus
Grotesque, Hideous, Absurd, Ugly              Inert, Idle, Static, Paralyzed, Immobile
Grovel, Cringe, Cower, Implore, Snivel        Inevitable, Certain, Inescapable
Guerrilla, Rebel, Insurgent, Seditious        Infatuate, Arouse, Ardent, Glow
                                              Infernal, Plutonian, Hellish, Stygian
Hapless, Disastrous, Doomed, Luckless         Infidel, Atheist, Heretic, Agnostic
Havoc, Desolation, Devastation, Waste         Inkling, Innuendo, Inference, Glimpse
Heirloom, Heritage, Legacy, Birthright        Inquisitive, Curious, Scrutinizing
Heritage, Estate, Legacy, Culture             Insufferable, Intolerable, Agonizing
Hew, Hack, Sever, Chop, Shape, Form           Intensity, Vigor, Passion, Anxiety
Hoax, Fraud, Deceit, Ruse, Lie                Intolerable, Unbearable, Insufferable
Horticulture, Gardening, Agriculture          Intolerant, Biased, Bigoted, Dictatorial
Hovel, Hut, Shack, Shed, Pigsty               Intuition, Insight, Perception
Humbug, Hoax, Sham, Imposter, Dupe            Invertebrate, Weakling, Coward
Humdrum, Dull, Mundane, Common                Invigorating, Stimulating, Exhilarating
Humiliate, Denigrate, Debase, Demean          Invincible, Indomitable, Unyielding
10th Grade Vocabulary List Including Synonyms                  4

Invoke, Conjure, Beg, Enforce, Enact          Oratory, Elocution, Rhetoric, Discourse
Ire, Rage, Vexation, Wrath, Fury              Ordinance, Mandate, Statute, Edict
Irony, Sarcasm, Satire, Derision, Humor       Organic, Natural, Vital
                                              Organism, Creature, Living being
Jargon, Babble, Idiom, Lingo, Slang           Overture, Advance, Prelude, Approach

Laborious, Arduous, Diligent                  Panorama, Scenery, Vista, Tableau
Lateral, Oblique, Sidelong, Side by side      Parochial, Provincial, Intolerant
Legacy, Grant, Gift, Benefaction              Parry, Evasion, Avert, Rebuff, Elude
Liability, Debt, Obligation, Burden           Passé, Primitive, Ancient, Antediluvian
Linear, Lineal, Longitudinal, Direct          Passive, Inert, Resigned, Receptive
Liquidate, Cash, Repay, Purge, Execute        Paternal, Patriarchal, Indulgent
Listless, Lethargic, Indolent, Apathetic      Patron, Client, Benefactor, Advocate
                                              Patronize, Buy, Indulge, Tolerate
Magnitude, Bulk, Eminence, Degree             Pensive, Musing, Ruminating, Serious
Mainstay, Pillar, Support, Heart              Perception, Cognition, Thought
Malady, Ailment, Affliction, Disease          Perseverance, Tenacity, Doggedness
Manipulate, Beguile, Exploit, Finesse         Perspective, Viewpoint, Vista
Manor, Estate, Palace, Plantation             Pertinent, Appropriate, Apt
Martial, Military, Warlike, Combative         Pessimistic, Despairing, Fatalistic,
Materialize, Evolve, Appear, Loom             Discouraging
Maternal, Motherly, Parental                  Petite, Diminutive, Miniature
Maul, Hammer, Trample, Mangle                 Phenomenal, Amazing, Unique
Mediocre, Average, Medium                     Pictorial, Illustrated, Graphic
Medley, Variety, Composition, Mixture         Pigment, Stain, Tincture, Hue
Mire, Bog, Marsh, Fen, Quagmire, Ooze         Pilgrimage, Excursion, Expedition
Misconception, Delusion, Fallacy              Pinnacle, Apex, Eminence, Zenith
Momentum, Force, Impetus, Thrust              Piteous, Deplorable, Doleful, Morose
Monologue, Digression, Discursion             Plausible, Specious, Credible, Probable
Morbid, Gruesome, Morose, Gloomy              Pliable, Supple, Limber, Malleable
Mutation, Change, Anomaly, Deviation          Populate, Dwell, Inhabit, Occupy
Mystical, Dark, Abstruse, Enigmatic           Portal, Ingress, Entry, Door, Access
                                              Portly, Corpulent, Fat, Dignified, Grand
Narcotic, Dulling, Sedative, Opiate           Precinct, Region, Ward, Environs
Narrate, Recount, Disclose, Reveal            Predominant, Reigning, Ascendant
Necessitate, Compel, Oblige                   Pregnant, Expecting, Momentous
Negotiate, Arrange, Barter, Mediate           Preliminary, Inductive, Prelude
Nonchalant, Apathetic, Effortless             Prelude, Preface, Fugue, Preclusion
Nucleus, Gist, Crux, Hub, Pith                Premature, Rash, Precipitate, Untimely
                                              Preoccupy, Disquiet, Perturb, Distress
Obituary, Death notice, Eulogy                Prestige, Prominence, Renown, Fame
Oblique, Slanting, Indirect, Askew            Prevalent, Common, Accepted, Used
Oblivion, Blankness, Disregard, Void          Profess, Affirm, Avow, Proclaim
Obnoxious, Offensive, Odious                  Proficient, Adept, Apt, Competent
Obscene, Foul, Crude, Gross                   Progression, Advancement, Climb
Opaque, Obscure, Nebulous, Enigmatic          Prose, Writing, Story, Literature
10th Grade Vocabulary List Including Synonyms                   5

Providence, Destiny, Fate, Fortune, Lot       Scrimmage, Struggle, Tussle
Provincial, Rural, Rustic, Unpolished         Scrutinize, Examine, Inspect, Study
Prudent, Cautious, Discreet, Frugal           Sear, Scorch, Singe, Char, Toast
Pulverize, Crush, Grind, Powder               Secluded, Isolated, Private
Putrid, Fetid, Rank, Stagnant, Foul           Sector, Region, Area, District
                                              Sediment, Dregs, Residue, Silt
Qualm, Misgiving, Nausea, Queasiness          Segment, Portion, Section, Divide
Quandary, Dilemma, Impasse, Mire              Segregate, Isolate, Sequester, Seclude
Quell, Subdue, Quash, Allay, Lull             Silhouette, Image, Contour, Profile
                                              Simultaneous, Coexisting, Concurrent
Radiate, Glow, Diffuse, Disperse              Skeptical, Doubtful, Quizzical, Cynical
Radical, Fundamental, Seditious, Rebel        Skirmish, Scuffle, Scrimmage, Combat
Ratify, Approve, Endorse, Confirm             Slothful, Lazy, Indolent, Sluggardly
Rational, Sensible, Discreet, Lucid           Smelt, Refine, Melt in a furnace
Ravenous, Voracious, Insatiable               Sodden, Saturated, Drenched, Steeped
Ravish, Charm, Enthrall, Rape, Abuse          Solitude, Isolation, Privacy, Desert
Readjust, Regulate, Adapt, Calibrate          Solvent, Sound, Liquid
Rebuff, Snub, Rebuke, Reject, Refuse          Somber, Drab, Dismal, Dreary, Dire
Reconcile, Persuade, Appease, Adjust          Spasm, Paroxysm, Fit, Seizure, Tic
Rectify, Amend, Improve, Correct              Spontaneous, Impulsive, Automatic
Recuperate, Revive, Rally, Recover            Stability, Strength, Constancy, Solidity
Reformatory, Penitentiary, Dungeon            Stagnant, Inert, Putrid, Fetid, Listless
Reimburse, Remunerate, Compensate             Stalwart, Robust, Gallant, Formidable
Reinstate, Replenish, Restore, Return         Stance, Affectation, Pose, Position
Remittance, Grant, Stipend                    Sterile, Sanitary, Septic, Impotent, Arid
Rend, Rip, Dissever, Lacerate, Cleave         Stigma, Shame, Infamy, Stain, Taint
Renovate, Refurbish, Revitalize               Stimulate, Arouse, Incite, Provoke
Reorganize, Overhaul, Reconstruct             Stolid, Impassive, Dispassionate
Reputable, Decent, Illustrious                Strewn, Dispersed, Disseminated
Residue, Remnant, Remains, Surplus            Stupefy, Stun, Daze, Astonish
Revel, Frolic, Gala, Carouse, Celebrate       Stupor, Daze, Trance, Languor
Reverie, Trance, Muse, Preoccupation          Suave, Sophisticated, Urbane, Smooth
Revert, Regress, Lapse, Recur                 Subside, Recede, Wane, Decline
Revoke, Repeal, Recant, Annul, Nullify        Sundry, Various, Divers, Varied
Rhapsody, Rapture, Ecstasy, Bliss             Superimpose, Lay over, Carpet
Rift, Fracture, Cleft, Rupture, Break         Superlative, Supreme, Utmost
Ritual, Formal, Ceremony, Rite                Symmetry, Regularity, Balance
Roster, Roll, Register, Directory, Index      Synthetic, Artificial, Factitious
Rostrum, Prow, Front, Jib
Rue, Lament, Regret, Curse, Deplore           Tabulate, Array, Order, Index
Rupture, Breach, Fracture, Hernia             Taint, Infect, Defile, Besmirch, Sully
                                              Tangent, Slope, Slant, Grade
Sally, Sortie, Attack, Embark                 Tantalize, Vex, Torture, Charm
Satire, Ridicule, Mockery, Parody             Tart, Sour, Acid, Pie, Tangy
Saturate, Drench, Suffuse, Sate               Tawdry, Sleazy, Gaudy, Cheap
Scope, Extent, Area, Reach, Range             Temperance, Abstinence, Sobriety
10th Grade Vocabulary List Including Synonyms                          6

Theorem, Principle, Postulate, Thesis
Tier, Row, Array, Bank, Panel, Line
Timely, Opportune, Punctual, Prompt
Tolerable, Endurable, Bearable
Torrid, Fiery, Tropical, Passionate
Torso, Thorax, Trunk, Upper body
Transcribe, Duplicate, Clone
Transpose, Swap, Exchange
Tributary, Branch, Fork
Tumult, Disturbance, Ferment

Ultimate, Furthest, Final, Supreme
Ultimatum, Warning, Mandate
Uncouth, Rude, Awkward, Bizarre
Unerring, Accurate, Exact
Unify, Combine, Harmonize
Unkempt, Disorderly, Tousled
Urban, City, Civic, Municipal
Usage, Custom, Method, Practice

Variable, Fluctuating, Fickle
Vigil, Watch, Surveillance, Stakeout
Vigilant, Alert, Wary, Attentive
Visualize, Imagine, Envision
Vitality, Fervor, Vigor, Zest
                                          Students are cautioned to remember that the words adjacent to
Waif, Urchin, Orphan, Foundling
                                          each term are synonyms not definitions. Some words have
Wan, Pale, Ashen, Pallid, Pasty           multiple meanings therefore there may be a wide range of
Wend, Thread, Ramble, Saunter             meanings attached to synonymous terms. Many terms change
Whet, Hone, Strop, Sharpen, Stimulate,    meanings and pronunciation based on what part of speech is
Arouse, Kindle, Spur, Awaken              being used. For example, the word complex when used as a
                                          noun has a different meaning than when used as an adjective.
                                          The mathematical formula for rocket fuel is complex. (Here
                                          complex is a predicate adjective meaning complicated.) The
                                          teacher who constantly derides his students has a inferiority
                                          complex. (Here complex is a noun meaning a mental illness.)

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Building vocab

  • 1. 10th Grade Vocabulary List Including Synonyms 1 Accentuate, Emphasize, Stress Cancellation, Annulment, Abrogation Adept, Skilled, Able, Expert Canine, Dog, Cur, Hound, Pooch Affront, Insult, Offend, Encounter Capillary, Blood vessel, Vein, Tube Allay, Ease, Alleviate, Reduce, Quell Carnivorous, Predatory, Rapacious Allure, Attraction, Charm, Charisma Cater, Supply, Furnish, Procure Amphitheater, Pit, Coliseum Chagrin, Trauma, Mishap, Calamity Animation, Ebullience, Vitality Chronic, Habitual, Inveterate, Perpetual Annihilate, Destroy, Exterminate Clientele, Customers, Constituency Annul, Rescind, Invalidate, Revoke Colleague, Coworker, Peer, Associate Anonymous, Unnamed, Unknown Collegiate, Scholastic, Erudite Apex, Peak, Summit, Apogee, Point Communicable, Contagious, Infectious Appalling, Frightful, Repulsive Comparative, Similar, Parallel, Appropriation, Allotment, Seizure Analogous, Near, Matching Ardor, Fervor, Zeal, Lust, Passion Compile, Collect, Amass, Cull Artisan, Creator, Virtuoso, Artist Complement, Supplement, Aggregate, Assess, Appraise, Value, Judge, Weigh Full measure, Troupe, Complete Atrocious, Horrible, Cruel, Savage Component, Composing, Intrinsic, Part Auditory, Heard, Aural, Audible Compulsion Urgency, Obsession Automation, Computerization, Concept, Theory, Notion, Belief Mechanization, Cybernetics Conclusive, Definitive, Decisive, Axiom, Self-evident truth, Maxim, Absolute, Irrefutable, Ultimate Adage, Platitude Confound, Confuse, Perplex, Baffle Consolidate, Combine, Blend, Fortify Bane, Curse, Plague, Scourge, Evil, Consultant, Guide, Advisor, Guru Banter, Banter, Banter, Banter, Contemptible, Ignoble, Base, Vile Bauble, Trinket, Ornament, Toy Contraband, Illicit, Smuggling Bedlam, Madhouse, Clamor, Chaos Convalescent, Recuperating, Healing Befall, Happen, Occur, Come to pass Conveyance, Transport, Vehicle Belated, Late, Overdue, Remiss Convulsion, Paroxysm, Commotion Belie, Mislead, Deceive, Repudiate, Cosmic, Vast, Universal, Empyrean Gainsay, Disagree Courier, Herald, Messenger, Runner Benefactor, Helper, Patron, Protector Credentials, Documents, Papers, Benevolent, Altruistic, Philanthropic, Vouchers Bereaved, Dispossessed, Bereft Creditor, Collector, Consignee Betroth, Engage, Espouse, Affiance Crucial, Acute, Intense, Fierce Bevel, Angle, Cant, Tool, Miter Crypt, Tomb, Sepulcher, Vault Bevy, Flock, Gaggle, Pride, Swarm Cryptic, Ambiguous, Enigmatic Bland, Insipid, Balmy, Amiable, Suave Cull, Collect, Amass, Compile Bogus, Forged, Spurious, Phony, False Cumulative, Increasing, Intensifying Boisterous, Noisy, Clamorous, Rowdy Curtail, Reduce, Abridge, Blunt Bolster, Reinforce, Support, Sustain Curvature, Bend, Arch, Camber Brandish, Wave, Flourish, Threaten Cynical, Misanthropic, Alienated Buttress, Prop, Support, Bolster, Brace Daily, Frequently, Once a day Callous, Hard, Obdurate, Apathetic, Debit, Debt, Charge, Liability Obtuse, Indifferent, Torpid Debutante, Belle, Coquette
  • 2. 10th Grade Vocabulary List Including Synonyms 2 Default, Failure, Error, Lack Dominant, Ascendant, Commanding, Deficient, Inadequate, Insufficient Assertive, Imperious, Authoritative Defile, Corrupt, Debase, Violate, Hurt Dormant, Fallow, Latent, Inert Deflation, Depreciation, Devaluation Dote, Love, Adore, Coddle, Indulge Deft, Skilled, Adroit, Apt, Dexterous Dregs, Residue,Sediment, Scum, Rabble Deity, God, Supreme Being, Source Droll, Jocose, Ludicrous, Buffoon,Jester Delve, Investigate, Probe, Search Duct, Conduit, Channel, Cylinder, Canal Demented, Deranged, Fanatic, Lunatic Dupe, Victim, Fool, Hoax, Con Demolition, Razing, Annihilation Dynamic, Vigorous, Charismatic, Potent Demoralize, Pervert, Deprave, Weaken, Daunt, Enfeeble, Dishearten Eccentric, Quaint, Queer, Original Demure, Prim, Modest, Coy, Staid Elongate, Stretch, Extend, Protract Dependent, Contingent, Inferior, Eloquent, Fluent, Articulate, Persuasive Helpless, Ward Emancipate, Liberate, Deliver Depreciate, Devaluate, Belittle, Embellish, Adorn, Flourish, Amplify Denigrate, Disparage, Vilify Emboss, Engrave, Stamp, Imprint Designate, Appoint, Allocate, Delegate Embryo, Zygote, Fetus, Germ Despondent, Depressed, Forlorn Emit, Beam, Circulate, Utter Deteriorate, Decline, Regress Encampment, Tents, Campsite, Camp Devastate, Desolate, Despoil Enhance, Heighten, Intensify, Embellish Dialect, Idiom, Vernacular, Subgroup, Enlighten, Edify, Acquaint, Illumine Language, Tongue, Jargon Enrapture, Enchant, Enthrall, Allure Diaphragm, Contraceptive, Ensemble, Aggregate, Garb, Troupe Prophylactic, Chest Enthrall, Fascinate, Enchant, Enslave Dignitary, Notable, Luminary, Enumerate, Count, Cite, Recapitulate Personage, Celebrity, Star Enunciate, Proclaim, Articulate Dilate, Expand, Distend, Amplify Equilibrium, Balance, Stability Dilemma, Impasse, Mire, Quandary Eradicate, Obliterate, Annihilate Diligent, Assiduous, Indefatigable Esteem, Deference, Valuation, Revere, Dirge, Chant, Lament, Requiem, Cry Deem Disconcert, Bewilder, Unnerve, Abash Ethical, Conscientious, Scrupulous Discretion, Choice, Option, Alternative Evaluate, Judge, Appraise, Rank Disillusion, Deceive, Frustrate, Evasion, Avoidance, Subterfuge, Disgruntle, Disappoint, Dissatisfy Equivocation, Sophistry Disintegrate,Dilapidate,Decay, Crumble Exasperate, Rile, Exacerbate Dispel, Disperse, Dissipate, Deploy, Exotic, Foreign, Extrinsic, Romantic Scatter Exploit, Achievement, Feat, Escapade Dispensary, Hospital, Infirmary, Clinic, Expressly, Categorically, Specifically Dispense, Apportion, Allot, Dole, Direct Exuberant, Ardent, Abundant Displacement, Discharge, Removal Disreputable, Infamous, Ignominious Fallacy, Sophism, Deceit, Quibble Dissect, Dismember, Divide, Scrutinize Feasible, Achievable, Suitable, Probable Disuse, Abolition, Neglect, Abandon Feign, Concoct, Counterfeit, Imagine Diverse, Disparate, Divergent, Distinct Ferret, Hunt, Search, Seek, Unearth Dogged, Tenacious, Resolute, Obstinate Fictitious, Chimerical, Mock, Sham Finale, End, Denouement, Close, Finish
  • 3. 10th Grade Vocabulary List Including Synonyms 3 Flail, Hit, Batter, Strike, Beat, Whip Humility, Docility, Modesty, Meekness Flange, Projection, Bulge, Tab, Ear Hybrid, Mixture, Mutt, Cross, Mongrel Flaunt, Display, Brandish, Exhibit Hypocrite, Fraud, Knave, Dissimulator Focal, Middle, Median, Equidistant Hysteria, Paroxysm, Frenzy, Delirium Foible, Defect, Frailty, Peculiarity Folio, Collection, Horde, Abundance Idiom, Jargon, Dialect, Vernacular Foreshorten, Shorten Illegitimate, Lawless, Illicit, Illegal Formulate, Form, Draft, Conceive Illogical, Absurd, Untenable, Specious Forum, Patio, Quadrangle, Court Illustrious, Distinguished, Eminent Fraught, Industrious, Assiduous, Busy Immature, Youthful, Unreasoning Frivolous, Trivial, Paltry, Foolish Immeasurable, Vast, Infinite Frontage, Facade, Anterior, Bow Impartial, Equitable, Unbiased Froth, Ferment, Effervescence, Bubbles Impeach, Arraign, Accuse, Indict Frugal, Spartan, Parsimonious, Chary Imperative, Crucial, Critical, Urgent Frustrate, Baffle, Bilk, Defeat, Buffalo Imperial, Noble, Sovereign, August Furtive, Stealthy, Clandestine, Covert, Impersonal, Aloof, Indifferent Surreptitious, Elusive, Sly Impertinent, Insolent, Incongruous, Futile, Vain, Barren, Unimportant Inane Impoverish, Bankrupt, Squander Gala, Festive, Splendid, Affair, Carnival Impregnate, Procreate, Permeate, Gaseous, Volatile, Vaporous Imbue Genteel, Polite, Cultured, Aristocratic Inaccessible, Unattainable, Unreachable Germinate, Sprout, Gestate, Hatch Incandescent, Intense, Radiant Girth, Circumference, Perimeter, Size Incision, Slit, Gash, Laceration Glaze, Finish, Vitrify, Varnish, Encrust Inclination, Propensity, Proclivity Glean, Gather, Garner, Cull, Extract Inclusive, Encompassing, Comprising Glib, Fluent, Loquacious, Artful, Facile Incorporate, Merge, Embody, Fuse Glutton, Gourmand, Epicure, Hog, Pig Incriminate, Accuse, Implicate, Ensnare Gore, Carnage, Slaughter, Massacre Indisposed, Ailing, Averse, Loath Granulate, Shred, Pulverize, Crystallize Induce, Persuade, Impel, Engender Gratify, Enchant, Indulge, Delight Inducement, Incentive, Stimulus Grotesque, Hideous, Absurd, Ugly Inert, Idle, Static, Paralyzed, Immobile Grovel, Cringe, Cower, Implore, Snivel Inevitable, Certain, Inescapable Guerrilla, Rebel, Insurgent, Seditious Infatuate, Arouse, Ardent, Glow Infernal, Plutonian, Hellish, Stygian Hapless, Disastrous, Doomed, Luckless Infidel, Atheist, Heretic, Agnostic Havoc, Desolation, Devastation, Waste Inkling, Innuendo, Inference, Glimpse Heirloom, Heritage, Legacy, Birthright Inquisitive, Curious, Scrutinizing Heritage, Estate, Legacy, Culture Insufferable, Intolerable, Agonizing Hew, Hack, Sever, Chop, Shape, Form Intensity, Vigor, Passion, Anxiety Hoax, Fraud, Deceit, Ruse, Lie Intolerable, Unbearable, Insufferable Horticulture, Gardening, Agriculture Intolerant, Biased, Bigoted, Dictatorial Hovel, Hut, Shack, Shed, Pigsty Intuition, Insight, Perception Humbug, Hoax, Sham, Imposter, Dupe Invertebrate, Weakling, Coward Humdrum, Dull, Mundane, Common Invigorating, Stimulating, Exhilarating Humiliate, Denigrate, Debase, Demean Invincible, Indomitable, Unyielding
  • 4. 10th Grade Vocabulary List Including Synonyms 4 Invoke, Conjure, Beg, Enforce, Enact Oratory, Elocution, Rhetoric, Discourse Ire, Rage, Vexation, Wrath, Fury Ordinance, Mandate, Statute, Edict Irony, Sarcasm, Satire, Derision, Humor Organic, Natural, Vital Organism, Creature, Living being Jargon, Babble, Idiom, Lingo, Slang Overture, Advance, Prelude, Approach Laborious, Arduous, Diligent Panorama, Scenery, Vista, Tableau Lateral, Oblique, Sidelong, Side by side Parochial, Provincial, Intolerant Legacy, Grant, Gift, Benefaction Parry, Evasion, Avert, Rebuff, Elude Liability, Debt, Obligation, Burden Passé, Primitive, Ancient, Antediluvian Linear, Lineal, Longitudinal, Direct Passive, Inert, Resigned, Receptive Liquidate, Cash, Repay, Purge, Execute Paternal, Patriarchal, Indulgent Listless, Lethargic, Indolent, Apathetic Patron, Client, Benefactor, Advocate Patronize, Buy, Indulge, Tolerate Magnitude, Bulk, Eminence, Degree Pensive, Musing, Ruminating, Serious Mainstay, Pillar, Support, Heart Perception, Cognition, Thought Malady, Ailment, Affliction, Disease Perseverance, Tenacity, Doggedness Manipulate, Beguile, Exploit, Finesse Perspective, Viewpoint, Vista Manor, Estate, Palace, Plantation Pertinent, Appropriate, Apt Martial, Military, Warlike, Combative Pessimistic, Despairing, Fatalistic, Materialize, Evolve, Appear, Loom Discouraging Maternal, Motherly, Parental Petite, Diminutive, Miniature Maul, Hammer, Trample, Mangle Phenomenal, Amazing, Unique Mediocre, Average, Medium Pictorial, Illustrated, Graphic Medley, Variety, Composition, Mixture Pigment, Stain, Tincture, Hue Mire, Bog, Marsh, Fen, Quagmire, Ooze Pilgrimage, Excursion, Expedition Misconception, Delusion, Fallacy Pinnacle, Apex, Eminence, Zenith Momentum, Force, Impetus, Thrust Piteous, Deplorable, Doleful, Morose Monologue, Digression, Discursion Plausible, Specious, Credible, Probable Morbid, Gruesome, Morose, Gloomy Pliable, Supple, Limber, Malleable Mutation, Change, Anomaly, Deviation Populate, Dwell, Inhabit, Occupy Mystical, Dark, Abstruse, Enigmatic Portal, Ingress, Entry, Door, Access Portly, Corpulent, Fat, Dignified, Grand Narcotic, Dulling, Sedative, Opiate Precinct, Region, Ward, Environs Narrate, Recount, Disclose, Reveal Predominant, Reigning, Ascendant Necessitate, Compel, Oblige Pregnant, Expecting, Momentous Negotiate, Arrange, Barter, Mediate Preliminary, Inductive, Prelude Nonchalant, Apathetic, Effortless Prelude, Preface, Fugue, Preclusion Nucleus, Gist, Crux, Hub, Pith Premature, Rash, Precipitate, Untimely Preoccupy, Disquiet, Perturb, Distress Obituary, Death notice, Eulogy Prestige, Prominence, Renown, Fame Oblique, Slanting, Indirect, Askew Prevalent, Common, Accepted, Used Oblivion, Blankness, Disregard, Void Profess, Affirm, Avow, Proclaim Obnoxious, Offensive, Odious Proficient, Adept, Apt, Competent Obscene, Foul, Crude, Gross Progression, Advancement, Climb Opaque, Obscure, Nebulous, Enigmatic Prose, Writing, Story, Literature
  • 5. 10th Grade Vocabulary List Including Synonyms 5 Providence, Destiny, Fate, Fortune, Lot Scrimmage, Struggle, Tussle Provincial, Rural, Rustic, Unpolished Scrutinize, Examine, Inspect, Study Prudent, Cautious, Discreet, Frugal Sear, Scorch, Singe, Char, Toast Pulverize, Crush, Grind, Powder Secluded, Isolated, Private Putrid, Fetid, Rank, Stagnant, Foul Sector, Region, Area, District Sediment, Dregs, Residue, Silt Qualm, Misgiving, Nausea, Queasiness Segment, Portion, Section, Divide Quandary, Dilemma, Impasse, Mire Segregate, Isolate, Sequester, Seclude Quell, Subdue, Quash, Allay, Lull Silhouette, Image, Contour, Profile Simultaneous, Coexisting, Concurrent Radiate, Glow, Diffuse, Disperse Skeptical, Doubtful, Quizzical, Cynical Radical, Fundamental, Seditious, Rebel Skirmish, Scuffle, Scrimmage, Combat Ratify, Approve, Endorse, Confirm Slothful, Lazy, Indolent, Sluggardly Rational, Sensible, Discreet, Lucid Smelt, Refine, Melt in a furnace Ravenous, Voracious, Insatiable Sodden, Saturated, Drenched, Steeped Ravish, Charm, Enthrall, Rape, Abuse Solitude, Isolation, Privacy, Desert Readjust, Regulate, Adapt, Calibrate Solvent, Sound, Liquid Rebuff, Snub, Rebuke, Reject, Refuse Somber, Drab, Dismal, Dreary, Dire Reconcile, Persuade, Appease, Adjust Spasm, Paroxysm, Fit, Seizure, Tic Rectify, Amend, Improve, Correct Spontaneous, Impulsive, Automatic Recuperate, Revive, Rally, Recover Stability, Strength, Constancy, Solidity Reformatory, Penitentiary, Dungeon Stagnant, Inert, Putrid, Fetid, Listless Reimburse, Remunerate, Compensate Stalwart, Robust, Gallant, Formidable Reinstate, Replenish, Restore, Return Stance, Affectation, Pose, Position Remittance, Grant, Stipend Sterile, Sanitary, Septic, Impotent, Arid Rend, Rip, Dissever, Lacerate, Cleave Stigma, Shame, Infamy, Stain, Taint Renovate, Refurbish, Revitalize Stimulate, Arouse, Incite, Provoke Reorganize, Overhaul, Reconstruct Stolid, Impassive, Dispassionate Reputable, Decent, Illustrious Strewn, Dispersed, Disseminated Residue, Remnant, Remains, Surplus Stupefy, Stun, Daze, Astonish Revel, Frolic, Gala, Carouse, Celebrate Stupor, Daze, Trance, Languor Reverie, Trance, Muse, Preoccupation Suave, Sophisticated, Urbane, Smooth Revert, Regress, Lapse, Recur Subside, Recede, Wane, Decline Revoke, Repeal, Recant, Annul, Nullify Sundry, Various, Divers, Varied Rhapsody, Rapture, Ecstasy, Bliss Superimpose, Lay over, Carpet Rift, Fracture, Cleft, Rupture, Break Superlative, Supreme, Utmost Ritual, Formal, Ceremony, Rite Symmetry, Regularity, Balance Roster, Roll, Register, Directory, Index Synthetic, Artificial, Factitious Rostrum, Prow, Front, Jib Rue, Lament, Regret, Curse, Deplore Tabulate, Array, Order, Index Rupture, Breach, Fracture, Hernia Taint, Infect, Defile, Besmirch, Sully Tangent, Slope, Slant, Grade Sally, Sortie, Attack, Embark Tantalize, Vex, Torture, Charm Satire, Ridicule, Mockery, Parody Tart, Sour, Acid, Pie, Tangy Saturate, Drench, Suffuse, Sate Tawdry, Sleazy, Gaudy, Cheap Scope, Extent, Area, Reach, Range Temperance, Abstinence, Sobriety
  • 6. 10th Grade Vocabulary List Including Synonyms 6 Theorem, Principle, Postulate, Thesis Tier, Row, Array, Bank, Panel, Line Timely, Opportune, Punctual, Prompt Tolerable, Endurable, Bearable Torrid, Fiery, Tropical, Passionate Torso, Thorax, Trunk, Upper body Transcribe, Duplicate, Clone Transpose, Swap, Exchange Tributary, Branch, Fork Tumult, Disturbance, Ferment Ultimate, Furthest, Final, Supreme Ultimatum, Warning, Mandate Uncouth, Rude, Awkward, Bizarre Unerring, Accurate, Exact Unify, Combine, Harmonize Unkempt, Disorderly, Tousled Urban, City, Civic, Municipal Usage, Custom, Method, Practice Variable, Fluctuating, Fickle Vigil, Watch, Surveillance, Stakeout Vigilant, Alert, Wary, Attentive Visualize, Imagine, Envision Vitality, Fervor, Vigor, Zest Students are cautioned to remember that the words adjacent to Waif, Urchin, Orphan, Foundling each term are synonyms not definitions. Some words have Wan, Pale, Ashen, Pallid, Pasty multiple meanings therefore there may be a wide range of Wend, Thread, Ramble, Saunter meanings attached to synonymous terms. Many terms change Whet, Hone, Strop, Sharpen, Stimulate, meanings and pronunciation based on what part of speech is Arouse, Kindle, Spur, Awaken being used. For example, the word complex when used as a noun has a different meaning than when used as an adjective. The mathematical formula for rocket fuel is complex. (Here complex is a predicate adjective meaning complicated.) The teacher who constantly derides his students has a inferiority complex. (Here complex is a noun meaning a mental illness.)