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Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
Customer Complaints
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
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Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
Few of us like to receive complaints from customers. We
much prefer to receive compliments. But compliments,
pleasant as they may be, are likely only to confirm the status
quo. They actually encourage us to rest on our laurels and
become complacent. Complaints, on the other hand, give us
chance to find out where we can do better. If we take them
the right way, they can actually help us to improve what we
do and, at the same time, score a customer care goal.
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
You cannot ignore any customer complaint whoever it is
from. An untreated complaint is like an untreated wound: it
festers and gets worse.
There are two ways to respond to complaints, negatively
and positively.
The negative reaction to customer complaints is
characterised by feelings such as...
1. Indignation: "How dare they criticise...?"
2. Fault-finding: "It's probably their fault, anyway."
3. Defensiveness: "Why get at me?"
The positive reaction on the other hand removes the
emotion and sees a complaint as a golden opportunity...
1. "I'm glad they care enough to tell me."
2. "It's a chance to find out what we're doing wrong."
3. "It's a free marketing service for us."
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
Complaints about your products and services are not just
important to find out how you're doing; they should be
positively welcomed. When there are no complaints then
something must be wrong.
1. Surveys show that only 4% of dissatisfied customers
actually complain. So each complaint is really 25!
2. Surveys also show that a dissatisfied customer who
doesn't complain, and so doesn't give us the chance to
put things right, will go and tell an average of 10 others
how bad our service is.
A complaint is an opportunity. Most people who complain
want to give you another chance. It's as if they were saying:
"I know you got it wrong this time but perhaps you can do
better next time." The resigned shrug and walk away says
"You got it wrong and you won't get another chance."
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
The majority of dissatisfied customers don't let you know
how they feel about a poor service or a disappointed
product. That means that the ones who do complain are
likely to be feeling very aggrieved.
For many complainers, the issue may be relatively minor.
What drives the grievance is the customer's fear that you
won't treat it seriously and that it won't be put right. They
may also feel aggrieved at the sense of injustice of paying
for something that isn't up to scratch and their anger at
losing power and control.
There are four things a customer complainer wants...
1. to express their anger
2. to know who has authority
3. to not be ignored
4. to have their problem resolved.
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
When you have a complaint to resolve, it is important to
look forward to a solution rather than back to the poor
service. Follow these do's and don'ts...
Do let them blow off steam.
Do take them somewhere away from other customers.
Do apologise at once.
Do tell them you have the authority to deal with the matter
(assuming you do!).
Do promise to fix things quickly.
Don't ignore them.
Don't argue.
Don't look for excuses.
Don't debate who said what, when and to whom.
Don't grovel.
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
There are always three options when you deal with a
customer complaint. If you remain calm and don't react, you
will be able to make the best choice.
1. the aggressive response. We can react aggressively to
customer complaints in various directions. We can direct
our anger at the customer, which is unwise, or seek to
blame someone else: suppliers, production, delivery people,
quality inspectors. The list is endless.
2. the submissive response. We can react submissively to
customer complaints by apologising profusely and offering
them anything as recompense.
3. the assertive response. The assertive response is the only
response that seeks to put matters right. It is not about
finding someone to blame, nor about offering sweeteners. It
is about finding a way to solve the problem. Assertive
people deal with a complaint in a confident way and remain
calm and focused.
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
The mnemonic LASAGNE guides us through the seven steps
of how to deal successfully with a customer complaint; not
just to resolve it, but to use it as an opportunity to score a
customer care goal.
The seven steps are...
1. L for Listen. Only by listening can you find out what the
problem is.
2. A for Acknowledging their Importance. You need to let
them know that you are treating the complaint seriously.
3. S for showing them you understand.
4. A for Accepting the Problem as a joint problem.
5. G for Getting an Answer that meets their needs and puts
things right.
6. N for Now for Something Extra which is finding
something to do for them that they don't expect.
7. E for Enquiring how the customer now feels.
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
Listening is the first, last and ever-present mode when you
deal with customer complaints.
1. Listening provides information, facts and figures.
2. Listening tells you how bad they feel and how their
feelings change.
3. Listening tells you whether it's the problem that's upset
them or the way the problem was handled.
4. Listening helps you discover what may be acceptable
solutions to them.
When you listen, you encourage customers to do most of
the talking. In this way, not only do you hear what they're
saying but so do they. It's often only the thought that you're
not listening that makes complainers become angry and
frustrated. When they hear themselves, they often re-assess
their extreme positions and take a more realistic position.
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
Listening is not really listening in the following instances...
1. Glassy-eyed listening, when you lose touch with what
they're saying and your eyes glaze over
2. On-off listening that comes and goes
3. Hubbub listening, when you're really more interested in
what's going on in another part of the room
4. Fact listening, when you're on the look-out for facts
which you can dispute
5. Nice-people-only listening: when you decide "you're
nice, I'll listen to you"
6. Hurry-up-and-finish-listening, so that I can say my piece
7. I've-lost-you listening, when you really haven't got a
clue what they're talking about.
Remember, people can tell when you're not really listening.
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
Listening works when you use the following kinds of
1. Attentive listening, when you stop what you're doing
and pay attention
2. Right-to-the-end listening, when you suspend judgment
until they've finished speaking
3. Blocked-out listening, when you put both external and
internal distractions out of your mind
4. Feeling listening, when you listen for how people feel as
well as what they say
5. I-respect-you listening, when your listening is a way of
saying "you matter, you care"
6. I'm-with-you listening, when you show them with nods,
smiles, eye contact and note-taking that you are really
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
Most people who complain do so feeling defensive. They
believe they will have an uphill struggle to obtain justice or
make their point or be treated seriously. When they
complain to big organisations, they may see themselves in
the role of David fighting Goliath.
Letting people know at an early point in handling their
complaint that they are important is a key way to defuse
their defensiveness and anger. It is sometimes a good idea
to tell them clearly...
"It's important that we sort this out..."
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
When you let complainers know that you're on their side,
most of their fear and their feeling of being in the wrong
disappears. Not only do they no longer have to prove a
point, but they also have an ally.
Such is the relief when you show them they're right, that
many complainers will actually accept solutions that may
put them out or require a bit of extra work. What matters is
that you listened and understood.
"The next time you face a customer who has every right to
be upset, say something like this: "I don't blame you for
feeling as you do. If I were you, I'd feel exactly the same
way. What would you like me to do?" These are magical
healing words and you'll be surprised at how reasonable
people become when they believe you're on their side." (H.
Jackson Brown)
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
The sweetest sound in all the world is the sound of your
name. Using a person's name in an exchange with a
complainer immediately builds rapport, but it has to be used
with care...
1. If you don't know their name find out in subtle ways
rather than blunt ways and adding to their feeling of
2. Use the name the person wants to hear.
3. In hospitals where nurses use Christian names or
familiar names, for patients they have only just met, the
effect can often be patronising, even offensive.
4. A person's name is precious to them; don't debase it
with over-use.
5. Use a person's name with respect.
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
When you have listened to a person's complaint, it is
important for you to check back with them that you
understand what the real problem is.
This does four things...
1. it allows you to get a clear view of what needs to be
2. it reflects back to them what they are asking for. When
this is done without the emotion of defensiveness and
grievance, the problem sometimes seems much less
3. it lets them see that someone is taking them seriously.
4. it gives you time to think.
Don't argue; don't ignore anything they say; don't just say "I
see" or "I know" or just nod, but voice back their concerns.
Don't belittle anything they are upset about. To you it may
be 1 complaint in 100; to them it is 100%.
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
Except in a very small number of cases, when it isn't really
worth the loss of goodwill to object, the customer is always
This is because service and what you offer is about
perception not some objective reality. If the customer thinks
they were badly treated, whether the facts bear this out or
not, then as far as you are concerned they were badly
"In this business, we have two rules:
Rule 1: The customer is always right.
Rule 2: When the customer is wrong, re-read rule 1".
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
Accepting a complainer's problem means joining with the
customer to find a solution that you're both happy with.
This does not mean taking responsibility for the problem.
After all, the customer may have misread your clear
instructions, or misused the product, or expected too much
of your service. What it does mean is taking responsibility
for action to put things right.
It helps to use phrases that indicate joint ownership:
• "I'm sure we'll find a solution."
• "What do you think we should do?"
• "Do you see any other possibilities that I haven't thought
You can reinforce joint ownership for a solution by physically
moving to the side of the customer instead of remaining in
an opposite confrontational position.
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
In all surveys that are conducted into why customers are
dissatisfied, complain or change their business, the main
reason given is poor service.
The following survey investigated the reasons why various
customers stopped using a service and didn't return...
1% died
3% moved away
4% said they were naturally floaters
5% changed on friends' advice
9% found a cheaper alternative
10% were chronic complainers
68% didn't like the indifferent service of the supplier.
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
How you solve customer problems is the true test of your
customer carer's mettle.
1. Avoid passing the buck. Aim to take responsibility and
deal with the problem yourself.
2. Don't blame others in the organisation. Concentrate not
on what went wrong but on what you can do to fix
3. Be aware of procedures and precedents for similar
4. Be quick. 95% of customers will come back if you solve a
problem quickly.
5. Break a few rules if it's the best way to delight the
customer. Not many customers like to be told that
something simple can't be done because of the rules.
"Spontaneous, creative rule-breaking can turn a potentially
frustrated or angry customer into a satisfied one." (David
Bown and Edward Lawler)
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
If we are not careful, there is a point in our handling of a
customer complaint when what appeared to be the sincere
personal touch stops working and becomes the fake
impersonal touch. This is when the customer sees through
any attempt you make to put him or her second to your
A survey conducted into how customers reacted to being
kept waiting on the phone discovered that most people are
pleased to receive the first apology along the lines of "I'm
sorry to keep you waiting". Most people are pleased to
receive the second apology. Most people accept the third
apology although their patience may be running thin. After
the third apology, most people find the value of any more
apologies worthless and counter-productive.
This is an example of how high tech (the pre-programmed
phone apology) destroys the intention of high touch.
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
Once you have solved a problem to the satisfaction of the
customer, it isn't the end of the story. You need to think
about recompensing the customer for their time and
trouble in bringing the complaint to you and additionally, for
giving you vital information about gaps in your service.
Doing something extra is the way to do it. These extras
1. Carrying our a free check of other equipment eg an
electrician called out for an electrical fault could check
the fuses.
2. Following-up with a non-selling thank-you note or
phone call.
3. Sending useful information or instructions.
4. Giving them your personal card.
5. Arranging special deliveries.
6. Giving a helping hand.
Extras should be simple and cost nothing but your time and
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
This letter is left with cars after a service at a garage that has
an outstanding record of customer care.
Dear Customer,
My name is Joe and I have just completed the work on your
car. The results and details of the servicing are on a separate
I hope you are happy with all aspects of my workmanship.
Should there be any points that you wish to discuss, please
ring our Service Reception and they will get in touch with
me. Don't be afraid to mention anything you don't
understand or are unsure about. I can guarantee that we
will explain things to you in simple layman's terms.
Our company's success depends on satisfying our customers
and reassuring them of our friendly service at all times.
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
The last thing you should do in dealing with a customer
complaint successfully is to check how the customer now
feels about your service.
In face-to-face situations, this can be a simple final
"Is there anything else we can do?"
On the phone it might run like this...
"I'd like to ensure our service is everything you're expecting.
Can you tell us what aspects of our service you like and
dislike and where we can improve our service to you?“
The exchange with a customer complainer should end on a
simple as well as successful note so that they believe that
this is part of your normal service.
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
Saying goodbye to a satisfied customer complainer isn't the
final step in the process of handling customer complaints.
The final step is to learn from it and make sure it doesn't
happen again.
Whatever your role or position in the organisation, there is
always something you can do to learn from a complaint. For
example, you could...
1. refer issues to those who need to know, such as
management or your technical team
2. put forward suggestions yourself if you have a
suggestion scheme
3. learn from it personally and build in good customer-
serving habits into what you do.
That way, a complaint really will be worthwhile.
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
Customer Complaints
Customer Care
MTL Course Topics
This has been a Slide Topic from Manage Train Learn

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Customer Complaints

  • 1. 1 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics Customer Complaints CUSTOMER CARE
  • 2. 2 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics The Course Topics series from Manage Train Learn is a large collection of topics that will help you as a learner to quickly and easily master a range of skills in your everyday working life and life outside work. If you are a trainer, they are perfect for adding to your classroom courses and online learning plans. COURSE TOPICS FROM MTL The written content in this Slide Topic belongs exclusively to Manage Train Learn and may only be reprinted either by attribution to Manage Train Learn or with the express written permission of Manage Train Learn. They are designed as a series of numbered slides. As with all programmes on Slide Topics, these slides are fully editable and can be used in your own programmes, royalty-free. Your only limitation is that you may not re-publish or sell these slides as your own. Copyright Manage Train Learn 2020 onwards. Attribution: All images are from sources which do not require attribution and may be used for commercial uses. Sources include pixabay, unsplash, and freepik. These images may also be those which are in the public domain, out of copyright, for fair use, or allowed under a Creative Commons license.
  • 3. 3 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics ARE YOU READY? OK, LET’S START!
  • 4. 4 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics INTRODUCTION Few of us like to receive complaints from customers. We much prefer to receive compliments. But compliments, pleasant as they may be, are likely only to confirm the status quo. They actually encourage us to rest on our laurels and become complacent. Complaints, on the other hand, give us chance to find out where we can do better. If we take them the right way, they can actually help us to improve what we do and, at the same time, score a customer care goal.
  • 5. 5 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics THE VALUE OF COMPLAINTS You cannot ignore any customer complaint whoever it is from. An untreated complaint is like an untreated wound: it festers and gets worse. There are two ways to respond to complaints, negatively and positively. The negative reaction to customer complaints is characterised by feelings such as... 1. Indignation: "How dare they criticise...?" 2. Fault-finding: "It's probably their fault, anyway." 3. Defensiveness: "Why get at me?" The positive reaction on the other hand removes the emotion and sees a complaint as a golden opportunity... 1. "I'm glad they care enough to tell me." 2. "It's a chance to find out what we're doing wrong." 3. "It's a free marketing service for us."
  • 6. 6 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics WE NEED COMPLAINTS Complaints about your products and services are not just important to find out how you're doing; they should be positively welcomed. When there are no complaints then something must be wrong. 1. Surveys show that only 4% of dissatisfied customers actually complain. So each complaint is really 25! 2. Surveys also show that a dissatisfied customer who doesn't complain, and so doesn't give us the chance to put things right, will go and tell an average of 10 others how bad our service is. A complaint is an opportunity. Most people who complain want to give you another chance. It's as if they were saying: "I know you got it wrong this time but perhaps you can do better next time." The resigned shrug and walk away says "You got it wrong and you won't get another chance."
  • 7. 7 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics WHAT COMPLAINERS WANT The majority of dissatisfied customers don't let you know how they feel about a poor service or a disappointed product. That means that the ones who do complain are likely to be feeling very aggrieved. For many complainers, the issue may be relatively minor. What drives the grievance is the customer's fear that you won't treat it seriously and that it won't be put right. They may also feel aggrieved at the sense of injustice of paying for something that isn't up to scratch and their anger at losing power and control. There are four things a customer complainer wants... 1. to express their anger 2. to know who has authority 3. to not be ignored 4. to have their problem resolved.
  • 8. 8 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics DO'S AND DON'TS When you have a complaint to resolve, it is important to look forward to a solution rather than back to the poor service. Follow these do's and don'ts... Do’s Do let them blow off steam. Do take them somewhere away from other customers. Do apologise at once. Do tell them you have the authority to deal with the matter (assuming you do!). Do promise to fix things quickly. Don’t’s Don't ignore them. Don't argue. Don't look for excuses. Don't debate who said what, when and to whom. Don't grovel.
  • 9. 9 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics BEING ASSERTIVE There are always three options when you deal with a customer complaint. If you remain calm and don't react, you will be able to make the best choice. 1. the aggressive response. We can react aggressively to customer complaints in various directions. We can direct our anger at the customer, which is unwise, or seek to blame someone else: suppliers, production, delivery people, quality inspectors. The list is endless. 2. the submissive response. We can react submissively to customer complaints by apologising profusely and offering them anything as recompense. 3. the assertive response. The assertive response is the only response that seeks to put matters right. It is not about finding someone to blame, nor about offering sweeteners. It is about finding a way to solve the problem. Assertive people deal with a complaint in a confident way and remain calm and focused.
  • 10. 10 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics HOW TO RESOLVE A COMPLAINT The mnemonic LASAGNE guides us through the seven steps of how to deal successfully with a customer complaint; not just to resolve it, but to use it as an opportunity to score a customer care goal. The seven steps are... 1. L for Listen. Only by listening can you find out what the problem is. 2. A for Acknowledging their Importance. You need to let them know that you are treating the complaint seriously. 3. S for showing them you understand. 4. A for Accepting the Problem as a joint problem. 5. G for Getting an Answer that meets their needs and puts things right. 6. N for Now for Something Extra which is finding something to do for them that they don't expect. 7. E for Enquiring how the customer now feels.
  • 11. 11 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics L FOR LISTEN TO THEM Listening is the first, last and ever-present mode when you deal with customer complaints. 1. Listening provides information, facts and figures. 2. Listening tells you how bad they feel and how their feelings change. 3. Listening tells you whether it's the problem that's upset them or the way the problem was handled. 4. Listening helps you discover what may be acceptable solutions to them. When you listen, you encourage customers to do most of the talking. In this way, not only do you hear what they're saying but so do they. It's often only the thought that you're not listening that makes complainers become angry and frustrated. When they hear themselves, they often re-assess their extreme positions and take a more realistic position.
  • 12. 12 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics THE WRONG WAY TO LISTEN Listening is not really listening in the following instances... 1. Glassy-eyed listening, when you lose touch with what they're saying and your eyes glaze over 2. On-off listening that comes and goes 3. Hubbub listening, when you're really more interested in what's going on in another part of the room 4. Fact listening, when you're on the look-out for facts which you can dispute 5. Nice-people-only listening: when you decide "you're nice, I'll listen to you" 6. Hurry-up-and-finish-listening, so that I can say my piece 7. I've-lost-you listening, when you really haven't got a clue what they're talking about. Remember, people can tell when you're not really listening.
  • 13. 13 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics THE RIGHT WAY TO LISTEN Listening works when you use the following kinds of listening... 1. Attentive listening, when you stop what you're doing and pay attention 2. Right-to-the-end listening, when you suspend judgment until they've finished speaking 3. Blocked-out listening, when you put both external and internal distractions out of your mind 4. Feeling listening, when you listen for how people feel as well as what they say 5. I-respect-you listening, when your listening is a way of saying "you matter, you care" 6. I'm-with-you listening, when you show them with nods, smiles, eye contact and note-taking that you are really listening.
  • 14. 14 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics A FOR ACKNOWLEDGE THEIR IMPORTANCE Most people who complain do so feeling defensive. They believe they will have an uphill struggle to obtain justice or make their point or be treated seriously. When they complain to big organisations, they may see themselves in the role of David fighting Goliath. Letting people know at an early point in handling their complaint that they are important is a key way to defuse their defensiveness and anger. It is sometimes a good idea to tell them clearly... "It's important that we sort this out..."
  • 15. 15 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics WE'RE ON YOUR SIDE When you let complainers know that you're on their side, most of their fear and their feeling of being in the wrong disappears. Not only do they no longer have to prove a point, but they also have an ally. Such is the relief when you show them they're right, that many complainers will actually accept solutions that may put them out or require a bit of extra work. What matters is that you listened and understood. "The next time you face a customer who has every right to be upset, say something like this: "I don't blame you for feeling as you do. If I were you, I'd feel exactly the same way. What would you like me to do?" These are magical healing words and you'll be surprised at how reasonable people become when they believe you're on their side." (H. Jackson Brown)
  • 16. 16 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics THE SWEETEST SOUND The sweetest sound in all the world is the sound of your name. Using a person's name in an exchange with a complainer immediately builds rapport, but it has to be used with care... 1. If you don't know their name find out in subtle ways rather than blunt ways and adding to their feeling of grievance. 2. Use the name the person wants to hear. 3. In hospitals where nurses use Christian names or familiar names, for patients they have only just met, the effect can often be patronising, even offensive. 4. A person's name is precious to them; don't debase it with over-use. 5. Use a person's name with respect.
  • 17. 17 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics S FOR SHOW YOU UNDERSTAND When you have listened to a person's complaint, it is important for you to check back with them that you understand what the real problem is. This does four things... 1. it allows you to get a clear view of what needs to be done. 2. it reflects back to them what they are asking for. When this is done without the emotion of defensiveness and grievance, the problem sometimes seems much less difficult. 3. it lets them see that someone is taking them seriously. 4. it gives you time to think. Don't argue; don't ignore anything they say; don't just say "I see" or "I know" or just nod, but voice back their concerns. Don't belittle anything they are upset about. To you it may be 1 complaint in 100; to them it is 100%.
  • 18. 18 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics THE CUSTOMER IS RIGHT Except in a very small number of cases, when it isn't really worth the loss of goodwill to object, the customer is always right. This is because service and what you offer is about perception not some objective reality. If the customer thinks they were badly treated, whether the facts bear this out or not, then as far as you are concerned they were badly treated. "In this business, we have two rules: Rule 1: The customer is always right. Rule 2: When the customer is wrong, re-read rule 1".
  • 19. 19 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics A FOR ACCEPT THE PROBLEM Accepting a complainer's problem means joining with the customer to find a solution that you're both happy with. This does not mean taking responsibility for the problem. After all, the customer may have misread your clear instructions, or misused the product, or expected too much of your service. What it does mean is taking responsibility for action to put things right. It helps to use phrases that indicate joint ownership: • "I'm sure we'll find a solution." • "What do you think we should do?" • "Do you see any other possibilities that I haven't thought about?" You can reinforce joint ownership for a solution by physically moving to the side of the customer instead of remaining in an opposite confrontational position.
  • 20. 20 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics LOSING CUSTOMERS In all surveys that are conducted into why customers are dissatisfied, complain or change their business, the main reason given is poor service. The following survey investigated the reasons why various customers stopped using a service and didn't return... 1% died 3% moved away 4% said they were naturally floaters 5% changed on friends' advice 9% found a cheaper alternative 10% were chronic complainers 68% didn't like the indifferent service of the supplier.
  • 21. 21 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics G FOR GET AN ANSWER How you solve customer problems is the true test of your customer carer's mettle. 1. Avoid passing the buck. Aim to take responsibility and deal with the problem yourself. 2. Don't blame others in the organisation. Concentrate not on what went wrong but on what you can do to fix things. 3. Be aware of procedures and precedents for similar problems. 4. Be quick. 95% of customers will come back if you solve a problem quickly. 5. Break a few rules if it's the best way to delight the customer. Not many customers like to be told that something simple can't be done because of the rules. "Spontaneous, creative rule-breaking can turn a potentially frustrated or angry customer into a satisfied one." (David Bown and Edward Lawler)
  • 22. 22 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics WAITING TIME If we are not careful, there is a point in our handling of a customer complaint when what appeared to be the sincere personal touch stops working and becomes the fake impersonal touch. This is when the customer sees through any attempt you make to put him or her second to your systems. A survey conducted into how customers reacted to being kept waiting on the phone discovered that most people are pleased to receive the first apology along the lines of "I'm sorry to keep you waiting". Most people are pleased to receive the second apology. Most people accept the third apology although their patience may be running thin. After the third apology, most people find the value of any more apologies worthless and counter-productive. This is an example of how high tech (the pre-programmed phone apology) destroys the intention of high touch.
  • 23. 23 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics N FOR NOW FOR AN EXTRA Once you have solved a problem to the satisfaction of the customer, it isn't the end of the story. You need to think about recompensing the customer for their time and trouble in bringing the complaint to you and additionally, for giving you vital information about gaps in your service. Doing something extra is the way to do it. These extras include... 1. Carrying our a free check of other equipment eg an electrician called out for an electrical fault could check the fuses. 2. Following-up with a non-selling thank-you note or phone call. 3. Sending useful information or instructions. 4. Giving them your personal card. 5. Arranging special deliveries. 6. Giving a helping hand. Extras should be simple and cost nothing but your time and attention.
  • 24. 24 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics MY NAME IS JOE... This letter is left with cars after a service at a garage that has an outstanding record of customer care. Dear Customer, My name is Joe and I have just completed the work on your car. The results and details of the servicing are on a separate sheet. I hope you are happy with all aspects of my workmanship. Should there be any points that you wish to discuss, please ring our Service Reception and they will get in touch with me. Don't be afraid to mention anything you don't understand or are unsure about. I can guarantee that we will explain things to you in simple layman's terms. Our company's success depends on satisfying our customers and reassuring them of our friendly service at all times.
  • 25. 25 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics E FOR ENQUIRE HOW YOU'RE DOING The last thing you should do in dealing with a customer complaint successfully is to check how the customer now feels about your service. In face-to-face situations, this can be a simple final question... "Is there anything else we can do?" On the phone it might run like this... "I'd like to ensure our service is everything you're expecting. Can you tell us what aspects of our service you like and dislike and where we can improve our service to you?“ The exchange with a customer complainer should end on a simple as well as successful note so that they believe that this is part of your normal service.
  • 26. 26 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics LEARN AND BUILD Saying goodbye to a satisfied customer complainer isn't the final step in the process of handling customer complaints. The final step is to learn from it and make sure it doesn't happen again. Whatever your role or position in the organisation, there is always something you can do to learn from a complaint. For example, you could... 1. refer issues to those who need to know, such as management or your technical team 2. put forward suggestions yourself if you have a suggestion scheme 3. learn from it personally and build in good customer- serving habits into what you do. That way, a complaint really will be worthwhile.
  • 27. 27 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics THAT’S IT! WELL DONE!
  • 28. 28 | Customer Complaints Customer Care MTL Course Topics THANK YOU This has been a Slide Topic from Manage Train Learn