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An	Introduction	to	Neural	
Networks	and	Machine	Learning
Methods	to	solve	problems	that	humans	are	good	at,	but	machines	are	typically	bad	at
General	purpose	algorithms	that	learn	from	lots	of	data	– ideally	not	hard-coded	tricks	to	solve	a	
specific	problem
What	is	machine	learning?
Examples	of	machine	
The	task	is	to	take	an	image	and	predict	one	of	a	fixed	set	of	labels.	For	example,	the	labels	could	
be	{bird,	plane,	superman}
Input:	red,	green	and	blue	values	for	each	pixel
Output:	a	prediction	for	each	class
The	network	is	given	thousands	of	correctly	labelled	images,	and	has	to	learn	good	parameters
Example:	image	classification
Reinforcement	learning	involves	choosing	which	actions	to	take	at	different	points	in	time	to	
maximise some	score
◦ Playing	games
◦ Driving	a	car	(the	score	being	time	since	last	crash…)
◦ Controlling	a	robot	arm:	aim	to	pick	up	an	object
This	is	difficult:	it	may	be	a	long	time	before	you	see	any	reward	for	a	good	action
It’s	hard	to	write	a	typical	program	with	instructions	to	solve	these	problems
Example:	reinforcement	learning
The	computer	has	no	more	information	than	the	pixels	on	the	screen	and	the	score
For	example,	when	playing	space	invaders,	the	machine	doesn’t	even	know	what	its	character	is,	
or	what	the	bullets	are,	or	what	the	aliens	are,	or	that	it	gets	points	for	hitting	them
RL:	Playing	ATARI	Video	Games	(DeepMind)
Go	is	a	board	game	played	on	a	19x19	board
Players	take	it	in	turns	to	place	stones,	and	try	to	control	the	
board	by	surrounding	areas	with	their	stones
It’s	famously	difficult	to	see	who	is	winning	at	a	given	point	
in	time
There	are	approximately	2 ⋅ 10%&' legal	board	positions	
(more	than	the	number	of	atoms	in	the	known	universe)
The	DeepMind	approach	combines	neural	networks	with	
reinforcement	learning
They	first	learned	an	‘evaluation	function’,	which	tries	to	
estimate	who	is	winning	at	a	given	point	in	time
They	also	try	to	come	up	with	a	small	list	of	good	moves	in	
any	board	position
This	allows	them	to	look	many	more	moves	ahead
RL:	Playing	Go	(DeepMind)
There	are	many	smaller	problems	here.	Among	them	are:
◦ How	to	detect	pedestrians	in	the	road
◦ How	to	interpret	information	from	sensors	(e.g.	distance	to	objects	in	various	directions)	and	decide	
when	to	brake	and	accelerate
◦ How	to	follow	the	road	and	also	navigate	from	A	to	B
Example:	self-driving	cars
This	talk	is	mainly	about	supervised	learning
In	this,	the	machine	has	some	input	(e.g.	an	image)	and	has	to	make	a	prediction	(e.g.	what	it	is)
It’s	called	supervised	learning	because	we	provide	many	examples	of	what	we	want	it	to	do,	and	
we	ask	it	to	learn	from	those
This	is	called	training	data
Example:	The	training	data	in	object	recognition	is	labelled	images	(e.g.	1000	images	of	birds,	
each	labelled	as	a	bird,	and	1000	images	of	planes,	each	labelled	as	a	plane).
The	machine	then	tries	to	generalise this	information	so	it	can	make	predictions	on	new	data
Supervised	learning
Suppose	our	training	data	consists	of	points	
(𝑥%, 𝑥+) together	with	a	label	of	‘blue’	or	‘orange’
Then	we	want	the	network	to	realise that	points	
on	the	top	right	are	more	likely	to	be	blue,	and	
points	on	the	bottom	left	are	more	likely	to	be	
Simple	example:	classify	points	in	2D
In	supervised	learning,	it’s	possible	to	fit	a	
function	exactly	to	the	training	data,	but	have	it	
fail	to	generalise to	new	data
This	is	called	overfitting
Consider	the	set	of	points	on	the	right,	and	the	
two	lines	that	fit	them.
Which	seems	better?
Several	solutions	to	this:
◦ More	data	– if	we	had	more	data	points,	then	it	
would	be	clearer	that	a	straight	line	is	a	better	fit
◦ Constrain	the	function	you	are	fitting	– if	you	
impose	that	the	degree	of	the	polynomial	has	to	be	
small,	you	won’t	get	such	a	bad	fit
Neural	Networks
What	are	neural	networks
Neural	networks	are	functions	that	can	be	fitted	to	data
Input:	a	vector	(𝑥%, … , 𝑥.) – the	input
Output:	a	vector	 𝑦%, … , 𝑦0 – the	prediction
In	the	middle:	parameters	to	refine	the	output
Example	input:
Input:	the	coordinates	
(x1,	x2)	of	the	point
Output:	y1	(a	number)
Want	to	find	a	function	
such	that:
y1	>	0	if	blue	
y1	<	0	if	orange
We	can	draw	a	line	dividing	the	points	in	two
Points	on	one	side	of	the	line	are	predicted	blue
Points	on	the	other	side	are	predicted	orange
How	to	divide	up	
the	data?
In	some	(i.e.	most	moderately	interesting)	
problems,	there	is	no	single	line	that	separates	
the	data
Here,	we	can	try	and	use	several	lines
Predict	blue	if	the	point	lies	inside	all	the	lines
What	if	there	is	no	
In	some	(i.e.	most	moderately	interesting)	
problems,	there	is	no	single	line	that	separates	
the	data
Here,	we	can	try	and	use	several	lines
Predict	blue	if	the	point	lies	inside	all	the	lines
What	if	there	is	no	
The	equation	of	a	line	in	two	dimensions	is
𝑤% 𝑥% + 𝑤+ 𝑥+ + 𝑏 = 0
Equations	of	lines
𝑥% − 𝑥+ = 0 𝑥% + 2𝑥+ + 1 = 0𝑥% − 0.5 = 0
In	fact,	𝑤% 𝑥% + 𝑤+ 𝑥+ + 𝑏 gives	the	perpendicular	distance	of	the	point	(𝑥%, 𝑥+) from	the	line	
(multiplied	by	the	length	of	 𝑤%, 𝑤+ ,	but	don’t	worry	about	this)
Further,	this	distance	is	signed:	on	one	side	of	the	line	it’s	positive,	and	on	the	other	it’s	negative
Thus	𝑤% 𝑥% + 𝑤+ 𝑥+ + 𝑏 tells	us	on	which	side	of	the	line	the	point	is,	and	how	far	away
Aim:	learn	good	values	for	𝑤%, 𝑤+	and	𝑏
Equations	of	lines
The	blue	point	is	on	
the	positive	side
The	orange	point	is	on	
the	negative	side
Neural	networks	consist	of	several	layers	of	
Each	neuron	is	a	choice	of	line	(and	which	side	of	
the	line	is	positive)
The	output	of	the	neuron	is	the	signed	
perpendicular	distance	of	the	point	from	the	line
The	output	of	one	layer	of	neurons	is	fed	into	the	
next	layer	of	neurons
Neural	networks
Technical	point:	this	operation	is	linear.	It	turns	out	that	doing	linear	operations	one	after	the	
other	is	the	same	as	doing	just	one	– no	complexity	is	added.	Thus	we	add	a	nonlinear	function	
between	the	layers.
Example	of	nonlinear	function:	set	all	negative	outputs	to	zero	(this	is	called	a	rectified	linear	
unit,	or	ReLU)
Neural	networks
The	lines	on	which	the	network	changes	decision	(e.g.	predicts	blue	on	one	side,	orange	on	the	
There’s	a	great	tool	online	called	the	‘Neural	Network	Playground’,	which	lets	you	train	a	
network	on	data	and	see	the	features	it	learns
With	three	neurons,	we	get	the	following:
Decision	boundaries
There	are	only	three	neurons,	
but	there	are	some	technical	
details	that	mean	the	decision	
boundary	can	have	four	edges
It	turns	out	that	adding	more	layers	of	
neurons	allows	quite	complex	decision	
This	network	has	3	hidden	layers	(i.e.	3	
layers	excluding	the	input	and	output)	with	
8	neurons	in	each	layer
The	decision	boundaries	are	essentially	built	
up	from	the	straight	lines	we	saw	before,	
but	repeating	this	gives	a	lot	of	flexibility
More	layers
We	have	seen	how	using	several	layers	of	simple	functions	can	give	a	lot	of	complexity
The	task	is	easier	if	we	have	better	features	to	start	with
The	equation	of	a	line	is 𝑤% 𝑥% + 𝑤+ 𝑥+ + 𝑏 = 0
The	equation	of	a	circle	with	centre (𝑎%, 𝑎+) and	radius	𝑟 is
𝑥% − 𝑎%
+ + 𝑥+ − 𝑎+
+ = 𝑟+
So	if	we	use	quantities	like	𝑥%
, 𝑥+
, 𝑥% 𝑥+ then	we	have	more	flexibility	with	our	decision	boundary
It	becomes	easier	to	learn	complicated	decision	boundaries
Better	features
If	we	now	allow	the	network	to	use	𝑥%
, 𝑥+
𝑥% 𝑥+ then	we	only	need	one	neuron	to	learn	the	
decision	boundary	on	the	left
Same	problem,	
better	features
You	now	understand	how	standard	feed-forward	neural	networks	can	create	complex	decision	
boundaries	to	classify	data
This	explanation	generalises to	higher	dimensions:	replace	𝑤% 𝑥% + 𝑤+ 𝑥+ + 𝑏 with	𝑊𝑥 + 𝑏,	
where	𝑊 is	a	matrix	and	𝑏 is	a	vector
Many	interesting	problems	have	very	high-dimensional	data	though,	and	we	might	need	to	add	
so	many	layers	and	neurons	to	our	network	to	deal	with	this	that	it	becomes	impossible	to	train	
in	practice
Neural	networks	on	real	problems
In	order	to	learn	the	parameters	(all	the	lines),	we	provide	training	data	to	the	network
This	consists	of	many	(the	more	the	better)	points	and	their	correct	labels	(i.e.	orange	or	blue	in	
the	previous	examples)
Then	the	network’s	task	is	to	find	good	values	for	its	parameters	– ideally	the	network	wants	to	
find	parameters	such	that	it	can	correctly	classify	all	the	training	data	(more	on	this	later)
How	neural	networks	learn
To	train	a	neural	network,	treat	the	problem	as	an	optimisation problem:	find	the	weights	𝑤<, 𝑏
that	minimise the	training	error
In	real-world	examples,	there	can	be	millions	of	weights
It	turns	out	that	the	only	reasonable	way	to	optimise them	is	to	use	gradient	descent
This	means	treating	the	training	error,	𝐿,	as	a	function	of	the	weights,	and	then	computing	the	
𝛻? 𝐿
with	respect	to	the	weights
If	we	update	the	weights	with	a	small	enough	step:	𝑤 ↦ 𝑤	 − 𝛻? 𝐿 ⋅ 𝛼,	then	we	are	guaranteed	
to	decrease	the	training	error
Here,	𝛼 is	called	the	step	size	– how	much	we	move	in	the	direction	of	the	weights
There	is	a	lot	of	theory	about	how	to	do	this,	but	I’m	not	going	to	discuss	it	due	to	time
Training	neural	networks
For	object	recognition,	it’s	hopeless	to	just	use	the	pixel	values	in	a	feed-forward	neural	
network,	since	the	problem	is	so	complex
Instead,	we	need	better	features
We	also	need	to	reduce	the	size	of	the	problem:
◦ If	an	image	is	200x200	pixels,	the	input	has	200x200x3	=	120,000	dimensions	(far	more	than	2!)
We	also	want	the	prediction	to	be	invariant	under	translation	and	scaling	(it	shouldn’t	matter	
too	much	where	I	see	the	object	in	the	image,	or	how	big	it	is)
I	won’t	describe	convolutional	neural	networks	in	much	detail	here
Roughly	speaking,	they	are	in	two	parts:
◦ To	start	with,	they	have	specially	designed	layers,	which	learn	complicated	features	in	images
◦ Then	they	feed	these	features	into	a	standard	feed-forward	neural	network,	to	classify
Convolutional	neural	networks
The	layers	in	the	first	half	of	a	convnet work	using	‘filters’,	
which	are	small	images	that	are	compared	to	the	input	at	
each	possible	position
If	the	filter	closely	matches	the	image	at	that	position,	the	
output	is	high,	and	if	it	doesn’t,	the	output	is	low
Thus	the	output	of	the	layer	consists	of	high	outputs	in	the	
positions	where	the	filter	matches,	and	low	outputs	in	the	
other	positions
The	filters	on	the	first	layer	of	convnets tend	to	end	up	as	
edge	detectors	and	colour detectors
Convolutional	neural	networks
At	the	top	is	the	input	image
Each	square	in	the	bottom	image	shows	the	output	for	a	given	filter
Light	means	high	output,	dark	means	low	output
Note	how	some	filters	seem	to	be	activating	on	blue
Other	filters	seem	to	activate	on	edges
First	layer	outputs
Much	like	with	feed-forward	neural	networks,	when	you	combine	multiple	layers,	you	end	up	
with	a	highly	flexible	function
It	has	been	shown	that	the	later	layers	of	convnets can	learn	complicated	features	like	eyes	and	
That	is,	the	neurons	in	these	layers	activate	at	positions	where	there	is	an	eye,	or	where	there	is	
a	face
Crucially,	they	learn	their	own	features
The	features	aren’t	always	interpretable	– this	is	OK,	since	we	don’t	need	to	know	exactly	how	
the	network	is	working
Features	that	convnets learn
Other	cool	things
We	can	use	convolutional	neural	networks	to	draw	images	in	the	style	of	other	images
Neural	Style
Content	Image Style	Image
We	can	use	convolutional	neural	networks	to	draw	images	in	the	style	of	other	images
Neural	Style
One	can	take	an	image	that	a	convolutional	neural	network	is	100%	sure	belongs	to	one	class,	
and	perturb	it	very	slightly	– it	then	becomes	100%	sure	that	it’s	a	different	class	(see
The	image	on	the	left	is	an	image	of	a	school	bus.	The	image	in	the	middle	is	the	noise	to	add.	
The	image	on	the	right	is	the	original	image	plus	the	noise.
The	network	predicts	school	bus	for	the	left	image,	and	ostrich	for	the	right	image
Fooling	convolutional	neural	networks
Recurrent	neural	networks	are	modifications	of	feed-forward	neural	networks	whose	input	is	a	
sequence	and	whose	output	is	a	predicted	next	element	of	the	sequence
Example:	train	on	text	from	Wikipedia.
Input:	‘The	quick	brown	f’
Probable	output:	‘o’
Recurrent	neural	networks
The	network	is	trained	on	some	sci-fi	magazines
RNN:	Sci-fi	novel	autocomplete
From	Karpathy (
Sample	output	from	an	RNN	trained	on	Shakespeare:
“Alas,	I	think	he	shall	be	come	approached	and	the	day	When	little	srain would	be	attain'd into	
being	never	fed,	And	who	is	but	a	chain	and	subjects	of	his	death,	I	should	not	sleep.”
RNN	Example:	Trained	on	Shakespeare
From	Karpathy also:	
RNN	Example:	Trained	on	Algebraic	Geometry
A	combination	of	RNNs	and	CNNs
Karpathy and	Li	used	a	convolutional	neural	network	
followed	by	a	recurrent	neural	network	in	order	to	take	in	
an	image	and	predict	a	caption	for	the	image
One	dataset	they	used	was	MSCOCO	(Microsoft	Common	
Objects	in	Context),	which	contains	300,000	images	with	up	
to	5	captions	per	image
Thank	you

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