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                    Munich: a masterpiece
                    Bavaria’s beautiful, rich city offsets the
                    lederhosen and weisswurst cliches with                     unich has been labelled “the secret
                                                                               capital”, yet during Oktoberfest
                                                                                                                       According to the German Federal Statistics
                                                                                                                     Office, more than 270,000 GCC travellers explored
                    its history, art, and… medical prowess                     (a 16-day festival running from
                                                                               September 19 to October 4) more
                                                                                                                     the southern city of Munich in 2008. The recent
                                                                                                                     influx in Arab visitors can, in no small way, be
                                                                               than six million guests visit its     put down to the city’s superb medical facilities.
                                                                 gothic terrain. Surely, the secret is out?            Munich’s reputation as a premier medical
                                                                    Historically Munich’s tourists were largely      hotspot has seen a rapid trend in visitors taking
                                                                 composed of neighbouring Europeans.                 advantage of the excellent care offered.
                                                                 Today, advanced air travel sees a spectrum            “Our many efficient hospitals make Bavaria’s
                                                                 of cultures touching down on Bavarian soil,         metropolis a leading European healthcare
                                                                 with visitors from the Arabian Gulf citing it       competence centre. Our physicians and hospitals
                                                                 as a top holiday destination.                       deservedly enjoy a reputation that shines way

                                                                                         King Ludwig’s Old
                                                                                        Right Gather your
                                                                                          thoughts in The
                                                                                           English Garden

                              “Munich was voted number 30
                            in National Geographic Traveller’s
                                      top 100 historic places”
                                            beyond Germany and Europe. If you’d like proof,        Ludwig’s Old Pinakothek presents an                  exquisite galleries. Even the architecture of this    Devastation in the historic quarter nearly saw
                             Stay           just consider the ever-increasing number of            internationally acclaimed collection of paintings    street radiates a wealth of designs from gothic,      the complete destruction of the entire area, but a    OktOberfeSt
               Sofitel Munich               visitors travelling halfway around the world to        from the 14th century to 18th century, including     tudor, renaissance and neo-classical. At the end      decision to renovate all the buildings retaining      factS
                   BayerpoSt                take advantage of our medical services. They feel      masterpieces by Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt         of the street proudly stands the Maximilianeum,       more than one third of its original structure         Name: Originally
 A former royal Bavarian post office        safe and well cared for in Munich and trust our        and Rubens. Nearby, the New Pinakothek houses        the Bavarian version of the Acropolis. Initially      meant the city’s face wasn’t completely lost. Now     Theresienwiese (after King
  built in 1896, it still caters to regal   institutions,” Christain Ude, mayor of the state       European paintings from the 19th century. For        built as a school for gifted students, it rewarded    home to some of the most impressive examples of       Ludwig I’s wife) Muenchners
   standards counting Saudi Arabia          capital of Munich, says.                               modern art, the aptly named Pinakothek Modern        star pupils with crates of beer.                      Baroque architecture, its skyline is festooned with   now refer to it as Wiesn.
   royalty as loyal guests. Although           Of course, it’s not just the finer points of an     allows your contemporary creative juices to run         Muenchners say a quintessential Bavarian           spires, gargoyles and an amalgamation of Eastern      Oktoberfest is the
     the original facade is intact, the     appendectomy that lead the hordes to Munich.           riot. Meanwhile, Glypothek is a nod to ancient       experience must include the hinterland;               European and Mediterranean designs.                   western name.
    interior, while paying homage to        This is one of Europe’s quiet achievers: it was        Greek and Roman artefacts.                           exploring the alpine lake and mountain                   Many of the city’s illustrious landmarks are       Number of visitors:
 its previous life, smacks of modern        voted 30 in National Geographic Traveller’s top 100       The Deutsches Museum is one of the world’s        landscapes. However those with too few hours to       surrounded in folklore. According to legend,          Six million
      vibrancy and elegance. Central        historic places, has more millionaires per capita      major science and technology museums, which          spare can still sample fine greenery in the city.     architect Jörg von Halsbach promised the              beer served: 6.5 million
      location, 396 luxury rooms and        than any other city in Europe, after Hamburg, and      imparts knowledge in fun doses and allows adults     English Garden is one of the world’s largest parks,   devil he would build the famous green-domed           one-litre mugs
     Arabic-speaking staff, it’s one of     rivals Paris and Milan in the fashion stakes.          to behave like children with the hi-tech big toys.   spanning from the city centre to the suburbs.         Frauenkirche (Cathedral of Our Blessed Lady),         Number of roast chickeNs
                        Munich’s finest.    Munich is where the standard of living is high            Along with Germany’s acclaimed designers,         From waterfalls and beer gardens, to Apollo           with no windows. If he didn’t complete this task      eateN: 459,356
                   and the quality of life rich.                          such as Hugo Boss and Karl Lagerfeld, Munich’s       temples and a place dedicated to nude sunbathing,     the devil would take his soul.                        refuse: 744 tonnes
                                               At the heart of the city is its Pinakotheks         fashion credentials also include fabulous local      the park is divided into distinct areas offering a       While constructing the edifice, the devil          of waste
                                            (galleries), which pulsate with life and the city’s    brands such as Marcel Ostertag and Nicowa – who      unique paradise for all.                              brought a windy storm, but Halsbach was               Lost aNd fouNd: 4,600
                                            legacies. Luckily for Munich’s residents (or           cater for fashion-conscious clubbers – as well as       On a more traditional note, Hofgarten is where     undeterred. On completion, the architect lead         objects, including one dog, one
                                            Muenchners as they’re affectionately known)            international high street labels and department      natural and man-made beauty stand in unison.          the devil into the lobby. From here, specifically     Superman costume, one pair of
                                            former King Ludwig I’s penchant for the ladies –       stores. Neuhauser Strasse, the fashion avenue, is    Dating back to 1613, it comprises large gardens,      placed pillars obscured the sight of windows.         glasses, four wedding rings and
                                            he had several infamous extramarital affairs –         a cafe-lined pedestrian street which links the       intricately designed archways and the serene          Believing Halsbach had won, the enraged devil         one fire drencher. The rate of
                                            was equalled by his fascination with culture. As a     historical squares of Karlsplatz and Marienplatz.    Diana Temple that takes centre stage.                 stamped his foot so hard he left a footprint          return was 17 per cent
                                            result, he is responsible for erecting many of the        For more exclusive attire, Maximilianstrasse –       Munich’s real beauty lies in the fact that its     behind. Rushing back to hell, he also forgot to
                                            cultural institutes.                                   a street named after and commissioned by             roots are never far from the surface. Following       take back the wind, which is allegedly why the
                                               Spanning centuries, the Pinakothek museums          King Maximilian II in 1850 – flaunts high-end        heavy bombing during the Second World War, the        square is always windy. The footprint is visible
                                            take ages to explore in their entirety. Today          boutiques, top couturiers, famous jewellers and      Bavarian capital was reduced to a flattened wreck.    to this day.
066                                                                                                                             oRyx_OcTObEr_2009                                                                                                                                                     067

                                                The residenz,
                                         Germany’s biggest and
                                            most ornate palace

         Another architectural masterpiece is the
      Residenz, Germany’s largest palace. Until
      1918 it was still the home of the Bavarian
      Wittelsbach dynasty. Main highlights include
      its Treasure Chamber – the name alone creates
      a heightened sense of adventure – and the
      Antiquarium; a room to truly behold, it’s best
      described as the Sistine chapel meets The
      Antiques Roadshow.
         Lion statues flanking the Residenz are further
      examples of stories passed down through
      generations. Muenchners claim rubbing the nose
      of one of these, as well as other statues scattered
      across the city, will bring you luck. In fact, one
      tour guide claims after rubbing a lion’s nose her
      friend secured a table for 10 at the Oktoberfest
      without booking in advance.
         Contrary to belief, the Oktoberfest is not a
      wholly debauched affair. Celebrating its 200th
      birthday next year, it has its origins in
      the alcohol-free marital celebrations between
      King Ludwig I and his wife Therese von Saxe-
      Hildburghausen. Today alcohol is served, but the
      onus is more on celebrating the Bavarian way of
      life through its hearty cuisine, quaint handicrafts
      and traditional entertainment. Its tourism tagline
      is “Munich loves you” and to illustrate this
      Munich encourages you to live life like a local.
      Very few leave without having tried on lederhosen
      or at least befriended a man wearing one, if only
      for that Kodak-moment shot.
         Hofbrauhaus is not only Munich’s oldest pub
      at 419 years, but also its biggest, accommodating
      up to 4,500 people. Paintings adorn the walls
      and ceilings, while traditional heavy oak tables
      and metal ornaments decorate the halls. The
      one detail everyone remembers is that its largest
                                                                 Words ALexANdrIA GOUveIA images COrBIS/GrApHeAST ANd pHOTOLBrAry

      banqueting suite was used for meetings by
      Adolf Hitler. Perhaps it’s this fact that makes
      Munich unique. Times of trouble have the habit
      of not only bringing people together, but defining
      a collective mindset that places strength of spirit
      and the desire to survive and prosper, above
      all else.
         While much of the city appears built on myth
      and legend, its true beauty is etched in the faces of
      the people and affirmed in its tangible history.
      Munich loves you. Not myth. Fact.

      Qatar Air ways has daily flights to Munich

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Destination guide

                                    “This month couldn’t be a better
                                      time to visit as the city hosts
                                        its popular Food Week”

                                  Bello Milano!
                                  BEAUTY IS SKIN DEEP IN THE CITY WHERE
                                  LA MODE AND LA STORIA LIVE IN UNISON

                                  S    tatuesque and with oozing style, the Milan cityscape is just as
                                       mesmerising as the models that amble through its fashionable
                                  streets. While it may not have the grand history of Rome or the
                                  romance of Venice, it does have a charm that rarely disappoints,
                                  and Corso Vittorio Emmanuele – Milan’s modish haven – is not
                                  only where the world’s bold and beautiful congregate, but where
                                  the buzz of the city begins.
                                     The birthplace of Prada, Armani and Missoni, Milan is a vibrant
                                  destination, and this month couldn’t be a better time to visit because
                                  between June 5-13, the city hosts its popular Food Week allowing you
                                  to taste its culture through local delicacies, drinks and film. However,
 Giuseppe Mengoni’s masterpiece
                                  visitors don’t necessarily make their way to Milan for its temporary

146 THE DUBAI MALL MAGAZINE                                           THE DUBAI MALL MAGAZINE 147
Destination guide

                                                                                                                                                                                                             “Resembling a mediaeval palace, the Galleria is allegedly
                                                                                                                                                                     The mediaeval Duomo
                                                                                                                                                                                                            the world’s first shopping mall – if anyone was going to get
 Milan’s famous shopping street                                          Prada store front                                                                           dominates the skyline
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  there first it was going to be the chic Italians”

 Inside Galleria Vittorio Emmanuele                                      The historical Piazza Duomo                                                                                                                                                                                               Duomo Cathedral, Milano

               attractions, it’s the rather more traditional characteristics that truly      before the opening ceremony in 1865. Today the mall and all its              Sights                                                                        Although perpetually filled with tourists, Duomo’s ambience is
               make a journey there worthwhile.                                              beauty is worthy of Mengoni’s pride.                                         Proving that behind the glitz, glamour and sharp suits lies a historical   serene. Poet Shelley used to sit here and read Dante, while Lord
                                                                                                Inside designer stores abound, along with the odd fast food joint.        Milan yearning to be explored, the 624-year-old Duomo, the fourth          Tennyson would climb to the roof and rhapsodise about the views
               Shopping                                                                      However, even McDonald’s trademark red and yellow frontage                   largest in the world, remains a breathtaking model. Colossal and           of the Alps. Today, take an elevator to the top and enjoy Milan in
               A haute couture capital, Milan is refined and stylish, and Piazza             has had a fashionable makeover – like all the shops in the mall its          charismatic, even the millions of pigeons that invade its square can’t     all of its glory.
               Duomo, with its extravagant glass-roofed mall Galleria Vittorio               signage is glossy and black with gold lettering. Only in Milan can a         taint its beauty or disguise the opulence of its 135 gothic spires. The       For culture aficionados renaissance art can be found in Pinacoteca
               Emmanuele, is where it starts. Resembling a mediaeval palace,                 McDonald’s exude sophistication.                                             interior is brilliantly lit by stained glass windows highlighting the      Ambrosiana in Piazza Pio XI, and Galleria Monica De Cardenas on
               the Galleria is allegedly the world’s first shopping mall – if anyone            One store you shouldn’t leave Milan without visiting is D Magazine        stonewalls adorned with images of St Charles Borromeo, one of the          Via Viganoi, yet it’s at the refectory of the Convento di Santa Maria
               was going to get there first it was going to be the chic Italians. Its        on Via Montenapoleone. Here you can snap up designer labels at               early cardinals of Milan. Venture deep into the bowels of the Duomo        delle Grazie that you’ll find one the world’s most beautiful relics:
               designer Giuseppe Mengoni fell to his death from its roof just                half price, which translates as twice the shopping to us!                    to visit his crypt.                                                        Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper.

148 THE DUBAI MALL MAGAZINE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    THE DUBAI MALL MAGAZINE 149
Destination guide

                                                                                                                                                                                                             famed for their apertivio tradition, offering complimentary food        Galleria hotel an ideal spot. Each room is staffed by a butler and
Dining                                                                                                                                                                                                       to those buying drinks.                                                 the hotel is based in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele – a prime location
Exploring the city’s culinary side will further reveal the power of the                                                                                                                                        The hip canal-side area of Naviglio is renowned for this. For an      for heavy duty shopping.
fashion cognoscenti. Walk down Via L Camoens and Roberto’s                                                                                                                                                   upscale aperitivo nothing beats Diana Garden in the Sheraton               Meanwhile, The Westin Palace is traditional, ornate and elegant
flamboyant designs will jump out at you from his Just Cavalli café,                                                                                                                                          Diana Majestic Hotel. This legendary bar, frequented by Naomi           with luxurious rooms resembling the halls of La Scala. The hotel also
a perfect place to mix with the Italian glitterati.                                                                                                                                                          Campbell and Kate Moss, is the place to sip aperitifs, while watching   boasts one of the best breakfasts in Europe.
   Style queens love to breakfast on coffee and cigarettes; the                                                                                                                                              on-site fashion shows.                                                     Wherever you stay you’re guaranteed to be enraptured by
smoking ban, however, has seen the Milanese migrate to the Gucci                                                                                                                                                                                                                     la dolce vita for Milan is a city for the frivolous and fabulous. n
café’s terrace in Galleria Vittorio Emmanuele, for a cappuccino and                                                                                                                                          Sleep                                                                   Sheraton Diana Majestic, Viale Piave, 42, Milan, 20129, +39 20581,
a Marlboro Red.                                                                                                                                                                                              Beneath Sheraton Diana Majestic Hotel’s ageing and             Seven Stars Galleria , Via Silvio Pellico,
   Dolce & Gabbana on Corso Venezia offers a unique experience                                                                                                                                               cracked façade lies a sleek, chic and hip hotel where many of           8, Milan, 20121, +39 89058297, The
– the store has an adjoining grooming salon, beauty spa and Martini                                                                                                                                          the world’s elite insist not only on partying but staying as well.      Westin Palace, Piazza della Repubblica 20, Milan, 20124, +39 63361,
                                                                          Diana Garden at Sheraton Diana Majestic
bar, which regularly attracts celebrity clientele. Milan’s bars are                                                                                                                                          Shopaholics find the newly opened “seven-starred” Seven Stars 

                                                                                                                    WoRDS ALExANDRIA GOUVEIA IMAGES SUPPLIED CORBIS/GRAPHEAST: ROBERT HARDING/GETTY IMAGES

                                                                                          Sheraton Diana Majestic                                                                                             The Westin Palace

150 THE DUBAI MALL MAGAZINE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           THE DUBAI MALL MAGAZINE 151
70 places AILERON

                    Home of rock
                    ThE CARIbbEAN’s LATEsT LuxE vILLA
                    ALLOws yOu TO LIvE LIkE A musIC LEgENd
72 places AILERON

above Only the finest materials have been used above right put a new spin On yOur hOliday tunes

                                                                                                                    Rock stars     good and its address is firmly logged in every                                      even featuring a Neve mixing desk used by the
                                                                              seemingly have it all; the hedonistic lifestyle,     major cognoscenti’s black book. ¶ What sets                                         legendary John Lennon to record Imagine. ¶
                                                                              the hot groupies, suped-up homes and generous        Villa Rockstar apart from other uber resorts                                        Grandeur to the extreme, Villa Rockstar
                                                                              pay cheques. Nothing is too decadent and             is the fact that it isn’t just another over-priced                                  is spread across 16,000sq ft and boasts six
                                                                              seemingly nothing is unobtainable. For               holiday home. Described as a “hundred million                                       bedrooms – four suites and two cabins –
                                                                              holidays, more often than not they seek              dollar yacht on land” it has upped the ante,                                        making it entourage-ready. Set in two houses,
                                                                              sun-drenched pleasure in a faraway land,             distinguishing itself as a luxury leader. It’s                                      which are connected by lush courtyards and
                                                                              considered too expensive for mere mortals.           decadence to the extreme allowing anyone                                            sectioned off from the outside world by a 10ft
                                                                              Most pack their Louis Vuitton suitcases              to fulfill their childhood dream of being part                                      wall, it offers blissful privacy allowing you
                                                                              and jet off to St Barths, the Caribbean              of a rock band. Its pièce de résistance is its top-                                 to rock out without being hassled by prying
                                                                              playground for the filthy rich and downright         notch, high-tech professional recording studio                                      paparazzi. ¶ Inside, the diverse property has
                                                                              famous. It’s rather befitting then that the latest   giving you the opportunity to return home                                           all the gadgets, gizmos and entertainment
                                                                              ultra-luxe resort to emerge in this isle of plenty   with an album as well as a tan. As souvenirs go,                                    you could possibly want, meaning the Mini
                                                                              is the aptly named Villa Rockstar. ¶ While its       a CD certainly beats a a postcard. ¶ Spacious,                                      Cooper and Land Rover, which come with
                                                                              name is somewhat disappointing, what the title       sleek and supremely state-of-the-art, there is        “The house also includes a    the house, will rarely need to be used – you
                                                                              lacks in originality, the venue surpasses with       not a cardboard egg carton in sight (the old-                                       just won’t want to leave and won’t have to.
                                                                              its amenities, finesse and sheer unique appeal.      fashioned and cost-efficient soundproofing            personal butler to run your   The house also includes a personal butler
                                                                              Villa Rockstar may cater for celebrities, but it     system). Eden Rock-St Barths partnered                                              to run your errands, and renowned French
                                                                              also opens its elite doors to anyone with an elite   with the famed Ocean Way Recording                    errands, and renowned         chef Jean-Claude Dufour is on call to prepare
                                                                              bank account to match. ¶ The Eden Rock-St            Studios, taking on the help of master producer                                      a first-class private meal. Just like a real
                                                                              Barths resort not only basks under the sun, it       A llen Sides renowned for his work on                 French chef Jean-Claude       rock star, you’ll suddenly feel your sense of
                                                                              glitters with its own star quality. The private      Michael Jackson’s Thriller. As a result, the                                        entitlement bloom beyond reason. ¶ Those
                                                                              oasis is a sanctuary for Hollywood’s great and       fully equipped studio is the best of its kind,        Dufour is on call”            fed up of hitting the base, musically that is,
74 places AILERON

                                                                                                                                                                                          can entertain themselves with a plethora of
                                                                                                                                                                                          on-site sporting options from a game of pool,                               “It’s where fantasies come true.
                                                                                                                                                                                          to a round of golf, or a spot of croquet on the
                                                                                                                                                                                          lawn. A private pool, spa, fully-kitted gym                                 It’s where money can buy you
                                                                                                                                                                                          and a 20-seat cinemascope screening room
                                                                                                                                                                                          will also help keep you occupied. However,                                  dreams, allowing you to live like
                                                                                                                                                                                          while the music studio and entertainment
                                                                                                                                                                                          are hard to resist, try not to stay couped up                               a rock star and really have it all”
                                                                                                                                                                                          inside; Villa Rockstar is your gateway to
                                                                                                                                                                                          paradise so be sure to explore. This is a
                                                                                                                                                                                          beachfront villa so head out and tread the soft
                                                                                                                                                                                          pink coral sand and snorkel in the delightfully
                                                                                                                                                                                          glistering sapphire ocean. ¶ Replicating
                                                                                                                                                                                          the beauty of its natural surroundings, the
                                                                                                                                                                                          building’s interior design is ultra-chic and
                                                                                                                                                                                          contemporary with no cost spared. For the
                                                                                                                                                                                          bathrooms the designers went to Italy while
                                                                                                                                                                                          French stone covers the floors and American
                                                                                                                                                                                          hardwoods are used for furnishings. Only the
                                                                                                                                                                                          best materials and artists have been used – the
                                                                                                                                                                                          extravagant 12-seat dining table was crafted
                                                                                                                                                                                          by the illustrious Belgian designer, Xavier
                                                                                                                                                                                          Lust. The result is elegant and stylish, infused
                                                                                                                                                                                          with home-away-from-home ambience. ¶
                                                                                                                                                                                          Villa Rockstar’s unique selling point is its
                                                                                                                                                                                          exclusivity. It’s where fantasies come true. It’s
                                                                                                                                                                                          where money can buy you dreams, allowing                                    Eden Rock-St Barths, St Jean, 97133
                                                                                                                                                                                          you to live like a rock star and really have                                St Barthelemy, French West Indies, +590 590
                                                                                                                                                                                          it all. However, you don’t have to be an X                                  29 79 94,
                                                                                                                                                                                          Factor winner, or a music chart sensation to                                Getting there: Fly direct to St Barths or fly
                                                                                                                                                                                          stay at Villa Rockstar. With prices starting                                to the main airport at St Martin and hire the
                                                                                                                                                                                          at US$20,493 per night, you just need to flex                               ultra-luxe 65ft Princess private boat to transfer
                                                                                                                                                                                          your plastic.                                                               you to Eden Rock in style.

Eden History
remy de haenen, a celebrated adventurer and
friend to the stars, paid just us$200 for the land
more than 60 years ago. at the time he was
ridiculed for paying too much, but he eventually
had the last laugh. ¶ when Greta Garbo
checked into eden rock for three days, but
stayed for three weeks, the magnetic lure on the
rich and famous was established and haenen
transformed the humble island and eden rock

                                                                                                                                                              wORds: ALExANdRIA gOuvEIA
into a celebrity retreat. ¶ in 1995 new owners
david and Jane matthews spent us$25m on
renovations and expansions. they restored
the hotel and built additional exclusive villas
attracting high-calibre guests. villa rockstar is
the latest creation and considered the most
extravagant in their impressive portfolio.
                                                     toP even the pOOl table with view OOzes rOck star chic above the infinity pOOl fOr lyrical inspiratiOn                               toP with six spaciOus cOntempOrary desiGned rOOms, villa rOckstar is entOuraGe ready

                    Greece lightning
                       No longer a one-night stand
                          enroute to the Greek isles,
                     Athens has established itself
                    as a thriving metropolis where
                        antiquity meets street cool

                          admit it, deciding to visit Athens in        city more thriving economically than originally
                          winter prompted raised eyebrows and          thought – a 2008 Union Bank of Switzerland study
                          glances of surprise from all I told. The     ranked Athens as the 32nd richest city.
                          confession that I failed to drag my lazy        Before the 2004 Olympics, the modern city of
                          carcass up to the legendary Acropoilis       Athens was in a greater state of disarray than its
                          gained audible gasps and tutts of disgust.   ancestral ruins. When locals, up in arms at the
                          But while allegedly out-of-season            council for neglecting the area, heard their city
                          destinations may appear unusual,             was chosen to host the Games they sighed with
                          the unorthodox is often where the            fear. They feared the overpriced budgets that
                real holiday experiences can be found.                 Athens couldn’t afford and they feared their own
                   In the interest of balance, it’s probably           subsequent poverty.
                worth noting that while my first explanation              However what they received was action, with
                redeems: January is when the locals come out           the government forced to clean up their act, and
                to play, when prices are slashed in shops and on       the city. Maintenance jobs that the nonchalant
                accommodation, the intense summer heat doesn’t         Greeks would normally have taken years to
                wear you down and less tourists equals no queues.      complete were sped up and soon the city was
                The second may not appear as adequate: Ouzo.           transformed into a thriving, tourist-friendly
                Those who have drunk this potent, cloudy and           metropolis. Once cited as a “city of studies” its
                locally produced liquid will empathise. After          main source of income now comes from the
                falling prey to the Greek drink of choice I was not    shipping and tourism sector.
                fit for public mingling or indeed a strenuous
                climb, wonder of the world or not.                                                                            Top Neo-
                   My affair with the aniseed-flavoured spirit                                                                classical Parliament
                began at the quaint liquor store Brettos; lured in                                                            Building dominates
                                                                                                                              Syntagma Square
                by the rainbow display of bottles coating its walls                                                           Left Famous changing
                and hypnotised by the barrels filled with the                                                                 of the guards
                strong stuff…
                   My cockles well and truly warmed, and feeling
                more Greek by the minute, I decided to take to the
                city like a local. Slow-paced, calm and relaxed. I
                didn’t have the willpower to climb the 500ft to
                the ancient city’s centre point, the Acropolis.
                Instead I decided to discover the city surrounding
                the landmark.
                   What I uncovered was not just a city rich in
                history, but also one soaked in chic modesty. A
072	                                                                                                                        oryx_jaNuary_2009

                                                   While Theseus may have founded Athens, the            flea market. You can get literally everything from
                                                 Olympics delivered a cosmopolitan capital that I        a Chris Eubankequse cane to a battery, army gear
                                                 set out to explore like an over enthusiastic toddler.   and unique artistry. Hidden treasures are revealed
                                                 Asking questions and reaching out to touch              at every corner.
                                                 anything within my reach.                                  Northwest of Plaka lies Monastiraki, meaning
                                                                                                         “little monastery” here you will find more trinket
                                                 The oLd                                                 shops and markets. Flooded with a sea of tourists
                                                 I began my city tour, courtesy of Hotel Grande          haggling over beads and tasselled slippers it’s best
                                                 Bretagne, at the heart of modern Athens,                to get there early. Follow the length of the markets
                                                 Syntagma Square. Dominating the plaza is its            and you will find it bordered by sizzling kebab
                                                 Parliament Building. Built in 1840 this colossal        stalls and authentic restaurants.
                                                 example of neo-classical architecture was                  Despite treading modern asphalt roads I still
                                                 originally the Royal Palace, after liberation from      stumbled across ancient ruins of the Greek agora
                                                 the Ottoman German King. Today the square is            (old market area). The ruins sit like the aftermath
                                                 a place where football fans gather to watch the         of a robbery in front of the obligatory Irish pub,
           WINTer IN ATheNS                      game and snazzy elderly folk walk their dogs.           James Joyce. Philosopher’s Socrates, Plato and
               While you may not need your          At the core of the city I delicately waded           Aristotle once roamed the paved slabs of this
               sunscreen and snorkel during      through the hordes of Athenians on their way            ancient market place.
          winter in Athens, you will require     to work and play. With a soundtrack of chortling           To the east of the original agora and connected
              stamina. January brings great      cars and zooming Vespas I walked cracked                by a paved street, lies the Roman forum.
         shopping sales in this mini couture     pathways toward Plaka, the charismatic old town.        Constructed with donations from Julius Caesar
               haven and lots of activities. A      One of the oldest in the city, Plaka has been        and Augustus, it is flanked by the monumental
           short drive out of the city centre    continuously inhabited for more than 5,000 years.       gate of Athena Archegetis. The gate is a prominent
            opens up a range of adrenaline-      You can spend days meandering through its               ruin among remnants of columns cut down and
             pumping opportunities such as       contorted cobbled alleyways, exploring decade-old       used to build a protective wall around the
                  hiking, mountain-climbing,     music shops where cassettes are still sold,             Acropolis.
             white-water rafting, kayaking,      bringing back fond childhood memories. In fact             Nearby stands a quaint mosque. One of only
                horseback-riding, biking, and    everything about this charmingly decrepit               four in the city it’s a reminder of the Byzantine
           trekking through gorges. Athens       quarter transports you to the past. Only the lick of    period and Turkish occupation.
                 truly comes alive during the    juvenile graffiti slathered across most of its             Down the road from the Roman agora proudly
          winter months. While snow in the       buildings brings you back to the 21st century.          stands the Arch of Hadrian, built in honour of the
            city centre is rare, snow-capped        For some reason Plaka is littered with mirror        benefactor emperor. An inscription on the side of
         mountains make it ideal for skiing.     shops, perhaps a cunning tactic so the Acropolis is     the arch facing the new city reads “This is the city
                                                 always in full view. The biggest draw here is its       of Hadrian and not Theseus.”

                                                                                                                                                                Words AlExANdriA GouvEiA Images pHoTolibrAry ANd AlAmy

                                                                                                         Left The Flea Market
                                                                                                         in Monastiraki
                                                                                                         Above Some of the
                                                                                                         charasmatic ruins
                                                                                                         at the acropolis

074	                                                                                                                                   oryx_jaNuary_2009

        Hotel Grande BretaGne
                       Tel: +30 210 333 0000,
            A hotel so stunning and popular it
          could turn away madonna without
          repercussions. boasting more than
         130 years of hospitality excellence,
       the hotel has joined an elite list of the
          world’s most prestigious properties
       as part of the luxury Collection. First-
            class services include the luxury
         Collection luggage liaison in which
        the guests can arrange to have their
          baggage picked up from the airport
         and delivered straight to their door.
        With the help of the concierge guests
           can expect tailor-made indigenous
         experiences. located in the heart of
             Athens and lording mesmerising
          views of the Acropolis the hotel is a
                 modern landmark in the city.

                                                   The NeW                                                madness. As such the Greeks feel it’s almost their
                                                   Although I failed to reach the Acropolis and the       duty to take partying seriously. A kaleidoscope of
                                                   three temples that have withheld two-and-a-half        bars and cafes line the city’s delightfully ageing
                                                   millennia of turbulence, I did the next best thing     districts – Psyrri, Kolonaki and Gazi – where the
                                                   and visited its new museum, aptly titled the New       buzz of the Greek islands is recreated. Yet unlike
                                                   Acropolis Museum. Boasting Swiss and Greek             the party isles the scensters are a mixed bag of
                                                   architecture and contemporary designs it               young and old. Coffee lovers sip cold frappes, while
                                                   purposely contrasts the obvious beauty of the          the unruly tackle the local spirits. Live music
                                                   ancient monuments. The three-storey edifice was        spills out of the bouzoukias (clubs) pumping new
                                                   built to hold all of the artefacts from the original   life into the historical streets.
                                                   Acropolis museum and house reclaimed relics            For the Jimmy Choo totting crowd head to the
                                                   most notably from Lord Elgin, English ambassador       fashionable Psyrri and for a spot of celebrity
                                                   to Constantinople. He stole the greatest parts of      hunting try Kolonaki Square – it’s where the
                                                   the monument’s sculptural decoration and sold          famous and beautiful go to be ostentatious.
                                                   them to the British Museum.                               If you can only make it to one bar during your
                                                                                                          visit be sure to make it the Roof Garden at Hotel
                                                   The SceNe                                              Grande Bretagne where panoramic views of the
                                                   One of the most revered gods of ancient Greece         city’s Acropolis and Kallimarmaro stadium are
                                                   was Dionysus, the god of wine and inspirer of          so romantic they could encourage strangers to fall
                                                                                                          in love. And as if that wasn’t alluring enough the
                                                                                                          Mediterranean cuisine is as hearty as it
                                                                                                          is flavoursome.

                                                                                                          The LegeNd
                                                                                                          Embroiled in drama, tragedy and democracy
                                                                                                          before most Mediterranean nations had
                                                                                                          even sipped on their first espresso, Athens
                                                                                                          possesses an unrivalled legacy combining the
                                                                                                          ultimate ingredients of history, hedonism and
                                                                                                          supreme beauty. ■
                                                                                                                   geTTINg There
                           Top athens’ famous
                         cityscape Above and                                                                       Qatar airways flies to athens xxx times a
                                right The New                                                                      week
                            acropolis Museum                                                             

076	                                                                                                                                      oryx_jaNuary_2009
 Travel tanzania


                                Meaning “no problem” in Swahili and
                                        popularised by The Lion King, “Hakuna Matata”
                                 is the motto used throughout Tanzania – a place
                   where laid-back attitudes combine with heart-warmingly
                                                    hospitable locals ready to offer
                                                              you the holiday of a lifetime

26 KempinsKi
Travel tanzania

                                                                                                When issued a ticket to travel to Tanzania, one of the poorest
                                                                                                countries in the world, i was somewhat apprehensive.
                                                                                                With images of distressing comic relief campaigns
                                                                                                tattooed in my mind and the knowledge that the republic
                                                                                                was once under the control of slavers, i wasn’t quite sure
                                                                                                what was in store. But slathered in 100 per cent deet
                                                                                                spray – those mozzies weren’t coming near me – i was
                                                                                                open to all experiences that were thrown my way.
                                                                                                   Tanzania is the largest country in Africa and home
                                                                                                not only to the world’s largest game reserves, but also to
                                                                                                the friendliest locals; even the most disgruntled tourists
                                                                                                are transformed into willing helpers. This is what first
                                                                                                struck me when landing in Dar es Salaam. Waiting in the
                                                                                                dreaded visa queue, visibly dazed and confused, fellow
                                                                                                passengers were quick to offer a helping hand and the official
                                                                                                process was completed rapidly, with a gracious smile.
                                                                                                   Driving from the airport to Kilimanjaro Hotel Kempinski
                                                                                                Dar es Salaam, i was surprised at how clean the city was.
                                                                                                With laughing locals speckling the streets, the atmosphere
                                                                                                was filled with lightness and a true sense of calm.
                                                                                                   The powerful sense of appreciation and positive
                                                                                                thinking is enough to kick anyone’s life into perspective.
                                                                                                   Careering up to the hotel was like being transported
                                                                                                into a prosperous Asian city, a million miles away from the
                                                                                                poverty on its doorstep. The serene ponds instantly exuded
                                                                                                a warm welcoming. Assuming feng shui qualities with large
                                                                                                open spaces, soothing water features and soft lighting, the
                                                                                                reception area offered instant respite from my long flight.

                                                                                                give peaCe a ChanCe
                                                                                                in order to rid the aches from my journey, i headed straight
                                                                                                to the hotel’s Anantara spa. Following the 60-minute
                                                                                                aromatherapy massage, i virtually floated back to my room.
                                                                                                   Despite being the capital of the United republic of
                                                                                                Tanzania, Dar es Salaam isn’t a thriving metropolis. Founded
                                                                                                in 1862 by Sultan Seyyid Majid its name means “Haven of
                                                                                                Peace”. Local fishermen crowd the harbour that straddles
                                  western shops                                                 the indian ocean, while tourists head to the beaches and
                                  and supermarkets.                                             chaotic markets. With a limit to the city’s attractions, the
                                                                                                hotel keeps guests entertained with an onsite casino and
                                  mwenge marKet
                                  A fascinating place to
                                                              “The local’s powerful sense       a shopping area for those looking to splurge. Traditional
                                                                                                handicrafts and fashion houses offer dazzling clothing,
                                  purchase local artwork.
                                  They’re colourful and
                                                              of appreciation and positive      intricate statues and vibrant decorations – when it comes to
                                                                                                accessorising, the Tanzanians certainly aren’t wallflowers.
  ConCierge                       great value for money.      thinking is enough to kick           What Dar – as it’s commonly known – lacks in

                                                              anyone’s life into perspective”
  Pendo Leole, concierge at                                                                     entertainment, it makes up for with its cuisine, a formidable
  Kilimanjaro Hotel Kempinski     masaKi area                                                   concoction of indian, Thai and Arabic influences. Kilimanjaro
  talks us through her must see   Both tourists and locals                                      Hotel Kempinski Dar es Salaam’s The oriental restaurant
  places in Dar Es Salaam.        alike come here to party.                                     is so superb that scores of people endure the city’s
                                  Sweet Easy and Q bar are                                      congestive traffic jams to get a nibble. The décor’s fusion
  slipway and                     the most popular haunts.                                      of contemporary and traditional Asian features is well
                                                               above The Kilimanjaro
  milimani City                                                  Hotel Kempinski Dar es         reflected in its food that sparks the taste buds into action.
  The two biggest                 Fish marKet                  Salaam’s glorious infinity          Dar is essentially a hub, a bustling port where people
                                                                    pool is just one of its
  shopping centres in Dar.        At this colourful and               infinite attractions      make transfers to exotic Zanzibar and world-renowned
  Slipway sells traditional       chaotic market, you can          lefT Brightly woven          game parks, most notably the Serengeti with its endless
                                                              fabrics and hand-painted
  Tanzania clothing               watch fisherman selling          pots mean you won’t          rock-strewn plains, famed for its stampede when thousands
  while Milimani houses           their fresh catches.         leave Dar empty handed           of wildebeest and zebras migrate to the southern plains
                                                                                                for the short rains. The Kempinski Lodge Serengeti
                                                                                                opens in the new Year and is set to become one of the
                                                                                                world’s most sought after African hideaways.

28 KempinsKi                                                                                                                                   KempinsKi 29
Travel tanzania

rollerCoaster ride
A trip to Tanzania wouldn’t be complete without a detour to
                                                                                                         “As far as hotels go Zamani
its very own strip of paradise, the archipelago of Zanzibar.
Located 25 miles from the coast it can be reached by a four
                                                                                                    Zanzibar Kempinski Tanzania is
hour scenic ferry cruise or a 20-minute adrenalin pumping                                         expansive not only in size – 30 acres
                                                                                                       – but also in natural beauty. ”
plane journey – the old fashioned 12 seaters have a rickety
rollercoaster feel to them, but the vistas below are worth it.
   The drive to the Zamani Zanzibar Kempinski Tanzania
takes almost an hour, ideal for the driver to update one on
the island’s beguiling past. For two centuries the Portuguese
had a stronghold over the east African Coast, until the late
1800s when the Arabs forced them out. omani Sultans
took over the reigns, ruling until 1963 when it was granted
independence. Following the revolt in 1964, a republic
with Tanganyika was formed and Zanzibar was granted its
own president, a situation that remains the same today.
   As the history lesson ended we pulled up to what can only be
described as eden. Fringed by turquoise sea and embraced by
a stretch of white beach, i felt as if i had stepped on to a James
Bond film set. This A-list sensation continued as i entered my
villa. The stunning abode comprises a double bedroom, living
room, dinning room, kitchen and a bathroom bigger than
my one-bedroom apartment. i even had my own swimming
pool, where i immediately settled, basking in the delicious
rays while munching on complimentary chocolates – heaven.
After a cocoa-based lunch, i opted for a healthy dinner at
The red Snapper restaurant, located Cliffside overlooking
the magnificent indian ocean. Specialising in seafood, i
ordered the tuna, the fantastically fresh catch of the day.
   As far as hotels go Zamani Zanzibar Kempinski Tanzania
is expansive not only in size – 30 acres – but also in natural
beauty. it would’ve been easy for the resort to have simply
relied on its natural marine features, yet it has further
developed its characteristics creating a contemporary palace
that’s refreshingly informal rather than pretentious.

Queen For a day
The rest of the island simply must be explored. Although
in essence you’re guided from one tree to another while
a young lad collects produce for you to smell, touch and
even eat, the educational experience of a local spice tour
is a must thanks to the guide’s good-hearted jokes.
   Zanzibar’s tumultuous past is reflected in its Unesco
heritage site, Stone Town. You’ll first be confronted by the                                                                  eSSenTiALS                           August. A short rainy season
colossal House of Wonders – named so because it was the                                                                       getting there                        runs from late-October to
first building to get electricity – which was built by Sultan                                                                 The following airlines offer         early-December.
Seyyid Barghash for ceremonial purposes. Bombed by                                                                            services to Dar es Salaam:
the British in 1896, fortunately, the building suffered                                                                       Air India, Air Malawi, Air           Costs
minor damages. it’s now a museum depicting the                                                                                Mozambique, Air Tanzania,            As a third world country,
island’s history. next door stands the Arab fort, once a                                                                      British Airways, Emirates,           prices are cheap. Markets
prison it’s been transformed into an open-air theatre                                                                         Ethiopian Airlines, Gulf Air,        selling traditional Tanzanian
where the annual film festival is held. nearby is the                                                                         KLM, Kenya Airways, Oman             handicrafts and artwork
birth home of former Queen star, Freddie Mercury.                                                                             Air, Qatar Airways, Precision Air,   provide great souvenirs.
   Virtually all evidence of Portuguese ruling was demolished                                                                 SAA Cargo, Swiss, Yemenia.           There are very few ATMs
by the Sultans however, an extravagant Cathedral, reminiscent                                                                 visas                                here so exchange money
of the France’s notre Dame still stands. Zanzibar’s community                                                                 Most nationalities can               before visiting.
is made up of 90 per cent Muslims, 10 per cent Catholics and                                                                  purchase these for US$50
other religions, all living in perfect unison. A great example                                                                on arrival. Be sure to have the      vaCCinations
of this is the location of a church and mosque, standing side-                                                                right currency. In order to          The main health risks are
                                                                     above Zanzibar’s
by-side. There are over 40 mosques in Stone Town and two             attractions include                                      apply for a visa, your passport      malaria and sunburn. Cholera
churches, one of which occupies the poignant ruins of the slave      silicone sand so fine that                               must have more than six              and rift valley fever occur
                                                                     it squeaks and a
market with its altar standing on the site of the old whipping       magically translucent sea                                months validity.                     very occasionally. Only drink
block. The British abolished slavery in Zanzibar in 1890.            lefT The aptly named                                                                          water that’s bottled and
                                                                     Stone Town with its
   Following a taste of paradise, i returned to Dar es Salaam        winding alleys and                                       Climate                              sealed. Although specific
to meander through the animated streets past vivacious locals        ornately carved doors                                    The weather is hot and humid         medication is not required,
making a mental note that you don’t need buckets of money                                                                     during the dry season from           for information on
to make you happy. The Tanzanians are blissful and free.                                                                      September to March. It’s             vaccinations visit
                                                                                                                              humid and cooler from June to

30 KempinsKi
TRAVEL | new york marathon

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52 | oryx November 2007                                                                                                                      2007 November   oryx | 53
TRAVEL | new york marathon

                                                           stateN islaNd
                                                           At 10.10am the race commences           the Statue of Liberty. It’s only when
                                                           with a gun shot, and the sea of         the equally famous skyscrapers
                                                           competitors overflow on to the          loom overhead, assuming postcard
                                                           Verrazano Narrows Bridge. When          dimensions, that you’ll appreciate
                                                           built in 1964, the bridge was the       the Big Apples’ iconic and truly
                                                           longest in the world spanning a         thrilling landscape.
                                                           total 4,260 feet. After descending
                                                           the overpass the gruelling course
                                                           leaves the “forgotten borough” and
                                                           winds into Brooklyn.
                                                           Experience a serene sightseeing
                                                           boat trip aboard the Staten Island
                                                           Ferry. As you cruise out from the
                                                           island you’ll be greeted with the
                                                           most enduring symbol of the city,

                    For 13.1 miles the runners find
                    themselves in legendary hip-
                    swayer John Travolta’s hometown.
                    Thanks to its ethnic diversity,
                    the fourth biggest city houses
                    the most saliva inducing delis
                    and restaurants across the States.
                    Sample America’s famed ‘best
                    pizza’ at Grimaldi’s – an authentic
                    Italian restaurant under Brooklyn
                    Bridge. Its fluffy dough certainly
                    hits the spot with the locals
                    claiming, “Brooklyn invented
                    pizza”. If your body craves a sugar
                    rush, cheese cake at Junior’s on
                    Dekalb Avenue should get your          notorious for sparking controversy
                    adrenalin pumping for the race to      after displaying Chris Ofili’s
                    the next borough.                      depiction of the Madonna with
                       A tour to Brooklyn museum will      dung on it. Before you leave, head
                    educate you, bizarrely, about Egypt,   to the Refinery boutique, on 254
                    with its world-renowned collection     Smith Street for the best tees, belts
                    of ancient Egyptian masterpieces.      and shoes – most of the labels are
                    For more modern impressionists,        by local designers. It sure beats ‘I
                    the Brooklyn Museum of Art is          heart NY’ souvenirs.

54 | oryx November 2007
TRAVEL | new york marathon

                                                                                                                      the broNx
                                                                                                                      Although they reach Manhattan
                                                                                                                      after 16 miles, the marathon
                                                                                                                      runners cross briefly back into the
                                                                                                                      Bronx where they face another
                                                                                                                      sweat-filled mile before re-entering
                                                                                                                      NY’s most famous district.
queeNs                                                                                                                As the birthplace of salsa and
Crossing the Pulaski Bridge and                  Despite its lacklustre reputation,                                   break-dancing, the borough once
entering Queens marks the halfway             only in Queens can you dub your                                         considered the ‘postage stamp of
point of the marathon. After two-             voice in the Wizard of Oz and see                                       crime’, is brimming with street
and-a-half miles the race then                exactly how short Italian stallion                                      entertainers and local shows. The
takes a bitter turn for the worse as          Robert De Niro is – you’ll be                                           Point Community Development
runners try their utmost to prevent           amazed at the outcome. All this                                         Centre is an ideal place to sample
their legs from buckling as they              film-based fun can be had at the                                        local performances.
mount the Queensboro bridge,                  Museum of Moving Image.                                                 Boasting over 600 species, the
considered to be the hardest stage               For something more indulgent,                                        Bronx Zoo is cited as the largest
of the course.                                the Bohemian Hall is a tantalising                                      metropolitan zoo in the States,
Detour                                        beer garden in Astoria. Turning off                                     the best exhibit being the Congo
Although it may not seem as                   the bustling urban street it allows                                     Gorilla Forest. The US$3 million
exciting as Manhattan or Brooklyn,            you to hide among its shady trees                                       development re-creates an African
it still contains history, streetwise         and picnic tables with refreshing                                       rainforest with wooded pathways,
shops and renowned restaurants,               pitchers of icy beer. If that doesn’t                                   lush greenery, and animals
although without the more                     make you fall in love with the                                          including red-river hogs, colobus
favoured boroughs’ price tags.                borough nothing will.                                                   monkeys, and two troops of
                                                                                                                      lowland gorillas.

                      490 BCE
  the world’s first-ever recognised
       marathon took place when
   Pheidippides ran 26 miles from                                                                                  2000                                     2006
marathon to athens to inform the                                1978                     nyrr added an official wheelchair    over 93,000 athlestes applied to run
athenians of the Greek’s defeat of        norwegian Grete waitz set a                    division to the marathon. It’s now     and nearly 38,000 people crossed
 the Persians, before he fell to the   women’s marathon world record,                          one of the most competitive     the finish line, making it the largest
                      ground dead.        finishing in a time of 2:32:30                wheelchair marathons in the world.                     marathon of all time.

                                                  1970                                 1992                                   2001
                                                  127 runners paid $1 entry each to    when international sanctions against   Less than two months after the
                                                  nyrr to participate in a 26.2-mile   South african athletes were lifted     September 11 terrorist attacks, the
                                                  race in Central Park.                willie mtolo chose to run new york,    new york City marathon became
                                                                                       besting the field and garnering        a race of hope and renewal for
                                                                                       media coverage around the world.       participants and spectators alike.

80 | oryx November 2007
TRAVEL | new york marathon

                                                                                            TouR dE
                                                                                            HusH Tours
                                                                                            this four-hour journey
                                                                                            will take you through
                                                                                            the birthplace of hip
                                                                                            hop, featuring rap
                                                                                            greats as personal
                                                                                            tour guides. you’ll
                                                                                            get the low down on
                                                                                            famous groups and
                                                                                            see where hip hop
                                                                                            celebrities live. tour
                                                                                            includes a live b-boy
                                                                                            dance performance.

                                                                                            Big ApplE grEETEr
                                                                                            Big apple Greeters
                                                                                            are new yorkers who
                                                                                            volunteer to show
                                                                                            off their favourite
                                                                                            parts of the city.
maNhattaN                                                                                   there’s no fee for
Proceeding down Fifth Avenue           Nancy Spugeon, the girlfriend of                     the service as you
and into Central Park, racers will     Sex Pistols bass player Sid Vicious.                 tour the city as native
be greeted by over two million             Another site drenched in                         new yorkers – on
cheering spectators as they finish     psychosis is the Dakota apartment                    subways and buses.
the final mile of the marathon.        building, where Beatles star John                    you’re guaranteed
Detour                                 Lennon was shot five times by                        to discover parts of
Sex and the City further glorified     crazed fan Mark Chapman.                             the city unknown to
the main district of New York              When it comes to shopping                        tourists.
which has left London struggling in    forget your usual Macy’s and                         www.
second place year after year for the   Barney’s and hunt out some unique          
title of Capital of Cool.              buys at the trendy vintage shops
   Manhattan is the trendiest,         on Greenwich Avenue. Even Carrie                     sCrEEN Tours
slickest and most seductive of all     Bradshaw wouldn’t seem out of                        Follow in the manolo
five boroughs. Saturated in history,   place at Star Struck or Zachary’s                    Blahnik footsteps of
every street and avenue has a story    Smile, which sell fascinating                        Carrie Bradshaw and
to tell. Every New York guide          pieces from the 1940s to mid 80s.                    co. on this stylish
recommends trips to the Empire         Or try China Town’s hip quarter for                  tour, which visits over
State Building (avoid queues by        quirky buys and designer fakes.                      40 locations from the
buying tickets online), Central          Be part of a TV studio audience.                   hit tV series Sex and
Station, the Chrysler building and     Most American shows offer free                       the City. From Carrie’s
the Rockefeller centre, but there’s    tickets to the public, so visit www.                 lush apartment to her
so much more to explore.      to find out the schedules.                 favourite thrift shop
   Check out Chelsea Hotel where       For plays, go to TKTS in Times                       you’ll experience it
every room tells a famous and          Square, where you can purchase                       all. If it seems too
often brutal tale. Welsh poet          discount theatre tickets.                            girlie the company
Dylan Thomas stayed in room 205                                                             also offers a Sopranos
where he fell into a fatal coma                                                             version.
after 18 whiskies, while room 100      Qatar airways flies to new york four times a week.
witnessed the savage murder of         For details, visit www              com

82 | oryx November 2007
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  • 1. TRAVEL ||| MUNICH Munich: a masterpiece M Bavaria’s beautiful, rich city offsets the lederhosen and weisswurst cliches with unich has been labelled “the secret capital”, yet during Oktoberfest According to the German Federal Statistics Office, more than 270,000 GCC travellers explored its history, art, and… medical prowess (a 16-day festival running from September 19 to October 4) more the southern city of Munich in 2008. The recent influx in Arab visitors can, in no small way, be than six million guests visit its put down to the city’s superb medical facilities. gothic terrain. Surely, the secret is out? Munich’s reputation as a premier medical Historically Munich’s tourists were largely hotspot has seen a rapid trend in visitors taking composed of neighbouring Europeans. advantage of the excellent care offered. Today, advanced air travel sees a spectrum “Our many efficient hospitals make Bavaria’s of cultures touching down on Bavarian soil, metropolis a leading European healthcare with visitors from the Arabian Gulf citing it competence centre. Our physicians and hospitals as a top holiday destination. deservedly enjoy a reputation that shines way 065
  • 2. TRAVEL ||| MUNICH King Ludwig’s Old Pinakothek Right Gather your thoughts in The English Garden “Munich was voted number 30 in National Geographic Traveller’s top 100 historic places” beyond Germany and Europe. If you’d like proof, Ludwig’s Old Pinakothek presents an exquisite galleries. Even the architecture of this Devastation in the historic quarter nearly saw Stay just consider the ever-increasing number of internationally acclaimed collection of paintings street radiates a wealth of designs from gothic, the complete destruction of the entire area, but a OktOberfeSt Sofitel Munich visitors travelling halfway around the world to from the 14th century to 18th century, including tudor, renaissance and neo-classical. At the end decision to renovate all the buildings retaining factS BayerpoSt take advantage of our medical services. They feel masterpieces by Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt of the street proudly stands the Maximilianeum, more than one third of its original structure Name: Originally A former royal Bavarian post office safe and well cared for in Munich and trust our and Rubens. Nearby, the New Pinakothek houses the Bavarian version of the Acropolis. Initially meant the city’s face wasn’t completely lost. Now Theresienwiese (after King built in 1896, it still caters to regal institutions,” Christain Ude, mayor of the state European paintings from the 19th century. For built as a school for gifted students, it rewarded home to some of the most impressive examples of Ludwig I’s wife) Muenchners standards counting Saudi Arabia capital of Munich, says. modern art, the aptly named Pinakothek Modern star pupils with crates of beer. Baroque architecture, its skyline is festooned with now refer to it as Wiesn. royalty as loyal guests. Although Of course, it’s not just the finer points of an allows your contemporary creative juices to run Muenchners say a quintessential Bavarian spires, gargoyles and an amalgamation of Eastern Oktoberfest is the the original facade is intact, the appendectomy that lead the hordes to Munich. riot. Meanwhile, Glypothek is a nod to ancient experience must include the hinterland; European and Mediterranean designs. western name. interior, while paying homage to This is one of Europe’s quiet achievers: it was Greek and Roman artefacts. exploring the alpine lake and mountain Many of the city’s illustrious landmarks are Number of visitors: its previous life, smacks of modern voted 30 in National Geographic Traveller’s top 100 The Deutsches Museum is one of the world’s landscapes. However those with too few hours to surrounded in folklore. According to legend, Six million vibrancy and elegance. Central historic places, has more millionaires per capita major science and technology museums, which spare can still sample fine greenery in the city. architect Jörg von Halsbach promised the beer served: 6.5 million location, 396 luxury rooms and than any other city in Europe, after Hamburg, and imparts knowledge in fun doses and allows adults English Garden is one of the world’s largest parks, devil he would build the famous green-domed one-litre mugs Arabic-speaking staff, it’s one of rivals Paris and Milan in the fashion stakes. to behave like children with the hi-tech big toys. spanning from the city centre to the suburbs. Frauenkirche (Cathedral of Our Blessed Lady), Number of roast chickeNs Munich’s finest. Munich is where the standard of living is high Along with Germany’s acclaimed designers, From waterfalls and beer gardens, to Apollo with no windows. If he didn’t complete this task eateN: 459,356 and the quality of life rich. such as Hugo Boss and Karl Lagerfeld, Munich’s temples and a place dedicated to nude sunbathing, the devil would take his soul. refuse: 744 tonnes At the heart of the city is its Pinakotheks fashion credentials also include fabulous local the park is divided into distinct areas offering a While constructing the edifice, the devil of waste (galleries), which pulsate with life and the city’s brands such as Marcel Ostertag and Nicowa – who unique paradise for all. brought a windy storm, but Halsbach was Lost aNd fouNd: 4,600 legacies. Luckily for Munich’s residents (or cater for fashion-conscious clubbers – as well as On a more traditional note, Hofgarten is where undeterred. On completion, the architect lead objects, including one dog, one Muenchners as they’re affectionately known) international high street labels and department natural and man-made beauty stand in unison. the devil into the lobby. From here, specifically Superman costume, one pair of former King Ludwig I’s penchant for the ladies – stores. Neuhauser Strasse, the fashion avenue, is Dating back to 1613, it comprises large gardens, placed pillars obscured the sight of windows. glasses, four wedding rings and he had several infamous extramarital affairs – a cafe-lined pedestrian street which links the intricately designed archways and the serene Believing Halsbach had won, the enraged devil one fire drencher. The rate of was equalled by his fascination with culture. As a historical squares of Karlsplatz and Marienplatz. Diana Temple that takes centre stage. stamped his foot so hard he left a footprint return was 17 per cent result, he is responsible for erecting many of the For more exclusive attire, Maximilianstrasse – Munich’s real beauty lies in the fact that its behind. Rushing back to hell, he also forgot to cultural institutes. a street named after and commissioned by roots are never far from the surface. Following take back the wind, which is allegedly why the Spanning centuries, the Pinakothek museums King Maximilian II in 1850 – flaunts high-end heavy bombing during the Second World War, the square is always windy. The footprint is visible take ages to explore in their entirety. Today boutiques, top couturiers, famous jewellers and Bavarian capital was reduced to a flattened wreck. to this day. 066 oRyx_OcTObEr_2009 067
  • 3. TRAVEL ||| MUNICH The residenz, Germany’s biggest and most ornate palace Another architectural masterpiece is the Residenz, Germany’s largest palace. Until 1918 it was still the home of the Bavarian Wittelsbach dynasty. Main highlights include its Treasure Chamber – the name alone creates a heightened sense of adventure – and the Antiquarium; a room to truly behold, it’s best described as the Sistine chapel meets The Antiques Roadshow. Lion statues flanking the Residenz are further examples of stories passed down through generations. Muenchners claim rubbing the nose of one of these, as well as other statues scattered across the city, will bring you luck. In fact, one tour guide claims after rubbing a lion’s nose her friend secured a table for 10 at the Oktoberfest without booking in advance. Contrary to belief, the Oktoberfest is not a wholly debauched affair. Celebrating its 200th birthday next year, it has its origins in the alcohol-free marital celebrations between King Ludwig I and his wife Therese von Saxe- Hildburghausen. Today alcohol is served, but the onus is more on celebrating the Bavarian way of life through its hearty cuisine, quaint handicrafts and traditional entertainment. Its tourism tagline is “Munich loves you” and to illustrate this Munich encourages you to live life like a local. Very few leave without having tried on lederhosen or at least befriended a man wearing one, if only for that Kodak-moment shot. Hofbrauhaus is not only Munich’s oldest pub at 419 years, but also its biggest, accommodating up to 4,500 people. Paintings adorn the walls and ceilings, while traditional heavy oak tables and metal ornaments decorate the halls. The one detail everyone remembers is that its largest Words ALexANdrIA GOUveIA images COrBIS/GrApHeAST ANd pHOTOLBrAry banqueting suite was used for meetings by Adolf Hitler. Perhaps it’s this fact that makes Munich unique. Times of trouble have the habit of not only bringing people together, but defining a collective mindset that places strength of spirit and the desire to survive and prosper, above all else. While much of the city appears built on myth and legend, its true beauty is etched in the faces of the people and affirmed in its tangible history. Munich loves you. Not myth. Fact. GETTING THERE Qatar Air ways has daily flights to Munich 068 oRyx_OcTObEr_2009
  • 4. TRAVEL & EVENTS Destination guide “This month couldn’t be a better time to visit as the city hosts its popular Food Week” Bello Milano! BEAUTY IS SKIN DEEP IN THE CITY WHERE LA MODE AND LA STORIA LIVE IN UNISON S tatuesque and with oozing style, the Milan cityscape is just as mesmerising as the models that amble through its fashionable streets. While it may not have the grand history of Rome or the romance of Venice, it does have a charm that rarely disappoints, and Corso Vittorio Emmanuele – Milan’s modish haven – is not only where the world’s bold and beautiful congregate, but where the buzz of the city begins. The birthplace of Prada, Armani and Missoni, Milan is a vibrant destination, and this month couldn’t be a better time to visit because between June 5-13, the city hosts its popular Food Week allowing you to taste its culture through local delicacies, drinks and film. However, Giuseppe Mengoni’s masterpiece visitors don’t necessarily make their way to Milan for its temporary 146 THE DUBAI MALL MAGAZINE THE DUBAI MALL MAGAZINE 147
  • 5. TRAVEL & EVENTS Destination guide “Resembling a mediaeval palace, the Galleria is allegedly The mediaeval Duomo the world’s first shopping mall – if anyone was going to get Milan’s famous shopping street Prada store front dominates the skyline there first it was going to be the chic Italians” Inside Galleria Vittorio Emmanuele The historical Piazza Duomo Duomo Cathedral, Milano attractions, it’s the rather more traditional characteristics that truly before the opening ceremony in 1865. Today the mall and all its Sights Although perpetually filled with tourists, Duomo’s ambience is make a journey there worthwhile. beauty is worthy of Mengoni’s pride. Proving that behind the glitz, glamour and sharp suits lies a historical serene. Poet Shelley used to sit here and read Dante, while Lord Inside designer stores abound, along with the odd fast food joint. Milan yearning to be explored, the 624-year-old Duomo, the fourth Tennyson would climb to the roof and rhapsodise about the views Shopping However, even McDonald’s trademark red and yellow frontage largest in the world, remains a breathtaking model. Colossal and of the Alps. Today, take an elevator to the top and enjoy Milan in A haute couture capital, Milan is refined and stylish, and Piazza has had a fashionable makeover – like all the shops in the mall its charismatic, even the millions of pigeons that invade its square can’t all of its glory. Duomo, with its extravagant glass-roofed mall Galleria Vittorio signage is glossy and black with gold lettering. Only in Milan can a taint its beauty or disguise the opulence of its 135 gothic spires. The For culture aficionados renaissance art can be found in Pinacoteca Emmanuele, is where it starts. Resembling a mediaeval palace, McDonald’s exude sophistication. interior is brilliantly lit by stained glass windows highlighting the Ambrosiana in Piazza Pio XI, and Galleria Monica De Cardenas on the Galleria is allegedly the world’s first shopping mall – if anyone One store you shouldn’t leave Milan without visiting is D Magazine stonewalls adorned with images of St Charles Borromeo, one of the Via Viganoi, yet it’s at the refectory of the Convento di Santa Maria was going to get there first it was going to be the chic Italians. Its on Via Montenapoleone. Here you can snap up designer labels at early cardinals of Milan. Venture deep into the bowels of the Duomo delle Grazie that you’ll find one the world’s most beautiful relics: designer Giuseppe Mengoni fell to his death from its roof just half price, which translates as twice the shopping to us! to visit his crypt. Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper. 148 THE DUBAI MALL MAGAZINE THE DUBAI MALL MAGAZINE 149
  • 6. TRAVEL & EVENTS Destination guide famed for their apertivio tradition, offering complimentary food Galleria hotel an ideal spot. Each room is staffed by a butler and Dining to those buying drinks. the hotel is based in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele – a prime location Exploring the city’s culinary side will further reveal the power of the The hip canal-side area of Naviglio is renowned for this. For an for heavy duty shopping. fashion cognoscenti. Walk down Via L Camoens and Roberto’s upscale aperitivo nothing beats Diana Garden in the Sheraton Meanwhile, The Westin Palace is traditional, ornate and elegant flamboyant designs will jump out at you from his Just Cavalli café, Diana Majestic Hotel. This legendary bar, frequented by Naomi with luxurious rooms resembling the halls of La Scala. The hotel also a perfect place to mix with the Italian glitterati. Campbell and Kate Moss, is the place to sip aperitifs, while watching boasts one of the best breakfasts in Europe. Style queens love to breakfast on coffee and cigarettes; the on-site fashion shows. Wherever you stay you’re guaranteed to be enraptured by smoking ban, however, has seen the Milanese migrate to the Gucci la dolce vita for Milan is a city for the frivolous and fabulous. n café’s terrace in Galleria Vittorio Emmanuele, for a cappuccino and Sleep Sheraton Diana Majestic, Viale Piave, 42, Milan, 20129, +39 20581, a Marlboro Red. Beneath Sheraton Diana Majestic Hotel’s ageing and Seven Stars Galleria , Via Silvio Pellico, Dolce & Gabbana on Corso Venezia offers a unique experience cracked façade lies a sleek, chic and hip hotel where many of 8, Milan, 20121, +39 89058297, The – the store has an adjoining grooming salon, beauty spa and Martini the world’s elite insist not only on partying but staying as well. Westin Palace, Piazza della Repubblica 20, Milan, 20124, +39 63361, Diana Garden at Sheraton Diana Majestic bar, which regularly attracts celebrity clientele. Milan’s bars are Shopaholics find the newly opened “seven-starred” Seven Stars WoRDS ALExANDRIA GOUVEIA IMAGES SUPPLIED CORBIS/GRAPHEAST: ROBERT HARDING/GETTY IMAGES Sheraton Diana Majestic The Westin Palace 150 THE DUBAI MALL MAGAZINE THE DUBAI MALL MAGAZINE 151
  • 7. 70 places AILERON Home of rock ThE CARIbbEAN’s LATEsT LuxE vILLA ALLOws yOu TO LIvE LIkE A musIC LEgENd
  • 8. 72 places AILERON above Only the finest materials have been used above right put a new spin On yOur hOliday tunes Rock stars good and its address is firmly logged in every even featuring a Neve mixing desk used by the seemingly have it all; the hedonistic lifestyle, major cognoscenti’s black book. ¶ What sets legendary John Lennon to record Imagine. ¶ the hot groupies, suped-up homes and generous Villa Rockstar apart from other uber resorts Grandeur to the extreme, Villa Rockstar pay cheques. Nothing is too decadent and is the fact that it isn’t just another over-priced is spread across 16,000sq ft and boasts six seemingly nothing is unobtainable. For holiday home. Described as a “hundred million bedrooms – four suites and two cabins – holidays, more often than not they seek dollar yacht on land” it has upped the ante, making it entourage-ready. Set in two houses, sun-drenched pleasure in a faraway land, distinguishing itself as a luxury leader. It’s which are connected by lush courtyards and considered too expensive for mere mortals. decadence to the extreme allowing anyone sectioned off from the outside world by a 10ft Most pack their Louis Vuitton suitcases to fulfill their childhood dream of being part wall, it offers blissful privacy allowing you and jet off to St Barths, the Caribbean of a rock band. Its pièce de résistance is its top- to rock out without being hassled by prying playground for the filthy rich and downright notch, high-tech professional recording studio paparazzi. ¶ Inside, the diverse property has famous. It’s rather befitting then that the latest giving you the opportunity to return home all the gadgets, gizmos and entertainment ultra-luxe resort to emerge in this isle of plenty with an album as well as a tan. As souvenirs go, you could possibly want, meaning the Mini is the aptly named Villa Rockstar. ¶ While its a CD certainly beats a a postcard. ¶ Spacious, Cooper and Land Rover, which come with name is somewhat disappointing, what the title sleek and supremely state-of-the-art, there is “The house also includes a the house, will rarely need to be used – you lacks in originality, the venue surpasses with not a cardboard egg carton in sight (the old- just won’t want to leave and won’t have to. its amenities, finesse and sheer unique appeal. fashioned and cost-efficient soundproofing personal butler to run your The house also includes a personal butler Villa Rockstar may cater for celebrities, but it system). Eden Rock-St Barths partnered to run your errands, and renowned French also opens its elite doors to anyone with an elite with the famed Ocean Way Recording errands, and renowned chef Jean-Claude Dufour is on call to prepare bank account to match. ¶ The Eden Rock-St Studios, taking on the help of master producer a first-class private meal. Just like a real Barths resort not only basks under the sun, it A llen Sides renowned for his work on French chef Jean-Claude rock star, you’ll suddenly feel your sense of glitters with its own star quality. The private Michael Jackson’s Thriller. As a result, the entitlement bloom beyond reason. ¶ Those oasis is a sanctuary for Hollywood’s great and fully equipped studio is the best of its kind, Dufour is on call” fed up of hitting the base, musically that is,
  • 9. 74 places AILERON can entertain themselves with a plethora of on-site sporting options from a game of pool, “It’s where fantasies come true. to a round of golf, or a spot of croquet on the lawn. A private pool, spa, fully-kitted gym It’s where money can buy you and a 20-seat cinemascope screening room will also help keep you occupied. However, dreams, allowing you to live like while the music studio and entertainment are hard to resist, try not to stay couped up a rock star and really have it all” inside; Villa Rockstar is your gateway to paradise so be sure to explore. This is a beachfront villa so head out and tread the soft pink coral sand and snorkel in the delightfully glistering sapphire ocean. ¶ Replicating the beauty of its natural surroundings, the building’s interior design is ultra-chic and contemporary with no cost spared. For the bathrooms the designers went to Italy while French stone covers the floors and American hardwoods are used for furnishings. Only the best materials and artists have been used – the extravagant 12-seat dining table was crafted by the illustrious Belgian designer, Xavier Lust. The result is elegant and stylish, infused with home-away-from-home ambience. ¶ Villa Rockstar’s unique selling point is its exclusivity. It’s where fantasies come true. It’s where money can buy you dreams, allowing Eden Rock-St Barths, St Jean, 97133 you to live like a rock star and really have St Barthelemy, French West Indies, +590 590 it all. However, you don’t have to be an X 29 79 94, Factor winner, or a music chart sensation to Getting there: Fly direct to St Barths or fly stay at Villa Rockstar. With prices starting to the main airport at St Martin and hire the at US$20,493 per night, you just need to flex ultra-luxe 65ft Princess private boat to transfer your plastic. you to Eden Rock in style. Eden History remy de haenen, a celebrated adventurer and friend to the stars, paid just us$200 for the land more than 60 years ago. at the time he was ridiculed for paying too much, but he eventually had the last laugh. ¶ when Greta Garbo checked into eden rock for three days, but stayed for three weeks, the magnetic lure on the rich and famous was established and haenen transformed the humble island and eden rock wORds: ALExANdRIA gOuvEIA into a celebrity retreat. ¶ in 1995 new owners david and Jane matthews spent us$25m on renovations and expansions. they restored the hotel and built additional exclusive villas attracting high-calibre guests. villa rockstar is the latest creation and considered the most extravagant in their impressive portfolio. toP even the pOOl table with view OOzes rOck star chic above the infinity pOOl fOr lyrical inspiratiOn toP with six spaciOus cOntempOrary desiGned rOOms, villa rOckstar is entOuraGe ready
  • 10. TRAVEL ||| ATHENS Greece lightning No longer a one-night stand enroute to the Greek isles, Athens has established itself as a thriving metropolis where antiquity meets street cool
  • 11. TRAVEL ||| ATHENS I admit it, deciding to visit Athens in city more thriving economically than originally winter prompted raised eyebrows and thought – a 2008 Union Bank of Switzerland study glances of surprise from all I told. The ranked Athens as the 32nd richest city. confession that I failed to drag my lazy Before the 2004 Olympics, the modern city of carcass up to the legendary Acropoilis Athens was in a greater state of disarray than its gained audible gasps and tutts of disgust. ancestral ruins. When locals, up in arms at the But while allegedly out-of-season council for neglecting the area, heard their city destinations may appear unusual, was chosen to host the Games they sighed with the unorthodox is often where the fear. They feared the overpriced budgets that real holiday experiences can be found. Athens couldn’t afford and they feared their own In the interest of balance, it’s probably subsequent poverty. worth noting that while my first explanation However what they received was action, with redeems: January is when the locals come out the government forced to clean up their act, and to play, when prices are slashed in shops and on the city. Maintenance jobs that the nonchalant accommodation, the intense summer heat doesn’t Greeks would normally have taken years to wear you down and less tourists equals no queues. complete were sped up and soon the city was The second may not appear as adequate: Ouzo. transformed into a thriving, tourist-friendly Those who have drunk this potent, cloudy and metropolis. Once cited as a “city of studies” its locally produced liquid will empathise. After main source of income now comes from the falling prey to the Greek drink of choice I was not shipping and tourism sector. fit for public mingling or indeed a strenuous climb, wonder of the world or not. Top Neo- My affair with the aniseed-flavoured spirit classical Parliament began at the quaint liquor store Brettos; lured in Building dominates Syntagma Square by the rainbow display of bottles coating its walls Left Famous changing and hypnotised by the barrels filled with the of the guards strong stuff… My cockles well and truly warmed, and feeling more Greek by the minute, I decided to take to the city like a local. Slow-paced, calm and relaxed. I didn’t have the willpower to climb the 500ft to the ancient city’s centre point, the Acropolis. Instead I decided to discover the city surrounding the landmark. What I uncovered was not just a city rich in history, but also one soaked in chic modesty. A 072 oryx_jaNuary_2009
  • 12. TRAVEL ||| ATHENS While Theseus may have founded Athens, the flea market. You can get literally everything from Olympics delivered a cosmopolitan capital that I a Chris Eubankequse cane to a battery, army gear set out to explore like an over enthusiastic toddler. and unique artistry. Hidden treasures are revealed Asking questions and reaching out to touch at every corner. anything within my reach. Northwest of Plaka lies Monastiraki, meaning “little monastery” here you will find more trinket The oLd shops and markets. Flooded with a sea of tourists I began my city tour, courtesy of Hotel Grande haggling over beads and tasselled slippers it’s best Bretagne, at the heart of modern Athens, to get there early. Follow the length of the markets Syntagma Square. Dominating the plaza is its and you will find it bordered by sizzling kebab Parliament Building. Built in 1840 this colossal stalls and authentic restaurants. example of neo-classical architecture was Despite treading modern asphalt roads I still originally the Royal Palace, after liberation from stumbled across ancient ruins of the Greek agora the Ottoman German King. Today the square is (old market area). The ruins sit like the aftermath a place where football fans gather to watch the of a robbery in front of the obligatory Irish pub, WINTer IN ATheNS game and snazzy elderly folk walk their dogs. James Joyce. Philosopher’s Socrates, Plato and While you may not need your At the core of the city I delicately waded Aristotle once roamed the paved slabs of this sunscreen and snorkel during through the hordes of Athenians on their way ancient market place. winter in Athens, you will require to work and play. With a soundtrack of chortling To the east of the original agora and connected stamina. January brings great cars and zooming Vespas I walked cracked by a paved street, lies the Roman forum. shopping sales in this mini couture pathways toward Plaka, the charismatic old town. Constructed with donations from Julius Caesar haven and lots of activities. A One of the oldest in the city, Plaka has been and Augustus, it is flanked by the monumental short drive out of the city centre continuously inhabited for more than 5,000 years. gate of Athena Archegetis. The gate is a prominent opens up a range of adrenaline- You can spend days meandering through its ruin among remnants of columns cut down and pumping opportunities such as contorted cobbled alleyways, exploring decade-old used to build a protective wall around the hiking, mountain-climbing, music shops where cassettes are still sold, Acropolis. white-water rafting, kayaking, bringing back fond childhood memories. In fact Nearby stands a quaint mosque. One of only horseback-riding, biking, and everything about this charmingly decrepit four in the city it’s a reminder of the Byzantine trekking through gorges. Athens quarter transports you to the past. Only the lick of period and Turkish occupation. truly comes alive during the juvenile graffiti slathered across most of its Down the road from the Roman agora proudly winter months. While snow in the buildings brings you back to the 21st century. stands the Arch of Hadrian, built in honour of the city centre is rare, snow-capped For some reason Plaka is littered with mirror benefactor emperor. An inscription on the side of mountains make it ideal for skiing. shops, perhaps a cunning tactic so the Acropolis is the arch facing the new city reads “This is the city always in full view. The biggest draw here is its of Hadrian and not Theseus.” Words AlExANdriA GouvEiA Images pHoTolibrAry ANd AlAmy Left The Flea Market in Monastiraki Above Some of the charasmatic ruins at the acropolis 074 oryx_jaNuary_2009
  • 13. TRAVEL ||| ATHENS SLeeP Hotel Grande BretaGne Tel: +30 210 333 0000, A hotel so stunning and popular it could turn away madonna without repercussions. boasting more than 130 years of hospitality excellence, the hotel has joined an elite list of the world’s most prestigious properties as part of the luxury Collection. First- class services include the luxury Collection luggage liaison in which the guests can arrange to have their baggage picked up from the airport and delivered straight to their door. With the help of the concierge guests can expect tailor-made indigenous experiences. located in the heart of Athens and lording mesmerising views of the Acropolis the hotel is a modern landmark in the city. The NeW madness. As such the Greeks feel it’s almost their Although I failed to reach the Acropolis and the duty to take partying seriously. A kaleidoscope of three temples that have withheld two-and-a-half bars and cafes line the city’s delightfully ageing millennia of turbulence, I did the next best thing districts – Psyrri, Kolonaki and Gazi – where the and visited its new museum, aptly titled the New buzz of the Greek islands is recreated. Yet unlike Acropolis Museum. Boasting Swiss and Greek the party isles the scensters are a mixed bag of architecture and contemporary designs it young and old. Coffee lovers sip cold frappes, while purposely contrasts the obvious beauty of the the unruly tackle the local spirits. Live music ancient monuments. The three-storey edifice was spills out of the bouzoukias (clubs) pumping new built to hold all of the artefacts from the original life into the historical streets. Acropolis museum and house reclaimed relics For the Jimmy Choo totting crowd head to the most notably from Lord Elgin, English ambassador fashionable Psyrri and for a spot of celebrity to Constantinople. He stole the greatest parts of hunting try Kolonaki Square – it’s where the the monument’s sculptural decoration and sold famous and beautiful go to be ostentatious. them to the British Museum. If you can only make it to one bar during your visit be sure to make it the Roof Garden at Hotel The SceNe Grande Bretagne where panoramic views of the One of the most revered gods of ancient Greece city’s Acropolis and Kallimarmaro stadium are was Dionysus, the god of wine and inspirer of so romantic they could encourage strangers to fall in love. And as if that wasn’t alluring enough the Mediterranean cuisine is as hearty as it is flavoursome. The LegeNd Embroiled in drama, tragedy and democracy before most Mediterranean nations had even sipped on their first espresso, Athens possesses an unrivalled legacy combining the ultimate ingredients of history, hedonism and supreme beauty. ■ geTTINg There Top athens’ famous cityscape Above and Qatar airways flies to athens xxx times a right The New week acropolis Museum 076 oryx_jaNuary_2009
  • 14. ‘hakuna Travel tanzania matata’’ Meaning “no problem” in Swahili and popularised by The Lion King, “Hakuna Matata” is the motto used throughout Tanzania – a place where laid-back attitudes combine with heart-warmingly hospitable locals ready to offer you the holiday of a lifetime 26 KempinsKi
  • 15. Travel tanzania When issued a ticket to travel to Tanzania, one of the poorest countries in the world, i was somewhat apprehensive. With images of distressing comic relief campaigns tattooed in my mind and the knowledge that the republic was once under the control of slavers, i wasn’t quite sure what was in store. But slathered in 100 per cent deet spray – those mozzies weren’t coming near me – i was open to all experiences that were thrown my way. Tanzania is the largest country in Africa and home not only to the world’s largest game reserves, but also to the friendliest locals; even the most disgruntled tourists are transformed into willing helpers. This is what first struck me when landing in Dar es Salaam. Waiting in the dreaded visa queue, visibly dazed and confused, fellow passengers were quick to offer a helping hand and the official process was completed rapidly, with a gracious smile. Driving from the airport to Kilimanjaro Hotel Kempinski Dar es Salaam, i was surprised at how clean the city was. With laughing locals speckling the streets, the atmosphere was filled with lightness and a true sense of calm. The powerful sense of appreciation and positive thinking is enough to kick anyone’s life into perspective. Careering up to the hotel was like being transported into a prosperous Asian city, a million miles away from the poverty on its doorstep. The serene ponds instantly exuded a warm welcoming. Assuming feng shui qualities with large open spaces, soothing water features and soft lighting, the reception area offered instant respite from my long flight. give peaCe a ChanCe in order to rid the aches from my journey, i headed straight to the hotel’s Anantara spa. Following the 60-minute aromatherapy massage, i virtually floated back to my room. Despite being the capital of the United republic of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam isn’t a thriving metropolis. Founded in 1862 by Sultan Seyyid Majid its name means “Haven of Peace”. Local fishermen crowd the harbour that straddles western shops the indian ocean, while tourists head to the beaches and and supermarkets. chaotic markets. With a limit to the city’s attractions, the hotel keeps guests entertained with an onsite casino and mwenge marKet A fascinating place to “The local’s powerful sense a shopping area for those looking to splurge. Traditional handicrafts and fashion houses offer dazzling clothing, purchase local artwork. They’re colourful and of appreciation and positive intricate statues and vibrant decorations – when it comes to accessorising, the Tanzanians certainly aren’t wallflowers. ConCierge great value for money. thinking is enough to kick What Dar – as it’s commonly known – lacks in anyone’s life into perspective” Pendo Leole, concierge at entertainment, it makes up for with its cuisine, a formidable Kilimanjaro Hotel Kempinski masaKi area concoction of indian, Thai and Arabic influences. Kilimanjaro talks us through her must see Both tourists and locals Hotel Kempinski Dar es Salaam’s The oriental restaurant places in Dar Es Salaam. alike come here to party. is so superb that scores of people endure the city’s Sweet Easy and Q bar are congestive traffic jams to get a nibble. The décor’s fusion slipway and the most popular haunts. of contemporary and traditional Asian features is well above The Kilimanjaro milimani City Hotel Kempinski Dar es reflected in its food that sparks the taste buds into action. The two biggest Fish marKet Salaam’s glorious infinity Dar is essentially a hub, a bustling port where people pool is just one of its shopping centres in Dar. At this colourful and infinite attractions make transfers to exotic Zanzibar and world-renowned Slipway sells traditional chaotic market, you can lefT Brightly woven game parks, most notably the Serengeti with its endless fabrics and hand-painted Tanzania clothing watch fisherman selling pots mean you won’t rock-strewn plains, famed for its stampede when thousands while Milimani houses their fresh catches. leave Dar empty handed of wildebeest and zebras migrate to the southern plains for the short rains. The Kempinski Lodge Serengeti opens in the new Year and is set to become one of the world’s most sought after African hideaways. 28 KempinsKi KempinsKi 29
  • 16. Travel tanzania rollerCoaster ride A trip to Tanzania wouldn’t be complete without a detour to “As far as hotels go Zamani its very own strip of paradise, the archipelago of Zanzibar. Located 25 miles from the coast it can be reached by a four Zanzibar Kempinski Tanzania is hour scenic ferry cruise or a 20-minute adrenalin pumping expansive not only in size – 30 acres – but also in natural beauty. ” plane journey – the old fashioned 12 seaters have a rickety rollercoaster feel to them, but the vistas below are worth it. The drive to the Zamani Zanzibar Kempinski Tanzania takes almost an hour, ideal for the driver to update one on the island’s beguiling past. For two centuries the Portuguese had a stronghold over the east African Coast, until the late 1800s when the Arabs forced them out. omani Sultans took over the reigns, ruling until 1963 when it was granted independence. Following the revolt in 1964, a republic with Tanganyika was formed and Zanzibar was granted its own president, a situation that remains the same today. As the history lesson ended we pulled up to what can only be described as eden. Fringed by turquoise sea and embraced by a stretch of white beach, i felt as if i had stepped on to a James Bond film set. This A-list sensation continued as i entered my villa. The stunning abode comprises a double bedroom, living room, dinning room, kitchen and a bathroom bigger than my one-bedroom apartment. i even had my own swimming pool, where i immediately settled, basking in the delicious rays while munching on complimentary chocolates – heaven. After a cocoa-based lunch, i opted for a healthy dinner at The red Snapper restaurant, located Cliffside overlooking the magnificent indian ocean. Specialising in seafood, i ordered the tuna, the fantastically fresh catch of the day. As far as hotels go Zamani Zanzibar Kempinski Tanzania is expansive not only in size – 30 acres – but also in natural beauty. it would’ve been easy for the resort to have simply relied on its natural marine features, yet it has further developed its characteristics creating a contemporary palace that’s refreshingly informal rather than pretentious. Queen For a day The rest of the island simply must be explored. Although in essence you’re guided from one tree to another while a young lad collects produce for you to smell, touch and even eat, the educational experience of a local spice tour is a must thanks to the guide’s good-hearted jokes. Zanzibar’s tumultuous past is reflected in its Unesco heritage site, Stone Town. You’ll first be confronted by the eSSenTiALS August. A short rainy season colossal House of Wonders – named so because it was the getting there runs from late-October to first building to get electricity – which was built by Sultan The following airlines offer early-December. Seyyid Barghash for ceremonial purposes. Bombed by services to Dar es Salaam: the British in 1896, fortunately, the building suffered Air India, Air Malawi, Air Costs minor damages. it’s now a museum depicting the Mozambique, Air Tanzania, As a third world country, island’s history. next door stands the Arab fort, once a British Airways, Emirates, prices are cheap. Markets prison it’s been transformed into an open-air theatre Ethiopian Airlines, Gulf Air, selling traditional Tanzanian where the annual film festival is held. nearby is the KLM, Kenya Airways, Oman handicrafts and artwork birth home of former Queen star, Freddie Mercury. Air, Qatar Airways, Precision Air, provide great souvenirs. Virtually all evidence of Portuguese ruling was demolished SAA Cargo, Swiss, Yemenia. There are very few ATMs by the Sultans however, an extravagant Cathedral, reminiscent visas here so exchange money of the France’s notre Dame still stands. Zanzibar’s community Most nationalities can before visiting. is made up of 90 per cent Muslims, 10 per cent Catholics and purchase these for US$50 other religions, all living in perfect unison. A great example on arrival. Be sure to have the vaCCinations of this is the location of a church and mosque, standing side- right currency. In order to The main health risks are above Zanzibar’s by-side. There are over 40 mosques in Stone Town and two attractions include apply for a visa, your passport malaria and sunburn. Cholera churches, one of which occupies the poignant ruins of the slave silicone sand so fine that must have more than six and rift valley fever occur it squeaks and a market with its altar standing on the site of the old whipping magically translucent sea months validity. very occasionally. Only drink block. The British abolished slavery in Zanzibar in 1890. lefT The aptly named water that’s bottled and Stone Town with its Following a taste of paradise, i returned to Dar es Salaam winding alleys and Climate sealed. Although specific to meander through the animated streets past vivacious locals ornately carved doors The weather is hot and humid medication is not required, making a mental note that you don’t need buckets of money during the dry season from for information on to make you happy. The Tanzanians are blissful and free. September to March. It’s vaccinations visit humid and cooler from June to 30 KempinsKi
  • 17. TRAVEL | new york marathon Ne w wi th Yo rk its ca rni val -lik ea ex t un mos iqu ph W e m ere ara , ho pr tho tfoo ni s b ting oth it th ess he a f rou bo ea ov lydi th n fa e ex pro ed c t a gh n er Ho 2 fun 0 an hau spe wi nd ew op wev mi ction d m stio ct th a fi yo wo port er, w les m s, th losin om n, of est rk’ sit rld’ un g ity hen ay n e ide con enta use na 55 a, s s fiv wi es, c s gre to yo ot a o tro rily a aro of ays e b Yo nnin hice ates wit u th seem f ru l of th un who ale oro n to rk M g ea st b t lan ess row ap nnin i d US rst f Ce co m xan ug ou p 19 d s 70 arat terie tiq ma om n th eali , it ho s, ue rk e o e i g pa , le or ntra mp rti adi ach l P lete dri hs in ng aG be n is the s an s, c f th ou this . ru ci n ie ar d ga nw r wo No d a eleb e th nner pan g to vem k.Ov the ve w r ith th i mb ard ated in e n s, ts. a e T ma nt er t eve s vei 1 t. D er c o C W orp w 2 o-fo o ac ssi swe he ral a 27 4 6 u c v p y co ating Ne sm ith r orat .2 m nde om e in t ov ears laps mp b w eti ack US ash ecor ing a ile r Fr odat crea er t a h tor so $70 ed, a ds c ll o cour ed L e th se in e f s, th man 0,00 nd onti NY se in ebo e arm e p sta sig y o 0, it rize nual ’s fiv 19 w re y o gg hts nto ’s e m ly e 7 dr f er m b 6, ew tow to k the asy oney ad orou ee str to ea gh ard p e s no n s t an ets. ee w w o d s. he ey O ha ve fin e o ryx t e r ish ut e n in for xpo tices gl as ses in e. you 52 | oryx November 2007 2007 November oryx | 53
  • 18. TRAVEL | new york marathon stateN islaNd At 10.10am the race commences the Statue of Liberty. It’s only when with a gun shot, and the sea of the equally famous skyscrapers competitors overflow on to the loom overhead, assuming postcard Verrazano Narrows Bridge. When dimensions, that you’ll appreciate built in 1964, the bridge was the the Big Apples’ iconic and truly longest in the world spanning a thrilling landscape. total 4,260 feet. After descending the overpass the gruelling course leaves the “forgotten borough” and winds into Brooklyn. Detour Experience a serene sightseeing boat trip aboard the Staten Island Ferry. As you cruise out from the island you’ll be greeted with the most enduring symbol of the city, brooklYN For 13.1 miles the runners find themselves in legendary hip- swayer John Travolta’s hometown. Detour Thanks to its ethnic diversity, the fourth biggest city houses the most saliva inducing delis and restaurants across the States. Sample America’s famed ‘best pizza’ at Grimaldi’s – an authentic Italian restaurant under Brooklyn Bridge. Its fluffy dough certainly hits the spot with the locals claiming, “Brooklyn invented pizza”. If your body craves a sugar rush, cheese cake at Junior’s on Dekalb Avenue should get your notorious for sparking controversy adrenalin pumping for the race to after displaying Chris Ofili’s the next borough. depiction of the Madonna with A tour to Brooklyn museum will dung on it. Before you leave, head educate you, bizarrely, about Egypt, to the Refinery boutique, on 254 with its world-renowned collection Smith Street for the best tees, belts of ancient Egyptian masterpieces. and shoes – most of the labels are For more modern impressionists, by local designers. It sure beats ‘I the Brooklyn Museum of Art is heart NY’ souvenirs. 54 | oryx November 2007
  • 19. TRAVEL | new york marathon the broNx Although they reach Manhattan after 16 miles, the marathon runners cross briefly back into the Bronx where they face another sweat-filled mile before re-entering NY’s most famous district. Detour queeNs As the birthplace of salsa and Crossing the Pulaski Bridge and Despite its lacklustre reputation, break-dancing, the borough once entering Queens marks the halfway only in Queens can you dub your considered the ‘postage stamp of point of the marathon. After two- voice in the Wizard of Oz and see crime’, is brimming with street and-a-half miles the race then exactly how short Italian stallion entertainers and local shows. The takes a bitter turn for the worse as Robert De Niro is – you’ll be Point Community Development runners try their utmost to prevent amazed at the outcome. All this Centre is an ideal place to sample their legs from buckling as they film-based fun can be had at the local performances. mount the Queensboro bridge, Museum of Moving Image. Boasting over 600 species, the considered to be the hardest stage For something more indulgent, Bronx Zoo is cited as the largest of the course. the Bohemian Hall is a tantalising metropolitan zoo in the States, Detour beer garden in Astoria. Turning off the best exhibit being the Congo Although it may not seem as the bustling urban street it allows Gorilla Forest. The US$3 million exciting as Manhattan or Brooklyn, you to hide among its shady trees development re-creates an African it still contains history, streetwise and picnic tables with refreshing rainforest with wooded pathways, shops and renowned restaurants, pitchers of icy beer. If that doesn’t lush greenery, and animals although without the more make you fall in love with the including red-river hogs, colobus favoured boroughs’ price tags. borough nothing will. monkeys, and two troops of lowland gorillas. 490 BCE the world’s first-ever recognised marathon took place when Pheidippides ran 26 miles from 2000 2006 marathon to athens to inform the 1978 nyrr added an official wheelchair over 93,000 athlestes applied to run athenians of the Greek’s defeat of norwegian Grete waitz set a division to the marathon. It’s now and nearly 38,000 people crossed the Persians, before he fell to the women’s marathon world record, one of the most competitive the finish line, making it the largest ground dead. finishing in a time of 2:32:30 wheelchair marathons in the world. marathon of all time. 1970 1992 2001 127 runners paid $1 entry each to when international sanctions against Less than two months after the nyrr to participate in a 26.2-mile South african athletes were lifted September 11 terrorist attacks, the race in Central Park. willie mtolo chose to run new york, new york City marathon became besting the field and garnering a race of hope and renewal for media coverage around the world. participants and spectators alike. 80 | oryx November 2007
  • 20. TRAVEL | new york marathon TouR dE foRcEs HusH Tours this four-hour journey will take you through the birthplace of hip hop, featuring rap greats as personal tour guides. you’ll get the low down on famous groups and see where hip hop celebrities live. tour includes a live b-boy dance performance. www.hushtours. com Big ApplE grEETEr Big apple Greeters are new yorkers who volunteer to show off their favourite parts of the city. maNhattaN there’s no fee for Proceeding down Fifth Avenue Nancy Spugeon, the girlfriend of the service as you and into Central Park, racers will Sex Pistols bass player Sid Vicious. tour the city as native be greeted by over two million Another site drenched in new yorkers – on cheering spectators as they finish psychosis is the Dakota apartment subways and buses. the final mile of the marathon. building, where Beatles star John you’re guaranteed Detour Lennon was shot five times by to discover parts of Sex and the City further glorified crazed fan Mark Chapman. the city unknown to the main district of New York When it comes to shopping tourists. which has left London struggling in forget your usual Macy’s and www. second place year after year for the Barney’s and hunt out some unique title of Capital of Cool. buys at the trendy vintage shops Manhattan is the trendiest, on Greenwich Avenue. Even Carrie sCrEEN Tours slickest and most seductive of all Bradshaw wouldn’t seem out of Follow in the manolo five boroughs. Saturated in history, place at Star Struck or Zachary’s Blahnik footsteps of every street and avenue has a story Smile, which sell fascinating Carrie Bradshaw and to tell. Every New York guide pieces from the 1940s to mid 80s. co. on this stylish recommends trips to the Empire Or try China Town’s hip quarter for tour, which visits over State Building (avoid queues by quirky buys and designer fakes. 40 locations from the buying tickets online), Central Be part of a TV studio audience. hit tV series Sex and Station, the Chrysler building and Most American shows offer free the City. From Carrie’s the Rockefeller centre, but there’s tickets to the public, so visit www. lush apartment to her so much more to explore. to find out the schedules. favourite thrift shop Check out Chelsea Hotel where For plays, go to TKTS in Times you’ll experience it every room tells a famous and Square, where you can purchase all. If it seems too often brutal tale. Welsh poet discount theatre tickets. girlie the company Dylan Thomas stayed in room 205 also offers a Sopranos where he fell into a fatal coma version. after 18 whiskies, while room 100 Qatar airways flies to new york four times a week. www.screentours. witnessed the savage murder of For details, visit www com 82 | oryx November 2007