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cop15 climate change risk copenhagen energy carbon obama basic deal cap and trade climate predictive business quantitative easing oil cap emission eu ets danish text environment rainforest solar wind market credit financial variance analytics management #development narendra modi mamta bannerjee kejriwal sonia gandhi neta babu and subsidy singur niyamgiri land acqusition bill 2014 opec cartel futures markets # end fossil fuel subsidies # petro products london loophole investment banks occupy wall street greece debt federal reserve credit default swap bond markets eurozone crisis lokpal bill people unrest corruption transparency entrepreneur small business project management how to grow? entrepreneurship business building "price rise and inflation" "unemployment and income inequality" "libyan war" "corruption and regulation" "arab youth revolt" "volatile commodity markets" china stocks shanghai futures london metal exchange goldman sachs risk managing markets copper price volatility jp morgan etf american economy ben bernanke rainy-day economics competitive devaluation currency wars g20 meet market volatility novel sandip sen ecothrust serial offshore drilling safety exploration bp risk management contango trade cartel oil tankers ice opec green food big oil futures speculation banks sugar wall street price rise swaps commodities carbon trade obama basic accord mrv emissions finance kyoto solar energy wind power rainforest plantation carbon cap ecology to economy operational risks kindleberger's crisis housing case mitigation solutions process analysis migration communication career networking virtual story content news social media promotion advertisement entertainment arts jobs relationship cultures
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