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• Leading infectious cause of death globally among children < 5 yr
• More than 99% of pneumonia deaths are in low- and middle-
income countries
• Effective vaccines against measles and pertussis contributed to
the decline in pneumonia-related mortality during the 20th
• H.influenzae type b uncommon following licensure of a conjugate
vaccine in 1987
• PCVs has been an important contributor to the further reductions
in pneumonia-related mortality
• Microorganisms (most)
• Noninfectious
• Aspiration (food or gastric acid, foreign bodies, hydrocarbons)
• Hypersensitivity reactions
• Drug- or radiation-induced
• Strep pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is the most common
bacterial pathogen in children 3 wk to 4 yr
• Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydophila pneumoniae
most frequent bacterial pathogens in children age 5 yr and
• S. aureus pneumonia often complicates an illness caused by
Streptococcus pneumoniae Consolidation, empyema
Group B streptococci Neonates
Group A streptococci Empyema
Staphylococcus aureus
Pneumatoceles, empyema; infants;
Mycoplasma pneumoniae *
Adolescents; summer–fall
Chlamydophila pneumoniae * Adolescents
Chlamydia trachomatis Infants
Mixed anaerobes Aspiration pneumonia
Gram-negative enterics Nosocomial pneumonia
Respiratory syncytial virus Bronchiolitis
Parainfluenza types 1-4 Croup
Influenza A, B High fever; winter months
Can be severe; often
occurs between January
and April
(<3 wk)
GBS, E.coli, other Gram-negative bacilli, S. Pneumoniae ,
H.influenzae (type b* nontypeable)
3 wk-3
RSV, other respiratory viruses (rhinoviruses, parainfluenza viruses,
influenza viruses, human metapneumovirus, adenovirus), S.
pneumoniae, H. influenzae (type b,* nontypeable); if
patient is afebrile, consider C. trachomatis
4 mo-4
RSV, other respiratory viruses (rhinoviruses, parainfluenza viruses,
influenza viruses, human metapneumovirus, adenovirus), S.
pneumoniae, H. influenzae (type b,* nontypeable),M.pneumoniae,
group A streptococcus
≥5 yr
M. pneumoniae, S. pneumoniae, Chlamydophila pneumoniae, H.
influenzae (type b,* nontypeable),influenza viruses, adenovirus,
other respiratory viruses, Legionella pneumophila
Pneumonia Etiologies Grouped by Age of the Patient
• S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, and S. aureus are the
major causes of hospitalization and death from
bacterial pneumonia among children in developing
countries, although in children with HIV infection,
M.tuberculosis, non-tuberculous mycobacteria ,
Salmonella, E.coli, Pneumocystis jiroveci, and CMV
must be considered.
• The incidence of pneumonia caused by H. influenzae
or S. pneumoniae has been significantly reduced in
areas where routine immunization has been
• Defense mechanisms
• Mucociliary clearance
• Macrophages and secretory
immunoglobulin A
• Clearing of the airways by coughing
• Viral pneumonia usually results from spread of infection along the
airways , accompanied by direct injury of the respiratory
epithelium, which results in airway obstruction from swelling,
abnormal secretions, and cellular debris.
• The small caliber of airways in young infants makes such patients
particularly susceptible to severe infection. Atelectasis, interstitial
edema, and hypoxemia from ventilation–perfusion mismatch
often accompany airway obstruction.
• Viral infection of the respiratory tract can also predispose to
secondary bacterial infection by disturbing normal host defense
mechanisms, altering secretions, and through disruptions in the
respiratory microbiota.
•Bacterial pneumonia most often occurs when respiratory
tract organisms colonize the trachea and subsequently
gain access to the lungs, but pneumonia may also result
from direct seeding of lung tissue after bacteremia.
•When bacterial infection is established in the lung
parenchyma, the pathologic process varies according to
the invading organism.
•M. pneumoniae , attaches to the respiratory epithelium,
inhibits ciliary action, and leads to cellular destruction and
an inflammatory response in the submucosa.
•As the infection progresses, sloughed cellular debris,
inflammatory cells, and mucus cause airway obstruction,
with spread of infection occurring along the bronchial tree ,
as is seen in viral pneumonia.
•S. pneumoniae produces local edema that aids in the
proliferation of organisms and their spread into adjacent
portions of lung, often resulting in the characteristic focal
lobar involvement.
• Group A streptococcus lower respiratory tract infection
typically results in more diffuse lung involvement with
interstitial pneumonia. The pathology includes necrosis of
tracheobronchial mucosa; formation of large amounts of
exudate, edema, and local hemorrhage, with extension into
the interalveolar septa; and involvement of lymphatic
vessels with frequent pleural involvement.
• S. aureus pneumonia manifests as confluent
bronchopneumonia, which is often unilateral and
characterized by the presence of extensive areas of
hemorrhagic necrosis and irregular areas of cavitation of the
lung parenchyma, resulting in pneumatoceles,
empyema, and, at times, bronchopulmonary fistulas.
•Recurrent pneumonia is defined as 2 or more
episodes in a single year or 3 or more episodes
ever, with radiographic clearing between
•An underlying disorder should be considered if a
child experiences recurrent pneumonia
• Cystic fibrosis
• Sickle cell disease
• Bruton agamma globulinemia
• Selective immunoglobulin G subclass deficiencies
• Common variable immunodeficiency syndrome
• Severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome
• Chronic granulomatous disease
• Hyperimmunoglobulin E syndromes
• Leukocyte adhesion defect
• Primary ciliary dyskinesia
• Kartagener syndrome
• Pulmonary sequestration
• Lobar emphysema
• Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation
• Gastroesophageal reflux
• Foreign body
• Tracheoesophageal fistula (H type)
• Bronchiectasis
• Aspiration (oropharyngeal incoordination)
• Aberrant bronchus
Clinical Manifestations
• Pneumonia is frequently preceded by several days of symptoms of an
URTIs, typically rhinitis and cough.
• In viral pneumonia, fever is usually present but temperatures are generally
lower than in bacterial pneumonia.
• Tachypnea is the most consistent clinical manifestation of pneumonia.
• Increased work of breathing accompanied by IC,SC, and suprasternal
retractions, nasal flaring, and use of accessory muscles is common.
• Severe infection may be accompanied by cyanosis and lethargy, especially
in infants.
• Auscultation of the chest may reveal crackles and wheezing, but it is often
difficult to localize the source of these adventitious sounds in very young
children with hyperresonant chests.
• It is often not possible to distinguish viral pneumonia (especially
adenovirus) clinically from disease caused by Mycoplasma and other
bacterial pathogens
• Bacterial pneumonia in adults and older children typically
begins suddenly with high fever, cough, and chest pain.
Other symptoms that may be seen include drowsiness with
intermittent periods of restlessness; rapid respirations;
anxiety ; and, occasionally, delirium.
• In many children, splinting on the affected side to minimize
pleuritic pain and improve ventilation is noted; such children
may lie on one side with the knees drawn up to the chest
• Physical findings depend on the stage of pneumonia. Early in the
course of illness, diminished breath sounds, scattered crackles, and
rhonchi are commonly heard over the affected lung field. With the
development of increasing consolidation or complications of
pneumonia such as pleural effusion or empyema, dullness on
percussion is noted and breath sounds may be diminished.
• A lag in respiratory excursion often occurs on the affected side.
Abdominal distention may be prominent because of gastric dilation
from swallowed air or ileus.
• Abdominal pain is common in lower-lobe pneumonia.
• The liver may seem enlarged because of downward displacement of
the diaphragm secondary to hyperinflation of the lungs or
superimposed CHF
• Symptoms described in adults with pneumococcal pneumonia
may be noted in older children but are rarely observed in infants
and young children, in whom the clinical pattern is considerably
more variable.
• In infants, there may be a prodrome of upper respiratory tract
infection and poor feeding, leading to the abrupt onset of fever,
restlessness, apprehension, and respiratory distress.
• These infants typically appear ill, with respiratory distress
manifested as grunting ; nasal flaring; retractions of the
supraclavicular, intercostal, and subcostal areas; tachypnea;
tachycardia; air hunger; and often cyanosis.
• Auscultation may be misleading, particularly in young
infants, with meager findings disproportionate to the degree
of tachypnea.
• Some infants with bacterial pneumonia may have
associated gastrointestinal disturbances characterized by
vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, and abdominal distention
secondary to a paralytic ileus.
• Rapid progression of symptoms is characteristic in the most
severe cases of bacterial pneumonia.
• An infiltrate on chest radiograph (posteroanterior and
lateral views) supports the diagnosis of pneumonia;
images may also identify a complication such as
pleural effusion or empyema.
• Viral pneumonia is usually characterized by
hyperinflation with bilateral interstitial infiltrates and
peribronchial cuffing.
• Confluent lobar consolidation is typically seen with
pneumococcal pneumonia.
•The radiographic appearance alone does not accurately
identify pneumonia etiology, and other clinical features of
the illness must be considered.
•Repeat chest radiographs are not required for proof of cure
for patients with uncomplicated pneumonia.
•Moreover, current PIDS–IDSA guidelines do not
recommend that a chest radiograph be performed for
children with suspected pneumonia (cough, fever, localized
crackles, or decreased breath sounds) who are well enough
to be managed as outpatients because imaging in this
context only rarely changes management
• Point-of-care use of portable or handheld
ultrasonography is highly sensitive and specific in
diagnosing pneumonia in children by determining lung
consolidations and air bronchograms or effusions.
• However, the reliability of this imaging modality for
pneumonia diagnosis is highly user dependent, which
has limited its widespread use.
• The peripheral white blood cell (WBC) count can be
useful in differentiating viral from bacterial
• In viral pneumonia, the WBC count can be
normal or elevated but is usually not higher than
20,000/mm3 , with a lymphocyte predominance.
• Bacterial pneumonia is often associated with an
elevated WBC count, in the range of 15,000-
40,000/mm3 , and a predominance
of PMN leukocytes.
• A large pleural effusion, lobar consolidation, and a
high fever at the onset of the illness are also
suggestive of a bacterial etiology.
• Atypical pneumonia caused by C. pneumoniae or M.
pneumoniae is difficult to distinguish from
pneumococcal pneumonia on the basis of
radiographic and laboratory findings; although
pneumococcal pneumonia is associated with a higher
WBC count, ESR , procalcitonin, and CRP level, there is
considerable overlap.
• The definitive diagnosis of a typical bacterial infection requires
isolation of an organism from the blood, pleural fluid, or lung.
• Culture of sputum is of little value in the diagnosis of pneumonia in
young children, while percutaneous lung aspiration is invasive and
not routinely performed.
• Blood culture is positive in only 10% of children with pneumococcal
pneumonia and is not recommended for nontoxic-appearing children
treated as outpatients.
• Blood cultures are recommended for children who fail to improve or
have clinical deterioration , have complicated pneumonia or require
• Urinary antigen tests should not be used to diagnose pneumonia
caused by S.pneumoniae in children because of a high rate of false
positives resulting from nasopharyngeal carriage
•Pertussis infection can be diagnosed by PCR or culture
of a nasopharyngeal specimen; although culture is
considered the gold standard for pertussis diagnosis, it is
less sensitive than the available PCR assays.
•Acute infection caused by M. pneumoniae can be diagnosed
on the basis of a PCR test result from a respiratory
specimen or seroconversion in an immunoglobulin G assay.
•Cold agglutinins at titers > 1 : 64 are also found in the blood
of roughly half of patients with M. pneumoniae infections;
however, cold agglutinins are nonspecific because other
pathogens such as influenza viruses may also cause
• Serologic evidence, such as antistreptolysin O and
anti-DNase B titers, may also be useful in the
diagnosis of group A streptococcal pneumonia
Admission criteria
• Age <6 mo
•Immunocompromised state
•Toxic appearance
•Moderate to severe respiratory distress
•Hypoxemia (oxygen saturation <90% breathing room air,
sea level)
•Complicated pneumonia*
• Sickle cell anemia with acute chest syndrome
• Vomiting or inability to tolerate oral fluids or
• Severe dehydration
• No response to appropriate oral antibiotic therapy
Social factors (e.g., inability of caregivers to administer
medications at home or follow-up appropriately)
• Treatment of suspected bacterial pneumonia is based on
the presumptive cause and the age and clinical
appearance of the child.
• For mildly ill children who do not require hospitalization,
amoxicillin is recommended. With the emergence of
penicillin-resistant pneumococci, high doses of
amoxicillin (90 mg/kg/day orally
divided twice daily) should be prescribed unless local
data indicate a low prevalence of resistance .
• Therapeutic alternatives include cefuroxime and
• For school-aged children and adolescents or when
infection with M. pneumoniae or C. pneumoniae is
suspected, a macrolide antibiotic is an appropriate
choice for outpatient management
• Azithromycin is generally preferred, while
clarithromycin or doxycycline (for children 8 yr or
older) are alternatives.
• For adolescents, a respiratory fluoroquinolone (levofloxacin
, moxifloxacin) may also be considered as an alternative if
there are contraindications to other agents.
• If clinical features suggest staphylococcal pneumonia
(pneumatoceles, empyema), initial antimicrobial therapy
should also include vancomycin or clindamycin
• A number of possibilities must be considered when a
patient does not improve with appropriate antibiotic
1. Complications, such as pleural effusion or empyema;
2. Bacterial resistance;
3. Nonbacterial etiologies such as viruses or fungi and
aspiration of foreign bodies or food;
4. Bronchial obstruction from endobronchial lesions,
foreign body, or mucous plugs;
• 5. Preexisting diseases such as immunodeficiencies,
ciliary dyskinesia, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary
sequestration, or congenital pulmonary airway
malformation; and
• (6) Other noninfectious causes (including bronchiolitis
obliterans, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, eosinophilic
pneumonia, and granulomatosis with polyangiitis,
formerly called Wegener granulomatosis)
• A chest radiograph is the first step in determining the reason for a lack of
response to initial treatment.
• Bronchoalveolar lavage may be indicated in children with
respiratory failure; high-resolution CT scans may better identify
complications or an anatomic reason for a poor response to therapy.
• Mortality from community-acquired pneumonia in developed countries is
rare, and most children with pneumonia do not experience long-term
pulmonary sequelae.
• Some data suggest that up to 45% of children have symptoms of
asthma 5 yr after hospitalization for pneumonia; this finding may reflect
either undiagnosed asthma at the time of presentation or a propensity for
development of asthma after pneumonia.
• Complications of pneumonia are usually the result of direct
spread of bacterial infection within the thoracic cavity
(pleural effusion, empyema, and pericarditis) or bacteremia
and hematologic spread.
• Meningitis, endocarditis, suppurative arthritis, and
osteomyelitis are rare complications of hematologic spread
of pneumococcal or H. influenzae type b infection
• S. aureus, S. pneumoniae, and S. pyogenes are the most common causes of
parapneumonic effusions and empyema.
• Nonetheless many effusions that complicate bacterial pneumonia are sterile.
• Analysis of pleural fluid parameters, including pH, glucose, protein, and lactate
dehydrogenase, can differentiate transudative from exudative effusions.
• However, current PIDS–IDSA guidelines do not recommend that these tests be
performed because this distinction rarely changes management.
• Pleural fluid should be sent for Gram stain, and bacterial culture as this may
identify the bacterial cause of pneumonia.
• Molecular methods, including bacterial species-specific PCR assays or
sequencing of the bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA gene, detect bacterial DNA and
can often determine the bacterial etiology of the effusion if the culture is
negative, particularly if the pleural fluid sample was obtained after initiation of
• A pleural fluid WBC count with differential may be helpful if there is
suspicion for pulmonary tuberculosis or a noninfectious etiology for the pleural
effusion, such as malignancy
Appearance Serous Cloudy
Leukocyte count <10,000/mm3
pH >7.2 <7.2
Protein <3.0 g/dL >3.0 g/dL
Ratio of pleural fluid protein to serum <0.5 >0.5
LDH <200 IU/L >200 IU/L
Ratio of pleural fluid LDH to serum <0.6 >0.6
Glucose ≥60 mg/dL <60 mg/dL
Features Differentiating Exudative From Transudative Pleural Effusion
• Small (<1 cm on lateral decubitus radiograph), free-flowing parapneumonic
effusions often do not require drainage but respond to appropriate
antibiotic therapy.
• Larger effusions should typically be drained, particularly if the effusion
is purulent (empyema) or associated with respiratory distress.
• Chest ultrasound, or alternatively CT, may be helpful in determining
whether loculations are present.
• The mainstays of therapy include antibiotic therapy and drainage by
tube thoracostomy with the instillation of fibrinolytic agents (urokinase,
streptokinase, tissue plasminogen activator).
• Video-assisted thoracoscopy is a less often employed alternative that
enables debridement or lysis of adhesions and drainage of loculated areas
of pus.
• Early diagnosis and intervention , particularly with fibrinolysis or less often
video-assisted thoracoscopy, may obviate the need for thoracotomy and
open debridement.

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Community-Acquired Pneumonia.pptx

  • 2. Epidemiology • Leading infectious cause of death globally among children < 5 yr • More than 99% of pneumonia deaths are in low- and middle- income countries • Effective vaccines against measles and pertussis contributed to the decline in pneumonia-related mortality during the 20th century. • H.influenzae type b uncommon following licensure of a conjugate vaccine in 1987 • PCVs has been an important contributor to the further reductions in pneumonia-related mortality
  • 3. Etiology • Microorganisms (most) • Noninfectious • Aspiration (food or gastric acid, foreign bodies, hydrocarbons) • Hypersensitivity reactions • Drug- or radiation-induced pneumonitis
  • 4. • Strep pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is the most common bacterial pathogen in children 3 wk to 4 yr • Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydophila pneumoniae most frequent bacterial pathogens in children age 5 yr and • S. aureus pneumonia often complicates an illness caused by viruses.
  • 5. BACTERIAL COMMON Streptococcus pneumoniae Consolidation, empyema Group B streptococci Neonates Group A streptococci Empyema Staphylococcus aureus Pneumatoceles, empyema; infants; nosocomial pneumonia Mycoplasma pneumoniae * Adolescents; summer–fall epidemics Chlamydophila pneumoniae * Adolescents Chlamydia trachomatis Infants Mixed anaerobes Aspiration pneumonia Gram-negative enterics Nosocomial pneumonia
  • 6. VIRAL COMMON Respiratory syncytial virus Bronchiolitis Parainfluenza types 1-4 Croup Influenza A, B High fever; winter months Adenovirus Can be severe; often occurs between January and April
  • 7. AGE GROUP FREQUENT PATHOGENS (IN ORDER OF FREQUENCY) Neonates (<3 wk) GBS, E.coli, other Gram-negative bacilli, S. Pneumoniae , H.influenzae (type b* nontypeable) 3 wk-3 mo RSV, other respiratory viruses (rhinoviruses, parainfluenza viruses, influenza viruses, human metapneumovirus, adenovirus), S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae (type b,* nontypeable); if patient is afebrile, consider C. trachomatis 4 mo-4 yr RSV, other respiratory viruses (rhinoviruses, parainfluenza viruses, influenza viruses, human metapneumovirus, adenovirus), S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae (type b,* nontypeable),M.pneumoniae, group A streptococcus ≥5 yr M. pneumoniae, S. pneumoniae, Chlamydophila pneumoniae, H. influenzae (type b,* nontypeable),influenza viruses, adenovirus, other respiratory viruses, Legionella pneumophila Pneumonia Etiologies Grouped by Age of the Patient
  • 8. • S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, and S. aureus are the major causes of hospitalization and death from bacterial pneumonia among children in developing countries, although in children with HIV infection, M.tuberculosis, non-tuberculous mycobacteria , Salmonella, E.coli, Pneumocystis jiroveci, and CMV must be considered. • The incidence of pneumonia caused by H. influenzae or S. pneumoniae has been significantly reduced in areas where routine immunization has been implemented
  • 9. Pathogenesis • Defense mechanisms • Mucociliary clearance • Macrophages and secretory immunoglobulin A • Clearing of the airways by coughing
  • 10. • Viral pneumonia usually results from spread of infection along the airways , accompanied by direct injury of the respiratory epithelium, which results in airway obstruction from swelling, abnormal secretions, and cellular debris. • The small caliber of airways in young infants makes such patients particularly susceptible to severe infection. Atelectasis, interstitial edema, and hypoxemia from ventilation–perfusion mismatch often accompany airway obstruction. • Viral infection of the respiratory tract can also predispose to secondary bacterial infection by disturbing normal host defense mechanisms, altering secretions, and through disruptions in the respiratory microbiota.
  • 11. •Bacterial pneumonia most often occurs when respiratory tract organisms colonize the trachea and subsequently gain access to the lungs, but pneumonia may also result from direct seeding of lung tissue after bacteremia. •When bacterial infection is established in the lung parenchyma, the pathologic process varies according to the invading organism. •M. pneumoniae , attaches to the respiratory epithelium, inhibits ciliary action, and leads to cellular destruction and an inflammatory response in the submucosa.
  • 12. •As the infection progresses, sloughed cellular debris, inflammatory cells, and mucus cause airway obstruction, with spread of infection occurring along the bronchial tree , as is seen in viral pneumonia. •S. pneumoniae produces local edema that aids in the proliferation of organisms and their spread into adjacent portions of lung, often resulting in the characteristic focal lobar involvement.
  • 13. • Group A streptococcus lower respiratory tract infection typically results in more diffuse lung involvement with interstitial pneumonia. The pathology includes necrosis of tracheobronchial mucosa; formation of large amounts of exudate, edema, and local hemorrhage, with extension into the interalveolar septa; and involvement of lymphatic vessels with frequent pleural involvement. • S. aureus pneumonia manifests as confluent bronchopneumonia, which is often unilateral and characterized by the presence of extensive areas of hemorrhagic necrosis and irregular areas of cavitation of the lung parenchyma, resulting in pneumatoceles, empyema, and, at times, bronchopulmonary fistulas.
  • 14. •Recurrent pneumonia is defined as 2 or more episodes in a single year or 3 or more episodes ever, with radiographic clearing between occurrences. •An underlying disorder should be considered if a child experiences recurrent pneumonia
  • 15. • HEREDITARY DISORDERS • Cystic fibrosis • Sickle cell disease • DISORDERS OF IMMUNITY • HIV/AIDS • Bruton agamma globulinemia • Selective immunoglobulin G subclass deficiencies • Common variable immunodeficiency syndrome • Severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome • Chronic granulomatous disease • Hyperimmunoglobulin E syndromes • Leukocyte adhesion defect
  • 16. • DISORDERS OF CILIA • Primary ciliary dyskinesia • Kartagener syndrome • ANATOMIC DISORDERS • Pulmonary sequestration • Lobar emphysema • Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation • Gastroesophageal reflux • Foreign body • Tracheoesophageal fistula (H type) • Bronchiectasis • Aspiration (oropharyngeal incoordination) • Aberrant bronchus
  • 17. Clinical Manifestations • Pneumonia is frequently preceded by several days of symptoms of an URTIs, typically rhinitis and cough. • In viral pneumonia, fever is usually present but temperatures are generally lower than in bacterial pneumonia. • Tachypnea is the most consistent clinical manifestation of pneumonia. • Increased work of breathing accompanied by IC,SC, and suprasternal retractions, nasal flaring, and use of accessory muscles is common. • Severe infection may be accompanied by cyanosis and lethargy, especially in infants. • Auscultation of the chest may reveal crackles and wheezing, but it is often difficult to localize the source of these adventitious sounds in very young children with hyperresonant chests. • It is often not possible to distinguish viral pneumonia (especially adenovirus) clinically from disease caused by Mycoplasma and other bacterial pathogens
  • 18. • Bacterial pneumonia in adults and older children typically begins suddenly with high fever, cough, and chest pain. Other symptoms that may be seen include drowsiness with intermittent periods of restlessness; rapid respirations; anxiety ; and, occasionally, delirium. • In many children, splinting on the affected side to minimize pleuritic pain and improve ventilation is noted; such children may lie on one side with the knees drawn up to the chest
  • 19. • Physical findings depend on the stage of pneumonia. Early in the course of illness, diminished breath sounds, scattered crackles, and rhonchi are commonly heard over the affected lung field. With the development of increasing consolidation or complications of pneumonia such as pleural effusion or empyema, dullness on percussion is noted and breath sounds may be diminished. • A lag in respiratory excursion often occurs on the affected side. Abdominal distention may be prominent because of gastric dilation from swallowed air or ileus. • Abdominal pain is common in lower-lobe pneumonia. • The liver may seem enlarged because of downward displacement of the diaphragm secondary to hyperinflation of the lungs or superimposed CHF
  • 20. • Symptoms described in adults with pneumococcal pneumonia may be noted in older children but are rarely observed in infants and young children, in whom the clinical pattern is considerably more variable. • In infants, there may be a prodrome of upper respiratory tract infection and poor feeding, leading to the abrupt onset of fever, restlessness, apprehension, and respiratory distress. • These infants typically appear ill, with respiratory distress manifested as grunting ; nasal flaring; retractions of the supraclavicular, intercostal, and subcostal areas; tachypnea; tachycardia; air hunger; and often cyanosis.
  • 21. • Auscultation may be misleading, particularly in young infants, with meager findings disproportionate to the degree of tachypnea. • Some infants with bacterial pneumonia may have associated gastrointestinal disturbances characterized by vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, and abdominal distention secondary to a paralytic ileus. • Rapid progression of symptoms is characteristic in the most severe cases of bacterial pneumonia.
  • 22. Diagnosis • An infiltrate on chest radiograph (posteroanterior and lateral views) supports the diagnosis of pneumonia; images may also identify a complication such as pleural effusion or empyema. • Viral pneumonia is usually characterized by hyperinflation with bilateral interstitial infiltrates and peribronchial cuffing. • Confluent lobar consolidation is typically seen with pneumococcal pneumonia.
  • 23. •The radiographic appearance alone does not accurately identify pneumonia etiology, and other clinical features of the illness must be considered. •Repeat chest radiographs are not required for proof of cure for patients with uncomplicated pneumonia. •Moreover, current PIDS–IDSA guidelines do not recommend that a chest radiograph be performed for children with suspected pneumonia (cough, fever, localized crackles, or decreased breath sounds) who are well enough to be managed as outpatients because imaging in this context only rarely changes management
  • 24. • Point-of-care use of portable or handheld ultrasonography is highly sensitive and specific in diagnosing pneumonia in children by determining lung consolidations and air bronchograms or effusions. • However, the reliability of this imaging modality for pneumonia diagnosis is highly user dependent, which has limited its widespread use.
  • 25. • The peripheral white blood cell (WBC) count can be useful in differentiating viral from bacterial pneumonia. • In viral pneumonia, the WBC count can be normal or elevated but is usually not higher than 20,000/mm3 , with a lymphocyte predominance. • Bacterial pneumonia is often associated with an elevated WBC count, in the range of 15,000- 40,000/mm3 , and a predominance of PMN leukocytes. • A large pleural effusion, lobar consolidation, and a high fever at the onset of the illness are also suggestive of a bacterial etiology.
  • 26. • Atypical pneumonia caused by C. pneumoniae or M. pneumoniae is difficult to distinguish from pneumococcal pneumonia on the basis of radiographic and laboratory findings; although pneumococcal pneumonia is associated with a higher WBC count, ESR , procalcitonin, and CRP level, there is considerable overlap.
  • 27. • The definitive diagnosis of a typical bacterial infection requires isolation of an organism from the blood, pleural fluid, or lung. • Culture of sputum is of little value in the diagnosis of pneumonia in young children, while percutaneous lung aspiration is invasive and not routinely performed. • Blood culture is positive in only 10% of children with pneumococcal pneumonia and is not recommended for nontoxic-appearing children treated as outpatients. • Blood cultures are recommended for children who fail to improve or have clinical deterioration , have complicated pneumonia or require hospitalization. • Urinary antigen tests should not be used to diagnose pneumonia caused by S.pneumoniae in children because of a high rate of false positives resulting from nasopharyngeal carriage
  • 28. •Pertussis infection can be diagnosed by PCR or culture of a nasopharyngeal specimen; although culture is considered the gold standard for pertussis diagnosis, it is less sensitive than the available PCR assays. •Acute infection caused by M. pneumoniae can be diagnosed on the basis of a PCR test result from a respiratory specimen or seroconversion in an immunoglobulin G assay. •Cold agglutinins at titers > 1 : 64 are also found in the blood of roughly half of patients with M. pneumoniae infections; however, cold agglutinins are nonspecific because other pathogens such as influenza viruses may also cause increases
  • 29. • Serologic evidence, such as antistreptolysin O and anti-DNase B titers, may also be useful in the diagnosis of group A streptococcal pneumonia
  • 30. Admission criteria • Age <6 mo •Immunocompromised state •Toxic appearance •Moderate to severe respiratory distress •Hypoxemia (oxygen saturation <90% breathing room air, sea level) •Complicated pneumonia*
  • 31. • Sickle cell anemia with acute chest syndrome • Vomiting or inability to tolerate oral fluids or medications • Severe dehydration • No response to appropriate oral antibiotic therapy Social factors (e.g., inability of caregivers to administer medications at home or follow-up appropriately)
  • 32. Treatment • Treatment of suspected bacterial pneumonia is based on the presumptive cause and the age and clinical appearance of the child. • For mildly ill children who do not require hospitalization, amoxicillin is recommended. With the emergence of penicillin-resistant pneumococci, high doses of amoxicillin (90 mg/kg/day orally divided twice daily) should be prescribed unless local data indicate a low prevalence of resistance .
  • 33. • Therapeutic alternatives include cefuroxime and amoxicillin/clavulanate. • For school-aged children and adolescents or when infection with M. pneumoniae or C. pneumoniae is suspected, a macrolide antibiotic is an appropriate choice for outpatient management • Azithromycin is generally preferred, while clarithromycin or doxycycline (for children 8 yr or older) are alternatives.
  • 34. • For adolescents, a respiratory fluoroquinolone (levofloxacin , moxifloxacin) may also be considered as an alternative if there are contraindications to other agents. • If clinical features suggest staphylococcal pneumonia (pneumatoceles, empyema), initial antimicrobial therapy should also include vancomycin or clindamycin
  • 35. Prognosis • A number of possibilities must be considered when a patient does not improve with appropriate antibiotic therapy: 1. Complications, such as pleural effusion or empyema; 2. Bacterial resistance; 3. Nonbacterial etiologies such as viruses or fungi and aspiration of foreign bodies or food; 4. Bronchial obstruction from endobronchial lesions, foreign body, or mucous plugs;
  • 36. • 5. Preexisting diseases such as immunodeficiencies, ciliary dyskinesia, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary sequestration, or congenital pulmonary airway malformation; and • (6) Other noninfectious causes (including bronchiolitis obliterans, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, eosinophilic pneumonia, and granulomatosis with polyangiitis, formerly called Wegener granulomatosis)
  • 37. • A chest radiograph is the first step in determining the reason for a lack of response to initial treatment. • Bronchoalveolar lavage may be indicated in children with respiratory failure; high-resolution CT scans may better identify complications or an anatomic reason for a poor response to therapy. • Mortality from community-acquired pneumonia in developed countries is rare, and most children with pneumonia do not experience long-term pulmonary sequelae. • Some data suggest that up to 45% of children have symptoms of asthma 5 yr after hospitalization for pneumonia; this finding may reflect either undiagnosed asthma at the time of presentation or a propensity for development of asthma after pneumonia.
  • 38. Complications • Complications of pneumonia are usually the result of direct spread of bacterial infection within the thoracic cavity (pleural effusion, empyema, and pericarditis) or bacteremia and hematologic spread. • Meningitis, endocarditis, suppurative arthritis, and osteomyelitis are rare complications of hematologic spread of pneumococcal or H. influenzae type b infection
  • 39. • S. aureus, S. pneumoniae, and S. pyogenes are the most common causes of parapneumonic effusions and empyema. • Nonetheless many effusions that complicate bacterial pneumonia are sterile. • Analysis of pleural fluid parameters, including pH, glucose, protein, and lactate dehydrogenase, can differentiate transudative from exudative effusions. • However, current PIDS–IDSA guidelines do not recommend that these tests be performed because this distinction rarely changes management. • Pleural fluid should be sent for Gram stain, and bacterial culture as this may identify the bacterial cause of pneumonia. • Molecular methods, including bacterial species-specific PCR assays or sequencing of the bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA gene, detect bacterial DNA and can often determine the bacterial etiology of the effusion if the culture is negative, particularly if the pleural fluid sample was obtained after initiation of antibiotics. • A pleural fluid WBC count with differential may be helpful if there is suspicion for pulmonary tuberculosis or a noninfectious etiology for the pleural effusion, such as malignancy
  • 40. FEATURE TRANSUDATE EXUDATE Appearance Serous Cloudy Leukocyte count <10,000/mm3 >50,000/m m3 pH >7.2 <7.2 Protein <3.0 g/dL >3.0 g/dL Ratio of pleural fluid protein to serum <0.5 >0.5 LDH <200 IU/L >200 IU/L Ratio of pleural fluid LDH to serum <0.6 >0.6 Glucose ≥60 mg/dL <60 mg/dL Features Differentiating Exudative From Transudative Pleural Effusion
  • 41. • Small (<1 cm on lateral decubitus radiograph), free-flowing parapneumonic effusions often do not require drainage but respond to appropriate antibiotic therapy. • Larger effusions should typically be drained, particularly if the effusion is purulent (empyema) or associated with respiratory distress. • Chest ultrasound, or alternatively CT, may be helpful in determining whether loculations are present. • The mainstays of therapy include antibiotic therapy and drainage by tube thoracostomy with the instillation of fibrinolytic agents (urokinase, streptokinase, tissue plasminogen activator). • Video-assisted thoracoscopy is a less often employed alternative that enables debridement or lysis of adhesions and drainage of loculated areas of pus. • Early diagnosis and intervention , particularly with fibrinolysis or less often video-assisted thoracoscopy, may obviate the need for thoracotomy and open debridement.

Editor's Notes

  1. Pleural effusion, empyema, abscess, bronchopleural fistula, necrotizing pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, extrapulmonary infection (meningitis, arthritis, pericarditis, osteomyelitis, endocarditis), hemolytic uremic syndrome, or sepsis.