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My	Daily	Walk	with	Abba	Father
Published	by:
Ade	Yah	Love	Publishers
Address:	P.O.	Box	4916
Telephone	and	fax:	+27	(0)21	914	0217
Cell:	083	650	7727
Copyright	©	2013	JSE	Maritz
P.O.	Box	4916
All	rights	reserved	-	no	part	of	this	book	may	be	reproduced	in	any	form	without	permission	in
writing	from	the	publisher,	except	by	a	reviewer	who	wishes	to	quote	brief	passages	in	connection	with	a
review	in	magazine	or	newspaper.
Unless	otherwise	indicated,	all	Scripture	quotations	in	this	book	are	taken	from	the	King	James
Version	of	the	Bible.
All	glory	to	my	Father-Yahuwah,
my	beloved	Yahushua	and	Holy	Spirit
for	these	wondrous	heavenly	revelations
and	the	privilege	to	commit	it	to	paper.
I	dedicate	this	book	to	our	three	sons:
Jan,	Jacques	and	Arno,	our	daughters-in-law	and	our	grandchildren.
My	honest	prayer	is	that	you	too	shall	learn	to	halachah	and	to	be
clothed	with	the	robes	of	the	sons	and	daughters	of	King	Yahuwah.
1																	Baby	On	A	Donkey
2																	The	Eagle’s	Nest
3																	The	Fiery	Coals
4																	In	The	Throne	Room
5																	The	Fire	Of	The	Holy	Spirit
6																	A	Love	Dance
7																	Prophet-Angel
8																	Column	Of	Light
9																	The	New	Mantle
10												Prophetic	Word
11												Ark	Of	The	Covenant
12												Yahuwah	Lives
13												The	Copper	Candlestick
14												Mandate	And	Authority
15												The	Golden	Throne
16												Time	Is	Running	Out
17												Aroma	Of	The	Kingdom
18												Tell	My	Children
19												Armageddon	and	the	Key
20												My	Health
21												Two	Crosses	Merge
22												Behind	The	Veil
23												The	Court	Room	Of	Heaven
24												The	Drop	Of	Blood
25												The	Pearl-Palace
26												The	Golden	Eagle
27												The	Treasury
28												Sand-Glass
29												Purified
30												Garden	Of	Trust
31												Clusters	Of	White	Doves
32												Protected	In	The	Dark
33												Heavenly	Choir
34												My	New	Office
35												Father’s	Seasons
36												Coming	Home
37												Spirit	Of	Wisdom
38												The	Glassy	Sea
39												Freedom
40												Warning
41												Road	Of	Love
42												The	Baby
43												Urgent	Wake-up	Call
44												Golden	Lake
45												The	Key	Of	Freedom
46												Obedience
47												Sky-Rocket
48												Lion	Of	Judah
49												New	Rules	For	The	Game
50												Childhood	Days
51												City	Of	Faith
52												Shake	The	Tree
53												Cling	To	Me
54												Time	Has	Come
55												The	Tallit	(Prayer	Shawl)
56												It	Is	Done
57												The	Abraham-Anointing
58												Taking	Up	The	Rod
59												Further	Anointing
60												Spiral	Staircase
61												The	Key
62												Circle	Of	Fire
63												Seated	In	Heavenly	Places
64												The	Promise
65												Blood-Moons
66												The	Rope
67												Tamarisk	Covenant
68												Sounds	From	The	Heart
69												Fountain	of	Transparency
70												Moses’	Bush
71												The	Scrolls
72												End
Exodus	3:14-15
And	God	said	unto	Moses,	I	AM	THAT	I	AM:	and	he	said,	Thus	shalt	thou	say	unto
the	children	of	Israel,	I	AM	hath	sent	me	unto	you.
And	God	said	moreover	unto	Moses,	Thus	shalt	thou	say	unto	the	children	of	Israel,
Jehovah,	the	God	of	your	fathers,	the	God	of	Abraham,	the	God	of	Isaac,	and	the	God	of
Jacob,	hath	sent	me	unto	you:	this	is	my	name	forever,	and	this	is	my	memorial	unto	all
In	this	book	I	wish	to	re-instate	the	true	name	of	our	heavenly	Father	because	in	His	own	words	He	said:
“This	is	my	name	forever,	and	this	is	my	memorial	unto	all	generations.”
I	shall	refer	to	my	Father	as	YAHUWAH	which	means	I	AM	in	Hebrew.	The	short	way	of	writing	is
Sometimes	I	also	refer	to	our	Almighty	Creator	as	Elohim.
The	 Name	 of	 the	 Son	 of	 the	 Father	 is	 Yahushua	 and	 the	 Name	 of	 the	 Holy	 Spirit	 is	 Ruach	 Ha
This	all	started	during	a	visit	to	Israel	in	2007.	One	night,	close	to	the	Sea	of	Galilee,	I	had	a
spiritual	 revelation	 of	 the	 horror	 of	 hell	 and	 afterwards	 I	 was	 taken	 on	 spiritual	 journeys	 for	 several
months	where	different	facets	of	the	works	of	darkness	were	revealed	to	me.	The	instruction	of	Yahuwah
was	distinctly	clear:
“Write	everything	down	in	a	book	and	go	and	tell	My	children	that	nobody	can	ever	return	from
These	revelations	are	all	recorded	in	the	book	called:	Secrets	of	hell	revealed.
After	these	experiences	of	the	darkness,	Father	blessed	me	even	more	and	over	a	period	of	many
months	showed	me	the	deeper	secrets	of	Heaven.	Again	this	was	accompanied	with	a	specific	instruction:
“Write	down	everything,	and	publish	this	as	a	book,	so	that	My	children	can	know	that	Heaven	is	a
Hab	2:2	And	Jehovah	answered	me,	and	said,	Write	the	vision,	and	make	it	plain	upon
tablets,	that	he	may	run	that	readeth	it.
Later	He	added:	“This	book	is	a	love	letter	from	the	Bridegroom	to	the	bride.”
These	revelations	are	recorded	in	the	book	titled:	Secrets	of	heaven	unveiled.	This	is	indeed	what
it	is	in	reality:	a	description	of	an	intimate	love	story	between	the	heavenly	Bridegroom	and	the	bride.
Halachah,	the	third	book	in	this	instructed	series	reveals	more	heavenly	encounters	as	well	as	my
daily	walk	with	Abba	Father.	Halachah	means:	‘The	way	one	walks.’		He	prepared	and	taught	me	in	the
school	of	the	Holy	Spirit	how	to	stand	in	His	service.
In	 Halachah	 it	 is	 recorded	 what	 happened	 nine	 months	 after	 I	 had	 the	 revelation	 at	 the	 Sea	 of
Galilee.	The	publishing	of	the	first	book	was	in	process	when	I	received	more	revelations.
At	first	I	did	not	understand	it,	but	it	was	actually	a	wonderful	road	that	Father	had	taken	me	further
on.	In	short	I	want	to	describe	it	in	this	way:	When	our	Heavenly	Father	gives	someone	an	assignment	to
do,	He	shall,	by	His	love	and	faithfulness,	first	equip	that	person	completely	ere	He	sends	him	out	saying:
“Go	and	do	as	I	instruct	you.”
In	Jeremiah	1:7-19	we	have	a	beautiful	example	of	how	Father	first	equipped	the	prophet	for	the
specific	task	to	be	a	prophet	to	the	nations.
In	Halachah	I	wish	to	take	you	as	the	reader	on	such	a	road	of	obedience	and	preparation.	You’ll
notice	that	I	write	this	as	a	chronological	daily	journal	so	that	you	can	accompany	me	on	these	journeys
and	experiences.	There	were	times	when	I	was	really	anxious	because	I	did	not	understand	many	of	these
things,	but	the	love	with	which	Father	encouraged	me,	time	and	again	left	me	breathless	and	in	awe.
Without	 doubt	 these	 experiences	 are	 granted	 to	 everyone,	 although	 not	 every	 person	 shall	 be
commissioned	to	write	it	down	and	publish	a	book	on	them.	Thus,	when	you	read	my	name	in	this	book,
you	may	as	well	read	your	own	name	instead.	We	are	all	Hephzibahs,	because	we	are	all	part	of	the
I	sensed	time	is	running	out	and	the	return	of	our	heavenly	Bridegroom,	Yahushua,	is	very	near.
Father	wants	to	take	His	children	on	this	journey	in	sincerity	so	that	each	one	can	reflect	once	more	on	his
This	 narration	 isn’t	 meant	 to	 make	 you	 anxious	 but	 to	 give	 you	 that	 feeling	 of	 satisfaction	 and
security,	because	we	know	that	our	heavenly	Father	is	in	control	of	whatever	His	greater	plan	may	be.
Ask	yourself	this	question:
“Am	I	secure	in	my	faith?		If	I	should	die	today,	do	I	know	for	sure	where	I	am	going	to?	Have	I
given	 my	 heart	 to	 Yahushua	 and	 have	 I	 accepted	 His	 saving	 grace	 which	 He	 obtained	 for	 me	 by	 the
shedding	of	His	precious	blood	on	the	cross	of	Calvary?	The	blood	which	was	shed	for	forgiveness	of
sins	and	the	healing	of	all	sicknesses	and	hurt.	Have	I	entered	into	the	peace	available	in	our	Father?”
Why	Father	chose	me	to	share	these	mysteries	I	cannot	answer,	but	what	I	am	convinced	of	is	this:
that	God	is	no	respecter	of	persons.
Act	10:34		And	Peter	opened	his	mouth	and	said,	Of	a	truth	I	perceive	that	God	is
no	respecter	of	persons.
Many	a	time	I	have	asked	Him:	“Father,	why	me?”
His	answer	has	always	been	that	He	has	the	right	to	use	His	children	as	He	wishes.	I	can	testify	that
He	 has	 prepared,	 moulded	 and	 planed	 me	 over	 many	 years	 and	 I	 can	 testify	 that	 He	 has	 turned	 my
suffering	into	blessings.
I	believe	that	incidents	during	my	lifetime,	when	I	had	to	overcome	breast	cancer	and	also	when	I
had	a	near-death-experience	when	my	heart	stopped	beating	for	a	few	seconds	when	I	had	a	heart	attack,
were	 all	 phases	 of	 preparation.	 Also	 my	 pain	 and	 sorrow,	 when	 my	 only	 little	 baby	 girl,	 Erika,	 died
shortly	after	her	birth,	wasn’t	in	vain.
Even	during	a	divorce	and	financial	difficulty	I	had	to	learn	to	literally	trust	the	Almighty	Creator,
Elohim,	unconditionally	for	everything.
I	 had	 to	 learn	 to	 lay	 down	 my	 own	 plans	 and	 my	 own	 will.	 I	 had	 to	 learn	 in	 humbleness	 and
submission	that	I	have	a	Father	in	Heaven	Who	loves	to	care	for	His	children.
It	was	only	later	in	my	life	that	I	learned	to	recognise	the	voice	of	Elohim,	although	He	was	talking
to	me	all	the	time,	since	the	beginning	of	my	life.
I	had	to	learn	what	obedience	is	and	how	to	wait	upon	Him	in	childlike	expectation	and	I	had	to
learn	how	to	love	Him	and	how	to	trust	Him	with	the	heart	of	a	child.
When	I	reflect	on	my	past	and	I	realise	what	exiting	task	Father	has	endowed	to	me,	I	can	also	join
Paul	in	thanksgiving:
1Ti	1:12		I	thank	Him	that	enabled	me,	even	Christ	Jesus	our	Lord,
for	that	He	counted	me	faithful,	appointing	me	to	His	service.
This	book	was	preceded	by	a	road	that	Abba	Father	had	taken	me	on	with	a	specific	assignment:
“Go	tell	My	children	that	there	is	indeed	a	hell.	But	also	tell	them	that	Yahushua	is	standing	on	the
brink	of	hell	to	shield	His	children	from	falling	over	the	edge	into	Hades,	for	then	they	can	never	escape
out	of	it	again.”
Furthermore	He	instructed:
“Go	tell	My	children	also	about	My	love	for	them	and	that	I	am	waiting	at	the	door	of	Eternal	life
for	them;	and	that	I	long	to	come	and	fetch	My	bride.”
Although	this	book	is	a	follow	up	on	the	previous	two	books,	it	could	also	be	read	as	a	separate
book.	It	contains	descriptions	of	my	heavenly	journeys,	dreams	and	visions,	as	well	as	descriptions	of	the
road	I	had	to	walk	with	Him,	similar	to	the	relationship	between	Elohim	and	His	prophet	Moses.
This	is	a	road	of	“walking	with	my	heavenly	Father”,	where	I	have	daily	conversations	with	Him
and	where	He	would	even	wake	me	in	the	night	and	share	heavenly	secrets	with	me.
When	I	do	not	understand	it	and	share	my	concern	over	it	with	Him,	He’ll	always	answer:
“Come,	I’ll	show	you.”
It	is	then	followed	by	wonderful	teachings	with	explanations	directly	from	His	heavenly	Throne
Room,	filled	with	fresh	revelation	knowledge.
It	is	also	important	to	see	how	He	guides	me	through	different	seasons	and	how	He	continually
prepares	and	equips	me	for	what	I	have	to	experience	next.
When	you	read	the	first	chapter,	you’ll	see	I	set	out	with	an	experience	where	I	am	taken	away	in	the
Rev	4:2		Instantly	I	was	in	the	Spirit,	and	I	saw	a	Throne	in	heaven	with	a	person
seated	on	the	Throne.
During	these	journeys	I	am	always	participant	as	well	as	spectator.
Something	 that	 is	 still	 inexplicable	 is	 that	 Father	 communicates	 with	 me	 in	 English	 without
exception,	although	I	am	Afrikaans	speaking.	I	marvelled	over	this	many	a	time	but	could	not	get	any
answer	to	it.	I	can	only	confess	that	there	has	been	a	phenomenal	improvement	in	my	vocabulary!	The	fact
that	 He	 always	 communicates	 with	 me	 in	 English	 while	 I	 always	 think	 in	 Afrikaans,	 helps	 me	 to
distinguish	clearly	between	God’s	voice	and	my	own	thoughts.
Father	also	gave	me	the	name	“Hephzibah”	and	He	always	calls	me	by	it.
These	are	assignments	from	the	Father	and	I	cannot	take	credit	for	it.	All	honour	goes	to	Elohim
alone.	All	I	did	was	to	record	all	the	experiences	and	revelations	and	conversations	very	carefully.	This
is	the	reason	for	my	being	here	on	Earth	and	this	is	what	He	has	called	and	prepared	me	to.
To	me	it	is	a	privilege	beyond	words	to	answer	to	this	call.	I	honour	my	heavenly	Father	for	it.
When	Father	calls	me	in	the	night	to	talk	to	me,	I	usually	go	to	my	private	prayer	room	in	our	house,
I	close	the	door	quietly	and	wait	upon	the	Lord.	This	conversation	with	Father	can	last	for	hours.	In	fact,
once	it	did	last	five	hours	before	I	could	go	back	to	bed.
Saturday	2	February	2008_______________________________________________
For	days	now	I	haven’t	heard	the	voice	of	Father	Yahuwah	and	it	caused	a	restlessness	in	me.
“Abba	Father,	I	do	not	hear	You.	Your	voice	is	quiet	and	I	don’t	know	where	I	find	myself	now.	I
have	to	write	the	books	but	I	cannot	do	it	alone,”	I	called	out	once	again	in	my	prayer	chamber	as	I	poured
out	my	heart	before	Him.
His	Holy	Presence	folded	heavily	around	me	and	I	was	taken	away	in	the	Spirit.
A	white,	well-trodden	mountain-trail	became	visible	before	me,	winding	up	a	steep	mountain.	A
little	donkey	was	walking	along	this	narrow	trail	up	the	mountain	carrying	a	lady	on	his	back.	Her	brightly
coloured	dress	was	in	sharp	contrast	to	the	greyish	mountain	surrounds.	Cradled	in	her	arms	was	a	baby,
wrapped	in	a	snug	baby	blanket.
This	scene	reminded	me	of	the	Biblical	story	of	Mary,	carrying	Baby	Yahushua	in	her	arms.
Immediately	I	sensed	that	the	lady	riding	on	the	donkey	was	actually	me	holding	a	new	born	in	my
Step	by	step	with	his	precious	load	wobbling	on	his	back,	the	little	donkey	eventually	reached	the
top.	Only	then	did	I	realise	how	very	high	this	mountain	is.	A	fearsome	precipice	with	valleys	far	off	kept
us	from	going	over	the	mountain,	and	forced	us	to	move	along	the	ridge.
Carefully	the	donkey	moved	on	the	trail	along	the	ridge,	carrying	his	load.	Although	the	precipice
gaped	at	my	left	side,	I	was	not	fearful	and	only	held	my	new	born	bundle	calmly	in	my	arms.
A	huge	white	eagle	arrived	and	barred	us	with	his	wings	from	the	precipice,	so	as	to	prevent	the
little	donkey	from	falling	down	the	cliff.
“Why	have	You	brought	me	here	and	why	are	You	showing	me	this	queer	scene?	I	do	not	understand
it,”	I	wanted	to	know.
“Upon	high	places	you	shall	move	along	safely,	for	I	am	your	shield	in	times	of	trouble,”	Abba
Father	explained.
“But	why	am	I	riding	on	the	donkey?”
“Just	as	Mary	was	the	bearer	of	a	precious	baby,	I	am	using	you	to	be	the	bearer	of	the	message	of	great
value.	 I	 shall	 protect	 you	 wherever	 you	 may	 go.	 Do	 not	 stop	 now,	 precious	 daughter,	 keep	 going	 and
persevere	in	this	assignment.”
All	along	the	ridge	the	little	donkey	continued	with	the	eagle	guarding	us	against	the	precipice.	I	wrapped
the	tiny	bundle	even	more	securely.
I	glanced	and	saw	two	shimmering	white	angels	following	us.	For	how	long	they	have	been	there,	I
do	not	know	but	they	followed	us	like	body	guards	and	protected	us.
Psa	91:11		For	He	will	give	His	angels	charge	over	thee,	to	keep	thee	in	all	thy	ways.
We	progressed	step	by	step	on	the	winding	mountain-trail.	The	terrain	was	rough	and	I	kept	my	eyes	fixed
on	the	road	ahead.
What	a	joy	it	was	when	Yahushua	suddenly	stood	in	the	road.	He	led	the	donkey	over	the	rocky	path
on	a	rein.	His	white	linen	garment	reached	to	His	feet.	On	His	back	was	a	cross.
“Can	You	please	explain	to	me	what	I	have	to	understand	from	this?”	I	asked	Him	immediately,	for
nothing	of	this	made	any	sense	to	me.
“I	am	taking	you	to	safety,	beloved	child,	because	we	must	guard	the	books.	This	is	precious	seed
that	has	to	enrich	many	people’s	lives.	The	enemy	is	aware	of	it	and	is	trying	to	prevent	you	from	finishing
your	assignment.	Do	not	worry,	for	I	will	accompany	you	on	this	extremely	difficult	way.”
“How	long	is	this	journey	going	to	take?”
“Another	three	days,	My	daughter.	Within	three	days	you’ll	reach	the	safety	of	the	new	City,	the
secret	hiding	place	deep	within	the	heart	of	the	Father,	where	you	shall	be	perfectly	safe.”
The	reality	struck	home	and	I	realised	how	critically	urgent	these	books	were	for	Father-Yahuwah
and	that	they	must	be	published.
“Beloved	mother	of	many,	you	must	rest	a	while.	I	know	that	you’ll	miss	our	times	together,	but
know	that	I	am	with	you	always.	We	are	bound	together	with	bonds	that	cannot	be	broken,	even	when	I	let
you	alone	to	rest	for	a	while.	I	can	see	that	you	really	love	Me	and	that	it	isn’t	mere	talk.	Be	calm	and
know	that	the	angels	have	been	assigned	to	watch	over	you	and	your	house.”
I	was	brought	back	and	for	the	remainder	of	the	night	I	slept	soundly.
Only	during	my	quiet	time	the	next	morning	did	the	puzzle	pieces	fall	in	place.
The	guarding	eagle	represented	Abba	Father.	Yahushua	was	the	leader	and	the	donkey	represented
Holy	Spirit.	The	baby	was	the	new	book,	Secrets	of	Heaven	unveiled,	and	I	was	the	mother	who	had	to
see	to	the	baby.
How	marvellously	great	is	our	Yahushua	to	explain	this	supernatural	revelation	in	this	way.	I	was
totally	at	peace	and	I	knew	that	the	new	book	was	within	the	perfect	will	of	the	Father.
Later	that	morning	in	church	while	I	was	attentively	listening	to	the	pastor,	I	was	taken	back	to	that	high
mountain.	The	donkey	was	still	carrying	his	load	along	the	winding	trail	on	the	ridge	of	the	mountain.
Suddenly	an	eagle	emerged	from	within	the	woman	and	glided	over	mother	and	child.
In	a	distance	the	walls	of	a	City	became	visible.
“We	are	moving	towards	the	City.	Ahead	of	you,	you	can	see	the	walls.	In	a	short	while	you	shall
also	be	able	to	see	the	gates,”	Father	encouragingly	explained.
“When	you	reach	the	security	of	the	City,	a	whole	new	phase	of	your	life	shall	begin.	You	shall
experience	further	heavenly	revelations	and	know	it	to	be	the	works	of	My	hands.”
I	did	not	understand	what	Abba	Father	meant	by	this,	but	the	excitement	within	me	drowned	all
A	few	days	later	I	was	taken	away	again	by	the	Spirit	of	Father.	Now	I	stood	outside	the	walls	of	the	City
where	I	was	moving	towards	for	more	than	a	week.	My	snow-white	linen	dress	draped	to	my	bare	feet.
Two	heavy	wooden	doors	were	in	front	of	me.
The	donkey	and	the	baby	had	disappeared	and	I	was	alone.
“Open	the	doors!”	I	heard	the	instruction	from	Father.
Cautiously	I	turned	the	round	copper	door-knob	and	opened	the	doors	with	ease.
A	blinding	white	light	shone	on	me	from	within	the	City.	There,	right	in	front	of	me	I	saw	a	mighty
Golden	Throne.	A	smaller	Throne	onto	which	a	cross	was	attached,	became	visible	next	to	the	huge	one.
The	Thrones	were	covered	by	a	white	cloud.
Once	inside	the	entrance,	I	stared	in	total	amazement	as	the	beauty	enfolded	before	me.
Rows	upon	rows	of	golden	bowls	were	arranged	around	the	Thrones.	Angels	were	dancing	and
singing	around	the	bowls.
A	stream	of	crystal	clear	water	meandered	from	the	bowls.
“Come	and	drink,”	I	heard	Abba	Father’s	invitation.
I	 stepped	 forward,	 knelt	 and	 scooped	 the	 water	 with	 my	 hands	 and	 drank.	 My	 body	 turned	 a
shimmering	silver	colour.
A	huge	eagle	gently	picked	me	up	by	the	shoulders	with	its	talons	and	lifted	me.	Two	angels	brought
a	linen	cloth,	carrying	it	like	a	hammock.	The	eagle	lowered	me	slowly	until	I	was	laying	in	the	hammock.
A	huge	white	hand	enfolded	me.
For	a	long	time	I	just	lay	there,	motionless.
A	ring	with	a	beautiful	green	stone	was	shown	to	me.
“I	want	to	give	you	this	ring	as	a	wedding	gift	and	I	want	to	reconfirm	our	love	covenant.	I	am	going
to	enlarge	your	territory	where	you	will	operate.”
It	felt	as	if	something	that	I	have	longed	for	my	whole	life,	at	last	found	rest	in	my	being.
“You	 have	 reached	 the	 City,	 the	 presence	 of	 your	 Father	 Yahuwah.	 This	 shall	 be	 your	 dwelling
place	for	ever.	You	shall	dwell	in	My	presence	and	from	here	you	shall	be	fed	from	My	Word	and	you’ll
receive	your	assignments.
“If	you	need	help	you	can	come	to	Me.	I’ll	take	care	of	you.	I’ll	hide	you	here	in	My	presence	so
that	you	can	fulfil	your	calling	in	Me.	This	all	I	do	because	of	My	love	for	you,	Hephzibah,	My	daughter.”
Father	did	not	say	anything	more	and	I	was	back	in	my	prayer	chamber.
I	was	stunned	and	for	a	long	time	I	only	sat	motionless	at	my	desk.	It	was	all	too	big	to	comprehend.
The	surrounds	of	the	Thrones	were	not	as	I	have	experienced	it	at	previous	times,	I	realised.
Perhaps	 this	 City	 is	 an	 example	 of	 the	 presence	 and	 intimacy	 of	 Father,	 Yahushua	 and	 the	 Holy
Spirit.	A	City	where	we	can	enter	into	daily.
I	do	not	know.
Sunday	10	February	2008______________________________________________
It	is	beyond	my	understanding	how	clearly	He	showed	me	where	He	was	taking	me	and	the	books	in	the
scene	of	the	donkey.	This	way	of	communication	became	the	norm	of	how	Father	answered	my	questions.
Whenever	I	ask,	He	would	reply:	“Come,	I’ll	show	you.”
Rev	4:1		After	these	things	I	saw,	and	behold,	a	door	opened	in	heaven,
and	the	first	voice	that	I	heard,	a	voice	as	of	a	trumpet	speaking	with	me,	one	saying,
Come	up	hither,	and	I	will	show	thee	the	things	which	must	come	to	pass	hereafter.
In	the	presence	of	my	Abba	Father	I	had	no	worries.	He	was	raising	me	like	an	eaglet	–	for	what	reason	I
did	not	yet	know.
It	was	my	early	morning	dedication	time.	I	was	sitting	at	His	feet	in	praise	and	worship	of	Him	Who	was
busy	changing	my	life	irrevocably.
Tenderly	I	was	taken	away.
In	an	enormous	nest	of	a	beautiful,	pure	white	eagle	I	found	myself	sitting	as	a	tiny-tiny	eaglet.
I	could	see	the	love	and	pride	in	the	eyes	of	the	large	eagle,	and	I	understood	that	it	reflected	the
feeling	of	my	heavenly	Father.
It	filled	me	with	unspeakable	joy	and	a	feeling	of	comfort	and	satisfaction.	The	huge	eagle	nudged
me	deeper	under	his	wing	with	its	sharp	beak	and	in	the	spirit	I	could	even	feel	the	heat	of	the	feathers
around	me.
Nothing	further	happened	and	I	was	once	again	back	in	my	prayer	chamber.	I	lowered	my	face	in	my
hands	and	whispered	in	adoration:
“Thank	You,	my	Yahuwah,	that	I	could	feel	the	warmth	of	Your	embrace.	To	abide	under	the	wings
of	Your	protection,	is	indescribable.	With	such	patience,	love	and	wisdom	You	are	preparing	me.	Thank
You	that	I	am	not	wanting	in	anything.	In	You	I	have	everything.
“Holy	Spirit,	thank	You	for	Your	excellent	tuition,	Your	comfort	and	guidance.	You	are	a	wonderful
“Yahushua,	my	Bridegroom,	King	of	Heaven,	how	sincerely	I	want	to	be	with	You	forever.”
Heavenly	answers	were	dropped	into	my	spirit	to	overflow.
“On	the	wings	of	the	wind	we’ll	dance.”
“Like	eagles	we’ll	fly	higher	and	higher	to	be	seated	in	Heavenly	places	of	the	Mighty	Kingdom	of
“I	am	so	excited.	Please	put	Your	desire	in	my	heart,	Father,”	I	whispered	in	expectation.
“My	desire	is	to	live	Your	dream.	Give	me	the	heart	of	a	willing	servant,	to	serve	You	in	purity.	I	so
deeply	love	You.”
“Beloved	daughter,	abide	in	Me;	in	the	nest	of	My	heart.	Here	you	are	safe	and	you	are	always
protected	by	the	blood	of	the	Lamb.”
I	 could	 feel	 how	 I	 was	 nudged	 under	 the	 wing	 and	 being	 enveloped	 in	 His	 warmth.	 His
encouragement	had	no	end.
“Together	we	are	going	to	fly	high.	I	want	to	teach	you	further	secrets	of	heaven	and	show	it	to	you
from	an	eagle’s	eye	perspective.	It	will	enable	you	to	see	even	deeper	and	more	clearer	as	ever	in	the
Spirit.	More	refinement	is	still	necessary.
“You	shall	come	to	know	Me	more	intimately	like	a	woman	knows	her	husband.
“It’s	going	to	happen,	little	eagle.	Very	soon	you’ll	be	kicked	out	of	the	nest	so	that	you’ll	really
learn	to	fly.
“Together	 we’ll	 fly	 in	 formation.	 You	 shall	 never	 be	 alone	 in	 the	 whirling	 winds.	 You’ll	 be
accompanied	by	My	soldiers	who	are	already	busy	preparing	the	way	for	you.”
“I	love	You	so	deeply,”	I	silently	answered.
“Only	be	obedient.	I’ll	fill	you	with	love	and	wisdom	–	to	overflow	–	like	a	waterfall	you	shall	be.
“Abide	in	My	peace	and	wait	patiently.”
Tears	ran	down	my	cheeks.
“Abba	Father,	it	is	so	marvellous	under	the	protection	of	Your	precious	wings.	I	urgently	need	Your
guidance	and	advice	and	I	refuse	to	walk	one	step	without	Your	Holy	presence.”
“In	Me	you	have	everything,	My	beloved	Hephzibah	daughter.	Take	a	rest	in	My	heart	–	but	not	for
too	long	–	then	you’ll	be	pushed	out	of	the	nest.	I	shall	blow	My	breath	of	life	over	you	and	you’ll	be	born
again;	new	for	a	new	season.
“During	this	season	a	new	book	shall	be	born.	You	are	going	to	love	it,	because	it	will	be	the	things
that	have	been	hidden	in	your	inner	being	for	many	years.
“One	by	one	you	have	opened	it,	but	now	you	have	My	special	permission	to	use	them.	You’ve	been
successful	in	all	your	testing	and	now	you	may	continue,	My	daughter.”
Through	my	tears	I	exclaimed:
“Father,	I	am	speechless	when	I	consider	Your	greatness	and	when	I	listen	to	Your	words.	Thank
You.	Thank	You,	Abba	Father.”
“Only	abide	in	Me	–	in	My	nest.	After	a	short	Sabbatical	I’ll	lead	you	into	a	new	season	where	you
shall	 be	 a	 great	 blessing	 to	 your	 brothers	 and	 sisters.	 You	 shall	 wear	 the	 cloak	 of	 love,	 wisdom	 and
discernment	with	great	dignity	and	humbleness.
“A	forth	angel,	the	prophetic	angel	shall	shortly	be	assigned	to	you	to	equip	you	and	breathe	the
prophetic	over	you	and	give	life	to	it.”
“You	are	so	generous	toward	me,	wonderful	Elohim.	You	are	the	Ultimate.	Thank	You	that	I	can	call
You	my	Abba-Daddy.”
“Take	a	rest	now	and	be	not	concerned	about	anything,	My	daughter.”
I	observed	Yahushua	in	a	church	building,	moving	amongst	the	congregation,	laying	His	hands	on	some	of
them,	or	merely	touching	others.
Immediately	after	this,	I	saw	Him,	clothed	in	white,	His	hands	in	chains.	A	heavy	rope	was	attached
to	Him	and	He	was	led	away	solitary.
I	could	not	understand	this	strange	scene.
“Why	are	You	in	chains?”	I	asked,	but	doubted	whether	He	could	hear	me.
Many	members	of	the	congregation	simply	watched	with	stiff	necks	and	closed	lips	how	Yahushua
was	taken	away.
The	 next	 moment	 I	 could	 see	 thousands	 of	 people,	 down	 on	 their	 faces,	 against	 a	 hillside	 with
outstreched	hands.	At	the	top	of	the	hill	I	saw	Yahushua	with	outstreched	hands	towards	them.
I	could	even	see	the	scars	in	His	hands	clearly.
“My	children	do	not	yet	understand	the	resurrection	power	of	My	Son,	they	are	still	trapped	in
religion,”	I	heard	Yahuwah	say.
“Those	who	fall	down	on	their	faces	before	Me,	will	inherit	Eternal	life.”
After	this	I	remained	sitting	in	silence	for	a	long	time.
A	new	book,	a	new	season,	a	new	angel	and	new	revelations	–	all	of	this	raced	through	my	mind.
An	indescribable	feather	soft	feeling	entered	the	innermost	part	of	my	being	at	that	moment.
The	soothing	sound	of	running	water	from	the	water	feature	in	our	garden	and	the	ticking	of	the
grandfather	 clock	 in	 the	 hallway	 was	 clearly	 discernible.	 More	 than	 this	 there	 was	 only	 an	 awesome
Monday	11	February	2008_______________________________________________
This	morning	something	strange	happened,	despite	the	clarity	of	the	vision	of	the	eagle	and	the	nestling
in	my	mind.
Round	about	eight	o’clock	while	I	was	in	prayer,	suddenly	everything	around	me	became	misty	and
faded	away.	Even	the	words	in	my	Bible	faded	away.	Because	I	have	become	acquainted	to	the	variety	of
the	visits	from	the	Holy	Spirit,	I	waited	in	anticipation.
Everything	around	me	waited	breathlessly.	I	covered	my	head	with	my	prayer	shawl	and	praised
and	worshipped	my	wonderful	heavenly	Father	Whom	I	love	so	deeply.	I	praised	His	wondrous	grandeur
and	omnipotence.
I	was	raptured	in	the	Spirit.
Suddenly	Yahushua	was	there,	more	distinctly	than	I	have	ever	seen	Him.	His	shimmering	white
robe,	chestnut	brown	hair	and	beard	–	everything	distinctively	clear	–	surrounded	by	the	light	of	Glory	–
was	wonderful	beyond	words.
I	stood	motionless	–	standing	in	awe	of	my	Yahushua.	He	came	closer	to	me.	Two	angels	stood	by
me	–	one	on	my	left	side	and	one	on	my	right	side.	They	were	both	clothed	in	shimmering	white	and
surrounded	by	the	most	awesome	light.
Yahushua	came	up	to	me,	extended	His	hands	towards	me	and	said:
“Give	Me	your	hands,	Hephzibah.”
Cautiously	I	stretched	my	hands	towards	Him.	A	third	beautiful	angel,	taller	and	stronger	than	the
other	two	joined	us.
In	both	of	my	palms	Yahushua	placed	a	fiery	red,	burning	coal	and	closed	my	hands	around	them.	I
watched	Him	in	anticipation.
“Press	these	coals	to	your	lips,”	He	said	softly.
I	did	it.
“Swallow	them”	came	the	next	instruction.
I	placed	it	in	my	mouth	and	swallowed	it.
“This	 is	 to	 prepare	 you	 for	 the	 prophetic	 Word.	 Remember	 this	 day.	 It	 is	 very	 important	 and
significant	to	you,”	He	said	while	a	soft	light	shone	forth	from	His	being.
I	could	see	the	glowing	coals	moving	down	my	intestines.
Jer	5:14		Wherefore	thus	saith	Jehovah,	the	God	of	hosts,
Because	ye	speak	this	word,	behold,	I	will	make	my	words	in	thy	mouth	fire.
Yahushua	and	the	angels	slowly	moved	away	while	He	was	still	looking	at	me	lovingly.	How	I	longed	to
have	Him	with	me	longer.
My	 Bible	 was	 still	 laying	 open	 in	 front	 of	 me,	 the	 writing	 once	 more	 clear.	 My	 heart	 was
overflowing	from	this	experience	–	and	for	now	–	I	could	only	be	quiet	before	Father,	and	cherish	this
moment	like	a	precious	jewel.
For	the	remainder	of	the	day	I	was	very	aware	of	the	morning	experience	and	the	tears	were	very
near,	because	I	realised	that	I	had	really	entered	into	a	new	dimension	where	my	spiritual	eyes	could	see
even	more.
Never	before	could	I	see	my	Yahushua	like	I	have	seen	Him	this	morning.	Small	detail	which	I
couldn’t	see	before,	became	much	clearer.	This	was	indeed	a	new	season	where	I	could	be	more	intimate
with	Father,	I	realised	in	awe	and	I	was	waiting	in	anticipation	on	what	could	happen	next.
Once	again	I	realised	how	mighty	and	unsearchable	the	ways	of	our	Omnipotent	Elohim	were.
In	my	inner	being	a	spring	of	bubbling	water	burst	forth	in	a	stream	of	grateful	prayers.	I	wanted	to
praise	and	worship	Him	without	end.
How	can	I	ever	bring	Him	honour	and	praise	for	all	His	goodness	towards	me?
Saturday,	16	February	2008______________________________________________
I	had	the	peace	of	mind	that	Father	was	busy	preparing	me	supernaturally,	little	by	little,	and	that	He	was
convincing	me	of	His	unfailing	presence	and	love	at	all	times	and	under	all	circumstances.	We	had	lengthy
conversations	on	a	daily	basis	and	His	encouragement	stunned	me	at	times.
To	dance	before	Him	is	my	favourite	way	of	showing	Him	how	much	I	love	Him.	This	morning	I
also	danced	before	Him	in	my	lounge.	I	twirled	and	sang	with	my	brightly	coloured	prayer	shawl	waving
around	me.	Later	I	sat	down	at	His	feet.
Like	a	tiny	rosebud	gently	moving	in	the	wind,	I	was	taken	away	and	immediately	I	found	myself	in	the
Throne	Room	of	my	Father,	Elohim.	I	was	dressed	in	a	light	green	garment	and	wore	a	light	green	mantle
over	it.	I	was	laying	on	my	face	on	a	transparent	glass	floor.
In	awe	I	stared	at	the	multitude	of	colours	that	was	visible	under	the	floor,	seemingly	pouring	forth
like	lights	from	the	hearts	of	the	most	beautiful	flowers.	It	illuminated	the	entire	floor	from	below.
Later,	when	I	looked	up,	the	gleaming	golden	Throne	stood	in	front	of	me,	engulfed	in	a	cloud	as
white	as	snow	and	emitting	the	Holy	presence	of	Father	Yahuwah.	Everything	was	still	as	breath-taking
beautiful	as	it	was	during	my	first	visit	here	with	Yahushua.
At	 the	 foot	 of	 the	 golden	 Throne	 four	 heavenly	 creatures	 knelt,	 but	 they	 were	 not	 clearly
recognisable.	Angels	dressed	in	gold,	watched	over	the	Throne	with	outstretched	wings.
Next	to	the	golden	Throne	was	a	second	Throne	where	Yahushua,	our	Messiah	was	seated.	This
smaller	Throne	was	also	not	clearly	visible	but	I	focussed	on	the	Prince	of	heaven,	seated	there	in	all	His
Beneath	the	Throne	of	Yahushua	a	streamlet	of	clear	red	blood	came	forth,	ran	across	the	glassy
floor	and	made	a	puddle	around	my	feet	until	I	was	sitting	in	the	blessed	puddle.
I	could	not	contain	my	tears	and	stretched	my	arms	out	to	my	beloved	Yahushua.
Two	huge	angels	came	alongside	me,	and	spread	their	wings	over	me.	Over	us	a	pure	white	dove
circled	in	gracious	movements.
Suddenly	my	Yahushua	was	close	to	me.
He	pulled	me	into	His	arms	and	hugged	me	closely	against	Him.
Sobbing,	I	hid	my	face	against	His	chest	and	whispered:
“I	missed	You,	Yahushua.	My	heart	is	broken.	For	nearly	a	week	I	didn’t	hear	Your	loving	voice	and
Your	encouraging	conversations.	I	so	dearly	want	to	be	with	You	always.”
He	lifted	my	face	and	wiped	away	my	tears	with	His	finger	and	said	so	lovingly:
“I	do	not	want	to	see	tears	in	your	eyes,	My	Little-one.”
“But	these	are	tears	of	joy!	It	is	the	only	way	I	can	show	You	how	happy	I	am	being	with	You.
Please	hold	me	close,”	I	sobbed	softly.
He	held	me	so	close	in	His	arms,	secured	my	face	against	His	chest	and	cradled	me	like	a	little
“I	AM	with	you	always,	My	daughter.	We	have	to	prepare	you	for	the	future	and	you	need	to	rest
much	more,	sweet	Rose.”
“Yes,	my	beloved	Yahushua,”	was	all	I	could	say.	He	held	me	closer	to	Him.
“I	love	You	and	I	miss	You	constantly,”	I	whispered	now	a	little	clearer.
“I	also	love	you	dearly,	My	beloved	child.	Give	Me	your	hand.	I	want	to	accompany	you	on	this
new	road.	This	is	a	journey	of	faith.”
Jesus	 took	 me	 by	 the	 hand	 and	 led	 me	 out	 of	 the	 Throne	 Room.	 Only	 once	 I	 glanced	 back	 in
admiration	at	the	impressive	golden	Throne.
I	 felt	 tiny	 and	 frail	 next	 to	 my	 Messiah.	 He	 was	 so	 tall	 and	 imposing.	 A	 figure	 beaming	 with
authority	and	love.
He	 led	 me	 to	 a	 huge	 waterfall,	 cascading	 over	 a	 deep	 precipice.	 At	 the	 edge	 we	 stood	 in	 awe
watching	the	water	flowing	down	yonder	into	the	valley.
“Do	you	see	the	rainbow	around	the	waterfall,	My	love?”
The	most	beautiful	rainbow	formed	a	complete	circle	around	the	waterfall.
“Yes,	I	see	it,”	I	whispered.
“This	 rainbow,	 My	 beloved	 daughter,	 has	 been	 the	 token	 of	 the	 covenant	 between	 Father	 and
mankind	for	many,	many	years.	Still,	after	all	these	years	mankind	has	no	other	physical	proof	but	the
written	Word.
“This	I	call	faith.”
Heb	11:1		Now	faith	is	assurance	of	things	hoped	for,	a	conviction	of	things	not	seen.
“Hephzibah,	do	you	believe	My	promises	and	encouragements,	that	I	will	be	with	you	when	you	write	the
books,	although	you	still	have	no	proof	of	success?”
I	nodded:	“Yes,	Yahushua,	I	believe.”
“Do	no	longer	be	concerned	for	anything.	You’ll	stand	dumbfounded	over	what	is	awaiting	you.
You’ll	see	it	for	yourself.	Just	be	calm.”
I	looked	up	to	Him.
“I	love	You.”
“I	also	love	you,	My	daughter.”
He	hugged	me	once	more.
His	words	comforted	me,	because	at	times	His	instruction	to	take	these	revelations	to	His	bride,
was	too	big	.	.	.	too	much	for	my	human	ability.
While	I	was	still	standing	in	the	circle	of	His	arms	I	was	brought	back	by	the	Spirit.	Long	after	it,	I	was
still	aware	of	the	wonderful	sheltering	of	His	arms	around	me.
My	heart	was	so	full	–	to	overflowing	because	I	was	privileged	to	find	shelter	in	the	arms	of	my
Saviour.	What	a	privilege	to	be	so	close	to	His	heart,	even	to	cry	and	to	know	His	closeness	and	His	love
for	me.
Outside	the	wind	was	blowing	gently,	like	a	breath,	over	the	window	pane.
Sunday,	17	February	2008_________________________________________________
This	morning	I	woke	up	very,	very	early	–	remembering	clearly	the	meeting	of	yesterday	morning	in	the
Throne	Room.	In	the	darkest	time	of	the	morning	I	told	Father	how	much	I	really	love	Him.
It	was	only	half	past	four	when	I	heard	the	distinctive	whispering	of	Holy	Spirit:
“Come	to	Me,	My	daughter.”
As	usual	I	hurried	to	my	prayer	chamber,	sat	down	on	my	chair	and	waited	expectantly.	Holy	Spirit,
the	Ruach	of	Elohim,	spoke	to	me	immediately:
“You	have	been	waiting	on	Me	for	hours	while	you	poured	out	your	heart	in	prayer.	I	heard	the
longing	of	your	heart	to	hear	My	voice	and	I	know	the	desires	of	your	heart.	I	know	your	thoughts	even
before	they	come	to	mind	and	I	am	going	to	enkindle	a	new	fire	in	your	heart,	beloved	daughter.”
Isa	65:24		And	it	shall	come	to	pass	that,	before	they	call,	I	will	answer;
and	while	they	are	yet	speaking,	I	will	hear.
“My	Holy	fire	will	set	your	heart	on	fire	and	you	will	touch	many	people’s	lives.	Even	those	who
are	 spiritually	 dry	 and	 dead	 as	 if	 cold	 ashes	 are	 twirling	 around	 them,	 will	 be	 touched	 by	 your
“How	is	this	going	to	be	possible?”	I	asked	in	amazement.	“You	must	teach	me	more	about	these
things,	Father.”
“Beloved	 child,	 I	 have	 planned	 it	 to	 be	 so.	 You	 will	 only	 be	 a	 channel	 for	 My	 Ruach.	 I	 have
especially	chosen	you	for	this	important	assignment.	I	have	prepared	you	for	it	and	I	will	protect	you
against	any	verbal	abuse	–	those	hurtful	words	that	cut	so	deeply	and	wound	so	severely.
“I	have	reproved	you	already	not	to	be	troubled	by	anything.	I	will	prepare	the	soil	for	you	to	sow
the	seed.	Do	not	be	afraid,	for	I	am	protecting	you	so	that	you	will	be	invisible	to	the	enemy.	The	shadow
of	the	warring	angel	falls	over	you	every	second	of	the	day	and	night.
“I	have	called	you	for	My	service.	You	are	precious	in	My	eyes	and	I	love	you	dearly,	My	Hephzi-
“My	beloved	Abba-Daddy,	I’ll	do	what	You	ask	of	me.	I’ll	do	it	fearlessly,	because	I	believe	that
You	are	with	me,”	was	my	humble	comment.
“I	have	promised	you	before	that	I	would	never	throw	you	to	the	wolves,	remember?	My	angels
will	guard	you.	By	night	My	column	of	fire	will	protect	you	and	by	day	the	cloud	of	My	presence	will	be
your	shield.	You	are	standing	directly	under	My	command.”
“Oh,	thanks	a	million,	Abba	Father.	Give	me	a	willing	spirit	I	pray,	for	I	have	so	much	more	to
The	anointing	of	the	Spirit	became	quiet	and	satisfied	like	a	child,	I	returned	to	bed	and	fell	asleep
Later	that	morning,	during	our	church	service	I	could	see	from	my	pew	an	opening	in	the	clouds.	Through
the	opening	a	silver	staircase	appeared	and	reached	down	to	the	stage.
Along	this	staircase	a	tiny	white	cloud	rolled	down	and	landed	on	the	floor.	Like	an	oyster-shell	it
opened	up	and	exposed	a	beautiful	pearl.
A	tiny	flame	came	forth	from	the	pearl;	it	divided	into	smaller	flames	which	moved	over	the	heads
of	the	people	in	the	congregation.	As	I	glanced	down	the	rows,	it	looked	like	rows	upon	rows	of	tiny
flames	on	the	people’s	heads.
It	remained	there	for	a	while,	but	it	was	quenched	when	the	staircase	was	removed.
I	looked	around	and	wondered	if	anybody	else	has	seen	this.	The	secret	touched	my	heart	like	a	soft
This	was	likely	a	confirmation	about	the	fire	that	Father	had	spoken	about	last	night.	I	wondered.
What	He	told	me	was	still	very	fresh	in	my	memory.
Awesome	it	is	to	know	that	even	when	I	do	not	understand	everything	that	I	see	with	my	spiritual
eyes	and	experience	in	the	spirit,	it	is	from	the	School	of	the	Holy	Spirit.	I	have	to	exercise	my	spiritual
eyes	to	observe	specific	things.
Tuesday,	19	February	2008________________________________________________
“Hephzibah,	My	daughter,	soon	it	will	be	time	to	plant	the	almonds	in	the	little	bucket,	which	I	have
showed	you,	long	ago.
“I	will	carry	the	buckets	with	the	seed	and	I	will	water	the	ground.”
(The	revelation	of	the	bucket	with	almonds	is	described	in	the	book	Secrets	of	hell	revealed.)
My	Yahushua	stood	next	to	a	huge	stone	pitcher.	I	stood	next	to	Him.	He	moved	forward	and	scooped
something	out	of	the	pitcher	with	His	hands.	It	was	a	red	fluid	and	I	had	to	drink	of	it.	Through	the	holes
that	He	carries	in	His	hands	from	the	nails	of	the	cross,	the	fluid	ran	into	my	mouth.	It	was	delicious	and
tasted	like	sweet	red	wine.
“You	must	take	your	sisters	and	lead	them	to	higher	levels.	Serve	them	with	prayers	and	walk	with
them	on	the	road	of	holiness.”
He	placed	His	arm	around	my	shoulder	and	together	we	walked	up	a	hillside.	On	top	of	the	hill	we
lingered	a	while.	I	could	see	the	huge	stone	pitcher	at	the	foot	of	the	hill.
A	beautiful	eagle	swooped	closer	and	enfolded	us	in	its	wings.
“This	is	your	place,	Hephzibah.	You	belong	to	Me,	for	in	My	arms	you	are	safe.	Close	to	My	heart	I
want	to	keep	you,	My	Little-one.
“Whenever	it	feels	as	if	I	am	far	away,	you	must	cling	to	the	promises	I	have	given	you.”
For	a	moment	I	experienced	that	I	was	a	female	eagle	flying	through	the	air	with	a	beautiful	male
eagle	at	my	side.
With	wide	spread	wings	we	glided	on	the	wind,	when	suddenly	the	male	eagle	broke	away	and
grabbed	my	talons	with	his	huge	talons.	We	both	tumbled	down	from	a	frightening	height	to	below.
Our	talons	clasped	together.	As	we	tumbled	down,	we	circled	and	twirled	in	the	formation	of	the
figure	eight.
In	mid-flight,	hundreds	of	meters	above	the	ground	the	fall	was	reversed	and	we	shot	up	into	the	air
again.	Once	more	the	free	fall,	twirling	and	diving	followed.	This	ritual	was	repeated	over	and	over	again
–	the	freedom	and	graciousness	of	movement	was	so	exceptional.	It	was	truly	like	a	dance	of	love.	The
intensity	and	intimacy	of	these	movements	are	very	difficult	to	verbalize.
How	can	we	describe	in	our	earthly	language	the	deepest	experience	of	love	between	two	eagles?
How	do	you	describe	the	love	between	a	Bridegroom	and	His	bride?	A	spiritual	love	dance	between	the
Beloved	of	Heaven	and	His	earthly	bride.
To	do	honour	to	this	narration,	I	would	need	heavenly	language.	Therefore	my	words	are	but	few.
Oh,	 this	 love	 dance	 in	 absolute	 harmony	 between	 the	 two	 eagles	 in	 their	 love	 flight	 also	 included	 a
joyfulness	–	a	heavenly	freedom	that	words	cannot	describe.
This	truly	was	a	very	rare	and	strange	experience:	to	be	both	spectator	and	participant	in	the	image
of	an	eagle.
One	 thing	 I	 have	 learnt	 during	 my	 heavenly	 experiences	 is	 that	 Father	 allows	 me	 tremendous
His	 Omnipotence	 and	 Grandeur	 is	 truly	 indescribable,	 immeasurable	 wondrous.	 He	 reveals
Himself	to	different	people	in	different	ways.
To	know	Him	is	to	experience	Him.	To	experience	His	greatness	means	becoming	one	with	Father,
Son	and	Holy	Spirit.			This	is	the	only	way	for	us	as	mankind.
Friday,	22	February	2008________________________________________________
Slowly	it	dawned	on	me	that	I	was	being	taken	through	a	process	of	preparation,	but	I	did	not	know	what
Father	had	in	mind	for	me.		Many	times	Father	repeated	things	that	He	has	taught	me	or	embroidered	on	it
during	new	revelations.
One	evening	very	late,	I	sensed	an	urgency	in	my	spirit	that	my	beloved	Yahushua	wanted	to	share
something	with	me.	In	obedience	I	went	into	my	prayer	chamber	and	waited	on	the	Lord	in	prayer.
His	 anointed	 presence	 became	 tangible	 and	 my	 beloved	 Yahushua,	 clothed	 in	 long,	 white	 raiment,
appeared	before	me.
“Come,	come	with	Me,	beloved.	Take	My	hand	and	walk	with	Me,”	He	said,	stretching	His	hand
out	to	me.
I	ran	to	Him	in	hilarious	joy	and	called	out:	“Where	are	we	going	to,	Yahushua?”
“Only	follow	Me,	sweet	Rose,”	was	His	friendly	invitation	when	He	took	me	by	the	hand.
With	His	shepherd’s	staff	in	His	right	hand	we	moved	along.
It	looked	like	a	sea	in	front	of	us,	with	a	bright	light	shining	from	a	distance	over	the	water.	The
horizon	was	bathed	in	a	gleam	of	different	colours:	ochre,	orange	and	yellow.
“Why	are	we	all	alone	here?”	was	my	inquisitive	question.
“To	follow	Me	is	a	lonely	road,	for	on	this	road	it	is	only	Me	and	you	in	absolute	unity,	My	Little-
one.	We	have	now	become	one	in	Spirit	and	in	truth.”
He	continued	and	mentioned	the	eagles	again:
“Like	 two	 eagles	 we	 danced.	 On	 the	 wings	 of	 the	 wind	 we	 moved.	 It	 was	 our	 love	 dance,	 our
covenant	dance.	You	are	going	to	move	by	the	beat	of	My	heart,	My	beloved	bride.”
We	moved	over	the	shining,	smooth	surface	of	the	sea	and	walked	in	silence	for	a	while.
“Do	you	see	the	light	on	the	Eastern	horizon?”	He	briskly	asked.
“Yes,	but	why	is	the	light	so	bright?”
He	did	not	answer	me.
“Look	again.	Look	deeper	into	the	invisible.”
I	stared	long	and	intensively	until	I	noticed	a	tunnel	of	light	opening	up	before	my	eyes,	leading
gradually	upwards.	Now	we	moved	into	the	tunnel	that	was	brightly	illuminated	and	entered	through	a
door,	leading	us	further	on.
A	beautiful,	large	angel	appeared	from	somewhere.	I	hesitated,	admiring	the	strong	wings.	I	realised
that	this	angel	executes	great	authority,	because	during	my	previous	heavenly	visits	I’ve	learnt	that	the
colour	of	the	robe	as	well	as	the	size	of	the	angel’s	wings	determines	his	authority.
Yahushua	explained:
“This	is	the	angel	who	has	come	to	deliver	the	prophetic	words.”
I	was	so	taken	up	in	awe	of	this	indescribable	beautiful	angel,	that	I	had	to	force	myself	to	listen	to
Yahushua	as	He	continued:
“This	is	a	new	day	dawning	and	a	wonderful	new	season	for	you.	You	are	to	receive	a	wonderful
gift,	Hephzibah.”
A	very	aged	male	person	passed	me	by	slowly.	His	beautiful	hair	was	curly,	white	and	reached	to
his	shoulders.	His	beard	was	also	long	and	white	as	snow.	The	long	white	garment	he	wore,	was	secured
with	a	cord	around	his	waist.	A	long	mantle	was	draped	around	his	shoulders.	He	was	tall	and	reminded
me	of	the	etches	of	the	biblical	figures	of	the	Old	Testament.
As	this	dignified	old	figure	passed	me	by,	the	mantle	that	he	bore	on	his	shoulders,	came	undone	and
landed	in	my	hands.
Alarmed,	I	stood	with	this	mantle	in	my	arms,	looked	at	the	Messiah,	questionably,	and	once	again
at	the	beautiful	mantle	made	of	woven	material.	The	mantle	was	made	of	a	subdued	silver	colour,	edged
with	royal	blue	satin.
Yahushua	came	and	stood	in	front	of	me,	saying:
“This	is	the	mantle	of	absolute	freedom.”
“What	am	I	to	do	with	this,	Heavenly	King?”
“I	am	going	to	hang	this	on	you.	This	mantle	is	for	you.	One	of	My	prophets	will	confirm	it	to	you
“Thank	You	very	much,	my	Yahushua,	but	what	next?”
“You	must	now	only	wait,	Hephzibah-daughter.”
I	was	still	standing	there,	speechless,	not	knowing	what	to	do,	when	a	beautiful	eagle	swept	down
with	an	almond	twig	in	its	beak.	The	twig	was	covered	with	new	almond	blossoms,	and	it	was	presented
to	me	very	carefully.
“This	is	the	season	when	the	almond	tree	will	blossom	for	you.	All	the	promises	that	you	have
received	thus	far,	will	bear	fruit	in	this	season,”	Yahushua	continued.
I	took	the	blooming	twig	from	the	eagle’s	beak	and	admired	the	velvet	soft	leaves	of	the	blossoms.
“You	must	write	down	in	detail	everything	that	you	saw	and	experienced,	for	this	is	a	very	special
day.	A	day	to	remember,	Hephzi-love.”
I	 was	 so	 excited	 when	 I	 saw	 that	 the	 mantle	 fitted	 me	 perfectly,	 as	 if	 it	 had	 been	 made	 for	 me
Later,	when	we	moved	on,	I	could	not	resist	the	following	question:
“Beloved	Yahushua,	today	I	have	received	a	very	precious	mantle,	but	I	do	not	understand	what	it
entails.	Why	must	I	wear	this	very	special	mantle?”
“This	is	the	mantle	of	an	end	time	prophet.	Your	book	is	part	of	it,	My	Little-one.”
I	could	only	stare	at	Him	in	amazement.
In	a	calm	tone	of	voice	He	continued:
“You	are	being	prepared	and	schooled	to	execute	this	special	assignment.”
“What	must	I	do	now,	dear	Yahushua?”
“You	must	only	be	obedient	and	wait	patiently	until	it	is	the	appointed	time.”
“I’ll	do	anything	You	ask,	as	long	as	You	are	with	me.”
“Hephzibah-daughter,	I	have	covenanted	with	you	to	be	with	you	where	ever	you	go,	and	never	to
forsake	you.	I	will	go	with	you	always	where	you	confess	My	Name.”
Yahushua	placed	His	arms	around	my	shoulders	and	His	love	formed	a	halo	around	me.
“Thank	You,	thank	You,”	I	whispered	against	His	heart.
I	was	brought	back.
Surprised	 by	 the	 revelation,	 I	 sat	 motionless	 for	 a	 long	 time,	 not	 wanting	 to	 be	 disturbed	 by
anything.	I	just	wanted	to	linger	in	the	presence	of	my	Yahushua.	My	whole	being	reached	out	for	Him.
I	felt	too	unworthy	and	small	to	receive	such	a	wonderful	mantle,	and	I	wasn’t	even	quite	sure	what
was	 being	 expected	 of	 me.	 There	 was	 excitement	 in	 me	 but	 at	 the	 same	 time	 so	 many	 questions	 had
surfaced	in	me	suddenly.
During	the	night	I	lay	awake	for	long	periods	of	time,	rehearsing	the	revelation	over	and	over,	and
analysing	the	Messiah’s	explanation	in	my	spirit.	Deep	within	my	soul	I	sensed	that	even	greater	things
were	awaiting	me.
Far	away	a	siren	broke	the	silence	of	the	night.	I	wanted	to	erase	the	sound	from	my	ears,	for	I	did
not	want	to	be	reminded	of	earthly	sounds	right	now	–	I	only	longed	for	the	sweetness	of	being	in	my
Abba	Father’s	arms.
I	did	not	yet	know	what	the	preparation	entailed	and	simply	accepted	everything	I	was	taught,	like	a
child.	Every	moment	was	precious	beyond	words	to	me.
Only	later	did	I	realise	that	this	was	a	time	of	extreme	detail	needed	for	the	special	assignment	that
awaited	me.
Saturday,	1	March	2008________________________________________________
I	was	in	the	column	of	light	with	my	Yahushua.	A	column	of	light	where	I	had	been	before	and	have	come
to	know	as	the	Presence	of	Abba	Father.	At	the	top	sat	a	white	dove	sealing	the	light	column.
The	Messiah	was	dressed	in	silver-white	and	looked	so	beautiful.
He	spoke	first:
“Even	though	we	are	one	in	Spirit	and	truth,	there	still	remains	a	tiny	void	in	your	spirit	that	needs
to	be	filled,	dearest	Hephzi.”
“How	are	we	going	to	do	that?”	I	asked	in	amazement.
“Look	up	and	open	your	mouth.”
In	 obedience	 I	 looked	 upward	 and	 opened	 my	 mouth.	 The	 dove	 dived	 down	 gracefully	 and
disappeared	into	my	mouth.	I	could	observe	him	entering	deeper	into	my	being	until	he	found	an	empty
little	nest.
Wordless	I	only	stared	at	Yahushua.
“New	life	must	begin	in	your	spirit,”	He	explained.
I	nodded,	but	I	couldn’t	understand.
“Look,	the	entrance	to	the	light	column	is	open	now!”	was	all	that	I	could	utter.
A	huge,	white	hand	covered	the	opening.
“Hephzibah,	encircled	by	many	angels	you	have	now	been	taken	up	into	My	presence.	In	the	form	of
a	dove,	the	Holy	Spirit	is	now	breeding	eggs	that	have	to	become	a	new	fire.	Only	then	shall	you	be	able
to	 minister	 in	 power.	 Within	 three	 weeks	 the	 fire	 will	 divide	 into	 two.	 One	 leg	 will	 represent	 the
prophetic,	and	the	other	emotional	healing.
“These	two	cornerstones	will	form	the	basis	of	your	ministry	and	walk	of	faith.
“Dearest	Hephzi-child,	I	am	going	to	kindle	and	blow	the	fire	to	hasten	the	process.	The	wind	will
impregnate	the	eggs	and	then	blow	away	all	the	dead	twigs	out	of	the	nest,	to	form	a	new	nest	again.	In	the
second	nest	there	will	be	more	eggs	that	need	to	be	hatched.	Thus	it	shall	continue	until	all	My	promises
have	been	fulfilled,	which	was	given	to	you.”
I	could	see	two	tiny	baby	doves	nestling	close	together	in	my	inner	being.
The	white	hand	was	lifted	from	the	opening	and	I	could	once	more	look	out.
I	could	see	a	hole	with	dark-grey	walls	in	the	earth.	Deep	down	below	was	a	whirlpool	of	water.
Thousands	of	women	appeared	shoulder	height	above	the	whirling	waters	with	outstretched	hands
and	the	naked	fear	on	their	faces	spoke	of	that	terrible	place.
“Oh,	what	does	this	mean,	Father?”	I	called	out	in	shock.
“Look	again,”	was	His	answer.
I	looked	once	more	and	heavy	sighs	came	from	my	inner	being.	Like	a	physical	pain	I	experienced
the	horror	deep	within	me.
“These	are	your	sisters,	captured	in	the	valley	of	Deception,	Hephzibah.	Are	you	willing	to	set	them
free	from	that	bondage	and	to	take	them	on	a	journey	of	freedom?
“Don’t	fear	anything,	for	you	are	completely	covered	under	the	cloud	of	My	presence	which	the
angels	have	stretched	out	over	you.”
Overwhelmed	by	this	horror,	it	felt	as	if	I	could	not	stand	this	a	moment	longer.
These	women	were	really	stuck	in	the	mire	of	the	pitch	black	darkness	of	the	whirlpool.
“Yes,	Father-Elohim!	Yes	I	am	willing	to	help	them	out,	but	how	am	I	to	do	it?	When?	Where?	What
must	I	do?”
“Are	you	prepared	to	pull	them	out?”	He	asked	again.
“Yes,	my	Abba	Father,	yes!”	I	yelled.
“I	will	provide.	I	will	provide	the	rope	of	rescue	with	which	you	can	pull	them	out.	I	am	busy
sharpening	the	pencil,	for	you	must	use	the	red	pencil.	Just	like	a	silver	two-	edged	sword	to	cut	deep
between	marrow	and	bone,	you’ll	need	words.	I	must	sharpen	the	words	and	place	them	on	your	lips,
anoint	your	tongue	and	equip	you.”
“How,	Father-Yahuwah?	How?”	I	asked	again.
“I	will	reveal	it	to	you	soon.	Go	back	to	bed	and	rest;	there	is	much	work	waiting	for	you.”
“It	is	okay,	Abba-Daddy.”
When	I	got	up	and	went	to	my	room,	I	was	confused	but	calm.	Although	I	couldn’t	understand	what	I	was
being	prepared	for,	I	still	felt	an	indescribable	peace	inside	myself.
I	knew	my	beloved	Father-Yahuwah	was	busy	teaching	me	one	of	the	biggest	lessons	of	my	life.	I
had	to	understand	that	He	would	never	send	anyone	out	into	a	ministry,	unless	He	Himself	has	completed
the	preparation	in	the	finest	detail.
Al	that	is	required	of	us	is	to	be	absolute	obedient,	to	wait	on	Him	and	to	do	exactly	what	He	asks
us	to	do.
Tuesday,	11	March	2008________________________________________________
I	constantly	received	much	encouragement	and	wonderful	words	from	Father.	As	such,	He	only	dictated
to	me	what	I	had	to	write	down.	This	communication	was	always	in	English.
I	woke	up	this	morning	before	normal	rising	time	and	felt	the	urgency	in	my	spirit	that	He	wanted	to
share	something	special	with	me	once	again.	I	hastened	to	my	prayer	chamber.
When	His	voice	became	clear,	I	took	my	pen	and	as	usual	I	first	wrote	my	name	“Hephzibah”	on	the	new
page	of	my	journal.	His	message	simply	flowed	through	me;	I	was	hardly	capable	of	keeping	in	pace	with
writing	it	down.	In	reality	I	was	only	an	instrument	–	a	pen	needed	to	deposit	the	following:
“Beloved	daughter,	do	not	be	afraid	of	anything,	although	you	do	not	understand	it	all.	You	are	being
prepared	very	carefully	for	what	awaits	you.	I	am	only	whispering	those	things	into	your	ears	what	you
have	to	preserve	in	your	heart	until	the	appointed	time.	You	must	know	how	special	you	are	to	Me.
“You	have	been	chosen	especially	for	a	time	such	as	this.	You	shall	be	like	a	voice	calling	in	the
desert,	but	it	shall	be	in	preparation	for	My	coming.	You	must	prepare	My	children.
“Many	won’t	understand	because	they	do	not	yet	have	My	Ruach	Ha	Kodesh	in	them,	but	for	others
it	shall	be	a	wonderful	message	of	hope.
“This	is	but	only	the	beginning	and	many	more	secrets	will	be	revealed	to	you.
“I	 will	 assign	 people	 to	 stand	 by	 you.	 Like	 prayer	 warriors	 they’ll	 form	 a	 circle	 of	 friendship
around	you	to	protect	you	against	the	sharp	tongues	of	people.
“Miracles	will	straighten	your	path	and	prepare	the	way	for	the	prophesies	that	need	to	go	forth.”
For	a	moment	it	became	silent.
“Why	me,	Abba	Father?	I	am	but	an	ordinary	woman	and	my	parents	were	poor	people	who	had	to
endure	the	snarls	and	cutting	remarks	of	others	and	many	times	things	were	said	to	them	that	hurt	them
deeply,”	I	asked	softly.
“I	knew	their	humbleness	and	honesty	of	heart,	My	daughter.	That	is	all	that	counts	for	Me.	When	the
final	trumpet	blows	they	will	enter	with	Me	into	My	heavenly	home.”
“What	am	I	going	to	do	now,	Lord?		What	is	the	next	step,	Yahushua?’’
“Prepare	yourself	to	fly.	I	am	raising	you	up	to	fly	like	a	mature	eagle,	this	is	the	first	assignment	to
follow	now,	beloved	child.”
“How	am	I	going	to	achieve	this,	my	Abba	Father?”
“Only	follow	Me,	I	will	lead	you.	I	AM	the	Good	Shepherd.	Remember	this,	My	beloved	child,	I
chose	you	for	this	assignment.	You	were	carefully	prepared	and	raised	up	to	do	this	for	the	Kingdom	of
“Must	I	write	this	all	in	the	book,	Father?”
“Definitely	yes!	You	must	write	down	all	revelations.	I’ll	whisper	softly	in	your	ear	when	it	is	a
secret	meant	for	you	alone.
“Continue	in	the	same	manner.	Spirit	filled	children	will	surround	you	and	accompany	you	along	the
way.	I	will	choose	them	Myself	and	send	them	to	you.
“Everything	is	in	place.	Abide	under	My	mighty	wing.	I	am	more	than	enough	for	you,	because	I
want	to	be	everything	for	you,	dearest	child.”
“The	fourth	angel	who	will	deliver	the	prophetic	word	to	you	was	assigned	to	you	last	night.	This
angel	will	be	with	you	permanently	now.	Like	a	mighty	wind	I	will	breathe	over	you	and	take	you	deeper
into	the	prophetic.”
John	20:22	And	when	he	had	said	this,	he	breathed	on	them,	and	said	unto	them,
Receive	ye	the	Holy	Spirit.
“You	will	experience	a	fast	growth,	but	rest	a	short	while	in	My	nest	of	safety	before	you	will	be
taken	higher	and	deeper	into	My	mysteries.
“We’ll	dance	the	dance	of	the	eagles	again,	My	love.	The	dance	of	freedom	is	granted	you.”
I	dared	to	ask	the	question	that	has	been	slumbering	in	my	heart	for	days	now:
“Abba	Father,	whose	was	the	mantle	that	I	received	a	while	back	from	that	old	person?”
“It	still	remains	My	secret,	My	daughter,	because	it	shall	be	a	surprise	for	you	when	I	reveal	it	to
“I	have	had	this	mantle	for	many,	many	years,	but	nobody	claimed	it.	However,	this	very	special
mantle	is	yours	now.”
“Appreciate	 it,	 for	 this	 mantle	 is	 precious	 and	 of	 great	 value	 and	 is	 meant	 for	 someone	 who	 is
worthy	of	it.	You	are	now	the	bearer	of	My	voice	on	earth	and	you	may	wear	it,	beloved	Hephzibah.”
“Thanks	a	million,	Abba	Father.	Where	must	I	find	words	to	thank	You	for	such	a	precious	gift.
Please	help	me	to	be	a	worthy	carrier,	Daddy.	I	must	never	disappoint	You.”
Within	me	I	found	no	more	words,	and	there	was	nothing	for	me	to	write	down.	Holy	Spirit	also
allowed	my	spirit	to	come	to	rest	quietly.
Overwhelmed	by	what	I	have	heard,	I	sat	motionless	with	the	pen	still	in	my	hand.	Words	were	so
insignificant	to	express	that	which	I	have	just	experienced.
To	me	it	was	like	a	water	pipe	with	crystal	clear	water	gushing	out	of	my	pen	to	form	letters	and
words	on	a	piece	of	paper.
How	am	I	going	to	scrape	together	vocabulary	worthy	to	describe	this	wonderful	revelation?	How
can	one	put	to	words	heavenly	revelations	in	mere	earthly	descriptions?	With	trembling	lips	I	whispered:
“Father-Elohim,	please	breathe	life	into	these	words	so	that	it	can	come	to	life	for	Your	children
and	make	it	twinkle	like	precious	jewels.”
It	was	truly	very	difficult	to	relate	this	experience	into	words,	and	it	was	virtually	impossible	to
Who	will	understand	that	I	couldn’t	write	down	one	single	word	of	this,	but	that	I	only	held	the	pen
in	my	hand	from	whence	the	words	flowed?
That	the	precious	mantle	which	I	received,	was	part	of	my	assignment	awaiting	me,	wasn’t	clear	to
me	at	this	moment.
Thursday,	27	March	2008________________________________________________
The	promise	and	the	mystery	of	the	prophetic	angel	as	well	as	the	end-time	mantle	held	my	thoughts
captive	for	a	long	time	and	aroused	an	excitement	within	me.	I	pondered	over	it	and	wondered	how	it	was
going	to	influence	my	future.	Although	I	knew	that	my	heavenly	King	was	preparing	me	for	something,	but
that	I	did	not	yet	know	what	was	ahead	of	me,	it	still	caused	some	uncertainty	within	me.	I	did	not	know
what	He	required	of	me.
In	the	meantime	I	just	walked	with	the	Lord,	without	anyone	knowing	the	reality	of	my	experiences
with	the	Father,	Son	and	Holy	Spirit.	At	this	stage	it	was	ever	too	intimate	and	special	to	share	with
others.	First	I	had	to	come	to	terms	with	it	and	I	did	not	have	the	go	ahead	to	share	it	with	others.	I	just
wanted	to	do	what	pleases	my	beloved	Father.
This	morning	we	had	to	attend	a	presentation	at	the	prophetic	school.	Afterwards,	we	had	the	opportunity
to	seek	His	face	on	our	own	while	soft	music	was	being	played.	I	first	danced	before	Him	in	a	corner,	but
then	I	felt	the	urgency	of	finding	a	quiet	place	to	wait	on	Him.
Sitting	on	the	carpet	in	an	isolated	spot,	my	spiritual	eyes	were	opened	and	I	saw	a	beautiful	angel
standing	next	to	me.	It	was	a	large	angel	and	authority	beamed	out	of	him.	His	wings	were	huge	and	he
was	enveloped	in	a	gold	and	green	glow.
I	heard	the	voice	of	the	Spirit	of	Elohim:
“This	angel	is	here	to	deliver	prophetic	messages.”
A	 multitude	 of	 smaller	 angels	 handed	 small	 notelets,	 which	 probably	 was	 the	 messages,	 to	 the
golden	angel.	The	smaller	angels	were	beautiful	as	well	with	shimmering	wings	in	shades	of	entwined
silver	and	purple.	
This	activity	continued	for	a	long	time	until	the	huge	angel	bent	down	and	picked	up	something	like
a	brown	leather	wrapper.
“We	must	deposit	the	prophetic	messages	into	your	spirit,”	he	explained	quietly.
He	collected	more	messages,	rolled	the	wrapper	like	a	scroll	and	handed	it	to	me.	I	had	to	hold	it	in
both	my	hands	and	rest	it	on	my	abdomen	where	it	was	absorbed	into	my	spirit.
My	body	started	trembling.
The	huge	angel	stood	up	and	moved	among	the	other	students	where	they	were	spending	time	in	the
presence	of	the	Father.	Some	he	only	touched,	while	he	lingered	a	while	at	others.
The	smaller	angels	with	the	silver	and	purple	wings,	hovered	over	the	students	and	touched	them
When	we	had	to	return	to	our	chairs,	I	couldn’t	stand	up	immediately,	because	of		the	anointing	of
the	Spirit	which	was	still	very	heavy	on	me.
When	I	eventually	joined	the	group	again,	our	leader	was	busy	ministering	prophetically	to	some	of
the	students.	Ere	I	could	tell	about	the	visitation	of	angels,	she	prophesied	over	me,	saying:
“You	 are	 entering	 a	 new	 season	 today,	 where	 you	 will	 receive	 deeper	 and	 even	 greater
“You	know	how	to	dance	to	the	beat	of	Father’s	heart	and	how	to	move	in	harmony	with	Him,	but
now	you	have	to	learn	a	brand	new	warrior	dance.	You	are	going	to	dance	on	high	mountain	peaks
with	 Father,	 and	 descend	 into	 the	 deep	 valleys	 where	 you	 will	 lift	 out	 our	 sisters	 from	 valleys	 of
depression	and	despair	to	move	to	high	mountain	peaks	into	the	presence	of	the	Father.
“Up	till	now	you	only	had	partial	vision,	but	as	from	today	the	Father	will	remove	all	hindrances
and	you	will	understand	what	you	have	been	prepared	for.
“The	new	season	is	right	in	front	of	you	and	it	is	going	to	be	totally	different.	You	are	being
promoted	 and	 you	 are	 receiving	 higher	 spiritual	 authority.	 This	 is	 what	 the	 Spirit	 of	 the	 Father	 is
revealing	to	me.”
Although	I	was	totally	upset	by	this	prophetic	word,	it	was	indeed	a	confirmation	of	what	Father	already
had	given	me.
At	 the	 end	 of	 our	 meeting,	 I	 felt	 the	 presence	 of	 the	 Spirit	 very	 intensely.	 Spontaneously	 Father
ministered	prophetically	to	the	students	through	me.	Like	a	gush	of	water	from	a	flood-gate,	words	just
flowed	to	every	person	whom	Father	wanted	to	touch.
On	my	way	home	I	heard	the	whispering	in	my	spirit:
“Go	and	minister	to	your	husband,	Frank,	at	home.	There	is	a	message	for	him	locked	up	in	your
My	husband	was	wonderfully	prepared	by	the	Spirit	while	he	spent	time	alone	with	Father	that
morning,	and	the	message	was	a	great	blessing	to	him.
Late	in	the	afternoon	Abba	Father	spoke	to	me	again:
“Beloved	daughter,	I	am	going	to	open	new	doors	for	you.	Do	not	be	afraid,	for	in	Me	you	are
secure.	We	are	going	to	perform	a	love	dance	in	the	form	of	the	figure	eight.	It	will	be	similar	to	the	dance
of	the	eagles,	with	one	exception:	It	is	going	to	be	a	warrior-	dance.
“During	the	dance	we	will	establish	a	covenant	between	us.	This	covenant	will	never	be	broken.	I
give	you	My	word	for	it.”
Three	years	later	I	learnt	that	the	number	eight	stands	for	a	new	beginning,	and	that	it	is	also	the
Hebrew	numeric	value	of	‘Emmanuel’,	which	is	the	name	of	Yahushua.
Matt	1:23		Lo,	the	virgin	shall	conceive,	and	she	shall	bring	forth	a	son,
and	they	shall	call	his	name	Emmanuel	.	.	.	.
During	my	evening	prayer	time,	I	entered	with	jubilation	before	Father	as	I	called	out:
“Abba	 Father,	 I	 am	 aware	 of	 this	 bubbling	 excitement	 in	 my	 spirit.	 Please	 explain	 to	 	 me	 the
meaning	of	this	new	season.”
I	heard	Father	whispering	to	me:
“Be	still	and	rest	in	Me.	At	the	appointed	moment	everything	will	fall	into	place.”
Sometimes	 it	 is	 so	 difficult	 to	 rest	 in	 Him	 only,	 espescially	 when	 you	 know	 something	 new	 is
happening	in	your	life,	and	not	even	you	know	what	it	is	going	to	be	like.
At	times	I	only	sat,	staring	blankly	through	the	window,	while	my	heart	danced	over	a	thousand
beautiful	memories	.	.	.	.	.
Monday,	31	March	2008________________________________________________
It	was	deep	into	the	night	with	no	moonlight	or	other	light	outside,	when	I	was	awakened.	As	usual	I	first
glanced	at	the	alarm	clock	on	the	bedside	table	to	see	what	the	time	was.
The	green	electronic	numbers	shone	3:33.	I	was	wide	awake	immediately,	because	3:33	symbolised
a	divine	time.	For	seventeen	years	there	has	been	a	hidden	promise	from	God	in	these	numbers	for	me.
For	 you	 to	 comprehend	 the	 impact	 of	 this,	 I	 am	 compelled	 to	 paint	 this	 picture	 for	 your
More	 or	 less	 six	 years	 after	 my	 divorce,	 I	 went	 through	 a	 time	 of	 severe	 financial	 and	 emotional
One	morning	I	just	lay	on	my	face	before	Yahuwah	and	pleaded	with	Him	to	give	me	a	sign	as
confirmation	that	times	would	change	again	for	the	better.	Something	like	Gideon	asked	in	Judges
A	few	days	passed	until	I	woke	up	one	morning	at	3:33.		I	was	a	single	parent	at	that	time,	and
the	only	provider	of	our	livelihood	and	I	was	afraid	of	over	sleeping	in	the	morning	and	being	late	for
Therefore	3:33	set	me	at	ease	because	I	still	had	a	couple	of	hours	to	sleep.	But,	this	continued
night	after	night,	and	I	woke	up	exactly	at	3:33	every	morning.
“Could	this	possibly	be	the	sign	I	have	asked	for?”	I	wondered.
“Father,	if	it	is	indeed	You	who	wants	to	confirm	something	for	me,	please	show	me	this	sign
again”,	I	pleaded	with	Him.
On	Sunday	afternoon	I	rested	to	try	and	catch	up	on	lost	sleep	and	I	awoke	at	exactly	3:33pm	not
I	accepted	this	revelation	unconditionally	as	a	miracle	from	Father	as	an	answer	to	my	prayer.
Although	I	did	not	understand	the	meaning	of	this	sign,	it	comforted	me	to	know	that	better	days
were	ahead	of	me,	which	was	so	indeed.	I	met	friends	and	my	financial	situation	became	better	as	time
went	by.
It	 was	 only	 five	 years	 later,	 during	 a	 morning	 service	 in	 church	 that	 I	 heard	 the	 telephone
number	to	heaven	is	found	in	Jeremiah	33:3	“Call	unto	me,	and	I	will	answer	thee,	and	will	show	thee
great	things,	and	difficult,	which	thou	knowest	not.”
The	promise	that	I	would	experience	incomprehensible	things,	to	me	was	something	of	the	distant
future,	but	yet	I	claimed	the	promise.
To	 sit	 at	 the	 feet	 of	 Father-Yahuwah	 and	 to	 be	 in	 His	 awesome	 presence	 filled	 my	 spirit	 with	 an
unquenchable	 desire.	 There	 was	 excitement	 in	 me,	 but	 also	 uncertainty.	 I	 understood	 that	 something
wonderful	was	unfolding	in	my	life.	I	did	not	want	to	miss	it.
I	bathed	in	His	presence	in	my	prayer	chamber,	and	waited.	I	was	translated	by	His	Spirit	to	a	place	that	I
have	never	been	before.
I	was	enabled	to	enter	into	the	Holy	of	Holies	behind	the	curtain	in	the	Tabernacle.
The	curtain	closed	behind	me,	and	I	was	totally	secluded.	I	stood	in	front	of	the	Ark	of	the	Covenant
alone.	The	moment	was	so	immensely	great	that	I	dropped	to	the	floor	on	my	face.
A	soft	voice	spoke	to	me:
“You	are	standing	on	Holy	Ground,	My	child,	but	I	have	to	prepare	you	to	move	into	a	deeper
dimension	of	the	supernatural.	More	of	the	deeper	mysteries	will	be	revealed	to	you.
“I	will	teach	you	the	warrior	dance	Myself,	beloved.	Don’t	fear	anything.	As	from	now	you	will
also	be	enabled	to	see	deeper	into	the	unseen.	Layer	upon	layer	the	film	will	be	removed	from	your	eyes,
until	 your	 vision	 is	 totally	 developed.	 Then	 the	 sluice-gates	 of	 your	 spirit	 will	 be	 opened	 and	 the
prophetic	words	and	revelation	knowledge	will	pour	out	like	water	over	an	overflowing	dam	wall.
“In	the	meantime	the	angel,	who	has	to	deliver	the	prophetic	word	to	you,	is	busy	preparing	a	new
scroll	for	you.”
“I	love	You	so,	Almighty	Yahuwah!”	I	worshipfully	called	out.
“The	new	season	is	full	of	surprises,	My	love.	Another	new	mantle	will	also	be	given	to	you	around
your	shoulders	to	suit	your	new	higher	calling.	The	mantle	will	carry	a	double	anointing,	seeing	that	the
love	dance	and	the	warrior	dance	go	together.”
That	I	would	dance	two	kinds	of	dances	simultaneously	seemed	very	strange.	I	wondered	whether	this
was	what	is	written	in:
Mark	4:11	“And	He	said	unto	them,	Unto	you	is	given	the	mystery	of	the	kingdom	of	God:
but	unto	them	that	are	without,	all	things	are	done	in	parables.”
Only	later,	after	I	had	learnt	more	about	the	prophetic	language,	I	understood	that	it	meant	that	I	would
move	in	a	higher	authority,	but	inspired	by	love.
To	me	this	was	wonderful	news	and	I	was	looking	forward	eagerly	to	see	with	what	my	heavenly
King	would	surprise	me	next.	I	sensed	an	anticipation	welling	up	in	the	depth	of	my	being	like	a	spring.
Wednesday,	2	April	2008________________________________________________
My	Heavenly	Father	emphasized	the	importance	of	the	warrior	dance	in	recent	days,	and	last	night	it
became	clear	in	a	dream	why.
I	dreamt	that	an	unacquainted	woman	acted	extremely	hostile	towards	my	friends	and	I.	She	asserted
that	our	faith	in	Yahuwah	was	mere	empty,	worthless	words.	She	challenged	us	to	prove	that	the	greatness
and	power	of	Elohim	could	enable	us	to	split	a	mountain	in	two.
For	a	long	time	we	sat	with	drooping	shoulders,	wondering	how	we	could	do	such	a	daunting	task.
The	challenge	became	action,	the	moment	our	lives	were	on	the	line	and	we	were	left	with	no	other	option
but	to	prove	the	power	of	Elohim.
A	group	of	us	pushed	something	like	a	wooden	cart	with	a	ram	mounted	on	it	towards	a	granite	hill.
This	granite	hill	was	large	enough	to	be	classified	as	a	smallish	mountain.
We	pushed	the	ram	up	close	against	the	hill.
From	somewhere	deep	within	me,	I	uttered	a	powerful	war	cry,	like	the	roar	of	a	lion,	and	the
following	words	echoed	through	the	plains:
The	ram	drilled	into	the	granite	rock	like	a	mighty	power	drill	and	split	the	mountain	in	two.
Jubilation	broke	loose	which	caused	the	earth	to	tremble.
I	woke	up	and	immediately	I	wrote	down	everything	in	detail,	because	it	was	clear	that	the	war	was
raging	between	the	powers	of	darkness	and	the	powers	of	light.
While	I	was	still	writing,	I	heard	the	voice	in	my	spirit:
“Hephzibah,	to	write	these	books	is	like	moving	a	mountain.	This	is	an	act	of	faith	and	it	is	going	to
take	courage	to	persist.
“Long	ago	I	handed	you	a	silver	sword.	The	sharp	sword	symbolises	the	Word.	Use	it	for	it	is	your
“Keep	your	eyes	fixed	on	Me	and	walk	in	obedience.	Holy	Spirit	is	there	to	instruct	you	and	to
guide	you	on	your	way.	I	will	provide	in	all	of	your	needs	and	I	will	strengthen	you	to	overcome	all
hindrances	along	the	way.”
“Thank	You,	wonderful	Father.	Please	bring	Your	Word	and	let	the	truth	of	it	ignite	the	power	of	it
in	my	life,	because	I	long	for	the	explosion	of	power	that	can	cleave	the	mountain.”
“Beloved	daughter,	you	are	clothed	with	a	very	special	mantle;	a	unique	anointing	with	which	I
have	prepared	you	for	your	task.”
“Teach	me	how	to	be	worthy	of	this	mantle,	dearest	Father.	I	want	to	wear	it	in	obedience	and	to
Your	glory.”
High	above	the	mountain	tops	I	could	see	an	eagle	soaring	in	the	wind.	Far	below	the	eagle	was	a	nest
with	an	eaglet	on	unstable	legs	observing	the	surroundings.	The	eaglet	already	had	long	down	feathers,
and	I	sensed	that	the	young	eagle	was	me.
The	large	eagle	brought	a	green	twig	in	its	beak	and	placed	it	lovingly	in	the	beak	of	the	young
eagle.	I	ascended	into	space	with	the	eagle,	while	the	young	eagle	remained	satisfied	in	the	nest,	with	the
green	twig	in	its	beak.
We	moved	deep	into	the	universe.	I	could	see	how	planets	and	stars	were	moving	in	orbit.	The	earth
was	insignificantly	small,	virtually	unrecognisable	amidst	millions	of	celestial	bodies.
Peacefully	we	moved	in	all	directions	throughout	creation.	There	was	no	sign	of	beginning	nor	end.
Father	explained:
“Daughter,	there	is	no	end	to	My	creation,	as	you	can	see	for	yourself.	It	exists	from	eternity	to
eternity.	My	creation	continues,	it	is	not	yet	finished.	Just	as	new	sells	replace	dead	sells	in	the	human
body,	likewise	it	happens	in	all	of	creation.	Old	people	die	and	are	replaced	by	new	born	babies.
“This	 is	 a	 process	 that	 continues,	 never	 ending	 from	 eternity	 to	 eternity.	 It	 will	 also	 never	 be
“I	AM	the	beginning	and	the	end.”
For	a	long	time	we	floated	around	and	admired	the	greatness	of	Father’s	creation,	until	He	suddenly
spoke	again	and	changed	the	subject	completely.
“What	will	your	answer	be,	Hephzibah?”
At	first	I	thought	my	imagination	is	playing	up	on	me,	but	again	the	question	was	repeated;	this	time
very	clear:
“Hephzibah,	are	you	prepared	to	serve	Me	unconditionally?”
Before	I	could	answer,	He	added:
“I	desire	your	undivided	loyalty.	I	have	to	hear	it	from	your	mouth.	Are	you	prepared	to	work	for
Me	with	all	your	heart	and	all	your	soul?”
For	a	moment	I	hesitated,	for	the	question	came	so	suddenly.
“Yes,	Father,	I	am	prepared	to	serve	You	unconditionally.	I	am	sold	out	to	You	and	I	only	want	to	be
with	You	and	work	for	You.”
“Unconditionally,	Father.”
“It’s	all	I	wanted	to	know,	beloved	child.	I	desire	your	willingness	and	your	obedience.	I’ll	take
care	of	everything	else.	I	will	provide	for	you	and	equip	you.	If	I	can	tend	to	millions	of	sparrows,	how
much	more	not	for	you?
“The	Sunshine	in	your	laughter,	the	Mantle	of	light	that	enfolds	you	and	the	One	that	rips	out	the
sting	of	the	enemy	–	it	is	I,	My	child.		Remain	at	My	feet	and	look	after	yourself.		I	am	busy	preparing	you
to	ride	the	fast	stallion.	Go	now,	and	rest.”
When	 I	 returned	 to	 bed,	 the	 dawn	 was	 breaking	 in	 a	 soft	 grey	 shade.	 Sleep	 was	 of	 little	 importance,
because	I	met	my	Creator	anew	during	the	morning	watch.	Nothing	could	be	better	than	Him	being	in	the
opening	scene	of	my	new	day.
Only	months	later	did	I	understand	that	the	green	twig	in	the	beak	of	the	eagle	meant	a	good	message.
Thursday,	3	April	2008___________________________________________________
Somebody	woke	me	up	by	shaking	my	shoulder	softly.	I	lingered	in	bed	and	waited	a	while	to	listen
whether	Father	was	going	to	call	me.
Zec	4:1		And	the	angel	that	talked	with	me	came	again,	and	waked	me,	as	a	man
that	is	wakened	out	of	his	sleep.
How	did	I	long	to	hear	His	lovely	voice	again	since	last	night.
I	 rose,	 put	 on	 my	 dressing-gown	 and	 went	 to	 my	 special	 prayer	 chamber.	 As	 I	 closed	 the	 door
behind	me	softly,	I	heard	His	tender	voice:
“Hephzibah,	it	is	I,	your	Yahuwah,	speaking	to	you.	I	called	you	and	I	want	to	tell	you	how	much	I
love	you,	My	bride.
“I	heard	your	longing	for	Me,	last	night.
“I	am	your	husband,	your	Ishi	(man)	and	I’ve	waited	for	you	a	very	long	time.	My	heart	is	burning	in
Me.	You	are	My	bride,	My	Isha	(woman).
“Today	My	conversation	with	you	is	different,	My	beloved	bride.	This	is	a	love	letter	to	you.
“Every	time	I	observe	the	Adams	and	the	Eves,	there	is	a	deep	longing	in	Me	for	My	bride.	Even
the	animals	have	their	mates.	The	males	seek	out	their	female	mates.	They	call	for	each	other.
“Likewise	I	also	am	seeking	for	My	Isha.	Thousands	of	years	My	heart	has	been	calling	for	perfect
intimacy	with	My	beloved	bride.
“At	last	the	time	has	come.	I	can	count	the	days.	The	wedding	feast	is	close	at	hand.	That	great	and
awesome	day	that	I	have	been	waiting	for	when	I	will	see	My	bride;	when	I	will	see	her	eye	to	eye.
“We’ll	be	together,	forever	together.
“My	day	shall	meet	her	day	and	become	OUR	day.
“Hephzibah,	beloved	messenger,	I	have	prepared	you	over	many	years	to	carry	out	this	assignment.
“You	must	deliver	this	joyful	message	to	My	bride.	She	must	put	on	her	wedding	gown.
“Time	of	waiting	is	nearly	up.”
I	saw	a	beautiful	white	hand	holding	a	copper	candlestick	with	a	burning	candle.
“Hephzibah,	 My	 daughter,	 you	 are	 the	 copper	 candlestick	 to	 carry	 My	 light.	 It	 took	 a	 long	 time
hammering	 out	 the	 dents	 in	 the	 copper	 plate	 and	 moulding	 it	 so	 that	 I	 could	 turn	 it	 into	 a	 beautiful
candlestick	–	which	is	you.
“I	am	the	hand	holding	the	copper	candlestick.
“With	the	light	that	has	been	lit	in	you	–	the	light	of	My	Word	which	is	Yahushua	–	you	must	enter
the	tunnel	of	deception	and	bring	Light	and	Word.”
The	white	hand	holding	the	candle	disappeared	into	a	dark	tunnel.	I	had	to	follow.	Thousands	of
people	sat	in	darkness,	covered	by	blankets	of	compressed	dust.	I	could	see	their	hands	reaching	out	for
someone	to	free	them	from	this	prison	of	darkness	where	satan	has	kept	them	hostage.
The	tunnel	was	endless	and	I	could	not	see	the	end	of	it.		It	was	horrible	to	see	these	people	sitting
on	their	haunches	under	the	suffocating	dust	blankets.
The	hand	holding	the	burning	candle	moved	further	down	the	tunnel.
I	followed,	crying	because	I	was	so	confused	by	this	scene	of	thousands	of	people	trapped	in	the
darkness	of	deception	and	religion.
“What	is	going	to	become	of	them?	We	cannot	leave	them	here,	Almighty	Father,”	I	pleaded	while
we	moved	along	the	masses	of	people.
“It	is	only	the	Light	of	the	Truth	of	the	Word	that	can	set	them	free	My	child,”	I	heard	the	answer	in
my	spirit.
I	was	extremely	relieved	when	I	saw	a	ray	of	light,	indicating	the	end	of	the	tunnel	ahead.	While	we
moved	towards	the	light,	I	glanced	back.	I	saw	the	people	being	pulled	out	of	the	dust	and	being	dragged
along,	following	the	light	of	the	candle.
At	the	exit	of	the	tunnel	a	beautiful	golden	cross	became	visible,	moving	higher	towards	heaven
until	at	last	it	was	so	high	that	it	resembled	a	perfect	cross-like	star.
Thousands	 of	 people	 were	 lifted	 up,	 being	 pulled	 out	 of	 the	 dust,	 drawn	 towards	 the	 brightly
illuminated	star.
I	was	brought	back	by	the	Spirit,	and	with	my	face	in	my	hands,	I	knelt	on	the	floor	before	Him	and
“Father,	please!	Teach	me,	mould	me	and	prepare	me	to	take	Your	light	to	the	tunnel	of	deception.
We	must	free	the	people	from	the	prison,	satan’s	prison	of	lies,	before	it	is	too	late!”
“Do	not	be	so	deeply	troubled,	My	love.	My	light	will	lead	you	to	the	places	where	you	must	go.	I
wanted	to	show	you	what	it	looks	like	in	the	domain	of	deception.
“Only	follow	My	light.”
The	love	letter	of	the	Bridegroom	to	His	bride,	was	the	most	gripping	conversation	that	Father	Yahuwah
has	ever	had	with	me.	At	last	I	could	truly	understand	the	heart	of	the	Bridegroom.	I	could	feel	so	much
intense	longing,	that	I	couldn’t	control	the	tears	streaming	down	my	cheeks.
Can	we	fathom	the	love	of	Yahuwah	for	His	children?	Do	we	try	to	understand	it	at	all,	or	is	it	just
too	way	beyond	our	understanding	and	intellect?
Does	this	have	something	to	do	with	the	vision	of	Africa	which	I’ve	had	recently,	I	wondered?
(In	 this	 vision	 I	 could	 see	 the	 perimeter	 of	 Africa	 very	 clearly.	 The	 great	 white	 hand	 of	 Father
appeared,	holding	a	massive	sponge.	As	His	fingers	closed	around	the	sponge,	and	he	squeezed	it,	I
could	see	clear,	red	blood	dripping	over	Africa.	The	drops	became	little	streams	meandering	to	the
most	Southern	tip	of	Africa.
The	 vision	 was	 really	 very	 remarkable,	 and	 in	 the	 spirit	 I	 sensed	 that	 at	 that	 moment	 something
extremely	powerful	was	released	in	the	heavenly	atmosphere	over	Africa.)
My	Creator-Elohim	continued:
“Hephzibah,	 you	 have	 the	 right	 of	 freedom	 to	 My	 City.	 The	 City	 will	 be	 your	 safe	 harbour,	 the
platform	from	where	you	will	operate.
“The	high	way	runs	through	the	City.”
(The	City	represents	the	presence	of	Yahuwah.)
Rev	21:23		And	the	City	hath	no	need	of	the	sun,	neither	of	the	moon,	to	shine	upon	it:
for	the	glory	of	God	did	lighten	it,	and	the	lamp	thereof	is	the	Lamb.
“For	you,	My	special	messenger,	the	gate	stands	open.	Walk	into	the	City,	the	place	of	authority	and
dominium.	From	there	you	will	carry	out	the	message	and	My	word.”
Suddenly	my	tears	were	gone	and	I	was	dancing	with	my	Yahushua	on	the	glass	floor	in	the	Throne	Room.
There	was	no	end	to	my	joy	and	I	could	see	how	He	enjoyed	it	also.
We	were	lifted	up	together	and	were	taken	into	the	universe.		There	was	no	restriction	or	limitation
of	freedom;	no	buildings	or	walls	or	anything	else,	only	the	indescribable	wonder	of	the	never	ending
heaven	around	us.
Angels	waved	with	whisper-soft	coloured	chiffon	shawls	and	moved	around	us.
“In	Me	you	have	no	more	limitations,	My	daughter.	Dance	with	Me	in	the	freedom	with	which	My
Son	has	set	you	free.”
In	my	room	I	was	laying	on	the	carpet	at	the	feet	of	my	Messiah.	I	could	feel	that	I	was	being	prepared
more	intensely.
I	didn’t	want	this,	but	then	the	experience	in	the	tunnel	of	deception	filled	my	mind	again.		Cold
sweat	of	agony	covered	me.	I	tried	to	wipe	it	away,	but	I	couldn’t,	because	the	agony	was	deeper	than	the
Friday,	11	April	2008____________________________________________________
Yahuwah	 has	 oftentimes	 sent	 messages	 to	 me	 through	 other	 prophets	 who	 knew	 nothing	 about	 my
revelations.	 Confirmations	 which	 were	 so	 much	 needed	 reached	 me	 in	 this	 way	 and	 encouraged	 me
Amos	3:7		Surely	the	Lord	Jehovah	will	do	nothing,	except	he	reveal	his	secret	unto	his
servants	the	prophets.
Friday	morning	during	the	prophetic	school,	our	leader	prophesied	the	following	message	to	me:
“I	saw	a	movement,	a	fanning	movement	of	angel	wings	and	sensed	that	a	special	angel	is	sent	by
Father	with	an	assignment.	The	Scriptures	that	the	Spirit	revealed	to	me	are:
Titus	1:1				From	Paul,	a	servant	of	God,	and	yet	an	apostle	of	Jesus	Christ	for	the	faith	of	God's	elect	and	the	full	knowledge	of	the
truth	that	leads	to	godliness,	which	is	based	on	the	hope	of	eternal	life	that	God,	who	cannot	lie,	promised	before	the	world	began.	At
the	right	time	he	revealed	his	message	through	the	proclamation	that	was	entrusted	to	me	by	the	command	of	God	our	Savior.	(ISV)
Titus	2:1			But	as	for	you,	teach	what	is	consistent	with	healthy	doctrine.	(ISV)
Titus	2:15			These	are	the	things	you	should	say.	Encourage	and	refute	with	full	authority.
									Do	not	let	anyone	look	down	on	you.	(ISV)
“I	 sense	 that	 Yahuwah	 is	 promoting	 you	 today	 to	 a	 very	 special	 rank	 in	 His	 army	 and	 He	 is
positioning	His	fighting	line	so	that	you	will	become	the	commissioner.	God	is	giving	you	the	mandate
and	greater	authority.	You	may	speak	words	of	encouragement,	of	wisdom	and	words	of	admonition	but
you	will	do	so	in	love.
“All	glory	to	Father.”
When	I	got	home	later,	I	heard	the	voice	calling	in	my	spirit:
“Come,	My	daughter,	I	must	speak	to	you.”
I	took	my	pen	and	journal,	as	usual,	and	in	obedience	I	retreated	to	my	prayer	chamber.	Immediately
the	following	was	deposited	into	my	spirit,	and	I	had	to	hasten	to	write	it	down:
“Hephzibah,	as	from	today	you	have	the	mandate	and	authority	to	lay	your	hands	on	people	and
minister	to	them.	You	must	be	My	hands	and	feet	on	earth	for	only	I	will	bring	healing.	More	doors	will
open	and	more	opportunities	will	follow.	I	will	give	you	a	Spirit	of	Wisdom	and	you	will	grow	quickly	in
the	knowledge	of	the	Word.	I	will	teach	you	scripture	and	concepts	which	will	help	you	to	understand	My
Word	swiftly.
“Miracles	and	signs	will	follow.	Only	remember:	Everything	comes	from	Me	to	distribute	where
necessary.	Many	people	you’ll	have	to	teach	how	to	understand	the	working	of	the	Holy	Spirit.	Some	will
have	to	be	fed	tiny	seeds,	one	by	one,	very	little	at	a	time,	so	that	they	can	digest	it.	For	others	you	can
open	the	sluice	gates	as	their	thirst	for	more	is	unquenchable.	I	will	instruct	you	what	to	do,	Hephzi-
daughter	–	how	to	enter	into	My	presence;	the	Throne	Room	so	that	you	can	teach	My	children	this	as
“What	you	have	to	go	and	do	is	being	deposited	into	your	spirit	at	this	moment,	beloved	of	Mine.”
When	the	flood	of	words	was	over,	I	was	very	tired	and	I	opened	my	Bible	at		Titus,	chapter	1,
which	was	given	to	me	earlier	at	the	prophetic	school.
I	was	astonished	when	I	saw	the	following	inscription	in	my	own	handwriting	at	this	chapter	in	my
own	Bible:
“20	September	2007	–	Citrusdal	Spa	–	I	received	the	anointing	of	the	Holy	Spirit	from	Father	and
the	full	anointing	of	my	calling	was	poured	out	over	me	under	the	Waterfall	of	Anointing.”
Yes!	On	this	day	the	previous	year	we	were	on	vacation	at	the	Citrusdal	Spa	and	Father	promised
me	in	a	heavenly	revelation	that	afternoon	that	I	have	received	everything	I	needed	for	my	calling,	but	that
He	would	cause	it	to	realise	when	the	time	and	season	was	ready.	(It	is	recorded	in	the	book:	Secrets	Of
Hell	Revealed.)
That	this	was	the	precise	portion	of	scripture	given	to	me	at	the	prophetic	school	that	morning,	as
well	as	the	prophetic	word	of	authority	given	to	me,	was	the	confirmation	I	was	waiting	for.	It	was	the
promise	Father	breathed	over	me	through	His	precious	Word.
I	felt	so	small,	and	in	absolute	amazement	I	sat	with	the	open	Bible	in	front	of	me.	I	rejoiced:
“All	glory	and	honour	to	You,	Almighty	Elohim,	King	of	the	Universe.	No	one	can	ever	earn	the
honour	that	belongs	to	You.	It	is	Yours	alone.	I	clothe	Thee	with	the	mantle	of	Splendour,	Power	and
Might;	of	Omnipresence	and	Omniscience.
“You	are	worthy	to	be	called	YAHUWAH.	Hallelujah.”
My	Creator-Father	continued:
“Your	prophetic	insight	is	nearly	fully	developed,	My	daughter.	The	time	has	come	for	you	to	learn
how	to	exercise	your	gift.	You	must	become	part	of	the	prophetic	voice	and	it	must	be	heard	now.	Holy
Spirit	will	instruct	you	further	what	you	need	to	know	about	the	prophetic	gift.”
John	14:26				and	the	Comforter,	the	Holy	Spirit,	whom	the	Father	will	send	in	my
name,	he	will	teach	you	all	things,	and	remind	you	of	all	things	that	I	said	to	you.
“A	purple	mantle	with	tiny	golden	bells	at	the	seam	is	being	hung	around	you	today.	You	will	like
the	embroidered	ruby	pomegranates	on	the	collar.	This	mantle	will	give	you	the	mandate	to	attend	the
School	of	the	Prophets	under	leadership	of	the	Holy	Spirit.
“I	 will	 also	 protect	 your	 calling	 and	 seal	 it	 with	 My	 precious	 blood.	 The	 enemy	 will	 not	 have
entrance	to	it.”
Slowly	every	piece	of	the	puzzle	became	clear	to	me	and	the	greater	plan	of	Abba	Father	took
Sunday,	13	April	2008____________________________________________________
During	our	congregational	morning	service,	I	found	the	hymns	of	praise	very	uplifting	in	spirit.
On	 both	 sides	 on	 the	 stage	 which	 served	 as	 the	 pulpit,	 was	 a	 huge	 candelabrum,	 with	 several
burning	candles	on	it.
While	we	were	singing	and	praising	the	Almighty,	I	noticed	an	angel	at	each	candelabrum	moving
hence	and	forth.	More	angels	joined	and	later	they	formed	a	circle	in	the	air	around	the	stage.	While	I	was
admiring	the	beautiful	scene,	the	anointing	of	Holy	Spirit	enfolded	me	like	a	cloud.
Two	majestic	heavy	golden	gates	opened	before	me.	The	Messiah,	Yahushua,	was	next	to	me	and
we	moved	through	the	gates	in	silence.
In	front	of	us	was	the	inexpressible	beautiful	City	of	gold	and	glory.	Indescribable	is	the	scene	of
castle-like	mansions	and	streets	of	purest	gold.
I	looked	up	to	the	Messiah	and	did	not	know	what	to	ask;	only	felt	His	hand	resting	on	my	arm.
Tenderly	 He	 reacted	 first:	 “My	 daughter,	 I	 readily	 want	 to	 show	 you	 more	 of	 the	 heavenly
mysteries,	take	you	further	into	the	golden	City.	Abide	in	Me	as	I	in	you,	My	love.”
The	song	and	music	faded,	and	I	was	once	more	part	of	the	worship	service,	not	knowing	that	this
wasn’t	the	end	of	the	revelation	yet.
A	little	later,	while	the	pastor	was	praying,	I	was	taken	back	swiftly	and	I	beheld	that	which	I	can
hardly	put	to	words.
So	many	times	I	have	been	in	the	Throne	Room,	but	never	before	was	the	Golden	Throne	shown	to
me	in	all	its	glory,	because	the	cloud	of	Glory	was	always	covering	the	Throne.	But	this	morning	it	was
granted	me	to	see	the	Throne	in	all	its	heavenly	splendour.
No	 earthly	 vocabulary	 can	 by	 right	 describe	 this	 heavenly	 vision.	 It	 was	 as	 though	 I	 could	 see
deeper	into	the	spiritual	realm,	and	nothing	but	the	massive	Throne	was	visible	in	the	entire	gap	before
me.	It	filled	the	horizon	from	side	to	side	and	looked	like	it	was	made	of	solid	gold.
The	background	of	this	spectacular	Throne	was	in	colours	that	resembled	the	sunrise	on	a	cloudless
morning;	rich	golden,	less	orange	and	slightly	reddish.	No	other	heavenly	activities	were	visible.	The
radiant	glory	which	filled	the	air	was	totally	overwhelming.
I	would	have	loved	to	see	more,	but	this	was	all	that	I	was	granted	for	the	moment.	I	praise	and
honour	Father	for	this	wonderful	privilege.
Oftentimes	some	of	the	revelations	are	cut	short,	and	I’ve	wondered	about	it.	Was	it	that	my	spirit
could	 not	 absorb	 so	 much	 at	 one	 time?	 Perhaps	 it	 was	 to	 allow	 me	 time	 to	 write	 down	 the	 visions
immediately	before	I	lost	some	of	the	detail.
It	became	clear	in	my	mind:	there	is	something	the	Spirit	of	Yahuwah	wants	to	tell	me.		Within	my	inner
being	a	tenderness	lingered.
Wednesday,	16	April	2008________________________________________________
I	was	wakened	early	this	morning	with	beautiful	singing	in	my	spirit.
“My	hope	is	in	You,	in	You,	it’s	in	You,	it’s	in	You”	it	rang	in	me.
A	huge	clock	with	the	time	11:25	appeared	before	me.
“Time	is	running	out.	It	is	nearly	midnight.	Go	tell	My	children!”
Father’s	urgent	warning	made	me	sit	up	straight.
I	saw	different	nations	before	me,	people	of	other	cultures,	and	I	knew	that	I	had	to	intercede	for
them.	People	living	in	hostility	towards	Elohim,	must	be	warned.
“The	 warning	 will	 come	 from	 South	 Africa.	 This	 book	 is	 a	 prophetic	 message	 for	 the	 world.
Afterwards,	there	will	be	no	more	excuses.	I	have	already	warned	My	people:		‘Wake	up	and	rise	from
this	death	sleep	with	which	satan	has	captured	you.	It	is	nearly	midnight.’	”
Eph	5:14		Wherefore	he	saith,	Awake,	thou	that	sleepest,	and	arise	from	the	dead,
and	Christ	shall	shine	upon	thee.
The	song	that	woke	me	was	still	turning	in	my	head.
“You,	dear	child,	as	from	today	I	appoint	you	as	prophetic	messenger.	You	will	deliver	the	message
through	the	prophetic	word	and	you	will	speak	life	over	death.
“I	have	heard	the	crying	of	My	children	and	will	give	hope	to	them	in	their	hopeless	situation.”
Father	showed	me	delightful	delicacies	and	said:
“My	daughter,	this	is	the	food	that	I	have	blessed	you	with.	Freely	you	have	received	it;	freely	you
must	give	to	those	who	hunger	after	My	word.	It	is	nearly	midnight,	and	time	is	running	out.”
Matt	10:8		.	.	.	.	.			freely	ye	received,	freely	give.
“Over	 a	 period	 of	 many	 years	 I	 have	 raised	 you	 and	 prepared	 you	 for	 this	 assignment.	 Like	 an
arrow	I	will	launch	you,	for	you	will	be	the	bearer	of	the	assignment.
“Spend	more	time	with	Me.	I	want	to	share	the	secrets	of	My	heart	with	you.	More	miracles	will
follow.	The	sick	will	be	healed.”
“Father-Yahuwah,	how	must	I	carry	this	assignment	into	effect?	How	and	when?”
“I	will	give	all	the	instructions	and	make	sure	that	you	will	understand	it	clearly.	I’ve	told	you
before	that	you	should	not	be	concerned	about	anything.	Just	wait	and	abide	in	My	peace.	Everything	you
need	to	know	will	be	instructed	in	the	School	of	Holy	Spirit.
“I	bless	you,	beloved	daughter.”
Suddenly	I	found	myself	standing	alone	on	the	beautiful	transparent	glassy	sea,	where	Yahushua	and	I	have
been	before.	A	gigantic	eagle	picked	me	up	and	carried	me	away	high	into	the	air.	While	I	was	soaring	on
the	currents	of	the	wind,	I	could	see	with	an	eagle’s	eye	deep	into	the	unseen.
A	huge	white	cross	emerged	from	a	silver-white	cloud.	Rounded	like	a	shell,	the	cloud	formed	the
backdrop,	with	the	cross	inside	it.	More	clouds	gathered,	and	the	cross	graciously	turned	into	a	beautiful
white	horse.	His	snow-white	mane	glistened	in	the	soft	light.
It	was	as	though	an	urgency	came	into	the	atmosphere,	with	the	clouds	turning	and	twisting	round
and	around.	The	white	horse	neighed,	rose	on	his	hind	legs	and	kicked	impatiently	with	his	front	hooves.
Rev	19:11		And	I	saw	the	heaven	opened;	and	behold,	a	white	horse,.......
“Time	is	running	out.	I	long	to	be	with	My	beloved	bride	–	My	spirit-filled	children;	those	who	are
heirs	of	My	inheritance.	My	desire	is	to	share	My	heavenly	riches	with	those	who	yearn	for	it;	those
whose	heavenly	mansions	have	been	prepared	for	them	long	ago,	waiting	to	be	occupied.
“How	I	long	to	enfold	them	with	My	eternal,	unfailing	love;	teach	them	what	true	love	really	is;
what	the	depth	and	richness	of	My	everlasting	love	entails;	bathe	them	in	the	light	of	My	eternal	presence
where	there	will	be	no	sorrow	or	fear,	no	suffering	and	affliction	from	satan;	no	more	tears	nor	physical
pain	and	suffering.”
My	beloved	Abba	Father	became	quiet.
The	eagle	placed	me	very	cautiously	inside	the	Father’s	heart.	I	had	to	lay	down	on	my	back	to	rest.
Two	angels	came	towards	me	and	rubbed	me	in	with	salt.	Afterwards	I	was	gently	lowered	into	a	bath
with	blood,	where	I	had	to	soak	a	while.
“You	must	be	cleansed	regularly	from	that	which	causes	worry.	You	must	become	pure	so	that	you
can	receive	the	uncontaminated	Rhema	word	–	My	Word.”		Father	explained.
The	two	angels	brought	an	earthenware	pitcher	with	olive	oil	and	gave	me	some	to	drink.
“This	oil	will	cleanse	you	from	within,	beloved	Hephzibah.	You	are	also	going	to	receive	a	new
dress	to	wear.	It	is	the	Garment	of	Praise	as	well	as	a	brand	new	mantle;	a	victor’s	mantle,	because	you
have	overcome	your	circumstances.”
The	angels	brought	a	beautiful,	soft	olive-green	frock	that	I	had	to	wear.	Around	my	shoulders	they
hung	a	mantle	of	the	same	colour.
My	hair	was	gently	taken	back	and	fastened	with	a	similar	green	coloured	scarf.
“I	am	taking	you	with	Me	and	like	eagles	we	are	going	to	fly	to	the	highest	mountain	peak.	You	have
mastered	the	war	cry	now.	Never	allow	that	you	will	be	pulled	down	to	a	low	level	of	weakness	of	which
you	are	not	worthy.	Rise	above	the	stormy	winds	of	the	physical	and	soar	like	an	eagle	in	the	gentle
breeze	of	My	peace.”
“I	need	Thee	so	very	much.	At	this	moment	I	am	so	lonely	with	Your	book.	I	cannot	focus	on	Your
revelations,	because	I	am	disturbed	in	my	spirit.	Please	help	me.”
“Do	not	be	afraid,	My	bride.	I	will	take	you	higher	and	higher	because	you	have	chosen	the	narrow
road.	Live	in	purity	of	heart.	Fill	your	lamp	with	purified	oil.
“I	have	started	weaving	the	wedding	gown.	All	pain	and	suffering	is	being	woven	as	golden	threads
into	the	material	of	your	wedding	gown.	You	will	see	it	and	you	will	taste	the	sweetness	of	our	love,	My
Psa	45:13		The	king's	daughter	within	the	palace	is	all	glorious:	Her	clothing	is
inwrought	with	gold.
One	of	the	angels	brought	a	beautiful	snow-white	flower	from	somewhere.	It	looked	like	a	gardenia	and
had	the	sweetest,	sweetest	aroma.
“Remember	 this	 aroma.	 It	 was	 created	 for	 you	 especially,”	 Father	 assured	 me	 while	 the	 angel
placed	the	flower	in	the	scarf	around	my	hair.
“Go	and	rest	now.	Rest	in	My	peace.	I	love	you	dearly,	My	daughter.”
I	was	deeply	touched	by	this	revelation	and	was	in	tears	before	Father.	I	could	feel	something	of	His
longing	for	His	children.
Just	as	I	long	to	be	with	Him,	the	same	I	am	convinced	that	I	have	to	publish	the	books	and	do	His
bidding.	 Did	 He	 not	 tell	 me	 that	 He	 would	 use	 the	 books	 as	 a	 porthole	 where	 the	 people	 will	 get	 a
glimpse	of	Heaven?
Friday,	18	April	2008____________________________________________________
Half	past	two	this	morning	I	awoke,	quietly	went	to	the	kitchen	and	broke	bread	and	took	wine.	Then	in
the	dusk	I	danced	before	My	Creator-Yahuwah	in	the	lounge.
I	was	taken	into	His	heart	where	I	had	to	rest	under	a	blanket	of	olive	leaves.
My	beloved	Messiah	was	with	me	in	an	instant.
“Today	I	want	to	take	you	to	the	Pool	of	Siloam.	We’ve	been	there	a	long	time	ago	but	now	it	has	a
bright	new	appearance.	I	have	prepared	it	for	you	in	this	way,	specially	for	today.	It	is	pretty	enough	for	a
bride	to	be	pampered	in.”
Two	angels	arrived,	removed	the	olive	leaves	and	helped	me	up.	I	was	dressed	again	in	the	soft
green	dress	with	the	mantle	around	my	shoulders,	like	a	couple	of	nights	ago.
We	reached	a	beautiful	sunken	water	pool.	On	the	outside,	around	this	pool	was	a	bed	and	the	sides
were	 layered	 with	 the	 most	 beautiful	 white	 flowers.	 A	 sweet	 fragrance	 filled	 the	 air.	 The	 water	 was
crystal	clear	and	the	light	shone	like	tiny	diamonds	on	the	surface.	The	angels	took	me	into	the	water	until
it	reached	my	neck.	It	was	delightfully	cool	and	the	aroma	of	the	flowers	penetrated	my	skin.
My	Yahushua	stood	at	the	poolside.	I	could	see	Him	clearly	in	His	snow-white	garment.	Over	His
left	 arm	 He	 had	 a	 blue	 shawl,	 looking	 like	 the	 Jewish	 tallit.	 Golden	 tassels	 and	 tiny	 golden	 bells
decorated	the	lower	hem	of	the	tallit.
The	two	angels	retreated	slowly	out	of	the	pool	until	they	stood	behind	Yahushua.
Closely	 behind	 them	 a	 row	 of	 guards	 appeared,	 heavily	 dressed	 in	 full	 battle	 armour.	 Beautiful
royal	blue	tunics	rounded	off	the	uniforms.	Each	one	wore	a	golden	helmet	with	breastplate,	belt	and
boots	of	pure	gold.	Even	the	swords	and	shields	were	made	of	gold.
Yahushua	came	forward,	bent	down	and	stirred	the	water	with	His	hand.	The	flowers	swayed	in
Somewhere	the	voices	of	angelic	song	were	heard	in	the	background,	singing:
“How	great	is	our	Yahushua,	how	great	is	our	Elohim.”
I	could	not	hold	back	my	tears.	This	moment	was	too	big.
Yahushua	looked	at	me	and	said:
“Hephzibah,	come	to	Me,	My	bride.”
I	moved	slowly	towards	Him.	He	stretched	His	hand	and	tenderly	touched	my	cheek,	wiping	away
my	tears,	and	while	He	hung	the	tallit	around	me,	He	explained:
“I,	Myself,	will	wipe	away	the	tears	from	your	eyes;	heal	all	your	wounds	and	take	away	your	pain.
We	must	prepare	you	for	the	new;	it	is	time	to	move	on.	New,	deeper	mysteries	must	be	revealed	to	you,
but	you	must	be	ready	to	receive	it.	Come	a	little	closer.”
I	came	forward	another	step,	so	that	Yahushua	could	touch	my	hair	and	tie	it	up	with	a	scarf.	Then
He	came	down	into	the	water	as	well.
“Enjoy	My	presence	and	be	healed	of	all	the	hurt	in	your	heart,	My	daughter.”
He	held	me	and	lowered	me	deeper	into	the	water,	until	I	was	immersed	completely.
“You	will	never	go	deeper	down	than	My	hands	–	no	never.	You	are	too	precious.	I	laid	down	My
life	for	My	children;	of	whom	you	are	one.	You	must	trust	Me	completely,	Hephzibah.”
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