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DB2 for i External Stored Procedure Example

Rational for i and Optim Studio Development Environment ............................................. 1
Load Process Flowchart (ACS_i5Load and ACSGenesis)................................................ 2
Run Stored Procedure from Optim and Rational for i packages (client)............................ 3
CPYFRMIMPF commands are submitted for batch processing on i ................................. 3
Module syb_i5_LoadFromDelimitedFile in service program ACSGENESIS ................... 4
DB2 External Stored Procedure Interface........................................................................... 6
DB2 External Stored Procedure Program ........................................................................... 7
Benefits of Stored Procedure Processing versus ODBC/JDBC statements........................ 8
  Two Types of Stored Procedures .................................................................................... 8
  Maintenance performed in one place.............................................................................. 8
Get Job Completion Status of Stored Procedure with a Select Statement.......................... 9
References......................................................................................................................... 10

Rational for i and Optim Studio Development Environment

     •     We would like to load many tables as fast as possible without locking our GUI for
           an extended timeframe.

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                                                                                                                1/3/2011 4:49:44 PM
DB2 for i External Stored Procedure Example

Load Process Flowchart (ACS_i5Load and ACSGenesis)

                              Page 2 of 10
                                                           1/3/2011 4:49:44 PM
DB2 for i External Stored Procedure Example

Run Stored Procedure from Optim and Rational for i packages (client)

CPYFRMIMPF commands are submitted for batch processing on i

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                                                              1/3/2011 4:49:44 PM
DB2 for i External Stored Procedure Example

Module syb_i5_LoadFromDelimitedFile in service program ACSGENESIS

   // * ==============================================================      *
   // * DB2 for i: Load from delimited files (syB) to ACS tables (db2)      *
   // * ==============================================================      *
p syb_i5_LoadFromDelimitedFile...
p                   b                    export
d syb_i5_LoadFromDelimitedFile...
d                   pi                n
d i5_Context                       32    const
d i5_Working                      128    const
d i5_Schema                       128    const
d i5_BegPos         s               5u 0 inz(0)
d i5_EndPos         s               5u 0 inz(0)
d i5_LibFil         s              20    inz(' ')
d i5_CpyFil         s            1024    inz(' ')
d exist             s               1    inz('0')
d existIndicator s                    n  based(sqlPointer)
d sqlPointer        s                 *  inz(%ADDR(exist))
d i5_LibNme         s              10    inz(' ')
   // * ==============================================================      *
   // * Check / Set import application context and working directories      *
   // * ==============================================================      *
    If isApplicationWorkingDirectoryValid( %trim(i5_Context):
                                               %trim(i5_Working) );
     i5_dirName = %trim(i5_Context) + '/' + %trim(i5_Working);
     If i5_Schema = 'QUSER';
      i5_LibNme = RtvCurLib( pgmStatus.jobName:
                                pgmStatus.jobNumber );
      i5_LibNme = pgmStatus.userId;
     i5_dirPtr = OpenDir(%trim(i5_dirName));
     If (i5_dirPtr <>*NULL);
      DoU i5_dirEntPtr = *Null;
        i5_dirEntPtr = ReadDir( i5_dirPtr );
        On-Error *All;
        If i5_dirEntPtr = *Null;
         i5_entryName = %str(%addr(i5_nameFull));
   // * ==============================================================      *
   // * Filter navigation entries (.) and select .data delimited files      *
   // * ==============================================================      *
         If %subst(i5_entryName: 1: 1) <> '.';
          i5_EndPos = %scan('.data':
                       %xlate(upper: lower: %trim(i5_entryName)): 1);
          If i5_EndPos <> 0;
           i5_BegPos = %scan('.': %xlate(upper: lower:
                 %subst(%trim(i5_entryName): 1: i5_EndPos - 1)): 1);

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DB2 for i External Stored Procedure Example

// * ============================================================== *
// * i5 internal system object name from DB2 schema catalog entries *
// * ============================================================== *
       i5_LibFil = syb_i5_getTableName(%trim(i5_LibNme):
                   :(i5_BegPos + 1)
                   :((i5_EndPos - i5_BegPos) - 1)));
       If i5_LibFil <> ' ';
// * ============================================================== *
// * Construct i5 CpyFrmImpF (Copy From Import File) command string *
// * ============================================================== *
        i5_CpyFil = 'CPYFRMIMPF FROMSTMF(' + ticMark +
                    %trim(i5_Context) + '/' +
                    %trim(i5_working) + '/' +
                    %trim(i5_entryName) + ticMark +
                    ') TOFILE(' + %subst(i5_LibFil: 1: 10) +
                    '/' + %subst(i5_LibFil: 11: 10) +
                    ') MBROPT(*REPLACE) RCDDLM(*CRLF' +
                    ') DTAFMT(*DLM) STRDLM(' + ticMark +
                    '"' + ticMark + ') RMVBLANK(*TRAILING' +
                    ') FLDDLM(' + ticMark + ',' + ticMark + ')';
// * ============================================================== *
// * Remove joblog messages, prepare for submit job status capture *
// * ============================================================== *
// * ============================================================== *
// * Construct i5 SbmJob (Submit Job) command (CpyFrmImpF) queuing *
// * ============================================================== *
        i5_CmdStr = 'SBMJOB CMD(' + %trim(i5_CpyFil) +
                    ') INLLIBL(*CURRENT) JOBD(*USRPRF) JOBQ(*JOBD' +
                    ') JOB(' + %trim(%subst(i5_LibFil: 11: 10)) +
                    ') MSGQ(*LIBL/ACS_GEN500) HOLD(*YES) PRTTXT(' +
                     ticMark + %subst(%trim(i5_entryName)
                     :(i5_BegPos + 1)
                     :((i5_EndPos - i5_BegPos) - 1)) +
                     ticMark + ')';
        CallP(e) i5_RunCmd(%trim(i5_CmdStr): %len(%trim(i5_CmdStr)));
        If %Error;
         snd_Data = 'LOAD FAILURE: ' + %trim(i5_entryName) +
                    ' in ' + %trim(pgmStatus.mainProcName);
         snd_Data = 'LOAD SUCCESS: ' + %trim(i5_entryName) +
                    ' in ' + %trim(pgmStatus.mainProcName);
// * ============================================================== *
// * Receive joblog messages prepare for submit job status capture *
// * ============================================================== *
         ReceiveMessage(MessageInfo :%size(MessageInfo)
                       :'RCVM0100' :'*' :0 :'*ANY' :MsgKey
                       :0 :'*OLD' :error_Code);
         If i5_ByteProv = 0;
          If messageInfo.common.QMHMI03 = 'CPC1221';
           i5_JobNme = %subst(messageInfo.errMsgDta: 1: 10);
           i5_UsrNme = %subst(messageInfo.errMsgDta: 11: 10);

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DB2 for i External Stored Procedure Example

               i5_JobNbr = %subst(messageInfo.errMsgDta: 21: 6);
               i5_UsrDta = %subst(%trim(i5_entryName)
                            :(i5_BegPos + 1)
                            :((i5_EndPos - i5_BegPos) - 1));
               If Not WrtLogSts('ACSLOAD_01': i5_TskCnt: i5_JobNme:
                                 i5_UsrNme: i5_JobNbr: i5_UsrDta);
                // Add additional error handling logic here ======>
              // Add additional error handling logic here ======>
           snd_Data = 'LOAD WARNING: ' + %trim(i5_entryName) +
                       ' in ' + %trim(pgmStatus.mainProcName);
         CallP(e) sndjobmsg(snd_Data);       // Job Log Message Entry
      existIndicator = *ON;                  // Return SUCCESS code
      i5_errNoPtr = errno();
      snd_Data = 'Open directory failed from ' + %trim(i5_dirName) +
                   ' in program ' + %trim(pgmStatus.mainProcName);
      CallP(e) sndjobmsg(snd_Data);          // Job Log Message Entry
   On-Error *All;
    snd_Data = 'Unexpected error in syb_i5_loadFromDelimitedFile()' +
                ' in program ' + %trim(pgmStatus.mainProcName);
    CallP(e) sndjobmsg(snd_Data);            // Job Log Message Entry
   Return existIndicator;
p syb_i5_LoadFromDelimitedFile...
p                    e

DB2 External Stored Procedure Interface

 Create Procedure i5ParallelDataLoader (
    IN Type     char( 10) )
    External Name ACS_I5LOAD

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DB2 for i External Stored Procedure Example

DB2 External Stored Procedure Program

*    ================================================================== *
*    Program name...: ACS_i5LOAD                                        *
*    Purpose........: Load database tables from delimited files         *
*    Programmer.....: Thomas and Victoria Wolfe                         *
*    Create Date....: December 7, 2010                                  *
*                                                                       *
*    Maintenance Log:                                                   *
*                                                                       *
*     PGMR       SEARCH    DATE      DESC. OF CHANGE                    *
*                                                                       *
*    ================================================================== *



d    i5_LoadType       s             10
d    i5_NullInd1       s              5i 0
d    sqlStateCode      s              5
d    functionName      s            517
d    specificName      s            128
d    errorMessage      s             70

d i5_ProdLoad          s             10      inz(' ')

d message              s             80      inz(*Blank)
d command              s           2048      inz(' ')

    * ================================================================== *
    * Common program status information data structure (SDS)             *
    * ================================================================== *


  * ================================================================== *
  * i5 DB2 Parallel Data Loader: Submit CpyFrmImpF command to batch    *
  * ================================================================== *
c       *entry        plist
c                     parm                    i5_LoadType
c                     parm                    i5_NullInd1
c                     parm                    sqlStateCode
c                     parm                    functionName
c                     parm                    specificName
c                     parm                    errorMessage
    Monitor;                               // Global error handler
     sqlStateCode = '00000';
     If i5_NullInd1 = 0;
      i5_ProdLoad = i5_LoadType;
        When %xlate(upper: lower: %trim(i5_ProdLoad)) = '*sybase';
         If syb_i5_LoadFromDelimitedFile(%trim(syB_Context):

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DB2 for i External Stored Procedure Example

                                           %trim(pgmStatus.UserId) );
        sqlStateCode = '38999';
        errorMessage = 'Error occured in external stored ' +
                       'procedure. Contact support and report ' +
                       'this error message.';
      sqlStateCode = '38001';
      errorMessage = 'Invalid input load parameter ' +
                      %trim(i5_ProdLoad) + ' not processed.';
   sqlStateCode = '38001';
   errorMessage = 'Null input load parameter not' +
                   ' processed.';
  On-Error *All;                         // Unmonitored Errors?
  *inlr = *On;

Benefits of Stored Procedure Processing versus ODBC/JDBC statements
  • Secure access to DB2 data.
  • Access non-DB2 data if necessary –VSAM, IMS, etc.
  • Code business logic once
       o Maintenance is simpler
  • Performance improvement?
       o Instead of multiple SQL statements being sent
  • Lots of languages to choose from
Two Types of Stored Procedures

  • SQL Stored Procedures
  • External Procedures
Maintenance performed in one place

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DB2 for i External Stored Procedure Example

Get Job Completion Status of Stored Procedure with a Select Statement

        When STATUS = 'N'
        Then 'Success'
        When STATUS = ‘A’
        Then ‘Failure’
        Else 'Running’
       End As Character(7)) As Status,
  Order by 4,1,2

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DB2 for i External Stored Procedure Example


Writing Stored Procedures in RPG MC Press Online 15 January 2008, Susan Gantner

Stored Procedures, Triggers, and User-Defined Functions on DB2 UDB for iSeries

DB2 UDB for AS/400 Object Relational Support

Cross-Platform DB2 Stored Procedures: Building and Debugging

DB2 9 for z/OS Stored Procedures: Through the Call and Beyond

DB2 Java Stored Procedures: Learning by Example

Modernizing IBM eServer iSeries Application Data Access – A Roadmap Cornerstone

Improving Stored Procedure Performance 18 December 2009, Kent Milligan, Jarek
Miszczyk, and Gene Cobb

The API Corner MC Press online: Automating Recovery (or Keeping the Help Desk Out
of the Loop) 21 July 2010 – October 2010, Bruce Vining

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DB2 for i External Stored Procedure

  • 1. DB2 for i External Stored Procedure Example Rational for i and Optim Studio Development Environment ............................................. 1 Load Process Flowchart (ACS_i5Load and ACSGenesis)................................................ 2 Run Stored Procedure from Optim and Rational for i packages (client)............................ 3 CPYFRMIMPF commands are submitted for batch processing on i ................................. 3 Module syb_i5_LoadFromDelimitedFile in service program ACSGENESIS ................... 4 DB2 External Stored Procedure Interface........................................................................... 6 DB2 External Stored Procedure Program ........................................................................... 7 Benefits of Stored Procedure Processing versus ODBC/JDBC statements........................ 8 Two Types of Stored Procedures .................................................................................... 8 Maintenance performed in one place.............................................................................. 8 Get Job Completion Status of Stored Procedure with a Select Statement.......................... 9 References......................................................................................................................... 10 Rational for i and Optim Studio Development Environment • We would like to load many tables as fast as possible without locking our GUI for an extended timeframe. Page 1 of 10 1/3/2011 4:49:44 PM
  • 2. DB2 for i External Stored Procedure Example Load Process Flowchart (ACS_i5Load and ACSGenesis) Page 2 of 10 1/3/2011 4:49:44 PM
  • 3. DB2 for i External Stored Procedure Example Run Stored Procedure from Optim and Rational for i packages (client) CPYFRMIMPF commands are submitted for batch processing on i Page 3 of 10 1/3/2011 4:49:44 PM
  • 4. DB2 for i External Stored Procedure Example Module syb_i5_LoadFromDelimitedFile in service program ACSGENESIS // * ============================================================== * // * DB2 for i: Load from delimited files (syB) to ACS tables (db2) * // * ============================================================== * p syb_i5_LoadFromDelimitedFile... p b export d syb_i5_LoadFromDelimitedFile... d pi n d i5_Context 32 const d i5_Working 128 const d i5_Schema 128 const d i5_BegPos s 5u 0 inz(0) d i5_EndPos s 5u 0 inz(0) d i5_LibFil s 20 inz(' ') d i5_CpyFil s 1024 inz(' ') d exist s 1 inz('0') d existIndicator s n based(sqlPointer) d sqlPointer s * inz(%ADDR(exist)) d i5_LibNme s 10 inz(' ') /Free Monitor; // * ============================================================== * // * Check / Set import application context and working directories * // * ============================================================== * If isApplicationWorkingDirectoryValid( %trim(i5_Context): %trim(i5_Working) ); i5_dirName = %trim(i5_Context) + '/' + %trim(i5_Working); If i5_Schema = 'QUSER'; i5_LibNme = RtvCurLib( pgmStatus.jobName: pgmStatus.userId: pgmStatus.jobNumber ); Else; i5_LibNme = pgmStatus.userId; EndIf; i5_dirPtr = OpenDir(%trim(i5_dirName)); If (i5_dirPtr <>*NULL); DoU i5_dirEntPtr = *Null; i5_dirEntPtr = ReadDir( i5_dirPtr ); Monitor; On-Error *All; EndMon; If i5_dirEntPtr = *Null; Leave; Else; i5_entryName = %str(%addr(i5_nameFull)); // * ============================================================== * // * Filter navigation entries (.) and select .data delimited files * // * ============================================================== * If %subst(i5_entryName: 1: 1) <> '.'; i5_EndPos = %scan('.data': %xlate(upper: lower: %trim(i5_entryName)): 1); If i5_EndPos <> 0; i5_BegPos = %scan('.': %xlate(upper: lower: %subst(%trim(i5_entryName): 1: i5_EndPos - 1)): 1); Page 4 of 10 1/3/2011 4:49:44 PM
  • 5. DB2 for i External Stored Procedure Example // * ============================================================== * // * i5 internal system object name from DB2 schema catalog entries * // * ============================================================== * i5_LibFil = syb_i5_getTableName(%trim(i5_LibNme): %subst(%trim(i5_entryName) :(i5_BegPos + 1) :((i5_EndPos - i5_BegPos) - 1))); If i5_LibFil <> ' '; // * ============================================================== * // * Construct i5 CpyFrmImpF (Copy From Import File) command string * // * ============================================================== * i5_CpyFil = 'CPYFRMIMPF FROMSTMF(' + ticMark + %trim(i5_Context) + '/' + %trim(i5_working) + '/' + %trim(i5_entryName) + ticMark + ') TOFILE(' + %subst(i5_LibFil: 1: 10) + '/' + %subst(i5_LibFil: 11: 10) + ') MBROPT(*REPLACE) RCDDLM(*CRLF' + ') DTAFMT(*DLM) STRDLM(' + ticMark + '"' + ticMark + ') RMVBLANK(*TRAILING' + ') FLDDLM(' + ticMark + ',' + ticMark + ')'; // * ============================================================== * // * Remove joblog messages, prepare for submit job status capture * // * ============================================================== * RemoveMessage(rmv_PgmQue: rmv_StkCnt: rmv_MsgKey: rmv_Remove: error_Code); // * ============================================================== * // * Construct i5 SbmJob (Submit Job) command (CpyFrmImpF) queuing * // * ============================================================== * i5_CmdStr = 'SBMJOB CMD(' + %trim(i5_CpyFil) + ') INLLIBL(*CURRENT) JOBD(*USRPRF) JOBQ(*JOBD' + ') JOB(' + %trim(%subst(i5_LibFil: 11: 10)) + ') MSGQ(*LIBL/ACS_GEN500) HOLD(*YES) PRTTXT(' + ticMark + %subst(%trim(i5_entryName) :(i5_BegPos + 1) :((i5_EndPos - i5_BegPos) - 1)) + ticMark + ')'; CallP(e) i5_RunCmd(%trim(i5_CmdStr): %len(%trim(i5_CmdStr))); If %Error; snd_Data = 'LOAD FAILURE: ' + %trim(i5_entryName) + ' in ' + %trim(pgmStatus.mainProcName); Else; snd_Data = 'LOAD SUCCESS: ' + %trim(i5_entryName) + ' in ' + %trim(pgmStatus.mainProcName); // * ============================================================== * // * Receive joblog messages prepare for submit job status capture * // * ============================================================== * ReceiveMessage(MessageInfo :%size(MessageInfo) :'RCVM0100' :'*' :0 :'*ANY' :MsgKey :0 :'*OLD' :error_Code); If i5_ByteProv = 0; If messageInfo.common.QMHMI03 = 'CPC1221'; i5_JobNme = %subst(messageInfo.errMsgDta: 1: 10); i5_UsrNme = %subst(messageInfo.errMsgDta: 11: 10); Page 5 of 10 1/3/2011 4:49:44 PM
  • 6. DB2 for i External Stored Procedure Example i5_JobNbr = %subst(messageInfo.errMsgDta: 21: 6); i5_UsrDta = %subst(%trim(i5_entryName) :(i5_BegPos + 1) :((i5_EndPos - i5_BegPos) - 1)); If Not WrtLogSts('ACSLOAD_01': i5_TskCnt: i5_JobNme: i5_UsrNme: i5_JobNbr: i5_UsrDta); // Add additional error handling logic here ======> EndIf; EndIf; Else; // Add additional error handling logic here ======> EndIf; EndIf; EndIf; Else; snd_Data = 'LOAD WARNING: ' + %trim(i5_entryName) + ' in ' + %trim(pgmStatus.mainProcName); EndIf; CallP(e) sndjobmsg(snd_Data); // Job Log Message Entry EndIf; EndIf; EndDo; existIndicator = *ON; // Return SUCCESS code Else; i5_errNoPtr = errno(); snd_Data = 'Open directory failed from ' + %trim(i5_dirName) + ' in program ' + %trim(pgmStatus.mainProcName); CallP(e) sndjobmsg(snd_Data); // Job Log Message Entry EndIf; closeDir(i5_dirPtr); EndIf; On-Error *All; snd_Data = 'Unexpected error in syb_i5_loadFromDelimitedFile()' + ' in program ' + %trim(pgmStatus.mainProcName); CallP(e) sndjobmsg(snd_Data); // Job Log Message Entry EndMon; Return existIndicator; /End-Free p syb_i5_LoadFromDelimitedFile... p e DB2 External Stored Procedure Interface Create Procedure i5ParallelDataLoader ( IN Type char( 10) ) LANGUAGE RPGLE SPECIFIC ACS_I5LOAD NOT DETERMINISTIC External Name ACS_I5LOAD CALLED ON NULL INPUT PARAMETER STYLE DB2SQL; Page 6 of 10 1/3/2011 4:49:44 PM
  • 7. DB2 for i External Stored Procedure Example DB2 External Stored Procedure Program * ================================================================== * * Program name...: ACS_i5LOAD * * Purpose........: Load database tables from delimited files * * Programmer.....: Thomas and Victoria Wolfe * * Create Date....: December 7, 2010 * * * * Maintenance Log: * * * * PGMR SEARCH DATE DESC. OF CHANGE * * * * ================================================================== * /COPY qCPYSRC,ACS_H_PGM /COPY QPRTSRC,ACSGENESIS d i5_LoadType s 10 d i5_NullInd1 s 5i 0 d sqlStateCode s 5 d functionName s 517 d specificName s 128 d errorMessage s 70 d i5_ProdLoad s 10 inz(' ') d message s 80 inz(*Blank) d command s 2048 inz(' ') * ================================================================== * * Common program status information data structure (SDS) * * ================================================================== * /COPY QCPYSRC,ACS_SQLOPT * ================================================================== * * i5 DB2 Parallel Data Loader: Submit CpyFrmImpF command to batch * * ================================================================== * c *entry plist c parm i5_LoadType c parm i5_NullInd1 c parm sqlStateCode c parm functionName c parm specificName c parm errorMessage /Free Monitor; // Global error handler sqlStateCode = '00000'; If i5_NullInd1 = 0; i5_ProdLoad = i5_LoadType; Select; When %xlate(upper: lower: %trim(i5_ProdLoad)) = '*sybase'; If syb_i5_LoadFromDelimitedFile(%trim(syB_Context): Page 7 of 10 1/3/2011 4:49:44 PM
  • 8. DB2 for i External Stored Procedure Example %trim(syB_dataDump): %trim(pgmStatus.UserId) ); Else; sqlStateCode = '38999'; errorMessage = 'Error occured in external stored ' + 'procedure. Contact support and report ' + 'this error message.'; EndIf; Other; sqlStateCode = '38001'; errorMessage = 'Invalid input load parameter ' + %trim(i5_ProdLoad) + ' not processed.'; EndSL; Else; sqlStateCode = '38001'; errorMessage = 'Null input load parameter not' + ' processed.'; EndIf; On-Error *All; // Unmonitored Errors? Dump(a); EndMon; *inlr = *On; Return; /End-Free Benefits of Stored Procedure Processing versus ODBC/JDBC statements • Secure access to DB2 data. • Access non-DB2 data if necessary –VSAM, IMS, etc. • Code business logic once o Maintenance is simpler • Performance improvement? o Instead of multiple SQL statements being sent • Lots of languages to choose from Two Types of Stored Procedures • SQL Stored Procedures • External Procedures Maintenance performed in one place Page 8 of 10 1/3/2011 4:49:44 PM
  • 9. DB2 for i External Stored Procedure Example Get Job Completion Status of Stored Procedure with a Select Statement Select PROCESS, PRCSEQ, Cast(Case When STATUS = 'N' Then 'Success' When STATUS = ‘A’ Then ‘Failure’ Else 'Running’ End As Character(7)) As Status, STARTSTMP, ENDSTMP, RUNNAME, RUNUSER, RUNNUMBER, ERRORID, USRDATA From ACSJOBLOG Order by 4,1,2 Page 9 of 10 1/3/2011 4:49:44 PM
  • 10. DB2 for i External Stored Procedure Example References Writing Stored Procedures in RPG MC Press Online 15 January 2008, Susan Gantner Stored Procedures, Triggers, and User-Defined Functions on DB2 UDB for iSeries DB2 UDB for AS/400 Object Relational Support Cross-Platform DB2 Stored Procedures: Building and Debugging DB2 9 for z/OS Stored Procedures: Through the Call and Beyond DB2 Java Stored Procedures: Learning by Example Modernizing IBM eServer iSeries Application Data Access – A Roadmap Cornerstone Improving Stored Procedure Performance 18 December 2009, Kent Milligan, Jarek Miszczyk, and Gene Cobb The API Corner MC Press online: Automating Recovery (or Keeping the Help Desk Out of the Loop) 21 July 2010 – October 2010, Bruce Vining Page 10 of 10 1/3/2011 4:49:44 PM