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Data Science
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Slide 2
Topics for the Day
Slide 3
 Big Data
 Big Data Scenarios
 Big Data Challenges
 Introduction to Data Science
 Data Science: Components
 Types of DataScientists
 Data Science: Core Components
 Use-Cases
 Introduction to Hadoop and R
 R and Hadoop Integration
 Machine Learning with Mahout
 References
At the end of this module, you will be able to
 Understand Big Data and its challenges
 Implement Big Data in real time scenarios
 List and explain the components and prospects of Data Science
 Learn the implementation of Hadoop on Big data
 Analyze some real world use-cases with the help of R programming Language
 Understand machine learning concepts
Data Science
Slide 5
Big Data
Slide 6
What is Big Data?
Lots of Data
(Terabytes or
generate huge amount
of data from Terabytes
to and even Petabytes
of information
Slide 8
Big Data Scenarios
Slide 9
Big Data Scenarios: Sports
Slide 9
Big Data Scenarios: Sports
Sports teams are using data for tracking ticket
sales and even for tracking team strategies.
Advertising and marketing agencies are tracking
social media to understand responsiveness to
campaigns, promotions, and other advertising
Slide 10
Big Data Scenarios : Hospital Care
Slide 12
Big Data Scenarios : Hospital Care
Hospitals are analyzing medical data and patient
records to predict those patients that are likely to seek
readmission within a few months of discharge. The
hospital can then intervene in hopes of preventing
another costly hospital stay.
Medical diagnostics company analyzes millions of lines
of data to develop first non-intrusive test for
predicting coronary artery disease. To do so,
researchers at the company analyzed over 100 million
gene samples to ultimately identify the 23 primary
predictive genes for coronary artery disease
Slide 13
Big Data Scenarios :
Slide 13
Amazon has an unrivalled bank of data on online consumer
purchasing behaviour that it can mine from its 152 million
customer accounts.
Amazon also uses Big Data to monitor, track and secure its 1.5
billion items in its retail store that are laying around it 200
fulfilment centres around the world. Amazon stores the
product catalogue data in S3.
S3 can write, read and delete objects up to 5 TB of data each.
The catalogue stored in S3 receives more than 50 million
updates a week and every 30 minutes all data received is
crunched and reported back to the different warehouses and
the website.
Big Data Scenarios :
Slide 14
Big Data Scenarios: NetFlix
Slide 15
Netflix uses 1 petabyte to store the videos for streaming.
BitTorrent Sync has transferred over 30 petabytes of data
since its pre-alpha release in January 2013.
The 2009 movie Avatar is reported to have taken over 1
petabyte of local storage at Weta Digital for the rendering
of the 3D CGI effects.
One petabyte of average MP3-encoded songs (for mobile,
roughly one megabyte per minute), would require 2000
years to play.
Big Data Scenarios: NetFlix
Slide 16
Big Data Scenarios: The Large Hadron Collider
Slide 18
The experiments in the Large Hadron Collider produce
about 15 petabytes of data per year, which are
distributed over the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid.
One petabyte is enough to store the DNA of the
entire population of the USA - with cloning it twice.
Big Data Scenarios: The Large Hadron Collider
Slide 19
IBM’s Definition
IBM’s Definition – Big Data Characteristics
Slide 19
IBM’s Definition
 Structured
 Unstructured
 Semi structured
 All the above
3 Vs of
Big data
 Batch
 Near Time
 Real Time
 Streams
 Terabytes
 Records
 Transactions
 Tables, files
IBM’s Definition – Big Data Characteristics
Slide 20
Slide 22
What about ‘Veracity’?
Hello There!!
My name is Annie.
I love quizzes and
puzzles and I am here to make
you guys think and answer my
Slide 22
Annie’s Introduction
Map the following to corresponding type: Structured/ Unstructured/ Semi-
- XML Files
- Word Docs, PDF files, Text files
- E-Mail body
- Data from Enterprise systems (ERP, CRM etc.)
Slide 23
Annie’s Question
XML Files -> Semi-structured data
Word Docs, PDF files, Text files -> Unstructured Data
E-Mail body -> Unstructured Data
Data from Enterprise systems (ERP, CRM etc.) -> Structured Data
Slide 24
Annie’s Answer
Big Data: Challenges
Slide 26
Big Data
Data security and
High variety of
High veracity of
Data Acquisition
High velocity of
processed Data
Information search
and Analytics
High volume of
Information storage
and Analytics
Slide 27
Big Data: Challenges
Slide 28
Data Science
Slide 29
Data Science
“More data usually beats better algorithms,”
Such as: Recommending movies or music based on past preferences.
Slide 29
No matter how extremely unpleasant your algorithm is, they can often be beaten simply by having
more data (and a less sophisticated algorithm).
Big Data is here
Bad News We are struggling to
store and analyze it.
Good News
Data Science
Slide 30
Data Science: Components
Slide 32
Data Science
Advanced Computing
Domain Expertise
Data Engineering
Data Science: Components
Slide 32
Data Science: Prospects
Slide 33
Types of Data Scientists
Based on clustering the ways that data is handled by Data Scientists, the following 4 categories can be created:
 Data Businesspeople are the product and profit-focused data scientists. They’re leaders, managers, and
entrepreneurs, but with a technical bent. A common educational path is an engineering degree paired with an
 Data Creatives are eclectic jacks-of-all-trades, able to work with a broad range of data and tools. They may
think of themselves as artists or hackers, and excel at visualization and open source technologies.
 Data Developers are focused on writing software to do analytic, statistical, and machine learning tasks, often
in production environments. They often have computer science degrees, and often work with so-called “big
 Data Researchers apply their scientific training, and the tools and techniques they learned in academia, to
organizational data. They may have PhDs, and their creative applications of mathematical tools yields valuable
insights and products.
Slide 35
Relationships - Four Categories and the Five Skill Groups
Slide 36
Data Science: Core Components
Data Science
Data Architecture
Tool: Hadoop
Machine Learning
Tool: Mahout
Tool: R
Slide 36
Slide 37
No one Knows How to Use it
Slide 38
Use-Case Implementation: Techniques Used
A Problem
Slide 39
Understanding the
Machine Learning
algorithm to be
used Implementing Machine
Learning in Hadoop on Big
Data Visualisation of
the analysis
Understanding the
problem statement
and defining the
Exploring ways to
integrate R with
Implementing Machine
Learning algorithm in R on
the smaller dataset
Use-Case Implementation:Process Flow Diagram
Slide 40
Domain of the Dataset:
Communications and Media. However, the
application of the algorithm is not limited to only
Communications and Media. The technique is
useful for any domain which requires organizing
documents to improve retrieval and support
Problem Statement:
A top media company wants to browse through
the popular news from a collection that appeared
on the Reuters newswire in 1987.
Clustering / Grouping documents based on their
contents will make the analysis easier.
Media Use-Case
The Reuters-21578 data set composition
Slide 41
Media Use-Case: K-means Clustering
First we will
understand the
implementation of the
technique in R on a
smaller dataset
Then we will understand how
to achieve document
clustering on Big Data using
Mahout libraries on Hadoop
K-Means Clustering can
be implemented on this
Communications and
Media Dataset to be
Clustered based on
their contents
R Implementation
Machine Learning
Slide 42
Domain of the Dataset:
Products and Retail. However, the application of the
algorithm is not limited to only Products and Retail. The
technique can be applied wherever we want to discover
the co-occurrence relationship amongst various
Problem Statement:
Market Basket Analysis.
A retail outlet wants understand the purchase behavior
of a buyer. This information will enable the retailer to
understand the buyer's needs.
The analysis might tell a retailer that customers often
purchase shampoo and conditioner together, so putting
both items on promotion at the same time would create
a significant increase in profit, while a promotion
involving just one of the items would likely drive sales of
the other.
Market Basket Use-Case
Market Basket Analysis
98% of people
who purchased
items A and B
also purchased
item C
Slide 43
Market Basket Use-Case: Association Rule Mining
Product and Retail
Understand the
implementation of the
technique on a smaller
Understand how to
achieve the same on
Big Data using Mahout
libraries on Hadoop
The technique used is
Affinity Analysis or
Association Rule Mining
R Implementation
Machine Learning
Market Basket
Slide 44
Slide 46
Domain of the Dataset:
Life Science and Health Care. However, the application
of the algorithm is not limited to only Life Science and
Health Care . The technique can be applied wherever
we want to forecast the occurrence of a event on the
basis of certain conditions.
Problem Statement:
A health care organization wants to forecast the onset
of diabetes mellitus in Indians using certain set of
attributes of patients as input such as:
 Plasma glucoseconcentration
 Diastolic bloodpressure
 Triceps skin fold thickness
Health Care Use-Case
Slide 47
Understand how to
achieve the same on Big
Data using Mahout
libraries on Hadoop
The technique used
is Affinity Analysis or
Association Rule
R Implementation
Understand the basic
implementation of the technique
on a smaller dataset using R
Achieve parallel processing on
the same algorithm using a
parallel processing library
provided by Revolution R.
Machine Learning
Forecast the onset of
diabetes mellitus in
Life Science and
Health Care Dataset
with some attributes
of patients as input.
Health Care Use-Case: Parallel Processing
Slide 48
Domain of the Dataset:
Social Media. However, the application of the
algorithm is not limited to only Social Media. The
technique can be applied wherever we want to put
documents into category without going through
the contents of all the documents.
Problem Statement:
A Social Media research firm wants to know the
trends of topics discussed on Twitter. For easy
analysis it wants to classify them in the following
 apparel (clothes, shoes, watches, …)
 art (Book, DVD, Music, …)
 camera
 event (travel, concert, …)
 health (beauty, spa, …)
 home (kitchen, furniture, garden, …)
 tech (computer, laptop, tablet, …)
Social Media Use-Case
Social Media Use-Case: Naïve Bayes Classifier
Understand the basic
implementation of the
technique on a smaller
dataset using R.
Understand how to
achieve the same on
Big Data using Mahout
libraries on Hadoop.
The technique used is
Naïve Bayes Classifier.
Social Media
R Implementation
Machine Learning
classification of
the tweets
Slide 48
Going forward with the class, we will throw some light on the concepts of
Hadoop, R and Machine Learning respectively.
These topics will be vividly covered in their respective modules during the course.
Data Science: Core Components
Slide 49
Introduction to Hadoop
Slide 50
 Apache Hadoop is a framework that allows for the distributed
processing of large data sets across clusters of commodity
computers using a simple programming model.
 It is an Open-source Data Management with scale-out
storage & distributed processing.
 In 2004, Google published a paper on a process called
parallel processing model
process huge amount of
 MapReduce framework provides a
and associated implementation to
 Therefore, an implementation of MapReduce framework was
adopted by an Apache open source project named Hadoop.
Introduction to Hadoop
Slide 51
Hadoop Key Characteristics
Hadoop Key
Slide 52
Hadoop Core Components
Data Node
Data Node
Data Node
Data Node
Job Tracker
Admin Node
Name node
Slide 53
Hadoop is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of:
- Small Data Sets
- Large Data Sets
Slide 54
Annie’s Question
Large Data Sets. It is also capable to process small data-sets however to
experience the true power of Hadoop one needs to have data in Tb’s because
this where RDBMS takes hours and fails whereas Hadoop does the same in
couple of minutes.
Slide 55
Annie’s Answer
For setting-up Hadoop on your system you can follow the “Hadoop Installation Guide” present in the LMS.
Slide 56
Analytics with R
Slide 57
Analytics with R
Slide 59
R : Characteristics
Slide 59
 R is open source and free.
 R has lots of packages and multiple ways of doing the same thing.
 By default stores memory in RAM.
 R has the most advanced graphics. You need much better programming skills.
 R has GUI to help make learning easier.
 Customization needs commandline.
 R can connect to many database and data types.
Comparing R and others
Comparing R
Slide 60
Comparing R with Base SAS* /SAS Stat*
R Base SAS* /SAS Stat*
R is open source and free
Base SAS* , SAS/Stat*, SAS/ET*, SAS/OR*,
SAS/Graph* are expensive relatively because of
annual licenses
Open source R has support from email lists,
twitter, stack overflow
SAS Institute* products have dedicated support
and extensive documentation
R is slower on the desktop than base SAS for
datasets ~4-5 gb
By default R stores memory in RAM, so we can
use the cloud
R has much better graphics You need much better programming skills
You can create custom functions in R easily Customization needs command line
R has multiple GUI that are free SAS GUI are more expensive
Slide 62*Copyright © 2012 SAS Institute Inc., SAS Campus Drive, Cary, North Carolina 27513, USA. All rights reserved.
Annie’s Question
R Provides support in terms of:
1. Dedicated Support and Documentation
2. Email-lists, twitter, etc.
Slide 62
Annie’s Answer
2. Email-lists, twitter, etc.
Slide 63
Annie’s Question
Custom functions can be easily created in :
1. SAS
2. R
Slide 64
Annie’s Answer
1. R
Slide 65
Annie’s Question
Most of the functions in R are written in :
- Java
- R
- C
- Fortran
Slide 66
Annie’s Answer
Most of the user-visible functions in R are written in R.
It is possible for the user to interface to procedures written in the C, C++, or
FORTRAN languages for efficiency.
Slide 67
Introduction to R Programming language
 History
 Evolution
 Current State
Slide 68
 Open Source
 Free
 Widely Recognized
 Official Website
 R Core
 Creators
 R Journal
R and Hadoop Integration
 R and Hadoop are a natural match in Big Data Analytics and visualization.
 One of the most well-known R packages to support Hadoop functionalities is : RHadoop
 Rhadoop was developed by Revolution Analytics.
 RHadoop is a collection of three R packages: rmr, rhdfs and rhbase.
file rmr package provides Hadoop MapReduce functionality in R, rhdfs provides HDFS
management in R and rhbase provides HBase database management from within R.
Slide 69
For setting-up R on your system you can follow the “R Installation Guide” present in the LMS under
module 1.
Slide 70
Machine Learning
Slide 71
Slide 73
Machine Learning: Mahout
 Machine Learning is a class of algorithms which is data-driven, i.e. unlike "normal" algorithms it is
the data that "tells" what the "good answer" is.
An hypothetical non-machine learning
algorithm for face recognition in images
would try to define
what a face is (round skin-like-colored
disk, with dark area where you expect the
eyes etc).
A machine learning algorithm would not
have such coded definition, but will
"learn-by-examples": you'll show several
images of faces and not-faces and a good
algorithm will
eventually learn and be able to predict
whether or not an unseen image is a face.
Mahout Overview
Mahout is about scalable
Machine Learning
Mahout has functionality
for many of today’s
common machine
learning tasks
Machine Learning is all
over the web today
MapReduce magic in
Slide 73
Hadoop and
MapReduce magic in
Write intelligent applications using Apache Mahout
LinkedIn Recommendations
Machine Learning: LinkedIn Recommendations
Slide 74
Annie’s Question
Mahout Algorithms for clustering, classification and collaborative filtering are
implemented on top of Apache Hadoop using :
- Flume
- MapReduce
- Sqoop
- Hive
Slide 75
Annie’s Answer
Mahout Algorithms are implemented on top of Apache Hadoop using the
Map/Reduce paradigm.
Slide 76
1. Install R with the help of “R Installation Steps” guide in the LMS. This is a step wise guide which will help you in
installing and setting up R on your system
Slide 77
Agenda for Next Class
Slide 78
In the next class you will be able to
 Understand what is R
 Describe why R is used?
 Implement R Programming Concepts
 Learn Data Import Techniques
 Analyze the Processing of Data
Go through the “R Essentials for Data Science” section in the LMS. Watch the recordings present in the
section to gain an understanding of the R environment.
Slide 79
What’s Within the LMS?
Slide 80
What’s Within the LMS?
of the Class
Slide 81
What’s Within the LMS?
Slide 82
Slide 83
Introduction to Data Science

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Introduction to Data Science

  • 2. LIVE On-line Class Class Recording in LMS 24/7 Post Class Support Module Wise Quiz Project Work on Large Data Base Verifiable Certificate How it Works? Slide 2
  • 3. Topics for the Day Slide 3  Big Data  Big Data Scenarios  Big Data Challenges  Introduction to Data Science  Data Science: Components  Types of DataScientists  Data Science: Core Components  Use-Cases  Introduction to Hadoop and R  R and Hadoop Integration  Machine Learning with Mahout  References
  • 4. Objectives At the end of this module, you will be able to  Understand Big Data and its challenges  Implement Big Data in real time scenarios  List and explain the components and prospects of Data Science  Learn the implementation of Hadoop on Big data  Analyze some real world use-cases with the help of R programming Language  Understand machine learning concepts
  • 5. Data Science Slide 5
  • 6. Big Data Slide 6
  • 7. What is Big Data? Lots of Data (Terabytes or Petabytes) Systems/Enterprises generate huge amount of data from Terabytes to and even Petabytes of information Slide 8
  • 8. Big Data Scenarios Slide 9
  • 9. Big Data Scenarios: Sports Slide 9
  • 10. Big Data Scenarios: Sports Sports teams are using data for tracking ticket sales and even for tracking team strategies. Advertising and marketing agencies are tracking social media to understand responsiveness to campaigns, promotions, and other advertising mediums Slide 10
  • 11. Big Data Scenarios : Hospital Care Slide 12
  • 12. Big Data Scenarios : Hospital Care Hospitals are analyzing medical data and patient records to predict those patients that are likely to seek readmission within a few months of discharge. The hospital can then intervene in hopes of preventing another costly hospital stay. Medical diagnostics company analyzes millions of lines of data to develop first non-intrusive test for predicting coronary artery disease. To do so, researchers at the company analyzed over 100 million gene samples to ultimately identify the 23 primary predictive genes for coronary artery disease Slide 13
  • 13. Big Data Scenarios : Slide 13
  • 14. Amazon has an unrivalled bank of data on online consumer purchasing behaviour that it can mine from its 152 million customer accounts. Amazon also uses Big Data to monitor, track and secure its 1.5 billion items in its retail store that are laying around it 200 fulfilment centres around the world. Amazon stores the product catalogue data in S3. S3 can write, read and delete objects up to 5 TB of data each. The catalogue stored in S3 receives more than 50 million updates a week and every 30 minutes all data received is crunched and reported back to the different warehouses and the website. Big Data Scenarios : Slide 14
  • 15. Big Data Scenarios: NetFlix Slide 15
  • 16. Netflix uses 1 petabyte to store the videos for streaming. BitTorrent Sync has transferred over 30 petabytes of data since its pre-alpha release in January 2013. The 2009 movie Avatar is reported to have taken over 1 petabyte of local storage at Weta Digital for the rendering of the 3D CGI effects. One petabyte of average MP3-encoded songs (for mobile, roughly one megabyte per minute), would require 2000 years to play. Big Data Scenarios: NetFlix Slide 16
  • 17. Big Data Scenarios: The Large Hadron Collider Slide 18
  • 18. The experiments in the Large Hadron Collider produce about 15 petabytes of data per year, which are distributed over the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid. One petabyte is enough to store the DNA of the entire population of the USA - with cloning it twice. Big Data Scenarios: The Large Hadron Collider Slide 19
  • 19. IBM’s Definition IBM’s Definition – Big Data Characteristics Web logs Audios Images Videos Sensor Data VOLUME VELOCITY VARIETY Slide 19
  • 20. IBM’s Definition  Structured  Unstructured  Semi structured  All the above Variety 3 Vs of Big data  Batch  Near Time  Real Time  Streams Velocity  Terabytes  Records  Transactions  Tables, files Volume IBM’s Definition – Big Data Characteristics Slide 20
  • 22. Hello There!! My name is Annie. I love quizzes and puzzles and I am here to make you guys think and answer my questions. Slide 22 Annie’s Introduction
  • 23. Map the following to corresponding type: Structured/ Unstructured/ Semi- structured. - XML Files - Word Docs, PDF files, Text files - E-Mail body - Data from Enterprise systems (ERP, CRM etc.) Slide 23 Annie’s Question
  • 24. XML Files -> Semi-structured data Word Docs, PDF files, Text files -> Unstructured Data E-Mail body -> Unstructured Data Data from Enterprise systems (ERP, CRM etc.) -> Structured Data Slide 24 Annie’s Answer
  • 25. Big Data: Challenges Slide 26
  • 26. Big Data Challenges Data security and Privacy High variety of Information High veracity of Data Data Acquisition High velocity of processed Data Information search and Analytics High volume of Data Information storage and Analytics Slide 27 Big Data: Challenges
  • 28. Data Science Slide 29
  • 29. Data Science “More data usually beats better algorithms,” Such as: Recommending movies or music based on past preferences. Slide 29
  • 30. No matter how extremely unpleasant your algorithm is, they can often be beaten simply by having more data (and a less sophisticated algorithm). Big Data is here Bad News We are struggling to store and analyze it. Good News Data Science Slide 30
  • 31. Data Science: Components Slide 32
  • 32. Data Science Visualization Advanced Computing Domain Expertise Statistics Data Engineering Data Science: Components Slide 32
  • 33. Data Science: Prospects Slide 33
  • 34. Types of Data Scientists Based on clustering the ways that data is handled by Data Scientists, the following 4 categories can be created:  Data Businesspeople are the product and profit-focused data scientists. They’re leaders, managers, and entrepreneurs, but with a technical bent. A common educational path is an engineering degree paired with an MBA.  Data Creatives are eclectic jacks-of-all-trades, able to work with a broad range of data and tools. They may think of themselves as artists or hackers, and excel at visualization and open source technologies.  Data Developers are focused on writing software to do analytic, statistical, and machine learning tasks, often in production environments. They often have computer science degrees, and often work with so-called “big data”.  Data Researchers apply their scientific training, and the tools and techniques they learned in academia, to organizational data. They may have PhDs, and their creative applications of mathematical tools yields valuable insights and products. Slide 35
  • 35. Relationships - Four Categories and the Five Skill Groups Slide 36
  • 36. Data Science: Core Components Data Science Data Architecture Tool: Hadoop Machine Learning Tool: Mahout Analytics Tool: R Slide 36
  • 38. No one Knows How to Use it Slide 38
  • 39. Use-Case Implementation: Techniques Used A Problem Dataset Analysis Results Slide 39
  • 40. Understanding the Machine Learning algorithm to be used Implementing Machine Learning in Hadoop on Big Data Visualisation of the analysis Understanding the problem statement and defining the solution Exploring ways to integrate R with Hadoop Implementing Machine Learning algorithm in R on the smaller dataset Use-Case Implementation:Process Flow Diagram Slide 40
  • 41. Domain of the Dataset: Communications and Media. However, the application of the algorithm is not limited to only Communications and Media. The technique is useful for any domain which requires organizing documents to improve retrieval and support browsing. Problem Statement: A top media company wants to browse through the popular news from a collection that appeared on the Reuters newswire in 1987. Clustering / Grouping documents based on their contents will make the analysis easier. Media Use-Case The Reuters-21578 data set composition Slide 41
  • 42. Media Use-Case: K-means Clustering First we will understand the implementation of the technique in R on a smaller dataset Then we will understand how to achieve document clustering on Big Data using Mahout libraries on Hadoop K-Means Clustering can be implemented on this dataset Communications and Media Dataset to be Clustered based on their contents R Implementation Hadoop Implementation Machine Learning Implementation Content-wise Clustered/Grouped documents Slide 42
  • 43. Domain of the Dataset: Products and Retail. However, the application of the algorithm is not limited to only Products and Retail. The technique can be applied wherever we want to discover the co-occurrence relationship amongst various activities. Problem Statement: Market Basket Analysis. A retail outlet wants understand the purchase behavior of a buyer. This information will enable the retailer to understand the buyer's needs. The analysis might tell a retailer that customers often purchase shampoo and conditioner together, so putting both items on promotion at the same time would create a significant increase in profit, while a promotion involving just one of the items would likely drive sales of the other. Market Basket Use-Case Market Basket Analysis 98% of people who purchased items A and B also purchased item C Slide 43
  • 44. Market Basket Use-Case: Association Rule Mining Product and Retail Dataset Understand the implementation of the technique on a smaller dataset Understand how to achieve the same on Big Data using Mahout libraries on Hadoop The technique used is Affinity Analysis or Association Rule Mining R Implementation Hadoop Implementation Machine Learning Implementation Market Basket Analysis Slide 44
  • 45. Slide 46 Domain of the Dataset: Life Science and Health Care. However, the application of the algorithm is not limited to only Life Science and Health Care . The technique can be applied wherever we want to forecast the occurrence of a event on the basis of certain conditions. Problem Statement: A health care organization wants to forecast the onset of diabetes mellitus in Indians using certain set of attributes of patients as input such as:  Plasma glucoseconcentration  Diastolic bloodpressure  Triceps skin fold thickness etc. Health Care Use-Case
  • 46. Slide 47 Understand how to achieve the same on Big Data using Mahout libraries on Hadoop The technique used is Affinity Analysis or Association Rule Mining. R Implementation Understand the basic implementation of the technique on a smaller dataset using R Achieve parallel processing on the same algorithm using a parallel processing library provided by Revolution R. Hadoop Implementation Machine Learning Implementation Forecast the onset of diabetes mellitus in Indians Life Science and Health Care Dataset with some attributes of patients as input. Health Care Use-Case: Parallel Processing
  • 47. Slide 48 Domain of the Dataset: Social Media. However, the application of the algorithm is not limited to only Social Media. The technique can be applied wherever we want to put documents into category without going through the contents of all the documents. Problem Statement: A Social Media research firm wants to know the trends of topics discussed on Twitter. For easy analysis it wants to classify them in the following categories:  apparel (clothes, shoes, watches, …)  art (Book, DVD, Music, …)  camera  event (travel, concert, …)  health (beauty, spa, …)  home (kitchen, furniture, garden, …)  tech (computer, laptop, tablet, …) Social Media Use-Case
  • 48. Social Media Use-Case: Naïve Bayes Classifier Understand the basic implementation of the technique on a smaller dataset using R. Understand how to achieve the same on Big Data using Mahout libraries on Hadoop. The technique used is Naïve Bayes Classifier. Social Media dataset R Implementation Hadoop Implementation Machine Learning Implementation Categorical classification of the tweets Slide 48
  • 49. Going forward with the class, we will throw some light on the concepts of Hadoop, R and Machine Learning respectively. These topics will be vividly covered in their respective modules during the course. Data Science: Core Components Slide 49
  • 50. Introduction to Hadoop Slide 50
  • 51.  Apache Hadoop is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of commodity computers using a simple programming model.  It is an Open-source Data Management with scale-out storage & distributed processing.  In 2004, Google published a paper on a process called MapReduce. parallel processing model process huge amount of  MapReduce framework provides a and associated implementation to data.  Therefore, an implementation of MapReduce framework was adopted by an Apache open source project named Hadoop. Introduction to Hadoop Slide 51
  • 52. Hadoop Key Characteristics Scalable Reliable Economical Flexible Robust Ecosystem Hadoop Key Characteristics Slide 52
  • 53. Hadoop Core Components Data Node Task Tracker Data Node Task Tracker Data Node Task Tracker Data Node Task Tracker MapReduce Engine HDFS Cluster Job Tracker Admin Node Name node Slide 53
  • 54. Hadoop is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of: - Small Data Sets - Large Data Sets Slide 54 Annie’s Question
  • 55. Large Data Sets. It is also capable to process small data-sets however to experience the true power of Hadoop one needs to have data in Tb’s because this where RDBMS takes hours and fails whereas Hadoop does the same in couple of minutes. Slide 55 Annie’s Answer
  • 56. For setting-up Hadoop on your system you can follow the “Hadoop Installation Guide” present in the LMS. Slide 56
  • 57. Analytics with R Slide 57
  • 58. Analytics with R Slide 59
  • 59. R : Characteristics Slide 59  R is open source and free.  R has lots of packages and multiple ways of doing the same thing.  By default stores memory in RAM.  R has the most advanced graphics. You need much better programming skills.  R has GUI to help make learning easier.  Customization needs commandline.  R can connect to many database and data types.
  • 60. Comparing R and others Comparing R Slide 60
  • 61. Comparing R with Base SAS* /SAS Stat* R Base SAS* /SAS Stat* R is open source and free Base SAS* , SAS/Stat*, SAS/ET*, SAS/OR*, SAS/Graph* are expensive relatively because of annual licenses Open source R has support from email lists, twitter, stack overflow SAS Institute* products have dedicated support and extensive documentation R is slower on the desktop than base SAS for datasets ~4-5 gb By default R stores memory in RAM, so we can use the cloud R has much better graphics You need much better programming skills You can create custom functions in R easily Customization needs command line R has multiple GUI that are free SAS GUI are more expensive Slide 62*Copyright © 2012 SAS Institute Inc., SAS Campus Drive, Cary, North Carolina 27513, USA. All rights reserved.
  • 62. Annie’s Question R Provides support in terms of: 1. Dedicated Support and Documentation 2. Email-lists, twitter, etc. Slide 62
  • 63. Annie’s Answer Answer: 2. Email-lists, twitter, etc. Slide 63
  • 64. Annie’s Question Custom functions can be easily created in : 1. SAS 2. R Slide 64
  • 65. Annie’s Answer Answer: 1. R Slide 65
  • 66. Annie’s Question Most of the functions in R are written in : - Java - R - C - Fortran Slide 66
  • 67. Annie’s Answer Most of the user-visible functions in R are written in R. It is possible for the user to interface to procedures written in the C, C++, or FORTRAN languages for efficiency. Slide 67
  • 68. Introduction to R Programming language  History  Evolution  Current State Slide 68  Open Source  Free  Widely Recognized  Official Website  R Core  Creators  R Journal
  • 69. R and Hadoop Integration  R and Hadoop are a natural match in Big Data Analytics and visualization.  One of the most well-known R packages to support Hadoop functionalities is : RHadoop  Rhadoop was developed by Revolution Analytics.  RHadoop is a collection of three R packages: rmr, rhdfs and rhbase. file rmr package provides Hadoop MapReduce functionality in R, rhdfs provides HDFS management in R and rhbase provides HBase database management from within R. + Slide 69
  • 70. For setting-up R on your system you can follow the “R Installation Guide” present in the LMS under module 1. Slide 70
  • 71. Machine Learning Slide 71
  • 72. Slide 73 Machine Learning: Mahout  Machine Learning is a class of algorithms which is data-driven, i.e. unlike "normal" algorithms it is the data that "tells" what the "good answer" is. Example: An hypothetical non-machine learning algorithm for face recognition in images would try to define what a face is (round skin-like-colored disk, with dark area where you expect the eyes etc). A machine learning algorithm would not have such coded definition, but will "learn-by-examples": you'll show several images of faces and not-faces and a good algorithm will eventually learn and be able to predict whether or not an unseen image is a face.
  • 73. Mahout Overview Mahout is about scalable Machine Learning Mahout has functionality for many of today’s common machine learning tasks Machine Learning is all over the web today MapReduce magic in action Slide 73
  • 74. Hadoop and MapReduce magic in action Write intelligent applications using Apache Mahout LinkedIn Recommendations Machine Learning: LinkedIn Recommendations Slide 74
  • 75. Annie’s Question Mahout Algorithms for clustering, classification and collaborative filtering are implemented on top of Apache Hadoop using : - Flume - MapReduce - Sqoop - Hive Slide 75
  • 76. Annie’s Answer Mahout Algorithms are implemented on top of Apache Hadoop using the Map/Reduce paradigm. Slide 76
  • 77. 1. Install R with the help of “R Installation Steps” guide in the LMS. This is a step wise guide which will help you in installing and setting up R on your system Slide 77 Assignment
  • 78. Agenda for Next Class Slide 78 In the next class you will be able to  Understand what is R  Describe why R is used?  Implement R Programming Concepts  Learn Data Import Techniques  Analyze the Processing of Data
  • 79. Pre-work Go through the “R Essentials for Data Science” section in the LMS. Watch the recordings present in the section to gain an understanding of the R environment. Slide 79
  • 80. What’s Within the LMS? Slide 80
  • 81. What’s Within the LMS? Recording of the Class Presentation Quiz Slide 81
  • 82. What’s Within the LMS? Assignment Installation Guide Pre-work Slide 82
  • 83. References Slide 83