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Robert Burke

Course: U.S History                    Grade: 11th                     Duration: 7 days

Unit Objectives

. Students will be able to identify several important World War II figures and explain their
significance in the war

.Students will examine several historical documents and newspaper articles during this era that
are relevant to World War II

.Students will be able to compare specific cultural and traditional views and aspects of World
War II

.Students will recognize important historical events such as Pearl Harbor and the bombing of

Unit Overview

Monday 12/3.Invasion of Normandy/Pearl Harbor

Tuesday 12/4: U.S. enacts draft bill

Wednesday 12/5: F.D.R, Hitler, Winston Churchill

Thursday 12/6:Quiz/ Film about the Manhattan Project

Friday 12/7:Concentration Camps/ Hiroshima/ Levittown

Monday 12/8: Review Session

Unit Evaluation

Authentic Assessments: 150 points

Traditional Assessments: 150 Points

Homework: 40 points                    Test: 100 points              Quiz: 50 Points

Project: 100 points                    Participation/ Extra Credit: 10 points

Multiple Intelligences:

Verbal/Linguistic, Visual/Spatial, Logical, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal

Teaching Tool Checklist
Interdisciplinary, Lecture, Technology, Group Activity, Primary Sources, Critical Thinking,
Critical Pedagogy of Place, Place Based Education, Discussion, Traditional and Authentic
Course: World War II

Grade: 11th

Duration: 1 day

Lesson Topic: Invasion of Poland/ Pearl Harbor

Target Learners: A general education classroom with one student with EBD and a student with
Autism Spectrum Disorder

Key Concepts: Students will understand why World War II started and what were the influences
of United States involvement in World War II.

New York State Standards

Key Idea #1

.In what sense was the United States “involved” in World War II before the Pearl Harbor attack
and the Congressional declaration of war in December 1941?

Key Idea #2

.3. German attack on Poland; start of World War II in Europe

National Council for Social Studies: People, Place, Environment, Individual Development,
Global Connections, Civic Ideals and Practice

Long Range Goals

.Students will understand people, places and events that were significant in American history

.Students will make justifications and in-depth analyses of specific laws and document of
historical significance.

Short Range Goals

.Students will examine the thoughts of views of FDR and his reasons of the United States
involvement into World War II

.Students will begin to learn about the impact World War II had on the American population and
the world in general

Performance/Assessment: The students will be assessed on their homework given to them at
the end of class
Hook:Once students sit down for class, they will watch this video about Pearl Harbor from the
military channel


.Students will have a circle discussion about the video and what they already know about Pearl
Harbor. This is such a significant moment not only in World War II but in American History. We
will discuss as a class the feelings of America toward the Japanese population after Pearl Harbor.

.After this discussion, students will compare the feelings and distinctions the American
population made about Japanese-Americans and what discriminations did they make against
them, to the way Americans treated the middle-eastern population directly after 9/11

.Students will then watch a video on the Invasion of Normandy and understand the significance
this day had during the World War and in American history in general. The students will take
down notes about D-Day which will be useful for their test and quiz.

Closure:Students will be handed homework, they will answer questions after reading pages in
their textbook

Back-Up Plan- If there is still time left in class, students can ask about Pearl Harbor and D-Day

Multiple Intelligences: Verbal/Linguistic, Visual/Spatial, Intrapersonal, And Interpersonal

Teaching Tool Checklist:Interdisciplinary, Lecture, Technology, Group Activity, Primary
Sources, Critical Thinking, Discussions
Course: World War II

Grade: 11th

Duration: 1 day

Target Learners: A general education classroom with one student with EBD and a student with
Autism Spectrum Disorder

Key Concepts: Students will understand what most of their roles would be if they were alive
during World War II after President Roosevelt created the Draft bill. They will understand
gender roles, culture and traditions during World War II

New York State Standards

Idea #1

.The home front

1. Total mobilization of resources

2. Rationing

3. Role of women

4. War bonds

Idea #2

.United States military recruitment posters, and Rosie the Riveter posters; songs, “God Bless
America,” “This is the Army, Mr. Jones,”

Long Range Goals

.Students will understand specific gender roles during important historical eras

.Students will compare and contrast popular culture from previous historical eras to current day

Short Range Goals

.Students will take into consideration the impact that American soldiers had during World War
due to the Draft Bill.

.Students will give a concise definition of what the home front was like during World War II

Learning Cognitive Skills: Students will learn effectively by viewing primary sources such as
letters and newspaper articles about the home front, gender roles during World War II and songs
that were popular during this time
Demonstrate Understanding: Students will demonstrate an understanding by discussing the
curriculum after reading a newspaper article with their partner

Assessment: Students will be assessed on their project due next week; the guidelines will be
handed to the students today.

uF3ro6xc Students will listen to these two songs and relate it to the fact that the U.S was full of
patriotism towards their country and how almost every citizen was in support of the war


.Students will then examine an article about the home front, the task of winning the war, role of
the American worker and the plight of Japanese Americans during World War II. Students will
read this article in groups and discuss what they see as a sign of patriotism in American culture.

.Following this assignment, students will watch a clip from the movie “A League of their own”
( This movie was about a group of women
who replaced major league baseball players during their time deployed overseas during World
War II. We will then discuss the various opportunities for women while their husbands, fathers
or brother were at war.

.To end class students will write a letter, pretending that they were either male or female during
World War II. Explain the conditions and your assignments overseas at war if you are a male,
and if you are a female write about your job, family and the home front.

Closure: Students will be presented with their project, which will be discussed with further
detail the following class.

Multiple Intelligences: Verbal, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Visual

Teaching Tool Checklist: Technology, Group Activity, Primary Sources, Critical Thinking, and
Course: World War II

Grade: 11th

Duration: 1 day

Target Learners:A general education classroom with one student with EBD and a student with
Autism Spectrum Disorder

Key Concepts- Students will understand the concepts of three leader’s influences on their
countries. (F.D.R, Hitler, Winston Churchill)

New York State Standards

Key Idea #1

.Take the role of one of the following—a soldier in the Pacific, a Jewish person in Europe, a
Japanese-American, or a student in high school. How might the war have affected their lives?

Key Idea #2

.How could the use of the first atomic bomb be considered a turning point in United States
history? Why World War II is considered a “total war” affecting all aspects of American life?

National Council for the Social Studies Standards:

Culture, Individual Development and Identity, Production, Distribution and Consumption,
Individuals Groups and Institutions

Long Range Goals

.Students will effectively understand the impact important leaders had on their countries

.Students will be able to demonstrate a complex comprehension of the subject by explaining the
impact of a dictator for this lesson and future lessons.

Short Range Goals

.Students will make justifications about the impact Hitler had on the entire world during World
War II

.Students will make clear indications about the way that Churchill and Roosevelt made to
enhance both America and Great Britain

Demonstrate Understanding: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the subject by
using this information they learn from the power point and be able to use it on their quiz the
following day.
Evaluation/Assessment: Students will be evaluated on their participation and their quiz the
following day

Hook: We will discuss the student’s projects that are due next Monday before their test the
following day. The students will do research about any leader during the World War II, there
country must be involved in the war


.After this students will view a list of characteristics of three leaders. Without knowing who each
leader is the students will choose who they would vote for. Then I will reveal which leader fit
each characteristic. For example Candidate A consults with astrologists. He's had two mistresses.
He chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day. This was President Roosevelt

.Students will view a power point for Franklin D. Roosevelt, slides will be made up about the
impact he had on the American population during WWII, his speech after Pearl Harbor, the New
Deal and the final attack on Germany

.The next few slides will be compiled of information about Winston Churchill. These slides have
to do with the characteristics of Churchill as well as the impact he had on Great Britain and the
rest of the world during World War II. Slides will also have information about his impact while
invading the beaches of Normandy and his stand against Nazism

.The last few slides will be compiled of information on Adolph Hitler. These slides will have
information about Mein Kampf his biography, his influence in World War II in Germany and the
entire world. Other slides will have information about the Holocaust, concentration camps, the
invasion of Poland and the Nazi government.

Closure:Students will have to do some research on their topic for their project and can ask any
questions they have for their quiz the following day.

Extensions: If there is extra time in class, students can ask more questions about the quiz the
following day.

Homework: Students will work on their projects for homework and study for their quiz the next

Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Linguistic, Intrapersonal, And Interpersonal

Teaching Tool Checklist: Lecture, Technology, Discussion, Authentic and Traditional
Course: World War II

Grade: 11th

Duration: 1 day

Lesson Topic: Quiz/ Film about the Manhattan Project

Target Learners: A general education classroom with one student with EBD and a student with
Autism Spectrum Disorder

Key Concepts: Some key concepts of this lesson are to understand the impact of the Manhattan
Project on both the Axis and Ally Powers, also use their previous knowledge from previous
lesson plans and incorporate them into their quiz answers

New York State Standards

Key Idea #1

4. The atomic bomb

a. The Manhattan Project (role of refugees)

b. Truman’s decision to use the atomic bomb

Key Idea #2

Atomic bombs against Japan: Hiroshima and Nagasaki

c. United States occupation of Japan; the “MacArthur constitution”

National Council for the Social Studies Standards : Culture, People, Place, Environment,
Power, Authority and Governance, Civic Ideals and Practices

Long Range Goals

.Students will be able to achieve simple but effective answers for their quiz today from their
notes and information from the unit thus far

.Students will clarify certain distinctions made about certain races, ethnicities and cultures by
learning about other countries besides the United States

Short Range Goals

.Students will understand the impact that the Manhattan Project made on several countries during
this World War
.Students will make justifications about American power and their reasons as to why they would
drop the Atomic bomb.

Demonstrate Understanding: Students will demonstrate an understanding by using the
information that they have learned so far and incorporate it into their quiz in the beginning of

Performance/Assessment: Students will be assessed on the quiz in the beginning of class and
the homework given to the students at the end of this class


.Students will be given some time to review their notes or any other material they have for the
quiz prior to taking it. They can also ask any questions about this quiz


.Students will take everything off their desks and will be handed their quizzes, the quizzes will
be on the three previous lesson plans and the information that they learned about through their
notes, discussions and power point

. After the completion of the quiz, students will watch a film about the Manhattan Project; this
film will discuss the United States feelings towards this operation as well as Great Britain’s.
Students will develop an understanding of the threat of nuclear warfare and the impact the
nuclear bombs had on ending this World War.

Closure:As a class we will only watch half of the video due to time, after this at the end of class
student’s will be given time to work on their project that was given to them in the beginning of
the week. Students should have already picked their topic, they will be given time to do research
on their topic

Extensions: If there is any time left in class, students may ask questions about the quiz they took
at the beginning of class

Homework: Students will hand in a one page rough draft from their project.

Multiple Intelligences:Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal and

Teaching Tool Checklist: Primary Sources, Critical Thinking, Discussion
Course:World War II

Grade: 11th

Lesson Topic:Concentration Camps/ Hiroshima/Levittown

Target Learners:A general education classroom with one student with EBD and a student with
Autism Spectrum Disorder

Key Concepts: Some key concepts are understanding the influence Hitler and other dictators had
on concentration camps during World War II, as well as the reasons why and the effects bombs
dropping on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on Japan and the end of World War II. Also students will
look at the effects that Levittown, which is a town within a five mile radius of Wantagh, had on
the soldiers after World War II

New York State Standards:

Key Idea #1

2. Migration and immigration

a. Suburbanization: Levittown’s

Key Idea #2

.Students should understand the role played by the United States in securing peace: (1) formation
of the United Nations, (2) relief and refugee efforts, and (3) economic assistance to war-torn
economies and societies.

National Council for the Social Studies Standards: People, Place, Environment, Production,
Distribution, Consumption, Science Technology and Society, Global Connections

Long Range Goals

.Students will take into consideration other countries views politically, economically and
culturally while learning about American influence on these countries

.Students will observe history from a standpoint that is not glorified as most historians depict it
to be for Americans

Short Range Goals

.Students will identify the horrors and hardships presented to individuals who were involved in
concentration camps

.Students will compare what Levittown was like the immediate year after the World War as to
what it is now
Demonstrate Understanding: Students will demonstrate an understanding of this topic by using
the information they have in this class and use it in class discussion as well as the test the
following Monday

Performance/Assessment: Students will be assessed on the their participation in class and the
project that will be due on Monday, students will have time to work on it in class

Hook: When students enter the classroom they will watch a movie about Truman’s influence as
to why he dropped the bomb and the aftermath of the bombing


.After watching this video, we will have a discussion about the reasons why Truman dropped this
nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We will also discuss the injustices that were
presented to these Japanese people during this time such as the radiation from the bombs and
their skin diseases and cancers that were direct effects from the bombing. Students will
understand that this event was one of the major reasons as to why World War II had ended.

.After discussing this we will watch a video about the concentration camps such as Auschwitz,
Buna, Birkenau and Buchenwald and some things that the leaders of these camps performed on
the prisoners. We will then compare this lesson to a book that students are reading in English
class called “Night” which is a personal encounter of concentration camps of a man named Elie
Wiesel and look at an interview between him and Oprah

.Students will then work with their partners and make a Venn-Diagram comparing and
contrasting the injustices exposed to both people who were a part of concentration camps as well
as the people of Nagasaki and Hiroshima after the bombs hit these areas.

.Students will then look at an article of Levittown directly after World War II. These towns were
built for soldiers after World War II that were struggling to find areas to live. This town still
stands and most of the people who live there are sons, daughters, granddaughters or grandsons of
the citizens who grew up in this area starting in
1947.( Students will then make a Venn-
Diagram comparing and contrasting Levittown now and back in 1947.

Closure: Students will have time to do research on their projects before they hand it in on

Homework: Students should finish their project which will be due on Monday

Multiple Intelligence: Verbal/linguistic, Visual/Spatial, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal
Teaching Tool Checklist: Lecture, Technology, Group Activity, Primary Sources, Critical
Thinking, Discussions, Placed Based
Course: World War II

Grade: 11th

Duration: 1 day

Lesson Topic: Review Session

Target Learners: A general education classroom with one student with EBD and a student with
Autism Spectrum Disorder

Key Concepts: Key concepts in this lesson plan will deal with all of the information that they
have learned in previous lessons that an incorporate it into their debate about several topics we
have covered throughout this unit

New York State Standards

Key Idea #1

.4. The atomic bomb

a. The Manhattan Project (role of refugees)

b. Truman’s decision to use the atomic bomb against Japan: Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Key Idea #2

c. The Nazi Holocaust: United States and world reactions

d. The Nuremberg war crimes trials; later trials of other Nazi criminals

National Council for the Social Studies Standards: People, Place and Environment,
Individual, Development, Identity, Production, Distribution and Consumption, Science
Technology and Society

Long Range Goals

.Students will understand the influence of different countries on American actions and power

.Students will make distinctions about powerful leaders and their respective countries, and the
what kind of government and power they presented or enforced on their people

Short Range Goals

.Students will use previous knowledge they learned during this unit and incorporate it into their

.Students will discuss and debate certain important topics we discussed during this unit
Demonstrate Understanding:Students will demonstrate an understanding of this lesson while
using knowledge about World War II and using it into their debate, this will be effective for their
test the next day

Performance/Assessment: Students will be assessed on their project they handed in today and
their test the following day

Hook: Students will hand in their project and after will receive some sort of small reward such
as a piece of candy for their hard work on this project


. Students will be split into four countries. The United States, Germany, Japan and Great Briain.
Each student will debate about important World War II events through the lens of their country

.Topics will include the Manhattan Project, the Holocaust, concentration camps, culture of each
country, D-day, Hiroshima. Students will debate about these events through the thoughts and
actions of their leader. Students are advised to take notes while other countries are speaking
because this will be useful for their test the following day

.Students will then look at each other notes and see if their fellow students have anything that
they may not have. Students are welcome to share notes with any classmate and ask me any
questions at any time about the subject.

Closure: Students will be handed their quiz back so they can use this to study tonight

Multiple Intelligences: Verbal/Linguistic, Visual/Spatial, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal

Teaching Tool Checklist: Interdisciplinary, Lecture, Technology, Debate, Discussions, Critical
Quiz (worth 50 points




   1. What was started World War II and which country enacted the first attack? When
      did the United States join this World War and what were the reasons? Who was on
      the Americans side during World War II?

   2. What was the impact that Hitler had on not only Germany but the whole entire
      world during World War II? Why was he so powerful and what were his beliefs?
      What certain strategies or procedures did he enforce on people who were Jewish,
      African American, Homosexual, etc.

Rubric- 25 points each 5-10 sentences for each question
25/25- students understand the topic and questions and can make in-depth analysis about
the subjects they have learned

20/25- students understand the topic, but have some confusing points in their answers.
They do not necessarily think outside the box

15/25- Students are unsure of the topic, the student does not necessarily use their own
perspectives in the answer.

0/25- Students leave the question blank





Draft Bill-

Concentration Camps-


Pearl Harbor-

Invasion of Normandy-

Hiroshima and Nagasaki-

Manhattan Project-


Rubric: Each definition will be worth 5 points for a total of 40 points

40/40- Students understand each term fully and give an in-depth analysis from what we
have learned during this unit. They relate the definitions to World War II
35/40- Students understand each term to an extent but do not relate their answers to the
World War II well

30/40- Students understand the term vaguely and don’t relate their answers to the World
War II

25/40-: Students don’t understand the term and do not relate their answer to the World
War II

Students will receive a zero for the term if they leave the term blank

Short Answer (15 Points Each)

   1. What were the major factors presented to America after Pearl Harbor and what
      was their attitudes and feelings toward the Japanese population during this time
      and what did they do to them to prevent them to have contact with American

   2. What were main reasons as to why President Roosevelt enacted the Draft Bill at the
      start of World War II? Why did this change United States military forever? What
      influences did Winston Churchill have on Great Britain and the United States

       Each question will be worth 15 points
15/15- Students understand each question fully and give an in-depth analysis from
       what we have learned during this unit. They relate the question to the World War II
       10/15- Students understand each question to an extent but do not relate their
       answers to the World War II well
       5/15- Students understand the question vaguely and don’t relate their answers to the
       World War II
       0/15- Incomplete

       Essay Question (30 points

       What was the United States reason to bomb both Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the
end of World War II? What significance did the Manhattan Project have for both the Ally
and Axis Powers? What injustices were the Japanese people exposed to after the amount of
radiation that filled the land from the nuclear bombs?

Rubric- The short essay will be two paragraphs long worth 20 points of the test

30/30- Students understand each question fully and give an in-depth analysis from what we
have learned during this unit. They relate the question to the World War II
25/30- Students understand each question to an extent but do not relate their answers to
the World War II well

20/30- Students understand the question vaguely and don’t relate their answers to the
World War II

15/30: Students don’t understand the question and do not relate their answer to the World
War II

Pick one person from the list below. We will do research as a class and on your own on this
particular person who was a leader of a country involved inWorld War II . Write a three
page autobiography about this person during their time in the World War II Research the
impacts he or she had on the government and global population during the Great
Depression. Students will also make a power point that includes facts about this person.
This will be compiled of 7 slides a video and several pictures of this person.

Neville Chamberlain

Winston Churchill

Charles de Gaulle

Adolf Hitler

F D Roosevelt

Joseph Stalin

Hideki Tojo

Harry Truman
World war ii lesson

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World war ii lesson

  • 1. Robert Burke Course: U.S History Grade: 11th Duration: 7 days Unit Objectives . Students will be able to identify several important World War II figures and explain their significance in the war .Students will examine several historical documents and newspaper articles during this era that are relevant to World War II .Students will be able to compare specific cultural and traditional views and aspects of World War II .Students will recognize important historical events such as Pearl Harbor and the bombing of Hiroshima. Unit Overview Monday 12/3.Invasion of Normandy/Pearl Harbor Tuesday 12/4: U.S. enacts draft bill Wednesday 12/5: F.D.R, Hitler, Winston Churchill Thursday 12/6:Quiz/ Film about the Manhattan Project Friday 12/7:Concentration Camps/ Hiroshima/ Levittown Monday 12/8: Review Session Unit Evaluation Authentic Assessments: 150 points Traditional Assessments: 150 Points Homework: 40 points Test: 100 points Quiz: 50 Points Project: 100 points Participation/ Extra Credit: 10 points Multiple Intelligences: Verbal/Linguistic, Visual/Spatial, Logical, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal Teaching Tool Checklist
  • 2. Interdisciplinary, Lecture, Technology, Group Activity, Primary Sources, Critical Thinking, Critical Pedagogy of Place, Place Based Education, Discussion, Traditional and Authentic Assessment
  • 3. Course: World War II Grade: 11th Duration: 1 day Lesson Topic: Invasion of Poland/ Pearl Harbor Target Learners: A general education classroom with one student with EBD and a student with Autism Spectrum Disorder Key Concepts: Students will understand why World War II started and what were the influences of United States involvement in World War II. New York State Standards Key Idea #1 .In what sense was the United States “involved” in World War II before the Pearl Harbor attack and the Congressional declaration of war in December 1941? Key Idea #2 .3. German attack on Poland; start of World War II in Europe National Council for Social Studies: People, Place, Environment, Individual Development, Global Connections, Civic Ideals and Practice Long Range Goals .Students will understand people, places and events that were significant in American history .Students will make justifications and in-depth analyses of specific laws and document of historical significance. Short Range Goals .Students will examine the thoughts of views of FDR and his reasons of the United States involvement into World War II .Students will begin to learn about the impact World War II had on the American population and the world in general Performance/Assessment: The students will be assessed on their homework given to them at the end of class
  • 4. Hook:Once students sit down for class, they will watch this video about Pearl Harbor from the military channel harbor.html Lesson: .Students will have a circle discussion about the video and what they already know about Pearl Harbor. This is such a significant moment not only in World War II but in American History. We will discuss as a class the feelings of America toward the Japanese population after Pearl Harbor. .After this discussion, students will compare the feelings and distinctions the American population made about Japanese-Americans and what discriminations did they make against them, to the way Americans treated the middle-eastern population directly after 9/11 .Students will then watch a video on the Invasion of Normandy and understand the significance this day had during the World War and in American history in general. The students will take down notes about D-Day which will be useful for their test and quiz. ( Closure:Students will be handed homework, they will answer questions after reading pages in their textbook Back-Up Plan- If there is still time left in class, students can ask about Pearl Harbor and D-Day Multiple Intelligences: Verbal/Linguistic, Visual/Spatial, Intrapersonal, And Interpersonal Teaching Tool Checklist:Interdisciplinary, Lecture, Technology, Group Activity, Primary Sources, Critical Thinking, Discussions
  • 5. Course: World War II Grade: 11th Duration: 1 day Target Learners: A general education classroom with one student with EBD and a student with Autism Spectrum Disorder Key Concepts: Students will understand what most of their roles would be if they were alive during World War II after President Roosevelt created the Draft bill. They will understand gender roles, culture and traditions during World War II New York State Standards Idea #1 .The home front 1. Total mobilization of resources 2. Rationing 3. Role of women 4. War bonds Idea #2 .United States military recruitment posters, and Rosie the Riveter posters; songs, “God Bless America,” “This is the Army, Mr. Jones,” Long Range Goals .Students will understand specific gender roles during important historical eras .Students will compare and contrast popular culture from previous historical eras to current day Short Range Goals .Students will take into consideration the impact that American soldiers had during World War due to the Draft Bill. .Students will give a concise definition of what the home front was like during World War II Learning Cognitive Skills: Students will learn effectively by viewing primary sources such as letters and newspaper articles about the home front, gender roles during World War II and songs that were popular during this time
  • 6. Demonstrate Understanding: Students will demonstrate an understanding by discussing the curriculum after reading a newspaper article with their partner Assessment: Students will be assessed on their project due next week; the guidelines will be handed to the students today. Hook: uF3ro6xc Students will listen to these two songs and relate it to the fact that the U.S was full of patriotism towards their country and how almost every citizen was in support of the war Lesson: .Students will then examine an article about the home front, the task of winning the war, role of the American worker and the plight of Japanese Americans during World War II. Students will read this article in groups and discuss what they see as a sign of patriotism in American culture. .Following this assignment, students will watch a clip from the movie “A League of their own” ( This movie was about a group of women who replaced major league baseball players during their time deployed overseas during World War II. We will then discuss the various opportunities for women while their husbands, fathers or brother were at war. .To end class students will write a letter, pretending that they were either male or female during World War II. Explain the conditions and your assignments overseas at war if you are a male, and if you are a female write about your job, family and the home front. Closure: Students will be presented with their project, which will be discussed with further detail the following class. Multiple Intelligences: Verbal, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Visual Teaching Tool Checklist: Technology, Group Activity, Primary Sources, Critical Thinking, and Discussion.
  • 7. Course: World War II Grade: 11th Duration: 1 day Target Learners:A general education classroom with one student with EBD and a student with Autism Spectrum Disorder Key Concepts- Students will understand the concepts of three leader’s influences on their countries. (F.D.R, Hitler, Winston Churchill) New York State Standards Key Idea #1 .Take the role of one of the following—a soldier in the Pacific, a Jewish person in Europe, a Japanese-American, or a student in high school. How might the war have affected their lives? Key Idea #2 .How could the use of the first atomic bomb be considered a turning point in United States history? Why World War II is considered a “total war” affecting all aspects of American life? National Council for the Social Studies Standards: Culture, Individual Development and Identity, Production, Distribution and Consumption, Individuals Groups and Institutions Long Range Goals .Students will effectively understand the impact important leaders had on their countries .Students will be able to demonstrate a complex comprehension of the subject by explaining the impact of a dictator for this lesson and future lessons. Short Range Goals .Students will make justifications about the impact Hitler had on the entire world during World War II .Students will make clear indications about the way that Churchill and Roosevelt made to enhance both America and Great Britain Demonstrate Understanding: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the subject by using this information they learn from the power point and be able to use it on their quiz the following day.
  • 8. Evaluation/Assessment: Students will be evaluated on their participation and their quiz the following day Hook: We will discuss the student’s projects that are due next Monday before their test the following day. The students will do research about any leader during the World War II, there country must be involved in the war Lesson: .After this students will view a list of characteristics of three leaders. Without knowing who each leader is the students will choose who they would vote for. Then I will reveal which leader fit each characteristic. For example Candidate A consults with astrologists. He's had two mistresses. He chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day. This was President Roosevelt .Students will view a power point for Franklin D. Roosevelt, slides will be made up about the impact he had on the American population during WWII, his speech after Pearl Harbor, the New Deal and the final attack on Germany .The next few slides will be compiled of information about Winston Churchill. These slides have to do with the characteristics of Churchill as well as the impact he had on Great Britain and the rest of the world during World War II. Slides will also have information about his impact while invading the beaches of Normandy and his stand against Nazism .The last few slides will be compiled of information on Adolph Hitler. These slides will have information about Mein Kampf his biography, his influence in World War II in Germany and the entire world. Other slides will have information about the Holocaust, concentration camps, the invasion of Poland and the Nazi government. Closure:Students will have to do some research on their topic for their project and can ask any questions they have for their quiz the following day. Extensions: If there is extra time in class, students can ask more questions about the quiz the following day. Homework: Students will work on their projects for homework and study for their quiz the next day Multiple Intelligences: Visual/Linguistic, Intrapersonal, And Interpersonal Teaching Tool Checklist: Lecture, Technology, Discussion, Authentic and Traditional Assessment.
  • 9. Course: World War II Grade: 11th Duration: 1 day Lesson Topic: Quiz/ Film about the Manhattan Project Target Learners: A general education classroom with one student with EBD and a student with Autism Spectrum Disorder Key Concepts: Some key concepts of this lesson are to understand the impact of the Manhattan Project on both the Axis and Ally Powers, also use their previous knowledge from previous lesson plans and incorporate them into their quiz answers New York State Standards Key Idea #1 4. The atomic bomb a. The Manhattan Project (role of refugees) b. Truman’s decision to use the atomic bomb Key Idea #2 Atomic bombs against Japan: Hiroshima and Nagasaki c. United States occupation of Japan; the “MacArthur constitution” National Council for the Social Studies Standards : Culture, People, Place, Environment, Power, Authority and Governance, Civic Ideals and Practices Long Range Goals .Students will be able to achieve simple but effective answers for their quiz today from their notes and information from the unit thus far .Students will clarify certain distinctions made about certain races, ethnicities and cultures by learning about other countries besides the United States Short Range Goals .Students will understand the impact that the Manhattan Project made on several countries during this World War
  • 10. .Students will make justifications about American power and their reasons as to why they would drop the Atomic bomb. Demonstrate Understanding: Students will demonstrate an understanding by using the information that they have learned so far and incorporate it into their quiz in the beginning of class Performance/Assessment: Students will be assessed on the quiz in the beginning of class and the homework given to the students at the end of this class Hook .Students will be given some time to review their notes or any other material they have for the quiz prior to taking it. They can also ask any questions about this quiz Lesson .Students will take everything off their desks and will be handed their quizzes, the quizzes will be on the three previous lesson plans and the information that they learned about through their notes, discussions and power point . After the completion of the quiz, students will watch a film about the Manhattan Project; this film will discuss the United States feelings towards this operation as well as Great Britain’s. Students will develop an understanding of the threat of nuclear warfare and the impact the nuclear bombs had on ending this World War. ( Closure:As a class we will only watch half of the video due to time, after this at the end of class student’s will be given time to work on their project that was given to them in the beginning of the week. Students should have already picked their topic, they will be given time to do research on their topic Extensions: If there is any time left in class, students may ask questions about the quiz they took at the beginning of class Homework: Students will hand in a one page rough draft from their project. Multiple Intelligences:Visual/Spatial, Verbal/Linguistic, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal and Naturalist Teaching Tool Checklist: Primary Sources, Critical Thinking, Discussion
  • 11. Course:World War II Grade: 11th Lesson Topic:Concentration Camps/ Hiroshima/Levittown Target Learners:A general education classroom with one student with EBD and a student with Autism Spectrum Disorder Key Concepts: Some key concepts are understanding the influence Hitler and other dictators had on concentration camps during World War II, as well as the reasons why and the effects bombs dropping on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on Japan and the end of World War II. Also students will look at the effects that Levittown, which is a town within a five mile radius of Wantagh, had on the soldiers after World War II New York State Standards: Key Idea #1 2. Migration and immigration a. Suburbanization: Levittown’s Key Idea #2 .Students should understand the role played by the United States in securing peace: (1) formation of the United Nations, (2) relief and refugee efforts, and (3) economic assistance to war-torn economies and societies. National Council for the Social Studies Standards: People, Place, Environment, Production, Distribution, Consumption, Science Technology and Society, Global Connections Long Range Goals .Students will take into consideration other countries views politically, economically and culturally while learning about American influence on these countries .Students will observe history from a standpoint that is not glorified as most historians depict it to be for Americans Short Range Goals .Students will identify the horrors and hardships presented to individuals who were involved in concentration camps .Students will compare what Levittown was like the immediate year after the World War as to what it is now
  • 12. Demonstrate Understanding: Students will demonstrate an understanding of this topic by using the information they have in this class and use it in class discussion as well as the test the following Monday Performance/Assessment: Students will be assessed on the their participation in class and the project that will be due on Monday, students will have time to work on it in class Hook: When students enter the classroom they will watch a movie about Truman’s influence as to why he dropped the bomb and the aftermath of the bombing ( Lesson: .After watching this video, we will have a discussion about the reasons why Truman dropped this nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We will also discuss the injustices that were presented to these Japanese people during this time such as the radiation from the bombs and their skin diseases and cancers that were direct effects from the bombing. Students will understand that this event was one of the major reasons as to why World War II had ended. .After discussing this we will watch a video about the concentration camps such as Auschwitz, Buna, Birkenau and Buchenwald and some things that the leaders of these camps performed on the prisoners. We will then compare this lesson to a book that students are reading in English class called “Night” which is a personal encounter of concentration camps of a man named Elie Wiesel and look at an interview between him and Oprah ( .Students will then work with their partners and make a Venn-Diagram comparing and contrasting the injustices exposed to both people who were a part of concentration camps as well as the people of Nagasaki and Hiroshima after the bombs hit these areas. .Students will then look at an article of Levittown directly after World War II. These towns were built for soldiers after World War II that were struggling to find areas to live. This town still stands and most of the people who live there are sons, daughters, granddaughters or grandsons of the citizens who grew up in this area starting in 1947.( Students will then make a Venn- Diagram comparing and contrasting Levittown now and back in 1947. Closure: Students will have time to do research on their projects before they hand it in on Monday Homework: Students should finish their project which will be due on Monday Multiple Intelligence: Verbal/linguistic, Visual/Spatial, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal
  • 13. Teaching Tool Checklist: Lecture, Technology, Group Activity, Primary Sources, Critical Thinking, Discussions, Placed Based
  • 14. Course: World War II Grade: 11th Duration: 1 day Lesson Topic: Review Session Target Learners: A general education classroom with one student with EBD and a student with Autism Spectrum Disorder Key Concepts: Key concepts in this lesson plan will deal with all of the information that they have learned in previous lessons that an incorporate it into their debate about several topics we have covered throughout this unit New York State Standards Key Idea #1 .4. The atomic bomb a. The Manhattan Project (role of refugees) b. Truman’s decision to use the atomic bomb against Japan: Hiroshima and Nagasaki Key Idea #2 c. The Nazi Holocaust: United States and world reactions d. The Nuremberg war crimes trials; later trials of other Nazi criminals National Council for the Social Studies Standards: People, Place and Environment, Individual, Development, Identity, Production, Distribution and Consumption, Science Technology and Society Long Range Goals .Students will understand the influence of different countries on American actions and power .Students will make distinctions about powerful leaders and their respective countries, and the what kind of government and power they presented or enforced on their people Short Range Goals .Students will use previous knowledge they learned during this unit and incorporate it into their debates .Students will discuss and debate certain important topics we discussed during this unit
  • 15. Demonstrate Understanding:Students will demonstrate an understanding of this lesson while using knowledge about World War II and using it into their debate, this will be effective for their test the next day Performance/Assessment: Students will be assessed on their project they handed in today and their test the following day Hook: Students will hand in their project and after will receive some sort of small reward such as a piece of candy for their hard work on this project Lesson: . Students will be split into four countries. The United States, Germany, Japan and Great Briain. Each student will debate about important World War II events through the lens of their country .Topics will include the Manhattan Project, the Holocaust, concentration camps, culture of each country, D-day, Hiroshima. Students will debate about these events through the thoughts and actions of their leader. Students are advised to take notes while other countries are speaking because this will be useful for their test the following day .Students will then look at each other notes and see if their fellow students have anything that they may not have. Students are welcome to share notes with any classmate and ask me any questions at any time about the subject. Closure: Students will be handed their quiz back so they can use this to study tonight Multiple Intelligences: Verbal/Linguistic, Visual/Spatial, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal Teaching Tool Checklist: Interdisciplinary, Lecture, Technology, Debate, Discussions, Critical Thinking.
  • 16. Quiz (worth 50 points Name: Date: Class: 1. What was started World War II and which country enacted the first attack? When did the United States join this World War and what were the reasons? Who was on the Americans side during World War II? 2. What was the impact that Hitler had on not only Germany but the whole entire world during World War II? Why was he so powerful and what were his beliefs? What certain strategies or procedures did he enforce on people who were Jewish, African American, Homosexual, etc. Rubric- 25 points each 5-10 sentences for each question
  • 17. 25/25- students understand the topic and questions and can make in-depth analysis about the subjects they have learned 20/25- students understand the topic, but have some confusing points in their answers. They do not necessarily think outside the box 15/25- Students are unsure of the topic, the student does not necessarily use their own perspectives in the answer. 0/25- Students leave the question blank
  • 18. Test Name: Date: Class: Definitions Draft Bill- Concentration Camps- Holocaust- Pearl Harbor- Invasion of Normandy- Hiroshima and Nagasaki- Manhattan Project- Levittown’s- Rubric: Each definition will be worth 5 points for a total of 40 points 40/40- Students understand each term fully and give an in-depth analysis from what we have learned during this unit. They relate the definitions to World War II
  • 19. 35/40- Students understand each term to an extent but do not relate their answers to the World War II well 30/40- Students understand the term vaguely and don’t relate their answers to the World War II 25/40-: Students don’t understand the term and do not relate their answer to the World War II Students will receive a zero for the term if they leave the term blank Short Answer (15 Points Each) 1. What were the major factors presented to America after Pearl Harbor and what was their attitudes and feelings toward the Japanese population during this time and what did they do to them to prevent them to have contact with American citizens? 2. What were main reasons as to why President Roosevelt enacted the Draft Bill at the start of World War II? Why did this change United States military forever? What influences did Winston Churchill have on Great Britain and the United States government? Each question will be worth 15 points
  • 20. 15/15- Students understand each question fully and give an in-depth analysis from what we have learned during this unit. They relate the question to the World War II 10/15- Students understand each question to an extent but do not relate their answers to the World War II well 5/15- Students understand the question vaguely and don’t relate their answers to the World War II 0/15- Incomplete Essay Question (30 points What was the United States reason to bomb both Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II? What significance did the Manhattan Project have for both the Ally and Axis Powers? What injustices were the Japanese people exposed to after the amount of radiation that filled the land from the nuclear bombs? Rubric- The short essay will be two paragraphs long worth 20 points of the test 30/30- Students understand each question fully and give an in-depth analysis from what we have learned during this unit. They relate the question to the World War II
  • 21. 25/30- Students understand each question to an extent but do not relate their answers to the World War II well 20/30- Students understand the question vaguely and don’t relate their answers to the World War II 15/30: Students don’t understand the question and do not relate their answer to the World War II
  • 22. Project- Pick one person from the list below. We will do research as a class and on your own on this particular person who was a leader of a country involved inWorld War II . Write a three page autobiography about this person during their time in the World War II Research the impacts he or she had on the government and global population during the Great Depression. Students will also make a power point that includes facts about this person. This will be compiled of 7 slides a video and several pictures of this person. Neville Chamberlain Winston Churchill Charles de Gaulle Adolf Hitler F D Roosevelt Joseph Stalin Hideki Tojo Harry Truman