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Freelance Front End Developer
Atom is a new-ish editor for building websites and web
applications. It has a great online community and lots of
useful free packages.
For Mac OSX 10.8 and above. For Windows 8 and above.
open Atom
go to Preferences (Atom > Preferences), this will launch a
Settings tab.
select Install from the Settings left-hand nav
search for atom-beautify and install this
do the same for open-in-browser, white-cursor and
restart Atom
Git is software that you use to backup your files and track
changes when writing code.
It is distributed software, which means it works on multiple
computers, communicating with each other.
This type of software is called SCM (Software Configuration
Management/Source Control Management). It is also called
Version Control.
git (the program) takes a 'snapshot' of your files at a given
moment in time and stores a reference to this 'snapshot'
repository - a central location (folder) in which data -
typically about a project - is stored and managed
clone - download data from the cloud to your local
machine (laptop, computer, etc.)
commit - save a version of your project to git
GitHub is a web application (and desktop application) that
provides a GUI (graphical user interface) to use Git.
You use GitHub to make it easier to perform Git tasks on
your files - saving, tracking, merging, cloning (copying) etc.
GitHub is the market leader for Git applications. It is now
commonplace for any company that employs developers.
Makes it easy to manage git repositories
Stores files (similar to Dropbox or Google Drive), but
stores code files
Stores a history of files and the changes that happened to
each file
Hosts files on the cloud so you can share the finished
product with other people
Since GitHub stores a history of the code, it allows
developers to go back in time if something breaks.
GitHub allows multiple developers to work on the same
project (like Dropbox or GDocs, for code)
GitHub tracks changes so you can see who worked on
GitHub allows for feedback to be given on the code, which
hopefully, increases code quality. Much like an editor
updates a Word document using Track Changes, GitHub
allows a similar environment.
Throughout this class, you will use GitHub as a tool to
submit assignments and download files; GitHub will also be
used to assess and review your homework and provide
GitHub Video Explanation
Download the zip file from this URL and extract the files:
Mac: Just double-click on the zip to extract it
Win: Right-click on the zip file and choose 'Extract here'
Open the Getting_Started_With_GitHub.pdf in the intro-to-git
folder, in the extracted zip.
Let's start by making a new folder called 'FEWD' in the user
home directory.
Mac: /Users/<username>
Win: C:Users<username>
This is where we will put everything related to the FEWD
course. For the rest of the course I'll refer to this folder as
N.B If you can't find your user home directory then just
create the 'FEWD' folder on your Desktop.
For our first repository you will do the following, using the
GitHub desktop app:
Use the '+' button in the top-left of the app (Create tab)
Create a new repository called 'HelloWorld'.
Choose the [home]/FEWD folder for the local path
Open the hello_world folder in the downloaded intro-to-
git folder and copy the two files into your new HelloWorld
repository folder
Commit the changes and publish the repository to
Now clone (make a local copy) of a repository on GitHub.
Go to this URL on GitHub in your Chrome browser:
Click on the button with an arrow on a screen (located to
the left of DOWNLOAD ZIP button)
Allow the browser to launch GitHub Desktop
Navigate to [home]/FEWD folder in the pop-up and save
the ga-fewd-files cloned repo
Now open this ga-fewd-files folder in your text editor
Use the '+' button in the top-left of GitHub Desktop
(Create tab)
Create a new repository called 'FEWD_Week1'
Choose the [home]/FEWD folder for the local path
Open this repo folder in your editor
Commit the changes and publish the FEWD_Week1
repository to
Remember that you will do all your classwork and
homework in your weekly GitHub repository.
You create a new repository each week named in a
consistent way.
e.g. FEWD_Week1, FEWD_Week2, etc.
Each week you will be given a homework assignment. When
you have completed the assignment, you will commit the
files and folders to the weekly created repository:
You need to notify me when your homework is committed
so that I can add comments to your code and grade your
work each week.
When you are ready for me to review your assignments, do
the following:
Go to your weekly repo on e.g.
Open a new issue under the Issues Tab:
In the title field write (e.g): FEWD_Week1 Assignment
In the comment field write: @wmyers assignment
Now submit the issue[your-github-id]/FEWD_Week1[your-github-id]/FEWD_Week1/issues
I will submit feedback each week in two ways:
Comment on your code for each commit that you do for
the assignment, in your weekly repo
Grade your work and put the result in a new issue on your
weekly repo.
HTML Tags & CSS Selectors Review
Structure Reading w/ Understanding
External Style Sheets
Lab Time
creates structured documents from page 'parts'
is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of tags
elements either have opening and closing tags: <p></p>
or are 'empty', they have no closing tag: <img>
HTML tags can also have attributes which are properties
written inside the first (opening) tag:
<img src="smiley.gif">
The root container tag for the whole document (web page)
The container tag for metadata and links to external files
(e.g .css files)
Contains the visible structure and content of the web page,
nested inside
Heading Elements
<h1>Largest Heading</h1>
<h2>. . . </h2>
<h3>. . . </h3>
<h4>. . .</h4>
<h5>. . . </h5>
<h6>Smallest Heading</h6>
Text Elements
<p>This is a paragraph</p>
<code>This is some computer code</code>
<span>Non-semantic inline content</span>
Unordered list
This is a very commonly used tag for things like navigation
menus, or a displayed choice of items on an e-commerce
web page.
Unordered list item
<li>First item</li>
<li>Next item</li>
<a href="Link">First item</a>
To navigate to:
a different place on the current page
another local page
an external page in a different website
HTML5 is HTML with a few additions The Doctype tells you if
the page is HTML5 ready.
<!DOCTYPE html>
brings many improvements and new features to web
many features of HTML5 have been built to run on low-
powered devices such as smartphones and tablets
introduces the new <video>, <audio>and <canvas>
introduces many new structural document tags, e.g.
<main>, <section>, <article>, <header>,
<footer>, <aside>, <nav>and <figure>- these
are like <div>but with a semantic styleable name.
Copy the ga_press_release folder in the week1_working_files
folder (inside ga-fewd-files) into your FEWD_Week1 folder
(inside [home]/FEWD).
Commit and publish the files in GitHub Desktop.
We will add HTML tags to the different parts of content in
index.htmlin the ga_press_release folder.
This will show how are tags are used semantically for
different parts of text, to create a document structure.
Now that we have structured our HTML document for the
press release, we want to add some CSS styles to make it
look a bit better.
First we need to understand some CSS basics.
There is a little bit of CSS in the your HelloWorld repository
is a styling (stylesheet) language used for describing the
presentation of an HTML document
it separates document content from document
presentation, including control of layout, colors, and
it makes the page much easier to edit and update, and
improves accessibility
multiple HTML pages can share the same formatting by
writing the CSS in a separate .css file and linking to it from
your HTML page
Where does CSS go?
Inline with the styleattribute
<h1 style="color: red;">Hello World</h1>
In the <head>
<style> </style>
h1 {color: red;}
In a separate file (best option)
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="path/to/some.css">
Using a separate CSS file
It is best practice to put CSS in its own file and link to it from
the <head>.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
p {
color: red;
font-weight: bold;
This whole thing is called a rule.
The pis called a selector, and it's followed by a set of
declarations in a declaration block.
The selector (pin this case) specifies what parts of the HTML
document should be styled by the declaration. This selector
will style all pelements on the page.
The declaration block here is:
color: red;
font-weight: bold;
Declarations go inside curly braces.
This example has two declarations. Here's the first:
color: red;
Let's look at the second declaration:
font-weight: bold;
Why might we want to link to a separate CSS file?
HTML - Document Structure
CSS - Looks, Style
JavaScript - Logic, functionality, behavior
It is historically seen as wrong to mix these things up.
Putting things where they belong reduces complexity and
increases maintainability. However some new JS
frameworks are challenging this way of thinking.
Colors can be specified in CSS in a variety of ways:
These are used less frequently, but are handy for basic
colors like blackand white. There are several
See for morehere
The first value is red, the second green, the third blue.
Each value can range from 0 to 255, which expresses the
same number of color steps as 00 to FF in base-16.
RGBa works identically to RGB, expect that it takes a 4th
value called the "alpha".
This is a value between 0 and 1 which will be used to
determine a color's opacity on the page,
Similar notation to RGB values, but specify colors using
hue, saturation, and lightness.
As with RGBa, HSLa is exactly like HSL for the first 3
values, but takes a 4th alpha-channel value.
Element Selector
If you want to directly style all tags (elements) of a certain
type (e.g all <p>tags) they you style p
p {color: red;}
<p>Now my text is red</p>
Class Selector
If you want to apply styles to groups of elements then use '.'
(dot) selectors. These select any element with a
corresponding 'class' attribute.
.some-class {color: blue }
<p class="some-class">Now my text is blue</p>
Id Selector
If you want to apply styles to one unique element then use
'#' (hash) selectors. This selects one element with a unique
'id' attribute
#some-id {color: green }
<p id="some-id">Now my text is green</p>
Now let's try and add some basic styles to the
Copy the cookie_recipe folder in the week1_working_files
folder into your FEWD_Week1 folder.
Commit and publish the files in GitHub Desktop.
Now following the instructions in the index.htmlpage,
structure the recipe HTML and apply some CSS styles - using
an external stylesheet.
Extra points if you can get the image in the page with the
style as described in the instructions.
Feel free to use Google to find out about any styles and tags
that we haven't discussed yet. We will take a more in-depth
look at the <img>tag after this exercise.
Building A Simple Web Page
Linking To Other Pages
Lab Time
Using Google (or your favourite search engine), find out
more about the following tags:
You may have already used an <img>tag in the
cookie_recipe. Try using and styling all three in your
cookie_recipe page.
The MDN (Mozilla Developer Network) online docs are
recommended over other online resources.
This is a generic container tag, used when no specific
semantic tag is applicable. It is a rectangular element which
can be styled with margins, padding, borders, background-
colors, width, height etc. Like many other elements it has
block-level display which means it starts on a new line of the
<div>s are often nested in other <div>s
<div class="parent">
<div class="child">Some child content</div>
Images are placed using the <img>tag.
<img src="img/imageName.jpg" alt="no-image text" title="hover text">
The imgtag requires a srcattribute, which tells the
browser where to find the image.
How would you write the src?
There are different approaches to specifying an image
Inside webroot, a relative path could be used:
<img src="images/logo.png">
Given this folder structure the same image would be
<img src="../images/logo.png">
../means to go up a directory, and can be used
repeatedly: ../../would go up two directories.
<img src="/images/logo.png">
Absolute URLs start with a /, which implies the root
directory of your web site.
<img src="
For linking to images, make sure that you have permission
to use the image in this way. Even then, it is often better to
host a copy of the same image, rather than link to another
server, because it reduces dependency.
alt and title attribute
<img src="puppy.jpg" alt="My cute puppy" title="My cute puppy">
alt - piece of text to be used in lieu of the image when the
image is unavailable
title - text that appears when your mouse hovers over the
Using altattributes has the added benefit of giving search
engines more linguistic context about the image as it is used
on your page.
There are three main image file formats:
Supports transparency and semi-transparency, great for
logos, icons, and repeating background tiles.
Almost always preferable to a gif, unless semi-
transparency is not needed, and the gifformat is
significantly smaller.
Required for retina display on mobile browsers and apps.
Can have basic transparency, typically a pngis used
Can be used for simple animations
Find an animated gif online, download it and add it one of
the webpages you have been working on today.
No transparency, can be stored at different compression
levels with varying amounts of "lossy-ness".
This is typically the best format for photos. (Try to balance
between photo quality and file size.)
Like the srcattribute in <img>tags, the hrefattribute in
<a>tags denote a path to a location.
These paths can be relative, absolute or a full URL.
You can use anchor links to jump to other parts of your page
- for example the bottom of the page.
First define the link in the href- note the # (hash)
<a href="#bottom">Jump to bottom</a>
To create the place to jump to, either use another <a>tag
with a nameattribute
<p><a name="bottom"></a>Welcome to the bottom of the page</p>
Or just target the id of a tag
<p id="bottom">Welcome to the bottom of the page</p>
Copy the assignment folder in the week1_working_files
folder into your FEWD_Week1 repository folder. Commit and
publish the files in GitHub Desktop.
Now go to the assignment folder in your repo in
and you will see the (markdown) file rendered
to be readable.
Let's build the 'About Me' page together. Take a look at the
about_me_deliverable.png in the
assignment/solution/images folder. We want to build
something with this structure, and then add some styling
like we have done before.
The CSS Box Model is essentially a series of nested boxes
that wrap around an HTML element. The hierarchy of these
boxes is: margins, borders, padding, and then content.
margin: sets the outer transparent rectangular border of
an element
border: sets the visible rectangular border style of the
padding: sets the inner transparent rectangular border
of an element (is colored by a background-color)
The values for marginand borderdeclarations can be set
with shorthand:
margin: top right bottom left; (clockwise)
margin: top-and-bottom left-and-right;
Each side can also be set individually with a specific
padding-left: 10px;
padding-top: 20px;
Borders have their own style declarations:
border-width(number px)
border-style(string - e.g. solid, dotted, dashed)
border-color(string or hex value)
The common shorthand syntax to set a border is:
width style color
border: 4px solid red;
You can align images with the text-alignproperty
applied to the container of the image.
text-align: left;
text-align: center;
text-align: right;
Aligned images do not wrap text around them. Aligning
images will only position the image left, right, or center with
any text following before and after the image. Aligning
leaves white space on your web page.
You can float images to one side with the floatproperty
applied to the image.
float: left;
float: right;
The float property specifies that an element should be taken
out from the normal flow of the page and placed along the
left or right side of its container, where text, inline elements,
and following elements will wrap around it.
Cascade, Inheritance and Specificity are three inter-related
terms in CSS that relate to how the browser will apply a
particular CSS rule to a given HTML element.
A cascade is "a flow of water over a series of steps".
The cascade (in Cascading Style Sheets) is formed by three
main sources of style information.
the browser (user-agent) default styles for HTML
the styles specified by an end user
the styles linked to the document by its author (i.e. you
the developer)
The cascading of these three sources of styling is an
algorithm that decides which style to apply to an element
when multiple styling rules are available.
The specificity of a style is a 'score' calculated by the
cascading algorithm to determine which style is the most
Inheritance is where a child element inherits a style
declaration from a parent container. It could be an
immediate parent container, or an ancestor container
further up the DOM tree.
body { color: red;}
p { background-color: yellow;}
<p>will inherit the red text color from <body>unless it
defines a more specific color declaration in its own style rule.
In our web pages we default to system fonts like Times, Arial
and Helvetica.
To embed a nicer font that any end user would see, use the
the CSS3 font embedding syntax.
Define your @font-facelinks at the top of your CSS file.
@font-face { font-family: MyFont; src: url('path/to/MyFont.ttf'); }
Now set the value of the font-familydeclaration in a
given rule to use your embedded font:
p {font-family: MyFont;}
Metadata is data about data. So the <meta>tags defined in
the head provide additional data about the data in the
HTML document. This data will not be displayed but will be
read by search engine spiders.
Define keywords for search engines
<meta name="keywords" content="HTML, CSS, JavaScript">
Define a description of your web page
<meta name="description" content="Developer CV">
Define the author of a page
<meta name="author" content="Your Name">
Finish building the 'About Me' page based on the code-along
we have done together. Now think about the 'Portfolio' page
which you want to build for the homework assignment
based on the portfolio_deliverable.png.
Remember to link up these pages so you can click from one
to the other.
Build your own portfolio
Watch a video on the Internet about the Internet
Read about CSS Colors
Please also submit an for todays lesson.exit ticket

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Fewd week1 slides

  • 1. WILL MYERS Freelance Front End Developer SLIDES
  • 2. ATOM Atom is a new-ish editor for building websites and web applications. It has a great online community and lots of useful free packages. For Mac OSX 10.8 and above. For Windows 8 and above.
  • 3. ATOM PLUGINS open Atom go to Preferences (Atom > Preferences), this will launch a Settings tab. select Install from the Settings left-hand nav search for atom-beautify and install this do the same for open-in-browser, white-cursor and highlight-line restart Atom
  • 5. WHAT IS GIT Git is software that you use to backup your files and track changes when writing code. It is distributed software, which means it works on multiple computers, communicating with each other. This type of software is called SCM (Software Configuration Management/Source Control Management). It is also called Version Control.
  • 6. HOW DOES GIT WORK git (the program) takes a 'snapshot' of your files at a given moment in time and stores a reference to this 'snapshot'
  • 7. SOME OTHER GIT TERMINOLOGY repository - a central location (folder) in which data - typically about a project - is stored and managed clone - download data from the cloud to your local machine (laptop, computer, etc.) commit - save a version of your project to git
  • 8. WHAT IS GITHUB GitHub is a web application (and desktop application) that provides a GUI (graphical user interface) to use Git. You use GitHub to make it easier to perform Git tasks on your files - saving, tracking, merging, cloning (copying) etc. GitHub is the market leader for Git applications. It is now commonplace for any company that employs developers.
  • 9. GITHUB MAIN FEATURES Makes it easy to manage git repositories Stores files (similar to Dropbox or Google Drive), but stores code files Stores a history of files and the changes that happened to each file Hosts files on the cloud so you can share the finished product with other people
  • 10. WHY IS GITHUB VALUABLE Since GitHub stores a history of the code, it allows developers to go back in time if something breaks. GitHub allows multiple developers to work on the same project (like Dropbox or GDocs, for code) GitHub tracks changes so you can see who worked on what. GitHub allows for feedback to be given on the code, which hopefully, increases code quality. Much like an editor updates a Word document using Track Changes, GitHub allows a similar environment.
  • 11. HOW WILL WE USE GITHUB? Throughout this class, you will use GitHub as a tool to submit assignments and download files; GitHub will also be used to assess and review your homework and provide feedback.
  • 12. LET'S START USING GITHUB AND GIT GitHub Video Explanation Download the zip file from this URL and extract the files: Mac: Just double-click on the zip to extract it Win: Right-click on the zip file and choose 'Extract here' Open the Getting_Started_With_GitHub.pdf in the intro-to-git folder, in the extracted zip.
  • 13. WHERE SHALL WE PUT OUR FILES? Let's start by making a new folder called 'FEWD' in the user home directory. Mac: /Users/<username> Win: C:Users<username> This is where we will put everything related to the FEWD course. For the rest of the course I'll refer to this folder as '[home]/FEWD'. N.B If you can't find your user home directory then just create the 'FEWD' folder on your Desktop.
  • 14. CREATE A GITHUB REPOSITORY For our first repository you will do the following, using the GitHub desktop app: Use the '+' button in the top-left of the app (Create tab) Create a new repository called 'HelloWorld'. Choose the [home]/FEWD folder for the local path Open the hello_world folder in the downloaded intro-to- git folder and copy the two files into your new HelloWorld repository folder Commit the changes and publish the repository to
  • 15. CLONE A GITHUB REPOSITORY Now clone (make a local copy) of a repository on GitHub. Go to this URL on GitHub in your Chrome browser: Click on the button with an arrow on a screen (located to the left of DOWNLOAD ZIP button) Allow the browser to launch GitHub Desktop Navigate to [home]/FEWD folder in the pop-up and save the ga-fewd-files cloned repo Now open this ga-fewd-files folder in your text editor THIS IS WHERE I WILL PUT THE STARTER CODE FOR EACH WEEKLY LESSON. DO NOT WORK IN THIS REPO.
  • 16. YOUR WEEKLY FEWD GITHUB REPOSITORY Use the '+' button in the top-left of GitHub Desktop (Create tab) Create a new repository called 'FEWD_Week1' Choose the [home]/FEWD folder for the local path Open this repo folder in your editor Commit the changes and publish the FEWD_Week1 repository to THIS IS WHERE YOU WILL PUT THE FILES THAT YOU WORK ON EACH WEEK.
  • 17. YOUR WEEKLY FEWD GITHUB REPOSITORY Remember that you will do all your classwork and homework in your weekly GitHub repository. You create a new repository each week named in a consistent way. e.g. FEWD_Week1, FEWD_Week2, etc.
  • 18. YOUR WEEKLY FEWD GITHUB REPOSITORY Each week you will be given a homework assignment. When you have completed the assignment, you will commit the files and folders to the weekly created repository: You need to notify me when your homework is committed so that I can add comments to your code and grade your work each week.
  • 19. YOUR WEEKLY FEWD GITHUB REPOSITORY When you are ready for me to review your assignments, do the following: Go to your weekly repo on e.g. Open a new issue under the Issues Tab: In the title field write (e.g): FEWD_Week1 Assignment In the comment field write: @wmyers assignment committed Now submit the issue[your-github-id]/FEWD_Week1[your-github-id]/FEWD_Week1/issues
  • 20. YOUR WEEKLY FEWD GITHUB REPOSITORY I will submit feedback each week in two ways: Comment on your code for each commit that you do for the assignment, in your weekly repo Grade your work and put the result in a new issue on your weekly repo.
  • 22. AGENDA HTML Tags & CSS Selectors Review Structure Reading w/ Understanding External Style Sheets Lab Time
  • 25. HTML SYNTAX creates structured documents from page 'parts' is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of tags elements either have opening and closing tags: <p></p> or are 'empty', they have no closing tag: <img>
  • 26. HTML SYNTAX HTML tags can also have attributes which are properties written inside the first (opening) tag: <img src="smiley.gif">
  • 27. MAIN TAGS <html></html> The root container tag for the whole document (web page) <head></head> The container tag for metadata and links to external files (e.g .css files) <body></body> Contains the visible structure and content of the web page, nested inside
  • 28. CONTENT TAGS Heading Elements <h1>Largest Heading</h1> <h2>. . . </h2> <h3>. . . </h3> <h4>. . .</h4> <h5>. . . </h5> <h6>Smallest Heading</h6>
  • 29. CONTENT TAGS Text Elements <p>This is a paragraph</p> <code>This is some computer code</code> <span>Non-semantic inline content</span>
  • 30. CONTENT TAGS Unordered list <ul></ul> This is a very commonly used tag for things like navigation menus, or a displayed choice of items on an e-commerce web page.
  • 31. CONTENT TAGS Unordered list item <li>First item</li> <li>Next item</li>
  • 32. CONTENT TAGS Links <a href="Link">First item</a> To navigate to: a different place on the current page another local page an external page in a different website
  • 33. HTML VS HTML5 HTML5 is HTML with a few additions The Doctype tells you if the page is HTML5 ready. <!DOCTYPE html> HTML HISTORY
  • 34. HTML5 brings many improvements and new features to web pages many features of HTML5 have been built to run on low- powered devices such as smartphones and tablets introduces the new <video>, <audio>and <canvas> tags introduces many new structural document tags, e.g. <main>, <section>, <article>, <header>, <footer>, <aside>, <nav>and <figure>- these are like <div>but with a semantic styleable name.
  • 35. GENERAL ASSEMBLY PRESS RELEASE Copy the ga_press_release folder in the week1_working_files folder (inside ga-fewd-files) into your FEWD_Week1 folder (inside [home]/FEWD). Commit and publish the files in GitHub Desktop.
  • 36. MARKING UP CONTENT We will add HTML tags to the different parts of content in index.htmlin the ga_press_release folder. This will show how are tags are used semantically for different parts of text, to create a document structure.
  • 37. NOW FOR SOME STYLING! Now that we have structured our HTML document for the press release, we want to add some CSS styles to make it look a bit better. First we need to understand some CSS basics.
  • 38. CSS There is a little bit of CSS in the your HelloWorld repository
  • 39. CSS is a styling (stylesheet) language used for describing the presentation of an HTML document it separates document content from document presentation, including control of layout, colors, and fonts it makes the page much easier to edit and update, and improves accessibility multiple HTML pages can share the same formatting by writing the CSS in a separate .css file and linking to it from your HTML page
  • 41. CSS Where does CSS go? Inline with the styleattribute <h1 style="color: red;">Hello World</h1> In the <head> <head> <style> </style> </head> h1 {color: red;} In a separate file (best option) <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="path/to/some.css"> </head>
  • 42. CSS Using a separate CSS file It is best practice to put CSS in its own file and link to it from the <head>. <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
  • 43. CSS BREAK DOWN p { color: red; font-weight: bold; } This whole thing is called a rule. The pis called a selector, and it's followed by a set of declarations in a declaration block.
  • 44. CSS BREAK DOWN The selector (pin this case) specifies what parts of the HTML document should be styled by the declaration. This selector will style all pelements on the page.
  • 45. CSS BREAK DOWN The declaration block here is: { color: red; font-weight: bold; } Declarations go inside curly braces.
  • 46. CSS BREAK DOWN DECLARATIONS This example has two declarations. Here's the first: color: red;
  • 47. CSS BREAK DOWN Let's look at the second declaration: font-weight: bold;
  • 48. CSS BREAK DOWN Why might we want to link to a separate CSS file?
  • 49. SEPARATION OF CONCERNS HTML - Document Structure CSS - Looks, Style JavaScript - Logic, functionality, behavior It is historically seen as wrong to mix these things up. Putting things where they belong reduces complexity and increases maintainability. However some new JS frameworks are challenging this way of thinking.
  • 50. CASCADING STYLE SHEETS (CSS) COLORS Colors can be specified in CSS in a variety of ways:
  • 51. COLOR COLOR KEYWORDS These are used less frequently, but are handy for basic colors like blackand white. There are several See for morehere
  • 53. COLOR RGB COLOR VALUES RGB(0,0,0) The first value is red, the second green, the third blue. Each value can range from 0 to 255, which expresses the same number of color steps as 00 to FF in base-16.
  • 54. COLOR RGBA COLORS RGBa works identically to RGB, expect that it takes a 4th value called the "alpha". This is a value between 0 and 1 which will be used to determine a color's opacity on the page,
  • 55. COLOR HSL COLORS HSL Similar notation to RGB values, but specify colors using hue, saturation, and lightness. HSLA As with RGBa, HSLa is exactly like HSL for the first 3 values, but takes a 4th alpha-channel value.
  • 56. CSS SELECTORS Element Selector If you want to directly style all tags (elements) of a certain type (e.g all <p>tags) they you style p p {color: red;} <p>Now my text is red</p>
  • 57. CSS SELECTORS Class Selector If you want to apply styles to groups of elements then use '.' (dot) selectors. These select any element with a corresponding 'class' attribute. .some-class {color: blue } <p class="some-class">Now my text is blue</p>
  • 58. CSS SELECTORS Id Selector If you want to apply styles to one unique element then use '#' (hash) selectors. This selects one element with a unique 'id' attribute #some-id {color: green } <p id="some-id">Now my text is green</p>
  • 59. STYLING CONTENT Now let's try and add some basic styles to the ga_press_release.
  • 60. COOKIE RECIPE Copy the cookie_recipe folder in the week1_working_files folder into your FEWD_Week1 folder. Commit and publish the files in GitHub Desktop.
  • 61. COOKIE RECIPE Now following the instructions in the index.htmlpage, structure the recipe HTML and apply some CSS styles - using an external stylesheet. Extra points if you can get the image in the page with the style as described in the instructions. Feel free to use Google to find out about any styles and tags that we haven't discussed yet. We will take a more in-depth look at the <img>tag after this exercise.
  • 63. AGENDA Building A Simple Web Page Images Nav Colors Fonts Linking To Other Pages Lab Time
  • 64. EXERCISE - WHAT TAG IS IT? Using Google (or your favourite search engine), find out more about the following tags: <img> <nav> <hr> You may have already used an <img>tag in the cookie_recipe. Try using and styling all three in your cookie_recipe page. The MDN (Mozilla Developer Network) online docs are recommended over other online resources.
  • 65. MORE CONTENT TAGS <div></div> This is a generic container tag, used when no specific semantic tag is applicable. It is a rectangular element which can be styled with margins, padding, borders, background- colors, width, height etc. Like many other elements it has block-level display which means it starts on a new line of the page. <div>s are often nested in other <div>s <div class="parent"> <div class="child">Some child content</div> </div>
  • 66. MORE ON IMAGES Images are placed using the <img>tag. <img src="img/imageName.jpg" alt="no-image text" title="hover text">
  • 67. IMAGES The imgtag requires a srcattribute, which tells the browser where to find the image.
  • 68. IMAGES How would you write the src? There are different approaches to specifying an image location
  • 69. IMAGES Inside webroot, a relative path could be used: <img src="images/logo.png">
  • 70. IMAGES - RELATIVE PATH Given this folder structure the same image would be <img src="../images/logo.png"> ../means to go up a directory, and can be used repeatedly: ../../would go up two directories.
  • 71. IMAGES - RELATIVE PATH <img src="/images/logo.png"> Absolute URLs start with a /, which implies the root directory of your web site.
  • 72. IMAGES - FULL URL <img src=" For linking to images, make sure that you have permission to use the image in this way. Even then, it is often better to host a copy of the same image, rather than link to another server, because it reduces dependency.
  • 73. IMAGES alt and title attribute <img src="puppy.jpg" alt="My cute puppy" title="My cute puppy"> alt - piece of text to be used in lieu of the image when the image is unavailable title - text that appears when your mouse hovers over the image Using altattributes has the added benefit of giving search engines more linguistic context about the image as it is used on your page.
  • 74. IMAGE FILE FORMATS There are three main image file formats:
  • 75. IMAGE FILE FORMATS .PNG Supports transparency and semi-transparency, great for logos, icons, and repeating background tiles. Almost always preferable to a gif, unless semi- transparency is not needed, and the gifformat is significantly smaller. Required for retina display on mobile browsers and apps.
  • 76. IMAGE FILE FORMATS .GIF Can have basic transparency, typically a pngis used instead. Can be used for simple animations Find an animated gif online, download it and add it one of the webpages you have been working on today.
  • 77. IMAGE FILE FORMATS .JPEG No transparency, can be stored at different compression levels with varying amounts of "lossy-ness". This is typically the best format for photos. (Try to balance between photo quality and file size.)
  • 78. ANCHOR TAGS Like the srcattribute in <img>tags, the hrefattribute in <a>tags denote a path to a location. These paths can be relative, absolute or a full URL.
  • 79. ANCHOR TAGS IN THE SAME PAGE You can use anchor links to jump to other parts of your page - for example the bottom of the page. First define the link in the href- note the # (hash) <a href="#bottom">Jump to bottom</a> To create the place to jump to, either use another <a>tag with a nameattribute <p><a name="bottom"></a>Welcome to the bottom of the page</p> Or just target the id of a tag <p id="bottom">Welcome to the bottom of the page</p>
  • 80. BUILDING WEBSITES Copy the assignment folder in the week1_working_files folder into your FEWD_Week1 repository folder. Commit and publish the files in GitHub Desktop. Now go to the assignment folder in your repo in and you will see the (markdown) file rendered to be readable.
  • 81. ABOUT ME Let's build the 'About Me' page together. Take a look at the about_me_deliverable.png in the assignment/solution/images folder. We want to build something with this structure, and then add some styling like we have done before.
  • 83. MARGINS, PADDING AND BORDERS (BOX MODEL) The CSS Box Model is essentially a series of nested boxes that wrap around an HTML element. The hierarchy of these boxes is: margins, borders, padding, and then content. margin: sets the outer transparent rectangular border of an element border: sets the visible rectangular border style of the element padding: sets the inner transparent rectangular border of an element (is colored by a background-color)
  • 84. MARGINS AND PADDING The values for marginand borderdeclarations can be set with shorthand: margin: top right bottom left; (clockwise) margin: top-and-bottom left-and-right; Each side can also be set individually with a specific declaration: padding-left: 10px; padding-top: 20px; etc
  • 85. BORDERS Borders have their own style declarations: border-width(number px) border-style(string - e.g. solid, dotted, dashed) border-color(string or hex value) The common shorthand syntax to set a border is: width style color border: 4px solid red;
  • 86. ALIGNING AND FLOATING IMAGES You can align images with the text-alignproperty applied to the container of the image. { text-align: left; text-align: center; text-align: right; } Aligned images do not wrap text around them. Aligning images will only position the image left, right, or center with any text following before and after the image. Aligning leaves white space on your web page.
  • 87. ALIGNING AND FLOATING IMAGES You can float images to one side with the floatproperty applied to the image. { float: left; float: right; } The float property specifies that an element should be taken out from the normal flow of the page and placed along the left or right side of its container, where text, inline elements, and following elements will wrap around it.
  • 88. CSS CASCADE, INHERITANCE & SPECIFICITY Cascade, Inheritance and Specificity are three inter-related terms in CSS that relate to how the browser will apply a particular CSS rule to a given HTML element.
  • 89. CSS CASCADE A cascade is "a flow of water over a series of steps". The cascade (in Cascading Style Sheets) is formed by three main sources of style information. the browser (user-agent) default styles for HTML the styles specified by an end user the styles linked to the document by its author (i.e. you the developer)
  • 90. CSS CASCADE AND SPECIFICITY The cascading of these three sources of styling is an algorithm that decides which style to apply to an element when multiple styling rules are available. The specificity of a style is a 'score' calculated by the cascading algorithm to determine which style is the most important. US/docs/Web/CSS/Cascade
  • 91. CSS INHERITANCE Inheritance is where a child element inherits a style declaration from a parent container. It could be an immediate parent container, or an ancestor container further up the DOM tree. body { color: red;} p { background-color: yellow;} <p>will inherit the red text color from <body>unless it defines a more specific color declaration in its own style rule.
  • 92. CSS FONTS In our web pages we default to system fonts like Times, Arial and Helvetica. To embed a nicer font that any end user would see, use the the CSS3 font embedding syntax. Define your @font-facelinks at the top of your CSS file. @font-face { font-family: MyFont; src: url('path/to/MyFont.ttf'); } Now set the value of the font-familydeclaration in a given rule to use your embedded font: p {font-family: MyFont;}
  • 93. METADATA IN THE HEAD Metadata is data about data. So the <meta>tags defined in the head provide additional data about the data in the HTML document. This data will not be displayed but will be read by search engine spiders.
  • 94. METADATA IN THE HEAD Define keywords for search engines <meta name="keywords" content="HTML, CSS, JavaScript"> Define a description of your web page <meta name="description" content="Developer CV"> Define the author of a page <meta name="author" content="Your Name">
  • 95. LAB TIME - YOUR PORTFOLIO! Finish building the 'About Me' page based on the code-along we have done together. Now think about the 'Portfolio' page which you want to build for the homework assignment based on the portfolio_deliverable.png. Remember to link up these pages so you can click from one to the other.
  • 96. HOMEWORK Build your own portfolio Watch a video on the Internet about the Internet Read about CSS Colors Please also submit an for todays lesson.exit ticket