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+1	(832)	247-7225	
John	Tunison	ā€“	Finance	ExecuBve	
All	Rights	Reserved	
John	Tunison		
Finance	ExecuBve	
LinkedInĀ®	Op,miza,on	Advice	
how	to	create	a	proļ¬le	that	works	for	you	
PLUS:	secrets	of	how	to	supercharge						your	LinkedInĀ®	presence			
John	Tunison	+1	(832)	247-7225	 All	Rights	Reserved
+1	(832)	247-7225	
John	Tunison	ā€“	Finance	ExecuBve	
All	Rights	Reserved	
Fellow	LinkedInĀ®	Users,		
I	have	had	the	good	fortune	to	receive	a	lot	of	great	advice	over	the	last	decade	about	how	to	op,mize	my	
LinkedInĀ®	proļ¬le.		My	proļ¬le	and	use	of	LinkedInĀ®	has	led,	directly,	to:	
	1.	Each	role	in	my	career	in	the	last	10	years	
	2.	Connected	with	over	2,500	people	who	I	know	and	have	worked	with	over	the	last	25	years	or	who	I	
	share	meaningful	personal	or	professional	interests	with		
	3.	Connected	countless	people	in	my	network	to	each	other	and	new	opportuni,es			
	4.	Hired	scores	of	people	who	I	either	found	via	LinkedInĀ®	or	researched	there	
	5.	Have	been	found	for	several	consul,ng	opportuni,es	outside	of	my	day	jobs	
	6.	Have	been	frequently	asked	to	help	folks	with	improving	their	LinkedInĀ®	presence	and	their	proļ¬lesā€¦.		
Iā€™d	like	to	now	pay	some	of	this	forward	and	oļ¬€er	this	advice	to	anyone	out	there	who	cares	to	read	it.		I	hope	
it	helps	you.		I	would	love	to	hear	from	you	if	it	does	and	you	ļ¬nd	it	helpful	or	if	you	have	any	content	
sugges,ons.		Please	feel	free	to	share	this	presenta,on	as	broadly	as	you	would	like	for	personal	and	non-
commercial	use	only.				
Use	my	LinkedInĀ®proļ¬le	(ļ¬nanceexec)	as	you	read	this	presenta,on	ā€“	it	will	
help	you	to	see	how	Iā€™ve	taken	my	own	advice!	
Good	Luck!				
John Tunison
A	Note	From	The	Author
+1	(832)	247-7225	
John	Tunison	ā€“	Finance	ExecuBve	
All	Rights	Reserved	
1.ā€Æ Your	purpose?	
2.ā€Æ The	Licle	Details	
3.ā€Æ The	Proļ¬le	Structure	
4.ā€Æ Headline	
5.ā€Æ Summary	
6.ā€Æ Experience	
7.ā€Æ Educa,on	
8.ā€Æ Sprachen	/	Idiomas	/	ŠÆŠ·Ń‹ŠŗŠø	/	ą¤­ą¤¾ą¤·ą¤¾ą¤“ą¤‚	
ą¤®ą„‡ą¤‚	/	čÆ­č؀	/	ā€«Ų§Ł„Ł„ŲŗŲ§ŲŖā€¬ /	Languages	(sorry	I	
like	languagesā€¦)	
9.ā€Æ Addi,onal	Info	
15.ā€ÆHonors	&	Awards	
19.ā€ÆOther	Stuļ¬€	
20.ā€ÆHow	to	use	LinkedInĀ®	
+1	(832)	247-7225	
John	Tunison	ā€“	Finance	ExecuBve	
All	Rights	Reserved	
Turn	oļ¬€	ā€œno,fy	your	networkā€	
before	you	start	edi,ng	your	
You	will	annoy	your	network	if	you	donā€™tā€¦	
+1	(832)	247-7225	
John	Tunison	ā€“	Finance	ExecuBve	
All	Rights	Reserved	
1.ā€Æ Do	you	have	a	purpose	in	your	life	and	your	career?	(IMPORTANT:	if	you	do	not,	please	stop	
here	and	work	on	that	before	sorBng	out	your	LinkedInĀ®	proļ¬le!)			
2.ā€Æ If	you	do,	your	LinkedInĀ®	proļ¬le	needs	to	be	deļ¬ned	by	it.			
3.ā€Æ How	you	use	LinkedInĀ®	will	depend	on	what	your	purpose	is.		Fortunately	you	have	some	
ļ¬‚exibility	and	it	provides	several	helpful	features	to	help	you	tailor	your	proļ¬le	to	you.	
4.ā€Æ I	am	a	ā€œBusiness	Generalistā€	and	ā€œSenior	Execu,veā€	with	a	focus	on	ā€œFinanceā€	who	has	made	
one	signiļ¬cant	career	changeā€¦so	my	proļ¬le	(and	much	of	my	advice)	is	tailored	for	this	ā€“	
please	keep	that	in	mind	and	take	liber,es	as	needed	where	your	purpose	diļ¬€ers	from	mine.	
5.ā€Æ I	will	try	to	address	some	of	the	other	sec,ons	of	LinkedInĀ®	that	I	donā€™t	use	in	the	ā€œOther	
Stuļ¬€ā€	sec,on.				
Tips	&	Tricks:	
1.ā€Æ Use	your	purpose	to	guide	you	when	deciding	answers	to	key	ques,ons.	
2.ā€Æ Examples:		
1.ā€Æ ā€œwhat	should	I	put	in	here	for	that	year	I	took	oļ¬€	between	grad	school	and	star,ng	in	investment	banking?ā€	ā€“	if	you	
travelled	the	world	you	might	say	ā€œIndependent	Researchā€	as	the	Job	Title	and	allude	to	gaining	depth	of	
understanding	of	some	key	world	cultures	in	order	to	be	able	to	becer	evaluate	companies	as	an	investment	banker.			
2.ā€Æ ā€œhow	should	I	describe	roles	prior	to	my	career	change?ā€	ā€“	talk	about	your	prior	career	roles	in	terms	that	make	
sense	for	your	current	career	ā€“	focusing	on	lessons	you	learned	and	skills	you	gained	that	transfer.		If	you	were	a	
nurse	who	changed	to	teaching,	skip	the	ā€œrecognized	as	best	catheter	and	IV	nurse	in	the	Childrensā€™	Wardā€	but	
include	ā€œDeveloped	ability	to	relate	to	and	put	children	at	ease	when	faced	with	new	or	diļ¬ƒcult	things	while	caring	
for	them	in	the	Childrensā€™	Ward.ā€.	
Your	Purpose
+1	(832)	247-7225	
John	Tunison	ā€“	Finance	ExecuBve	
All	Rights	Reserved	
1.ā€Æ Tie	everything	together	ā€“	use	same	fonts,	sizes,	colors	ā€“	use	the	same	general	structure	for	
roles.		Your	proļ¬le	will	be	easier	to	read.	
2.ā€Æ Pay	acen,on	to	everything	in	your	proļ¬leā€¦it	is	all	visible...every	stray	comma,	every	spelling	
mistake,	every	odd	inclusion	that	has	no	bearing	on	your	purpose...	
3.ā€Æ Make	sure	your	proļ¬le	and	your	resume	complement	each	other	ā€“	things	like	,tles,	dates,	
companies,	and	chronology	should	all	match	exactly.		Things	like	job	descrip,ons,	
responsibili,es,	and	accomplishments	may	be	worded	diļ¬€erently	but	should	s,ll	boil	down	
to	the	same	thing.		(see	next	point)	
4.ā€Æ Donā€™t	lie!	(wonā€™t	lecture	here	but	I	stop	reading	about	a	candidate	if	I	detect	anything	that	
does	not	pass	the	sniļ¬€	test	or	is	in	clear	conļ¬‚ict	with	a	known	fact)	
Tips	&	Tricks:	
1.ā€Æ Use	a	background	image	for	your	proļ¬le	to	add	some	character	to	it.		Make	sure	you	own	the	legal	rights	
to	it...	
2.ā€Æ Pick	company	and	school	names	that	match	exis,ng	ones	in	LinkedInĀ®that	have	the	most	users	(for	
example	I	could	have	put	ā€œShell	Oil	Products	USā€	but	chose	to	put	ā€œShellā€	instead	ā€“	the	former	had	a	few	
hundred	employees	while	the	lacer	had	over	100,000...colleagues,	classmates,	and	recruiters/hiring	
managers	will	ļ¬nd	you	becer	this	way.	
3.ā€Æ Skip	nicknames...unless	you	are	a	military	pilot	who	intends	to	remain	one	indeļ¬nitely,	nobody	will	really	
care	what	your	callsign	is/was	(Sorry	Maverick	&	Goose)	and	wonā€™t	think	youā€™re	more	professional	for	
lis,ng	it...if	you	use	a	nickname	professionally	(and	not	your	real	name)	then	skip	the	real	name...	
4.ā€Æ Jargon	should	be	translated	as	much	as	possible...	
The	Licle	Details
+1	(832)	247-7225	
John	Tunison	ā€“	Finance	ExecuBve	
All	Rights	Reserved	
I	think	the	following	elements	are	appropriate	for	and	even	essen,al	for	just	about	
any	Business	Personā€™s	proļ¬le	(in	this	order):	
Proļ¬le	Structure	
1.ā€Æ Headline	(most	important	real-estate	for	LinkedInĀ®ā€™s	search	algorithms)	
2.ā€Æ Summary	(next	most	important	for	LinkedInĀ®	and	might	be	the	only	thing	a	recruiter	reads	in	their	1st	pass)	
3.ā€Æ Experience	(key	word	heaven	+	a	recruiters	ā€œresearch	ļ¬rst	port	of	callā€)	
4.ā€Æ Educa,on	(only	formal	degrees	or	major	courses	of	study	and	all	of	them	regardless	of	applicability)	
5.ā€Æ Languages	(even	if	you	barely	speak	English	and	no	other	languages	ā€“	you	should	list	it	ā€“	but	only	list	what	
you	can	speak)	
6.ā€Æ Addi,onal	Info	(more	keywords	+	ways	to	contact	you	and	reasons	to	do	so)	
7.ā€Æ Projects	(a	ā€œmustā€	that	few	use	ā€“	,e	these	to	people	and	jobs	and	watch	as	recruiters	complement	you)	
8.ā€Æ Cer,ļ¬ca,ons	(if	you	have	some	that	macer...donā€™t	scrounge	or	list	ones	that	donā€™t	macer	to	your	purpose)	
9.ā€Æ Courses	(same	as	cer,ļ¬ca,ons...and	list	as	many	as	you	can...keywords...ā€John	is	a	learnerā€...)	
10.ā€Æ Volunteering	(dirty	secret	ā€“	some	companies	wonā€™t	even	consider	a	candidate	who	doesnā€™t	have	
demonstrated	volunteerism)	
11.ā€Æ Skills	(keywords	+	ways	for	your	connec,ons	to	validate	you)	
12.ā€Æ Honors	&	Awards	(same	as	cer,ļ¬ca,ons	&	courses...)	
13.ā€Æ Recommenda,ons	(get	these	from	a	mix	of	bosses,	co-workers,	direct	reports	at	every	job	if	you	can)	
14.ā€Æ Groups	(ever	no,ce	you	canā€™t	message	someone	you	are	not	connected	toā€¦	are	in	a	group	with	
15.ā€Æ Following	(think	a	recruiter	might	no,ce	you	are	following	their	company?)
+1	(832)	247-7225	
John	Tunison	ā€“	Finance	ExecuBve	
All	Rights	Reserved	
1.ā€Æ Make	these	words	count	ā€“	you	only	get	a	limited	number	of	characters	ā€“	these	count	as	
much	as	3x	in	searches.	
2.ā€Æ If	you	are	an	ac,ve	job	seeker	then	include	mostly	key	words	and	job	,tles	you	want	ā€“	guess	
what?		Recruiters	search	for	Chief	Opera,ng	Oļ¬ƒcers	by	typing	ā€œCOOā€	or	ā€œChief	Opera,ng	
Oļ¬ƒcerā€	not	by	typing	ā€œOpera,ons	Managerā€	or	ā€œShix	Supervisorā€ā€¦	
3.ā€Æ Pick	at	least	3-5	phrases	or	5-10	words	that	show	up	the	most	in	job	descrip,ons	you	like	and	
make	sure	they	are	in	there	in	addi,on	to	the	,tles...	
4.ā€Æ If	you	are	a	passive	job	seeker	(see	deļ¬ni,on	below),	then	you	will	likely	have	your	current	
job	,tle	and	company	here...but	feel	free	follow	the	advice	above	(canā€™t	and	wonā€™t	hurt).	
Tips	&	Tricks:	
1.ā€Æ You	can	use	word	or	several	online	tools	to	count	word	occurences	in	job	descrip,ons	ā€“	just	copy	paste	
from	the	web,	job	boards,	etc.	ā€“	helps	isolate	cri,cal	keywords.	
2.ā€Æ Use	the	ā€œ|ā€	symbol	between	keywords	ā€“	looks	professional	and	is	character	eļ¬ƒcient.	
3.ā€Æ Avoid	complete	phrases	or	being	overly	descrip,ve	ā€“	remember	this	sec,on	is	about	keywords	more	than	
anything	else	(and	ā€œtheā€,	ā€œandā€,	ā€œAā€	and	ā€œ-sā€	donā€™t	buy	you	anything).	
Passive	Job	Seeker:	Anyone	who	is	not	an	Ac,ve	Job	Seeker.		Yes	that	means	anyone!		If	
you	know	for	sure	you	are	not	an	Ac,ve	Job	Seeker	and	you	are	not	permanently	re,redā€¦
this	is	you!	
Bad:	Awesome	and	Dynamic	Team	Player	With	a	Proven	Track	Record.		Go	Navy,	Beat	Army!	
Be_er:	Finance	Execu,ve	and	CFO.		Successful	in	all	roles.		MBA.		Strategic	Finance	advice.	
Great:	CFO|VP	Finance|M&A|Private	Equity|Global|Strategy|Oil&Gas|Distribu,on
+1	(832)	247-7225	
John	Tunison	ā€“	Finance	ExecuBve	
All	Rights	Reserved	
1.ā€Æ 1st	Paragraph:	High	impact	ā€œI	Statementsā€	that	communicate	what	you	do	and	how	you	do	it	ā€“	
imagine	the	list	of	problems	hiring	managers	might	face	and	make	yourself	the	person	who	takes	
ac,on	to	solve	themā€¦be	brief	and	speciļ¬c	by	focusing	only	on	things	that	are	somewhat	unique	to	
you	(avoid	too	many	ā€œMotherhood	&	Apple	Pieā€	statements).	
2.ā€Æ 2nd	Paragraph:	Key	facts	that	describe	your	career	in	a	nutshell	ā€“	jobs,	companies,	levels	of	
responsibility,	important	educa,onā€¦descrip,ve	enough	to	be	read	but	heavy	with	keywords.	
3.ā€Æ 3rd	Paragraph:	Special,es	list...sort	of	a	keywords	list	but	very	focused	on	topics	you	will	have	a	
fairly	good	list	of	ā€œinterview	storiesā€	to	backup	with.	
4.ā€Æ 4th	Paragraph:	Keywords	list...unashamed	and	out	there...keywords	that	relate	to	you,	your	
experiences	and	your	skills.	
Tips	&	Tricks:	
1.ā€Æ You	can	use	word	or	several	online	tools	to	count	word	occurences	in	job	descrip,ons	ā€“	just	copy	paste	from	the	
web,	job	boards,	etc.	ā€“	helps	isolate	cri,cal	keywords.	
2.ā€Æ Donā€™t	list	keywords	that	you	could	not	answer	an	interview	ques,on	credibly	about...	
3.ā€Æ List	keywords	if	you	have	any	experience	with	them	and	they	are	important	to	the	kinds	of	jobs	you	would	like.	
ā€œCorporate	eļ¬ƒciency	has	led	to	a	nasty	trend	of	ļ¬ltering	resumes	for	keywords.	This	might	
save	,me,	but	it	ensures	that	many	of	the	best	candidates	will	never	make	it	to	the	
interview.ā€	-Leah	Busque
+1	(832)	247-7225	
John	Tunison	ā€“	Finance	ExecuBve	
All	Rights	Reserved	
1.ā€Æ 1st	Sentence:	Describe	how	you	came	to	hold	this	job	ā€“	this	helps	recruiters	and	hiring	
managers	get	to	know	more	about	you	faster.	
2.ā€Æ 2nd	Sec,on:	Describe	your	job	and	its	key	responsibili,es.		Should	be	ā€œreadableā€	but	not	
overly	verbose	ā€“	lots	of	keyword	poten,al	here.	
3.ā€Æ 3rd	Sec,on:	Accomplishment	bullets.		The	more	clearly	you	can	ar,culate	what	the	direct	
beneļ¬t	was	the	business	that	means	$ā€™s	(maybe	%ā€™s	and	possibly	ā€œvolumesā€).		List	
all	that	macer	and	none	that	donā€™t.		No	limit	or	minimum.	
4.ā€Æ List	all	jobs	and	cover	all	,me	periods.		No	excep,ons.	
5.ā€Æ If	you	are	unemployed,	look	at	my	job	from	October	2015	to	January	2016	as	an	example	of	
what	you	should	do...	
Tips	&	Tricks:	
1.ā€Æ Use	same	format	for	all	jobs	and	list	similar	aspects	of	roles	as	applicable	to	your	purpose	(for	example	I	
list	size	of	teams	I	lead,	scope	of	business	and	key	dimensions	for	each	role).	
2.ā€Æ Donā€™t	list	accomplishments	you	canā€™t	fully	explain	and	that	others	would	not	acknowledge	on	your	behalf	
3.ā€Æ If	you	donā€™t	know	an	exact	is	OK	to	es,mate	it...just	be	clear	with	how	you	did	that	and	be	
prepared	to	explain	(donā€™t	worry,	recruiters,	consultants	(see	below)	and	others	do	it	all	the	9me).	
ā€œWhat	do	you	do	if	you're	an	execu,ve	who	resigns?	You	declare	yourself	a	consultant.ā€		
-Mo	Ibrahim
+1	(832)	247-7225	
John	Tunison	ā€“	Finance	ExecuBve	
All	Rights	Reserved	
1.ā€Æ List	all	formal	degrees.	
2.ā€Æ Include	at	least	years	acended	and	degrees	earned.	
3.ā€Æ The	other	details	ā€“	if	you	were	a	4.0	student	Iā€™d	include	itā€¦if	you	were	a	3.4	student	maybe	
not?		Ac,vi,es	ā€“	canā€™t	hurt	as	long	as	they	support	your	purpose...	
4.ā€Æ Media/Other	materials	ā€“	if	educa,on	cons,tutes	the	bulk	of	your	marketability	you	may	
want	to	include	important	and	very	well	done	presenta,ons,	papers	or	other	academic	
work...otherwise	and	once	you	are	more	than	a	couple	years	out	of	college,	please	donā€™t	(I	
suppose	unless	the	work	you	did	just	received	the	Nobel	Prize).	
5.ā€Æ High	School	ā€“	to	include	or	not?		Well	I	say	include	it...if	for	no	other	reason	than	helping	an	
old	high	school	buddy	who	is	now	CEO	of	a	company	to	ļ¬nd	you	easier	on	LI...	
Tips	&	Tricks:	
1.ā€Æ This	sec,on	should	be	straight-foward	ā€“	donā€™t	overthink	it!	
ā€œAn	investment	in	knowledge	pays	the	best	interest.ā€		
-Benjamin	Franklin
+1	(832)	247-7225	
John	Tunison	ā€“	Finance	ExecuBve	
All	Rights	Reserved	
1.ā€Æ If	you	speak	it,	list	it	(even	if	that	is	only	English,	and	you	think	it	is	obvious).	
2.ā€Æ If	you	have	taken	some	classes	and	have	any	proļ¬ciency	at	all,	list	itā€¦just	not	as	ā€œna,ve.ā€	
3.ā€Æ If	you	do	not	speak	it,	cannot	read	it	and	may	not	be	able	to	pronounce	it...donā€™t	list	it!	
Tips	&	Tricks:	
1.ā€Æ Only	one:	learn	languages!		It	is	proven	to	keep	the	mind	sharp.		It	makes	you	smarter.		It	makes	you	more	
valuable	in	business,	educa,on	and	life.		It	makes	you	more	able	to	work	across	cultures	and	appreciate	
and	value	diļ¬€erences.	
ā€œOwn	only	what	you	can	always	carry	with	you:	know	languages,	know	countries,	know	
people.	Let	your	memory	be	your	travel	bag.ā€		
-ŠŠ»ŠµŠŗсŠ°ĢŠ½Š“р	Š”Š¾Š»Š¶ŠµŠ½ŠøĢŃ†Ń‹Š½	/	Aleksandr	Solzhenitsyn	
ā€œIt	is	literally	the	case	that	learning	languages	makes	you	smarter.	The	neural	networks	in	
the	brain	strengthen	as	a	result	of	language	learning.ā€		
-Michael	Gove
+1	(832)	247-7225	
John	Tunison	ā€“	Finance	ExecuBve	
All	Rights	Reserved	
1.ā€Æ Interests	ā€“	are	you	interes,ng?		I	hope	so	ā€“	so	list	some	of	themā€¦have	a	story	to	tell	about	
them	if	asked...I	like	to	think	of	this	sec,on	as	ā€œmaking	John	a	licle	more	human.ā€	
2.ā€Æ Advice	for	Contac,ng	ā€“	OMG	someone	might	get	my	phone	number!		If	you	are	someone	
living	in	fear	of	ā€œthe	grid,ā€	you	may	not	have	a	cell	phone	or	email	anyway	and	donā€™t	have	to	
worry	about	lis,ng	your	number	or	address	ā€“	and	probably	arenā€™t	too	worried	about	your	
LinkedInĀ®proļ¬le	either.		For	the	rest	of	us,	if	you	want	to	be	contacted	by	hiring	managers	or	
recruiters,	you	need	to	make	it	easy	to	do	list	a	phone	number	and	email	and	state	
how	you	prefer	to	be	contacted.	
3.ā€Æ Write	a	brief	statement	about	why	someone	might	want	to	contact	them	want	to	
reach	out	to	you...encourage	it...	
Tips	&	Tricks:	
1.ā€Æ This	sec,on	should	be	straight-foward	ā€“	donā€™t	overthink	it!	
Addi,onal	Info	
ā€œThere's	more	to	life	than	success,	and	if	you	can	try	to	be	more	well-rounded,	you'll	be	
able	to	enjoy	your	success	more.	It	won't	own	you	or	control	you.ā€		
-Ricky	Williams
+1	(832)	247-7225	
John	Tunison	ā€“	Finance	ExecuBve	
All	Rights	Reserved	
1.ā€Æ Try	to	list	at	least	one	project	per	job	and	connect	each	project	to	at	least	two	other	people.	
2.ā€Æ Link	the	projects	to	jobs	and	people	(via	LinkedInĀ®	ā€“	not	in	words)	ā€“	they	will	then	show	up	
under	the	Experience	Sec,on.	
3.ā€Æ Projects	should	be	meaningful	bits	of	work	you	have	done	where	you	played	a	lead	or	very	
signiļ¬cant	role	and	delivered	something	of	great	value	and	importance.	
4.ā€Æ Provide	enough	details	about	what	the	project	was	and	what	you	did	but	donā€™t	go	overboard.	
Tips	&	Tricks:	
1.ā€Æ If	you	are	a	well-prepared	interviewee,	you	probably	have	thought	about	a	list	of	ā€œstoriesā€	you	can	tell	in	
response	to	a	number	of	interview	ques,ons...use	those	as	ideas	for	what	projects	to	list.	
2.ā€Æ As	a	courtesy,	unless	you	know	the	person	very	well	and	know	they	would	be	OK	with	it,	you	might	want	
to	drop	someone	a	quick	note	or	give	them	a	call	before	linking	a	project	to	them...	
ā€œYour	ļ¬rst	projects	aren't	the	greatest	things	in	the	world,	and	they	may	have	no	money	
value,	they	may	go	nowhere,	but	that	is	how	you	learn	-	you	put	so	much	eļ¬€ort	into	
making	something	right	if	it	is	for	yourself.ā€		
-Steve	Wozniak
+1	(832)	247-7225	
John	Tunison	ā€“	Finance	ExecuBve	
All	Rights	Reserved	
1.ā€Æ If	you	have	one	and	it	is	important	to	your	purpose,	list	itā€¦if	not	donā€™t.	
2.ā€Æ If	it	has	expired,	list	it	but	show	that	it	is	expired...	
3.ā€Æ If	it	is	no	longer	relevant...your	choice...being	a	cer,ļ¬ed	8-track	repairman	if	you	are	an	
electronics	technician	might	just	make	you	look	a	licle	old?	
1.ā€Æ If	you	took	it,	list	it	as	long	as	it	is	important	to	your	purpose.	
2.ā€Æ Link	these	to	jobs	if	applicable...then	will	show	up	in	the	Experiences	Sec,on.	
Tips	&	Tricks:	
1.ā€Æ This	sec,on	should	be	straight-foward	ā€“	donā€™t	overthink	it!			
2.ā€Æ But	do	list	everything	that	applies!	(but	if	you	are	an	MMA	ļ¬ghter	and	TV	personality,	you	
might	leave	the	Doctor	of	Mixology	from	Harvard	oļ¬€)	
Cer,ļ¬ca,ons	&	Courses	
ā€œI	had	a	cer,ļ¬cate	that	said,	'Doctor	of	Mixology,	Harvard	University,'	that	I	actually	got	
from	Harvard	University.	A	friend	of	mine	was	a	research	assistant	over	there	and	it	was	
one	of	those	student	or	university	perks	and	she	brought	me	in	on	that.	So	I	am	a	
doctorate	from	Harvard	and	it	only	took	me	one	axernoon.ā€		
-Rhonda	Rousey
+1	(832)	247-7225	
John	Tunison	ā€“	Finance	ExecuBve	
All	Rights	Reserved	
1.ā€Æ I	have	found	some	companies	that	will	not	talk	to	someone	unless	they	demonstrate	they	
have	woven	volunteerism	into	their	life.	
2.ā€Æ Especially	for	folks	who	are	early	in	their	career	or	looking	for	work	or	changing	careers,	
volunteering	can	be	a	great	way	to	gain	(and	demonstrate)	relevant	experience.	
Tips	&	Tricks:	
1.ā€Æ If	you	donā€™t	volunteer,	you	should...there	are	so	many	ways	to	do	it,	and	many	cost	you	nothing	but	a	licle	
ā€œResearch	has	shown	that	people	who	volunteer	oxen	live	longer.ā€		
-Allen	Klein	
ā€œIf	every	American	donated	ļ¬ve	hours	a	week,	it	would	equal	the	labor	of	20	million	full-
,me	volunteers.ā€		
-Whoopi	Goldberg
+1	(832)	247-7225	
John	Tunison	ā€“	Finance	ExecuBve	
All	Rights	Reserved	
1.ā€Æ You	have	some	ā€“	so	list	them	ā€“	they	are	keywords.	
2.ā€Æ Others	will	be	able	to	validate	your	skills	and	suggest	new	onesā€¦	
Honors	&	Awards:	
1.ā€Æ List	ones	that	are	relevant	to	your	purpose...	
2.ā€Æ List	ones	that	are	very	important...	
Tips	&	Tricks:	
1.ā€Æ These	sec,ons	should	be	straight-foward	ā€“	donā€™t	overthink	it!			
2.ā€Æ Validate	othersā€™	skills	ā€“	they	will	almost	always	reciprocate.	
3.ā€Æ You	can	override	skills	suggested	by	others	if	you	feel	there	are	others	more	relevant	or	
important	(and	are	up	against	the	proļ¬le	limit)ā€¦	
Skills	and	Honors	&	Awards	
ā€œAwards	can	give	you	a	tremendous	amount	of	encouragement	to	keep	geā€¹ng	becer,	no	
macer	how	young	or	old	you	are.ā€		
-Alan	Alda
+1	(832)	247-7225	
John	Tunison	ā€“	Finance	ExecuBve	
All	Rights	Reserved	
1.ā€Æ People	who	are	competent,	successful	and	easy	to	work	with	are	very	easy	for	me	to	write	
recommenda,ons	forā€¦and	I	do	when	they	ask.	
2.ā€Æ Ask	anyone	you	think	will	view	you	as	competent,	successful	and	easy	to	work	with	for	
recommenda,ons...try	to	get	at	least	one	per	job	and	more	from	a	range	of	bosses,	peers	
and	direct	reports	if	possible.	
3.ā€Æ I	provide	a	short	list	of	key	points	that	I	hope	a	recommender	would	make	but	make	it	clear	
that	it	is	their	recommenda,on	and	I	am	grateful	for	anything	they	will	write...	
Tips	&	Tricks:	
1.ā€Æ Try	wri,ng	a	recommenda,on	for	someone	ļ¬rst...then	ask	if	they	would	oxen	works!	
2.ā€Æ HINT:	if	you	ļ¬nd	it	hard	to	get	people	to	recommend	you	ā€“	you	may	want	to	get	some	360Ā°	feedback!		You	
are	probably	doing	something	very	wrong	and	need	to	ļ¬x	some	things	urgently!!!	
ā€œA	good	face	they	say,	is	a	lecer	of	recommenda,on.	O	Nature,	Nature,	why	art	thou	so	
dishonest,	as	ever	to	send	men	with	these	false	recommenda,ons	into	the	World!ā€		
-Henry	Fielding	
ā€œSocial	media	allows	us	to	behave	in	ways	that	we	are	hardwired	for	in	the	ļ¬rst	place	-	as	
humans.	We	can	get	frank	recommenda,ons	from	other	humans	instead	of	from	faceless	
-Francois	Gossieaux
+1	(832)	247-7225	
John	Tunison	ā€“	Finance	ExecuBve	
All	Rights	Reserved	
1.ā€Æ Groups	connect	you	to	inļ¬nitely	more	people	than	only	your	1st	degree	connec,ons	ā€“	
connect	to	large,	relevant	groups	to	be	seen	and	to	see	(and	be	able	to	communicate).	
2.ā€Æ Remember	that	LinkedInĀ®	is	not	FacebookĀ®ā€¦keep	your	oļ¬€	purpose	or	non-professional	stuļ¬€	
oļ¬€	LinkedInĀ®	(even	if	there	is	a	group	for	it).	
1.ā€Æ Follow	companies	in	your	industry	or	that	you	would	like	to	work	for	ā€“	you	may	learn	
something	interes,ng	and	you	may	catch	a	recruiterā€™s	eye.	
Tips	&	Tricks:	
1.ā€Æ These	sec,ons	should	be	straight-foward	ā€“	donā€™t	overthink	it!			
2.ā€Æ Donā€™t	see	a	group	ā€“	start	one!		It	is	precy	easy	and	can	help	build	your	brand.	
Groups	&	Following	
ā€œThe	virtues,	like	the	Muses,	are	always	seen	in	groups.	A	good	principle	was	never	found	
solitary	in	any	breast.ā€		
ā€œIn	individuals,	insanity	is	rare;	but	in	groups,	par,es,	na,ons	and	epochs,	it	is	the	rule.ā€		
-Friedrich	Nietzsche
+1	(832)	247-7225	
John	Tunison	ā€“	Finance	ExecuBve	
All	Rights	Reserved	
1.ā€Æ Publica,ons	&	Patents	ā€“	if	you	have	them,	list	them	of	courseā€¦especially	important	for	more	
technical	folks	or	anyone	in	Academia.	
2.ā€Æ Supported	Organiza,ons	&	Causes	You	Care	About	ā€“	op,onal	in	my	opinion	but	canā€™t	hurt	
you...but	I	would	avoid	anything	that	approaches	any	of	the	topics	you	would	not	talk	about	
at	a	formal	dinner	with	strangers	(you	know:	Sex,	Poli,cs	&	Religion).	
3.ā€Æ Test	Scores	ā€“	important	if	you	are	a	student	but	not	so	much	once	you	are	working...	
4.ā€Æ Personal	Info	ā€“	I	think	phone	&	email	in	Addi,onal	Info	Sec,on	is	enough	(shout	out	to	my	
folks	living	in	fear	of	ā€œthe	gridā€	ā€“	Iā€™ve	got	your	back!).	
5.ā€Æ Organiza,ons	ā€“	if	you	have	meaningful	posi,ons	in	an	organiza,on	that	does	not	ļ¬t	as	a	job	
(Experiences	Sec,on)	or	volunteer	role	(Volunteering	Sec,on)	can	and	should	use	this	
sec,on	to	add	it	to	your	proļ¬le.	
6.ā€Æ Content	and	Websites	ā€“	especially	if	you	are	a	crea,ve	professional	you	may	want	to	post	
content	or	links	to	websites	with	it	ā€“	things	like	videos,	artwork,	marke,ng	pieces,	etc.		Do	
this	in	the	Experiences	Sec,on	if	applicable.	
Other	Stuļ¬€	
ā€œSocial	cohesion	was	built	into	language	long	before	Facebook	and	LinkedIn	and	Twicer	-	
we're	tribal	by	nature.	Tribes	today	aren't	the	same	as	tribes	thousand	of	years	ago:	It	isn't	
just	religious	tribes	or	ethnic	tribes	now:	It's	sports	fans,	it's	communi,es,	it's	geography.ā€		
-Peter	Guber
+1	(832)	247-7225	
John	Tunison	ā€“	Finance	ExecuBve	
All	Rights	Reserved	
1.ā€Æ Update	something	in	your	proļ¬le	weekly	(even	add/delete	a	ā€œ.ā€)	ā€“	youā€™ll	show	higher	in	searches.	
2.ā€Æ Use	LinkedInĀ®ā€™s	recommended	connec,ons	to	ļ¬nd	people	you	know	or	those	you	want	to	ā€“	look	
at	this	frequently,	search	for	classmates	and	colleagues	using	school/company	name	and	dates.	
3.ā€Æ Look	at	who	views	you	ā€“	connect	with	them	if	you	would	like	to	network	with	them.	
4.ā€Æ Look	at	other	peoplesā€™	Posts	ā€“	comment	on	them	if	you	can	add	value	to	the	conversa,on	ā€“	this	
helps	your	search	rankings	and	can	show	hiring	managers/recruiters	how	you	think.	
5.ā€Æ Create	your	own	Posts	ā€“	if	you	are	an	expert	in	something,	share	it	to	build	a	following	and	
increase	your	search	rankings.	
6.ā€Æ Connect	with	people	right	axer	you	meet	them	ā€“	business	mee,ngs,	tradeshows,	conferences,	on	
the	plane,	etc.	ā€“	get	a	business	card	or	write	down	a	name	and	send	a	connec,on	request	quickly.	
7.ā€Æ Create	a	public	proļ¬le	with	a	name	that	makes	sense	(Iā€™m	at	-	link	this	in	your	email	signature.	
8.ā€Æ Premium	or	not	ā€“	if	you	can	aļ¬€ord	it	there	are	a	few	nice	featuresā€¦if	you	are	budget	conscious,	it	
is	not	the	most	impacŽul	use	of	$ā€™s	out	there	IMHO.	
How	To	Use	LinkedInĀ®	
ā€œIt's	just	madness.	First	email.	Then	instant	message.	Then	MySpace.	Then	Facebook.	Then	
LinkedIn.	Then	Twicer.	It's	not	enough	anymore	to	'Just	do	it.'	Now	we	have	to	tell	
everyone	we	are	doing	it,	when	we	are	doing	it,	where	we	are	doing	it	and	why	we	are	
doing	it.ā€		
-Mark	McKinnon
+1	(832)	247-7225	
John	Tunison	ā€“	Finance	ExecuBve	
All	Rights	Reserved	
Fellow	LinkedInĀ®	Users,		
You	made	it!		I	hope	you	enjoyed	this	and	found	it	useful.		I	tried	to	capture	all	of	the	important	
things	Iā€™ve	learned	or	experienced	to	pass	on	to	you.		If	I	receive	any	feedback,	and	certainly	
when	Iā€™ve	learned	some	more,	I	will	update	this	presenta,on.		
If	you	take	only	one	thing	away	from	this	presentaBon,	please	let	it	be	this:	maintaining	a	solid	
LinkedIn	presence	is	cri,cal	in	todayā€™s	global	business	environment,	is	rela,vely	easy	to	do	and	
must	be	done/worked	on	when	you	donā€™t	need	it	because	it	is	too	late	when	you	do	(I	have	seen	
too	many	people	struggle	to	get	a	proļ¬le	up	and	running	and	a	network	built	axer	losing	a	job).				
The	rest	is	just	the	details	of	how	to	do	it	and	is	of	secondary	importance	to	simply	geā€¹ng	out	
there	and	geā€¹ng	started.	
Good	Luck!		
John Tunison
+1	(832)	247-7225	
John	Tunison	ā€“	Finance	ExecuBve	
All	Rights	Reserved	
John	is	a	Finance	Execu,ve	who	builds	high-performing	teams	who	engages	with	business	leaders	
and	drives	results.		He	tackles	complex	repor,ng,	process	and	systems	challenges	and	makes	things	
work.		He	builds	rapport	and	camaraderie	within	teams	enabling	becer	performance.		He	connects	
various	parts	of	businesses	together	because	he	speaks	anything	from	"Finance"	to	"Opera,ons"	to	
"Supply	Chain"	to	"Engineering."		He	ļ¬gures	things	out.	
John	has	over	20	years	of	combined	Finance,	Consul,ng,	Project	Management	and	Opera,ons	
Management	experience,	across	eight	countries/three	con,nents,	including:	eleven	years	of	
progressive	Finance	Leadership	roles	in	manufacturing,	distribu,on	and	B2B/B2C	businesses,	two	
years	in	a	high-poten,al	expatriate	internal	Management	Consul,ng	role	and	seven	years	as	a	Naval
About	John	Tunison	
Nuclear	Submarine	Oļ¬ƒcer.		Signiļ¬cant	experience	inļ¬‚uencing	Execu,ve	Leadership	and	delivering	top-line	growth/bocom-line	
improvement.		Consistently	rated	in	the	top	10%	of	my	peer	group	in	all	roles.		MBA	in	Finance.		Fluent	German,	Basic	Spanish.		
Expert	user	of	ERP/analy,cal	soxware	
Johnā€™s	career	path:	
ā€¢ā€Æ US	Naval	Academy	(BS	Poli,cal	Science	/	Minor	German)	
ā€¢ā€Æ Nuclear	Submarine	Oļ¬ƒcer	&	Navy	Program	Director/Project	Manager	
ā€¢ā€Æ University	of	Rhode	Island	(MBA	Finance)	
ā€¢ā€Æ Finance	&	Consul,ng	roles	at	Shell	in	Manufacturing,	Downstream	Business	&	Lubricants	(Business	Analyst,	Business	Analysis	
Manager,	Project	Leader/Management	Consultant,	Finance	Manager)	
ā€¢ā€Æ Business	Unit	Finance	Leader	for	two	businesses	at	Univar	(VP	Finance,	Procurement	&	Admin)	
ā€¢ā€Æ Business	Unit	Finance	Leader	for	Ascend	Performance	Materials	(CFO	Chemicals)	
ā€¢ā€Æ Freelance	Finance	Consultant	
ā€¢ā€Æ CFO	for	Eureka	Resources
+1	(832)	247-7225	
John	Tunison	ā€“	Finance	ExecuBve	
All	Rights	Reserved	
John	Tunison		
Finance	ExecuBve	
LinkedInĀ®	Op,miza,on	Advice	
+1	(832)	247-7225	 All	Rights	Reserved

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