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for Android developers
Bartosz Kosarzycki - Apr 07, 2016
Kotlin for Android developers
❏ What is Kotlin?
❏ Why Kotlin?
❏ JAVA 8 JACK compiler
❏ Advantages
❏ Nullpointer safety
❏ Advantages
❏ Data objects
❏ Traits**
❏ Delegation pattern
❏ Properties
❏ Utility classes
❏ Project structure in Android
❏ Cost of Kotlin in Android
❏ Higher-order functions
❏ Lambda & getters and setters
❏ Kotterknife
❏ Dagger 2
❏ Kotlin Anko
❏ Sample Activity in Kotlin
❏ SWIFT & KOTLIN comparison
❏ Command line compiler
❏ Language name origins
❏ Live templates
❏ Enum translation
❏ Calling extension functions from Kotlin/Java
❏ Constructors with backing fields
❏ Warnings
❏ Annotation processing - KAPT
❏ SAM conversions
❏ Type equality
❏ Lambda vs Closure
❏ Reified generics
❏ Fluent interfaces
❏ Infix notation
❏ Static extension methods in Kotlin
❏ Generic types
❏ Dokka - documentation in Kotlin
❏ J2K converter
❏ Real-world example
What is Kotlin?
● safe
● versatile
● interoparable
● IDE support
● fast
+ fast compilation
+ simplicity
+ swift’s syntax is similar
Online compiler:
Required knowledge:
● basic Android development skills
● functional programming
● familiarity with JDK 6,7,8
● Scala is a plus
● no javax.time from JDK8
● no try-with resources
● no lambdas!
● no new java stream api
● no way to add methods to platform data
types (e.g. View) List<string> names =
ZoneId zone = ZoneId.systemDefault();
Clock clock = Clock.system(zone);
LocalDate date =;
LocalTime time =;
time =;
Java Stream API
static String readFirstLineFromFile(String path) throws IOException {
try (BufferedReader br =
new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path))) {
return br.readLine();
try-with resources
** JACK compiler is in beta (Android N)
● Default and static
interface methods
● Lambda expressions
● Repeatable annotations
** JACK compiler is in beta (Android N)
@Schedule(dayOfMonth= "last")
@Schedule(dayOfWeek= "Fri", hour="23")
public void doPeriodicCleanup () { ... }
Repeatable annotations
(Person p) ->
p.getGender() == Person.Sex.MALE
&& p.getAge() >= 18
&& p.getAge() <= 25
Lambda expressions
public interface Java8DefaultInterface {
default void closeSession() {
Log.i("TAG", "Session closed");
Default interface methods
fun finish(obj: Any) {
if (obj is Activity)
Named args in func calls:
fun circle(x: Int, y: Int, rad: Int, stroke: Int) {…}
circle(15, 40, rad = 20, stroke = 1);
Built-in lambdas:
val numbers: IntArray = intArrayOf(11, 20, 31, 40, 51)
val predicate: (Int) -> Boolean = { it -> it % 2 == 1 }
val list1 = numbers.filter { it % 2 == 1 }
val list2 = numbers.filter(predicate)
println("Lists identical: " + list1.equals(list2));
> Lists identical: true
* no new statement:
val a = B();
* optional brackets, return statement and one-line
function declarations:
class A {
var field1: String = "No ";
fun printNews () = field1 + " news for you" ;
● all of these are much-needed
in Android development
var output : String?
output = null
Exception in thread "main" kotlin.KotlinNullPointerException
at Simplest_versionKt.main(Simplest version.kt:11)
Java-like !! Operator: (for NPE lovers) - Optional.get() equivalent
var output : String?
output = null
val len = output?.length ?: -1 //elvis operator
> null
> -1
?. Safe calls: (for if not null -> call function; return null otherwise)
Kotlin type aliases - planned in roadmap
(not yet released - as of Feb 2016)
Java JDK 10 will push Optional onto
the default stack ~ 2018
Optional<> pattern no longer
If a function does not return any useful value, its
return type is Unit
val arr = arrayOf(D("1A", "1B"),
D( "2A", "2B"), D("3A", "3B"));
for ((first, second) in arr )
println("a: $first, b: $second")
class D {
public var nameA: String = ""
public var nameB: String = ""
constructor (nameA: String , nameB: String) {
this.nameA = nameA
this.nameB = nameB
operator fun component1() : String {
return nameA
operator fun component2() : String {
return nameB
(a, b) Destructuring Declaration
object SampleSingleton {
var baseUrl: String = "https://aaa.bbb"
fun printUrl() = println(baseUrl)
SampleSingleton.baseUrl = "https://ccc.ddd"
> https://aaa.bbb
> https://ccc.ddd
● Singletons and
destructuring declarations
are built-in:
Data objects
data class Point(val x: Double = 0.0, val y: Double = 0.0, var descr: String?)
val point1 = Point( x = 1.0, y = 2.0, descr = "no description");
val point2 = Point( descr = "no description", y = 2.0, x = 1.0);
println(point1.hashCode().equals(point2.hashCode()) )
println(point1.toString().equals(point2.toString()) )
Data object:
+ properties
Automatically generated:● removes most of
the boilerplate
TRAITS - java-like interfaces
with default implementation
class ExampleActivity :
AppCompatActivity(), ActivitySessionHandling {
override fun onDestroy() {
open interface ActivitySessionHandling {
fun closeSession() = println("Session closed")
JAVA JDK 8 - extension methods
- default interface implementation
public class ItemListActivity extends AppCompatActivity
implements Java8DefaultInterface {
protected void onDestroy() {
public interface Java8DefaultInterface {
default void closeSession() {
Log.i("TAG", "Session closed");
**JAVA 8 (JACK - Android)
Built-in delegate pattern:
class Derived(b: Base) : Base by b
class BaseImpl(val x: Int) : Base {
override fun print() { println(x) }
interface Base {
fun print()
val b = BaseImpl(10)
> 10
Java equivalent:
class Derived {
Base base; //helper object
public Derived(Base b) {
this.base = b;
void print(){
class BaseImpl implements Base {
int val;
public BaseImpl(int v) {
this.val = v;
public void print() { System.out.println(val); }
interface Base {
void print();
BaseImpl base = new BaseImpl(10);
new Derived(base).print();
In Delagation Pattern an object instead of performing one of its stated
tasks, delegates that task to an associated helper object. There is an
Inversion of Responsibility.
Properties & read-only properties:
public class Address(addr : String) {
public var name: String = ""
public val address: String = addr //read-only
val address = Address(addr = "Low street 123") = "Mickey mouse"
> Low street 123
> Mickey mouse
address.address = "Another street 123" //Error:
val cannot be reassigned
Getters & setters:
public class Address() {
var address: String
get() = "Lorem ipsum"
set(value) {
public class Address() {
var address: String = ""
get //default getter
private set //default private setter
Companion objects:
class CarAssemblyFactory {
companion object Factory {
fun createCar(): String
= String().plus("This is a car")
JAVA utility class
public class StringUtils {
public static String encodeString(String str) {
return str.replaceAll(" ", "_");
KOTLIN utility class
fun String.encodeSpaces():String = this.replace(" ", "_")
println("Neque porro quisquam".encodeSpaces())
Separate packages:
package main.kotlin.utils
fun String.encodeSpaces(): String = this.replace(" ", "_")
import main.kotlin.utils.encodeSpaces
println("Neque porro quisquam".encodeSpaces())
● no utils hell
● extend final classes
● classes in Kotlin are
final by default
fun Date.isTuesday() = day == 2
//in fact it's:
//Date.getDay() == 2
Android kotlin project structure: Kotlin & Java intertwined:
Gradle dependencies:
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath ''
classpath 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.0.0-rc-1036'
apply plugin: 'kotlin-android'
Reference application:
one blank Activity app generated with Android Studio
//extension function
fun Date.isTuesday() = day == 2
//function expression as contant
val addition = { x: Int, y:Int -> x + y }
//higher order function
fun higherOrder(x : Int, y: Int, func : (x : Int, y : Int) -> Int ) : Int { return func.invoke(x, y); }
Higher-order extension function
fun Int.addCustomFunc(arg: Int, func : (x : Int, y : Int) -> Int ) : Int
{ return func.invoke(this, arg); }
val addition = { x: Int, y:Int -> x + y }
val result = 1.addCustomFunc(5, addition);
mDescriptionTextView.setOnClickListener({ activityPrivateMethod() })
mDescriptionTextView.text = "Current time: " + })
Lambda expression to the rescue
private fun bind(item: Team) {
mHeaderTextView.text = item.header
mDescriptionTextView.text = item.description
onTextChanged { text:CharSequence, a:Int, b:Int, c:Int ->
Toast.makeText(applicationContext, text, LENGTH_SHORT).show() } }
● simplify development
● remove boilerplate
● improve multi-threading
Auto getters&setters
val mHeaderTextView: TextView by bindView(
val mDescriptionTextView: TextView by bindView(
val textViews: List<TextView> by bindViews(,
// List binding with optional items being omitted.
val nameViews: List<TextView> by bindOptionalViews(,,
● bindView() instead of
@Bind annotation
● developed by Jake Wharton
● still not pushed to maven
Dagger 2
class AndroidModule(private val application: Application) {
fun provideLocationManager(): LocationManager {
as LocationManager
fun provideSomething(): String {
return "something"
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
lateinit var locationManager: LocationManager
@field:[Inject Named("something")]
lateinit var something: String
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
● compatible with KOTLIN
since M13
● introduction of lateinit property
Late-initialized property: e.g. for unit tests
public class MyTest {
lateinit var subject: TestSubject
@SetUp fun setup() {
subject = TestSubject()
@Test fun test() {
Kotlin Anko
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
verticalLayout {
padding = dip(30)
editText {
hint = "Name"
textSize = 24f
editText {
hint = "Password"
textSize = 24f
button("Login") {
textSize = 26f
● from Jetbrains
● create layouts from code
dependencies {
compile 'org.jetbrains.anko:anko-sdk15:0.8'
compile 'org.jetbrains.anko:anko-support-v4:0.8'
compile 'org.jetbrains.anko:anko-appcompat-v7:0.8'
verticalLayout {
val name = editText()
button("Say Hello") {
onClick { toast("Hello, ${name.text}!") }
class TeamDetailsActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
val mHeaderTextView: TextView by bindView(
var mTeam: Team? = null
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
supportActionBar!!.title = "Team description"
mTeam = Gson().fromJson<Team>(intent.getStringExtra("item"),
private fun bind(item: Team) {
mHeaderTextView.text = item.header
override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean {
if (item.itemId ==
return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item)
● 100% Java compatibility
● kotterknife
● Android SDK usage in Kotlin is simple
var myVariable = 42 //Variable
val explicitDouble: Double = 70.0 //Explicit Type Constant
for (i in 1..5) { print(i) } //Inclusive Range Operator
val a = "A"; val b = "B";
val str = "I have ${a + b} "; //String interpolation
var shoppingList = arrayOf("catfish" , "water") //Array Creation
var hashMap = hashMapOf("Malcolm" to "Captain" ); //Maps
val emptyArray = arrayOf<String>() //Empty Typed Array
interface Nameable { fun name(): String } //Interface
val movie = obj as Movie //Downcasting
fun : Double = this * 1000; //Extension function
var myVariable = 42 //Variable
let explicitDouble: Double = 70 //Explicit Type Constant
for i in 1...5 { println( i) } //Inclusive Range Operator
let a = "A"; let b = "B";
let str = "I have (a + b) " //String interpolation
var shoppingList = [ "catfish" , "water"] //Array Creation
var occupations = [ "Malcolm" : "Captain" ] //Maps
let emptyArray = String[]() //Empty Typed Array
protocol Nameable { func name() -> String } //Protocol (Interface)
let movie = object as Movie //Downcasting
extension Double { var km: Double { return self * 1_000.0 } }
//Extension function
● Kotlin’s syntax is similar
Command line
$ curl -s | bash
$ source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"
$ sdk install kotlin
Do you want kotlin 1.0.0-rc-1036 to be set as default?
(Y/n): Y
Setting kotlin 1.0.0-rc-1036 as default.
● Let us compare the
resulting bytecode of
kotlin and java
or homebrew
name origins
Live templates
fun Any.f(): Unit {
{ x -> x }
for (i in iterable) {
● let’s start with something
simple - templates
Live templates
var Any.v: Any
get() {
set(value) {
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
if (i != null) {
Enum translation
enum class SliderActivityType
private constructor(val title: Int) {
public enum SliderActivityType {
private final int title;
SliderActivityType(int title) {
this.title = title;
public int getTitle() {
return title;
● easier to read
● more concise
● help to avoid typos and boilerplate code
In Kotlin translated enums are:
Calling extension
Get app-version ext. function:
@file:JvmName("ActivityUtil") //@file:JvmMultifileClass
package com.stxnext.stxinsider.util
fun Activity.getAppVersion(activity: Activity): String {
try {
val manager = activity.packageManager
val info = manager.getPackageInfo(activity.packageName, 0).versionName
} catch (e: PackageManager.NameNotFoundException) { /* ignore */ }
return "0.0.0"
Kotlin call:
Java call:
Constructors with
backing fields
● using constructors with backing fields in
a proper way saves a lot of boiler-plate
kotlin code:
class TeamCategoryFragment : Fragment() {
internal val TAG = TeamCategoryFragment::class.simpleName
lateinit var teamCategoryHeader: TeamCategoryHeader
lateinit var teamListRecyclerView: RecyclerView
fun teamCategoryHeader (teamCategoryHeader: TeamCategoryHeader): TeamCategoryFragment {
this.teamCategoryHeader = teamCategoryHeader
return this
override fun onCreateView(): View? {
val view = inflater!!.inflate(R.layout.fragment_layout, container, false)
teamListRecyclerView = view.findViewById( as RecyclerView
return view;
class TeamCategoryFragment (var teamCategoryHeader: TeamCategoryHeader) : Fragment() {
internal val TAG = TeamCategoryFragment::class.simpleName
lateinit var teamListRecyclerView: RecyclerView
override fun onCreateView(): View? {
val view = inflater!!.inflate(R.layout.fragment_layout, container, false)
teamListRecyclerView = view.findViewById( as RecyclerView
return view;
with backing
Full list of supression contants:
Implementation state:
● old implementation: kapt worked by intercepting
communication between annotation processors and javac,
and added already-compiled Kotlin classes on top of the
Java classes
● new implementation of KAPT: generates stubs of Kotlin classes
before running javac and llows the usage of APT based
libraries we already have at our current java stack
kapt {
generateStubs = true
dependencies {
kapt ''
Example config:
● JSR 269 Annotation
Processing available in Kotlin
since M12
● Dagger 2 works :)
● DBFlow works
SAM call:
● function literals can be converted into implementations
of Java interfaces with a single non-default method
● the parameter types of the interface method must match
the parameter types of the Kotlin function
Lambda call:
mInsiderApiService.getTeamsAsync({ list ->
list.forEach { item -> print(item.description) } },
{ /* do nothing on error */ } )
View.OnClickListener { print("Message content") } )
executor.execute(Runnable {
println("This runs in a thread pool") })
object : Callback<List<SliderItem>> {
override fun onResponse(
p0: Call<List<SliderItem>>?,
response: Response<List<SliderItem>>?) {
/* something */ }
override fun onFailure(
p0: Call<List<SliderItem>>?,
p1: Throwable?) { /* something */ }
Java interface call:
Type equality
Checking type equality
if (this instanceof TallItemView) { .... }
// instanceof makes it very easy to be asymmetric
if (this.getClass()
.equals(TallItemView.class) ) { .... }
if (this.javaClass
.isAssignableFrom( )
Referential equality
referential equality is checked by the ===
Structural equality
structural equality is checked by the ==
== is translated to: a?.equals(b) ?: (b === null)
a == null is translated to: a === null
if a is not null, it calls the equals(Any?)
function, otherwise b === null
Lambda vs
● language construct
● a syntax for
anonymous function
● can be assigned to a
● “closes over” the
environment in which
it was defined
● lambda which
references fields
external to its body
● function which is
evaluated in its own
Reified generics
● in Java generic type parameters are not
reified: they are not available at runtime
● for inline functions
(inserting the function code at the address of each function call)
● safe casting of generic types
● problem comes from type-erasure
class MyClass<T> {
private final T o;
public MyClass() {
this.o = new T(); //type parameter ‘T’ cannot be instantiated directly
Example (Java)
public class MyClass2<T> {
public T doSomething() {
return (T) new MyClass(); //unchecked cast
class MyClass2 {
inline fun <reified T> doSomething() : T {
return MyClass() as T;
class MyClass
Fluent interfaces
Fluent setter generator plugin for Android Studio:
public SampleActivity firstVariable(int firstVariable) {
this.firstVariable = firstVariable;
return this;
public SampleActivity secondVariable(int secondVariable) {
this.secondVariable = secondVariable;
return this;
● almost like an internal DSL
● ideal for filtering, creating,
customizing etc.
● used for model classes
Snakbar snack = Snackbar
.make(mainView , "Sample snackbar" , Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG)
.setAction( "Undo", undoClickListener) ;
Fluent interface example:
class Person(val name: String) {
val parents : List<String> = arrayListOf()
constructor(name: String, parent: String)
: this(name) {
fun parent(parent: String): Person {; return this
Fluent interfaces /**
* Fluent sort
fun <T : kotlin.Comparable<T>> kotlin.collections.MutableList<T>.
sortList(): MutableList<T> {
return this
* For-each fluent interface
fun <T : kotlin.Comparable<T>> kotlin.collections.MutableList<T>.
forEachList(action: (T) -> kotlin.Unit): MutableList<T> {
for (elem in this)
return this
Additional functions:
Fluent lists example:
val list = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
list .forEach { println(it) }
list forEachLoop { println(it) }
* In-place forEach loop (discouraged in 1.0 release)
infix fun <T> kotlin.collections.Iterable<T>
.forEachLoop(action: (T) -> kotlin.Unit): kotlin.Unit {
this.forEach { action }
val outList = list
.filter { it < 100 }
.filterNot { it == 1 }
.forEachList { it + 1 }
.filter { it % 2 == 0 }
//result: 2
Infix notation
infix fun Int.minus(x: Int): Int {
return this.minus(x)
infix extension function:
val result = 1 minus 2
println(3 minus 4)
type isPortfolio { println("Do something") }
type isTeam { println("Do something else") }
infix fun SliderActivityType.isPortfolio( execClosure : () -> Unit ) {
if (this.equals(SliderActivityType.PORTFOLIO))
infix fun SliderActivityType.isTeam( execClosure : () -> Unit ) {
if (this.equals(SliderActivityType.TEAM))
this displayToast "This is a message"
infix fun Activity.displayToast(txt : String) {
Toast.makeText(this, txt, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
● only one method
● function literal can be
passed outside the
Infix notation
if (this isGranted Manifest.permission.READ_CONTACTS) {
//do something here
infix fun Activity.isGranted(permissionStr : String) :
Boolean {
if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this,
permissionStr) !=
return false
return true
Handle Android
permissions check:
this loge "I really don't like errors"
infix fun Activity.loge(txt : String) {
Log.e(this.javaClass.simpleName, txt)
Log errors:
Generic types
Create generic object instance:
● in JVM generic types are lost due to type erasure
class MyClass<T> {
private final T o;
public MyClass() {
this.o = new T(); //type parameter ‘T’ cannot be instantiated directly
Generic types
val bindFunc = { baseView: FrameLayout , item: ListItem , position: Int , clickListener: View.OnClickListener ->
val nameTextView = baseView.findViewById( item_simple_list_main_header) as TextView
nameTextView. text = item.title
val adapter = SimpleItemListAdapter<ListItem , ListItemView<ListItem>>(onClickFunc ,
{ ListItemView <ListItem> (R.layout. item_simple_list, bindFunc , baseContext , null /* attrs */ ) } );
Create generic object instance:
● in JVM generic types are lost due to type erasure
override fun onCreateItemView(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): TView {
val view = factory()
return view as TView
//not really convenient
override fun onCreateItemView(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int, classParam : Class<T>): T {
val v: T = classParam.constructors[0].newInstance(mContext, null) as T
return v as T
init { bind KClick(this, { v: View -> onSendButtonClick(v) }) }
fun onSendButtonClick(v: View) {
● custom function written in
● uses infix notation and
extension functions
Bind button click using DSL:
/** init {
* bind KClick(this, { v: View -> onLoginButtonClick(v) })
* bind KClick(this, { v: View -> onLogoutButtonClick(v) })
* }
infix fun Int.bind(kClick: KClick): kotlin.Unit {
var kViewEntries = Util.kViewsMap[(]
if (kViewEntries == null)
kViewEntries = mutableListOf()
kViewEntries.add(KViewEntry(this, { v: View -> kClick.action.invoke(v) }) )
Util.kViewsMap.put(, kViewEntries)
data class KClick(val activity: Activity, val action: (View) -> kotlin.Unit)
data class KViewEntry(val id: Int, val action: (View) -> kotlin.Unit)
fun Activity.bindKViews() {
for (mutEntry in Util.kViewsMap)
if (mutEntry.key == {
val kViewEntries = mutEntry.value;
for (kViewEntry in kViewEntries)
findViewById( { v: View -> kViewEntry.action.invoke(v) }
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
What is dokka:
KDoc documentation:
● similar do Javadoc
● supports stale Javadoc out of the box
● markdown support included
* # Beacon SDK initialization
* This method registers 3 beacons with IDs taken from Estimote Cloud.
* Invoke this method in [onCreate].
* ## Showcase demo
* Steps:
* * Grant application bluetooth, GPS and WiFi permissions
* * Wait for about 1 minute (beacons broadcast in 0.1 ~ 2.0 sec intervals)
* * Snackbar should appear on the app's main activity
private fun initializeNearables() { ….. }
● generates documentation in
● maintained by Jetbrains
● generated from
● standalone executable jar
● [ref] instead of @see ref
Standalone jar:
● java -jar dokka-fatjar.jar ./src/
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath "org.jetbrains.dokka:dokka-gradle-plugin:0.9.7"
sourceSets { += 'src/main/kotlin'
dokka {
outputFormat = 'html' //'markdown', 'javadoc'
outputDirectory = "$buildDir/kotlindocs"
Dokka gradle plugin:
HTML output with css styles:
J2K converter
Simple Activity
Call Java 2 Kotlin converter:
● There is no Kotlin 2 Java as for now
public class SampleActivity extends Activity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle
savedInstanceState) {
class SampleActivity : Activity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
Method count:
Library Method count
cardview-v7/23.1.0 872
play-services-maps 1369
play-services-base 700
okhttp 1463
dagger-compiler 1582
kotlin-stdlib 2411
kotlin-runtime 705
support-vector-drawable 635
butterknife 635
okio 712
(617 after proguarding)
LoC: 1857 kotlin + 503 java lines
Compilation time (debug): 45.584 sec (6 sec incremental)
Compilation time (release): 44.142 sec
(proguard + zipaligning)
Intel® Core™ i5-3470 CPU @ 3.20GHz × 4
8 GB RAM 1333 MHz, Ubuntu 15.10, Linux kernel 4.4.2-040402-generic
Method count:
Library Method count
joda-time 1707
converter-gson 236 1912
kotterknife 456 290
retrofit-2.0.0-beta2 593 1017 1579
LoC: 1857 kotlin + 503 java lines
Compilation time (debug): 47.135 sec (6 sec incremental)
Compilation time (release): 53.173 sec
(proguard + zipaligning)
Mac Mini late 2014, SSD 256 GB drive USB-3.0
2.6 GHz Intel Core i5
8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3, OsX El Capitan 10.11.2 (15C50)
Try it yourself - STXInsider example project:
● Jake Wharton - Using Project Kotlin for Android -
● Mike Gouline - Kotlin the Swift of Android - -
● Paweł Gajda - Kotlin Android -,
● Jetbrains Kotlin Anko -
● Amit Phaltankar Java 8 streams -
● Salomon Brys -
● Gautier Mechling -
Bartosz Kosarzycki
Twitter: @bkosarzycki
Online compiler:
STXInsider example project in Kotlin:

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ADG Poznań - Kotlin for Android developers

  • 1. Kotlin for Android developers Bartosz Kosarzycki - Apr 07, 2016
  • 2. Kotlin for Android developers ❏ What is Kotlin? ❏ Why Kotlin? ❏ JAVA 8 JACK compiler ❏ Advantages ❏ Nullpointer safety ❏ Advantages ❏ Data objects ❏ Traits** ❏ Delegation pattern ❏ Properties ❏ Utility classes ❏ Project structure in Android ❏ Cost of Kotlin in Android ❏ Higher-order functions ❏ Lambda & getters and setters ❏ Kotterknife ❏ Dagger 2 ❏ Kotlin Anko ❏ Sample Activity in Kotlin ❏ SWIFT & KOTLIN comparison ❏ Command line compiler AGENDA ❏ Language name origins ❏ Live templates ❏ Enum translation ❏ Calling extension functions from Kotlin/Java ❏ Constructors with backing fields ❏ Warnings ❏ Annotation processing - KAPT ❏ SAM conversions ❏ Type equality ❏ Lambda vs Closure ❏ Reified generics ❏ Fluent interfaces ❏ Infix notation ❏ Static extension methods in Kotlin ❏ Generic types ❏ Dokka - documentation in Kotlin ❏ J2K converter ❏ Real-world example
  • 3. What is Kotlin? KOTLIN is: ● safe ● versatile ● interoparable ● IDE support ● fast JAVA SCALA KOTLIN + fast compilation + simplicity + swift’s syntax is similar Online compiler: SWIFT Required knowledge: ● basic Android development skills ● functional programming ● familiarity with JDK 6,7,8 ● Scala is a plus
  • 4. Why KOTLIN? ● no javax.time from JDK8 ● no try-with resources ● no lambdas! ● no new java stream api ● no way to add methods to platform data types (e.g. View) List<string> names = .map(Student::getName) .filter(name->name.startsWith("B")) .collect(Collectors.toList()); ZoneId zone = ZoneId.systemDefault(); Clock clock = Clock.system(zone); LocalDate date =; LocalTime time =; time =; javax.time Java Stream API static String readFirstLineFromFile(String path) throws IOException { try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path))) { return br.readLine(); } } try-with resources ** JACK compiler is in beta (Android N)
  • 5. JAVA 8 JACK ● Default and static interface methods ● Lambda expressions ● Repeatable annotations ** JACK compiler is in beta (Android N) @Schedule(dayOfMonth= "last") @Schedule(dayOfWeek= "Fri", hour="23") public void doPeriodicCleanup () { ... } Repeatable annotations printPersons( roster, (Person p) -> p.getGender() == Person.Sex.MALE && p.getAge() >= 18 && p.getAge() <= 25 ); Lambda expressions public interface Java8DefaultInterface { default void closeSession() { Log.i("TAG", "Session closed"); } } Default interface methods
  • 6. Advantages fun finish(obj: Any) { if (obj is Activity) obj.finish() } Auto-casting: Named args in func calls: fun circle(x: Int, y: Int, rad: Int, stroke: Int) {…} circle(15, 40, rad = 20, stroke = 1); Built-in lambdas: val numbers: IntArray = intArrayOf(11, 20, 31, 40, 51) val predicate: (Int) -> Boolean = { it -> it % 2 == 1 } val list1 = numbers.filter { it % 2 == 1 } val list2 = numbers.filter(predicate) println("Lists identical: " + list1.equals(list2)); > Lists identical: true Compactness: * no new statement: val a = B(); * optional brackets, return statement and one-line function declarations: class A { var field1: String = "No "; fun printNews () = field1 + " news for you" ; } println(A().printNews()) ● all of these are much-needed in Android development
  • 7. Nullpointer safety var output : String? output = null println(output!!.length) Exception in thread "main" kotlin.KotlinNullPointerException at Simplest_versionKt.main(Simplest version.kt:11) Java-like !! Operator: (for NPE lovers) - Optional.get() equivalent var output : String? output = null println(output?.length) val len = output?.length ?: -1 //elvis operator println(len) > null > -1 ?. Safe calls: (for if not null -> call function; return null otherwise) Kotlin type aliases - planned in roadmap (not yet released - as of Feb 2016) Java JDK 10 will push Optional onto the default stack ~ 2018 Optional<> pattern no longer needed! kotlin.Unit If a function does not return any useful value, its return type is Unit
  • 8. Advantages val arr = arrayOf(D("1A", "1B"), D( "2A", "2B"), D("3A", "3B")); for ((first, second) in arr ) println("a: $first, b: $second") class D { public var nameA: String = "" public var nameB: String = "" constructor (nameA: String , nameB: String) { this.nameA = nameA this.nameB = nameB } operator fun component1() : String { return nameA } operator fun component2() : String { return nameB } } (a, b) Destructuring Declaration Singleton: object SampleSingleton { var baseUrl: String = "https://aaa.bbb" fun printUrl() = println(baseUrl) } SampleSingleton.printUrl() SampleSingleton.baseUrl = "https://ccc.ddd" SampleSingleton.printUrl() > https://aaa.bbb > https://ccc.ddd ● Singletons and destructuring declarations are built-in:
  • 9. Data objects data class Point(val x: Double = 0.0, val y: Double = 0.0, var descr: String?) val point1 = Point( x = 1.0, y = 2.0, descr = "no description"); val point2 = Point( descr = "no description", y = 2.0, x = 1.0); println(point1.equals(point2)) println(point1.hashCode().equals(point2.hashCode()) ) println(point1.toString().equals(point2.toString()) ) println(point1.toString()) Data object: hashCode() toString() equals() + properties Automatically generated:● removes most of the boilerplate code
  • 10. Traits** TRAITS - java-like interfaces with default implementation class ExampleActivity : AppCompatActivity(), ActivitySessionHandling { override fun onDestroy() { super.onDestroy() closeSession() } } open interface ActivitySessionHandling { fun closeSession() = println("Session closed") } JAVA JDK 8 - extension methods - default interface implementation public class ItemListActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements Java8DefaultInterface { @Override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); closeSession(); } } public interface Java8DefaultInterface { default void closeSession() { Log.i("TAG", "Session closed"); } } **JAVA 8 (JACK - Android)
  • 11. Delegation pattern Built-in delegate pattern: class Derived(b: Base) : Base by b class BaseImpl(val x: Int) : Base { override fun print() { println(x) } } interface Base { fun print() } val b = BaseImpl(10) Derived(b).print() > 10 Java equivalent: class Derived { Base base; //helper object public Derived(Base b) { this.base = b; } void print(){ base.print(); } } class BaseImpl implements Base { int val; public BaseImpl(int v) { this.val = v; } public void print() { System.out.println(val); } } interface Base { void print(); } BaseImpl base = new BaseImpl(10); new Derived(base).print(); In Delagation Pattern an object instead of performing one of its stated tasks, delegates that task to an associated helper object. There is an Inversion of Responsibility.
  • 12. Properties Properties & read-only properties: public class Address(addr : String) { public var name: String = "" public val address: String = addr //read-only } val address = Address(addr = "Low street 123") = "Mickey mouse" println(address.address) println( > Low street 123 > Mickey mouse address.address = "Another street 123" //Error: val cannot be reassigned Getters & setters: public class Address() { var address: String get() = "Lorem ipsum" set(value) { println(value) } } public class Address() { var address: String = "" get //default getter private set //default private setter } Companion objects: class CarAssemblyFactory { companion object Factory { fun createCar(): String = String().plus("This is a car") } } println(CarAssemblyFactory.createCar())
  • 13. Utility classes UTILS: StringUtil ActivityUtil ListUtil JAVA utility class public class StringUtils { public static String encodeString(String str) { return str.replaceAll(" ", "_"); } } KOTLIN utility class fun String.encodeSpaces():String = this.replace(" ", "_") println("Neque porro quisquam".encodeSpaces()) Separate packages: package main.kotlin.utils fun String.encodeSpaces(): String = this.replace(" ", "_") import main.kotlin.utils.encodeSpaces println("Neque porro quisquam".encodeSpaces()) ● no utils hell ● extend final classes ● classes in Kotlin are final by default @JvmName("DateUtil") fun Date.isTuesday() = day == 2 //in fact it's: //Date.getDay() == 2
  • 15. Project structure Android kotlin project structure: Kotlin & Java intertwined: Gradle dependencies: build.gradle: buildscript { dependencies { classpath '' classpath 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.0.0-rc-1036' } } app.gradle: apply plugin: 'kotlin-android'
  • 16. Cost Reference application: one blank Activity app generated with Android Studio
  • 17. Higher-order functions Introduction //extension function fun Date.isTuesday() = day == 2 //function expression as contant val addition = { x: Int, y:Int -> x + y } //higher order function fun higherOrder(x : Int, y: Int, func : (x : Int, y : Int) -> Int ) : Int { return func.invoke(x, y); } Higher-order extension function fun Int.addCustomFunc(arg: Int, func : (x : Int, y : Int) -> Int ) : Int { return func.invoke(this, arg); } val addition = { x: Int, y:Int -> x + y } val result = 1.addCustomFunc(5, addition);
  • 18. Android Compactness mDescriptionTextView.setOnClickListener({ activityPrivateMethod() }) mDescriptionTextView.setOnClickListener({ mDescriptionTextView.text = "Current time: " + }) Lambda expression to the rescue private fun bind(item: Team) { mHeaderTextView.text = item.header mDescriptionTextView.text = item.description } mSampleEditText.addTextChangedListener{ onTextChanged { text:CharSequence, a:Int, b:Int, c:Int -> Toast.makeText(applicationContext, text, LENGTH_SHORT).show() } } ● simplify development ● remove boilerplate ● improve multi-threading Auto getters&setters
  • 19. Kotterknife val mHeaderTextView: TextView by bindView( val mDescriptionTextView: TextView by bindView( val textViews: List<TextView> by bindViews(, // List binding with optional items being omitted. val nameViews: List<TextView> by bindOptionalViews(,, ● bindView() instead of @Bind annotation ● developed by Jake Wharton ● still not pushed to maven central
  • 20. Dagger 2 & KOTLIN @Module class AndroidModule(private val application: Application) { @Provides @Singleton fun provideLocationManager(): LocationManager { return application .getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE) as LocationManager } @Provides @Singleton @Named("something") fun provideSomething(): String { return "something" } } class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() { @Inject lateinit var locationManager: LocationManager @field:[Inject Named("something")] lateinit var something: String override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) } } ● compatible with KOTLIN since M13 ● introduction of lateinit property Late-initialized property: e.g. for unit tests public class MyTest { lateinit var subject: TestSubject @SetUp fun setup() { subject = TestSubject() } @Test fun test() { subject.method() } }
  • 21. Kotlin Anko override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) verticalLayout { padding = dip(30) editText { hint = "Name" textSize = 24f } editText { hint = "Password" textSize = 24f } button("Login") { textSize = 26f } } } ● from Jetbrains ● create layouts from code dependencies { compile 'org.jetbrains.anko:anko-sdk15:0.8' compile 'org.jetbrains.anko:anko-support-v4:0.8' compile 'org.jetbrains.anko:anko-appcompat-v7:0.8' } verticalLayout { val name = editText() button("Say Hello") { onClick { toast("Hello, ${name.text}!") } } }
  • 22. Sample Activity class TeamDetailsActivity : AppCompatActivity() { val mHeaderTextView: TextView by bindView( var mTeam: Team? = null override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_team_details) supportActionBar!!.title = "Team description" supportActionBar!!.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true) mTeam = Gson().fromJson<Team>(intent.getStringExtra("item"), bind(mTeam!!) } private fun bind(item: Team) { mHeaderTextView.text = item.header } override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean { if (item.itemId == finish() return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item) } } ● 100% Java compatibility ● kotterknife ● Android SDK usage in Kotlin is simple
  • 23. SWIFT var myVariable = 42 //Variable val explicitDouble: Double = 70.0 //Explicit Type Constant for (i in 1..5) { print(i) } //Inclusive Range Operator val a = "A"; val b = "B"; val str = "I have ${a + b} "; //String interpolation var shoppingList = arrayOf("catfish" , "water") //Array Creation var hashMap = hashMapOf("Malcolm" to "Captain" ); //Maps val emptyArray = arrayOf<String>() //Empty Typed Array interface Nameable { fun name(): String } //Interface val movie = obj as Movie //Downcasting fun : Double = this * 1000; //Extension function KOTLIN SWIFT var myVariable = 42 //Variable let explicitDouble: Double = 70 //Explicit Type Constant for i in 1...5 { println( i) } //Inclusive Range Operator let a = "A"; let b = "B"; let str = "I have (a + b) " //String interpolation var shoppingList = [ "catfish" , "water"] //Array Creation var occupations = [ "Malcolm" : "Captain" ] //Maps let emptyArray = String[]() //Empty Typed Array protocol Nameable { func name() -> String } //Protocol (Interface) let movie = object as Movie //Downcasting extension Double { var km: Double { return self * 1_000.0 } } //Extension function ● Kotlin’s syntax is similar Swift
  • 24. Command line compiler $ curl -s | bash $ source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/" $ sdk install kotlin Do you want kotlin 1.0.0-rc-1036 to be set as default? (Y/n): Y Setting kotlin 1.0.0-rc-1036 as default. Installation: ● Let us compare the resulting bytecode of kotlin and java compilation OsX SDKMAN or homebrew Linux FreeBSD Cygwin SDKMAN
  • 26. Live templates exfun fun Any.f(): Unit { } closure { x -> x } iter for (i in iterable) { } ● let’s start with something simple - templates
  • 27. Live templates exvar var Any.v: Any get() { } set(value) { } main fun main(args: Array<String>) { } inn if (i != null) { }
  • 28. Enum translation Kotlin enum class SliderActivityType private constructor(val title: Int) { PORTFOLIO(R.string.portfolio), TEAM( } Java public enum SliderActivityType { PORTFOLIO(R.string.portfolio), TEAM(; private final int title; SliderActivityType(int title) { this.title = title; } public int getTitle() { return title; } } ● easier to read ● more concise ● help to avoid typos and boilerplate code In Kotlin translated enums are:
  • 29. Calling extension functions Get app-version ext. function: @file:JvmName("ActivityUtil") //@file:JvmMultifileClass package com.stxnext.stxinsider.util fun Activity.getAppVersion(activity: Activity): String { try { val manager = activity.packageManager val info = manager.getPackageInfo(activity.packageName, 0).versionName } catch (e: PackageManager.NameNotFoundException) { /* ignore */ } return "0.0.0" } Kotlin call: versionTextView.setText(getAppVersion(this)) Java call: versionTextView.setText(ActivityUtil.getAppVersion(MainActivity.this, MainActivity.this));
  • 30. Constructors with backing fields ● using constructors with backing fields in a proper way saves a lot of boiler-plate code “Java-style” kotlin code: class TeamCategoryFragment : Fragment() { internal val TAG = TeamCategoryFragment::class.simpleName lateinit var teamCategoryHeader: TeamCategoryHeader lateinit var teamListRecyclerView: RecyclerView fun teamCategoryHeader (teamCategoryHeader: TeamCategoryHeader): TeamCategoryFragment { this.teamCategoryHeader = teamCategoryHeader return this } override fun onCreateView(): View? { val view = inflater!!.inflate(R.layout.fragment_layout, container, false) teamListRecyclerView = view.findViewById( as RecyclerView return view; } } class TeamCategoryFragment (var teamCategoryHeader: TeamCategoryHeader) : Fragment() { internal val TAG = TeamCategoryFragment::class.simpleName lateinit var teamListRecyclerView: RecyclerView override fun onCreateView(): View? { val view = inflater!!.inflate(R.layout.fragment_layout, container, false) teamListRecyclerView = view.findViewById( as RecyclerView return view; } } Contructor with backing field
  • 31. Warnings Checks: Full list of supression contants: @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") @Suppress("CANNOT_CHECK_FOR_ERASED") @Suppress("SENSELESS_COMPARISON") @Suppress("GENERIC_THROWABLE_SUBCLASS") etc.
  • 32. Annotation processing Implementation state: ● old implementation: kapt worked by intercepting communication between annotation processors and javac, and added already-compiled Kotlin classes on top of the Java classes ● new implementation of KAPT: generates stubs of Kotlin classes before running javac and llows the usage of APT based libraries we already have at our current java stack KAPT kapt { generateStubs = true } dependencies { kapt '' } Example config: ● JSR 269 Annotation Processing available in Kotlin since M12 ● Dagger 2 works :) ● DBFlow works
  • 33. SAM conversions SAM call: ● function literals can be converted into implementations of Java interfaces with a single non-default method ● the parameter types of the interface method must match the parameter types of the Kotlin function Lambda call: mInsiderApiService.getTeamsAsync({ list -> list.forEach { item -> print(item.description) } }, { /* do nothing on error */ } ) versionTextView.setOnClickListener( View.OnClickListener { print("Message content") } ) executor.execute(Runnable { println("This runs in a thread pool") }) mInsiderApiService.getTeamsAsync( object : Callback<List<SliderItem>> { override fun onResponse( p0: Call<List<SliderItem>>?, response: Response<List<SliderItem>>?) { /* something */ } override fun onFailure( p0: Call<List<SliderItem>>?, p1: Throwable?) { /* something */ } }) Java interface call:
  • 34. Type equality Checking type equality BaseClass TallItemView if (this instanceof TallItemView) { .... } // instanceof makes it very easy to be asymmetric if (this.getClass() .equals(TallItemView.class) ) { .... } Java if (this.javaClass .isAssignableFrom( ) Kotlin Referential equality referential equality is checked by the === operation Structural equality structural equality is checked by the == operation == is translated to: a?.equals(b) ?: (b === null) a == null is translated to: a === null if a is not null, it calls the equals(Any?) function, otherwise b === null
  • 35. Lambda vs Closure LAMBDA CLOSURE ● language construct ● a syntax for anonymous function ● can be assigned to a variable ● “closes over” the environment in which it was defined ● lambda which references fields external to its body ● function which is evaluated in its own environment
  • 36. Reified generics ● in Java generic type parameters are not reified: they are not available at runtime ● for inline functions (inserting the function code at the address of each function call) ● safe casting of generic types ● problem comes from type-erasure class MyClass<T> { private final T o; public MyClass() { this.o = new T(); //type parameter ‘T’ cannot be instantiated directly } } Example (Java) public class MyClass2<T> { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public T doSomething() { return (T) new MyClass(); //unchecked cast } } class MyClass2 { inline fun <reified T> doSomething() : T { return MyClass() as T; } } class MyClass Kotlin
  • 37. Fluent interfaces Kotlin: Fluent setter generator plugin for Android Studio: (JAVA) public SampleActivity firstVariable(int firstVariable) { this.firstVariable = firstVariable; return this; } public SampleActivity secondVariable(int secondVariable) { this.secondVariable = secondVariable; return this; } ● almost like an internal DSL ● ideal for filtering, creating, customizing etc. ● used for model classes Java: Snakbar snack = Snackbar .make(mainView , "Sample snackbar" , Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG) .setAction( "Undo", undoClickListener) ; Fluent interface example: class Person(val name: String) { val parents : List<String> = arrayListOf() constructor(name: String, parent: String) : this(name) { } fun parent(parent: String): Person {; return this } }
  • 38. Fluent interfaces /** * Fluent sort */ fun <T : kotlin.Comparable<T>> kotlin.collections.MutableList<T>. sortList(): MutableList<T> { sort() return this } /** * For-each fluent interface */ fun <T : kotlin.Comparable<T>> kotlin.collections.MutableList<T>. forEachList(action: (T) -> kotlin.Unit): MutableList<T> { for (elem in this) action.invoke(elem) return this } Additional functions: Fluent lists example: val list = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) list .forEach { println(it) } list forEachLoop { println(it) } /** * In-place forEach loop (discouraged in 1.0 release) */ infix fun <T> kotlin.collections.Iterable<T> .forEachLoop(action: (T) -> kotlin.Unit): kotlin.Unit { this.forEach { action } } val outList = list .filter { it < 100 } .filterNot { it == 1 } .toMutableList() .sortList() .forEachList { it + 1 } .filter { it % 2 == 0 } .first() //result: 2
  • 39. Infix notation infix fun Int.minus(x: Int): Int { return this.minus(x) } infix extension function: val result = 1 minus 2 println(3 minus 4) type isPortfolio { println("Do something") } type isTeam { println("Do something else") } infix fun SliderActivityType.isPortfolio( execClosure : () -> Unit ) { if (this.equals(SliderActivityType.PORTFOLIO)) execClosure.invoke() } infix fun SliderActivityType.isTeam( execClosure : () -> Unit ) { if (this.equals(SliderActivityType.TEAM)) execClosure.invoke() } this displayToast "This is a message" infix fun Activity.displayToast(txt : String) { Toast.makeText(this, txt, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() } ● only one method argument ● function literal can be passed outside the parentheses
  • 40. Infix notation if (this isGranted Manifest.permission.READ_CONTACTS) { //do something here } infix fun Activity.isGranted(permissionStr : String) : Boolean { if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, permissionStr) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) return false return true } Handle Android permissions check: this loge "I really don't like errors" infix fun Activity.loge(txt : String) { Log.e(this.javaClass.simpleName, txt) } Log errors:
  • 41. Generic types Create generic object instance: ● in JVM generic types are lost due to type erasure class MyClass<T> { private final T o; public MyClass() { this.o = new T(); //type parameter ‘T’ cannot be instantiated directly } }
  • 42. Generic types val bindFunc = { baseView: FrameLayout , item: ListItem , position: Int , clickListener: View.OnClickListener -> val nameTextView = baseView.findViewById( item_simple_list_main_header) as TextView nameTextView. text = item.title baseView.setOnClickListener(clickListener) } val adapter = SimpleItemListAdapter<ListItem , ListItemView<ListItem>>(onClickFunc , { ListItemView <ListItem> (R.layout. item_simple_list, bindFunc , baseContext , null /* attrs */ ) } ); Create generic object instance: ● in JVM generic types are lost due to type erasure override fun onCreateItemView(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): TView { val view = factory() return view as TView } //not really convenient override fun onCreateItemView(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int, classParam : Class<T>): T { val v: T = classParam.constructors[0].newInstance(mContext, null) as T return v as T }
  • 43. Click annotations KClick: init { bind KClick(this, { v: View -> onSendButtonClick(v) }) } fun onSendButtonClick(v: View) { [...] } ● custom function written in Kotlin ● uses infix notation and extension functions Bind button click using DSL: /** init { * bind KClick(this, { v: View -> onLoginButtonClick(v) }) * bind KClick(this, { v: View -> onLogoutButtonClick(v) }) * } */ infix fun Int.bind(kClick: KClick): kotlin.Unit { var kViewEntries = Util.kViewsMap[(] if (kViewEntries == null) kViewEntries = mutableListOf() kViewEntries.add(KViewEntry(this, { v: View -> kClick.action.invoke(v) }) ) Util.kViewsMap.put(, kViewEntries) } data class KClick(val activity: Activity, val action: (View) -> kotlin.Unit) data class KViewEntry(val id: Int, val action: (View) -> kotlin.Unit) fun Activity.bindKViews() { for (mutEntry in Util.kViewsMap) if (mutEntry.key == { val kViewEntries = mutEntry.value; for (kViewEntry in kViewEntries) findViewById( { v: View -> kViewEntry.action.invoke(v) } Util.kViewsMap.remove(mutEntry.key) } } override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) bindKViews() [...] }
  • 44. Dokka What is dokka: KDoc documentation: ● similar do Javadoc ● supports stale Javadoc out of the box ● markdown support included /** * # Beacon SDK initialization * * This method registers 3 beacons with IDs taken from Estimote Cloud. * Invoke this method in [onCreate]. * * ## Showcase demo * * Steps: * * Grant application bluetooth, GPS and WiFi permissions * * Wait for about 1 minute (beacons broadcast in 0.1 ~ 2.0 sec intervals) * * Snackbar should appear on the app's main activity * */ private fun initializeNearables() { ….. } ● generates documentation in html/markdown/javadoc ● maintained by Jetbrains ● generated from gradle/maven/ant ● standalone executable jar available ● [ref] instead of @see ref ●
  • 45. Dokka Standalone jar: ● java -jar dokka-fatjar.jar ./src/ buildscript { dependencies { classpath "org.jetbrains.dokka:dokka-gradle-plugin:0.9.7" } } sourceSets { += 'src/main/kotlin' } dokka { outputFormat = 'html' //'markdown', 'javadoc' outputDirectory = "$buildDir/kotlindocs" } Dokka gradle plugin: HTML output with css styles:
  • 46. J2K converter Simple Activity conversion: Call Java 2 Kotlin converter: ● There is no Kotlin 2 Java as for now public class SampleActivity extends Activity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); } } class SampleActivity : Activity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) } }
  • 47. Real-world example Method count: Library Method count cardview-v7/23.1.0 872 play-services-maps 1369 play-services-base 700 okhttp 1463 dagger-compiler 1582 kotlin-stdlib 2411 kotlin-runtime 705 support-vector-drawable 635 butterknife 635 okio 712 (617 after proguarding) LoC: 1857 kotlin + 503 java lines Compilation time (debug): 45.584 sec (6 sec incremental) Compilation time (release): 44.142 sec (proguard + zipaligning) Intel® Core™ i5-3470 CPU @ 3.20GHz × 4 8 GB RAM 1333 MHz, Ubuntu 15.10, Linux kernel 4.4.2-040402-generic
  • 48. Real-world example Method count: Library Method count joda-time 1707 converter-gson 236 1912 kotterknife 456 290 retrofit-2.0.0-beta2 593 1017 1579 LoC: 1857 kotlin + 503 java lines Compilation time (debug): 47.135 sec (6 sec incremental) Compilation time (release): 53.173 sec (proguard + zipaligning) Mac Mini late 2014, SSD 256 GB drive USB-3.0 2.6 GHz Intel Core i5 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3, OsX El Capitan 10.11.2 (15C50) Try it yourself - STXInsider example project:
  • 49. Resources RESOURCES: ● ● Jake Wharton - Using Project Kotlin for Android - ● Mike Gouline - Kotlin the Swift of Android - - ● Paweł Gajda - Kotlin Android -, ● Jetbrains Kotlin Anko - ● Amit Phaltankar Java 8 streams - ● Salomon Brys - ● Gautier Mechling -
  • 50. Resources RESOURCES: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
  • 51. Thankyou! Bartosz Kosarzycki Twitter: @bkosarzycki Online compiler: STXInsider example project in Kotlin: