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Associate Professor,
Apollo college of nursing,
Normal labour is characterized by
īƒ˜ coordinated uterine contractions(interval gradually
shortens and intensity gradually increases)
īƒ˜ associated with progressive dilatation of the cervix
(Normal labour is associated with cervical dilatation
â‰Ĩ 1cm  hour in a nulliparous woman )
īƒ˜ descent of the fetal head.
upper poleī‚›Polarity of uterus: When
contracts lower pole relax
ī‚›Pacemakers : Two pace makers are
each cornua of the uterus
contraction in co-ordinated
situated at
ī‚› Pattern of contraction : uterine contraction
starts at cornua and propagate towards
lower uterine segment with decrease in
duration and intensity as it moves away
from the pacemaker
ī‚› Basal tone : 5- 20 mm Hg
ī‚› Peak pressure : 60 -80 mm Hg
ī‚› Frequency of contraction :adequate uterine
contractions are 1 in every 3 mints lasting for
about 45 sec with good relaxation in between
ī‚› Abdominal palpation
ī‚› Tocodynamometer :with the help of external
ī‚› Intrauterine pressure catheter
ī‚› Any deviation of the normal pattern of uterine
contractions affecting the course of labour is
designated as disordered or abnormal uterine
ī‚› Prevalent in primi with advancing age of the mother
ī‚› Prolonged pregnancy
ī‚› Over distension of the uterus due to twins and or
ī‚› Psychologic factor
ī‚› Contracted pelvis, malpresentation and deflexed head. All
these lead to ill fitting of the presenting part into the lower
uterine segment.
This probably results in inhibition of the local reflex
which is needed to produce effective contraction of the upper
ī‚› Full bladder and loaded rectum reflexly inhibit
uterine contraction
ī‚› Injudicious administration of sedatives,
analgesics and oxytocics
ī‚› Premature attempt of vaginal delivery or
attempted instrumental vaginal delivery under
light anaesthesia.
a. Over-efficient uterine action
> Precipitate labour: in absence of obstruction
> Excessive contraction and retraction: in presence of
b.Inefficient uterine action
> Hypotonic inertia
> Hypertonic inertia
* Colicky uterus
* Hyperactive lower uterine segment
>Constriction (contraction) ring
īƒ˜ Generalised tonic uterus
c.Cervical dystocia
â€ĸ Definition
A labour lasting less than 3 hours.
īą Combined duration of 1st and 2ndstage of labour
is < 2 hours.
īą Rate of cervical dilatation greater than 5cm/H in
primipara & 10 cm/H in multipara.
īą Due to combined effect of hyperactive uterine
contractions and diminished soft tissue
â€ĸ It is more common in multiparous when
there are:
* strong uterine contractions,
* small sized baby,
* roomy pelvis,
* minimal soft tissue resistance.
* Lacerations of the cervix, vagina and perineum.
*Inversion of the uterus.
*Postpartum haemorrhage: due to,
>no time for retraction,
> lacerations.
* Sepsis due to:
> lacerations,
> inappropriate surroundings.
>Intracranial haemorrhage due to sudden
compression and decompression of the head.
>Foetal asphyxia due to:
*strong frequent uterine contractions reducing
placental perfusion,
*lack of immediate resuscitation.
>Avulsion of the umbilical cord.
>Foetal injury due to falling down.
â€ĸ Before delivery:
Patient who had previous precipitate labour
should be hospitalized before expected date
of delivery as she is more prone to repeated
precipitate labour.
â€ĸ During delivery:
* Inhalation anaesthesia: as nitrous oxide and
oxygen is given to slow the course of labour.
* Tocolytic agents: as ritodrine (Yutopar) may be
* Episiotomy: to avoid perineal lacerations and
intracranial haemorrhage.
Physiological Retraction Ring
â€ĸ It is a line of demarcation between the upper
and lower uterine segment present during
normal labour and cannot usually be felt
â€ĸ Pathological Retraction Ring (Bandl’s ring)
* It is the rising up retraction ring during obstructed
labour due to marked retraction and thickening of the
upper uterine segment while the relatively passive
lower segment is markedly stretched and thinned to
accommodate the foetus.
* The Bandl’s ring is seen and felt abdominally as a
transverse groove that may rise to or above the
* Clinical picture: is that of obstructed labour with
impending rupture uterus.
* Obstructed labour should be properly treated otherwise
the thinned lower uterine segment will rupture.
Contraction increases in intensity ,duration and
frequency with decreased relaxation in between
Retraction continues
Progressive thinning & elongation of lower uterine
Development of circular groove b/n upper and lower
segment-called BANDL’S RING.
In primigravidae further retraction ceases in
response to obstruction and labour comes
to a stand still-a state of exhaustion.
In multiparae retraction continues with
progressive dilatation and thinning of lower
uterine segment
Bandl’s ring moves towards the
Rupture of lower uterine segment
Fetal jeopardy and death
Patient is anxious looking
Features of exhaustion and ketoacidosis
Upper uterine segment is tender and hard
Lower uterine segment distended and
Groove is seen between the two.
Correction of dehydration & ketoacidosis
Adequate pain relief
Parenteral antibiotics
Caesarean delivery in majority of cases
Dystocia: abnormal or difficult labour. It is characterized
by slow progress or arrest of labour.
Definition of uterine inertia:
â€ĸ The uterine contractions are infrequent, weak, inefficient
and of short duration.
ī‚› Uterine contraction: the intensity is
diminished; duration is shortened; good
relaxation in between contractions and the
intervals are increased.
General pattern of uterine contractions of
labour is maintained but intrauterine
pressure during contraction hardly rises
above 25mm Hg
ī‚› Elderly primi gravida
ī‚› Anemia or other chronic illness
ī‚› Hypertensive state in pregnancy
as in twin orī‚› Overdistension of uterus such
ī‚› Malpresentation and malposition
ī‚› Full bladder
ī‚› Uterine fibroid
ī‚› Premature induction of labour
o Nervous and emotional as anxiety and fear.
o Improper use of analgesics.
â€ĸ Unknown but the following factors may be incriminated:
ī‚› Primary inertia :weak uterine contrations from the
ī‚› Secondary inertia :interia developed after a
period of good contraction probably as the
result of contracted pelvis as protective
mechanism .
ī‚› 1.Patient feels less pain and discomfort
during uterine contraction
ī‚› 2.Hand placed over the uterus during uterine
contraction reveals less hardening of the
ī‚› 3.Uterine wall is easily intenable at the
ī‚› 4.Uterus becomes relaxed after the
contraction; fetal parts are well palpable and
fetal heart rate remains good.
Internal examination reveals;
ī‚› Poor dilatation of thecervix
ī‚›Membranes usually remain intact
ī‚›Cervix well applied to the presenting part
ī‚› Associated presence of contracted
pelvis, malposition, deflexed head or
malpresentation may be evident.
Effects on mother:
ī‚›Prolonged labor
ī‚›Maternal distress, dehydration and
psychological depression
ī‚›Increased risk for infection
ī‚›Increased risk of PPH
membraneī‚›Fetal distress if
ruptures early
ī‚› Careful evaluation of the case is to be
ī‚› To be sure that the patient is in true
ī‚› To exclude cephalopelvic disproportion
or malpresentation
ī‚› To plan out the management protocol
Detected in first stage:
Place of caesarean section:
ī‚› Presence of contracted pelvis
ī‚›Evidences of fetal or maternal distress
In these cases where vaginal delivery is
found unsafe and fetal condition
remains good, caesarean section may
be preferred.
ī‚› General measures:
ī‚› To keep up the morale of the patient
ī‚› To empty the bowel by enema and bladder by
encouraging the patient to empty at intervals,
failing which catheterization is to be done
ī‚› To maintain nourishment by infusion of 5%
ī‚› Adequate sedation is ensured by intramuscular
Pethidine 100 mg
MEASURESī‚› Acceleration of uterine contraction can be brought about by low
rupture of the membranes followed by Oxytocin drip if not
â€ĸ An infusion of 2 unit of Oxytocin dissolved in 500ml 5% dextrose
is started.
â€ĸ The drip rate should be slow at first and is to be gradually
increased until effective contractions are set up.
â€ĸ Close watch of the maternal and fetal conditions and nature of
uterine contractions is mandatory.
â€ĸ The drip is to be continued till 1 hour after delivery;
unsatisfactory and  or fetal
If, however, cervical dilatation
Caesarean section is the best alternative.
ī‚›If the case is first seen at this stage, careful
evaluation of the case is to be done to
exclude contracted pelvis, malpresentation
and to determine station of the head in
relation to ischial spines and fetal condition.
ī‚›In presence of contracted pelvis or
malpresentation where vaginal
delivery is found unsafe and fetal
remains good,
section may be
preferred even at this stage.
ī‚› Head low down – Forceps or ventouse
ī‚› Head not sufficiently low down
ī‚›Âˇ Stimulation of uterine contraction by
oxytocin drip or
ī‚› Ventouse extraction. Difficult forceps
should be avoided
ī‚› Craniotomy – If the baby is dead
ī‚›Active management of the
third stage is advocated
* Colicky uterus: incoordination of the different
parts of the uterus in contractions.
* Hyperactive lower uterine segment: so the
dominance of the upper segment is lost.
ī‚› It is defined as either a series of single
contractions lasting 2 minutes or more or
a contraction frequency of five or more in
10 minutes.Uterine hyperstimulation may
result in
fetal heart rate
uterine rupture,
or placental abruption
ī‚›Spastic lower uterine segment
ī‚›Colicky uterus
ī‚›Asymmetrical uterine contraction
ī‚›Constriction ring
ī‚›Generalised tonic contraction
All these states are collectively
called as incordinate uterine action
ī‚›Strong and painful uterine
ī‚›High frequency
ī‚›Slow cervical dilatation
ī‚›Two pole of uterus doesn’t functions
ī‚› Labour is prolonged.
ī‚› Uterine contractions are irregular and more painful.
The pain is felt before and throughout the
contractions with marked low backache often in
occipito-posterior position.
ī‚› High resting intrauterine pressure in between uterine
contractions detected by tocography (normal value
is 5-10 mmHg).
ī‚› Slow cervical dilatation .
ī‚› Premature rupture of membranes.
ī‚› Foetal and maternal distress.
ī‚›CPD- C/S
ī‚› Vital monitoring
ī‚› I/V therapy
ī‚› I/O charting
ī‚› FHS every 15 min
ī‚› Fetal distress-C/S
ī‚› Various parts of uterus contracts independently
Hyperactive lower uterine segment
ī‚› Fundal gradient is lost , reverse gradient of the
uterine activity starts from the lower uterine
segment goes toward fundus and cervix
ī‚› It is a persistent localised annular spasm of the
circular uterine muscles.
ī‚› It occurs at any part of the uterus but usually at
junction of the upper and lower uterine
ī‚› It can occur at the 1st, 2nd or 3 rd stage of
Unknown but the predisposing factors are:
ī‚› Malpresentations and malpositions.
ī‚› Premature rupture of membrane
ī‚› Premature attempt of instrumental delivery
lightī‚› Intrauterine manipulations under
ī‚› Improper use of oxytocin e.g.
ī‚› use of oxytocin in hypertonic inertia.
ī‚› IM injection of oxytocin.
ī‚› The condition is more common in primigravidae and
frequently preceded by colicky uterus.
ī‚› The exact diagnosis is achieved only by feeling the
ring with a hand introduced into the uterine cavity.
ī‚› Prolonged 1st stage: if the ring occurs at the level of
the internal os.
ī‚› Prolonged 2nd stage: if the ring occurs around the
foetal neck.
ī‚› Retained placenta and postpartum haemorrhage: if
the ring occurs in the 3rd stage (hour- glass
ī‚› Mother becomes tired and restless due to continue pain
and discomfort
ī‚› Features of maternal distress and keto-acidosis
ī‚› Abdominal palpation
ī‚› Upper segment hard ,uniformly convex and tender
ī‚› Retraction ring obliquely placed between umblicus and
symphysis pubis
ī‚› Fetal part may not be well defined
ī‚› FHS usually absent
ī‚› Vaginal examination
ī‚› Dry hot vagina with offensive discharge
ī‚› Cervix fully dilated
ī‚› Causes of obstruction is revealed
Nature It is a manifestation of localised
inco-ordinated uterine
It is an end result of tonic uterine
contraction and retraction
Cause Undue irritability of the uterus. Following obstructed labour
Situation Usually at the junction of upper At the junction of upper and
and lower segment but may occur lower segment. The position
in other places. The position does progressively moves upwards
not alter.
Uterus Upper segment contracts and
retracts with relaxation in
between lower segment remains
thick and loose.
Upper segment is tonically
contracted with no relaxation
The wall becomes thicker, lower
segment becomes distended and
thinned out
Almost unaffected unless the
labour is prolonged
Maternal exhaustion, sepsis
appear early
oUterus feels normal and not
oFetal parts are easily felt
oFHS is usually felt
o Uterus is tense and tender
o Not easily felt
o Ring is felt as a groove
placed obliquely
oThe lower segment is not
pressed by the presenting part
oRing is felt usually above the
o Features of obstructed labour
are absent
o Lower segment is very much
pressed by the forcibly driven
presenting part
o Ring cannot be felt vaginally
o Features are present
End result oMaternal exhaustion is a late o Maternal exhaustion and
feature sepsis appear early
o Fetal anoxia usually appear late o Fetal anoxia and even death
o Chance of uterinerupture is are usually early
absent o Rupture uterus in multi
gravidae is common
ī‚› Provide supportive therapy
ī‚› Analgesic and sedation
ī‚› Hydration
ī‚› Prophylactic antibiotic
ī‚› Definitive treatment
ī‚› Destructive surgery if fetus is dead
ī‚› Fetus alive-C/S
ī‚› Exclude malpresentations, malposition and
ī‚› In the 1st stage: Pethidine, morphine may be of
beneficial .
ī‚› In the 2nd stage: Deep general anaesthesia and amyl
nitrite inhalation are given to relax the constriction ring:
ī‚› If the ring is relaxed, the foetus is delivered
immediately by forceps.
ī‚› If the ring does not relax, caesarean section is carried out with
lower segment vertical incision to divide the ring.
ī‚› In the 3rd stage: Deep general anaesthesia and amyl nitrite
inhalation are given followed by manual removal of the placenta
ī‚› In this condition pronounces retraction occurs involving
whole of the uterus upto the level of internal os. Thus
there is no physiological differentiation of the active upper
segment and the passive lower segment of the uterus. As
there is no thinning of the lower segment, there is no
chance of rupture of the uterus. The uterine contraction
ceases and the whole uterus undergoes a sort of tonic
muscular spasm holding the fetus inside (active retention
of the fetus)
ī‚› Failure to overcome the obstruction by powerful
contractions of the uterus
ī‚› Injudicious administration of oxytocics
ī‚› Irritation caused by repeated unsuccessful attempt
of instrumental delivery
ī‚›The patient is in prolonged labor having
severe and continuous pain. Abdominal
examination revels the uterus to be
somewhat smaller in size, tense and
is the
are neither
fetal heart sound
audible. Vaginal examination reveals
jammed head with big caput; dry and
oedematous vagina.
ī‚› Correction of dehydration and keto acidosis: by
rapid infusion of Ringer’s solution
ī‚› Antibiotics : To control infection
ī‚› Adequate pain relief
â€ĸ Tocolytic agents for e.g terbutalin 0.25mg S.C.
â€ĸ Caesarean delivery is done in majority of cases.
Failure of the cervix to dilate within a reasonable time
in spite of good regular uterine contractions.
ī‚› Organic (secondary) due to:
ī‚› Cervical stances as a sequel to previous amputation,
cone biopsy, extensive cauterisation or obstetric
ī‚› Organic lesions as cervical myoma or carcinoma.
ī‚› Functional (primary):
ī‚› In spite of the absence of any organic lesion and the
well effacement of the cervix, the external os fails to
ī‚› This may be due to lack of softening of the cervix during
pregnancy or cervical spasm resulted from overactive
sympathetic tone or excessive fibrous tissue .
ī‚› Ineffective uterine contractions
ī‚› Malpresentation, Malposition (abnormal
relationship between the cervix and the
presenting part)
ī‚› Spasm (contractions) of the cervix
ī‚› Organic dystocia:
ī‚› Caesarean section is the management of choice.
ī‚› Functional dystocia:
ī‚› Pethidine and antispasmodics: may be effective.
ī‚› Caesarean section: if
ī‚› medical treatment fails or
ī‚› foetal distress developed.

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Abnormal uterine action

  • 1. ABNORMAL UTERINE ACTION Mrs. U SREEVIDYA Msc. NURSING, Associate Professor, Apollo college of nursing, CHITTOOR
  • 2. NORMAL UTERINE ACTION Normal labour is characterized by īƒ˜ coordinated uterine contractions(interval gradually shortens and intensity gradually increases) īƒ˜ associated with progressive dilatation of the cervix (Normal labour is associated with cervical dilatation â‰Ĩ 1cm hour in a nulliparous woman ) īƒ˜ descent of the fetal head.
  • 3. upper poleī‚›Polarity of uterus: When contracts lower pole relax ī‚›Pacemakers : Two pace makers are each cornua of the uterus contraction in co-ordinated situated at generating manner ī‚› Pattern of contraction : uterine contraction starts at cornua and propagate towards lower uterine segment with decrease in duration and intensity as it moves away from the pacemaker
  • 4.
  • 5. PARAMETER OF UTERINE ACTION ī‚› Basal tone : 5- 20 mm Hg ī‚› Peak pressure : 60 -80 mm Hg ī‚› Frequency of contraction :adequate uterine contractions are 1 in every 3 mints lasting for about 45 sec with good relaxation in between
  • 6. ASSESSMENT OF CONTRACTION ī‚› Abdominal palpation ī‚› Tocodynamometer :with the help of external transducers ī‚› Intrauterine pressure catheter
  • 7.
  • 8. ABNORMAL UTERINE ACTION ī‚› Any deviation of the normal pattern of uterine contractions affecting the course of labour is designated as disordered or abnormal uterine action.
  • 10. ETIOLOGY ī‚› Prevalent in primi with advancing age of the mother ī‚› Prolonged pregnancy ī‚› Over distension of the uterus due to twins and or polyhydramnios ī‚› Psychologic factor ī‚› Contracted pelvis, malpresentation and deflexed head. All these lead to ill fitting of the presenting part into the lower uterine segment. This probably results in inhibition of the local reflex which is needed to produce effective contraction of the upper segment.
  • 11. ī‚› Full bladder and loaded rectum reflexly inhibit uterine contraction ī‚› Injudicious administration of sedatives, analgesics and oxytocics ī‚› Premature attempt of vaginal delivery or attempted instrumental vaginal delivery under light anaesthesia.
  • 12. a. Over-efficient uterine action > Precipitate labour: in absence of obstruction > Excessive contraction and retraction: in presence of obstruction b.Inefficient uterine action > Hypotonic inertia > Hypertonic inertia * Colicky uterus * Hyperactive lower uterine segment >Constriction (contraction) ring īƒ˜ Generalised tonic uterus c.Cervical dystocia CLASSIFICATION OF ABNORMAL UTERINE ACTIVITY
  • 14. PRECIPITATE LABOUR â€ĸ Definition A labour lasting less than 3 hours. īą Combined duration of 1st and 2ndstage of labour is < 2 hours. īą Rate of cervical dilatation greater than 5cm/H in primipara & 10 cm/H in multipara. īą Due to combined effect of hyperactive uterine contractions and diminished soft tissue resistance
  • 15. â€ĸ It is more common in multiparous when there are: * strong uterine contractions, * small sized baby, * roomy pelvis, * minimal soft tissue resistance. AETIOLOGY
  • 16. COMPLICATION S Maternal: * Lacerations of the cervix, vagina and perineum. *Shock. *Inversion of the uterus. *Postpartum haemorrhage: due to, >no time for retraction, > lacerations. * Sepsis due to: > lacerations, > inappropriate surroundings.
  • 17. COMPLICATIO NS Foetal: >Intracranial haemorrhage due to sudden compression and decompression of the head. >Foetal asphyxia due to: *strong frequent uterine contractions reducing placental perfusion, *lack of immediate resuscitation. >Avulsion of the umbilical cord. >Foetal injury due to falling down.
  • 18. MANAGEMEN T â€ĸ Before delivery: Patient who had previous precipitate labour should be hospitalized before expected date of delivery as she is more prone to repeated precipitate labour.
  • 19. MANAGEMENT CONT.. â€ĸ During delivery: * Inhalation anaesthesia: as nitrous oxide and oxygen is given to slow the course of labour. * Tocolytic agents: as ritodrine (Yutopar) may be effective. * Episiotomy: to avoid perineal lacerations and intracranial haemorrhage.
  • 21. Physiological Retraction Ring â€ĸ It is a line of demarcation between the upper and lower uterine segment present during normal labour and cannot usually be felt abdominally.
  • 22. â€ĸ Pathological Retraction Ring (Bandl’s ring) * It is the rising up retraction ring during obstructed labour due to marked retraction and thickening of the upper uterine segment while the relatively passive lower segment is markedly stretched and thinned to accommodate the foetus. * The Bandl’s ring is seen and felt abdominally as a transverse groove that may rise to or above the umbilicus. * Clinical picture: is that of obstructed labour with impending rupture uterus. * Obstructed labour should be properly treated otherwise the thinned lower uterine segment will rupture.
  • 23.
  • 24. TONIC UTERINE CONTRACTION AND RETRACTION PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY OF UTERUS: Contraction increases in intensity ,duration and frequency with decreased relaxation in between Retraction continues Progressive thinning & elongation of lower uterine segment / Development of circular groove b/n upper and lower segment-called BANDL’S RING.
  • 25. In primigravidae further retraction ceases in response to obstruction and labour comes to a stand still-a state of exhaustion. In multiparae retraction continues with progressive dilatation and thinning of lower uterine segment Bandl’s ring moves towards the umblicus Rupture of lower uterine segment Fetal jeopardy and death
  • 26.
  • 27. CLINICAL FEATURES â€ĸ â€ĸ â€ĸ â€ĸ â€ĸ Patient is anxious looking Features of exhaustion and ketoacidosis Upper uterine segment is tender and hard Lower uterine segment distended and tender Groove is seen between the two.
  • 28. TREATMEN T â€ĸ â€ĸ â€ĸ Correction of dehydration & ketoacidosis Adequate pain relief Parenteral antibiotics EXCLUDE RUPTURE OF UTERUS Caesarean delivery in majority of cases
  • 30. UTERINE INERTIA Dystocia: abnormal or difficult labour. It is characterized by slow progress or arrest of labour. Definition of uterine inertia: â€ĸ The uterine contractions are infrequent, weak, inefficient and of short duration. ī‚› Uterine contraction: the intensity is diminished; duration is shortened; good relaxation in between contractions and the intervals are increased. General pattern of uterine contractions of labour is maintained but intrauterine pressure during contraction hardly rises above 25mm Hg
  • 31. ETIOLOGY ī‚› Elderly primi gravida ī‚› Anemia or other chronic illness ī‚› Hypertensive state in pregnancy as in twin orī‚› Overdistension of uterus such polyhydraminous ī‚› Malpresentation and malposition ī‚› Full bladder ī‚› Uterine fibroid ī‚› Premature induction of labour o Nervous and emotional as anxiety and fear. o Improper use of analgesics. â€ĸ Unknown but the following factors may be incriminated:
  • 32. TYPES ī‚› Primary inertia :weak uterine contrations from the beginning ī‚› Secondary inertia :interia developed after a period of good contraction probably as the result of contracted pelvis as protective mechanism .
  • 33. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS ī‚› 1.Patient feels less pain and discomfort during uterine contraction ī‚› 2.Hand placed over the uterus during uterine contraction reveals less hardening of the uterus. ī‚› 3.Uterine wall is easily intenable at the contractions. ī‚› 4.Uterus becomes relaxed after the contraction; fetal parts are well palpable and fetal heart rate remains good.
  • 34. DIAGNOSIS Internal examination reveals; ī‚› Poor dilatation of thecervix ī‚›Membranes usually remain intact ī‚›Cervix well applied to the presenting part ī‚› Associated presence of contracted pelvis, malposition, deflexed head or malpresentation may be evident.
  • 35. COMPLICATIONS Effects on mother: ī‚›Prolonged labor ī‚›Maternal distress, dehydration and psychological depression ī‚›Increased risk for infection ī‚›Increased risk of PPH ī‚›Subinvolution
  • 37. MANAGEMENT ī‚› Careful evaluation of the case is to be done: ī‚› To be sure that the patient is in true labour ī‚› To exclude cephalopelvic disproportion or malpresentation ī‚› To plan out the management protocol
  • 38. Detected in first stage: Place of caesarean section: ī‚› Presence of contracted pelvis ī‚›Malpresentation ī‚›Evidences of fetal or maternal distress In these cases where vaginal delivery is found unsafe and fetal condition remains good, caesarean section may be preferred.
  • 39. VAGINAL DELIVERY ī‚› General measures: ī‚› To keep up the morale of the patient ī‚› To empty the bowel by enema and bladder by encouraging the patient to empty at intervals, failing which catheterization is to be done ī‚› To maintain nourishment by infusion of 5% dextrose ī‚› Adequate sedation is ensured by intramuscular Pethidine 100 mg
  • 40. ACTIVE MEASURESī‚› Acceleration of uterine contraction can be brought about by low rupture of the membranes followed by Oxytocin drip if not contraindicated. â€ĸ An infusion of 2 unit of Oxytocin dissolved in 500ml 5% dextrose is started. â€ĸ The drip rate should be slow at first and is to be gradually increased until effective contractions are set up. â€ĸ Close watch of the maternal and fetal conditions and nature of uterine contractions is mandatory. â€ĸ The drip is to be continued till 1 hour after delivery; unsatisfactory and or fetal If, however, cervical dilatation distress remains appears, Caesarean section is the best alternative.
  • 41. DETECTED IN SECOND STAGE ī‚›If the case is first seen at this stage, careful evaluation of the case is to be done to exclude contracted pelvis, malpresentation and to determine station of the head in relation to ischial spines and fetal condition.
  • 42. PLACE OF CAESAREAN SECTION ī‚›In presence of contracted pelvis or malpresentation where vaginal delivery is found unsafe and fetal condition caesarean remains good, section may be preferred even at this stage.
  • 43. VAGINAL DELIVERY ī‚› Head low down – Forceps or ventouse delivery ī‚› Head not sufficiently low down ī‚›Âˇ Stimulation of uterine contraction by oxytocin drip or ī‚› Ventouse extraction. Difficult forceps should be avoided ī‚› Craniotomy – If the baby is dead
  • 44. THIRD STAGE ī‚›Active management of the third stage is advocated
  • 46. TYPES * Colicky uterus: incoordination of the different parts of the uterus in contractions. * Hyperactive lower uterine segment: so the dominance of the upper segment is lost.
  • 47. HYPERTONIC UTERINE ACTION ī‚› It is defined as either a series of single contractions lasting 2 minutes or more or a contraction frequency of five or more in 10 minutes.Uterine hyperstimulation may result in abnormalities, fetal heart rate uterine rupture, or placental abruption
  • 48. EXAMPLE ī‚›Spastic lower uterine segment ī‚›Colicky uterus ī‚›Asymmetrical uterine contraction ī‚›Constriction ring ī‚›Generalised tonic contraction All these states are collectively called as incordinate uterine action
  • 49. IN CO-ORDINATE UTERINE ACTION ī‚›Strong and painful uterine contraction ī‚›High frequency ī‚›Slow cervical dilatation ī‚›Two pole of uterus doesn’t functions rhythmically
  • 50. CLINICAL FEATURES ī‚› Labour is prolonged. ī‚› Uterine contractions are irregular and more painful. The pain is felt before and throughout the contractions with marked low backache often in occipito-posterior position. ī‚› High resting intrauterine pressure in between uterine contractions detected by tocography (normal value is 5-10 mmHg). ī‚› Slow cervical dilatation . ī‚› Premature rupture of membranes. ī‚› Foetal and maternal distress.
  • 51. MANAGEME NT ī‚›CPD- C/S ī‚› Vital monitoring ī‚› I/V therapy ī‚› I/O charting ī‚› FHS every 15 min ī‚›Partograph ī‚› Fetal distress-C/S
  • 52. COLICKY UTERUS ī‚› Various parts of uterus contracts independently Hyperactive lower uterine segment ī‚› Fundal gradient is lost , reverse gradient of the uterine activity starts from the lower uterine segment goes toward fundus and cervix
  • 53. CONSTRICTION RING (CONTRACTION) RING ī‚› It is a persistent localised annular spasm of the circular uterine muscles. ī‚› It occurs at any part of the uterus but usually at junction of the upper and lower uterine segments. ī‚› It can occur at the 1st, 2nd or 3 rd stage of labour.
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  • 56. AETIOLOGY Unknown but the predisposing factors are: ī‚› Malpresentations and malpositions. ī‚› Premature rupture of membrane ī‚› Premature attempt of instrumental delivery lightī‚› Intrauterine manipulations under anaesthesia. ī‚› Improper use of oxytocin e.g. ī‚› use of oxytocin in hypertonic inertia. ī‚› IM injection of oxytocin.
  • 57. DIAGNOSIS ī‚› The condition is more common in primigravidae and frequently preceded by colicky uterus. ī‚› The exact diagnosis is achieved only by feeling the ring with a hand introduced into the uterine cavity. Complications ī‚› Prolonged 1st stage: if the ring occurs at the level of the internal os. ī‚› Prolonged 2nd stage: if the ring occurs around the foetal neck. ī‚› Retained placenta and postpartum haemorrhage: if the ring occurs in the 3rd stage (hour- glass contraction).
  • 58.
  • 59. CLINICAL FEATURES ī‚› Mother becomes tired and restless due to continue pain and discomfort ī‚› Features of maternal distress and keto-acidosis ī‚› Abdominal palpation ī‚› Upper segment hard ,uniformly convex and tender ī‚› Retraction ring obliquely placed between umblicus and symphysis pubis ī‚› Fetal part may not be well defined ī‚› FHS usually absent ī‚› Vaginal examination ī‚› Dry hot vagina with offensive discharge ī‚› Cervix fully dilated ī‚› Causes of obstruction is revealed
  • 60. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CONSTRICTION RING AND RETRACTION RING CONSTRICTION RING RETRACTION RING Nature It is a manifestation of localised inco-ordinated uterine contraction. It is an end result of tonic uterine contraction and retraction Cause Undue irritability of the uterus. Following obstructed labour Situation Usually at the junction of upper At the junction of upper and and lower segment but may occur lower segment. The position in other places. The position does progressively moves upwards not alter. Uterus Upper segment contracts and retracts with relaxation in between lower segment remains thick and loose. Upper segment is tonically contracted with no relaxation The wall becomes thicker, lower segment becomes distended and thinned out
  • 61. Maternal condition Almost unaffected unless the labour is prolonged Maternal exhaustion, sepsis appear early Abdominal Examination oUterus feels normal and not tender oFetal parts are easily felt oFHS is usually felt o Uterus is tense and tender o Not easily felt o Ring is felt as a groove placed obliquely Vaginal examination oThe lower segment is not pressed by the presenting part oRing is felt usually above the head o Features of obstructed labour are absent o Lower segment is very much pressed by the forcibly driven presenting part o Ring cannot be felt vaginally o Features are present End result oMaternal exhaustion is a late o Maternal exhaustion and feature sepsis appear early o Fetal anoxia usually appear late o Fetal anoxia and even death o Chance of uterinerupture is are usually early absent o Rupture uterus in multi gravidae is common
  • 62. MANAGEME NT ī‚› Provide supportive therapy ī‚› Analgesic and sedation ī‚› Hydration ī‚› Prophylactic antibiotic ī‚› Definitive treatment ī‚› Destructive surgery if fetus is dead ī‚› Fetus alive-C/S
  • 63. MANAGEME NT ī‚› Exclude malpresentations, malposition and disproportion. ī‚› In the 1st stage: Pethidine, morphine may be of beneficial . ī‚› In the 2nd stage: Deep general anaesthesia and amyl nitrite inhalation are given to relax the constriction ring: ī‚› If the ring is relaxed, the foetus is delivered immediately by forceps. ī‚› If the ring does not relax, caesarean section is carried out with lower segment vertical incision to divide the ring. ī‚› In the 3rd stage: Deep general anaesthesia and amyl nitrite inhalation are given followed by manual removal of the placenta
  • 64. GENERALIZED TONIC CONTRACTION (UTERINE TETANY) ī‚› In this condition pronounces retraction occurs involving whole of the uterus upto the level of internal os. Thus there is no physiological differentiation of the active upper segment and the passive lower segment of the uterus. As there is no thinning of the lower segment, there is no chance of rupture of the uterus. The uterine contraction ceases and the whole uterus undergoes a sort of tonic muscular spasm holding the fetus inside (active retention of the fetus)
  • 65.
  • 66. CAUSE S ī‚› Failure to overcome the obstruction by powerful contractions of the uterus ī‚› Injudicious administration of oxytocics ī‚› Irritation caused by repeated unsuccessful attempt of instrumental delivery
  • 67. CLINICAL FEATURES ī‚›The patient is in prolonged labor having severe and continuous pain. Abdominal examination revels the uterus to be somewhat smaller in size, tense and wellFetal nor parts is the are neither fetal heart sound tender. defined, audible. Vaginal examination reveals jammed head with big caput; dry and oedematous vagina.
  • 68. MANAGEME NT ī‚› Correction of dehydration and keto acidosis: by rapid infusion of Ringer’s solution ī‚› Antibiotics : To control infection ī‚› Adequate pain relief â€ĸ Tocolytic agents for e.g terbutalin 0.25mg S.C. â€ĸ Caesarean delivery is done in majority of cases.
  • 69. CERVICAL DYSTOCIA Definition Failure of the cervix to dilate within a reasonable time in spite of good regular uterine contractions.
  • 70. TYPES ī‚› Organic (secondary) due to: ī‚› Cervical stances as a sequel to previous amputation, cone biopsy, extensive cauterisation or obstetric trauma. ī‚› Organic lesions as cervical myoma or carcinoma. ī‚› Functional (primary): ī‚› In spite of the absence of any organic lesion and the well effacement of the cervix, the external os fails to dilate. ī‚› This may be due to lack of softening of the cervix during pregnancy or cervical spasm resulted from overactive sympathetic tone or excessive fibrous tissue .
  • 71. ETIOLOGY ī‚› Ineffective uterine contractions ī‚› Malpresentation, Malposition (abnormal relationship between the cervix and the presenting part) ī‚› Spasm (contractions) of the cervix
  • 72. MANAGEMENT ī‚› Organic dystocia: ī‚› Caesarean section is the management of choice. ī‚› Functional dystocia: ī‚› Pethidine and antispasmodics: may be effective. ī‚› Caesarean section: if ī‚› medical treatment fails or ī‚› foetal distress developed.