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Essay about Jaques Speech Act in As You Like It
Jaques Speech Act in As You Like It
In William Shakespeare's As You Like It the speech act is introduced and helps to create a unique insight into the play and its events. Shakespeare
integrates a speech act by Jaques to deliver a deeper meaning and lesson to the audience or reader of the work. Jaques in his speech act conveys a
message with a much deeper meaning and teaching to society in general. The speech act rendered by Jaques addresses the themes of satire, philosophy,
and the ages of man.
Jaques starts his speech act by stating that
" All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players.
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages." (II, more content...
He goes on further to describe how the "lover, sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad made to his mistress' eyebrow (II, vii, 147–148). Jaques takes
his satirical approach further as he states that "the justice, in fair round belly with good capon lined, with eyes severe and beard of formal cut ... plays
his part" (II, vii, 153–156). Jaques finally ends his satirical approach by telling how at the end of life one is left "sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste,
sans everything"(II, vii, 166). He makes his point of the life that is lead by many in society and achieves his purpose through the usage of satire to do so.
Jaques handles the issue of philosophy in his speech act in a way that enhances the rest of the play. As he states that " all the world's a stage and all
the men and women merely players " Jaques poses a philosophical view of the situation being addressed. He opts to use symbolic means to express
his feelings about the behavior of humans in society in which humans simply play out their lives on stage. Jaques goes on to say that " one man in his
time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages" (II, vii, 2–3). He categorizes the stages of life into seven significant categories which all contribute to
man's ultimate end. Jaques expresses a very pessimistic view of life and society in general through his philosophical examples.
As his speech act
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Theme Of Existentialism In As You Like It
The play to be reviewed is As You Like It, written by William Shakespeare. The prevailing philosophy throughout the play is existentialism. What is
existentialism? Existentialism can be defined through its ontology. Ontology is the study of the nature of reality and is also called the theory of reality.
The ontology of existentialism can be discussed in under concepts of man and existence. In the concept of man, existentialists believe that man is not
bound by any antecedent human nature but rather free to determine its own nature. It opposed those deterministic theories (ex. inborn talents,
predestined path of life, etc.) and favoured principle of indeterminism. To be a man is to be undetermined, to be free. Man has the freedom to choose and more content...
As quoted from Marcel, 'to exist' means not just to be 'present to my own aware–ness' but also to be a manifest being. "I exist–that is as much to say: I
have something to make myself known and recognized both by others and by myself". In conclusion, existentialism is not about man as an absolute
being but rather a relative and subjective one. As long as a man exists, there is always a room for him to revise and correct himself and has a future that
is not determined by his innate nature, birthright, etc. The most important values on existentialism are freedom of choice and individuality. As You Like
It is a play written by William Shakespeare and is classified as "marriage comedy" together with the plays Twelfth Night and A Midsummer Night's
Dream. The list of main characters includes Duke Frederick: the usurper of the throne of Duke Senior which is also his brother; Celia (aka Aliena):
the daughter of Duke Frederick; Rosalind (aka Ganymede): the daughter of Duke Senior; Touchstone: the court's clown; Sons of the late Sir
Rowland de Boys (of decreasing age): Oliver, Jaques, Orlando; Adam: a loyal servant to Sir Rowland and his sons; Amiens and Jaques: Lords that are
banished with Duke Senior; Corin and Silvius: Sheperds in the forest of Arden; Phebe: a
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William Shakespeare 's As You Like It
In "As You Like It" it can be seen that love is a life and personality altering element for each character. Love is the main theme of this play as it can
be seen that all characters are changed by love. In this one piece by William Shakespeare, many different forms different forms of love can be seen.
There is brotherly love, love in loyalty, lust, friendship, and even the expected form of romantic love. There are three main couples we see change and
development due to their interactions with love, Rosalind and Orlando, Silvius and Phebe, and Touchstone and Audrey. Their recurrent interactions
with love in several different forms helps to exude and deepen this main theme of love in "As You Like It".
Rosalind and Orlando,the hero and heroine, is the first couple that can be analyzed with dissecting the theme of love. . Rosalind beautiful and
Orlando handsome, fell in love at first sight (the traditional way). Orlando's good nature and bravery won her heart in Act 1 Scene 2. That, being too
boring for a shakespearean play, could not be all there is to their love. Therefore, following the traditional elements of shakespeare 's, Rosalind gets
banished by Duke Frederick in (i.iii.82–84), and thus disguises herself as a man (Ganymede) and escapes with Celia, her cousin, into the forest of
Arden. All of this madness and chaos stands as a test to the love that Orlando and Rosalind share. Before meeting again Rosalind finds poems written
on the trees of the forest in Act
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As You Like It Thesis
I.Introduction Shakespeare feminist?
b.Thesis statement
c.How you're going to prove the thesis
Body Paragraph Topic Sentence– Shakespeare's take on masculinity. In As You Like It, it seems that Shakespeare believes that it is a man's natural
instinct to romanticize women. While Celia is reading Orlando's poem to Rosalind, all of the women mentioned had something disastrous happen to
them. (Act 3 Scene 2 Lines 143 through 156) Tie to the topic sentence. Another thing a man needs to be is tough. When Rosalind, as Ganymede, is
talking to Oliver, Orlando's brother, she faints at the sight on Orlando's blood on the handkerchief. In response, Oliver tells "him" that he needs to act
more like a man. (Act 4 Scene 3 Lines 12) more content...
Shakespeare believes that women are more prone to crying and that they are the weaker gender. When Rosalind is talking to Aliena, she says "I could
find in my heart to disgrace my man's apparel and to cry like a woman, but I must comfort the weaker vessel, as doublet and hose ought to show itself
courageous to petticoat". (2.4.4–8) In the past, it was believed that because of the fact that women give birth, they are the fairer sex. Most people
believed that women could not protect themselves, and that they needed courageous men to protect them. Shakespeare also portrays women in a
stereotypical manner, in the sense that it was believed that women normally rave over males, making them seem foolish. In Scene 3 Act 2, Rosalind is
giddy over Orlando, perpetuating the stereotype that woman go crazy over guys. (3.2.198–208) Tie to the topic sentence. Another stereotype that
Shakespeare brings up is the stereotype that women don't think before they speak, and that they talk all the time. Rosalind says in Act 3 Scene 2 "Do
you not know I am a woman? When I think, I must speak". This was a common view, resulting in woman always being told that they were nagging.
II.IV. Body Paragraph Topic Sentence There were times in the play when Shakespeare defied gender
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Sexuality in As You Like It
In a romantic forest setting, rich with the songs of birds, the fragrance of fresh spring flowers, and the leafy hum of trees whistling in the wind, one
young man courts another. A lady clings to her childhood friend with a desperate and erotic passion, and a girl is instantly captivated by a youth whose
physical features are uncannily feminine. Oddly enough, the object of desire in each of these instances is the same person. In As You Like It, William
Shakespeare explores the homoerotic possibilities of his many characters. At the resolution he establishes a tenuous re–affirmation of their
heterosexuality. In this essay I will show how individual characters flirt with their more content...
Charles, the wrestler, compares the Duke's lifestyle to the idyllic age of Robin Hood and reports that 'many young gentlemen/ flock to him every day
and fleet the time carelessly as they/ did in the golden world' (I.i. 101–103). In his article, 'Queering the Shakespeare Family,' Mario DiGangi explains
this reference to the 'golden world' as being an allusion to the Renaissance myth of Orpheus, the misogynist who establishes an all–male community in
order to avoid the dangers of female seduction and sexuality. In describing the lifestyle which is alluded to by Shakespeare's phrase, 'the golden
world,' DiGangi explains that Orpheus and his comrades, living in isolation, did 'utterly eschew/ The womankynd' and 'taught the Thracian folke a
stewes of Males to make/ And of the flowering pryme of boayes the pleasure for to take' (Ovid bk. 10, II qtd. in DiGangi 277–280). This description
bears unmistakable similarities to Duke Senior's lifestyle, and makes the homosexual implications of his society undeniable. The solely masculine
society of Duke Senior's woodland retreat is pleasing and attractive to the male characters in the play. This contentment with purely male
companionship, coupled with the undeniable allusion to a well–known homosexual society, create a fertile ground for planting the argument that Duke
Senior's lifestyle is as much alternative as it is 'sweet.'
Another, and more commonly analyzed, example of
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Questions of Gender in Shakespeare's As You Like It
Throughout history, men and women have been assigned specific roles to which society prescribes standards and qualifications. There are certain tasks
that have been traditionally completed only by men, and others that have been assigned to women; most of which are separated by the realm of the
domestic sphere. During the period of the Renaissance, men and women were assigned very different roles within society. The value,social expectations
, legal status, and rights of citizenship differed greatly between the sexes as well as among the classes. Many of these gender roles can be identified
through careful readings of the literature produced throughout the more content...
Such a life was impossible for women . . . because for a woman, a public reputation was dishonorable, a sure sign of immorality and scandal"
(Wiesner 12). Women were excluded from any position of meaningful authority in any realm of society. Men were even valued for their ability to
classify an object or being as beautiful. During this period of great creative accomplishments, men may ". . . have taken to commerce or to drink, but as
a matter of fact they took to visible beauty" (Putnam 164). They established beauty as an important quality of life, and only men had the capacity to
differentiate between that which was beautiful and not beautiful.
Women, therefore, were often valued for their physical features. In the Renaissance, ". . . the beauty of woman is more praised and esteemed than
any other beauty . . . [for] it appears to be the order of nature that what is lacking in one sex is supplied in the other, and since man is endowed with
wit, judgement, and a mind almost divine, . . . woman is given bodily beauty that she may be superior to man in this respect" (Camden 20). Women
were object to be viewed with pleasing affections, not with any sense of worth other than their physical features; ". . . the only positive demand of the
woman was that she should be beautiful" (Putnam 164–165). Women were also valued for qualities that define them as submissive and passive. A
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Relationships in As You Like It
"Pronounce that sentence on me, my liege. I cannot live out of her company"(Shakespeare quoted in Norton Anthology 1611). Who made these
remarks about the dear Rosalind, was it Celia, the one whom she calls 'coz', or is Orlando the man that she is in love with? The question then
becomes if Celia said these words what was her meaning. Is it that Celia is attracted to Rosalind as more than a friend or is this just an example of the
female friendships of the time? This is a look at the different dynamics of relationships during the Renaissance. Those relationships of female friends,
male bonding and homoeroticism in "As You Like It".
During the Renaissance the friendship between more content...
One can see the intense friendship that Celia and Rosalind share in the passage when Celia agrees that Rosalind does have a good reason to cry. The
bond that is between female friends is analogous to the autonomy valorized in ideal male friendships (Shannon 658). Celia and Rosalind's friendship
can also be example of the phenomenon of female friendship. The phenomenon of the female friendship that is so elusive in the writings of the
Renaissance appears as an extraordinary dramatic effect, linking marriage and tyranny and enhancing the otherwise familiar disapprobation towards the
absolute power of the patriarchal society (Shannon 658).
The bonding between males is something that is not an obvious in the writings of the Renaissance as other types of relationships. It has been noted
that the structures of a patriarchal society have an "obligatory homosexuality" built in the male dominated kinship systems (Sedgwick 3). It is
apparent in "As You Like It" that there is a bond between Adam and Orlando. The question is whether this bond is that of male bonding, master
/servant, or homoerotic. The relationship really can't be categorized as homosexual because at no point in the play is there any actions taken in that
manner. In Act 2 scene 3 Adam and Orlando are discussing Orlando's money issues. Adam offers his support in lines 39
–41: "But do not so. I have five
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As You Like It is love: The Language of Love
The most obvious concern of As You Like It is love, and particularly the attitudes and the language appropriate to young romantic love. This is obvious
from the relationships between Orlando and Rosalind, Silvius and Phoebe, Touchstone and Audrey, andCelia and Oliver. The action of the play moves
back and forth among these couples, inviting us to compare the different styles and to recognize from those comparisons some important facts about
young love. Here the role of Rosalind is decisive. Rosalind is Shakespeare's greatest and most vibrant comic female role. She is clearly the only
character in the play who has throughout an intelligent, erotic, and fully anchored more content...
It activates her. She takes charge of her life. She knows what she wants, and she organizes herself to seek it out. If she has to wait to pursue her
marriage, then she is going actively to enjoy the interim in an improvised courtship and not wrap herself in a mantle of romantic attitudinizing. She
initiates the game of courtship with Orlando and keeps it going. She has two purposes here. This gives her a chance to see and court Orlando (in her
own name) and thus to celebrate her feelings of love, but it also enables her to educate Orlando out of the sentimental pose he has adopted.
Orlando, too, is in love with Rosalind. But his view of love requires him to write drippy poems and walk through the forest hanging them on trees. He
sentimentalizes the experience (that is, falsifies it), so that he can luxuriate in his feelings of love rather than focusing sharply on the reality of the
experience. In their conversations, Rosalind/Ganymede pointedly and repeatedly deflates his conventional rhetoric. This comes out most clearly in her
famous reply to his claim that, if Rosalind rejects him, then he will die.
No, faith; die by attorney. The poor world is almost six thousand years old, and in all this time there was not any man died in his own person,
videlicet, in a love–cause. Troilus had his brains dashed out with a Grecian club, yet he did what he could to die before,
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Theme Of Disguise In As You Like It
"The use of disguise is an old stratagem in literature as well as in life. Achilles lived for a time undisturbed with his love because he was disguised as
a maiden. Apollo in the stress of battle appeared in the guise of a common soldier and encouraged his favourite hero. Odysseus returned from his
wanderings in the shape of a beggar in order that he might not be recognized at home."(Freeburg 1) The notion of disguise has been known from the
ancient drama, continuing its journey through all important periods of time. It attained the most exquisite resurrection in the Renaissance England
being used by the erstwhile biggest playwrights.
It has been generally known that Elizabethan drama reached its climax in Shakespeare's work. Shakespeare himself is the creator of numerous
dramatic arts and skills which made typical features of his work.
Shakespeare too used the concept of disguise in a number of his plays. It is not only used as an escape from the characters' personalities but also it
gives birth to serious comic effects. In As You Like it, the disguise becomes very farcical. Disguise may be perceived in a lot of different ways. In this
part the thesis will focus on the disguise more content...
The Duke took her under his protection and gave her home after he had exiled her father from his home. Although Frederick likes her as much as
his daughter, as the time passes, he starts to be suspicious and accuses her of betrayal. She has to escape and Frederic's daughter Celia joins her
since they are like sisters. To be successful in their plan, they decide to disguise themselves. Rosalind guises herself as a young man Ganymede,
because her body constitution is tall and reminds of that of man's while Celia dresses herself as a poor girl called Aliena. However, the decision to flee
in disguise was the idea of Celia, not
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Not Belonging In Shakespeare's As You Like It
To belong is to have an affinity to a place or person. In this way, not belonging may be even more important than belonging as often individuals must
be alienated in order to truly accept and understand their own identity. Such a notion is explored within the Shakespearean play, As you Like it,
written in 1603. The text clearly illustrates the way in which not belonging to people, place and society is even more important that belonging as it
allows an individual to gain a heightened understanding of the value of belonging and identity. Not belonging to people can lead individuals to gain a
deeper understanding of the value of belonging. As seen in As You Like it, several characters are forced to experience alienation in order to understand more content...
This idea is evident in the play as several characters who are isolated from The Court are able to deepen their understanding of identity.
Shakespeare uses the character of Duke Senior to illustrate such an idea. The Duke is banished from the court by his younger brother and placed
into exile in the Forest of Arden. It is through this displacement into the natural world and his experiences in "tongues in trees, sermons in stones,
books in running brooks and good in everything", that the Duke is able to truly develop his identity. The personification of nature as the 'teacher'
implies that the Duke has been taught about a new sense of identity. This demonstrates that the Duke's alienation from the court has allowed him to
become a part of the natural world and in turn enrich his own identity and sense of self. In a similar way, the character of Jaques is able to deepen his
understanding about the values of belonging through his alienation from the court. However, this alienation is by choice not force. As the rest of the
group prepare for marriage with dance and food, Jaques chooses not to return to the court believing he is "for other than for dancing measures". This
juxtaposition of behaviour illustrates to the audience the deeper meaning Jaques is determined to find not only in himself but in a world away from
the court. Not belonging has allowed Jaques to understand the truth about the court of "painted pomp". The use of the alliteration highlights to the
audience the realisation that Jaques has come to about the artificial nature of the court. Shakespeare uses this melancholy character to demonstrate that
not belonging to a place allows an individual to gain a better perspective of the world and their purpose on it. It is through the alienation from the
court that the Duke is able to develop his identity as part of the natural world and Jaques is able to gain a better
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How Does Shakespeare Show Love In As You Like It
Love in As You Like It
Throughout the centuries, men have pondered many great questions. Among these is the question: "What is love?" There is no doubt that the greatest
name in English literature, Shakespeare, sought to answer this question for himself. Indeed, Shakespeare recorded his answer in many of the sonnets
and plays he wrote, including As You Like It. AsShakespeare learned in seeking to answer this question, love is many things, which in this play he
observes through the characters of the play, but most directly through Silvius:
It is to be all made of fantasy,
All made of passion and all made of wishes,
All adoration, duty, and observance,
All humbleness, all patience and impatience,
All purity, more content...
Risking his own life, he tells them not to eat any food, then explains why:
There is an old poor man,
Who after me hath many a weary step
Limp'd in pure love: till he be first sufficed,
Oppress'd with two weak evils, age and hunger,
I will not touch a bit (II.vii).
Orlando is not merely being selfless, he is being selfless to help out a servant, a member of a lower social class. There are few names with such a
reputation, and one of them is the legendary Robin Hood. In this way Shakespeare shows the selflessness of love.
Shakespeare through Orlando again shows selflessness, this time not for a loving subordinate, but for his hateful brother. Orlando is walking
through the forest, and catches a glimpse of "a wretched and ragged man, o'ergrown with hair" asleep at the base of an old oak tree (IV.iii). A
snake crawls down from the man, then slithers under a bush, where a lioness crouches, ready to leap at the first movement of the man. Orlando see
the man to be none other than his elder brother. "Twice did he turn his back and purpos'd so [to leave him there]/ But kindness, nobler ever than
revenge ... Made him give battle to the lioness" (IV.iii). Orlando chooses to save his brother at great risk to himself, and is indeed injured in the
process. By placing the good, and even more paramount, the life, of another before the his own good and life, Orlando shows the greatest possible
display of selfless love that he can. It is interesting to note
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Essay On As You Like It
As you like it is one of a famous comedy plays of Shakespeare. Rosalind is one of his most inspiring female characters, also she has more line than
any female of Shakespeare characters, Rosalind, the daughter of exile Duke falls in love with Orlando the son of a nobleman who recently died.
When she is banished from her usurping uncle, Duke Frederick, she takes her cousin Celia and Touchstone with her to the Ardenne forest where her
father and his friends exile, she pretends as a boy. Themes about life andlove, death, made friends and family. By the end of play Rosalind marries
Orlando, Oliver becomes a good man and he marries Celia. Act II, Scene 7 features a large Monologues byWilliam Shakespeare, which begins as
"All more content...
Literature review As you like it, play written by William Shakespeare. It is believed to have been written in 1599 or early 1600 and first published in
1623 the play setting at France court, but the most of it in Ardenne forest. Rosalind dominates As You Like It. So fully realized is she in the
complexity of her emotions, the subtlety of her thought, and the fullness of her character that no one else in the play matches up to her. Rosalind,
daughter of Duke Senior, a witty, self–possessed young woman, she disguises as a young man named Ganymede, she is the most important character
in the play, smart, kind, witty and hero, she is dominated (As you like it), also she has complex emotions and feelings. She falls in love with
Orlando. She runs away to the Ardenne forest after she banished by her uncle Frederick. Orlando, the youngest son of Sir Rowland de Boys,
second important figure in the play. Who ill treated by his oldest brother, he is gentle, with feelings of emotion to his love for Rosalind. Which he is
capable is evident in his concern for his faithful old servant Adam, as well as in his fidelity to his lover. He escapes from his older brother after he
knows that he is planning to kill
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Examples Of Disguise In As You Like It
Shakespeare uses the idea of disguise in many of his plays. It is used as an escape from the characters' personalities and sometimes for comic
effect. In As You Like it, the disguise becomes very comical as in the time it was written only men could act on stage. This could lead to much
confusion and comedy in the roles of those in disguise. Disguise can give the freedom to a character to act how they like and a chance for them to
show their views. It was in the 16th Century that there became an increased sense of self consciousness and identity. This led to people creating an
image for themselves. If one can create a self, they can create many different versions of themselves each showing a different aspect of that person.
This links in very well with As You Like It because in the play, Rosalind creates many different disguises of herself. At one point she is disguised as a
boy acting as Rosalind. Rosalind and Celia are the main focus for disguise in As You Like It. To more content...
The perfection of disguise is thus essential to the higher purpose of the comedy. Rosalind was fair; but after having seen her in her brilliant beauty
at the court of her usurping uncle, we must be content, as she was, to see it browned to the hue of forest exposure, and deprived of all the pretty
coquetries of personal adornment which sit so well upon her sex, and to find in her, our very selves, the outward seeming of a somewhat overbold
and soldierly young fellow, who is living, half shepherd, half hunter, in welcomed companionship with a band of gentlemanly outlaws. Unless all this
is set very clearly and unmistakably before us by the physical and merely external appearance of our heroine, there is an incongruity fatal to the idea of
the comedy, and directly at variance with the clearly defined intentions of its
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Both As You Like It and "The Outing" make use of verbal irony. In As You Like It, Rosalind decides to take on a male persona in order to talk with
Orlando openly. She gives herself the name Ganymede and dresses up like a man. Later in the play, Orlando has a conversation with Ganymede and
does not realize that he is in fact Rosalind in disguise. Rosalind, dressed as Ganymede, chides him to woo her as if she were Rosalind: "What would
you say to me now / an I were your very very Rosalind?" (IV. i. 74–75). Each time Rosalind insists that she is Rosalind is ironic because she is
simultaneously Rosalind and is playing the part of Rosalind. Orlando fails to realize this. Similarly, in "The Outing," Elaine does not realize who
someone more content...
In As You Like It, Celia's and Rosalind's friendship seems intimate and intense. They speak to each other as if they are lovers and not friends. At the
beginning of the play, Rosalind is upset about her father's banishment. She and Celia have a minor fight where Celia accuses her of not loving her
fully: "Herein I see thou lov'st me not with the full weight I love thee" (I. ii. 7–8). The two characters quickly make up because of Rosalind's sacrifice.
She says that she will ignore her problems to focus on Celia. The characters speak to one another as if they are in a romantic relationship although
they are cousins. In addition to blurring the line between men and women, Shakespeare blurs the line between platonic relationships and intimate
ones. Larry Charles does the same in "The Outing" with Jerry and George. In doing so, Shakespeare and Charles are able to play with their respective
characters and mislead the audience. Jerry and George say and do several things throughout the episode that imply they are in a relationship. For
instance, Jerry and George bicker about minor things such as George's shirt and how clean a pear is. Although the audience knows that Jerry and
George are not
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As You Like It Belonging Essay
An individual's sense of belonging can be shaped by numerous elements of their interactions with other people and places. To obtain a true sense of
belonging, these elements must work to support and accept the individual in their discovery of a fulfilled and contented existence. These essential
concepts of belonging are displayed within William Shakespeare's comedy As You Like It,Mark Twain's novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
and A.B. Patterson's poem Clancy of the Overflow. Through the composers' use of dramatic, language, poetic and literary techniques, we are able to
explore the various aspects and ideas which lead to a deep sense of belonging.
One of the fundamental concepts of more content...
However, Shakespeare uses this couple to further satirise the Petrarchan tradition of love and display that although pure unadulterated love can lead to
a sense of belonging, so can a connection of a less noble manner; thus highlighting the numerous avenues of belonging. Through the dialogue "as a
walled town is more worthier than a village... the forehead of a married man more honourable than the bare brow of a bachelor" and "I do desire with
all my heart... to be a woman of the world", Shakespeare contrasts the affection of Touchstone and Audrey and that of Orlando and Rosalind and
emphasises the different levels of belonging. This contrast between the morals and ethics of relationships reflects how true love, however also
materialistic love establishes a deep sense of belonging and builds understanding between the individuals involved.
Another key aspect of belonging is the relationship to a place or setting. In As You Like It, the two symbolic settings that the characters inhabit are
vastly juxtaposed, as we see the natural essence of the Forest of Arden contrasted with the supposedly civilised Courts of Duke Fredrick.
Shakespeare's use of contrast, imagery and dialogue reflects the different states of belonging which the courts and Forest of Arden represent. The use
of hyperbole by Orlando in Act 1 when he asks Oliver "Shall I keep your pigs and eat husks with them" emphasises the extent of which Orlando does
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Analysis Of ' As You Like It '
"As You Like It", is a Shakespearean comedy that is believed to have been written around the 1600's. This play holds onto many strong motifs
throughout the entire play. One of the most obvious motifs would have to be the concept of exile. Many of the characters in the play have been
intimidated away from their homes, while others left voluntarily to live in the forest of Arden. This separation from their homes in the court aids in
helping Shakespeare's major themes come alive. The major themes evident in Act 4 Scene 3 is the malleability of humans through experience, the
effects of love, and a comparison of city life to country life. It is important to note the malleability of human nature through an individual's life
experience. According to some psychologists, "what is built in [to humans] is this capacity to learn and change according to the world [they] find
[themselves] in" (Dweck, par. 3). This is supported in Shakespeare's play through the character of Oliver. At his home in the court, Oliver finds
himself blessed with the riches and power that his father handed down to him. This inheritance is known as the right of primogeniture. The system in
which a father's riches and title is handed down to the eldest son, leaving the rest of the siblings with nothing. Oliver is a petty and jealous individual
who treats his younger brother Orlando as if he were just another servant. The root of this hatred is made clear in Oliver's monologue at the end of act
one scene one, in
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Essay Comparing Macbeth And As You Like It
Shakespeare's Macbeth and As You Like It have very similar themes with the characters as it shows how the roles of life and death are significant to
human existence. In Act V, Scene 5 of Macbeth, Macbeth's poem
–like monologue shines light on how life is short and each day is closer to death. In
Act II, Scene 7 of As You Like It, Jaques compares the whole life cycle to a play with different short acts that ends with an old decrepit man that has
no fight left in him. The tone and imagery of these two monologues displayed the concept of humanity and life and death.
The tone for both excerpts is extremely mournful and somber. When talking about death, both speakers (Macbeth and Jaques) relate to it depressingly.
In Macbeth, he refers to life as ,"but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more." Macbeth
portrays life as a one–hit wonder, famous one day and never seen ever again. As You Like It portrays life in a more secular way. In life, you go from
being a fresh baby to a fading old man; and at the end, there's nothing "sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything." What you're met with is
oblivion. The sorrowful tone portrays the difficult balance of life vs. death and how people deal with more content...
Macbeth brings his point to life by one simple line: "Out, out, brief candle!". Life is like a candle, lit one moment and out the other without a single
thought about it anymore. Jaques' point is imagined throughout the monologue. Jaques compares the life cycle to a play with seven acts: baby, child,
lover, soldier, judge, elder, and eventually death. Using specific descriptions for each "act" utilizes the reader's comprehension on how every part of
life plays into the final, inevitable part: death. The imagery also pushes the secular reasoning of death that nothing happens when you
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Gender and Social Norms in As You Like It
Shakespeare based his comedy As You Like It primarily on three other works. Its plot follows the basic structure of Rosalynde, published in 1590 by
Thomas Lodge. The Tale of Gamelyn, written by an unknown author in the mid–fourteenth century, is a violent Middle English narrative that was
found among Chaucer's papers and provides further details for Shakespeare's work. With the Forest of Ardenne serving as an escape for our main
characters, Shakespeare takes his details from the countless Robin Hood ballads popular in Medieval England. This paper will examine how
Shakespeare's adaptations and alterations of emphasis and plot from these source works have turned our attention to more content...
In the final paragraph, Lodge reinforces his focus on men:
"Here Gentlemen may you see in EUPHUES GOLDEN LEGACIE, that such as neglect their fathers precepts, incurre much preiudice; that diuision in
Nature as it is a blemish in nurture...concorde sweetest conclusion, and amitie betwixt brothers more forceable than fortune."
This moral, pointed out to us in the last paragraph of Renaissance writing, says nothing about the matters of interaction between men and women, only
the interaction between brothers. The women in the plot are deemphasized. In As You Like It, Shakespeare breaks all convention and a female
character delivers the epilog and speaks directly to the women calling them to action. The playwright goes so far as to have Rosalind address the
women audience members first. Shakespeare clearly alters his plot to place primary emphasis on the women's roles in his play, how they effect change
and how they move and affect a world dominated by men.
Lodge's Rosalynde lives in a world where human behavior is repeatedly explained by reference to long lists of "infallible precepts" that are said to
determine our reactions, not as a reaction to what other people have done or how they feel about each other (Stout 279). Shakespeare views love as
grounded in mutual behavior, and the interaction between people helps make possible what will happen in the future. In Lodge, a common explanation
for a character's actions is some sort
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As You Like It: The Importance of the Secondary Characters
As You Like It, by William Shakespeare, is a radiant blend of fantasy, romance, wit and humor. In this delightful romp, Rosalind stands out as the most
robust, multidimensional and lovable character, so much so that she tends to overshadow the other characters in an audience's memory, making them
seem, by comparison, just "stock dramatic types". Yet, As You Like It is not a stock romance that just happens to have Shakespeare's greatest female
role. The other members of the cast provide a well–balanced supporting role, and are not just stereotypes. Characters whom Shakespeare uses to
illustrate his main theme of the variations of love are all more than one– more content...
Though the range of her acting sub–roles alone would make the other characters look pale, the depth of each of her "many parts" outshines many. As a
woman in love she demonstrates a range of emotion and action that far exceeds that of Celia, Phoebe or Audrey. It is her romance with Orlando that is
the focus of the play, and the one held up as the ideal, and therefore the one that gets most of Shakespeare's attention as a playwright. Rosalind's gushing
first meeting with Orlando, a stark contrast to her masterly handling of Le Beau just before, shows a more vulnerable Rosalind. Rosalind's playful
fantasizing about Orlando after the wrestling match and after verses start appearing on trees shows a depth of infatuation not explored with the other
characters, except Phoebe, though Phoebe is shown up to have a more stock kind of silly infatuation rather than Rosalind's more courtly lovesickness.
Rosalind's momentary drops of her guise as Ganymede playing Rosalind, such as when she faints at seeing the bloody handkerchief, show that
Rosalind is human, and these involuntary glimpses of the true lover forced out by sheer emotion place Rosalind on a higher level of love than the
more ordinary, stereotypical posturing of Phoebe.
As wit and philosopher Rosalind plays a dominant role, though here Celia, Touchstone and Jaques are less flat in comparison to Rosalind. Celia and
Rosalind both show indomitable tongues when mocking Le Beau and confusing
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Essay About Jaques Speech Act In As You Like It

  • 1. Essay about Jaques Speech Act in As You Like It Jaques Speech Act in As You Like It In William Shakespeare's As You Like It the speech act is introduced and helps to create a unique insight into the play and its events. Shakespeare integrates a speech act by Jaques to deliver a deeper meaning and lesson to the audience or reader of the work. Jaques in his speech act conveys a message with a much deeper meaning and teaching to society in general. The speech act rendered by Jaques addresses the themes of satire, philosophy, and the ages of man. Jaques starts his speech act by stating that " All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages." (II, more content... He goes on further to describe how the "lover, sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad made to his mistress' eyebrow (II, vii, 147–148). Jaques takes his satirical approach further as he states that "the justice, in fair round belly with good capon lined, with eyes severe and beard of formal cut ... plays his part" (II, vii, 153–156). Jaques finally ends his satirical approach by telling how at the end of life one is left "sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything"(II, vii, 166). He makes his point of the life that is lead by many in society and achieves his purpose through the usage of satire to do so. Jaques handles the issue of philosophy in his speech act in a way that enhances the rest of the play. As he states that " all the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players " Jaques poses a philosophical view of the situation being addressed. He opts to use symbolic means to express his feelings about the behavior of humans in society in which humans simply play out their lives on stage. Jaques goes on to say that " one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages" (II, vii, 2–3). He categorizes the stages of life into seven significant categories which all contribute to man's ultimate end. Jaques expresses a very pessimistic view of life and society in general through his philosophical examples. As his speech act Get more content on
  • 2. Theme Of Existentialism In As You Like It The play to be reviewed is As You Like It, written by William Shakespeare. The prevailing philosophy throughout the play is existentialism. What is existentialism? Existentialism can be defined through its ontology. Ontology is the study of the nature of reality and is also called the theory of reality. The ontology of existentialism can be discussed in under concepts of man and existence. In the concept of man, existentialists believe that man is not bound by any antecedent human nature but rather free to determine its own nature. It opposed those deterministic theories (ex. inborn talents, predestined path of life, etc.) and favoured principle of indeterminism. To be a man is to be undetermined, to be free. Man has the freedom to choose and more content... As quoted from Marcel, 'to exist' means not just to be 'present to my own aware–ness' but also to be a manifest being. "I exist–that is as much to say: I have something to make myself known and recognized both by others and by myself". In conclusion, existentialism is not about man as an absolute being but rather a relative and subjective one. As long as a man exists, there is always a room for him to revise and correct himself and has a future that is not determined by his innate nature, birthright, etc. The most important values on existentialism are freedom of choice and individuality. As You Like It is a play written by William Shakespeare and is classified as "marriage comedy" together with the plays Twelfth Night and A Midsummer Night's Dream. The list of main characters includes Duke Frederick: the usurper of the throne of Duke Senior which is also his brother; Celia (aka Aliena): the daughter of Duke Frederick; Rosalind (aka Ganymede): the daughter of Duke Senior; Touchstone: the court's clown; Sons of the late Sir Rowland de Boys (of decreasing age): Oliver, Jaques, Orlando; Adam: a loyal servant to Sir Rowland and his sons; Amiens and Jaques: Lords that are banished with Duke Senior; Corin and Silvius: Sheperds in the forest of Arden; Phebe: a Get more content on
  • 3. William Shakespeare 's As You Like It In "As You Like It" it can be seen that love is a life and personality altering element for each character. Love is the main theme of this play as it can be seen that all characters are changed by love. In this one piece by William Shakespeare, many different forms different forms of love can be seen. There is brotherly love, love in loyalty, lust, friendship, and even the expected form of romantic love. There are three main couples we see change and development due to their interactions with love, Rosalind and Orlando, Silvius and Phebe, and Touchstone and Audrey. Their recurrent interactions with love in several different forms helps to exude and deepen this main theme of love in "As You Like It". Rosalind and Orlando,the hero and heroine, is the first couple that can be analyzed with dissecting the theme of love. . Rosalind beautiful and Orlando handsome, fell in love at first sight (the traditional way). Orlando's good nature and bravery won her heart in Act 1 Scene 2. That, being too boring for a shakespearean play, could not be all there is to their love. Therefore, following the traditional elements of shakespeare 's, Rosalind gets banished by Duke Frederick in (i.iii.82–84), and thus disguises herself as a man (Ganymede) and escapes with Celia, her cousin, into the forest of Arden. All of this madness and chaos stands as a test to the love that Orlando and Rosalind share. Before meeting again Rosalind finds poems written on the trees of the forest in Act Get more content on
  • 4. As You Like It Thesis I.Introduction Shakespeare feminist? a.Hook b.Thesis statement c.How you're going to prove the thesis Body Paragraph Topic Sentence– Shakespeare's take on masculinity. In As You Like It, it seems that Shakespeare believes that it is a man's natural instinct to romanticize women. While Celia is reading Orlando's poem to Rosalind, all of the women mentioned had something disastrous happen to them. (Act 3 Scene 2 Lines 143 through 156) Tie to the topic sentence. Another thing a man needs to be is tough. When Rosalind, as Ganymede, is talking to Oliver, Orlando's brother, she faints at the sight on Orlando's blood on the handkerchief. In response, Oliver tells "him" that he needs to act more like a man. (Act 4 Scene 3 Lines 12) more content... Shakespeare believes that women are more prone to crying and that they are the weaker gender. When Rosalind is talking to Aliena, she says "I could find in my heart to disgrace my man's apparel and to cry like a woman, but I must comfort the weaker vessel, as doublet and hose ought to show itself courageous to petticoat". (2.4.4–8) In the past, it was believed that because of the fact that women give birth, they are the fairer sex. Most people believed that women could not protect themselves, and that they needed courageous men to protect them. Shakespeare also portrays women in a stereotypical manner, in the sense that it was believed that women normally rave over males, making them seem foolish. In Scene 3 Act 2, Rosalind is giddy over Orlando, perpetuating the stereotype that woman go crazy over guys. (3.2.198–208) Tie to the topic sentence. Another stereotype that Shakespeare brings up is the stereotype that women don't think before they speak, and that they talk all the time. Rosalind says in Act 3 Scene 2 "Do you not know I am a woman? When I think, I must speak". This was a common view, resulting in woman always being told that they were nagging. II.IV. Body Paragraph Topic Sentence There were times in the play when Shakespeare defied gender Get more content on
  • 5. Sexuality in As You Like It In a romantic forest setting, rich with the songs of birds, the fragrance of fresh spring flowers, and the leafy hum of trees whistling in the wind, one young man courts another. A lady clings to her childhood friend with a desperate and erotic passion, and a girl is instantly captivated by a youth whose physical features are uncannily feminine. Oddly enough, the object of desire in each of these instances is the same person. In As You Like It, William Shakespeare explores the homoerotic possibilities of his many characters. At the resolution he establishes a tenuous re–affirmation of their heterosexuality. In this essay I will show how individual characters flirt with their more content... Charles, the wrestler, compares the Duke's lifestyle to the idyllic age of Robin Hood and reports that 'many young gentlemen/ flock to him every day and fleet the time carelessly as they/ did in the golden world' (I.i. 101–103). In his article, 'Queering the Shakespeare Family,' Mario DiGangi explains this reference to the 'golden world' as being an allusion to the Renaissance myth of Orpheus, the misogynist who establishes an all–male community in order to avoid the dangers of female seduction and sexuality. In describing the lifestyle which is alluded to by Shakespeare's phrase, 'the golden world,' DiGangi explains that Orpheus and his comrades, living in isolation, did 'utterly eschew/ The womankynd' and 'taught the Thracian folke a stewes of Males to make/ And of the flowering pryme of boayes the pleasure for to take' (Ovid bk. 10, II qtd. in DiGangi 277–280). This description bears unmistakable similarities to Duke Senior's lifestyle, and makes the homosexual implications of his society undeniable. The solely masculine society of Duke Senior's woodland retreat is pleasing and attractive to the male characters in the play. This contentment with purely male companionship, coupled with the undeniable allusion to a well–known homosexual society, create a fertile ground for planting the argument that Duke Senior's lifestyle is as much alternative as it is 'sweet.' Another, and more commonly analyzed, example of Get more content on
  • 6. Questions of Gender in Shakespeare's As You Like It Throughout history, men and women have been assigned specific roles to which society prescribes standards and qualifications. There are certain tasks that have been traditionally completed only by men, and others that have been assigned to women; most of which are separated by the realm of the domestic sphere. During the period of the Renaissance, men and women were assigned very different roles within society. The value,social expectations , legal status, and rights of citizenship differed greatly between the sexes as well as among the classes. Many of these gender roles can be identified through careful readings of the literature produced throughout the more content... Such a life was impossible for women . . . because for a woman, a public reputation was dishonorable, a sure sign of immorality and scandal" (Wiesner 12). Women were excluded from any position of meaningful authority in any realm of society. Men were even valued for their ability to classify an object or being as beautiful. During this period of great creative accomplishments, men may ". . . have taken to commerce or to drink, but as a matter of fact they took to visible beauty" (Putnam 164). They established beauty as an important quality of life, and only men had the capacity to differentiate between that which was beautiful and not beautiful. Women, therefore, were often valued for their physical features. In the Renaissance, ". . . the beauty of woman is more praised and esteemed than any other beauty . . . [for] it appears to be the order of nature that what is lacking in one sex is supplied in the other, and since man is endowed with wit, judgement, and a mind almost divine, . . . woman is given bodily beauty that she may be superior to man in this respect" (Camden 20). Women were object to be viewed with pleasing affections, not with any sense of worth other than their physical features; ". . . the only positive demand of the woman was that she should be beautiful" (Putnam 164–165). Women were also valued for qualities that define them as submissive and passive. A woman's Get more content on
  • 7. Relationships in As You Like It "Pronounce that sentence on me, my liege. I cannot live out of her company"(Shakespeare quoted in Norton Anthology 1611). Who made these remarks about the dear Rosalind, was it Celia, the one whom she calls 'coz', or is Orlando the man that she is in love with? The question then becomes if Celia said these words what was her meaning. Is it that Celia is attracted to Rosalind as more than a friend or is this just an example of the female friendships of the time? This is a look at the different dynamics of relationships during the Renaissance. Those relationships of female friends, male bonding and homoeroticism in "As You Like It". During the Renaissance the friendship between more content... One can see the intense friendship that Celia and Rosalind share in the passage when Celia agrees that Rosalind does have a good reason to cry. The bond that is between female friends is analogous to the autonomy valorized in ideal male friendships (Shannon 658). Celia and Rosalind's friendship can also be example of the phenomenon of female friendship. The phenomenon of the female friendship that is so elusive in the writings of the Renaissance appears as an extraordinary dramatic effect, linking marriage and tyranny and enhancing the otherwise familiar disapprobation towards the absolute power of the patriarchal society (Shannon 658). The bonding between males is something that is not an obvious in the writings of the Renaissance as other types of relationships. It has been noted that the structures of a patriarchal society have an "obligatory homosexuality" built in the male dominated kinship systems (Sedgwick 3). It is apparent in "As You Like It" that there is a bond between Adam and Orlando. The question is whether this bond is that of male bonding, master /servant, or homoerotic. The relationship really can't be categorized as homosexual because at no point in the play is there any actions taken in that manner. In Act 2 scene 3 Adam and Orlando are discussing Orlando's money issues. Adam offers his support in lines 39 –41: "But do not so. I have five hundred Get more content on
  • 8. As You Like It is love: The Language of Love The most obvious concern of As You Like It is love, and particularly the attitudes and the language appropriate to young romantic love. This is obvious from the relationships between Orlando and Rosalind, Silvius and Phoebe, Touchstone and Audrey, andCelia and Oliver. The action of the play moves back and forth among these couples, inviting us to compare the different styles and to recognize from those comparisons some important facts about young love. Here the role of Rosalind is decisive. Rosalind is Shakespeare's greatest and most vibrant comic female role. She is clearly the only character in the play who has throughout an intelligent, erotic, and fully anchored more content... It activates her. She takes charge of her life. She knows what she wants, and she organizes herself to seek it out. If she has to wait to pursue her marriage, then she is going actively to enjoy the interim in an improvised courtship and not wrap herself in a mantle of romantic attitudinizing. She initiates the game of courtship with Orlando and keeps it going. She has two purposes here. This gives her a chance to see and court Orlando (in her own name) and thus to celebrate her feelings of love, but it also enables her to educate Orlando out of the sentimental pose he has adopted. Orlando, too, is in love with Rosalind. But his view of love requires him to write drippy poems and walk through the forest hanging them on trees. He sentimentalizes the experience (that is, falsifies it), so that he can luxuriate in his feelings of love rather than focusing sharply on the reality of the experience. In their conversations, Rosalind/Ganymede pointedly and repeatedly deflates his conventional rhetoric. This comes out most clearly in her famous reply to his claim that, if Rosalind rejects him, then he will die. No, faith; die by attorney. The poor world is almost six thousand years old, and in all this time there was not any man died in his own person, videlicet, in a love–cause. Troilus had his brains dashed out with a Grecian club, yet he did what he could to die before, Get more content on
  • 9. Theme Of Disguise In As You Like It "The use of disguise is an old stratagem in literature as well as in life. Achilles lived for a time undisturbed with his love because he was disguised as a maiden. Apollo in the stress of battle appeared in the guise of a common soldier and encouraged his favourite hero. Odysseus returned from his wanderings in the shape of a beggar in order that he might not be recognized at home."(Freeburg 1) The notion of disguise has been known from the ancient drama, continuing its journey through all important periods of time. It attained the most exquisite resurrection in the Renaissance England being used by the erstwhile biggest playwrights. It has been generally known that Elizabethan drama reached its climax in Shakespeare's work. Shakespeare himself is the creator of numerous dramatic arts and skills which made typical features of his work. Shakespeare too used the concept of disguise in a number of his plays. It is not only used as an escape from the characters' personalities but also it gives birth to serious comic effects. In As You Like it, the disguise becomes very farcical. Disguise may be perceived in a lot of different ways. In this part the thesis will focus on the disguise more content... The Duke took her under his protection and gave her home after he had exiled her father from his home. Although Frederick likes her as much as his daughter, as the time passes, he starts to be suspicious and accuses her of betrayal. She has to escape and Frederic's daughter Celia joins her since they are like sisters. To be successful in their plan, they decide to disguise themselves. Rosalind guises herself as a young man Ganymede, because her body constitution is tall and reminds of that of man's while Celia dresses herself as a poor girl called Aliena. However, the decision to flee in disguise was the idea of Celia, not Get more content on
  • 10. Not Belonging In Shakespeare's As You Like It To belong is to have an affinity to a place or person. In this way, not belonging may be even more important than belonging as often individuals must be alienated in order to truly accept and understand their own identity. Such a notion is explored within the Shakespearean play, As you Like it, written in 1603. The text clearly illustrates the way in which not belonging to people, place and society is even more important that belonging as it allows an individual to gain a heightened understanding of the value of belonging and identity. Not belonging to people can lead individuals to gain a deeper understanding of the value of belonging. As seen in As You Like it, several characters are forced to experience alienation in order to understand more content... This idea is evident in the play as several characters who are isolated from The Court are able to deepen their understanding of identity. Shakespeare uses the character of Duke Senior to illustrate such an idea. The Duke is banished from the court by his younger brother and placed into exile in the Forest of Arden. It is through this displacement into the natural world and his experiences in "tongues in trees, sermons in stones, books in running brooks and good in everything", that the Duke is able to truly develop his identity. The personification of nature as the 'teacher' implies that the Duke has been taught about a new sense of identity. This demonstrates that the Duke's alienation from the court has allowed him to become a part of the natural world and in turn enrich his own identity and sense of self. In a similar way, the character of Jaques is able to deepen his understanding about the values of belonging through his alienation from the court. However, this alienation is by choice not force. As the rest of the group prepare for marriage with dance and food, Jaques chooses not to return to the court believing he is "for other than for dancing measures". This juxtaposition of behaviour illustrates to the audience the deeper meaning Jaques is determined to find not only in himself but in a world away from the court. Not belonging has allowed Jaques to understand the truth about the court of "painted pomp". The use of the alliteration highlights to the audience the realisation that Jaques has come to about the artificial nature of the court. Shakespeare uses this melancholy character to demonstrate that not belonging to a place allows an individual to gain a better perspective of the world and their purpose on it. It is through the alienation from the court that the Duke is able to develop his identity as part of the natural world and Jaques is able to gain a better Get more content on
  • 11. How Does Shakespeare Show Love In As You Like It Love in As You Like It Throughout the centuries, men have pondered many great questions. Among these is the question: "What is love?" There is no doubt that the greatest name in English literature, Shakespeare, sought to answer this question for himself. Indeed, Shakespeare recorded his answer in many of the sonnets and plays he wrote, including As You Like It. AsShakespeare learned in seeking to answer this question, love is many things, which in this play he observes through the characters of the play, but most directly through Silvius: It is to be all made of fantasy, All made of passion and all made of wishes, All adoration, duty, and observance, All humbleness, all patience and impatience, All purity, more content... Risking his own life, he tells them not to eat any food, then explains why: There is an old poor man, Who after me hath many a weary step Limp'd in pure love: till he be first sufficed, Oppress'd with two weak evils, age and hunger, I will not touch a bit (II.vii). Orlando is not merely being selfless, he is being selfless to help out a servant, a member of a lower social class. There are few names with such a reputation, and one of them is the legendary Robin Hood. In this way Shakespeare shows the selflessness of love. Shakespeare through Orlando again shows selflessness, this time not for a loving subordinate, but for his hateful brother. Orlando is walking through the forest, and catches a glimpse of "a wretched and ragged man, o'ergrown with hair" asleep at the base of an old oak tree (IV.iii). A snake crawls down from the man, then slithers under a bush, where a lioness crouches, ready to leap at the first movement of the man. Orlando see
  • 12. the man to be none other than his elder brother. "Twice did he turn his back and purpos'd so [to leave him there]/ But kindness, nobler ever than revenge ... Made him give battle to the lioness" (IV.iii). Orlando chooses to save his brother at great risk to himself, and is indeed injured in the process. By placing the good, and even more paramount, the life, of another before the his own good and life, Orlando shows the greatest possible display of selfless love that he can. It is interesting to note Get more content on
  • 13. Essay On As You Like It As you like it is one of a famous comedy plays of Shakespeare. Rosalind is one of his most inspiring female characters, also she has more line than any female of Shakespeare characters, Rosalind, the daughter of exile Duke falls in love with Orlando the son of a nobleman who recently died. When she is banished from her usurping uncle, Duke Frederick, she takes her cousin Celia and Touchstone with her to the Ardenne forest where her father and his friends exile, she pretends as a boy. Themes about life andlove, death, made friends and family. By the end of play Rosalind marries Orlando, Oliver becomes a good man and he marries Celia. Act II, Scene 7 features a large Monologues byWilliam Shakespeare, which begins as follows: "All more content... Literature review As you like it, play written by William Shakespeare. It is believed to have been written in 1599 or early 1600 and first published in 1623 the play setting at France court, but the most of it in Ardenne forest. Rosalind dominates As You Like It. So fully realized is she in the complexity of her emotions, the subtlety of her thought, and the fullness of her character that no one else in the play matches up to her. Rosalind, daughter of Duke Senior, a witty, self–possessed young woman, she disguises as a young man named Ganymede, she is the most important character in the play, smart, kind, witty and hero, she is dominated (As you like it), also she has complex emotions and feelings. She falls in love with Orlando. She runs away to the Ardenne forest after she banished by her uncle Frederick. Orlando, the youngest son of Sir Rowland de Boys, second important figure in the play. Who ill treated by his oldest brother, he is gentle, with feelings of emotion to his love for Rosalind. Which he is capable is evident in his concern for his faithful old servant Adam, as well as in his fidelity to his lover. He escapes from his older brother after he knows that he is planning to kill Get more content on
  • 14. Examples Of Disguise In As You Like It Shakespeare uses the idea of disguise in many of his plays. It is used as an escape from the characters' personalities and sometimes for comic effect. In As You Like it, the disguise becomes very comical as in the time it was written only men could act on stage. This could lead to much confusion and comedy in the roles of those in disguise. Disguise can give the freedom to a character to act how they like and a chance for them to show their views. It was in the 16th Century that there became an increased sense of self consciousness and identity. This led to people creating an image for themselves. If one can create a self, they can create many different versions of themselves each showing a different aspect of that person. This links in very well with As You Like It because in the play, Rosalind creates many different disguises of herself. At one point she is disguised as a boy acting as Rosalind. Rosalind and Celia are the main focus for disguise in As You Like It. To more content... The perfection of disguise is thus essential to the higher purpose of the comedy. Rosalind was fair; but after having seen her in her brilliant beauty at the court of her usurping uncle, we must be content, as she was, to see it browned to the hue of forest exposure, and deprived of all the pretty coquetries of personal adornment which sit so well upon her sex, and to find in her, our very selves, the outward seeming of a somewhat overbold and soldierly young fellow, who is living, half shepherd, half hunter, in welcomed companionship with a band of gentlemanly outlaws. Unless all this is set very clearly and unmistakably before us by the physical and merely external appearance of our heroine, there is an incongruity fatal to the idea of the comedy, and directly at variance with the clearly defined intentions of its Get more content on
  • 15. Both As You Like It and "The Outing" make use of verbal irony. In As You Like It, Rosalind decides to take on a male persona in order to talk with Orlando openly. She gives herself the name Ganymede and dresses up like a man. Later in the play, Orlando has a conversation with Ganymede and does not realize that he is in fact Rosalind in disguise. Rosalind, dressed as Ganymede, chides him to woo her as if she were Rosalind: "What would you say to me now / an I were your very very Rosalind?" (IV. i. 74–75). Each time Rosalind insists that she is Rosalind is ironic because she is simultaneously Rosalind and is playing the part of Rosalind. Orlando fails to realize this. Similarly, in "The Outing," Elaine does not realize who someone more content... In As You Like It, Celia's and Rosalind's friendship seems intimate and intense. They speak to each other as if they are lovers and not friends. At the beginning of the play, Rosalind is upset about her father's banishment. She and Celia have a minor fight where Celia accuses her of not loving her fully: "Herein I see thou lov'st me not with the full weight I love thee" (I. ii. 7–8). The two characters quickly make up because of Rosalind's sacrifice. She says that she will ignore her problems to focus on Celia. The characters speak to one another as if they are in a romantic relationship although they are cousins. In addition to blurring the line between men and women, Shakespeare blurs the line between platonic relationships and intimate ones. Larry Charles does the same in "The Outing" with Jerry and George. In doing so, Shakespeare and Charles are able to play with their respective characters and mislead the audience. Jerry and George say and do several things throughout the episode that imply they are in a relationship. For instance, Jerry and George bicker about minor things such as George's shirt and how clean a pear is. Although the audience knows that Jerry and George are not Get more content on
  • 16. As You Like It Belonging Essay ENGLISH ADVANCED BELONGING ESSAY An individual's sense of belonging can be shaped by numerous elements of their interactions with other people and places. To obtain a true sense of belonging, these elements must work to support and accept the individual in their discovery of a fulfilled and contented existence. These essential concepts of belonging are displayed within William Shakespeare's comedy As You Like It,Mark Twain's novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and A.B. Patterson's poem Clancy of the Overflow. Through the composers' use of dramatic, language, poetic and literary techniques, we are able to explore the various aspects and ideas which lead to a deep sense of belonging. One of the fundamental concepts of more content... However, Shakespeare uses this couple to further satirise the Petrarchan tradition of love and display that although pure unadulterated love can lead to a sense of belonging, so can a connection of a less noble manner; thus highlighting the numerous avenues of belonging. Through the dialogue "as a walled town is more worthier than a village... the forehead of a married man more honourable than the bare brow of a bachelor" and "I do desire with all my heart... to be a woman of the world", Shakespeare contrasts the affection of Touchstone and Audrey and that of Orlando and Rosalind and emphasises the different levels of belonging. This contrast between the morals and ethics of relationships reflects how true love, however also materialistic love establishes a deep sense of belonging and builds understanding between the individuals involved. Another key aspect of belonging is the relationship to a place or setting. In As You Like It, the two symbolic settings that the characters inhabit are vastly juxtaposed, as we see the natural essence of the Forest of Arden contrasted with the supposedly civilised Courts of Duke Fredrick. Shakespeare's use of contrast, imagery and dialogue reflects the different states of belonging which the courts and Forest of Arden represent. The use of hyperbole by Orlando in Act 1 when he asks Oliver "Shall I keep your pigs and eat husks with them" emphasises the extent of which Orlando does Get more content on
  • 17. Analysis Of ' As You Like It ' "As You Like It", is a Shakespearean comedy that is believed to have been written around the 1600's. This play holds onto many strong motifs throughout the entire play. One of the most obvious motifs would have to be the concept of exile. Many of the characters in the play have been intimidated away from their homes, while others left voluntarily to live in the forest of Arden. This separation from their homes in the court aids in helping Shakespeare's major themes come alive. The major themes evident in Act 4 Scene 3 is the malleability of humans through experience, the effects of love, and a comparison of city life to country life. It is important to note the malleability of human nature through an individual's life experience. According to some psychologists, "what is built in [to humans] is this capacity to learn and change according to the world [they] find [themselves] in" (Dweck, par. 3). This is supported in Shakespeare's play through the character of Oliver. At his home in the court, Oliver finds himself blessed with the riches and power that his father handed down to him. This inheritance is known as the right of primogeniture. The system in which a father's riches and title is handed down to the eldest son, leaving the rest of the siblings with nothing. Oliver is a petty and jealous individual who treats his younger brother Orlando as if he were just another servant. The root of this hatred is made clear in Oliver's monologue at the end of act one scene one, in Get more content on
  • 18. Essay Comparing Macbeth And As You Like It Shakespeare's Macbeth and As You Like It have very similar themes with the characters as it shows how the roles of life and death are significant to human existence. In Act V, Scene 5 of Macbeth, Macbeth's poem –like monologue shines light on how life is short and each day is closer to death. In Act II, Scene 7 of As You Like It, Jaques compares the whole life cycle to a play with different short acts that ends with an old decrepit man that has no fight left in him. The tone and imagery of these two monologues displayed the concept of humanity and life and death. The tone for both excerpts is extremely mournful and somber. When talking about death, both speakers (Macbeth and Jaques) relate to it depressingly. In Macbeth, he refers to life as ,"but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more." Macbeth portrays life as a one–hit wonder, famous one day and never seen ever again. As You Like It portrays life in a more secular way. In life, you go from being a fresh baby to a fading old man; and at the end, there's nothing "sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything." What you're met with is oblivion. The sorrowful tone portrays the difficult balance of life vs. death and how people deal with more content... Macbeth brings his point to life by one simple line: "Out, out, brief candle!". Life is like a candle, lit one moment and out the other without a single thought about it anymore. Jaques' point is imagined throughout the monologue. Jaques compares the life cycle to a play with seven acts: baby, child, lover, soldier, judge, elder, and eventually death. Using specific descriptions for each "act" utilizes the reader's comprehension on how every part of life plays into the final, inevitable part: death. The imagery also pushes the secular reasoning of death that nothing happens when you Get more content on
  • 19. Gender and Social Norms in As You Like It Shakespeare based his comedy As You Like It primarily on three other works. Its plot follows the basic structure of Rosalynde, published in 1590 by Thomas Lodge. The Tale of Gamelyn, written by an unknown author in the mid–fourteenth century, is a violent Middle English narrative that was found among Chaucer's papers and provides further details for Shakespeare's work. With the Forest of Ardenne serving as an escape for our main characters, Shakespeare takes his details from the countless Robin Hood ballads popular in Medieval England. This paper will examine how Shakespeare's adaptations and alterations of emphasis and plot from these source works have turned our attention to more content... In the final paragraph, Lodge reinforces his focus on men: "Here Gentlemen may you see in EUPHUES GOLDEN LEGACIE, that such as neglect their fathers precepts, incurre much preiudice; that diuision in Nature as it is a blemish in nurture...concorde sweetest conclusion, and amitie betwixt brothers more forceable than fortune." This moral, pointed out to us in the last paragraph of Renaissance writing, says nothing about the matters of interaction between men and women, only the interaction between brothers. The women in the plot are deemphasized. In As You Like It, Shakespeare breaks all convention and a female character delivers the epilog and speaks directly to the women calling them to action. The playwright goes so far as to have Rosalind address the women audience members first. Shakespeare clearly alters his plot to place primary emphasis on the women's roles in his play, how they effect change and how they move and affect a world dominated by men. Lodge's Rosalynde lives in a world where human behavior is repeatedly explained by reference to long lists of "infallible precepts" that are said to determine our reactions, not as a reaction to what other people have done or how they feel about each other (Stout 279). Shakespeare views love as grounded in mutual behavior, and the interaction between people helps make possible what will happen in the future. In Lodge, a common explanation for a character's actions is some sort Get more content on
  • 20. As You Like It: The Importance of the Secondary Characters As You Like It, by William Shakespeare, is a radiant blend of fantasy, romance, wit and humor. In this delightful romp, Rosalind stands out as the most robust, multidimensional and lovable character, so much so that she tends to overshadow the other characters in an audience's memory, making them seem, by comparison, just "stock dramatic types". Yet, As You Like It is not a stock romance that just happens to have Shakespeare's greatest female role. The other members of the cast provide a well–balanced supporting role, and are not just stereotypes. Characters whom Shakespeare uses to illustrate his main theme of the variations of love are all more than one– more content... Though the range of her acting sub–roles alone would make the other characters look pale, the depth of each of her "many parts" outshines many. As a woman in love she demonstrates a range of emotion and action that far exceeds that of Celia, Phoebe or Audrey. It is her romance with Orlando that is the focus of the play, and the one held up as the ideal, and therefore the one that gets most of Shakespeare's attention as a playwright. Rosalind's gushing first meeting with Orlando, a stark contrast to her masterly handling of Le Beau just before, shows a more vulnerable Rosalind. Rosalind's playful fantasizing about Orlando after the wrestling match and after verses start appearing on trees shows a depth of infatuation not explored with the other characters, except Phoebe, though Phoebe is shown up to have a more stock kind of silly infatuation rather than Rosalind's more courtly lovesickness. Rosalind's momentary drops of her guise as Ganymede playing Rosalind, such as when she faints at seeing the bloody handkerchief, show that Rosalind is human, and these involuntary glimpses of the true lover forced out by sheer emotion place Rosalind on a higher level of love than the more ordinary, stereotypical posturing of Phoebe. As wit and philosopher Rosalind plays a dominant role, though here Celia, Touchstone and Jaques are less flat in comparison to Rosalind. Celia and Rosalind both show indomitable tongues when mocking Le Beau and confusing Get more content on