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    TOEFL® iBT Vocabulary Wordgod Workshop

        abacus [ˋæbəkəs] n. a frame with beads that slide along parallel rods, used for
        teaching numbers to children, and (in some countries) for counting 算盤
        【例句】The oldest type of computer is the abacus, used in China from centuries ago.
        【字源】古希臘文 < aba- = abax-:一種計算工具 > +
            < -us :calculus 小圓石 > → 古希臘文 < abax > 指的是一種
        【衍生】1. < calculus :小圓石 > → 衍生有「計算」之意。
            衍生字:calculate(v. 計算)。

A                     calculus(n. 微積分):一門數學基礎理論。
                      calendar(n. 日曆):日曆是古人“精算”出來的成就。
            2. < calculus :小圓石 > → 衍生字根 < calc- :石頭 >。
B           衍生字:calcium(n. 鈣):< calc- :石頭 > + < -ium :元素字尾 >。

        abandon [əˋbændən] v. 1. to go away from (a person or thing or place) not
C       intending to return; to forsake; to desert 離開;遺棄 2. to feel an emotion so
        strongly that you can feel nothing else 陷入…某種情感之中
D       【考題】eliminate(v. 消除;除去-iBT)
            give up(phr. 遺棄;拋棄-PBT)
            abandoned = left(adj. 被遺棄的-iBT;PBT)
E           abandoned = no longer occupied(phr. 不再使用的-iBT)
        【例句】Those who abandon themselves to despair can not succeed.

F           那些自暴自棄的人無法成功。
        【字源】ban(n. 禁令)→ 古時國王下禁令、要驅逐一個人,這個人必需“放棄”他的財產與公
G       abbreviate        [əˋbrivɪˏet ; əˈbriːvieɪt] v. to shorten (a word, phrase, etc), esp by
        omitting letters 縮寫;節略
H       【考題】shorten(v. 使縮短-PBT)
        【例句】The most widely used format for compressed sound is called MPEG-3, abbreviated

I               to MP3.
        【字源】< brev- :brief 簡短的 > → 使其更簡短。
J       abhorrent [əbˋhɔrənt        ; əbˈhɔːrənt] adj. causing hatred, especially for moral
        reasons 令人憎惡的;厭惡的
K       【考題】distasteful(adj. 厭惡的-PBT)
        【例句】Most people view the practice of eating dogs as abhorrent.

L           大部分的人對吃狗肉的行為非常厭惡。
        【字源】< hor- :horrible 可怕的,horrible為形聲字,害怕的叫聲 > → 害怕的 → 厭惡的。

        abide [əˋbaɪd] v. 1. to endure something unpleasant 忍受 2. to stay or live in a
M       place 逗留;居留
        PHR V abide by sth: to act in accordance with sth; to be faithful to sth 遵守;忠於
        【例句】They have to abide by the verdict of the judges.

【字源】< bid- :bind 綁 > → 1. 被規範緊緊綁住 → 遵守。
    2. 被緊緊綁住,無法離開 → 逗留。
    3. 被緊緊綁住,無法離開 → 忍受。
【聯想】abide的 i 令人很難忍受,如果能改成c 就好背了,就成了abcde一條龍。

abiding [əˋbaɪdɪŋ] adj. continuing without change; enduring; steadfast 持續的;永
【考題】enduring(adj. 持久的-PBT)
【例句】Love, only love, in the world is abiding and withstanding.
【字源】< bid- :bind 綁 > → 緊緊綁住 → 逗留的 → 持續的 。
ablaze [əˋblez ; əˈbleɪz] adj. very bright; glittering 閃耀的;絢麗的
【考題】radiant(adj. 閃耀的-PBT)
【例句】The house was ablaze with lights and noisy with voices.
【字源】< a- :on > + < -bla :白亮 > → 有白亮之光 → 著火 → 閃耀的。                                         P
【衍生】1. blaze(v. 熊熊燃燒);2. bleach(n. 漂白水)。

abnormal [æbˋnɔrmL ; æbˈnɔːrml] adj. different, esp in an undesirable way, from           Q
what is normal, ordinary, or expected 反常的;不正常的
【考題】abnormally = exceptionally(adv. 反常地;異常地-PBT)
    abnormally = unusually(adv. 異乎尋常地-iBT)
【例句】We do not think such an abnormal phenomenon will last long.
    我們認為這樣的反常現象不會持續很久。                                                                    S
【字源】< ab- :away 離開 > + normal(adj. 正常的)→ 離開正常的規範 → 不正常的。

abolish [əˋbɑlɪʃ ; əˈbɑːlɪʃ] v. to end the existence of (a custom, an institution, etc)   T
【考題】eliminate(v. 消除-PBT)
    end(v. 終止-iBT)
【例句】Some people think that the death penalty should be abolished.
    有些人認為死刑應予以廢除。                                                                         V
【字源】< ab- :away 離開 > + < -ol :old 古老的 > → 丟開古老的東西 → 廢除。

abort [əˋbɔrt ; əˈbɔːrt] v. 1. to end a pregnancy early in order to prevent a baby        W
from developing and being born alive 使流產;墮胎 2. (to cause sth) to end
prematurely and unsuccessfully 使中止;夭折
【考題】quit( v. 停止-iBT;CBT)
【例句】The soldiers were under orders to abort their mission.
    士兵接到命令取消他們的任務。                                                                        Y
【字源】< a- :not 否定字首 > + < -bort :born 出生 > → 沒有順利出生 → 流產。

abound [əˋb0nd ; əˈbaʊnd] v. to be very plentiful; to exist in great numbers 充滿           Z
【考題】be filled with(phr. 充滿-CBT)
    be numerous(phr. 數量很多-iBT)
    abound in = be full of(phr. 充滿;有大量…-PBT)
    abound in = be numerous(phr. 充滿;有大量…-iBT)
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    TOEFL® iBT Vocabulary Wordgod Workshop

        【例句】Maritime areas under Chinese jurisdiction abound in mineral resources.
        【字源】< ab-:away 離開 > + < -und :wave 海浪 > → 像海浪一波波地向外流 → 豐富大量。
        【衍生】undulate(v. 使波動)。
        【聯想】< a- :not 否定字首 > + bound(v. 形成界線)→ 數量沒有邊界 → 大量存在。

        abrade [əˋbred ; əˈbreɪd] v. to wear away by rubbing; to scrape off 磨損;刮除
        【例句】The boy fell down and abraded his knees.
        【字源】< -rad = -ras :raze 夷平;消除 > → 刮除。

A       【衍生】eraser(n. 橡皮擦)。

        abroad [əˋbrɔd ; əˈbrɔːd] adv. in or to a foreign country or countries; away from
B       one's own country 在國外;出國
        【考題】oversea(adv. 在國外-CBT)
            in other countries(phr. 在國外-PBT)
C           in the foreign countries(phr. 在國外-PBT)
        【例句】The famous ice cream parlor is besieged with visitors from abroad.

D           海外客人紛至沓來,使得這家知名的霜淇淋店應接不暇。
        【字源】broad(adj. 寬廣的)→ 相對於在國內,海外對多數人的內心來說,是個充滿未知與寬
E       abrupt [əˋbrʌpt] adj. 1. sudden and unexpected 突然的;意外的 2. (of behavior)
        rough; curt(行為)粗魯的;唐突的
F       【考題】sudden(adj. 突然的-iBT;CBT;PBT)
            abruptly = suddenly(adv. 突然地-iBT;CBT;PBT)

G       【例句】The train came to an abrupt stop, making many passengers fall off their seats.
        【字源】< -rupt :break 打破 > → 打斷 → 別人在講話時突然打斷 → 粗魯的。
H       【衍生】bankrupt(n./v. 破產)。

        absent1 [ˋæbsNt ; ˈæbsənt] adj. 1. not present or attending 不在場的 2. not existing;
I       lacking 不存在的;缺少的
        【例句】He had numerous excuses to offer for being absent from class.

J           他有無數個藉口來為他蹺課做解釋。
        【字源】< ab-:away 離開 > + < -sent :sense 感覺 > → 人離開了,沒有感覺 → 不在場的。

        absent2 [æbˋsɛnt ; æbˈsent] v. to keep (oneself) away 不在;不參與
K       【例句】He deliberately absented himself from the lectures.
L       absent-minded [ˏæbsNt ˋmaɪndɪd ; ˌæbsənt ˈmaɪndɪd] adj. likely to forget things,
        especially because you are thinking about something else 心不在焉的
M       【考題】forgetful(adj. 健忘的;易忘的-PBT)
        【例句】The absent-minded boy is always losing his keys.

absorb [əbˋsɔrb ; əbˈsɔːrb] v. 1. to take (sth) in; to suck up 吸收;吸進 2. to hold the
attention or interest of (sb) fully 使全神貫注;吸引 3. to deal with changes, effects,
costs, etc 承擔(成本)
【考題】appeal(v. 吸引-iBT;CBT)
    learn(v. 學習-iBT)
    take in(phr. 吸收-iBT;CBT)
【例句】The lecture completely absorbed the attention of the audience.
【字源】< -sorb :suck 吸 > → 吸收 → 吸引。

abstract1 [æbˋstrækt] v. to make a written summary of (a book, etc) 摘錄要點              N
【例句】She abstracted several main points from her speech.
【字源】< abs- = ab- :away 離開 > + < -tract:draw 拉 > → 拉開 → 抓出最精要的部分 → 摘錄要                 O
【衍生】distract(v. 分心):心被拉開 → 分心。                                                        P
abstract [ˋæbstrækt] n. 1. an abstract idea or quality 抽象 2. a short account of
the contents of a book, etc; a summary 摘要;概要 adj. existing in thought or as an
idea but not having a physical or practical existence 抽象的
【考題】summary(n. 摘要;概要-PBT)
    not concrete(adj. 不具體的-iBT;CBT)
【例句】Our assignment is to make an abstract of the article.
    我們的作業是為這篇文章作摘要。                                                                   S
absurd [əbˋsɝd ; əbˈsɜːrd] adj. unreasonable; not sensible 不合理的;荒謬的;荒唐的
【考題】ridiculous(adj. 荒謬的;可笑的-iBT;CBT)
【例句】We have no intention of lying down under these absurd allegations.
【字源】< ab- :away 離開 > + < -sur:over 超越 > → 太超過了 → 荒唐的。                                 U
【衍生】surpass(v. 優於):超越過 → 勝過、優於。

abundance [əˋbʌndəns] n. a large quantity that is more than enough 大量                 V
【考題】plenty(n. 豐富;很多-iBT)
    large amount(phr. 大量-iBT)
    great number(phr. 大量-iBT)                                                         W
    in abundance = in great quantities(phr. 豐富;充裕-PBT)
【例句】Alaska has an abundance of natural resources.                                     X
【字源】< ab- :away 離開 > + < -und :wave 海浪 > → 像海浪一波波地流 → 豐富大量。
abundant [əˋbʌndənt] adj. more than enough; plentiful 豐富的;充裕的
【考題】ample(adj. 豐富的-iBT)
    numerous(adj. 許多的-iBT;CBT)                                                        Z
    plentiful(adj. 豐富的-iBT;CBT;PBT)
    abundant in = plentiful(adj. 豐富的-iBT)
       abundantly = generously(adv. 豐富地-iBT;PBT)
       abundantly = in great numbers(phr. 大量地-PBT)
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    TOEFL® iBT Vocabulary Wordgod Workshop

        【例句】The high temperature and abundant rainfall enable the rapid growth of plants.
        【字源】< ab- :away 離開 > + < -und:wave 海浪 > → 像海浪一波波地流 → 豐富的。

        abut [əˋbʌt] v. to touch along a border or with a projecting part 鄰接;毗連
        【例句】The new library abuts on the street where I live.
        【字源】< -but:butt 較粗的一尾端 > → 尾端 → 邊界 → 連接。
        【聯想】一個(a)連接詞(but) → 連接。

        academy [əˋkædəmɪ ; əˈkædəmi] n. a school for special training 專科院校;學院
A       【考題】school(n. 學校-PBT)
        【例句】His sister is currently studying at the Royal Academy of Music now.

B           他妹妹目前在皇家音樂學院就讀。
        【字源】雅典王子塞修斯 (Theseus) 愛上斯巴達少女海倫,並將她搶奪而去。海倫的兩個哥哥發
C           回海倫。兄弟倆為保護Academus不受塞修斯的報復,在其住的農莊外種植小樹林、好

D           館授課。柏拉圖死後,他的學生仍繼續在此研究學問,後來成為第一所重視數學與科學
            教育的學校 (Academy)。

        accede [əkˋsid ; əkˈsiːd] v. 1. to take office 就職 2. to agree (to a request, proposal,
E       etc) 同意
        【考題】accede with = agree to(phr. 同意;應允-PBT)
F       【例句】The UN continues to urge nations to ratify and accede to its various treaties.

        【字源】< ac- = ad-:to > + < -cede:go 走 > → 要求你去,你就去 → 同意。
        【衍生】recede(v. 後退)。

        accelerate [əkˋsɛləˏret ; əkˈseləreɪt] v. 1. to move or happen more quickly 加速 2.
H       to make (sth) move faster or happen earlier; to increase the speed of 使加速;促進
        【考題】increase(v. 增加-PBT)
I           become rapid(phr. 加速-PBT)
            occur at an increased speed(phr. 促進-iBT)
            speed up(phr. 加速-PBT)
J       【例句】Our country needs new policies to accelerate economic growth.

K       【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < -celer :speed 速度 > → 去增加速度 → 加速。
        【衍生】celerity(n. 敏捷)。

L       accentuate     [əkˋsɛntʃUˏet ; əkˈsentʃueɪt] v. to make (sth) very noticeable or
        prominent; to emphasize 突出;強調
        【考題】emphasize(v. 強調-CBT)
M       【例句】When writing the purpose of studying, you should manage your way out of recession
                and accentuate the advantages.
        【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < -cent :center 中心 > → 以某人或某物為中心 → 強調。

accept [əkˋsɛpt ; əkˈsept] v. 1. to take or receive (something offered) 欣然接受 2. to
agree or consent to 同意;認可 3. to undertake the responsibility, duties, honors,
etc, of 承擔
【考題】permit(v. 接受;認可-PBT)
    acceptable = permissible(adj. 可允許的-CBT)
【例句】To occupy the Wall Street accentuates that the Lost Generation in the US refuses to
        accept the reality high unemployment rate may last for a long time.
【字源】< ac- = ad-:to > + < -cept = -cap :hold 握著 > → 去握住別人給的東西 → 接受。
【衍生】except(v. 除了…之外)。
access1 [ˋæksɛs ; ˈækses] n. 1. a means of approaching or entering (a place) 通道;
路徑   2. the opportunity or right to use sth or to see sb/sth 機會;權利
【考題】admittance to(phr. 通路-PBT)
【例句】Students must have access to good resources, e.g. an excellent library, and all-round
        education.                                                                          P
【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < -cess = -cede :go 走 > → 能走進去 → 有進入權。
access2 [ˋæksɛs ; ˈækses] v. to reach, enter or use sth 到達;進入;使用
【考題】reach(v. 到達-iBT;CBT)
【例句】I can't access the file on my company because I've forgotten the code.
【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < -cess = -cede :go 走 > → 走進去 → 進入。                                 S
accessible [əkˋsɛsəbL ; əkˈsesəbl] adj. easy to approach, reach, enter, speak with,
or use 可接近的;可進入的                                                                            T
【考題】available(adj. 可用的-PBT)
    reachable(adj. 可接近的-iBT;CBT)
    easy to reach(phr. 易接近的-iBT;CBT)                                                        U
【例句】This database is only accessible by the authorized manager.
    只有授權的管理員才可以進入此資料庫。                                                                      V
【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < -cess :go 走 > + < -ible:able 能夠…的 > → 能夠走進去的。

accidental [ˏæksəˋdɛntL ; ˌæksɪˈdentl] adj. happening unexpectedly or by chance
【考題】unintentional(adj. 非故意的;無心的-iBT)
【例句】Their meeting on the campus was purely accidental.                                      X
【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < -cid :fall 落下> → 突然落下的東西 → 突然發生的事情 → 意外 →                         Y

acclaim [əˋklem ; əˈkleɪm] v. to praise or welcome sb/sth publicly 稱讚                       Z
n. praise and approval for sb/sth, esp an artistic achievement 讚譽
【考題】praise(v. 稱讚-CBT;PBT)
    recognition(n. 承認-PBT)

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    TOEFL® iBT Vocabulary Wordgod Workshop

        【例句】All the critics acclaimed the book as a masterpiece.
        【字源】< ac- = ad-:to > + < -claim :cry out 叫喊 > → 叫喊 → 喝采。
        【衍生】1. declaim(v. 慷慨陳詞;朗讀):< de- :down 向下 > → 不斷朝下叫喊。
            2. disclaim(v. 否認;放棄):< dis- :否定字首 > → 把宣稱否定掉。
            3. exclaim(v. 呼喊):< ex- :out 往外 > → 喊出來。
            4. proclaim(v. 宣告;公佈):< pro- :before 前面 > → 往眾人面前叫喊 → 公布。
            5. reclaim(v. 改過;悔改):< re- :back 返回 > → 把講過的話收回來 → 悔改。

        accommodate [əˋkɑməˏdet ; əˈkɑːmədeɪt] v. 1. to provide lodging or room for (sb)
A       供給…住宿
                    2. to do (sb) a favor; to oblige 提供方便 3. to take into consideration 順
                 4. to provide enough for space for sb/sth 容納
        【考題】adjust to(phr. 適應-CBT)
B           allow for(phr. 考慮到-CBT)
            provide for(phr. 給予;提供-iBT;CBT)
C           make room for(phr. 提供住宿-CBT)
        【例句】The recreational vehicle could accommodate up to nine people.
D       【字源】< ac- = ad-:to > + < -mod :mode 模式 > → 調整某種模式 → 適應不同大小之物 → 能容
            納的量 → 能提供住宿的空間。

E       accommodation      [əˏkɑməˋdeʃən ; əˌkɑːməˈdeɪʃn] n. a room, esp for living in;

F       【考題】lodging(n. 住處-PBT)
        【例句】They provide overnight accommodation for backpackers.
G       accompany [əˋkʌmpənɪ ; əˈkʌmpəni] v. to walk or travel with (sb) as a companion
        or helper; to escort 伴隨;跟隨;陪伴 2. to occur with sth at the same time 隨著…同
H       時發生
        【考題】join(v. 結合-CBT;PBT)

I           occur with(phr. 隨著…發生-iBT)
            travel with(phr. 陪伴;伴隨-PBT)
            accompanied = be associated with(phr. 使聯繫-iBT)
J       【例句】The disease is accompanied by sneezing and fever.

K       【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + company(n. 陪伴)。
        【衍生】1. company(n. 陪伴):< com- :together 一起 > + < -pan :food 食物 > → 陪你一起
               吃東西的人 → 同伴。 2. pantry(n. 食品儲藏室)。
L       accomplish [əˋkɑmplɪʃ     ; əˈkɑːmplɪʃ] v. to succeed in doing (sth); to complete
        successfully; to achieve 完成;實現
M       【考題】achieve(v. 完成-CBT)
        【例句】At such a young age, he's accomplished more than an average person can not do in
               a lifetime.
        【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < -complish :complete 完成 > → 事情都做到很完整 → 完成。

accomplished [əˋkɑmplɪʃt ; əˈkɑːmplɪʃt] adj. 1. completed; done 實現的;完成的 2.
highly skilled; expert 技藝高超的;熟練的
【考題】achieved(adj. 實現的-iBT;CBT)
    skilled(adj. 熟練的-iBT)
【例句】Both my parents are accomplished musicians.
【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < -complish :complete 完成 > → 完成很多東西,所訓練出來的技藝

accord [əˋkɔrd ; əˈkɔːrd] v. 1. to agree or be in harmony with sth; to correspond
with sth 與…一致 2. to give or grant sth to sb 授與                                      N
IDM in accord with: agreeing with; in harmony 與…一致;融洽
【考題】grant(v. 授與-CBT)
【例句】He was accorded a hero's welcome at the airport.
【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < -cord:heart 心 > → 與某人心意一致 → 願意付出、給予。                      P
【聯想】另一半開Honda accord(本田雅哥)跟你的心最一致,能“給予”最多安全感。

according to prep. as stated or indicated by; on the authority of 依據;按照             Q
【考題】depending on(prep. 由…決定-PBT)
【例句】The books on the shelves were classified according to subjects.
accordingly [əˋkɔrdɪŋlɪ ; əˈkɔːrdɪŋli] adv. therefore; consequently 因此
【考題】consequently(adv. 因此-CBT;PBT)                                                   S
    for that reason(phr. 因此-PBT)
【例句】I was very tired. Accordingly, they sent me home.
account1 [əˋk0nt ; əˈkaʊnt] v. to regard (sb/sth) as; to consider 看做;視為             U
PHR V account for: to explain the cause of sth 解釋

【考題】account for = describe(v. 描述-CBT)
     account for = explain(v. 解釋;說明-iBT;CBT;PBT)
【例句】Recent pressure at work may account for his abnormal behavior.
【字源】< ac- = ad-:to > + count(v. 計算)→ 心中盤算 → 認為。
account2 [əˋk0nt ; əˈkaʊnt] n. 1. an arrangement made with a bank, firm, etc
allowing credit for financial or commercial transactions 帳戶 2. a written or
spoken description of an event 報告;敘述
【考題】description(n. 說明-iBT;CBT)
    report(n. 報告-iBT)
    take into account = consider(v. 考慮-PBT)                                         Z
【例句】The witness gave an account of the traffic accident.
【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + count(v. 計算)→ 計算有多少餘額 → 帳戶 → 說明與敘述收入支出
    的細節 。

                                                     字神帝國英語學院        8
    TOEFL® iBT Vocabulary Wordgod Workshop

        accrete [əˋkrit ; əˋkriːt] v. 1. to grow together; to fuse 聚合;融合 2. to make larger
        or greater, as by increased growth 生長;增大
        【考題】come together(phr. 聚集-iBT)
        【例句】The land was formed by the silt accreting at the mouth of the river.
        【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < cr- :create 產生 > → 慢慢產生、逐漸累積 → 增大。

        accretion [əˋkriʃən ; əˈkriːʃn] n. growth or increase by means of gradual additions

A       【考題】accumulation(n. 增加;積累-PBT)
        【例句】Beach accretion is generally a much slower process than beach erosion.
B       【字源】accrete(v. 生長;增大)。

        accumulate [əˋkjumjəˏlet ; əˈkjuːmjəleɪt] v. 1. to gradually get or gather together
C       an increasing number or quantity of (sth); to get (sth) in this way 積累;聚積 2. to
        increase in number or quantity 增加
        【考題】collect(v. 累積;聚集-iBT;CBT;PBT)
D           gather(v. 使聚集-iBT)
            increase(v. 增加-iBT)
E           build up(phr. 增進;使增大-iBT;CBT)
            gradually increase in number(phr. 漸漸增加-iBT)
            pile up(phr. 累積;堆積-iBT;PBT)
F       【例句】The rich man accumulated wealth by his own exertions.

G       【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < -cumul :累積 > → 增加。
        【衍生】cumulus(n. 積雲;堆積):熱氣一直往上跑 → 累積愈來愈厚的雲層。

H       accurate [ˋækjərət] adj. 1. free from error 正確無誤的 2. careful and exact 精確的;
        【考題】correct(adj. 精確的;準確的-iBT;CBT)
I           exact(adj. 精確的;準確的-PBT)
            accurately = correctly(adv. 精確地;準確地-iBT;CBT)

J           accuracy = precision(n. 精確;準確-CBT)
        【例句】The sale department makes an accurate forecast of sale.
K       【字源】< ac-:sharp; sour 尖;酸 > + < -curate :cure 治療 > → 原指治療時用藥要精準 → 精確

L       accustomed        [əˋkʌstəmd] adj. to be familiar with something and accept it as
        normal 習慣於
M        PHR V accustom sb to sth: to make sb familiar with sth or become used to it 使習
        【考題】accustomed to = used to(phr. 習慣於-iBT;PBT)
        【例句】They need to be accustomed to using computers and Internet as a help of daily routines.

9       【字源】< ac- = ad-:to > + custom(n. 風俗;習慣)→ 去適應風俗習慣 → 習慣。
ache [ek ; eɪk] n. a continuous dull pain 疼痛 v. to suffer from a continuous dull
pain 持續地隱隱作痛
【考題】hurt(n. 損傷-PBT)
【例句】He felt a dull ache in his wrist after using mouse for several hours.
【字源】< ac- :sharp 尖 > → 有尖刺般的隱隱痛楚 → 疼痛。

achieve [əˋtʃiv ; əˈtʃiːv] v. to gain or reach (sth), usually by effort, skill, courage, etc
【考題】accomplish(v. 達到;完成-CBT)
    achievement = accomplishment(n. 成就-PBT)                                                    N
【例句】She hoped to achieve her ambition to become a singer.
【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < -chieve :chief 領袖 > → 去領導完成某事 → 達到。
acid [ˋæsɪd] adj. severe; sarcastic 尖酸刻薄的
【考題】harsh(adj. 嚴酷的;嚴厲的-PBT)                                                                    P
【例句】I found a certain acid tone in his comments.
    我察覺出他評論中的尖酸言論。                                                                             Q
【字源】< ac- :sharp; sour 尖;酸 > → 尖酸刻薄的。

acknowledge [əkˋnɑlɪdʒ ; əkˈnɑːlɪdʒ] v. 1. to accept the truth of (sth); to admit
(sth) 承認 2. to express thanks for (sth) 為…表示感謝
【考題】concede(v. 承認-CBT)
    recognize(v. 正式承認-iBT)                                                                     S
【例句】The new prime minister is generally acknowledged as a farsighted statesman.
【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + knowledge(n. 知識)→ knowledge 源於 know(v. 知道),大家
    都知道的事 → 承認;知道對方的好意 → 感謝。

acquaint [əˋkwent ; əˈkweɪnt] v. to make sb/oneself familiar with or aware of sth 使
【考題】acquaint with = be informed about(phr. 瞭解;認識-PBT)
【例句】It takes time to acquaint yourself with your new duties.
【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < -quaint :cognition 認知;認識 > → 認識 → 熟悉。
acquire     [əˋkwaɪr ; əˈkwaɪə(r)] v. to gain (sth) by one's own ability, efforts or
behavior 獲得;取得
【考題】obtain(v. 獲得;取得-iBT;CBT;PBT)
【例句】His talent in investment helps him acquire great wealth within a short period of time.     Y
【字源】< ac- = ad-:to > + < -quir :seek 尋求 > → 尋求所需 → 找到 → 獲得。
【衍生】require(v. 需要;要求):< re- :again 一再 > → 一直尋求 → 要求。。
acrid [ˋækrɪd] adj. having a strongly bitter smell or taste 辛辣的;苦澀的
【考題】bitter(adj. 苦的-PBT)

                                                         字神帝國英語學院               10

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政治學(含申論暨測驗題) 讀實力-高普.各類特考學儒

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  • 1. 新托福字神培訓營 TOEFL® iBT Vocabulary Wordgod Workshop abacus [ˋæbəkəs] n. a frame with beads that slide along parallel rods, used for teaching numbers to children, and (in some countries) for counting 算盤 【例句】The oldest type of computer is the abacus, used in China from centuries ago. 最古老的計算器是算盤,中國許多世紀以前就使用了。 【字源】古希臘文 < aba- = abax-:一種計算工具 > + < -us :calculus 小圓石 > → 古希臘文 < abax > 指的是一種 利用小圓石幫助計算的工具。 【衍生】1. < calculus :小圓石 > → 衍生有「計算」之意。 衍生字:calculate(v. 計算)。 A calculus(n. 微積分):一門數學基礎理論。 calendar(n. 日曆):日曆是古人“精算”出來的成就。 2. < calculus :小圓石 > → 衍生字根 < calc- :石頭 >。 B 衍生字:calcium(n. 鈣):< calc- :石頭 > + < -ium :元素字尾 >。 abandon [əˋbændən] v. 1. to go away from (a person or thing or place) not C intending to return; to forsake; to desert 離開;遺棄 2. to feel an emotion so strongly that you can feel nothing else 陷入…某種情感之中 D 【考題】eliminate(v. 消除;除去-iBT) give up(phr. 遺棄;拋棄-PBT) abandoned = left(adj. 被遺棄的-iBT;PBT) E abandoned = no longer occupied(phr. 不再使用的-iBT) 【例句】Those who abandon themselves to despair can not succeed. F 那些自暴自棄的人無法成功。 【字源】ban(n. 禁令)→ 古時國王下禁令、要驅逐一個人,這個人必需“放棄”他的財產與公 民權利離開該國。 G abbreviate [əˋbrivɪˏet ; əˈbriːvieɪt] v. to shorten (a word, phrase, etc), esp by omitting letters 縮寫;節略 H 【考題】shorten(v. 使縮短-PBT) 【例句】The most widely used format for compressed sound is called MPEG-3, abbreviated I to MP3.     壓縮聲音最廣泛使用的格式是所謂的MPEG-3,簡稱為MP3。 【字源】< brev- :brief 簡短的 > → 使其更簡短。 J abhorrent [əbˋhɔrənt ; əbˈhɔːrənt] adj. causing hatred, especially for moral reasons 令人憎惡的;厭惡的 K 【考題】distasteful(adj. 厭惡的-PBT) 【例句】Most people view the practice of eating dogs as abhorrent. L 大部分的人對吃狗肉的行為非常厭惡。 【字源】< hor- :horrible 可怕的,horrible為形聲字,害怕的叫聲 > → 害怕的 → 厭惡的。 abide [əˋbaɪd] v. 1. to endure something unpleasant 忍受 2. to stay or live in a M place 逗留;居留 PHR V abide by sth: to act in accordance with sth; to be faithful to sth 遵守;忠於 【例句】They have to abide by the verdict of the judges.     他們必須遵守法官的裁決。 1
  • 2. 【字源】< bid- :bind 綁 > → 1. 被規範緊緊綁住 → 遵守。 2. 被緊緊綁住,無法離開 → 逗留。 3. 被緊緊綁住,無法離開 → 忍受。 【聯想】abide的 i 令人很難忍受,如果能改成c 就好背了,就成了abcde一條龍。 abiding [əˋbaɪdɪŋ] adj. continuing without change; enduring; steadfast 持續的;永 久的 【考題】enduring(adj. 持久的-PBT) 【例句】Love, only love, in the world is abiding and withstanding. 世上惟有愛是恒久不變、永不止息的。 【字源】< bid- :bind 綁 > → 緊緊綁住 → 逗留的 → 持續的 。 N ablaze [əˋblez ; əˈbleɪz] adj. very bright; glittering 閃耀的;絢麗的 【考題】radiant(adj. 閃耀的-PBT) 【例句】The house was ablaze with lights and noisy with voices. O 這屋子燈火輝煌、人聲鼎沸。 【字源】< a- :on > + < -bla :白亮 > → 有白亮之光 → 著火 → 閃耀的。 P 【衍生】1. blaze(v. 熊熊燃燒);2. bleach(n. 漂白水)。 abnormal [æbˋnɔrmL ; æbˈnɔːrml] adj. different, esp in an undesirable way, from Q what is normal, ordinary, or expected 反常的;不正常的 【考題】abnormally = exceptionally(adv. 反常地;異常地-PBT) abnormally = unusually(adv. 異乎尋常地-iBT) R 【例句】We do not think such an abnormal phenomenon will last long. 我們認為這樣的反常現象不會持續很久。 S 【字源】< ab- :away 離開 > + normal(adj. 正常的)→ 離開正常的規範 → 不正常的。 abolish [əˋbɑlɪʃ ; əˈbɑːlɪʃ] v. to end the existence of (a custom, an institution, etc) T 廢除;廢止(習俗、制度等) 【考題】eliminate(v. 消除-PBT) end(v. 終止-iBT) U 【例句】Some people think that the death penalty should be abolished.     有些人認為死刑應予以廢除。 V 【字源】< ab- :away 離開 > + < -ol :old 古老的 > → 丟開古老的東西 → 廢除。 abort [əˋbɔrt ; əˈbɔːrt] v. 1. to end a pregnancy early in order to prevent a baby W from developing and being born alive 使流產;墮胎 2. (to cause sth) to end prematurely and unsuccessfully 使中止;夭折 【考題】quit( v. 停止-iBT;CBT) X 【例句】The soldiers were under orders to abort their mission.     士兵接到命令取消他們的任務。 Y 【字源】< a- :not 否定字首 > + < -bort :born 出生 > → 沒有順利出生 → 流產。 abound [əˋb0nd ; əˈbaʊnd] v. to be very plentiful; to exist in great numbers 充滿 Z 【考題】be filled with(phr. 充滿-CBT) be numerous(phr. 數量很多-iBT) abound in = be full of(phr. 充滿;有大量…-PBT) abound in = be numerous(phr. 充滿;有大量…-iBT) 字神帝國英語學院 2
  • 3. 新托福字神培訓營 TOEFL® iBT Vocabulary Wordgod Workshop 【例句】Maritime areas under Chinese jurisdiction abound in mineral resources. 中國管轄海域蘊藏著豐富的礦產資源。 【字源】< ab-:away 離開 > + < -und :wave 海浪 > → 像海浪一波波地向外流 → 豐富大量。 【衍生】undulate(v. 使波動)。 【聯想】< a- :not 否定字首 > + bound(v. 形成界線)→ 數量沒有邊界 → 大量存在。 abrade [əˋbred ; əˈbreɪd] v. to wear away by rubbing; to scrape off 磨損;刮除 【例句】The boy fell down and abraded his knees. 這個男孩跌倒並擦傷了膝蓋。 【字源】< -rad = -ras :raze 夷平;消除 > → 刮除。 A 【衍生】eraser(n. 橡皮擦)。 abroad [əˋbrɔd ; əˈbrɔːd] adv. in or to a foreign country or countries; away from B one's own country 在國外;出國 【考題】oversea(adv. 在國外-CBT) in other countries(phr. 在國外-PBT) C in the foreign countries(phr. 在國外-PBT) 【例句】The famous ice cream parlor is besieged with visitors from abroad. D 海外客人紛至沓來,使得這家知名的霜淇淋店應接不暇。 【字源】broad(adj. 寬廣的)→ 相對於在國內,海外對多數人的內心來說,是個充滿未知與寬 廣的地方。 E abrupt [əˋbrʌpt] adj. 1. sudden and unexpected 突然的;意外的 2. (of behavior) rough; curt(行為)粗魯的;唐突的 F 【考題】sudden(adj. 突然的-iBT;CBT;PBT) abruptly = suddenly(adv. 突然地-iBT;CBT;PBT) G 【例句】The train came to an abrupt stop, making many passengers fall off their seats. 火車突然煞車,使許多乘客從座位上跌下來。 【字源】< -rupt :break 打破 > → 打斷 → 別人在講話時突然打斷 → 粗魯的。 H 【衍生】bankrupt(n./v. 破產)。 absent1 [ˋæbsNt ; ˈæbsənt] adj. 1. not present or attending 不在場的 2. not existing; I lacking 不存在的;缺少的 【例句】He had numerous excuses to offer for being absent from class. J 他有無數個藉口來為他蹺課做解釋。 【字源】< ab-:away 離開 > + < -sent :sense 感覺 > → 人離開了,沒有感覺 → 不在場的。 absent2 [æbˋsɛnt ; æbˈsent] v. to keep (oneself) away 不在;不參與 K 【例句】He deliberately absented himself from the lectures.     他故意不出席演講。 L absent-minded [ˏæbsNt ˋmaɪndɪd ; ˌæbsənt ˈmaɪndɪd] adj. likely to forget things, especially because you are thinking about something else 心不在焉的 M 【考題】forgetful(adj. 健忘的;易忘的-PBT) 【例句】The absent-minded boy is always losing his keys.     這個心不在焉的男孩老是把鑰匙弄丟。 3
  • 4. absorb [əbˋsɔrb ; əbˈsɔːrb] v. 1. to take (sth) in; to suck up 吸收;吸進 2. to hold the attention or interest of (sb) fully 使全神貫注;吸引 3. to deal with changes, effects, costs, etc 承擔(成本) 【考題】appeal(v. 吸引-iBT;CBT) learn(v. 學習-iBT) take in(phr. 吸收-iBT;CBT) 【例句】The lecture completely absorbed the attention of the audience. 講座把聽眾的注意力完全吸引住了。 【字源】< -sorb :suck 吸 > → 吸收 → 吸引。 abstract1 [æbˋstrækt] v. to make a written summary of (a book, etc) 摘錄要點 N 【例句】She abstracted several main points from her speech.     她從她的演說中歸納出幾個主要的觀點。 【字源】< abs- = ab- :away 離開 > + < -tract:draw 拉 > → 拉開 → 抓出最精要的部分 → 摘錄要 O 點。 【衍生】distract(v. 分心):心被拉開 → 分心。 P 2 abstract [ˋæbstrækt] n. 1. an abstract idea or quality 抽象 2. a short account of the contents of a book, etc; a summary 摘要;概要 adj. existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or practical existence 抽象的 Q R 【考題】summary(n. 摘要;概要-PBT) not concrete(adj. 不具體的-iBT;CBT) 【例句】Our assignment is to make an abstract of the article.     我們的作業是為這篇文章作摘要。 S absurd [əbˋsɝd ; əbˈsɜːrd] adj. unreasonable; not sensible 不合理的;荒謬的;荒唐的 【考題】ridiculous(adj. 荒謬的;可笑的-iBT;CBT) 【例句】We have no intention of lying down under these absurd allegations. T 對於這些荒謬的指控我們是不甘受辱的。 【字源】< ab- :away 離開 > + < -sur:over 超越 > → 太超過了 → 荒唐的。 U 【衍生】surpass(v. 優於):超越過 → 勝過、優於。 abundance [əˋbʌndəns] n. a large quantity that is more than enough 大量 V 【考題】plenty(n. 豐富;很多-iBT) large amount(phr. 大量-iBT) great number(phr. 大量-iBT) W in abundance = in great quantities(phr. 豐富;充裕-PBT) 【例句】Alaska has an abundance of natural resources. X 阿拉斯加有豐富的自然資源。 【字源】< ab- :away 離開 > + < -und :wave 海浪 > → 像海浪一波波地流 → 豐富大量。 Y abundant [əˋbʌndənt] adj. more than enough; plentiful 豐富的;充裕的 【考題】ample(adj. 豐富的-iBT) numerous(adj. 許多的-iBT;CBT) Z plentiful(adj. 豐富的-iBT;CBT;PBT) abundant in = plentiful(adj. 豐富的-iBT) abundantly = generously(adv. 豐富地-iBT;PBT) abundantly = in great numbers(phr. 大量地-PBT) 字神帝國英語學院 4
  • 5. 新托福字神培訓營 TOEFL® iBT Vocabulary Wordgod Workshop 【例句】The high temperature and abundant rainfall enable the rapid growth of plants.     高溫和充沛的雨量能使植物迅速生長。 【字源】< ab- :away 離開 > + < -und:wave 海浪 > → 像海浪一波波地流 → 豐富的。 abut [əˋbʌt] v. to touch along a border or with a projecting part 鄰接;毗連 【例句】The new library abuts on the street where I live.     新圖書館和我住的街道相毗連。 【字源】< -but:butt 較粗的一尾端 > → 尾端 → 邊界 → 連接。 【聯想】一個(a)連接詞(but) → 連接。 academy [əˋkædəmɪ ; əˈkædəmi] n. a school for special training 專科院校;學院 A 【考題】school(n. 學校-PBT) 【例句】His sister is currently studying at the Royal Academy of Music now. B     他妹妹目前在皇家音樂學院就讀。 【字源】雅典王子塞修斯 (Theseus) 愛上斯巴達少女海倫,並將她搶奪而去。海倫的兩個哥哥發 覺後,立刻出發尋找,可是怎麼都找不著。後來農夫Academus好心指引他們方向才找 C 回海倫。兄弟倆為保護Academus不受塞修斯的報復,在其住的農莊外種植小樹林、好 讓他不易讓人找到。而小樹林就命名為Akademos。西元前387年,柏拉圖就在此樹林開 D 館授課。柏拉圖死後,他的學生仍繼續在此研究學問,後來成為第一所重視數學與科學 教育的學校 (Academy)。 accede [əkˋsid ; əkˈsiːd] v. 1. to take office 就職 2. to agree (to a request, proposal, E etc) 同意 【考題】accede with = agree to(phr. 同意;應允-PBT) F 【例句】The UN continues to urge nations to ratify and accede to its various treaties. 聯合國持續催促各國批准並且同意它的各種不同的條約。 G 【字源】< ac- = ad-:to > + < -cede:go 走 > → 要求你去,你就去 → 同意。 【衍生】recede(v. 後退)。 accelerate [əkˋsɛləˏret ; əkˈseləreɪt] v. 1. to move or happen more quickly 加速 2. H to make (sth) move faster or happen earlier; to increase the speed of 使加速;促進 【考題】increase(v. 增加-PBT) I become rapid(phr. 加速-PBT) occur at an increased speed(phr. 促進-iBT) speed up(phr. 加速-PBT) J 【例句】Our country needs new policies to accelerate economic growth. 我們國家需要新政策以加速經濟成長。 K 【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < -celer :speed 速度 > → 去增加速度 → 加速。 【衍生】celerity(n. 敏捷)。 L accentuate [əkˋsɛntʃUˏet ; əkˈsentʃueɪt] v. to make (sth) very noticeable or prominent; to emphasize 突出;強調 【考題】emphasize(v. 強調-CBT) M 【例句】When writing the purpose of studying, you should manage your way out of recession and accentuate the advantages. 當你在寫留學申請的讀書計畫時,要擺脫頹勢,突顯優勢。 【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < -cent :center 中心 > → 以某人或某物為中心 → 強調。 5
  • 6. accept [əkˋsɛpt ; əkˈsept] v. 1. to take or receive (something offered) 欣然接受 2. to agree or consent to 同意;認可 3. to undertake the responsibility, duties, honors, etc, of 承擔 【考題】permit(v. 接受;認可-PBT) acceptable = permissible(adj. 可允許的-CBT) 【例句】To occupy the Wall Street accentuates that the Lost Generation in the US refuses to accept the reality high unemployment rate may last for a long time. 佔領華爾街行動突顯了,美國失落的一代拒絕接受長期高失業率的事實。 【字源】< ac- = ad-:to > + < -cept = -cap :hold 握著 > → 去握住別人給的東西 → 接受。 【衍生】except(v. 除了…之外)。 N access1 [ˋæksɛs ; ˈækses] n. 1. a means of approaching or entering (a place) 通道; 路徑 2. the opportunity or right to use sth or to see sb/sth 機會;權利 【考題】admittance to(phr. 通路-PBT) O 【例句】Students must have access to good resources, e.g. an excellent library, and all-round education. P 學生要有接觸好資源比如一座完善的圖書館,與接受完整教育的機會。 【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < -cess = -cede :go 走 > → 能走進去 → 有進入權。 Q access2 [ˋæksɛs ; ˈækses] v. to reach, enter or use sth 到達;進入;使用 【考題】reach(v. 到達-iBT;CBT) 【例句】I can't access the file on my company because I've forgotten the code. R 我無法取出公司的檔案,因為忘了密碼。 【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < -cess = -cede :go 走 > → 走進去 → 進入。 S accessible [əkˋsɛsəbL ; əkˈsesəbl] adj. easy to approach, reach, enter, speak with, or use 可接近的;可進入的 T 【考題】available(adj. 可用的-PBT) reachable(adj. 可接近的-iBT;CBT) easy to reach(phr. 易接近的-iBT;CBT) U 【例句】This database is only accessible by the authorized manager. 只有授權的管理員才可以進入此資料庫。 V 【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < -cess :go 走 > + < -ible:able 能夠…的 > → 能夠走進去的。 accidental [ˏæksəˋdɛntL ; ˌæksɪˈdentl] adj. happening unexpectedly or by chance 意外的;偶然的 W 【考題】unintentional(adj. 非故意的;無心的-iBT) 【例句】Their meeting on the campus was purely accidental. X     他們在校園的相遇全然是偶然。 【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < -cid :fall 落下> → 突然落下的東西 → 突然發生的事情 → 意外 → Y 意外的。 acclaim [əˋklem ; əˈkleɪm] v. to praise or welcome sb/sth publicly 稱讚 Z n. praise and approval for sb/sth, esp an artistic achievement 讚譽 【考題】praise(v. 稱讚-CBT;PBT) recognition(n. 承認-PBT) 字神帝國英語學院 6
  • 7. 新托福字神培訓營 TOEFL® iBT Vocabulary Wordgod Workshop 【例句】All the critics acclaimed the book as a masterpiece. 所有的批評家都盛讚這本書是件傑作。 【字源】< ac- = ad-:to > + < -claim :cry out 叫喊 > → 叫喊 → 喝采。 【衍生】1. declaim(v. 慷慨陳詞;朗讀):< de- :down 向下 > → 不斷朝下叫喊。     2. disclaim(v. 否認;放棄):< dis- :否定字首 > → 把宣稱否定掉。     3. exclaim(v. 呼喊):< ex- :out 往外 > → 喊出來。     4. proclaim(v. 宣告;公佈):< pro- :before 前面 > → 往眾人面前叫喊 → 公布。     5. reclaim(v. 改過;悔改):< re- :back 返回 > → 把講過的話收回來 → 悔改。 accommodate [əˋkɑməˏdet ; əˈkɑːmədeɪt] v. 1. to provide lodging or room for (sb) A 供給…住宿 應;顧及 2. to do (sb) a favor; to oblige 提供方便 3. to take into consideration 順 4. to provide enough for space for sb/sth 容納 【考題】adjust to(phr. 適應-CBT) B allow for(phr. 考慮到-CBT) provide for(phr. 給予;提供-iBT;CBT) C make room for(phr. 提供住宿-CBT) 【例句】The recreational vehicle could accommodate up to nine people. 這輛休旅車最多能容納九個人。 D 【字源】< ac- = ad-:to > + < -mod :mode 模式 > → 調整某種模式 → 適應不同大小之物 → 能容 納的量 → 能提供住宿的空間。 E accommodation [əˏkɑməˋdeʃən ; əˌkɑːməˈdeɪʃn] n. a room, esp for living in; lodgings(居住用的)房間;住所 F 【考題】lodging(n. 住處-PBT) 【例句】They provide overnight accommodation for backpackers. 他們提供過夜的住處給背包客。 G accompany [əˋkʌmpənɪ ; əˈkʌmpəni] v. to walk or travel with (sb) as a companion or helper; to escort 伴隨;跟隨;陪伴 2. to occur with sth at the same time 隨著…同 H 時發生 【考題】join(v. 結合-CBT;PBT) I occur with(phr. 隨著…發生-iBT) travel with(phr. 陪伴;伴隨-PBT) accompanied = be associated with(phr. 使聯繫-iBT) J 【例句】The disease is accompanied by sneezing and fever. 打噴嚏與發燒會伴隨著這疾病一起發生。 K 【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + company(n. 陪伴)。 【衍生】1. company(n. 陪伴):< com- :together 一起 > + < -pan :food 食物 > → 陪你一起 吃東西的人 → 同伴。 2. pantry(n. 食品儲藏室)。 L accomplish [əˋkɑmplɪʃ ; əˈkɑːmplɪʃ] v. to succeed in doing (sth); to complete successfully; to achieve 完成;實現 M 【考題】achieve(v. 完成-CBT) 【例句】At such a young age, he's accomplished more than an average person can not do in a lifetime. 他小小年紀就已經做到一個普通人一輩子都完成不了的事情。 【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < -complish :complete 完成 > → 事情都做到很完整 → 完成。 7
  • 8. accomplished [əˋkɑmplɪʃt ; əˈkɑːmplɪʃt] adj. 1. completed; done 實現的;完成的 2. highly skilled; expert 技藝高超的;熟練的 【考題】achieved(adj. 實現的-iBT;CBT) skilled(adj. 熟練的-iBT) 【例句】Both my parents are accomplished musicians. 我父母親均是有造詣的音樂家。 【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < -complish :complete 完成 > → 完成很多東西,所訓練出來的技藝 一定很高超。 accord [əˋkɔrd ; əˈkɔːrd] v. 1. to agree or be in harmony with sth; to correspond with sth 與…一致 2. to give or grant sth to sb 授與 N IDM in accord with: agreeing with; in harmony 與…一致;融洽 【考題】grant(v. 授與-CBT) 【例句】He was accorded a hero's welcome at the airport. O 他在機場受到英雄式的歡迎。 【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < -cord:heart 心 > → 與某人心意一致 → 願意付出、給予。 P 【聯想】另一半開Honda accord(本田雅哥)跟你的心最一致,能“給予”最多安全感。 according to prep. as stated or indicated by; on the authority of 依據;按照 Q 【考題】depending on(prep. 由…決定-PBT) 【例句】The books on the shelves were classified according to subjects. 架子上的書按科目分類。 R accordingly [əˋkɔrdɪŋlɪ ; əˈkɔːrdɪŋli] adv. therefore; consequently 因此 【考題】consequently(adv. 因此-CBT;PBT) S for that reason(phr. 因此-PBT) 【例句】I was very tired. Accordingly, they sent me home. 我非常疲倦。因此他們送我回家。 T account1 [əˋk0nt ; əˈkaʊnt] v. to regard (sb/sth) as; to consider 看做;視為 U PHR V account for: to explain the cause of sth 解釋 V 【考題】account for = describe(v. 描述-CBT) account for = explain(v. 解釋;說明-iBT;CBT;PBT) 【例句】Recent pressure at work may account for his abnormal behavior. 最近的工作壓力也許能解釋他反常的行為。 【字源】< ac- = ad-:to > + count(v. 計算)→ 心中盤算 → 認為。 W account2 [əˋk0nt ; əˈkaʊnt] n. 1. an arrangement made with a bank, firm, etc allowing credit for financial or commercial transactions 帳戶 2. a written or X spoken description of an event 報告;敘述 【考題】description(n. 說明-iBT;CBT) Y report(n. 報告-iBT) take into account = consider(v. 考慮-PBT) Z 【例句】The witness gave an account of the traffic accident. 目擊者敘述了交通事故的經過。 【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + count(v. 計算)→ 計算有多少餘額 → 帳戶 → 說明與敘述收入支出 的細節 。 字神帝國英語學院 8
  • 9. 新托福字神培訓營 TOEFL® iBT Vocabulary Wordgod Workshop accrete [əˋkrit ; əˋkriːt] v. 1. to grow together; to fuse 聚合;融合 2. to make larger or greater, as by increased growth 生長;增大 【考題】come together(phr. 聚集-iBT) 【例句】The land was formed by the silt accreting at the mouth of the river. 這片土地由河口積聚的淤泥所形成。 【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < cr- :create 產生 > → 慢慢產生、逐漸累積 → 增大。 accretion [əˋkriʃən ; əˈkriːʃn] n. growth or increase by means of gradual additions (逐漸地)生長;增大 A 【考題】accumulation(n. 增加;積累-PBT) 【例句】Beach accretion is generally a much slower process than beach erosion. 沙灘淤積作用通常是比海岸侵蝕慢得多的過程。 B 【字源】accrete(v. 生長;增大)。 accumulate [əˋkjumjəˏlet ; əˈkjuːmjəleɪt] v. 1. to gradually get or gather together C an increasing number or quantity of (sth); to get (sth) in this way 積累;聚積 2. to increase in number or quantity 增加 【考題】collect(v. 累積;聚集-iBT;CBT;PBT) D gather(v. 使聚集-iBT) increase(v. 增加-iBT) E build up(phr. 增進;使增大-iBT;CBT) gradually increase in number(phr. 漸漸增加-iBT) pile up(phr. 累積;堆積-iBT;PBT) F 【例句】The rich man accumulated wealth by his own exertions. 這名富人靠自己的努力累積財富。 G 【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < -cumul :累積 > → 增加。 【衍生】cumulus(n. 積雲;堆積):熱氣一直往上跑 → 累積愈來愈厚的雲層。 H accurate [ˋækjərət] adj. 1. free from error 正確無誤的 2. careful and exact 精確的; 準確的 【考題】correct(adj. 精確的;準確的-iBT;CBT) I exact(adj. 精確的;準確的-PBT) accurately = correctly(adv. 精確地;準確地-iBT;CBT) J accuracy = precision(n. 精確;準確-CBT) 【例句】The sale department makes an accurate forecast of sale. 銷售部門做了一項準確的銷售預測。 K 【字源】< ac-:sharp; sour 尖;酸 > + < -curate :cure 治療 > → 原指治療時用藥要精準 → 精確 的。 L accustomed [əˋkʌstəmd] adj. to be familiar with something and accept it as normal 習慣於 M PHR V accustom sb to sth: to make sb familiar with sth or become used to it 使習 慣於 【考題】accustomed to = used to(phr. 習慣於-iBT;PBT) 【例句】They need to be accustomed to using computers and Internet as a help of daily routines. 他們必須習慣使用電腦和網路幫忙處理每日的例行公事。 9 【字源】< ac- = ad-:to > + custom(n. 風俗;習慣)→ 去適應風俗習慣 → 習慣。
  • 10. ache [ek ; eɪk] n. a continuous dull pain 疼痛 v. to suffer from a continuous dull pain 持續地隱隱作痛 【考題】hurt(n. 損傷-PBT) 【例句】He felt a dull ache in his wrist after using mouse for several hours. 使用滑鼠好幾個鐘頭之後他感到手腕隱隱作痛。 【字源】< ac- :sharp 尖 > → 有尖刺般的隱隱痛楚 → 疼痛。 achieve [əˋtʃiv ; əˈtʃiːv] v. to gain or reach (sth), usually by effort, skill, courage, etc 達到;完成 【考題】accomplish(v. 達到;完成-CBT) achievement = accomplishment(n. 成就-PBT) N 【例句】She hoped to achieve her ambition to become a singer. 她希望能實現當歌手的抱負。 【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < -chieve :chief 領袖 > → 去領導完成某事 → 達到。 O acid [ˋæsɪd] adj. severe; sarcastic 尖酸刻薄的 【考題】harsh(adj. 嚴酷的;嚴厲的-PBT) P 【例句】I found a certain acid tone in his comments. 我察覺出他評論中的尖酸言論。 Q 【字源】< ac- :sharp; sour 尖;酸 > → 尖酸刻薄的。 acknowledge [əkˋnɑlɪdʒ ; əkˈnɑːlɪdʒ] v. 1. to accept the truth of (sth); to admit (sth) 承認 2. to express thanks for (sth) 為…表示感謝 R 【考題】concede(v. 承認-CBT) recognize(v. 正式承認-iBT) S 【例句】The new prime minister is generally acknowledged as a farsighted statesman. 新首相是一位公認的有遠見的政治家。 【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + knowledge(n. 知識)→ knowledge 源於 know(v. 知道),大家 T U 都知道的事 → 承認;知道對方的好意 → 感謝。 acquaint [əˋkwent ; əˈkweɪnt] v. to make sb/oneself familiar with or aware of sth 使 V 熟悉;瞭解 【考題】acquaint with = be informed about(phr. 瞭解;認識-PBT) 【例句】It takes time to acquaint yourself with your new duties. 要使你自己熟悉新的職務是需要時間的。 【字源】< ac- = ad- :to > + < -quaint :cognition 認知;認識 > → 認識 → 熟悉。 W acquire [əˋkwaɪr ; əˈkwaɪə(r)] v. to gain (sth) by one's own ability, efforts or behavior 獲得;取得 X 【考題】obtain(v. 獲得;取得-iBT;CBT;PBT) 【例句】His talent in investment helps him acquire great wealth within a short period of time. Y 他在投資方面的天賦助他在短時間內就獲得大量財富。 【字源】< ac- = ad-:to > + < -quir :seek 尋求 > → 尋求所需 → 找到 → 獲得。 【衍生】require(v. 需要;要求):< re- :again 一再 > → 一直尋求 → 要求。。 Z acrid [ˋækrɪd] adj. having a strongly bitter smell or taste 辛辣的;苦澀的 【考題】bitter(adj. 苦的-PBT) 字神帝國英語學院 10