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Hello everyone. Ah! The Groom?
We have recognised the construction of The
Bride and we have promised her a partner.
How did I recognise her partner?
Well ... astrologers have been working with
him for millennia and they have developed a
keen understanding of HOW he acts even though
WHY he CAN act has been (up until now) a
So ... I had a model of the Anima Mundi
and I needed some data regarding the structure
of the Zodiac. This was supplied to me
(through roundabout means) by Maggie Hyde.
In 1989 Lindsay Radermacher gave a lecture at the Oxford
Summer School on The Significance of Rulership in Chart
Interpretation. Lindsey was responding to an article by
Maggie illustrating the symmetry of the Chaldean Order of
Rulership as it was taught by
Ptolemy in the second century
CE. Maggie had written:
the trans-Saturnian planets. This creates an
erroneous understanding of the traditional symbolism of the planets
and their relationship with the signs of the Zodiac ...
There is an unreflective
trend in modern
astrology which seeks
to oust the traditional
rulers of signs by giving
exclusive rulership to
LOOK ... the
line up on the
Zodiac just as
they did on the
I needed to see
Maggie and
These are hexagram 63
After Completion, and 64
Before Completion.
As The Zodiac is a
big Cosmic Clock poised at
that Creative moment full
of potential, After the last
moment, Before the next,
this organisation made
perfect sense?
But unlike on the Anima Mundi, where all positive
and all negative signs line up to make up the first pair of
hexagrams in The Book of Changes, on The
Zodiac the signs alternate, making up the last pair.
1781: Electricity, Technology, Oxygen.
1930: Oil, Petrol, Depth Psychology,
1845/46: Gas, Anaesthetics,
Photography, Film.
The discovery of the ‘new rulers’, Uranus, Neptune, and
Pluto introduced new inventions and energy sources.
If ‘seeing’ these planets kick-started
change was it possible the same had been
true of the others?
Could this be
what we call ...
Conditioned by the I Ching
(The Book of Changes), again I
read the lines from the
bottom up.
The Sun supplies the
energy essential to life so it
seemed like a good place to
i f
Without light we wouldn’t
need eyes. Vision illumin-
ates our surroundings so
that we can ‘keep an eye’
on what’s going on.
But only while we are
i f
I feel
and I
The Moon lights up the darkness –
it keeps us safe at night. Even if you
are fast asleep if I shout or poke
you, you will wake up. The Moon is
‘I feel’, ‘I hear’, and ‘I care’.
We now have ONE
Complementary Connection
fully operative –
the connection LIFE.
Complementary Connection
Mercury that
gave rise to René
Descartes' famous
^I think
I am).
The recognition of little Mercury marks an ontological
leap of major significance. Consciousness acquired the
means to grasp the idea of itself. It must have been
The verb ‘to be’ follows ‘I am’ with ‘you are’.
Consciousness, going solo through the gift of individual-
ity bestowed by great Sol, is aware of other points of
consciousness – points that our symbol-
using intelligence names you.
Through you I can experi-
ence myself objectively.
Through the process of
relating, my subjective I
will recognise your
subjective I, and this will
greatly enhance my
I relate, therefore
... so who comes next?
We have the all-important
- Sun and Moon -
enclosing Mercury, who
recognises his own mental
processes, and
Venus, who recognises
you have them too...
When Venus conceives of something she fancies Mars
sets out to get it. But what if something gets in the way?
Mars energy, while hot stuff on action, is flummoxed by
frustration. When Mars energy is blocked it builds up,
and WHOMP ....
something has to give.
(and sometimes
you get in my
Mars is hunting. It is the
energy that sends us off into
the jungle to fetch a bag of
Mars is the impulse to act.
We have reached a place where we
must confront our many forms of hunger
and learn through bitter experience that
we cannot just take what we want when
we feel like it. We must develop a
philosophical attitude and this leads us
to our next planet.
Jupiter is ‘the law giver’. He rules the 9th house of philo-
sophy. As the Mercury function bestowed the ability to
use intricate patterns of sound to convey ideas Jupiter
enables us to re-
cognise patterns in
events. Through
Jupiter we
glimpse the
structure in the
mystery of
I seek information and
study patterns in
an attempt to understand
what is going on.
Then I
the rules
Saturn, the last of the
old planets, demands we
shoulder our obligations
to the group, defend our
laws, implement our
regulations, and make
the world a safer place
to live in.
Prior to the incorporation of
Saturn into our planetary picture we
had recognised planets carrying the
archetypes of only three of the four
elements, those of Fire, Air, and
Saturn is
the planet of
The end of the line.
We were proficient processers of
visual information having recognised
EARTH. With ‘heavy Saturn’ we met
the confining, constricting, decomposing,
physical foundation upon which our ‘being’ is based.
We had a powerful dose of intelligent
conscious-awareness with two Air planets
on our folio, Mercury and Venus.
Saturn marked our first conscious confrontation with
the Sun, Mars, and Jupiter.
And we had the instinct to ‘care’ for those
we loved recognising one planet, the Moon,
for the element Water.
Still only one
This is Liz Green’s diagram of Iolande Jacobi’s
‘consciousness’ model. Liz has added the planets. The
three outer planets define the COLLECTIVE
UNCONSCIOUS. Up to this point we have no
awareness of these planets but we are aware of the
planets that define CONSCIOUSNESS and the
new model
Venus and
I am.
Responding to
Iolande’s and Liz’s insight I
drew up a diagram to
illustrate what (at this
point in history) we had
evolved sufficiently
to recognise.
Not only the outer
planets but also planet
Earth is missing.
You are.
I hunt and
I fight.
I seek to
I build walls
and keep order.
Suddenly new sources of
energy became available.
The ruler and his aristocracy were the last word in power
and authority. Man-power , animal power, and the
natural powers of wind, water and fire were all we
had in the way of energy. Lots could be done but there
were limits. (Remember Saturn?)
Astrologers call Uranus the planet of ‘sudden
disruptive change’. The discovery (one of this planet's
meanings is discovery) that enabled us to see this distant
planet was the telescope.
In 1781, scanning the night
sky with his amazing, home-
made, magnifying device, William
Herschel, with his sister Caroline’s
help, recognised this planet for
what it was. It looked like nothing
more than a little star, but it
moved – it wasn’t a comet - it
didn’t have a tail.
We can make
light and see
After ages of limitation
imposed by a restricted
energy supply, we
discovered new sources
of power. Uranus,
ruler of electricity,
turned on the light.
Much that was dark was dispelled and demands
were made to change our old Capricornian
ways of going about our business.
‘Hey’, said Uranus energy, shouldn't
everyone benefit the social order not just the chosen few?
And since the Saturnian system didn't want to change
the result was rebellion. Uranus, idiosyncratic planet,
rolling around as it orbits like that great invention the
wheel (the others spin), planet of electricity, eccentricity,
enlightenment, ushered in humanitarian ideals with
considerable disruption.
The American war of independence was won in 1781;
the French Revolution erupted in 1789 and in a small
island off the coast of France the Industrial Revolution was
gearing up – life prepared to take on major new concerns.
Uranus stands for the collective, positive, side of
the Complementary Connection WEALTH,
a condition that has to do with science, technology, com-
merce and government. And there is a warning – The I
Ching says of this top line of The Creative: Arrogant dragon
will have cause to repent. Better keep this warning in mind.
Uranus stands for revolution, re-evolution, and we
prepare for another turn on the evolutionary wheel. We
have collective conscious awareness. Man, woman, child,
black, white, red, yellow, tall or short, rich or poor, bisexual,
homosexual, heterosexual - we understand collectively that
we all have rights, and that's a great step forward.
It was unstable Uranium that alerted man to the presence
of energy in the nucleus of the atom triggering the
countdown for what has come to be called ‘the atomic age’.
Neptune was predicted by Couch Adams in
1845 and seen by Leverrier in 1846. Neptune's com-
passionate disposition tuned in to Uranus' insistence on
individual freedom and slavery became an issue of moment.
New drugs were discovered. The import of opium into China
(also the import of Christian missionaries) provoked a war.
Film united cinema goers in intense emotional
experiences. The new source of energy offered
by Neptune was gas.
(and potentially
Who Is
While Saturn means death in the sense of
‘STOP’ Pluto's dynamic energy acts on death. It
breaks down outworn forms, returning them to their
component parts so that they are available for re-
assimilation. But now we have a problem. Burning
fossil fuels messes with our atmosphere, and we have
created plutonium, a dangerous element with
transformational power of its own, an element that
Pluto energy cannot so easily degrade.
We must clear up our own mess. If we fail to
realise plutonic issues, we are threatened with
Three more
have linked with their partners ...
Look what’s happened now?
... and this has connected the
Personal Unconscious to the
Collective Unconscious .
But (still) only Saturn is standing in for Earth.
ME !
? ?
I wonder,
do these two have
The way these planets are linking indicates
a new planet is awaiting recognition.
We need
a ruling
planet for
In 1948 Fred Hoyle wrote: Once a photograph of the
Earth, taken from the outside, is available, we shall, in an
emotional sense, acquire an additional dimension ... a
new idea as powerful as any in history will be let loose.
In 1961 a human being saw Earth for the first time.
The first astronauts prepared to see the universe, without
exception they spent their time gazing at home.
‘.. it comes through you so powerfully, that you are the
sensing element for man. You look down and see the
surface of that globe that you've lived on all this time,
and you know all those people down there, and they are
like you, they are you, and somehow you represent them.’
Astronaut R Shwiekart. (The Home Planet. Conceived
and edited by Kevin W. Kelly. Macdonald Queen Anne Press.)
Recognising Earth
demanded we over-
came the power of
Big achievement?
Oh ... we are
beautiful, yes, but
also small and
The ‘sensing element
for man’! Does this
look good?
Um ...
This is the symbol for
Earth that I found
in my dictionary
It is Venus
upside down!
What do
you think
Is this alluding to
our ‘seeing’
The Bride?
VENUS connects to EARTH
Aware of our vulnerability we are moved by
our vision to think about Earth in a more
responsible way. Taurus protects and
conserves but is ferocious when angered.
Here she is, The
of Heaven.
We must learn to
keep her safe.
Who rules VIRGO?
What about MERCURY?
Where is his partner?
In 1977 we discovered Chiron and it caused
quite a stir. I suspect Chiron, is the key to the
evolutionary door. The more I have studied
this perception the greater is my trust in
this idea. Discovered by Charles Kowal on
the first day of November 1977 nobody was sure whether
Object Kowal was a large asteroid, a captured comet,
or an escaped satellite of Uranus or Saturn.
As Jupiter seeks to define the laws of the universe,
Chiron analyses the results produced by experience.
Jupiter can be optimistic since his conclusions give a
sense of fulfilment whereas much that Chiron has to deal
with is painful. Chiron works with the small scale, every
living cell counts, and the sign Virgo clearly relates to the
preoccupations of Chiron and the sixth house.
See Revelation
Part Two
` c
In 1977 the
Rainbow Warrior
took to the waves.
Chiron, ‘the
wounded healer’,
certainly carries
symbolism .
We must aim to be
Gemini (third house) is teaching and Virgo,
(sixth) is health.
Chiron is a teacher and a healer isn’t he?
Chiron’s orbit takes it sometimes within the orbit
of Saturn, sometimes outside.
Mercury has an interesting partner.
Astronomers have
suggested that Chiron
is an escaped asteroid.
So what about these?
They must ALL be
In 1596 Kepler predicted a
planet orbiting between Mars
and Jupiter. Once predicted the
hunt was on. Ceres was the first
asteroid to be discovered.
Ceres (Greek Demeter), goddess of harvest, the
sign Virgo. So, if there is a ‘potential’ planet between
Mars and Jupiter which never managed to get its act
together because Jupiter’s gravity is too strong ,and,
if Ceres is the sign Virgo, we have reason to wonder.
WORD in lots and lots of
books. The asteroids would
make a great partner for
Mercury. They reflect
‘perfectly’ the minute
interactions the receptive,
‘material’, meaning that
the archetype Virgo defines.
Virgo rules secretaries
and libraries. The written
And look what we have done to
Earth since Chiron was discovered.
These satellites are
bouncing information around our world. They look like
asteroids to me.
Yes ... satellites DEFINITELY look like asteroids.
There are many small objects in the solar system.
Mercury, Gemini’s ruling planet, zooms around
the Sun, and, as I mentioned, astronomers think he must
have come in from the outer solar system as he can’t have
formed so near such a massive gravitational field.
Might some of these be his Gemini friends?
Kuiper Belt
Box of Stars
In myth, the twin Castor was mortally
injured (just like Chiron) and was sent
to live in Pluto’s realm. I wonder if
the Centaurs, the Kuiper belt, the
Oort Cloud, or maybe the
new Plutoids, are something
to do with
The Twins
This explains why I have
also given Gemini a
Whoah! Now all
are in working order.
` `
was first discovered he was called the
Rainbow Bridge. Is this it? A
connecting us to
the outer reaches of our solar system?
Remember the Rainbow Warrior? When Chiron
c `
The AGE of
So we find yourselves with another stunning pattern
– this time on The Zodiac ...
DNA consists of a double string of simple molecules called bases. There are
only four bases; these are adenine, A, guanine, G, thiamine, T and cytosine,
C. This ‘Pattern of Evolution’ is made up of four elements; these are
Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. In DNA the base adenine always links with
thiamine and the base guanine always links with cytosine. On the ZODIAC
Earth always links with Air, Water always links with Fire.
... and it is laid out remarkably like DNA;
the instruction book for creating a physical ‘being’.
Shall we apply this Cosmic DNA to the bride?
Chrissy Philp July 2015

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Two the groom

  • 1.
  • 2. Hello everyone. Ah! The Groom? We have recognised the construction of The Bride and we have promised her a partner. How did I recognise her partner? Well ... astrologers have been working with him for millennia and they have developed a keen understanding of HOW he acts even though WHY he CAN act has been (up until now) a mystery. So ... I had a model of the Anima Mundi and I needed some data regarding the structure of the Zodiac. This was supplied to me (through roundabout means) by Maggie Hyde.
  • 3. In 1989 Lindsay Radermacher gave a lecture at the Oxford Summer School on The Significance of Rulership in Chart Interpretation. Lindsey was responding to an article by Maggie illustrating the symmetry of the Chaldean Order of Rulership as it was taught by Ptolemy in the second century CE. Maggie had written: the trans-Saturnian planets. This creates an erroneous understanding of the traditional symbolism of the planets and their relationship with the signs of the Zodiac ... Maggie’s diagram. There is an unreflective trend in modern astrology which seeks to oust the traditional rulers of signs by giving exclusive rulership to
  • 4. LOOK ... the COMPLEMENTARY CONNECTIONS line up on the Zodiac just as they did on the ANIMA MUNDI. I needed to see this. THANK YOU Maggie and Lindsey.
  • 5. These are hexagram 63 After Completion, and 64 Before Completion. As The Zodiac is a big Cosmic Clock poised at that Creative moment full of potential, After the last moment, Before the next, this organisation made perfect sense? But unlike on the Anima Mundi, where all positive and all negative signs line up to make up the first pair of hexagrams in The Book of Changes, on The Zodiac the signs alternate, making up the last pair. 6364
  • 6. 1781: Electricity, Technology, Oxygen. 1930: Oil, Petrol, Depth Psychology, Plutonium. 1845/46: Gas, Anaesthetics, Photography, Film. The discovery of the ‘new rulers’, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto introduced new inventions and energy sources. If ‘seeing’ these planets kick-started change was it possible the same had been true of the others? Could this be what we call ...
  • 7. Conditioned by the I Ching (The Book of Changes), again I read the lines from the bottom up. The Sun supplies the energy essential to life so it seemed like a good place to start.
  • 8. i f ^ g ` d e a I SEE. Without light we wouldn’t need eyes. Vision illumin- ates our surroundings so that we can ‘keep an eye’ on what’s going on. But only while we are awake. The SUN
  • 9. i f ^ g d c e a I feel and I hear. The Moon lights up the darkness – it keeps us safe at night. Even if you are fast asleep if I shout or poke you, you will wake up. The Moon is ‘I feel’, ‘I hear’, and ‘I care’. ` The MOON.
  • 10. We now have ONE Complementary Connection fully operative – the connection LIFE. SEEING LINKS WITH HEARING LIFE
  • 12. Mercury that gave rise to René Descartes' famous dictum: ` i g ^I think (therefore I am). f d e MERCURY The recognition of little Mercury marks an ontological leap of major significance. Consciousness acquired the means to grasp the idea of itself. It must have been
  • 13. d The verb ‘to be’ follows ‘I am’ with ‘you are’. Consciousness, going solo through the gift of individual- ity bestowed by great Sol, is aware of other points of consciousness – points that our symbol- using intelligence names you. Through you I can experi- ence myself objectively. Through the process of relating, my subjective I will recognise your subjective I, and this will greatly enhance my perception. I relate, therefore YOU ARE. VENUS.
  • 14. WHAT HAVE WE GOT SO FAR? ... so who comes next? We have the all-important COMPLEMENTARY CONNECTION LIFE - Sun and Moon - enclosing Mercury, who recognises his own mental processes, and Venus, who recognises you have them too... LIFE
  • 15. ^ f g c e When Venus conceives of something she fancies Mars sets out to get it. But what if something gets in the way? Mars energy, while hot stuff on action, is flummoxed by frustration. When Mars energy is blocked it builds up, and WHOMP .... something has to give. I WANT (and sometimes you get in my way) Mars is hunting. It is the energy that sends us off into the jungle to fetch a bag of crisps.
  • 16. Mars is the impulse to act. We have reached a place where we must confront our many forms of hunger and learn through bitter experience that we cannot just take what we want when we feel like it. We must develop a philosophical attitude and this leads us to our next planet.
  • 17. c Jupiter is ‘the law giver’. He rules the 9th house of philo- sophy. As the Mercury function bestowed the ability to use intricate patterns of sound to convey ideas Jupiter enables us to re- cognise patterns in events. Through Jupiter we glimpse the structure in the mystery of existence. f Exciting YES? I seek information and study patterns in an attempt to understand what is going on. JUPITER
  • 18. Then I enforce the rules c g Saturn, the last of the old planets, demands we shoulder our obligations to the group, defend our laws, implement our regulations, and make the world a safer place to live in. SATURN
  • 19. Prior to the incorporation of Saturn into our planetary picture we had recognised planets carrying the archetypes of only three of the four elements, those of Fire, Air, and Water… Saturn is the planet of ‘Limitation’. The end of the line.
  • 20. AIR FIRE WATER FIRE We were proficient processers of visual information having recognised EARTH. With ‘heavy Saturn’ we met the confining, constricting, decomposing, physical foundation upon which our ‘being’ is based. AIR FIRE Summing Up We had a powerful dose of intelligent conscious-awareness with two Air planets on our folio, Mercury and Venus. Saturn marked our first conscious confrontation with the Sun, Mars, and Jupiter. And we had the instinct to ‘care’ for those we loved recognising one planet, the Moon, for the element Water.
  • 22. This is Liz Green’s diagram of Iolande Jacobi’s ‘consciousness’ model. Liz has added the planets. The three outer planets define the COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS. Up to this point we have no awareness of these planets but we are aware of the planets that define CONSCIOUSNESS and the PERSONAL UNCONSCIOUS. Note: The new model has rearranged Venus and Mars.
  • 23. I am. Responding to Iolande’s and Liz’s insight I drew up a diagram to illustrate what (at this point in history) we had evolved sufficiently to recognise. Not only the outer planets but also planet Earth is missing. ? You are. I hunt and I fight. I seek to understand. I build walls and keep order.
  • 24. Suddenly new sources of energy became available. The ruler and his aristocracy were the last word in power and authority. Man-power , animal power, and the natural powers of wind, water and fire were all we had in the way of energy. Lots could be done but there were limits. (Remember Saturn?)
  • 25. Astrologers call Uranus the planet of ‘sudden disruptive change’. The discovery (one of this planet's meanings is discovery) that enabled us to see this distant planet was the telescope. In 1781, scanning the night sky with his amazing, home- made, magnifying device, William Herschel, with his sister Caroline’s help, recognised this planet for what it was. It looked like nothing more than a little star, but it moved – it wasn’t a comet - it didn’t have a tail.
  • 26. g c We can make light and see great distances! 1781 After ages of limitation imposed by a restricted energy supply, we discovered new sources of power. Uranus, ruler of electricity, turned on the light. URANUS
  • 27. Much that was dark was dispelled and demands were made to change our old Capricornian ways of going about our business. ‘Hey’, said Uranus energy, shouldn't everyone benefit the social order not just the chosen few? And since the Saturnian system didn't want to change the result was rebellion. Uranus, idiosyncratic planet, rolling around as it orbits like that great invention the wheel (the others spin), planet of electricity, eccentricity, enlightenment, ushered in humanitarian ideals with considerable disruption. The American war of independence was won in 1781; the French Revolution erupted in 1789 and in a small island off the coast of France the Industrial Revolution was gearing up – life prepared to take on major new concerns. l
  • 28. Uranus stands for the collective, positive, side of the Complementary Connection WEALTH, a condition that has to do with science, technology, com- merce and government. And there is a warning – The I Ching says of this top line of The Creative: Arrogant dragon will have cause to repent. Better keep this warning in mind. Uranus stands for revolution, re-evolution, and we prepare for another turn on the evolutionary wheel. We have collective conscious awareness. Man, woman, child, black, white, red, yellow, tall or short, rich or poor, bisexual, homosexual, heterosexual - we understand collectively that we all have rights, and that's a great step forward. It was unstable Uranium that alerted man to the presence of energy in the nucleus of the atom triggering the countdown for what has come to be called ‘the atomic age’.
  • 29. i c WE ARE ALL ONE 1845/6 Neptune was predicted by Couch Adams in 1845 and seen by Leverrier in 1846. Neptune's com- passionate disposition tuned in to Uranus' insistence on individual freedom and slavery became an issue of moment. New drugs were discovered. The import of opium into China (also the import of Christian missionaries) provoked a war. Film united cinema goers in intense emotional experiences. The new source of energy offered by Neptune was gas. NEPTUNE
  • 31. While Saturn means death in the sense of ‘STOP’ Pluto's dynamic energy acts on death. It breaks down outworn forms, returning them to their component parts so that they are available for re- assimilation. But now we have a problem. Burning fossil fuels messes with our atmosphere, and we have created plutonium, a dangerous element with transformational power of its own, an element that Pluto energy cannot so easily degrade. We must clear up our own mess. If we fail to realise plutonic issues, we are threatened with annihilation. REGENERATION
  • 32. Three more COMPLEMENTARY CONNECTIONS have linked with their partners ... Look what’s happened now?
  • 33. SOURCE TIME ... and this has connected the Personal Unconscious to the Collective Unconscious . Wealth PERSONAL UNCONSCIOUS COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS
  • 34. But (still) only Saturn is standing in for Earth. AIR WATERFIRE EARTH AIR FIRE AIR WATER WATER ONLY ME ! FIRE
  • 35. ? ? SOURCE TIME Wealth I wonder, do these two have partners
  • 36. c The way these planets are linking indicates a new planet is awaiting recognition. We need a ruling planet for Taurus.
  • 37. In 1948 Fred Hoyle wrote: Once a photograph of the Earth, taken from the outside, is available, we shall, in an emotional sense, acquire an additional dimension ... a new idea as powerful as any in history will be let loose. In 1961 a human being saw Earth for the first time. The first astronauts prepared to see the universe, without exception they spent their time gazing at home. ‘.. it comes through you so powerfully, that you are the sensing element for man. You look down and see the surface of that globe that you've lived on all this time, and you know all those people down there, and they are like you, they are you, and somehow you represent them.’ Astronaut R Shwiekart. (The Home Planet. Conceived and edited by Kevin W. Kelly. Macdonald Queen Anne Press.)
  • 38. EARTH Recognising Earth demanded we over- came the power of GRAVITY. Big achievement? Oh ... we are beautiful, yes, but also small and VULNERABLE ! The ‘sensing element for man’! Does this look good? 1961 Um ... and arrogant? This is the symbol for Earth that I found in my dictionary It is Venus upside down!
  • 39. What do you think FORM Is this alluding to our ‘seeing’ The Bride? VENUS connects to EARTH
  • 40. Aware of our vulnerability we are moved by our vision to think about Earth in a more responsible way. Taurus protects and conserves but is ferocious when angered. Here she is, The Bride of Heaven. We must learn to keep her safe. .
  • 41. Who rules VIRGO? What about MERCURY? Where is his partner? `
  • 42. In 1977 we discovered Chiron and it caused quite a stir. I suspect Chiron, is the key to the evolutionary door. The more I have studied this perception the greater is my trust in this idea. Discovered by Charles Kowal on the first day of November 1977 nobody was sure whether Object Kowal was a large asteroid, a captured comet, or an escaped satellite of Uranus or Saturn. As Jupiter seeks to define the laws of the universe, Chiron analyses the results produced by experience. Jupiter can be optimistic since his conclusions give a sense of fulfilment whereas much that Chiron has to deal with is painful. Chiron works with the small scale, every living cell counts, and the sign Virgo clearly relates to the preoccupations of Chiron and the sixth house. See Revelation Part Two
  • 43. ` c e 1977 In 1977 the Rainbow Warrior took to the waves. Chiron, ‘the wounded healer’, certainly carries Virgoan symbolism . We must aim to be HEALTHY and RESPONSIBLE
  • 44. WORK Gemini (third house) is teaching and Virgo, (sixth) is health. Chiron is a teacher and a healer isn’t he? Chiron’s orbit takes it sometimes within the orbit of Saturn, sometimes outside. Mercury has an interesting partner.
  • 45. Astronomers have suggested that Chiron is an escaped asteroid. So what about these? They must ALL be important. ASTEROIDS In 1596 Kepler predicted a planet orbiting between Mars and Jupiter. Once predicted the hunt was on. Ceres was the first asteroid to be discovered. Ceres?
  • 46. Ceres (Greek Demeter), goddess of harvest, the sign Virgo. So, if there is a ‘potential’ planet between Mars and Jupiter which never managed to get its act together because Jupiter’s gravity is too strong ,and, if Ceres is the sign Virgo, we have reason to wonder. VirgoCeres
  • 47. WORD in lots and lots of books. The asteroids would make a great partner for Mercury. They reflect ‘perfectly’ the minute interactions the receptive, ‘material’, meaning that the archetype Virgo defines. Virgo rules secretaries and libraries. The written
  • 48. SATELLITES !ASTEROIDS And look what we have done to Earth since Chiron was discovered. These satellites are bouncing information around our world. They look like asteroids to me. Yes ... satellites DEFINITELY look like asteroids.
  • 49. There are many small objects in the solar system. Mercury, Gemini’s ruling planet, zooms around the Sun, and, as I mentioned, astronomers think he must have come in from the outer solar system as he can’t have formed so near such a massive gravitational field. Might some of these be his Gemini friends? Oort Cloud Kuiper Belt
  • 50. Tennant’s Box of Stars In myth, the twin Castor was mortally injured (just like Chiron) and was sent to live in Pluto’s realm. I wonder if the Centaurs, the Kuiper belt, the Oort Cloud, or maybe the new Plutoids, are something to do with Castor. GEMINI The Twins This explains why I have also given Gemini a star?
  • 51. Whoah! Now all COMPLEMENTARY CONNECTIONS are in working order. c`
  • 52. WORK c` ` ` WORK was first discovered he was called the Rainbow Bridge. Is this it? A connecting us to the outer reaches of our solar system? Remember the Rainbow Warrior? When Chiron c `
  • 54.
  • 55. So we find yourselves with another stunning pattern – this time on The Zodiac ...
  • 56. DNA consists of a double string of simple molecules called bases. There are only four bases; these are adenine, A, guanine, G, thiamine, T and cytosine, C. This ‘Pattern of Evolution’ is made up of four elements; these are Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. In DNA the base adenine always links with thiamine and the base guanine always links with cytosine. On the ZODIAC Earth always links with Air, Water always links with Fire. ... and it is laid out remarkably like DNA; the instruction book for creating a physical ‘being’. DNA!
  • 57. THE GROOM THE BRIDE Shall we apply this Cosmic DNA to the bride?