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Comprehensive Job Skills and Knowledge Required
To be a Proficient Fluid Minerals NRS/EPS
o Typesof documents(EA,CX, 390 CX, DNA,EIS)
o Process (keytodefensibledocuments)
 Usinga team
 Addressingpublicinvolvement
 Internal/external scopingandpubliccomments
 Adheringtotime requirements
 Stepsinthe process
 Issue development
 Developingreasonable alternatives
 Appropriate use of mitigation(COAs) andhow toincorporate intoNEPA
o Knowingthe correcttype of documentto prepare andhow to prepare it
o NEPA done byBLM, otheragency,projectproponentor 3rd
party contractor
o Administrative ProceduresAct(APA)
o CompilinganAdministrative Record
o RMP and Larger plansas basisof EA etc. (Tieringandincorporatingbyreference)
 Processingan APD
o NOSProcessSteps
o APDProcessSteps
o Serial RegisterPages(how toreadthem)
o ApplicationFee
o Surface Use Planof Operations
 Onshore Order#1 requirements
o Master DevelopmentPlans/Plansof Developmentoptions
o ReclamationPlan
o DrillingPlan
o Well Platsignedbylicensedsurveyor
o Well LayoutDiagramor “Production/InterimReclamationDiagram”
o H2S Planif anticipatedtobe present
o Postingrequirements
o Completeness Review
o Rights-of-Way
o Units,communitization,andspacing
o DeficiencyLetters
 10-day
 Post-onsite
o UnderstandingEmissionsInventories andwhentheyare required
 Possible modeling (whenitisrequiredandwhattolookfor)
o Tribal consultation
o FWS Consultation
o Use of NEPA
o Develop Mitigation(COAs)
o Include BMPsto reduce environmental impacts
o Compilationof the wellfile.
 Pre-onsite InterdisciplinaryTeamMeeting
o Reviewthe projectasa team
o Discussresource concernswiththe otherspecialists (biologist,hydrologist,PE,CE,etc.)
o Utilize GISand reviewdatapriortoonsite (thiswouldinclude LR2000 or other sources
to determine lease stipulations/noticesif the informationisnotinGIS).
o Determine whoneedstoattendthe onsite
 BLM staff
 Otheragencies(state orfederal)
 Private surface owners
 Conductingan Onsite
o ProcessSteps
o Federal Surface vs.SplitEstate (notifylandowner)
o “Casual Use” Whenit appliestocertainactivities,whenitdoesnot
o Properwell placement
o Determine resource issues
o Stakingrequirements
o Land ManagementPlansandRMPs requirements vs.grandfatherclause
o Lease Stipulations
o Knowledgeof Lease BoundaryRules
o Knowledgeof whatdrainage isandthe rulesto preventit
o Ripariansetback
o WildlifeSurveyNeeds
o Cultural SurveyNeeds
o PaleontologyNeeds
o Excessive slopesand/orerosive soils
o Reviewthe accessroad and verifywhetherornot:
 The alignmentisproperlystaked(i.e.enoughstakeswithslope andcut& fill)
 There isa betterplacement/alignment
 There isan alternative route toreduce disturbance orwildlife conflicts
 There are VRMrelated issues tothe roadlocation
 The design allowsforeasyreclamation
 The slopesand/orturnouts are adequate toaccommodate safe trucktraffic
 There isa needfordrainage features crossings
 Engineeredplansare required
 The designmeetsthe minimumparametersforroadconstructionasoutlinedin
the 9113 roads manual
o Reviewthe wellpadlocation andfacilitieslayout for:
 A betterplacement/alignment
 A layoutthatallowsforinterimreclamation
 Soil stockpiles beingsituatedforeasyreclamation
 Fences/cattle guards
 To determine if fences are requiredaroundpits,facilitiesorthe entire
pad (forsecurityorsafety, visual screening, wildlife exclusionorother
 To determine if the fence plansneedtobe coordinatedwith
 To determine whennottoinstall fences(i.e., visual, wildlifeor
o Reviewthe needforapipeline vs.ventingorflaring(ROW,VRM,Min Disturbance,
o Reviewthe cutand fill slopes of the pad to determine if thereabetter
placement/alignment of the pad
o Determine the reclamationpotential
o Determine the soil type
o Determine the vegetation
o Determine the appropriatecolorforthe facilities
o Determine the source forwaterfordrillingoperations
o Basic understandingof whenaROW isrequired
o Determine anymitigationmeasures
o Addressotherresource concerns
 Consultwiththe biologist
 Consultwiththe soil,water,airspecialist
 ConsultwithCivil Engineer
 Consultwiththe Range Specialist
 Consultwiththe RecreationPlanner
 Andothersas needed
 ConsultwithArchaeologist/Tribal Consultationconsiderations
 ConsultwithState EngineersOffice
 State Oil & Gas Commission
 State DEQ
 Andothersas needed(USFS,BIA,IndianTrustIssues, privatesurface owner,
Bureauof Reclamation,etc.)
o Determine if spill contingencyplansare necessary
 State Director Review
o Typesof Decisions
o How to respond
 Interior Board ofLand Appeals(IBLA)
o Typesof decisions
o How to prepare
 AdminRecords
o Freedomof InformationActRequests
 How to respond
 Providingproperinformationthroughproperchannels
o Pressreleasesandmediainquiries
 Followingbureau&office policiesregardinginteractionswithmedia
 WorkingwithBLM publicaffairsspecialists
 SplitEstate
o ProcessSteps
 Fee Surface/Federal Mineral
 State Surface/Federal Mineral
 Federal Surface/StateMineral (ROW)
 Federal Surface/Fee Mineral (ROW)
 Fee/Fee toFederal Mineral (landowneragreement)
 OtherSMA Surface/Federal Mineral
 IndianSurface/Federal Mineral
 FluidMineral Development(FluidMinerals101)
o Termsused(BOP,anchors,flare pit,blooie line, drill rig,wellhead,pumpingunit,etc.)
o Drillingprocesses
o Completionprocesses
o Fracingprocesses
o Production processes
 Inspectionand Enforcement
o Knowthe I&E HandbookH-3160-5
o ProcessSteps
o Typesof inspections
 Construction
 InterimReclamation
 Environmental Surface
 Abandonment
o Typesof Enforcement
o Documentation
o What to lookfor
o Monitoring
o I&E strategy
 Professional SkillsDevelopment
o Teamwork
 Leadinga teamof independentspecialists
 Beingpart of an interdisciplinaryteam
o NegotiationSkillsandConflictResolution
 Internal
 External
 Company
 Public
 Otheragencies(Federal orState)
o Effective writing
 Plainlanguage
 Grammar, spelling,punctuation
o Presentations
 Runninga meeting
 Oral presentation
 Phone skills
 Undesirable Events
o Types
o Spills/Spill Response/Cleanup
o Reporting
o NTL-3a
o Bioremediation/removalanddisposal
o Major vs. OtherthanMajor (minor)
o State office - DistrictOffice coordination/Notificationof NRCCoastGuard/EPA
o Spill contingencyplans
 Whenthey are required
 Whenthe BLM AO woulddeemthemnecessary
 Waste Management
o DrillingFluids, HydraulicFracturingFluids,anddisposal
o State Requirements
o Pits/ State MOUs
o Data Entry
o Surface Review
o Undesirable Events
o I&E forms
o I&E data collection
o GeneratingReports
o IndianTrustAFMSS issues
 Sundry Notices
o ProcessSteps
o Typesof Sundries
o NEPA/interdisciplinary review required
o AFMSS entryrequirements
 Land Use Planningand Leasing
o PlanningHandbook(H-1601-1),AppendixC.H.FluidMinerals
o Lease Stipulations –
 How andwhen theyare applied (NSO,CSU,TL, MLP, etc.)
 Waivers,ExceptionsandModifications
o Lease Noticesandhow and when theyare applied
o LeasingReform
o Parcel ReviewProcess
o PreparingforLease Sales
o Serial RegisterPages(how theyare generated)
 ConditionsofApproval (COAs)
o Performance based vs. prescriptive andwheneachisappropriate
o COAsthat are concise & measurable
o COAsthat are necessary&effective
 ConstructionPractices
o ConstructionStandards
o Typesof equipmentused
o Determiningvolumesof pits/spoilpiles/topsoilpiles/secondarycontainment
o Techniques
o Practicesforensuringsafety,durability,minimizingfootprint
o Pits
 Guidelinesof pitsize requirementscomparedtowelldepth
 Wildlifeissues
 Reclamation
 Solidification/Stabilization
 Reclamation Practices
o ReclamationStandards
o Topsoil management
o Revegetationpractices
o Seedmixes
o Storm watererosionmanagement (mulch,BFM,pitting,etc.)
 Equipmentand FacilitiesPlacement
o Equipmentusedfordrilling
o Equipmentusedforproduction
o Pipeline facilities
o MinimumDistance requirements
 DrillingOperations
o Vertical Well
o Horizontal Well
o Directional Well
o Dual or multiplecompletions
o Pad Drilling(singlewellvs.multiplewellsonapad)
o Oil basedMud
o Closed-Loopdrilling
o Workover
 Hydrogen Sulfide Gas(H2S)
o Protection
o Warningsigns
o Prevention
o Onshore Order#6
 Bonding
o Performance Bonds
 Lease
 Statewide
 Nationwide
o LR2000
o Whento increase bonds
o Bondingcalculations
 Statutes and Regulations
o Mineral LeasingAct(MLA)
o Federal Oil andGas RoyaltyManagementActof 1982 (FOGRMA)
o Federal Onshore Oil andGasLeasingReformActof 1987 (FOOGLRA)
o Federal LandPolicyManagementActof 1976 (FLPMA)
o Onshore Oil andGas Order#1
o Onshore Oil andGas Order#2
o Onshore Oil andGas Order#6
o Onshore Oil andGas Order#7
o 43 CFR 3160 and subparts
o NTL-3a
o NTL-4a
o WO Policy,GuidelinesandStandards(i.e.the Gold Book,IMs,etc.)
o Bureau-wide MOUs
o State Policy,GuidelinesandStandards
 Other Resources
o Archaeology
 National HistoricPreservationAct (NHPA)
 Archaeological andHistoricPreservationAct(AHPA)
 Archaeological Resource ProtectionAct(ARPA)
 Native AmericanGravesProtectionandRepatriationAct(NAGPRA)
 Tribal ConsultationProcesses
 National TrailsSystemAct
 AmericanIndianReligiousFreedomAct
 Executive Order13007 (SacredSites)
 National/state cultural resourcesagreements,protocolsand cultural resources
o WildlifeBiology
 EndangeredSpeciesAct(ESA)
 Migratory BirdTreaty Act (MBTA)
 Baldand GoldenEagle ProtectionAct
 USFWS ConsultationProcesses
 State Game and Fish Consultation
o AirQuality
 National AmbientAirQualityStandards(NAAQS)
 CleanAirAct (CAA)
 Global Climate Change PreventionAct
 AirMOU
o Recreation
 Protectionof recreationsites
 Scenicbywayandback country by-wayrulesandregulations
o Water/Hydrology (surface andsubsurface)
 CleanWaterAct (aka Federal WaterPollutionControl Act)
 404 permitrequirementsArmyCorps.
 Protectionof Wetlands:EO11990
 FloodplainManagement:EO11988
 Surface Water (Streams,Runoff,Run-on,Impoundments)
 Ground Water(Shallow ground waterprotection,pits,usablewaterisolation
 State Engineersoffice consultation (waterrights)
 Sole Source Aquifers(SSAs)
 DrinkingWaterSource ProtectionZones(DWSPZs)
o Visual Resource Management(VRM)
 Plandecisions
 Form,line,color,texture
 VRMClasses
o WildernessandWilderness Characteristics
 Dept.of InteriorManual
 WildernessAct
 Wildand ScenicRiversAct
 FLPMA forBLM Wilderness
o Range
 What an allotmentis
 What an AUM is
 What are the fence installationstandards
 Cattle guardstandards
 SeedMix consultations
o Paleontology
 Paleontological ResourcesProtectionAct
 Geophysical Operations
o ProcessinganNOI
o Monitoringforcompliance of the permit
o Typesof NEPA
o Cultural Requirements
o Biological Requirements
o Considerwhetherthe projectcanbe done withoutstaking/flaggingthe source linesand
o Geophysical Handbook(H-3150)
o Knowledgeof:
 2-dimensionalseismic
 3-dimensionalseismic
 4-dimensionalseismic
 Vertical SeismicProfile,andhow itiscompleted
 Frac-Eye Seismic
 Micro-Seismicsurveyforfracture propagation
 Vibroseistrucks
 Acceleratedweightdroptechnique
 Electromagneticgeophysical methods
 “Passive”methodsof geophysical datacollection
 Shot-hole
 Buggydrill
 Heliportabledrill
 Receiverlines
 Source lines
 GeographicInformationSystem (GIS)
o How to use ArcMap
 Meta Data
 Projections
 IntegratingGPSdata intoGIS
 Data Standards
o Where to findthe data setsandwhere to save new ones
o How to printusingthe plotter
 Basic FieldSkills/Knowledge
o Legal Land DescriptionsandPLSS
o Operatinga4WD vehicle
o OperatinganATV/UTV/snowmobile (andtowingtrailersthatcarry these vehicles)
o ReadingMaps
o Use of GPS (spill mapping,interimreclamation,etc)
o Use of InfraredCameraTechnologyfordetectionsof leaks/venting
o Local plantand noxiousweedidentification
o Basic Photographicskills
o RadioOperations/Procedures
o Checkinginandout
o FieldGear,Safetyequipment (H2Smonitors;escape packs,Survival equipment ,PPE)
o Basic Use of Fire extinguishers
o Safetytraining,firstaid/CPR

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Comprehensive NRS Job Skills and Knowledge [6]

  • 1. 1 Comprehensive Job Skills and Knowledge Required To be a Proficient Fluid Minerals NRS/EPS  NEPA o Typesof documents(EA,CX, 390 CX, DNA,EIS) o Process (keytodefensibledocuments)  Usinga team  Addressingpublicinvolvement  Internal/external scopingandpubliccomments  Adheringtotime requirements  Stepsinthe process  Issue development  Developingreasonable alternatives  Appropriate use of mitigation(COAs) andhow toincorporate intoNEPA o Knowingthe correcttype of documentto prepare andhow to prepare it o NEPA done byBLM, otheragency,projectproponentor 3rd party contractor o Administrative ProceduresAct(APA) o CompilinganAdministrative Record o RMP and Larger plansas basisof EA etc. (Tieringandincorporatingbyreference)  Processingan APD o NOSProcessSteps o APDProcessSteps o Serial RegisterPages(how toreadthem) o ApplicationFee o Surface Use Planof Operations  Onshore Order#1 requirements o Master DevelopmentPlans/Plansof Developmentoptions o ReclamationPlan o DrillingPlan o Well Platsignedbylicensedsurveyor o Well LayoutDiagramor “Production/InterimReclamationDiagram” o H2S Planif anticipatedtobe present o VRM o Postingrequirements o Completeness Review o Rights-of-Way o Units,communitization,andspacing o DeficiencyLetters  10-day  Post-onsite o UnderstandingEmissionsInventories andwhentheyare required
  • 2. 2  Possible modeling (whenitisrequiredandwhattolookfor) o Tribal consultation o FWS Consultation o Use of NEPA o Develop Mitigation(COAs) o Include BMPsto reduce environmental impacts o Compilationof the wellfile.  Pre-onsite InterdisciplinaryTeamMeeting o Reviewthe projectasa team o Discussresource concernswiththe otherspecialists (biologist,hydrologist,PE,CE,etc.) o Utilize GISand reviewdatapriortoonsite (thiswouldinclude LR2000 or other sources to determine lease stipulations/noticesif the informationisnotinGIS). o Determine whoneedstoattendthe onsite  BLM staff  Otheragencies(state orfederal)  Private surface owners  Conductingan Onsite o ProcessSteps o Federal Surface vs.SplitEstate (notifylandowner) o “Casual Use” Whenit appliestocertainactivities,whenitdoesnot o Properwell placement o Determine resource issues o Stakingrequirements o Land ManagementPlansandRMPs requirements vs.grandfatherclause o Lease Stipulations o Knowledgeof Lease BoundaryRules o Knowledgeof whatdrainage isandthe rulesto preventit o Ripariansetback o WildlifeSurveyNeeds o Cultural SurveyNeeds o PaleontologyNeeds o Excessive slopesand/orerosive soils o Reviewthe accessroad and verifywhetherornot:  The alignmentisproperlystaked(i.e.enoughstakeswithslope andcut& fill)  There isa betterplacement/alignment  There isan alternative route toreduce disturbance orwildlife conflicts  There are VRMrelated issues tothe roadlocation  The design allowsforeasyreclamation  The slopesand/orturnouts are adequate toaccommodate safe trucktraffic  There isa needfordrainage features crossings  Engineeredplansare required
  • 3. 3  The designmeetsthe minimumparametersforroadconstructionasoutlinedin the 9113 roads manual o Reviewthe wellpadlocation andfacilitieslayout for:  A betterplacement/alignment  A layoutthatallowsforinterimreclamation  Soil stockpiles beingsituatedforeasyreclamation  Fences/cattle guards  To determine if fences are requiredaroundpits,facilitiesorthe entire pad (forsecurityorsafety, visual screening, wildlife exclusionorother reasonsnotrelatedtolivestock)  To determine if the fence plansneedtobe coordinatedwith range/livestock,wildlife,VRMconsiderationsinmind  To determine whennottoinstall fences(i.e., visual, wildlifeor livestock) o Reviewthe needforapipeline vs.ventingorflaring(ROW,VRM,Min Disturbance, Safety) o Reviewthe cutand fill slopes of the pad to determine if thereabetter placement/alignment of the pad o Determine the reclamationpotential o Determine the soil type o Determine the vegetation o Determine the appropriatecolorforthe facilities o Determine the source forwaterfordrillingoperations o Basic understandingof whenaROW isrequired o Determine anymitigationmeasures o Addressotherresource concerns  Consultwiththe biologist  Consultwiththe soil,water,airspecialist  ConsultwithCivil Engineer  Consultwiththe Range Specialist  Consultwiththe RecreationPlanner  Andothersas needed  ConsultwithArchaeologist/Tribal Consultationconsiderations  ConsultwithState EngineersOffice  State Oil & Gas Commission  State DEQ  Andothersas needed(USFS,BIA,IndianTrustIssues, privatesurface owner, Bureauof Reclamation,etc.) o Determine if spill contingencyplansare necessary
  • 4. 4  State Director Review o Typesof Decisions o How to respond  Interior Board ofLand Appeals(IBLA) o Typesof decisions o How to prepare  AdminRecords o Freedomof InformationActRequests  How to respond  Providingproperinformationthroughproperchannels o Pressreleasesandmediainquiries  Followingbureau&office policiesregardinginteractionswithmedia  WorkingwithBLM publicaffairsspecialists  SplitEstate o ProcessSteps  Fee Surface/Federal Mineral  State Surface/Federal Mineral  Federal Surface/StateMineral (ROW)  Federal Surface/Fee Mineral (ROW)  Fee/Fee toFederal Mineral (landowneragreement)  OtherSMA Surface/Federal Mineral  IndianSurface/Federal Mineral  FluidMineral Development(FluidMinerals101) o Termsused(BOP,anchors,flare pit,blooie line, drill rig,wellhead,pumpingunit,etc.) o Drillingprocesses o Completionprocesses o Fracingprocesses o Production processes  Inspectionand Enforcement o Knowthe I&E HandbookH-3160-5 o ProcessSteps o Typesof inspections  Construction  InterimReclamation  Environmental Surface  Abandonment o Typesof Enforcement o Documentation o What to lookfor o Monitoring o I&E strategy
  • 5. 5  Professional SkillsDevelopment o Teamwork  Leadinga teamof independentspecialists  Beingpart of an interdisciplinaryteam o NegotiationSkillsandConflictResolution  Internal  External  Company  Public  Otheragencies(Federal orState) o Effective writing  Plainlanguage  Grammar, spelling,punctuation o Presentations  Runninga meeting  Oral presentation  Phone skills  Undesirable Events o Types o Spills/Spill Response/Cleanup o Reporting o NTL-3a o Bioremediation/removalanddisposal o Major vs. OtherthanMajor (minor) o State office - DistrictOffice coordination/Notificationof NRCCoastGuard/EPA o Spill contingencyplans  Whenthey are required  Whenthe BLM AO woulddeemthemnecessary  Waste Management o DrillingFluids, HydraulicFracturingFluids,anddisposal o RCRA/CERCLA o State Requirements o Pits/ State MOUs  AFMSS o Data Entry o Surface Review o Undesirable Events o I&E forms o I&E data collection o GeneratingReports o IndianTrustAFMSS issues
  • 6. 6  Sundry Notices o ProcessSteps o Typesof Sundries o NEPA/interdisciplinary review required o AFMSS entryrequirements  Land Use Planningand Leasing o PlanningHandbook(H-1601-1),AppendixC.H.FluidMinerals o Lease Stipulations –  How andwhen theyare applied (NSO,CSU,TL, MLP, etc.)  Waivers,ExceptionsandModifications o Lease Noticesandhow and when theyare applied o LeasingReform o Parcel ReviewProcess o PreparingforLease Sales o Serial RegisterPages(how theyare generated)  ConditionsofApproval (COAs) o Performance based vs. prescriptive andwheneachisappropriate o COAsthat are concise & measurable o COAsthat are necessary&effective  ConstructionPractices o ConstructionStandards o Typesof equipmentused o Determiningvolumesof pits/spoilpiles/topsoilpiles/secondarycontainment o Techniques o Practicesforensuringsafety,durability,minimizingfootprint o Pits  Guidelinesof pitsize requirementscomparedtowelldepth  Wildlifeissues  Reclamation  Solidification/Stabilization  Reclamation Practices o ReclamationStandards o Topsoil management o Revegetationpractices o Seedmixes o Storm watererosionmanagement (mulch,BFM,pitting,etc.)  Equipmentand FacilitiesPlacement o Equipmentusedfordrilling o Equipmentusedforproduction o Pipeline facilities o MinimumDistance requirements
  • 7. 7  DrillingOperations o Vertical Well o Horizontal Well o Directional Well o Dual or multiplecompletions o Pad Drilling(singlewellvs.multiplewellsonapad) o Oil basedMud o Closed-Loopdrilling o Workover  Hydrogen Sulfide Gas(H2S) o Protection o Warningsigns o Prevention o Onshore Order#6  Bonding o Performance Bonds  Lease  Statewide  Nationwide o LR2000 o Whento increase bonds o Bondingcalculations  Statutes and Regulations o Mineral LeasingAct(MLA) o Federal Oil andGas RoyaltyManagementActof 1982 (FOGRMA) o Federal Onshore Oil andGasLeasingReformActof 1987 (FOOGLRA) o Federal LandPolicyManagementActof 1976 (FLPMA) o Onshore Oil andGas Order#1 o Onshore Oil andGas Order#2 o Onshore Oil andGas Order#6 o Onshore Oil andGas Order#7 o 43 CFR 3160 and subparts o NTL-3a o NTL-4a o WO Policy,GuidelinesandStandards(i.e.the Gold Book,IMs,etc.) o Bureau-wide MOUs o State Policy,GuidelinesandStandards
  • 8. 8  Other Resources o Archaeology  National HistoricPreservationAct (NHPA)  Archaeological andHistoricPreservationAct(AHPA)  Archaeological Resource ProtectionAct(ARPA)  Native AmericanGravesProtectionandRepatriationAct(NAGPRA)  Tribal ConsultationProcesses  National TrailsSystemAct  AmericanIndianReligiousFreedomAct  Executive Order13007 (SacredSites)  National/state cultural resourcesagreements,protocolsand cultural resources protectionrequirements o WildlifeBiology  EndangeredSpeciesAct(ESA)  Migratory BirdTreaty Act (MBTA)  Baldand GoldenEagle ProtectionAct  USFWS ConsultationProcesses  State Game and Fish Consultation o AirQuality  National AmbientAirQualityStandards(NAAQS)  CleanAirAct (CAA)  Global Climate Change PreventionAct  AirMOU o Recreation  Protectionof recreationsites  Scenicbywayandback country by-wayrulesandregulations o Water/Hydrology (surface andsubsurface)  CleanWaterAct (aka Federal WaterPollutionControl Act)  404 permitrequirementsArmyCorps.  Protectionof Wetlands:EO11990  FloodplainManagement:EO11988  Surface Water (Streams,Runoff,Run-on,Impoundments)  Ground Water(Shallow ground waterprotection,pits,usablewaterisolation throughcasingdesignandcementprogram)  State Engineersoffice consultation (waterrights)  Sole Source Aquifers(SSAs)  DrinkingWaterSource ProtectionZones(DWSPZs) o Visual Resource Management(VRM)  Plandecisions  Form,line,color,texture  VRMClasses
  • 9. 9 o WildernessandWilderness Characteristics  Dept.of InteriorManual  WildernessAct  Wildand ScenicRiversAct  FLPMA forBLM Wilderness o Range  What an allotmentis  What an AUM is  What are the fence installationstandards  Cattle guardstandards  SeedMix consultations o Paleontology  Paleontological ResourcesProtectionAct  Geophysical Operations o ProcessinganNOI o Monitoringforcompliance of the permit o Typesof NEPA o Cultural Requirements o Biological Requirements o Considerwhetherthe projectcanbe done withoutstaking/flaggingthe source linesand receiverlines(usingonlyGPS) o Geophysical Handbook(H-3150) o Knowledgeof:  2-dimensionalseismic  3-dimensionalseismic  4-dimensionalseismic  Vertical SeismicProfile,andhow itiscompleted  Frac-Eye Seismic  Micro-Seismicsurveyforfracture propagation  Vibroseistrucks  Acceleratedweightdroptechnique  Electromagneticgeophysical methods  “Passive”methodsof geophysical datacollection  Shot-hole  Buggydrill  Heliportabledrill  Receiverlines  Source lines
  • 10. 10  GeographicInformationSystem (GIS) o How to use ArcMap  Meta Data  Projections  IntegratingGPSdata intoGIS  Data Standards o Where to findthe data setsandwhere to save new ones o How to printusingthe plotter  Basic FieldSkills/Knowledge o Legal Land DescriptionsandPLSS o Operatinga4WD vehicle o OperatinganATV/UTV/snowmobile (andtowingtrailersthatcarry these vehicles) o ReadingMaps o Use of GPS (spill mapping,interimreclamation,etc) o Use of InfraredCameraTechnologyfordetectionsof leaks/venting o Local plantand noxiousweedidentification o Basic Photographicskills o RadioOperations/Procedures o Checkinginandout o FieldGear,Safetyequipment (H2Smonitors;escape packs,Survival equipment ,PPE) o Basic Use of Fire extinguishers o Safetytraining,firstaid/CPR