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Name: Abdul Rehman. ID:0000130631
Course: M.A Education Code: Text Book Development ll(6553)
Semester: Spring 2023
Assignment No.2
Q.No.1 Why need assessment for training session is essential? Discuss the aspects to
consider while conducting need assessment for in-service teacher training.
Training program in an organisation is a process by which people are taught with skills and
given the necessary knowledge or attitude to enable them to carry out their responsibilities to
the required standard in the present job and to undertake greater and more demanding roles
for effective job performance.
Organisations are facing many changes which are related to economic needs, social needs and
technology needs. As such, training programe plays an important part to overcome these
problems and to cater the needds of the organisations. Training program is also important in
the education sector same as the other sectors or organisations. The need for training in
education particularly for teachers are important to improve the quality of education in
Teachers are crucial in implementing educational reforms in accordance with the aspiration of
the National Philosophy of Education. The success of a school curriculum is closely related to its
effective implementation. Teachers have to be personally aware of the school curriculum,
improve and enhance the neccessary skills to interpret the concept changes accurately and
to implement the modified curriculum according ti its requirements, aims and objectives.
As such, the need for in-service training or staff development programme for teachers plays an
essential role in successful education reform. It also serves as a bridge between prospective and
experienced educators to meet the new challenges of guiding students towards higher
standards of learning and self development. In developing the professionalisme status of
teachers, the training program such as in-service training should not be run away from the
reformation that occurs. In-service training has for many years been the driving force behind
much changes that has occured in the area of teaching and learning.
As in any other profession, it is vital that teachers keep up to date on the most current concepts,
thinking and research in their field. This, in turn supports in their ‘lifelong learning’ as educators
as professionals and as individuals who are responsible for the education of the next generation.
Teachers play and active and vital role in the development of productive and dedicated
Malaysian citizens. The knowledge, idea, skills and attitude of the educator must be developed
through integrated and systematic way. According to Marsha & Naftaly(1999), one of the
important component to improve the quality of education is through in-service training for
teachers. With respect to this, even though there are many in-service training programme been
organised by the Ministry of Education, State Education Department and District Education
Office, but the effectiveness of in-service training in schools should not be taken lightly by
school management and also teachers.
The need for in-service training for teachers
The need for in-service training in schools is getting more attention for teachers to equip with
new knowledge and skills for them to face new challenges and reformation in education. In-
service training can enhance the professionalism of teachers who can contribute to the
organisation to achieve it’s goals. In-service training is a professional and personal educational
activity for teachers to improve their efficiency, ability, knowledge and motivation in their
professional work.
In-service training offers one of the most promising roads to the improvement of instruction. It
includes goal and content, the training process and the context. According to Ong (1993), In-
service training is the totality of educational and personal experiences that contribute toward an
individual being more competent and satisfied in an assigned professional role. The primary
purpose of in-service training is to enable teachers to acquire new understanding and
instructional skills.
It focuses on creating learning environments which enable teachers to develop their
effectiveness in the classroom. In this aspect, in-service training for teachers is the driving force
behind much change that has occured in the are of teaching and learning. It is vital that teachers
keep up to date on the most current concepts, thinking and research in their field and also
promote professional growth among teachers in order to promote excellent and effective
teaching and learning environment for students. According to Kazmi,Pervez & Mumtaz (2011),
in-service training for teachers enables the teachers to be more systematic and logical in their
teaching style.
In-service training is a planned process whereby the effectiveness of teachers collectively or
individually is enhanced in response to new knowledge, new ideas and changing curcumstances
in order to improve, directly or indirectly the quality of pupils education. According to Abdul
Rashid (1996), in-service training comprises two main elements, that is the fulfillment of pupils
leraning needs and ensuring personal and career development of the academic staff.
In-service training is a fundamental aspect for the enhancement of teachers profesionalisme
related to the teachers vision to improve the quality of their work. Through in-service training,
teachers can identify and evaluate critically the culture of the school which can bring changes
to the working culture. Studies by Ekpoh,Oswald & Victoria (2013) shows that, teachers who
attend in-service training perform effectively in their work concerning knowledge of the subject,
classroom management, teaching method and evaluation of students.
Studies by Jahangir, Saheen & Kazmi (2012) also shows that in-service training plays a major role
to improve the teachers performance in school. Beside that, in-service training also provide
teachers with ample opportunities to learn new concepts, methods and approcahes through
professional development. In-service training is d deliberate and continous process involving
the identification and discussion of present and anticipated needs of individual staff for
furthering their job satisfaction and career prospects and of the institution for supporting its
academic work and plans, and the implementation of programmes of staff activities designed
for the harmonious satisfaction of these needs. In-service training can also change the attitude
and skills of teachers and further increase the performance of students.
It also can help to change the procedures, approaches and practices teacher teach, the way
student learn and would also help to create an excellent school culture in schools. According to
Frederick & Stephen (2010), during the in-service training, teachers will schools management
skills, evaluation techniques and master wider content areas of their subjects.
For this reason, teachers and educational experts should increase their effort in fostering and
implementing in-service training in schools so as to improve the effectiveness of development in
schools. In-service training have undegone considerable change in the recent years. As a
practice, “result-driven in service training is concerned with changing behaviour and/or
attitudes of teachers, administrators and staff members rather than being concerned with the
number of participants in such programs”.(Ronald,2004:169).
It is literally impossible today for any individual to take on a job or enter a profession and remain
in it without any changes. Therefore “in-service training is not only desirable but also ab activity
to which each school system must commit human and fiscal resources if it is to maintain a
skilled and knowledgeable staff”.(Ronald, 2004:170) The importance of in-service training
should be looked in various perspectives. It promotes a very flexible environment and allow
teachers to adapt with the working situation and it is also one form of motivation for employees
or employers and it will continue to increase creativity in teaching and learning process.
It also enable teachers to acquire new understanding and instructional skills to develop their
effectiveness in the classroom. In-service training for teachers should have a positive effect
on teachers in increasing knowledge, communication with their involvement i n planning
school activities and also it increased the staff motivation. Studies done by Thompson (1992)
shows that, after going through in-service training, there are positive change in teachers
attitude, increace self confidence and also follow up with teachers readiness in facing any
various resistance situation.
This shows that, training program that is planned and implemented well will give a positive
effect on students, teachers and schools. In-service training places teachers at the centre of
any improvement effort and assumes that the work of the teacher and the visions that teachers
have about improving their work.
According to Owen, “the positive aspect concerning professional development of teachers are
that the program will make sure that learning activities is planned and concentrated on
empowering effectice teachers to correct policies, curriculum development, teaching and
views on how to achieve high productivity and students performance”. (Owen, 1990:175). It is
vital that the positive performance result from the students will bring profits to teachers
themselve based on the additional recognition from collegues at work place and the
administration. In-service training for teachers will not only bring positive effect to the teacher,
but also students and school because the changes that is expected has a close relation between
teachers,students and schools.
Effectiveness of in-service training in school The important factor in conducting in-service
training for teachers is the effectiveness of the programme. Many researchers stated that, an
effective training programme should be conducted in the school itself because the teachers will
be involved in the planning and implementation of the training from the beginning to the end.
Besides that, the effectiveness of the training programme is very much related to the awareness
of teachers for self-improvement and development. There are few factors that contribute
towards the effective of in-service training for teachers in school. The factors are: i. Role of
administrator In-service training must be proactive rather than reactive and its effectiveness
depends on the extent to which it is personalised and based on positive constructs. In this
aspect, in-service training in schools requires strong leadership.
This leadership usually comes from the principal, but it is sometimes provided by an assistant
principal. Administrators as leaders, establish an atmosphere of support and trust, offer
incentives and rewards for participation and provide sustained moral and material support.
Administrators should serve as a role models by participating fully in the training activies.
School administrators face the challenging task of providing for the professional development of
teachers in their schools.
According to Allice, “this responsibility is assigned to them because administrators have ready
access to data that provide a clear picture of strenghs and weaknesses of the individual staff
members, the needs of the students, the week areas of curriculum, the values and desires of the
community and how their school measures up to Education Ministry’s goals and objectives”.
(Alice Ong,1993 :158). In this aspect, it is necessary for administrators to provide a process of
involving teachers in the identification of professional skills that need to be improved and for
involving them in the design of activities and programme to provide this skill development.
The principal of a school is the most influence person in implementing the in-service training
even though he or she doesn’t involve technically. Principals own style, level of activity,
authority, leadership and the relationship with teachers, seems to be interacted well with idea
of school improvement.
The principal is seen as the potential person to manage the in-service training, and also become
the facilitator to the teachers.In this aspect, an administrator should play the role as a teacher,
counselor and friend and must be able to give full support and encouragement to the teachers
in training. The role of principal is identified as significance in terms of creating a positive
climate conducive to collaboration in matters pertaining to staff development.
The absence of a supportive work context can create difficulties for teacher development and
change-based initiatives. In this aspect, principals need to be pro-active in their creation of
psychological conditions within their schools so that in-service training will be possible. The
success of in-service training depend on attitudes and interpersonal relationship within the
school. School principals is the best position to establish the conditions necessary for collegiality.
Attitudes towards in-service training The effectiveness of in-service training in school is also
related to the attitude of teachers in school. Teachers should have a positive attitude towards
in-service training organised by their school. Teacher’s attitude towards teaching philosophy, in-
service training and educational reform can influence their response towards training that is
Attitudes are reflections of employee’s beliefs and opinions that support or inhibit behaviour.
“In a training context, we are concerned about employee’s attitudes that are related to job
performance”. ( P.Nick Blanchard & James W.Thacker :1999) Relating to this, teachers that
have high positive attitudes toward their job are more interested to try new techniques and
strategies, including those that they have learn from training conducted in thetir schools.
Apart from that, the objectives of in-service training in schools is to change attitude and work
schedules of teachers so as not to depend solely on instructions or circulars that will cut down
the emphasis on prescriptive culture. In nthis way, teachers will emphasis on team spirit and
feeling of ownership as a source of importance when they attend in-service training and this will
contribute towards the effectiveness of the training. Attitudes are important issues for training
because they effect motivation.
Motivation is reflected in a person’s selection of goals and the amount of effort expended in
achieving those goals. According to P.Nick Blanchard (1999), goals and effort are influenced by
how the person feels about things related to the goal. Because of the relatively strong
relationship between a person’s attitude and behaviour, attitudes that motivate teachers to
perform or learn more effectively need to be addressed by in-service training.
Needs analysis for in-service training The primary purpose of in-service training is to increase
the knowledge and skills of employees and thereby increase the potential of the school to attain
its goals and objectives. The process of assessing employee needs is essentially the process of
determining the discrepancy between the existing and the needed competencies of the staff.
This analysis also must consider projected human resource needs. According to Robert, “the
data obtained from the human resources inventories used in the human resource planning
process along with the data obtained from needs assessment techniques provide the framework
within which program goals and objectives can established”. (Ronald W.Rebore, 2004: 119)
An effective in-service training must be able to identify systematically the needs of employees
because it’s the base to develop the objectives and the activities for training program. In
identifying the training needs, many aspects have to be taken into consideration. It’s important
to understand that training need analysis is a process to identify employees that need training
and what kind of training they need. A need analysis shoukld precede the planning and
execution of a training program. In a need analysis, the school administrator determines exactly
what the staff training needs are, before designing a program to meet them.
Q.No.2 What is the scope of e-textbooks and how it can be more beneficial from tradition
Answer:What is an e-textbook?
Electronic textbooks, or e-textbooks, are digital versions of textbooks that can be read on digital devices
like desktops, mobile phones, or tablets. E-textbooks often come as a free addition to traditional
textbooks or might be purchased or provided independently. E-textbooks that come alongside print
textbooks might contain additional media, such as video and audio, to make the text more interactive.
Many e-textbooks also include homework, self-assessments, or built-in quizzes along with the content.
Since they are digital, e-textbooks can be much more dynamic learning tools.
E-textbooks might be purchased online, or students may receive a code in their print textbooks to access
the digital version. Depending on the type of digital textbook, students must either be connected to the
internet to use them or download them to their device. E-textbooks may also require additional
applications. Some may also limit the number of users per account to ensure each student purchases
their own copy.
Why have e-textbooks been growing in popularity?
The growth in popularity of e-textbooks is not a new trend. As the internet and digital devices have
become more accessible tools for students in the past decades, additional online tools like e-textbooks
have evolved with them. However, the abrupt halt to in-person learning with the COVID-19 pandemic
solidified this major shift to digital. Not only have e-textbooks risen in popularity since COVID, but e-
books in general have become more popular. E-book sales grew by 22% in 2020 and are projected to
grow to $7.78 billion by 2025 — up from $5.91 billion in 2019.
Why are e-textbooks so popular? In short, e-textbooks offer a wide variety of benefits that students
can’t pass up.
Benefits of e-textbooks
E-textbooks have numerous advantages over traditional textbooks. Here are some of the valuable
benefits that make e-textbooks so favorable.
While high school students may receive school-provided textbooks from their libraries, it’s no secret
among college students that textbook shopping for each term is expensive. Buying physical textbooks
for multiple classes can rack up hundreds of dollars every year. E-textbooks are significantly cheaper,
costing 40-50% less than paper copies.
Another benefit of e-textbooks is their accessibility. Not only are they easy for students to obtain, but
they are helpful to those with learning or physical disabilities. E-textbooks are more suited for anyone
with visual impairment who might need screen readers or increased font size. Additionally, e-textbooks
have audio capabilities for those who are hearing impaired. These benefits can be life-changing for some
students, taking learning abilities and engagement to new heights.
One of the biggest benefits of e-textbooks is their portability. Unlike bulky, heavy, traditional textbooks,
e-textbooks can be stored on one device. Students may have a whole library of information at the tip of
their fingers. This is also crucial for those with accessibility needs, as physical exertion is greatly reduced.
Additionally, since students can bring their e-textbooks anywhere, they are more likely to use them in
the classroom as a side-by-side reference to improve their overall knowledge.
Remote access
In addition to portability, e-textbooks can be accessed remotely on a phone, tablet, or another device.
Having e-textbooks readily available from anywhere can increase learning and studying time since
students are less likely to “forget” their textbooks.
Interactive learning
Unlike paper textbooks, e-textbooks allow for interactive, dynamic learning. Since they are digital tools,
the possibilities for interactive media are endless. This could include short videos accompanying
chapters, self-assessment questions on each page, clickable definitions for complicated words, and even
3D rendering of graphs, diagrams, and images.
Students can often take notes directly in their e-textbooks, with the ability to highlight lines of text with
ease. The interactivity of e-textbooks allows for immersive coverage of complicated subjects, such as life
science. Interactive learning is even the key to success for some students, being a popular learning
preference. Plus, it can simply make learning more fun.
One of the greatest perks of e-textbooks is that they are more environmentally friendly than traditional
textbooks. Paper textbooks require trees to be cut down and are often used for only short periods and
wasted afterward. E-textbooks, however, require no paper and only a small amount of energy to be
created and used. While paper textbooks may ultimately end up in landfills, e-textbooks can remain on a
digital device with minimal data storage necessary.
Other Benefits of Digital Textbooks
Digital textbooks support young children’s language development and other emergent literacy skills in a
study done with kindergartners (Korat & Shamir, 2007). Using digital textbooks, students are able to
interact with peers and their teachers by sharing notes and insights (Atkinson & Swaggerty, 2011;
McFadden, 2012). Videos, simulations, experiments and other embedded enhancements make digital
textbooks more appealing to students (Grensing-Pophal, 2010; Weisberg, 2011). College students and
schools with budget concerns have found that purchasing digital textbooks is a cheaper way to access
curriculum materials (Carney, 2011;
Grensing-Pophal, 2010; Laskowski, 2007; Weisberg, 2011). With a shift towards greener living, digital
textbooks have been hailed as green technology for classrooms (Gurnsey, 2011; Hill, 2010). The
convenience, efficiency, ability to have more than one book on your device and the online accessibility
have all been found as added benefits in the shift to digital textbook.
E textbooks are better than traditional printed books
More Affordable
In general, e-textbooks are more affordable than regular college textbooks. In some cases, digital
textbooks may cost 40-50% less than physical copies, although savings are not always this high. Most
texts can be viewed with a standard laptop, phone, or e-reader.
Convenient Access
E-textbooks can be accessed without lugging around a heavy book or searching around for the proper
section. Many digital textbooks offer easy search functions, highlighting options, and copy and paste
features, which can make it more convenient to use the material.
Easily Purchased
While schools try to stock the appropriate amount of college textbooks for their students, learners may
find getting regular textbooks challenging — especially for large, popular classes. E-textbooks for college
classes don't have this problem.
Final thoughts
Digital and print reading both have their benefits and drawbacks. But with technology making huge
advances, it is good to be aware of the pros and cons. We hope you can help your students adapt to this
new wave of tehcnology using the above suggestions.
Q.No.3 Discuss the activities including in technical editing with examples.
Answer: introduction
Within the field of technical communication, editing is quite a common term. Almost 20 years ago, three
quarters of responding members from the Society for Technical Communication indicated that editing
others was an important job function (Dayton, 2004, pp. 86-87). Today, most undergraduate and
graduate programs in technical communication have a technical editing course. Editing is represented in
our professional societies, such as the International Society of Managing and Technical Editors; the
Society for Technical Communication has the Technical Editing Special Interest Group.
The Oxford English Dictionary states that edit’s etymology is partially a back-formation from editor and
partially from the Latin ēditus, “to bring forth, to produce, to utter, to tell, relate, to declare, to publish
(writings), to display, show” (Oxford University Press, n.d.). The Oxford English Dictionary defines edit:
“To prepare an edition of written work by (an author) for publication, by selecting and arranging the
contents, adding commentary, etc” (Oxford University Press, n.d., Definition 1.a.). The first example of
this definition in use was in 1699.Edit quickly evolved to mean more generally “to prepare (a piece of
writing, copy for a newspaper or magazine, etc.) for publication or use by correcting, condensing, or
otherwise modifying it” (Oxford University Press, n.d., Definition
1.b.). The first example of this definition in use was in 1867.Editing, however, became even more
complicated over the last 100 years.
Sub-definitions were added to show what new discoveries could be edited: a television or radio program
(1913), computer code (1958), a digital image (1971), and genes (1969). This extension of the term
editing to multiple fields and careers is its first problem: It causes problems with search terms,
complicating searches for jobs, educational programs, and research literature.
To distinguish technical communication’s editing from all the other types, we typically use the term
technical editing. Technical editing “does not have a well-established definition” (Flanagan, 2019, p. 15);
definitions have been grouped into technology-based, rhetoric-based, actor- or activity-based,
discipline-based, and levels definitions (Flanagan, 2019). One of the best definitions of technical editing
is “the planning, analysis, restructuring, and language changes made to other people’s technological or
scientific documents in order to make them more useful and accurate for their intended audiences.”
What is technical editing?
Technical editing is the review of technical documents, including user manuals, reports, instructions and
briefs. Fields such as technology, business, engineering, manufacturing, health care and science produce
technical documents for users or professionals. Technical editors work with technical writers to ensure
these materials are clear and free of errors.
What does a technical editor do?
Technical editors review written material and revise it for clarity, grammar, style and content. Their
duties can vary across industries but may include:
Copy editing: Technical editors copy edit all materials by reviewing style and formatting. They ensure a
document meets the client's goals.Proofreading: Editors proofread documents for correct grammar and
spelling. They may make suggestions to writers and complete the final review before
publication.Creating style guides: An editor can help create a guide for writers to train them on a client's
preferred style and writing voice.
Producing templates: Depending on the field and publication type, editors may create templates to help
writers produce documents. For example, a technical editor may make a user manual template for
writers to use when creating this type of document.Verifying information: Technical editors work with
writing teams to ensure information is correct. This can involve checking facts, reviewing resources or
conducting additional research.Assigning work to writers: Some technical editors divide tasks and assign
them to a writing team.
Generating new content ideas: Technical editors may work in the creative process to suggest new
content or brainstorm ideas with a writing team.
Writing content: A technical editor may produce new content depending on their role.Managing
publication schedules: Technical editors can supervise the publication process. This involves creating a
publication calendar, delegating tasks and ensuring timely production.Publishing documents: Technical
editors may also handle the technical aspects of publishing, including formatting and uploading to the
correct software platforms. If they produce printed materials, they may oversee the printing process
and review formats.
Collaborating with writers and subject experts: Editors work as a part of a team to create quality content.
Technical editors work with writers to revise materials. Technical content can be complex and nuanced,
so a technical editor may also work with a subject expert to ensure accuracy.
Revising for a target audience: Technical editors review documents and help them reach an intended
audience. For example, when producing a user manual for consumers, technical editors ensure the
instructions are clear and easy to follow for everyone.
Important skills for technical editors
To be a technical editor, it's helpful to have these skills:
Writing: An editor needs technical writing skills to produce and revise content. They may need to
research, outline or draft new materials. Strong writing skills can also help an editor review for style.
Editing: Technical editors must check for correct spelling and grammar. They need strong editing and
proofreading skills to ensure accuracy and clarity.
Communication: To collaborate with writers, technical editors use communication skills. They make
suggestions to help writers improve written documents. They may use written or verbal communication
skills to provide feedback.
Time management: A large part of editing is managing deadlines. Strong organization skills can help
editors manage calendars and publish materials on time.
Project management: Some technical editors divide tasks and assign documents to a group of writers.
Strong leadership and management skills can help them manage a team.
Technical skills: The technical skills vary depending on the industry, but editors often use a type of
publishing software. Many editing roles require computer or word processing skills, and some require
HTML knowledge.
Q.No.4 What are open educational resources? How open educational resources can be more
resourceful than other resources in education and research field?
Answer:Introduction to Open Educational Resources (OER)
Define and explain open educational resources. How are these resources helpful for online learners?
Open educational resources (OERs) are teaching and learning materials that are freely available online
for anyone to use and repurpose. These materials can include textbooks, videos, lesson plans, and other
resources that are typically used in education.
One of the main benefits of OERs is that they are freely available, which means that students and
educators do not have to pay for them. This can be particularly helpful for students who may not have
the financial resources to purchase traditional, copyrighted materials. OERs can also be a good option
for educators who are looking for high-quality resources to use in their classrooms, but who may not
have the budget to purchase commercial materials.
OERs are often licensed under creative commons, which allows users to freely use, distribute, and adapt
the materials as long as they give appropriate credit to the original creator. This means that educators
can customize the materials to fit their own teaching style and the needs of their students. They can also
translate the materials into different languages, making them more accessible to a wider audience.
In addition to being freely available and customizable, OERs are also typically high quality. Many OERs
are developed by experts in their fields and are reviewed by other educators before they are made
available online. This ensures that the materials are accurate and relevant.
There are a number of ways that OERs can be helpful for online learners. First, they can provide students
with access to high-quality materials that they may not have been able to afford otherwise. This can be
especially important for students who are taking online courses and may not have the same access to
resources as students who are taking in-person classes.
OERs can also be helpful for online learners because they can be accessed from anywhere with an
internet connection. This means that students can access the materials at any time, which can be
particularly convenient for those who are juggling school with other commitments.
Finally, OERs can be helpful for online learners because they can be customized to fit the needs of the
individual student. For example, a student who is struggling with a particular concept can use the
customizable features of OERs to tailor the materials to their own learning style and pace.
Overall, OERs are a valuable resource for online learners because they are freely available, customizable,
and high quality. They can provide students with access to materials that they might not otherwise have
been able to afford, and they can be accessed and customized to fit the needs of individual learners.
Open Educational Resources (OERs) are learning and teaching materials that are freely available online
for anyone to use. OERs can consist of full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, videos, tests,
software and any other tools, materials or techniques used to support access to knowledge. Normally,
small units of OER (eg animations, videos, podcasts, etc) are most attractive to educators from both the
re-use and production angles, as they are easier to embed into existing classroom or online learning
activities. Many teachers embed OER material into teaching sessions (eg classroom sessions, practical
classes, workshops, seminars) and/or provide links to OERs via the VLE to enhance self-directed learning
What are Open Educational Resources (OERs)?
Open Educational Resources (OERs) are learning and teaching materials that are freely available online
for anyone to use. OERs can consist of full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, videos, tests,
software and any other tools, materials or techniques used to support access to knowledge. Normally,
small units of OER (eg animations, videos, podcasts, etc) are most attractive to educators from both the
re-use and production angles, as they are easier to embed into existing classroom or online learning
activities. Many teachers embed OER material into teaching sessions (eg classroom sessions, practical
classes, workshops, seminars) and/or provide links to OERs via the VLE to enhance self-directed learning
What are the Benefits of OERs?
There are many benefits for educators and learners which can arise from creating, sharing and utilising
OERs in student education:
Student experience: Use of appropriate OERs can enhance the student learning experience and help to
address learners’ specific needs by giving students access to media-rich materials or resources that
individual staff or institutions are unable to provide.
Digital literacy: Helping students to search for, critically evaluate, use and reference high quality and
relevant open educational resources is an important and useful skill.
Recognition: For the individual who creates OERs, there is external recognition of their learning and
teaching activities and the promotion of their school/faculty or institution. If OERs are modified or re-
purposed by users, both the original creator and their students benefit from any improvements or
Marketing and external relations: For colleges and VET organisations, OERs provide an opportunity to
promote their excellence and innovation in learning and teaching, and widen the pool of high quality
applicants for their programmes.Efficiency: OERs have the potential for enormous savings in cost and
Q.No.5 Which steps are followed by editors for checking a whole book for editing process?
Explain in detail.
Answer:What Does Editing Mean?
What is document editing anyway, and why do we edit documents? “Editing” in general means fixing
problems in a written document so that it has no mistakes and is easy to read. The best books and
papers have been through multiple rounds of editing. There are several different stages in the editing
process, which are summarized below.
Stage 1: Content editing (Substantive editing)
When asked to perform document editing, most editors and editing services begin with the step of
content or substantive editing. Substantive editing is when an editor reviews the whole manuscript and
suggests changes to the organization, logical flow, presentation, structure, or content. When performing
this step of editing, many editors choose to read the document all the way through first just to get an
idea about it. Reading a document all the way through can also help you get more clarity about the way
it is organized and identify any arguments that are not fully made or that need additional support or
Stage 2: Copyediting (Line editing)
The second step in the editing process is copyediting, also known as line editing. Copyediting focuses on
fixing the mechanics of writing, meaning phrasing, grammar, and spelling/capitalization. It is also called
line editing because the editor must carefully read each line of the document when performing
document editing. This stage of the editing process can sometimes be broken down into several steps if
the editor requires clarifications in phrasing or confirmation of suggested word changes.
Stage 3: Proofreading
The final step of the editing process is proofreading. A proofreader looks for the finer details to make
sure each part of the document is perfect. Proofreaders check spelling, grammar, and capitalization as
well as formatting and consistency. A good proofreader makes sure that author names are spelled
correctly, that words like “policy-maker” and “copy-editor” are hyphenated throughout the text, and
that proper title case is used in headings. They mark any missing citations, words, errors, or small
formatting changes.
Making an Editing Plan
How can you ensure your document gets the proper editing it needs? You have several options, one of
which is to hire an editing service. If you don’t have the time or finances to find the best editing service,
you can do it yourself or enlist the help of colleagues or friends. If you decide to do your own editing,
you will need to create an editing plan.
The first step of your plan for document editing should be to decide the order in which you will perform
the stages mentioned above. Traditionally, an editing service or professional editor will do document
editing in the order the stages are listed: content editing, followed by copyediting and proofreading. This
is because it often saves lots of time to fix the bigger issues in a document first, which often involves
adding or deleting sections, before looking for smaller technical errors. However, if you are editing your
own work, you might find it easier to first review the document for mechanical errors before you make
bigger changes. Every writer is different. What is most important is to find an editing process that works
best for you.
Editing Checklist
No matter how you decide to perform document editing, you should create a checklist of the most
important elements in your writing that should be reviewed. You can follow this checklist and even add
your own points to it. In this list, copyediting and proofreading items are labeled technical, while
substantive editing items are labeled stylistic. You can see there is some overlap. This is to be expected,
as some stages of the editing process often coincide with each other.
Define the point of your book
Before you put red pen to virgin paper, you need to know what your book is about. “I know what my
book is about, I wrote the fool thing,” I hear you shout at your screen.
Too often though, I find that it is remarkably easy to finish a piece and not really know what the main
point is. We can become so bogged down with all the side plots and tangents that we forget what’s vital
to the story.
Do a Readthrough with NO editing first (we’ll explain why)
One of the first things you should do when you’re ready to edit your book is read through it and don’t
make ANY edits. This might sound confusing, but this is why…
Set book editing goals
Just like you have to set up a schedule for writing a book, we also recommend you do the same thing for
editing.For this, there are a couple types of goals you can set: quality and timeline.
Break your book up into sections to edit
If you’re starting at the beginning of a long book it can be helpful to break it up into manageable chunks.
Split it into four or five pieces that you can edit one at a time—this is especially true for nonfiction.
Focus on the characters or people
Oftentimes, the characters (even in nonfiction) will carry the book and be the main focus of
entertainment. For nonfiction, your “characters” are just the people who appear in the stories, lessons,
or research used to back up any teaching or education points.
That means focusing on making these strong, will help you edit your book along the way.
Editing chapters
Now you know what your story is saying, you’ve synopsized it several different times from different
angles, and your characters work. Now let’s go on a level..
Just like your characters, every chapter needs a purpose that moves the main plot or teaching points
Editing a book for pacing
While you’re going through the chapters, consider the pacing of the book as a whole. This is really
important for writing a book that’s not boring to readers.

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  • 1. Name: Abdul Rehman. ID:0000130631 Course: M.A Education Code: Text Book Development ll(6553) Semester: Spring 2023 Assignment No.2 Q.No.1 Why need assessment for training session is essential? Discuss the aspects to consider while conducting need assessment for in-service teacher training. Answer:Introduction Training program in an organisation is a process by which people are taught with skills and given the necessary knowledge or attitude to enable them to carry out their responsibilities to the required standard in the present job and to undertake greater and more demanding roles for effective job performance. Organisations are facing many changes which are related to economic needs, social needs and technology needs. As such, training programe plays an important part to overcome these problems and to cater the needds of the organisations. Training program is also important in the education sector same as the other sectors or organisations. The need for training in education particularly for teachers are important to improve the quality of education in Malaysia. Teachers are crucial in implementing educational reforms in accordance with the aspiration of the National Philosophy of Education. The success of a school curriculum is closely related to its effective implementation. Teachers have to be personally aware of the school curriculum, improve and enhance the neccessary skills to interpret the concept changes accurately and to implement the modified curriculum according ti its requirements, aims and objectives. As such, the need for in-service training or staff development programme for teachers plays an essential role in successful education reform. It also serves as a bridge between prospective and experienced educators to meet the new challenges of guiding students towards higher standards of learning and self development. In developing the professionalisme status of teachers, the training program such as in-service training should not be run away from the reformation that occurs. In-service training has for many years been the driving force behind much changes that has occured in the area of teaching and learning. As in any other profession, it is vital that teachers keep up to date on the most current concepts, thinking and research in their field. This, in turn supports in their ‘lifelong learning’ as educators as professionals and as individuals who are responsible for the education of the next generation. Teachers play and active and vital role in the development of productive and dedicated Malaysian citizens. The knowledge, idea, skills and attitude of the educator must be developed through integrated and systematic way. According to Marsha & Naftaly(1999), one of the important component to improve the quality of education is through in-service training for teachers. With respect to this, even though there are many in-service training programme been organised by the Ministry of Education, State Education Department and District Education Office, but the effectiveness of in-service training in schools should not be taken lightly by school management and also teachers. The need for in-service training for teachers The need for in-service training in schools is getting more attention for teachers to equip with new knowledge and skills for them to face new challenges and reformation in education. In-
  • 2. service training can enhance the professionalism of teachers who can contribute to the organisation to achieve it’s goals. In-service training is a professional and personal educational activity for teachers to improve their efficiency, ability, knowledge and motivation in their professional work. In-service training offers one of the most promising roads to the improvement of instruction. It includes goal and content, the training process and the context. According to Ong (1993), In- service training is the totality of educational and personal experiences that contribute toward an individual being more competent and satisfied in an assigned professional role. The primary purpose of in-service training is to enable teachers to acquire new understanding and instructional skills. It focuses on creating learning environments which enable teachers to develop their effectiveness in the classroom. In this aspect, in-service training for teachers is the driving force behind much change that has occured in the are of teaching and learning. It is vital that teachers keep up to date on the most current concepts, thinking and research in their field and also promote professional growth among teachers in order to promote excellent and effective teaching and learning environment for students. According to Kazmi,Pervez & Mumtaz (2011), in-service training for teachers enables the teachers to be more systematic and logical in their teaching style. In-service training is a planned process whereby the effectiveness of teachers collectively or individually is enhanced in response to new knowledge, new ideas and changing curcumstances in order to improve, directly or indirectly the quality of pupils education. According to Abdul Rashid (1996), in-service training comprises two main elements, that is the fulfillment of pupils leraning needs and ensuring personal and career development of the academic staff. In-service training is a fundamental aspect for the enhancement of teachers profesionalisme related to the teachers vision to improve the quality of their work. Through in-service training, teachers can identify and evaluate critically the culture of the school which can bring changes to the working culture. Studies by Ekpoh,Oswald & Victoria (2013) shows that, teachers who attend in-service training perform effectively in their work concerning knowledge of the subject, classroom management, teaching method and evaluation of students. Studies by Jahangir, Saheen & Kazmi (2012) also shows that in-service training plays a major role to improve the teachers performance in school. Beside that, in-service training also provide teachers with ample opportunities to learn new concepts, methods and approcahes through professional development. In-service training is d deliberate and continous process involving the identification and discussion of present and anticipated needs of individual staff for furthering their job satisfaction and career prospects and of the institution for supporting its academic work and plans, and the implementation of programmes of staff activities designed for the harmonious satisfaction of these needs. In-service training can also change the attitude and skills of teachers and further increase the performance of students. It also can help to change the procedures, approaches and practices teacher teach, the way student learn and would also help to create an excellent school culture in schools. According to Frederick & Stephen (2010), during the in-service training, teachers will schools management skills, evaluation techniques and master wider content areas of their subjects. For this reason, teachers and educational experts should increase their effort in fostering and implementing in-service training in schools so as to improve the effectiveness of development in schools. In-service training have undegone considerable change in the recent years. As a practice, “result-driven in service training is concerned with changing behaviour and/or attitudes of teachers, administrators and staff members rather than being concerned with the number of participants in such programs”.(Ronald,2004:169).
  • 3. It is literally impossible today for any individual to take on a job or enter a profession and remain in it without any changes. Therefore “in-service training is not only desirable but also ab activity to which each school system must commit human and fiscal resources if it is to maintain a skilled and knowledgeable staff”.(Ronald, 2004:170) The importance of in-service training should be looked in various perspectives. It promotes a very flexible environment and allow teachers to adapt with the working situation and it is also one form of motivation for employees or employers and it will continue to increase creativity in teaching and learning process. It also enable teachers to acquire new understanding and instructional skills to develop their effectiveness in the classroom. In-service training for teachers should have a positive effect on teachers in increasing knowledge, communication with their involvement i n planning school activities and also it increased the staff motivation. Studies done by Thompson (1992) shows that, after going through in-service training, there are positive change in teachers attitude, increace self confidence and also follow up with teachers readiness in facing any various resistance situation. This shows that, training program that is planned and implemented well will give a positive effect on students, teachers and schools. In-service training places teachers at the centre of any improvement effort and assumes that the work of the teacher and the visions that teachers have about improving their work. According to Owen, “the positive aspect concerning professional development of teachers are that the program will make sure that learning activities is planned and concentrated on empowering effectice teachers to correct policies, curriculum development, teaching and views on how to achieve high productivity and students performance”. (Owen, 1990:175). It is vital that the positive performance result from the students will bring profits to teachers themselve based on the additional recognition from collegues at work place and the administration. In-service training for teachers will not only bring positive effect to the teacher, but also students and school because the changes that is expected has a close relation between teachers,students and schools. Effectiveness of in-service training in school The important factor in conducting in-service training for teachers is the effectiveness of the programme. Many researchers stated that, an effective training programme should be conducted in the school itself because the teachers will be involved in the planning and implementation of the training from the beginning to the end. Besides that, the effectiveness of the training programme is very much related to the awareness of teachers for self-improvement and development. There are few factors that contribute towards the effective of in-service training for teachers in school. The factors are: i. Role of administrator In-service training must be proactive rather than reactive and its effectiveness depends on the extent to which it is personalised and based on positive constructs. In this aspect, in-service training in schools requires strong leadership. This leadership usually comes from the principal, but it is sometimes provided by an assistant principal. Administrators as leaders, establish an atmosphere of support and trust, offer incentives and rewards for participation and provide sustained moral and material support. Administrators should serve as a role models by participating fully in the training activies. School administrators face the challenging task of providing for the professional development of teachers in their schools. According to Allice, “this responsibility is assigned to them because administrators have ready access to data that provide a clear picture of strenghs and weaknesses of the individual staff members, the needs of the students, the week areas of curriculum, the values and desires of the community and how their school measures up to Education Ministry’s goals and objectives”. (Alice Ong,1993 :158). In this aspect, it is necessary for administrators to provide a process of
  • 4. involving teachers in the identification of professional skills that need to be improved and for involving them in the design of activities and programme to provide this skill development. The principal of a school is the most influence person in implementing the in-service training even though he or she doesn’t involve technically. Principals own style, level of activity, authority, leadership and the relationship with teachers, seems to be interacted well with idea of school improvement. The principal is seen as the potential person to manage the in-service training, and also become the facilitator to the teachers.In this aspect, an administrator should play the role as a teacher, counselor and friend and must be able to give full support and encouragement to the teachers in training. The role of principal is identified as significance in terms of creating a positive climate conducive to collaboration in matters pertaining to staff development. The absence of a supportive work context can create difficulties for teacher development and change-based initiatives. In this aspect, principals need to be pro-active in their creation of psychological conditions within their schools so that in-service training will be possible. The success of in-service training depend on attitudes and interpersonal relationship within the school. School principals is the best position to establish the conditions necessary for collegiality. Attitudes towards in-service training The effectiveness of in-service training in school is also related to the attitude of teachers in school. Teachers should have a positive attitude towards in-service training organised by their school. Teacher’s attitude towards teaching philosophy, in- service training and educational reform can influence their response towards training that is conducted. Attitudes are reflections of employee’s beliefs and opinions that support or inhibit behaviour. “In a training context, we are concerned about employee’s attitudes that are related to job performance”. ( P.Nick Blanchard & James W.Thacker :1999) Relating to this, teachers that have high positive attitudes toward their job are more interested to try new techniques and strategies, including those that they have learn from training conducted in thetir schools. Apart from that, the objectives of in-service training in schools is to change attitude and work schedules of teachers so as not to depend solely on instructions or circulars that will cut down the emphasis on prescriptive culture. In nthis way, teachers will emphasis on team spirit and feeling of ownership as a source of importance when they attend in-service training and this will contribute towards the effectiveness of the training. Attitudes are important issues for training because they effect motivation. Motivation is reflected in a person’s selection of goals and the amount of effort expended in achieving those goals. According to P.Nick Blanchard (1999), goals and effort are influenced by how the person feels about things related to the goal. Because of the relatively strong relationship between a person’s attitude and behaviour, attitudes that motivate teachers to perform or learn more effectively need to be addressed by in-service training. Needs analysis for in-service training The primary purpose of in-service training is to increase the knowledge and skills of employees and thereby increase the potential of the school to attain its goals and objectives. The process of assessing employee needs is essentially the process of determining the discrepancy between the existing and the needed competencies of the staff. This analysis also must consider projected human resource needs. According to Robert, “the data obtained from the human resources inventories used in the human resource planning process along with the data obtained from needs assessment techniques provide the framework within which program goals and objectives can established”. (Ronald W.Rebore, 2004: 119) An effective in-service training must be able to identify systematically the needs of employees because it’s the base to develop the objectives and the activities for training program. In identifying the training needs, many aspects have to be taken into consideration. It’s important
  • 5. to understand that training need analysis is a process to identify employees that need training and what kind of training they need. A need analysis shoukld precede the planning and execution of a training program. In a need analysis, the school administrator determines exactly what the staff training needs are, before designing a program to meet them. Q.No.2 What is the scope of e-textbooks and how it can be more beneficial from tradition textbooks? Answer:What is an e-textbook? Electronic textbooks, or e-textbooks, are digital versions of textbooks that can be read on digital devices like desktops, mobile phones, or tablets. E-textbooks often come as a free addition to traditional textbooks or might be purchased or provided independently. E-textbooks that come alongside print textbooks might contain additional media, such as video and audio, to make the text more interactive. Many e-textbooks also include homework, self-assessments, or built-in quizzes along with the content. Since they are digital, e-textbooks can be much more dynamic learning tools. E-textbooks might be purchased online, or students may receive a code in their print textbooks to access the digital version. Depending on the type of digital textbook, students must either be connected to the internet to use them or download them to their device. E-textbooks may also require additional applications. Some may also limit the number of users per account to ensure each student purchases their own copy. Why have e-textbooks been growing in popularity? The growth in popularity of e-textbooks is not a new trend. As the internet and digital devices have become more accessible tools for students in the past decades, additional online tools like e-textbooks have evolved with them. However, the abrupt halt to in-person learning with the COVID-19 pandemic solidified this major shift to digital. Not only have e-textbooks risen in popularity since COVID, but e- books in general have become more popular. E-book sales grew by 22% in 2020 and are projected to grow to $7.78 billion by 2025 — up from $5.91 billion in 2019. Why are e-textbooks so popular? In short, e-textbooks offer a wide variety of benefits that students can’t pass up. Benefits of e-textbooks E-textbooks have numerous advantages over traditional textbooks. Here are some of the valuable benefits that make e-textbooks so favorable. Affordability While high school students may receive school-provided textbooks from their libraries, it’s no secret among college students that textbook shopping for each term is expensive. Buying physical textbooks for multiple classes can rack up hundreds of dollars every year. E-textbooks are significantly cheaper, costing 40-50% less than paper copies. Accessibility Another benefit of e-textbooks is their accessibility. Not only are they easy for students to obtain, but they are helpful to those with learning or physical disabilities. E-textbooks are more suited for anyone
  • 6. with visual impairment who might need screen readers or increased font size. Additionally, e-textbooks have audio capabilities for those who are hearing impaired. These benefits can be life-changing for some students, taking learning abilities and engagement to new heights. Portability One of the biggest benefits of e-textbooks is their portability. Unlike bulky, heavy, traditional textbooks, e-textbooks can be stored on one device. Students may have a whole library of information at the tip of their fingers. This is also crucial for those with accessibility needs, as physical exertion is greatly reduced. Additionally, since students can bring their e-textbooks anywhere, they are more likely to use them in the classroom as a side-by-side reference to improve their overall knowledge. Remote access In addition to portability, e-textbooks can be accessed remotely on a phone, tablet, or another device. Having e-textbooks readily available from anywhere can increase learning and studying time since students are less likely to “forget” their textbooks. Interactive learning Unlike paper textbooks, e-textbooks allow for interactive, dynamic learning. Since they are digital tools, the possibilities for interactive media are endless. This could include short videos accompanying chapters, self-assessment questions on each page, clickable definitions for complicated words, and even 3D rendering of graphs, diagrams, and images. Students can often take notes directly in their e-textbooks, with the ability to highlight lines of text with ease. The interactivity of e-textbooks allows for immersive coverage of complicated subjects, such as life science. Interactive learning is even the key to success for some students, being a popular learning preference. Plus, it can simply make learning more fun. Sustainability One of the greatest perks of e-textbooks is that they are more environmentally friendly than traditional textbooks. Paper textbooks require trees to be cut down and are often used for only short periods and wasted afterward. E-textbooks, however, require no paper and only a small amount of energy to be created and used. While paper textbooks may ultimately end up in landfills, e-textbooks can remain on a digital device with minimal data storage necessary. Other Benefits of Digital Textbooks Digital textbooks support young children’s language development and other emergent literacy skills in a study done with kindergartners (Korat & Shamir, 2007). Using digital textbooks, students are able to interact with peers and their teachers by sharing notes and insights (Atkinson & Swaggerty, 2011; McFadden, 2012). Videos, simulations, experiments and other embedded enhancements make digital textbooks more appealing to students (Grensing-Pophal, 2010; Weisberg, 2011). College students and schools with budget concerns have found that purchasing digital textbooks is a cheaper way to access curriculum materials (Carney, 2011; Grensing-Pophal, 2010; Laskowski, 2007; Weisberg, 2011). With a shift towards greener living, digital textbooks have been hailed as green technology for classrooms (Gurnsey, 2011; Hill, 2010). The convenience, efficiency, ability to have more than one book on your device and the online accessibility have all been found as added benefits in the shift to digital textbook.
  • 7. E textbooks are better than traditional printed books More Affordable In general, e-textbooks are more affordable than regular college textbooks. In some cases, digital textbooks may cost 40-50% less than physical copies, although savings are not always this high. Most texts can be viewed with a standard laptop, phone, or e-reader. Convenient Access E-textbooks can be accessed without lugging around a heavy book or searching around for the proper section. Many digital textbooks offer easy search functions, highlighting options, and copy and paste features, which can make it more convenient to use the material. Easily Purchased While schools try to stock the appropriate amount of college textbooks for their students, learners may find getting regular textbooks challenging — especially for large, popular classes. E-textbooks for college classes don't have this problem. Final thoughts Digital and print reading both have their benefits and drawbacks. But with technology making huge advances, it is good to be aware of the pros and cons. We hope you can help your students adapt to this new wave of tehcnology using the above suggestions. Q.No.3 Discuss the activities including in technical editing with examples. Answer: introduction Within the field of technical communication, editing is quite a common term. Almost 20 years ago, three quarters of responding members from the Society for Technical Communication indicated that editing others was an important job function (Dayton, 2004, pp. 86-87). Today, most undergraduate and graduate programs in technical communication have a technical editing course. Editing is represented in our professional societies, such as the International Society of Managing and Technical Editors; the Society for Technical Communication has the Technical Editing Special Interest Group. The Oxford English Dictionary states that edit’s etymology is partially a back-formation from editor and partially from the Latin ēditus, “to bring forth, to produce, to utter, to tell, relate, to declare, to publish (writings), to display, show” (Oxford University Press, n.d.). The Oxford English Dictionary defines edit: “To prepare an edition of written work by (an author) for publication, by selecting and arranging the contents, adding commentary, etc” (Oxford University Press, n.d., Definition 1.a.). The first example of this definition in use was in 1699.Edit quickly evolved to mean more generally “to prepare (a piece of writing, copy for a newspaper or magazine, etc.) for publication or use by correcting, condensing, or otherwise modifying it” (Oxford University Press, n.d., Definition 1.b.). The first example of this definition in use was in 1867.Editing, however, became even more complicated over the last 100 years.
  • 8. Sub-definitions were added to show what new discoveries could be edited: a television or radio program (1913), computer code (1958), a digital image (1971), and genes (1969). This extension of the term editing to multiple fields and careers is its first problem: It causes problems with search terms, complicating searches for jobs, educational programs, and research literature. To distinguish technical communication’s editing from all the other types, we typically use the term technical editing. Technical editing “does not have a well-established definition” (Flanagan, 2019, p. 15); definitions have been grouped into technology-based, rhetoric-based, actor- or activity-based, discipline-based, and levels definitions (Flanagan, 2019). One of the best definitions of technical editing is “the planning, analysis, restructuring, and language changes made to other people’s technological or scientific documents in order to make them more useful and accurate for their intended audiences.” What is technical editing? Technical editing is the review of technical documents, including user manuals, reports, instructions and briefs. Fields such as technology, business, engineering, manufacturing, health care and science produce technical documents for users or professionals. Technical editors work with technical writers to ensure these materials are clear and free of errors. What does a technical editor do? Technical editors review written material and revise it for clarity, grammar, style and content. Their duties can vary across industries but may include: Copy editing: Technical editors copy edit all materials by reviewing style and formatting. They ensure a document meets the client's goals.Proofreading: Editors proofread documents for correct grammar and spelling. They may make suggestions to writers and complete the final review before publication.Creating style guides: An editor can help create a guide for writers to train them on a client's preferred style and writing voice. Producing templates: Depending on the field and publication type, editors may create templates to help writers produce documents. For example, a technical editor may make a user manual template for writers to use when creating this type of document.Verifying information: Technical editors work with writing teams to ensure information is correct. This can involve checking facts, reviewing resources or conducting additional research.Assigning work to writers: Some technical editors divide tasks and assign them to a writing team. Generating new content ideas: Technical editors may work in the creative process to suggest new content or brainstorm ideas with a writing team. Writing content: A technical editor may produce new content depending on their role.Managing publication schedules: Technical editors can supervise the publication process. This involves creating a publication calendar, delegating tasks and ensuring timely production.Publishing documents: Technical editors may also handle the technical aspects of publishing, including formatting and uploading to the correct software platforms. If they produce printed materials, they may oversee the printing process and review formats. Collaborating with writers and subject experts: Editors work as a part of a team to create quality content. Technical editors work with writers to revise materials. Technical content can be complex and nuanced, so a technical editor may also work with a subject expert to ensure accuracy.
  • 9. Revising for a target audience: Technical editors review documents and help them reach an intended audience. For example, when producing a user manual for consumers, technical editors ensure the instructions are clear and easy to follow for everyone. Important skills for technical editors To be a technical editor, it's helpful to have these skills: Writing: An editor needs technical writing skills to produce and revise content. They may need to research, outline or draft new materials. Strong writing skills can also help an editor review for style. Editing: Technical editors must check for correct spelling and grammar. They need strong editing and proofreading skills to ensure accuracy and clarity. Communication: To collaborate with writers, technical editors use communication skills. They make suggestions to help writers improve written documents. They may use written or verbal communication skills to provide feedback. Time management: A large part of editing is managing deadlines. Strong organization skills can help editors manage calendars and publish materials on time. Project management: Some technical editors divide tasks and assign documents to a group of writers. Strong leadership and management skills can help them manage a team. Technical skills: The technical skills vary depending on the industry, but editors often use a type of publishing software. Many editing roles require computer or word processing skills, and some require HTML knowledge. Q.No.4 What are open educational resources? How open educational resources can be more resourceful than other resources in education and research field? Answer:Introduction to Open Educational Resources (OER) Define and explain open educational resources. How are these resources helpful for online learners? Open educational resources (OERs) are teaching and learning materials that are freely available online for anyone to use and repurpose. These materials can include textbooks, videos, lesson plans, and other resources that are typically used in education. One of the main benefits of OERs is that they are freely available, which means that students and educators do not have to pay for them. This can be particularly helpful for students who may not have the financial resources to purchase traditional, copyrighted materials. OERs can also be a good option for educators who are looking for high-quality resources to use in their classrooms, but who may not have the budget to purchase commercial materials. OERs are often licensed under creative commons, which allows users to freely use, distribute, and adapt the materials as long as they give appropriate credit to the original creator. This means that educators
  • 10. can customize the materials to fit their own teaching style and the needs of their students. They can also translate the materials into different languages, making them more accessible to a wider audience. In addition to being freely available and customizable, OERs are also typically high quality. Many OERs are developed by experts in their fields and are reviewed by other educators before they are made available online. This ensures that the materials are accurate and relevant. There are a number of ways that OERs can be helpful for online learners. First, they can provide students with access to high-quality materials that they may not have been able to afford otherwise. This can be especially important for students who are taking online courses and may not have the same access to resources as students who are taking in-person classes. OERs can also be helpful for online learners because they can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. This means that students can access the materials at any time, which can be particularly convenient for those who are juggling school with other commitments. Finally, OERs can be helpful for online learners because they can be customized to fit the needs of the individual student. For example, a student who is struggling with a particular concept can use the customizable features of OERs to tailor the materials to their own learning style and pace. Overall, OERs are a valuable resource for online learners because they are freely available, customizable, and high quality. They can provide students with access to materials that they might not otherwise have been able to afford, and they can be accessed and customized to fit the needs of individual learners. Open Educational Resources (OERs) are learning and teaching materials that are freely available online for anyone to use. OERs can consist of full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, videos, tests, software and any other tools, materials or techniques used to support access to knowledge. Normally, small units of OER (eg animations, videos, podcasts, etc) are most attractive to educators from both the re-use and production angles, as they are easier to embed into existing classroom or online learning activities. Many teachers embed OER material into teaching sessions (eg classroom sessions, practical classes, workshops, seminars) and/or provide links to OERs via the VLE to enhance self-directed learning opportunities. What are Open Educational Resources (OERs)? Open Educational Resources (OERs) are learning and teaching materials that are freely available online for anyone to use. OERs can consist of full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, videos, tests, software and any other tools, materials or techniques used to support access to knowledge. Normally, small units of OER (eg animations, videos, podcasts, etc) are most attractive to educators from both the re-use and production angles, as they are easier to embed into existing classroom or online learning activities. Many teachers embed OER material into teaching sessions (eg classroom sessions, practical classes, workshops, seminars) and/or provide links to OERs via the VLE to enhance self-directed learning opportunities. What are the Benefits of OERs? There are many benefits for educators and learners which can arise from creating, sharing and utilising OERs in student education:
  • 11. Student experience: Use of appropriate OERs can enhance the student learning experience and help to address learners’ specific needs by giving students access to media-rich materials or resources that individual staff or institutions are unable to provide. Digital literacy: Helping students to search for, critically evaluate, use and reference high quality and relevant open educational resources is an important and useful skill. Recognition: For the individual who creates OERs, there is external recognition of their learning and teaching activities and the promotion of their school/faculty or institution. If OERs are modified or re- purposed by users, both the original creator and their students benefit from any improvements or additions. Marketing and external relations: For colleges and VET organisations, OERs provide an opportunity to promote their excellence and innovation in learning and teaching, and widen the pool of high quality applicants for their programmes.Efficiency: OERs have the potential for enormous savings in cost and time. Q.No.5 Which steps are followed by editors for checking a whole book for editing process? Explain in detail. Answer:What Does Editing Mean? What is document editing anyway, and why do we edit documents? “Editing” in general means fixing problems in a written document so that it has no mistakes and is easy to read. The best books and papers have been through multiple rounds of editing. There are several different stages in the editing process, which are summarized below. Stage 1: Content editing (Substantive editing) When asked to perform document editing, most editors and editing services begin with the step of content or substantive editing. Substantive editing is when an editor reviews the whole manuscript and suggests changes to the organization, logical flow, presentation, structure, or content. When performing this step of editing, many editors choose to read the document all the way through first just to get an idea about it. Reading a document all the way through can also help you get more clarity about the way it is organized and identify any arguments that are not fully made or that need additional support or evidence. Stage 2: Copyediting (Line editing) The second step in the editing process is copyediting, also known as line editing. Copyediting focuses on fixing the mechanics of writing, meaning phrasing, grammar, and spelling/capitalization. It is also called line editing because the editor must carefully read each line of the document when performing document editing. This stage of the editing process can sometimes be broken down into several steps if the editor requires clarifications in phrasing or confirmation of suggested word changes. Stage 3: Proofreading
  • 12. The final step of the editing process is proofreading. A proofreader looks for the finer details to make sure each part of the document is perfect. Proofreaders check spelling, grammar, and capitalization as well as formatting and consistency. A good proofreader makes sure that author names are spelled correctly, that words like “policy-maker” and “copy-editor” are hyphenated throughout the text, and that proper title case is used in headings. They mark any missing citations, words, errors, or small formatting changes. Making an Editing Plan How can you ensure your document gets the proper editing it needs? You have several options, one of which is to hire an editing service. If you don’t have the time or finances to find the best editing service, you can do it yourself or enlist the help of colleagues or friends. If you decide to do your own editing, you will need to create an editing plan. The first step of your plan for document editing should be to decide the order in which you will perform the stages mentioned above. Traditionally, an editing service or professional editor will do document editing in the order the stages are listed: content editing, followed by copyediting and proofreading. This is because it often saves lots of time to fix the bigger issues in a document first, which often involves adding or deleting sections, before looking for smaller technical errors. However, if you are editing your own work, you might find it easier to first review the document for mechanical errors before you make bigger changes. Every writer is different. What is most important is to find an editing process that works best for you. Editing Checklist No matter how you decide to perform document editing, you should create a checklist of the most important elements in your writing that should be reviewed. You can follow this checklist and even add your own points to it. In this list, copyediting and proofreading items are labeled technical, while substantive editing items are labeled stylistic. You can see there is some overlap. This is to be expected, as some stages of the editing process often coincide with each other. Define the point of your book Before you put red pen to virgin paper, you need to know what your book is about. “I know what my book is about, I wrote the fool thing,” I hear you shout at your screen. Too often though, I find that it is remarkably easy to finish a piece and not really know what the main point is. We can become so bogged down with all the side plots and tangents that we forget what’s vital to the story. Do a Readthrough with NO editing first (we’ll explain why) One of the first things you should do when you’re ready to edit your book is read through it and don’t make ANY edits. This might sound confusing, but this is why…
  • 13. Set book editing goals Just like you have to set up a schedule for writing a book, we also recommend you do the same thing for editing.For this, there are a couple types of goals you can set: quality and timeline. Break your book up into sections to edit If you’re starting at the beginning of a long book it can be helpful to break it up into manageable chunks. Split it into four or five pieces that you can edit one at a time—this is especially true for nonfiction. Focus on the characters or people Oftentimes, the characters (even in nonfiction) will carry the book and be the main focus of entertainment. For nonfiction, your “characters” are just the people who appear in the stories, lessons, or research used to back up any teaching or education points. That means focusing on making these strong, will help you edit your book along the way. Editing chapters Now you know what your story is saying, you’ve synopsized it several different times from different angles, and your characters work. Now let’s go on a level.. Just like your characters, every chapter needs a purpose that moves the main plot or teaching points forward. Editing a book for pacing While you’re going through the chapters, consider the pacing of the book as a whole. This is really important for writing a book that’s not boring to readers.