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Pasuruan, 24 Februari 2021
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Available online at ScienceDirect
Procedia - Social and Behavioral
Sciences 186 ( 2015 ) 684 – 687
5th World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Educational Leadership,
WCLTA 2014
My Philosophy of Teaching Foreign Languages
aDepartment of business foreign language,Faculty of Linguistics and
Translation,University of Chelyabinsk,Chelyabinsk 454000, Russia
Virtualization and integration of the modern world community has caused
virtual intercultural interactions in foreign languages. In turn, new forms of
communication require innovative methods of teaching foreign languages.
The main argument of this need is the changing of the language. There are
new rules of etiquette, mental images of cultures and individuals, words to
the realities of the online world, practiced simultaneously oral and written
form of speech. This article focuses on the concept of teaching to
communicate in foreign languages based on reflective learning of the
students. The concept is a system with the aim, methodology, content,
technologies for learning and assessment of communicative and cultural
competence. The basis of my philosophy are approaches and methods of
learning foreign languages and cultures through intercultural interactions,
which will be considered in this article. The study focuses also on factors of
effective learning process and targets of the teachers for developing students´
language proficiency.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article
under the CC BY-NC-ND license © 2015 The Authors. Published by Els vier
(Peer-review under responsibility of Academic World Education and
Research Center.
Peer-review under responsibility of Academic World Education and Research
Keywords: Teaching a foreign language; personalized approach; communicative
approach; reflective methodologies.
1. Introduction
The methodology of teaching the learners to participate successfully in all
areas of communication in foreign languages is the central concept of the
pedagogical researches of recent years (Littlewood, 1981; Schuster, 1999;
Galskova, 2013). In different periods the needs of a foreign language
learning are depending on the social and political context. In modern
community’s integration the teaching and learning foreign languages are a
way of understanding diverse cultures, developing the experience of
intercultural interactions. The requirement to unify the world economy
inevitably involves erasing certain national features. This fact was noted in
the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity of UNESCO. It says that the
process of globalization, facilitated by the rapid
* Irina Bobykina. Tel.:+4-345-333-222.
E-mail address:
1877-0428 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of
Academic World Education and Research
Center doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.04.076
Irina Bobykina / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 186 ( 2015 ) 684 – 687
development of new communication technologies, representing a challenge
for cultural diversity (Universal Declaration, 2001). These socio-political
trends require changes of not only the goals and objectives of teaching, but
also of the most improved methods of teaching foreign languages.
Nowadays, e-learning has become a viable alternative to traditional
education methods because of the possibility of recreating a natural learning
environment based on individual needs. However, the key to success is the
correct creating linguistically and culturally rich environments that support
individual and collaborative learning, effective social interaction, active
engagement in learning and self motivation.
This study will explore the methodology of teaching students to
communicate effectively in a specialty context, which researchers refer to
special kinds of social interaction, as it carried out in the particular social
group thanks to the special knowledge and the codified set of rules. It will
also focus on approaches and methods of reflective learning and assessment
of language proficiency in e-learning environment.
2. Teaching approaches and methods
According to personal philosophy in teaching foreign languages and
cultures the following approaches and methods allows students at any level
to attain tangible results.
2.1. Personalized approach
• Understand the principles of learners development, their individually
physical, cognitive, emotional, social areas and learning profiles in order to
create a supportive learning environment that take into account individual
students’ needs.
All people are equal in their humanness but different by their physical and
cognitive potentialities and thus their learning abilities (Bespalko, 2008) that
influence on pace and quality of learning a foreign language. According to
the researchers a person´s cognitive style is programmed and is the most
effective way of the learning that based on the social style (Hatch, 1983). If
this fundamental fact is respected the learning process becomes effective. So
the teachers should respect individual differences of the students, take
personal interest in their optimal path to language mastery, implement
techniques to accommodate these differences to ensure learning
environments for each student. This teaching methodology focuses on the
student as a unique individual.
As a result of this study in Russian universities we identified different
needs to learn a foreign language by 450 students. Some are learning for their
job, others for pleasure or study abroad. Accordingly the teachers have to
take time to seek out information about their students’ needs and create
linguistically, culturally rich learning environments. Obviously, learning a
foreign language is motivated if teaching environment meets the real-life
needs of the students. Their motivation to learn comes from their desire to
communicate in meaningful in and beyond the classroom interactions that
reflects also curricular goals.
• Develop autonomous learners who can develop their skills independently.
The major goal is to promote students´ reflective learning which may be
defined as those affective and intellectual activities that lead to reflection on
all sources of knowledge and to exploring experiences as the basis of learning
in order to develop understanding and appreciation (Tomkins, 2009). Efficient
developing of learning strategies that are conducive to lifelong learning of
language appears when reflective learning methodology is integrated into
students´ own learning processes. Consequently, it is important to construct
the learner-centred classroom environments with maximal students´
involvement in the search for resources to improve personal and professional
skills, awareness of their own potential and the development of new attitudes
and values. This teaching approach promotes more meaningful student
learning (Colomer, Pallisera, Fullana, Burriel, Fernandez, 2013). The results
of the study in higher education indicate that reflective learning methodology
helps the students get knowledge of oneself, aware the language acquisition
and learning process, discover the target language and make it their own.
Thanks to the ability to reflect and analyze the results of assessments, students
know exactly what kind of progress they are making and what they must to
686 Irina Bobykina / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 186 ( 2015 ) 684
– 687
2.2.Communicative approach
• Teaching a language communicative suggests using the real life language
and materials, totally target language speaking environment, meaningful
interaction in situational contexts. If the teachers create spontaneous
classroom interaction as daily practice that integrate language, culture and
students´ interests, the students will be able to communicate successfully in
different contexts using the language as it is used in real life. In the real life,
language is always used in specific situations for particular purposes.
Spontaneous classroom interaction puts students in a situation where they
must use a foreign language, whether or not they know it. As M.S. Berns
reminds us, «a language is an interaction; it is interpersonal activity and has a
clear relationship with society. In this light, language study has to look at the
use (function) of language in context, both its linquistic context (what is
uttered before and after a given piece of discourse) and its social, or
situational, context (who is speaking, what their social roles are, why they
have come together to speak)» (Berns, 1984, p.5).
This communicative approach lets students attain their own
communications independence. In the meantime, the students cross major
barriers: psychological (confidence in oneself), listening (understanding the
message), cultural (interest in the foreign culture), linguistic (think directly
in the target language) (J.-C.Narcy, 1990).
• Recreate the natural environment of language learning: focusing on
building listening skills before the speaking and pronunciation by imitation
because each country has different pronunciation difficulties. It is obligatory
for teachers who want to provide opportunities in the classroom for their
students to attain rapidly long-lasting results over a minimum span of time.
The recreating of natural learning environment allows students to learn the
target language in the way in which they learn their native language. Thus,
they can develop their language proficiency sooner.
• Integrate the development of students´ language proficiency with cultural
learning. This method operates on the idea that language learning must be an
imitation of interaction in the global community of a new century, as this is
the natural way humans use the foreign language that reflects mentality and
lifestyle of people. According to this method, the teachers seek opportunities
for students to interact with target language speakers in a specific cultural
context. In recent years, e-learning based on networks has grown steadily in
popularity. Integration of modern world community causes virtual
intercultural communication in foreign languages. Teaching a foreign
language in terms of e-learning consists of a process of discovery a new world
through the language learning. Two interrelated factors: personal interest in
the subject and the maximum involvement of students in communicative
interactions are of great importance for the understanding the target culture
practices. The method of using dialogues helps students learn about the target
culture and comparisons to their own culture. Morever, making critical
questions about culture, various social categories encourages students to
develop critical reflection, a necessary skill in today´s global society.
Thanks to making meaningful questions in an enjoyable manner the
students communicate in the target language through listening, speaking,
reading, and writing in an integrated manner without translating their
thoughts from the native language. In this way they learn commonly used
vocabulary, grammatical structures, authentic models over a relatively short
period of teaching. By the way, skills are developed through action, but not
through discussion of the forms. The teachers´ goal is to implement a variety
of instructional models and web-based technology to support learning
environment by means of development of students´ strategies to understand
oral and written input and to interact with others, including the assessment of
learners ‘performance. In addition to this goal, the teachers assist students in
understanding and using various effective strategies for successful e-learning
environment in order to avoid stress and frustration. We know that online
interactions have such properties as distant, anonymity, situational
conditioning, stress factors and benefits which must be taken into account in
instructional design and implement of e-learning. In the role of a facilitator,
the teachers can use diverse reflective facilitation strategies to develop and
implement stress-reduced e-learning and thus promote participation in
conversations in (in)formal settings on topics related to practical needs and
areas of professional and/or scholarly in a foreign language. Through class
discussions, students explore various topics in the field of intercultural
interactions and develop critical understandings of cultural differences.
3. Conclusion
On the basis of foreign languages teaching experience in higher education
desribed in this article, we may
Irina Bobykina / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 186 ( 2015 ) 684 – 687
conclude that teaching a foreign language based on the reflective learning
methodology is efficient and appropriate for creating linguistically and
culturally rich e-learning environment. It helps learners become more aware
of the learning process, self-efficacy and diverse cultures. Indeed, to
communicate effectively in a specialty context is such a skill that is needed
for students in a new century. Further research is needed to determine the
effectiveness of elearning strategies in a wide range of specialty contexts.
We would like to thank the State University of Chelyabinsk for its support.
Berns, M. S. (1984). Functional approaches to language and language
teaching: Another look. In S. Savignon & M. S. Berns (Eds.), "Initiatives
in communicative language teaching. A book of readings" (pp. 3-21).
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Bespalko, V.P. (2008). Nature conformably pedagogy. Moscow: Education.
Colomer, J., Pallisera, M., Fullana, J., Burriel, M.P., Fernandez, R. (2013).
Reflective learning in higher education: A compaative analysis. Procedia –
Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, 364-370.
Evelio Elías Orellana, (2014). The Communicative Approach in English as a
Foreign Language Teaching, available at
communicative-approach.shtml#ixzz3J7xqodI9 Hatch, E. (1983).
Psycholinguistics. Rowley: Newbury House.
Littlewood, W. (1981). Language teaching. An introduction. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Narcy, J.-C. (1990). Apprendre une Langue Etrangere, Les Editions
d´Organisation. Paris.
Tomkins, A. (2009). „It was a great day when…”: An exploratory case study
of reflective learning through storytelling. Journal of Hospitality,
Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, 8, 123-131.
Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity of UNESCO, (2001).
Judul My Philosophy of Teaching Foreign
Pengarang Irina Bobykina
Nama Jurnal Journal of the Philosophy of Sport
Volume, Issue,
Tahun, Halaman
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 186 (2015)
684-687 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
Tujuan Penelitian Topik utama dari penelitian ini adalah konsep pengajaran
berkomunikasi dalam bahasa asing berdasarkan
pembelajaran reflektif siswa.
Metode Penelitian Mengeksplorasi pengajaran siswa untuk berkomunikasi
secara efektif dalam konteks khusus, yang peneliti
mengacu pada jenis khusus dari interaksi sosial.
Hasil dan
1) Menunjukkan bahwa metodologi pembelajaran reflektif
membantu siswa mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang diri
sendiri, menyadari pemerolehan bahasa dan proses
pembelajaran, menemukan bahasa target dan
menjadikannya bahasa mereka sendiri.
2) Mengajar bahasa komunikatif menyarankan
menggunakan bahasa dan materi kehidupan nyata,
lingkungan berbicara bahasa target sepenuhnya, interaksi
yang berarti dalam konteks situasional.
3) Menciptakan interaksi kelas secara spontan sebagai
praktik sehari-hari yang mengintegrasikan bahasa, budaya
dan minat siswa, siswa akan dapat berhasil berkomunikasi
dalam konteks yang berbeda menggunakan bahasa seperti
yang digunakan dalam kehidupan nyata.
4) Menciptakan kembali lingkungan belajar alami
memungkinkan siswa untuk mempelajari bahasa target
dengan cara mereka mempelajari bahasa asli mereka.
Kesimpulan Dasar filosofi saya adalah pendekatan dan metode
pembelajaran bahasa dan budaya asing melalui interaksi
antar budaya. Kunci sukses adalah benar menciptakan
lingkungan yang kaya bahasa dan budaya yang mendukung
pembelajaran individu dan kolaboratif, interaksi sosial
yang efektif, keterlibatan aktif dalam pembelajaran dan
motivasi diri.
Keunggulan Siswa akan dapat berhasil berkomunikasi dalam konteks
yang berbeda menggunakan bahasa seperti yang digunakan
dalam kehidupan nyata,
Kekurangan Menggunakan durasi waktu yang terlalu lama
Memerlukan banyak analisis
Jurnal diatas membahas serta mendekripsikan bahwa Dasar filosofi saya
adalah pendekatan dan metode pembelajaran bahasa dan budaya asing melalui
interaksi antar budaya. Namun, kunci sukses adalah benar menciptakan lingkungan
yang kaya bahasa dan budaya yang mendukung pembelajaran individu dan
kolaboratif, interaksi sosial yang efektif, keterlibatan aktif dalam pembelajaran dan
motivasi diri. Pengembangan strategi pembelajaran yang efisien yang kondusif untuk
pembelajaran bahasa seumur hidup muncul ketika metodologi pembelajaran reflektif
diintegrasikan ke dalam proses pembelajaran siswa sendiri.
Sebagai penulis saya menyadari bahwa masih banyak kekurangan di dalam
makalah ini. Untuk kedepannya penulis akan menjelaskan secara detail dari sumber
yang lebih banyak

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Review Jurnal My Philosophy of Teaching Foreign

  • 2. i KATA PENGANTAR Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan rahmat dan hidayah- Nya sehingga saya dapat menyelesaikan tugas makalah yang berjudul “Review Jurnal Internasional” ini tepat pada waktunya. Adapun tujuan dari penulisan dari makalah ini adalah untuk memenuhi tugas dari Bapak Dr. Made Pramono, M.Hum pada mata kuliah Filsafat dan Sejarah Olahraga. Selain itu, makalah ini juga bertujuan untuk menambah wawasan tentang review jurnal internasional bagi para pembaca dan penulis. Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Bapak Dr. Made Pramono, M.Hum selaku dosen mata kuliah Filsafat dan Sejarah Olahraga yang telah memberikan tugas ini sehingga dapat menambah pengetahuan dan wawasan sesuai dengan bidang studi yang saya tekuni. Saya juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah membagi sebagian pengetahuannya sehingga saya dapat menyelesaikan makalah ini. Saya menyadari makalah yang saya tulis ini masih jauh dari kata sempurna. Oleh karena itu, kritik dan saran yang membangun akan saya harapkan demi kesempurnaan makalah ini. Pasuruan, 24 Februari 2021 DEFI WULAN RACHMAWATI.
  • 3. ii DAFTAR ISI SAMPUL KATA PENGANTAR...............................................................................................i DAFTAR ISI.............................................................................................................ii BAB I.........................................................................................................................1 JURNAL....................................................................................................................1 BAB II........................................................................................................................7 REVIEW JURNAL..................................................................................................7 BAB III......................................................................................................................9 KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN ................................................................................9 DAFTAR PUSTAKA................................................................................................10
  • 4. 1 BAB I JURNAL Available online at ScienceDirect Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 186 ( 2015 ) 684 – 687 5th World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Educational Leadership, WCLTA 2014 My Philosophy of Teaching Foreign Languages Irina Bobykin aa* aDepartment of business foreign language,Faculty of Linguistics and Translation,University of Chelyabinsk,Chelyabinsk 454000, Russia Abstract Virtualization and integration of the modern world community has caused virtual intercultural interactions in foreign languages. In turn, new forms of communication require innovative methods of teaching foreign languages. The main argument of this need is the changing of the language. There are new rules of etiquette, mental images of cultures and individuals, words to the realities of the online world, practiced simultaneously oral and written form of speech. This article focuses on the concept of teaching to communicate in foreign languages based on reflective learning of the students. The concept is a system with the aim, methodology, content, technologies for learning and assessment of communicative and cultural competence. The basis of my philosophy are approaches and methods of learning foreign languages and cultures through intercultural interactions, which will be considered in this article. The study focuses also on factors of effective learning process and targets of the teachers for developing students´ language proficiency. © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license © 2015 The Authors. Published by Els vier Ltd. (Peer-review under responsibility of Academic World Education and Research Center.
  • 5. 2 Peer-review under responsibility of Academic World Education and Research Center Keywords: Teaching a foreign language; personalized approach; communicative approach; reflective methodologies. 1. Introduction The methodology of teaching the learners to participate successfully in all areas of communication in foreign languages is the central concept of the pedagogical researches of recent years (Littlewood, 1981; Schuster, 1999; Galskova, 2013). In different periods the needs of a foreign language learning are depending on the social and political context. In modern community’s integration the teaching and learning foreign languages are a way of understanding diverse cultures, developing the experience of intercultural interactions. The requirement to unify the world economy inevitably involves erasing certain national features. This fact was noted in the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity of UNESCO. It says that the process of globalization, facilitated by the rapid * Irina Bobykina. Tel.:+4-345-333-222. E-mail address: 1877-0428 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of Academic World Education and Research Center doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.04.076 Irina Bobykina / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 186 ( 2015 ) 684 – 687 685 development of new communication technologies, representing a challenge for cultural diversity (Universal Declaration, 2001). These socio-political trends require changes of not only the goals and objectives of teaching, but also of the most improved methods of teaching foreign languages.
  • 6. 3 Nowadays, e-learning has become a viable alternative to traditional education methods because of the possibility of recreating a natural learning environment based on individual needs. However, the key to success is the correct creating linguistically and culturally rich environments that support individual and collaborative learning, effective social interaction, active engagement in learning and self motivation. This study will explore the methodology of teaching students to communicate effectively in a specialty context, which researchers refer to special kinds of social interaction, as it carried out in the particular social group thanks to the special knowledge and the codified set of rules. It will also focus on approaches and methods of reflective learning and assessment of language proficiency in e-learning environment. 2. Teaching approaches and methods According to personal philosophy in teaching foreign languages and cultures the following approaches and methods allows students at any level to attain tangible results. 2.1. Personalized approach • Understand the principles of learners development, their individually physical, cognitive, emotional, social areas and learning profiles in order to create a supportive learning environment that take into account individual students’ needs. All people are equal in their humanness but different by their physical and cognitive potentialities and thus their learning abilities (Bespalko, 2008) that influence on pace and quality of learning a foreign language. According to the researchers a person´s cognitive style is programmed and is the most effective way of the learning that based on the social style (Hatch, 1983). If this fundamental fact is respected the learning process becomes effective. So the teachers should respect individual differences of the students, take personal interest in their optimal path to language mastery, implement techniques to accommodate these differences to ensure learning environments for each student. This teaching methodology focuses on the student as a unique individual. As a result of this study in Russian universities we identified different needs to learn a foreign language by 450 students. Some are learning for their job, others for pleasure or study abroad. Accordingly the teachers have to take time to seek out information about their students’ needs and create linguistically, culturally rich learning environments. Obviously, learning a foreign language is motivated if teaching environment meets the real-life needs of the students. Their motivation to learn comes from their desire to communicate in meaningful in and beyond the classroom interactions that reflects also curricular goals.
  • 7. 4 • Develop autonomous learners who can develop their skills independently. The major goal is to promote students´ reflective learning which may be defined as those affective and intellectual activities that lead to reflection on all sources of knowledge and to exploring experiences as the basis of learning in order to develop understanding and appreciation (Tomkins, 2009). Efficient developing of learning strategies that are conducive to lifelong learning of language appears when reflective learning methodology is integrated into students´ own learning processes. Consequently, it is important to construct the learner-centred classroom environments with maximal students´ involvement in the search for resources to improve personal and professional skills, awareness of their own potential and the development of new attitudes and values. This teaching approach promotes more meaningful student learning (Colomer, Pallisera, Fullana, Burriel, Fernandez, 2013). The results of the study in higher education indicate that reflective learning methodology helps the students get knowledge of oneself, aware the language acquisition and learning process, discover the target language and make it their own. Thanks to the ability to reflect and analyze the results of assessments, students know exactly what kind of progress they are making and what they must to improve. 686 Irina Bobykina / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 186 ( 2015 ) 684 – 687 2.2.Communicative approach • Teaching a language communicative suggests using the real life language and materials, totally target language speaking environment, meaningful interaction in situational contexts. If the teachers create spontaneous classroom interaction as daily practice that integrate language, culture and students´ interests, the students will be able to communicate successfully in different contexts using the language as it is used in real life. In the real life, language is always used in specific situations for particular purposes. Spontaneous classroom interaction puts students in a situation where they must use a foreign language, whether or not they know it. As M.S. Berns reminds us, «a language is an interaction; it is interpersonal activity and has a clear relationship with society. In this light, language study has to look at the use (function) of language in context, both its linquistic context (what is uttered before and after a given piece of discourse) and its social, or situational, context (who is speaking, what their social roles are, why they have come together to speak)» (Berns, 1984, p.5). This communicative approach lets students attain their own communications independence. In the meantime, the students cross major barriers: psychological (confidence in oneself), listening (understanding the message), cultural (interest in the foreign culture), linguistic (think directly in the target language) (J.-C.Narcy, 1990). • Recreate the natural environment of language learning: focusing on building listening skills before the speaking and pronunciation by imitation because each country has different pronunciation difficulties. It is obligatory for teachers who want to provide opportunities in the classroom for their
  • 8. 5 students to attain rapidly long-lasting results over a minimum span of time. The recreating of natural learning environment allows students to learn the target language in the way in which they learn their native language. Thus, they can develop their language proficiency sooner. • Integrate the development of students´ language proficiency with cultural learning. This method operates on the idea that language learning must be an imitation of interaction in the global community of a new century, as this is the natural way humans use the foreign language that reflects mentality and lifestyle of people. According to this method, the teachers seek opportunities for students to interact with target language speakers in a specific cultural context. In recent years, e-learning based on networks has grown steadily in popularity. Integration of modern world community causes virtual intercultural communication in foreign languages. Teaching a foreign language in terms of e-learning consists of a process of discovery a new world through the language learning. Two interrelated factors: personal interest in the subject and the maximum involvement of students in communicative interactions are of great importance for the understanding the target culture practices. The method of using dialogues helps students learn about the target culture and comparisons to their own culture. Morever, making critical questions about culture, various social categories encourages students to develop critical reflection, a necessary skill in today´s global society. Thanks to making meaningful questions in an enjoyable manner the students communicate in the target language through listening, speaking, reading, and writing in an integrated manner without translating their thoughts from the native language. In this way they learn commonly used vocabulary, grammatical structures, authentic models over a relatively short period of teaching. By the way, skills are developed through action, but not through discussion of the forms. The teachers´ goal is to implement a variety of instructional models and web-based technology to support learning environment by means of development of students´ strategies to understand oral and written input and to interact with others, including the assessment of learners ‘performance. In addition to this goal, the teachers assist students in understanding and using various effective strategies for successful e-learning environment in order to avoid stress and frustration. We know that online interactions have such properties as distant, anonymity, situational conditioning, stress factors and benefits which must be taken into account in instructional design and implement of e-learning. In the role of a facilitator, the teachers can use diverse reflective facilitation strategies to develop and implement stress-reduced e-learning and thus promote participation in conversations in (in)formal settings on topics related to practical needs and areas of professional and/or scholarly in a foreign language. Through class discussions, students explore various topics in the field of intercultural interactions and develop critical understandings of cultural differences. 3. Conclusion On the basis of foreign languages teaching experience in higher education desribed in this article, we may
  • 9. 6 Irina Bobykina / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 186 ( 2015 ) 684 – 687 687 conclude that teaching a foreign language based on the reflective learning methodology is efficient and appropriate for creating linguistically and culturally rich e-learning environment. It helps learners become more aware of the learning process, self-efficacy and diverse cultures. Indeed, to communicate effectively in a specialty context is such a skill that is needed for students in a new century. Further research is needed to determine the effectiveness of elearning strategies in a wide range of specialty contexts. Acknowledgements We would like to thank the State University of Chelyabinsk for its support. References Berns, M. S. (1984). Functional approaches to language and language teaching: Another look. In S. Savignon & M. S. Berns (Eds.), "Initiatives in communicative language teaching. A book of readings" (pp. 3-21). Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. Bespalko, V.P. (2008). Nature conformably pedagogy. Moscow: Education. Colomer, J., Pallisera, M., Fullana, J., Burriel, M.P., Fernandez, R. (2013). Reflective learning in higher education: A compaative analysis. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, 364-370. Evelio Elías Orellana, (2014). The Communicative Approach in English as a Foreign Language Teaching, available at communicative-approach.shtml#ixzz3J7xqodI9 Hatch, E. (1983). Psycholinguistics. Rowley: Newbury House. Littlewood, W. (1981). Language teaching. An introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Narcy, J.-C. (1990). Apprendre une Langue Etrangere, Les Editions d´Organisation. Paris. Tomkins, A. (2009). „It was a great day when…”: An exploratory case study of reflective learning through storytelling. Journal of Hospitality, Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, 8, 123-131. Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity of UNESCO, (2001).
  • 10. 7 BAB II REVIEW JURNAL Judul My Philosophy of Teaching Foreign Pengarang Irina Bobykina Nama Jurnal Journal of the Philosophy of Sport Volume, Issue, Tahun, Halaman Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 186 (2015) 684-687 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license. Tujuan Penelitian Topik utama dari penelitian ini adalah konsep pengajaran berkomunikasi dalam bahasa asing berdasarkan pembelajaran reflektif siswa. Metode Penelitian Mengeksplorasi pengajaran siswa untuk berkomunikasi secara efektif dalam konteks khusus, yang peneliti mengacu pada jenis khusus dari interaksi sosial. Hasil dan Pembahasan 1) Menunjukkan bahwa metodologi pembelajaran reflektif membantu siswa mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang diri sendiri, menyadari pemerolehan bahasa dan proses pembelajaran, menemukan bahasa target dan menjadikannya bahasa mereka sendiri. 2) Mengajar bahasa komunikatif menyarankan menggunakan bahasa dan materi kehidupan nyata, lingkungan berbicara bahasa target sepenuhnya, interaksi yang berarti dalam konteks situasional. 3) Menciptakan interaksi kelas secara spontan sebagai praktik sehari-hari yang mengintegrasikan bahasa, budaya dan minat siswa, siswa akan dapat berhasil berkomunikasi
  • 11. 8 dalam konteks yang berbeda menggunakan bahasa seperti yang digunakan dalam kehidupan nyata. 4) Menciptakan kembali lingkungan belajar alami memungkinkan siswa untuk mempelajari bahasa target dengan cara mereka mempelajari bahasa asli mereka. Kesimpulan Dasar filosofi saya adalah pendekatan dan metode pembelajaran bahasa dan budaya asing melalui interaksi antar budaya. Kunci sukses adalah benar menciptakan lingkungan yang kaya bahasa dan budaya yang mendukung pembelajaran individu dan kolaboratif, interaksi sosial yang efektif, keterlibatan aktif dalam pembelajaran dan motivasi diri. Keunggulan Siswa akan dapat berhasil berkomunikasi dalam konteks yang berbeda menggunakan bahasa seperti yang digunakan dalam kehidupan nyata, Kekurangan Menggunakan durasi waktu yang terlalu lama Memerlukan banyak analisis
  • 12. 9 BAB III KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN Kesimpulan Jurnal diatas membahas serta mendekripsikan bahwa Dasar filosofi saya adalah pendekatan dan metode pembelajaran bahasa dan budaya asing melalui interaksi antar budaya. Namun, kunci sukses adalah benar menciptakan lingkungan yang kaya bahasa dan budaya yang mendukung pembelajaran individu dan kolaboratif, interaksi sosial yang efektif, keterlibatan aktif dalam pembelajaran dan motivasi diri. Pengembangan strategi pembelajaran yang efisien yang kondusif untuk pembelajaran bahasa seumur hidup muncul ketika metodologi pembelajaran reflektif diintegrasikan ke dalam proses pembelajaran siswa sendiri. Saran Sebagai penulis saya menyadari bahwa masih banyak kekurangan di dalam makalah ini. Untuk kedepannya penulis akan menjelaskan secara detail dari sumber yang lebih banyak