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Google Web Toolkit
              0-60 in no time flat
Chris Ramsdale
Developer Relations, Google
new java.util.Date();

•   Overview
•   Demo
•   Deeper dive
•   Optimizations for developers
•   Optimizations for users
•   Intro to GWT & MVP
From 25,000 feet

•   Development toolkit, not a framework
•   Code in Java, run as Javascript
•   One codebase, any browser
•   Makes Ajax a piece of cake...and faster
•   Used within many Google products, including
    Google Wave and Ad Words
The GWT Family

   GWT SDK       Google Plugin   Speed Tracer
                  For Eclipse
It’s a loving relationship
It’s a loving relationship

It’s a loving relationship

              Develop        Debug
It’s a loving relationship

              Develop          Debug

Focus on the users

 Our users - developers
 – Leverage existing IDEs and tools
 – Minimize refresh time between codes changes
 – Automate where possible

 Your users - customers
 – Minimize startup time
 – Make it a comfortable experience
 – Allow them to select the browse
Different Goals
Different Goals

 • Next killer feature
 • Making it look good
 • Code refactoring
Different Goals

Developers               Customers
 • Next killer feature   • Make it fast
 • Making it look good   • ...oh, and don’t charge
                         my credit card twice
 • Code refactoring
Different Goals

Developers               Customers
 • Next killer feature   • Make it fast
 • Making it look good   • ...oh, and don’t charge
                         my credit card twice
 • Code refactoring
No plugins required

Nothing against them, but...

        Foo Player not available for
        your device

        We restrict use of
        technologies required by
        products like Foo Player...

                       Firefox   Webkit (Safari) Opera    IE
    Typical portable   2876 ms   1276 ms        2053 ms   4078 ms
    textContent=... -            908 ms         1386 ms   -
    innerText=...      2477 ms   918 ms         1520 ms   2469 ms
    DOM manipulation 7148 ms     1997 ms        4836 ms   14800 ms

                       Firefox   Webkit (Safari) Opera    IE
    Typical portable   2876 ms   1276 ms        2053 ms   4078 ms
    textContent=... -            908 ms         1386 ms   -
    innerText=...      2477 ms   918 ms         1520 ms   2469 ms
    DOM manipulation 7148 ms     1997 ms        4836 ms   14800 ms

    Improvement        14%       29%            32%       39%

                       Firefox   Webkit (Safari) Opera    IE
    Typical portable   2876 ms   1276 ms        2053 ms   4078 ms
    textContent=... -            908 ms         1386 ms   -
    innerText=...      2477 ms   918 ms         1520 ms   2469 ms
    DOM manipulation 7148 ms     1997 ms        4836 ms   14800 ms

    Improvement        14%       29%            32%       39%
Can you find the bug?

 function getMax(values) {
 	    var maximum = values[0];
 	    for (var i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
 	    	     if (values[i] > maximum) {
 	    	     	    maxinum = values[i];
       return maximum;
Can you find the bug?

 function getMax(values) {
 	    var maximum = values[0];
 	    for (var i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
 	    	     if (values[i] > maximum) {
 	    	     	    maxinum = values[i];
       return maximum;

 Hint: Javascript is a dynamic language
...GWT Can

 Java is a static language
Demo time

To see this in action, letʼs:
 • Create a new web app
 • Debug within the browser
 • Update, refresh, run
 • Deploy to JBoss Enterprise Application Platform

A Java to Javascript compiler right?
More like assembly-level JS
function rd(a,b){var c;if(b.b){b.b=false;b.c=null}c=b.c;b.c=a.f;try{++a.c;Cd(a.e,b,a.d)}finally{--
function Hb(b,c){yb();$wnd.setTimeout(function(){var a=$entry(Eb)(b);a&&$wnd.setTimeout(arguments.callee,c)},c)}
function ih(a,b){var c,d;if(b.e!=a){return false}try{Vg(b,null)}finally{c=b.f;(d=(hc(),c).parentNode,(!d||d.nodeType!
=1)&&(d=null),d).removeChild(c);ki(a.b,b)}return true}
function hj(c){if(c.length==0||c[0]>ao&&c[c.length-1]>ao){return c}var a=c.replace(/^(s*)/,cn);var b=a.replace(/s*
$/,cn);return b}
function qj(a){var b,c,d,e;b=0;d=a.length;e=d-4;c=0;while(c<e){b=a.charCodeAt(c+3)+31*(a.charCodeAt(c
+2)+31*(a.charCodeAt(c+1)+31*(a.charCodeAt(c)+31*b)))|0;c+=4}while(c<d){b=b*31+a.charCodeAt(c++)}return b|0}
function Bj(a){var b,c,d,e;e=this.v();a.length<e&&(a=Pd(a,e));d=a;c=this.p();for(b=0;b<e;++b)
{Ud(d,b,c.s())}a.length>e&&Ud(a,e,null);return a}
function xl(a){var b,c,d;a.length<this.c&&(a=(c=a,d=Qd(0,this.c),Sd(c.aC,c.tI,c.qI,d),d));for(b=0;b<this.c;++b)
{Ud(a,b,this.b[b])}a.length>this.c&&Ud(a,this.c,null);return a}
function Ud(a,b,c){if(c!=null){if(a.qI>0&&!ee(c.tI,a.qI)){throw wi(new ui)}if(a.qI<0&&(c.tM==gm||c.tI==2)){throw
wi(new ui)}}return a[b]=c}
function hi(a,b,c){var d,e;if(c<0||c>a.c){throw Qi(new Oi)}if(a.c==a.b.length){e=Rd(we,
function th(b,c){var i;rh();var a,e,f,g,h;e=null;for(h=b.p();h.r();){g=fe(h.s(),8);try{c.q(g)}catch(a)
{a=Ge(a);if(ie(a,11)){f=a;!e&&(e=Fl(new Dl));i=Sj(e.b,f,e)}else throw a}}if(e){throw sh(new oh,e)}}
function Tj(j,a,b,c){var d=j.b[c];if(d){for(var e=0,f=d.length;e<f;++e){var g=d[e];var h=g.y();if(j.x(a,h)){var
i=g.z();g.A(b);return i}}}else{d=j.b[c]=[]}var g=Ul(new Sl,a,b);d.push(g);++j.e;return null}
function bk(a){var b,c,d;if((a==null?null:a)===this){return true}if(!(a!=null&&de(a.tI,18))){return false}c=fe(a,
18);if(c.v()!=this.v()){return false}for(b=c.p();b.r();){d=b.s();if(!this.u(d)){return false}}return true}
function Cd(a,b,c){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j;g=b.j();d=(h=fe(Nj(a.b,g),4),!h?0:h.c);if(c){for(f=d-1;f>=0;--f)
function Fb(a){var b,c,d,e,f,g;b=false;d=a.length;f=(new Date).getTime();while((new Date).getTime()-f<100)
{continue}e[e.length]=a[c]}return e}else{return a}}
function cf()
e,rn);_e(bf,ve,sn)}                                       16
I can haz pretty print plz

                             Simply adjust
                             the output
                             style of the
                             compiler via
                             the plugin

Yes, a Java to Javascript compiler
function init(){
  $GreetingService_Proxy(new GreetingService_Proxy);
  $add_0(($clinit_99() , get_0(null)), $Label(new Label, 'Foo'));

function caught_0(e){
  if (e != null && canCast(e.typeId$, 11)) {
    return e;
  return $JavaScriptException(new JavaScriptException, e);

function $RemoteServiceProxy(this$static){
  return this$static;

function RemoteServiceProxy(){
}                                 18
But wait...there’s more
A deeper dive
From Eclipse to your browser


                                                                     Browser Plugins


 public class EclipseCon implements EntryPoint {
     public void onModuleLoad() {



From Eclipse to deployment

Your code...                                        Generators   Translators   Linkers


public class EclipseCon implements EntryPoint {

    public void onModuleLoad() {

From Eclipse to deployment

Your code...                                        Generators   Translators   Linkers


public class EclipseCon implements EntryPoint {

    public void onModuleLoad() {

Provide the power behind your
GWT app

Automate away boilerplate code

Foundation for permutations

Use Case: GWT RPCs

Typical Ajax call

            Serialization         Serialization
               Code                  Code
   Client                   XHR                   Server

Use Case: GWT RPCs

GWT-enabled Ajax

                      Serialization         Serialization
          GWT Proxy

                                                            GWT Proxy
                         Code                  Code
 Client                               XHR                               Server

Use Case: GWT RPCs

 – Serialization code begone
 – RPCs like they’re meant to be - interface
 – Make it fast to boot
Use Case: GWT RPCs

You write code that looks like this:

public interface SuggestService extends RemoteService {
  String getSuggestions(String str) throws IllegalArgumentException;

Behind the scenes

• Eclipse plugin creates the scaffolding
• GWT’s RPC generator creates the
Use Case #2: Creating UIs

  – Utilize common dev practices
  – Minimize boilerplate code interface methods
  – Remove a few other frustrations along the way
Use Case #2: Creating UIs

You write code that looks like this:

    .contactsViewButtonHPanel {
      margin: 5px 0px 0x 5px;	

  <g:HorizontalPanel addStyleNames="{style.contactsViewButtonHPanel}">
    <g:Button ui:field="addButton">Add</g:Button>
    <g:Button ui:field="deleteButton">Delete</g:Button>


Behind the scenes

• Eclipse plugin creates the scaffolding
• GWT’s UiBinder creates the implementation
From Eclipse to your browser

Your code...                                        Generators   Translators   Linkers


public class EclipseCon implements EntryPoint {

    public void onModuleLoad() {


From Eclipse to your browser

Your code...                                        Generators   Translators   Linkers


public class EclipseCon implements EntryPoint {

    public void onModuleLoad() {

Entry points for your GWT app
GWT Tips and Tricks

  -gen will output a copy of the
       generated classes

GWT Tips and Tricks

 Reduce optimizations, reduce compile
  – -draftCompile
    • Skip all optimizations
    • Development only

 Why worry about compiling at all?
A more efficient SDLC

Refresh        Does it work?   Yes   Compile


          Develop                    Deploy
We’re happy

But what about
 our users?

Optimize for the user

• Bundle resources
• Split code
Resource Bundling

• Example - associating icons with a contact
Resource Bundling

One at a time
Image image = new Image("images/image1.gif");
Resource Bundling

Initial download

Call to display images
Resource Bundling

All at once
public interface Resources extends ClientBundle {
  public static final Resources INSTANCE = GWT.create(Resources.class);

    public ContactsCss contactsCss();

    public ImageResource image0();

    public ImageResource image1();


Resource Bundling

Initial download

Call to display images
Code splitting

Initial download

            Not needed on startup
Code splitting

Split points - runAsync()
void onOkClicked(ClickEvent event) {
  GWT.runAsync(new RunAsyncCallback() {
    public void onSuccess() {
Code splitting

Initial download

Call to display images
Real world results - Google Wave
                                                                                                                 1400 KB
Size of Initial JavaScript Download (KB)



                                                                             7x Decrease In
                                                                             Initial Download Size


                                                                                                                 200 KB

                                                  26-Nov   29-Apr   18-Jun   28-Jul   12-Sep   27-Oct   24-Dec   16-Mar
Creating GWT apps - “Direct” approach

Write a bunch of widgets with self-contained
 •   Hard to test - need GWTTestCase
 •   Mocks not encouraged - harder to write smaller tests
 •   Platform specific UI code - limits code reuse
 •   Too many dependencies - difficult to optimize
Creating GWT apps - MVP approach

  – Model - DTOs, and business logic
  – View - The display
  – Presenter - Application logic

  – Be practical
  – Avoid rigid patterns
  – Put the complex logic in your Presenters
  – Put the widget code in your Views
The MVP Relationship

         Model         Presenter   View
The MVP Relationship

         Model         Presenter   View
The MVP Relationship

         Model   History   Presenter   View
The MVP Relationship

         Model   History   Presenter   View
The MVP Relationship


                Model   History   Presenter   View
The MVP Relationship


                Model   History      Presenter   View

                         Event Bus
The MVP Relationship


                Model   History      Presenter   View

                         Event Bus
The MVP Relationship


                Model   History      Presenter   View

                         Event Bus
Technology Interop

• Seam
Making the Cloud a Reality
Making the Cloud a Reality

Making the Cloud a Reality


Making the Cloud a Reality


Making the Cloud a Reality

                   Sales Force Automation
Making the Cloud a Reality

                   Sales Force Automation

Making the Cloud a Reality

                   Sales Force Automation

  Banking                    Collaboration
Making the Cloud a Reality

                    Sales Force Automation

  Banking                    Collaboration
              Social Network
Making the Cloud a Reality

                    Sales Force Automation

      Your next big idea
  Banking                    Collaboration
              Social Network
The right languages and tools
            are key

Chris Ramsdale
Twitter: @cramsdale
JBoss World 2010

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JBoss World 2010

  • 1.
  • 2. Google Web Toolkit 0-60 in no time flat Chris Ramsdale Developer Relations, Google new java.util.Date();
  • 3. Agenda • Overview • Demo • Deeper dive • Optimizations for developers • Optimizations for users • Intro to GWT & MVP
  • 4. From 25,000 feet • Development toolkit, not a framework • Code in Java, run as Javascript • One codebase, any browser • Makes Ajax a piece of cake...and faster • Used within many Google products, including Google Wave and Ad Words
  • 5. The GWT Family GWT SDK Google Plugin Speed Tracer For Eclipse
  • 6. It’s a loving relationship
  • 7. It’s a loving relationship Develop
  • 8. It’s a loving relationship Develop Debug
  • 9. It’s a loving relationship Develop Debug Optimize
  • 10. Focus on the users Our users - developers – Leverage existing IDEs and tools – Minimize refresh time between codes changes – Automate where possible Your users - customers – Minimize startup time – Make it a comfortable experience – Allow them to select the browse
  • 12. Different Goals Developers • Next killer feature • Making it look good • Code refactoring
  • 13. Different Goals Developers Customers • Next killer feature • Make it fast • Making it look good • ...oh, and don’t charge my credit card twice • Code refactoring
  • 14. Different Goals Developers Customers • Next killer feature • Make it fast • Making it look good • ...oh, and don’t charge my credit card twice • Code refactoring
  • 15. No plugins required Silverlight VML Flash
  • 16. Nothing against them, but... Foo Player not available for your device We restrict use of technologies required by products like Foo Player...
  • 17. Quirkiness Firefox Webkit (Safari) Opera IE Typical portable 2876 ms 1276 ms 2053 ms 4078 ms setInnerText() textContent=... - 908 ms 1386 ms - innerText=... 2477 ms 918 ms 1520 ms 2469 ms DOM manipulation 7148 ms 1997 ms 4836 ms 14800 ms
  • 18. Quirkiness Firefox Webkit (Safari) Opera IE Typical portable 2876 ms 1276 ms 2053 ms 4078 ms setInnerText() textContent=... - 908 ms 1386 ms - innerText=... 2477 ms 918 ms 1520 ms 2469 ms DOM manipulation 7148 ms 1997 ms 4836 ms 14800 ms Improvement 14% 29% 32% 39%
  • 19. Quirkiness Firefox Webkit (Safari) Opera IE Typical portable 2876 ms 1276 ms 2053 ms 4078 ms setInnerText() textContent=... - 908 ms 1386 ms - innerText=... 2477 ms 918 ms 1520 ms 2469 ms DOM manipulation 7148 ms 1997 ms 4836 ms 14800 ms Improvement 14% 29% 32% 39%
  • 20. Can you find the bug? function getMax(values) { var maximum = values[0]; for (var i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) { if (values[i] > maximum) { maxinum = values[i]; } } return maximum; }
  • 21. Can you find the bug? function getMax(values) { var maximum = values[0]; for (var i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) { if (values[i] > maximum) { maxinum = values[i]; } } return maximum; } Hint: Javascript is a dynamic language
  • 22. ...GWT Can Java is a static language
  • 23. Demo time To see this in action, letʼs: • Create a new web app • Debug within the browser • Update, refresh, run • Deploy to JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 14
  • 24. A Java to Javascript compiler right?
  • 25. More like assembly-level JS function rd(a,b){var c;if(b.b){b.b=false;b.c=null}c=b.c;b.c=a.f;try{++a.c;Cd(a.e,b,a.d)}finally{-- a.c;a.c==0&&sd(a)}if(c==null){b.b=true;b.c=null}else{b.c=c}} function Hb(b,c){yb();$wnd.setTimeout(function(){var a=$entry(Eb)(b);a&&$wnd.setTimeout(arguments.callee,c)},c)} function ih(a,b){var c,d;if(b.e!=a){return false}try{Vg(b,null)}finally{c=b.f;(d=(hc(),c).parentNode,(!d||d.nodeType! =1)&&(d=null),d).removeChild(c);ki(a.b,b)}return true} function hj(c){if(c.length==0||c[0]>ao&&c[c.length-1]>ao){return c}var a=c.replace(/^(s*)/,cn);var b=a.replace(/s* $/,cn);return b} function qj(a){var b,c,d,e;b=0;d=a.length;e=d-4;c=0;while(c<e){b=a.charCodeAt(c+3)+31*(a.charCodeAt(c +2)+31*(a.charCodeAt(c+1)+31*(a.charCodeAt(c)+31*b)))|0;c+=4}while(c<d){b=b*31+a.charCodeAt(c++)}return b|0} function Bj(a){var b,c,d,e;e=this.v();a.length<e&&(a=Pd(a,e));d=a;c=this.p();for(b=0;b<e;++b) {Ud(d,b,c.s())}a.length>e&&Ud(a,e,null);return a} function xl(a){var b,c,d;a.length<this.c&&(a=(c=a,d=Qd(0,this.c),Sd(c.aC,c.tI,c.qI,d),d));for(b=0;b<this.c;++b) {Ud(a,b,this.b[b])}a.length>this.c&&Ud(a,this.c,null);return a} function Ud(a,b,c){if(c!=null){if(a.qI>0&&!ee(c.tI,a.qI)){throw wi(new ui)}if(a.qI<0&&(c.tM==gm||c.tI==2)){throw wi(new ui)}}return a[b]=c} function hi(a,b,c){var d,e;if(c<0||c>a.c){throw Qi(new Oi)}if(a.c==a.b.length){e=Rd(we, 47,8,a.b.length*2,0);for(d=0;d<a.b.length;++d){Ud(e,d,a.b[d])}a.b=e}++a.c;for(d=a.c-1;d>c;--d) {Ud(a.b,d,a.b[d-1])}Ud(a.b,c,b)} function th(b,c){var i;rh();var a,e,f,g,h;e=null;for(h=b.p();h.r();){g=fe(h.s(),8);try{c.q(g)}catch(a) {a=Ge(a);if(ie(a,11)){f=a;!e&&(e=Fl(new Dl));i=Sj(e.b,f,e)}else throw a}}if(e){throw sh(new oh,e)}} function Tj(j,a,b,c){var d=j.b[c];if(d){for(var e=0,f=d.length;e<f;++e){var g=d[e];var h=g.y();if(j.x(a,h)){var i=g.z();g.A(b);return i}}}else{d=j.b[c]=[]}var g=Ul(new Sl,a,b);d.push(g);++j.e;return null} function bk(a){var b,c,d;if((a==null?null:a)===this){return true}if(!(a!=null&&de(a.tI,18))){return false}c=fe(a, 18);if(c.v()!=this.v()){return false}for(b=c.p();b.r();){d=b.s();if(!this.u(d)){return false}}return true} function Cd(a,b,c){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j;g=b.j();d=(h=fe(Nj(a.b,g),4),!h?0:h.c);if(c){for(f=d-1;f>=0;--f) {e=(i=fe(Nj(a.b,g),4),fe((Nk(f,i.c),i.b[f]),13));b.i(e)}}else{for(f=0;f<d;++f){e=(j=fe(Nj(a.b,g), 4),fe((Nk(f,j.c),j.b[f]),13));b.i(e)}}} function Fb(a){var b,c,d,e,f,g;b=false;d=a.length;f=(new Date).getTime();while((new Date).getTime()-f<100) {for(c=0;c<d;++c){g=a[c];if(!g){continue}if(!g[0].h()){a[c]=null;b=true}}}if(b){e=[];for(c=0;c<d;++c){if(!a[c]) {continue}e[e.length]=a[c]}return e}else{return a}} function cf() {cf=gm;af={};bf=[];af[pn]=[lg,kg,mg];af[qn]=[tg,sg];af[rn]=[xg,wg];af[sn]=[Bg,Ag,Cg];_e(bf,se,pn);_e(bf,te,qn);_e(bf,u e,rn);_e(bf,ve,sn)} 16
  • 26. I can haz pretty print plz Simply adjust the output style of the compiler via the plugin 17
  • 27. Yes, a Java to Javascript compiler function init(){ $GreetingService_Proxy(new GreetingService_Proxy); $add_0(($clinit_99() , get_0(null)), $Label(new Label, 'Foo')); $wnd.alert('foo'); } function caught_0(e){ if (e != null && canCast(e.typeId$, 11)) { return e; } return $JavaScriptException(new JavaScriptException, e); } function $RemoteServiceProxy(this$static){ return this$static; } function RemoteServiceProxy(){ } 18
  • 30. From Eclipse to your browser Eclipse Browser Plugins package; TCP import; import; @SuppressWarnings("unused") Code public class EclipseCon implements EntryPoint { Server public void onModuleLoad() { Window.alert("foo"); } HTTP } Jetty Server 21
  • 31. From Eclipse to deployment Your code... Generators Translators Linkers package; import; import; @SuppressWarnings("unused") public class EclipseCon implements EntryPoint { public void onModuleLoad() { Window.alert("foo"); } } 22
  • 32. From Eclipse to deployment Your code... Generators Translators Linkers package; import; import; @SuppressWarnings("unused") public class EclipseCon implements EntryPoint { public void onModuleLoad() { Window.alert("foo"); } } 23
  • 33. Provide the power behind your GWT app Automate away boilerplate code Foundation for permutations 24
  • 34. Use Case: GWT RPCs Typical Ajax call Serialization Serialization Code Code Client XHR Server 25
  • 35. Use Case: GWT RPCs GWT-enabled Ajax Serialization Serialization GWT Proxy GWT Proxy Code Code Client XHR Server 26
  • 36. Use Case: GWT RPCs Goals: – Serialization code begone – RPCs like they’re meant to be - interface methods – Make it fast to boot
  • 37. Use Case: GWT RPCs You write code that looks like this: @RemoteServiceRelativePath("suggest") public interface SuggestService extends RemoteService { String getSuggestions(String str) throws IllegalArgumentException; } 28
  • 38. Behind the scenes • Eclipse plugin creates the scaffolding • GWT’s RPC generator creates the implementation
  • 39. Use Case #2: Creating UIs Goals: – Utilize common dev practices – Minimize boilerplate code interface methods – Remove a few other frustrations along the way
  • 40. Use Case #2: Creating UIs You write code that looks like this: <ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui="" xmlns:g=""> <ui:style> .contactsViewButtonHPanel { margin: 5px 0px 0x 5px; } </ui:style> <g:HorizontalPanel addStyleNames="{style.contactsViewButtonHPanel}"> <g:Button ui:field="addButton">Add</g:Button> <g:Button ui:field="deleteButton">Delete</g:Button> </g:HorizontalPanel> </ui:UiBinder> 31
  • 41. Behind the scenes • Eclipse plugin creates the scaffolding • GWT’s UiBinder creates the implementation
  • 42. From Eclipse to your browser Your code... Generators Translators Linkers package; import; import; @SuppressWarnings("unused") public class EclipseCon implements EntryPoint { public void onModuleLoad() { Window.alert("foo"); } } 33
  • 43. Java Javascript
  • 44. From Eclipse to your browser Your code... Generators Translators Linkers package; import; import; @SuppressWarnings("unused") public class EclipseCon implements EntryPoint { public void onModuleLoad() { Window.alert("foo"); } } 35
  • 45. Entry points for your GWT app 36
  • 46. GWT Tips and Tricks -gen will output a copy of the generated classes 37
  • 47. GWT Tips and Tricks Reduce optimizations, reduce compile time – -draftCompile • Skip all optimizations • Development only Why worry about compiling at all?
  • 48. A more efficient SDLC Refresh Does it work? Yes Compile No Develop Deploy
  • 50. But what about our users? 41
  • 51. Optimize for the user • Bundle resources • Split code
  • 52. Resource Bundling • Example - associating icons with a contact
  • 53. Resource Bundling One at a time Image image = new Image("images/image1.gif"); image.setHeight("50px"); image.setWidth("50px"); imagesPanel.add(image);
  • 55. Resource Bundling All at once public interface Resources extends ClientBundle { public static final Resources INSTANCE = GWT.create(Resources.class); @Source("Contacts.css") public ContactsCss contactsCss(); @Source("images0.gif") public ImageResource image0(); @Source("images1.gif") public ImageResource image1(); ... }
  • 57. Code splitting Initial download Not needed on startup
  • 58. Code splitting Split points - runAsync() @UiHandler("showImagesButton") void onOkClicked(ClickEvent event) { GWT.runAsync(new RunAsyncCallback() { public void onSuccess() { showImagesDialog(); } }); }
  • 60. Real world results - Google Wave 1500 1400 KB Size of Initial JavaScript Download (KB) 1125 750 7x Decrease In Initial Download Size 375 200 KB 0 26-Nov 29-Apr 18-Jun 28-Jul 12-Sep 27-Oct 24-Dec 16-Mar
  • 61. Creating GWT apps - “Direct” approach Write a bunch of widgets with self-contained logic Problems: • Hard to test - need GWTTestCase • Mocks not encouraged - harder to write smaller tests • Platform specific UI code - limits code reuse • Too many dependencies - difficult to optimize
  • 62.
  • 63. Creating GWT apps - MVP approach Cast: – Model - DTOs, and business logic – View - The display – Presenter - Application logic Goals: – Be practical – Avoid rigid patterns – Put the complex logic in your Presenters – Put the widget code in your Views
  • 64. MVC
  • 65. MVP
  • 66. The MVP Relationship Model Presenter View
  • 67. The MVP Relationship Model Presenter View
  • 68. The MVP Relationship Model History Presenter View
  • 69. The MVP Relationship RPC Model History Presenter View
  • 70. The MVP Relationship Cache RPC Model History Presenter View
  • 71. The MVP Relationship Cache RPC Model History Presenter View Event Bus
  • 72. The MVP Relationship Cache RPC Model History Presenter View Event Bus
  • 73. The MVP Relationship Cache RPC Model History Presenter View Event Bus
  • 75. Making the Cloud a Reality
  • 76. Making the Cloud a Reality Email
  • 77. Making the Cloud a Reality Email Calendar
  • 78. Making the Cloud a Reality Contacts Email Calendar
  • 79. Making the Cloud a Reality Contacts Email Sales Force Automation Calendar
  • 80. Making the Cloud a Reality Contacts Email Sales Force Automation Calendar Collaboration
  • 81. Making the Cloud a Reality Contacts Email Sales Force Automation Calendar Banking Collaboration
  • 82. Making the Cloud a Reality Contacts Email Sales Force Automation Calendar Banking Collaboration Social Network
  • 83. Making the Cloud a Reality Contacts Email Sales Force Automation Calendar Your next big idea Banking Collaboration Social Network
  • 84.
  • 85. The right languages and tools are key

Editor's Notes