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BY : Fenti Rizki Ananda
NPM : 1410014211006
LECTURER : Villia Yusraini Ashfar, M.Pd.
Act 1, Scene 1
The action of the play is set in Chicago’s Southside, sometime between World War II and the
present. The play begins on Friday morning by introducing a small apartment in which many
people of the family lives and shares some rooms and makes it to be their bedroom. Mama
shared her room with his daughter Beneatha and the second room (which in the beginning of the
life of this apartment was probably the breakfast room) which serves as bedroom for Walter and
his wife, Ruth and their son Travis sleep at couch in the living room. In the morning dark, Ruth
wakes her son up to go to the bathroom because it just one bathroom and she is afraid if other
people will use it and make her son late to go to school. She also wakes her husband, Walter Lee
Younger up to go to work.
Ruth cooks the breakfast for her son and her husband, when her son is eating, he asks about
money that day because his teacher said to bring it and he also asks it for buy something at the
supermarket, but Ruth does not want to give it to him. Walter heard this after taking a bath and
comes at the hall, he gives his son two fifty cent money and after that his son goes to school. The
quarrel starts after Ruth and Walter are talking about work and money. Walter wants to join his
friend’s business about a liquor store that they’ve been talked about. He plans to ask his mother’s
insurance money due to his father death which will come tomorrow to invest it into the liquor
Beneatha, the sister of Walter woke up and meets this spouse at the hall in her way to the
bathroom. She and her brother start to quarrel about Beneatha’s decision to continue her study
and become a doctor; they also involve her mother’s insurance money in it. After that Walter
leaves home by slamming the door when his wife tells him to stop and go to work.
Mama woke up after hearing Walter slammed the door. Beneatha tells her about what was
happening. At that time Beneatha tells her mother that she will hang out with a rich people who
like her, named George Murchison but she doesn’t like him. They starts quarrel after Beneatha
said that she does not believe in God but then Ruth calms Mama’s down.
Act 1, Scene 2
Saturday morning the Younger’s family is tidying up their house. Beneatha picks up the phone
when it rings and it was Joseph Asagai, her friends at collage who just came back from Canada
and wants to meet her. Asagai, an African guy comes to Beneatha’s house and gives her some
presents; he is also talking to her mother. In some time, the mail comes to their house and Travis
hold the letter which contents the ten thousand dollars cheek and gives it to his grandmother.
Walter comes back at home and asks her Mamma to gives him that money and invests it to the
liquor store with Willie Harris and Bobo. His mother does not allow him to use that money for
his plan, while he wants to go out of the house, her wife, Ruth ask him to stay but he didn’t want
to. After that her mother tells him that his wife is pregnant and she is going to abortion that child.
Act 2, Scene 1
Beneatha tries the gift given by Asagai, she goes to the phonograph and puts on the record and
dance. Her brother Walter also joins her when he comes home and little bit drunk. George comes
at their house to pick Beneatha’s up to watch the theatre. Mama comes home from the downtown
and she buys a home for their family in Clybourne Park where no colored people living in there.
But Walter in a sullen face doesn’t like her mother’s decision and he goes out of the house.
Act 2, Scene 2
Few weeks later, at Friday night. Ruth picks up the phone; it was Walter’s friend who said if he
doesn’t come tomorrow, somebody will replace him. Walter looks so sad and her mama talks to
him and finally she gives the rest of the money about sixty-five hundred dollars to him. Her
mama wants him to save the money at the bank three thousand dollars for Beneatha’s medical
schooling, and the rest is for Walter himself in his saving account.
Act 2, Scene 3
One week later on Saturday before moving day to the new house, Ruth and Beneatha are
packaging much stuff. At the same time, a white man named Karl Lindner comes to their
apartment, he is a representative of the Clybourne Park Improvement Association who is looking
for Mrs. Lena Younger, their mother but she is out of the house. He explains to Walter as a head
of the family in a good way that their communities in Clybourne Park do not accept black people
to live in there. After listening to Mr. Karl, Walter tells him to get out of their house.
Bobo, Walter’s friend in liquor store business comes and tells him a bad news that Willy runs
away with whole money that Walter gave to them sixty-thousand dollars and Bobo gets out
sadly. Mama heard this and all of the family members are silently sad and patiently calm mama’s
Act 3
Asagai comes to meet Beneatha and ask her to go to Africa, but Beneatha gets upset and tells
him what his brother has been done with the insurance money. Asagai cheers her up and go.
Walter enters the house when all family members are talking to each other. Walter said he makes
a business to Mr. Karl that he will not live in that house but he should pay him more money.
When Mr. Karl comes at their apartment Walter changes his mind and tell him that their family
will move into their house at Clybourne Park and he says that their family will try to be nice and
a good neighbor among the white people who lives there. All family members are happy with
Walter decisions and Beneatha tells her mama that Asagai asked her to marry him today and go
to Africa.
1. Exposition
Act 1, scene 1
In the exposition, we know:
- The play is set in Chicago’s Southside on Friday morning, sometime between World War
II and the present.
- Introduction of the characters like ; Ruth Younger (Walter’s wife), Travis Younger (Ruth
and Walter’s son), Walter Lee Younger (Ruth’s husband and Lena’s son), Beneatha
Younger (Walter’s sister/ Lena’s daughter), Lena Younger (mama), Joseph Asagai
(African man/ Beneatha’s collage friend), George Murchison, Karl Lindner, Bobo, Willy
(moving man)
- A small quarrel between Ruth and her husband Walter, Walter and his sister, Mama and
her daughter Beneatha.
- Ruth has slipped quietly to the floor, in a state of semiconscioussnes. This is the end of
the exposition.
2. Rising Action
Act 1, scene 2
Joseph Asagai, Beneatha’s collage friend comes to her house and gives a present for her from
Canada. Ruth comes back at house, mama and Beneatha know that she is pregnant, Beneatha
asks her where the baby is going to live due to their small apartment. At the same time a mail
comes to their house, Travis takes the mail and gives it to his grandma, a ten thousand dollars.
Walter is busy to ask about this money, his mama tells him that she won’t give that money for
his plan in investing money to the liquor store business and Mama also tells him that his wife is
pregnant and she wants to abort it.
Act 2, scene 1
George comes to Beneatha’s house to picks her up to go to the theatre, Walter tease George
about his collage life and business also when waiting Beneatha to get ready to go. Ruth tries to
make her husband silent. Ruth and Walter are quarrel and after that they are nice and also Ruth
changes her mind to abort her fetus. Mama comes back at home from the downtown and said to
Travis and in front of other member in the family that she buys a new home for Travis and her
family but Walter is sadly sullen because his desire of liquor store not permitted by his mama.
Act 2, scene 2
Walter looks so sad and her mama talks to him and finally she gives the rest of the money about
sixty-five hundred dollars to him. Her mama wants him to save the money at the bank three
thousand dollars for Beneatha’s medical schooling, and the rest is for Walter himself in his
saving account.
External Conflict:
- Ruth >< Walter
Ruth gets angry at his husband because he easily to gives money to his son which actually the
money always becomes their problem in life.
Act 1, scene 1 (p.7-p.8)
Travis (in the face of love, new aggressiveness): Mama, could I please go carry the groceries?
Ruth : Honey, it’s starting to get so cold evenings.
Walter (coming in from the bathroom and drawing a make-believe gun from a make-believe
holster and shooting at his son: What is it he wants to do?
Travis (quickly, to the ally): I have to- she won’t gimme the fifty cents...
Walter (to his wife only): why not?
Ruth (simply and with flavor): ‘cause we don’t have it
He starts out. Ruth watches both of them with murder in her eyes. Walter stands and stares back
at her with defiance, and suddenly reaches into his pocket again on an afterthought.
He leaps up and clasps his father around the middle with his legs, and they face each other in
mutual appreciation; slowly Walter Lee peeks around the boy to catch the violent rays from his
wife’s eyes and draws his head back as if shot.
Ruth (immediately-a refrain) : Willy Harris is a good-for-nothing loudmouth
Walter : Anybody who talks to me has got to be a good-for-nothing loudmouth, ain’t he? And
what you know about who is just a good-for-nothing loudmouth? Charlie Atkins was just
a “good-for-nothing loudmouth” too, wasn’t he! When he wanted me to go in the dry-
cleaning business with him. And now-he’s grossing a hundred thousand a year. A
hundred thousand dollars a year! You still call him a loudmouth!
- Walter >< Beneatha
Walter and Beneatha are quarrel about the insurance money that will come tomorrow, Walter
wants that money but his sister says that the money just belongs to mama and after that they
Act 1, scene 1 (p.12-p.13)
Beneatha (exits to the bathroom and bangs on the door): come on out of there, please! (She
comes back into the room)
Walter (looking for his sister intently): you know the check is coming tomorrow
Beneatha (turning on him with a sharpness all her own): That money belongs to mama, Walter,
and it’s for her to decide how she wants to use it. I don’t care if she wants to buy a house or a
rocket ship or just nail it up somewhere and look at it. It’s hers. Not ours-hers.
Beneatha : I have never asked anyone around here to do anything for me!
Walter : No! And the line between asking and just accepting when the time comes is big
and wide-ain’t it!
Beneatha : What do you want from me Brother? That I quit school or just drop dead, which!
Walter : Who the hell told you you had to be a doctor? If you so crazy ‘bout messing
‘round with sick people-then go be a nurse like other women-or just get married
and be quiet…
Walter : Nobody in this house is ever going to understand me
Beneatha : Because you are nut
- Ruth >< Beneatha
Beneatha shocks when she knows that Ruth is pregnant, their apartment is not big enough to
another baby in that place.
Act 1, scene 2 (p. 26)
Ruth comes in forlornly and pulls off her coat with dejection. They both turn to look at her.
Ruth (dispiritedly) : Well, I guess from all the happy faces-everybody knows.
Beneatha : You pregnant?
Beneatha : Did you plan it Ruth?
Ruth : Mind your own business
Beneatha : It is my business- where is he going to live, on the roof? (There is a
silence following the remark as the three women react to the sense of it)
Gee- I didn’t mean that, Ruth, honest. Gee, I don’t feel like that at all. I-I
think it is wonderful
- Walter >< Mama
Walter wants his mama understand about what he wants in joining the liquor store and invest the
insurance money in his business but Mama do not allow him to do that, Travis feels down.
Act 1, scene 2 (p.35- p.37)
Mama (angrily) : That woman who-(Walter enters in great excitement)
Walter : Did it come?
Mama (quietly) : Can’t you give people a Christian greeting before you start asking about
Walter (to Ruth) : Did it come? (Ruth unfolds the check and lays it quietly before him,
watching him intently with thoughts of her own. Walter sits down and
grasps it close and counts off the zeros) Ten thousand dollars—(He turns
suddenly, frantically to his mother and draws some papers out of his breast
pocket) Mama-look. Old Willy Harris put everything on paper-
Mama : Son- I think you ought to talk to your wife… I’ll go on out and leave you
alone if you want.—
Walter : I can talk to her later-Mama, look-
Mama : Son-
Walter : Will somebody please listen to me today!
Mama (quietly) : I don’t ‘low no yellin’ in this house Walter Lee, and you know it-(Walter
stares at them in frustration and starts to speak several times). And there
ain’t going to be no investing in no liquor store.
Walter : But mama, you ain’t even looked at it.
Mama : I don’t aim to have to speak on that again (a long pause).
Act 2, scene 1 (p.52)
Mama (the mother and son are left alone now and the mother waits along time, considering
deeply, before she speaks): Son – you-you-understand what I done, don’t you? (Walter is
silent and sullen). I-I just seen my family falling apart today… just falling to pieces in front
of my eyes… We couldn’t of gone on like we was today. We was going backwards ‘stead of
forwards- talking ‘bout killing babies and wishing each other was dead… When it gets like
that in life- you just got to do something different, push on out and do something bigger…
(She waits). I wish you say something, son… I wish you’d say how deep inside you think I
done the right thing.-
Walter (crossing slowly to his bedroom door and finally turning there and speaking
measuredly) : What you need me to say you done right for? You the head of this family. You
runs our lives like you want to. It was your money and you did what you wanted with it. So
what you need for me to say it was all right for? (bitterly, to hurt her as deeply as he knows is
possible) so you butchered up a dream of mine-you-who always talking ‘bout your children’s
- Walter >< George
Walter tries to talk to George but George does not like the way Walter talks to him due to the
way he talks and Walter feels offended and keep talking.
Act 2, scene 2 (p.41-p.46)
Ruth shuts off the phonograph and opens the door. George Murchison enters.
Walter : Telling us to prepare for the Greatness of the time! (Lights back to
normal. He turns and sees George) Black Brother! (He extends his hand
for the fraternal clap)
George : Black Brother, hell!
Walter (staring her down) : Plenty! (pause) What we got to drink in this house? Why don’t
you offer this man some refreshment. (to George) They don’t
know how to entertain people in this house, man.
George : Thank you-I don’t really care for anything.
Walter (an irritable mimic): Oh Walter! Oh Walter! (to Murchison) How’s your old man
making out? I understand you all going to buy that big hotel on the
Drive? (He finds a beer in refrigerator, wanders over to Murchison,
sipping and wiping his lips with the back of his hand, and
straddling a chair backwards to talk to the other man.) Shrewd
move. Your old man is all right, man. (tapping his head and half
winking for emphasis) I mean he knows how to operate. I mean he
thinks big, you know what I mean, I mean for a home, you know?
But I think he’s kind of running out of ideas now. I’d like to talk to
him. Listen man, I got some plans that could turn this city upside
down. I mean think like he does. Big. Invest big, gamble big, hell,
lose big if you have to, you know what I mean. It’s hard to find a
man on this whole Southside who understands my kind of
thinking-you dig? (He scrutinizes Murchison again, drinks his
beer, squints his eyes and leans in close, confidential, man to man)
Me and you ought to sit down and talk sometimes, man. Man, I got
me some ideas. . .
Murchison (with boredom): Yeah- sometimes we’ll have to do that, Walter.
Walter (understanding the indifference, and offended): Yeah-well, when you get the time
man. I know you a busy little boy.
George (looking at him with distaste, a little above it all): You’re all wacked up with some
bitterness man.
Walter (intently, almost quietly, between the teeth, glaring at the boy): And you-ain’t you
bitter, man? Ain’t you just about had it yet? Don’t you see no stars
gleaming that you can reach out and grab? You happy?-You
contented son-of-a-bitch- you happy? You got it made? Bitter?
Man, I’m a volcano. Bitter? Here I am a giant-surrounded by ants!
Ants who can’t even understand what it is the giant is talking about
- Walter >< Karl Lindner
When Karl Lindner comes to their apartment and says that the neighbors at the Clybourne Park
ignore their family to live in there due to their colored, Walter gets mad and asks him to get out
of the house.
Act 2, scene 3 (p.65-p.69)
Walter : (dumfounded, looking at Lindner) is that what you came marching all the way over here
to tell us?
Lidner : (looking around at the hostile faces and reaching and assembling his hat and briefcase)
Well, I don’t understand why you people are reacting this way. What do you think you are going
to gain by moving into a neighborhood where you just aren’t wanted and where some elements-
well-people can get awful worked up when they feel that their whole way of life and everything
they’ve ever worked for is threatened.
Walter : get out.
Internal Conflict:
- Mama >< Insurance money
Mama feels so sad because of the money, her children turn to be bad and not like she expects
them to be.
Act 1, Scene 1 (p.23)
Mama : No- there’s something come down between me and them that don’t let us understand
each other and I don’t know what it is. One done almost lost his mind thinking ‘bout
money all the time and the other one done commence to talk about things I can’t seem to
understand in no form or fashion….
- Ruth >< her fetus (fate)
Ruth is pregnant; she is confused about her fetus due to the destiny to be a poor family.
Act 1, scene 2 (p.27)
Ruth folds over, near hysteria
Ruth has her fists clenched on her tights and is fighting hard to suppress a scream that seems to
be rising in her.
Ruth : I am all right...
The glassy-eyed look melts and then she collapses into a fit heavy sobbing.
- Walter >< Himself
Walter looks terrible after knowing that his friend Willy Harris runs away and brings all the
money for the liquor store business.
Act 2, scene 3 (p.76)
Walter : (turningly, madly, as though he is looking for Willy in the very room) Willy...Willy
don’t do it... Please, not with that money... don’t do it... man, please, oh, God... don’t let it be
true ( he is wandering around, crying out for Willy and looking for him perhaps for help from
God) Man… I trusted you... man, I put my life in your hands… (He starts to crumple down on
the floor as Ruth just covers her face in horror. Mama opens the door and comes into the room
with Beneatha behind her) Man…. That money is made out of my father’s flesh.
3. Climax
Act 2, scene 3
White man named Karl Lindner who is a representative of the Clybourne Park Improvement
Association, comes to their apartment, he is who is looking for Mrs. Lena Younger, their mother
but she is out of the house. He explains to Walter as the head of the family in a good way that
their communities in Clybourne Park do not accept black people to live in there, but he will give
the exact terms of the financial arrangement. After listening to Mr. Karl, Walter tells him to get
out of their house.
Bobo, Walter’s friend in liquor store business comes and tells him a bad news that Willy runs
away with whole money that Walter gave to them sixty-thousand dollars and Bobo gets out
sadly. Mama heard this and all of the family members are silently sad and patiently calm mama’s
down. Walter never tells anyone that he joins that business and invests the rest of money that his
mama gives to him. This makes everybody in the family shocks, especially mama.
4. Falling Action
Act 3
Walter said that he make a business to Mr. Karl that he will not live in that house but he should
pay him more money.
5. Resolution
Act 3
Walter changes his mind, he does not want to get the bribe of selling back the house they bought
and tells Mr. Karl that their family will move into their house at Clybourne Park and he says that
their family will try to be nice and a good neighbor among the white people who lives there. All
family members are happy with Walter decisions.
Walter Lee Younger
Walter is one of the important characters in this play. He is the protagonist character in Lorraine
Hansberry’s works in “A Raisin in the Sun” play.
1. Nasty
The first trait that can be found of Walter is nasty. According to Cambridge Dictionary nasty is
bad or very unpleasant, unkind, rude or offensive.
Act 2, scene 1 (p.43-p.46)
Ruth shuts off the phonograph and opens the door. George Murchison enters.
Walter : Telling us to prepare for the Greatness of the time! (Lights back to normal. He turns and
sees George) Black Brother! (He extends his hand for the fraternal clap)
George : Black Brother, hell!
Walter : (looking Murchison over from head to toe, scrutinizing his carefully casual tweed sports
jacket over cashmere V-neck sweater over soft eyelet shirt and tie, and soft slacks, finished off
with white buckksin shoes) : Why all you collage boys wear them faggoty-looking white shoes?
George (looking at him with distate, a little above it all) : You’re all wacked up with some
bitterness man.
Walter (intently, almost quietly, between the teeth, glaring at the boy) : And you-ain’t you bitter,
man? Ain’t you just about had it yet? Don’t you see no stars gleaming that you can reach out and
grab? You happy?-You contented son-of-a-bitch- you happy? You got it made? Bitter? Man,
I’m a volcano. Bitter? Here I am a giant-surrounded by ants! Ants who can’t even understand
what it is the giant is talking about.
2. Sensitive
The second trait is sensitive. Based on Cambridge Dictionary, sensitive is easily upset by the
things people say or do, or causing people to be upset, embarrassed, or angry.
Act 2, scene 1 (p.52)
Mama ( the mother and son are left alone now and the mother waits along time, considering
Deeply, before she speaks): Son – you-you-understand what I done, don’t you? (Walter is
silent and sullen). I-I just seen my family falling apart today…
just falling to pieces in front of my eyes… We couldn’t of gone
on like we was today. We was going backwards ‘stead of
forwards- talking ‘bout killing babies and wishing each other
was dead… When it gets like that in life- you just got to do
something different, push on out and do something bigger… (she
waits). I wish you say something, son… I wish you’d say how
deep inside you think I done the right thing.-
Walter (crossing slowly to his bedroom door and finally turning there and speaking
measuredly) : What you need me to say you done right for? You the head of
this family. You runs our lives like you want to. It was your
money and you did what you wanted with it. So what you need
for me to say it was all right for? (bitterly, to hurt her as deeply as
he knows is possible) so you butchered up a dream of mine-you-
who always talking ‘bout your children’s mama.
3. Gentle
The trait of the character under goes a slow change in the end of the play. When he meets Mr.
Karl, Walter changes his mind, he does not want to get the bribe of selling back the house they
bought and tells Mr. Karl that their family will move into their house at Clybourne Park and he
says that their family will try to be nice and a good neighbor among the white people who lives
there. All family members are happy with Walter decisions.
Act 3 (p.89-p.92)
Walter : (a beat. The tension hangs; then Walter steps back from it) yeah, well-what I mean is
that we come from people who had a lot of pride. I mean-we are very proud people. And
that’s my sister over there and she’s going to be a doctor-and we are very proud.
Lindner : Well- I am sure that is very nice, but-
Walter : What I am telling you is that we called you over here to tell you that we are very proud
and that this-(signaling to Travis) Travis, come here (Travis crosses and Walter draws
him before him facing the man) this is my son, and he makes the sixth generation our
family in this country. And we have all thought about your offer-
Lindner : Well good-good
Walter : And we have decided to move into our house because my father-my father-he earned it
for us brick by brick. (Mama has her eyes closed and is rocking back and forth as though
she were in church, with her head nodding the Amen yes). We don’t want to make no
trouble for nobody or fight no causes, and we will try to be good neighbors. And that’s all
we got to say about that. (He looks the man absolutely in the eyes) We don’t want your
money. (He turns and walks away)
Lena Younger (Mama)
Mama is antagonist character, who very cares about her family. She is a strong person, kind-
hearted and very patient, opposite to the protagonist.
1. Strong (determined)
Mama has strong belief in God (religion). Cambridge Dictionary said that strong; difficult to
argue with, firm and determined.
Act 1, scene 1 (p.22)
Mama absorbs the speech, studies her daughter and rises slowly and crosses to Beneatha and
slaps her powerfully across the face. After, there is only silence and the daughter drops her eyes
from her mother’s face, and mama is very tall before her.
Mama : Now-you say after me, in my mother’s house there is still God. (There is a long pause
and Beneatha stares at the floor wordlessly. Mama repeats the phrase with precision and cool
emotion). In my mother’s house there is still God.
Beneatha : In my mother’s house there is still God (a long pause).
2. Kind-hearted
The character loves her family much. According to Cambridge Dictionary, kind-hearted person
is one who likes other people a lot and always wants to help them.
Act 2, scene 1 (p.49-p.52)
The front door opens slowly, interrupting him, and Travis peeks his head in, less than hopefully.
Travis (to his mother) : Mama, I-
Ruth : “Mama I” nothing! You’re going to get it, boy! Get on in that bedroom and get yourself
Travis : But I-
Mama : Why don’t you all never let the child explain hisself.
Mama : (holding out her arms to her grandson). Well at least let me tell him something. I want
him to be the first one to hear .. Come here, Travis (the boy obeys, gladly) Travis (she
takes him by the shoulder and looks into his face)- you know that money we got in the
mail this morning?
Travis : Yes’m
Mama : Well-what you think grandmamma gone and done with that money?
Travis : I don’t know, grandmamma
Mama : (putting her finger on his nose for emphasis) she went out and she bought you a house!
(The explosion comes from Walter at the end of the revelation and he jumps up and turns
up and turns away..)
Mama : (tentatively, still look at her son’s back turned against her and Ruth) It’s – it’s a nice
house too… (She cannot help speaking directly to him. An imploring quality in her voice,
her manner, makes her almost like a girl now.). Three bedrooms- nice big one for you
and Ruth.. me and Beneatha still have to share our room, but Travis have one of his own-
and (with difficulty) I figure if the… new baby-is a boy, we could get one of them
double-decker outfits… and there’s a yard with a little patch of dirt where I could maybe
get to grow me a few flowers… and a nice big basement.
3. Patient
Mama is kind of very patient person in this play. Cambridge Dictionary said that patient is a
person who is having patience. It can be seen when Walter knows his pal, Willy Harris deceives
him and runs away with more than sixty five hundred dollars, the investment money of the three
best friends between he, Willy and Bobby.
Act 2, scene 3
Mama : (to Walter) son- (she goes to him, bends down to him, talks to his bent head) son, is it
gone? Son I gave you sixty five hundred dollars. Is it gone? Beneatha’s money too?
Walter : (lifting his head slowly) mama… I never…. went to the bank at all..
Mama (not wanting to believe him) : You mean.. Your sister’s school money.. You used that
too.. Walter?
Walter : yesss! All of it… it’s all gone.
Mama : Oh, God..(She looks up to Him) Look down here-and show me the strength.

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  • 2. THE SUMMARY OF A RAISIN IN THE SUN Act 1, Scene 1 The action of the play is set in Chicago’s Southside, sometime between World War II and the present. The play begins on Friday morning by introducing a small apartment in which many people of the family lives and shares some rooms and makes it to be their bedroom. Mama shared her room with his daughter Beneatha and the second room (which in the beginning of the life of this apartment was probably the breakfast room) which serves as bedroom for Walter and his wife, Ruth and their son Travis sleep at couch in the living room. In the morning dark, Ruth wakes her son up to go to the bathroom because it just one bathroom and she is afraid if other people will use it and make her son late to go to school. She also wakes her husband, Walter Lee Younger up to go to work. Ruth cooks the breakfast for her son and her husband, when her son is eating, he asks about money that day because his teacher said to bring it and he also asks it for buy something at the supermarket, but Ruth does not want to give it to him. Walter heard this after taking a bath and comes at the hall, he gives his son two fifty cent money and after that his son goes to school. The quarrel starts after Ruth and Walter are talking about work and money. Walter wants to join his friend’s business about a liquor store that they’ve been talked about. He plans to ask his mother’s insurance money due to his father death which will come tomorrow to invest it into the liquor store. Beneatha, the sister of Walter woke up and meets this spouse at the hall in her way to the bathroom. She and her brother start to quarrel about Beneatha’s decision to continue her study and become a doctor; they also involve her mother’s insurance money in it. After that Walter leaves home by slamming the door when his wife tells him to stop and go to work. Mama woke up after hearing Walter slammed the door. Beneatha tells her about what was happening. At that time Beneatha tells her mother that she will hang out with a rich people who like her, named George Murchison but she doesn’t like him. They starts quarrel after Beneatha said that she does not believe in God but then Ruth calms Mama’s down. Act 1, Scene 2 Saturday morning the Younger’s family is tidying up their house. Beneatha picks up the phone when it rings and it was Joseph Asagai, her friends at collage who just came back from Canada and wants to meet her. Asagai, an African guy comes to Beneatha’s house and gives her some presents; he is also talking to her mother. In some time, the mail comes to their house and Travis hold the letter which contents the ten thousand dollars cheek and gives it to his grandmother. Walter comes back at home and asks her Mamma to gives him that money and invests it to the liquor store with Willie Harris and Bobo. His mother does not allow him to use that money for
  • 3. his plan, while he wants to go out of the house, her wife, Ruth ask him to stay but he didn’t want to. After that her mother tells him that his wife is pregnant and she is going to abortion that child. Act 2, Scene 1 Beneatha tries the gift given by Asagai, she goes to the phonograph and puts on the record and dance. Her brother Walter also joins her when he comes home and little bit drunk. George comes at their house to pick Beneatha’s up to watch the theatre. Mama comes home from the downtown and she buys a home for their family in Clybourne Park where no colored people living in there. But Walter in a sullen face doesn’t like her mother’s decision and he goes out of the house. Act 2, Scene 2 Few weeks later, at Friday night. Ruth picks up the phone; it was Walter’s friend who said if he doesn’t come tomorrow, somebody will replace him. Walter looks so sad and her mama talks to him and finally she gives the rest of the money about sixty-five hundred dollars to him. Her mama wants him to save the money at the bank three thousand dollars for Beneatha’s medical schooling, and the rest is for Walter himself in his saving account. Act 2, Scene 3 One week later on Saturday before moving day to the new house, Ruth and Beneatha are packaging much stuff. At the same time, a white man named Karl Lindner comes to their apartment, he is a representative of the Clybourne Park Improvement Association who is looking for Mrs. Lena Younger, their mother but she is out of the house. He explains to Walter as a head of the family in a good way that their communities in Clybourne Park do not accept black people to live in there. After listening to Mr. Karl, Walter tells him to get out of their house. Bobo, Walter’s friend in liquor store business comes and tells him a bad news that Willy runs away with whole money that Walter gave to them sixty-thousand dollars and Bobo gets out sadly. Mama heard this and all of the family members are silently sad and patiently calm mama’s down. Act 3 Asagai comes to meet Beneatha and ask her to go to Africa, but Beneatha gets upset and tells him what his brother has been done with the insurance money. Asagai cheers her up and go. Walter enters the house when all family members are talking to each other. Walter said he makes a business to Mr. Karl that he will not live in that house but he should pay him more money. When Mr. Karl comes at their apartment Walter changes his mind and tell him that their family will move into their house at Clybourne Park and he says that their family will try to be nice and a good neighbor among the white people who lives there. All family members are happy with Walter decisions and Beneatha tells her mama that Asagai asked her to marry him today and go to Africa.
  • 4. PLOT ANALYSIS OF A RAISIN IN THE SUN 1. Exposition Act 1, scene 1 In the exposition, we know: - The play is set in Chicago’s Southside on Friday morning, sometime between World War II and the present. - Introduction of the characters like ; Ruth Younger (Walter’s wife), Travis Younger (Ruth and Walter’s son), Walter Lee Younger (Ruth’s husband and Lena’s son), Beneatha Younger (Walter’s sister/ Lena’s daughter), Lena Younger (mama), Joseph Asagai (African man/ Beneatha’s collage friend), George Murchison, Karl Lindner, Bobo, Willy (moving man) - A small quarrel between Ruth and her husband Walter, Walter and his sister, Mama and her daughter Beneatha. - Ruth has slipped quietly to the floor, in a state of semiconscioussnes. This is the end of the exposition. 2. Rising Action Act 1, scene 2 Joseph Asagai, Beneatha’s collage friend comes to her house and gives a present for her from Canada. Ruth comes back at house, mama and Beneatha know that she is pregnant, Beneatha asks her where the baby is going to live due to their small apartment. At the same time a mail comes to their house, Travis takes the mail and gives it to his grandma, a ten thousand dollars. Conflict Walter is busy to ask about this money, his mama tells him that she won’t give that money for his plan in investing money to the liquor store business and Mama also tells him that his wife is pregnant and she wants to abort it. Act 2, scene 1 George comes to Beneatha’s house to picks her up to go to the theatre, Walter tease George about his collage life and business also when waiting Beneatha to get ready to go. Ruth tries to make her husband silent. Ruth and Walter are quarrel and after that they are nice and also Ruth changes her mind to abort her fetus. Mama comes back at home from the downtown and said to Travis and in front of other member in the family that she buys a new home for Travis and her family but Walter is sadly sullen because his desire of liquor store not permitted by his mama. Act 2, scene 2 Walter looks so sad and her mama talks to him and finally she gives the rest of the money about sixty-five hundred dollars to him. Her mama wants him to save the money at the bank three thousand dollars for Beneatha’s medical schooling, and the rest is for Walter himself in his saving account.
  • 5. External Conflict: - Ruth >< Walter Ruth gets angry at his husband because he easily to gives money to his son which actually the money always becomes their problem in life. Act 1, scene 1 (p.7-p.8) Travis (in the face of love, new aggressiveness): Mama, could I please go carry the groceries? Ruth : Honey, it’s starting to get so cold evenings. Walter (coming in from the bathroom and drawing a make-believe gun from a make-believe holster and shooting at his son: What is it he wants to do? .. Travis (quickly, to the ally): I have to- she won’t gimme the fifty cents... Walter (to his wife only): why not? Ruth (simply and with flavor): ‘cause we don’t have it … He starts out. Ruth watches both of them with murder in her eyes. Walter stands and stares back at her with defiance, and suddenly reaches into his pocket again on an afterthought. …. He leaps up and clasps his father around the middle with his legs, and they face each other in mutual appreciation; slowly Walter Lee peeks around the boy to catch the violent rays from his wife’s eyes and draws his head back as if shot. .. Ruth (immediately-a refrain) : Willy Harris is a good-for-nothing loudmouth Walter : Anybody who talks to me has got to be a good-for-nothing loudmouth, ain’t he? And what you know about who is just a good-for-nothing loudmouth? Charlie Atkins was just a “good-for-nothing loudmouth” too, wasn’t he! When he wanted me to go in the dry- cleaning business with him. And now-he’s grossing a hundred thousand a year. A hundred thousand dollars a year! You still call him a loudmouth! - Walter >< Beneatha Walter and Beneatha are quarrel about the insurance money that will come tomorrow, Walter wants that money but his sister says that the money just belongs to mama and after that they quarrel. Act 1, scene 1 (p.12-p.13) Beneatha (exits to the bathroom and bangs on the door): come on out of there, please! (She comes back into the room) Walter (looking for his sister intently): you know the check is coming tomorrow
  • 6. Beneatha (turning on him with a sharpness all her own): That money belongs to mama, Walter, and it’s for her to decide how she wants to use it. I don’t care if she wants to buy a house or a rocket ship or just nail it up somewhere and look at it. It’s hers. Not ours-hers. … Beneatha : I have never asked anyone around here to do anything for me! Walter : No! And the line between asking and just accepting when the time comes is big and wide-ain’t it! Beneatha : What do you want from me Brother? That I quit school or just drop dead, which! .. Walter : Who the hell told you you had to be a doctor? If you so crazy ‘bout messing ‘round with sick people-then go be a nurse like other women-or just get married and be quiet… .. Walter : Nobody in this house is ever going to understand me Beneatha : Because you are nut - Ruth >< Beneatha Beneatha shocks when she knows that Ruth is pregnant, their apartment is not big enough to another baby in that place. Act 1, scene 2 (p. 26) Ruth comes in forlornly and pulls off her coat with dejection. They both turn to look at her. Ruth (dispiritedly) : Well, I guess from all the happy faces-everybody knows. Beneatha : You pregnant? … Beneatha : Did you plan it Ruth? Ruth : Mind your own business Beneatha : It is my business- where is he going to live, on the roof? (There is a silence following the remark as the three women react to the sense of it) Gee- I didn’t mean that, Ruth, honest. Gee, I don’t feel like that at all. I-I think it is wonderful - Walter >< Mama Walter wants his mama understand about what he wants in joining the liquor store and invest the insurance money in his business but Mama do not allow him to do that, Travis feels down. Act 1, scene 2 (p.35- p.37) Mama (angrily) : That woman who-(Walter enters in great excitement) Walter : Did it come? Mama (quietly) : Can’t you give people a Christian greeting before you start asking about money?
  • 7. Walter (to Ruth) : Did it come? (Ruth unfolds the check and lays it quietly before him, watching him intently with thoughts of her own. Walter sits down and grasps it close and counts off the zeros) Ten thousand dollars—(He turns suddenly, frantically to his mother and draws some papers out of his breast pocket) Mama-look. Old Willy Harris put everything on paper- Mama : Son- I think you ought to talk to your wife… I’ll go on out and leave you alone if you want.— Walter : I can talk to her later-Mama, look- Mama : Son- Walter : Will somebody please listen to me today! Mama (quietly) : I don’t ‘low no yellin’ in this house Walter Lee, and you know it-(Walter stares at them in frustration and starts to speak several times). And there ain’t going to be no investing in no liquor store. Walter : But mama, you ain’t even looked at it. Mama : I don’t aim to have to speak on that again (a long pause). Act 2, scene 1 (p.52) Mama (the mother and son are left alone now and the mother waits along time, considering deeply, before she speaks): Son – you-you-understand what I done, don’t you? (Walter is silent and sullen). I-I just seen my family falling apart today… just falling to pieces in front of my eyes… We couldn’t of gone on like we was today. We was going backwards ‘stead of forwards- talking ‘bout killing babies and wishing each other was dead… When it gets like that in life- you just got to do something different, push on out and do something bigger… (She waits). I wish you say something, son… I wish you’d say how deep inside you think I done the right thing.- Walter (crossing slowly to his bedroom door and finally turning there and speaking measuredly) : What you need me to say you done right for? You the head of this family. You runs our lives like you want to. It was your money and you did what you wanted with it. So what you need for me to say it was all right for? (bitterly, to hurt her as deeply as he knows is possible) so you butchered up a dream of mine-you-who always talking ‘bout your children’s mama. - Walter >< George Walter tries to talk to George but George does not like the way Walter talks to him due to the way he talks and Walter feels offended and keep talking. Act 2, scene 2 (p.41-p.46) Ruth shuts off the phonograph and opens the door. George Murchison enters.
  • 8. Walter : Telling us to prepare for the Greatness of the time! (Lights back to normal. He turns and sees George) Black Brother! (He extends his hand for the fraternal clap) George : Black Brother, hell! … Walter (staring her down) : Plenty! (pause) What we got to drink in this house? Why don’t you offer this man some refreshment. (to George) They don’t know how to entertain people in this house, man. George : Thank you-I don’t really care for anything. … Walter (an irritable mimic): Oh Walter! Oh Walter! (to Murchison) How’s your old man making out? I understand you all going to buy that big hotel on the Drive? (He finds a beer in refrigerator, wanders over to Murchison, sipping and wiping his lips with the back of his hand, and straddling a chair backwards to talk to the other man.) Shrewd move. Your old man is all right, man. (tapping his head and half winking for emphasis) I mean he knows how to operate. I mean he thinks big, you know what I mean, I mean for a home, you know? But I think he’s kind of running out of ideas now. I’d like to talk to him. Listen man, I got some plans that could turn this city upside down. I mean think like he does. Big. Invest big, gamble big, hell, lose big if you have to, you know what I mean. It’s hard to find a man on this whole Southside who understands my kind of thinking-you dig? (He scrutinizes Murchison again, drinks his beer, squints his eyes and leans in close, confidential, man to man) Me and you ought to sit down and talk sometimes, man. Man, I got me some ideas. . . Murchison (with boredom): Yeah- sometimes we’ll have to do that, Walter. Walter (understanding the indifference, and offended): Yeah-well, when you get the time man. I know you a busy little boy. …. George (looking at him with distaste, a little above it all): You’re all wacked up with some bitterness man. Walter (intently, almost quietly, between the teeth, glaring at the boy): And you-ain’t you bitter, man? Ain’t you just about had it yet? Don’t you see no stars gleaming that you can reach out and grab? You happy?-You contented son-of-a-bitch- you happy? You got it made? Bitter? Man, I’m a volcano. Bitter? Here I am a giant-surrounded by ants! Ants who can’t even understand what it is the giant is talking about
  • 9. - Walter >< Karl Lindner When Karl Lindner comes to their apartment and says that the neighbors at the Clybourne Park ignore their family to live in there due to their colored, Walter gets mad and asks him to get out of the house. Act 2, scene 3 (p.65-p.69) Walter : (dumfounded, looking at Lindner) is that what you came marching all the way over here to tell us? … Lidner : (looking around at the hostile faces and reaching and assembling his hat and briefcase) Well, I don’t understand why you people are reacting this way. What do you think you are going to gain by moving into a neighborhood where you just aren’t wanted and where some elements- well-people can get awful worked up when they feel that their whole way of life and everything they’ve ever worked for is threatened. Walter : get out. Internal Conflict: - Mama >< Insurance money Mama feels so sad because of the money, her children turn to be bad and not like she expects them to be. Act 1, Scene 1 (p.23) Mama : No- there’s something come down between me and them that don’t let us understand each other and I don’t know what it is. One done almost lost his mind thinking ‘bout money all the time and the other one done commence to talk about things I can’t seem to understand in no form or fashion…. - Ruth >< her fetus (fate) Ruth is pregnant; she is confused about her fetus due to the destiny to be a poor family. Act 1, scene 2 (p.27) Ruth folds over, near hysteria Ruth has her fists clenched on her tights and is fighting hard to suppress a scream that seems to be rising in her. Ruth : I am all right... The glassy-eyed look melts and then she collapses into a fit heavy sobbing. - Walter >< Himself Walter looks terrible after knowing that his friend Willy Harris runs away and brings all the money for the liquor store business. Act 2, scene 3 (p.76)
  • 10. Walter : (turningly, madly, as though he is looking for Willy in the very room) Willy...Willy don’t do it... Please, not with that money... don’t do it... man, please, oh, God... don’t let it be true ( he is wandering around, crying out for Willy and looking for him perhaps for help from God) Man… I trusted you... man, I put my life in your hands… (He starts to crumple down on the floor as Ruth just covers her face in horror. Mama opens the door and comes into the room with Beneatha behind her) Man…. That money is made out of my father’s flesh. 3. Climax Act 2, scene 3 White man named Karl Lindner who is a representative of the Clybourne Park Improvement Association, comes to their apartment, he is who is looking for Mrs. Lena Younger, their mother but she is out of the house. He explains to Walter as the head of the family in a good way that their communities in Clybourne Park do not accept black people to live in there, but he will give the exact terms of the financial arrangement. After listening to Mr. Karl, Walter tells him to get out of their house. Suspense Bobo, Walter’s friend in liquor store business comes and tells him a bad news that Willy runs away with whole money that Walter gave to them sixty-thousand dollars and Bobo gets out sadly. Mama heard this and all of the family members are silently sad and patiently calm mama’s down. Walter never tells anyone that he joins that business and invests the rest of money that his mama gives to him. This makes everybody in the family shocks, especially mama. 4. Falling Action Act 3 Walter said that he make a business to Mr. Karl that he will not live in that house but he should pay him more money. 5. Resolution Act 3 Walter changes his mind, he does not want to get the bribe of selling back the house they bought and tells Mr. Karl that their family will move into their house at Clybourne Park and he says that their family will try to be nice and a good neighbor among the white people who lives there. All family members are happy with Walter decisions.
  • 11. CHARACTERS ANALYSIS OF A RAISIN IN THE SUN Walter Lee Younger Walter is one of the important characters in this play. He is the protagonist character in Lorraine Hansberry’s works in “A Raisin in the Sun” play. 1. Nasty The first trait that can be found of Walter is nasty. According to Cambridge Dictionary nasty is bad or very unpleasant, unkind, rude or offensive. Act 2, scene 1 (p.43-p.46) Ruth shuts off the phonograph and opens the door. George Murchison enters. Walter : Telling us to prepare for the Greatness of the time! (Lights back to normal. He turns and sees George) Black Brother! (He extends his hand for the fraternal clap) George : Black Brother, hell! … Walter : (looking Murchison over from head to toe, scrutinizing his carefully casual tweed sports jacket over cashmere V-neck sweater over soft eyelet shirt and tie, and soft slacks, finished off with white buckksin shoes) : Why all you collage boys wear them faggoty-looking white shoes? .. George (looking at him with distate, a little above it all) : You’re all wacked up with some bitterness man. Walter (intently, almost quietly, between the teeth, glaring at the boy) : And you-ain’t you bitter, man? Ain’t you just about had it yet? Don’t you see no stars gleaming that you can reach out and grab? You happy?-You contented son-of-a-bitch- you happy? You got it made? Bitter? Man, I’m a volcano. Bitter? Here I am a giant-surrounded by ants! Ants who can’t even understand what it is the giant is talking about. 2. Sensitive The second trait is sensitive. Based on Cambridge Dictionary, sensitive is easily upset by the things people say or do, or causing people to be upset, embarrassed, or angry. Act 2, scene 1 (p.52) Mama ( the mother and son are left alone now and the mother waits along time, considering Deeply, before she speaks): Son – you-you-understand what I done, don’t you? (Walter is silent and sullen). I-I just seen my family falling apart today… just falling to pieces in front of my eyes… We couldn’t of gone on like we was today. We was going backwards ‘stead of forwards- talking ‘bout killing babies and wishing each other was dead… When it gets like that in life- you just got to do something different, push on out and do something bigger… (she
  • 12. waits). I wish you say something, son… I wish you’d say how deep inside you think I done the right thing.- Walter (crossing slowly to his bedroom door and finally turning there and speaking measuredly) : What you need me to say you done right for? You the head of this family. You runs our lives like you want to. It was your money and you did what you wanted with it. So what you need for me to say it was all right for? (bitterly, to hurt her as deeply as he knows is possible) so you butchered up a dream of mine-you- who always talking ‘bout your children’s mama. 3. Gentle The trait of the character under goes a slow change in the end of the play. When he meets Mr. Karl, Walter changes his mind, he does not want to get the bribe of selling back the house they bought and tells Mr. Karl that their family will move into their house at Clybourne Park and he says that their family will try to be nice and a good neighbor among the white people who lives there. All family members are happy with Walter decisions. Act 3 (p.89-p.92) Walter : (a beat. The tension hangs; then Walter steps back from it) yeah, well-what I mean is that we come from people who had a lot of pride. I mean-we are very proud people. And that’s my sister over there and she’s going to be a doctor-and we are very proud. Lindner : Well- I am sure that is very nice, but- Walter : What I am telling you is that we called you over here to tell you that we are very proud and that this-(signaling to Travis) Travis, come here (Travis crosses and Walter draws him before him facing the man) this is my son, and he makes the sixth generation our family in this country. And we have all thought about your offer- Lindner : Well good-good Walter : And we have decided to move into our house because my father-my father-he earned it for us brick by brick. (Mama has her eyes closed and is rocking back and forth as though she were in church, with her head nodding the Amen yes). We don’t want to make no trouble for nobody or fight no causes, and we will try to be good neighbors. And that’s all we got to say about that. (He looks the man absolutely in the eyes) We don’t want your money. (He turns and walks away)
  • 13. Lena Younger (Mama) Mama is antagonist character, who very cares about her family. She is a strong person, kind- hearted and very patient, opposite to the protagonist. 1. Strong (determined) Mama has strong belief in God (religion). Cambridge Dictionary said that strong; difficult to argue with, firm and determined. Act 1, scene 1 (p.22) Mama absorbs the speech, studies her daughter and rises slowly and crosses to Beneatha and slaps her powerfully across the face. After, there is only silence and the daughter drops her eyes from her mother’s face, and mama is very tall before her. Mama : Now-you say after me, in my mother’s house there is still God. (There is a long pause and Beneatha stares at the floor wordlessly. Mama repeats the phrase with precision and cool emotion). In my mother’s house there is still God. Beneatha : In my mother’s house there is still God (a long pause). 2. Kind-hearted The character loves her family much. According to Cambridge Dictionary, kind-hearted person is one who likes other people a lot and always wants to help them. Act 2, scene 1 (p.49-p.52) The front door opens slowly, interrupting him, and Travis peeks his head in, less than hopefully. Travis (to his mother) : Mama, I- Ruth : “Mama I” nothing! You’re going to get it, boy! Get on in that bedroom and get yourself ready! Travis : But I- Mama : Why don’t you all never let the child explain hisself. … Mama : (holding out her arms to her grandson). Well at least let me tell him something. I want him to be the first one to hear .. Come here, Travis (the boy obeys, gladly) Travis (she takes him by the shoulder and looks into his face)- you know that money we got in the mail this morning? Travis : Yes’m Mama : Well-what you think grandmamma gone and done with that money? Travis : I don’t know, grandmamma Mama : (putting her finger on his nose for emphasis) she went out and she bought you a house! (The explosion comes from Walter at the end of the revelation and he jumps up and turns up and turns away..) … Mama : (tentatively, still look at her son’s back turned against her and Ruth) It’s – it’s a nice house too… (She cannot help speaking directly to him. An imploring quality in her voice, her manner, makes her almost like a girl now.). Three bedrooms- nice big one for you
  • 14. and Ruth.. me and Beneatha still have to share our room, but Travis have one of his own- and (with difficulty) I figure if the… new baby-is a boy, we could get one of them double-decker outfits… and there’s a yard with a little patch of dirt where I could maybe get to grow me a few flowers… and a nice big basement. 3. Patient Mama is kind of very patient person in this play. Cambridge Dictionary said that patient is a person who is having patience. It can be seen when Walter knows his pal, Willy Harris deceives him and runs away with more than sixty five hundred dollars, the investment money of the three best friends between he, Willy and Bobby. Act 2, scene 3 Mama : (to Walter) son- (she goes to him, bends down to him, talks to his bent head) son, is it gone? Son I gave you sixty five hundred dollars. Is it gone? Beneatha’s money too? Walter : (lifting his head slowly) mama… I never…. went to the bank at all.. Mama (not wanting to believe him) : You mean.. Your sister’s school money.. You used that too.. Walter? Walter : yesss! All of it… it’s all gone. …… Mama : Oh, God..(She looks up to Him) Look down here-and show me the strength.