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週五, 2007-10-12 03:39 — hevangel

在資訊自由流通的網絡﹐有一個被戲稱為Streisand Effect的現象。若果有人企圖用借用法律途徑﹐發

東方報業上星期控告Uwants論壇誹謗﹐並要求論壇交出張貼文章者的個人資料。 此等惡勢力利

也許香港所並不是欠缺言論自由﹐也不是欠缺法律保障基本人權﹐而是久欠像美國ACLU的 組織。以
恐嚇收聲的小市民﹐提供財政和法律援助。正因如此 ﹐大財團才有機會濫用司法手段﹐用高昂的法律

               ( )
明報:《東方報業控Uwants討論區誹謗 促交出「TheOne88」用戶個人資料》
明報:《倘證言論誹謗 網民可被追究》
高登討論:( )、( )


珍,以及綽號「跛豪」的吳錫豪。 馬惜珍在香港,負責收白粉、洗黑錢,再把賺來的錢投資在
一般貿易公司, 1969年,他又創辦「東方報業集團」,旗下主要報紙即是極力親台的中文東方日
報,後來發展成為全港第一大報。報紙除了用作洗黑錢外, 又作毒品消息通傳. 到了1978年,香
前所未有的最大販毒組合」。可是,挺神祕 的,他們統統得到交保候傳的裁決。1978年07月,
後,當局以 「持用假文件非法入境」為由予以逮捕,判處一年有期徒刑。其實這只是形式。 馬
在香港和全世界繼續發達。這些事業包括在歐洲、北美洲和澳 洲的商業不動產;根據《星期日
一整排的辦公大樓。東方報業集團是他 們事業成就最顯著的一個實例。現在這是遠東最大的報

   ●   專欄文章
   ●   文字
   ●   媒體
   ●   政治
   ●   歷史
   ●   知識
   ●   網路
   ●   哲子戲
   ●   如果想要發表回應,請先登入 或 註冊。

週五, 2007-10-12 12:54 — Franklen

[呼籲]向惡勢力說不,網民齊貼事實 (小狼)

Oriental Daily Sues Uwants For Information on Internet User 'TheOne88' (EastSouthWestNorth)

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週五, 2007-10-12 14:02 — Franklen
(轉貼) 由揸筆者監察傳媒

他媒介避之則吉。大家怕事,就造就了無觀點但夠惡毒的小文棍作 惡。[...] 筆者多年來要求的,
謗,就讓正義與邪惡的揸筆者自由地戰個你死我 活吧!」

引自 王岸然, 「由揸筆者監察傳媒」, 《蘋果日報》, 2002年11月11日。

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週五, 2007-10-12 19:03 — 94
wikipedia 中白粉報賣白粉的描述曾一度被刪除
    ● 如果想要發表回應,請先登入 或 註冊。

週六, 2007-10-13 12:40 — jane tse
再把賺來的錢投資在一般貿易公司, 1969年,他又創辦「東方報業集團」,旗下主要報紙即
是極力親台的中文東方日報,後來發展成為全港第一大報。報紙除了用作洗黑錢外, 又作毒
因階級的不同,沒有標準地去處理。動不動說人家以大欺小、 官商勾結、政府欺壓人民、以民主
想追求的民主。對社會發展與知識 的建構完全沒有好處。
  ● 如果想要發表回應,請先登入 或 註冊。

週六, 2007-10-13 14:09 — Franklen

今早核對資料時,發現TheOne88的原post, 與中文維基百科 「                               (   )」條目的內容如出一

剛才再上中文維基,發現「東方日報(香港)」的條目已經不見 (Google 的頁庫存檔),




"The founder of the newspaper was accused of committing heroin trades and series of
corruptions in 70s by Hong Kong government, earning him the moniker 'White Powder'. He fled
to Taiwan and never returned to Hong Kong" (Retreived from the WWW, 2007.10.13).

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週六, 2007-10-13 15:42 — 麥當勞


除,即是指稱他們干犯偷渡罪的說法是誹謗,這是他們應得的 權利。係人權公約的語境下,一
罪,使他們的其他合法權利得以伸張 (例如起訴別人誹謗)。

(其實東方日報都係鄭謝案的直接受害者,佢地應該好明白,法官係唔可能接納 Uwants 內容係
  ● 如果想要發表回應,請先登入 或 註冊。

週日, 2007-10-14 06:14 — Trunks
難得小弟第二次5分予 h evangel 君的貼文!
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週一, 2007-10-15 05:54 — J S Bach
BBC 、獨立報、紐約時報 1998年 的報導

The Independent: Senior Tories `made a deal' with Chinese heroin trafficker

BBC news: Hague will hand back foreign money

BBC:Drug case fugitive 'gave ?1m to Tories'

New York Times: Hong Kong Donor to Tories Now Wants $1.7 Million Returned

BBC 的報導這樣寫到:

"Ma Sik-chun fled to Taiwan after being charged in connection with one of Asia's largest drug-
trafficking operations.
A year earlier, in 1977, his brother Ma Sik-yu - known in Hong Kong as "White Powder Ma" -
took the same route after being tipped off that the police were about to arrest him on similar
charges" (1998- 1- 20)

獨立報的報導沒有提到 "Ma Sik-yu"的名字。指控雖因明顯原因未經法庭證明,但獨立報卻毫不含
糊地指"Ma Sik-chun" 是 "the heroin smuggler" (1998-1-21).

另外,中央通訊社於該數天的報導,有以下標題 (慧科搜索):

   ●   英國工黨試圖迫使保守黨退還不法獻金                         1998-01-23
   ●   英保守黨領袖赫格保證退還任何不法獻金                                1998-01-21
   ●   英媒體報導保守黨接受香港毒販政治獻金                                1998-01-21
   ●   彭定康否認擔任毒梟對保守黨政治獻金中間人                              1998-01-21
   ●   傳港督彭定康曾要求東方日報創辦「東快訊」                              1998-01-20
   ●   彭定康否認東方日報有關他的報導                           1998-01-20
   ●   傳保守黨曾收取香港東方日報龐大捐款                         1998-01-19

倫敦泰晤士報 1998年 的報導


From Jonathan Mirsky, "Family wealth has origins in drugs trade", The London Times, January
21, 1998. Retrieved from Newsbank.

"THE Ma family has become enormously rich from publishing and likes to be seen in the
company of world statesmen. Mr Ma Ching-kwan, who until two years ago was chairman of the
board of the family firm, lunched with John Major when he was Prime Minister. In 1994, during
the launch of his English-language newspaper, Eastern Express, videos were shown on a vast
screen of Ronald Reagan and George Bush wishing Mr Ma well.

"But the origins of the family fortune are so deeply connected to international drug-dealing
that Mr Ma's late uncle Ma Sik-yu, who died in 1991 on the run from the Hong Kong police, is
still known as Ma Baifen, "white powder Ma". Mr Ma's father, Ma Sik-chun, still lives in exile in
Taiwan, to which he fled in 1977, just ahead of the Hong Kong drugs police - with the help of
accomplices in the colonial force.
"The brothers had originally come to Hong Kong from Shanghai, and plunged into the heroin
trade which in the postwar colony was extensive and entangled with the police.

"The Mas expanded into restaurants and fishing and soon founded the Oriental Press Group
publishers, the parent company of the Oriental Daily News , which has been printing the
allegations about large donations to the Tories.

"It was in 1977, acting on a police tip, that Ma Sik-yu fled to Australia to evade drug-trafficking
charges in Hong Kong. In the same year, his brother Sik-chun was bailed on a heroin-trafficking
charge but sailed away in the dead of night to Taiwan, where he was joined by Sik-yu.

"In 1996 Ma lawyers approached the Hong Kong Government to discover if Sik-chun could
return to the colony. This was two years after the alleged Pounds 1 million donation to the
Tories and it was the Hong Kong authority's insistence that if Mr Ma returned he would face
arrest which resulted in the April 1997 demand, described in the Oriental Daily News, that the
Tories return the gift."



From “Game's up for drug brothers", South China Morning Post, August 25, 2002. Retrieved
from Factiva.

“Hongkong (Aug 26): The Narcotics Bureau yesterday smashed the largest drug syndicate ever
to operate in Hongkong and named two prominent businessmen as its alleged ringleaders.

One of them is Ma Sik-chun, who is the publisher of the Oriental Daily News. He is believed to
be in hiding in Hongkong. His brother, 44-year-old Ma Sik-yu, is known as "White Powder Ma"
or "Heroin Ma" among the Chiu Chow underworld and police believe he is in Taiwan.”




From "Was 'White Powder Ma' a secret agent?", South China Morning Post, January 10, 1993.
Retrieved from Factiva. (註:下文只有原文 25% 文字﹞
"Believed to be the biggest drug baron in the territory during the 1960s and early 1970s, Ma Sik-
yu, who died in Taiwan late last year a fugitive from Hongkong justice, may also have been an
agent for Taiwan and the US. Chris Dobson reports. [...]

“For more than 15 years the Narcotics Bureau tried to bring the man who was perhaps
Hongkong's greatest heroin baron to justice. That battle ended on November 16 last year, when
he died of heart and kidney failure in Taiwan. But Ma left behind a mystery: was he an agent for
the United States and Taiwan, passing on intelligence about China?

“According to a number of reports, former US president Mr Ronald Reagan sent a letter of
condolence to Ma and his younger brother, Ma Sik-chun, on the death of their mother early last

“The same sources said outgoing US President and former ambassador to Beijing Mr George
Bush also sent a letter of condolence, as did representatives of the British and Australian
governments. Mr Bush was also head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the late 1970s.

“The brothers' contacts in the Golden Triangle, an area covering parts of Thailand, Burma and
Laos, would almost certainly have had access to intelligence about the military and political
situation in Indochina and southern China at the height of the Vietnam War and the Cultural
Revolution. [...]

“Ma Sik-yu, a contemporary of Limpy Ho [Ng Sik-ho], was believed to have been the largest
importer of morphine and opium from the Golden Triangle to Hongkong in the late 1960s
and early 1970s and to have amassed a multi-million-dollar empire in the process. […]

“Ma's group was considered by underworld figures to be more powerful than Limpy Ho's, which
was estimated at 1,000-strong. [..]
“A number of narcotics officers believe he "retired" from the drug trade some years ago, but
Superintendent Braithwaite suspected he kept his underworld links and could have used
them over the last 15 years as Taiwan became an increasing important hub in international

“In The Politics of Heroin, McCoy cites an article in the now defunct Hongkong Star newspaper
based on US Drug Enforcement Administration sources which claimed Ma Sik-yu "was deeply
involved with a network that spied on China for Taiwan".

“The article claimed the "spy network" was active in both Hongkong and the Golden Triangle
and the information was dispatched to Taipei.

“McCoy writes: 'Most important to their ability to avoid prolonged imprisonment was the Ma
brothers' alleged involvement with the Taiwan intelligence operations against the People's
Republic of China.'


“Limpy Ho appeared as a crown witness in the trial of those accused with Ma Sik-chun." [...]
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週一, 2007-10-15 11:38 — hevangel
// 難得小弟第二次5分予 h evangel 君的貼文!//
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週一, 2007-10-15 18:12 — Trunks
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週一, 2007-10-15 18:50 — J S Bach
(舊) 報評會煽情誇張構陷東方報業集團
2001-10-21 太陽報
《社論》 報評會煽情誇張構陷東方報業集團
會臉上貼金,然後指出報業經常互相控告,所以報評會須擁有免被 起訴權。他引出報業互
似乎製造一個錯誤印象,全香港只有《東方日報》控 告同業,而其他報業沒有興起訴訟。
中包括報評會現有成員的互相打官司,陳文敏沒有引出其他報 業興訟的例子,表明了他存有私
歉更正,「東方」為了維護公義、維護應有尊嚴,才無可奈何 地循法律途徑尋求公道。「人不犯
手任由凌辱?興訟是無可奈何的一 種自衛方式,絕對不是欺壓別人的手段。陳文敏只列舉「東
心是何等 奸詐!
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週二, 2007-10-16 06:22 — Trunks
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週二, 2007-10-16 23:43 — J S Bach
"The Dragon Syndicates"
經過逐字核對,TheOne88﹝及上面有人提到的中文維基相關主題) 的原文 (根據 hevangel 轉貼的
Booth, Martin (2000). The Dragon Syndicates: The Global Phenomenon of the Triads. NY:
Carroll & Graf. 2000.
Martin Booth (1944-2004) ( 曾居於香港多年,寫過多本
Cannabis : a history (2003)
The dragon syndicates : the global phenomenon of the triads(2000)
Opium, a history (1996)
The Triads: The Chinese Criminal Fraternity (1990)
The Dragon Syndicates 這本書除了對三合會的經營手法有詳細的描述外,還提供很多毒品與國
"Air America was an airline operated by the Central Intellignece Agency (CIA), which had been
covertly working with Hmong guerrillas in Laos since 1959, monitoring the Laotian Communist
Party and fighting Communist Pather Lao forces. In order to retain Hmong loyalty and keep their
leader, General Vang Pao, on side, the CIA transported Hmong opium, which was used by the
guerrillas to raise finance. Air America, Continental Air Service (CAS) and Lao Developlment
Air Service flew narcotics from jungle airstrips to Long Tieng and Vientiane, from where it
was freighted to Saigon in Vietnamese or American military aircraft, thence to Hong Kong on
commercial or American government flights for distribution into the international marketplace by
way of Hong Kong traffickers. The hypocrisy of the CIA's political utilization of narcotics played
right into the hands of the Triads, who obtained a substantial percentage of their supplies with
the tacit, if clandestine, assistance of the US government." (p.177)
上面南華早報1993年報導提出的問題, 該書有詳細解答。( 2007-10-22: 後來才知道,
參考資料方面,除了刊物外,作者稱引用了廿多個新聞和廣播來源。關於 The Dragon
Syndicates 這本書,以下是一些書評節錄:
"The best chapters of the book focus on Hong Kong, where a network of criminal syndicates,
held together by blood oaths, patronage, and avarice, has long dominated vice, gambling, and
prostitution and engages in extortion, racketeering, kidnapping, counterfeiting, and smuggling.
The historical chapters are less convincing. Booth sweeps a large variety of secret societies
into his catchall category of the Triads and reduces modern Chinese history to a vast and
convoluted criminal conspiracy. Nevertheless, the cast of bizarre characters, the often-gory
details of Triad crimes, and the intersection of the criminal and political worlds make for
fascinating reading. For larger public and academic libraries."
(Steven L Levine, Univ. of Montana, Missoula. Library Journal. New York: Sep 15, 2000. Vol.
125, Iss. 15; pg. 96)
"Booth also documents the Triads' infiltration of the business and social mainstream and
their current exploitation of the Hong Kong film industry. He deserves commendation for
addressing this risky subject (these groups are not above murdering journalists) and for
shredding the Triads' centuries-strong web of ritual and patriotism." (Mark Rotella, Charlotte
Abbott, Sarah F Gold. Publishers Weekly. New York: Jun 26, 2000. Vol. 247, Iss. 26; pg. 59)
"Booth outlines, in a readable fashion, the emergence of triads in Chinese communities in
Southeast Asia, Europe and North America. "For the last three centuries, wherever the Chinese
have emigrated they have taken their secret brotherhoods," Booth writes. He goes on to say
that triads pose the greatest potential criminal threat the world has ever known. That, at least
in part, is due to a nexus of patriotism, politics and organized crime that has existed in Chinese
societies for centuries.
"Chinese Nationalists still claim the Tiandihui as part of their heritage, which is nothing more
than an unfortunate misinterpretation of history. But to see the same gangs of petty criminals as
a threat to the established world order, as Booth does, clearly overestimates their importance.
Murray's book is by far the most scholarly of the two but, nevertheless, Booth's study is also
important; both books do much to demystify the triads. " (Bertil Lintner. Far Eastern Economic
Review. Hong Kong: Sep 16, 1999. Vol. 162, Iss. 37; pg. 50)
"Booth is too ambitious in his attempt to present the phenomenon of Chinese Triads throughout
some 3000 years of Chinese history He is not a historian of China, and his indiscriminate
reliance on haphazardly gathered English-language secondary sources makes for a rambling,
slapdash historical narrative. His inability to distinguish between legend, myth, and documented
history often lands him in a trap set by the very organizations he describes, who veil their shady
dealings in stories of patriotic origins, heroic traditions, moral righteousness, and past glory.
With this shaky historical evidence, Booth attempts to present the Triads as a worldwide cultural
phenomenon. "For centuries they have been an integral and unequivocally inseparable part
of Chinese society," he maintains. "No matter where these migrants have established their
communities, Triad societies have set themselves up." He wants us to believe that Chinese
criminal activities are bound to increase with a rising Chinese presence in our midst, for
wherever there are Triads there is crime.
"Booth fails to point out that criminal organizations such as the Triads can exist only with the
tacit agreement of law enforcement. [...] Booth should know that ordinary people submit to Triad
protection only when no protection by official representatives of law and order is available to
them-which is often the case when a government benefits from the activities of the Triads. [...]
Despite these examples, in the end Booth still blames the success of the Triads on their victims-
the Chinese who are not willing to report on the crime in their midst, as though their silence:
were a culturally conditioned ploy and a clever justification for inaction. This attitude is enforced
by Booth's heavy and injudicious reliance on police sources (and most likely by the fact that
Booth's father was once Royal Hong Kong Police Chief Inspector). It also smacks of racism.
Although Booth himself suggests that the authorities could eliminate organized crime if they=
wanted to (his father's appointment is the featured case in point), Ise ultimately does not expand
on this idea. It would inevitably make him into a critic of his father's colonial administration, and
deny him the punch line of his main thesis that there is rio end to the propagation of Chinese-
controlled crime. "
(Dusanka Miscevic, Peter Kwong. The Village Voice. New York: Aug 29, 2000. Vol. 45, Iss. 34;
pg. 65)
"This book is part treatise, part true-crime adventure story. It is a fine read for believers in
conspiracy theory while providing an intriguing insight into the historical genesis of the triads.
Mr. Booth traces their origins back to the secret societies of 1,000 B.C., when peasants at the
mercy of corrupt, venal mandarins banded together to form "self-help" groups. Some of these
societies developed a quasi-political status, becoming makers and breakers of emperors.
"If Mr. Booth is taken with some picturesque elements of triad ritual, he is uncompromisingly
and rightly bleak about their crimes. Reinforced by horrific photographs of mutilated limbs and
a dead kidnapping victim, he catalogs in relentless detail recent brutal triad rackets in extortion,
abduction, drug-smuggling, prostitution and the shipping of illegal emigrants. He describes
vividly how the triads operate in Hong Kong, suggesting that even some of the building
contractors for the new international airport at Chek Lap Kok had to pay protection money -- a
charge the airport management would strongly deny.
"Mr. Booth plunges the reader into a world of discreet back-street shops and tiny musty
tenement rooms in Hong Kong's Kowloon area, with look-outs posted on the sidewalk.
His descriptions of everything from the mechanics of drug-trafficking to the production and
marketing of counterfeit watches and software are entirely convincing.
"But Mr. Booth is less concerned with current and conventional triad crime than with the global
threat he sees coming. "The Dragon Syndicates" is above all his passionate warning against
complacency. In China the move to a market economy is providing fertile ground for corruption
and crime. In 1986 some 100,000 people were involved in organized crime; today the figure
is more like 1.5 million, according to the author. He argues that a new alliance between triads
and criminal rings of the former Soviet empire is most worrying of all. They may soon have the
capability to develop "logic bombs" -- encrypted algorithms that prevent organizations from
accessing their computer systems.
"The argument is plausible but, inevitably with a subject like this, unverifiable. [...]
(Diana Preston. Wall Street Journal. (Eastern edition). New York, N.Y.: Aug 4, 2000. pg. W.7)
聯性。然而Booth有關三合會起源的解釋卻是相當可疑 的(或甚至是謬誤)。同時,他未能
見解時,以變更措辭 (rephrase)的方式來消化這些觀點,而不是以正規引述的途徑來紀錄
該等見解的出處。上述三點都是本書的缺陷。」(黃華倫,香港社會科學學 報,2003年第26期)
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週三, 2007-10-17 01:11 — J S Bach


TheOne88 的原文,應是節錄自中文維基相關主題的內容,該些內容現在已不見,或遭刪除。


的聲譽 ( 參考《香港經濟日報》,"《東方》告《壹週刊》誹謗案上訴", 2002-03-22 )。

不過,TheOne88 的文字指涉的是三十多年前的事,正常的讀者應不會把它與今天已成為"本港第

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週四, 2007-10-18 11:03 — 阿藹
言論自由當然不是大過天, 所有在公共空間的言論, 都可能招至誹謗等控罪.
對事情不了解, 就簡單以民粹主義的棍子打下去, 與 donald 把文革視為民主惡果二曲同終.
若有細讀 Uwant 的原文, 和了解香港社會的歷史, 不可能說東方所提的誹謗罪合理. 誹謗罪作為民
事, 以大欺小的運作方法, 已是 common sense 了, 卻換來一頂帽子. 可笑.
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週六, 2009-03-07 00:48 — liuchoi
下面講左D乜野, 自己參透下啦
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  • 1. 抗議東方報業打壓言論自由﹐呼籲網民齊貼事實 週五, 2007-10-12 03:39 — hevangel 在資訊自由流通的網絡﹐有一個被戲稱為Streisand Effect的現象。若果有人企圖用借用法律途徑﹐發 出律師信或控告誹謗﹐阻止網民說出事實的真相。這個真相很快就會從不同的渠道﹐在極短的時間內 廣為重貼發放出去。 東方報業上星期控告Uwants論壇誹謗﹐並要求論壇交出張貼文章者的個人資料。 此等惡勢力利 用其龐大資金濫用司法制度﹐大興文字獄禁止網民的言論自由﹐用卑鄙手段抹黑掩飾事實真相。本 著公義和良知﹐請大家站起來捍衛真相﹐說出事實的權利﹐向惡勢力說不﹐把白粉報的惡行傳播開去。 也許香港所並不是欠缺言論自由﹐也不是欠缺法律保障基本人權﹐而是久欠像美國ACLU的 組織。以 捍衛公民權利﹐保障言論自由為己任。能夠跨越黨派動員選民﹐發揮政治上的影響力﹐亦能為被大財團 恐嚇收聲的小市民﹐提供財政和法律援助。正因如此 ﹐大財團才有機會濫用司法手段﹐用高昂的法律 訴訟費用﹐阻嚇小市民說出真相﹐達到禁若寒蟬言論審查的效果。香港應該要設有反濫用誹謗的法例﹐ 若誹謗的原訴人敗訴﹐除了要賠償被告律師費和堂費外﹐還要向被告付出的精神和時間作出巨額懲罰 性賠償。 伸延閱讀﹕ ( ) 明報:《東方報業控Uwants討論區誹謗 促交出「TheOne88」用戶個人資料》 明報:《倘證言論誹謗 網民可被追究》 TheOne88的原post轉貼 香港網絡大典:《東方報業控告Uwants誹謗》 高登討論:( )、( ) 集團相關資訊:雅虎香港上的公司資料、港澳台及海外華文傳媒名錄 《法周刊》的誹謗新聞剪報,可見該報告人誹謗案例中的的冰山一角 葉蔭聰:《香港1978》 一世一香港討論區上的資料 以下是TheOne88在Uwants論壇的原文轉貼 東方報業集團 1970年代香港有三大潮州幫海洛因大亨,分別是綽號「白粉馬」的馬惜如、他弟弟「金馬」馬惜 珍,以及綽號「跛豪」的吳錫豪。 馬惜珍在香港,負責收白粉、洗黑錢,再把賺來的錢投資在 一般貿易公司, 1969年,他又創辦「東方報業集團」,旗下主要報紙即是極力親台的中文東方日 報,後來發展成為全港第一大報。報紙除了用作洗黑錢外, 又作毒品消息通傳. 到了1978年,香 港警方得到美國緝毒局、國際刑警組織以中央情報局的協助逮捕馬惜珍,罪名是「經營香港殖民地
  • 2. 前所未有的最大販毒組合」。可是,挺神祕 的,他們統統得到交保候傳的裁決。1978年07月, 馬惜珍儘管護照已遭扣押,也持續受到警方嚴密監視,卻能逃離香港到台北。他倆到了台灣之 後,當局以 「持用假文件非法入境」為由予以逮捕,判處一年有期徒刑。其實這只是形式。 馬 惜珍從1978年起就定居台灣,運用洗錢過的犯罪所得開了好幾家合法公司。馬惜珍的合法事業, 在香港和全世界繼續發達。這些事業包括在歐洲、北美洲和澳 洲的商業不動產;根據《星期日 泰晤士報》一位調查記者的報導,他們在英國的財產極多,在倫敦市中心金融區和西敏區擁有 一整排的辦公大樓。東方報業集團是他 們事業成就最顯著的一個實例。現在這是遠東最大的報 業集團之一,由馬惜珍的兒子馬承坤主持。馬承坤躋身香港最有錢的富豪行列,影響力極大。 ● 專欄文章 ● 文字 ● 媒體 ● 政治 ● 歷史 ● 知識 ● 網路 ● 哲子戲 ● 如果想要發表回應,請先登入 或 註冊。 ● 回應 週五, 2007-10-12 12:54 — Franklen 連結 文章部份連結搞亂了,應是: [呼籲]向惡勢力說不,網民齊貼事實 (小狼) Oriental Daily Sues Uwants For Information on Internet User 'TheOne88' (EastSouthWestNorth) ● 如果想要發表回應,請先登入 或 註冊。
  • 3. 週五, 2007-10-12 14:02 — Franklen (轉貼) 由揸筆者監察傳媒 「須修改誹謗法例 大家心知肚明,某報自恃財雄勢大,對所有批評者都採取有道理又告無道理又告的策略,令到其 他媒介避之則吉。大家怕事,就造就了無觀點但夠惡毒的小文棍作 惡。[...] 筆者多年來要求的, 是修改誹謗法例,規定所有批評媒介報章的言論都是公眾利益所在,只准報章回應,不准告人誹 謗,就讓正義與邪惡的揸筆者自由地戰個你死我 活吧!」 引自 王岸然, 「由揸筆者監察傳媒」, 《蘋果日報》, 2002年11月11日。 ● 如果想要發表回應,請先登入 或 註冊。 週五, 2007-10-12 19:03 — 94 無恥 白粉報無恥! wikipedia 中白粉報賣白粉的描述曾一度被刪除 ● 如果想要發表回應,請先登入 或 註冊。 週六, 2007-10-13 12:40 — jane tse 言論自由 言論自由是普世價值,當然沒有人甘願放棄。可是,言論自由不正當的處理,的確可以用來故意 誹謗他人。假如言論之內容有理據,是事實,就不會構成誹謗。 對於指責東方報頁的指控,沒有興趣去深究,但很希望藉此機會去探討一下言論自由的真正意 義。因為,很多港人都不求甚解,將言論自由與民主舉得比天高,不准任何人作挑戰。這都不利 於民主與自由的健康發展。 不經得起挑戰的知識與文化都是死的,棄之不可惜。個人、家庭、社會、文化、知識、科技、經 濟、政治,任何存在於人類文明的事物與現象都跟人類一樣,有其生命。亦如人類一樣,成長與 衰老,不能更新,最終祇有死亡。 假如馬惜珍在香港未經起訴已潛逃台灣,文中所指出的他『在香港,負責收白粉、洗黑錢, 再把賺來的錢投資在一般貿易公司, 1969年,他又創辦「東方報業集團」,旗下主要報紙即 是極力親台的中文東方日報,後來發展成為全港第一大報。報紙除了用作洗黑錢外, 又作毒 品消息通傳.』;『運用洗錢過的犯罪所得開了好幾家合法公司。』等,的確可以構成誹謗。 不理馬氏等人有沒有犯過此等罪,未經法庭審訊及裁決,都不能理所當然的當某人犯罪。再 者,犯人亦有權在法院裁決後作出上訴。據網上及剪報資料顯示,馬氏案件除了擔保出外候 審,審判程序是應該是未開始。將一些初步起訴用的指控作事實地在網上流存,實是誹謗。 其實我們又有沒有問作者的動機。假如我們容許這種未審已判罪的情況存在,以防礙 言論自由對東方報業循法律途徑申訴的做法,嚴重抵觸了民主社會的公平與法治精神。
  • 4. 販賣毒品、洗黑錢是嚴重的罪行,當然要加以譴責。可是,民主社會的法治、人權、自由卻不應 因階級的不同,沒有標準地去處理。動不動說人家以大欺小、 官商勾結、政府欺壓人民、以民主 不民主來掩飾自己的過失或不足,是不思進取,不求甚解。這祇是膚淺的民粹主義,並不是大家 想追求的民主。對社會發展與知識 的建構完全沒有好處。 ● 如果想要發表回應,請先登入 或 註冊。 週六, 2007-10-13 14:09 — Franklen 維基百科 今早核對資料時,發現TheOne88的原post, 與中文維基百科 「 ( )」條目的內容如出一 轍。TheOne88所貼的東西,應該在互聯網上流傳了很久。 剛才再上中文維基,發現「東方日報(香港)」的條目已經不見 (Google 的頁庫存檔), 只有「東方報業集團」,內容、寫法亦不同,沒有關於馬氏兄弟及報紙用途的一大段。 不過,在「東方報業集團」的條目下,中文維基的作者這樣寫道: 「在案件中涉嫌誹謗的言論﹐仍是記述東方報業創辦人馬惜珍於1987年涉嫌販賣毒品﹐及其後棄保 潛逃至台灣的歷史事實。」(下載於2007年10月13日14:00) 另外,英文維基與中文維基相關段落的分別: 「1970年代,集團創辦人馬惜珍因販毒及身為福義興成員被捕,後棄保潛逃往台灣,目前仍被香 港通輯。」(下載於2007年10月13日14:00) "The founder of the newspaper was accused of committing heroin trades and series of corruptions in 70s by Hong Kong government, earning him the moniker 'White Powder'. He fled to Taiwan and never returned to Hong Kong" (Retreived from the WWW, 2007.10.13). ● 如果想要發表回應,請先登入 或 註冊。 週六, 2007-10-13 15:42 — 麥當勞 容我講下古(1) 容我講下古。 終審法院99年係考慮無證兒童案時,其中一個重點係無證兒童在來港時,並沒有干犯偷渡罪, 只是香港訂立了一條有追溯力的法律(即97年7月7日的立法),令他們被追溯為干犯了偷渡 罪。無證兒童的代集主張,此立法令他們被追溯為犯罪,係侵犯人權,所以此立法應被廢除。 政府提出永不起訴此批無證兒童,所以這些無證兒童的人權就沒有被侵犯。政府這個論點被法官
  • 5. 駁斥。原因大意如下: 政府提出永不起訴此批無證兒童,並不意味大眾不可以指稱他們干犯偷渡罪。但如果該立法被廢 除,即是指稱他們干犯偷渡罪的說法是誹謗,這是他們應得的 權利。係人權公約的語境下,一 個人若只因有追溯力的法律而成罪,只是不起訴是不足夠的,他必需在法律及政府面對被視為無 罪,使他們的其他合法權利得以伸張 (例如起訴別人誹謗)。 下一次我講下鄭謝案: 為了公眾評論而有理據地中傷別人,不是誹謗 (其實東方日報都係鄭謝案的直接受害者,佢地應該好明白,法官係唔可能接納 Uwants 內容係 誹謗) ● 如果想要發表回應,請先登入 或 註冊。 週日, 2007-10-14 06:14 — Trunks 好! 難得小弟第二次5分予 h evangel 君的貼文! 我一直就認為東方報及其附庸太陽報早應被查禁。 ● 如果想要發表回應,請先登入 或 註冊。 週一, 2007-10-15 05:54 — J S Bach (舊)海外及本地傳媒報導 BBC 、獨立報、紐約時報 1998年 的報導 The Independent: Senior Tories `made a deal' with Chinese heroin trafficker BBC news: Hague will hand back foreign money BBC:Drug case fugitive 'gave ?1m to Tories' New York Times: Hong Kong Donor to Tories Now Wants $1.7 Million Returned BBC 的報導這樣寫到: "Ma Sik-chun fled to Taiwan after being charged in connection with one of Asia's largest drug- trafficking operations. A year earlier, in 1977, his brother Ma Sik-yu - known in Hong Kong as "White Powder Ma" - took the same route after being tipped off that the police were about to arrest him on similar charges" (1998- 1- 20) 獨立報的報導沒有提到 "Ma Sik-yu"的名字。指控雖因明顯原因未經法庭證明,但獨立報卻毫不含
  • 6. 糊地指"Ma Sik-chun" 是 "the heroin smuggler" (1998-1-21). 另外,中央通訊社於該數天的報導,有以下標題 (慧科搜索): ● ● 英國工黨試圖迫使保守黨退還不法獻金 1998-01-23 ● ● 英保守黨領袖赫格保證退還任何不法獻金 1998-01-21 ● ● 英媒體報導保守黨接受香港毒販政治獻金 1998-01-21 ● ● 彭定康否認擔任毒梟對保守黨政治獻金中間人 1998-01-21 ● ● 傳港督彭定康曾要求東方日報創辦「東快訊」 1998-01-20 ● ● 彭定康否認東方日報有關他的報導 1998-01-20 ● ● 傳保守黨曾收取香港東方日報龐大捐款 1998-01-19 ● 當時東方日報的社論和報導應該亦有提到有關事件﹝參考上面BBC的報導),可惜本人暫無法找到 有關文字。 --------------------- 倫敦泰晤士報 1998年 的報導 ﹝註:有關指控,雖因明顯原因未經法庭證明,但英國的報章似乎已有判斷。﹞ From Jonathan Mirsky, "Family wealth has origins in drugs trade", The London Times, January 21, 1998. Retrieved from Newsbank. "THE Ma family has become enormously rich from publishing and likes to be seen in the company of world statesmen. Mr Ma Ching-kwan, who until two years ago was chairman of the board of the family firm, lunched with John Major when he was Prime Minister. In 1994, during the launch of his English-language newspaper, Eastern Express, videos were shown on a vast screen of Ronald Reagan and George Bush wishing Mr Ma well. "But the origins of the family fortune are so deeply connected to international drug-dealing that Mr Ma's late uncle Ma Sik-yu, who died in 1991 on the run from the Hong Kong police, is still known as Ma Baifen, "white powder Ma". Mr Ma's father, Ma Sik-chun, still lives in exile in Taiwan, to which he fled in 1977, just ahead of the Hong Kong drugs police - with the help of accomplices in the colonial force.
  • 7. "The brothers had originally come to Hong Kong from Shanghai, and plunged into the heroin trade which in the postwar colony was extensive and entangled with the police. "The Mas expanded into restaurants and fishing and soon founded the Oriental Press Group publishers, the parent company of the Oriental Daily News , which has been printing the allegations about large donations to the Tories. "It was in 1977, acting on a police tip, that Ma Sik-yu fled to Australia to evade drug-trafficking charges in Hong Kong. In the same year, his brother Sik-chun was bailed on a heroin-trafficking charge but sailed away in the dead of night to Taiwan, where he was joined by Sik-yu. "In 1996 Ma lawyers approached the Hong Kong Government to discover if Sik-chun could return to the colony. This was two years after the alleged Pounds 1 million donation to the Tories and it was the Hong Kong authority's insistence that if Mr Ma returned he would face arrest which resulted in the April 1997 demand, described in the Oriental Daily News, that the Tories return the gift." ------------------- 兩篇耐人尋味的本地舊報導 (1) From “Game's up for drug brothers", South China Morning Post, August 25, 2002. Retrieved from Factiva. “Hongkong (Aug 26): The Narcotics Bureau yesterday smashed the largest drug syndicate ever to operate in Hongkong and named two prominent businessmen as its alleged ringleaders. One of them is Ma Sik-chun, who is the publisher of the Oriental Daily News. He is believed to be in hiding in Hongkong. His brother, 44-year-old Ma Sik-yu, is known as "White Powder Ma" or "Heroin Ma" among the Chiu Chow underworld and police believe he is in Taiwan.” [...] ----------------------------------------------- (2) From "Was 'White Powder Ma' a secret agent?", South China Morning Post, January 10, 1993. Retrieved from Factiva. (註:下文只有原文 25% 文字﹞
  • 8. "Believed to be the biggest drug baron in the territory during the 1960s and early 1970s, Ma Sik- yu, who died in Taiwan late last year a fugitive from Hongkong justice, may also have been an agent for Taiwan and the US. Chris Dobson reports. [...] “For more than 15 years the Narcotics Bureau tried to bring the man who was perhaps Hongkong's greatest heroin baron to justice. That battle ended on November 16 last year, when he died of heart and kidney failure in Taiwan. But Ma left behind a mystery: was he an agent for the United States and Taiwan, passing on intelligence about China? “According to a number of reports, former US president Mr Ronald Reagan sent a letter of condolence to Ma and his younger brother, Ma Sik-chun, on the death of their mother early last year. “The same sources said outgoing US President and former ambassador to Beijing Mr George Bush also sent a letter of condolence, as did representatives of the British and Australian governments. Mr Bush was also head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the late 1970s. “The brothers' contacts in the Golden Triangle, an area covering parts of Thailand, Burma and Laos, would almost certainly have had access to intelligence about the military and political situation in Indochina and southern China at the height of the Vietnam War and the Cultural Revolution. [...] “Ma Sik-yu, a contemporary of Limpy Ho [Ng Sik-ho], was believed to have been the largest importer of morphine and opium from the Golden Triangle to Hongkong in the late 1960s and early 1970s and to have amassed a multi-million-dollar empire in the process. […] “Ma's group was considered by underworld figures to be more powerful than Limpy Ho's, which was estimated at 1,000-strong. [..]
  • 9. “A number of narcotics officers believe he "retired" from the drug trade some years ago, but Superintendent Braithwaite suspected he kept his underworld links and could have used them over the last 15 years as Taiwan became an increasing important hub in international trafficking.[…] “In The Politics of Heroin, McCoy cites an article in the now defunct Hongkong Star newspaper based on US Drug Enforcement Administration sources which claimed Ma Sik-yu "was deeply involved with a network that spied on China for Taiwan". “The article claimed the "spy network" was active in both Hongkong and the Golden Triangle and the information was dispatched to Taipei. “McCoy writes: 'Most important to their ability to avoid prolonged imprisonment was the Ma brothers' alleged involvement with the Taiwan intelligence operations against the People's Republic of China.' [...] “Limpy Ho appeared as a crown witness in the trial of those accused with Ma Sik-chun." [...] ● 如果想要發表回應,請先登入 或 註冊。 週一, 2007-10-15 11:38 — hevangel 五分 // 難得小弟第二次5分予 h evangel 君的貼文!// 好奇一問﹐第一次是那篇貼文﹖ ● 如果想要發表回應,請先登入 或 註冊。 週一, 2007-10-15 18:12 — Trunks hevangel 考試一文: ● 如果想要發表回應,請先登入 或 註冊。 週一, 2007-10-15 18:50 — J S Bach (舊) 報評會煽情誇張構陷東方報業集團 (轉貼)
  • 10. 2001-10-21 太陽報 《社論》 報評會煽情誇張構陷東方報業集團 狐狸露出尾巴,魔鬼露出猙獰面目,香港報業評議會也露出其狼子野心,不斷自我擴權,極力爭 取豁免被起訴權,其主要目的,不但要為特區政府箝制新聞自由,更要對付一向為公義而戰的 「東方報業集團」。 這條狐狸尾巴、魔鬼面目是由報評會執委陳文敏赤裸裸地宣示人前。 昨日一個《應否成立法定報業評議會》研討會上,主持人陳文敏在開場白中砌詞一番為報評 會臉上貼金,然後指出報業經常互相控告,所以報評會須擁有免被 起訴權。他引出報業互 控的例子全是衝著《東方日報》,包括告《新報》、告《天天日報》、告《明報》等,他 似乎製造一個錯誤印象,全香港只有《東方日報》控 告同業,而其他報業沒有興起訴訟。 含血噴人虛構罪名 我們有兩點必須澄清,第一,香港並非只有《東方日報》向同業興訟,其他報業也互有控告,當 中包括報評會現有成員的互相打官司,陳文敏沒有引出其他報 業興訟的例子,表明了他存有私 心,是有的放矢,想抹黑和醜化「東方」,讓大眾誤以為「東方」喜愛撩是鬥非,陳文敏用心何 其陰險! 第二,「東方」每次興訟,都是處於被動,因為被誣衊、誹謗、陷害或侵犯版權,而對方不肯道 歉更正,「東方」為了維護公義、維護應有尊嚴,才無可奈何 地循法律途徑尋求公道。「人不犯 我」,「東方」又怎會花費大量訴訟費打官司?當別人一再公然挑釁、一再迫害,我們又怎能垂 手任由凌辱?興訟是無可奈何的一 種自衛方式,絕對不是欺壓別人的手段。陳文敏只列舉「東 方」興訟的例子,而不敢說明興訟的理由,目的是要扣上「東方」一頂「欺壓同業」的帽子,用 心是何等 奸詐! [...] ● 如果想要發表回應,請先登入 或 註冊。 週二, 2007-10-16 06:22 — Trunks 問:巴赫先生 「更要對付一向為公義而戰的『東方報業集團』。」 噢?果真如此「一向為公義而戰」乎? 弟願聞其詳! ● 如果想要發表回應,請先登入 或 註冊。 週二, 2007-10-16 23:43 — J S Bach "The Dragon Syndicates" 經過逐字核對,TheOne88﹝及上面有人提到的中文維基相關主題) 的原文 (根據 hevangel 轉貼的 內容﹞,應該幾乎是完全譯自 Booth, Martin (2000). The Dragon Syndicates: The Global Phenomenon of the Triads. NY: Carroll & Graf. 2000. 這本英文書的第175-182頁。暫時未能找到出處的,只有該段的第三句,即「報紙除了.......通 傳。」這一句。
  • 11. Martin Booth (1944-2004) ( 曾居於香港多年,寫過多本 小說和關於中國三合會和毒品問題的著作,與國際禁毒機構有接觸。他的部份著作包括: Cannabis : a history (2003) The dragon syndicates : the global phenomenon of the triads(2000) Opium, a history (1996) The Triads: The Chinese Criminal Fraternity (1990) The Dragon Syndicates 這本書除了對三合會的經營手法有詳細的描述外,還提供很多毒品與國 際政治和軍事關係的資料。例如以下是關於美國政府如何扶助亞洲區的毒品貿易: "Air America was an airline operated by the Central Intellignece Agency (CIA), which had been covertly working with Hmong guerrillas in Laos since 1959, monitoring the Laotian Communist Party and fighting Communist Pather Lao forces. In order to retain Hmong loyalty and keep their leader, General Vang Pao, on side, the CIA transported Hmong opium, which was used by the guerrillas to raise finance. Air America, Continental Air Service (CAS) and Lao Developlment Air Service flew narcotics from jungle airstrips to Long Tieng and Vientiane, from where it was freighted to Saigon in Vietnamese or American military aircraft, thence to Hong Kong on commercial or American government flights for distribution into the international marketplace by way of Hong Kong traffickers. The hypocrisy of the CIA's political utilization of narcotics played right into the hands of the Triads, who obtained a substantial percentage of their supplies with the tacit, if clandestine, assistance of the US government." (p.177) 上面南華早報1993年報導提出的問題, 該書有詳細解答。( 2007-10-22: 後來才知道, 台灣時報出版較早時已出版了本書的中譯本,名為《黑社會之華人幫會縱橫史》。) 參考資料方面,除了刊物外,作者稱引用了廿多個新聞和廣播來源。關於 The Dragon Syndicates 這本書,以下是一些書評節錄: (1) "The best chapters of the book focus on Hong Kong, where a network of criminal syndicates, held together by blood oaths, patronage, and avarice, has long dominated vice, gambling, and prostitution and engages in extortion, racketeering, kidnapping, counterfeiting, and smuggling. The historical chapters are less convincing. Booth sweeps a large variety of secret societies into his catchall category of the Triads and reduces modern Chinese history to a vast and convoluted criminal conspiracy. Nevertheless, the cast of bizarre characters, the often-gory details of Triad crimes, and the intersection of the criminal and political worlds make for fascinating reading. For larger public and academic libraries." (Steven L Levine, Univ. of Montana, Missoula. Library Journal. New York: Sep 15, 2000. Vol. 125, Iss. 15; pg. 96) (2) "Booth also documents the Triads' infiltration of the business and social mainstream and their current exploitation of the Hong Kong film industry. He deserves commendation for addressing this risky subject (these groups are not above murdering journalists) and for shredding the Triads' centuries-strong web of ritual and patriotism." (Mark Rotella, Charlotte Abbott, Sarah F Gold. Publishers Weekly. New York: Jun 26, 2000. Vol. 247, Iss. 26; pg. 59) (3) "Booth outlines, in a readable fashion, the emergence of triads in Chinese communities in Southeast Asia, Europe and North America. "For the last three centuries, wherever the Chinese have emigrated they have taken their secret brotherhoods," Booth writes. He goes on to say
  • 12. that triads pose the greatest potential criminal threat the world has ever known. That, at least in part, is due to a nexus of patriotism, politics and organized crime that has existed in Chinese societies for centuries. [...] "Chinese Nationalists still claim the Tiandihui as part of their heritage, which is nothing more than an unfortunate misinterpretation of history. But to see the same gangs of petty criminals as a threat to the established world order, as Booth does, clearly overestimates their importance. Murray's book is by far the most scholarly of the two but, nevertheless, Booth's study is also important; both books do much to demystify the triads. " (Bertil Lintner. Far Eastern Economic Review. Hong Kong: Sep 16, 1999. Vol. 162, Iss. 37; pg. 50) (4) "Booth is too ambitious in his attempt to present the phenomenon of Chinese Triads throughout some 3000 years of Chinese history He is not a historian of China, and his indiscriminate reliance on haphazardly gathered English-language secondary sources makes for a rambling, slapdash historical narrative. His inability to distinguish between legend, myth, and documented history often lands him in a trap set by the very organizations he describes, who veil their shady dealings in stories of patriotic origins, heroic traditions, moral righteousness, and past glory. With this shaky historical evidence, Booth attempts to present the Triads as a worldwide cultural phenomenon. "For centuries they have been an integral and unequivocally inseparable part of Chinese society," he maintains. "No matter where these migrants have established their communities, Triad societies have set themselves up." He wants us to believe that Chinese criminal activities are bound to increase with a rising Chinese presence in our midst, for wherever there are Triads there is crime. "Booth fails to point out that criminal organizations such as the Triads can exist only with the tacit agreement of law enforcement. [...] Booth should know that ordinary people submit to Triad protection only when no protection by official representatives of law and order is available to them-which is often the case when a government benefits from the activities of the Triads. [...] Despite these examples, in the end Booth still blames the success of the Triads on their victims- the Chinese who are not willing to report on the crime in their midst, as though their silence: were a culturally conditioned ploy and a clever justification for inaction. This attitude is enforced by Booth's heavy and injudicious reliance on police sources (and most likely by the fact that Booth's father was once Royal Hong Kong Police Chief Inspector). It also smacks of racism. Although Booth himself suggests that the authorities could eliminate organized crime if they= wanted to (his father's appointment is the featured case in point), Ise ultimately does not expand on this idea. It would inevitably make him into a critic of his father's colonial administration, and deny him the punch line of his main thesis that there is rio end to the propagation of Chinese- controlled crime. " (Dusanka Miscevic, Peter Kwong. The Village Voice. New York: Aug 29, 2000. Vol. 45, Iss. 34; pg. 65) (5) "This book is part treatise, part true-crime adventure story. It is a fine read for believers in conspiracy theory while providing an intriguing insight into the historical genesis of the triads. Mr. Booth traces their origins back to the secret societies of 1,000 B.C., when peasants at the mercy of corrupt, venal mandarins banded together to form "self-help" groups. Some of these societies developed a quasi-political status, becoming makers and breakers of emperors. [...]
  • 13. "If Mr. Booth is taken with some picturesque elements of triad ritual, he is uncompromisingly and rightly bleak about their crimes. Reinforced by horrific photographs of mutilated limbs and a dead kidnapping victim, he catalogs in relentless detail recent brutal triad rackets in extortion, abduction, drug-smuggling, prostitution and the shipping of illegal emigrants. He describes vividly how the triads operate in Hong Kong, suggesting that even some of the building contractors for the new international airport at Chek Lap Kok had to pay protection money -- a charge the airport management would strongly deny. "Mr. Booth plunges the reader into a world of discreet back-street shops and tiny musty tenement rooms in Hong Kong's Kowloon area, with look-outs posted on the sidewalk. His descriptions of everything from the mechanics of drug-trafficking to the production and marketing of counterfeit watches and software are entirely convincing. "But Mr. Booth is less concerned with current and conventional triad crime than with the global threat he sees coming. "The Dragon Syndicates" is above all his passionate warning against complacency. In China the move to a market economy is providing fertile ground for corruption and crime. In 1986 some 100,000 people were involved in organized crime; today the figure is more like 1.5 million, according to the author. He argues that a new alliance between triads and criminal rings of the former Soviet empire is most worrying of all. They may soon have the capability to develop "logic bombs" -- encrypted algorithms that prevent organizations from accessing their computer systems. "The argument is plausible but, inevitably with a subject like this, unverifiable. [...] (Diana Preston. Wall Street Journal. (Eastern edition). New York, N.Y.: Aug 4, 2000. pg. W.7) (6) 「評者認為Booth的一項重大貢獻,就是在書中展現三合會在全球各地,所具有的獨特性及關 聯性。然而Booth有關三合會起源的解釋卻是相當可疑 的(或甚至是謬誤)。同時,他未能 清晰界定『三合會』這個概念的適用範圍。最後,Booth採用其他三合會專家所提出的一些 見解時,以變更措辭 (rephrase)的方式來消化這些觀點,而不是以正規引述的途徑來紀錄 該等見解的出處。上述三點都是本書的缺陷。」(黃華倫,香港社會科學學 報,2003年第26期) ● 如果想要發表回應,請先登入 或 註冊。 週三, 2007-10-17 01:11 — J S Bach 小結 找了這些資料,目的是為是次Uwants事件作一公正的評論。 根據本人搜集的資料和上面其他人提供的資料,以下是一些結論: TheOne88 的原文,應是節錄自中文維基相關主題的內容,該些內容現在已不見,或遭刪除。 這些文字和內容,均沒有註明資料來源。經本人核對後,發現絕大部份應是直譯自同一本書籍。 該書內容的可信性,參考上面的書評。 關於某兩人涉嫌販毒,曾經是轟動本港的大事;十多廿年後,香港和英美的權威傳媒仍有報導(英 國的政壇更以此做過話題),部份不但措詞毫不含糊地指有人就是毒販,而且報導的範圍更遠超此 點。
  • 14. 有關兩人販毒的指控,因兩人均先後逃至台灣,當然未經香港法庭證明。但不可能是該兩人入稟 控告誹謗。涉嫌誹謗的言論內容,應該不是關於據稱是兩人的事跡──這些"事跡",很多媒體或多 或少都有刊登過。 有人可能擔心舊事重提,讀者會以為報紙目前仍是由一名通緝犯在背後管理,影響公司 的聲譽 ( 參考《香港經濟日報》,"《東方》告《壹週刊》誹謗案上訴", 2002-03-22 )。 不過,TheOne88 的文字指涉的是三十多年前的事,正常的讀者應不會把它與今天已成為"本港第 一大報"的運作方式混淆。 (最後修訂於2007-10-22) 完。 ● 如果想要發表回應,請先登入 或 註冊。 週四, 2007-10-18 11:03 — 阿藹 ? 言論自由當然不是大過天, 所有在公共空間的言論, 都可能招至誹謗等控罪. 對事情不了解, 就簡單以民粹主義的棍子打下去, 與 donald 把文革視為民主惡果二曲同終. 若有細讀 Uwant 的原文, 和了解香港社會的歷史, 不可能說東方所提的誹謗罪合理. 誹謗罪作為民 事, 以大欺小的運作方法, 已是 common sense 了, 卻換來一頂帽子. 可笑. ● 如果想要發表回應,請先登入 或 註冊。 週六, 2009-03-07 00:48 — liuchoi 下面講左D乜野, 自己參透下啦 東方報業集團創辦人馬惜珍屢被誣陷 警方從未將馬氏兄弟送交法庭,高登判官卻私下判罪 旗下報章「東方日報」更被無理冠上「白粉報」之污名 尊貴企業形象因此受到重大損害 需知馬氏靠努力及拼搏,以血淚奮鬥,艱辛創辦此報業皇國 而旗下報章賣紙之多,全因內文詳盡中立,才備受社會各界人士推崇 偏偏有是非黑白不分之徒,聽信道途胡言,盲目妄加創辦人犯毒等中傷之言 如今東方報業為粉碎各方謠言及惡意中傷,採取法律行動,實是高登人咎由自取 我在此希望,是次起訴能還東方及馬氏一個清白,將生事高登人繩之於法 從此東方日報成為每家每戶必讀報章,則實屬港人之福 ● ● 如果想要發表回應,請先登入 或 註冊。