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Human mind
Human mind is a space where
diversity opinions really matter.
Throughout of history, the human mind has
impacted in many ways the communities of
Earth Planet. Different opinions, thoughts,
behaviors and actions are the center of social
and cultural experiences.
Today we are in revolution.
The religions are changing how to teach or
continue with vocations to his Gods.
The sexuality is changing too. Now, man and
women trying to have better experiences with
bodies and love is not a situation of duty, is
the opportunity to feel like heterosexual,
homosexual, bisexual, lesbian, transsexual or
just feel queer.
Here, is a magazine that pretend educate,
raise awareness, and impact new audiences
with experiences that reflect diversity, peace,
respect and bring society closer to new ways
of seeing and enjoy life.
It´s a pleasure to me present our first edition
of year 2018. We extend an invitation to
continue working for cultural projects. To all
collaborators thank you for believing in us and
we can grow as a social humanity.
Daniel Alzate
FAMILY: our first school
The family is the main cell of society,
it is where values are learned and the practice
of these constitutes the basis for the
development and progress of society. It is,
perhaps, the only space where the human
being feels confident, and full; it is the refugee
where we are accepted and celebrated for
who we are, regardless economic, cultural,
intellectual, religious or professed
preferences. The family shelters us, support
us, loves us, and respects us.
Currently the concept of “family” has changed
because now it is not only focused on blood
ties, plus the family can be the group of
people with whom people feel protected, loved
and happy.
If all individuals grew up as a family society
would face fewer problems: we would have a
clearly defined sense of responsibility, there
would be less violence inside and outside the
home and more respect for both, nature and
the social environment.
Marcela Arias
Love is simply too critical an emotion
to understand and incorporate into education,
and it has been too long left out in the cold.
But cold it has been for the human mind
focusing on only rational/objective and
emotion-denying forms of learning and
intelligence, creating minds unmoved by the
thus un-felt facts of an increasingly globally
warming and more confused world.
The human child is born innate with a desire
not only to love learning but an even deeper
need to learn healthy loving to continue that
love of lifelong learning so necessary now to
all sustainable survival. The two are
interchangeably intertwined in any
understanding of how and why, the human
child always learns everything that is around
her or him.
This is true unfortunately of all available
learning, even the imbibed education of
prejudice, hate, arrogance and superiority and
the fracturing of one’s own mind into pieces
that one can no longer fit together to
understand oneself and subsequently the
absolutely necessary integrated loving
understanding of humanness.
Mariana González
The family environment
(Expository essay)
The family environment has a
decisive influence on our personality. The
relationships between the members of the
house determine values, affections, attitudes
and ways of being that the child assimilates
from birth. Therefore, family life is an effective
educational medium to which we must devote
time and effort. The school will complement
the homework, but in no case will it replace
the parents. The family environment is the set
of relationships established between the
members of the family who share the same
Each family lives and participates in these
relationships in a particular way, hence each
one develops its own peculiarities that
differentiate it from other families. But the
family environment, whatever the family, has
very important educational and affective
functions, since we start from the basis that
parents have a great influence on the behavior
of their children and that this behavior is
learned in the heart of the family.
What differs from one family to another is that
some have a positive and constructive family
environment that promotes the child's proper
and happy development, and other families do
not live interpersonal relationships in a loving
way, which causes the child do not acquire
from your parents the best model of behavior
or have significant emotional lacks. In order
for the family environment to be able to
correctly influence the children living within it,
it is essential that the following elements have
an important presence and that they can enjoy
sufficient space:
* LOVE: That parents love them children is an
obvious fact. But that we manifest it with
sufficient clarity is no longer so obvious. The
important thing is that the child feels loved. To
do this, in addition to telling them with words,
we have to show that we like what it is like,
that we want them happiness. And this is
achieved by the small details of each day:
showing interest in their things, asking,
congratulating, knowing what they like and
interested, and showing understanding and
with the way to exercise authority. Parents
should know how to exercise authority.
Authority is a right and an obligation that starts
from the responsibility as parents in the
education of children. But the authority will
only have a correct educational function if it is
exercised persuasively when the children are
small, and in a participatory way when they
are older.
* SERVICE INTENTION: The intention of the
service that parents provide to children has to
do with the intentionality or purpose of our
authority and our relationships in general.
Parents should seek the happiness of our
children and help them to make their life more
pleasant and fuller. We must never use our
authority to take advantage of our children or
live it as a privilege or an advantage we have
over them.
* POSITIVE TRAIT: The treatment given to
the children and the couple must be of quality
and positive, that is, pleasant in the forms and
constructive in the content. Often at home,
children hear from their parents more critical
than praise. It should not be like that, because
with it you can seriously injure one of them
best resources: their self-love.
* COEXISTENCE TIME: The fifth condition for
a good family environment is that we have
enough time to share with the children and
with the couple. Surely it is a condition that
often does not depend on us and is
sometimes difficult to achieve. But it is
necessary that there is free time to enjoy as a
family and that allows us to know each other,
explain what we do, what we like and what
worries us, and that we can help and have fun
together. Many times it is not necessary to
have a lot of time, but the time that we have
know how to use it correctly. Some parents
have plenty of time to spend with their children
but they are with them while the TV is on, they
make dinner, they talk on the phone and a
thousand other things at the same time,
without paying too much attention to really
"being" with their child. Perhaps it is better for
the child that you only have a couple of hours
but that you are with him drawing, going by
bicycle or explaining a story. That is a time of
quality coexistence, because your attention is
focused on your child and that he notices and
appreciates it.
The family is the place where the limits,
internal and external to each other, are
internalized, as well as the importance of
respecting them. In the family is taught and
learned all the time, there is no way to avoid it,
for better or for worse.
Generally, children internalize their parents'
models. Many specialists call "negative social
inheritance" the physical and psychological
violence that children who were abused repeat
as abusers.
Family constellations teach that education,
inside and outside the family, must be guided
by the respect and appreciation of individuals.
That is, family values must be inclusive of the
particularities. The integration must be the
maximum premise.
The adults of the family are responsible for
setting the example, and at the same time
reviewing their values from time to time, in
order to adapt them if the situation demands.
Family patterns can change and change, as
everything changes in life.
The maturity of a human being takes shape
when he/she assumes relationships with
responsibility. When others are valued and
valued as unique beings, they immediately
begin to improve social bonds.
By: Marcela Arias y Mariana González
“People who confuse
social behavior with
manners naturally
think of it as something
that can be donned and
doffed, a fashion that
can be copied. But social
behavior is nerve and
bone, not clothes, and
is never just a copy,
however derivative it
may look.”
― Nick Joaquín, Reportage on Crime:
Thirteen Horror Happenings That Hit
the Headlines.
Humans are born or are made?
(Expository essay)
The social behavior is a study topic of
social areas. According to studies, people
behavior is determined by social environment
and has sociological effects. Erika Goode,
reporter from New York Times said in an
article: “The researches dispute the view than
the humans mind is a ´general purpose
computer´ that is programmed by parents,
school and other cultural influences only after
birth”. Moreover, social environment is
dynamic and change all the time, it’s a life
force or how say Elizabeth Barnett and
Michele Casper, PhDs, “There is a
relationship of dependency among the social
environment of different local areas, because
these areas are connected through larger
regional, national, and international social and
economic processes and power relations.
People behavior is related in the
overall personality and, it is influenced by
many factors like cultural, economic, social
and family effects which determines in how
people will be or how could they act. But, like
explain Larry C. Rosen in the video, The
secret to understanding humans: “It is true
that human behavior is amazingly varied and
complex, but at the level of motivation, at the
level of what drives us to do all those different
things, we are actually identical”. When Rosen
explained this, he was talking about two guys.
One who wants to be a doctor from Harvard
and another guy from Afghanistan who just
wants to learn to kill. “Most important to both,
they want to be a difference in their worlds”.
Human behavior is a discussed topic
that brings sociological effects. Every human
being has some behaviors but due the society
link with different groups of humans. Recently,
“Due to the increase of population and
urbanization, people have started neglecting
the social relationship and everyone is giving
importance to the money rather than social
relationship and behavior. Because of this, the
rate of crime and deviant behavior of humans
are found in cities”,
Finally, the human behavior, the
social environment, the inheritance, the
natural education and economic and cultural
factor could make who people will be but is
not determined who people really will be
according to sociological, biological and the
psychological changes could occur over time.
By: Daniel Alzate
“What aspects influence criminal
behavior in a person?”
(Argumentative essay)
Firstly we have to know, why human
beings commit crimes? According to the new
daily, “the crime is not attributable to a cause,
but yes a conglomerate of them such as family
education, academic levels, community
interaction, media influence and institutions” i
agree with that because If I grow up in a
favorable environment full of values, my mind
will grow in a different way, with a very
different personality than if I grow up in the
middle of violence. If I grow up in the middle of
a family that is dedicated to illicit things, there
are more chances that I will devote myself to
illicit things because are "normal" for me. On
my point of view crime is the consequence of
a bad use of freedom for the individual and its
explanation, the existence of a rational
decision, of value of the cost and benefit that
contributes to the criminal behavior.
In one hand we have the parental control. It is
necessary for parents to be aware of their
children, to know with whom they socialize,
many people say that you can socialize with a
bad person, or people that have bad habits
and it´s ok, because if you know who you are
don´t you will became in yours friends, but for
me that is false, if you go between honey
something sticks, if you have five smart
friends you will be the sixth, but if you have
five friends that steal you will be one more.
You have to socialize with people that
contribute positively in your life, that is why it
is important that parents have a good
relationship with their children and that they
are always aware of them so they can have a
good development and grow up healthy.
On the other hand, school success is one of
the best crime preventatives, for many
reasons. If the person is focused in their
studies, they will build a future, with goals and
objectives, and they will not do things that take
away or damage their life Project.
As a result, parents have to be more
conscious about the education of their
children, the values and principles that they
have. Also, a good relationship, listening their
problems or doubts, know their social circle,
explain the advantages and disadvantages of
society, know the aspects of their lives without
invading their personal space.
You have to educate young people well;
because they will be the members of society,
what kind of society do you want?
By: Mariana González
Crime accompanies social life
(Argumentative essay)
Crime accompanies social life from its
very beginning – it occurs in every society and
in every stage of its development, regardless
of its structure, system or historical period.
Undoubtedly, crime is a consequence of many
social and economic problems which
constantly change. Regardless of whether we
like it or not – crime is a constant component
of our life.
I feel that socioeconomics do influence
behavior and criminal practices. The lack of
jobs, education and training are a big part of it.
People that have no job, education or training
are more likely to frustrated, sad, depressed
or angry. So the fact that they feel this way
will cause them to act out. Some of the people
caught in this type of situation will go as far as
committing crimes do to the fact that they feel
that they have no other choice. But I believe
that the people that commit crimes is because
they feel they have no other choice.
The crime level is influenced by lots of factors.
Among them, we may distinguish the socio -
economic situation of the offender.
Researchers have spent a great deal of time
attempting to identify the factors most closely
associated with arrest and punishment. An
article in The New York Times argue that
some police research is motivated by the
desire to identify why there are connections
between arrests, punishments and certain
factors. One such factor, which is frequently
examined, is socioeconomic status (and
whether it's a cause of crime).
I can say that individuals with a low
socioeconomic status are unfairly targeted by
the justice system. In American society, for
example, poverty is seen as a form of
deviance, which negatively affects the way
individuals are viewed by members of society
within power. David Newman, editor of
Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of
Everyday Life (2010), “poor people are more
likely to get arrested, be formally charged with
a crime, have their cases go to trial, get
convicted, and receive harsher sentences
than more affluent citizens.”
By: Marcela Arias
People really change?
(Argumentative essay)
Daily, thousands of people are stolen
and other are threatened in a violent situation
in the principal cities of the world. In Medellín
case, during 16th to 22th of August, the
Policía Metropolitana receives more than 900
complaints, but the cellphone is the device
with more stolen in the Antioquia´s capital. But
the question is, what could happen if laws
where more severe? Many people say that the
laws are definitely wrong and put innocent
people in jail and criminals are in the street.
Also, people believe that justice must be taken
for owner hands.
In other way, Alejandro Ríos, a
university student, tell us that: “When I was
walking out to my house, three men were
around me and they took my bag with my
wallet, my tablet, my money and my books. All
was in the bag and there I lost everything.
Them I was in the Police Station, they ask me
for the stolen items and no more”. However,
many complaints just help to know the total
number of crimes by month but not really to
give solutions to people.
On the other hand, in a discussion of
a group of person the 80% argue that they are
agree with put in jail the thefts and 20%
decided life penalty. Also people do not
believe jail is a good way to re-socialize
criminals, because they say: jail is severe
punish sometimes and the majority of
experiences there are traumatic so, bad
people when be out of prison increase
crimes and become aggressive. “The laws are
wonderful, but justice is disappointing”, said a
citizen of Medellín.
In summary, each person has had a
different experience with laws, with justice or
injustice and many examples of bad process
can be seeing in stories of innocent people,
whom claim real justice. In a country like
Colombia, the State must be stronger with
child rapes, with murders or thieves and do
not try to give better conditions to high status
people. Many times the justice is made
properly by people.
A society cannot give up its re-socialization, or
at least try.
By: Daniel Alzate
The heavy process to be born
(Narrative essay)
Last Friday on August of 1985, was a
cold morning; the clouds covered the
mountains of Santa Elena the East of Medellín
and windows crying through the glasses. A big
white house, many trees, flowers and big hall
was the place where Luis and Maria´s children
played all day. Around this same hall, the
parents went out end to search for Juan
Zapata, a neighbor who had a big smile and
red car (brand Jeep) because the mother was
almost to give birth to a boy.
That morning, Maria walked to Juan´s house
with a large coat, blue slippers, a bag with
diapers, baby blanket and hot pajamas. Well,
the mother was close to bring the little baby
who will be the youngest of seven brothers.
Luis covered his wife with a gray blanket
because the wind hit them hard while the
driver was running toward Rionegro Hospital.
In those years the rood was full of stone and
bodies moving during the whole trip. During
the trip Juan told fun stories and singed to try
to do a best running way during the curves
from Oriente Antioqueño.
When the family arrived at Jose María
Córdova Airport round point, the street was
closed because it was the inauguration of the
place and put Antioquia department on the
map on air. Maria, with repeated contractions
felt that the child was close to be born. The
policeman said, Oh no! To the anguished
father: “I´m sorry, we can´t permit you cross
but… we can offer an ambulance to transport
quickly to San Vicente de Paul Hospital in
Medellín”. “It was a long trip, the baby was
almost born in the ambulance, fortunately the
baby waited, said Maria. And it was here in
this hospital where Daniel was born, a boy
with brown hair, long fingers and 33 years
later is here talking to you.
By: Daniel Alzate
A little more about my life
(Narrative Essay)
In life they mark us situations,
experiences, and depends of us how can the
situations transcend, my life start in February
23 of 2002, my parents felt a huge happiness
in their heart When they saw me, they knew
from that moment that i am your treasure, in
my childhood my mom Works, also my father,
for that, my grandparents babysat me, i will
be grateful for the rest of my life, because she
and my grandpa teached me many things, i
remember a day that i went to the park, it was
beautiful, with many trees, you could feel the
fresh air and the sun in your face, i went with
my grandpa and he pushed me in the swing
for hours and hours, then i was running and i
fell, and i was crying, so he bought me an ice
cream and that was the best remedy, when
we arrived, my grandma has a delicious
dinner, my grandparents love me so much,
unfortunately nowadays missed one, my
grandpa, i miss him so much, loved ones
should be eternal, not? However that happen
a few months ago, but my grandparents
transcended my life in a good way, they make
me grow up in many things, and for that in my
heart are them, happen what happen.
During my life i practiced many hobbies, like
ballet, piano, violin, swimming, tennis, my
father wanted to strengthen my discipline, i
think that he do a good job, that teaches me a
lot, although I was not the best violinist, but I
did the best, and that has always
characterized me, although i practiced many
hobbies, i had never traveled, so, one day i
was at the school, it´s not such a big school,
but it´s a not that small either, with many
trees, two parks, and with many people, i went
down the huge concrete ramps, because my
father was outside waiting for me, it was 2:00
o´clock, i crossed the Street, and got into the
car, my father, as always, received me with a
smile from ear to ear and a very lovely hug.
That day he told me he had good news for
me, i was excited, as well a Little nervous, my
father told me that we would go to Galapagos
islands, i screamed so loud that my dad get in
shock, it was a cold day, however, with that
news, the sun wet out for me, i waited for that
trip with cravings, that was my first trip, also
was the best i had ever, i saw animals that
only you can find it there, like blue footed
boobies, lava gull, galapago penguins, and
more, i had the opportunity to interact with sea
lions, and ate all the animals that you can find
in the sea, i ate crab, octopus, oysters,
prawns, shrimp, eel, food that i never though
eat. Another experience that i lived, was the
feel of peaceful, because you´re in the middle
of nothing, you only see sea, and maybe one
bird, or a pelican, for that you don´t hear any
noise, only the sea, and that full fill you of
calm, for that i thanks a lot to my dad for
giving me that beautiful opportunity.
years later, exactly in August 26, 2015, born a
beautiful princess, my cousin, Violetta, she
have blond hair, green eyes, and a smile that
have the power of make you happy, she say
that we are best friends, the first time that she
told me that, i cried for happiness, i love her
so much, and i would give whatever for see
that smile, i loves to play with her, go to the
park, walk, eat ice cream, paint, anything.
By: Mariana González Guzmán
(Narrative Essay)
Well ... let's start with the beginning of
the life of the character in this story, who was
born in Medellín on January 25, 1991, was the
first daughter of his parents and the fifth
granddaughter of his paternal grandparents,
basically grew up being the baby of the
father's family and grew up close to them.
She does not remember very well those days
of childhood running and doing pranks for the
house of the grandmother but her aunts and
uncles yes and they reminding to her
Cousin Juani and cousin Maria, the two who
followed her in age and also with the crazy
things that occurred to her, were friends of
adventures, Marcela was the oldest of them
and they always had something new to do,
although sometimes, at the end of those
games, they ended fighting.
Grandma's house is huge, with a large garden
full of all kinds of plants: guava, avocado,
orange, figs, sabila, coffee, onion and
everything she could sow. One day the three
little ones had the idea of ordering the garden
to surprise grandma, and that is how they
started to remove some grass, cut some
branches, put water on the plants and put the
poison that the grandmother used to all what
they saw ... to their liking, the garden had
been wonderful, but the surprise of the
grandmother was terrible when she saw how
her grandchildren had damaged several of
their crops.
And that is how they ruined the garden that
her grandmother cultivated with great
dedication until that day when the children put
their little and delicate hands to work.
By: Marcela Arias
Thank full to our teacher
Paula Cano and our classmates
for this enjoyable course:
Writting it right.
Human Mind Magazine

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Human Mind Magazine

  • 1.
  • 2. Editorial Human mind Human mind is a space where diversity opinions really matter. Throughout of history, the human mind has impacted in many ways the communities of Earth Planet. Different opinions, thoughts, behaviors and actions are the center of social and cultural experiences. Today we are in revolution. The religions are changing how to teach or continue with vocations to his Gods. The sexuality is changing too. Now, man and women trying to have better experiences with bodies and love is not a situation of duty, is the opportunity to feel like heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, lesbian, transsexual or just feel queer. Here, is a magazine that pretend educate, raise awareness, and impact new audiences with experiences that reflect diversity, peace, respect and bring society closer to new ways of seeing and enjoy life. It´s a pleasure to me present our first edition of year 2018. We extend an invitation to continue working for cultural projects. To all collaborators thank you for believing in us and we can grow as a social humanity. Daniel Alzate
  • 3. Editorial FAMILY: our first school The family is the main cell of society, it is where values are learned and the practice of these constitutes the basis for the development and progress of society. It is, perhaps, the only space where the human being feels confident, and full; it is the refugee where we are accepted and celebrated for who we are, regardless economic, cultural, intellectual, religious or professed preferences. The family shelters us, support us, loves us, and respects us. Currently the concept of “family” has changed because now it is not only focused on blood ties, plus the family can be the group of people with whom people feel protected, loved and happy. If all individuals grew up as a family society would face fewer problems: we would have a clearly defined sense of responsibility, there would be less violence inside and outside the home and more respect for both, nature and the social environment. Marcela Arias
  • 4. Editorial Emotions Love is simply too critical an emotion to understand and incorporate into education, and it has been too long left out in the cold. But cold it has been for the human mind focusing on only rational/objective and emotion-denying forms of learning and intelligence, creating minds unmoved by the thus un-felt facts of an increasingly globally warming and more confused world. The human child is born innate with a desire not only to love learning but an even deeper need to learn healthy loving to continue that love of lifelong learning so necessary now to all sustainable survival. The two are interchangeably intertwined in any understanding of how and why, the human child always learns everything that is around her or him. This is true unfortunately of all available learning, even the imbibed education of prejudice, hate, arrogance and superiority and the fracturing of one’s own mind into pieces that one can no longer fit together to understand oneself and subsequently the absolutely necessary integrated loving understanding of humanness. Mariana González
  • 5. The family environment (Expository essay) The family environment has a decisive influence on our personality. The relationships between the members of the house determine values, affections, attitudes and ways of being that the child assimilates from birth. Therefore, family life is an effective educational medium to which we must devote time and effort. The school will complement the homework, but in no case will it replace the parents. The family environment is the set of relationships established between the members of the family who share the same space. Each family lives and participates in these relationships in a particular way, hence each one develops its own peculiarities that differentiate it from other families. But the family environment, whatever the family, has very important educational and affective functions, since we start from the basis that parents have a great influence on the behavior of their children and that this behavior is learned in the heart of the family. What differs from one family to another is that some have a positive and constructive family environment that promotes the child's proper and happy development, and other families do not live interpersonal relationships in a loving way, which causes the child do not acquire from your parents the best model of behavior or have significant emotional lacks. In order for the family environment to be able to correctly influence the children living within it, it is essential that the following elements have an important presence and that they can enjoy sufficient space: * LOVE: That parents love them children is an obvious fact. But that we manifest it with sufficient clarity is no longer so obvious. The important thing is that the child feels loved. To do this, in addition to telling them with words, we have to show that we like what it is like, that we want them happiness. And this is achieved by the small details of each day: showing interest in their things, asking, congratulating, knowing what they like and interested, and showing understanding and patient. * PARTICIPATORY AUTHORITY: It has to do with the way to exercise authority. Parents should know how to exercise authority. Authority is a right and an obligation that starts from the responsibility as parents in the education of children. But the authority will only have a correct educational function if it is exercised persuasively when the children are small, and in a participatory way when they are older. * SERVICE INTENTION: The intention of the service that parents provide to children has to do with the intentionality or purpose of our authority and our relationships in general. Parents should seek the happiness of our children and help them to make their life more pleasant and fuller. We must never use our authority to take advantage of our children or live it as a privilege or an advantage we have over them. * POSITIVE TRAIT: The treatment given to the children and the couple must be of quality and positive, that is, pleasant in the forms and constructive in the content. Often at home,
  • 6. children hear from their parents more critical than praise. It should not be like that, because with it you can seriously injure one of them best resources: their self-love. * COEXISTENCE TIME: The fifth condition for a good family environment is that we have enough time to share with the children and with the couple. Surely it is a condition that often does not depend on us and is sometimes difficult to achieve. But it is necessary that there is free time to enjoy as a family and that allows us to know each other, explain what we do, what we like and what worries us, and that we can help and have fun together. Many times it is not necessary to have a lot of time, but the time that we have know how to use it correctly. Some parents have plenty of time to spend with their children but they are with them while the TV is on, they make dinner, they talk on the phone and a thousand other things at the same time, without paying too much attention to really "being" with their child. Perhaps it is better for the child that you only have a couple of hours but that you are with him drawing, going by bicycle or explaining a story. That is a time of quality coexistence, because your attention is focused on your child and that he notices and appreciates it. The family is the place where the limits, internal and external to each other, are internalized, as well as the importance of respecting them. In the family is taught and learned all the time, there is no way to avoid it, for better or for worse. Generally, children internalize their parents' models. Many specialists call "negative social inheritance" the physical and psychological violence that children who were abused repeat as abusers. Family constellations teach that education, inside and outside the family, must be guided by the respect and appreciation of individuals. That is, family values must be inclusive of the particularities. The integration must be the maximum premise. The adults of the family are responsible for setting the example, and at the same time reviewing their values from time to time, in order to adapt them if the situation demands. Family patterns can change and change, as everything changes in life. The maturity of a human being takes shape when he/she assumes relationships with responsibility. When others are valued and valued as unique beings, they immediately begin to improve social bonds. By: Marcela Arias y Mariana González
  • 7. “People who confuse social behavior with manners naturally think of it as something that can be donned and doffed, a fashion that can be copied. But social behavior is nerve and bone, not clothes, and is never just a copy, however derivative it may look.” ― Nick Joaquín, Reportage on Crime: Thirteen Horror Happenings That Hit the Headlines.
  • 8. Humans are born or are made? (Expository essay) The social behavior is a study topic of social areas. According to studies, people behavior is determined by social environment and has sociological effects. Erika Goode, reporter from New York Times said in an article: “The researches dispute the view than the humans mind is a ´general purpose computer´ that is programmed by parents, school and other cultural influences only after birth”. Moreover, social environment is dynamic and change all the time, it’s a life force or how say Elizabeth Barnett and Michele Casper, PhDs, “There is a relationship of dependency among the social environment of different local areas, because these areas are connected through larger regional, national, and international social and economic processes and power relations. People behavior is related in the overall personality and, it is influenced by many factors like cultural, economic, social and family effects which determines in how people will be or how could they act. But, like explain Larry C. Rosen in the video, The secret to understanding humans: “It is true that human behavior is amazingly varied and complex, but at the level of motivation, at the level of what drives us to do all those different things, we are actually identical”. When Rosen explained this, he was talking about two guys. One who wants to be a doctor from Harvard and another guy from Afghanistan who just wants to learn to kill. “Most important to both, they want to be a difference in their worlds”. Human behavior is a discussed topic that brings sociological effects. Every human being has some behaviors but due the society link with different groups of humans. Recently, “Due to the increase of population and urbanization, people have started neglecting the social relationship and everyone is giving importance to the money rather than social relationship and behavior. Because of this, the rate of crime and deviant behavior of humans are found in cities”, Finally, the human behavior, the social environment, the inheritance, the natural education and economic and cultural factor could make who people will be but is not determined who people really will be according to sociological, biological and the psychological changes could occur over time. By: Daniel Alzate
  • 9. “What aspects influence criminal behavior in a person?” (Argumentative essay) Firstly we have to know, why human beings commit crimes? According to the new daily, “the crime is not attributable to a cause, but yes a conglomerate of them such as family education, academic levels, community interaction, media influence and institutions” i agree with that because If I grow up in a favorable environment full of values, my mind will grow in a different way, with a very different personality than if I grow up in the middle of violence. If I grow up in the middle of a family that is dedicated to illicit things, there are more chances that I will devote myself to illicit things because are "normal" for me. On my point of view crime is the consequence of a bad use of freedom for the individual and its explanation, the existence of a rational decision, of value of the cost and benefit that contributes to the criminal behavior. In one hand we have the parental control. It is necessary for parents to be aware of their children, to know with whom they socialize, many people say that you can socialize with a bad person, or people that have bad habits and it´s ok, because if you know who you are don´t you will became in yours friends, but for me that is false, if you go between honey something sticks, if you have five smart friends you will be the sixth, but if you have five friends that steal you will be one more. You have to socialize with people that contribute positively in your life, that is why it is important that parents have a good relationship with their children and that they are always aware of them so they can have a good development and grow up healthy. On the other hand, school success is one of the best crime preventatives, for many reasons. If the person is focused in their studies, they will build a future, with goals and objectives, and they will not do things that take away or damage their life Project. As a result, parents have to be more conscious about the education of their children, the values and principles that they have. Also, a good relationship, listening their problems or doubts, know their social circle, explain the advantages and disadvantages of society, know the aspects of their lives without invading their personal space. You have to educate young people well; because they will be the members of society, what kind of society do you want? By: Mariana González
  • 10. Crime accompanies social life (Argumentative essay) Crime accompanies social life from its very beginning – it occurs in every society and in every stage of its development, regardless of its structure, system or historical period. Undoubtedly, crime is a consequence of many social and economic problems which constantly change. Regardless of whether we like it or not – crime is a constant component of our life. I feel that socioeconomics do influence behavior and criminal practices. The lack of jobs, education and training are a big part of it. People that have no job, education or training are more likely to frustrated, sad, depressed or angry. So the fact that they feel this way will cause them to act out. Some of the people caught in this type of situation will go as far as committing crimes do to the fact that they feel that they have no other choice. But I believe that the people that commit crimes is because they feel they have no other choice. The crime level is influenced by lots of factors. Among them, we may distinguish the socio - economic situation of the offender. Researchers have spent a great deal of time attempting to identify the factors most closely associated with arrest and punishment. An article in The New York Times argue that some police research is motivated by the desire to identify why there are connections between arrests, punishments and certain factors. One such factor, which is frequently examined, is socioeconomic status (and whether it's a cause of crime). I can say that individuals with a low socioeconomic status are unfairly targeted by the justice system. In American society, for example, poverty is seen as a form of deviance, which negatively affects the way individuals are viewed by members of society within power. David Newman, editor of Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life (2010), “poor people are more likely to get arrested, be formally charged with a crime, have their cases go to trial, get convicted, and receive harsher sentences than more affluent citizens.” By: Marcela Arias
  • 11. People really change? (Argumentative essay) Daily, thousands of people are stolen and other are threatened in a violent situation in the principal cities of the world. In Medellín case, during 16th to 22th of August, the Policía Metropolitana receives more than 900 complaints, but the cellphone is the device with more stolen in the Antioquia´s capital. But the question is, what could happen if laws where more severe? Many people say that the laws are definitely wrong and put innocent people in jail and criminals are in the street. Also, people believe that justice must be taken for owner hands. In other way, Alejandro Ríos, a university student, tell us that: “When I was walking out to my house, three men were around me and they took my bag with my wallet, my tablet, my money and my books. All was in the bag and there I lost everything. Them I was in the Police Station, they ask me for the stolen items and no more”. However, many complaints just help to know the total number of crimes by month but not really to give solutions to people. On the other hand, in a discussion of a group of person the 80% argue that they are agree with put in jail the thefts and 20% decided life penalty. Also people do not believe jail is a good way to re-socialize criminals, because they say: jail is severe punish sometimes and the majority of experiences there are traumatic so, bad people when be out of prison increase crimes and become aggressive. “The laws are wonderful, but justice is disappointing”, said a citizen of Medellín. In summary, each person has had a different experience with laws, with justice or injustice and many examples of bad process can be seeing in stories of innocent people, whom claim real justice. In a country like Colombia, the State must be stronger with child rapes, with murders or thieves and do not try to give better conditions to high status people. Many times the justice is made properly by people. A society cannot give up its re-socialization, or at least try. By: Daniel Alzate
  • 12.
  • 13. The heavy process to be born (Narrative essay) Last Friday on August of 1985, was a cold morning; the clouds covered the mountains of Santa Elena the East of Medellín and windows crying through the glasses. A big white house, many trees, flowers and big hall was the place where Luis and Maria´s children played all day. Around this same hall, the parents went out end to search for Juan Zapata, a neighbor who had a big smile and red car (brand Jeep) because the mother was almost to give birth to a boy. That morning, Maria walked to Juan´s house with a large coat, blue slippers, a bag with diapers, baby blanket and hot pajamas. Well, the mother was close to bring the little baby who will be the youngest of seven brothers. Luis covered his wife with a gray blanket because the wind hit them hard while the driver was running toward Rionegro Hospital. In those years the rood was full of stone and bodies moving during the whole trip. During the trip Juan told fun stories and singed to try to do a best running way during the curves from Oriente Antioqueño. When the family arrived at Jose María Córdova Airport round point, the street was closed because it was the inauguration of the place and put Antioquia department on the map on air. Maria, with repeated contractions felt that the child was close to be born. The policeman said, Oh no! To the anguished father: “I´m sorry, we can´t permit you cross but… we can offer an ambulance to transport quickly to San Vicente de Paul Hospital in Medellín”. “It was a long trip, the baby was almost born in the ambulance, fortunately the baby waited, said Maria. And it was here in this hospital where Daniel was born, a boy with brown hair, long fingers and 33 years later is here talking to you. By: Daniel Alzate
  • 14. A little more about my life (Narrative Essay) In life they mark us situations, experiences, and depends of us how can the situations transcend, my life start in February 23 of 2002, my parents felt a huge happiness in their heart When they saw me, they knew from that moment that i am your treasure, in my childhood my mom Works, also my father, for that, my grandparents babysat me, i will be grateful for the rest of my life, because she and my grandpa teached me many things, i remember a day that i went to the park, it was beautiful, with many trees, you could feel the fresh air and the sun in your face, i went with my grandpa and he pushed me in the swing for hours and hours, then i was running and i fell, and i was crying, so he bought me an ice cream and that was the best remedy, when we arrived, my grandma has a delicious dinner, my grandparents love me so much, unfortunately nowadays missed one, my grandpa, i miss him so much, loved ones should be eternal, not? However that happen a few months ago, but my grandparents transcended my life in a good way, they make me grow up in many things, and for that in my heart are them, happen what happen. During my life i practiced many hobbies, like ballet, piano, violin, swimming, tennis, my father wanted to strengthen my discipline, i think that he do a good job, that teaches me a lot, although I was not the best violinist, but I did the best, and that has always characterized me, although i practiced many hobbies, i had never traveled, so, one day i was at the school, it´s not such a big school, but it´s a not that small either, with many trees, two parks, and with many people, i went down the huge concrete ramps, because my father was outside waiting for me, it was 2:00 o´clock, i crossed the Street, and got into the car, my father, as always, received me with a smile from ear to ear and a very lovely hug. That day he told me he had good news for me, i was excited, as well a Little nervous, my father told me that we would go to Galapagos islands, i screamed so loud that my dad get in shock, it was a cold day, however, with that news, the sun wet out for me, i waited for that trip with cravings, that was my first trip, also was the best i had ever, i saw animals that only you can find it there, like blue footed boobies, lava gull, galapago penguins, and more, i had the opportunity to interact with sea lions, and ate all the animals that you can find in the sea, i ate crab, octopus, oysters, prawns, shrimp, eel, food that i never though eat. Another experience that i lived, was the feel of peaceful, because you´re in the middle of nothing, you only see sea, and maybe one bird, or a pelican, for that you don´t hear any noise, only the sea, and that full fill you of calm, for that i thanks a lot to my dad for giving me that beautiful opportunity. years later, exactly in August 26, 2015, born a beautiful princess, my cousin, Violetta, she have blond hair, green eyes, and a smile that have the power of make you happy, she say that we are best friends, the first time that she told me that, i cried for happiness, i love her so much, and i would give whatever for see that smile, i loves to play with her, go to the park, walk, eat ice cream, paint, anything. By: Mariana González Guzmán
  • 15. Well... (Narrative Essay) Well ... let's start with the beginning of the life of the character in this story, who was born in Medellín on January 25, 1991, was the first daughter of his parents and the fifth granddaughter of his paternal grandparents, basically grew up being the baby of the father's family and grew up close to them. She does not remember very well those days of childhood running and doing pranks for the house of the grandmother but her aunts and uncles yes and they reminding to her frequently. Cousin Juani and cousin Maria, the two who followed her in age and also with the crazy things that occurred to her, were friends of adventures, Marcela was the oldest of them and they always had something new to do, although sometimes, at the end of those games, they ended fighting. Grandma's house is huge, with a large garden full of all kinds of plants: guava, avocado, orange, figs, sabila, coffee, onion and everything she could sow. One day the three little ones had the idea of ordering the garden to surprise grandma, and that is how they started to remove some grass, cut some branches, put water on the plants and put the poison that the grandmother used to all what they saw ... to their liking, the garden had been wonderful, but the surprise of the grandmother was terrible when she saw how her grandchildren had damaged several of their crops. And that is how they ruined the garden that her grandmother cultivated with great dedication until that day when the children put their little and delicate hands to work. By: Marcela Arias
  • 16.
  • 17. Thank full to our teacher Paula Cano and our classmates for this enjoyable course: Writting it right.