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• Prokaryotes: without a true nucleus
• Eukaryotes: Having a predefined or
true nucleus
• It defines the periphery of the cell, separating its
contents from the surroundings. It is composed of
enormous numbers of lipids & protein
molecules, held together by primarily non
covalent hydrophobic interactions ,forming a
thin, tough, pliable hydrophobic bilayer around
the cell.
• It is 7.5 to 10 nanometers thick.
• The approximate composition of cell membrane is
55% proteins, 25% phospholipids, 13%
cholesterol 4% other lipids & 3% carbohydrates.
The plasma membrane of RBC contains
approximately 52% proteins, 40% lipids & 8%
• Its basic structure is a lipid bilayer, which is a
thin double layered film of lipids, each layer
only one molecule thick, that is continuous
over the entire cell surface.
• Most abundant class of membrane lipids is phospholipid &
less abundant class of membrane lipids is sphingolipids.
• Membrane lipids are amphipathic in nature.
• Phospholipids and cholesterol make this bilayer almost
entirely impermeable to water & water soluble substances
as ions, glucose, Urea & others.
• Fat soluble substances such as oxygen, carbondioxide
& alcohol can penetrate this portion of the membrane.
• A special feature of lipid bilayer is that it is a
fluid & not a solid. Therefore, portions of
membrane can literally flow from one point to
another point in the membrane.
• It is semi permeable and acts as a barrier.
• These are the glycoproteins.
1. Integral Proteins:
That penetrate into lipid bilayer which
protrude all the way through the cell. These
proteins provide structural pathways through
which water & water soluble substances,
especially ions, can diffuse between the extra
cellular & intracellular fluid, thus providing
so called cell membrane pores. some of them
can also act as enzymes.
2. Peripheral proteins:
Which are attached only to integral proteins
& do not penetrate or occur inside the
membrane. They almost act as enzymes &
control many of the chemical reactions inside
the cell
3. Lipid anchored proteins:
They are located outside the lipid bilayer but
are covalently linked to a lipid molecule that
is situated within bilayer.
• They occur almost outside the membrane.
• These are the glyco-portion of protruding
glycoproteins molecules.
• Depending on the species & cell type, the
carbohydrate contents of plasma membrane
ranges b/w 2 to 10% by weight.
Chemical Structure of Plsma Membrane
• Cytoplasm is viscous & collidal material
which is more or less transparent in visible
• Cytoplasm is composed of an aqueous
solution the cytosol, & a variety of
insoluble suspended particles.
• The cytosol is not simply a dilute aqueous
solution it has a complex composition & gel
like consistency.
Dissolved in the cytosol are:
• Many enzymes & the RNA molecules
• The monomeric subunits (AA & nucleotide)
• Small organic molecules called metabolites
• Intermediates in metabolic pathways
• Coenzymes
• Inorganic ions.
• Nucleus
• Endoplasmic reticulum
• Mitochondria
• Lysosome
• Golgicomplex
• Peroxisomes
• It is the control center of the cell .
• It controls both chemical reactions and
reproduction of the cell.
• The nucleus contains more than 95% of the cell's DNA.
• A double membrane structure, nuclear membrane
separates the nucleus from the cytosol.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
• Was discovered in 1945 by Albert Claude in Belgium,
and Keith Porter at Rockefeller Institute (It was first
noticed in the cytoplasm of chick embryo cells).
• The endoplasmic reticulum is a network of folded
membranes that form channels.
• The Endoplasmic Reticulum makes protein and lipid
• Consists of a smooth ER and a rough ER.
• This organelle is responsible of moving proteins and
other carbohydrates to the Golgi Apparatus,
lysosomes, and other places.
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
• The RER is dotted with ribosomes.
(Which is why it is called “rough.”)
• The RER is involved with protein
production, protein folding, quality
control and dispatch.
• The RER is involved with the
synthesis of proteins. They produce
and process specific proteins at
ribosomal sites.
• Consists of network-like tunnels
with tubules, vesicles and cisternae
which is held together by the
cytoskeleton of the cell.
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
• SME is more tubular then RER and forms a
separate interconnecting network. (Is found evenly
distributed among the Cytoplasm.)
• SME has no ribosomes on it.
• Smooth ER manufactures lipids and in some cases
the metabolism of them and associated products.
• It is called the “powerhouse” of the cell.
• The number of mitochondria per cell varies from less than a
hundred to many thousand depending upon the amount of
energy required by each cell .
• It is mainly composed of outer membrane & inner membrane.
• The liberated energy is used to synthesize a high energy
substance called (ATP). ATP is then transported out of the
mitochondrion & diffuses throughout the cell to release its
energy wherever it is needed for performing cellular
• Mitochondria are self-replicative.
Cross - Section
Respiratory Chain
 The name comes from Italian anatomist Camillo Golgi,
who identified it in 1898.
 It is closely related to the ER. Its membrane is
similar to that of SER.
 It is composed of four or more stacked layers of thin
,flat vesicles lying near the nucleus (cisternae).
 It is very prominent in secretory cells.
Functions of Golgi Apparatus
1. They function mainly in association with the ER.
2. They are concerned with cell secretions .
3. The proteins or enzymes that have to be transported
out of the cell, pass through Golgi apparatus.
4. Carry out the modification of lipids and proteins
5. Most important function is to modify the proteins and
lipids by adding corbohydrates and converting them into
Glycoproteins and Glycolipids.
6. Storage and packaging of materials that will be exported
from the cell.
• The lysosomes provide an intracellular digestive
system that allows the cell to digest & remove
unwanted substances & structures especially damaged
and foreign structures such as bacteria.
• Its diameter is 250-750 nm.
• Lysosomes are spherical organelles that contain
enzymes (acid hydrolases). They break up food so it is
easier to digest. They are found in animal cells, while in
yeast and plants the same roles are performed by lytic
Lysosomal Enzymes
• Some important enzymes found within
lysosomes include:
• Lipase, which digests lipids
• Amylase, which digest carbohydrates (e.g.,
• Proteases, which digest proteins
• Nucleases, which digest nucleic acids
Lysosomal Enzymes
• All these hydrolytic enzymes are produced in
the endoplasmic reticulum, and to some
extent in cytoplasm are transported and
processed through the Golgi apparatus.
• And through golgi apparatus they pinch off as
single membrane vesicles.
• Lysosomes are sometimes called "suicide bags“
• A lysosome is a membrane bag containing
digestive enzymes
• to digest food, the lysosome membrane fuses
with the membrane of a food vacuole and squirts
the enzymes inside.
• The digested food can then diffuse through the
vacuole membrane and enter the cell to be used
for energy or growth.
Lysosomes are the cells' garbage disposal
system. They are used for the digestion of
macromolecules from phagocytosis (ingestion of
other dying cells or larger extracellular material,
like foreign invading microbes) .
• Lysosomes are responsible for autolysis and
programmed cell death called apoptosis.
• Intracellular digestive system. It digests
o Foreign particles
o Unwanted substances
o Damaged structures of the cell.
• Lysosomes pick up foreign invaders such
as bacteria, food and old organelles and
break them into small pieces that can
hopefully be used again.
• The only thing that keeps the cell itself
from being digested is the membrane
surrounding the lysosomes.
• Peroxisomes are similar physically to
• First observed by electron microscopy in animal
cells (1950s), then in plant cells (1960s)
• Oxidase enzymes present in large quantity in
peroxisomes, oxidize many substances
poisonous to the cell.
• The oxidases combine oxygen and
hydrogen ions to form H2O2.
• H2O2 is used by catalase enzyme.
• They are formed by
Golgi apparatus.
• They contain enzymes
• They are formed by
budding off from the SER.
• Enzymes present are
• Acts as skeleton and
• Provides shape and
• Helps move organelles
around the cell
• Made of three
types of filaments:
• microtubulues,
• microfilaments,
• intermediate filaments.
 The febrile proteins of the cell cytoplasm are organized
in to microfilaments or microtubules.
 At first they are present in dissolved form in
the cytoplasm.
 Then they are polymerized to form microfilaments.
 Microfilaments are made up of contractile actin
protein linked to the inner surface of the plasma
 The are involved in internal cell motion.
 Muscle contraction through out the body is due to
microfilaments present in the muscle cells.
 Microtubules are hollow, cylindrical structures.
 They are made up of protein called TUBULIN
• Primary function of microtubules is to act as
cytoskeleton, providing rigid physical structures
for certain parts of cell.
• The are involved in internal cell motion.
An example of the role of microtubules in transporting
organelles. The peroxisomes are shown in green and MT in red
The machinery that moves materials and organelles withincells
Microtubule (MT)
Includes Macro molecules and micromolecules:
Carbohydrates Water
Lipids Electrolytes
Proteins Minerals
Nucleotides Vitamins
Enzymes Hormones
It is the main fluid medium of the cell having a
remarkably constant proportion ranging from 75-85%.
They are calcium , magnesium, phosphate, sulphate, potassium ,
bicarbonate sodium , chloride
The protein content is usually on the order of 10-20% next
to water.
• Lipids constitute about 2-3%.
• The most important lipids in majority of the cells are
phospholipids & cholesterol which is used to form cell
membrane & intracellular membrane barriers that separate
the different cell compartments.
• Most of the cells do not have large stores of
• usually about 1% of total mass.
• 3% in muscle cells
• 6% in liver cells
Interactive session(MCQs)
• Each of the following is a cell organelle
except one. Which one of these is NOT a cell
a. Mitochondrion b. Lysosome
c. Cytoplasm d. Nucleus
e. Endoplasmic reticulum
• What structure is common to ALL cells?
a. Chloroplast
b. Cell membrane
c. Cell wall
d. Mitochondria
e. Flagella
• When a large proportion of a cell's ribosomes
are attached to the endoplasmic reticulum, it
is a sign that the cell is specialized to:
a. Manufacture glucose for storage
b. Manufacture phospholipids for cell growth
c. Perform photosynthesis with high efficiency
d. Manufacture proteins for export
• The chromosomes of a eukaryotic cell
are located in the:
a. Mitochondria
b. Nucleus
c. Ribosome
d. Endoplasma
• The organelle most directly involved in
cellular aerobic respiration is the
a. ribosome
b. mitochondrion
c. nucleus
d. lysosome
e. golgi apparatus
• You are told that the cells on a microscope
slide are plant, animal, or bacterial. You look
at them through a microscope and see cell
walls and membrane-bound organelles. You
conclude that the cells
a. Are plant cells.
b. Could be either plant or bacterial.
c. Are animal cells.
d. Could be plant, animal, or bacterial.
• Organelles found outside a eukaryotic cell
and usually involved in movement of the cell
or movement of substances past the cell are
a. Cilia and flagella
b. Cell walls and plasmodesmata
c. Nucleus and nucleolus
d. Cytoplasm and endoplasm
Microtubules, microfilaments and intermediate
filaments are components of the:
a. Cell wall in plants
b. Plasma membrane in prokaryotes
c. Chromosome in eukaryotes
d. Chromosome in prokaryotes
e. Cytoskeleton
Transport through cell
AS Biology, Cell membranes
and Transport
Transport through cell
The phospholipid bilayer is a good barrier around
cells, especially to water soluble molecules. However,
for the cell to survive some materials need to be
able to enter and leave the cell.
• There are 4 basic mechanisms:
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
•Diffusion is the net movement of molecules (or
ions) from a region of their high concentration to
a region of their lower concentration.
The molecules move down a concentration gradient.
Molecules have kinetic energy, which makes them move
about randomly.
As a result of diffusion molecules reach an equilibrium
where they are evenly spread out.
This is when there is no net movement of molecules
from either side.
AS Biology, Cell membranes
and Transport
Diffusion of liquids
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
Diffusion is a PASSIVE process which means no energy is used
to make the molecules move, they have a natural kinetic energy.
Diffusion through a membrane
Cell membrane
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
Inside cell Outside cell
Diffusion through a membrane
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
Inside cell Outside cell
Diffusion through a membrane
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
Inside cell Outside cell
What determines the rate of diffusion?
There 4 factors:
1. The steepness of the concentration gradient. The bigger
the difference between the two sides of the membrane
the quicker the rate of diffusion.
2. Temperature. Higher temperatures give molecules or ions
more kinetic energy. Molecules move around faster, so
diffusion is faster.
3. The surface area. The greater the surface area the
faster the diffusion can take place. This is because the
more molecules or ions can cross the membrane at any one
4. The type of molecule or ion diffusing. Large molecules
need more energy to get them to move so they tend to
diffuse more slowly. Non-polar molecules diffuse more
easily than polar molecules because they are soluble in the
non polar phospholipid tails.
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
Molecules that diffuse through cell
1. Oxygen – Non-polar
so diffuses very
1. Carbon dioxide –
Polar but very small
so diffuses quickly.
2. Water – Polar but
also very small so
diffuses quickly.
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
Facilitated diffusion
• Large polar molecules such as
glucose and amino acids,
cannot diffuse across the
phospholipid bilayer. Also
ions such as Na+ or Cl- cannot
• These molecules pass
through protein channels
instead. Diffusion through
these channels is called
• Movement of molecules is
still PASSIVE just like
ordinary diffusion, the only
difference is, the molecules
go through a protein channel
instead of passing between
the phospholipids. AS Biology, Cell membranes and
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
Facilitated Diffusion through a membrane
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
Inside cell Outside cell
Protein channel
Facilitated Diffusion through a membrane
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
Inside cell Outside cell
Protein channel
Facilitated Diffusion through a membrane
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
Inside cell Outside cell
Protein channel
Facilitated Diffusion:
Molecules will randomly move through the opening like pore, by
diffusion. This requires no energy, it is a PASSIVE process.
Molecules move from an area of high concentration to an area of
low conc.
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
‘The diffusion of water from an area
of high concentration of water
molecules (high water potential) to
an area of low concentration of
water (low water potential) across a
partially permeable membrane.’
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
Inside cell Outside cell
VERY High conc.
of water
molecules. High
water potential.
VERY Low conc.
of water
molecules. High
water potential.
Sugar molecule
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
Inside cell Outside cell
High conc. of
water molecules.
High water
Low conc. of
water molecules.
High water
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
Inside cell Outside cell
EQUILIBRIUM. Equal water concentration on each
side. Equal water potential has been reached. There is
no net movement of water
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
Effects of Osmosis on Life
• Water is so small and there is so much
of it the cell can’t control it’s movement
through the cell membrane.
Hypotonic Solution
• Hypotonic: The solution has a lower concentration of
solutes and a higher concentration of water than inside
the cell. (Low solute; High water)
• Result: Water moves from the solution to inside the cell): Cell
Swells and bursts open (cytolysis)!
Hypertonic Solution
• Hypertonic: The solution has a higher concentration of solutes
and a lower concentration of water than inside the cell. (High
solute; Low water)
• Result: Water moves from inside the cell into the solution: Cell
shrinks (Plasmolysis)!
Isotonic Solution
• Isotonic: The concentration of solutes in the solution is
equal to the concentration of solutes inside the cell
• Result: Water moves equally in both directions and the cell
remains same size! (Dynamic Equilibrium)
What type of solution are these cells in?
Hypertonic Isotonic Hypotonic
Active Transport
• Movement of molecules and ions against their
concentration gradients.
• From lower to higher concentrations.
• Requires ATP
• Passive transport Active transport
This is
be hard
• Two Types of Active Transport:
– Primary
– Secondary
Transport of small substances is of 3 types.
• Uniport
• Symport
• Antiport
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
• EXAMPLES:( primary active transport)
• Ca pump
• It is an example of uniporter pump.
• H-K ATPase/Proton pump.
• It is an example of antiporter pump.
• Na-K ATPase/ Na K Pump
• It is example of antiporter pump.
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
Primary Active Transport
• ATP directly required for
the function of the carriers.
• Molecule or ion binds to
carrier site.
• Binding stimulates
(breakdown of ATP).
• Conformational change
moves molecule to other
side of membrane.
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
Secondary Active Transport
• Coupled transport.
• Energy needed for uphill
movement obtained
from downhill transport
of Na+.
AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 93
• It also uses the process of diffusion.
• In this case a molecule that is moving naturally
into the cell through diffusion is used to drag
another molecule into the cell.
• Example: Glucose hitches a ride with sodium.
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
Membrane Transport of Glucose
• Glucose transport is an
example of:
– Cotransport
– Secondary active
– Facilitated diffusion
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
Endocytosis is the case when a molecule causes the
cell membrane to bulge inward, forming a vesicle.
• Phagocytosis is the type of endocytosis where an
entire cell is engulfed.
• Pinocytosis is when the external fluid is engulfed.
• Receptor-mediated endocytosis occurs when the
material to be transported binds to certain specific
molecules in the membrane. Examples include the
transport of insulin and cholesterol into animal cells.
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
AS Biology, Cell membranes and
Donnan Equilbrium
Membrane receptors
• membrane receptors are specialized
protein molecules in the membranes of
cells, to which external molecules
(hormones, neurotransmitters, drugs)
attach, triggering changes in the function
of the cell. This process is called
transduction: the external signal is
transduced into action.
Techniques to study cell
1. Centriguation
2. Ultracentrifugation
3. Rdioimmunoassay
5. Chromatography
6. Electrophoresis
7. Specrophotometry
8. pH metry
• ELISA (enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay) is a plate-
based assay technique designed for
detecting and quantifying peptides,
proteins, antibodies and hormones.
• In an ELISA, an antigen must be
immobilized to a solid surface and
then complexed with an antibody that
is linked to an enzyme.
pH metre
• pH is a measurable parameter between the
values of 0 and 14, provided the
concentration of the solution does not
exceed 1M.
• Solutions with a pH<7 are acidic, whereas
those with a pH>7 are alkaline. A pH
meter is a device that measures the changes
in the activity of hydrogen ions in solution.
Thank You
Good Luck 145

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CELL Biochemistry.ppt

  • 2. Types • Prokaryotes: without a true nucleus • Eukaryotes: Having a predefined or true nucleus
  • 3.
  • 4. CELL MEMBRANE • It defines the periphery of the cell, separating its contents from the surroundings. It is composed of enormous numbers of lipids & protein molecules, held together by primarily non covalent hydrophobic interactions ,forming a thin, tough, pliable hydrophobic bilayer around the cell. • It is 7.5 to 10 nanometers thick.
  • 5. CELL MEMBRANE • The approximate composition of cell membrane is 55% proteins, 25% phospholipids, 13% cholesterol 4% other lipids & 3% carbohydrates. The plasma membrane of RBC contains approximately 52% proteins, 40% lipids & 8% carbohydrates. • Its basic structure is a lipid bilayer, which is a thin double layered film of lipids, each layer only one molecule thick, that is continuous over the entire cell surface.
  • 6. • Most abundant class of membrane lipids is phospholipid & less abundant class of membrane lipids is sphingolipids. • Membrane lipids are amphipathic in nature. 1. HYDROPHILIC END 2. HYDROPHOBIC END • Phospholipids and cholesterol make this bilayer almost entirely impermeable to water & water soluble substances as ions, glucose, Urea & others. • Fat soluble substances such as oxygen, carbondioxide & alcohol can penetrate this portion of the membrane.
  • 7.
  • 8. CELL MEMBRANE • A special feature of lipid bilayer is that it is a fluid & not a solid. Therefore, portions of membrane can literally flow from one point to another point in the membrane. • It is semi permeable and acts as a barrier.
  • 9.
  • 10. CELL MEMBRANE PROTEINS • These are the glycoproteins. 1. Integral Proteins: That penetrate into lipid bilayer which protrude all the way through the cell. These proteins provide structural pathways through which water & water soluble substances, especially ions, can diffuse between the extra cellular & intracellular fluid, thus providing so called cell membrane pores. some of them can also act as enzymes.
  • 11. CELL MEMBRANE PROTEINS 2. Peripheral proteins: Which are attached only to integral proteins & do not penetrate or occur inside the membrane. They almost act as enzymes & control many of the chemical reactions inside the cell 3. Lipid anchored proteins: They are located outside the lipid bilayer but are covalently linked to a lipid molecule that is situated within bilayer.
  • 12. THE MEMBRANE CARBOHYDRATES • They occur almost outside the membrane. • These are the glyco-portion of protruding glycoproteins molecules. • Depending on the species & cell type, the carbohydrate contents of plasma membrane ranges b/w 2 to 10% by weight.
  • 13. Chemical Structure of Plsma Membrane
  • 14. CYTOPLASM & CYTOSOL • Cytoplasm is viscous & collidal material which is more or less transparent in visible lights. • Cytoplasm is composed of an aqueous solution the cytosol, & a variety of insoluble suspended particles. • The cytosol is not simply a dilute aqueous solution it has a complex composition & gel like consistency.
  • 15. DISSOLVED SUBSTANCES IN CYTOSOL Dissolved in the cytosol are: • Many enzymes & the RNA molecules • The monomeric subunits (AA & nucleotide) • Small organic molecules called metabolites • Intermediates in metabolic pathways • Coenzymes • Inorganic ions.
  • 16. MEMBRANE BOUNDED ORGANELLES • Nucleus • Endoplasmic reticulum • Mitochondria • Lysosome • Golgicomplex • Peroxisomes
  • 17. Nucleus • It is the control center of the cell . • It controls both chemical reactions and reproduction of the cell. • The nucleus contains more than 95% of the cell's DNA. • A double membrane structure, nuclear membrane separates the nucleus from the cytosol.
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20. Endoplasmic Reticulum • Was discovered in 1945 by Albert Claude in Belgium, and Keith Porter at Rockefeller Institute (It was first noticed in the cytoplasm of chick embryo cells). • The endoplasmic reticulum is a network of folded membranes that form channels. • The Endoplasmic Reticulum makes protein and lipid components. • Consists of a smooth ER and a rough ER. • This organelle is responsible of moving proteins and other carbohydrates to the Golgi Apparatus, lysosomes, and other places.
  • 21.
  • 22. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum • The RER is dotted with ribosomes. (Which is why it is called “rough.”) • The RER is involved with protein production, protein folding, quality control and dispatch. • The RER is involved with the synthesis of proteins. They produce and process specific proteins at ribosomal sites. • Consists of network-like tunnels with tubules, vesicles and cisternae which is held together by the cytoskeleton of the cell.
  • 23. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum • SME is more tubular then RER and forms a separate interconnecting network. (Is found evenly distributed among the Cytoplasm.) • SME has no ribosomes on it. • Smooth ER manufactures lipids and in some cases the metabolism of them and associated products.
  • 24. THE MITOCHONDRIA • It is called the “powerhouse” of the cell. • The number of mitochondria per cell varies from less than a hundred to many thousand depending upon the amount of energy required by each cell . • It is mainly composed of outer membrane & inner membrane. • The liberated energy is used to synthesize a high energy substance called (ATP). ATP is then transported out of the mitochondrion & diffuses throughout the cell to release its energy wherever it is needed for performing cellular functions. • Mitochondria are self-replicative.
  • 27. GOGI COMPLEX  The name comes from Italian anatomist Camillo Golgi, who identified it in 1898.  It is closely related to the ER. Its membrane is similar to that of SER.  It is composed of four or more stacked layers of thin ,flat vesicles lying near the nucleus (cisternae).  It is very prominent in secretory cells.
  • 28.
  • 29. Functions of Golgi Apparatus 1. They function mainly in association with the ER. 2. They are concerned with cell secretions . 3. The proteins or enzymes that have to be transported out of the cell, pass through Golgi apparatus. 4. Carry out the modification of lipids and proteins 5. Most important function is to modify the proteins and lipids by adding corbohydrates and converting them into Glycoproteins and Glycolipids. 6. Storage and packaging of materials that will be exported from the cell.
  • 30. THE LYSOSOMES • The lysosomes provide an intracellular digestive system that allows the cell to digest & remove unwanted substances & structures especially damaged and foreign structures such as bacteria. • Its diameter is 250-750 nm. • Lysosomes are spherical organelles that contain enzymes (acid hydrolases). They break up food so it is easier to digest. They are found in animal cells, while in yeast and plants the same roles are performed by lytic vacuoles.
  • 31. Lysosomal Enzymes • Some important enzymes found within lysosomes include: • Lipase, which digests lipids • Amylase, which digest carbohydrates (e.g., sugars) • Proteases, which digest proteins • Nucleases, which digest nucleic acids
  • 32. Lysosomal Enzymes • All these hydrolytic enzymes are produced in the endoplasmic reticulum, and to some extent in cytoplasm are transported and processed through the Golgi apparatus. • And through golgi apparatus they pinch off as single membrane vesicles.
  • 33. 33 • Lysosomes are sometimes called "suicide bags“ • A lysosome is a membrane bag containing digestive enzymes • to digest food, the lysosome membrane fuses with the membrane of a food vacuole and squirts the enzymes inside. • The digested food can then diffuse through the vacuole membrane and enter the cell to be used for energy or growth.
  • 34. 34
  • 35.
  • 36. Lysosomes Lysosomes are the cells' garbage disposal system. They are used for the digestion of macromolecules from phagocytosis (ingestion of other dying cells or larger extracellular material, like foreign invading microbes) .
  • 37. Lysosomes • Lysosomes are responsible for autolysis and programmed cell death called apoptosis. • Intracellular digestive system. It digests o Foreign particles o Unwanted substances o Damaged structures of the cell.
  • 38. Lysosomes • Lysosomes pick up foreign invaders such as bacteria, food and old organelles and break them into small pieces that can hopefully be used again. • The only thing that keeps the cell itself from being digested is the membrane surrounding the lysosomes.
  • 39.
  • 40. PEROXISOMES • Peroxisomes are similar physically to lysosomes. • First observed by electron microscopy in animal cells (1950s), then in plant cells (1960s) • Oxidase enzymes present in large quantity in peroxisomes, oxidize many substances poisonous to the cell.
  • 41. PEROXISOMES • The oxidases combine oxygen and hydrogen ions to form H2O2. • H2O2 is used by catalase enzyme.
  • 42. DIFFERENCE B/W LYSOSOMES & PEROXISOMES LYSOSOMES • They are formed by Golgi apparatus. • They contain enzymes hydrolases PEROXISOMES • They are formed by budding off from the SER. • Enzymes present are oxidases
  • 43. Cytoskeleton • Acts as skeleton and muscle • Provides shape and structure • Helps move organelles around the cell • Made of three types of filaments: • microtubulues, • microfilaments, • intermediate filaments.
  • 44. MICROFILAMENTS  The febrile proteins of the cell cytoplasm are organized in to microfilaments or microtubules.  At first they are present in dissolved form in the cytoplasm.  Then they are polymerized to form microfilaments.  Microfilaments are made up of contractile actin protein linked to the inner surface of the plasma membrane.  The are involved in internal cell motion.  Muscle contraction through out the body is due to microfilaments present in the muscle cells.
  • 45. MICROTUBULES  Microtubules are hollow, cylindrical structures.  They are made up of protein called TUBULIN • Primary function of microtubules is to act as cytoskeleton, providing rigid physical structures for certain parts of cell. • The are involved in internal cell motion. --------------------------
  • 46. An example of the role of microtubules in transporting organelles. The peroxisomes are shown in green and MT in red The machinery that moves materials and organelles withincells Peroxisome Microtubule (MT)
  • 47. BIOCHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF CELL Includes Macro molecules and micromolecules: Carbohydrates Water Lipids Electrolytes Proteins Minerals Nucleotides Vitamins Enzymes Hormones
  • 48. WATER It is the main fluid medium of the cell having a remarkably constant proportion ranging from 75-85%. ELECTROLYTES/IONS They are calcium , magnesium, phosphate, sulphate, potassium , bicarbonate sodium , chloride PROTEINS The protein content is usually on the order of 10-20% next to water.
  • 49. LIPIDS • Lipids constitute about 2-3%. • The most important lipids in majority of the cells are phospholipids & cholesterol which is used to form cell membrane & intracellular membrane barriers that separate the different cell compartments.
  • 50. CARBOHYDRATES • Most of the cells do not have large stores of carbohydrates • usually about 1% of total mass. • 3% in muscle cells • 6% in liver cells
  • 51. Interactive session(MCQs) • Each of the following is a cell organelle except one. Which one of these is NOT a cell organelle? a. Mitochondrion b. Lysosome c. Cytoplasm d. Nucleus e. Endoplasmic reticulum
  • 52. • What structure is common to ALL cells? a. Chloroplast b. Cell membrane c. Cell wall d. Mitochondria e. Flagella
  • 53. • When a large proportion of a cell's ribosomes are attached to the endoplasmic reticulum, it is a sign that the cell is specialized to: a. Manufacture glucose for storage b. Manufacture phospholipids for cell growth c. Perform photosynthesis with high efficiency d. Manufacture proteins for export
  • 54. • The chromosomes of a eukaryotic cell are located in the: a. Mitochondria b. Nucleus c. Ribosome d. Endoplasma
  • 55. • The organelle most directly involved in cellular aerobic respiration is the a. ribosome b. mitochondrion c. nucleus d. lysosome e. golgi apparatus
  • 56. • You are told that the cells on a microscope slide are plant, animal, or bacterial. You look at them through a microscope and see cell walls and membrane-bound organelles. You conclude that the cells a. Are plant cells. b. Could be either plant or bacterial. c. Are animal cells. d. Could be plant, animal, or bacterial.
  • 57. • Organelles found outside a eukaryotic cell and usually involved in movement of the cell or movement of substances past the cell are called: a. Cilia and flagella b. Cell walls and plasmodesmata c. Nucleus and nucleolus d. Cytoplasm and endoplasm
  • 58. Microtubules, microfilaments and intermediate filaments are components of the: a. Cell wall in plants b. Plasma membrane in prokaryotes c. Chromosome in eukaryotes d. Chromosome in prokaryotes e. Cytoskeleton
  • 59. Transport through cell membranes AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 59
  • 60. Transport through cell membranes The phospholipid bilayer is a good barrier around cells, especially to water soluble molecules. However, for the cell to survive some materials need to be able to enter and leave the cell. • There are 4 basic mechanisms: 1. DIFFUSION and FACILITATED DIFFUSION 2. OSMOSIS 3. ACTIVE TRANSPORT 4. BULK TRANSPORT AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 60
  • 61. •Diffusion is the net movement of molecules (or ions) from a region of their high concentration to a region of their lower concentration. The molecules move down a concentration gradient. Molecules have kinetic energy, which makes them move about randomly. As a result of diffusion molecules reach an equilibrium where they are evenly spread out. This is when there is no net movement of molecules from either side. AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 61
  • 62. Diffusion of liquids AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 62
  • 63. DIFFUSION AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 63 Diffusion is a PASSIVE process which means no energy is used to make the molecules move, they have a natural kinetic energy.
  • 64. Diffusion through a membrane Cell membrane AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 64 Inside cell Outside cell
  • 65. Diffusion through a membrane AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 65 Cell membrane Inside cell Outside cell diffusion
  • 66. Diffusion through a membrane AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 66 Cell membrane Inside cell Outside cell EQUILIBRIUM
  • 67. What determines the rate of diffusion? There 4 factors: 1. The steepness of the concentration gradient. The bigger the difference between the two sides of the membrane the quicker the rate of diffusion. 2. Temperature. Higher temperatures give molecules or ions more kinetic energy. Molecules move around faster, so diffusion is faster. 3. The surface area. The greater the surface area the faster the diffusion can take place. This is because the more molecules or ions can cross the membrane at any one moment. 4. The type of molecule or ion diffusing. Large molecules need more energy to get them to move so they tend to diffuse more slowly. Non-polar molecules diffuse more easily than polar molecules because they are soluble in the non polar phospholipid tails. AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 67
  • 68. Molecules that diffuse through cell membranes 1. Oxygen – Non-polar so diffuses very quickly. 1. Carbon dioxide – Polar but very small so diffuses quickly. 2. Water – Polar but also very small so diffuses quickly. AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 68
  • 69. Facilitated diffusion • Large polar molecules such as glucose and amino acids, cannot diffuse across the phospholipid bilayer. Also ions such as Na+ or Cl- cannot pass. • These molecules pass through protein channels instead. Diffusion through these channels is called FACILITATED DIFFUSION. • Movement of molecules is still PASSIVE just like ordinary diffusion, the only difference is, the molecules go through a protein channel instead of passing between the phospholipids. AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 69
  • 70. AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 70
  • 71. Facilitated Diffusion through a membrane AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 71 Cell membrane Inside cell Outside cell Protein channel
  • 72. Facilitated Diffusion through a membrane AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 72 Cell membrane Inside cell Outside cell Protein channel diffusion
  • 73. Facilitated Diffusion through a membrane AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 73 Cell membrane Inside cell Outside cell Protein channel diffusion EQUILIBRIUM
  • 74. Facilitated Diffusion: Molecules will randomly move through the opening like pore, by diffusion. This requires no energy, it is a PASSIVE process. Molecules move from an area of high concentration to an area of low conc. AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 74
  • 75. AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 75
  • 76. Osmosis ‘The diffusion of water from an area of high concentration of water molecules (high water potential) to an area of low concentration of water (low water potential) across a partially permeable membrane.’ AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 76
  • 77. Osmosis AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 77 Cell membrane partially permeable. Inside cell Outside cell VERY High conc. of water molecules. High water potential. VERY Low conc. of water molecules. High water potential. Sugar molecule DILUTE SOLUTION CONCENTRATED SOLUTION
  • 78. Osmosis AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 78 Cell membrane partially permeable. Inside cell Outside cell High conc. of water molecules. High water potential. Low conc. of water molecules. High water potential. OSMOSIS
  • 79. Osmosis AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 79 Cell membrane partially permeable. Inside cell Outside cell OSMOSIS EQUILIBRIUM. Equal water concentration on each side. Equal water potential has been reached. There is no net movement of water
  • 80. AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 80
  • 81. AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 81
  • 82. Effects of Osmosis on Life • Water is so small and there is so much of it the cell can’t control it’s movement through the cell membrane. 82
  • 83. Hypotonic Solution • Hypotonic: The solution has a lower concentration of solutes and a higher concentration of water than inside the cell. (Low solute; High water) • Result: Water moves from the solution to inside the cell): Cell Swells and bursts open (cytolysis)! 83
  • 84. Hypertonic Solution • Hypertonic: The solution has a higher concentration of solutes and a lower concentration of water than inside the cell. (High solute; Low water) • Result: Water moves from inside the cell into the solution: Cell shrinks (Plasmolysis)! 84 shrinks
  • 85. Isotonic Solution • Isotonic: The concentration of solutes in the solution is equal to the concentration of solutes inside the cell • Result: Water moves equally in both directions and the cell remains same size! (Dynamic Equilibrium) 85
  • 86. What type of solution are these cells in? 86 Hypertonic Isotonic Hypotonic
  • 87. Active Transport • Movement of molecules and ions against their concentration gradients. • From lower to higher concentrations. • Requires ATP • Passive transport Active transport 87 high low Weeee!! ! high low This is gonna be hard work!!
  • 88. • Two Types of Active Transport: – Primary – Secondary Transport of small substances is of 3 types. • Uniport • Symport • Antiport AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 88
  • 89. AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 89
  • 90. • EXAMPLES:( primary active transport) • Ca pump • It is an example of uniporter pump. • H-K ATPase/Proton pump. • It is an example of antiporter pump. • Na-K ATPase/ Na K Pump • It is example of antiporter pump. AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 90
  • 91. Primary Active Transport • ATP directly required for the function of the carriers. • Molecule or ion binds to carrier site. • Binding stimulates phosphorylation (breakdown of ATP). • Conformational change moves molecule to other side of membrane. AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 91
  • 92. AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 92
  • 93. Secondary Active Transport • Coupled transport. • Energy needed for uphill movement obtained from downhill transport of Na+. AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 93
  • 94. COTRANSPORT • It also uses the process of diffusion. • In this case a molecule that is moving naturally into the cell through diffusion is used to drag another molecule into the cell. • Example: Glucose hitches a ride with sodium. AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 94
  • 95. GLUCOSE TRANSPORT AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 95
  • 96. Membrane Transport of Glucose • Glucose transport is an example of: – Cotransport – Secondary active transport – Facilitated diffusion AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 96
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  • 98. Endocytosis is the case when a molecule causes the cell membrane to bulge inward, forming a vesicle. • Phagocytosis is the type of endocytosis where an entire cell is engulfed. • Pinocytosis is when the external fluid is engulfed. • Receptor-mediated endocytosis occurs when the material to be transported binds to certain specific molecules in the membrane. Examples include the transport of insulin and cholesterol into animal cells. AS Biology, Cell membranes and Transport 98
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  • 110. Membrane receptors • membrane receptors are specialized protein molecules in the membranes of cells, to which external molecules (hormones, neurotransmitters, drugs) attach, triggering changes in the function of the cell. This process is called transduction: the external signal is transduced into action.
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  • 123. Techniques to study cell 1. Centriguation 2. Ultracentrifugation 3. Rdioimmunoassay 4. ELISA 5. Chromatography 6. Electrophoresis 7. Specrophotometry 8. pH metry
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  • 128. ELIZA • ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) is a plate- based assay technique designed for detecting and quantifying peptides, proteins, antibodies and hormones. • In an ELISA, an antigen must be immobilized to a solid surface and then complexed with an antibody that is linked to an enzyme.
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  • 137. pH metre • pH is a measurable parameter between the values of 0 and 14, provided the concentration of the solution does not exceed 1M. • Solutions with a pH<7 are acidic, whereas those with a pH>7 are alkaline. A pH meter is a device that measures the changes in the activity of hydrogen ions in solution.
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