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Lasalle College Jakarta
Internship II Report
Fashion Business
Intergration in Workplace II
571 - KQA - 03
Sheilaya Cempaka
Muhamad Fadhli Hanifan
December, 5th 2016
Introduction 4
Chapter 1: History 5
I. Vision and Mission 6
II. Corporate Culture 6
III. Company History 6
Chapter 2: General Information 7
I. Organizational Structure 8
II. Description of The Principal Departments 8
III. Location / Layout Of The Company 8
IV. Administration / Human Resources 9
	 a. Recruiting and Training 							 9
	 b. Policies and Procedures									 9
	c. Compensation and Benefits										 11
Chapter 3: Marketing												 12
I. Target Market												 13
II. Positioning Strategy											 13
III. Competition												 14
	a. Direct												 14
	b. Inderict												 14
Chapter 4: Product and Price Strategy									 15
I. Product Assortment												 16
II. Receiving Procedures and Distribution									 16
III. Inventory Control												 17
IV. Pricing Strategy												 17
V. Visual Presentation												 17
Chapter 5: Product Development										 18
I. Planning The Line												 19
	a. Brand or Private Label										 20
	b. Description of The Collection									 20
II. Vendor Selection												 20
III. Production												 20
IV. Quality Control 												 21
Chapter 6: Promotion												 22
I. Promotion Strategy												 23
II. Promotion Budget												 23
III. Promotion Activities											 23
IV. Promotion Objectives											 23
Chapter 7: Sales												 24
I. Sales Force Structure and Size										 25
II. Selling Process												 25
	a. Prospecting												 25
	b. Presentation and Techniques									 25
III. Negotiation of Terms and Conditions									 25
IV. Customer Service												 25
Chapter 8: Personal												 28
I. Recommendation												 29
II. Conclusion													 29
	 With so grateful for the enormous and the will of God so that it is possible to perform the task and
finish the report in a timely manner and in a proper way. In order to finish the college year in LaSalle College
Jakarta, there is another internship program called Integration to Workplace 2, which is a must completed
subject, and so this report was made to complement the task.
This report completely inform and explaining about the company where the internship held, and the task that
had been done in order to complete the assignment. The internship held for this report embrace the retail
industry that is specifically the working environment in the office part of fashion industry. The activities that
take place behind the grandeur of fashion industry will be revealed by plunge directly into the organization
that runs it.
	 With the knowledge, skill and ability that had been developed in LaSalle College Jakarta, especially from
Ms. Cempaka as the tutor for this subject, and other teacher that could not be mentioned all for their merit, so
that there is possibility to complete the program in the best performance. Thankful not only for all of the tutor
and other staff in LaSalle College Jakarta that help and support the students to complete the college year, but
also to POPULO Batik that give the opportunity to intervene directly in the fashion industry specifically to the
movement of fashion industry through e-commerce.
	 Imperfection could not always be avoided. However, any form of suggestion and opinion of this report
are expected from the tutor. With expectation of this report could be better reference and beneficial reference
for the reader that specifically finds out knowledge about the real life of fashion industry that specifies on
the e-commerce which includes merchandising, buying, production, marketing, services, and many other
important elements.
A contemporary fashion collection preserving the art of Indonesian Batik craftsmanship
environment. Corporate culture reflects on how the corporate’s employees interact, handle, communicate and
relationship in between their co-workers itselves and also to the outside business environment. Corporate
culture should be at its best because it could also affect the corporate’s relationship with its competitors,
investors, to the market, and even to the customers itself.
For POPULO Batik itself, creaeting such friendly but still ongoing working environment is one of its goals.
POPULO Batik wants its employees to be able to be cooperative, competitive, discipline, have good time
management, but still enjoying its working environment that makes its employees wanted to work at the office
in long period of time to decrease the employee turnover
The time management that POPULO Batik had set is quiet flexible. The beginning of the office hour is on
9am. For the end of the office hour, it gives flexible time too like the end of the working hour is on 6pm but the
employees are flexible to still finishing their assignments even after 6pm, but they are only allowed to leave the
office start from 6pm. For the break time, it started at 12pm until 1pm, but it doesn’t mentioned specifically
on when it going to meet the end. Basically, the office giving flexible working hours to the employees, but the
important requirement is to finish the work by still meeting the deadline with their best performances. Other
than the break time, the employees are free to have another short break time also.
The communication and relationship between co-workers in the office is one of the most important elements
that creates better working environment. All of the employees are expected to be hospitable to the other
employees no matter on what their status is. Creating hospitable friendship could create more pleasant working
environment. There is no boundaries on from where the division of each employee is. The employee from
different division is also allowed to know the tasks and assignments of the other employee from different
division, and even better they could also study on different fields to gain better knowledge. However, respect is
also expected beyond the flexibility of the hospitable friendship between co-workers
	 In 2013 we launched our first Batik Collection mainly to preserve the art of Indonesian Batik
craftsmanship. We wanted to design a Batik line which on one side has its strong base in traditional Indonesian
Batik heritage and on the other side has an international design approach refering pattern, colour use and
silhouettes. The result is a new approach to design Batik. Due to the handcrafted manufacturing process, Batik
itself will always be limited in production quantities and each piece is different. Our mission is to preserve,
maintain and develop further the art of handmade Indonesian Batik craftsmanship.
POPULO operates today a workshop and store where customers can experience a completely different, very
personal shopping mood. Our customers become part of the creative processes to design their own Batik
clothes within our framework of pattern, colours, materials and styles we provide for them. By giving them
creative inspiration and new ideas their love and appreciation for handcrafted Batik grows day by day.
POPULO Batik adresses itself to anyone who loves traditional handcrafted workmanship. Our individual
products are limited by its handmade manufacturing processes and no mass market products. We work
together with small workshops in Indonesia and it is important for us that during the production process we
can maintain the most sustainable, fair and eco-friendly supply chain possible.
In Indonesia there are two techniques to apply wax on the cloth:
1) Hand drawn “Batik Tulis”
“Tulis” means writing and therefore the technique of “Batik Tulis” refers to the process to apply wax on the
cloth by hand drawing. This is the most ancient technique which usually is done by women. It requires a great
artistique sense and care. The wax is applied by a pen like tool called “Canting” and is very time-consuming.
2) Hand stamped “Batik Cap”
“Cap” means stamped and therefore the technique of “Batik Cap” refers to the process to apply wax on the cloth
by putting it onto pre-carved wooden or copper blocks before stamping the fabric. Handstamped Batik was
developed by the Javanese in the early 20th century and revolutionized batik production. By block printing -
usually done by man - the wax onto the fabric, it became possible to mass-produce Batik much faster and in
bigger quantities than by the “Batik Tulis” technique.
POPULO Batik office and showroom is located at Jalan Terusan Hang Lekir 1 No. 25 for a clothing brand, they
chose a less precise, because the place they chose was a student area, in an area close to the University Prof Dr
Moestopo and BINUS University. But because their target market is middle up then if they already have a loyal
customer this would not be a problem for customers that will come to us
Board Of Rirectors
General Manager
Pradjnaa Paramita
Marketing Communication
Citra Ananda
Operation Manager
Head Designer
Marketing Communication
HR & General
Affair Manager
a. Recruiting and Training
	 POPULO BATIK is still a small-sized company. POPULO BATIK still searching for young passionate
hardworker to make it grow and reach its goals at its best performance. High skilled Merchandiser or Designer
is highly needed by POPULO Batik so that it could provides choices of brands and products with high quality
and style following the right guidance from the director. Under Merchandiser, there’s Also a Production Officer
that could help the workforce of Merchandiser, especially helping the production process. And then after the
whole vendor searching and production process, professional Visual Merchandiser Also important to the make
the visual meet its high standard requirements and Able to sell the product even only from how the products
presentate in the website. After recruitment, POPULO Batik also should the make sure that they choose the
right person and training to meet the standard that has been set. New employee usually get Probation period
for three months with full training. After three months of Probation period, the employee will be reviewed
restaurants, and if the employee Achieved the targets Officially they will recruit them. Here’s the requirements
of Reviews those positions needed by POPULO Batik
1. Bahwa pembuatan Peraturan dan Prosedur Pelaksanaan Penerimaan Karyawan Baru dimaksudkan sebagai
upaya mewujudkan adanya aturan baku bagi karyawan PT. Bobobobo dan Pengusaha dalam pelaksanaan
hubungan kerja di Perusahaan.
2. Bahwa pengaturan syarat-syarat recruitment dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan
tenaga kerja yang potensial sesuai dengan standard POPULO Batik
1. Apa?
Peraturan dan prosedur pelaksanaan penerimaan karyawan baru ini menentukan hal-hal dan langkah-langkah
yang harus diperhatikan dan dilakukan pada saat
penerimaan karyawan baru di POPULO Batik
2. Siapa?
Peraturan dan prosedur pelaksanaan penerimaan karyawan baru harus diikuti oleh semua staff Human
Resources Department (HRD) dan juga departemen bersangkutan yang membutuhkan penerimaan karyawan
3. Kapan?
Peraturan dan prosedur pelaksanaan penerimaan karyawan baru pada waktu melakukan proses penerimaan,
seleksi dan penempatan calon karyawan baru.
4. Mengapa?
Prosedur ini dibuat dalam rangka untuk memastikan bahwa semua Departemen Manager mengikuti
mekanisme proses penerimaan dan seleksi karyawan baru.
5. Dimana?
1. PT. Bobobobo berusaha untuk selalu mencari tenaga kerja yang potensial. Penerimaan karyawan baru hanya
boleh dilakukan apabila seluruh persyaratan penerimaan calon karyawan baru telah dilengkapi.
2. Proses penerimaan dan seleksi karyawan harus dilakukan dengan mengisi form Recruitment Request Form
(RRF). Form RRF tersebut harus ditandatangani oleh Department Head yang membutuhkan dan Direktur.
3. Secara garis besar proses penerimaan calon karyawan baru terdiri dari langkah-langkah sebagai berikut:
Langkah 1 Short list lamaran yang masuk
Langkah 2 Kandidat mengisi form data karyawan baru via email – in progress
Langkah 3 Interview Pertama oleh HR Manager untuk kandidat yang
memenuhi kualifikasi
Langkah 4 Interview Kedua oleh Dept Head terkait
Langkah 5 Interview Ketiga oleh Managing Director/ Director
Langkah 6 Pengiriman Offer Letter (Job Offer)
Langkah 7 Penandatangan Kontrak Kerja (Appointment letter/W orking Agreement)
4. Departemen yang membutuhkan karyawan baru harus secara rinci melakukan evaluasi kebutuhan itu.
Alasan yang diambil untuk menambah tenaga kerj harus dinyatakan secara jelas dalam form RRF untuk
meyakinkan Management bahwa memang sedang memerlukan tambahan karyawan baru.
POPULO Batik bersamaan dengan iklan lowongan kerja dikeluarkan. Apabila ternyata calon tenaga kerja yang
dicari tidak tersedia dalam perusahaan atau rekanan didalam POPULO Batik yang memenuhi persyaratan,
barulah dicari calon dari luar melalui iklan lowongan kerja.
6. Iklan lowongan kerja hanya akan dipasang pada media yang paling cocok sesuai dengan jabatan yang dicari.
Bentuk dan layout iklan harus sesuai dengan ketentuan perusahaan.
7. Organization Chart yang memperlihatkan posisi dimana karyawan baru tersebut akan ditempatkan, perlu
dicantumkan pada Recruitment Request Form (RRF).
8. Job description dari jabatan yang akan diisi oleh karyawan baru tersebut akan dijelaskan dan digunakan
pada saat memberikan penawaran kerja kepada pelamar yang terpilih.
9. Pelamar dari luar perusahaan harus mengajukan lamaran kerja yang dilengkapi dengan “curriculum vitae”,
pas foto terakhir, KTP dan copy dari dokumen terkait.
10. Pengecekan riwayat pekerjaan (History Check) - Apabila ada keraguan mengenai calon, HRD dapat
menghubungi employers / perusahaan dimana calon sebelumnya bekerja, melalui hubungan telpon.
11. Interview dilakukan dilingkungan perusahaan, atau ditempat tertentu diluar
12. Interview guides akan digunakan oleh interviewer dalam interview agar proses interview dapat berjalan
effective serta efficient.
13. Interviewers yang akan melakukan wawancara terhadap calon, minimal terdiri dari 2 orang, yaitu Staff
HRD dan Immediate Superior. Sedapat mungkin, interview dilakukan secara bersamaan untuk menghemat
waktu. Hasil interview dilaporkan secara bersama-sama menggunakan form Interview Assessment Report –
14. Technical test disiapkan oleh department yang akan menerima tenaga kerja baru dan dilakukan secara
terkoordinasi dengan Recruitment Officer dari HRD Department.
15. Apabila calon dinyatakan lulus dalam rangkaian seleksi, maka surat penawaran kerja (Job Offer) akan
diberikan kepadanya. Job Offer itu akan dibuat secara baik untuk menarik calon mau bergabung dengan
16. Setelah penawaran diterima, dilakukan penandatanganan kontrak kerja.
17. Masa Percobaan – adanya masa percobaan harus diberitahukan kepada calon karyawan sesuai dengan
peraturan yang berlaku. Probation Review Form – terlampir.
• Recruitment Request Form
Terlampir adalah form yang digunakan untuk pengajuan karyawan baru yang harus dilengkapi oleh applicant/
Dept Head dari yang membutuhkan karyawan.
• Interview Assessment Form
Terlampir adalah form yang digunakan untuk menuliskan hasil interview oleh interviewer(s).
• Probation Review Form
Terlampir adalah form yang digunakan untuk memantau hasil kerja karyawan baru selama 3 bulan pertama
	 Compensation and benefits offered in an organizations could be different. Other than as facility,
compensation and benefits are beneficial as motivation for employee’s better performance. Basically, the
employees will get thirteen times of wages includes THR. Other than that, there’s life insurance from BPJS
Kesehatan dan Ketenagakerjaan.
- Location : Jakarta and around
- Region : Indonesia (Asia)
- Age : 20-35 years old
- Gender : Female & Male
- Occupation : Businessman and Businesswomen
- Income : Rp. 10,000,000 per month and above
- Lifestyle : Socialites, Batik Lover
- Personality : Sociable, Fashionable, Unique
- Occasion : Semi formal until formal occasion
- Benefit : High quality product, Unique style, Practical, Comfort, Pride
a. Direct
Sejauh Mata Memandang is inspired by the little things that make us love Indonesia. We work with our master
artisan friends in Sumba, Bali and Java where our textiles are made with age old technique one at a time and
each pattern has a story created by unique human beings with love for you to wear and share. Each piece of
fabric can be playfully played into a scarf and vice versa. Light, warm, timeless, wearable felt tip fabrics.
b. Inderect
Batik Keris Until WITH When Singer Already Emerging From Generation To Generation More Than 90 Years.
Beginning Of Product Batik home (home industry) Being a big Yang garment factory and had shops in the
whole archipelago. Growth And Development Stage-by-Stage traversed Going Up “Limited” IN 1970 WITH
QUALITY differences and maintain the cultural heritage of the Indonesian archipelago. Early establishment of
Batik Keris Very stressed “QUALITY”. The company’s philosophy is “to preserve the culture of the archipelago”.
According WITH vision of “Batik Keris” as a handicraft center of the archipelago, has the goal of preserving
the culture of the archipelago through Special Engineering Products (collection and handicrafts) culture of the
Buying process by merchandiser in POPULO Batik doesn’t have any specific target that should be achieved by
month or seasonal. The merchandiser just need to search for new brands and it will be reviewed at least once
in a week there should be new brand at least one so that the choice of brand and products could be more than
before because the customer like if there’s many choices. For the existing brand, new product will be taken by
the merchandiser for every new season. The merchandiser will review the new arrival product from the catalog
offered by the vendor or directly from the linesheet and then the merchandiser will choose which product that
is suitable for POPULO Batik.
The target market of Populo Batik is the upper middle, then the price offered is more to the
price of luxury, to bottom starting from Rp599,000 - Rp999,000 and Rp800,000 for tops start-
ing from - Rp3,999,0000.
Receiving procedures and distribution of POPULO Batik is not that complicated. At first, the vendor and
merchandiser will have meeting to talk about the business and others. After there is deal, the vendor and
merchandiser will take care about the contract. After the contract is already approved by COO and other
department in Bobobobo, receiving procedures and distribution could start right away.
After the contract is finished, at first the products will be sent to the warehouse of POPULO Batik right from
the vendor for stockist. When the products arrived to the warehouse, there is quality control representative that
will check all of the product that should meet the standard that POPULO Batik already set. If there’s damage
or stain, the products should be returned to the vendor again and they must take care of it first before proceed
to the next step. If the products pass the quality control phase, it will be placed and arranged neatly in the
warehouse. The products available in the warehouse should be already to proceed when there is order.
For marketplace, the products will be placed on the vendor’s warehouse itself, but there will be quality control
from POPULO Batik still. And if there’s order, POPULO Batik will give notification to the vendor and they are
the one that will prepare the product to be sent to the customer but the courier will be set by POPULO Batik.
The courier will take the product from vendor’s warehouse and take the product and proceed the delivery to
the customer. For consignment, the product will be placed in POPULO Batik’s warehouse and all delivery
system will be proceed right there from the warehouse.
Other than to the warehouse, there are samples of the products that should be sent to the office too for
production process that includes photoshoot first. After photoshoot, the products will have quality control
phase. If there’s stain after photoshoot, the product should go to the laundry first before it sent back to the
warehouse or to the vendor. And even after it went to the laundry, production officer should do another quality
control and if there’s still stain, the product should go to the laundry again. And if there’s damage in the product
after photoshoot, the merchandiser should have deal with the vendor on what is the best to do to the product.
And if the process is done, or if there’s no damage or stain after photoshoot, the products will be sent back to
the warehouse or to the vendor.
For marketplace, every once in a month there’s representative from the logistic team of POPULO Batik will
check the stock in the vendor’s warehouse and check to the data that POPULO Batik has. The stock that
POPULO Batik has should be the same with what the vendor has, especially for the quantity. However, the
quality of the product should always be checked too with the quality control person from POPULO Batik to
make sure that the customer will get good quality product so that they wont be disapointed, it is because the
product is on the vendor’s warehouse not in POPULO Batik warehouse which means cannot always be directly
checked from POPULO Batik quality control representative.
If the products are stocked in the warehouse, the quantity and quality control will be held everyday that happens
on the morning since the warehouse is open and in the night before the warehouse is closed.
Visual presentation is one of the most important aspects that POPULO Batik has. POPULO Batik one of the
highest branding elements is from how POPULO Batik presents its products and its own visual website and
from other social media and advertisement. Mainly, POPULO Batik stick to the modern batik and detail. There
is no complicated elements of design, and always follow the range of color that have been set that could be
different for every seasonal changes, and photograph with elegant, minimalist and unique styling.
a. Brand of Private Label
POPULO Batik adresses itself to anyone who loves traditional handcrafted workmanship. Our individual
products are limited by its handmade manufacturing processes and no mass market products. We work
together with small workshops in Indonesia and it is important for us that during the production process we
can maintain the most sustainable, fair and eco-friendly supply chain possible.
b. Description of The Collection
1. POPULO Batik 20th Anniversary Collection East Meets West
	 The 20th anniversary collection of POPULO Batik will be devided into three parts which describe the
different aspects of the collection and its morphosis from the past and present into the future.
Exposing and focus on classic Indonesian heritage motives:
- Tirtotedjo
- Grinsing
- Kawung
Play with single motives only within an outfit in sophisticated black / brown / beige / white monochromatic
looks – inspired by the traditional court batiks of Yogyakarta and Solo.
2. Geometric pattern based on traditional Javanese Batik motives with a modern new approach.
- Crystal
- Curved rectangle
- Handdrawn check
Play of opposing material blocking, colour blocking and patternblocking all in monochromatic black / white.
3. Tobias Vetter is a Berlin based tattoo artist who has his clinic like studio within Viktor Leske’s hair salon.
His craftsmanship is inspired by architecture, contemporary art and photography and the minimal yet gloomy
work is influenced by the late 19th century tattooing, traditional engravings and occult art.
The Tobias Vetter design features his motives of an umbrella, a pipe, a knife, a bottle and a bell to mention a few.
The background motive is inspired by the traditional Javanese Alasalasan pattern which has been transfered
into veins. Veins act as tree of life of humans where the blood runs through and is closely connected to tattoo
20th anniversary collaboration collection with tattoo artist Tobias Vetter and hair stylist Viktor Leske.
Viktor Leske is a Berlin based hair stylist who is known for his arty, creative approach in hair styling which
attracts the most exciting and energetic crowd of Berlin and its visitors. His name became famous even outside
of Germany with international celebrities dropping by whenever they are in town.
4. The Viktor Leske Design features a comb and a vintage hair scissor which are positioned like a „V“ for Viktor.
Both designs were drawn by the tattoo artist Tobias Vetter. The third motive is Viktor Leske’s logo. All three
pattern are positioned in a row and create a symmetrical „V“ all-over pattern.
The background motive is the traditional Javanese court pattern called „Grinsing“ which means = no illness. It
was used to protect children against illnesses and symbolizes the fish skin.
5. Morphosys describes a process of change which creates something new with- out loosing its roots in the
original DNA.
The roots of our Batik collection is originated in the Javanese culture and the dress codes of the royal court.
From here we developed it further into a con- temporary modern interpretation of fashion, while our new
collection will trans- form it into a futuristic idea about what Batik could stand for.
The Morphosys collection will be devided into three parts which describe the different aspects of the collection
and its morphosis from the past and present into the future.
We use non geomeric, moving pattern based on traditional Javanese Batik motives with a modern approach:
- Mega Mendung
- Wadasan
- Grinsing wave
6. POPULO Batik x Star Wars collection, the designs are inspired by the Jedi and Darth Vader characters. These
two characters are the most influential ones, representing the Good and the Bad – the Yin and the Yang – the
White and the Black, which has been translated into a matching monochromatic color concept.
The Batik patterns used have their own philosophy and meanings, such as: Batik Grinsing, Batik Truntum.
We decided to combine these patterns with the Star Wars iconic characters into a fashion collection which
merges traditional ideas with futuristic sci-fi aspects.
‘Gringsing’ originated from the word ‘Gering’ which means sick and ‘Sing’ which means not.
So Gringsing means not sick or against illness.
This pattern is believed to be able to cure illnesses.
	 There are three important things that should be considered first when searching for vendors, which are
style, the prospect of the business and the price. The merchandiser could not be too flexible with wht will they
choose, it must fulfill the needs and wants of the company also. Each of every element should be fulfill and
match with each other. Like not only good style but it must also match with the pricing strategy of POPULO
Batik and the vendor should also have good business prospect
The style should match with what POPULO Batik has set all this time. The style should match with the collection
that already available in the website and also it is better if it match with the products that has good selling in
	 The second one is the business’ prospect. It shold have good growth and business development. The
vendor should be at least after three months, it still be able to give stock to POPULO Batik for the next collection.
The merchandiser should avoid businesses that slowmoving. It could also keep the image of POPULO Batik
because it is for premium market so the vendor should have good business development also and keep define
which products are having good selling and it could also be defined from size, color and others.
There are two kind of brand that merchandiser gathered, which are the Brand Anchor and the regular brand.
Brand anchor provides products in a range above Rp. 1.500.000, whicle the regular brand is around Rp.300.000
until Rp.1.500.000. Brand anchor’s selling is quiet slow but could give good image to Bobobobo by only provide
it in the brand and product choices. For the regular brand, it is the revenue driven and it runs in quiet big
quantity and fast selling also.
	 And then the last is pricing. The price range of vendor that the merchandiser search for should match
with what’s already available in the stock of POPULO Batik. The pricing strategy should match with POPULO
Batik target market which is the premium social class.
	 The production process in POPULO Batik is more into the photoshoot process. At first, the sample of
the product will be arrived into the office from the vendor directly or from POPULO BATIK’s warehouse, for
photoshoot. And then all of the sample are prepared for the photoshoot from the linesheet checking, quality
control, steaming and many others. For the photoshoot scheduling, it couldn’t be right away arranged, but
it should wait for the quantity. For women and men which called Fashion section, the quantity should be
maximum of 70 products for one photoshoot. For products, the quantity should be maximum of 50 products
for one photoshoot.
	 During the preparation of the product, the stylist will arrange for hiring the model and make up artist
for Fashion photoshoot. The stylist should always be prepared with the styling reference for both Fashion
and Product photoshoot, from moodboard until the complement materials. The makeup artist should also be
prepared for the styling of the make up based on the standard that POPULO Batik’s creative director have been
set. The photographer shold also prepare for the camera, lighting, and other photography element. And other
than those photographer preparation, the photographer should also prepare for the photoshoot exercises for
lighting test and others.
	 Other than Fashion and Product photoshoot, Bobobobo also have Inspiration photoshoot like for now,
there’s Wonder Moms. For inspiration photoshoot, the creative director should first prepare for the script
and moodboard. The stylist should make another moodboard based on the theme that has been prepared by
the creative director, and find clothes and other material for photoshoot complement to be borrowed either
directly from the vendor or from POPULO Batik’s warehouse.
After the photoshoot, the products will have another quality control, and if there’s any damage it will consult
to the merchandiser and will find solution, and if there’s any stain in the clothes, it will go to the laundry first
before giving it back to the vendor or to POPULO Batiks warehouse. After the photoshoot, files are compiled by
brands and then by articles. And then, photos will be edited by digital imaging artist for retouching, cropping
into form that has been set, and many others. When it finished, the files will be check first by senior digital
imaging artist, and then wait for the approval of the creative director. After approved, files will be sent to
editorial team and ready to be uploaded.
	 The quality control of products that are provided in POPULO Batik is quet strict. Every stock that
comes to the warehouse should be check if there’s damage or stain in the product. And if there’s stain or damage
in the product it should be return to the vendor and the vendor should take care of it before proceed to the next
phase. If the placement of the stock is in the vendor’s warehouse itself, the representative for quality control still
should have come to the vendor’s warehouse for quality control and make sure the vendor give its best.
	 Other than that, quality control happens to the production process also. When the products arrived to
the office the product should be checked and if there’s damage or stain in the product, it should be noted that it
is already there even since the product just came to the office so it is not the employees’ fault to the stain or to
the damage of the product. After the photoshoot the product will be checked again. And if there’s stain on the
product after photoshoot, the product should go to the laundry first before it returned to the vendor or to the
warehouse. And even after it came back from the laundry, it still should be checked and if there are still stain
on the product it should be re-washed. And if there’s damage after the photoshoot, the merchandiser should
have any kind of deal with the vendor on how to take care of the damaged-product.
	 Promotion is the use of advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, direct mail, trade
fairs, sponsorship and public relations to inform consumers and persuade the market to buy
the product. Promotion is very beneficial to inform and persuade the market to know a brand
better and even to buy the product. At first, promotional strategy should be planned before
went to the field directly.
For POPULO Batik itself, main promotion strategy used is Pull Promotion Strategy. Pull pro-
motion strategy is where the business make any encouragement, persuading and motivating
the customer so that the customer are attracted to the product, buy, and even subscribing the
business services. Currently, Push Promotion Strategy is not an option for POPULO Batik
where the business take the product directly to the customer, encourage, persuade and moti-
vate the customer directly and make sure the market knows the business well at point of pur-
chase. However, POPULO Batik once have push promotion strategy where it has its own booth
in the event.
	 Promotional strategy will be planned more effectively if the promotion objectives have
been set specifically so that the promotion activities could be held based on the target and so
it would be easier for the business to achieve goals that has been set. Mainly for the branding,
the objectives is still to create brand image of POPULO Batik as it targetted, not only brand
awareness which is fine because it already reach the niche market that POPULO Batik has set.
Other than that, for the advertisement, the objective is more focused to the selling like it di-
rectly show the product that are available in the website and its price, especially when there are
	 For POPULO Batik’s promotion budget, it already set by the officer. Promotion budget is separated
with others so that it could be more managed and organized. The promotion budget set by POPULO Batik
is not by the percentage of the sales but it is already planned. The promotion budget could not be exceed the
limit. The marketing team should be able to take the promotion budget as wise as possible that could reach the
promotion objectives even with the only budget that already set by the company.
Promotion activities followed by POPULO Batik is not that much. First is advertisement which is the common
promotional strategy used by POPULO Batik.. Other than that, BPOPULO Batik usually follow exhibition by
opening booth in mall or trunk show. In that booth there’s also personal selling where there are sales assistant
that should inform the market about POPULO Batik and even persuade them to buy the products and even
until subscribing the newsletter. Direct main also commonly used by POPULO Batik.
	 There’s no specific agent like convection and others because POPULO Batik is mainly BTC or Business
To Customer directly. The products provided by POPULO Batik are directly bought by the customer individ-
ually. But then.
Merchandiser and the vendor should always have meeting regularly with period that has been set by deal from
the merchandiser and the vendor’s representative. Merchandiser shold be able to explain the image of POPULO
Batik at its best through attractive presentation in the meeting session, especially when the merchandiser have
meeting with new vendor. POPULO Batik also has high standar of visual presentation of the products and
others in the website. The style of the website’s design, and the photos of the products should be the same or at
least still in the same range. The product’s photos and the design and style of the website and others elements
like advertisement should be really clean and neat to show exclusiveness.
For negotiation of terms and conditions that POPULO Batik offer to the vendor, there’s no
complicated requirement. For terms and conditions POPULO Batik usually flexible. POPULO
Batik should be flexible about the terms and conditions because some and/or most of the
vendor are still start up local business because POPULO Batik wants to help local business to
grow too. For bigger-sized company, usually POPULO Batik be flexible too but not as flexible
as to the start up businesses because the brand itself usually already have their own terms and
conditions. In the meeting, the vendor’s representative will have negotiation of the terms and
conditions with POPULO Batik s merchandiser and targetting to win-win solution.
Customer service is really important for e-commerce businesses. There’s customer service in the
office. On weekdays, the customer service will be available from 9am until 6pm. The customer
service mainly work with calls in which there’s still customers that contact POPULO Batik
through phone call. Other than that, POPULO Batik ’s customer service could also be reached
through email with the active period is the same as call center customer service. Besides email
and call center, POPULO Batik could be reach also through social media. The social media
officer should be able to answer some proper questions through social media anytime as soon
as possible.
	 Based on my experience at the POPULO Batik, there are some of my recommendations
for POPULO Batik. The first is the brand itself. From what I see is not so much the development
starting from the style of clothing that is not so follow the fashion trend, but nowadays fashion
and trend are the pillars of a clothing brand. If you do not follow fashion and trends can be
ascertained then the brand will not last long.
	 And the second is about how they promote their own brand. Although the target market
of POPULO Batik is middle to high but now everyone uses social media such as Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, etc. Then take advantage of social media because they are one of the ads do
not pay at all, just how do you use social media and play with it. Once you master the social
media then you will master your target market, and your brand will never die.
Internship is a job training that provided by company to help student to learn the working world. Interns may
be college or university students, high school students, or post-graduate adults. These positions may be paid or
unpaid and are usually temporary.
For these internship course it’s really efective, and althought everything has been explained at the college or by
my supervisor, I learn a lot more when I actually experienced myself. And it was a thrilling experience. I enjoy
every and each of my internship day, no matter how it was tiring. But I learn a lot of thing about the retail world
I have learned about stocking items, visual merchandising, store manager, retail policy, etc. I am in Populo
Batik Be Part Merchandiser, the office environment is more relaxed compared to the office building. Although
many tasks and gain new experiences made me had difficulties but I am happy to be an intern at Populo Batik
Overall having this internship is really effective and helping a lot for student to learn more about the fashion
industry. Learning in person and experience it ourself is more effective rather than learning theory all the time.
Working at POPULO Batik giving me a lot of new things to learn and Im more exicted to learn much more.

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Report II.1

  • 1. 1 Lasalle College Jakarta Internship II Report POPULO Batik Fashion Business Intergration in Workplace II 571 - KQA - 03 Sheilaya Cempaka Muhamad Fadhli Hanifan December, 5th 2016
  • 2. 2 Introduction 4 Chapter 1: History 5 I. Vision and Mission 6 II. Corporate Culture 6 III. Company History 6 Chapter 2: General Information 7 I. Organizational Structure 8 II. Description of The Principal Departments 8 III. Location / Layout Of The Company 8 IV. Administration / Human Resources 9 a. Recruiting and Training 9 b. Policies and Procedures 9 c. Compensation and Benefits 11 Chapter 3: Marketing 12 I. Target Market 13 II. Positioning Strategy 13 III. Competition 14 a. Direct 14 b. Inderict 14 Chapter 4: Product and Price Strategy 15 I. Product Assortment 16 II. Receiving Procedures and Distribution 16 III. Inventory Control 17 IV. Pricing Strategy 17 V. Visual Presentation 17 Chapter 5: Product Development 18 I. Planning The Line 19 a. Brand or Private Label 20 b. Description of The Collection 20 II. Vendor Selection 20 III. Production 20 IV. Quality Control 21 Chapter 6: Promotion 22 I. Promotion Strategy 23 II. Promotion Budget 23 III. Promotion Activities 23 IV. Promotion Objectives 23 Chapter 7: Sales 24 I. Sales Force Structure and Size 25 II. Selling Process 25 a. Prospecting 25 b. Presentation and Techniques 25 III. Negotiation of Terms and Conditions 25 IV. Customer Service 25
  • 3. 3 Chapter 8: Personal 28 I. Recommendation 29 II. Conclusion 29 ATTACHMENT BIBLIOGRAPHY
  • 4. 4 I. INTRODUCTION With so grateful for the enormous and the will of God so that it is possible to perform the task and finish the report in a timely manner and in a proper way. In order to finish the college year in LaSalle College Jakarta, there is another internship program called Integration to Workplace 2, which is a must completed subject, and so this report was made to complement the task. This report completely inform and explaining about the company where the internship held, and the task that had been done in order to complete the assignment. The internship held for this report embrace the retail industry that is specifically the working environment in the office part of fashion industry. The activities that take place behind the grandeur of fashion industry will be revealed by plunge directly into the organization that runs it. With the knowledge, skill and ability that had been developed in LaSalle College Jakarta, especially from Ms. Cempaka as the tutor for this subject, and other teacher that could not be mentioned all for their merit, so that there is possibility to complete the program in the best performance. Thankful not only for all of the tutor and other staff in LaSalle College Jakarta that help and support the students to complete the college year, but also to POPULO Batik that give the opportunity to intervene directly in the fashion industry specifically to the movement of fashion industry through e-commerce. Imperfection could not always be avoided. However, any form of suggestion and opinion of this report are expected from the tutor. With expectation of this report could be better reference and beneficial reference for the reader that specifically finds out knowledge about the real life of fashion industry that specifies on the e-commerce which includes merchandising, buying, production, marketing, services, and many other important elements.
  • 6. 6 I. VISION AND MISSION A contemporary fashion collection preserving the art of Indonesian Batik craftsmanship II. CORPORATE CULTURE Corporatecultureencompassestothebeliefsandbehaviorsofeverysubjectthatinterveneinitscorporate’s environment. Corporate culture reflects on how the corporate’s employees interact, handle, communicate and relationship in between their co-workers itselves and also to the outside business environment. Corporate culture should be at its best because it could also affect the corporate’s relationship with its competitors, investors, to the market, and even to the customers itself. For POPULO Batik itself, creaeting such friendly but still ongoing working environment is one of its goals. POPULO Batik wants its employees to be able to be cooperative, competitive, discipline, have good time management, but still enjoying its working environment that makes its employees wanted to work at the office in long period of time to decrease the employee turnover The time management that POPULO Batik had set is quiet flexible. The beginning of the office hour is on 9am. For the end of the office hour, it gives flexible time too like the end of the working hour is on 6pm but the employees are flexible to still finishing their assignments even after 6pm, but they are only allowed to leave the office start from 6pm. For the break time, it started at 12pm until 1pm, but it doesn’t mentioned specifically on when it going to meet the end. Basically, the office giving flexible working hours to the employees, but the important requirement is to finish the work by still meeting the deadline with their best performances. Other than the break time, the employees are free to have another short break time also. The communication and relationship between co-workers in the office is one of the most important elements that creates better working environment. All of the employees are expected to be hospitable to the other employees no matter on what their status is. Creating hospitable friendship could create more pleasant working environment. There is no boundaries on from where the division of each employee is. The employee from different division is also allowed to know the tasks and assignments of the other employee from different division, and even better they could also study on different fields to gain better knowledge. However, respect is also expected beyond the flexibility of the hospitable friendship between co-workers III. COMPANY HISTORY In 2013 we launched our first Batik Collection mainly to preserve the art of Indonesian Batik craftsmanship. We wanted to design a Batik line which on one side has its strong base in traditional Indonesian Batik heritage and on the other side has an international design approach refering pattern, colour use and silhouettes. The result is a new approach to design Batik. Due to the handcrafted manufacturing process, Batik itself will always be limited in production quantities and each piece is different. Our mission is to preserve, maintain and develop further the art of handmade Indonesian Batik craftsmanship. POPULO operates today a workshop and store where customers can experience a completely different, very personal shopping mood. Our customers become part of the creative processes to design their own Batik clothes within our framework of pattern, colours, materials and styles we provide for them. By giving them creative inspiration and new ideas their love and appreciation for handcrafted Batik grows day by day.
  • 8. 8 I. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PRINCIPAL DEPARTMENTS POPULO Batik adresses itself to anyone who loves traditional handcrafted workmanship. Our individual products are limited by its handmade manufacturing processes and no mass market products. We work together with small workshops in Indonesia and it is important for us that during the production process we can maintain the most sustainable, fair and eco-friendly supply chain possible. In Indonesia there are two techniques to apply wax on the cloth: 1) Hand drawn “Batik Tulis” “Tulis” means writing and therefore the technique of “Batik Tulis” refers to the process to apply wax on the cloth by hand drawing. This is the most ancient technique which usually is done by women. It requires a great artistique sense and care. The wax is applied by a pen like tool called “Canting” and is very time-consuming. 2) Hand stamped “Batik Cap” “Cap” means stamped and therefore the technique of “Batik Cap” refers to the process to apply wax on the cloth by putting it onto pre-carved wooden or copper blocks before stamping the fabric. Handstamped Batik was developed by the Javanese in the early 20th century and revolutionized batik production. By block printing - usually done by man - the wax onto the fabric, it became possible to mass-produce Batik much faster and in bigger quantities than by the “Batik Tulis” technique. III. LOCATION OR LAYOUT OF THE COMPANY POPULO Batik office and showroom is located at Jalan Terusan Hang Lekir 1 No. 25 for a clothing brand, they chose a less precise, because the place they chose was a student area, in an area close to the University Prof Dr Moestopo and BINUS University. But because their target market is middle up then if they already have a loyal customer this would not be a problem for customers that will come to us Board Of Rirectors Soemarlono General Manager Pradjnaa Paramita Marketing Communication Manager Citra Ananda Operation Manager Karyono Head Designer Karyono Marketing Communication Staff HR & General Affair Manager Sutarman Designers Staff
  • 9. 9 FITTING ROOM MEETING ROOM STOCK ROOM KITCHEN AND DINING ROOM GARAGE SHOW ROOM SHOW ROOM MARKETING DEPARTMENT DESIGN DEPARTMENT TAILOR DEPARTMENT TOILET TOILET TOILET TOILET IV. ADMINISTRATION OR HUMAN RESOURCES a. Recruiting and Training POPULO BATIK is still a small-sized company. POPULO BATIK still searching for young passionate hardworker to make it grow and reach its goals at its best performance. High skilled Merchandiser or Designer is highly needed by POPULO Batik so that it could provides choices of brands and products with high quality and style following the right guidance from the director. Under Merchandiser, there’s Also a Production Officer that could help the workforce of Merchandiser, especially helping the production process. And then after the whole vendor searching and production process, professional Visual Merchandiser Also important to the make the visual meet its high standard requirements and Able to sell the product even only from how the products presentate in the website. After recruitment, POPULO Batik also should the make sure that they choose the right person and training to meet the standard that has been set. New employee usually get Probation period for three months with full training. After three months of Probation period, the employee will be reviewed restaurants, and if the employee Achieved the targets Officially they will recruit them. Here’s the requirements of Reviews those positions needed by POPULO Batik b. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES A. OBJEKTIVITAS & RUANG LINGKUP 1. Bahwa pembuatan Peraturan dan Prosedur Pelaksanaan Penerimaan Karyawan Baru dimaksudkan sebagai upaya mewujudkan adanya aturan baku bagi karyawan PT. Bobobobo dan Pengusaha dalam pelaksanaan hubungan kerja di Perusahaan. 2. Bahwa pengaturan syarat-syarat recruitment dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan tenaga kerja yang potensial sesuai dengan standard POPULO Batik
  • 10. 10 B. DEFINISI 1. Apa? Peraturan dan prosedur pelaksanaan penerimaan karyawan baru ini menentukan hal-hal dan langkah-langkah yang harus diperhatikan dan dilakukan pada saat penerimaan karyawan baru di POPULO Batik 2. Siapa? Peraturan dan prosedur pelaksanaan penerimaan karyawan baru harus diikuti oleh semua staff Human Resources Department (HRD) dan juga departemen bersangkutan yang membutuhkan penerimaan karyawan baru. 3. Kapan? Peraturan dan prosedur pelaksanaan penerimaan karyawan baru pada waktu melakukan proses penerimaan, seleksi dan penempatan calon karyawan baru. 4. Mengapa? Prosedur ini dibuat dalam rangka untuk memastikan bahwa semua Departemen Manager mengikuti mekanisme proses penerimaan dan seleksi karyawan baru. 5. Dimana? PeraturandanProsedurPelaksanaanpenerimaankaryawanbaruiniberlakupadasemuadepartemenPOPULO Batik C. RINCIAN PERATURAN DAN PROSEDUR PELAKSANAAN 1. PT. Bobobobo berusaha untuk selalu mencari tenaga kerja yang potensial. Penerimaan karyawan baru hanya boleh dilakukan apabila seluruh persyaratan penerimaan calon karyawan baru telah dilengkapi. 2. Proses penerimaan dan seleksi karyawan harus dilakukan dengan mengisi form Recruitment Request Form (RRF). Form RRF tersebut harus ditandatangani oleh Department Head yang membutuhkan dan Direktur. 3. Secara garis besar proses penerimaan calon karyawan baru terdiri dari langkah-langkah sebagai berikut: Langkah 1 Short list lamaran yang masuk Langkah 2 Kandidat mengisi form data karyawan baru via email – in progress Langkah 3 Interview Pertama oleh HR Manager untuk kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi Langkah 4 Interview Kedua oleh Dept Head terkait Langkah 5 Interview Ketiga oleh Managing Director/ Director Langkah 6 Pengiriman Offer Letter (Job Offer) Langkah 7 Penandatangan Kontrak Kerja (Appointment letter/W orking Agreement) 4. Departemen yang membutuhkan karyawan baru harus secara rinci melakukan evaluasi kebutuhan itu. Alasan yang diambil untuk menambah tenaga kerj harus dinyatakan secara jelas dalam form RRF untuk meyakinkan Management bahwa memang sedang memerlukan tambahan karyawan baru. 5.Apabilamemungkinkan,lowonganyangadaakandiumumkanterlebihdulusecarainternalkepadakaryawan POPULO Batik bersamaan dengan iklan lowongan kerja dikeluarkan. Apabila ternyata calon tenaga kerja yang dicari tidak tersedia dalam perusahaan atau rekanan didalam POPULO Batik yang memenuhi persyaratan, barulah dicari calon dari luar melalui iklan lowongan kerja. 6. Iklan lowongan kerja hanya akan dipasang pada media yang paling cocok sesuai dengan jabatan yang dicari. Bentuk dan layout iklan harus sesuai dengan ketentuan perusahaan. 7. Organization Chart yang memperlihatkan posisi dimana karyawan baru tersebut akan ditempatkan, perlu dicantumkan pada Recruitment Request Form (RRF). 8. Job description dari jabatan yang akan diisi oleh karyawan baru tersebut akan dijelaskan dan digunakan pada saat memberikan penawaran kerja kepada pelamar yang terpilih. 9. Pelamar dari luar perusahaan harus mengajukan lamaran kerja yang dilengkapi dengan “curriculum vitae”, pas foto terakhir, KTP dan copy dari dokumen terkait. 10. Pengecekan riwayat pekerjaan (History Check) - Apabila ada keraguan mengenai calon, HRD dapat menghubungi employers / perusahaan dimana calon sebelumnya bekerja, melalui hubungan telpon. 11. Interview dilakukan dilingkungan perusahaan, atau ditempat tertentu diluar perusahaan.
  • 11. 11 12. Interview guides akan digunakan oleh interviewer dalam interview agar proses interview dapat berjalan effective serta efficient. 13. Interviewers yang akan melakukan wawancara terhadap calon, minimal terdiri dari 2 orang, yaitu Staff HRD dan Immediate Superior. Sedapat mungkin, interview dilakukan secara bersamaan untuk menghemat waktu. Hasil interview dilaporkan secara bersama-sama menggunakan form Interview Assessment Report – terlampir. 14. Technical test disiapkan oleh department yang akan menerima tenaga kerja baru dan dilakukan secara terkoordinasi dengan Recruitment Officer dari HRD Department. 15. Apabila calon dinyatakan lulus dalam rangkaian seleksi, maka surat penawaran kerja (Job Offer) akan diberikan kepadanya. Job Offer itu akan dibuat secara baik untuk menarik calon mau bergabung dengan perusahaan. 16. Setelah penawaran diterima, dilakukan penandatanganan kontrak kerja. 17. Masa Percobaan – adanya masa percobaan harus diberitahukan kepada calon karyawan sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku. Probation Review Form – terlampir. D. FORM • Recruitment Request Form Terlampir adalah form yang digunakan untuk pengajuan karyawan baru yang harus dilengkapi oleh applicant/ Dept Head dari yang membutuhkan karyawan. • Interview Assessment Form Terlampir adalah form yang digunakan untuk menuliskan hasil interview oleh interviewer(s). • Probation Review Form Terlampir adalah form yang digunakan untuk memantau hasil kerja karyawan baru selama 3 bulan pertama bergabung. c. COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS Compensation and benefits offered in an organizations could be different. Other than as facility, compensation and benefits are beneficial as motivation for employee’s better performance. Basically, the employees will get thirteen times of wages includes THR. Other than that, there’s life insurance from BPJS Kesehatan dan Ketenagakerjaan.
  • 13. 13 I. TARGET MARKET Geographic: - Location : Jakarta and around - Region : Indonesia (Asia) Demographic: - Age : 20-35 years old - Gender : Female & Male - Occupation : Businessman and Businesswomen - Income : Rp. 10,000,000 per month and above - Lifestyle : Socialites, Batik Lover - Personality : Sociable, Fashionable, Unique Behavioral: - Occasion : Semi formal until formal occasion - Benefit : High quality product, Unique style, Practical, Comfort, Pride II. POSITIONING STRATEGY POPULO BATIK SEJAUH MATA MEMANDANG MAENKAEN QUALITY PRICE
  • 14. 14 III. COMPETITION a. Direct Sejauh Mata Memandang is inspired by the little things that make us love Indonesia. We work with our master artisan friends in Sumba, Bali and Java where our textiles are made with age old technique one at a time and each pattern has a story created by unique human beings with love for you to wear and share. Each piece of fabric can be playfully played into a scarf and vice versa. Light, warm, timeless, wearable felt tip fabrics. b. Inderect Batik Keris Until WITH When Singer Already Emerging From Generation To Generation More Than 90 Years. Beginning Of Product Batik home (home industry) Being a big Yang garment factory and had shops in the whole archipelago. Growth And Development Stage-by-Stage traversed Going Up “Limited” IN 1970 WITH QUALITY differences and maintain the cultural heritage of the Indonesian archipelago. Early establishment of Batik Keris Very stressed “QUALITY”. The company’s philosophy is “to preserve the culture of the archipelago”. According WITH vision of “Batik Keris” as a handicraft center of the archipelago, has the goal of preserving the culture of the archipelago through Special Engineering Products (collection and handicrafts) culture of the archipelago.
  • 16. 16 I. PRODUCT ASSORTMENT Buying process by merchandiser in POPULO Batik doesn’t have any specific target that should be achieved by month or seasonal. The merchandiser just need to search for new brands and it will be reviewed at least once in a week there should be new brand at least one so that the choice of brand and products could be more than before because the customer like if there’s many choices. For the existing brand, new product will be taken by the merchandiser for every new season. The merchandiser will review the new arrival product from the catalog offered by the vendor or directly from the linesheet and then the merchandiser will choose which product that is suitable for POPULO Batik. II. PRICING STRATEGY The target market of Populo Batik is the upper middle, then the price offered is more to the price of luxury, to bottom starting from Rp599,000 - Rp999,000 and Rp800,000 for tops start- ing from - Rp3,999,0000. III. RECEIVING PROCEDURES AND DISTRIBUTION Receiving procedures and distribution of POPULO Batik is not that complicated. At first, the vendor and merchandiser will have meeting to talk about the business and others. After there is deal, the vendor and merchandiser will take care about the contract. After the contract is already approved by COO and other department in Bobobobo, receiving procedures and distribution could start right away. After the contract is finished, at first the products will be sent to the warehouse of POPULO Batik right from the vendor for stockist. When the products arrived to the warehouse, there is quality control representative that will check all of the product that should meet the standard that POPULO Batik already set. If there’s damage or stain, the products should be returned to the vendor again and they must take care of it first before proceed to the next step. If the products pass the quality control phase, it will be placed and arranged neatly in the warehouse. The products available in the warehouse should be already to proceed when there is order. For marketplace, the products will be placed on the vendor’s warehouse itself, but there will be quality control from POPULO Batik still. And if there’s order, POPULO Batik will give notification to the vendor and they are the one that will prepare the product to be sent to the customer but the courier will be set by POPULO Batik. The courier will take the product from vendor’s warehouse and take the product and proceed the delivery to the customer. For consignment, the product will be placed in POPULO Batik’s warehouse and all delivery system will be proceed right there from the warehouse. Other than to the warehouse, there are samples of the products that should be sent to the office too for production process that includes photoshoot first. After photoshoot, the products will have quality control phase. If there’s stain after photoshoot, the product should go to the laundry first before it sent back to the warehouse or to the vendor. And even after it went to the laundry, production officer should do another quality control and if there’s still stain, the product should go to the laundry again. And if there’s damage in the product after photoshoot, the merchandiser should have deal with the vendor on what is the best to do to the product. And if the process is done, or if there’s no damage or stain after photoshoot, the products will be sent back to the warehouse or to the vendor.
  • 17. 17 IV. INVENTORY CONTROL For marketplace, every once in a month there’s representative from the logistic team of POPULO Batik will check the stock in the vendor’s warehouse and check to the data that POPULO Batik has. The stock that POPULO Batik has should be the same with what the vendor has, especially for the quantity. However, the quality of the product should always be checked too with the quality control person from POPULO Batik to make sure that the customer will get good quality product so that they wont be disapointed, it is because the product is on the vendor’s warehouse not in POPULO Batik warehouse which means cannot always be directly checked from POPULO Batik quality control representative. If the products are stocked in the warehouse, the quantity and quality control will be held everyday that happens on the morning since the warehouse is open and in the night before the warehouse is closed. V. VISUAL PRESENTATION Visual presentation is one of the most important aspects that POPULO Batik has. POPULO Batik one of the highest branding elements is from how POPULO Batik presents its products and its own visual website and from other social media and advertisement. Mainly, POPULO Batik stick to the modern batik and detail. There is no complicated elements of design, and always follow the range of color that have been set that could be different for every seasonal changes, and photograph with elegant, minimalist and unique styling.
  • 19. 19 I. PLANNING THE LINE a. Brand of Private Label POPULO Batik adresses itself to anyone who loves traditional handcrafted workmanship. Our individual products are limited by its handmade manufacturing processes and no mass market products. We work together with small workshops in Indonesia and it is important for us that during the production process we can maintain the most sustainable, fair and eco-friendly supply chain possible. b. Description of The Collection 1. POPULO Batik 20th Anniversary Collection East Meets West The 20th anniversary collection of POPULO Batik will be devided into three parts which describe the different aspects of the collection and its morphosis from the past and present into the future. Exposing and focus on classic Indonesian heritage motives: - Tirtotedjo - Grinsing - Kawung Play with single motives only within an outfit in sophisticated black / brown / beige / white monochromatic looks – inspired by the traditional court batiks of Yogyakarta and Solo. 2. Geometric pattern based on traditional Javanese Batik motives with a modern new approach. - Crystal - Curved rectangle - Handdrawn check Play of opposing material blocking, colour blocking and patternblocking all in monochromatic black / white. 3. Tobias Vetter is a Berlin based tattoo artist who has his clinic like studio within Viktor Leske’s hair salon. His craftsmanship is inspired by architecture, contemporary art and photography and the minimal yet gloomy work is influenced by the late 19th century tattooing, traditional engravings and occult art. The Tobias Vetter design features his motives of an umbrella, a pipe, a knife, a bottle and a bell to mention a few. The background motive is inspired by the traditional Javanese Alasalasan pattern which has been transfered into veins. Veins act as tree of life of humans where the blood runs through and is closely connected to tattoo art 20th anniversary collaboration collection with tattoo artist Tobias Vetter and hair stylist Viktor Leske. Viktor Leske is a Berlin based hair stylist who is known for his arty, creative approach in hair styling which attracts the most exciting and energetic crowd of Berlin and its visitors. His name became famous even outside of Germany with international celebrities dropping by whenever they are in town. 4. The Viktor Leske Design features a comb and a vintage hair scissor which are positioned like a „V“ for Viktor. Both designs were drawn by the tattoo artist Tobias Vetter. The third motive is Viktor Leske’s logo. All three pattern are positioned in a row and create a symmetrical „V“ all-over pattern. The background motive is the traditional Javanese court pattern called „Grinsing“ which means = no illness. It was used to protect children against illnesses and symbolizes the fish skin. 5. Morphosys describes a process of change which creates something new with- out loosing its roots in the original DNA. The roots of our Batik collection is originated in the Javanese culture and the dress codes of the royal court. From here we developed it further into a con- temporary modern interpretation of fashion, while our new collection will trans- form it into a futuristic idea about what Batik could stand for.
  • 20. 20 The Morphosys collection will be devided into three parts which describe the different aspects of the collection and its morphosis from the past and present into the future. We use non geomeric, moving pattern based on traditional Javanese Batik motives with a modern approach: - Mega Mendung - Wadasan - Grinsing wave 6. POPULO Batik x Star Wars collection, the designs are inspired by the Jedi and Darth Vader characters. These two characters are the most influential ones, representing the Good and the Bad – the Yin and the Yang – the White and the Black, which has been translated into a matching monochromatic color concept. The Batik patterns used have their own philosophy and meanings, such as: Batik Grinsing, Batik Truntum. We decided to combine these patterns with the Star Wars iconic characters into a fashion collection which merges traditional ideas with futuristic sci-fi aspects. ‘Gringsing’ originated from the word ‘Gering’ which means sick and ‘Sing’ which means not. So Gringsing means not sick or against illness. This pattern is believed to be able to cure illnesses. II. VENDOR SELECTION There are three important things that should be considered first when searching for vendors, which are style, the prospect of the business and the price. The merchandiser could not be too flexible with wht will they choose, it must fulfill the needs and wants of the company also. Each of every element should be fulfill and match with each other. Like not only good style but it must also match with the pricing strategy of POPULO Batik and the vendor should also have good business prospect The style should match with what POPULO Batik has set all this time. The style should match with the collection that already available in the website and also it is better if it match with the products that has good selling in POPULO Batik The second one is the business’ prospect. It shold have good growth and business development. The vendor should be at least after three months, it still be able to give stock to POPULO Batik for the next collection. The merchandiser should avoid businesses that slowmoving. It could also keep the image of POPULO Batik because it is for premium market so the vendor should have good business development also and keep define which products are having good selling and it could also be defined from size, color and others. There are two kind of brand that merchandiser gathered, which are the Brand Anchor and the regular brand. Brand anchor provides products in a range above Rp. 1.500.000, whicle the regular brand is around Rp.300.000 until Rp.1.500.000. Brand anchor’s selling is quiet slow but could give good image to Bobobobo by only provide it in the brand and product choices. For the regular brand, it is the revenue driven and it runs in quiet big quantity and fast selling also. And then the last is pricing. The price range of vendor that the merchandiser search for should match with what’s already available in the stock of POPULO Batik. The pricing strategy should match with POPULO Batik target market which is the premium social class. III. PRODUCTION The production process in POPULO Batik is more into the photoshoot process. At first, the sample of the product will be arrived into the office from the vendor directly or from POPULO BATIK’s warehouse, for photoshoot. And then all of the sample are prepared for the photoshoot from the linesheet checking, quality control, steaming and many others. For the photoshoot scheduling, it couldn’t be right away arranged, but it should wait for the quantity. For women and men which called Fashion section, the quantity should be maximum of 70 products for one photoshoot. For products, the quantity should be maximum of 50 products for one photoshoot.
  • 21. 21 During the preparation of the product, the stylist will arrange for hiring the model and make up artist for Fashion photoshoot. The stylist should always be prepared with the styling reference for both Fashion and Product photoshoot, from moodboard until the complement materials. The makeup artist should also be prepared for the styling of the make up based on the standard that POPULO Batik’s creative director have been set. The photographer shold also prepare for the camera, lighting, and other photography element. And other than those photographer preparation, the photographer should also prepare for the photoshoot exercises for lighting test and others. Other than Fashion and Product photoshoot, Bobobobo also have Inspiration photoshoot like for now, there’s Wonder Moms. For inspiration photoshoot, the creative director should first prepare for the script and moodboard. The stylist should make another moodboard based on the theme that has been prepared by the creative director, and find clothes and other material for photoshoot complement to be borrowed either directly from the vendor or from POPULO Batik’s warehouse. After the photoshoot, the products will have another quality control, and if there’s any damage it will consult to the merchandiser and will find solution, and if there’s any stain in the clothes, it will go to the laundry first before giving it back to the vendor or to POPULO Batiks warehouse. After the photoshoot, files are compiled by brands and then by articles. And then, photos will be edited by digital imaging artist for retouching, cropping into form that has been set, and many others. When it finished, the files will be check first by senior digital imaging artist, and then wait for the approval of the creative director. After approved, files will be sent to editorial team and ready to be uploaded. IV. QUALITY CONTROL The quality control of products that are provided in POPULO Batik is quet strict. Every stock that comes to the warehouse should be check if there’s damage or stain in the product. And if there’s stain or damage in the product it should be return to the vendor and the vendor should take care of it before proceed to the next phase. If the placement of the stock is in the vendor’s warehouse itself, the representative for quality control still should have come to the vendor’s warehouse for quality control and make sure the vendor give its best. Other than that, quality control happens to the production process also. When the products arrived to the office the product should be checked and if there’s damage or stain in the product, it should be noted that it is already there even since the product just came to the office so it is not the employees’ fault to the stain or to the damage of the product. After the photoshoot the product will be checked again. And if there’s stain on the product after photoshoot, the product should go to the laundry first before it returned to the vendor or to the warehouse. And even after it came back from the laundry, it still should be checked and if there are still stain on the product it should be re-washed. And if there’s damage after the photoshoot, the merchandiser should have any kind of deal with the vendor on how to take care of the damaged-product.
  • 23. 23 I. PROMOTION STRATEGY Promotion is the use of advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, direct mail, trade fairs, sponsorship and public relations to inform consumers and persuade the market to buy the product. Promotion is very beneficial to inform and persuade the market to know a brand better and even to buy the product. At first, promotional strategy should be planned before went to the field directly. For POPULO Batik itself, main promotion strategy used is Pull Promotion Strategy. Pull pro- motion strategy is where the business make any encouragement, persuading and motivating the customer so that the customer are attracted to the product, buy, and even subscribing the business services. Currently, Push Promotion Strategy is not an option for POPULO Batik where the business take the product directly to the customer, encourage, persuade and moti- vate the customer directly and make sure the market knows the business well at point of pur- chase. However, POPULO Batik once have push promotion strategy where it has its own booth in the event. II. PROMOTION OBJECTIVES Promotional strategy will be planned more effectively if the promotion objectives have been set specifically so that the promotion activities could be held based on the target and so it would be easier for the business to achieve goals that has been set. Mainly for the branding, the objectives is still to create brand image of POPULO Batik as it targetted, not only brand awareness which is fine because it already reach the niche market that POPULO Batik has set. Other than that, for the advertisement, the objective is more focused to the selling like it di- rectly show the product that are available in the website and its price, especially when there are promo. III. PROMOTION BUDGET For POPULO Batik’s promotion budget, it already set by the officer. Promotion budget is separated with others so that it could be more managed and organized. The promotion budget set by POPULO Batik is not by the percentage of the sales but it is already planned. The promotion budget could not be exceed the limit. The marketing team should be able to take the promotion budget as wise as possible that could reach the promotion objectives even with the only budget that already set by the company. IV. PROMOTION ACTIVITIES Promotion activities followed by POPULO Batik is not that much. First is advertisement which is the common promotional strategy used by POPULO Batik.. Other than that, BPOPULO Batik usually follow exhibition by opening booth in mall or trunk show. In that booth there’s also personal selling where there are sales assistant that should inform the market about POPULO Batik and even persuade them to buy the products and even until subscribing the newsletter. Direct main also commonly used by POPULO Batik.
  • 25. 25 I. SALES FORCE STRUCTURE AND SIZE There’s no specific agent like convection and others because POPULO Batik is mainly BTC or Business To Customer directly. The products provided by POPULO Batik are directly bought by the customer individ- ually. But then. II. SELLING PROCESS Merchandiser and the vendor should always have meeting regularly with period that has been set by deal from the merchandiser and the vendor’s representative. Merchandiser shold be able to explain the image of POPULO Batik at its best through attractive presentation in the meeting session, especially when the merchandiser have meeting with new vendor. POPULO Batik also has high standar of visual presentation of the products and others in the website. The style of the website’s design, and the photos of the products should be the same or at least still in the same range. The product’s photos and the design and style of the website and others elements like advertisement should be really clean and neat to show exclusiveness. III. NEGOTIATION OF TERM AND CONDITION For negotiation of terms and conditions that POPULO Batik offer to the vendor, there’s no complicated requirement. For terms and conditions POPULO Batik usually flexible. POPULO Batik should be flexible about the terms and conditions because some and/or most of the vendor are still start up local business because POPULO Batik wants to help local business to grow too. For bigger-sized company, usually POPULO Batik be flexible too but not as flexible as to the start up businesses because the brand itself usually already have their own terms and conditions. In the meeting, the vendor’s representative will have negotiation of the terms and conditions with POPULO Batik s merchandiser and targetting to win-win solution. IV. COSTUMER SERVICE Customer service is really important for e-commerce businesses. There’s customer service in the office. On weekdays, the customer service will be available from 9am until 6pm. The customer service mainly work with calls in which there’s still customers that contact POPULO Batik through phone call. Other than that, POPULO Batik ’s customer service could also be reached through email with the active period is the same as call center customer service. Besides email and call center, POPULO Batik could be reach also through social media. The social media officer should be able to answer some proper questions through social media anytime as soon as possible.
  • 27. 27 I. RECOMMENDATION Based on my experience at the POPULO Batik, there are some of my recommendations for POPULO Batik. The first is the brand itself. From what I see is not so much the development starting from the style of clothing that is not so follow the fashion trend, but nowadays fashion and trend are the pillars of a clothing brand. If you do not follow fashion and trends can be ascertained then the brand will not last long. And the second is about how they promote their own brand. Although the target market of POPULO Batik is middle to high but now everyone uses social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Then take advantage of social media because they are one of the ads do not pay at all, just how do you use social media and play with it. Once you master the social media then you will master your target market, and your brand will never die. II. CONCLUSION Internship is a job training that provided by company to help student to learn the working world. Interns may be college or university students, high school students, or post-graduate adults. These positions may be paid or unpaid and are usually temporary. For these internship course it’s really efective, and althought everything has been explained at the college or by my supervisor, I learn a lot more when I actually experienced myself. And it was a thrilling experience. I enjoy every and each of my internship day, no matter how it was tiring. But I learn a lot of thing about the retail world more. I have learned about stocking items, visual merchandising, store manager, retail policy, etc. I am in Populo Batik Be Part Merchandiser, the office environment is more relaxed compared to the office building. Although many tasks and gain new experiences made me had difficulties but I am happy to be an intern at Populo Batik Overall having this internship is really effective and helping a lot for student to learn more about the fashion industry. Learning in person and experience it ourself is more effective rather than learning theory all the time. Working at POPULO Batik giving me a lot of new things to learn and Im more exicted to learn much more.
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