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Case	Western	Reserve	University	
SHPE	Chapter	
Partnership	Proposal	2016-2017	
Case	School	of	Engineering	
Division	of	Leadership	and	Professional	Practice	
Nord	Hall,	Room	312	
10900	Euclid	Avenue	
Cleveland,	Ohio	44106	
Tel:	216-368-5119	
Contact	Information:
Society	of	Hispanic	Professional	Engineers	2016	–	2017		
Table	of	Contents		
• Executive	Board	Letter	………………………………………………………………………	3		
• Introduction	………………………………………………………………………………………	5	
o What	is	SHPE?	………………………………………………………………………….	5	
o SHPE	at	CWRU	………………………………………………………………………...	5	
o Meet	our	Advisors	…………………………………………………………………..	6	
o Student	Membership	Categories	and	Requirements	…………….…	6	
• Our	Partnership	…………………………………………………………..…………………….	7			
o How	we	can	help	………………………….………………………………………...	8	
• Types	of	Sponsorships……………………	………………………………………………….	9		
• Select	Sponsorship	…………………………………………………………………….......	11	
• Partnership	Breakdown	.......................................................................	13	
• Proposed	Budget	and	Event	Schedule	for	Fall	2016	…………………………	13	
o Event	Description	…………………………………………………………………..	14	
• Steps	to	make	contributions	as	a	partner	…………………..……………………	17	
o Thank	You!	…………………………….……………………………………………...	16
Society	of	Hispanic	Professional	Engineers	2016	–	2017		
Dear	interest	sponsor,	
From	all	of	our	members	and	the	community	which	CWRU	SHPE	represents,	we	
would	like	to	extend	our	sincerest	gratitude	for	all	the	possible	previous	contributions	you	
have	already	made	to	us,	and	for	the	time	you	may	take	to	explore	our	organization	in	a	
more	in	depth	view.	Our	chapter	has	changed	dramatically	since	our	foundation	in	2013.	
We	have	double	our	membership	to	30	local	and	national	members,	in	addition	to	
increasing	our	multimedia	outreach	to	at	least	200	members	of	the	CWRU	and	Cleveland	
community.	With	the	help	of	engineering	organizations	and	from	other	kind	professionals	
like	yourselves,	we	have	grown	into	a	group	of	motivated	undergraduate	and	graduate	
students	which	aspire	to	assist	in	the	strengthening	of	the	larger	Latino,	Hispanic	and	
Minority	communities.	We	strive	on	the	mission	of	empowering	our	members	to	realize	
their	fullest	potential	and	impact	the	world	through	STEM	Awareness,	Access,	Support	and	
Development.	We	pride	ourselves	in	helping	to	build	a	strong	workforce	of	independent	
innovators,	scientists,	mathematicians	and	engineers	who	may	one	day	lead	our	
Our	organization,	although	still	on	the	process	of	growth	and	balance,	continuously	
strives	to	become	larger	more	far-reaching	organization	which	not	only	promotes	
professional	advancement,	but	focuses	on	academic,	chapter,	leadership	and	outreach	
developments.	A	well-rounded	student	in	these	areas	will	make	him	a	stronger	candidate	
to	graduate	successfully	and	within	a	SHPE	family.	Through	specific	programing	and	
activities	such	as	diversity	in	engineering	events,	networking	banquets,	corporate	
representative	meetings,	resume	building	workshops	and	academic	tutoring	programs	we	
build	relationships	within	our	chapter	which	often	lead	to	overall	intellectual	interpersonal	
In	this	partnership	proposal,	you	will	find	not	just	what	we	have	done	and	are	
planning	to	do,	but	an	opportunity	to	help	us	achieve	even	more	than	that.	With	your	
support	we	hope	to	be	able	to	lift	the	entire	community	up	and	transform	it	into	a	more	
unified	and	educated	one,	which	will	afford	everyone	the	opportunity	to	fulfill	their
Society	of	Hispanic	Professional	Engineers	2016	–	2017		
potential.	Our	organization	would	like	to	again	thank	you	for	your	interest	in	becoming	
part	of	the	larger	effort	that	our	student	organization	is	geared	towards.	We	will	continue	
to	serve	the	community	and	push	our	members	to	work	together	efficiently,	overcoming	
any	challenges	that	may	face	now	and	in	the	future.		
In	conclusion,	our	executive	board	and	members	are	willing	to	put	in	a	re-
invigorated	energy	and	spirit	to	make	this	year	the	best	yet.	With	your	support	we	can	
change	lives,	empower	communities	and	impact	the	world.	
															President		 	 																	Vice	President																																	Treasurer	
Alberto	Gonzalez	Campos	’18							Mariana	Sainz-Garcia	’17																		Daniel	Argueta	’19																																									
																Secretary		 	 								Public	Relations	/	R6R																Community	Service	/	FR	
							Shadur	Perla-Dierx	’19																Andrew	Jimenez	’19															Sebastian	Pino-Peralta	’19	
Society	of	Hispanic	Professional	Engineers	2016	–	2017		
• Introduction	
What	is	SHPE?		
The	Society	of	Hispanic	Professional	Engineers,	Inc.	is	a	non-profit	nation-wide	
organization	dedicated	to	increasing	the	participation	of	college	students	in	the	fields	of	
science,	technology,	engineering,	and	math	(STEM).	The	National	organization	is	
composed	of	individual	chapters	all	throughout	the	nation,	from	High	School	to	
Professional	Levels,	which	invest	in	creating	a	richer	and	more	diverse	professional	
environment	for	all	underrepresented	minorities	in	STEM	fields.	In	our	chapter	we	utilize	
the	programming	of	the	National	chapter	to	develop	the	leadership	skills	of	our	members.	
Some	of	these	programs	include:		
§ Regional	Leadership	Development	Conference	(RLDC)		
§ National	Conference		
§ National	Institute	for	Leadership	Advancement	(NILA)		
Please,	fill	free	to	research	more	about	these	resources	at		
Our	Mission		
Changing	lives	by	empowering	the	Hispanic,	Latino	and	Minority	community	to	realize	its	
fullest	potential	and	to	impact	the	world	through	STEM	Awareness,	Access,	Support,	and	
Our	Vision		
Creating	a	Case	Western	Reserve	and	Cleveland	community	where	Hispanic,	Latino	and	
Minority	members	are	highly	valued	and	influential	as	the	leading	Innovators,	Scientists,	
Mathematicians,	and	Engineers.
Society	of	Hispanic	Professional	Engineers	2016	–	2017		
Meet	our	Advisors	
																				Administrative	Advisor	 																																				Academic	Advisor	
				DELPP,	CSE	 				 																			Director,	Control	&	Energy	Systems	Center		
		 	 	Bonnie	Copes		 	 	 											Mario	Garcia-Sanz																																					
Student	Membership	Categories	and	Requirements	
Ø National	Membership	–	High	Commitment		
o Can	join	anytime	during	the	academic	year.		
o Intended	and/or	declared	STEM	major.		
o Must	have	a	minimum	GPA	of	2.5	/	4.0.		
o Is	subscribed	as	a	member	in	our:	Email-list,	OrgSync	site	and	Facebook	
page	(if	applicable).		
o Attends	2/3	of	general	meetings	and	events.	Responds	to	all	required	
emails	and	corresponding	deadlines	to	stay	active.		
o Pays	an	annual	fee	to	our	National	organization	through	of	$10	dollars.		
Ø Local	Membership	–	Medium	to	Low	Commitment		
o Can	join	anytime	during	the	academic	year.		
o Intended	and/or	declared	STEM	major.
Society	of	Hispanic	Professional	Engineers	2016	–	2017		
o Must	have	a	minimum	GPA	of	2.5	/	4.0.		
o Is	subscribed	as	a	member	in	our:	Email-list,	OrgSync	site	and	Facebook	
page	(if	applicable).		
o Attends	1/3	of	general	meetings	and	events.	Responds	to	the	majority	of	
required	emails	and	corresponding	deadlines	to	stay	active.		
o Does	not	pay	the	annual	fee	to	our	National	organization,	but	is	still	
considered	a	member	of	the	CWRU	SHPE	chapter	at	the	end	of	the	
academic	year	and	enjoys	the	academic	opportunities	of	the	Case	School	of	
Engineering	(CSE),	other	offices	of	CWRU	and	science	departments.		
• Our	Partnership		
CWRU	SHPE	has	increased	in	size	and	content	exponentially	this	past	year.	We	strive	to	
grow	within	a	small	intensive	research	institution	and	have	demonstrated	to	be	one	of	the	
fastest	and	strongest	engineering	and	STEM	organizations	on-campus.	By	doubling	our	
Local	Membership	last	year,	we	have	become	a	key	component	in	the	growth	of	the	Latino	
student	body	at	CWRU	in	the	last	couple	of	years,	shown	in	the	record-breaking	incoming	
Class	of	2020	of	Latino/Hispanic	students.	We	are	very	proud	of	our	membership,	and	the	
students	which	become	involved	are	always	up	for	a	challenge,	as	they	are	driven	and	
hard	working.	
Through	your	involvement	and	participation,	you	will	be	given	the	opportunity	to	access	
our	local	chapter	of	about	30	active	Local	and	National	members	and	be	able	to	market	
your	company	to	not	just	a	diverse	group	of	students	in	many	STEM	fields,	but	to	the	
greater	national	and	international	audiences	we	reach	in	our	travels.	
We	also	often	team	up	with	other	organizations	in	the	CWRU	campus,	like	NSBE	(National	
Society	of	Black	Engineers),	WISER	(Women	in	Science	and	Engineering),	and	the	Case
Society	of	Hispanic	Professional	Engineers	2016	–	2017		
Engineers	Council	(CEC).	Therefore,	your	Sponsorship,	Collaboration,	and	Career	Support	
has	an	effect	on	at	least	100	students	from	the	undergraduate	and	graduate	levels.		
We	also	acknowledge	that	many	members	of	the	community	who	are	not	part	of	the	
STEM	fields	also	require	assistance	and	support.	That	is	why	not	only	do	we	hold	social	
and	professional	events	for	our	students,	faculty,	and	staff,	but	we	also	reach	out	to	the	
community.	To	build	a	more	united	Hispanic	and	Latino	community,	we	often	invite	
community	leaders	and	members	to	our	university	to	host	talks	and	attend	events.	Our	
goal,	is	to	not	just	build	up	the	members	of	our	university	into	the	professionals	they	want	
to	be,	but	to	reach	out	to	those	who	do	not	know	of	the	opportunities	ahead,	and	make	
sure	that	they	also	become	the	leaders	of	tomorrow.	
How	can	we	help?		
If	you,	your	organization,	corporation,	or	group	would	like	to	play	some	part	in	the	
building	of	a	more	unified,	stronger,	and	better	educated	community,	there	are	a	few	
ways	in	which	you	may	be	able	to	help.		
To	create	a	solid	and	stronger	partnership,	we	divided	your	potential	aid	into	three	
different	categories:	Sponsorships,	Collaborations,	and	Career	Support.	Nonetheless,	any	
aid	to	our	organization	is	welcome	with	open	arms,	and	you	are	welcome	to	speak	to	us	
directly	whenever	possible.		
Resume	/	
Facility	Tours
Society	of	Hispanic	Professional	Engineers	2016	–	2017		
Any	and	all	financial	assistance	will	be	appreciated	and	noted	by	CWRU	SHPE	as	well	as	
carefully	monitored	by	the	Case	School	of	Engineering	(CSE)	through	the	Division	of	
Engineering	Leadership	and	Professional	Practice	(DELPP).	Next	we	will	describe	to	you	the	
types	of	sponsorships	and	opportunities	available	to	you.		
• Types	of	Sponsorships		
A	sponsorship	allows	a	group,	organization	or	company	to	sponsor	our	chapter	in	a	year	
by	year	basis,	in	varying	degrees	of	support.	That	being	said	there	are	a	few	things	that	
both	the	group	and	the	chapter	would	agree	to	in	a	formal	fashion	through	the	university,	
specifically	through	our	main	office,	the	Division	of	Engineering	Leadership	and	
Professional	Practice	of	the	CSE.		
1. Platinum	Sponsor	(Donations	of	$2,500	and	up)	
1.1. Link	to	CWRU	SHPE	OrgSync	Site	and	Facebook	Page	(with	100+	likes)	recognizing	
your	contributions	as	a	Platinum	Sponsor.		
1.2. Semester	Calendar	of	Events	and	high	quantity	of	advertisement	in	our	SHPE	
Update	Online	Newsletter	with	100+	sign-ups.		
1.3. 2016-2017	Google	Drive	folder	with	members’	resumes	previously	revised	by	the	
CWRU	Career	Center.		
1.4. Opportunity	to	place	company	literature	around	campus	to	a	high	extent.		
1.5. Highest	Priority	in	speaking	engagement	and	at	general	body	meetings.		
1.6. Opportunity	to	promote	through	emails	and	invitations	to	all	events.		
1.7. Receive	five	(5)	seats	at	Gala	Latina	during	Hispanic	Heritage	Month;	with	an	
approximate	value	of	50	dollars	each.		
2. Gold	Sponsor	(Donations	from	$1000	to	$2,499)	
2.1. Link	to	CWRU	SHPE	OrgSync	Site	and	Facebook	Page	(with	100+	likes)	recognizing	
your	contributions	as	Gold	Sponsor.
Society	of	Hispanic	Professional	Engineers	2016	–	2017		
2.2. Semester	Calendar	of	Events	and	medium	quantity	of	advertisement	in	our	SHPE	
Update	Online	Newsletter	with	100+	sign-ups.			
2.3. 2016-2017	Google	Drive	folder	with	members’	resumes	previously	revised	by	the	
CWRU	Career	Center.		
2.4. Opportunity	to	place	literature	around	campus	to	a	medium	extent.		
2.5. Medium	Priority	in	speaking	engagements	and	at	general	body	meetings.		
2.6. Opportunity	to	promote	through	emails	and	invitations	to	all	events.		
2.7. Receive	three	(3)	seats	at	Gala	Latina	during	Hispanic	Heritage	Month;	with	an	
approximate	value	of	50	dollars	each.		
3. Bronze	Sponsor	(Donations	from	$500	to	$999)	
3.1. Link	to	CWRU	SHPE	OrgSync	Site	and	Facebook	Page	(with	100+	likes)	recognizing	
your	contributions	as	Bronze	Sponsor.		
3.2. Semester	Calendar	of	Events	and	low	quantity	of	advertisement	in	our	SHPE	
Update	Online	Newsletter	with	100+	sign-ups.		
3.3. 2016-2017	Google	Drive	folder	with	members’	resumes	previously	revised	by	the	
CWRU	Career	Center.		
3.4. Opportunity	to	place	literature	around	campus	to	a	low	extent.		
3.5. Low	Priority	in	speaking	engagements	and	at	general	body	meetings.		
3.6. Opportunity	to	promote	through	emails	and	invitations	to	all	events.		
3.7. Receive	two	(2)	seats	at	Gala	Latina	during	Hispanic	Heritage	Month;	with	an	
approximate	value	of	50	dollars	each.		
4. Signature	Sponsor	(No	minimum	or	maximum	limit)	*	
4.1. Our	signature	sponsor	would	be	highlighted	at	all	events	as	a	motivating	force	in	
strengthening	the	Latino	and	Hispanic	community	on-campus.		
4.2. Semester	Calendar	of	Events	and	advertisement	in	our	SHPE	Update	Online	
Newsletter	with	100+	sign-ups.
Society	of	Hispanic	Professional	Engineers	2016	–	2017		
4.3. Link	to	CWRU	SHPE	OrgSync	Site	and	Facebook	Page	(with	100+	likes)	recognizing	
your	contributions	as	Signature	Sponsor.		
4.4. All	contributions	would	be	used	in	promoting	local	community	values	and	events	
in	the	Greater	Cleveland	and	Ohio	areas.		
4.5. 2016-2017	Google	Drive	folder	with	members’	resumes	previously	revised	by	the	
CWRU	Career	Center.		
4.6. Opportunity	to	place	literature	around	campus.		
4.7. Access	in	speaking	engagements	and	at	general	body	meetings.		
4.8. Opportunity	to	promote	through	emails	and	invitations	to	all	events	
4.9. Receive	one	(one)	seat	at	Gala	Latina	during	Hispanic	Heritage	Month;	with	an	
approximate	value	of	50	dollars	each.			
*Reserved	for	Local	Groups,	Organizations,	Clubs	and	Departments	of	the	CWRU	community.		
5. Select	Sponsor	(Special	sponsorship	in	specific	events	and	student	members)		
• Select	Sponsorship		
This	option	allows	an	organization	or	company	to	focus	their	interests	on	either	a	specific	
event	held	throughout	the	year,	or	to	send	an	individual	or	group	of	members	of	our	local	
chapter	to	either	our	National	and/or	Regional	Conferences	hosted	annually	by	the	
National	SHPE	Organization.	
Through	this	sponsorship,	your	group	will	have	the	unique	opportunity	to	personally	
interact	with	many	students.	For	example,	if	your	group	sponsors	a	specific	student	to	
attend	a	conference,	your	group	will	have	the	option	to	establish	a	professional	
relationship	with	that	students	and	provide/assign	a	professional	mentor	to	improve	the	
student's	professional	performance.	In	this	way,	you	could	potentially	increase	his	or	her	
probability	of	successful	employment	after	graduation.	All	events	are	open	to	all	CWRU
Society	of	Hispanic	Professional	Engineers	2016	–	2017		
SHPE	members	and	other	interested	minority	students.	This	gives	your	group	access	to	a	
larger	audience	of	the	CWRU	community.		
1. Sponsor	Student(s)	to	attend	a	conference	
1.1. This	sponsorship	is	one	of	the	most	important	to	our	organization,	as	it	allows	our	
local	chapter	to	send	more	students	to	National	and	Regional	Conferences,	which	
help	in	building	leadership	and	professional	values.	These	conferences	are	also	a	
main	way	in	which	SHPE	at	CWRU	promotes	itself	and	our	community	in	a	
national	manner,	where	students	and	members	get	to	show	off	their	pride	of	our	
community.	Attendees	also	share	in	the	values	they	represent	and	the	stories	
which	made	it	possible	for	them	to	be	where	they	are.	
1.2. There	is	a	list	of	requirements	which	both	the	student	and	organization	must	
agree	to	before	receiving	and	giving	sponsorship.		
2. Sponsor	a	Specific	Event	or	Project		
2.1. Groups	are	welcome	to	fund	particular	events	or	expenses.	Some	examples	may	
include	Banquets,	Dinners,	Lunches,	Networking	Events,	Name	Tags,	etc.	You	
could	also	donate	items	such	as	prizes,	care	packages,	or	other.	
2.2. Your	sponsorship	would	allow	our	Local	Chapter	to	reach	even	more	students	and	
community	members,	while	hosting	even	more	frequent	and	larger	events,	some	
of	which	have	already	become	tradition	at	CWRU.		
3. Host	a	technical	workshop	or	presentation	during	a	conference	or	on-campus	event.		
3.1. This	will	take	place	during	our	General	Body	Meetings	which	occur	every	two	
weeks.	This	can	take	place	during	this	semester	Fall	2016	or	next	one	Spring	2017,	
depending	on	your	organization’s	schedule	and	annual	plan.		
3.2. This	workshops	can	focus	on	a	variety	of	academic	and	career	development	
topics.	They	could	also	be	planned	to	happen	during	special	weekends	on-campus	
or	at	specific	National	and/or	Regional	SHPE	Conferences.
Society	of	Hispanic	Professional	Engineers	2016	–	2017		
• Partnership	Breakdown		
• Proposed	Budget	and	Event	Schedule	for	Fall	2016	
In	this	section	you	will	find	a	detail	description	of	our	financial	situation	as	of	09/06/2016.	
Please	feel	free	to	review	the	budget	and	event	schedule	for	this	Fall	2016	Semester.	We	
also	include	the	Regional	Conference	of	next	year,	so	we	can	start	creating	a	partnership	
with	enough	time	in	advance.	Groups	which	wish	to	sponsor	specific	events	or	projects	
will	be	recognized	as	the	main	sponsor	for	that	event	or	project.		
Facility	Tours
Career	Support	
Industry /	
Resume	/	
Co-op	/	
Society	of	Hispanic	Professional	Engineers	2016	–	2017		
If	you	have	more	questions	about	our	budget,	please	contact	our	treasurer,	Daniel	
Argueta,	at		
*	Co-sponsorship	with	La	Alianza	(Latino	Student	Organization	on-campus)		
**	Main	event,	have	the	support	and	collaboration	from	La	Alianza	
***	Tentative	Date	
****Approximate	cost,	subject	to	change	with	flight	price	fluctuation		
Event	Description	
1. General	Body	Meetings									 	 	 	 						Recurring	(Every	two	weeks)		
We	have	our	meetings	every	other	week	to	keep	on	track	on	our	semester	objectives.	We	
focus	on	our	five	pillars	in	these	meetings	and	have	a	revised	agenda	for	each	one	of	
them.	They	could	have	specific	topics,	such	as	Career	Development,	Corporate	
presentations	and	Industry	presentations.	This	could	also	be	a	place	for	bonding	between	
our	members	and	have	chapter	development	time.	We	invite	and	encourage	sponsors	and	
partners	to	attend	our	meetings	and	interact	with	our	members	anytime.		
Event	Name	 Event	ID	 Starting	Date	
Cost	($)	
Raised	($)	
Needed	($)	
First	General	Body	
1453983	 09/01/2016	 50	 50	 0	 50	 30	
Welcome	Back	
1453506	 09/02/2016	 100	 100	 0	 50	 20	
Noche	Latina*	 1453532	 09/10/2016	 750	 750	 0	 250	 40	
Gala	Latina**	 1453479	 10/01/2016	 3,600	 1,500	 2,100	 150	 40	
Diversity	Networking	
1455800	 10/07/2016***	 540	 440	 100	 80	 35	
SHPE	2016	National	
11/02/2016	to	
12,720****	 1,600	 11,120	 -	 16	
SHPE	2017	Regional	
N/A	 April	2017	 2,376	 0	 2,376	 -	 18	
Study	Tables	
Recurring	on	
0	 0	 0	 30	 40	
As	of	
-	 20,136	 4,440	 15,696	 -	 -
Society	of	Hispanic	Professional	Engineers	2016	–	2017		
2. Welcome	Back	Dinner*							 	 	 	 	 	 										09/02/2016	
We	start	every	year	with	a	Welcome	Dinner	in	conjunction	with	La	Alianza	to	help	our	
members	reconnect	after	the	summer	break	and	create	excitement	about	the	upcoming	
year.	At	this	dinner	we	briefly	talk	about	the	events	from	both	groups	that	are	occurring	
throughout	the	semester.	We	explore	local	Hispanic	and	Latino	restaurants	to	endorse	our	
culture	and	our	community.		
3. Noche	Latina*														 	 	 	 	 	 	 										09/10/2016		
We	kick-off	every	semester	with	Noche	Latina.	This	event	is	a	fun,	club-style	dance	party	
and	it	has	been	a	hit	every	time.	With	this	bi-annual	event,	we	book	a	great	Latin	DJ,	a	
large	space	with	a	lot	of	dancing	room,	have	security	at	the	door,	order	snack	foods,	and	
invite	the	entire	university.	Our	goal	is	to	create	a	safe-environment	for	our	students	and	
members	to	have	fun	while	allowing	them	to	experience	a	traditional	club-like	
environment.	This	event	serves	as	our	Marketing	event	for	each	semester,	where	mainly	
first	year	students	get	in	touch	with	La	Alianza	and	SHPE	in	a	fun	and	casual	way.		
4. Gala	Latina**								 											 	 	 	 	 	 												10/1/2016	
Our	first	ever	Gala	Latina	was	held	last	year	during	Hispanic	Heritage	Month.	We	
partnered	with	offices	and	organizations	on-campus,	such	as	La	Alianza,	CWRU	Career	
Center	and	the	Office	of	Multicultural	Affairs.	This	event	is	a	night	of	networking	and	a	
celebration	of	the	Hispanic	culture.	It	is	an	opportunity	for	our	members	to	interact	with	
Graduate	students,	Professionals	from	the	Cleveland	area,	Faculty	and	Staff	from	CWRU	
and	other	Entrepreneurs	and	Students	from	the	Northern	Ohio	Region.	With	this	event	we	
hope	to	showcase	our	student	body	and	the	successes	of	the	Latino	community,	
demonstrating	its	strength	and	growth.	Our	guests	will	have	an	informative,	familial,	and	
unique	dinner	with	students	that	care	about	their	community,	their	professional	
development	and	their	heritage.			
5. Diversity	in	Engineering	Networking	Social																																																	10/07/2016***	
Generally,	this	event	happens	during	the	University’s	Diversity	Weekend,	where	
underrepresented	groups	have	the	opportunity	to	receive	substantial	support	and
Society	of	Hispanic	Professional	Engineers	2016	–	2017		
recognition.	SHPE	will	work	to	have	a	successful	networking	social	where	members	from	
local	organizations	such	as	NSBE,	WISER	and	SWE	can	interact	and	meet	each	other.	This	is	
a	time	where	prospective	students	and	fellow	members	of	the	community	can	share	
experiences,	while	at	the	same	time	practice	their	networking	and	elevator	pitch	skills	
with	professionals	and	other	representatives.		
6. SHPE	National	Conference						 	 	 	 									11/02/2016	to	11/06/2016	
The	SHPE	Conference	is	the	major	event	for	the	Society	of	Hispanic	Professional	Engineers,	
Inc.	and	is	one	of	the	largest	technical,	career	and	STEM	conference	in	the	United	States.	It	
is	also	the	largest	Latino/Hispanic	STEM	conference	in	the	country	where	each	year	close	
to	5,000	STEM	professionals	and	students	gather	together	and	enjoy	the	sharing	of	
knowledge	and	experiences.	The	conference	is	an	opportunity	for	engineering	companies	
and	corporations	to	recruit	top	talent	from	SHPE	membership.	Last	year	we	took	18	
students	to	the	conference,	where	almost	30%	got	a	direct	Academic/Career	offer	or	
contact	from	the	conference.	It	provides	educational,	technical	and	career	opportunities	
for	professionals	and	students	in	STEM.		
7. SHPE	Regional	Conference		 	 	 	 	 	 													April	2017		
The	Regional	Leadership	Development	Conference	(RLDC)	in	Region	6	was	developed	to	
foster	an	environment	to	accelerate	and	enhance	our	members’	leadership,	management	
and	technical	skills.	It	is	a	place	where	SHPE	undergraduate	and	graduate	students	can	
network	with	professionals	and	companies	interested	in	the	member’s	career	
development.	It	is	hosted	annually	in	seven	regions	across	the	United	States	between	the	
months	of	February	and	April.	RLDC	in	Region	6	will	improve	leadership	skills	of	the	
upcoming	new	chapter	board	and	general	body	members,	helping	strengthen	the	student	
and	professional	chapters	in	each	region.		
8. Study	Tables	Program					 	 	 																		Recurring	(Every	other	week)		
A	new	program	which	focuses	on	the	Academic	Development	pillar,	specifically	targeted	
to	our	Freshman	members.	Adjusting	to	college	can	be	challenging,	specially	to	minority	
students.	The	purpose	of	these	program	is	to	developed	a	flexible	mentorship	within	our
Society	of	Hispanic	Professional	Engineers	2016	–	2017		
chapter.	We	will	connect	Freshmen	and	Upperclassmen	students	in	tutoring	session	on	
the	weekends.	This	will	make	sure	incoming	and	recurrent	students	stay	connected	and	
within	the	academic	competitive	environment	of	Case	Western	Reserve.		
*	Co-sponsorship	with	La	Alianza	(Latino	Student	Organization	on-campus)		
**	Main	event,	have	the	support	and	collaboration	from	La	Alianza	
***	Tentative	Date		
• Steps	to	make	contribution(s)	as	a	partner	
1. Fill	out	and	submit	the	Partnership	Form	16/17	at		
2. You	will	receive	an	email	(from	with	the	subject	“Thank	You	for	
Choosing	to	Sponsor	CWRU	SHPE	Chapter”	from	one	of	our	Executive	Board	
Members	confirming	your	submission.		
3. We	will	get	in	contact	with	you	as	soon	as	possible	to	arrange	a	meeting	to	
formalize	our	partnership	and	discuss	future	steps.		
4. If	applicable,	please	mail	your	contribution(s)	to			
Nord	Hall,	Room	312	
10900	Euclid	Avenue	
Cleveland,	Ohio	44106	
T:	216-368-5119	
Thank	You!	
We	would	like	to	thank	you	for	your	previous,	continued	or	new	support	and	
encouragement	which	allows	us	to	inspire	so	many	people	in	a	global	market.	With	your	
aid	we	will	be	able	to	build	a	large	constructive	and	helpful	community	in	a	more	
professional	competitive	manner.	With	our	partnership,	we	will	make	sure	our	members	
graduate	successfully	and	together,	inside	a	SHPE	family	for	life.	Thank	you!		
CWRU	SHPE	Executive	Board	16/17

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