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,-i.!r d)! - aj*.i jii
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The Purpose
of Creation
Dr.Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
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Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
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Dar Al Fatah
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Thc purposeof creation.-Riyadh.
tsEN 9960- 864 -11 - 1
l-lslam 2-Worship t-Tiile
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lsBN9960- 864-11 - |
© Copyright 1995 Dar Al Fatah
Revised edition 1997
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Dar Al Fatah
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ISBN 9960 - 864 -11 - 1
ITLl - t lfn, P"rprtt
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ffihe purposeof creationis a topic that puzzlesevery
human beingat somepoint in his or her lifetime.
r Everybodyat sometime or anotherasksthemselves
the question "Why do I exist?"or "For whatpurposeam I
hereon earth?"
The variefy and complexityof the intricatesystems
which constitutethe fabric of bothhumanbeingsandthe
world in which theyexistindicatethattheremusthavebeena
SupremeBeingwhocreatedthem.Designindicatesa designer.
When humanbeingscomeacrossfootprintson a beach,they
immediatelyconcludethata humanbeinghadwalkedbythere
some time previously. No one imaginesthat the waves
from the sea settledin the sandandby chanceproduceda
depressionlooking exactly like humanfootprints.Nor do
humans instinctively concludethattheywerebroughtinto
existencewithout a purpose. Sincepurposefulactionis a
natural productof humanintelligence.lrumansconcludethat
the SupremeIntelligentBeingwho createdthemmusthave
donesofor a specificpurpose.Therefore,humanbeingsneed
to know thepurposefor theirexistencein orderto makesense
of this life andto do what is ultimatelybeneficialfor them.
Throughouttheages,however,therehasbeena minority
amonghumanswhohavedeniedtheexistenceof God.Matter,
in theiropinion,is eternalandmankindis merelya chance
product of accidentalcombinationsof its elements.Conse-
The Purpose ofCreation
he purpose of creation is a topic that puzzles every
human being at some point in his or her lifetime.
Everybody at some time or another asks themselves
the question "Why do I exist?'~ or "For what purpose am I
here on earth?"
The variety and complexity of the intricate systems
which constitute the fabric of both human beings and the
world in which they exist indicate that there must have been a
Supreme Beingwho created them. Design indicates a designer.
When human beings come across footprints on a beach, they
immediately conclude that a human being had walked by there
some time previously. No one imagines that the waves
from the -sea settled in the sand and by chance produced a
depression looking exactly like human footprints. Nor do
humans instinctively conclude that they were brought into
existence without a purpose. Since purposeful action is a
natural product of human intelligence, humans conclude that
the Supreme Intelligent Being who created them must have
done so for a specific purpose. Therefore, human beings need
to know the purpose for their existence in order to make sense
ofthis life and to do what is ultimately beneficial for them.
Throughout the ages, however, there has been a minority
among humans who have denied the existence ofGod. Matter,
in their opinion, is eternal and mankind is merely a chance
product of accidental combinations of its elements. Conse-
The Purpose of Creatior,t _
quently, to them,the question"Why did God createman?"
hadandstill hasno answer.Accordingto them,theresimply
is no purposeto existence.However,the vastmajority of
humankind over the ages have believed andcontinueto
believein theexistenceof a SupremeBeingwho createdthis
world with a purpose.For themit was,andstill is, impoftant
to know about the Creator andthepurposefor which He
The Answer
To answerthequestion"Why did Godcreateman?"it
mustfirst bedeterminedfrom which perspectivethequestion
is beingasked.Fromthepointof view of Cod it wouldmean,
"What causedGodto createhumanbeings?"while from the
human pointof view it would mean"For whatpurposedid
God createhumans?"Both pointsof view representaspects
of the intriguingquestion"Why do I exist?"In the following
pages,both aspectsof the questionwill beexploredbased
on the clearpicturepaintedbydivinerevelation.This is not
a topic for humanspeculation.becausehumanguesswork
cannotpossiblyproducethewholetruth in this matter. How
can human beingsintellectuallydeducetherealityof their
existencewhen theycanhardlyunderstandhowtheir own
brain or itshigherentity,themind,functions?Consequently,
the manyphilosopherswho havespeculatedonthisquestion
down through the ages havecomeup with innumerable
answers,all of which arebasedon assumptionswhich cannot
The Purpose ofCreation
quently, to them, the question "Why did God create man?"
had and still has no answer. According to them, there simply
is no purpo:;e to existence. However, the vast majority of
humankind over the ages have believed and continue to
believe in the existence of a Supreme Being who created this
world with a purpose. For them it was, and still is, important
to know about the Creator and the purpose for which He
created human beings.
The Answer
To answer the question "Why did God create man?" it
must first be detennined from which perspective the question
is being asked. From the point ofview of God it would mean,
"What caused God to create human beings?" while from the
human point of view it would mean "For what purpose did
God create humans?" Both points ofview represent aspects
of the intriguing question "Why do I exist?" In the following
pages, both aspects ofthe question will be explored based
on the clear picture painted by divine revelation. This is not
a topic for human speculation, because human guesswork
cannot possibly produce the whole truth in this matter. How
can human beings intelJectualJy deduce the reality of their
existence when they can hardly understand how their own
brain or its higher entity, the mind, functions? Consequently,
the many philosophers who have speculated on this question
down through the ages have come up with innumerable
answers, all ofwhich are based on assumptions which cannot
be proven.Questionson thistopic haveevenleda numberof
philosophersto claimthatwe do not reallyexistandthatthe
wholeuqorldis imaginary.Forexample,theGreekphilosopher
Plato (428-348BC) arguedtlrat the everydayworld of
changeablethings,which mancomesto know by the useof
his senses,is notthe primaryreality,but is a shadowworld
of appearances.'Manyothers,aswaspreviouslymentioned,
claimedandcontinueto claimthatthereisno purposefor the
creationof humansatall.Accordingto thetrr,Humanexistence
is merelyaproductof chatrce.Therecanbeno purposeif life
evolvedfrom inanimatematterwhichonly becameanimate
by pureluck.Humankind'ssupposed'cousins,'themonkey
andapesarenotbotheredwith questionsof existence.sowhy
Although mostpeopleputtheqrrestioriof why we are i.sextremely
criticalforhumanbeingsto knowtheanswer.Withoutknow-
ledgeof the correct answer.hutnanbeingsbecomeindis-
necessitiesanddesiresof eating,drinkingandpro-creating
becomethe purposeof lrumanexistenceby default.and
humanefTortis thenfocusedin this limitedsphere.When
t 'fhis
vierv was expressedin
knorvn metaphorof the cave.
comparedto shadows caston
New EncltclopaediaBritunnica.
his book TheRepuhlicthroughhis rvell
wlrere the changin-ephysical rvorldis
tlrcwall ol'a caveby gravenimages(Ihe
vol.25.n. 552).
The Purpose ofCreation
be proven. Questions on this topic have even led a number of
philosophers to claim that we do not really exist and that the
whole V(0rld is imaginary. For example, the Greek philosopher
Plato (428-348 Be) argued that the everyday world of
changeable things, which man comes to know by the use of
his senses, is not the primary reality, but is a shadow world
of appearances. I Many others, as was previously mentioned,
claimed and continue to claim that there is no purpose for the
creation ofhumans at all. According to them, Human existence
is merely a product of chance. There can be no purpose if life
evolved from inanimate matter which only became animate
by pure luck. Humankind's supposed 'cousins,' the monkey
and apes are not bothered with questions of existence, so why
should human beings be bothered with them?
Although most people put the question" of why we are
created aside after occasional brief reflection, it is extremely
critical for human beings to know the answer. Without know-
ledge of the correct answer. human beings become indis-
tinguishable from the other animals around them. The animal
necessities and desires of eating, drinking and pro-creating
become the purpose of human existence by default, and
human effort is then focused in this limited sphere. When
material satisfaction develops into the most important goal in
I This view was expressed in his book The Republic through his well
known metaphor of the cave. where the changing physical world is
compared to shadows cast on the .all 0 r a cave by graven images (The
New Encyciopaedia Britannica. vol. 25. p. 552).
ThePurposeofCreation tgJ
life, humanexistencebecornesevenmoredegradedthanthat
of thelowestofanimals.Humanbeingswillconsistentlymisuse
their Go{-givenintelligencewhentheylackknowledgeoftheir
purposeof existence.The degradedhumanmind usesits
abilitiesto createdrugsandbombsandbecomesengrossedin
suicide,etc.Withoutknowledgeofthe purposeof life, human
existencelosesall meaningandis consequentlywasted,and
the rewardof aneternallife of happinessin thehereafteris
completelydestroyed.Therefore,it isof theutmostimportance
that humanbeingscorrectlyanswerthequestion"Why are
we here?"
Humansmost often turn to otherhumanbeingslike
and preciseanswersto thesequestionscanbefound is in the
books of divinerevelation.It wasnecessarythatGodreveal
the purposeto manthroughHis prophets.becausehuman
beingsare incapableof arrivingatthecorrectanswersby
themselves.All of theprophetsof Godtaughttlreirfollowers
theanswersto thequestion"Why did Godcreateman?"
A surveyof the Bible leavesthe honestseekerof truth
lost. The Old Testamentseemsmoreconcernedwith laws
andthehistoryof eariymanandtheJewishpeoplethanwith
2 In Isaiahthe Israelitesarecreatedtbr God'sglory,"'But norvthussays
the Lord. he rvhocreatedyou. O .lacob.hewho formedyou. O lsrael:...
The Purpose ofCreation
life, human existence becomes even more degraded than that
ofthe lowest ofanimals. Human beings wiII consistently misuse
their G04-given intelligence when they lack knowledge oftheir
purpose of existence. The degraded human mind uses its
abilities to create drugs and bombs and becomes engrossed in
fornication, pornography, homosexuality, fortunetelling,
suicide, etc. Without knowledge ofthe purpose oflife, human
existence loses all meaning and is consequently wasted, and
the reward of an eternal life of happiness in the hereafter is
completely destroyed. Therefore, it is ofthe utmost importance
that human beings correctly answer the question "Why are
we here?"
Humans most often turn to other human beings like
themselves for the answers. However. the only place that clear
and precise answers to these questions can be found is in the
books of divine revelation. It was necessary that God reveal
the purpose to man through His prophets. because human
beings are incapable of arriving at the correct answers by
themselves. All of the prophets of God taught their followers
the answers to the question "Why did God create man?"
Judeo-Christian Scriptures
A survey ofthe Bible leaves the honest seeker oftruth
lost. The Old Testament seems more concerned with laws
and the history of early man and the Jewish people than with
answering the vital question concerning humanity's creation.:!
2 In Isaiah the Israelites are created for God's glory, ..IBut now thus says
the Lord. he who created you. 0 Jacob. he who formed you. 0 Israel:...
-ThePurposeofCreotion -_ ..
ln Genesis,Godcreatestheworld andAdamandEve in six
days and 'rests'from His work on theseventh.3Adamand
Eve disobeyGod andarepunishedandtheir sonCainkills
their othei sonAbDlandgoesto live in the landof Nod. And
God was'sorry'thathehadmademan!*Why aretheanswers
not therein clearandunmistakableterms?Why is somuch
of the languagesymbolic.leavingthe readerto guessat its
meanings?For example,in Genesis6:6 it is stated,"When
men begzurto multiplyonthefaceof theground,anddaughters
were bornto them,the sonsof God sawthatthe daughters
of menwerefair; andtheytook to wife suchof them asthey
chose."Who arethese"sonsof God"?EachJewishsectand
each of the manyChristiansectswho followedthemhave
their own explanations.Which is thecorrectinterpretation?
The truth isthatthepurposeof man'screationwastaughtby
the prophets.ofold, however,someof theirfollowers-in
collusionwith thedevils-later changedthescriptures.The
answersbecamevagueandmuchof therevelationwashidden
in symbolic language.WhenGod sentJesusChristto the
''l will sayto thenorth.Giveup"andto thesouth-Do not rvithhold:bring
my sons from atarandmy daughtersfiom theendof theeafih.
who is calledby my name.whom I createdfor my glory, rvhomI tbrmed
andmade."'(RevisedStandardVcrsion.lsaiah43:l- 6-7.)
t "tAnd on theseventhdayGodfinishedhisrvorks,hichhehaddone.and
he rested on the seventhdal from all his work u'hichhehaddone.iSo
God blessedthe seventhdayandhallowedit. becauseon it God rested
fiom all hiswork whichhc haddonein creation."(RSV.Genesis2:2-3.1
n "And the Lord was sorry that hc hadmademanon the earth.and it
grievedhim to hisheart."(RSV.Cenesis6:6.)
TI,e Purpose ofCreation
In Genesis, God creates the world and Adam and Eve in six
days and 'rests' from His work on the seventh.J
Adam and
Eve disobey God and are punished and their son Cain kills
their other son Abtl and goes to live in the land ofNod. And
God was 'sorry' that he had made man!4 Why are the answers
not there in clear and unmistakable terms? Why is so much
of the language symbolic, leaving the reader to guess at its
meanings? For example, in Genesis 6:6 it is stated, "When
men began to multiply on the face ofthe ground, and daughters
were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters
of men were fair; and they took to wife such of them as they
chose." Who are these "sons of God"? Each Jewish sect and
each of the many Christian sects who followed them have
their own explanations. Which is the correct interpretation?
The truth is that the purpose of man's creation was taught by
the prophets. of old, however, some of their followers-in
collusion with the devils-later changed the scriptures. The
answers became vague and much ofthe revelation was hidden
in symbolic language. When God sent Jesus Christ to the
6'1 will say to the north. Give up. and to the south. Do not withhold: bring
my sons from afar and my daughters from the end of the earth. 7 every one
who is called by my name. whom I created for my glory, whom r tanned
and made.'" (Revised Standard Version. Isaiah 43: 1. 6-7.)
3 ••~And on the seventh day God finished his work which he had done. and
he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done. 350
God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it. because on it God rested
from all his work which he had done in creation:' (RSY. Genesis 2:2-3.)
4 "And the Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth. and it
grieved him to his heart." (RSY. Genesis 6:6.)
ThePurposeof creation f
Jews, heoverturnedthetablesof thosemerchantswho had
set up businessesinsidethetemple,Sandhepreachedagainst
the ritualisticinterpretationoftlre lawpracticedby theJewish
rabbis.Hereaffrnnedthe lawof ProphetMosesandrevivedit.
He taughtthepurposeof lifeto hisdisciplesanddemonstrated
howto fulfill it untilhislastmomentsin thisworld.However.
after his departureFromthis w'orld.his rnessagewasalso
distortedby sornewho clairnedto beamonghis follorvers.
The clealtnrthhebroughtbecamevague.likethemessages
of tlre prophetsbefore hirn.symbolisrnwasintroduced.
especialll'throughthe"Revelatiorrs"of John,andtheGospel
which wasrevealedto Jesuswaslost.Fourothergospels
bishop.6to replacethelostGospelof Jesuschrist.Andthe
23 booksof writingsof Paulandothersincludedin theNew
Testamentoutnumberedeventlrefourversiolrsof thegospel.T
As a result, New Testamentreaderscan'ot find precise
answersto thequestion"Why did Godcreaternan?"sAnd
' L u k e
t 9 : 4 5( R S V )
6 The.'et,Encu-c'lop,aediaBritannir.r,vo[. l4- p. gl4.
tn tlre rnicl-4thccntur,'manuscnptcalleclC'
of Barnaba.sand the shepherd ol Hernrfl.rarc includedasa part of the
New Testament.(TlrcN' 14.p. gl4.)
t what rnaybecitedin theKin-e.lanresVersionasthepurposeo{'crcation.
Revelation4:ll "'fhouartvonh.o rcceiveglor-vanclhonorand
porver:lilr thouhastcreatcdallthin-ss.andfor thv pleasurethey are and
werecreated."is retranslatedin theRerist-'dStandarclVersionas:"worthr,.
art thou. our Lord
thoudidstcreateall things.andby thy will theyexistedandwerecreated."
Tile Purpose ofCreation
Jews, he overturned the tables ofthose merchants who had
set up businesses inside the temple,' and he preached against
the ritualistic interpretation ofthe law practiced by the Jewish
rabbis. He reaffirmed the law of Prophet Moses and revived it.
He taught the purpose of life to his disciples and demonstrated
how to fulfill it until his last moments in this world. However.
after his depat1Ure from this world. his message was also
distorted by some who claimed to be among his followers.
The clear truth he brought became vague. like the messages
of the prophets before him. Symbolism was introduced,
especially through the '''Revelations'' of John, and the Gospel
which was revealed to Jesus was lost. Four other gospels
composed by men were chosen by Athanasius, a fourth century
to replace the lost Gospel of Jesus Christ. And the
23 books of writings of Paul and others included in the New
Testament outnumbered even the four versions of the gospel.
As a result, New Testament readers cannot find precise
answers to the question "Why did God create manT,g And
<; Luke 19:45 (RSV).
6 The .Vew Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. 14. p. 814.
7 In the mid-4th century manuscript called Codc Sinaiticus. the Letter
of Barnabas and the Shepherd a/Hernias are included as a part of the
New Testament. (The Sew Encyclopaedia Briwnnica. 01. 14. p. 814.)
1 What may be cited in the King .lames Version as the purpose of creation,
Revelation 4: II "Thou art worthy, 0 Lord. III receive glory (Inc! honor and
power: for thou hast created all things. and for thy pleasure they are and
were created." is retranslated in the Reised Standard Version as: "Worthy
art thou, our Lord and God. lO receive glory and honour and power. for
thou didst create all things. and by thy will they existed and were created.-'
The Purpose of Creation
one is forced to blindly follow the contriveddogmasof
whateversecttheyhappento belongto or adopt.Thegospels
are interpretedaccordingto eachsect'sbeliefs,andthe seeker
of truth is againleft wondering,whichoneis correct?
The Incarnation of God
Perhapstheonlycoffrmonconceptto mostChristiansects
regardingthe purposeof mankind'screationis thatGod
becameman so thatHe coulddie at thehandsof mento
cleansethemof sininheritedfromAdamandhisdescendants.
act of atonementor repentancecoulderaseit. God is sogood
that sinful mancannotstan'dbeforeHim. Consequently,only
God'ssacrificeof Himselfcouldsavehumankindfrom sin.
Belief in this man-mademyth becametheonly source
for salvation, accordingto theChurch. Consequently,the
Christianpurposeof creationbecamethe recognitionof the
'divine sacrifice'andthe acceptanceof JesusChristasthe
Lord God. This maybededucedfrom thefollowirrgwords
attributedto Jesusin theGospelaccordingto John,"For God
so loved the world that heFlovehis only Son,that whoever
believes in him should not perish but haveeternallift."'
ln Paul'sletterto theColossiansheexplainsthatthervorldwascreated
fbr .lesus"r5Heistheimageof theinvisibleGod.thefirst-bomof all creation:
in him all heavenandon earth.visibleanr:
invisible.rvhetherthrone'sor dominionsor principalitiesor authorities-
all thingswerecreatedthroughhim andfor him."(RSV.Colossians| :15).
t John.3:16(RSV).
The Purpose ofCreation
one is forced to blindly follow the contrived dogmas of
whatever sect they happen to belong to or adopt. The gospels
are interpreted according to each secfs beliefs~ and the seeker
of truth is again left wondering~ which one is correct?
The Incarnation of God
Perhaps the only common concept to most Christian sects
regarding the purpose of mankind~s creation is that God
became man so that He could die at the hands of men to
cleanse them ofsin inherited from Adam and his descendants.
According to them, this sin had become so great that no human
act of atonement or repentance could erase it. God is so good
that sinful man cannot stan'd before Him. Consequently~ only
God's sacrifice ofHimselfcould save humankind from sin.
Belief in this man-made myth became the only source
for salvation, according to the Church. Consequently~ the
Christian purpose of creation became the recognition of the
'divine sacrifice' and the acceptance of Jesus Christ as the
Lord God. This may be deduced from the following words
attributed to Jesus in the Gospel according to John, "For God
so loved the world that he gave his only Son. that whoever
believes in him should not perish but have eternallife.,,9
In Paul's letter to the Colossians he explains that the world was created
for Jesus .d5
He is the image ofthe invisible God. the first-born ofall creation:
16for in him all things were created. in heaven and on earth. visible amI
invisible. whether thrones or dominions or principalities or authorities-
all things were created through him and for him."(RSV. Colossians I: 15).
9 John, 3: 16 (RSY).
The Purpose of Creation
However,ifthis isthepurposeof creationandtheprerequisite
for everlastinglife,why wasit rrottaughtbyall theprophets?
Why did Godnot becomemanin thetimeof Adamandhis
offspringsothatall mankindwould haveanequalchanceto
fulfill theirpurposefor existenceandattaineverlastinglife.
Or did thosebeforeJesus'time haveanotherpurposefor
existence?All peopletodaywhomGodhasdestinednever
to hearof Jesusalsohavenochanceto fulfill theirsupposed
purposeof creation.Sucha obviouslytoo limited
to fit the needof humankind.
Everything is God
The Hindu scripfuresteachthattherearemanygods,
incarnationsof gods,personsof Godandthateverythingis
God, Brahman. ln spite oftlre beliefthatthe self(atman)
of all living beingsis actuallyBrahtnan,anoppressivecaste
systemevolved in whichtheBrahmans,tlrepriestlycaste,
the Vedastjandrepresenttheidealof ritualpurityandsocial
religiousstatusandtheirsoledutyin life is"to sewemeekly"ll
theotherthreecastesandtheirthousandsof subcastes.
t" The l'eda,meaning"Knowleclge."is a collectiveterrnfor revealed(snili:
heard) sacredscripturesof theHindus. All otherworks-in whichthe
actual doctrinesandpractisesof I-lindusareencoded-are recognizedas
having beingcomposedby humanauthorsandarethusclassedassmriti
lrememberedl.( TheNew EncltclopaediaBritannica, vol. 20. p. 530.)
" ManauaDharmasastra1.91.(TheNew EncyclopaediaBritannica, vol.
20,p. 553.)
The Purpose ofCreation
However, ifthis is the purpose ofcreation and the prerequisite
for everlasting life, why was it not taught by all the prophets?
Why did God not become man in the time of Adam and his
offspring so that all mankind would have an equal chance to
fulfill their purpose for existence and attain everlasting life.
Or did those before Jesus' time have another purpose for
existence? All people today whom God has destined never
to hear ofJesus also have no chance to fulfill their supposed
purpose of creation. Such a purpose, is obviously too limited
to fit the need of humankind.
Everything is God
The Hindu scriptures teach that there are many gods,
incarnations of gods, persons of God and that everything is
God, Brahman. In spite of the belief that the self(atman)
of alJ living beings is actually Brahman, an oppressive caste
system evolved in which the Brahmans, the priestly caste,
possess spiritual supremacy by birth. They are the teachers of
the Vedas 10
and represent the ideal of ritual purity and social
prestige. On the other hand, the Sudra caste are excluded from
religious status and their sale duty in life is "to serve meekly"I
the other three castes and their thousands of subcastes.
10 The I'eda, meaning ·'Knowledge." is a collective term for revealed (sruti:
heard) sacred scriptures of the Hindus. All other works-in which the
actual doctrines and practises of Hindus are encoded-are recognized as
having being composed by human authors and are thus classed as smriti
(remembered). ( The New Encyclopaedia Britannica. vol. 20. p. 530.)
1 Manava Dharmasastra 1.9t: (The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol.
20, p. 553.)
fn, nrp"t, pt9rta*" ..
According to Hindu monistphilosophers,humankind's
purpose is therealizationof theirdivinity and-following a
path (marga) to emancipation(moksha)from the wheel of
rebirth-the reabsorbtionof the humansoul(atman) into the
ullimate reality, Brahman For thosefollowing thebhakti
path,l2the purpose is to loveGod becauseGod created
humankind to "enjby a relationship-as a fatherenjoyshis
children" (SrimadBlngwatam). For the ordinary Hindu, the
main aimof worldly life liesin conformingto socialandritual
duties, to thetraditionalrulesof conductfor one's caste-
thekarma path.r3
Although mostof thereligionof the Vedic texts,which
revolves around rituals of fire sacrifice,hasbeeneclipsed
by Hindu docffines andpracticesfound in othertexts,the
absolute authority and sacrednqssof the Vedaremainsa
central tenetof virtually all Hindu sectsandtraditions.The
Veda iscomposedof fourcollections,theoldestof which is
the Rlgueda("Wisdom of the Verses").In thesetexts,God is
describedin the mostconfusingterms.Thereligionreflected
inthe Rigvedaisapolytheismmainlyconcernedwith appeasing
deitiesassociatedwith thesky andthe atmosphere,the most
importantofwhich wereIndra (god of the heavensandrain),
Baruna (guardianof the cosmicorder),Agni (the sacrificial
tt The path of devotion to a personalGod in which murtis(idols) are
worshipped with the hopeof goingto krishnaloko(a spiritualplanet)in
their next lives.
1' The NewEncyclopaedia Britannica, vol. 20. p. 520.
The Purpose ofCreation
According to Hindu monist philosophers, humankind's
purpose is the realization oftheir divinity and-following a
path (margq) to emancipation (moksha) from the wheel of
rebirth-the reabsorbtion ofthe human soul (atman) into the
ultimate reality, Brahman. For those following the bhakti
path,12 the purpose is to love God because God created
humankind to "enjoy a relationship-as a father enjoys his
children" (Srimad Bhagwatam). For the ordinary Hindu, the
main aim ofworldly life lies in conforming to social and ritual
duties, to the traditional rules of conduct for one's caste-
the karma path.13
Although most ofthe religion ofthe Vedic texts, which
revolves around rituals offire sacrifice, has been eclipsed
by Hindu doctrines and practices found in other texts, the
absolute authority and sacredness of the Veda remains a
central tenet ofvirtually all Hindu sects and traditions. The
Veda is composed offour collections, the oldest of which is
the Rigveda ("Wisdom ofthe Verses"). In these texts, God is
described in ~he most confusing terms. The religion reflected
in theRigveda is a polytheism mainly concerned with appeasing
deities associated with the sky and the atmosphere, the "most
important ofwhich were Indra (god of the heavens and rain),
Baruna (guardian of the cosmic order), Agni (the sacr~ficial
11 The path of devotion to a personal God in which murtis (idols) are
worshipped with the hope of going to krishna/oka (a spiritual planet) in
their next lives.
13 The New Encyclopaedia Britannica. vol. 20. p. 520.
The Purpose of Creotion
fire), andSurya(the Sun).In laterVedic texts,interestin the
early Rigvedic godsdeclines,andpolytheismbeginsto be
replaced by a sacrificial pantheismto Prajapati (Lord of
Creatures),who istheAll. ln the Upanishads(secretteachings
concerning cosrnic equations), Prajapati mergeswith the
conceptof Brahman,thesupremerealityandsubstanceof
replacingany specificpersonification,thus
transformingthemytholory into abstractphilosophy.'oIf the
contents of thesescriptureswereall that humanbeingshad
to choose from for guidance,onewould haveto conclude
that God hid both Himself andthe purposeof creationfrom
God is notthe authorof confusion,nor doesHe wish
difficulty for mankind.Consequently,when He revealed
His final communicationto huqankind onethousandfour
hundredyearsago,.Heensuredthatit wasperfectlypreserved
for all ofthe generationsof humanbeingsto come.In that
final scripture,theQur'an(Koran),God revealedHis purpose
for creatingmankindand,throughHis lastpropheLHeclarified
all of thedetailswhichmancoutdcornprehend.It is orrthe
basisof thisrevelationandthepropheticexplanationsthat
we will analyzethepreciseanswersto thequestion"Why
did God createman?"in thecomingpages.
tn The NewEncyclopaediaBritannica, vol. 20. pp. 529-530.
The Purpose ofCreation
fire), and Surya (the Sun). In later Vedic texts, interest in the
early Rigvedic gods declines, and polytheism begins to be
replaced by a sacrificial pantheism to Prajapati (Lord of
Creatures), who is the All In the Upanishads (secret teachings
concerning cosmic equations), Prajapati merges with the
concept of Brahman, the supreme reality and substance of
the ~universe, replacing any specific personification, thus
transforming the mythology into abstract philosophy.14 Ifthe
contents ofthese scriptures were all that human beings had
to choose from for guidance, one would have to conclude
that God hid both Himself and the purpose of creation from
God is not the author of confusion, nor does He wish
difficulty for mankind. Consequently, when He revealed
His final communication to hUl1J.ankind one thousand four
hundred years ago,.He ensured that it was perfectly preserved
for all ofthe gene~ations of human beings to come. In that
final scripture, the Qur'an(Koran), God revealed His purpose
for creating mankind and, through His last prophet. He clarified
all of the details which man could comprehend. It is on the
basis of this revelation and the prophetic explanations that
we will analyze the precise answers to the question "Why
did God create man?" in the coming pages.
14 The New Encyclopaedia Britannica. vol. 20. pp. 529-530.
The Purposeof Crcation
Why Did God Create?
RoM THEpotNT oF vtEw oF Goo, ANEvENmore
fundamentalquestion needsto beasked,"Why did
God create?"This questionshouldbeaskedbecause
humankindis not, in fact,the greatestcreation.God saysin
ChapterGhaafirof thefinal revelation:
jki #', /fit f
{brH r
"Indeed, the creation of the heavensand the earth
is greater than the creation of mankind, but most
of mankind do not realize it."
The compositionof humanbeingsis far lesscomplex
than the compositionof the universein whichtheyexist.
However, very few peoplereflecton this reatity.Because
of the apparentsupremacyof humanbeingsovertheother
creaturesonthis earth,man'sjourneysthroughspaceandthe
continued advancementof theirtechnologyandknowledge,
humankindin everyagebecomesarrogantandconsidersitself
the greatestthing in this world. It is worth notingthatthe
majority of humankind'samazingdiscoveriesare not
concerningthe humanbeing, buthissurroundings.Thus,
humaneffortstendto befocusedon thematerialworld rather
The Purpose ofCreation
Why Did God Create?
fundamental question needs to be asked, "Why did
God create?" This question should be asked because
humankind is not, in fact, the greatest creation. God says in
Chapter Ghaafir of the final revelation:
...,..1-111 ~f ~~ ...,..lf1, ~ ~ :r.rfJP~~I~ ~~ ~}.... ".... .... ...
"Indeed, the creation of the heavens and the earth
is greater than the creation of mankind, but most
of mankind do not realize it."
Qur'an 40:57
The composition of human beings is far less complex
than the composition of the universe in which they exist.
However, very few people reflect on this reality. Because
of the apparent supremacy of human beings over the other
creatures on this earth, man's journeys through space and the
continued advancement oftheir technology and knowledge,
humankind in every age becomes arrogant and considers itself
the greatest thing in this world. It is worth noting that the
majority of humankind's amazing discoveries are not
concerning the human being, but his surroundings. Thus,
human efforts tend to be focused on the material world rather
trltfn, Prrprt"
Cr"tti .-
than humanbeings.In this verse,God bringshumanbeings
backto theiractualstatusin this world. Humankindis merely
a smallpartof theexistencethatresultedfrom themiraculous
act of divinecreation.Thus,in orderto understandwhy God
created mankind,onefirst needsto answerthe evenmore
fundamentalquestionof why God created.
The Creator
Creationisfundamentallytheconsequenceof thedivine
attributeof beingthecreator.A creatorwho doesnot create
is somethingof a contradictionin terms.This is notto say
that GodneedsHis creation.God is freefrom all needs.It is
creationwhich needsHim. But, asthegreatnessof a writer
becomesapparentin hiswritings,theperfectionof thedivine
creativeattributeis manifestin creation.Creationin thetrue
senseis uniqueto Godalone.Althoughhumansascribethe
actof creationto themselves,whattheydoisnottruecreation.
Humankind merelymanipulateswhatalreadyexists-what
was already created by God.A table is madefrom wood
which came from treesandis heldtogetherwith nailsand
screwsmadefrommetalthatcamefrom rocks.Humanbeings
did notmakethetreesortherocks.In fact,all humancreations
can betracedbackto basicelementswhich humanscannot
make.Eventheartistocreates'designsbasedon what hehas
seen.It is not possibleto imaginewhathasnot beenperceived
by thesenses.Thus,all of theartist'sthoughtsarereflections
on what wasalreadycreated.Only God alonecreatesfrom
The Purpose 0/Creation
than human beings. In this verse, God brings human beings
back to their actual status in this world. Humankind is merely
a small part ofthe existence that resulted from the miraculous
act of divine creation. Thus, in order to understand why God
created mankind, one first needs to answer the even more
fundamental question of why God created.
The Creator
Creation is fundamentally the consequence ofthe divine
attribute of being the Creator. A creator who does not create
is something of a contradiction in tenns. This is not to say
that God needs His creation. God is free from all needs. It is
creation which needs Him. But, as the greatness of a writer
becomes apparent in his writings, the perfection ofthe divine
creative attribute is manifest in creation. Creation in the true
sense is unique to God alone. Although humans ascribe the
act ofcreation to themselves, what they do is not true creation.
Humankind merely manipulates what already exists-what
was already created by God. A table is made from wood
which came from trees and is held together with nails and
screws made from metal that came from rocks. Human beings
did not make the trees or the rocks. In fact, all human creations
can be traced back to basic elements which humans cannot
make. Even the artist 'creates' designs based on what he has
seen. It is not possible to imagine what has not been perceived
by the senses. Thus, all ofthe artist's thoughts are reflections
on what was already created. Only God alone creates from
The Parpose of Creation
nothing.Thisbasicfactwasandstill is incomprehEnsibleto
some. Someancientaswell asmodernphilosophers,who
could not comprehendhow God could createfrom nothing,
claimedthatthecreatedworldanditscontentsareall originally
a partof God.'t That is, accordingto them,Godtook a part
of Himselfandmadetheuniverse.Thisconclusionis based
on comparingGodtoman,who canonly 'create'by modiffing
what already exists. However, God,denies any such
comparisonswhich' would giveHim humanlimitations.In
Chapterash-Shooraaof the final revelation,He states:
{}*lr g;*lJr,r'ri,f br -l }
"There is nothing like Him and He is the All-
Hearer and the All-Seer."
Thus, theactof creafionis a conSequenceof the divine
attributeof beingtheCreatot.God describesHimself asthe
Creatorin avarietyofversesthroughoutthefinal revelationto
emphasizeto humankindthateverythingbelongsto Him alone.
ts This is alsoHindu belief regardingthe supremereality.Brahman. ln
the last(lOth) book of the Rr'3n'eda:in the "Hymn of the CosmicMan"
(Purusasukta), it is saidthat the universewascreatedout of the partsof
the body of a singlecosmicman(Ptrrursa)rvhenhis body was burnedand
dismemberedat the primordial sacrifice.The tbur castesemergefrom his
body: thepriest(Brahman)from the mouth.thewanior (Raianya)from the
arms. thepeasant(Vaisya)from thethighs.andtheservant(Sudra)from
the legs.(The NewEncltclopaediaBritannica,vol. 20.p. 531).
The Purpose ofC.reation
nothing. This basic fact was and still is incompreh~nsible to
some. Some ancient as well as modern philosophers, who
could not comprehend how God could create from nothing,
claimed thatthe created world and its contents are all originally
a part of GOd. 15
That is, according to them, God took a part
of Himself and made the universe. This conclusion is based
on comp~ngGodtoman, who can only 'create' by modifying
what already exists. However, God, denies any such
comparisons which' would give Him human limitations. In
Chapter ash-Shooraa of the final revelation, He states:
{~. ""i, ~ d ' ;.'~ ~ ' . ' ... }
~~JAJ~, __ ~
"There is nothing like Him and He is the AII-
Hearer and the All-Seer."
Qur'an 42: 11
Thus, the act of a consequence of the divine
attribute of being the Creator. God describes Himself as the
Creator in a variety ofverses throughout the final revelation to
emphasize to humankind that everything belongs to Him alone.
I! This is also Hindu belief regarding the supreme reality. Brahman. In
the last (lOth) book of the Rigveda: in the "Hymn of the Cosmic Man"
(PurusasukJa), it is said that the universe was created out of the parts of
the body ofa single cosmic man (Purl/sa) when his body was burned and
dismembered at the primordial sacrifice. The four castes emerge from his
body: the priest (Brahman) from the mouth. the warrior (Rajanya) from the
arms. the peasant (Vaisya) from the thighs. and the servant (Sudra) from
the legs. (The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. 20. p. 53 I).
The Purpose of Creation _ _
"Allah is the Creator of all things and He is the
agenton which all things depend."
Qur'an 39:62
tt;,;; ur;35iiii,rry
"And Allnh crested you all and whatever you do."
Man needsto realizethatnothingtakesplacein this
universewithoutthe permissionof God.To seekprotection
from evil or to seekto acquiregoodfrom any sourceother
than God is a majormistake.Dueto ignorance,manypeople
attemptto avoid misfornrneandto gain goodfortunethrough
a variety of charmsandamulets,astrology,palmistry,etc.
Consequently,in thefinal revelation,Chapteral-Falaq, God
informshumanbeingsto.seekrefugrin God from evil:
ty 6? u P,q'r'tii'y}
"Say: I seekrefuge in the Lord of the dawn, from
the evil of what He has created."
Qur'anI l3:1-2
Allah, GodAlmighty,is notevil;He isgood.He created
a worldinwhichevil or goodcanbedonebybeingsto whom
He gavethis ability. However,no evil or goodcantakeplace
in thisworld withoutthepermissionof God..Thisis why it
isfutile to turn to othersbesidesGod for helpandprotection.
The Purpose ofCreation
{~J ~~ JS" Js. JA J~~ Y~~ ~l}
"Allah is the Creator of all things and He is the
agent on which all things depend."
Qur'an 39:62
"And Allah created you all and whatever you do."
Qur'an 37:96
Man needs to realize that nothing takes place in this
universe without the permission of God. To seek protection
from evil or to seek to acquire good from any source other
than God is a major mistake. Due to ignorance, many people
attempt to avoid misfortune and to gain good fortune through
a variety of channs and amulets, astrology, palmistry, etc.
Consequently, in the final revelation, Chapter al-Falaq, God
informs hum~n beings to·seek refuge-in God from evil:
"Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the dawn, from
the evil ofwhat He has created."
Qur'an 113:1-2
Allah, God Almighty, is not evil; He is good. He created
a world in which evil or good can be done by beings to whom
He gave this ability. However. no evil or good can take place
in this world without the permission of God.. This is why it
is futile to turoto others besides God for help and protection.
n7lThe Purpose of Creation - __
{i' 9i9
a -'t:ei 6)
"No calamity strikesexceptby Allah's permission"
The final prophet of God,Muhammad(ffi), furrher
elaboratedonthis concept,saying,"Be oworethatif thewhole
of mankindgatheredtogetherto do somethingto helpyou,
they would only beable to do somethingforyou u,hichAlloh
had alreadywrittenfor you:Likewise,f thewholeof mankind
gathered together to harmyou, theywould only beable to
do somethingto harmyou which Allah had already written
to happentoyott."t6
The Merciful, The Forgiving
In the creationof humankirrd,thedivineattributesof
beings werecreatedgoodandpurewith a naturalawareness
of goodandevil.TheAlmightyalsocreatedin humansdesires.
and gavethemanability to controlthosedesiresaccording
to divine law or to turnthemlooseandfollow themblindly.
God createdmankindknowingthattheywoulddisobeyHim.
Consequently,Hetaughthumanbeings,beginningwith Adam,
how to repent andtherebypurifothemselvesof their sins.
Adam andEverepresenta patternfor all mankindto follow.
Reportedby 'Abbaasandcollectedby at-Tirmitheeandauthenticated
in $afueefoSunanat-Tirmifuee,vol. 2.pp.
The Purpose ofCreation
{~ IJb~ ~1 r:,o~ ~ y~i La}
'" "" ,,~ -"
"No calamity strikes except by Allah's permission"
Qur'an, 64: II
The final prophet of God, Muhammad (~), further
elaborated on this concept, saying, "Be aware that ifthe whole
of mankind gathered together to do something to help you.
they would only be able to do somethingfor you which Allah
had already writtenfor you: Likewise. ifthe whole ofmankind
gathered together to harm you, they would only be able to
do something to harm you which Allah had already written
t h
o appen to you.
The Merciful, The Forgiving
In the creation of humankind, the divine attributes of
forgiveness, mercy and kindness are also manifested. Human
beings were created good and pure with a natural awareness
of good and evil. The Almighty also created in humans desires,
and gave them an ability to control those desires according
to divine law or to tum them loose and follow them blindly.
God created mankind knowing that they would disobey Him.
Consequently, He taught human beings, beginning with Adam,
how to repent and thereby purify themselves of their sins.
Adam and Eve represent a pattern for all mankind to follow.
16 Reported by'Abbaas and collected by at-Tirmi!hee and authenticated
in Saheeh. Sunan at-Tirmi!flee, vol. 2. pp. 308-9. no. 2043.
I - ^ L
The Purpose of Crcation U
They forgotthe commandmentof God,andSatanplayedon
their desires.After theyhaddisobeyedGod,theyturnedback
to Him in repentance,andHe forgavethem.In humankind's
disobedienceandturningbacktoGodin repentance,thedivine
attributesof total forgivenessand infinitemercybecome
manifest.ThefinalProphet(x;)informedhisfollowersof this
reality, saying,"lf you did not commitsinsandturn to Allah,
seeking Hisforgiveness, He would havereplacedyou with
another peoplewho wouldsin, askAllah's forgivenessand
He would.forgivethem."'tEveryoneof the ll4 Chaptersof
the final revelation,exceptone,beginswith theprayer,"ln
the nameof Allah,theBeneficenttheMostMerciful."Allah's
attributesof mercyandforgivenessarestressedto encourage
humansnotto fall intodespair.No matterhowgreatthesins
of humanbeingsmaybe,Godcanforgivethemif manturns
backto Him in sincererepentance.TheMessenger(x) was
quotedassaying,"WhenAllah createdtheuniverse,He made
an obligation on Himself [recordedJin a documentkeptby
Him: My mercysupersedesmywrqtfr."l8Hewasalsoreponed
to havesaid,"[Allah createdJmercyv,ithonehundredparts,
oneof whichwassentdownupanthejinn, humanbeingsand
ather living beings. It is out oJ'thisonepart that theylove
each other,showkindnessto eachotherand eventheanimals
treat lheir ffipring with affiction. Allah hasreservedthe
" SohihMuslint,vol. 4. pp. Aboo Ayyoob
t' SohihMuslint,vol.4. p,6628.reportedby Aboo Hurayrah.
The Purpose 0/Creation
They forgot the commandment of God, and Satan played on
their desires. After they had disobeyed God, they turned back
to Him in repentance, and He forgave them. In humankind's
disobedience and turning back to God in repentance, the divine
attributes of total forgiveness and infinite mercy become
manifest. The final Prophet (~) informed his followers ofthis
reality, saying, "Ifyou did not commit sins and turn to Allah.
seeking His forgiveness, He would have replaced you with
another people who would sin, ask Allah's forgiveness and
He wouldforgive them. ,,17 Every one of the 114 Chapters of
the final revelation, except one, begins with the prayer, "In
the name ofAllah, the Beneficent the Most Merciful." Allah's
attributes of mercy and forgiveness are stressed to encourage
humans not to fall into despair. No matter how great the sins
of human beings may be, God can forgive them ifman turns
back to Him in sincere repentance. The Messenger (~) was
quoted as saying, "When Allah createdthe universe, He made
an obligation on Himself[recorded} in a document kept by
Him: My mercy supersedes my wrath."18 He was also reported
to have said, "[Allah created} mercy with one hundredparts.
one ofwhich was sent down upon thejinn. human beings and
other living beings. It is out ofthis one part that they love
each other, show kindness to each other and even the animals
treat their offspring with affection. Allah has reserved the
17 Sahih Muslim. vol. 4. pp. 1435-6. no. 6621. reported by Aboo Ayyoob
18 Sahih Muslim, vo!. 4. p. 1437. no. 6628. reported by Aboo Hurayrah.
The Purpose of Creation _
remaining ninety-ninepartsfor His true worshipperson the
Day of Resurrection."Ie
Had Allah wished,Hecouldhavecreatedmankindlike
angels,incapableof committingsin.However,thatwasnot
His wish,asHe hadalreadycreatedangels.Humanbeings
were created capableof makingmistakesandwhenthey
realize their errors andseekCod's forgiveness,the divine
attributesof mercyandforgivenessbecomemanifest.
In thejudgmentof mankindat theendof thisworld,
God's attributesof supremejusticeandfairnessalsobecome
manifest.Basedon His infiniteknowledge,Godcouldhave
createdall membersof the humanracewho wereto live on
earthandimmediatelyplacedsomeof themin paradiseand
the remainderin hell.Beforecreatingman,Allah alreadyknew
whatchoicestheywouldmakein this life,whatprovisionand
opportunitiesHe wouldgivethem,andin whatstateof belief
or disbelief theywoulddie.Therefore,in onesenseit could
be saidthatsomepeoplewerecreatedfor paradiseandothers
for hell. 'Aa'ishah,wife of the ProphetMuhammad(*g),
quoted him assaying,"Don'tyou lcnou,thatAllah created
paradise and hell, and He crealed inhabitantsfor each?"2o
If Godhadimmediatelyplacedthoseheadedfor paradisein
paradise,theywouldnot questionGod'sdecision.Thosein
tn Ibid..vol.4. p AbooHurayrah.
to Ibid..vol.4. p
The Purpose ofCreation
remammg ninety-nine partsfor His true worshippers on the
Day ofResurrection. ,,19
Had Allah wished, He could have created mankind like
angels, incapable of committing sin. However, that was not
His wish, as He had already created angels. Human beings
were created capable of making mistakes and when they
realize their errors and seek God's forgiveness, the divine
attributes of mercy and forgiveness become manifest.
Supreme Justice
In the judgment of mankind at the end of this world,
God's attributes of supreme justice and fairness also become
manifest. Based on His infinite knowledge, God could have
created all members of the human race who were to live on
earth and immediately placed some of them in paradise and
the remainder in hell. Before creating man, Allah already knew
what choices they would make in this life, what provision and
opportunities He would give them, and in what state of belief
or disbelief they would die. Therefore, in one sense it could
be said that some people were created for paradise and others
for hell. 'Aa'ishah, wife of the Prophet Muhammad (~),
quoted him as saying, "Don't you know that Allah created
paradise and hell, and He created inhabitants for each?,,20
If God had immediately placed those headed for paradise in
paradise, they would not question God's decision. Those in
19 Ibid.. vol. 4. p. 1437. no. 663 I. reported by Aboo Hurayrah.
20 Ibid.. vol. 4. p. 1400. no. 6435.
The Purpose of Crestion
paradisewouldhappilyacceptaneverlastinglife of blissand
be thankfulthattheywerenot placedin helr.However,those
immediately placedin hellwouldaskwhy.Theywouldfeel
a senseof unfairnessdueto theirignoranceof whattheywould
have done had they livedon earth.Thosein hell would
relentlesslyarguethathadtheybeengivena chanceto live
out theirliveson earth,theywouldhaveberievedanddone
righteousdeeds.consequently,Allah allowshumanbeings
to liveout theirIiveson earthandmakeall thechoicesthey
would havemade,sothateveryonewhoentersheilwill know
thattheychosehellbythemselves.Theywill recognizeGod's
mercy in theirlivesandacknowledgetheirsin in rejecting
His signsandguidhnce.A'd theywill acceptHisjudgment
asbeingjust andbeyondreproach.However.theywill still
beg for anotherchanceto do goodin thisworld.ascod says
in Clrapteras-Sajdaftof theQur'an:
t-i;di dr'r+r'+'#;, rj-{ri iyr+.Jr it s; "f:}
t rrti 6tvta,1;';;grti t:;;,
"If only you could see[the timel when the sinners
will bow their headsbeforetheir Lord, [sayingf,
tour Lord! We have now seenand heard,sosend
us back and we will do righteousdeeds,Verily; we
now believewith certaintv.' "
The Purpose ofCreation
paradise would happily accept an everlasting life of bliss and
be thankful that they were not placed in hell. However, those
immediately placed in hell would ask why. They would feel
a sense ofunfaimess due to their ignorance ofwhat they would
have done had they lived on earth. Those in hell would
relentlessly argue that had they been given a chance to live
out their lives on earth, they would have believed and don~
righteous deeds. Consequently, Allah allows human beings
to live out their lives on earth and make all the choices they
would have made, so that everyone who enters hell will know
that they chose hell by themselves. They will recognize God's
mercy in their lives and acknowledge their sin in rejecting
His signs and guidance. A.nd they will accept His judgment
as being just and beyond reproach. However, they will stiII
beg for another chance to do good in this world, as God says
in Chapter as-Sajdah of the Qur'an:
l-i~' ~~;.f~ ~ ~;~ I;...fU ~;~,~!l.S} Jf~}
{~A; If! ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~/ /
"If only you could see lthe time) when the sinners
will bow their heads before their Lord, [saying],
'Our Lord! We have now seen and heard, so send
us back and we will do righteous deeds. Verily; we
now believe with certainty.' "
Qur'an, 32: 12
ThePurpose o[Crestion r
However,if Allah wereto sendthembackto this world
havingforgottenwhattheyhadseenof hell,theywould again
chooseevil andendup in hell asbefore.God spokeabout
this in Chapteral-An'aaml
{iji,iJ d* w i# e iririiit'r'i'r11
"But if they were returned [to this worldl' they
would certainly go backlo what was forbidden to
them. Indeed thev are liars."
Divine Love
God's loveis manifestin beingsbroughtinto existence,
whether believeror disbeliever,to enjoylife, if only for a
brief moment.It is alsorealizedin thecreationof paradise
for thosewho chooserighteousnessoverevil. Allah statesin
the final revelationthatHe lovesthosewhodogood(5:13),
those who arejust (5:42),thosewho arepious(9:4),those
who are patient(3:146),thosewho put their trust in Him
(3:159), thosewho frequentlyturnto Him in repentanceand
those who puriff themselves(2:222).However,it is He who
has definedfor humanbeingsthroughthe scripturesandthe
prophetswhat is good,just andpious.ConseQuently,those
who follow theprophetsaremostbelovedto God.ln Chapter
'lmraan,Allah instructedProphetMuhammad'(#E)to say
thefollowingto thebelievers:
'"3r'-;ei"-tli"$;il ,rrt:hr oi7.r;r bll
The Purpose ofCreation
However, ifAllah were to send them back to this world
having forgotten what they had seen of hell, they would again
choose evil and end up in hell as before. God spoke about
this in Chapter ai-An 'aam:
... '" I' ... • 0.1 .. C/I A ~ ......
{iJ;~~ ~!J ~ '*~ 'J~Al 'J~) JlJ}
"But if they were returned [to this world], they
would certainly go what was forbidden to
thelD. Indeed they are liars."
Qur'an, 6:28
Divine Love
God's love is manifest in beings brought into existence,
whether believer or disbeliever, to enjoy life, if only for a
brief moment. It i~ also realized in the creation of paradise
for those who choose righteousness over evil. Allah states in
the final revelation that He loves those who do good (5: 13),
those who are just (5:42), those who are pious (9:4), those
who are. patient (3: 146), those who put their trust in Him
(3: 159), those who frequently tum to Him in repentance and
those who purify themselves (2:222). However, it is He who
has defined for human beings through the scriptures and the
prophets what is good, just and pious. Consequently, those
who follow the prophets are most beloved to God. In Chapter
Aal 'Imraan, Allah instructed Prophet Muhammad-(~) to say
the following to the believers:
{~j~ ~ ~J ~ ~::;.,; ~~~ ~, ~kJ ~ ~!}
WIfh" P"rprt" rf Crettir,
65If you really love Allah, follow me and Allah witl
love you and forgive your sins."
The prophetsshould be followed not only in the
compulsoryactsordainedby God,butalsoin theireagerness
to do actsof voluntaryworship.
The love of God is alsomanifestin His mercyand
blessingswhich He grantsfo thosewho deservethemaswell
as thosewho do not. But, it is particurarrymanifestin His
willingnessto forgivethe sinsof whomsoeverturnsto Him
in sincererepentance.Fromthecreationof AdamandEve,
repentancewas granted to themto erasetheir sinsasan
exampleto all humanbeingswho would follow theminto
thisworld.No matterhow greathumansinsrnaybecome,the
door for sincererepentanceremainsopenuntil the lastday
of thisworld.AnasquotedAllah's Messenger(#) assaying,
"Allah. the Almighty, hassaid.-O son of Adam, as long as
you call on Me and askof Me, I will forgive whatyou hate
done, and I do not mind. O sonof Adam.evenif your sins
reachedthecloudsandyou askedIrIyforgiveness,I wittforgive
you. O son of Adam, ,f you cameto Me with sinsnearly as
great astheearthandyou metMe without givingMepartners,
I will giveyou a similar amountofforgiveness."2l
collected by at-Tirmithee and authenticatedin galreelt sunan at-
Tirmilhee,vol. 3. pp.
The Purpose ofCreation
"If you really love Allah, follow me and Allah will
love you and forgive your sins."
Qur'an 3:31
The prophets should be followed not only in the
compulsory acts ordained by God, but also in their eagerness
to do acts of voluntary worship.
The love of God is also manifest in His mercy and
blessings which He grants fo those who deserve them as well
as those who do not. But, it is particularly manifest in His
willingness to forgive the sins of whomsoever turns to Him
in sincere repentance. From the creation of Adam and Eve,
repentance was granted to them to erase their sins as an
example to all human beings who would follow them into
this world. No matter how great human sins may become, the
door for sincere repentance remains open until the last day
of this world. Anas quoted Allah's Messenger (~) as saying,
"Allah. the Almighty, has said: 0 son ofAdam, as long as
you call on Me and ask ofMe, I willforgive what you have
done, and I do not mind. 0 son ofAdam. even ifyour sins
reached the clouds andyou askedMyforgiveness, I willforgive
you. 0 son ofAdam, ifyou came to Me with sins nearly as
great as the earth andyou met Me without giving Me partners,
I will give you a similar amount offorgiveness. ,,21
21 Collected by at-Tirmi!hee and authenticated in Sab.eeb. Sunan at-
Tirmifhee, vol. 3. pp. 175-6. no. 2805.
Divine Grace
As forthose in pmadise,theywill not enterit solely based
on their gooddeeds.It isthe graceof Godthatwill ultimately
carry themthere.Thefinal Prophetof Allah (#) saidin this
regard, "Try your bestto do right, and be l*ppy. For none
will enterparadiseonlybecauseof hisdeeds."His companions
said,"O Messengerof Allah!Not evenyou?"Hereplied,"Not
even I, unlessAttah envelopsme in Hismercyandgtace.z2
And bear in mind thst the deedmostloved byAllah is one
done constantly,eventhough it is small."Z3However, God's
grace is not arbitrary.It is basedon bothcorrectfaith and
righteousdeeds.In ChapterAal
'Imraan,Allah says:
Jo'Hl,i e#urrv ,f
q.Ai'p'ai y-alu.
{iiru r p; ,+r+
"Whoever brings a good deed, will have [the
value ofl ten like it, and whoever brings an evil deed
will only be punishedwith onelike it, and they will
not be
WereGodtohold humankindto accountstrictly,noone's
good deedswould outweightheirevil deeds.However,God
has manifestedHis graceby multiplyingthevalueof good
deeds,whilekeepingevil deedsattheirfacevalue. It is by
Sahih Muslim, vol. 4, p.
" Sahih Muslim, vol. 4, pp 6765.reportedby Aboo Hurayrah. 'Aa'ishah.
The Purpose ofCreation
Divine Grace
As forthose in paradise, they will not enter it solely based
on their good deeds. It is the grace of God that will ultimately
carry them there. The final Prophet of Allah (~) said in this
regard, "Try your best to do right, and be happy. For none
will enterparadise only because ofhis deeds. " His companions
said, "0 Messenger ofAllah! Not even you?" He replied, "Not
even I, unless Allah envelops me in His mercy and grace. 22
And bear in mind that the deed most loved by Allah is one
done constantly, even though it is small. ,,23 However, God's
grace is not arbitrary. It is based on both correct faith and
righteous deeds. In Chapter Aill 'Imraan, Allah says:
~! ~~ ~ ~::.. I~ ~~ :; J~~f ';:..s. ill f' ;J~ ~~ :;}
{~J~Hal ~ ;.A J~
"Whoever brings a good deed, will have [the
value of] ten like it, and whoever brings an evil deed
will only be punished with one like it, and they will
not be wronged."
Qur'an 6: 160
Were God to hold humankind to account strictly, no one's
good deeds would outweigh their evil deeds. However, God
has manifested His grace by multiplying the value of good
deeds, while keeping evil deeds at their face value. It is by
22 Sahih Muslim, vol. 4. p. 1473. no. 6765. reported by Aboo Hurayrah.
23 Sahih Muslim, vol. 4. pp. 1473-4. no. 6770. reported by "Aa'ishah.
I241- Il
the graceof Godthatthetrue believersenterparadise.This
does not meanthatdeedshaveno role. Deedshavea major
role, but they are not the deciding factor. God's grace
Consequently,thecreationof humanbeings,the errors
that theymakeandthegoodthattheydo areall circumstances
for the manifestationof God's attributes of mercyand
forgiveness,HisattributeofjusticeandHis attributeof grace.
Humankind should not question why God choseto
manifest His attributesin this way. It canonly beassumed
that thiswasthebestway, becauseAllah describesHimself as
being the Most wise andthe Most Knowredgeable.Humans
canonly understandwhat Allah choosesto revealto them.
{",ia lr+dr
"They will only encompassof His trnor"hAge what
Thus, theyshouldnottry to equatethemselveswith God.
If He hastold humankindwhy He decidedto do somerhing,
it isnot for themto questionwhy He decidedto decide.such
questionsare withoutendandthus beyondhumanscope.It
is theywho will bequestionedontheDay of Judgmentabout
theiractionsandintentionsandnotHe.In chapteral-Ambiyaa,
Allah addressesthis point:
The Purpose 0/Creation
the grace of God that the true believers enter Paradise. This
does not mean that deeds have no fO,le. Deeds have a major
role, but they are not the deciding factor. God's grace
outweighs them.
Consequently, the creation of human beings, the errors
that they make and the good that they do are all circumstances
for the manifestation of God's attributes of mercy and
forgiveness, His attribute ofjustice and His attribute of grace.
Humankind should not question why God chose to
manifest His attributes in this way. It can only be assumed
that this was the best way, because Allah describes Himselfas
being the Most Wise and the Most Knowledgeable. Humans
can only understand what Allah chooses to reveal to them.
{~~ ~ ~!~~<~~~~~}
"They will only encompassof His knowledge what
He wishes."
Qur'an 2:255
Thus, they should not try to equate themselves with God.
IfHe has told humankind why He decided to do something,
it is not for them to question why He decided to decide. Such
questions are without end and thus beyond human scope. It
is they who will be questioned on the Day ofJudgment about
their actions and intentions and not He. In Chapter al-Ambiyaa,
Allah addresses this point:
The Purpose of Creation
"IIe cannot bequestionedasto what He does,while
they will be questioned."
In this regardProphetMuhammad(*) wasreportedby
Ibn 'Abbaasto havesaid,"Reflectonthecreationof AIIah but
do not reflectonAllah."2oTo reflectontherealityof Alldh is
to reflecton the infinite.And, asthemind boggleswhenit
reflectsonthe limits of thefinite universeandthegalaxiesand
starswithin it, it will bemoreconfoundedwhenit attempts
to understandthe uncreated.TheProphet(ff) warnedthatthe
satanic forceswould seekto introducedoubtsin the hearts
of thebelieversbyraisingunanswerablequestionsaboutGod.
Aboo Hurayrah relatedthatAllah's Messenger(S) said,
"Sstan will cometo everyoneof you and ask: Whocreated
this and that?-until hequestions;Whocreatedyour Lord?
Wen hecomesto that,oneshouldseekrefugein Allah fsay:
I ffirm my faith in Allah and HisprophetsJ25and avoid
[such thofrghtsJ."26
ta Collectedby Aboo Nugym inql-Hiah andauthenticatedby al-
Albaanee in Silsilahal-Aftaadeethas--Sakeehah,vol.4. p | 788,
Thereisalsoa similarnarrationfiom Ibn 'Umar collectedby ag-Jabamanee
in al-Awsalandal-Bayhaqeein .Sftu'abal-Eemaan.
25SahihMttslim,vol. l- p 77.nos.242&.2,43.
'u lbid., vol. l, p. 244 andSahihAl-BuWnri, vol. 4, p. 320,no,496.
The Purpose ofCreation
"He cannot be questioned as to what He does, while
they questioned."
Qur'an. 21 :23
In this regard Prophet Muhammad (~) was reported by
Ibn 'Abbaas to have said, "Reflect on the creation ofAllah but
do not reflect on Allah.,,24 To reflect on the reality ofAllah is
to reflect on the infinite. And, as the mind boggles when it
reflects on the limits ofthe finite universe and the galaxies and
stars within it, it will be more confounded when it attempts
to understand the uncreated. The Prophet (~) warned that the
satanic forces would seek to introduce doubts in the hearts
of the believers by raising unanswerable questions about God.
Aboo Hurayrah related that Allah' sMesseng~r (~) said,
"Satan will come to everyone ofyou and ask: Who created
this and that?-until he questions: Who createdyour Lord?
When he comes to that, one should seek refuge in Allah [say:
1 affirm my faith in Allah and His prophets)25 and avoid
[such thoaghts]. ,,26
24 Collected by Aboo NU}liym in gl-lf.ilyah and authenticated by al-
Albaanee in Silsilah al-A!l.aadeeth a~-S.a!l.eebah, vol. 4. p. 12. no. 1788.
There is also a similar narration from Ibn 'Umar collected bya!-Iabaraanee
in al-Awsa{ and al-Bayhaqee in Shu 'ab al-Eemaan.
25 Sahih Muslim, vol. L p. 77. nos. 242 & 243.
26 Ibid., vol. 1, p. 77. no. 244 and Sahih AI-Bukhari, vol. 4, p. 320~ no. 496.
The Purpose of Creation il
Why Did God CreateMankind?
qUESTION "Why did Godcreateman?"implies"For
I what purposewasmancreated?"ln thefinal revelation,
this question is answeredwithoutanyambiguity.Humans
are first informedby God that everyhumanbeingis born
with an innateconsciousnessof God. In Chapteral-A'raq/:
Allah said:
JF:qli; ilJrl e:*b i;; .Fb {; ;;f i11}
ei *ly[ilr r'rlfbf *y -,r,.ii'i &t U*ti'fi;;i
',.-'^{r::tg', ,Fb u;qtl!'-hiGl jrr'ti'g#,vt:,^f
"l,w':k#!tb$"[Rememberl when your Lord extractedfrom the
loins of Adam's children their descendantsand
made them testify [sayingl:
'Am I not your L,ord?'
They said: 'Yes, we testify to it.' [This was] in
case you say on the Day of Judgment: 'We were
unaware of this.t Or you say: tlt was our ancestors
who worshipped others besidesGod and we are
only their descendants.Will you then destroy us
for what thoseliars did?'"
The Purpose ofCreation
Why Did God Create Mankind?
FQUESTION "Why did God create man?" implies "For
what purpose was man created?" In the final revelation,
this question is answered without any ambiguity. Humans
are first informed by God that every human being is born
with an innate consciousness of God. In Chapter al-A 'raq/~
Allah said:
~ itA¥) ~~~ ~?~ ~ ~;~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!)}
~ It' ~lii, '. ,i. ~:: ~i lr -~ i: i.l .~~, ~- · 'i· ~fi
~' - ~Jt y~ ~~ y r-l:............,~.
~ i;~~ ~~ Jj ~ uJ1i~ ~~i Wl ij~ ~i ~~ ,lA :f
{~ .It..·~i, ',;i ~ ~i· ~
~ v- : - ~,.
"[Remember) when your Lord extracted from the
loins of Adam's children their descendants and
made -them testify [saying]: 'Am I not your Lord?'
They said: 'Yes, we testify to it.' [This was) in
case you say on the Day of Judgment: 'We were
unaware of this.' Or you say: 'It was our ancestors
who worshipped others besides God and we are
•only their descendants. Will you then destroy us
for what those liars did?'"
Qur'an, 7: 172-3
The Purpose of Creation
TheProphet(#) explainedthatwhenAllah createdAdam,
He took from him a covenantat a placecalledNa'maanon
the fth dut'' of the 12thmonth.He thenexffactedfrom Adam
all of his descendantswho would be bornuntil the endof
the world, generationafter generation,andspreadthemout
before Him to takea covenantfrom them also.He spoketo
them, face to face,makingthem bearwitnessthat He was
their Lord.z8Consequently,eveiyhumanbeingisresponsible
for beliefin God,which is imprintedon eachandeverysoul.
It isbasedonthis inbornbeliefthatAllah definedthe purpose
of humankind'screationin Chapteragh-Thaariyaat:
{ir:**l 1! .r"!lt ;,+Jtc-il+ r.'1}
ttl did not create the jinn2eand the humankind
exceptthat they shouldworship Me."
Qur'an5l :56
Thus, theessentialpurposefor whiclrhumankindwas
createdistheworshipof God.However,theAlmighty is not
in needof humanwors[rip.He did not createhumanbeings
17Known asthe dayof 'Arafaat.
2t Collected by Almad and authenticatedin Siisi/ah al-Ahaadeethas-
$afteefuah,vol.'4,p. 158,no. 1623.
2eThe;inn area classof invisiblerationalbeingscreatedby God from the
elementsof fire. Theywereendowedby God with freewill, like mankind.
Consequently,some of themarerighteousbelieversandothersareevil
disbelievers.The evil among them are commonlycalleddemons.evil
The Purpose ofCreation
The Prophet (~) explained that when Allah created Adam,
He took from him a covenant at a place called Na'maan on
the 9th day7 ofthe 12th month. He then extracted from Adam
all of his descendants wltowould be born until the end of
the world, generation after generation, and spread them out
before Him to take a covenant from them also. He spoke to
them, face to face, making them bear witness that He was
their Lord.28
Consequently, every human being is responsible
for belief in God, which is imprinted on each and every soul.
It is based on this inborn beliefthat Allah defined the purpose
of humankind's creation in Chapter ath-Thaariyaat:
{IJJ"w ~l ~~I) ~ ~ I.A)}
"I did not create the jinn?9 and the humankind
except that they, should worship Me."
Qur'an 51 :56
Thus, the essential purpose for which humankind was
created is the worship of God. However, the Almighty is not
in need of human worship. He did not create human beings
27 Known as the day of 'Arafaat.
28 Collected by Ahmad and authenticated in Silsilah al-A!laadeeth a§.-
$.a!!lah. vol:4, p. 158, no. 1623.
29 Thejinn are a class of invisible rational beings created by God from the
elements offire. They were endowed by God with free will, like mankind.
Consequently, some of them are righteous believers and others are evil
disbelievers. The evil among them are commonly called demons. evil
spirits, devils. etc.
The Parpose of Creation
out of a needonHis part.If not a singlehumanworshipped
God, it would not diminishHis glory in anyw&], andif all
of mankindworshipp.edHim, it would not increaseHis glory
in any way. God is perfect. He aloneexistswithoutany
needs.All createdbeingshaveneeds.Consequently,it is
humankindthatneedsto worshipGod.
The Meaningof Worship
To understandwhy humanbeingsneedto worshipGod,
onemustfirst understandwhatismeantbytheterm'worship.'
The English term 'worship' comesfrom the Old English
weorthscipemeaning'honor.'Consequently,worshipin the
Englishlanguageisdefinedas'theperformanceof devotional
actsin honorof a deity.'30Accordingto this meaning,man
is instructedto showgratitudeto God by glorifuing Him. In
Chapteran-Na;rof the final revelation,Allah says:
"Glorify thepraisesof yourLord."
Qur'anI l0:3
In gloriffing God,manchoosesto be in harmony
with the restof creationwhich naturallyglorifiesits
Creator. Allah addressesthis phenomenonin many
chaptersof theQur'an.Forexample,in Chapteral-Israa,
Allah states:
The Living lhebster Encltclopedic Dictionarrr, p. I 148
The Purpose ofCreation
out of a need on His part. If not a single human worshipped
God, it would not diminish His glory in any way, and if all
of mankind ~orship~ed Him, it would not increase His glory
in any way. God is perfect. He alone exists without any
needs. All created beings have needs. Consequently, it is
humankind that needs to worship God.
The Meaning of Worship
To understand why human beings need to worship God,
one must first understand what is meant by the term 'worship.'
The English term 'worship' comes from the Old English
weorthscipe meaning 'honor.' Consequently, worship in the
English language is defined as 'the performance of devotional
acts in honor of a deity. ,30 According to this meaning, man
is instructed to ~how gratitude to God by glorifying Him. In
Chapter an-Na~r of the final revelation, Allah says:
"Glorify the praises of your Lord."
Qur'an 110:3
In glorifying God, man chooses to be in harmony
with the rest of creation which naturally glorifies its
Creator. Allah addresses this phenomenon in many
chapters ofthe Qur'an. For example, in Chapter al-lsraa,
Allah states:
30 The Living Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary. p. 1148.
ThePurposeof Creation
rl :F
tt')'4 c1,io'st[Ir Lr3ttr rtilJ]
tiithJ-Jrtitir r l5[ 1F|#-
*The seyen heavensand the eerth and whatever
is in them glorify Him and there is nothing which
does not glorify His preise.'' Howeyer, you do not
understand their glorification.'
However, in Arabic, the languageof the final revelation,
worship is called
'ibaadah,whichis closelyrelatedto the
'abd,meaning'a slave.'A slaveis onewho is expected
to do whatever his ma'ster wills. Consequently,worship,
accordingtothe final revelation,meaas'obedientsubmission
to the will of God.' This wasthe essenceof the messageof
all the prophetssentby God to humankind.For example,this
understanding of worship was emphaticallyexpressedby
Prophet Jesus in the Gospelaccordingto Matthew,7:21,
"None of thosewho call me 'Lord' will enter the kingdom
of God, but only the one who doesthe wiII of my Father in
heaven." It shouldbe notedthat'.will' in this quotemeans
'what God wants humanbeingsto do' andnot 'what God
permits humansto do,' becausenothinghappensin creation
without thewill (permission)of God.The 'Will of God' is
contained in the divinelyrevealedlawswhichthe prophets
3t The thunderis describedasglori$ing God in l3:13. the dayand night
in 2 t :20andthemountainsin 38:18.
The Purpose ofCreation
;!~~ ~ ~!j ~ :;j ~~~j ~ ~J~;j ~}
{" " • ~ ~ , :".~ ~ ". ~I' o~ , ", ,
~ JfMi ~J" :~
"The seven heavens and the earth and whatever
is in them glorify Him and there is nothing which
does not glorify His praise.31
However, you do not
understand their glorification."
Qur'an, 17:44
However, in Arabic, the language ofthe final revelation,
worship is called 'ibaadah, which is closely related to the
noun 'abd, meaning 'a slave.' A slave is one who is expected
to do whatever his ma'ster wills. Consequently, worship,
according to the final revelation, meaas 'obedient submission
to the will ofGod.' This was the essence ofthe message of
all the prophets sent by God to humankind. For example, this
understanding of worship was emphatically expressed by
Prophet Jesus in the Gospel according to Matthew, 7:21,
"None of those who call me 'Lord' will enter the kingdom
of God, but only the one who does the will ofmy Father in
heaven." It should be noted that '-will' in this quote means
'what God wants human beings to do' and not 'what God
permits humans to do,' because nothing happens in creation
without the will (permission) of God. The 'Will of God' is
contained in the divinely revealed laws which the prophets
31 The thunder is described as glorifying God in 13:13, the day and night
in 21:20 and the mountains in 38:18.
l - ^ t
I t t ! I
The Purpose of Creation
taughttheir followers. Consequently,obedienceto divine
law is thefoundationof worship.[n thissense,glorification
also becomesworshipwhenhumanschooseto obeyGod's
instructionsregardingHis glorification.
The Needfor Worship
Why do humanbeingsneedto worshipandglorifoGod
by obeyingthedivinelyrevealedlaws?Becauseobedience
to divine law isthekeyto successin thislife andthenext.
The first human beings,Adam andEve,were createdin
paradiseand laterexpelledfrom paradisefor disobeying
the divine law.The only way for humanbeingsto returnto
paradiseis by obedience,tothe law.Jesus,theMessiah,was
reported in theGospelaccordingto Matthewto havemade
obediencetothedivinelawsthekeyto paradise:Now behold,
one cameandsaid to him,
teacher,whatgood thing
shall I do that I may haveeternal life? " Sohesaid to him,
" you call megood? No one is good but One,that
ri, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the
commandments.'82Also in Matthew 5:19,JesusChrist
was reported to have insistedon strictobedienceto the
commandments,saying,"Whoeverthereforebreala oneof
the least of thesecommandments,and teachesmen so,shall
be called least in the kingdom of heaven;but whoeverdoes
and teaches them, heshall becalled great in the kingdom
of heaven."
3r Matthewl9:16-17(RSV).
The Purpose ofCreation
taught their followers. Consequently, obedience to divine
law is the foundation ofworship. In this sense, glorification
also becomes worship when humans choose to obey God's
instructions regarding His glorification.
The Need for Worship
Why do human beings need to worship and glorify God
by obeying the divinely revealed laws? Because obedience
to divine law is the key to success in this life and the next.
The first human beings, Adam and Eve, were created in
paradise and later expelled from paradise for disobeying
the divine law. The only way for human beings to return to
paradise is by the law. Jesus, the Messiah, was
reported in the Gospel according to Matthew to have made
obedience to the divine laws the key to paradise: Now behold,
one came and said to him. 'Good teacher, what good thing
shall I do that I may have eternal life? "So he said to him,
"Why do you call me good? No one is good but One, that
is, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the
commandments. ,32 Also in Matthew 5: 19, Jesus Christ
was reported to have insisted on strict obedience to the
commandments, saying,"Whoever" therefore breaks one of
the least ofthese commandments, and teaches men so, shall
be called least in the kingdom ofheaven; but whoever does
and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom
32 Matthew 19: 16-17 (RSV).
The Purpose of Creation
Divine lawsrepresentguidancefor humankindin all
walks of life. Theydefineright andwrongfor themandoffer
human beingsacomp{etesystemgoverningatl of their afflairs.
The Creator alone knowsbestwhat is beneficialfor His
creation and what is not. The divine lawscommandand
prohibit variousaclsandsubstancesto protectthe human
spirit, thehumanbodyandhumansocietyfrom harm.ln order
for humanbeingsto fulfill theirpotentialby livingrighteous
lives, they need to worshipGodthroughobedienceto His
Remembranceof God
All ofthevariousactsofworshipcontainedin thedivine
lawsaredesignedto helphumansrememberGod.It is natural
for humanbeingsto sometimesforgeteventhe mostimportant
things..Humansoftenbecomesoengrossedin fulfilling their
material needsthatthey totally forgettheir spiritualneeds.
Regular prayeris ordainedto organizethe day of the true
believer around the remembranceof God.It interweaves
spiritual needswith materialneedson a daily basis.The
regulardailyneedto eat,work andsleepis linkedto thedaily
need to renewman'sconnectionwith God.With regardto
regular prayer,Allah statesin the final revelation,Chapter
The Purpose ofCreation
Divine laws represent guidance for humankind in aU
walks of life. They define right and wrong for them and offer
human beings a com~ete system governing all oftheir affairs.
The Creator alone knows best what is beneficial for His
creation and what is not. The divine laws command and
prohibit various acts and substances to protect the human
spirit, the human body and human society from harm. In order
for human beings to fulfill their potential by living righteous
lives, they need to worship God through obedience to His
Remembrance of God
All ofthe various acts ofworship contained in the divine
laws are designed to help humans remember God. It is natural
for human beings to sometimes forget even the most important
things.. Humans often become so engrossed in fulfilling their
material needs that they totally forget their spiritual needs.
Regular prayer is ordained to organize the day of the true
believer around the remembrance of God. It interweaves
spiritual needs with material needs on a daily basis. The
regular daily need to eat, work and sleep is linked to the daily
need to renew man's connection with God. With regard to
regular prayer, Allah states in the final revelation, Chapter
The Purooseof Creation I 32 I.-
"Verily, I am Allah, there is no God besideMe,
so worrhip Me and establish regular prayer for
My remembrance."
Qur'an 20:14
Regardingfasting,Allah statedin Chapteral-Baqarah:
,y u$t Ji.'-,?,;i iUttr
'{Jt'6 irvd/lr *{{ }
"O you who believe! Fasting has beenprescribed
for you asit was prescribed for thosebefore you
that you may becomeGod-conscious."
The believersareencouragedto rememberGodasmuch
aspossible.Although,moderationiriall spheresof life, whether
materialor spiritual,isgenerallyencouragedin divine law,an
exception is maderegardingthe remembranceof Allah. It is
virtually impossibleto rememberGodtoomuch.Consequently,
in the final revelation,Chapteral-AfuzaaD,Allah encourages
the believersto rememberGod asoftenaspossible:
{r-*rri, l,rrSitiF;*JJ'dq}
*O believers! Rememb-erAltah often."
committedwhenGodisforgotten.Theforcesof eviloperate
The Purpose ofCreation
"Verily, I am Allah, there is no God beside Me,
so worship Me and establish regular prayer for
My remembra~ce."
Qur'an 20: 14
Regarding fasting, Allah stated in Chapter a/-Baqarah:
0# ' • .iil i~ J W"' ~ ~ ~ ~ol~ J i ~'~ '. .iiI '~I.i}~,J., ~ ., ~ - ~., J*" ,J., ft-
"0 you who believe! Fasting has been prescribed
for you as it was prescribed for those before you
that you may become God-conscious."
Qur'an 2:183
The believers are encouraged to remember God as much
as possible. Although, moderation in all spheres of life. whether
mater~al or spiritual~ is generally encouraged in divine law, an
exception is made regarding the remembrance of Allah. It is
virtually impossible to remember God too much. Consequently,
in the final revelation, Chapter al-A!lzaab, Allah encourages
the believers to remember God as often as possible:
{IJ#' -)~ ~I i/t~1 i~~ ~~ ~~}
"0 believers! Remember Allah often." ..
Qur'an, 33:41
Remembrance ofGod is stressed because sin is generally
committed when God is forgotten. The forces ofevil operate
t - a r
I t t rrn"I"y,f: "tCrrun" _ ..-
most freelywhenconsciousnessof Godislost.Consequently,
the satanic forces seek to occupy people'smiridswith
irrelevantthoughtsanddesiresto makethemforgetGod.Once
God is forgotten,peoplewillingly join thecomrptelements.
The final revelation,theQur'an, addressesthis phenomenon
in Chapteral-Mujaadalaftasfollows:
.rualSrqT rytii' fi ;f,l;!i 6'LJ.Jr'# s.*,1.'
{lt}s.i' ," oGii{r.r;7 11!i
"Satan got the better of them and causedthem to
forget Allah.Those are the partl'of Satan.Truly the
party of Satan are the real losers"
God,throughDivine law, hasprohibitedintoxicantsand
gamblingprimarilybecausetheycausehumanbeingsto forget
God. Thehumanmind andbodyeasilybecomeaddictedto
drugs and gamesof chance.Onceaddicted,humankind's
desireto continuallybestimulatedby,themleadstheminto
all formsof comrption.andviolenceamongthemselves.God
saysin Chapteral-Maa'idahof thefinal revelation:
The Purpose ofCreation
most freely when consciousness ofGod is lost. Consequently,
the satanic forces seek to occupy people'smiIids with
irrelevant thoughts and desires to make them forget God. Once
God is forgotten, people willingly join the corrupt elements.
The final revelation, the Qur'an, addresses this phenomenon
in Chapter al-Mujaadalah as follows:
IJ~' ~~ ~~f ~, ')~ ;..Al:.Jti ~b:~~" ;••:If. ~~I}
~ ~ {~' I.iJI U JIb.~~ II :../. ~I ~{
Jf!' ~ - . £ .
"Satan got the better of them and caused them to
forget Allah. Those are the party ofSatan. Truly the
party of Satan are the real losers"
Qur'an 58: 19
God, through Divine law, has prohibited intoxicants and
gambling primarily because they cause human beings to forget
God. The human mind and body easily become addicted to
drugs and games of chance. Once addicted, humankind's
desire to continually be stimulated by them leads them into
all fonns ofcorruption. and violence among themselves. God
says in Chapter a/-Maa 'idah of the final revelation:
·_~il . '~,~ ~"JAll F ~ ~ ,~i ~t,-"~1I JJ ' WI}.r--"" ~" . J J _. ~.J! - ~.fl •
~ {~-*;~: ~f:W ~~ ~J~' f~ ~ ~l:A!J;~ :~i~J
"Satan's plan is to incite enmity and hatred
among you with intoxicants and gambling, and
| * r I
I t ( t t
I IThePurposeof Creatlon _
hinder you from tfte remembranceof AIIaft and
regular prayer. Will you not then abstain?"
Consequently,humankindneedto rememberGod for
their own salvationandgrowth.All humanshavetimesof
weaknessin which theycommitsins.If theyhaveno means
of rememberingGod, they sink deeperanddeeperinto
corruption with everysin. However,thosewho follow the
divine lawswill beconstantlyremindedof God,which will
give them a chanceto repentandcorrectthemselves.The
final revelationaccuratelydescribesthis processin Chapter
Aal 'Imraan:
;l:;'i li'ri1i1,'&Jiiiit "
ri+o iji r1,1;!;,rr;l
"Those who, having donesomethingshamefulor
having wronged their own souls,remember Allah
and immediately ask forgivenessfor their sins,.."
The Religionof Islam
The mostcompletesystemof worshipavailableto human
beingstodayis thesystemfoundin thereligionof Islam.The
very name'Islam' means'submissionto thewill of God.'
Although it is commonlyreferredto as'thethird of thethree
monotheisticfaiths,' it is not a newreligionat all. It is the
religion broughtbyallcif theprophetsof Godfor humankind.
" ' '.~,
The Purpose ofCreation
hinder you from the remembrance ofAllah and
regular prayer. Will you not then abstain?"
Qur'an, 5:91
Consequently, humankind need to remember God for
their own salvation and growth. All humans have times of
weakness in which they commit sins. Ifthey have no means
of remembering God, they sink deeperand deeper into
corruption with every sin. However, those who follow the
divine laws will be constantly reminded of God, which will
give them a chance to repent and correct themselves. The
final revelation accurately describes this process in Chapter
Aal 'Imraan:
..~ ~ i./j~ ~i i~ ~i ~~ i);J ~~ ~~'J}
"Those who, having done something shameful or
having wronged their own souls, remember Allah
and immediately ask forgiveness for their sins..."
Qur'an, 3:135
The Religion of Islam
The most complete system ofworship available to human
beings today is the system found in the religion ofIslam. The
very name 'Islam' means 'submission to the will of God.'
Although it is commonly referred to as 'the third ofthe three
monotheistic faiths,' it is not a new religion at all. It is the
religion brought by all ofthe prophets of God for humankind.
fnt nry"tt rf Cr"ttt"" _ t€l
Islam wasthe religion of Adam, Abraham,MosesandJesus.
God addressesthis issuein the final revelationwith regard
to ProphetAbraham,saying:
'-;.rqllti+ if 1{r$i* r; rt# b'jr if r;;
lg.#,'u o'g
*Ahrahom wa$ neither a Jew nor.e Christian, but
he wrs an upright Muslim who did not worship
Since thereis only OneGod, andhumankindareone
species,the religion which God hasordainedfor human
beingsis one.He did not prescribeonereligionfor theJews,
another for Indians,yet anotherfor Europeans,etc. Human
spiritual andsocialneedsareuniform, andhumannaturehas
not changedsincethe first'manandwomanwerecreated.
Consequently,no otherreligion isacceptableto God beSides
Islam, asHeclearlystatesin ChapterAal 'Imraant
of the final
{iyr:f'l'+;irr i,1}
*SurelyAllah's religionis Islam."
.'Jp14F"'*6-r;>L)rF #i'i
The Purpose o[Crelltlon
Islam was the religion ofAdam, Abraham, Moses and Jesus.
God addresses this issue in the final revelation with regard
to Prophet Abraham, saying:
~' ~ ~ ~S" ·.~r ~(. (~'~.) ", I·' ~S" ~}J, ., ~J -,.rAJ ~J-,Jft~.)'!~
"Abraham was neither a Jew nor-a Christian, but
he was an upright Muslim who did bot worship
others besides God."
Qur'an 3:67
Since there is only One God, and humankind are one
species, the religion which God has ordained for human
beings is one. He did not prescribe one religion for the Jews,
another for Indians, yet another for Europeans, etc. Human
spiritual and social needs are unifonn, and human nature has
not changed since the first 'man and wOman were created.
Conseq~ently, no other religion 'is acceptable to God besides
Islam, as He clearly states in Chapter Aal '/mraan ofthe final
{~~~I ~ ~ ~:UI ~!}
"Surely Allah's religion is Islam."
Qur'an 3:19
~ ~~~ J JAJ ~ ~ ~ ~~ r~~ ;;s. ¢Ft ~J}
Thehtwose of Creatlon I lO I-r
"And whoever desircsa religion besidesIslam will
not hnveit accepted,and hewill beamong the losers
in the heretfter."
Every Act Is Worship
In the Islqeig system,eachand every humanact can be
transformed into an act of worship. In fact, God commands
the believersto dedicatetheir whole livesto Him. In Chapter
al-An'aom, Allah says:
{colni';; l e6't lsthn'2jiJr,irf- ir
"rr}*Say: 'Surely my pmyer, my sacrifice, ry tiving
end my dying are for Allah, the Lord of all the
worlds.t tt
However, for that{edicationto beacceptableto Allah,
eachact mustfulfill two basicconditions:
I pleasureof God andnot for the recognitionandpraise
of humanbeings.Thebelieveralsohasto beponsciousof
God while doingthe deedto insurethat it is not something
forbiddenby Allah or the lastMessenger(#E).
In order to facilitatethis transformationof mundane
deeds into worship, Allah instructedthe lastProphet(!$) to
prescribe short prayersto be saidbeforeeventhe simplest
sf acts The shortest prayer which may be usedfor any
The Purpose ofCreation
"And whoever desires a religion besides Islam will
not haveitaccepted,and he will be among the losers
in the hereafter."
Qur'an 3:85
Every Act Is Worship
In the Isla.mic system, each and every human act can be
transfonned into an act of worship. In fact, God commands
the believers to dedicate their whole lives to Him. In Chapter
ai-An 'aam, Allah says:
{-;- ~ tAiI:""..1l -~" oN' . ~J_ ( t:J.J~, eli}
~ .J, "" J'i. J~J"" :4.r
"Say: 'Surely my prayer, my sacrifice, my living
and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of all the
worlds.' "
Qur'an 6: 162
However, for that c;ledication to be acceptable to Allah,
each act must fulfill two baSic conditions:
pleasure of God and not for the recognition and praise
of human beings. The believer also has to be conscious of
God while doing the deed to insure that it is not something
forbidden by Allah or the last Messenger (~).
In order to facilitate this transformation of mundane
deeds into worship, Allah instructed the last Prophet (~) to
prescribe short prayers to be said before e~en the simplest
of ~~t~ The shortest prayer which may be used for any
The Parpose of Creation
circumstanceis: l' -*,
bismillaah(ln thenameof Allah).
Thereare,however,manyotherprayersprescribedfor specific
occasions.For example,whenevera newpieceof clothing
is worn,theProphet(+E)taughthis followersto say:
O AIIah, thanks k dueto You,for it is You who has
clothed me. I ask Yoafor itsbeneJitand the benefit
for which it wasmade,and seekrefuge in Youfrom
its eviland the evilfor which it wasmade.33
THe sECoNDcoNDrloN ISTHATTHEAcr se donein
Laccordance with thepropheticway,calledin Arabicthe
Sunnah.All of the prophetsinstructedtheir followers to
follow theirwaybecausetheywereguidedbyGod.Whatthey
taught were divinelyrevealedtruths,andonly thosewho
followed their way andacceptedthetruthswould inherit
eternallife in paradise.It is in thiscontextthatProphetJesus,
may the peaceand blessingsof Godbeuponhim,was
reportedin theGospelaccordingto Johnl4:6, assaying,"./
am theway, thetruth, and the life; no mancomethuntothe
Father, but by nte." Similarly,'Abdullaahibn Mas'ood
relatedthatonedayProplretMuhammad(#) drewa iine in
,;-a V l-',
! _ : ' J
" Sunan Abu Dawud, vol. 3. p.
SaheehSunanAbeeDaawood, vol.
I 125. no.4009andauthenticatedin
2 . p . 7 6 0 .n o . 3 3 9 3 i
The Purpose ofCreation
circumstance is: ~ ~ bismillaah (In the name of Allah).
There are, however, many'other prayers prescribed for specific
occasions. For example, whenever a new piece of clothing
is worn, the Prophet C*) taught his followers to say:
~ ~ ?-~ ~?- X:JtJ .~:,:S ~f J:.;j ~ ~I
. j ~ l. ~~ ~~ X ~ ;;f~ ,j
o Allah, thanks is due to You, for it is You who has
clothed me. I ask Youfor its benefit and the benefit
for which it was made, and seek refuge in Youfrom
its evil and the evilfor which it was made.33
accordance with the prophetic way, called in Arabic the
Sunnah. All of the prophets instructed their followers to
follow their way because they were guided by God. What they
taught were divinely revealed truths, and only those who
followed their way and accepted the truths would inherit
eternal life in paradise. It is in this context that Prophet Jesus,
may the peace and blessings of God be upon him, was
reported in the Gospel according to John 14:6, as saying, "'I
am the way. the truth. and the life: no man cometh unto the
Father, but by me." Similarly,'Abdullaah ibn Mas'ood
related that one day Prophet Muhammad C~) drew a iine in
33 Sunan Abu Dawud, vol. 3. p. 1125. no. 4009 and authenticated in
S,ah.eeh. Sunan Abee Daawood, vol. 2. p. 760. no. 3391~
lls Int nrp"tr rlc*"t*"
the dust for them andsaid,"This is Allah,spath." He then
drew severallines [branchingoff] to the right andto the left
and said,"Theseare thepaths [of misguidanceJon eachoJ'
which is a devil invitingpeople tofolrow it." Hethen recited
the verse: "Verily, this is my path, leading straight, so
follow it. And do not follow the [otherl paths for they will
scatter you about from Allah's path. That is His command
to you in order that you may be consciousof Allah.34"35
Thus,theonlyacceptableway to worshipGod is accordingto
the way of the prophets.Thatbeingthecase,innovationin
religiousaffairswouldbeconsideredby Godamongtheworst
of all evils. ProphetMuhammad(x) wasreportedto have
said, "The worst of all affairs is innovstion in rerigion,for
every religious innovation isa cursed,misleadinginnovation
leading to the hellfire."36
Innovationin thereligionis forbiddenandunacceptable
to God. The Prophet (E) wasalsoreportedby his wife,
to havesaid,"He who innovatessomethingin
this matterof ours,that is not of it,will hqveit rejected.,,37
It is fundamentallydueto innovationsthatthe messages
of the earlierprophetsweredistortedandthe manyfalse
religions in existencetodayevolved.Thegeneralrule to
collected by'eeand ad-Daarimee.andauthenticated
by Almad Shaakirin al-Musnad,vol.6. pp. 89-90. no.4142.
SahihMuslim,vol. 2. p. 410, no. lgg5.
sahih At-Bukhari,vol.3. andsahihMuslim.vol.3.
The Purpose ofCreation
the dust for them and said, "This is Allah's path." He then
drew several lines [branching off] to the right and to the left
and said, "These are the paths [ofmisguidance] on each of
which is a devil invitingpeople tofollow it." He then recited
the verse: "Verily, this is my path, leading straight, so
follow it. And do not follow the [other] paths for they will
scatter you about from Allah's path. That is His command
to you in order that you may be conscious ofAllah.34
Thus, the only acceptable way to worship God is according to
the way ofthe prophets. That being the case, innovation in
religious affairs would be considered by God among the worst
of all evils. Prophet Muhammad (~) was reported to have
said, "The worst ofall affairs is innovation in religion, for
every religious innovation is a cursed, misleading innovation
leading to the hellfire. ,,36
Innovation in the religion is forbidden and unacceptable
to God. The Prophet (~) was also reported by his wife,
'Aa'ishah, to have said, "He who innovates something in
this matter ofours, that is not ofit. will have it rejected. ,,37
It is fundamentally due to innovations that the messages
of the earl ier prophets were distorted and the many false
religions in existence today evolved. The general rule to
34 Soorah al-An'aam (6):153.
35 Collected by Ahmad. an-Nasaa'ee and ad-Daarimee. and authenticated
by Ahmad Shaakir in al-Musnad, vol. 6. pp. 89-90. no. 4142.
36 Sahih Muslim, vol. 2, p. 410, no. 1885.
37 Sahih AI-Bukhari. vol. 3. pp. 535-6. no. 861. and Sahih Muslim, vol. 3.
p. 931. no. 4266.
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
The Purpose of Creation
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The Purpose of Creation

  • 1. 6Jirfd-a+6tf JdB ,-i.!r d)! - aj*.i jii ThePurpose of Greation By Dr.AbuAmeenahBilalPhilips The Purpose of Creation By Dr.Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
  • 3. flil*l- d'lill fr d{liJt Thffi W,W ffififfitr&etfrwt By Dr.AbuAmeenahBilalphilips llirir.Crefl AIirl +litt C:t*llrJl l5+i irsif l A Y : * - . r . v . . a -. 1 f Y Y t y f t : _ , . f l i - r . l t T t o l g V : . ] Til (f[D~&~ 1'lrealiaD;':")>;,' ' ·:)t<,.':;,J/,: ::::::" }~~ ': ;_,' ' ,-:::', '-';":,:. ",.. ;.:"':'y"~M":':'_, '::/C:-: "J@/ )f' By Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips ..;JiJl &i ..I+I~I ~.. d!8';, , AY :y ''''~ - .' f" Yt yr t :~i - • ' t,. y., ' ., V :~
  • 4. @Copyright1995DarAl Fatah Revisededition1997 AII rightsreserved.No portionof this book may bereproduced.storedin a retrieval syst€n or transmifiedin any form by any meanselectronic. mechanical.photocopyingrecordingor othenvisewithoutpriorpermission of thecopyrightowner. Dar Al Fatah Printing, Publishing& Distribution Co.Llc. P.O.Box23424,Sharjafr Tel: (9716)322305/ Fax:3225?6 Approvedby: Ministry of Information,UAE ReferenceNo. 1600,datedg.6.97 This edition was reproduced bv Zalfi Foreigners'GuidanceOffice P.O.Box 182,Zulfr llg32 - SaudiArabia Tel: (00966)06-4ZZSGST- Fax: (00966)06-42242}4 @C*p"rative Office for Call & Cuidance at Zulfi .,Zfflz KingFahdNationalLIBRARYcATAtocrNc- rN - puBUcATtoN DATA PHILIPS,8I[A[ Thc purposeof creation.-Riyadh. ..-p.; tsEN 9960- 864 -11 - 1 l-lslam 2-Worship t-Tiile 210 dc ZBoSlZj LegalDepositno.2805/23 lsBN9960- 864-11 - | © Copyright 1995 Dar Al Fatah Revised edition 1997 All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced. stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means electronic. mechanical. photocopying, recording or othetWise without prior permission ofthe copyright owner. Dar Al Fatah Printing, Publishing & Distribution Co. Lie. P.O.Box 23424, Sharjap Tel: (9716) 322308 / Fax: 322526 Approved by: Ministry of Information, UAE Reference No. 1600, dated 8.6.97 This edition was reproduced by Zulli Foreigners' Guidance Office P.O. Box 182, Zulfi 11932 - Saudi Arabia Tel: (00966) 06-4225657 - Fax: (00966) 06-4224234 @cooperative Office for Call & Guidance at Zulli .,2002 King Fahd National LIBRARY CATALOGING-IN - PUBLICATION DATA PHILIPS, B'LAL The purpose of creation.-Riyadh. •.·p·i.·em. ISBN 9960 - 864 -11 - 1 I - Islam 2-Worship I - Title 210 de 2805/23 Legal Deposit no. 2805/23 ISBN 9960 - 864 -11 - 1
  • 5. ITLl - t lfn, P"rprtt "f C*ttu!. = __ Introduction ffihe purposeof creationis a topic that puzzlesevery I human beingat somepoint in his or her lifetime. r Everybodyat sometime or anotherasksthemselves the question "Why do I exist?"or "For whatpurposeam I hereon earth?" The variefy and complexityof the intricatesystems which constitutethe fabric of bothhumanbeingsandthe world in which theyexistindicatethattheremusthavebeena SupremeBeingwhocreatedthem.Designindicatesa designer. When humanbeingscomeacrossfootprintson a beach,they immediatelyconcludethata humanbeinghadwalkedbythere some time previously. No one imaginesthat the waves from the sea settledin the sandandby chanceproduceda depressionlooking exactly like humanfootprints.Nor do humans instinctively concludethattheywerebroughtinto existencewithout a purpose. Sincepurposefulactionis a natural productof humanintelligence.lrumansconcludethat the SupremeIntelligentBeingwho createdthemmusthave donesofor a specificpurpose.Therefore,humanbeingsneed to know thepurposefor theirexistencein orderto makesense of this life andto do what is ultimatelybeneficialfor them. Throughouttheages,however,therehasbeena minority amonghumanswhohavedeniedtheexistenceof God.Matter, in theiropinion,is eternalandmankindis merelya chance product of accidentalcombinationsof its elements.Conse- The Purpose ofCreation Introduction T he purpose of creation is a topic that puzzles every human being at some point in his or her lifetime. Everybody at some time or another asks themselves the question "Why do I exist?'~ or "For what purpose am I here on earth?" The variety and complexity of the intricate systems which constitute the fabric of both human beings and the world in which they exist indicate that there must have been a Supreme Beingwho created them. Design indicates a designer. When human beings come across footprints on a beach, they immediately conclude that a human being had walked by there some time previously. No one imagines that the waves from the -sea settled in the sand and by chance produced a depression looking exactly like human footprints. Nor do humans instinctively conclude that they were brought into existence without a purpose. Since purposeful action is a natural product of human intelligence, humans conclude that the Supreme Intelligent Being who created them must have done so for a specific purpose. Therefore, human beings need to know the purpose for their existence in order to make sense ofthis life and to do what is ultimately beneficial for them. Throughout the ages, however, there has been a minority among humans who have denied the existence ofGod. Matter, in their opinion, is eternal and mankind is merely a chance product of accidental combinations of its elements. Conse-
  • 6. t-L The Purpose of Creatior,t _ quently, to them,the question"Why did God createman?" hadandstill hasno answer.Accordingto them,theresimply is no purposeto existence.However,the vastmajority of humankind over the ages have believed andcontinueto believein theexistenceof a SupremeBeingwho createdthis world with a purpose.For themit was,andstill is, impoftant to know about the Creator andthepurposefor which He createdhumanbeings. The Answer To answerthequestion"Why did Godcreateman?"it mustfirst bedeterminedfrom which perspectivethequestion is beingasked.Fromthepointof view of Cod it wouldmean, "What causedGodto createhumanbeings?"while from the human pointof view it would mean"For whatpurposedid God createhumans?"Both pointsof view representaspects of the intriguingquestion"Why do I exist?"In the following pages,both aspectsof the questionwill beexploredbased on the clearpicturepaintedbydivinerevelation.This is not a topic for humanspeculation.becausehumanguesswork cannotpossiblyproducethewholetruth in this matter. How can human beingsintellectuallydeducetherealityof their existencewhen theycanhardlyunderstandhowtheir own brain or itshigherentity,themind,functions?Consequently, the manyphilosopherswho havespeculatedonthisquestion down through the ages havecomeup with innumerable answers,all of which arebasedon assumptionswhich cannot The Purpose ofCreation quently, to them, the question "Why did God create man?" had and still has no answer. According to them, there simply is no purpo:;e to existence. However, the vast majority of humankind over the ages have believed and continue to believe in the existence of a Supreme Being who created this world with a purpose. For them it was, and still is, important to know about the Creator and the purpose for which He created human beings. The Answer To answer the question "Why did God create man?" it must first be detennined from which perspective the question is being asked. From the point ofview of God it would mean, "What caused God to create human beings?" while from the human point of view it would mean "For what purpose did God create humans?" Both points ofview represent aspects of the intriguing question "Why do I exist?" In the following pages, both aspects ofthe question will be explored based on the clear picture painted by divine revelation. This is not a topic for human speculation, because human guesswork cannot possibly produce the whole truth in this matter. How can human beings intelJectualJy deduce the reality of their existence when they can hardly understand how their own brain or its higher entity, the mind, functions? Consequently, the many philosophers who have speculated on this question down through the ages have come up with innumerable answers, all ofwhich are based on assumptions which cannot
  • 7. be proven.Questionson thistopic haveevenleda numberof philosophersto claimthatwe do not reallyexistandthatthe wholeuqorldis imaginary.Forexample,theGreekphilosopher Plato (428-348BC) arguedtlrat the everydayworld of changeablethings,which mancomesto know by the useof his senses,is notthe primaryreality,but is a shadowworld of appearances.'Manyothers,aswaspreviouslymentioned, claimedandcontinueto claimthatthereisno purposefor the creationof humansatall.Accordingto thetrr,Humanexistence is merelyaproductof chatrce.Therecanbeno purposeif life evolvedfrom inanimatematterwhichonly becameanimate by pureluck.Humankind'ssupposed'cousins,'themonkey andapesarenotbotheredwith questionsof existence.sowhy shouldhumanbeingsbebotheredwiththem? Although mostpeopleputtheqrrestioriof why we are i.sextremely criticalforhumanbeingsto knowtheanswer.Withoutknow- ledgeof the correct answer.hutnanbeingsbecomeindis- tinguishablefromtheotheranimalsaroundthern.Theanirnal necessitiesanddesiresof eating,drinkingandpro-creating becomethe purposeof lrumanexistenceby default.and humanefTortis thenfocusedin this limitedsphere.When materialsatisfactiondevelopsintothemostimportantgoalin t 'fhis vierv was expressedin knorvn metaphorof the cave. comparedto shadows caston New EncltclopaediaBritunnica. his book TheRepuhlicthroughhis rvell wlrere the changin-ephysical rvorldis tlrcwall ol'a caveby gravenimages(Ihe vol.25.n. 552). The Purpose ofCreation be proven. Questions on this topic have even led a number of philosophers to claim that we do not really exist and that the whole V(0rld is imaginary. For example, the Greek philosopher Plato (428-348 Be) argued that the everyday world of changeable things, which man comes to know by the use of his senses, is not the primary reality, but is a shadow world of appearances. I Many others, as was previously mentioned, claimed and continue to claim that there is no purpose for the creation ofhumans at all. According to them, Human existence is merely a product of chance. There can be no purpose if life evolved from inanimate matter which only became animate by pure luck. Humankind's supposed 'cousins,' the monkey and apes are not bothered with questions of existence, so why should human beings be bothered with them? Although most people put the question" of why we are created aside after occasional brief reflection, it is extremely critical for human beings to know the answer. Without know- ledge of the correct answer. human beings become indis- tinguishable from the other animals around them. The animal necessities and desires of eating, drinking and pro-creating become the purpose of human existence by default, and human effort is then focused in this limited sphere. When material satisfaction develops into the most important goal in I This view was expressed in his book The Republic through his well known metaphor of the cave. where the changing physical world is compared to shadows cast on the .all 0 r a cave by graven images (The New Encyciopaedia Britannica. vol. 25. p. 552).
  • 8. ThePurposeofCreation tgJ life, humanexistencebecornesevenmoredegradedthanthat of thelowestofanimals.Humanbeingswillconsistentlymisuse their Go{-givenintelligencewhentheylackknowledgeoftheir purposeof existence.The degradedhumanmind usesits abilitiesto createdrugsandbombsandbecomesengrossedin fornication,pornography,homosexuality,fortunetelling, suicide,etc.Withoutknowledgeofthe purposeof life, human existencelosesall meaningandis consequentlywasted,and the rewardof aneternallife of happinessin thehereafteris completelydestroyed.Therefore,it isof theutmostimportance that humanbeingscorrectlyanswerthequestion"Why are we here?" Humansmost often turn to otherhumanbeingslike themselvesfortheauswers.However.theonlyplacethatclear and preciseanswersto thesequestionscanbefound is in the books of divinerevelation.It wasnecessarythatGodreveal the purposeto manthroughHis prophets.becausehuman beingsare incapableof arrivingatthecorrectanswersby themselves.All of theprophetsof Godtaughttlreirfollowers theanswersto thequestion"Why did Godcreateman?" Judeo-ChristianScriptures A surveyof the Bible leavesthe honestseekerof truth lost. The Old Testamentseemsmoreconcernedwith laws andthehistoryof eariymanandtheJewishpeoplethanwith answeringthevitalquestionconcerninghumaniry'screation.l 2 In Isaiahthe Israelitesarecreatedtbr God'sglory,"'But norvthussays the Lord. he rvhocreatedyou. O .lacob.hewho formedyou. O lsrael:... The Purpose ofCreation life, human existence becomes even more degraded than that ofthe lowest ofanimals. Human beings wiII consistently misuse their G04-given intelligence when they lack knowledge oftheir purpose of existence. The degraded human mind uses its abilities to create drugs and bombs and becomes engrossed in fornication, pornography, homosexuality, fortunetelling, suicide, etc. Without knowledge ofthe purpose oflife, human existence loses all meaning and is consequently wasted, and the reward of an eternal life of happiness in the hereafter is completely destroyed. Therefore, it is ofthe utmost importance that human beings correctly answer the question "Why are we here?" Humans most often turn to other human beings like themselves for the answers. However. the only place that clear and precise answers to these questions can be found is in the books of divine revelation. It was necessary that God reveal the purpose to man through His prophets. because human beings are incapable of arriving at the correct answers by themselves. All of the prophets of God taught their followers the answers to the question "Why did God create man?" Judeo-Christian Scriptures A survey ofthe Bible leaves the honest seeker oftruth lost. The Old Testament seems more concerned with laws .. and the history of early man and the Jewish people than with answering the vital question concerning humanity's creation.:! 2 In Isaiah the Israelites are created for God's glory, ..IBut now thus says the Lord. he who created you. 0 Jacob. he who formed you. 0 Israel:...
  • 9. l-L -ThePurposeofCreotion -_ .. ln Genesis,Godcreatestheworld andAdamandEve in six days and 'rests'from His work on theseventh.3Adamand Eve disobeyGod andarepunishedandtheir sonCainkills their othei sonAbDlandgoesto live in the landof Nod. And God was'sorry'thathehadmademan!*Why aretheanswers not therein clearandunmistakableterms?Why is somuch of the languagesymbolic.leavingthe readerto guessat its meanings?For example,in Genesis6:6 it is stated,"When men begzurto multiplyonthefaceof theground,anddaughters were bornto them,the sonsof God sawthatthe daughters of menwerefair; andtheytook to wife suchof them asthey chose."Who arethese"sonsof God"?EachJewishsectand each of the manyChristiansectswho followedthemhave their own explanations.Which is thecorrectinterpretation? The truth isthatthepurposeof man'screationwastaughtby the prophets.ofold, however,someof theirfollowers-in collusionwith thedevils-later changedthescriptures.The answersbecamevagueandmuchof therevelationwashidden in symbolic language.WhenGod sentJesusChristto the ''l will sayto thenorth.Giveup"andto thesouth-Do not rvithhold:bring my sons from atarandmy daughtersfiom theendof theeafih. 7 evervonc who is calledby my name.whom I createdfor my glory, rvhomI tbrmed andmade."'(RevisedStandardVcrsion.lsaiah43:l- 6-7.) t "tAnd on theseventhdayGodfinishedhisrvorks,hichhehaddone.and he rested on the seventhdal from all his work u'hichhehaddone.iSo God blessedthe seventhdayandhallowedit. becauseon it God rested fiom all hiswork whichhc haddonein creation."(RSV.Genesis2:2-3.1 n "And the Lord was sorry that hc hadmademanon the earth.and it grievedhim to hisheart."(RSV.Cenesis6:6.) TI,e Purpose ofCreation In Genesis, God creates the world and Adam and Eve in six days and 'rests' from His work on the seventh.J Adam and Eve disobey God and are punished and their son Cain kills their other son Abtl and goes to live in the land ofNod. And God was 'sorry' that he had made man!4 Why are the answers not there in clear and unmistakable terms? Why is so much of the language symbolic, leaving the reader to guess at its meanings? For example, in Genesis 6:6 it is stated, "When men began to multiply on the face ofthe ground, and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair; and they took to wife such of them as they chose." Who are these "sons of God"? Each Jewish sect and each of the many Christian sects who followed them have their own explanations. Which is the correct interpretation? The truth is that the purpose of man's creation was taught by the prophets. of old, however, some of their followers-in collusion with the devils-later changed the scriptures. The answers became vague and much ofthe revelation was hidden in symbolic language. When God sent Jesus Christ to the 6'1 will say to the north. Give up. and to the south. Do not withhold: bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the end of the earth. 7 every one who is called by my name. whom I created for my glory, whom r tanned and made.'" (Revised Standard Version. Isaiah 43: 1. 6-7.) 3 ••~And on the seventh day God finished his work which he had done. and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done. 350 God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it. because on it God rested from all his work which he had done in creation:' (RSY. Genesis 2:2-3.) 4 "And the Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth. and it grieved him to his heart." (RSY. Genesis 6:6.)
  • 10. ThePurposeof creation f Jews, heoverturnedthetablesof thosemerchantswho had set up businessesinsidethetemple,Sandhepreachedagainst the ritualisticinterpretationoftlre lawpracticedby theJewish rabbis.Hereaffrnnedthe lawof ProphetMosesandrevivedit. He taughtthepurposeof lifeto hisdisciplesanddemonstrated howto fulfill it untilhislastmomentsin thisworld.However. after his departureFromthis w'orld.his rnessagewasalso distortedby sornewho clairnedto beamonghis follorvers. The clealtnrthhebroughtbecamevague.likethemessages of tlre prophetsbefore hirn.symbolisrnwasintroduced. especialll'throughthe"Revelatiorrs"of John,andtheGospel which wasrevealedto Jesuswaslost.Fourothergospels conrposedbymenverechosenbvAthanasius,afourthcentury bishop.6to replacethelostGospelof Jesuschrist.Andthe 23 booksof writingsof Paulandothersincludedin theNew Testamentoutnumberedeventlrefourversiolrsof thegospel.T As a result, New Testamentreaderscan'ot find precise answersto thequestion"Why did Godcreaternan?"sAnd ' L u k e t 9 : 4 5( R S V ) 6 The.'et,Encu-c'lop,aediaBritannir.r,vo[. l4- p. gl4. 7 tn tlre rnicl-4thccntur,'manuscnptcalleclC' of Barnaba.sand the shepherd ol Hernrfl.rarc includedasa part of the New Testament.(TlrcN' 14.p. gl4.) t what rnaybecitedin theKin-e.lanresVersionasthepurposeo{'crcation. Revelation4:ll "'fhouartvonh.o rcceiveglor-vanclhonorand porver:lilr thouhastcreatcdallthin-ss.andfor thv pleasurethey are and werecreated."is retranslatedin theRerist-'dStandarclVersionas:"worthr,. art thou. our Lord thoudidstcreateall things.andby thy will theyexistedandwerecreated." Tile Purpose ofCreation Jews, he overturned the tables ofthose merchants who had set up businesses inside the temple,' and he preached against the ritualistic interpretation ofthe law practiced by the Jewish rabbis. He reaffirmed the law of Prophet Moses and revived it. He taught the purpose of life to his disciples and demonstrated how to fulfill it until his last moments in this world. However. after his depat1Ure from this world. his message was also distorted by some who claimed to be among his followers. The clear truth he brought became vague. like the messages of the prophets before him. Symbolism was introduced, especially through the '''Revelations'' of John, and the Gospel which was revealed to Jesus was lost. Four other gospels composed by men were chosen by Athanasius, a fourth century bishop, 6 to replace the lost Gospel of Jesus Christ. And the 23 books of writings of Paul and others included in the New Testament outnumbered even the four versions of the gospel. 7 As a result, New Testament readers cannot find precise answers to the question "Why did God create manT,g And <; Luke 19:45 (RSV). 6 The .Vew Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. 14. p. 814. 7 In the mid-4th century manuscript called Codc Sinaiticus. the Letter of Barnabas and the Shepherd a/Hernias are included as a part of the New Testament. (The Sew Encyclopaedia Briwnnica. 01. 14. p. 814.) 1 What may be cited in the King .lames Version as the purpose of creation, Revelation 4: II "Thou art worthy, 0 Lord. III receive glory (Inc! honor and power: for thou hast created all things. and for thy pleasure they are and were created." is retranslated in the Reised Standard Version as: "Worthy art thou, our Lord and God. lO receive glory and honour and power. for thou didst create all things. and by thy will they existed and were created.-'
  • 11. The Purpose of Creation one is forced to blindly follow the contriveddogmasof whateversecttheyhappento belongto or adopt.Thegospels are interpretedaccordingto eachsect'sbeliefs,andthe seeker of truth is againleft wondering,whichoneis correct? The Incarnation of God Perhapstheonlycoffrmonconceptto mostChristiansects regardingthe purposeof mankind'screationis thatGod becameman so thatHe coulddie at thehandsof mento cleansethemof sininheritedfromAdamandhisdescendants. Accordingtothem,thissinhadbecomesogreatthatnohuman act of atonementor repentancecoulderaseit. God is sogood that sinful mancannotstan'dbeforeHim. Consequently,only God'ssacrificeof Himselfcouldsavehumankindfrom sin. Belief in this man-mademyth becametheonly source for salvation, accordingto theChurch. Consequently,the Christianpurposeof creationbecamethe recognitionof the 'divine sacrifice'andthe acceptanceof JesusChristasthe Lord God. This maybededucedfrom thefollowirrgwords attributedto Jesusin theGospelaccordingto John,"For God so loved the world that heFlovehis only Son,that whoever believes in him should not perish but haveeternallift."' ln Paul'sletterto theColossiansheexplainsthatthervorldwascreated fbr .lesus"r5Heistheimageof theinvisibleGod.thefirst-bomof all creation: r6for in him all heavenandon earth.visibleanr: invisible.rvhetherthrone'sor dominionsor principalitiesor authorities- all thingswerecreatedthroughhim andfor him."(RSV.Colossians| :15). t John.3:16(RSV). The Purpose ofCreation one is forced to blindly follow the contrived dogmas of whatever sect they happen to belong to or adopt. The gospels are interpreted according to each secfs beliefs~ and the seeker of truth is again left wondering~ which one is correct? The Incarnation of God Perhaps the only common concept to most Christian sects regarding the purpose of mankind~s creation is that God became man so that He could die at the hands of men to cleanse them ofsin inherited from Adam and his descendants. According to them, this sin had become so great that no human act of atonement or repentance could erase it. God is so good that sinful man cannot stan'd before Him. Consequently~ only God's sacrifice ofHimselfcould save humankind from sin. Belief in this man-made myth became the only source for salvation, according to the Church. Consequently~ the Christian purpose of creation became the recognition of the 'divine sacrifice' and the acceptance of Jesus Christ as the Lord God. This may be deduced from the following words attributed to Jesus in the Gospel according to John, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son. that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternallife.,,9 In Paul's letter to the Colossians he explains that the world was created for Jesus .d5 He is the image ofthe invisible God. the first-born ofall creation: 16for in him all things were created. in heaven and on earth. visible amI invisible. whether thrones or dominions or principalities or authorities- all things were created through him and for him."(RSV. Colossians I: 15). 9 John, 3: 16 (RSY).
  • 12. The Purpose of Creation However,ifthis isthepurposeof creationandtheprerequisite for everlastinglife,why wasit rrottaughtbyall theprophets? Why did Godnot becomemanin thetimeof Adamandhis offspringsothatall mankindwould haveanequalchanceto fulfill theirpurposefor existenceandattaineverlastinglife. Or did thosebeforeJesus'time haveanotherpurposefor existence?All peopletodaywhomGodhasdestinednever to hearof Jesusalsohavenochanceto fulfill theirsupposed purposeof creation.Sucha obviouslytoo limited to fit the needof humankind. Everything is God The Hindu scripfuresteachthattherearemanygods, incarnationsof gods,personsof Godandthateverythingis God, Brahman. ln spite oftlre beliefthatthe self(atman) of all living beingsis actuallyBrahtnan,anoppressivecaste systemevolved in whichtheBrahmans,tlrepriestlycaste, possessspiritualsupremacyb5rbirth.Theyaretheteachersof the Vedastjandrepresenttheidealof ritualpurityandsocial prestige.Ontheotherhand.theSudracasteareexcludedfrom religiousstatusandtheirsoledutyin life is"to sewemeekly"ll theotherthreecastesandtheirthousandsof subcastes. t" The l'eda,meaning"Knowleclge."is a collectiveterrnfor revealed(snili: heard) sacredscripturesof theHindus. All otherworks-in whichthe actual doctrinesandpractisesof I-lindusareencoded-are recognizedas having beingcomposedby humanauthorsandarethusclassedassmriti lrememberedl.( TheNew EncltclopaediaBritannica, vol. 20. p. 530.) " ManauaDharmasastra1.91.(TheNew EncyclopaediaBritannica, vol. 20,p. 553.) The Purpose ofCreation However, ifthis is the purpose ofcreation and the prerequisite for everlasting life, why was it not taught by all the prophets? Why did God not become man in the time of Adam and his offspring so that all mankind would have an equal chance to fulfill their purpose for existence and attain everlasting life. Or did those before Jesus' time have another purpose for existence? All people today whom God has destined never to hear ofJesus also have no chance to fulfill their supposed purpose of creation. Such a purpose, is obviously too limited to fit the need of humankind. Everything is God The Hindu scriptures teach that there are many gods, incarnations of gods, persons of God and that everything is God, Brahman. In spite of the belief that the self(atman) of alJ living beings is actually Brahman, an oppressive caste system evolved in which the Brahmans, the priestly caste, possess spiritual supremacy by birth. They are the teachers of the Vedas 10 and represent the ideal of ritual purity and social prestige. On the other hand, the Sudra caste are excluded from religious status and their sale duty in life is "to serve meekly"I 1 the other three castes and their thousands of subcastes. 10 The I'eda, meaning ·'Knowledge." is a collective term for revealed (sruti: heard) sacred scriptures of the Hindus. All other works-in which the actual doctrines and practises of Hindus are encoded-are recognized as having being composed by human authors and are thus classed as smriti (remembered). ( The New Encyclopaedia Britannica. vol. 20. p. 530.) 1 Manava Dharmasastra 1.9t: (The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. 20, p. 553.)
  • 13. fn, nrp"t, pt9rta*" .. According to Hindu monistphilosophers,humankind's purpose is therealizationof theirdivinity and-following a path (marga) to emancipation(moksha)from the wheel of rebirth-the reabsorbtionof the humansoul(atman) into the ullimate reality, Brahman For thosefollowing thebhakti path,l2the purpose is to loveGod becauseGod created humankind to "enjby a relationship-as a fatherenjoyshis children" (SrimadBlngwatam). For the ordinary Hindu, the main aimof worldly life liesin conformingto socialandritual duties, to thetraditionalrulesof conductfor one's caste- thekarma path.r3 Although mostof thereligionof the Vedic texts,which revolves around rituals of fire sacrifice,hasbeeneclipsed by Hindu docffines andpracticesfound in othertexts,the absolute authority and sacrednqssof the Vedaremainsa central tenetof virtually all Hindu sectsandtraditions.The Veda iscomposedof fourcollections,theoldestof which is the Rlgueda("Wisdom of the Verses").In thesetexts,God is describedin the mostconfusingterms.Thereligionreflected inthe Rigvedaisapolytheismmainlyconcernedwith appeasing deitiesassociatedwith thesky andthe atmosphere,the most importantofwhich wereIndra (god of the heavensandrain), Baruna (guardianof the cosmicorder),Agni (the sacrificial tt The path of devotion to a personalGod in which murtis(idols) are worshipped with the hopeof goingto krishnaloko(a spiritualplanet)in their next lives. 1' The NewEncyclopaedia Britannica, vol. 20. p. 520. The Purpose ofCreation According to Hindu monist philosophers, humankind's purpose is the realization oftheir divinity and-following a path (margq) to emancipation (moksha) from the wheel of rebirth-the reabsorbtion ofthe human soul (atman) into the ultimate reality, Brahman. For those following the bhakti path,12 the purpose is to love God because God created humankind to "enjoy a relationship-as a father enjoys his children" (Srimad Bhagwatam). For the ordinary Hindu, the main aim ofworldly life lies in conforming to social and ritual duties, to the traditional rules of conduct for one's caste- the karma path.13 Although most ofthe religion ofthe Vedic texts, which revolves around rituals offire sacrifice, has been eclipsed by Hindu doctrines and practices found in other texts, the absolute authority and sacredness of the Veda remains a central tenet ofvirtually all Hindu sects and traditions. The Veda is composed offour collections, the oldest of which is the Rigveda ("Wisdom ofthe Verses"). In these texts, God is described in ~he most confusing terms. The religion reflected in theRigveda is a polytheism mainly concerned with appeasing deities associated with the sky and the atmosphere, the "most important ofwhich were Indra (god of the heavens and rain), Baruna (guardian of the cosmic order), Agni (the sacr~ficial 11 The path of devotion to a personal God in which murtis (idols) are worshipped with the hope of going to krishna/oka (a spiritual planet) in their next lives. 13 The New Encyclopaedia Britannica. vol. 20. p. 520.
  • 14. The Purpose of Creotion fire), andSurya(the Sun).In laterVedic texts,interestin the early Rigvedic godsdeclines,andpolytheismbeginsto be replaced by a sacrificial pantheismto Prajapati (Lord of Creatures),who istheAll. ln the Upanishads(secretteachings concerning cosrnic equations), Prajapati mergeswith the conceptof Brahman,thesupremerealityandsubstanceof the 'universe, replacingany specificpersonification,thus transformingthemytholory into abstractphilosophy.'oIf the contents of thesescriptureswereall that humanbeingshad to choose from for guidance,onewould haveto conclude that God hid both Himself andthe purposeof creationfrom humankind. God is notthe authorof confusion,nor doesHe wish difficulty for mankind.Consequently,when He revealed His final communicationto huqankind onethousandfour hundredyearsago,.Heensuredthatit wasperfectlypreserved for all ofthe generationsof humanbeingsto come.In that final scripture,theQur'an(Koran),God revealedHis purpose for creatingmankindand,throughHis lastpropheLHeclarified all of thedetailswhichmancoutdcornprehend.It is orrthe basisof thisrevelationandthepropheticexplanationsthat we will analyzethepreciseanswersto thequestion"Why did God createman?"in thecomingpages. tn The NewEncyclopaediaBritannica, vol. 20. pp. 529-530. The Purpose ofCreation fire), and Surya (the Sun). In later Vedic texts, interest in the early Rigvedic gods declines, and polytheism begins to be replaced by a sacrificial pantheism to Prajapati (Lord of Creatures), who is the All In the Upanishads (secret teachings concerning cosmic equations), Prajapati merges with the concept of Brahman, the supreme reality and substance of the ~universe, replacing any specific personification, thus transforming the mythology into abstract philosophy.14 Ifthe contents ofthese scriptures were all that human beings had to choose from for guidance, one would have to conclude that God hid both Himself and the purpose of creation from humankind. God is not the author of confusion, nor does He wish difficulty for mankind. Consequently, when He revealed His final communication to hUl1J.ankind one thousand four hundred years ago,.He ensured that it was perfectly preserved for all ofthe gene~ations of human beings to come. In that final scripture, the Qur'an(Koran), God revealed His purpose for creating mankind and, through His last prophet. He clarified all of the details which man could comprehend. It is on the basis of this revelation and the prophetic explanations that we will analyze the precise answers to the question "Why did God create man?" in the coming pages. 14 The New Encyclopaedia Britannica. vol. 20. pp. 529-530.
  • 15. The Purposeof Crcation Why Did God Create? RoM THEpotNT oF vtEw oF Goo, ANEvENmore fundamentalquestion needsto beasked,"Why did God create?"This questionshouldbeaskedbecause humankindis not, in fact,the greatestcreation.God saysin ChapterGhaafirof thefinal revelation: /r..3' jki #', /fit f 'c';r ,-r't:jis,:,r,,*Lrr,tiJl {brH r "Indeed, the creation of the heavensand the earth is greater than the creation of mankind, but most of mankind do not realize it." Qur'an4A:57 The compositionof humanbeingsis far lesscomplex than the compositionof the universein whichtheyexist. However, very few peoplereflecton this reatity.Because of the apparentsupremacyof humanbeingsovertheother creaturesonthis earth,man'sjourneysthroughspaceandthe continued advancementof theirtechnologyandknowledge, humankindin everyagebecomesarrogantandconsidersitself the greatestthing in this world. It is worth notingthatthe majority of humankind'samazingdiscoveriesare not concerningthe humanbeing, buthissurroundings.Thus, humaneffortstendto befocusedon thematerialworld rather The Purpose ofCreation Why Did God Create? F ROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF GOD, AN EVEN more fundamental question needs to be asked, "Why did God create?" This question should be asked because humankind is not, in fact, the greatest creation. God says in Chapter Ghaafir of the final revelation: ...,..1-111 ~f ~~ ...,..lf1, ~ ~ :r.rfJP~~I~ ~~ ~}.... ".... .... ... {~~~ "Indeed, the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of mankind, but most of mankind do not realize it." Qur'an 40:57 The composition of human beings is far less complex than the composition of the universe in which they exist. However, very few people reflect on this reality. Because of the apparent supremacy of human beings over the other creatures on this earth, man's journeys through space and the continued advancement oftheir technology and knowledge, humankind in every age becomes arrogant and considers itself the greatest thing in this world. It is worth noting that the majority of humankind's amazing discoveries are not concerning the human being, but his surroundings. Thus, human efforts tend to be focused on the material world rather
  • 16. trltfn, Prrprt" "f Cr"tti .- than humanbeings.In this verse,God bringshumanbeings backto theiractualstatusin this world. Humankindis merely a smallpartof theexistencethatresultedfrom themiraculous act of divinecreation.Thus,in orderto understandwhy God created mankind,onefirst needsto answerthe evenmore fundamentalquestionof why God created. The Creator Creationisfundamentallytheconsequenceof thedivine attributeof beingthecreator.A creatorwho doesnot create is somethingof a contradictionin terms.This is notto say that GodneedsHis creation.God is freefrom all needs.It is creationwhich needsHim. But, asthegreatnessof a writer becomesapparentin hiswritings,theperfectionof thedivine creativeattributeis manifestin creation.Creationin thetrue senseis uniqueto Godalone.Althoughhumansascribethe actof creationto themselves,whattheydoisnottruecreation. Humankind merelymanipulateswhatalreadyexists-what was already created by God.A table is madefrom wood which came from treesandis heldtogetherwith nailsand screwsmadefrommetalthatcamefrom rocks.Humanbeings did notmakethetreesortherocks.In fact,all humancreations can betracedbackto basicelementswhich humanscannot make.Eventheartistocreates'designsbasedon what hehas seen.It is not possibleto imaginewhathasnot beenperceived by thesenses.Thus,all of theartist'sthoughtsarereflections on what wasalreadycreated.Only God alonecreatesfrom The Purpose 0/Creation than human beings. In this verse, God brings human beings back to their actual status in this world. Humankind is merely a small part ofthe existence that resulted from the miraculous act of divine creation. Thus, in order to understand why God created mankind, one first needs to answer the even more fundamental question of why God created. The Creator Creation is fundamentally the consequence ofthe divine attribute of being the Creator. A creator who does not create is something of a contradiction in tenns. This is not to say that God needs His creation. God is free from all needs. It is creation which needs Him. But, as the greatness of a writer becomes apparent in his writings, the perfection ofthe divine creative attribute is manifest in creation. Creation in the true sense is unique to God alone. Although humans ascribe the act ofcreation to themselves, what they do is not true creation. Humankind merely manipulates what already exists-what was already created by God. A table is made from wood which came from trees and is held together with nails and screws made from metal that came from rocks. Human beings did not make the trees or the rocks. In fact, all human creations can be traced back to basic elements which humans cannot make. Even the artist 'creates' designs based on what he has seen. It is not possible to imagine what has not been perceived by the senses. Thus, all ofthe artist's thoughts are reflections on what was already created. Only God alone creates from
  • 17. The Parpose of Creation nothing.Thisbasicfactwasandstill is incomprehEnsibleto some. Someancientaswell asmodernphilosophers,who could not comprehendhow God could createfrom nothing, claimedthatthecreatedworldanditscontentsareall originally a partof God.'t That is, accordingto them,Godtook a part of Himselfandmadetheuniverse.Thisconclusionis based on comparingGodtoman,who canonly 'create'by modiffing what already exists. However, God,denies any such comparisonswhich' would giveHim humanlimitations.In Chapterash-Shooraaof the final revelation,He states: {}*lr g;*lJr,r'ri,f br -l } "There is nothing like Him and He is the All- Hearer and the All-Seer." Qur'an42:11 Thus, theactof creafionis a conSequenceof the divine attributeof beingtheCreatot.God describesHimself asthe Creatorin avarietyofversesthroughoutthefinal revelationto emphasizeto humankindthateverythingbelongsto Him alone. ts This is alsoHindu belief regardingthe supremereality.Brahman. ln the last(lOth) book of the Rr'3n'eda:in the "Hymn of the CosmicMan" (Purusasukta), it is saidthat the universewascreatedout of the partsof the body of a singlecosmicman(Ptrrursa)rvhenhis body was burnedand dismemberedat the primordial sacrifice.The tbur castesemergefrom his body: thepriest(Brahman)from the mouth.thewanior (Raianya)from the arms. thepeasant(Vaisya)from thethighs.andtheservant(Sudra)from the legs.(The NewEncltclopaediaBritannica,vol. 20.p. 531). The Purpose ofC.reation nothing. This basic fact was and still is incompreh~nsible to some. Some ancient as well as modern philosophers, who could not comprehend how God could create from nothing, claimed thatthe created world and its contents are all originally a part of GOd. 15 That is, according to them, God took a part of Himself and made the universe. This conclusion is based on comp~ngGodtoman, who can only 'create' by modifying what already exists. However, God, denies any such comparisons which' would give Him human limitations. In Chapter ash-Shooraa of the final revelation, He states: {~. ""i, ~ d ' ;.'~ ~ ' . ' ... } ~~JAJ~, __ ~ "There is nothing like Him and He is the AII- Hearer and the All-Seer." Qur'an 42: 11 Thus, the act of a consequence of the divine attribute of being the Creator. God describes Himself as the Creator in a variety ofverses throughout the final revelation to emphasize to humankind that everything belongs to Him alone. I! This is also Hindu belief regarding the supreme reality. Brahman. In the last (lOth) book of the Rigveda: in the "Hymn of the Cosmic Man" (PurusasukJa), it is said that the universe was created out of the parts of the body ofa single cosmic man (Purl/sa) when his body was burned and dismembered at the primordial sacrifice. The four castes emerge from his body: the priest (Brahman) from the mouth. the warrior (Rajanya) from the arms. the peasant (Vaisya) from the thighs. and the servant (Sudra) from the legs. (The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. 20. p. 53 I).
  • 18. l-L The Purpose of Creation _ _ "Allah is the Creator of all things and He is the agenton which all things depend." Qur'an 39:62 tt;,;; ur;35iiii,rry "And Allnh crested you all and whatever you do." Qur'an37:96 Man needsto realizethatnothingtakesplacein this universewithoutthe permissionof God.To seekprotection from evil or to seekto acquiregoodfrom any sourceother than God is a majormistake.Dueto ignorance,manypeople attemptto avoid misfornrneandto gain goodfortunethrough a variety of charmsandamulets,astrology,palmistry,etc. Consequently,in thefinal revelation,Chapteral-Falaq, God informshumanbeingsto.seekrefugrin God from evil: ty 6? u P,q'r'tii'y} "Say: I seekrefuge in the Lord of the dawn, from the evil of what He has created." Qur'anI l3:1-2 Allah, GodAlmighty,is notevil;He isgood.He created a worldinwhichevil or goodcanbedonebybeingsto whom He gavethis ability. However,no evil or goodcantakeplace in thisworld withoutthepermissionof God..Thisis why it isfutile to turn to othersbesidesGod for helpandprotection. The Purpose ofCreation {~J ~~ JS" Js. JA J~~ Y~~ ~l} "Allah is the Creator of all things and He is the agent on which all things depend." Qur'an 39:62 {~P~J~~IJ} "And Allah created you all and whatever you do." Qur'an 37:96 Man needs to realize that nothing takes place in this universe without the permission of God. To seek protection from evil or to seek to acquire good from any source other than God is a major mistake. Due to ignorance, many people attempt to avoid misfortune and to gain good fortune through a variety of channs and amulets, astrology, palmistry, etc. Consequently, in the final revelation, Chapter al-Falaq, God informs hum~n beings to·seek refuge-in God from evil: "Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the dawn, from the evil ofwhat He has created." Qur'an 113:1-2 Allah, God Almighty, is not evil; He is good. He created a world in which evil or good can be done by beings to whom He gave this ability. However. no evil or good can take place in this world without the permission of God.. This is why it is futile to turoto others besides God for help and protection.
  • 19. n7lThe Purpose of Creation - __ {i' 9i9 '11.,.*=.a a -'t:ei 6) "No calamity strikesexceptby Allah's permission" Qur'an.64:lI The final prophet of God,Muhammad(ffi), furrher elaboratedonthis concept,saying,"Be oworethatif thewhole of mankindgatheredtogetherto do somethingto helpyou, they would only beable to do somethingforyou u,hichAlloh had alreadywrittenfor you:Likewise,f thewholeof mankind gathered together to harmyou, theywould only beable to do somethingto harmyou which Allah had already written to happentoyott."t6 The Merciful, The Forgiving In the creationof humankirrd,thedivineattributesof forgiveness,mercyandkindnessarealsomanifested.Human beings werecreatedgoodandpurewith a naturalawareness of goodandevil.TheAlmightyalsocreatedin humansdesires. and gavethemanability to controlthosedesiresaccording to divine law or to turnthemlooseandfollow themblindly. God createdmankindknowingthattheywoulddisobeyHim. Consequently,Hetaughthumanbeings,beginningwith Adam, how to repent andtherebypurifothemselvesof their sins. Adam andEverepresenta patternfor all mankindto follow. 16 Reportedby 'Abbaasandcollectedby at-Tirmitheeandauthenticated in $afueefoSunanat-Tirmifuee,vol. 2.pp. The Purpose ofCreation {~ IJb~ ~1 r:,o~ ~ y~i La} '" "" ,,~ -" "No calamity strikes except by Allah's permission" Qur'an, 64: II The final prophet of God, Muhammad (~), further elaborated on this concept, saying, "Be aware that ifthe whole of mankind gathered together to do something to help you. they would only be able to do somethingfor you which Allah had already writtenfor you: Likewise. ifthe whole ofmankind gathered together to harm you, they would only be able to do something to harm you which Allah had already written t h ,,16 o appen to you. The Merciful, The Forgiving In the creation of humankind, the divine attributes of forgiveness, mercy and kindness are also manifested. Human beings were created good and pure with a natural awareness of good and evil. The Almighty also created in humans desires, and gave them an ability to control those desires according to divine law or to tum them loose and follow them blindly. God created mankind knowing that they would disobey Him. Consequently, He taught human beings, beginning with Adam, how to repent and thereby purify themselves of their sins. Adam and Eve represent a pattern for all mankind to follow. 16 Reported by'Abbaas and collected by at-Tirmi!hee and authenticated in Saheeh. Sunan at-Tirmi!flee, vol. 2. pp. 308-9. no. 2043.
  • 20. I - ^ L The Purpose of Crcation U They forgotthe commandmentof God,andSatanplayedon their desires.After theyhaddisobeyedGod,theyturnedback to Him in repentance,andHe forgavethem.In humankind's disobedienceandturningbacktoGodin repentance,thedivine attributesof total forgivenessand infinitemercybecome manifest.ThefinalProphet(x;)informedhisfollowersof this reality, saying,"lf you did not commitsinsandturn to Allah, seeking Hisforgiveness, He would havereplacedyou with another peoplewho wouldsin, askAllah's forgivenessand He would.forgivethem."'tEveryoneof the ll4 Chaptersof the final revelation,exceptone,beginswith theprayer,"ln the nameof Allah,theBeneficenttheMostMerciful."Allah's attributesof mercyandforgivenessarestressedto encourage humansnotto fall intodespair.No matterhowgreatthesins of humanbeingsmaybe,Godcanforgivethemif manturns backto Him in sincererepentance.TheMessenger(x) was quotedassaying,"WhenAllah createdtheuniverse,He made an obligation on Himself [recordedJin a documentkeptby Him: My mercysupersedesmywrqtfr."l8Hewasalsoreponed to havesaid,"[Allah createdJmercyv,ithonehundredparts, oneof whichwassentdownupanthejinn, humanbeingsand ather living beings. It is out oJ'thisonepart that theylove each other,showkindnessto eachotherand eventheanimals treat lheir ffipring with affiction. Allah hasreservedthe " SohihMuslint,vol. 4. pp. Aboo Ayyoob al-AnEaaree. t' SohihMuslint,vol.4. p,6628.reportedby Aboo Hurayrah. The Purpose 0/Creation They forgot the commandment of God, and Satan played on their desires. After they had disobeyed God, they turned back to Him in repentance, and He forgave them. In humankind's disobedience and turning back to God in repentance, the divine attributes of total forgiveness and infinite mercy become manifest. The final Prophet (~) informed his followers ofthis reality, saying, "Ifyou did not commit sins and turn to Allah. seeking His forgiveness, He would have replaced you with another people who would sin, ask Allah's forgiveness and He wouldforgive them. ,,17 Every one of the 114 Chapters of the final revelation, except one, begins with the prayer, "In the name ofAllah, the Beneficent the Most Merciful." Allah's attributes of mercy and forgiveness are stressed to encourage humans not to fall into despair. No matter how great the sins of human beings may be, God can forgive them ifman turns back to Him in sincere repentance. The Messenger (~) was quoted as saying, "When Allah createdthe universe, He made an obligation on Himself[recorded} in a document kept by Him: My mercy supersedes my wrath."18 He was also reported to have said, "[Allah created} mercy with one hundredparts. one ofwhich was sent down upon thejinn. human beings and other living beings. It is out ofthis one part that they love each other, show kindness to each other and even the animals treat their offspring with affection. Allah has reserved the 17 Sahih Muslim. vol. 4. pp. 1435-6. no. 6621. reported by Aboo Ayyoob al-An~aaree. 18 Sahih Muslim, vo!. 4. p. 1437. no. 6628. reported by Aboo Hurayrah.
  • 21. I L The Purpose of Creation _ remaining ninety-ninepartsfor His true worshipperson the Day of Resurrection."Ie Had Allah wished,Hecouldhavecreatedmankindlike angels,incapableof committingsin.However,thatwasnot His wish,asHe hadalreadycreatedangels.Humanbeings were created capableof makingmistakesandwhenthey realize their errors andseekCod's forgiveness,the divine attributesof mercyandforgivenessbecomemanifest. SupremeJustice In thejudgmentof mankindat theendof thisworld, God's attributesof supremejusticeandfairnessalsobecome manifest.Basedon His infiniteknowledge,Godcouldhave createdall membersof the humanracewho wereto live on earthandimmediatelyplacedsomeof themin paradiseand the remainderin hell.Beforecreatingman,Allah alreadyknew whatchoicestheywouldmakein this life,whatprovisionand opportunitiesHe wouldgivethem,andin whatstateof belief or disbelief theywoulddie.Therefore,in onesenseit could be saidthatsomepeoplewerecreatedfor paradiseandothers for hell. 'Aa'ishah,wife of the ProphetMuhammad(*g), quoted him assaying,"Don'tyou lcnou,thatAllah created paradise and hell, and He crealed inhabitantsfor each?"2o If Godhadimmediatelyplacedthoseheadedfor paradisein paradise,theywouldnot questionGod'sdecision.Thosein tn Ibid..vol.4. p AbooHurayrah. to Ibid..vol.4. p The Purpose ofCreation remammg ninety-nine partsfor His true worshippers on the Day ofResurrection. ,,19 Had Allah wished, He could have created mankind like angels, incapable of committing sin. However, that was not His wish, as He had already created angels. Human beings were created capable of making mistakes and when they realize their errors and seek God's forgiveness, the divine attributes of mercy and forgiveness become manifest. Supreme Justice In the judgment of mankind at the end of this world, God's attributes of supreme justice and fairness also become manifest. Based on His infinite knowledge, God could have created all members of the human race who were to live on earth and immediately placed some of them in paradise and the remainder in hell. Before creating man, Allah already knew what choices they would make in this life, what provision and opportunities He would give them, and in what state of belief or disbelief they would die. Therefore, in one sense it could be said that some people were created for paradise and others for hell. 'Aa'ishah, wife of the Prophet Muhammad (~), quoted him as saying, "Don't you know that Allah created paradise and hell, and He created inhabitants for each?,,20 If God had immediately placed those headed for paradise in paradise, they would not question God's decision. Those in 19 Ibid.. vol. 4. p. 1437. no. 663 I. reported by Aboo Hurayrah. 20 Ibid.. vol. 4. p. 1400. no. 6435.
  • 22. The Purpose of Crestion paradisewouldhappilyacceptaneverlastinglife of blissand be thankfulthattheywerenot placedin helr.However,those immediately placedin hellwouldaskwhy.Theywouldfeel a senseof unfairnessdueto theirignoranceof whattheywould have done had they livedon earth.Thosein hell would relentlesslyarguethathadtheybeengivena chanceto live out theirliveson earth,theywouldhaveberievedanddone righteousdeeds.consequently,Allah allowshumanbeings to liveout theirIiveson earthandmakeall thechoicesthey would havemade,sothateveryonewhoentersheilwill know thattheychosehellbythemselves.Theywill recognizeGod's mercy in theirlivesandacknowledgetheirsin in rejecting His signsandguidhnce.A'd theywill acceptHisjudgment asbeingjust andbeyondreproach.However.theywill still beg for anotherchanceto do goodin thisworld.ascod says in Clrapteras-Sajdaftof theQur'an: t-i;di dr'r+r'+'#;, rj-{ri iyr+.Jr it s; "f:} t rrti 6tvta,1;';;grti t:;;, "If only you could see[the timel when the sinners will bow their headsbeforetheir Lord, [sayingf, tour Lord! We have now seenand heard,sosend us back and we will do righteousdeeds,Verily; we now believewith certaintv.' " Qur'an,32:12 The Purpose ofCreation paradise would happily accept an everlasting life of bliss and be thankful that they were not placed in hell. However, those immediately placed in hell would ask why. They would feel a sense ofunfaimess due to their ignorance ofwhat they would have done had they lived on earth. Those in hell would relentlessly argue that had they been given a chance to live out their lives on earth, they would have believed and don~ righteous deeds. Consequently, Allah allows human beings to live out their lives on earth and make all the choices they would have made, so that everyone who enters hell will know that they chose hell by themselves. They will recognize God's mercy in their lives and acknowledge their sin in rejecting His signs and guidance. A.nd they will accept His judgment as being just and beyond reproach. However, they will stiII beg for another chance to do good in this world, as God says in Chapter as-Sajdah of the Qur'an: l-i~' ~~;.f~ ~ ~;~ I;...fU ~;~,~!l.S} Jf~} {~A; If! ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~/ / "If only you could see lthe time) when the sinners will bow their heads before their Lord, [saying], 'Our Lord! We have now seen and heard, so send us back and we will do righteous deeds. Verily; we now believe with certainty.' " Qur'an, 32: 12
  • 23. ThePurpose o[Crestion r However,if Allah wereto sendthembackto this world havingforgottenwhattheyhadseenof hell,theywould again chooseevil andendup in hell asbefore.God spokeabout this in Chapteral-An'aaml {iji,iJ d* w i# e iririiit'r'i'r11 "But if they were returned [to this worldl' they would certainly go backlo what was forbidden to them. Indeed thev are liars." Qur'an,6:28 Divine Love God's loveis manifestin beingsbroughtinto existence, whether believeror disbeliever,to enjoylife, if only for a brief moment.It is alsorealizedin thecreationof paradise for thosewho chooserighteousnessoverevil. Allah statesin the final revelationthatHe lovesthosewhodogood(5:13), those who arejust (5:42),thosewho arepious(9:4),those who are patient(3:146),thosewho put their trust in Him (3:159), thosewho frequentlyturnto Him in repentanceand those who puriff themselves(2:222).However,it is He who has definedfor humanbeingsthroughthe scripturesandthe prophetswhat is good,just andpious.ConseQuently,those who follow theprophetsaremostbelovedto God.ln Chapter Aal 'lmraan,Allah instructedProphetMuhammad'(#E)to say thefollowingto thebelievers: t&;i '"3r'-;ei"-tli"$;il ,rrt:hr oi7.r;r bll The Purpose ofCreation However, ifAllah were to send them back to this world having forgotten what they had seen of hell, they would again choose evil and end up in hell as before. God spoke about this in Chapter ai-An 'aam: ... '" I' ... • 0.1 .. C/I A ~ ...... {iJ;~~ ~!J ~ '*~ 'J~Al 'J~) JlJ} "But if they were returned [to this world], they would certainly go what was forbidden to thelD. Indeed they are liars." Qur'an, 6:28 Divine Love God's love is manifest in beings brought into existence, whether believer or disbeliever, to enjoy life, if only for a brief moment. It i~ also realized in the creation of paradise for those who choose righteousness over evil. Allah states in the final revelation that He loves those who do good (5: 13), those who are just (5:42), those who are pious (9:4), those who are. patient (3: 146), those who put their trust in Him (3: 159), those who frequently tum to Him in repentance and those who purify themselves (2:222). However, it is He who has defined for human beings through the scriptures and the prophets what is good, just and pious. Consequently, those who follow the prophets are most beloved to God. In Chapter Aal 'Imraan, Allah instructed Prophet Muhammad-(~) to say the following to the believers: {~j~ ~ ~J ~ ~::;.,; ~~~ ~, ~kJ ~ ~!}
  • 24. WIfh" P"rprt" rf Crettir, _ 65If you really love Allah, follow me and Allah witl love you and forgive your sins." Qur'an3:3I The prophetsshould be followed not only in the compulsoryactsordainedby God,butalsoin theireagerness to do actsof voluntaryworship. The love of God is alsomanifestin His mercyand blessingswhich He grantsfo thosewho deservethemaswell as thosewho do not. But, it is particurarrymanifestin His willingnessto forgivethe sinsof whomsoeverturnsto Him in sincererepentance.Fromthecreationof AdamandEve, repentancewas granted to themto erasetheir sinsasan exampleto all humanbeingswho would follow theminto thisworld.No matterhow greathumansinsrnaybecome,the door for sincererepentanceremainsopenuntil the lastday of thisworld.AnasquotedAllah's Messenger(#) assaying, "Allah. the Almighty, hassaid.-O son of Adam, as long as you call on Me and askof Me, I will forgive whatyou hate done, and I do not mind. O sonof Adam.evenif your sins reachedthecloudsandyou askedIrIyforgiveness,I wittforgive you. O son of Adam, ,f you cameto Me with sinsnearly as great astheearthandyou metMe without givingMepartners, I will giveyou a similar amountofforgiveness."2l 2f collected by at-Tirmithee and authenticatedin galreelt sunan at- Tirmilhee,vol. 3. pp. The Purpose ofCreation "If you really love Allah, follow me and Allah will love you and forgive your sins." Qur'an 3:31 The prophets should be followed not only in the compulsory acts ordained by God, but also in their eagerness to do acts of voluntary worship. The love of God is also manifest in His mercy and blessings which He grants fo those who deserve them as well as those who do not. But, it is particularly manifest in His willingness to forgive the sins of whomsoever turns to Him in sincere repentance. From the creation of Adam and Eve, repentance was granted to them to erase their sins as an example to all human beings who would follow them into this world. No matter how great human sins may become, the door for sincere repentance remains open until the last day of this world. Anas quoted Allah's Messenger (~) as saying, "Allah. the Almighty, has said: 0 son ofAdam, as long as you call on Me and ask ofMe, I willforgive what you have done, and I do not mind. 0 son ofAdam. even ifyour sins reached the clouds andyou askedMyforgiveness, I willforgive you. 0 son ofAdam, ifyou came to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth andyou met Me without giving Me partners, I will give you a similar amount offorgiveness. ,,21 21 Collected by at-Tirmi!hee and authenticated in Sab.eeb. Sunan at- Tirmifhee, vol. 3. pp. 175-6. no. 2805.
  • 25. Divine Grace As forthose in pmadise,theywill not enterit solely based on their gooddeeds.It isthe graceof Godthatwill ultimately carry themthere.Thefinal Prophetof Allah (#) saidin this regard, "Try your bestto do right, and be l*ppy. For none will enterparadiseonlybecauseof hisdeeds."His companions said,"O Messengerof Allah!Not evenyou?"Hereplied,"Not even I, unlessAttah envelopsme in Hismercyandgtace.z2 And bear in mind thst the deedmostloved byAllah is one done constantly,eventhough it is small."Z3However, God's grace is not arbitrary.It is basedon bothcorrectfaith and righteousdeeds.In ChapterAal 'Imraan,Allah says: Jo'Hl,i e#urrv ,f 't q.Ai'p'ai y-alu. "q ",iI {iiru r p; ,+r+ "Whoever brings a good deed, will have [the value ofl ten like it, and whoever brings an evil deed will only be punishedwith onelike it, and they will not be Qur'an6:160 WereGodtohold humankindto accountstrictly,noone's good deedswould outweightheirevil deeds.However,God has manifestedHis graceby multiplyingthevalueof good deeds,whilekeepingevil deedsattheirfacevalue. It is by 22 Sahih Muslim, vol. 4, p. " Sahih Muslim, vol. 4, pp 6765.reportedby Aboo Hurayrah. 'Aa'ishah. The Purpose ofCreation Divine Grace As forthose in paradise, they will not enter it solely based on their good deeds. It is the grace of God that will ultimately carry them there. The final Prophet of Allah (~) said in this regard, "Try your best to do right, and be happy. For none will enterparadise only because ofhis deeds. " His companions said, "0 Messenger ofAllah! Not even you?" He replied, "Not even I, unless Allah envelops me in His mercy and grace. 22 And bear in mind that the deed most loved by Allah is one done constantly, even though it is small. ,,23 However, God's grace is not arbitrary. It is based on both correct faith and righteous deeds. In Chapter Aill 'Imraan, Allah says: ~! ~~ ~ ~::.. I~ ~~ :; J~~f ';:..s. ill f' ;J~ ~~ :;} {~J~Hal ~ ;.A J~ "Whoever brings a good deed, will have [the value of] ten like it, and whoever brings an evil deed will only be punished with one like it, and they will not be wronged." Qur'an 6: 160 Were God to hold humankind to account strictly, no one's good deeds would outweigh their evil deeds. However, God has manifested His grace by multiplying the value of good deeds, while keeping evil deeds at their face value. It is by 22 Sahih Muslim, vol. 4. p. 1473. no. 6765. reported by Aboo Hurayrah. 23 Sahih Muslim, vol. 4. pp. 1473-4. no. 6770. reported by "Aa'ishah.
  • 26. I241- Il the graceof Godthatthetrue believersenterparadise.This does not meanthatdeedshaveno role. Deedshavea major role, but they are not the deciding factor. God's grace outweighsthem. Consequently,thecreationof humanbeings,the errors that theymakeandthegoodthattheydo areall circumstances for the manifestationof God's attributes of mercyand forgiveness,HisattributeofjusticeandHis attributeof grace. Humankind should not question why God choseto manifest His attributesin this way. It canonly beassumed that thiswasthebestway, becauseAllah describesHimself as being the Most wise andthe Most Knowredgeable.Humans canonly understandwhat Allah choosesto revealto them. {",ia lr+dr 'c'?i*# r;} "They will only encompassof His trnor"hAge what He Qur'an2:255 Thus, theyshouldnottry to equatethemselveswith God. If He hastold humankindwhy He decidedto do somerhing, it isnot for themto questionwhy He decidedto decide.such questionsare withoutendandthus beyondhumanscope.It is theywho will bequestionedontheDay of Judgmentabout theiractionsandintentionsandnotHe.In chapteral-Ambiyaa, Allah addressesthis point: {.jU"Ji,W_6itu"t} The Purpose 0/Creation the grace of God that the true believers enter Paradise. This does not mean that deeds have no fO,le. Deeds have a major role, but they are not the deciding factor. God's grace outweighs them. Consequently, the creation of human beings, the errors that they make and the good that they do are all circumstances for the manifestation of God's attributes of mercy and forgiveness, His attribute ofjustice and His attribute of grace. Humankind should not question why God chose to manifest His attributes in this way. It can only be assumed that this was the best way, because Allah describes Himselfas being the Most Wise and the Most Knowledgeable. Humans can only understand what Allah chooses to reveal to them. {~~ ~ ~!~~<~~~~~} "They will only encompassof His knowledge what He wishes." Qur'an 2:255 Thus, they should not try to equate themselves with God. IfHe has told humankind why He decided to do something, it is not for them to question why He decided to decide. Such questions are without end and thus beyond human scope. It is they who will be questioned on the Day ofJudgment about their actions and intentions and not He. In Chapter al-Ambiyaa, Allah addresses this point:
  • 27. The Purpose of Creation "IIe cannot bequestionedasto what He does,while they will be questioned." Qur'an,2l:23 In this regardProphetMuhammad(*) wasreportedby Ibn 'Abbaasto havesaid,"Reflectonthecreationof AIIah but do not reflectonAllah."2oTo reflectontherealityof Alldh is to reflecton the infinite.And, asthemind boggleswhenit reflectsonthe limits of thefinite universeandthegalaxiesand starswithin it, it will bemoreconfoundedwhenit attempts to understandthe uncreated.TheProphet(ff) warnedthatthe satanic forceswould seekto introducedoubtsin the hearts of thebelieversbyraisingunanswerablequestionsaboutGod. Aboo Hurayrah relatedthatAllah's Messenger(S) said, "Sstan will cometo everyoneof you and ask: Whocreated this and that?-until hequestions;Whocreatedyour Lord? Wen hecomesto that,oneshouldseekrefugein Allah fsay: I ffirm my faith in Allah and HisprophetsJ25and avoid [such thofrghtsJ."26 ta Collectedby Aboo Nugym inql-Hiah andauthenticatedby al- Albaanee in Silsilahal-Aftaadeethas--Sakeehah,vol.4. p | 788, Thereisalsoa similarnarrationfiom Ibn 'Umar collectedby ag-Jabamanee in al-Awsalandal-Bayhaqeein .Sftu'abal-Eemaan. 25SahihMttslim,vol. l- p 77.nos.242&.2,43. 'u lbid., vol. l, p. 244 andSahihAl-BuWnri, vol. 4, p. 320,no,496. The Purpose ofCreation "He cannot be questioned as to what He does, while they questioned." Qur'an. 21 :23 In this regard Prophet Muhammad (~) was reported by Ibn 'Abbaas to have said, "Reflect on the creation ofAllah but do not reflect on Allah.,,24 To reflect on the reality ofAllah is to reflect on the infinite. And, as the mind boggles when it reflects on the limits ofthe finite universe and the galaxies and stars within it, it will be more confounded when it attempts to understand the uncreated. The Prophet (~) warned that the satanic forces would seek to introduce doubts in the hearts of the believers by raising unanswerable questions about God. Aboo Hurayrah related that Allah' sMesseng~r (~) said, "Satan will come to everyone ofyou and ask: Who created this and that?-until he questions: Who createdyour Lord? When he comes to that, one should seek refuge in Allah [say: 1 affirm my faith in Allah and His prophets)25 and avoid [such thoaghts]. ,,26 24 Collected by Aboo NU}liym in gl-lf.ilyah and authenticated by al- Albaanee in Silsilah al-A!l.aadeeth a~-S.a!l.eebah, vol. 4. p. 12. no. 1788. There is also a similar narration from Ibn 'Umar collected bya!-Iabaraanee in al-Awsa{ and al-Bayhaqee in Shu 'ab al-Eemaan. 25 Sahih Muslim, vol. L p. 77. nos. 242 & 243. 26 Ibid., vol. 1, p. 77. no. 244 and Sahih AI-Bukhari, vol. 4, p. 320~ no. 496.
  • 28. rt The Purpose of Creation il Why Did God CreateMankind? T.t noM TF{EPERSPECTTVEOF HUMANKIND, THE F{ qUESTION "Why did Godcreateman?"implies"For I what purposewasmancreated?"ln thefinal revelation, this question is answeredwithoutanyambiguity.Humans are first informedby God that everyhumanbeingis born with an innateconsciousnessof God. In Chapteral-A'raq/: Allah said: JF:qli; ilJrl e:*b i;; .Fb {; ;;f i11} ei *ly[ilr r'rlfbf *y -,r,.ii'i &t U*ti'fi;;i ',.-'^{r::tg', ,Fb u;qtl!'-hiGl jrr'ti'g#,vt:,^f {ii9I'r "l,w':k#!tb$"[Rememberl when your Lord extractedfrom the loins of Adam's children their descendantsand made them testify [sayingl: 'Am I not your L,ord?' They said: 'Yes, we testify to it.' [This was] in case you say on the Day of Judgment: 'We were unaware of this.t Or you say: tlt was our ancestors who worshipped others besidesGod and we are only their descendants.Will you then destroy us for what thoseliars did?'" Qur'an,7:172-3 The Purpose ofCreation Why Did God Create Mankind? RO~ THE PERSPECTIVE OF HUMANKIND, THE FQUESTION "Why did God create man?" implies "For what purpose was man created?" In the final revelation, this question is answered without any ambiguity. Humans are first informed by God that every human being is born with an innate consciousness of God. In Chapter al-A 'raq/~ Allah said: ~ itA¥) ~~~ ~?~ ~ ~;~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!)} ~ It' ~lii, '. ,i. ~:: ~i lr -~ i: i.l .~~, ~- · 'i· ~fi ~' - ~Jt y~ ~~ y r-l:............,~. ~ i;~~ ~~ Jj ~ uJ1i~ ~~i Wl ij~ ~i ~~ ,lA :f {~ .It..·~i, ',;i ~ ~i· ~ ~ v- : - ~,. "[Remember) when your Lord extracted from the loins of Adam's children their descendants and made -them testify [saying]: 'Am I not your Lord?' They said: 'Yes, we testify to it.' [This was) in case you say on the Day of Judgment: 'We were unaware of this.' Or you say: 'It was our ancestors who worshipped others besides God and we are •only their descendants. Will you then destroy us for what those liars did?'" Qur'an, 7: 172-3
  • 29. The Purpose of Creation TheProphet(#) explainedthatwhenAllah createdAdam, He took from him a covenantat a placecalledNa'maanon the fth dut'' of the 12thmonth.He thenexffactedfrom Adam all of his descendantswho would be bornuntil the endof the world, generationafter generation,andspreadthemout before Him to takea covenantfrom them also.He spoketo them, face to face,makingthem bearwitnessthat He was their Lord.z8Consequently,eveiyhumanbeingisresponsible for beliefin God,which is imprintedon eachandeverysoul. It isbasedonthis inbornbeliefthatAllah definedthe purpose of humankind'screationin Chapteragh-Thaariyaat: {ir:**l 1! .r"!lt ;,+Jtc-il+ r.'1} ttl did not create the jinn2eand the humankind exceptthat they shouldworship Me." Qur'an5l :56 Thus, theessentialpurposefor whiclrhumankindwas createdistheworshipof God.However,theAlmighty is not in needof humanwors[rip.He did not createhumanbeings 17Known asthe dayof 'Arafaat. 2t Collected by Almad and authenticatedin Siisi/ah al-Ahaadeethas- $afteefuah,vol.'4,p. 158,no. 1623. 2eThe;inn area classof invisiblerationalbeingscreatedby God from the elementsof fire. Theywereendowedby God with freewill, like mankind. Consequently,some of themarerighteousbelieversandothersareevil disbelievers.The evil among them are commonlycalleddemons.evil spirits,devils.etc. The Purpose ofCreation The Prophet (~) explained that when Allah created Adam, He took from him a covenant at a place called Na'maan on the 9th day7 ofthe 12th month. He then extracted from Adam all of his descendants wltowould be born until the end of the world, generation after generation, and spread them out before Him to take a covenant from them also. He spoke to them, face to face, making them bear witness that He was their Lord.28 Consequently, every human being is responsible for belief in God, which is imprinted on each and every soul. It is based on this inborn beliefthat Allah defined the purpose of humankind's creation in Chapter ath-Thaariyaat: {IJJ"w ~l ~~I) ~ ~ I.A)} "I did not create the jinn?9 and the humankind except that they, should worship Me." Qur'an 51 :56 Thus, the essential purpose for which humankind was created is the worship of God. However, the Almighty is not in need of human worship. He did not create human beings 27 Known as the day of 'Arafaat. 28 Collected by Ahmad and authenticated in Silsilah al-A!laadeeth a§.- $.a!!lah. vol:4, p. 158, no. 1623. 29 Thejinn are a class of invisible rational beings created by God from the elements offire. They were endowed by God with free will, like mankind. Consequently, some of them are righteous believers and others are evil disbelievers. The evil among them are commonly called demons. evil spirits, devils. etc.
  • 30. The Parpose of Creation out of a needonHis part.If not a singlehumanworshipped God, it would not diminishHis glory in anyw&], andif all of mankindworshipp.edHim, it would not increaseHis glory in any way. God is perfect. He aloneexistswithoutany needs.All createdbeingshaveneeds.Consequently,it is humankindthatneedsto worshipGod. The Meaningof Worship To understandwhy humanbeingsneedto worshipGod, onemustfirst understandwhatismeantbytheterm'worship.' The English term 'worship' comesfrom the Old English weorthscipemeaning'honor.'Consequently,worshipin the Englishlanguageisdefinedas'theperformanceof devotional actsin honorof a deity.'30Accordingto this meaning,man is instructedto showgratitudeto God by glorifuing Him. In Chapteran-Na;rof the final revelation,Allah says: {drh'#l "Glorify thepraisesof yourLord." Qur'anI l0:3 In gloriffing God,manchoosesto be in harmony with the restof creationwhich naturallyglorifiesits Creator. Allah addressesthis phenomenonin many chaptersof theQur'an.Forexample,in Chapteral-Israa, Allah states: 3o The Living lhebster Encltclopedic Dictionarrr, p. I 148 The Purpose ofCreation out of a need on His part. If not a single human worshipped God, it would not diminish His glory in any way, and if all of mankind ~orship~ed Him, it would not increase His glory in any way. God is perfect. He alone exists without any needs. All created beings have needs. Consequently, it is humankind that needs to worship God. The Meaning of Worship To understand why human beings need to worship God, one must first understand what is meant by the term 'worship.' The English term 'worship' comes from the Old English weorthscipe meaning 'honor.' Consequently, worship in the English language is defined as 'the performance of devotional acts in honor of a deity. ,30 According to this meaning, man is instructed to ~how gratitude to God by glorifying Him. In Chapter an-Na~r of the final revelation, Allah says: "Glorify the praises of your Lord." Qur'an 110:3 In glorifying God, man chooses to be in harmony with the rest of creation which naturally glorifies its Creator. Allah addresses this phenomenon in many chapters ofthe Qur'an. For example, in Chapter al-lsraa, Allah states: 30 The Living Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary. p. 1148.
  • 31. ThePurposeof Creation rl :F "y tt')'4 c1,io'st[Ir Lr3ttr rtilJ] tiithJ-Jrtitir r l5[ 1F|#- *The seyen heavensand the eerth and whatever is in them glorify Him and there is nothing which does not glorify His preise.'' Howeyer, you do not understand their glorification.' Qur'an,17:44 However, in Arabic, the languageof the final revelation, worship is called 'ibaadah,whichis closelyrelatedto the noun 'abd,meaning'a slave.'A slaveis onewho is expected to do whatever his ma'ster wills. Consequently,worship, accordingtothe final revelation,meaas'obedientsubmission to the will of God.' This wasthe essenceof the messageof all the prophetssentby God to humankind.For example,this understanding of worship was emphaticallyexpressedby Prophet Jesus in the Gospelaccordingto Matthew,7:21, "None of thosewho call me 'Lord' will enter the kingdom of God, but only the one who doesthe wiII of my Father in heaven." It shouldbe notedthat'.will' in this quotemeans 'what God wants humanbeingsto do' andnot 'what God permits humansto do,' becausenothinghappensin creation without thewill (permission)of God.The 'Will of God' is contained in the divinelyrevealedlawswhichthe prophets 3t The thunderis describedasglori$ing God in l3:13. the dayand night in 2 t :20andthemountainsin 38:18. The Purpose ofCreation ;!~~ ~ ~!j ~ :;j ~~~j ~ ~J~;j ~} {" " • ~ ~ , :".~ ~ ". ~I' o~ , ", , ~ JfMi ~J" :~ "The seven heavens and the earth and whatever is in them glorify Him and there is nothing which does not glorify His praise.31 However, you do not understand their glorification." Qur'an, 17:44 However, in Arabic, the language ofthe final revelation, worship is called 'ibaadah, which is closely related to the noun 'abd, meaning 'a slave.' A slave is one who is expected to do whatever his ma'ster wills. Consequently, worship, according to the final revelation, meaas 'obedient submission to the will ofGod.' This was the essence ofthe message of all the prophets sent by God to humankind. For example, this understanding of worship was emphatically expressed by Prophet Jesus in the Gospel according to Matthew, 7:21, "None of those who call me 'Lord' will enter the kingdom of God, but only the one who does the will ofmy Father in heaven." It should be noted that '-will' in this quote means 'what God wants human beings to do' and not 'what God permits humans to do,' because nothing happens in creation without the will (permission) of God. The 'Will of God' is contained in the divinely revealed laws which the prophets 31 The thunder is described as glorifying God in 13:13, the day and night in 21:20 and the mountains in 38:18.
  • 32. l - ^ t I t t ! I The Purpose of Creation _ taughttheir followers. Consequently,obedienceto divine law is thefoundationof worship.[n thissense,glorification also becomesworshipwhenhumanschooseto obeyGod's instructionsregardingHis glorification. The Needfor Worship Why do humanbeingsneedto worshipandglorifoGod by obeyingthedivinelyrevealedlaws?Becauseobedience to divine law isthekeyto successin thislife andthenext. The first human beings,Adam andEve,were createdin paradiseand laterexpelledfrom paradisefor disobeying the divine law.The only way for humanbeingsto returnto paradiseis by obedience,tothe law.Jesus,theMessiah,was reported in theGospelaccordingto Matthewto havemade obediencetothedivinelawsthekeyto paradise:Now behold, one cameandsaid to him, 'Good teacher,whatgood thing shall I do that I may haveeternal life? " Sohesaid to him, " you call megood? No one is good but One,that ri, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.'82Also in Matthew 5:19,JesusChrist was reported to have insistedon strictobedienceto the commandments,saying,"Whoeverthereforebreala oneof the least of thesecommandments,and teachesmen so,shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven;but whoeverdoes and teaches them, heshall becalled great in the kingdom of heaven." 3r Matthewl9:16-17(RSV). The Purpose ofCreation taught their followers. Consequently, obedience to divine law is the foundation ofworship. In this sense, glorification also becomes worship when humans choose to obey God's instructions regarding His glorification. The Need for Worship Why do human beings need to worship and glorify God by obeying the divinely revealed laws? Because obedience to divine law is the key to success in this life and the next. The first human beings, Adam and Eve, were created in paradise and later expelled from paradise for disobeying the divine law. The only way for human beings to return to paradise is by the law. Jesus, the Messiah, was reported in the Gospel according to Matthew to have made obedience to the divine laws the key to paradise: Now behold, one came and said to him. 'Good teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life? "So he said to him, "Why do you call me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments. ,32 Also in Matthew 5: 19, Jesus Christ was reported to have insisted on strict obedience to the commandments, saying,"Whoever" therefore breaks one of the least ofthese commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom ofheaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom ofheaven." 32 Matthew 19: 16-17 (RSV).
  • 33. The Purpose of Creation Divine lawsrepresentguidancefor humankindin all walks of life. Theydefineright andwrongfor themandoffer human beingsacomp{etesystemgoverningatl of their afflairs. The Creator alone knowsbestwhat is beneficialfor His creation and what is not. The divine lawscommandand prohibit variousaclsandsubstancesto protectthe human spirit, thehumanbodyandhumansocietyfrom harm.ln order for humanbeingsto fulfill theirpotentialby livingrighteous lives, they need to worshipGodthroughobedienceto His commandments. Remembranceof God All ofthevariousactsofworshipcontainedin thedivine lawsaredesignedto helphumansrememberGod.It is natural for humanbeingsto sometimesforgeteventhe mostimportant things..Humansoftenbecomesoengrossedin fulfilling their material needsthatthey totally forgettheir spiritualneeds. Regular prayeris ordainedto organizethe day of the true believer around the remembranceof God.It interweaves spiritual needswith materialneedson a daily basis.The regulardailyneedto eat,work andsleepis linkedto thedaily need to renewman'sconnectionwith God.With regardto regular prayer,Allah statesin the final revelation,Chapter laahaa: The Purpose ofCreation Divine laws represent guidance for humankind in aU walks of life. They define right and wrong for them and offer human beings a com~ete system governing all oftheir affairs. The Creator alone knows best what is beneficial for His creation and what is not. The divine laws command and prohibit various acts and substances to protect the human spirit, the human body and human society from harm. In order for human beings to fulfill their potential by living righteous lives, they need to worship God through obedience to His commandments. Remembrance of God All ofthe various acts ofworship contained in the divine laws are designed to help humans remember God. It is natural for human beings to sometimes forget even the most important things.. Humans often become so engrossed in fulfilling their material needs that they totally forget their spiritual needs. Regular prayer is ordained to organize the day of the true believer around the remembrance of God. It interweaves spiritual needs with material needs on a daily basis. The regular daily need to eat, work and sleep is linked to the daily need to renew man's connection with God. With regard to regular prayer, Allah states in the final revelation, Chapter Iaahaa:
  • 34. The Purooseof Creation I 32 I.- "Verily, I am Allah, there is no God besideMe, so worrhip Me and establish regular prayer for My remembrance." Qur'an 20:14 Regardingfasting,Allah statedin Chapteral-Baqarah: ,y u$t Ji.'-,?,;i iUttr '{Jt'6 irvd/lr *{{ } ttfrtsiiF$ "O you who believe! Fasting has beenprescribed for you asit was prescribed for thosebefore you that you may becomeGod-conscious." Qur'an2:183 The believersareencouragedto rememberGodasmuch aspossible.Although,moderationiriall spheresof life, whether materialor spiritual,isgenerallyencouragedin divine law,an exception is maderegardingthe remembranceof Allah. It is virtually impossibleto rememberGodtoomuch.Consequently, in the final revelation,Chapteral-AfuzaaD,Allah encourages the believersto rememberGod asoftenaspossible: {r-*rri, l,rrSitiF;*JJ'dq} *O believers! Rememb-erAltah often." Qur'an,33:41 RemembranceofGodisstressedbecausesinisgenerally committedwhenGodisforgotten.Theforcesof eviloperate The Purpose ofCreation "Verily, I am Allah, there is no God beside Me, so worship Me and establish regular prayer for My remembra~ce." Qur'an 20: 14 Regarding fasting, Allah stated in Chapter a/-Baqarah: 0# ' • .iil i~ J W"' ~ ~ ~ ~ol~ J i ~'~ '. .iiI '~I.i}~,J., ~ ., ~ - ~., J*" ,J., ft- {~);J~~ "0 you who believe! Fasting has been prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you that you may become God-conscious." Qur'an 2:183 The believers are encouraged to remember God as much as possible. Although, moderation in all spheres of life. whether mater~al or spiritual~ is generally encouraged in divine law, an exception is made regarding the remembrance of Allah. It is virtually impossible to remember God too much. Consequently, in the final revelation, Chapter al-A!lzaab, Allah encourages the believers to remember God as often as possible: {IJ#' -)~ ~I i/t~1 i~~ ~~ ~~} "0 believers! Remember Allah often." .. Qur'an, 33:41 Remembrance ofGod is stressed because sin is generally committed when God is forgotten. The forces ofevil operate
  • 35. t - a r I t t rrn"I"y,f: "tCrrun" _ ..- most freelywhenconsciousnessof Godislost.Consequently, the satanic forces seek to occupy people'smiridswith irrelevantthoughtsanddesiresto makethemforgetGod.Once God is forgotten,peoplewillingly join thecomrptelements. The final revelation,theQur'an, addressesthis phenomenon in Chapteral-Mujaadalaftasfollows: .rualSrqT rytii' fi ;f,l;!i 6'LJ.Jr'# s.*,1.' {lt}s.i' ," oGii{r.r;7 11!i "Satan got the better of them and causedthem to forget Allah.Those are the partl'of Satan.Truly the party of Satan are the real losers" Qur'an58:19 God,throughDivine law, hasprohibitedintoxicantsand gamblingprimarilybecausetheycausehumanbeingsto forget God. Thehumanmind andbodyeasilybecomeaddictedto drugs and gamesof chance.Onceaddicted,humankind's desireto continuallybestimulatedby,themleadstheminto all formsof comrption.andviolenceamongthemselves.God saysin Chapteral-Maa'idahof thefinal revelation: The Purpose ofCreation most freely when consciousness ofGod is lost. Consequently, the satanic forces seek to occupy people'smiIids with irrelevant thoughts and desires to make them forget God. Once God is forgotten, people willingly join the corrupt elements. The final revelation, the Qur'an, addresses this phenomenon in Chapter al-Mujaadalah as follows: IJ~' ~~ ~~f ~, ')~ ;..Al:.Jti ~b:~~" ;••:If. ~~I} ~ ~ {~' I.iJI U JIb.~~ II :../. ~I ~{ Jf!' ~ - . £ . "Satan got the better of them and caused them to forget Allah. Those are the party ofSatan. Truly the party of Satan are the real losers" Qur'an 58: 19 God, through Divine law, has prohibited intoxicants and gambling primarily because they cause human beings to forget God. The human mind and body easily become addicted to drugs and games of chance. Once addicted, humankind's desire to continually be stimulated by them leads them into all fonns ofcorruption. and violence among themselves. God says in Chapter a/-Maa 'idah of the final revelation: ·_~il . '~,~ ~"JAll F ~ ~ ,~i ~t,-"~1I JJ ' WI}.r--"" ~" . J J _. ~.J! - ~.fl • ~ {~-*;~: ~f:W ~~ ~J~' f~ ~ ~l:A!J;~ :~i~J "Satan's plan is to incite enmity and hatred among you with intoxicants and gambling, and
  • 36. | * r I I t ( t t I IThePurposeof Creatlon _ hinder you from tfte remembranceof AIIaft and regular prayer. Will you not then abstain?" Qur'an,5:91 Consequently,humankindneedto rememberGod for their own salvationandgrowth.All humanshavetimesof weaknessin which theycommitsins.If theyhaveno means of rememberingGod, they sink deeperanddeeperinto corruption with everysin. However,thosewho follow the divine lawswill beconstantlyremindedof God,which will give them a chanceto repentandcorrectthemselves.The final revelationaccuratelydescribesthis processin Chapter Aal 'Imraan: ;l:;'i li'ri1i1,'&Jiiiit " ri+o iji r1,1;!;,rr;l te'ii. "Those who, having donesomethingshamefulor having wronged their own souls,remember Allah and immediately ask forgivenessfor their sins,.." Qur'an,3:135 The Religionof Islam The mostcompletesystemof worshipavailableto human beingstodayis thesystemfoundin thereligionof Islam.The very name'Islam' means'submissionto thewill of God.' Although it is commonlyreferredto as'thethird of thethree monotheisticfaiths,' it is not a newreligionat all. It is the religion broughtbyallcif theprophetsof Godfor humankind. " ' '.~, J~'" The Purpose ofCreation hinder you from the remembrance ofAllah and regular prayer. Will you not then abstain?" Qur'an, 5:91 Consequently, humankind need to remember God for their own salvation and growth. All humans have times of weakness in which they commit sins. Ifthey have no means of remembering God, they sink deeperand deeper into corruption with every sin. However, those who follow the divine laws will be constantly reminded of God, which will give them a chance to repent and correct themselves. The final revelation accurately describes this process in Chapter Aal 'Imraan: ..~ ~ i./j~ ~i i~ ~i ~~ i);J ~~ ~~'J} {~y~ "Those who, having done something shameful or having wronged their own souls, remember Allah and immediately ask forgiveness for their sins..." Qur'an, 3:135 The Religion of Islam The most complete system ofworship available to human beings today is the system found in the religion ofIslam. The very name 'Islam' means 'submission to the will of God.' Although it is commonly referred to as 'the third ofthe three monotheistic faiths,' it is not a new religion at all. It is the religion brought by all ofthe prophets of God for humankind.
  • 37. t-t fnt nry"tt rf Cr"ttt"" _ t€l Islam wasthe religion of Adam, Abraham,MosesandJesus. God addressesthis issuein the final revelationwith regard to ProphetAbraham,saying: '-;.rqllti+ if 1{r$i* r; rt# b'jr if r;; lg.#,'u o'g *Ahrahom wa$ neither a Jew nor.e Christian, but he wrs an upright Muslim who did not worship othensbesidesGod." Qur'an3:67 Since thereis only OneGod, andhumankindareone species,the religion which God hasordainedfor human beingsis one.He did not prescribeonereligionfor theJews, another for Indians,yet anotherfor Europeans,etc. Human spiritual andsocialneedsareuniform, andhumannaturehas not changedsincethe first'manandwomanwerecreated. Consequently,no otherreligion isacceptableto God beSides Islam, asHeclearlystatesin ChapterAal 'Imraant of the final revelation: {iyr:f'l'+;irr i,1} *SurelyAllah's religionis Islam." Qur'an3:19 'H:'eI' .'Jp14F"'*6-r;>L)rF #i'i {ir-rnri.i' The Purpose o[Crelltlon Islam was the religion ofAdam, Abraham, Moses and Jesus. God addresses this issue in the final revelation with regard to Prophet Abraham, saying: ~' ~ ~ ~S" ·.~r ~(. (~'~.) ", I·' ~S" ~}J, ., ~J -,.rAJ ~J-,Jft~.)'!~ {~~I~~~ "Abraham was neither a Jew nor-a Christian, but he was an upright Muslim who did bot worship others besides God." Qur'an 3:67 Since there is only One God, and humankind are one species, the religion which God has ordained for human beings is one. He did not prescribe one religion for the Jews, another for Indians, yet another for Europeans, etc. Human spiritual and social needs are unifonn, and human nature has not changed since the first 'man and wOman were created. Conseq~ently, no other religion 'is acceptable to God besides Islam, as He clearly states in Chapter Aal '/mraan ofthe final revelation: {~~~I ~ ~ ~:UI ~!} "Surely Allah's religion is Islam." Qur'an 3:19 ~ ~~~ J JAJ ~ ~ ~ ~~ r~~ ;;s. ¢Ft ~J} '{~r"bJl
  • 38. Thehtwose of Creatlon I lO I-r "And whoever desircsa religion besidesIslam will not hnveit accepted,and hewill beamong the losers in the heretfter." Qur'an3:85 Every Act Is Worship In the Islqeig system,eachand every humanact can be transformed into an act of worship. In fact, God commands the believersto dedicatetheir whole livesto Him. In Chapter al-An'aom, Allah says: {colni';; l e6't lsthn'2jiJr,irf- ir "rr}*Say: 'Surely my pmyer, my sacrifice, ry tiving end my dying are for Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.t tt Qur'an6:162 However, for that{edicationto beacceptableto Allah, eachact mustfulfill two basicconditions: 1 FIRST,THEACT MUSTBE DoNE SINCERELYFoRthe I pleasureof God andnot for the recognitionandpraise of humanbeings.Thebelieveralsohasto beponsciousof God while doingthe deedto insurethat it is not something forbiddenby Allah or the lastMessenger(#E). In order to facilitatethis transformationof mundane deeds into worship, Allah instructedthe lastProphet(!$) to prescribe short prayersto be saidbeforeeventhe simplest sf acts The shortest prayer which may be usedfor any The Purpose ofCreation "And whoever desires a religion besides Islam will not haveitaccepted,and he will be among the losers in the hereafter." Qur'an 3:85 Every Act Is Worship In the Isla.mic system, each and every human act can be transfonned into an act of worship. In fact, God commands the believers to dedicate their whole lives to Him. In Chapter ai-An 'aam, Allah says: {-;- ~ tAiI:""..1l -~" oN' . ~J_ ( t:J.J~, eli} ~ .J, "" J'i. J~J"" :4.r "Say: 'Surely my prayer, my sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.' " Qur'an 6: 162 However, for that c;ledication to be acceptable to Allah, each act must fulfill two baSic conditions: 1FIRST, THE ACT MUST BE DONE SINCERELY FOR the pleasure of God and not for the recognition and praise of human beings. The believer also has to be conscious of God while doing the deed to insure that it is not something forbidden by Allah or the last Messenger (~). In order to facilitate this transformation of mundane deeds into worship, Allah instructed the last Prophet (~) to prescribe short prayers to be said before e~en the simplest of ~~t~ The shortest prayer which may be used for any
  • 39. The Parpose of Creation circumstanceis: l' -*, bismillaah(ln thenameof Allah). Thereare,however,manyotherprayersprescribedfor specific occasions.For example,whenevera newpieceof clothing is worn,theProphet(+E)taughthis followersto say: O AIIah, thanks k dueto You,for it is You who has clothed me. I ask Yoafor itsbeneJitand the benefit for which it wasmade,and seekrefuge in Youfrom its eviland the evilfor which it wasmade.33 J THe sECoNDcoNDrloN ISTHATTHEAcr se donein Laccordance with thepropheticway,calledin Arabicthe Sunnah.All of the prophetsinstructedtheir followers to follow theirwaybecausetheywereguidedbyGod.Whatthey taught were divinelyrevealedtruths,andonly thosewho followed their way andacceptedthetruthswould inherit eternallife in paradise.It is in thiscontextthatProphetJesus, may the peaceand blessingsof Godbeuponhim,was reportedin theGospelaccordingto Johnl4:6, assaying,"./ am theway, thetruth, and the life; no mancomethuntothe Father, but by nte." Similarly,'Abdullaahibn Mas'ood relatedthatonedayProplretMuhammad(#) drewa iine in ,;-a V l-', ! _ : ' J " Sunan Abu Dawud, vol. 3. p. SaheehSunanAbeeDaawood, vol. I 125. no.4009andauthenticatedin 2 . p . 7 6 0 .n o . 3 3 9 3 i The Purpose ofCreation circumstance is: ~ ~ bismillaah (In the name of Allah). There are, however, many'other prayers prescribed for specific occasions. For example, whenever a new piece of clothing is worn, the Prophet C*) taught his followers to say: ~ ~ ?-~ ~?- X:JtJ .~:,:S ~f J:.;j ~ ~I . j ~ l. ~~ ~~ X ~ ;;f~ ,j o Allah, thanks is due to You, for it is You who has clothed me. I ask Youfor its benefit and the benefit for which it was made, and seek refuge in Youfrom its evil and the evilfor which it was made.33 2THE SECOND CONDITION IS THAT THE ACT BE done in accordance with the prophetic way, called in Arabic the Sunnah. All of the prophets instructed their followers to follow their way because they were guided by God. What they taught were divinely revealed truths, and only those who followed their way and accepted the truths would inherit eternal life in paradise. It is in this context that Prophet Jesus, may the peace and blessings of God be upon him, was reported in the Gospel according to John 14:6, as saying, "'I am the way. the truth. and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." Similarly,'Abdullaah ibn Mas'ood related that one day Prophet Muhammad C~) drew a iine in 33 Sunan Abu Dawud, vol. 3. p. 1125. no. 4009 and authenticated in S,ah.eeh. Sunan Abee Daawood, vol. 2. p. 760. no. 3391~
  • 40. lls Int nrp"tr rlc*"t*" u the dust for them andsaid,"This is Allah,spath." He then drew severallines [branchingoff] to the right andto the left and said,"Theseare thepaths [of misguidanceJon eachoJ' which is a devil invitingpeople tofolrow it." Hethen recited the verse: "Verily, this is my path, leading straight, so follow it. And do not follow the [otherl paths for they will scatter you about from Allah's path. That is His command to you in order that you may be consciousof Allah.34"35 Thus,theonlyacceptableway to worshipGod is accordingto the way of the prophets.Thatbeingthecase,innovationin religiousaffairswouldbeconsideredby Godamongtheworst of all evils. ProphetMuhammad(x) wasreportedto have said, "The worst of all affairs is innovstion in rerigion,for every religious innovation isa cursed,misleadinginnovation leading to the hellfire."36 Innovationin thereligionis forbiddenandunacceptable to God. The Prophet (E) wasalsoreportedby his wife, 'Aa'ishah, to havesaid,"He who innovatessomethingin this matterof ours,that is not of it,will hqveit rejected.,,37 It is fundamentallydueto innovationsthatthe messages of the earlierprophetsweredistortedandthe manyfalse religions in existencetodayevolved.Thegeneralrule to 3aSoorahal-An'aam(6):153. 3s collected by'eeand ad-Daarimee.andauthenticated by Almad Shaakirin al-Musnad,vol.6. pp. 89-90. no.4142. 16 SahihMuslim,vol. 2. p. 410, no. lgg5. , sahih At-Bukhari,vol.3. andsahihMuslim.vol.3. p. The Purpose ofCreation the dust for them and said, "This is Allah's path." He then drew several lines [branching off] to the right and to the left and said, "These are the paths [ofmisguidance] on each of which is a devil invitingpeople tofollow it." He then recited the verse: "Verily, this is my path, leading straight, so follow it. And do not follow the [other] paths for they will scatter you about from Allah's path. That is His command to you in order that you may be conscious ofAllah.34 ,,35 Thus, the only acceptable way to worship God is according to the way ofthe prophets. That being the case, innovation in religious affairs would be considered by God among the worst of all evils. Prophet Muhammad (~) was reported to have said, "The worst ofall affairs is innovation in religion, for every religious innovation is a cursed, misleading innovation leading to the hellfire. ,,36 Innovation in the religion is forbidden and unacceptable to God. The Prophet (~) was also reported by his wife, 'Aa'ishah, to have said, "He who innovates something in this matter ofours, that is not ofit. will have it rejected. ,,37 It is fundamentally due to innovations that the messages of the earl ier prophets were distorted and the many false religions in existence today evolved. The general rule to 34 Soorah al-An'aam (6):153. 35 Collected by Ahmad. an-Nasaa'ee and ad-Daarimee. and authenticated by Ahmad Shaakir in al-Musnad, vol. 6. pp. 89-90. no. 4142. 36 Sahih Muslim, vol. 2, p. 410, no. 1885. 37 Sahih AI-Bukhari. vol. 3. pp. 535-6. no. 861. and Sahih Muslim, vol. 3. p. 931. no. 4266.