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bioversity international cgiar.org agricultural biodiversity nutrition cgiar sustainable diets climate change adaptation landscapes diet diversity plant genetic resources indicators ecosystem services crop diversity fruit trees banana conservation in situ conservation crop resilience agriculture smallholder farmers forest genetic resources nagoya protocol plant treaty on-farm and in situ conservation trees and agroforestry cgiar research program on forests ann tutwiler crop wild relatives access and benefit sharing climate change seeds for needs forests and trees participatory research citizen science cgiar research program on agriculture for nutritio kenya pests and disease control rural communities india promusa tropical fruit crowdsourcing ccafs biodiversity food security seed systems sustainable agriculture itpgrfa climate-smart agriculture beans zambia metrics resilience pests and diseases brazil ihc2014 musa ex situ conservation policy international treaty on plant genetic resources fo forest restoration coffee land and ecosystems sustainable development fao forest biodiversity cryopreservation international agrobiodiversity congress 2016 iac2016 agrobiodiversity farmers rights sustainable development goals international treaty on plant genetic resources natural capital project cgiar research program on water land and ecosystem mesh barotse integrated pest management ipm common bean cooperazione italiana allo sviluppo expo 2015 community seedbank honduras sadc acp uganda cbd cop12 turkey wle cambio climático southeast asia custodian seed banks cip pgrfa farmers riina jalonen cgiar research program on water cultural heritage crp-fta genetic diversity nutrition-sensitive landscapes crp6 cacao quinoa neglected and underutilized species livelihoods cifor maize agriclutural biodiversity conservation training central asia conservation of crops crop trust #agrobiodiversity millet food biodiversity jordan jacob van etten iac 2016 bart panis custodian farmers seed rights sustainable food production trondheim superfoods kew gardens international year of pulses pulses legumes #iyp2016 agenda30 laura snook congo basin itprgfa science for nature and people project nceas crp-wle gef international treaty for plant genetic resources african union aquatic agricultural systems agriculture for nutrition and health ecosystem services partnership conference 2015 acp-eu farming systems agricultural landscapes green revolution case studies rice morocco china ecuador currant centre of origin uzbekistan mulberry walnut pistachio pear fig pomegranate apple apricots almonds grapes land restoration varietal mixtures shea butter karité butter burkina faso cameroon malaysia malnutrition ministério do meio ambiente genotypes landraces wheat accessions barley green economy durum wheat ethiopia latin america central america stephan weise participatory varietal selection evaluación participativa masiva pvs plagas y enfermedades adaptación agricultores agricultura ciencia ciudadana humboldt eu mauritius south africa breeding cgrfa evert thomas global landscapes forum 2014 peru cirad ciheam-iamm iyff colombia international year of family farming family farming ghana burundi tanzania costa rica tree diversity day toolkit seascapes islands mongolia fiji pastoral tropentag 2014 céline termote cost of diets pest control teresa borelli danny hunter indigenous foods sri lanka columbia university baci sdgs bridging agriculture and conservation initiative soil health agroecology home gardens recursos fitogenéticos chile marleni ramirez cultivos tradicionales americas bxw xanthomonas wilt indigenous vegetables south asia bananas tubers cgiar research program on roots vitamin a micronutrient deficiencies international horticultural congress local area network community playback role play theatre participatory market chain approach durian native fruit tree diversity monitoring brassica beta medicago avena genebank mesoamerica andes communities payments for ecosystem services (pes) economics of agricultural biodiversity payments for agrobiodiversity conservation service state of the world’s forest genetic resources re forests asia summit judy loo state of the world forest genetic resources report sow-fgr weather data early warning bioinformatics big data data intercropping ciat diet communit comdeks social science travel and tourism herbarium botany collecting mission agricultural research forest foods genetic erosion oxford biodiversity institute symposium sustainable diet and food security conference international conference on forests for food secur sentinel landscapes hunger food emile frison chocolate cacao diversity gender international womens day women un international year of quinoa nus2013 sustainability annual report 2011 geospatial analyses iufro world agroforestry centre food prices developing world bellon "agricultural biodiversity" "pablo eyzaguirre" "farmer livelihoods" "bioversity international" "plant genetic resources" "crop resilience" "smallscale farmers" "food security" farmer livelihoods on farm conservation genebanks fruits and berries vavilov research institute agricutural biodiversity malnutrition in russia
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