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WARNING: These techniques should be monitored by a physician especially in patients with severely compromised immune systems due to the possibility of provoking an infection. For those who fear doing such a procedure, read the actual case history of a lady who perservered against all advice, family and medical, even with a blocked common bile duct, elevated liver enzymes and jaundice due to the backed up bile in her system. She was one step from surgery but resisted, perservered, and saved herself. The case history will be at the end of this document. 
Pregnant women should not use coffee enemas. 
Coffee enema kits are available from Geneva Chiropractic Clinic, complete kit for $25 plus postage. Includes French colon tube, enema bag, enough organic coffee for five enemas and instruction sheet. Call 440-466-1186 credit card orders only. 
Organic coffee whole beans in five pound heavy duty plastic bag $50 plus shipping. 
NOTE: Patients with adrenal exhaustion should limit the coffee enema to two or three a week. If a coffee enema does not make you feel better you might be taking too many, stop them for a day or two. If you feel better after a coffee enema you probably need it. The coffee enema has been used in hospitals for toxic shock and was part of orthodox medical technique listed in the Merk Manual for over seventy years [1898-1970s]. 
1. Coffee used must be organic 
2. Enema equipment needed is a colon tube and an enema bag The enema bags are marked for single use only but can be used over and over many times when used with the colon tube. The enema bag needs to be flexible and transparent so that you can monitor the amount of coffee entering the bowel. 
3. Most of the enema bags have a tube with two holes at the end, one right at the end and one on the side of the tube close to the end. The hole on the side of the tube causes it to leak so you need to snip the end off just above the side hole. That snipped off end of the enema bag tube is placed snugly into the colon tube and the colon tube is what is inserted into the rectum. [the name of this tube is a French 28 colon tube and they are hard to find – not many drugstores carry them. The flexible enema bags are also hard to find.] You must place the clamp on the enema tube prior to slipping it into the colon tube and clamp it firmly to prevent coffee from leaking when you fill your enema bag. Most people forget the clamp the first or second time and end up with coffee all over the place. 
4. Make a pot of coffee with two heaping tablespoons of organic coffee to one quart of pure water and allow it to cool to body temperature - the coffee can be made the night before. 
5. Put the clamp on the end of the enema bag tube and then insert the end of the enema bag tube into the dilated end of the colon tube. 
6. Hang your enema bag on a doorknob or shower handle etc., with the bottom of the bag about two feet above your body and pour the quart of coffee into the enema bag. Place a jug on the floor and place the colon tube into the jug and release the clamp until a small amount of coffee is released through the colon tube. Be ready to clamp it off quickly so as not to lose too much coffee. That amount can then be poured back into the enema bag.
7. lubricate about four or five inches of the end of the French 28 tube and your anus with some KY jelly or suitable cream. 
8. Lie on your left side and insert the colon tube twelve to eighteen inches into your rectum [depending upon your size] and take in one half of the coffee. Do not force the colon tube, there should be no pain during this procedure. 
9. Set your timer for ten minutes. Hold the coffee in for at least ten minutes but not over fifteen. Your blood passes through the liver about once every three minutes. You might have to bear down hard to resist losing the coffee since occasionally waves of peristalsis can intensify due to the increased bulk in the bowel. This is experienced as strong cramping. Especially if the coffee is cold. 
10. After ten minutes sit on the toilet and evacuate your bowels - let the coffee out - then repeat the procedure above. In serious toxic problems the coffee enema should be done twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon between two and five PM if possible and they should always be done under an experienced qualified person to assist and answer questions. Most people are able to do coffee enemas with no help whatsoever. 
11. If large amounts of mucus are noted use two okra pepsin after each meal for three months. Anyone unable to take the coffee enema for any reason needs to use a good, harmless laxative to help keep the bowel as clean as possible. 
12. If you have trouble finding these items they can be ordered from the Applied Wellness center and the Applied Kinesiology Health Center. Most health food stores carry organic coffee. 
NOTE: Coffee in the large bowel acts as a pain killer and has a calming effect on most people. Substances in coffee promote glutathione S-transferase [GST] activity above the norm. GST is a key Liver metabolic enzyme. The liver and small bowel neutralize the most common tissue toxins: polyamines, ammonia, toxic-bound nitrogen, and electrophiles. The theophylline and theobromine in coffee dilate blood vessels and help counter inflammation of the gut while the palmitates enhance the enzyme system responsible for the removal of toxic free radicals from the serum. Since blood passes around the body and through the liver every three minutes, some people feel better within three or four minutes of introducing the coffee into the large bowel.
From The Cancer Chronicles #6 and #7 © Autumn 1990 by Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D. 
This is a two-part story on the history of the coffee enema. It has been reprinted often around the world. -- Ed. 
The most controversial alternative procedures has to be the coffee enema. Along with other detoxification routines, the coffee enema is a central part of both the Gerson and the Kelley programs. It is always good for a laugh: "with milk or sugar?" This bizarre-sounding treatment can also be used to scare people away from alternatives in general. No quackbusting article these days is complete without a reference to "enemas made from roasted coffee beans." So what's the story? Is the coffee enema crackpot faddism or is there some rationale behind this procedure? 
An enema is "a fluid injected into the rectum for the purpose of clearing out the bowel, or of administering drugs or food." The word itself comes from the Greek en-hienai, meaning to "send or inject into." The enema has been called "one of the oldest medical procedures still in use today." Tribal women in Africa, and elsewhere, routinely use it on their children. The earliest medical text in existence, the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus, (1,500 B.C.) mentions it. Millennia before, the Pharaoh had a "guardian of the anus," a special doctor one of whose purposes was to administer the royal enema.
The Greeks wrote of the fabled cleanliness of the Egyptians, which included the internal cleansing of their systems through emetics and enemas. They employed these on three consecutive days every month said Herodotus (II.77) or at intervals of three or four days, according to the later historian Diodorus. 
The Egyptians "believed that diseases were engendered by superfluities of the food", a modern- sounding theory! 
Enemas were known in ancient Sumeria, Babylonia, India, Greece and China. American Indians independently invented it, using a syringe made of an animal bladder and a hollow leg bone. Pre- Columbian South Americans fashioned latex into the first rubber enema bags and tubes. In fact, there is hardly a region of the world where people did not discover or adapt the enema. It is more ubiquitous than the wheel. Enemas are found in world literature from Aristophanes to Shakespeare, Gulliver Travels to Peyton Place. 
In pre-revolutionary France a daily enema after dinner was de rigueur. It was not only considered indispensable for health but practiced for good complexion as well. Louis XIV is said to have taken over 2,000 in his lifetime.Could this have been the source of the Sun King's sunny disposition? For centuries, enemas were a routine home remedy. Then, within living memory, the routine use of enemas died out. The main times that doctors employ them nowadays is before or after surgery and childbirth. Difficult and potentially dangerous barium enemas
before colonic X rays are of course still a favorite of allopathic doctors. 
But why coffee? This bean has an interesting history. It was imported in Arabia in the early 1500's by the Sufi religious mystics, who used it to fight drowsiness while praying. It was especially prized for its medicinal qualities, in both the Near East and Europe. No one knows when the first daring soul filled the enema bag with a quart of java. What is known is that the coffee enema appeared at least as early as 1917 and was found in the prestigious Merck Manual until 1972. In the 1920s German scientists found that a caffeine solution could open the bile ducts and stimulate the production of bile in the liver of experimental animals. 
Dr. Max Gerson used this clinically as part of a general detoxification regimen, first for tuberculosis, then cancer. Caffeine, he postulated, will travel up the hemorrhoidal to the portal vein and thence to the liver itself. Gerson noted some remarkable effects of this procedure. For instance, 
Patients could dispense with all pain-killers once on the enemas. 
Many people have noted the 
paradoxical calming effect 
of coffee enemas. And while coffee enemas can relieve constipation, Gerson cautioned:
"Patients have to know that the coffee enemas are not given for the function of the intestines but for the stimulation of the liver." 
Coffee enemas were an established part of medical practice when Dr. Max Gerson introduced them into cancer therapy in the 1930s. Basing himself on German laboratory work, Gerson believed that caffeine could stimulate the liver and gall bladder to discharge bile. He felt this process could contribute to the health of the cancer patient. 
Although the coffee enema has been heaped with scorn, there has been some independent scientific work that gives credence to this concept. In 1981, for instance, Dr. Lee Wattenberg and his colleagues were able to show that substances found in coffee— kahweol and cafestol palmitate—promote the activity of a key enzyme system, glutathione S- transferase, above the norm. This system detoxifies a vast array of electrophiles from the bloodstream and, according to Gar Hildenbrand of the Gerson Institute, "must be regarded as an important mechanism for carcinogen detoxification." This enzyme group is responsible for neutralizing free radicals, harmful chemicals now commonly implicated in the initiation of cancer. In mice, for example, these systems are enhanced 600 percent in the liver and 700 percent in the bowel when coffee beans are added to the mice's diet. 
Dr. Peter Lechner, who is investigating the Gerson method at the Landeskrankenhaus of Graz, Austria, has reported that "coffee enemas have a definite effect on the colon which can be observed with an
endoscope." F.W. Cope (1977) has postulated the existence of a "tissue damage syndrome." When cells are challenged by poison, oxygen deprivation, malnutrition or a physical trauma they lose potassium, take on sodium and chloride, and swell up with excess water. 
Another scientist (Ling) has suggested that water in a normal cell is contained in an "ice-like" structure. Being alive requires not just the right chemicals but the right chemical structure. Cells normally have a preference for potassium over sodium but when a cell is damaged it begins to prefer sodium. This craving results in a damaged ability of cells to repair themselves and to utilize energy. Further, damaged cells produce toxins; around tumors are zones of "wounded" but still non-malignant tissue, swollen with salt and water. 
Gerson believed it axiomatic that cancer could not exist in normal metabolism. He pointed to the fact that scientists often had to damage an animal's thyroid and adrenals just to get a transplanted tumor to "take."He directed his efforts toward creating normal metabolism in the tissue surrounding a tumor. 
It is the liver and small bowel which neutralize the most common tissue toxins: polyamines, ammonia, toxic-bound nitrogen, and electrophiles.These detoxification systems are probably enhanced by the coffee enema. Physiological Chemistry and Physics has stated that "caffeine enemas cause dilation of bile ducts, which facilitates excretion of toxic cancer breakdown products by the liver and dialysis of toxic products across the colonic wall."
In addition, theophylline and theobromine (two other chemicals in coffee) dilate blood vessels and counter inflammation of the gut; the palmitates enhance the enzyme system responsible for the removal of toxic free radicals from the serum;and the fluid of the enema then stimulates the visceral nervous system to promote peristalsis and the transit of diluted toxic bile from the duodenum and out the rectum. 
Since the enema is generally held for 15 minutes, and all the blood in the body passes through the liver every three minutes, "these enemas represent a form of dialysis of blood across the gut wall" (Healing Newsletter, #13, May-June, 1986). 
Prejudice against coffee enemas continues, however. Although this data was made available to Office of Technology Assessment it was largely ignored in their box on the procedure. They dismissively state "there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that coffee enemas detoxify the blood or liver." 
No medical procedure is without risk and OTA is quick to point out alleged dangers of the coffee enemas. For instance, they cite one doctor's opinion that coffee "taken by this route is a strong stimulant and can be at least as addictive as coffee taken regularly by mouth." This may indeed be true. Yet one wonders where the data is on this, and whether OTA would issue a similar warning about the perils of coffee drinking. 
Another potential danger, they say, is physical damage to the rectum—"fatal bowel perforation and necrosis" which have been associated with "various other types
of enema." The risk of perforation comes from the insertion device used. At the Gerson clinic, for instance, they use a short nozzle which couldn't inflict much harm; Gonzalez uses a soft rubber colon tube. In neither case would this caveat seem to apply. On thin evidence, OTA also suggests enemas can cause colitis. 
The agency also cites the case of the two Seattle women who died following excessive enema use. Their deaths were attributed to fluid and electrolyte abnormalities. One took 10 to 12 coffee enemas in a single night and then continued at a rate of one per hour. The other took four daily. As OTA points out, "in both cases, the enemas were taken much more frequently than is recommended in the Gerson treatment." 
In general, coffee enemas are an important tool for physicians who try to detoxify the body. This is not to say they are a panacea. They certainly require much more research. But coffee enemas are serious business: their potential should be explored by good research—not mined for cheap shots at alternative medicine or derisively dismissed as yet another crackpot fad. 
E is for Enema 
By Dr. Ralph Moss from Newsletter 
It seems I am the Coffee Enema King. Out of 7,500 websites on the topic at the Google search engine, my essay on the history of enemas is rated none. I have found my ticket to immortality. When all my books have crumbled, my little coffee enema article will still be kicking around the Internet. 
to dust
When I first heard the words "coffee" and "enema" 25 years ago, I almost fell off my chair laughing. At Sloan-Kettering, the big joke was, "With cream or sugar?" Eventually that joke wore thin, when I discovered that coffee enemas were a serious part of alternative medicine (CAM). The National Institutes of Health has even given $1.4 million to find out if coffee enemas, along with supplements and diet, can fight pancreatic cancer. 
An enema is defined as "a fluid injected into the rectum for the purpose of clearing out the bowel, or of administering drugs or food." It is one of humanity's oldest medical procedures still in use. Tribal women in Africa routinely administer it to their children. The earliest medical text in existence, the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus, mentions it. Millennia before, the Pharaoh had a "guardian of the anus," a special doctor whose purpose was to administer his enema. This was truly a Royal Flush. 
Enemas sprang up from ancient Greece to India. American Indians independently invented it, using a syringe made of an animal bladder and a hollow leg bone. Pre- Columbian South Americans fashioned latex into rubber enema bags and tubes (the world's first use of rubber). It is more ubiquitous than the wheel. Enemas are also found in world literature from Aristophanes to Shakespeare, Gulliver's Travels to Peyton Place. Louis XIV is said to have taken over 2,000 in his lifetime. Could this have been the source of the Sun King's sunny disposition? 
No one knows when the first daring soul filled an enema bag with Java. What is known is that the coffee enema was recorded as early as 1917 and was recommended in the prestigious Merck Manual until the mid-1970s. In the 1920s, German scientists claimed that a caffeine solution could open the bile ducts and stimulate the production of bile in the liver of experimental animals. The CAM pioneer Max Gerson, MD, used this clinically as part of his detoxification regimen. The effects of caffeine, he postulated, travel upward to the liver. He noted that patients could dispense with pain-killers once on the enemas. Many people have noted a paradoxical calming effect. But while coffee enemas can relieve constipation, Gerson emphasized: "Patients have to know that the coffee enemas are not given for the function of the intestines but for the stimulation of the liver." 
Coffee enemas are still the butt of many jokes. However, in 1981, Dr. Lee Wattenberg showed that substances found in coffee promote the activity of a key enzyme system that detoxifies the blood. Dr. Peter Lechner, of Graz, Austria, has reported that "coffee enemas have a definite effect on the colon which can be observed with an endoscope." 
Opponents -- and they are many -- claim that coffee enemas can be at least as habit forming as coffee taken by mouth. They say there is also a potential danger to the rectum, since bowel perforation has been associated with hard insertion devices. However, at the Gerson-oriented clinics, they use a short nozzle, which is not likely to inflict any harm. Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, a proponent of coffee enemas, advocates a soft rubber tube. 
Critics always cite the deaths of two Seattle women, which was attributed to fluid and electrolyte abnormalities, following enema abuse. One took 10 to 12 coffee enemas in a single night and then continued at a rate of one per hour. The other took four enemas daily. Drinking orange or pineapple juice just before taking the
enemas should help with the electrolytes. Obviously, one can't go crazy with any procedure and not expect consequences. 
In a coffee enema, the coffee has to be of the regular caffeinated kind and preferably organic. There is even a special brand of coffee that was created just for enema users ( The coffee should be about half the strength of coffee used for drinking, and should be served warm, not so hot as to hurt tender tissues, but not so cold that it will bring on cramps. Finally, one should not do more than one quart per day, except under a physician's guidance. If you have trouble retaining an enema, add a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses. One then holds the enema in, while lying on your side for 15 to 20 minutes. 
But which side? The conventional medical protocol is to have patients lie on their left side while taking an enema. But Gerson insisted that patients lie on their right sides, with their legs comfortably pulled up, relaxed and breathing deeply. I have seen grown people nearly come to blows over this question. This is the CAM equivalent of the war of the Big-Endians vs. Little-Endians in Gulliver's Travels, where thousands were killed over which end of the egg to break first. Ordered to break the small end, "The orthodox deemed it their duty to resent this innovation, and declared a war of extermination against the heretical Lilliputians," wrote Jonathan Swift. 
A Certain Ambivalence 
I believe, on empirical grounds, that coffee enemas are helpful to many people. But I admit to a certain ambivalence about their long-term effects. Here's why. In 1990, my son and I crossed the country in his old Grand Am, stopping at the homes of many celebrated CAM practitioners. We visited a man I will call the Enema Master. He told me of his life's work, which included promoting coffee enemas. And, true to his word, there in his bathroom, hung his own worn enema bag, Naturally, I was awestruck. Who wouldn't be? This was an icon of Americana, worthy to hang next to Mr. Roger's cardigan sweater in the Smithsonian! 
The Enema Master presented me with long screeds about the Jews and Satan which he read with shaky hands. He assured me that Chinese Communists were taking over America by planting garrisons (known to us as Karate studios) in every community. As he spoke, flecks of white spittle gathered at the corners of his mouth. As soon as we could, my son and I escaped back to enema-free America. As Matthew Broderick said in The Road to Wellville, "With friends like this, who needs enemas?" 
Maybe this individual was drawn to detoxification because he already had mental or emotional problems. Or maybe he had pushed the coffee enema beyond the bounds of common sense. In any case, while I do look favorably on coffee enemas, I would look out for tell-tale signs of mental instability which include foaming at the mouth. 
Note from Chet: Although he doesn't write about coffee enemas very often, he writes about a lot of other alternative health information worth your time, so be sure to subscribe to Dr. Moss's excellent newsletter at his website. 
WARNING: Should be done under a doctor’s supervision. The passage of large stones can block ducts in the Biliary tree and cause serious problems requiring surgical intervention. 
1. Day one pour one half bottle of nutritional type LIQUID PHOSHORUS into a gallon of apple juice [Liquid Phosphorus is available through your BIOTICS or Standard Process distributors]. 
2. Drink four or five glasses a day for next five days. 
3. DAY FIVE have usual breakfast and lunch but take two acid calcium before breakfast and before lunch. two hours after lunch take 1-2 tablespoons of Epsom salts in a small amount of warm water. Five hours after lunch take one tablespoon of Epsom salts in warm water. Six to seven hours after lunch take a large serving of heavy whipping cream and fruit plus one acid calcium tablet. One half hour before bedtime take one fourth of a cup of BENTONITE. At bedtime take one half cup of olive oil with lemon juice and lie on RIGHT SIDE with knees drawn up for thirty minutes. The olive oil might make you nauseous. 
4. DAY SIX, regular diet and take two acid calcium before breakfast and lunch and one before supper. 
[An alternative technique that I have used successfully is to have the patient drink freshly squeezed apple juice all day long for one or two days – essentially to go on a fresh apple juice fast with no other food intake - this often results in many small gallstones passing into the stool on the first or second day. After two days of juicing a couple mouthfuls of olive oil are usually enough to stimulate gallbladder contraction and eliminate the small stones.] 
The average patient would not have perservered like this lady. I have seen patients with Gallbladder symptoms and normal appearing ultrasounds who passed dozens of stones after going on fresh apple juice. The stones did not show on the ultrasound. The body CAN tolerate a blocked common bile duct for a period of time as this lady demonstrated by her perserverance. 
My story of encouragement.... by "Mama" Date: 17:21 Oct 02 2002 This story was originally posted at Liver Flush Forum: in reply to a message posted by "lumpy" Firstly I advise you to VISIT A DOC TO GET A DIAGNOSIS but I will share my story with you so you know that stones can be passed without surgery or losing your gallbladder. I had exactly that pain and mine also radiated around my left side and into my back (it had gotten worse and worse over about 3 weeks until it was unbearable and I was admitted to the ER. There they discovered I had a 6mm stone in my common bile duct and severely deranged liver enzymes'. 
I got rid of the stones and my liver enzymes came back to normal by following the advice I got on this site of: 'Keep on flushing!' I did a flush 3 days in a row, then waited a few days and did another, then a week and another, another week and another, then on the fourth weekend my jaundice level was up to 140 (normal range is 2-18) and I was booked for an ERCP the next week. Desperation to avoid an ERCP (and the pain) was my motivator to do another flush on the Friday night, and a double flush on the Saturday night (Took the ES at 6.00pm and 8.00pm, the oil and lemon juice at 10.00pm and again at 12.30am). On the Sunday I again passed more very large white stones and late in the afternoon very dark green stones and dark green 'slime'. 
On the Monday (August 19th) the pain disappeared and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday my liver enzymes dropped. On Thursday, under intense pressure from my very medicalised father (and other relatives), and b/c I could see that my husband and children were not coping with the stress (The specialists had frequently advised that this condition could cause death), I agreed to undergo the ERCP (AGAINST my better judgement and much to my disgust with myself at not being stronger and trusting my gut instinct) And guess what they found? NO stones in my common bile duct! That was just over 6 weeks ago and today my liver enzymes are back to normal (much to the disbelief of the medical profession) and I still have my gallbladder. During the time I was doing all the flushes I ate very little the day after a flush and the
other days I ate granola and rice milk for breakfast, Green tea and two pieces of fruit for Morning tea, salad (Lettuce, Tomatoes, Radishes, Beetroot, pickled onions, gherkins) for lunch, green tea and two pieces of fruit for afternoon tea and stir fried vegetables (Broccoli, cauliflower, Capsicums, Mushrooms, Onions) with garlic, ginger and Tamari for dinner. I drank organic Apple juice and water. Now my diet has increased to include fish and I also take 5Tablespoons of flaxseed oil in 1/2C of Quark mixed with 1teaspoon of Umeboshi Plum paste every day, as well as Milk Thistle, Zinc, and ascorbic powder (Vit C). I am not back to full health but I feel much better than I did and I believe I am getting better with each flush. I hope this is of help to someone and if anyone has any advice for me please feel free to share. With 6 small children my time to read is very limited and I am sure that there are things that I have missed. God Bless You all. Read replies to this story: <> 1127 <>

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Coffee Enema and Detox Techniques

  • 1. COFFEE ENEMA AND DETOX TECHNIQUES WARNING: These techniques should be monitored by a physician especially in patients with severely compromised immune systems due to the possibility of provoking an infection. For those who fear doing such a procedure, read the actual case history of a lady who perservered against all advice, family and medical, even with a blocked common bile duct, elevated liver enzymes and jaundice due to the backed up bile in her system. She was one step from surgery but resisted, perservered, and saved herself. The case history will be at the end of this document. Pregnant women should not use coffee enemas. Coffee enema kits are available from Geneva Chiropractic Clinic, complete kit for $25 plus postage. Includes French colon tube, enema bag, enough organic coffee for five enemas and instruction sheet. Call 440-466-1186 credit card orders only. Organic coffee whole beans in five pound heavy duty plastic bag $50 plus shipping. COFFEE ENEMA
  • 2. NOTE: Patients with adrenal exhaustion should limit the coffee enema to two or three a week. If a coffee enema does not make you feel better you might be taking too many, stop them for a day or two. If you feel better after a coffee enema you probably need it. The coffee enema has been used in hospitals for toxic shock and was part of orthodox medical technique listed in the Merk Manual for over seventy years [1898-1970s]. 1. Coffee used must be organic 2. Enema equipment needed is a colon tube and an enema bag The enema bags are marked for single use only but can be used over and over many times when used with the colon tube. The enema bag needs to be flexible and transparent so that you can monitor the amount of coffee entering the bowel. 3. Most of the enema bags have a tube with two holes at the end, one right at the end and one on the side of the tube close to the end. The hole on the side of the tube causes it to leak so you need to snip the end off just above the side hole. That snipped off end of the enema bag tube is placed snugly into the colon tube and the colon tube is what is inserted into the rectum. [the name of this tube is a French 28 colon tube and they are hard to find – not many drugstores carry them. The flexible enema bags are also hard to find.] You must place the clamp on the enema tube prior to slipping it into the colon tube and clamp it firmly to prevent coffee from leaking when you fill your enema bag. Most people forget the clamp the first or second time and end up with coffee all over the place. 4. Make a pot of coffee with two heaping tablespoons of organic coffee to one quart of pure water and allow it to cool to body temperature - the coffee can be made the night before. 5. Put the clamp on the end of the enema bag tube and then insert the end of the enema bag tube into the dilated end of the colon tube. 6. Hang your enema bag on a doorknob or shower handle etc., with the bottom of the bag about two feet above your body and pour the quart of coffee into the enema bag. Place a jug on the floor and place the colon tube into the jug and release the clamp until a small amount of coffee is released through the colon tube. Be ready to clamp it off quickly so as not to lose too much coffee. That amount can then be poured back into the enema bag.
  • 3. 7. lubricate about four or five inches of the end of the French 28 tube and your anus with some KY jelly or suitable cream. 8. Lie on your left side and insert the colon tube twelve to eighteen inches into your rectum [depending upon your size] and take in one half of the coffee. Do not force the colon tube, there should be no pain during this procedure. 9. Set your timer for ten minutes. Hold the coffee in for at least ten minutes but not over fifteen. Your blood passes through the liver about once every three minutes. You might have to bear down hard to resist losing the coffee since occasionally waves of peristalsis can intensify due to the increased bulk in the bowel. This is experienced as strong cramping. Especially if the coffee is cold. 10. After ten minutes sit on the toilet and evacuate your bowels - let the coffee out - then repeat the procedure above. In serious toxic problems the coffee enema should be done twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon between two and five PM if possible and they should always be done under an experienced qualified person to assist and answer questions. Most people are able to do coffee enemas with no help whatsoever. 11. If large amounts of mucus are noted use two okra pepsin after each meal for three months. Anyone unable to take the coffee enema for any reason needs to use a good, harmless laxative to help keep the bowel as clean as possible. 12. If you have trouble finding these items they can be ordered from the Applied Wellness center and the Applied Kinesiology Health Center. Most health food stores carry organic coffee. NOTE: Coffee in the large bowel acts as a pain killer and has a calming effect on most people. Substances in coffee promote glutathione S-transferase [GST] activity above the norm. GST is a key Liver metabolic enzyme. The liver and small bowel neutralize the most common tissue toxins: polyamines, ammonia, toxic-bound nitrogen, and electrophiles. The theophylline and theobromine in coffee dilate blood vessels and help counter inflammation of the gut while the palmitates enhance the enzyme system responsible for the removal of toxic free radicals from the serum. Since blood passes around the body and through the liver every three minutes, some people feel better within three or four minutes of introducing the coffee into the large bowel.
  • 4. COFFEE: THE ROYAL FLUSH From The Cancer Chronicles #6 and #7 © Autumn 1990 by Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D. This is a two-part story on the history of the coffee enema. It has been reprinted often around the world. -- Ed. The most controversial alternative procedures has to be the coffee enema. Along with other detoxification routines, the coffee enema is a central part of both the Gerson and the Kelley programs. It is always good for a laugh: "with milk or sugar?" This bizarre-sounding treatment can also be used to scare people away from alternatives in general. No quackbusting article these days is complete without a reference to "enemas made from roasted coffee beans." So what's the story? Is the coffee enema crackpot faddism or is there some rationale behind this procedure? An enema is "a fluid injected into the rectum for the purpose of clearing out the bowel, or of administering drugs or food." The word itself comes from the Greek en-hienai, meaning to "send or inject into." The enema has been called "one of the oldest medical procedures still in use today." Tribal women in Africa, and elsewhere, routinely use it on their children. The earliest medical text in existence, the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus, (1,500 B.C.) mentions it. Millennia before, the Pharaoh had a "guardian of the anus," a special doctor one of whose purposes was to administer the royal enema.
  • 5. The Greeks wrote of the fabled cleanliness of the Egyptians, which included the internal cleansing of their systems through emetics and enemas. They employed these on three consecutive days every month said Herodotus (II.77) or at intervals of three or four days, according to the later historian Diodorus. The Egyptians "believed that diseases were engendered by superfluities of the food", a modern- sounding theory! Enemas were known in ancient Sumeria, Babylonia, India, Greece and China. American Indians independently invented it, using a syringe made of an animal bladder and a hollow leg bone. Pre- Columbian South Americans fashioned latex into the first rubber enema bags and tubes. In fact, there is hardly a region of the world where people did not discover or adapt the enema. It is more ubiquitous than the wheel. Enemas are found in world literature from Aristophanes to Shakespeare, Gulliver Travels to Peyton Place. In pre-revolutionary France a daily enema after dinner was de rigueur. It was not only considered indispensable for health but practiced for good complexion as well. Louis XIV is said to have taken over 2,000 in his lifetime.Could this have been the source of the Sun King's sunny disposition? For centuries, enemas were a routine home remedy. Then, within living memory, the routine use of enemas died out. The main times that doctors employ them nowadays is before or after surgery and childbirth. Difficult and potentially dangerous barium enemas
  • 6. before colonic X rays are of course still a favorite of allopathic doctors. But why coffee? This bean has an interesting history. It was imported in Arabia in the early 1500's by the Sufi religious mystics, who used it to fight drowsiness while praying. It was especially prized for its medicinal qualities, in both the Near East and Europe. No one knows when the first daring soul filled the enema bag with a quart of java. What is known is that the coffee enema appeared at least as early as 1917 and was found in the prestigious Merck Manual until 1972. In the 1920s German scientists found that a caffeine solution could open the bile ducts and stimulate the production of bile in the liver of experimental animals. Dr. Max Gerson used this clinically as part of a general detoxification regimen, first for tuberculosis, then cancer. Caffeine, he postulated, will travel up the hemorrhoidal to the portal vein and thence to the liver itself. Gerson noted some remarkable effects of this procedure. For instance, Patients could dispense with all pain-killers once on the enemas. Many people have noted the paradoxical calming effect of coffee enemas. And while coffee enemas can relieve constipation, Gerson cautioned:
  • 7. "Patients have to know that the coffee enemas are not given for the function of the intestines but for the stimulation of the liver." Coffee enemas were an established part of medical practice when Dr. Max Gerson introduced them into cancer therapy in the 1930s. Basing himself on German laboratory work, Gerson believed that caffeine could stimulate the liver and gall bladder to discharge bile. He felt this process could contribute to the health of the cancer patient. Although the coffee enema has been heaped with scorn, there has been some independent scientific work that gives credence to this concept. In 1981, for instance, Dr. Lee Wattenberg and his colleagues were able to show that substances found in coffee— kahweol and cafestol palmitate—promote the activity of a key enzyme system, glutathione S- transferase, above the norm. This system detoxifies a vast array of electrophiles from the bloodstream and, according to Gar Hildenbrand of the Gerson Institute, "must be regarded as an important mechanism for carcinogen detoxification." This enzyme group is responsible for neutralizing free radicals, harmful chemicals now commonly implicated in the initiation of cancer. In mice, for example, these systems are enhanced 600 percent in the liver and 700 percent in the bowel when coffee beans are added to the mice's diet. Dr. Peter Lechner, who is investigating the Gerson method at the Landeskrankenhaus of Graz, Austria, has reported that "coffee enemas have a definite effect on the colon which can be observed with an
  • 8. endoscope." F.W. Cope (1977) has postulated the existence of a "tissue damage syndrome." When cells are challenged by poison, oxygen deprivation, malnutrition or a physical trauma they lose potassium, take on sodium and chloride, and swell up with excess water. Another scientist (Ling) has suggested that water in a normal cell is contained in an "ice-like" structure. Being alive requires not just the right chemicals but the right chemical structure. Cells normally have a preference for potassium over sodium but when a cell is damaged it begins to prefer sodium. This craving results in a damaged ability of cells to repair themselves and to utilize energy. Further, damaged cells produce toxins; around tumors are zones of "wounded" but still non-malignant tissue, swollen with salt and water. Gerson believed it axiomatic that cancer could not exist in normal metabolism. He pointed to the fact that scientists often had to damage an animal's thyroid and adrenals just to get a transplanted tumor to "take."He directed his efforts toward creating normal metabolism in the tissue surrounding a tumor. It is the liver and small bowel which neutralize the most common tissue toxins: polyamines, ammonia, toxic-bound nitrogen, and electrophiles.These detoxification systems are probably enhanced by the coffee enema. Physiological Chemistry and Physics has stated that "caffeine enemas cause dilation of bile ducts, which facilitates excretion of toxic cancer breakdown products by the liver and dialysis of toxic products across the colonic wall."
  • 9. In addition, theophylline and theobromine (two other chemicals in coffee) dilate blood vessels and counter inflammation of the gut; the palmitates enhance the enzyme system responsible for the removal of toxic free radicals from the serum;and the fluid of the enema then stimulates the visceral nervous system to promote peristalsis and the transit of diluted toxic bile from the duodenum and out the rectum. Since the enema is generally held for 15 minutes, and all the blood in the body passes through the liver every three minutes, "these enemas represent a form of dialysis of blood across the gut wall" (Healing Newsletter, #13, May-June, 1986). Prejudice against coffee enemas continues, however. Although this data was made available to Office of Technology Assessment it was largely ignored in their box on the procedure. They dismissively state "there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that coffee enemas detoxify the blood or liver." No medical procedure is without risk and OTA is quick to point out alleged dangers of the coffee enemas. For instance, they cite one doctor's opinion that coffee "taken by this route is a strong stimulant and can be at least as addictive as coffee taken regularly by mouth." This may indeed be true. Yet one wonders where the data is on this, and whether OTA would issue a similar warning about the perils of coffee drinking. Another potential danger, they say, is physical damage to the rectum—"fatal bowel perforation and necrosis" which have been associated with "various other types
  • 10. of enema." The risk of perforation comes from the insertion device used. At the Gerson clinic, for instance, they use a short nozzle which couldn't inflict much harm; Gonzalez uses a soft rubber colon tube. In neither case would this caveat seem to apply. On thin evidence, OTA also suggests enemas can cause colitis. The agency also cites the case of the two Seattle women who died following excessive enema use. Their deaths were attributed to fluid and electrolyte abnormalities. One took 10 to 12 coffee enemas in a single night and then continued at a rate of one per hour. The other took four daily. As OTA points out, "in both cases, the enemas were taken much more frequently than is recommended in the Gerson treatment." In general, coffee enemas are an important tool for physicians who try to detoxify the body. This is not to say they are a panacea. They certainly require much more research. But coffee enemas are serious business: their potential should be explored by good research—not mined for cheap shots at alternative medicine or derisively dismissed as yet another crackpot fad. E is for Enema By Dr. Ralph Moss from Newsletter It seems I am the Coffee Enema King. Out of 7,500 websites on the topic at the Google search engine, my essay on the history of enemas is rated none. I have found my ticket to immortality. When all my books have crumbled, my little coffee enema article will still be kicking around the Internet. umber to dust
  • 11. When I first heard the words "coffee" and "enema" 25 years ago, I almost fell off my chair laughing. At Sloan-Kettering, the big joke was, "With cream or sugar?" Eventually that joke wore thin, when I discovered that coffee enemas were a serious part of alternative medicine (CAM). The National Institutes of Health has even given $1.4 million to find out if coffee enemas, along with supplements and diet, can fight pancreatic cancer. An enema is defined as "a fluid injected into the rectum for the purpose of clearing out the bowel, or of administering drugs or food." It is one of humanity's oldest medical procedures still in use. Tribal women in Africa routinely administer it to their children. The earliest medical text in existence, the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus, mentions it. Millennia before, the Pharaoh had a "guardian of the anus," a special doctor whose purpose was to administer his enema. This was truly a Royal Flush. Enemas sprang up from ancient Greece to India. American Indians independently invented it, using a syringe made of an animal bladder and a hollow leg bone. Pre- Columbian South Americans fashioned latex into rubber enema bags and tubes (the world's first use of rubber). It is more ubiquitous than the wheel. Enemas are also found in world literature from Aristophanes to Shakespeare, Gulliver's Travels to Peyton Place. Louis XIV is said to have taken over 2,000 in his lifetime. Could this have been the source of the Sun King's sunny disposition? No one knows when the first daring soul filled an enema bag with Java. What is known is that the coffee enema was recorded as early as 1917 and was recommended in the prestigious Merck Manual until the mid-1970s. In the 1920s, German scientists claimed that a caffeine solution could open the bile ducts and stimulate the production of bile in the liver of experimental animals. The CAM pioneer Max Gerson, MD, used this clinically as part of his detoxification regimen. The effects of caffeine, he postulated, travel upward to the liver. He noted that patients could dispense with pain-killers once on the enemas. Many people have noted a paradoxical calming effect. But while coffee enemas can relieve constipation, Gerson emphasized: "Patients have to know that the coffee enemas are not given for the function of the intestines but for the stimulation of the liver." Coffee enemas are still the butt of many jokes. However, in 1981, Dr. Lee Wattenberg showed that substances found in coffee promote the activity of a key enzyme system that detoxifies the blood. Dr. Peter Lechner, of Graz, Austria, has reported that "coffee enemas have a definite effect on the colon which can be observed with an endoscope." Opponents -- and they are many -- claim that coffee enemas can be at least as habit forming as coffee taken by mouth. They say there is also a potential danger to the rectum, since bowel perforation has been associated with hard insertion devices. However, at the Gerson-oriented clinics, they use a short nozzle, which is not likely to inflict any harm. Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, a proponent of coffee enemas, advocates a soft rubber tube. Critics always cite the deaths of two Seattle women, which was attributed to fluid and electrolyte abnormalities, following enema abuse. One took 10 to 12 coffee enemas in a single night and then continued at a rate of one per hour. The other took four enemas daily. Drinking orange or pineapple juice just before taking the
  • 12. enemas should help with the electrolytes. Obviously, one can't go crazy with any procedure and not expect consequences. In a coffee enema, the coffee has to be of the regular caffeinated kind and preferably organic. There is even a special brand of coffee that was created just for enema users ( The coffee should be about half the strength of coffee used for drinking, and should be served warm, not so hot as to hurt tender tissues, but not so cold that it will bring on cramps. Finally, one should not do more than one quart per day, except under a physician's guidance. If you have trouble retaining an enema, add a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses. One then holds the enema in, while lying on your side for 15 to 20 minutes. But which side? The conventional medical protocol is to have patients lie on their left side while taking an enema. But Gerson insisted that patients lie on their right sides, with their legs comfortably pulled up, relaxed and breathing deeply. I have seen grown people nearly come to blows over this question. This is the CAM equivalent of the war of the Big-Endians vs. Little-Endians in Gulliver's Travels, where thousands were killed over which end of the egg to break first. Ordered to break the small end, "The orthodox deemed it their duty to resent this innovation, and declared a war of extermination against the heretical Lilliputians," wrote Jonathan Swift. A Certain Ambivalence I believe, on empirical grounds, that coffee enemas are helpful to many people. But I admit to a certain ambivalence about their long-term effects. Here's why. In 1990, my son and I crossed the country in his old Grand Am, stopping at the homes of many celebrated CAM practitioners. We visited a man I will call the Enema Master. He told me of his life's work, which included promoting coffee enemas. And, true to his word, there in his bathroom, hung his own worn enema bag, Naturally, I was awestruck. Who wouldn't be? This was an icon of Americana, worthy to hang next to Mr. Roger's cardigan sweater in the Smithsonian! The Enema Master presented me with long screeds about the Jews and Satan which he read with shaky hands. He assured me that Chinese Communists were taking over America by planting garrisons (known to us as Karate studios) in every community. As he spoke, flecks of white spittle gathered at the corners of his mouth. As soon as we could, my son and I escaped back to enema-free America. As Matthew Broderick said in The Road to Wellville, "With friends like this, who needs enemas?" Maybe this individual was drawn to detoxification because he already had mental or emotional problems. Or maybe he had pushed the coffee enema beyond the bounds of common sense. In any case, while I do look favorably on coffee enemas, I would look out for tell-tale signs of mental instability which include foaming at the mouth. Note from Chet: Although he doesn't write about coffee enemas very often, he writes about a lot of other alternative health information worth your time, so be sure to subscribe to Dr. Moss's excellent newsletter at his website. LIVER DETOX SCHEDULE RECOMMENDED BY GONZALEZ
  • 13. WARNING: Should be done under a doctor’s supervision. The passage of large stones can block ducts in the Biliary tree and cause serious problems requiring surgical intervention. 1. Day one pour one half bottle of nutritional type LIQUID PHOSHORUS into a gallon of apple juice [Liquid Phosphorus is available through your BIOTICS or Standard Process distributors]. 2. Drink four or five glasses a day for next five days. 3. DAY FIVE have usual breakfast and lunch but take two acid calcium before breakfast and before lunch. two hours after lunch take 1-2 tablespoons of Epsom salts in a small amount of warm water. Five hours after lunch take one tablespoon of Epsom salts in warm water. Six to seven hours after lunch take a large serving of heavy whipping cream and fruit plus one acid calcium tablet. One half hour before bedtime take one fourth of a cup of BENTONITE. At bedtime take one half cup of olive oil with lemon juice and lie on RIGHT SIDE with knees drawn up for thirty minutes. The olive oil might make you nauseous. 4. DAY SIX, regular diet and take two acid calcium before breakfast and lunch and one before supper. [An alternative technique that I have used successfully is to have the patient drink freshly squeezed apple juice all day long for one or two days – essentially to go on a fresh apple juice fast with no other food intake - this often results in many small gallstones passing into the stool on the first or second day. After two days of juicing a couple mouthfuls of olive oil are usually enough to stimulate gallbladder contraction and eliminate the small stones.] AN ACTUAL CASE HISTORY TAKEN FROM A RELIABLE SOURCE. The average patient would not have perservered like this lady. I have seen patients with Gallbladder symptoms and normal appearing ultrasounds who passed dozens of stones after going on fresh apple juice. The stones did not show on the ultrasound. The body CAN tolerate a blocked common bile duct for a period of time as this lady demonstrated by her perserverance. DHD Sr My story of encouragement.... by "Mama" Date: 17:21 Oct 02 2002 This story was originally posted at Liver Flush Forum:
  • 14. in reply to a message posted by "lumpy" Firstly I advise you to VISIT A DOC TO GET A DIAGNOSIS but I will share my story with you so you know that stones can be passed without surgery or losing your gallbladder. I had exactly that pain and mine also radiated around my left side and into my back (it had gotten worse and worse over about 3 weeks until it was unbearable and I was admitted to the ER. There they discovered I had a 6mm stone in my common bile duct and severely deranged liver enzymes'. I got rid of the stones and my liver enzymes came back to normal by following the advice I got on this site of: 'Keep on flushing!' I did a flush 3 days in a row, then waited a few days and did another, then a week and another, another week and another, then on the fourth weekend my jaundice level was up to 140 (normal range is 2-18) and I was booked for an ERCP the next week. Desperation to avoid an ERCP (and the pain) was my motivator to do another flush on the Friday night, and a double flush on the Saturday night (Took the ES at 6.00pm and 8.00pm, the oil and lemon juice at 10.00pm and again at 12.30am). On the Sunday I again passed more very large white stones and late in the afternoon very dark green stones and dark green 'slime'. On the Monday (August 19th) the pain disappeared and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday my liver enzymes dropped. On Thursday, under intense pressure from my very medicalised father (and other relatives), and b/c I could see that my husband and children were not coping with the stress (The specialists had frequently advised that this condition could cause death), I agreed to undergo the ERCP (AGAINST my better judgement and much to my disgust with myself at not being stronger and trusting my gut instinct) And guess what they found? NO stones in my common bile duct! That was just over 6 weeks ago and today my liver enzymes are back to normal (much to the disbelief of the medical profession) and I still have my gallbladder. During the time I was doing all the flushes I ate very little the day after a flush and the
  • 15. other days I ate granola and rice milk for breakfast, Green tea and two pieces of fruit for Morning tea, salad (Lettuce, Tomatoes, Radishes, Beetroot, pickled onions, gherkins) for lunch, green tea and two pieces of fruit for afternoon tea and stir fried vegetables (Broccoli, cauliflower, Capsicums, Mushrooms, Onions) with garlic, ginger and Tamari for dinner. I drank organic Apple juice and water. Now my diet has increased to include fish and I also take 5Tablespoons of flaxseed oil in 1/2C of Quark mixed with 1teaspoon of Umeboshi Plum paste every day, as well as Milk Thistle, Zinc, and ascorbic powder (Vit C). I am not back to full health but I feel much better than I did and I believe I am getting better with each flush. I hope this is of help to someone and if anyone has any advice for me please feel free to share. With 6 small children my time to read is very limited and I am sure that there are things that I have missed. God Bless You all. Read replies to this story: <> 1127 <>